#Do I not deserve a rest in the mud from which I came?
redhairedhobbit · 2 years
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Day 30 of @intr0vrt3dextr0vert ‘s Magnus Archives challenge!!
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slasherstories123 · 4 months
Hii!! I Hope this isn’t asking too much but do you know if you could write about the reader giving rz Michael a bubble bath in like those claw foot baths where his knees would be sticking out, and he would have a pile of soap suds on top of his head and he would be entertained by a little rubber ducky as we wash him with those big yellow sponges? If you can’t that’s completely ok and don’t worry about it!! It would just be a cute fluffy moment between the 2!
Bath time
RZ!Michael Myers x reader
Word count: 1.4k
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Tags list: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @l0sercat @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @charliedawn @emychan @slasherscrybaby
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You slowly blinked while staring ahead at the alarm clock. It was close to midnight and your killer boyfriend haven’t came back yet and it’s nearly been three hours. It wasn’t like you could do anything, you wouldn’t know where to look if you wanted to do a search to find him. The more time he was gone, the more your mind started to wander and think the worst case scenarios. You shook your head to make them stop but they kept coming, making you sit up straight to walk around.
What if he finally got caught…or worse…did someone finally manage to kill him? Is he gone for good..?
“Don’t be ridiculous.” you said to yourself while trying to get something to drink. “This is Michael we’re talking about, he’s strong enough to handle himself.”
Yet the thought still lingered, he’d always come home badly injured and each time it made you worry that one day he won’t come back for good. People can put up a good fight when it comes to him and it shows from him having scratch marks to literally stab wounds and glass shards in his skin. You poured water in your cup, the thoughts still consuming your brain. A low creak of the wooden floor made you flinch, realizing you overfilled your cup of water and it spilled on the counter. Cursing to yourself as you quickly tried to clean it up and looked where the creak came from.
Michael stood by the couch and you had a hand over your pounding heart at the sight of him, turning on the kitchen light to get a better look at him. Luckily there wasn’t any blood..at least that was his…
His outfit was mainly covered in dirt, you sighed in relief which made him tilt his head at you. “You gave me quite the scare Mike.. but you gotta get out of those close if you want me to wash them. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to sleep with a mud stain on my bed. I can start a bath while you change.” You didn’t care about the glass of water and ran upstairs to get the bath ready, making sure it was warm but was still a little hot, making sure it had lots of soap for him to try and relax in. When you turned around Michael stood at the bathroom doorway. You really didn’t want to tell him to take off his mask but you had to in order for you to wash his hair as well.
“Okay another thing… you’re gonna have to take off your mask,” you saw him let out a deep breath. “Wait wait, you can still wear your paper mache one, I just want to wash your hair as well.” You held your hands up in defense, slowly sliding beside him before leaving the bathroom to go and get one of the old one he made that nearly resembled a pumpkin face with black scribbles. Giving it to him and giving him the privacy he needed. “If you need anything, or need help just knock okay?” Michael nodded, you went back downstairs to try and drink the glass of water now knowing that he’s okay.
I wonder if he got hurt, there wasn’t any blood seeping through his clothes it was only the blood of his victims, even if that was the case it’s not like he’s gonna go out of his way to show me I’d have to catch him or pay close attention, he didn’t look injured though.
You heard three knocks, chugging the rest of your water before sprinting upstairs, skipping every two steps to reach to the top faster, hoping he had on the paper mache mask, opening the cracked door to see Michael in the tub. He had his hands on his knees while his knees stuck out of the tub, a yellow rubber ducky floated through the water each time he moved. You forgot that was there.
“Is everything alright?” You asked pointing at him.
He nodded. Pointing at his body and hair.
“You..want me to wash you up?”
He nodded again.
With a tap of your fingers against the wall it took you a moment to remover where you put those large sponges, rushing back downstairs for the third time and grabbing a random cup and large sponge. Coming back up with a small huff from the constant back and forth, still standing and let the sponge absorb some water before pressing down on the bottle of foam soap. Washing up his upper body gently to make sure the soap spread everywhere. Sometimes he’d poke the duck or would squeeze it to make the water come out. You smiled at him being entertained by it. “Alright you gotta wash your lower body, let me know when you’re done I’m gonna put your clothes in the washer.”
He took the sponge silently, you gathered the muddy and dirty clothes and put them in the washer, nearly slamming the washer shut. You then went to your small closet and grabbed a large towel to put in the dryer so it can be warm for him when he comes out. You rubbed your tired yes before going to your room closer,looking for a certain pair of pajamas you bought for him to sleep in, it was hard to find the right size since you couldn’t take him shopping, your best guess was to estimate by the way his clothes looked on him, hoping they weren’t that big on him once he tried them on.
You grabbed the light blue two piece pajamas for him and stood by the bathroom until he knocked again. The three knocks came back and you came in. Wondering how you were going to wash his hair with the paper mache mask in his face. You put down the pajamas.
“Okay.. I’m gonna need you to tilt your head back so the mask won’t get wet.” His hair got dirtier every time you saw it, he desperately needed it washed. You were surprised it was still growing since he didn’t take care of it. Pouring a cup of water over his hair until it was wet and squeezed some shampoo in your hands, massaging his scalp and made sure every last strand of his hair was lathered in shampoo.
You payed attention to his body language since talking was something he never did, his tense form relaxed the more you massaged his scalp with gentle scratches of your fingers the hold on his leg loosened and you cosine sworn you heard him let out a deep sigh. After a few pours, he didn’t have anymore shampoo in his hair. You patted his shoulder to signal you were done, gently gathering his hair to ring out the access water in his hair. “Alright.. I did my part, you can rinse off or stay for as long as you’d like as long as you don’t get my floors wet. Your clothes are on the slink along with a towel. You rushed to get his towel out the dryer, placing it next to his clothing before finally laying down in your bed.
Plopping down on your back, your eyes began to droop needlessly, all that running back and forth made you exhausted along with you staying up waiting for Michael to come home. You didn’t regret it, but now that he was safe in your home, you can relax in peace. You didn’t know how long you managed to sleep before feeling a dip on the other side of the bed.
You sleepily turned your head to Michael who was staring at you through the mask. Having in the pajamas you provided for him. His hair was damp, seeing that he dried it with the towel instead of leaving it a dripping mess to make your sheets wet. You held your hand out with another tired yawn. Eyes not being able to stay open and sleep wanted to overtake you, but you’d like to see him before you go back to sleep. You turned your body so your face him as well. Michaels large hand took yours in a tight squeeze, you didn’t have the energy to tell him to be more gentle, instead, the tight hold made you feel at ease knowing he was there with you . Closing your eyes with a soft, “Good night, Michael.”
A rough grunt was your response, it was the last thing you heard before falling back asleep.
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dranna · 2 months
My last letter
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Summary: “This is my last letter. The last of my voice you’ll ever know before I leave. I want you to know… 
A single, stray drop of black ink fell onto the paper, as if a tear slipped from the unyielding confines of his chest, straining the neatly written lines. “
Contents: Severus Snape x reader, depression, strong hinting at suicide, planning suicides, hurt, not beta read, slight happy ending (?) 
a/n: I felt so negatively overwhelmed and hollow and sad so I wrote it in under an hour 🚶
Tagging: @giosnape @sorryimdyingrn
To my Only One, 
“Who am I to claim someone? To even entertain the idea I belong to someone and someone belonging to me? To an unclean and dirty man?” — thought Severus as he cramped the paper into a tight ball and threw it to the far end of his chamber with frustration. 
The paper hit the wall, then bounced down onto the shadowy corner of the floor. In the suffocating silence of the room, that little ping hurted the professor’s ears. It sounded to him as another mockery from the endless lines of laughter behind his back. A whisper, stepping out of the sea of other hisses: 
Snivellus, Snivellus, Snivellus Snape! 
You really thought, 
You deserve such a treat?  
“To hell all of you!” — he bellowed into the deadly silence, feeling his own voice screaming back to him. 
Ashamed of himself again, he grabbed an other piece of paper from his organised table and started to slowly write again. 
Day by day and week by week I see my rotting self pulling you down with me. Your innocent light getting covered by the mud of my old and worn down clothes, your name being dragged by my own. 
Do you think I can’t see the looks you get when you enter a room by my side? When you proudly declare that I am your partner? The shocked and confused eyes mixed with disgust? 
No Love, I can’t let it go on. 
This is my last letter. The last of my voice you’ll ever know before I leave. 
I want you to know… 
A single, stray drop of black ink fell onto the paper, as if a tear slipped from the unyielding confines of his chest, straining the neatly written lines. 
Severus simply stared as the ink continued flowing and falling onto the page. 
Drop, drop, drop, drop. 
Came the tickling sound of the black tears, while his own eyes remained calm and hollow. 
It was one of those regular nights after his teaching hours, when he was too tired to fight and remain composed. During times like this, depression assaulted him endlessly, like flies attacking a wound, not letting the wounded to rest. It was a terrible disease melting away his put together facade with a high fever, which never seemed to stop. 
Only you provided a slight relief from this chewing agony, but this relief was bitter. He hated seeing you beside him, having the feeling that he is pulling you into this gloom. 
“How could I ever deserve you?” — he whispered into the clawing quietness. 
The moon was low on the black cape of the sky, preparing to take the Sun’s warm place. — “How long have I been writing this letter? — he muttered exhaustedly. He didn’t know how much time has passed, while he was sitting at his desk, still holding the pen, staring into nothing and feeling nothing, until he heard your light steps coming down the stairs. 
Oh you were absolutely lovely. Radiating and shining, filling the room with warmth which Sevrues could feel at that moment. He could only turn and gawked at you with empty eyes and a melancholic face.  
Of course you saw it too, and oh so sweetly and patiently - purposely not seeing his letter - you helped him get up, change his clothes and get into bed. He felt himself choking on your caring patience and love. Your loving gaze as you stayed at his side, reading him his favourite book. You knew that he wouldn’t speak, at least not now, so you just stayed and waited, waited until he fell asleep or began to mumble or scream. Always waiting. Always patience. 
“Who am I indeed? I did nothing to earn all this.” 
You read and read on as he stared at you hopelessly until his eyes grew heavy. You hinted feather light kisses on his nose and forehead and resumed reading to him until he was deep in his sleep. 
You placed his letter with the other ones in the little drawer of his table and climbed next to him on the end. After tucking him in, he whispered into his hair:
“Everything will be alright, Severus.” 
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twdeadfanfic · 1 year
Snuggling with Daryl after a run...
Just a small, plotless but (hopefully) fluffy ficlet that came to my mind while I was working.
