#Do Not correct me i don't care if it's legit lol
in this edition of Things I Like To Read Too Much Into: Hobie using Miles as a fuckin powerbank
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felixvanhuss · 3 months
Ugh. I do not want to go into the city tomorrow but I have no choice. In response to how badly I don't wanna deal with tomorrow, I have developed an intense desire to play Disco Elysium even tho it is midnight. I must be strong and go the fuck to sleep
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lorata · 3 months
I was discussing exams with my friend and I told her I was so stressed I was unproductive because I was overwhelmed by the feeling that I couldn't do it and she looked at me and was like it's not worth being stressed because you have to do them so it's a waste of time to think that you can't and I had this sudden flash of 'Oh, this must be how Alec feels every time he talks to Selene'
you are 100000% correct that is the seminal alec experience
selene is a rare pure adhd no anxiety kid in a world where she got to quit school at 13 and go swing swords while poor alec has ALL the anxiety plus all of the trauma so he's just like ?? ???? ???????????
sometimes i keep a little selene in the back of my head for the hard times ("I can't do it" "so quit" "I can't quit" "so do it then") and it's EXTREMELY frustrating but the spite of it all gets me through lol
legit though i have a very crystal clear memory of being like .... 12? and super stressed about something and telling myself "better or worse, in one week it will be over whether i like it or not" and having a huge sense of relief. i still do that! don't know how i'll get there sometimes, it feels impossible, but linear time don't care! that sun's gonna keep rising no matter how overwhelmed i feel and one day it'll be behind me no matter what
alec as an adult sometimes looks back and is like, every time i thought i couldn't get through this i did and i'm still here. huh. something not to talk about with the therapist i refuse to get i guess!
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funnywormz · 1 year
my red dwarf opinion of all time is I full heartedly believe Rimmer could be 200% worse. like yeah he’s a sopping wet loser already but man he could be so so much worse (something something it’s because his drive for power and control isn’t born of any legit malicious intent, but instead an internalized need to be, at minimum, perceived in general and, at maximum, be loved for himself [even if that ‘self’ is a carefully constructed persona and lacks any of his rimmer-ism] something something)
oh yeah anon you're 100% correct! i often dunk on rimmer for being an asshole, and he absolutely IS an asshole, but i don't think he rlly has bad intentions or actively wants to hurt ppl. i agree that his desire for power is more about being loved than anything else. i don't think he'd even know what to do if he WAS put in charge of something important lol. i suspect he would probably just panic a bit once he realised he had to actually advise and care for ppl tbh. i think initially he'd enjoy lording it over ppl but once ppl started criticising him or he had to make important decisions i'd imagine he'd have a breakdown lmao
i mean in siliconia it's revealed that he actively enjoys being a "mindless" servant bc he doesn't have to worry abt disappointing ppl anymore........ i think that any kind of pressure would make him crumble. it's clear that it isn't rlly power that he wants, it's adoration that he wants, just like you said. i mean, lister even calls him out on it in the better than life book lol.
rimmer hasn't received any honest unconditional love from... anyone ever, as far as i can remember (unless you count nirvannah maybe???). his parents seemed to show some kind of affection, or at least favouritism, to his brothers, specifically bc they were mentally and physically talented. i think he took the lesson from this that ppl/his parents would only ever love him if he could be the person his parents had wanted him to be.
the irony of this is that it's the sheer stubbornness he had abt achieving the goals his parents set for him (like attaining officerhood) that make him so unlikeable and insufferable to the ppl around him. he's uptight and hyperfocused on achievement and avoids hobbies, socialising and relaxing bc he doesn't want anything to get in the way of his goals, and that makes him completely unpalatable. any creativity or sentimentality or gentleness he has was either squashed out of him by his parents or suppressed by himself.
he lives inside this construction of what he thinks a man should be like. but it's not him, and everyone else can tell that, even though he can't. it's the lack of sincerity that makes him unlikeable, when it's a habit he took on BECAUSE he wanted to be loved.
i think it's all subconscious, like if you asked him abt this he'd either be confused or vehemently deny it. but i do believe that at the root of his character there's just... a desire to be loved. he does confess to it himself in "thanks for the memory". it's very clear in ace as well, a man who is clearly generating a persona for himself in the hopes that it'll make ppl love him. like most aspects of red dwarf, rimmer is funny on the surface but deeply painfully tragic if you think abt him for too long.
ANYWAYS SORRY this is basically just a more verbose annoying version of what you said lmao. the point is that i completely agree anon. he's so awful but so pitiful and sad it's hard NOT to love him despite the fact that he frustrates me so much sometimes i wanna pull my hair out lol
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lunalucykat · 3 months
what's your favorite thing about your favorite character?
Crazy ask tbh!! Cause this gives me free rein to talk about any favorite character in anything and that's so many options!!!
(Also I've been sat here staring at this question in my inbox for a week cause I was like, who do I even choose??? lol)
After a long and hard deliberation I said, Fuck it! Might as well pick the characters that I have been rotating in my head for the past few months. Sorry I'm gonna be a little One Piece lover for a minute because legit the storylines are SO good and I love SO many of the characters!
I'm gonna give love to the ASL brothers because I love each and every one of them so much (even though I haven't even met Sabo, but I know about him, so it's chill lol)
One Piece spoilers below if you care, also I anticipate this getting absurdly long lmao
Like, I am actually sorry how long this got, cause I went off on some tangents. But if you give me a platform to talk about One Piece I am Going to TALK about One Piece (and, I think, get off prompt way too often.) That being said, I am still REALLY sorry about the WALL of text. You don't have to - nor should you - read this whole thing. orz
Ah, yes. The Age, Sex, Location brothers (lmao I feel like this joke shows my age cause I would make this joke, but TJ would make the joke as: the Am.erican Sign Language Brothers.)
This is definitely more than you asked for because you asked what is your favorite thing about your favorite character, but I'm doing things about characters, so... sorry lol!
Sibling characters are so important to me in general, and any group of siblings are usually gonna be some of my favorites (e.g. Sand Siblings from Naruto.) I have two older siblings and one younger so that might contribute to why, but I usually love the dynamics. And I love these guys all separately and as a package deal.