I hope you can enjoy it.
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You ran your fingers through Daryl’s hair, working the shampoo into his roots, your own hair already shampooed and washed. For someone who had grumbled and rolled his eyes while you made him get into the shower with you, instead of letting him flop down onto the bed already, after you two came back from the run, Daryl seemed pretty content right now while you caressed his hair, eyes closed and leaning against you, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he went ahead and purred. You didn’t say anything, though.
Alexandria might have its ups and downs, but being able to shower with actual hot water when you needed it was for sure a plus.
The run hadn’t been a particularly hard one, but you were tired anyway, you understood wanting to just lie down for a spare moment, but still, you knew you had to wash the mud that you had on you from digging some walker-traps outside Alexandria. Your comfy bed was another Alexandria plus and you didn’t want to get it full of mud.
Soon, you and Daryl were clean and on your way to bed…no matter the sun was still up outside, by now you both had been working out there for almost sixteen hours, so you were pretty sure you both deserved a nap.
You closed the curtains while Daryl dropped down on the bed with a sigh, and you knew he was tired too, even though you knew that if right now someone barged through the door, asking him to do something, he’d say yes and get right to it as if he didn’t need the rest. He was an over-worker and he always fought you on it when you told him so. But right now, he too looked pretty done with the day, eyes already closed as he tried to get comfortable despite aches and sore muscles.
Crawling on the bed and pretty much over Daryl, you let out a content sigh of your own as you lied over his bare chest, and sure, the pillow would be fluffier and softer than Daryl’s firm chest, but you’d much rather lie there.
It didn’t take a second for Daryl’s strong arms to wrap around you as you curled up to him, and you felt the vibration on his chest as he hummed contently, nuzzling your hair before resting his chin on top of your head, while his fingers absentmindedly drew lazy patterns over the skin of your shoulder and arm.
There was no better way of sleeping, you were sure of that, no other way in which you could feel more cared for and loved, more comfortable and warm, neither safer, and you had to wonder how had you ever slept before you got lucky enough to share a bed with Daryl.
The sun was setting and you were more asleep when you finally rolled off Daryl’s chest…you didn’t move far, though, just turning to your side, facing the wall while Daryl turned with you so his chest was pressed against your back, his arm wrapping around you to keep you close, nuzzling your hair again, and you let out a sleepy, happy mumble.
No better way of sleeping for sure…
You loved it too, though, when it was the opposite around, when Daryl was the one half lying over you, head pillowed on your chest, his warm weight comforting over you, or when you were the one holding him, arm around him as you snuggled to his back, trying to infuse him with as much love, care and protection as you felt he deserved…you knew he hadn’t gotten much of that, or even any, during his life…but you’d make up for that lack of it now.
Still…you were sure there was no way you could feel safer than sleeping like that, the warmth of Daryl’s chest reassuring behind you, his strong arm protectively wrapped around you…Even if you were asleep in a world full of threats, when you slept like that, it felt as if nothing could ever harm you.
Thanks for reading, please leave a comment if you can, and as always, excuse my English.
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nhlclover · 2 years
you were right | jack hughes
summary: you disregard your best friends disapproval of your boyfriend, only for him to have his suspicions proven correct.
request: yes / no
warnings: drinking, domestic violence, blood
a/n: this was a fun challenge to write. keep the requests coming!
word count: 1.69k
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My phone buzzes for about the tenth time in the last 5 minutes. I glance at the screen, seeing my boyfriend's name, before turning it on do not disturb. I notice Jack give me a sideways glance from his seat beside me.
“Don’t say anything.” I say plainly.
“I wasn’t going to.” He said, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
“Yes you were, you were going to tell me he should trust me more.” I tell him, saying exactly what he was thinking.
“He should.” Jack shrugged. “It’s bullshit he doesn’t trust you when you’re hanging out with friends.”
“Jack, y/n! Smile!” our friend says, pointing a digital camera in our direction. We both smile, being momentarily blinded by the flash.
“We both know you deserve better.” He says when our friend steps away, joining the rest of our friends by the bar.
“Jack, please stop!” I huff. “He’s good to me. He doesn’t hurt me and he cares about me. If anything, him texting me tonight is proof he cares maybe a little too much.”
“That’s exactly my point!” Jack exclaimed. “He cares too much that he’s being controlling.”
I roll my eyes sipping from my own drink. “Y/n… You need to open your eyes and realize that this is only the start. He’s only gonna get worse from here.” Jack warns me.
I’ve known Jack for years. From the moment he came to my high school for hockey, we clicked. We shared the same interests, never seeming to run out of conversation topics.
While we became friends, other girls became his girlfriend. I watched them come and go, watched him break some hearts, and watched some break his. It was the same for him as it was for me. A couple of boyfriends, here and there. But he was the only constant in my life. He was my best friend, through thick and thin.
Five months ago, I met Liam. He was soft and sweet and cared for me so much. However, ever since I introduced him to Jack, he’s hated him. He hated the way he said certain words and that his favourite football team was the Steelers. He hated how Liam would insist on coming to group hangouts if he knew Jack would be there, claiming that he was being “overprotective and controlling”. From then on, anytime Liam would come up in conversation, Jack would remind me how much better I deserved than Liam, dragging his name through the mud at any opportunity.
“Jack. Please stop.” I ask. I slide out of the booth the two of us had situated in ten minutes ago, dropping a bill on the table to cover my drink.
“Where are you going?” He asks.
“Home. I don’t want to be around you if all you’re going to do is shit on my boyfriend.” I seethed.
“Y/n I’m-”
“I don’t want to hear it, Jack.” I cut him off. “I’ll see you around I guess.”
I turn, leaving him in my dust. As I walk out of the bar, I order an Uber to take me to my apartment. I read my boyfriend's texts in the meantime, all asking me the same thing.
Liam Who are you out with?
Liam Is Jack there?
Liam He better not be there
Liam Babe answer my texts.
I sigh at them, shutting my phone off till the Uber arrives. When I get back to our apartment, Liam is asleep on his side of the bed, I get ready for bed and get in next to him, placing a soft kiss on his exposed shoulder blade. My head feels like it's pounding, except it isn’t due to the alcohol, but rather Jack's words banging around in my mind. I fall asleep with his criticisms of my boyfriend playing on repeat.
When I wake up in the morning, Liam is no longer next to me. I stretch my limbs, leaning over to check the clock which reads 11 a.m. I slip out of bed, trudging to the kitchen. There, I see Liam sitting on a barstool.
“Good morning.” I say softly.
“Morning.” He says curtly. “How was your night?”
I can sense he’s trying to pick a fight, so I try not to give him any ammunition. “It was alright, nothing special.”
He hums in response, sipping the last of his coffee from his mug. “How’s Jack?” he asks casually.
I turn slowly, reading his face. He’s expressionless as he waits for my answer. “Why do you ask?”
“He was there, wasn’t he?”
I consider whether or not I should tell the truth. There wasn’t any way that he would know if Jack had been there or not. “Don’t bother lying to me, y/n, I know he was there. I saw.” he says, reading my thoughts.
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask, wondering how he knew.
He scrolls on his phone momentarily before sliding across the island to me. On his screen is a photo of me and Jack from last night, taken as we were arguing about Liam. We’re leaning into one another, grins, albeit fake ones, plastered on our faces.
“You guys look awfully comfy together.” Liam says sarcastically.
I walk away from him and into the living room, rubbing my temples. “I don’t want to do this Liam, I’m hungover.”
“No, you’re not avoiding this, y/n.” He says standing up. “You lied to me.”
“How the fuck did I lie to you, Liam?” I ask.
“You said you wouldn’t be with him-”
“I never said anything like that.” I interrupt. “Jack is my best friend and nothing more. You need to learn to trust me a little more.”
I begin to walk away but Liam's booming voice causes me to stop.
“Don’t fucking walk away from me!” He shouts. He grabs the coffee mug from the island, launching it in my direction. It hits the floor a foot away from me, shattering into pieces. I shriek, tears starting to form in my eyes. I stumble away from the shards of ceramic, wincing as I feel one slice open my heel.
Liam paces in the kitchen, his hands gripping his hair. I grab my car keys and my purse, which still has my phone in it from the night before. Liam notices me attempting to leave and tries to come after me.
“Do not fucking follow me.” I seethe. He stops in his tracks, letting me leave without him following me.
I get in my car and start driving. I don’t even realize where my subconscious had taken me until I pulled into Jack’s driveway. I get out and stumble up to his front door, ringing his doorbell. The door opens seconds later, revealing Jack in a Devil's hoodie and sweats.
His face shows concern as he looks me up and down, seeing me in matching my pyjamas and slippers. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” he asks. When he spots my blood-stained slipper his eyes widen. “Are you alright?”
That’s all it takes to get me to break down. The tears start and they don’t stop. I try to say words but my voice is failing to come through. Jack guides me into his house, depositing me on his couch. He tells me to wait there as he goes to the bathroom, getting a bandaid for my foot. He helps me clean it and put the bandage on.
“You were right.” I finally manage to say.
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“You were right.” I repeat. “I’m sorry for not believing you.”
He puts together what I mean, his look of concern growing.
“I really thought he was good. I thought I knew him better than you did, but you were right. I’m so-”
Jack cuts my rambling off, pulling me into his arms. “Shhhh, I don’t care about being right, I wish I wasn’t right, y/n,” he says. I bury my face into his chest, my tears dampening his hoodie. “You don’t deserve that.”
I spend a few minutes like that, lying in his arms before I fall asleep. When I woke a few hours later, I was alone on the couch beneath a blanket. I sit up, rubbing my tender eyes.
“Hey.” I turn seeing Jack walk into the living room.
“Hi,” I say. “What time is it?”
“It’s 6:27. You hungry for some dinner? We can order from that Thai place? You know the one with the fried rice you like?” Jack suggests.
“Um, yeah. That sounds fantastic.” I nod.
Jack calls and places the order, getting it delivered to his place. He spends the rest of the night taking my mind off the situation. As I clean up our takeout containers, I notice Jack slip off. When he comes back in, he’s holding some clothing.
“Here, take a change of clothes. You can stay here tonight.” He says. “You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
I don’t bother protesting, knowing my efforts would be futile against Jack. I take the shirt and boxers, and change into them before coming back into the living room, and sitting on the couch next to Jack. He seems to examine my now bare legs, looking for any more wounds.
“He threw a mug at me.” I say, acknowledging the incident for the first time since I arrived this morning.
“Holy shit, y/n.” Jack gasps.
“He didn’t hit me with it.”
“Still, he shouldn’t fucking throw shit at you.” Jack says, his anger bubbling to the surface. “Please tell me you’re done with that dickhead?”
“Yes.” I say. “We’re done.” Jack seems to relax at my words. “But I have to go and get my things at some point.”
“No, you’re not going back there. At least not while he’s there. I’ll go for you.” Jack tells me.
“Jack you don’t-”
“Not a chance I’m letting you get within a mile of him, y/n.” I chuckle a bit at his words. “I can go tomorrow. Plus I got a couple of spare mugs that I wouldn’t miss too much.”
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robotlesbianjavert · 3 months
okay okay. leaks done. my rough thoughts ahead of sleeping on it/receiving full translations. i should update these when we do get something more proper though.
the bad
deku didn't kill himself out of respect for spinner's grief
deku getting to be cool and composed. he doesn't deserve it, he should be killing himself.
spinner blaming himself for not saving shigaraki sooner while he was possessed with afo like babe that is NOT your fault. i already saw one take being like wow it's so great that a character is finally taking accountability which is insane to me because WHY of all possible characters is it spinner and not a single person in power. what could spinner possibly do at the juncture he was in. go to the heroes? who killed twice and actively wanted shigaraki dead? take shigaraki and flee with his non-existent resources and inability to get shigaraki un-possessed? like fuck off. point that demand from accountability from characters it actually matters from.
the shoji mention. why is spinner calling him octopus. is it to continue to paint him in a villainous manner. why is he wishing him luck. why is spinner throwing a microaggression at shoji, is this to remind us readers that ooooohhhh spinner is suuuuch a hypocritical baddie or is it him being like, bitterly ironic. recognizing that shoji is trying Something but not really believing that Something will work. it's tone-deaf but so is everything about shoji. i just don't want spinner dragged through the mud on that.
like the balance of plotlines with "heteromorph discrimination" and "devotion to shigaraki" was always going to be dubious since MVA, i remember wondering where horikoshi would lean ahead of the hospital raid mini-arc, and obviously that Sucked Like Hell when it came to capitalizing on any meaningful commentary about discrimination but was awesome for the devotion bits. so seeing that shoji reference here reminds me of that imbalance. putting the emphasis on the devotion, which is ultimately the catalyst of spinner's development, but neglecting and worsening the discrimination bits, which formed the background of why spinner ends up so devoted to shigaraki in the first place. fuck it, it sucks.
deku doesn't deserve to remember shigaraki forever, because he should be killing himself, on page in front of a live studio audience. when he says he'll never forget shigaraki for the rest of his life it's because the end of his life will be five minutes from now.
why are support items enough to wake pops from a coma NOW. why are we skirting around the fact that deku was holding an old man's fate hostage in order to force a victim into being interacted with by her abuser because he's being emotionally blackmailed into it.
why are we ending on a gag. spinner is in widow mode but bakugou and todoroki are now forced to contend with fangirls. whatever.
deku should kill himself. because he hasn't deserved a single damn thing in this chapter so far besides admitting he's a murderer.
seriously there is no reality where spinner should be holding himself accountable for failing shigaraki. what the fuck was he supposed to do. refuse afo and get MURDERED? get packed with MORE quirks so that brain death was inevitable? approach a hero and get MURDERED? fuck off either the story needs to provide a tangible path for spinner to have taken that he denied or admit that he was powerless.
THE GOOD which i know. is shocking from me at this point.
so far i feel like spinner's outbursts and emotions are more or less validated and humanized by the narrative - throughout the leaks, i felt like he was held up as the positive counterpart that the readers are supposed to emphasize with over the citizens - who i'm sure we're supposed to see as Valid, but ultimately unknowing of the full story, inconsiderate and unchanged.
i can legally call deku a murderer! he admitted it! no one can stop me now!
while i can imagine a better manga where spinner as a creative is properly sprinkled in beyond the meaning behind his name, me and @codenamesazanka have tossed around the idea of spinner as a storyteller enough that i feel validated that spinner wants to tell shigaraki's story, and is the figure that ultimately humanizes shigaraki the most. i have some concern about attempts to go in on an agle where spinner is someone who only recognizes the "destructive" parts of shigaraki, but in the wider context like yeah. it should be spinner who tells shigaraki's story, and if nothing else is best positioned to portray him as a full person.
it's nice that pops isn't ditching chisaki after everything. i would very much like to know more about like, if pops is just not allowed to retake custody of eri or if he's choosing not to pursue it, if he has any deeper thoughts there. but it's nice that he's not giving up on the kid he raised into a life of crime.
spinner is gay. sure the chapter didn't say this outright but like he's gay and we know this. we can intuit.
sooooo funny after people complaining that shigaraki didn't leave last words for any other league members that this chapter goes out of it's way to specify that Yeah His Final Words Were For Spinner And For Spinner Alone. i've been bitter about shigaraki not getting to properly interact with the entire league since 2019 but this is funny why did the manga wait so long to confirm that shigaraki also cared about spinner instead of it being entirely one-sided.
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marchtooctober · 1 year
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I did it again. I'm drunk in front of Loid.
I know I shouldn't but I couldn't say no to Millie! I have to keep a good relationship with my coworkers and learn to act normal. They said that drinking after work is normal!
"Yor? Were you out drinking with your coworkers?"
"Hm? I'm shorry. I… My corwokersh said it'sh nowmal to afterwork drunk. Shorry, Loid… Art you mud?"
"Don't worry, I'm not mad. What's important is that you're not feeling unwell and nothing bad happened."
I nodded slowly.
"O… Okay… I'll make tea-"
"No, let me do it. I'll make for both of us so you can sober up a little. Or do you want to rest now?"
"Tea ish fine. Thenksh Loid."
I watched him.
Do I deserve this man at all? Even when he's tired from work, he takes care of a drunkard wife like me. Maybe I'm the one leeching off our deal. While he's good at everything, I can barely cook and I'm only good at cleaning. Even after many times he's assured me, I still keep on downing myself sometimes.
I love Anya and this family. This place is so warm and comfortable. Especially when…
"Loid?" I called once he's done.
My mouth stayed silent. I think moments have already passed but my mind is blank. Did I answer at all? I can't remember. But he smiled at me. That, I know he did.
Even when we drank our tea, I couldn't think straight. I don't even know if I talked at all. We were both silent.
As much as I want to stay a little longer, I already finished my tea and it's time for me to rest.
"Tenksh for the tea, Loid. I'll go to my woom."
I thought after drinking tea, I'll feel better. But when I rose from my seat, the world started spinning again and I felt like falling back right away. Carefully walking step by step, I tried to cross my way to my door.
It's wiggling! When did our floor become shaky? No, no, no! To the left, then to the right…
I can't figure out which side I turned to, but the first thing I saw was Loid. He caught me so swiftly and grabbed me by my shoulders. 
He's so close to me… It's making me so-
"This way, Yor."
"Hn? Loid? I'm fine. I cam walk. The floor ish jush shakey! I think there'sh earthquake. Be careful Loid!"
"You're just drunk. The floor will be back to normal once you're sober. Don't worry."
And in every step, I started leaning more towards Loid.
His warmth is just so comforting. And his smell… He smells like minty soap. Staying like this doesn't sound bad. Would Loid mind if we do?
No no no no, Yor! He's just your fake husband! Have some respect for his dead wife!
"Yor? Is there any problem? Is something on my face?"
"H-Huh?! N-Nothing!"
I was staring at him?! Yor! You must stop!
Just when I thought we're still far, we finally came in front of my bedroom. Loid opened the door. The time seemed to stop, we stayed there standing.
"Get your rest now. So you can forget this once you're sober." He finally said.
"Furget wha-"
Before letting go, he leaned and kissed the top of my head. He…
He did what?!
"Good night, Yor."
Before I could speak, Loid was already gone.
No way I can forget this, can I?
I changed my clothes and prepared to rest but I could only think of what Loid did. Was that a goodnight kiss? It's normal right? I used to give Yuri goodnight kisses too when he was little. It's normal, I guess…
But still.
This is probably just alcohol, this confusion I'm feeling in my chest. I have been telling myself over and over that whatever I feel when I'm with Loid is simply caused by our situation and the tension around us. But this feeling is hurting me the more I suppress it.
What if it's just me who's only fazed by everything?
I shook off my thoughts and did not dare to go on any longer. If I do, I might as well totally lose my mind and let my words loose for him to hear.
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wyvchard · 3 months
I'm only doing this for me.
Idea from this prompt by @annablogsposts
Content warnings: mentions of beatings, humiliation, blood, traumatic flashbacks, implications of conditioning, poison, implications of death and murder
"Stupid. Absolutely stupid." I grumbled as I grinded the grain as punishment. "Just one wrong spell and you're stuck in some kind of backwater world with revolts."
It has been a month since I've been thrown into this world as punishment for blowing a crater in the spot where the sheep hang out. She also suppressed my powers to "only use them for emergencies".
Yeah, right! I got dropped right in the middle of a freaking revolt! This is an emergency but nooo, I gotta survive without most of my powers as punishment.
Thankfully, my farming skills really came in clutch. Not so thankfully, I get a wonderful view every morning.
The former prince, dethroned during the revolt, is just outside my window, broken as ever. They threw away the rotten eggs at him once again. Sheesh. Why did they have them in place anyway? I could have used those eggs for a snack days ago.
I'll never understand these people. They're beating him once again like it's his fault. It's not. There are a whole host of factors in place for this to happen. A lot of which is arguably out of his control.
Seriously, if you're going to have a revolt, at least end the lives of every person involved. You aren't any better if you-
I sighed, only pausing when I finally noticed blood on the mud.
... I can't stand this.
I continue with my chores, making sure to keep an eye on the prince every time I could. As much as I'd want to help, I'm not an idiot. I'm here to blend in, not stand out.
At least, that's what I hope my assignment is. Playing house with people is not my strongest suit.
I watched the tiny sparks from my palm as I went as far as my range can allow and casted healing magic on him.
But I won't get rid of the injuries fully. It has to just be enough to keep him hanging on. It'd get him into more trouble and pain if they noticed.
That or kill him. It could go either way. Both are equally bad.
So, I'll have to wait for a much later time. And try to gain reputation so I can "play" with him (ugh) without anyone saying it's unfair for me to do so.
It's late at night. Perfect time for my plan. I sighed, making sure to wear my ring so people would overlook me much easier.
"Hey, punk. Still alive?"
"...What do you even want?" His voice was weakened, as if conditioned to submit. Just what did those people do?
"Hold still." I cupped his face, tilting it from side to side. "Yeah. That does look pretty bad." I took a breath. "You don't mind if I check the rest of your body for scars, yes?"