Ace- TBH what's not to love about Ace? He is the epitome of cool! Everybody wants to be him (or maybe I'm just projecting, but GOD he's so cool!) He is Literally The Cool Older Brother, and I love that for him. He also sort of has the cowboy look too, so that gives him bonus points lol!
Something I really love about Ace is that he loves so fiercely and it's obvious in everything he does. It's the way he's protective over Luffy and makes sure he gives his baby brother some way to find him again if he ever needs. But it's also the way he freaks out when he realizes said baby brother comes to rescue him when he's in a dire situation. He definitely has eldest child vibes in that regard; giving help but not accepting help. It feels like a very eldest sibling thing to do. It's also the way he adamantly refuses to call his biological father his dad, and insists that his father is Whitebeard because he was the man who took him in and cared for him as his son. He literally states it to the world. He loves Whitebeard and won't let anybody tell him that he's not his father.
He is literally all about his family. And that feels stupid to say cause this whole show is about found/ forged families, but Ace wears his heart on his sleeve and isn't afraid to show just how much he loves his family, not only in his actions and words, but also in the things he wears. He's so sentimental that he keeps all of his most precious people with him in some sort of memento. (Some of these are more canonical than others, but most of them you can read a certain way and it makes sense, so bear with me).
The most obvious (and canon) is his back tattoo which is Whitebeard's symbol. He literally calls it his pride and displays it as such. That's his father, and he is happy to show it off. (I don't know if these next few are canonically correct, but the vast majority of fans agree on their symbolism connecting to his other family members.) The red beads around his hat and necklace are the same as the ones his foster mom, Dadan, wears, so they're likely a memento to remember her by. The next one I think has a lot of legitimacy to it, because for some reason I think some people still don't believe it, but the X'd out S in his arm tattoo ASCE is to remember Sabo by. (Textual evidence for this is the "what if" cover story Oda drew where the brothers were never separated and in that scenario Ace's arm tattoo it literally just written as ACE.) The X through the S I think has a double meaning because when he got it Sabo was presumed dead so it could be crossed out because his younger brother was gone, but also the X through the S could be because that was Sabo's mark. Like, it was his jolly roger when he set out to sea. Some people also like to say the little buttons on Ace's hat resemble a goggle-like appearance to mimic Sabo's goggles on his top hat, which I think is cute, but maybe not as legitimate lol. That just leaves Luffy. I'm not gonna lie, there's not a lot on his design that points specifically to Luffy, probably because he was confident he'd see him around. But if we wanna stretch we could say maybe his hat symbolizes Luffy (and probably Sabo too). He got a hat so he could join his little brothers' cool hat club lmao!!
The Symbolism on this boy goes WILD!!! He LITERALLY wears his heart on his sleeve, or back, or around his neck, or his arm, or his head lol!
I also love that he's also susceptible to sibling dumbassery. I'm talking about that shit where you're polite and respectable towards peers and shit, but the moment you're around your siblings you revert to little gremlin mode. Cause Ace met all the Strawhats and was like "Hello, yes, nice to meet you. I am Luffy's respectable older brother, thank you so much for taking care of him all this time, I know he's a lot to handle :)" But when he was alone with Luffy literally 5 minutes ago he was like "What's up fucker? Wanna arm wrestle you little bitch baby?" It's hilarious. I love it.
Also his character design is hot! What can I say? lol! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sabo- I am actually insane about Sabo and it makes no sense cause I haven't even met the dude yet! Like, I'm looking for some excuse to change my icon to him but it's going to be like at least 3 whole arcs until I meet him so idk lol (that probably won't stop me lmao! Sanji's days are numbered lol)
So I haven't technically met Sabo yet, but I do know a bit about him (because my brain decided to snatch him up into my "3 more of these little blonde bitches club [consists of Sanji, Sabo, and Rosinante/Corazon (WHOM I ALSO HAVEN'T MET BUT I LOVE HIM)]" and now I know more about him than I did like 4 months ago) so I'll talk about what I do know.
Erm, it's him being the middle child (as a middle child myself I heavily fuck with middle children characters.) As a kid he looks mostly well-adjusted and like, the peacekeeper of the three, but as a young adult he looks literally so unhinged, and that's the middle child experience babeeeyyyyyyyyy!!! (I'm only half kidding lol)
I also headcannon him as aroace. It's so easy to do that with any of Oda's characters tbh because he doesn't really focus on romance (which I'm thrilled about, because it means he's most likely not gonna do that thing that every mangaka does that everyone fucking hates which is to pair off characters who have no chemistry together or never interacted in canon, but they get married in the end just because he needs everyone to end up with someone and have a family in order to continue the story, but with the kids this time! I am literally looking at Naruto. Cause when the fuck did Choji and Karui ever interact? Literally never. Also, God. Don't EVEN get me started with Sasuke and Sakura.) ANYWAY!!!!! The way Oda writes his story makes it easy to headcannon characters as aroace, and I do with Sabo at least cause I'm also aroace and he's one of my favies, so.... rejoice! Aroace be upon ye! :) Idk, he just gives the vibe :) Also it's funny to make the joke that they're all "Ace."
He's also got that steampunk drip. Love that for him. Go whiteboy, go! Not only does he dress like he's smart, but I'm almost CERTAIN he IS the smartest of the three brothers. I mean like, he probably has similar qualities about him that he shares with Ace and Luffy in terms of general dumbassery, but he definitely gives the vibe that he Knows what the fuck he's doing. Probably helps that I'm pretty sure he was the only one of the three that received a proper education lol. But I love the potential for the duality of him ping-ponging between being really smart and doing something really dumb and reckless.
I think Sabo was the softer of the older brothers. Like, Ace wanted to check in on Luffy and make sure he was okay and everything, but also he and Luffy seemed rougher towards each other (literally arm wrestling upon first meeting again after 3 years of not seeing each other.) Sabo gives the vibe that instead of armwrestling upon seeing each other, he would instead give hugs. I LOVE soft interactions with siblings just as much as I love interactions with them roasting the shit out of each other, and I think Sabo brings the softness needed. I mean, had he and Ace interacted in their early 20s I think there would definitely be sibling ribbing, but I guess I'll never know that for sure :) :) :) I'd've loved to see it though! :) :) :)
But at least Sabo can be soft and baby the baby brother. And you know what? Luffy deserves hugs! And I'm sure Sabo does too! And hell! Throw Ace in there too! He also deserves hugs!