He trembled, causing me to have a far lower opinion of the ones I'm living with.
A bunch of sickos.
"Don't worry. I'll find a way to shove you down in my basement. Instead of this dingy place." I grinned, trying to reassure him.
The fear in his eyes told me that I chose my words wrong. Dang it.
The month drew by quickly. Well, as quickly as you could. Doing chores, watching the poor prince get "punished" all over again, pretend to ignore it, sweet talk everyone else, sneak in once every few days when I can, and heal the damage while making sure the scars stay "visible".
This town deserves to be burned. Both the deposed leaders and the "free" people are the reason I still have misanthropic tendencies.
But still. For his sake, I'd play the part they want. I need to get him outta here.
The blacksmith beat him bloody all over again. Great. I'd be running out of bandages at this point. Don't you know how expensive bandages are?
It's late at night. I see his curled up form, whimpering and trying to stop his sobs. His hair has been matted, his body smelling as you would expect. If I open another light, I'd probably lose sleep from what I'll see. And it will make people know I'm here.
I came with a water basin and a wash cloth. Even with healing magic, it's a danger if he gets infections.
"Y-you're back." He shivered as I washed his limbs, holding tightly so he doesn't flinch away. "... I thought you wouldn't."
I paused, noting that he was probably referring to the other one visiting the cell, the reason why he trembled when I checked for scars. Poor thing gets beaten more after some sicko checks how badly he was hurt.
... I'm glad that dirt found its way back to where it belongs. Below the ground. No one seems to have noticed the small prick of poison that took away its life.
"Well, I'm sorry. They're probably angry at you because a villager died and they think it has something to do with you."
"Maybe they're right." His tone remained broken. I can see it in his eyes. The hesitation, the fear, the distrust.
He wanted to come with me. But I suppose it would make sense. I wasn't that proactive in trying to save him.
"Why do you want to see me anyway?" He looked away. "... Is this some kind of sick game to you?"
"Maybe. I don't understand it either." I paused when he flinched after I touched a particularly nasty bruise, continuing after a few seconds.
It was silent once again.
"Hey! Why are you so... I don't know. Passive? You're clearly just too busy to do chores to spend time with everyone. You just talk, that's it. Aren't you at least a little bit angry? They exploited us."
I looked at my fellow villager. "I just don't see the point." I adjusted my grip on the crates I was holding. "You see, I'm a jealous person. If I wanna have fun, I want it to be something only I can do."
The prince flinched at my words; he was standing there and forced to listen to the insults everyone was spouting right outside.
"I'm really... not the type to share. Whatever I decide to do with him? No one else can participate."
"... You're actually scary if you want to be."
"Eh. That's why I try to shut up." Otherwise, I'd probably cast a spell to destroy this awful horrid place.
"Are you just here to have fun with me? Is taking care of me some kind of sick game to you?" He was lying on the floor of the attic once again. Tears were threatening to fall down his face.
"I have to admit, there is some sense of satisfaction seeing your state." I approached him with a potion I made. "Take this. You lost a lot of blood over the past few days."
"W-what if I don't want to?"
"... Did someone poison you?"
The silence was all I needed to know.
To whoever is in charge of whatever forces out there. How is it so hard to convince people to let me keep a single person with me for a night?!
I sigh. It's been 3 months since I came to this world. 2 since I began to sneak in to make sure the prince is alive. And 1 since he figured out I can make "medicine" that help him feel better.
I can't tell him I'm magic. It gets messy. I have my limits too.
The prince is laying on my lap as he tried to sleep. He had been whimpering at the sound of the heavy rain.
"... It sounds like screaming." He muttered, forcing his eyes to close. "It feels like every crack is the gate being broken down."
I pulled him up, handing him a cup of water. "Here. You'd been crying too much like a baby." I patted his head as he drank the water. "I don't like criers."
He laughed. He finally laughed. "I guess you don't like me too much, huh?"
I merely smiled as I finally see a sparkle in his eyes as he clung to me.
We stayed that way for a while until he finally fell asleep.
"Are you ready to return?"
I turned my head up and saw my master's magic on the ceiling.
"No. I have unfinished business."
"Do you need help?"
"... Yes." I am an expert in escaping alone. But not with someone.
"Do you want to get out of this rundown place?" I asked him as I was treating his wounds. "With me?"
"... With you? What if you get hurt became of me? I don't want that."
"That wouldn't happen." I smiled. "They can't hurt me."
"So you were the one helping him! I should have known you were a sympathizer!" The blacksmith shouted, leaving us trapped as the only safe way out is behind the scoundrel.
"... Oh no." He muttered. "No. Nonono. No. I-i-i'm sorry." He was shaking before trying to push me away.
But I refuse to budge.
"And you were the one who poisoned him. I should have known." I crossed my arms while using my magic to tug the prince closer to me.
"Why would you stick with that disgusting freak? He's nothing but a parasite in this world! He'd bleed you dry just like the lords before him."
"Step aside. I don't need to answer to you." I hooked my arm around the prince while I prepared my spell to carry him.
"You do. Outside this attic are the villagers who will also beat you up."
"If you can catch us."
"If you can catch us." I grinned, showing my fangs when I took my ring off my finger. I used my magic to blast a hole in the attic. "Come on!"
He didn't need to think for a second when he took my hand and jumped with me.
And then, we were flying.
"... So that's what happened." My master furrowed her brow as she saw us back in her abode. "Well, take responsibility and take care of him."
"I will." I sighed. "... Sorry. I... didn't think things through. You'd never be able to go back home ever again."
"... I don't need to. That place isn't my home. Not anymore." He smiled at me, wearing clothes befitting of his status now, not the rags they forced him to wear. "I got you."
"It's only out of a whim. Don't expect me to protect you. Once you feel better, you're going to have to earn your keep here." I sigh. Why do I have to make things harder for myself? If only he wasn't so... pitiful.
"I'm grateful. Really. So I wanna pay you back. For everything." There was a small blush on his cheeks.
"Uh-huh. Well, you're a prince so you're quite educated, yes?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I am."
"Good. I'd probably need an assistant to deal with my responsibilities here."
My master mere chuckled. "What a lame excuse. Well, that's settled. I have something else to do."
She left, leaving the two of us alone.
"... I had a feeling you weren't ordinary." He fixed his posture on the plush chair.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Your eyes. They're the most beautiful shade of blue I'd ever seen."
"Well, thank you. But you can't sweet talk your way out of helping me."
"I don't plan to." He smiled. "I want to help you the same way you helped me."
"Well, you're going to be making up for it a lot. You should start by being healthy. I don't accept subpar work."
He only laughed hard.
At least he's finally happy.
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houseofthelilypads · 1 year
Shrek Princesses Rewrite Edition 🐸👑🍎👡😴💇
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Based on my own headcanons & plans for their roles in my rewrite of Shrek 3. Because if I can redeem Artie and Charming then the ladies deserve that same chance!!
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Had a private tutor during her time at the tower
When food wasn't available she took to eating lava bread and smoked rats and bugs
Is heat resistant
She did venture out the tower when dragon was away
Studied martial arts through books and watching on the magic mirror
Her friends often stopped by to visit her, but as they got settled in adult lives grew too busy
Fiona loves kids and hopes to give her own children a childhood she never had
Does carry some resentment towards her parents she only vents in private tho
She can sing but on a normal range. Any higher it well... The bird scene in the first film
She loves swimming and water activities partly due to being surrounded by lava half of her life
Her favorite colors are green and blue they remind her of nature and to her, nature = freedom
Has bleached her hair a few times
She makes mud based beauty products and sell them on the side
Still listens to Sir Justin's music and has been to his concert
Knows of Artie's existence; they bond a lot over their parental issues
Fiona mentors artie how to defend himself, he has some proficiency in martial arts
Inherited her red hair from her grandmother
The reason Fiona was an ogre is partly due to her father being the Frog prince and guess where frogs live?
It's also believed that one of fiona's ancestors actually married an ogre but VERY long ago; the curse just brought out her genes
Fiona loves to stargaze; she also collected obsidian and volcanic rock
Sleeping Beauty
Is in a long distance relationship with the Sandman
Her dress is green because that's the color her disney counterpart never wears
Is the last one to arrive at a ball and the first one to leave
She has beds in every room but is usually found sleeping on the floor
Doesn't want children because she's too exhausted and fears any potential kids might inherit her condition
She actually understands Fiona dating someone who isn't human nor royalty, she dates the freaking god of SLEEP
Has the most patience with Snow because she sleeps through her nonsense anyways
Just like the video game adaptation of the third movie, she has the power to summon an army
Was the most hurt by Rapunzel's betrayal, they were the closest due to their similar backstories and lack of a biological family
Used to date another prince but he never came back to her tower so she eventually rescued herself. This is why she latched on to Charming in canon (and Bruce in my fanfic)
After getting charged with treason Rapunzel is made to serve community service. She hates it but considers it better than exile
She wears gold to match her hair
She owns a lot of wigs after suffering loss of her real hair (which she shaved off).
Cleans her own home
Lives in a smaller house compared to the rest
The others tease her for it but understands it's to make it easier for her to clean; having spent her whole childhood cleaning a giant estate
Is a master at blacksmithing and glassblowing; what she didn't JUST clean her home she had to do repairs too
Carries some cleaning supplies
Is VERY careful in leaving crumbs
Dislikes rats and cockroaches; she has a cat named Chandelier for this reason (my twist on Disney's Cinderella)
Is working to unlearn her people pleasing
has a better relationship with her stepsisters as adults
Her prince suffers from face blindness and as such gets her confused with other ladies. He even mistook Shrek for her
She doesn't mind kids but she rather work on reconciling with her stepfamily and heal from the abuse than pass down any baggage
The third strongest princess due to years of heavy lifting
Had the closest relationship with Fairy Godmother; was even considered a potential suitor for Charming but Cindy didn't like his vanity and immaturity.
When Cindy finds out about their plan to break up Fiona's marriage she is saddened but not surprised given Charming's past behavior
Snow White
She's my least favorite but I can explain why she acts like that
Developed an Ice Queen persona to protect herself
Living with seven bachelors rubbed off on her
Love rock music
Trained her animals to fight; found the larger animals surprisingly easier to tame
There's another Snow White but she is younger and has white hair.
If she ever sees her MGA doll irl she would be impressed that it's the only doll that managed to stay the most accurate to how she looks. She'd cut the hair
Does feel a little guilty for her mean girl attitude especially after it pushed Rapunzel away so post canon she works to be a little nicer
Her prince is actually the huntsman sent to kill her; he disguised himself as one to warn her of the evil queen
Still visits the dwarves time to time and even lets them live with her
Chose to reconcile with Cinderella after taking a good long hard look at herself
Is the girly girl of them all
The first thing she brought with her first paycheck was a purple dress, she couldn't afford the color after losing her home
Doesn't like to talk about her mother
After Fiona she is the 2nd physically strongest Princess
Knows every beauty trick in the book, every ingredient, foundation shade, even which brand of Lead
Shaves her legs using a sugar and lemon wax method, she doesn't use razors
She knows my OC Gwynn from when Gwynn was a teenager first arriving at the Poison Apple
She still has a crush on Charming, but tones it down after he starts dating Gwynn
Her friction with Mabel started after Doris expressed desire to make up wth Cindy, Mabel didn't see what they had to apologize for.
After Shrek 3 Doris works at the Candy Apple, which is an extension of the Poison Apple but FOR KIDS
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@themousefromfantasyland @tamisdava2 @princesssarisa @faintingheroine @inevitablemoment @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @softlytowardthesun
(Armenian folktale)
She was a princess who knew very well what she wanted. She spent the afternoons at the window of her room, which was in a palace with silver walls, which was in the valley, where there was a lake, which reflected the sunlight. Like all real princesses, she was beautiful. In her face she gathered the beauty of all the women in the world, and in her song there was a melody not even dreamed of by the most passionate hearts. She knew how to wait. Valiant princes from all parts of the world traveled many leagues to ask for her hand in marriage, knelt before her, promised the riches of heaven and sea. She barely heard his exalted words. Expecting another voice, coming from another place, she waved them away, distracted.
One day, worried about so many refusals, the king - her father - called her and ordered her to choose a husband soon, according to custom.
"What must be, my father," replied the princess, "does not always happen. I have already chosen the man I can marry, according to my will. I'm just not sure if it agrees with yours."
Saying this, the princess led the king to the window of her room, where she used to see the market below every day, with its craftsmen and wares of all colors.
"Do you see that man sitting weaving a basket among the straw under that green tent?" she asked, pointing toward a corner of the square.
The king searched with his eyes and ended up finding a tall man, with sunburned skin, large and callused hands of a worker, worn clothes and rough appearance. He could not believe that her daughter would prefer a simple basketmaker to the many nobles who had courted her.
"My lord father, know that this is the man I want to marry and no other."
The king tried to dissuade her, but it was in vain. Seeing that the princess was firm in her decision, he finally said:
“As it is, I won't stop this foolish marriage. But you will never be able to return to that palace again, for whatever reason."
The princess looked at the king for the last time, went down the immense palace stairs, crossed the gardens and left through the fortified gate, leaving forever the place where she had spent all her life. When she got down to the market, she walked to the basketmaker's stall, which was called Gambar.
The conversation that passed between them was very short, amazingly simple.
The basketmaker was amazed to see the princess before him, smiling at him.
"I see you every day at the window," he said, "but I never imagined you weree so beautiful. Please, say what you want to buy and then leave, because the memory of the brief moment of her presence will guide my days from now on."
"Gambar," replied the princess, "I don't want to buy anything, I came here to ask you to marry me."
"But I don't have anything to house you in but my little mud house," Gambar said with joy in his voice.
“You know I just want shelter in your heart, Gambar. The rest, we'll sort it out somehow, don't you think?"
Neither of them said anything else. What is certain is that from that day forward the princess began a new life in the small mud house, next to the third Gambar. And they lived very happily, until one day, while they were talking before going to sleep, the princess said:
"Gambar, you work too hard and you don't get paid what you deserve for your efforts. See your hands full of calluses, the fatigue that takes over your body every day. And what do you get out of it? Too little, not worth so much sacrifice. Why not look for another less tiring and more profitable job?"
The next day, while thinking about the princess's words, Gambar met a merchant in the square. The man traveled the world with his animals laden with precious goods and was looking for a companion to help him with his everyday duties. Gambar struck him as the ideal person, with his quiet, dependable manner, his open smile and willingness to work. The two understood each other perfectly and agreed to continue their journey the next morning.
When he got home, Gambar embraced the princess and told her the news.
“On your advice,” he said, “I found a better job. I'm going to earn a lot more money, but for that I'll have to be away for a long time, even if it's hard for me to part with you."
“Even though I'm going to miss you every minute,” she replied, “you don't have to worry. I will know how to wait for you thinking about the day of your return."
They went to bed and spent their last night together before Gambar left. They loved each other without haste, exchanging secrets. They said goodbye at daybreak, and Gambar set out on the road to the world, in the merchant's great caravan.
For a long time they traveled through unknown cities, forests, rivers and mountains, until one day they reached a burning desert. After much searching, they found a well and stopped to rest.
Meanwhile, there in the village of Gambar, the princess had given birth to a child. Cradling her son in her arms, she sang the sweet songs of her ancestors and tried to imagine where Gambar would be at that moment, not knowing about the son who had just been born.
There in the desert, Gambar entered the well with a rope tied around his waist, to water the animals in the caravan. He would dip the bucket in water and hand it to the merchant, over and over, until everyone had drunk. As he was coming out of the well, a very strange thing happened. Suddenly wakes let go of his waist, as if invisible hands had untied them, and he fell at the bottom of the well. He was falling dizzily, down a dark corridor, further and further down, until he reached a place that seemed completely dry, where nothing could be seen. He groped along the floor, found a wall and then a doorknob. As soon as he opened it, he found himself in a dazzling room. The floor was of gold, the walls of lapis lazuli, the ceiling inlaid with diamonds and precious stones. Directly in front of him were three young men sitting on a bench. Embroidering a rug with silk threads of all colors. In one corner of the room there was a table, on which a frog sat on a silver tray. The frog did not move and kept looking at a young man who looked like a prince, sitting on a chair facing her, staring at her.
"Young foreigner," said one of the girls, interrupting Gambar's astonishment at that unusual scene, "we have some questions to ask you. Who among us is the most desirable creature in this place? Why doesn't this prince take his eyes off this frog? Is she better and more beautiful than we are?"
"There's no one better for a man than the woman he loves," said Gambar.
At that very moment the frog fell to the ground, as if struck by lightning. Her skin split open and from within emerged a young woman so dazzling that the other three looked like faint shadows before her. The young woman ran to the prince and they embraced in silence for a while. Then the prince addressed Gambar:
"Your words disenchanted my beloved, who had been turned into a frog by a sorcerer who desired her. You deserve a reward, frank-souled stranger."
He ordered one of the young women to go into the adjoining room, and she returned shortly afterwards with three pomegranates, which she handed to Gambar. Receiving the gift with joy, even though it was so simple, Gambar said goodbye to those people and left the way he had entered. He tied the rope around his waist and the merchant pulled him back to the surface. he told the merchant what had happened in the depths of the well, and the caravan resumed its journey. On the way, they came across another merchant, who was returning to the city of Gambar.
"Please, friend," Gambar told him, "take these fruits to my wife, the princess. Tell her that I think about her all the time and that I'll be home soon."
As soon as he arrived in the city, the merchant looked for the princess and gave her the three pomegranates. Knowing that it was a gift from Gambar, she was very happy and placed the fruits on the table. She took a knife and opened one of them. Her astonishment was enormous: a glow of thin rays of light emerged from inside the pomegranate and spread across the room, illuminating it all. Instead of the small, succulent red slices, there were very pure pearls inside, one next to the other. She broke the second fruit, and there were rubies and emeralds. She broke the third one and inside she found valuable diamonds.
Far away where she was, Gambar couldn't stand the longing for his princess. He took leave of the merchant, received what was owed him for his work, and started back home. This time it seemed like a longer journey, such was his desire to see the princess again. Finally he came into view of the wheat field on the outskirts of his town and passed a large herd of sheep. Gambar asked the shepherd whose sheep these were.
"Sir," he replied respectfully, "these sheep belong to Gambar, the princess's husband."
Gambar did not understand the answer and thought that the man must be making some confusion. Without giving much importance to the matter, since all he wanted was to find the princess, he continued along the path, crossed the river that bordered the city and was happily approaching its entrance. He found many cows grazing near the city walls and asked a man passing by whose cows they were.
"Gambar, the princess's husband, owns them all," replied the man.
This time Gambar became uneasy. What was going on with those people?
“The same meaningless answer twice in a row”, he thought.
What explanation could there be for such madness?
He entered the city and, as he turned a corner from where he used to see his small mud house, he stopped, appalled. The house was no longer there. In its place was an immense palace of marble and windows of gold, an emerald dome with arabesques of silver, far more sumptuous than the royal palace.
“What did they do to my princess?”, he thought in anguish.
"Where did she go?"
He decided to go into the palace to ask if anyone knew anything about his wife, and he crossed the deserted courtyard with a sinking heart. He spotted a closed door, made of finely carved wood, and stopped in front of it. Before knocking, he heard on the other side a sweet woman's voice saying softly:
"My son, how similar you are to your father."
"When is he coming back?" asked a small boy's voice.
"I really want to meet my father."
"Something tells me he's been through our wheat field before," said the woman.
"Who has already seen our sheep, crossed the river, found all our cows, arrived at our palace and is behind the door, do you want to see him?"
The princess opened the door and her eyes shone like the morning sun.
Guided by the invisible thread of love of a princess who always knew what she wanted, the basket maker Gambar returned home, safe and sound, transformed into another man, the father of a beautiful boy, after a long journey.
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
Happy birthday bby! Hope you enjoyed your day, you totally deserve it!✨️🩷🩷
What have you been doing as of late? Update us👀👀
Thank you so much lovebug!! <333
OKAY OKAY get ready for a lot of short stories about what I've been up to LOL:
Last night Jayson & I got into a fight when I got home after work, because we were supposed to go to the speedway today since they have a monster truck event, and he said not to bother buying him a ticket, since he doesn't want to go even though he knows how excited I am for it. So after our fight about it, I reach out to my friends that are going, and asked where they are sitting, so I can try and get a solo ticket near them. BUT by the time my friends answered, all the tickets were sold out, so I can't go :( Which made me yell at Jayson more lol. I went to the casino to watch Tyler's band play, and hung out with his step-son, Gage, for a while. My friends invited me over to play on their bouncy castle, which I might do tonight after Jayson & I get back from seeing Barbie.