He's also part of the Revolutionary Army, that much I know for sure, so he is absolutely out there doing some much needed shit (Luffy also does liberation every now and then, but he doesn't exactly go out of his way to do it like the R.A. does, he more happens upon it as he goes lol) And we've already met some cool-ass R.A. members (IVA!!!), so he's in good company. Also - side tangent - but Luffy adopted him as his brother, Garp adopted him as his grandson, and Dragon essentially adopted him as a son, so all I'm sayin' is..... Monkey D. Sabo?????? (eyes emoji) [I'm on desktop so I can't do emojis]
Anyway! Can't wait to meet Sabo! Can't wait to see him be absolutely baller!! Can't wait for him to see Luffy again!!! Can't wait to find more reasons to love him than the bare minimum I know about him!!!!
Luffy- Luffy is literally The best MC of any shōnen anime ever and nothing can change my mind about that. I have watched nearly 500 episodes of One Piece and Luffy is one of my top favorite characters, and that says something cause the MC's are usually never even close to my top favorites. Ever.
Like, I watched all 720 episodes of Naruto, and Team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura) are some of my least favorite guys in the show, I'm not gonna lie!! Like, I don't hate Naruto or Sakura, but because of their obsession with Sasuke (worst character, sorry Sasuke stans) it makes them SO boring to me. (I could so easily rant about Naruto, but this isn't about him lol, but I'm just sayin' you hit Shippuden and he gets real dull. And just to compare- 500 episodes of Naruto counts the first 220 from the original and then 280 of Shippuden so 500 in is a little over halfway through Shippuden, so I was basically over Naruto as an MC by then. ANYWAY! Enough about him!)
There's so much to love about Luffy. He comes out of the gate being Iconic as fuck in episode 1 and he STAYS that way! He stays that way but he also grows, but even after character growth moments he stays the same goofy guy in the end and I love that! He has a death grip around embodying joyous whimsy. It probably helps that he starts his journey already knowing who he is and what he wants. There is little in the way of self-doubt, and I love the confidence he has in himself and his dream and in others.
I also love that sometimes he's a little rude-ass! Okay, well he's blunt, so sometimes he comes off as rude, but it's funny as fuck. I also love that he displays many AuDHD symptoms, it makes him feel more relatable in some ways.
He's also just so emotionally intelligent. I mean, can he read the room most of the time? Not to save his goddamn life! But is he a great judge of character? Always. He is a ride or die homie! He often feels overly optimistic, but he's also so realistic in those tougher situations or decisions he has to make and I appreciate that kind of depth in a character, and it's SO important for an MC to have those traits! He knows when it's okay to be silly and when he HAS to be serious. And he doesn't mind relying on his friends!!! I see so many main characters insisting they can do something on their own, but Luffy admits time and time again that he DOES need to rely on his friends because they have skills he doesn't! He lifts others up and values them for the qualities they don't always see in themselves! I love him so much.
HE IS ASEXUAL!!! Like it's actually been very heavily implied and there is contextual evidence for it in canon. For example: he has these interactions with Boa Hancock whose Devil Fruit power turns horny people to stone (yeah), and when she tried using it on Luffy LITERALLY nothing happens to him. Aro/Ace King!!! (Again, I'm also aroace so that's why this scores big points with me!) Luffy will never go to horny jail, and good for him!
I also think there is a subtle but noticeable shift in his behavior when his brothers are around (well I can only really use Ace as an example here). But in a different way than Ace, because Luffy is the baby. Like Ace goes gremlin mode, and I think Luffy slips a bit into baby mode. It's harder to see the difference because Luffy is always kind of silly, but when Ace was around he feels a little more like he's clinging to his brother in a way. And to be fair Ace sort of lets him. Like in Alabasta before Luffy realized Ace was there, he was doing his damndest to use the one braincell he has to think through his predicament when encountering Smoker, even if it meant just running away from a fight he probably wanted to have but knew he couldn't win so he didn't engage. But the moment Ace stepped in and told Luffy not to worry about Smoker he was kind of like "oh yippie! :) Okay! Yayyy! <3" and just did what big bro said.
Idk how he'd be with Sabo, but I think he'd be even MORE of a baby around him because I feel like Sabo would let him get away with it more than Ace would.
I just like imagining the siblings having fun and doing sibling things together and everyone is happy and alive :) I love them! I I love the potential! I love what we could have haaaaaaaaaaad!!!!
Sorry this is so long. I love One Piece if you couldn't tell. And this could've been WAY longer. I really, really tried to hold back. But, erm, Your Honor, I love One Piece... I know some crimes can never be forgiven -_-'
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
Please do the Chris Evans pottery fic! I legit have always thought about for years! Like him taking a night class or a private class for anxiety or hobby (that Scott guilted him to take) so he doesn’t get recognized and the reader (please preferably male) vaguely knows who he is and doesn’t care and teaches him and he falls in love with reader. Like a slow burn. Bro please I’m on my knees begging 🙏 your writing is god tier for Chris fics
related to this
First and foremost I have to say, goddamn, you really went back into the archives to find that post 💀💀 don't get me wrong, I appreciate the hell out of you for that but, also, oof, have I already been on Tumblr for 3 fucking years!?
What? When?
Second, I actually never thought too much about that idea haha. I just couldn't get past the idea of Chris using his hands in that way 🥴 because look, I'm much more of a sculptor than a potter, but it has never been lost on me (a) how much skill it takes to throw on the wheel, and (b) how fucking hot it can look lmao
So, because I never thought too deep about the idea beyond the look, I have to say That's A 👏🏻 Top 👏🏻 Notch 👏🏻 Idea 👏🏻
I love that idea, like:
Chris rolls up to a night pottery class with a baseball cap pulled down real low, trying not to be noticed, squeezing his shoulders in to be less big and noticeable.
You notice him though--he looks a little funny, trying so hard not to stand out and obviously not realizing that a long sleeve, chunky cardigan is 100% the wrong thing to wear when you're about to be playing with clay. But, you don't care about him being Mr. Movie Star (or dressed badly for this activity lol) because, obviously, if he's here for a class, he wants to learn
(Later you'll learn that Scott was the one to push him into it, telling him, lovingly, to quit just talking about beginning to work with his hands and actually Do It)
and so, he's gonna learn.
You are the teacher though, so... it's your duty to keep the secret that Captain America is in their midst.
(But that won't keep you from teasing him subtlety by asking him if he'd perhaps like a blue or red or clear glaze)
Chris might not pick up the skill of throwing as quickly as some of the others (mostly because he's never messed with clay before while many of the other students have even if it was years ago in high school or college or wherever), but he's dedicated.
He puts his all into learning throwing.
You learn quickly, instructing Chris, that he has this tendency to squeeze a little too hard and over-correct the clay. The strength he's got comes in handy with wedging clay and assisting in reconstructing the electric kilns by putting in the heavy shelves, but, when on the wheel, it's not about how hard you can press the clay, how hard you can squeeze it, or anything like that (unless you're working on huge, HUGE projects with massive amounts of clay... but, these students are not there yet). It's about letting your hands glide over the clay, it's encouraging the clay to stretch and compress delicately.
Pottery very much more finesse than force.
And you tell him that a lot in the beginning, "relax, for now, don't try to control it too much. Try to let go and just feel. Keep your elbows anchored in your hips and thighs, but, otherwise, stay loose and relaxed. Breath out. Sink into it, y’know? Relax."
Chris laughs, looking up at you from the little mound of clay he's been centering on his wheel head, "I didn't know this would be so... spiritual? I mean, shit, this feels like therapy."
"Ha," you say, "just be glad it's therapy and not Ghost."
Chris chuckles, "are those my only two options?"
"Right now, rookie? Yes." You point back at his unattended and still spinning wheel, "now, please put your nose back to the grindstone before I'm forced to saddle up behind you. I don't need to be shot in the streets before I get hands-on with my teaching"
You swear, under that cap and beard, Chris blushes. But. He also gets back to work, so... you can't be sure you're not just seeing things 👀
There are a lot of little moments like that throughout the class. Flirting. Maybe. Maybe not. Chris might just be that charming. You can't be too sure.
It's very charming to watch Chris pick up his wobbly creations after they've been put through the bisque kiln and laugh at their unstable bumps and lumps as he tries to set them flat on the table. Plus, when he sands his pieces, he murmurs to himself, talking about all the silly mistakes he finds. Nail marks. Dips. Bulges. Extra bits of clay he missed when trimming. You swear you hear him call himself a "meatball" once...
That is a challenge to not laugh at, but, you don't because you don't want him to know you're paying such close attention to him. (You can't have favorite students after all 😘)
And later, it's very sweet to watch him admire his first glazed pieces. He's very gentle with them, running his fingers back and forth, back and forth, over the smooth glaze. He seems to enjoy the smooth sensation.
Also, listen, I have no proof but I feel like Chris is gonna be the type of potter that gets Really Messy. Like, clay and slip all over his hands, of course, but also all up his forearms and flecks of it on his face and in his hair. His poor apron and shoes.
Also, I think Chris would be the type of potter that wipes their hands on their thighs over their apron 😮‍💨
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Chris takes one class then another and another. He's getting much, much better.
But, he still looks like he's watching you perform magic when you quickly throw a vace or pie platter for a demonstration. It's really endearing. You'd love to see more of his face while watching you work, but, no matter how good you are at pottery, you can't do it without looking. Not yet... maybe someday, if you keep practicing.
And eventually, I'd like to think that you exchange numbers. Chris no longer takes your class and so it's fair game.
He comes over to your place and you cook a meal together because you already know each other well enough. So, you skip the more public dates that are better for strangers.
Chris seems mystified by the fact that ALL your plates, bowls, mugs, etc. are things you've made. Thrown on the pottery wheel. He just thinks it's very cool and personal. Also, he swears because of taking your class that he can't look at a factory-made plate or bowl or mug the same. They look so plain and lifeless now. In return, you tease that you'd offer to make him a set for his own home as a present (maybe for his birthday or Christmas) but, you're gonna insist that he at least try to make a set himself first.
And, hey, if he needs more encouragement maybe that Ghost option could come true...
Sorry, this is so short but I just had to get some real quick thoughts out between study sessions lol
Thank you so much for bringing this up again and thank you for reading!!
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
Did Philip become a true witch hunter before or after finding Caleb?
I guess you can say it was before because he and Caleb ended up becoming witch hunters. Although, you can also make the argument that they just did this to fit in and didn't actually agree with what the town was doing. After all, I think Evelyn was well-known in Gravesfield, including being around Philip and Caleb (correct me if I'm wrong). I doubt Pip was close to Evelyn, but he clearly didn't care about hurting her until she "took" his brother. Which, I mean, fair x3 WE knew that Caleb was okay, but Philip didn't.
Personally, I think it was afterward when Philip came to Bonesborough, since it confirmed the town's beliefs. Even then, I'm sure learning that Caleb CHOSE to stay there is what tipped Phil over the edge. As I've said before, Caleb didn't deserve to die, but he at least deserved a smack or punch in the face. Granted, we don't know the ages, but even if Philip was a young adult...that hurts. It doesn't matter how old you are when it comes to family disappearing suddenly. Especially when that person is the only family that you have.
Get mad at me for "sympathizing" Belos, but he is a tragic character. He mirrors Luz for a reason, after all. Plus, at least with Luz, not only did she have a support system, she also had a way to keep in contact with her mom. Philip had none of that. No way to know if Caleb was alive or dead. He just had to keep going in a land that was offered no explanation to him and was seen as something to be terrified of. (Though Boiling Isles is terrifying. These people legit live on a corpse lol).
So, yeah. I think Philip became fully a witch hunter after finding Caleb and, possibly, more so after killing him. Belos didn't descend into madness, he plummeted straight into the abyss.