The day before that, so my bday, I didn't do much lol. I napped for most of the day, and only worked like 3 hours max haha. After work, I went to my parents and had dinner with them, and then we went out for ice cream & tried a new ice cream place. It was very yummy. The ice cream place also sells banana milkshakes, which is rare, so I texted Collin to tell him (since he loves banana milkshakes), and then texted Tyler to let him know they have tiger tail ice cream (as that is also somewhat difficult to find). My parents bought me The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Oathbringer, which are two books I very much wanted :3 I immediately started Oathbringer lol. Then I came home & fought with Jayson and then felt sad for the rest of the night.
The day before that, so Wednesday, after work I went to Dan & Ally's, as Ally & Mik had a "surprise" planned for me for my birthday. The surprise was decorating the house, as you can see (at least a bit) in my pinned photos. We drank all night long, and did some shrooms, and I got way too drunk lol. I guess Isaac wanted to tattoo "23" on me (which given his 19 tattoo... makes sense), but didn't, for whatever reason. I do not remember any of that though LOL. I didn't fall asleep until like 4am.
Tuesday was a peaceful night. Bought some joints, and went for a walk at sunset to have a smoke. Ended up swinging on a swing set for way too long, it was so much fun omg. I highly recommend!
Monday night I went over to Tyler's after work, and we hung out in his "man cave", trying to find one of those silly hotdog/weiner cooker things to buy. We watched some food show too that he likes, and he was telling me about how he wants to open up a place that only sells philly cheesesteaks (and was quite shocked to hear that I had never tried one). When I got back, I was mad at Jayson again, because he didn't bother asking where I was or why i was out for so long or who I was with.
Last Sunday, Jayson & I went to the beach for the day, and I got very very drunk - I did not realize how much drunker you get in the sun lol. We have a beach tent, so I laid in that for most of the day, as the beach was semi-flooded so the sand was more mud than anything & the water was very cold. I also burnt half of my body (the half that was not quite in the tent). Jayson & I picked up chinese food on the way back in, and then I drunkenly (or exhausted from the heat) passed out on his bed for a couple hours LOL.
And Last Saturday, I impulsively drove almost 2 hours away to go to a bar that Tyler was playing at, and stayed until he left (so like 3am). Drove back in an awful storm, the highway was flooded, and the lightning was literally blinding. Very scary drive, but made it home safe (and so did he). And I had fun! Some boys hit on me at the bar, which was really funny to me. The one was like "come here often?" and i was like "I cannot believe you are trying that line on me". I told him no, through laughter, and that I came to support the band, as I work with the drummer. And his whole attitude changed, which was equally funny to me. He was like "Omg you know the band?! Can you ask them to play more Tragically Hip next time?! Please please please!?! I'll owe you my life!!!" Very funny!
And yea! That's been my week! Tonight we have to start watching Cleo, Jayson's step mom's cat, for the week while his parents are at their cottage. And we are going out for dinner & to see Barbie, like I think I already said.
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coffeecat1983 · 1 year
“All He Deserves” pt 2 Mario bros AU.
(keep in mind I wrote this like, 11 years ago, so waaaay before the movie. Also I’ve always held the headcanon that Luigi is gay, so don’t like it, don’t read it. Pretty simple. CW language, implied sexual content, smoking etc. If you want to know what Trace’s voice is like, look up Double Trouble from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
    "Trace? I'm home!" Luigi called out as he closed the door, making sure to lock it.     "Hey sugar, in the kitchen!" Trace's smoky voice came from beyond the alcove. After hanging up his coat and slipping off his boots, Luigi followed the smell of Trace's cooking.   The Hammer Bro, or Hammer Sis, as he preferred to be called, was frying up something in a skillet as a pot of lemon sauce bubbled on the back burner. Trace was about 42 years old and dressed in female clothing when out of his shell, which was often when around home. Today he had on a hot pink silk tank top and white shorts with silver glitter around the waist and hems. Oversized pearl earrings that were yellowed with age peered out from the dark brown locks that hung down to his shoulders. One of many wigs he owned. Pink fuzzy slippers covered his feet. He swayed and hummed to the tune that crackled over the cheap radio. Luigi grabbed a can of pop from the fridge and popping it open, chugged it down.     "Were you safe?" When Trace asked were you safe, Luigi had long ago learned he meant three things. 'Did they hurt you?', 'Did they follow the contract' and most importantly, 'Do I need to kill anyone?'     "I was safe." he replied, coming over. Trace kissed his cheek, leaving a red smear of lipstick.     "That's my sugar. Now, grab some plates, this is almost ready." Luigi's thoughts began drifting as he set the table...   It was raining and near freezing. Luigi, desperate for food and sick with fever, was searching through a dumpster behind a little diner. He had had a little luck here the previous night and found some scraps. Now it looked like he would go hungry tonight. He had searched for coins but most had been taken by Troopas when they built the new buildings. He had also tried Wario's castle, but it was a disaster site. The windows were smashed out, and no sign of his cousins or the treasure Wario had worked so hard to collect remained. He hoped to find something amongst the rubble to sell, but it had all been looted or destroyed. Now he was here, digging around as best he could in the dim orange light of the flickering streetlamp. His clothing was torn and stained with mud and dried blood, his hair was plastered down from the rain. His cap had been lost when he fled from the battle.   There was a cough and he jerked, falling to the ground.  A dark figure walked towards him as he shrank up against the dumpster, sniffling as he tried to hide in its shadow. There was the faint glow of a lit cigarette and it bobbed as the figure knelt next to him.     "Oh sugar, what happened to you? You look like death." The voice was kind. The first kind voice he had heard in a long time. He let out a soft sob. Trace slid off his coat and kneeling, wrapped it around Luigi's trembling body. "There now, you're gonna freeze out here. When's the last time you had a good meal?"     "D-Don't 'member." Luigi looked up at the Hammer Bro. He was wearing red lipstick, and a silver sequin dress with black heels. A black pixie cut wig with silver hairband covered his head. The Hammer Bro smiled at him. "Well c'mon then. Lets get you into some warm blankets and I'll fix you a hot meal."     "I-I c-can't pay you." Luigi mumbled tearfully as he helped him up. The Hammer Bro looked him up and down.     "Oh, I think you got a way to pay me, sugar, but we'll work that out later. By the way, my name's Trace."   The next thing he remembered was waking in a soft bed. His eyesight was blurred but he could make out he had been bathed and dressed in warm, clean nightclothes. Trying to sit up, Trace gently pushed him back down.     "Shhh, just rest, sugar. You've been through hell." Something cool met his lips and he drank the bittersweet liquid from the bottle. He recognized the taste of the mushroom potion, followed by a drink of cold water. He grew eager at the water and tried to gulp it down but Trace pulled it away.      "Ah, easy, don't want to get sick."
  After he had recovered, Trace had given him the upstairs of the old two-story house, which had been converted into an apartment of sorts. It was a roomy bedroom complete with bathroom and small kitchen, but Luigi often took meals downstairs with Trace. The Hammer Bro had nursed him back to health and offered him the chance to work as his only employee with Trace as his first client and his teacher. That first time, Luigi drew his legs up against his chest, his eyes wide when Trace suggested they practice.     "I-I've never... I mean I'm..." Trace stroked his cheek.     "It's okay, I've taught many a first timer."   Learning took a while. Trace was strict but gentle. "Don't cry in front of a client, save that for home. You can cry with me or on your own but never in front of a client. Drinking is fine, but not getting drunk. Always keep your head on enough to make sure you get paid. Don't count the payment in front of the client, if they insist you do, tell them to call me."   When Luigi asked, Trace claimed he had picked that name because there was only a 'trace' of what made him male left. Luigi would later tease him saying it was one big trace and that Trace's own clients were lucky. Trace would counter by kissing him and saying he preferred sharing that luck. The two fell into a comfortable relationship with each other. Both understood they had only one thing to offer clients, and when together in the bedroom it felt different than work. More peaceful and fulfilling.   When it came to work, Trace set up the clients, both did the work, and the pay was a decent split between them with a household fund set up for groceries and other items.    Admittedly it was hard at first. Many times, Luigi came home and had stayed in bed, refusing to come out and eat until Trace had made the threat of force feeding him. After a while the praise from clients came in. He was polite, kind, and easy to be with. This led to repeat clients. The pay was good, there was a contract in place, and woe to any clients who failed to follow the rules. Trace was not one to mess with and he had a reputation for enforcing the contract. One way of reinforcing was the large knife he kept on the table when interviewing new clients. There had been one time Luigi had come home with a black eye. After Trace calmed him down, he went out and Luigi found the large steak knife was gone from its usual spot on the kitchen wall. Trace came back around four that morning and Luigi never saw the client again.
    "Sugar?" Luigi blinked, coming out of his thoughts. "Huh?"     "I said 'time to eat'." Trace laughed. "You were in lala land for a minute there." Luigi blushed slightly. "Sorry, guess I'm pretty tired."     "You didn't sleep afterwards?"     "Nah, you know me. I don't want to scare away anyone with those nightmares I have."   Trace hummed and nodded. Luigi was prone to waking up crying or sometimes screaming from nightmares. He had taught himself not to go into a dreaming sleep when with clients. The only time he fell fully asleep was at home. Many times Trace had to wake him with soft words and a soothing touch.     "Well eat up and then how about you go crash for a while?"     "Sounds good." They ate in silence for a while until Luigi spoke.     "So anyone call for a job?"     "Two, but they're on hold." Trace's eyes sparkled. "I'm giving you the week off, sugar." Luigi nearly choked. "W-What?"     "I think you've earned it." Trace said. "You've been working that cute ass off and I'm tired too, so I figure we can take a break." He paused as he took a bite. "Besides, now you can give me a chance at your sweet behind." Luigi burst out laughing and Trace joined in.   After eating and clearing away the dishes, Luigi looked out the kitchen window. "Ugh, still raining." He pulled a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. "Mind if I...?" he motioned towards the back door and Trace nodded. One rule was neither smoked in the house. Luigi could in his room as long as the window was open. Luigi cracked the screen door and lit up, blowing the menthol smoke out into the rain. "I hate this weather." he said softly.     "Bad memories?" Trace said gently.     "Yeah." Luigi grew quiet as he stared out at the grey sky. Trace came over and kissed his cheek again. "You don't let those old thoughts get to you, okay sugar?"     "I won't." Luigi agreed. "Guess I do need a break. Seems like they come up when I'm tired." Trace paused, thinking. "Sugar, I have something for you. Put out that cancer stick and sit down for a minute." Luigi chuckled as he crushed the cigarette and tossed the butt in the garbage. He sat at the table and Trace vanished into the other room. There was a rustling sound and he came back holding a thin, square package wrapped in leftover Christmas paper. He handed it to Luigi, saying "wait a minute, okay?" Luigi felt a little puzzled as Trace pulled the other chair close to him and sat down.     "It took me a while to find this, but I understand if you don't want to keep it." He motioned towards the package with a soft 'go ahead.' Luigi pulled the paper off and gasped softly. A whimper escaped him. Framed in an old wooden frame was a newspaper clipping, a photo of Mario with his arm around Luigi's shoulders. His brother's smiling face was full of joy. Luigi held the frame close to his chest as he began to cry. He had lost all photos of his brother and finding any hint of him after Bowser took over felt impossible.     "H-How?" he whispered.     "I found it in the attic," Trace said. "I was looking through old papers and there it was." Luigi let out a shuddering sob. "Th-Thank you." He murmured something in Italian, holding the picture out to look at it again. Setting it gently on the table, he buried his face in his hands and broke down. Trace put his arm around Luigi before looking at the photo again. "You share his eyes. That's the first thing I noticed about you in that alley, those stunning eyes." Luigi wiped at his tears. "Same as Papa." he sniffled. He turned and hugged Trace tightly. "Thank you so much for this."   Trace pulled back slightly and kissed him. Luigi closed his eyes and returned the kiss as Trace's hands wandered down his back to grope at him. Finally pulling away, Trace took his hands.     "C'mon sugar, you can get some sleep later." Luigi laughed as they went hand in hand to Trace's room.