Side note: Thanks, Disney. We're never gonna have the full story, so we gotta guess this shizz. You're so amazingly inclusive /sarcasm :3
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Confession I actually don't get mvd Garroth at all
Not one bit
He makes no sense, he is so confusing
He ran away and didn't want to become a lord and doesn't want to that that role, probably because his father was a tyrant and he doesn't want to end up like his father
So why is he now acting like a tyrant? Having others do legit everything for him instead of doing it himself. He has money to spare but everyone's legit dying due to a lack of food. Why can't he get them more food with that? The village should be thriving if he has all that money.
And actually everything confuses me about him, he so desperately wants to believe Zenix can be good and seems to care for him greatly yet he puts Zenix in harm's way.
He cares so deeply for Zenix but when it comes to Zane he was suddenly "evil since he was born".
He is so rude yet he is also, according to the wiki, too sweet to come up with insults.
Yet he is capable of saying Laurance should khs for turning into a shadowknight.
But he also acts like an ass throughout the entirety of mcd season 3. Like the biggest asshole I have ever seen. I despise him in season 3.
He makes no sense to me.
If any certified Garf lovers want to defend your mans, please feel free to do so, this is a discussion, i'm just explaining my perception on the evidence i have witnessed in my rewatch.
Since 'head guard' is mostly a made-up role for MCD, we don't really know what it... entails. We know he does do some work, but for all we know, Garroth's job could literally be 'telling people to do jobs'... but there's a line...
he pressured aph into BUILDING A BOAT, and then was like 'ohhh yeah also this fully grown man hasnt told me he needs help but i want you to help him by doing this task for him'... and it's just... She's not in a position to say no? But the dialogue options make it very clear that Aphmau doesn't want to do this, even if she agrees (the yes option is 'Uh... sure...')
In EARLY MCD, it does make sense why he has money and yet pd has no food, since they have NO TRADE AT ALL. It isn't until Brendan builds a dock and Paul shows up and stuff that they get any trade, and Garroth does immediately spend like 27 diamonds worth on seeds... so there's that, at least. But I feel like Jesson could've done more to establish that he really did put all of his money into his community, if he had a lot, because that would do a lot to show that he's given up the noble lifestyle in favour of living in a village community like a proper little guy.
Garroth putting Zenix into harms way is what's most bizarre to me. Because it isn't even just neglect of his safety, but also his well-being. After the boat explosion, when Zenix literally says to aphmau that he was on patrol in the area, like he was so close to being injured too (which is traumatising enough), and then talks about how the whole situation feels really familiar to him, and he's very clearly disturbed... And yet he is the sole person tasked with cleaning up the post-explosion beach... hm.
With the Zane thing, i will give him this, i do kinda get it... He saw Zane slowly turn into their father, a man who Garroth was already perceiving as evil, and for most of his life would've had the perception that his brother was not a good person. But he trusted Zenix... he thought Zenix was good, and then he was betrayed, and it was sudden, and there was no warning. He is able to go 'Zane was always evil' because he always saw Zane as evil, but he believed Zenix was good because that was how he saw him. People argue that pride isn't an accurate descriptor for Garroth, but if there's one thing Laurence does, it is read a bitch to death, and Garroth's perceptions of people are very heavily rooted in his perceptions of himself, and he does not like being wrong. He thought Zenix was one way, and he will not accept that he was not correct about that.
But... uh...
yeah no, Garroth is INCREDIBLY rude lol. it's kinda... a whole thing.
It's not really insults tho... moreso just... bigotry and being an asshole.
like telling Aph that he preferred when Laurence was blind because it was like 'having a lion with no teeth'. That... is rude... that's actually really rude lol. He also does the whole 'you're prettier when you smile' routine on Aph iirc, and generally just says things which arent *insults* but he is being a dick, undeniably.
im not sure how much of that we can blame on HIM vs Jesson tho...
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bisluthq · 4 months
If that story is true, I wouldn't call it efficiently but more like surgically clean. And not in a good way. More like yeah you just got here and my things aren't here anymore by the way cause I'm leaving kind of thing which is quite brutal I feel like. You don't even give the other person time to process, it feels very impersonal I think that's the correct word.
Sure there's really not an easy way to do it, but coming home to your partner's things being gone feels really awful. And if they went through your own things and did that too and then they're like oh by the way your things are ready too so you can leave, it's too much. I go crazy when people meddle with my things so that definately wouldn't do well with me.
But overall I'm trying to picture this happening and sounds like something legit traumatizing to go through. And your partner doing things in a way that just ripped the bandaid off without consulting you sounds awful. And then you find out she didn't even care and left you for someone else. Damn I would legit go insane. I hope at the very least Taylor didn't go this far, like he wasn't even as bad to deserve that much
I mean the story implied she packed her things and left his for him to decide what to do with which like yes is mean but… I still vote efficient? She was ready to go lol like she’d fully made up her mind and I think she didn’t want the drama of “well is there anything I can still try to do to make this work?” by that stage. I mean obviously I’d also hate it like if I came home and my partner’s shit was gone - that logistically couldn't happen in my specific case but like in theory - but if it did I would be incredibly impressed by the efficiency of the process. I’d be like “this was cunty but certainly extremely organized, I guess” 💀💀💀💀
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beevean · 1 year
I think Frontiers has such low replay value for a few reasons:
While you can traverse the islands non-linearly, there is legit just very little that rewards your curiosity. There's no cool hidden items that you can find if you search for them, at most a few pretty places you probably would have gone to anyway if you want to complete the map for 100% each. So once you've gone and fully completed each map, you've basically seen it all already.
The game can be rather rail-roading: on Chaos Island, for example, there's a few smaller islands you can basically only ever go through in the same one or two ways. Picking the wrong way will bring you to a place where you don't need to go to anymore. Good luck if you can't find the correct paths, though, because it is very difficult to make out just where the heck rails and the like lead you.
Talking about the items: there's like... five, six of them total to be found on the map? You've got the attack and defence fruits, the Koco, the memory tokens, Experience Points, rings... and that is basically the gist of it, even if I feel like I'm forgetting stuff (which is not a good sign at all, since that means it is forgettable). It gets very boring very quickly to have those be the only things you ever find. To bring back BotW, if you went out of your way to go explore the game usually rewards you with a strong weapon or useful item... because it's got hundreds of weapons and items you can collect. Not just a mere six or so on the islands, who eventually become moot anyway if you've fully upgraded Sonic and his skill tree.
The world is just empty. There's legit nobody interesting to talk to, other than perhaps Sage and Sonic's friends, who disappear afterwards from those spots. And furthermore, they have the problem that you can go through their developments completely unhingedly depending on where you find them, so you can easily have Sonic and Sage chat cordially on the final island and then go back to the first and have her be blunt and rude instead. I would have liked a 'good ending' where Sonic helped his friends and Sage through taking the time to talk to them fully on each island before going to the next and a 'bad ending' where he did not do that, but alas...
So yeah, overall the replay value is low because once you've put in some effort on your first run, there is nothing that rewards you for doing more. Everything you get is the same constantly, and if you went and 100% completed the maps and talked to everyone the first time, there's just nothing new to be found on new playthroughs.
Btw I should add that the game has such poor replayability to me that I haven't even picked it up despite the various updates throughout the year already, so maybe things have become better and I just haven't noticed them yet. Maybe😅
As always, huge W for ShTH, King of Replay Value ❤️
I'm starting to think that it's not my issue if I can't watch a playthrough of the game without getting bored lol. But more seriously, it's a shame, because Sonic games have usually high replay value, through their level design with multiple routes or the ranking system, or exceptional cases like Advance 3's gimmick.
Sage was really wasted. Her interactions with Sonic are 99% "you will die" "how?" "go fuck yourself I'm not telling you", until we're supposed to care about her and her NANANANANANA. A sidequest where you have to make the effort to befriend Sage? Teach her what a loving relationship is, making her realize that Eggman doesn't actually care about her like she hoped to? And maybe unlocking her as help during the final boss? It would have been something new and interesting! oh well.
(also yeah I read that part about Khaos Island. It doesn't sound fun. Why rail road part of your open world like that?)
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emblazons · 2 years
Do you actually think The Duffers are just 'doing a bit' after today's tweet? The fact that they acknowledge there is something to people forgetting Will's birthday seems pretty legit to me.
I'm gonna keep it real with you anon—considering what I've seen the Duffers say about the entirety of Will's "forgotten birthday" concerns in interviews, I'm not sold on very many theories about Birthdaygate.
I know a lot of you are birthdaygate truthers, so a cut for your sake lol.
The first thing that got me about it was the fact that the entirety of the "theory" was built on a single second clip from a recording of El's bullying at Roller Rink—which stands in comparison to a single line Joyce says two seasons earlier.
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Now, even knowing how much The Duffers care about details, these two things (in light of the fact that this fact has no other baring anywhere in the narrative) doesn't really strike me as "we are trying to tell you something in the subtext / minutiae," though I could be wrong...which I would accept, if it weren't for what The Duffers have said about it when questioned repeatedly.
When addressing "Birthdaygate," this is what they've said about it (and in Variety, one of the largest media outlets in the U.S. no less) after admitting that one of their "super fans" in connection with Netflix (lovingly) reminded them that they didn't get it right...and them apologizing for the mistake doesn't track AT ALL with their ongoing record of correcting even the smaller news outlets and fans lying/misleading people about their scripts, recuts, narrative news, projects or even little details.
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Like? That doesn't really read as "we're hiding a plot point from you" for me...and even actors who have been asked about it say the same.
Even so...it was these lines by Matt that truly convinced me them forgetting was an accident, because Matt (as THE resident "the writing matters / it it doesn't make narrative sense don't do it" truther) saying this actually makes the most sense of all.
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Like? Matt says that forgetting Will's birthday and treating it as the show did doesn't make any narrative sense, and they know it! Which is why them acknowledging the mistake in a humorous way (and even lowkey implying they might mention it in S5 because of how sad it is / how hilarious it is that they forgot such a thing)—
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—sounds a hell of a lot more "on brand" than a conspiracy theory about a birthday to me...even with the lost episode title card.
Now. I could be wrong, and I absolutely willing to be wrong should Will's birthday be a core detail to the mysteries of S5. But for now, does most (if not all of the evidence) make it seem like this was a small mistake that has blown into something huge and hilarious in the fandom?
all signs point to yes. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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sidsinning · 2 years
I'm sorry for dropping into your askbox but I had to reach out to a fellow WTVL hater.
I'm rereading this manhwa after a very long time (only doing it because I remember being fond of OG!Libertia and want to make an AU where she gets the love and freedom she deserves), I'd dropped it a short while after the MC started becoming friends with Daniel and...
I want to like Daniel, I really do, brown haired and brown eyed MLs are rarer than gold in manhwa, I like characters and stories whose country was colonized by empires and they fight back to reclaim it (no clue if Daniel ever does that tho), it's said that he cares about his underlings, etc etc
I just wanted to share my WTVL salt 😑 Do you have some more salt to share, if you would? Also, does the story ever tell us what exactly is Up with Libertia's maternal family???? If it doesn't I'm not gonna keep reading...
I read spoilers about it since I didn't care about the webtoon anymore LMAO
SPOILERS OG!Libertia and the FL are actually sisters or something and OG!Libertia gave her life for the FL to live I think??? Correct me on this bc legit I have forgotten the plot LMAO
I think they should spend WAY more time on their relationship than her and the boring ass ML Daniel, like I could give less of a shit about his whole empire revenge thing bc he is just so uncharismatic and bland
And I don't like brown hair on MLs (personal preference here lol)
And FL pisses me off especially when she's with Daniel bc they have no chemistry and she is at her dumbest with him
She really is no different from the OG heroine ending up with a crazy dude
Except she's worse bc she was deadass told "hey I wanna kill you" by her man but fucks with him anyways lol. The heroine has no idea her man is crazy, and the dude doesn't want to kill her at all, so her liking him makes more sense even if she's airheaded LOL. And I only say this bc she judges the heroine for being dumb when!!! You are dumber than her me thinks!!!