Life was rough at times, and the past hurt, but sometimes Luigi had to admit it wasn't all bad. Maybe he deserved a little more than he thought.
By “CC”
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The Sniper WIP
Down the scope of my rifle, I spotted a soldier, haphazardly hidden underneath some leaves and mud, unfortunately for him I was at the perfect angle to see the shine of his helmet in the pale light. I trained my sights on the man’s head, leaning forward over the edge of the destroyed rooftop. He was under a small tree, making it a bit harder to focus on him, but even through the leaves and through the mud. I made sure I was lined up and pulled the trigger, wincing as the recoil shot a pain through my shoulder. The man’s head dropped to the ground, his body going limp. A quick and easy death, he didn’t deserve to die painfully. I didn’t know him, but I didn’t like making death long for others. I pulled back from the edge, stretching my shoulders. I looked around and sighed, most others were asleep, they were allowed to, but there was no rest for me. I slid down so I was hidden and went over to my metal water bottle filled with coffee drinking a small amount before poking my head back over the ledge, hearing nothing but silence. Maybe I would only have to end one life tonight, that would be nice, unlikely, but nice. I allowed myself a small break, perhaps a nap, if time allowed. I checked my watch, it was midnight, so I should have had enough time for a quick nap. I lay down awkwardly, my back against the small wall. I was tired, coffee could not keep me up for much longer, not even the images of dead men could do so. I kept my rifle close however, simply in case I needed it. Quickly my eyes shut, unable to stay open any longer. I heard the soft thunk of my helmet against the bricks as my head dropped, and then I was finally asleep. I was plagued with nightmares the whole hour I slept, tossing and turning and ending up bruised.
 Once I finally awoke again, I was nearly at the ‘steps’ I had used to get up there, which were nearly 5ft away from where I had fallen asleep. I sighed and pushed myself up and crawled back to my rifle and coffee, downing a big swig of the warm, bitter liquid. It burned my throat, but it woke me up. I gulped a bit and glanced over the edge, my eyes scanning the dark landscape. I heard the sound of a trigger being pulled and ducked down as a bullet flew over my head, shit. I scrambled to grab my rifle, propping it up carefully and looking for the one who had tried to shoot me, scanning the area desperately cocking my rifle as I found the man, training my sight on him. I knew he could see me too, I could see his aim was dead center on my head, I saw the way his hand was twitching on the trigger, I couldn’t hesitate any longer. I pulled the trigger, squeezing my eyes shut. I awaited a bullet to the skull, I awaited the instant death but none came, cracking one eye open to find myself alive, the man now dead. Guilt wracked my soul, the man had only been doing his job, even hesitating to pull the trigger on me. God I felt like a sinner after all I had done. I grabbed my coffee and just started down at the brown liquid, hatred swirling in my stomach. I needed time to pass faster, so I could finally truly take a break, someone else would take my post and I could rest, sleep, forget about this. I begged for the seconds to tick by just a little bit faster, for two am to come just a little bit sooner, and for this war to be over just that little bit sooner. No matter how hard I tried my eyes fell shut on their own, everything around me falling silent. I awoke to a searing pain in my neck, falling forward. It hurt, oh god it hurt. The warm blood oozed down my neck as I scrambled to find my rifle, shakily aiming it before another shot fired and hit my hand, this bullet, unfortunately for me, had been and explosive round, and there went my hand, pain overtaking my body as I passed out, falling from the building. I could vaguely hear things happening, yelling, gunfire, explosions, but I couldn’t see anything. I knew I had fallen into a bush, if I hadn’t my spine would have shattered on impact. Footsteps hurried near me, and I was shoved out of the bush, a voice muttered something and grabbed me under my arms, dragging me somewhere. “You sure are lucky private, nothing vital was hit.” I tried my best to open my eyes, but the light wouldn’t come. “Rest kid, you need it.” I fell further into the darkness, only to be awoken, now able to see, but the light burned my eyes.
“How are you feeling private? You sure took a hit, got lucky that nothing vital was injured, your hands fucked up, but it could have been worse.” I gave a small nod, glancing at my hand that was tightly wrapped in bandages, I could see how a few of my fingers were missing, but thankfully I still had a hand, that’s all I could hope for. I was numb right now, but I doubted it would last. The medic helped me sit up, patting my back. “I know you aren’t old enough to drink but I think you earned a good shot of vodka kid.”
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this is in response to "you'd think Schemes would have to be on her best behavior now to keep her account - yanno, like the rest of us would have to - but nope lol. She has started arguments in the sb & ignored staff when they intervened, publicly spoken about & posted in her blog/profile about this Rescon and her ban (topics the rest of us aren't allowed to mention)... Just get use to it. The rules don't apply the same to everyone, period. That's policy now. Pegasus & Hallows are to thank for it."
as silly as i may seem sitting here, defending the same people who probably banned me, please don't shift blame meant for me onto pegasus or hallows; they don't deserve that. please try to be understanding and kind. they're doing their job, and..its not an easy one.
my actions or "crimes against res" have been judged, that much is clear. i have no intentions of clearing my name anymore, its pointless, partially because of myself, and partially because most of you have decided who i am for me. on a positive note for those who do care about me, update- i've been putting my mental and physical health first and boy do i feel great. came back from my doctors apt for my upcoming surgery to..being banned.. and i didn't even react. we only give power to what we allow and i choose peace.
i don't care if my name is slandered on here, its been slandered from the birth of this blog, i might've even been its muse <3 :') ily guys for keeping my name alive and there is no sarcasm intended here, i just try to make myself laugh even in crappy situations.
however the same defense i wrote about dan i'll repeat here about pega and hallows, and i don't even know her (hallows). my actions are my actions and please let's just keep the blame focused on me. i can handle it. i've never felt so low reading these posts and at one point it almost really destroyed me completely, but i'm getting by. don't slander others names especially if you don't know how hard they work, (idk how hard now but pegasus used to bust her ass as support and i respect her a lot) or what they struggle with internally and what harm it could do to them, so don't try to drag their names through the mud. its really cruel and unfair. 
also i'd like to note that the only "confrontation i had in sb" where it may have seemed like i was starting something was with rowan, who i apologized to minutes later. in my defense, my name was brought up first, and my clarification of the situation may have come off verbally harsh. it was a big miscommunication, and to my knowledge rowan and i do not have hard feelings towards each other. they're pretty neat. 
i have posted about my ban in my blog which last i checked wasn't against the rules. the rules state to refrain from discussing banned members, not "you can't discuss your own ban"
(however when i was banned people were talking about me in the sb? its the double standards for me) me, speaking on my own ban is well within the rules and my right. i never mentioned word for word "truerescreatuconfessions" or even the words RESCON or referred anyone to this blog, so how did i break the rules/am above them??? i said "a blog" and right away that wording was automatically edited and removed from my posts and i was given a warning. soo.....what are you even saying anon?
the rules apply to everyone, including me which is why im banned, again. anyway, the lesson i've learned is that i can't expect the same love i show people and i've learned that the hard way this time around. just because i call people my friends doesn't mean they really consider me a friend. i'm only their friend when its beneficial to them, such as getting them a job on staff, a promotion, or saving them from being fired. LOL. tea time for another day ig if y'all are nice to me!!!!! once im no longer beneficial, or doing someone a favor or helping / gifting someone (by the way, this is something i would do because it made me HAPPY, not because i needed them or wanted them to like me. i like me, and i.. don't need anyone, except the people who have shown time over time they are my true friends. the ones who call who check on me, the ones who FaceTime me while im in the hospital sick, the ones who send me random messages throughout the day telling me i am loved, and that things do get better, and guess what? they have gotten better.)
another thing i noticed, once i started making new friends, my other "friends" start showing secret animosity. i can't ever win.. things turned around for me post my unbanning and i earned pets onsite but y'all will say its fake. ya'll will say dan changed my hatch luck. the same dan who fined me my entire savings//tu i had on res, the same dan who took my favorite creatu as punishment? lol stop.
the sad part is almost all the amazing creatu ive obtained since my unban weren't even hatched by me. they were hatched by random people or just active users, but that holds no weight here. i understand trust has to be earned. i really did try to be the best person i could be to everyone and as impartial as possible however when people get upset with me for picking and choosing who i decide to share MY pets and my time with, thats where i draw the line, because its ridiculous. i'm just happy that i got to fulfill a few more players goals such as unicorn w/ her albino kioka, and boonys with their achromatic and albino liyure, and i got to witness stargazer hatch an albino liyure which she's been trying to obtain for years and the matching colored pets eldritch and i hatched and tagged matching names onto. moments like THOSE are the ones i'll always remember. i know i have no say over anything pertaining to my account since i'm banned, but i truly truly hope juke gets heartache. they were working on an oak for me and they paid me half, and although the chances of that happening are slim, i really hope they obtain the name. i hope kitsune is returned to jess, she allowed me to hold on to it. i hope espeon, lust, anxiety, requiem and yvetal are returned to akechi. i was only babysitting them. there are logs of this. i also sold reptile to anakin a while ago, but i forgot to tag the name off because i got so caught up in rl it slipped my mind and she forgot to remind me, but it is my fault. the name and pet do belong to her though. i really wanted to gift my albino cyid to zydrate for their memorial pet on their birthday, but i guess my time has run out. i'm so so sorry. 
for anon below who, let me rephrase, for multiple anons who have expressed their hatred, dislike or indifference towards me, all your opinions are valid. i respect you for voicing it. i work on being a better person every day, so no one ever has to feel that way because of me again. i never meant to hurt anyone, and if i did, i am genuinely sorry. 