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
Not SnC related, but what are your thoughts on Matt Rife? Last I checked, Sam still followed him on IG 🤷🏼‍♀️
matt rife is a very interesting person lol
i never really saw him blow up on tiktok (or at least on my fyp) but i had heard about him and some of the thirst edits that had been shared about him. and i knew overall that a lot of ppl, women mostly, found him hot.
what i find the most fascinating about him is how much of a case study he really is for confidence and how important that can be to the success or downfall of a person.
(this became so long i'm sorry lol)
so idk if it's true that he got surgery done to make his face look more manly. i know he admitted to the veneers, i believe, but they wouldn't have changed up his face that much. so... i'm gonna believe the possible filler allegations lol
i think one of the reasons why things kinda fell off for him is bc he wasn't confident in himself whatsoever, and then like most men who feel like shit, he took it out on women.
bc let me tell you a little something about myself: i have been plus size my entire life. came out the womb with thunder thighs. not even joking about that. for years, and i mean years, i legit thought if i could just be skinny, i'll be happy. if i could just look like what ppl want me to look like, i'll feel better about myself. and it took til i was about 25ish to finally realize being skinny was NEVER gonna make me magically like myself. i had lost weight before, 40 pounds one time, 60 pounds another. but it never made me like myself. sure, i guess i felt better in the moment. but the quiet would set back in, and i would go back to shitting on myself.
losing weight and getting down to the "correct" size was never going to happen. i was never gonna be satisfied. bc at the end of the day, i still hated myself. i still deeply thought i was ugly. i could lose 100s of pounds and still think i wasn't good enough. not to mention, i wanted to be known for more than just my weight. i was a whole person, regardless of my size.
and i think matt kinda had a similar thing happen.
i think he always had an issue with himself, his face particularly. and while, yeah - plenty of ppl thought he was kinda funny - he wasn't conventionally attractive (in his own eyes and to others). so he felt like no one cared about him. so he figured, if i could just get hot, ppl will care about me and my comedy.
but the exact opposite happened. he changed up his face, got it to match the portrait in his mind of what he "deserved" to look like, but he never worked on himself internally. he never fixed the broken parts of himself. so when suddenly, all of these women are giving him attention - it almost proved the little voice in the back of his head "see, all they did care about was my looks. i got held back in life bc i was ugly". even tho reality is, that's not what happened. he felt like shit about himself, ppl don't naturally gravitate towards unconfident ppl. if you don't like yourself, a lot of ppl will take advantage of that. that's just life.
and not only was that little voice proven "right", all anyone could talk about anymore was his looks (tho he also played a huge role in that). when all he wanted was to be known for was his comedy. but he thought the reason he wasn't succeeding was bc of his looks.
when in actuality, he just... wasn't funny. or really, wasn't as funny as he thought he was.
this all being said, if he actually worked on himself internally, he wouldn't have gotten himself into this mess. do i think he's funny? eh, i guess. but like any man, him make "women kitchen = funny" jokes really puts a damper on the a, being funny aspect he takes pride in and b, being attractive. i feel like a lot of men don't realize how quickly they self sabotage their own happiness by HATING ON THE GENDER THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO.
and sam following him... honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if he only follows him bc matt is friends with elton and they're all on somewhat decent terms again.
quick note to matt: hating on astrology is really dumb, coming from the dude that has gone ghost hunting and believes. babe, you might think i'm weird bc i believe in planets and their alignment meaning something, but you're scared of something that isn't even tangible.... at least i know the planets actually fucking exist.
(i also believe in ghosts, but at least i don't pretend to be on a high horse about it)
also talking about a partner's nether regions and saying how they are unattractive to you IS CRAZY when i know dicks 9 times out of 10 literally look like shriveled up limp mini hot dogs.......... you have a lot of room to be talking, my guy.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
The misogyny in how 2012 fan portray April and Donnie makes me wanna cry. They complain and how the show doesn't have one well written female character, which is correct( excluding Mona but I believe that's because they didn't give her enough screen time to fuck her up). But instead of writing her better that write her with every misogynistic trope in the book
They forget that behind every sexualised female TEEN character their is a GROWN Man writing her behind the scenes
Like ppl will only bash April for "leading donnie on" but like you guys are forgetting that Donnie was a creep who couldn't take a hint to save his life😭
The problem isn't the characters it's the writers/j
The writers couldn't write a love triangle to save their lives so I say we need to all come together and make the triangle an actual triangle and put donnie April and Casey in a loving poly relationship. Boom. Genius isn't it 😌
But I'm atleast glad that the fandom is atleast recognising how shitty everything was now because a few years ago April hate was so terrifying mehn. It got me scared and shit like yes she was ass but she was ass when she was put in a room with Donnie😭😭.
Anyway nerves I think you would love the 2012 series because it just fits your vibes so much lol. Like when I first read your work I was surprised to know you haven't yet watched 2012.
I think you'll love casey x Donnie. They are literally so mean to eachother but in affectionate way but that's in a later season
i've heard that 2012 does have issues with its female characters, yeah. especially with shipping and like, the whole karai-leo situation.... fasdjfsdg. i don't usually think that leading someone on is even a serious accusation tbh. you'd have to be legit manipulating them for me to give a shit so unless she was doing that like... Who Cares. EVEN if she was doing that, who cares???? shes like 15 and fictional, it's whatever.
sidenote i like that the turtles just ate fucking. algae sludge and worms. their whole life. thats insane, splinter used to be a whole human man and he just settled for algae sludge?? i love it.
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zushimart · 11 months
I think him not deleting himself is a better way for the story when it comes to meeting the people he's affected, I just think that the way he deleted himself was better way for the story for himself. I think they handled his attempted suicide and attempt to fix things really well, because not only does it show that you can't actually change the past or future of teyvat unless you're an alien variable, but also that he was willing to take his life for a person he spent hundreds of years "hating" just because he learned they didn't betray him. It just fits really well with how he still hadn't moved on from the death of the first people who let him exist as himself.