Note from the Moderator
I trust staff will uphold their policy regarding the contents of accounts previously owned by banned users, as no banned user (aside from Matt) has been allowed to dictate what happens to their belongings after being banned or move them to other accounts for "safe keeping" (as mentioned in a statement issued by staff on the official Rescreatu anonymous submission thread). If a user has a transaction in progress with a banned account I recommend they contact staff to have the transaction completed or refunded (I assume staff would have the final say in any pending transactions).
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jungwnies · 2 years
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⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ nishimura riki | s. high school niki reacting to someone slut shaming you ! | w. slut shaming, arguing, cursing ! | p. student!riki x student fem!reader ! | g. angst, high school au, imagine ! | r. requested by anon ! | wc. ~0.6k !
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西村力 ' nishimura riki
riki is your best friend, someone who has stuck by your side since the day you moved to his school. which, in fact was the 9th grade.
but as much as he loved you and cared for you, he couldn't protect you from the rumors people would spread. as the foreign student in a all japanese school, you weren't surprised people were already gossiping the moment you stepped into that school.
people would say you only came here because you were obsessed with asians, completely disregarding the fact your dad was stationed in japan for the next 8 years.
your japanese wasn't necessarily the best but after 3 years of already living here, you were finally so close to fluency. and none of that would be possible without the help of your friend, riki.
"why didn't you bring lunch, again?" riki asks sitting besides you as you scrolled through your phone. you shrug and continue scrolling through your instagram. after a few moments riki pushed your phone down, "i got my mom to pack me some extra for you, eat it."
"i don't have the appetite to eat riki." you tell him sighing.
riki looks at you concerned, "i told you to stop paying attention to what other people say about you y/n, it doesn't matter we're graduating soon anyways." in which he received an eye roll from you.
"now eat." he says putting the bento box in front of you with a pair of chopsticks.
you take the chopsticks in between your index and thumb and begin to eat what his mom kindly prepared for you, "if you heard the rumors about me this time, you'd have no appetite either." you say after swallowing.
right before lunch ended a group of girls did not hesitate to sit in front of you as riki got up to throw away some of the trash.
"the foreigner, always trying to get into the popular boys pants." the girl laughs as the rest of her clique also laughs along.
"it's pathetic thinking you'll be loved for trying to befriend the most popular boy in school, you've got riki for now, but just wait until he knows what you really want." another girl chimes in giggling.
it didn't take riki long to notice that you were being cornered by a bunch of losers from afar, but he didn't make a scene until he heard what the last girl had to say, "you're nothing but some slutty rich girl."
"what did you say?" riki asks walking over, which shocked the girls.
"you should stop hanging out with her riki, she's no good." the girl smiles.
"riki let's just go." you say lowly pulling his arm.
"no, i'm not letting them continue to drag your name through the mud, i'm tired of hearing their constant yapping." riki snaps. "you think you're everything, but that mouth of yours won't get you anywhere kiko."
kiko rolls her eyes, "cmon riki, you were one of us before she got here."
"you might be some rich politician's kid, but once your dad loses that election nothing but karma is going to bite you in the ass, enjoy the crown while it lasts because it'll be knocked off that big head of yours in just a few days." riki finishes grabbing your hand walking away.
"my head is not big!" kiko screams as the two of you left the cafeteria.
"riki, you didn't have to do that." you say sighing.
"she deserved it." riki says smiling, "luckily the teachers couldn't hear what was going on, right?"
you lean back and smile, "you've always been good to me, ever since i moved here" you turn your head towards riki, "i owe you one nishimura."
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2022 © jungwnies
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girasollake · 2 years
promise | eddie munson
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the reader tries to save eddie and dustin from the bats, and she made a promise
warnings: reader's death, angst, sadness, mourning, mentions of blood and wounds, slight s4 e9 spoilers
type: angst
a/n: ummmmmmmmmmmmm yall gonna hate me for this one<3 this is my own idea so even if it hurts you i hope you'll like it! i am devastated after vol 2:)
word count: 1400
The last sounds of Master of Puppets echoed throughout the Upside Down. Three of them were running into the camper to hide, the boy broke his leg falling from the roof. The other two helped him up and quickly shoved him first behind the gate. For a moment they were happy, overjoyed, adrenaline still running through their veins. They were laughing and smiling, they did they job, they were the perfect bait. However, their happiness didn’t last long when the vicious bats started to crawl through the vents, they did their best to stop them.
“We gotta go!” Dustin screamed at the top of his lungs and started moving towards the rope.
They helped him get on the rope first, his broken leg making it really hard and the bat screeches were getting louder. (Y/n) looked at the door, her hands still pushing Dustin upwards, next her gaze settled on Eddie’s face. It was filthy, dirt and mud all over it and yet it was still the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She let go of Dustin which made him fall into Eddie’s arms.
“We’re not going to make it, I’ll hold them off and you get both of you out of here.” She said quickly.
“What? No, I’m not letting you do that, no way.” Eddie replied, his voice shaky.
“We don’t have a choice. I promise I’ll be okay, I want to see you graduate this year.” She lifted the corners of her lips.
The girl stormed out of the trailer quickly, spear in one hand, shield in the other. She started banging one into the other drawing attention of the monsters to herself.
She was running so fast. She has never run faster in her life. She prayed that she had saved them, that they could cross to the other side. After some time her chest was burning, her legs were slowly going numb. Suddenly she stopped and faced the army of bats aiming at her. She was done running, it wasn’t going to take here anywhere. Keeping them busy with herself was better because she knew she couldn’t run for much longer even if she tried. They surrounded her from every side making circles around her fragile form, she was nothing compared to them. She started pushing them away with all the strength she had left, the spare hitting whatever it could.
Meanwhile Eddie did what he was supposed to, he got Dustin to the other side, safely. He put him on a  chair where he could rest and then looked up into the gate in the ceiling.
“I can’t just leave her like that Henderson.” He whispered.
“She told you she would be fine! Come on, it’s (Y/n), you know she never breaks her promises!” He tried to make him stay, so hard.
“She should have already came back and I don’t see her here. I can’t lose her.” He said and then he started climbing.
“NO EDDIE! THAT’S A BAD IDEA!” The metalhead couldn’t hear him anymore, the only thing on his mind was his girl.
He took his own spare he had left in the Upside Down and hurried outside to help her. All this time he was reassuring himself that she was okay, that they had left her alone and she’s somewhere safe hiding. What he didn’t expect was to see her body being eaten and held by the bats.
“(Y/N)!!!!!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.
The bats were eating her flesh, four of them holding down her legs and arms and one choking her with the tail. She was screaming in agony, her vision was blurry and she was angry. She was angry at herself, because she promised, she promised Eddie she would be okay. He didn’t deserve this, he didn’t deserve to lose her but she knew that without this they all could’ve ended up like that. All that mattered was that he was safe.
Eddie was running towards her and just before he reached his destination all of the bats drop lifelessly to the ground. (Y/n) wasn’t moving and he feared the worst.
“(Y/-), (Y/n)?” He whispered when he finally stood over her.
The image was atrocious, her blood was everywhere but then she looked at him and moved her hand up to hold his. He kneeled next to her and took her into his arms.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, oh god I was so worried. I’m going to get you to the hospital.” The words were flowing out of his mouth.
He started pulling her up but her groan stopped him.
“I just need to rest for a bit, then I’ll be okay.” She gave him a small smile with her bloodied lips. “Can you kiss me Eddie?” She whispered.
He responded with softly resting his lips on hers, the metallic taste didn’t bother him in the slightest.
“You sure you okay?” He kissed her temple. “You look pretty rough.” He chuckled.
She smiled and also let out a chuckle, her hand came up to caress his face gently.
“Graduate this year for me, okay?” A small tear fell down her cheek.
“What do you mean? You’re gonna be there, stop messing around.” His eyes started filling up with the warm liquid, the events slowly making themselves real in his mind.
“I love you Eddie Munson.”
“I love you too, you know I do. So much.” He said between his weeps, he tried to supress his cries but he couldn’t.
“I’m sorry I broke my promise.” She whispered and her head fell numb in Eddie’s embrace.
“No, no, no.” He started slowly shaking her body. “No, (Y/n), please no..” He cried so hard, his arms squeezing her the best he could.
He placed a kiss on her lips thinking this was just a joke. He thought she was playing and that she would wake up again. He didn’t want this to be real, he didn’t want to leave her there. His salty tears were falling down on her face and making soft marks on it.
“Please come back to me…” He whispered into her hair.
This was the last time he was able to smell her, hold her, kiss her. Their future plans got destroyed within seconds, he would never ask her to marry him, to move in with him, she was too young for this. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare or just maybe travel back in time and switch their places.
“Why’d you leave me?” He tried again but no one responded.
Eddie was so glad to have had his name cleared from all the accusations with the help of all of his friends. He really wanted 1986 to be his year and he made it his, but he couldn’t have done that without her. Just before he took his diploma he looked up to the sky and smiled. He got onto the stage and snatched the diploma from the principal and when he walked away he flipped him off. He run towards Dustin and the others embracing them in a hug. They all wanted to celebrate this but Eddie wanted to make one last stop before they headed to his trailer. Steve stopped the car at the cemetery, all of them already knowing what they are here for.
“I’ll be quick, thanks.” He patted Steve on the arm and wiggled out of his seat.
He knew the route to her grave by heart, he came there every other day, whenever he could. He sat down in front of the gravestone, he knew her body wasn’t underneath because they left her there, he couldn’t take her with him. Even with that he still had hope that she was sitting in front of him smiling, being proud of him.
“Um so.. I did it.” He took of his graduation cap and held it in his hands. “I wish you were here to see me. I mean I hope you saw me either way no matter where you are right now, god I so hope you did…I just…thank you. Thank you for helping me do this and believing in me. I promise I’ll do my best to make you proud of me.”
He wiped away the little tears streaming down his cheeks and stood up. Eddie placed his cap on the grave and whispered a quiet “I love you”.
taglist: @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @ccosmic-illusion @luvwanda @justice4lils @heizenka @wolfstarsimpxx @miss-bloodbath @screambih @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @laracrof7s @naturalswifty89 @bvmbshell @alainabooks143 @squidwardsluverxx @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @stilesks @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130 @greengarsstuff @axen-gers @088i880 @ilovefictionalbrunettes
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