I'm explaining this kinda messy because I'm hungry rn :/ but what I mean is I think what they did with the story was the best for both teyvat lore in general and also his own self, but if he's to meet the inazuma squad in an event or something I think it's gonna be kinda messy to write it well. Like maybe they'll just include a line that's like "oh yeah the traveller told me about you etc etc" and I don't really want that, but I also don't want one of those black background white text "wanderer explains what he did in the past" so even though I really like the way it's written I'm kinda worried for the conclusion of his own arc (kaedehara buddhist enlightenment) because I can't think of a way to show it well without it being either very long or anticlimactic
YESSSS i agree with you onn that. i think ive talked about how i do like (from a storytelling perspective, not.. you know.. LOL) the severity and SWIFTNESS of his decision to erase (kill) himself. it was very stomach-dropping in the moment if you were someone that already cared about him. i actually remember putting the game down and walking over to my roommate to just sit in silence for a little bit LMFAOOO. it exemplifies how impulsive & swayed by emotion he is and just how deeply his self hatred motivates his actions as well as his EXTREME DESIRE to love and trust others (and how he felt like he couldnt for so so so long). but i also think it effectively shook any mistaken preconceptions other players might have had if they werent as invested in his character (people who thought he was irredeemably evil or inherently malicious in character, it's pretty hard to believe that about someone who can regret their actions so much and so quickly and immediately try to correct what he's done at his own expense). i'll try and go find & reblog my initial thoughts ab the quest tbh i wanna go reread what i wrote.
from like an authorial perspective, erasing himself from irminsul feels very much like one of those "i want to write this so bad because i think it is a fascinating development for this character, but it does not fit in with what i want to do with this character in the future and therefore might be more trouble than its worth as it undermines other plot points i would like to achieve with this character" which when i encounter that i usually write the scene to get the inspiration OUT but treat it as a separate timeline or a "what if."
this is legit completely personal opinion so it doesnt rly fucking matter at all but i honest to god don't find "no matter what you do, the past cannot be changed" something to be particularly interesting. so i guess thats why i have so many qualms with this direction. maybe its bc like. duh. to me. and maybe bc im not particularly invested in the overall story, so i didn't catch anything it might move along in the traveler's development. So i guess thats why im a believer in 'this could have been done differently and better. some Other way for him to find out about niwa.' especially because i've already had a myriad of qualms with the storytelling regarding scara before this point. so my perspective is a bit warped by opinions .
i think i just HATTTE the clunkiness that i expect to follow in regards to his character relationships. like there is something so uncomfortable about it to me like, i just.. u word it very well. it's gonna be Messy. and im always stressed about "messy," especially because i already felt like the storytelling behind his resolution was Already messy. the quest itself re-iterated his past .. so many times... i remember getting Annoyed... (through a) already accessible lore, b) that stupid academic paper, c) irminsul scene d) the "storybook", ANDDD e) re-living his memories... it felt very repetitive, almost overkill to me). so im just dreading what's to come especially if has to re-hash things to characters in-game that have already been explained to the player literally four sometimes five times over. i just want to get to new developments, NEW plot-points, NEW storylines and i want them to be COMPELLING and i want him to develop COMPLEX and MOVING and STRONG character relationships.
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ravenlking · 2 years
If it's not too much trouble, I'd like hdcns for pomefiore and if you want, a character you prefer ^^ with a religious reader fem~ but her personality is the opposite of what was expected xd, a little rebellious and stubborn at the same time hehe and that's it, thanks <3 I send you a kiss from a distance ^^)/
𝐏𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐄 (𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐓, 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓, 𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐋 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐑) headcanons of them with religious-ish MC!
gender-neutral warnings: - implied relationships :D - religious aspects genre: fluff a/n: - i'm not really as religious as my parents think lol- so i'm sorry if this is a bit offensive (please correct me if something turns out to be a bit too offensive or disrespectful) - give me feedback pls- let me know if this was accurate to what you thought! - these banners belong to me bc I made them, but the pictures are from the official game. please do not steal! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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the first time you met him, you legit thought he was god. or, at least an angel.
have you seen how perfect he looks?? hello, no mortal would be able to have such perfect face like his
don't worry, vil's just flattered that you thought of him that way.
when you reveal to him that you're religious, vil immediately takes note of what you can't do or can't eat (aka muslims can't eat pork, that kind of things) and changes your skin care routine.
yes, he doesn't care. in his acting career, he's met hundreds of actors. at least a few of them would be religious in some of way; they probably talked to vil about this so he knows a bit.
sometimes, he may be a bit forgetful (despite how otherworldly beautiful he is, he is still human afterall) about your religion's rules, but he will always apologize and start over, this time, respecting it. he will never forget it again, he loves you too much to not do so.
additionally, he also checks the library for more information. he wants to make sure that he's absolutely perfect for you and won't accidently taint your relationship together with his careless behavior.
all in all, i would rate vil a 8/10 (he lost two points because i think he would also be a bit too much at first, especially if you're just a casual religious person, not totally)
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Rook already knew. He knows. Everything.
Okay, seriously though, Rook is highly respectful of your boundaries. if you need personal space because you're not allowed to be super intimate until marriage, rook would immediately note that down and implement it into your daily routine together.
he's also quite surprised. from what he's read and gathered, most religious people would be very into their religion. like, it would dictate what they would do and eat. but you're kinda...rebellious in a way?
like you sometimes say "i swear to god" and rook would be like "isn't that disrespectful??"
but rook takes note of everything. whenever you casually say that you can't eat a specific food, pomefiore dinners never have it ever again. you say you need a certain time to pray? rook already handled it, your schedule (since when did you have one??) was already cleared out and perfectly arranged
all in all, i would rate rook a 10/10 (dude's literally gonna memorize everything about you so he's never gonna mess up)
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I think Epel would be the least informed about religion. like he lives in the countryside, you rarely get highly religious ppl there so he might accidently be disrespectful and rude.
don't worry gang! once you inform him about your religion and what is allowed/not allowed, epel's so flustered that his whole face resembles an apple. he immediately stutters out an apology before running away. you're left alone in the corridor, a confused look on your face as you watch him dash away.
unbeknowst to you, he runs to the library to read up more about it to make sure he never does it again. you're his friend damn it- he's gonna make sure he's the best friend ever!
all in all, i would rate epel a 9/10
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