#Do you think the droughts won't affect you or what.
1st-worldsaver · 5 months
On a different note, feeling absolute despair over the nicaraguan government reviving the rainforest-flooding environmentally disastrous dead project that is the interoceanic canal, as if the Panama canal isn't literally in crisis right at this very moment because of droughts
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elbiotipo · 5 months
in the face of things like the floods in Brazil, how do you have ANY hope that the biosphere won’t be completely and utterly destroyed? I’m at my wit’s end. It seems like we’ve passed the point of no return. There isn’t any hope
how do you keep motivated
The biosphere won't ever be completely and utterly destroyed. Unless an asteroid impact boils the oceans away, that's just hyperbole.
And the FIRST thing you need to stop doing about climate change right now is hyperbole, because 1) that's the new strategy of "let's keep things as they are" people, "climate change is irreversible and we're all doomed so why do anything" and 2) it makes people to think you don't know what you're talking about and you're just a pointless doomer so they don't even listen. I'm a biologist, but you also should know what biosphere is, you know our biosphere has passed through several mass extinctions and has survived. Use the right terms.
What do I mean by this, am I being a condescending pedant? No, well maybe a little and I apologize, but my point is, it means that to talk about climate change, you need to know what's at risk. It's not "the Earth will warm 2°C and EVERYTHING WILL DIE", it's NOT. Global warming in such a short timescale means the disruption of global climate and weather in unpredictable ways which leads to natural catastrophes such as these. It means the disruption of ecosystems and agroecosystems because of this, in ways that we don't fully understand because it involves many factors. At the very worst case scenario, it means crop failures with all that implies, and we've already seen this with droughts, but even then, it would require adaptation and food distribution, just as today. There is a lot more to climate change, but what's important here is that it doesn't mean that we will all catch fire or drown when the average temperature reaches a certain degree. There is not such thing as a "point of no return".
What can we do about this? First of all, assist those who are inmediatly affected by these natural disasters. Second of all, recognize that these things will increase and start building up measures against it; change land use and preserve forests and wetlands so that floods have natural sinks, build defenses and canals in cities, reforest and protect land affected by drought, every place will have to adapt in a different way. Third, and this is already happening, transition away from fossils and aim at decarbonization, not only stop emissions but actually reverse them.
I say this is already happening because as of right now, solar and wind energy is at its cheapest ever and coal plants aren't being built nearly anywhere anymore. This transition is going through very rough times as the fossil fuel industries are very powerful, and this is why governments need to be pressured by popular action to complete it once and for all. But the results are already there. The worst case scenario of a 4°C warming planet, which would have meant crop failures and total melting of the ice caps, is increasingly far away, we are NO longer in the business as usual scenario. Are we there yet? No. Is a warming over 1.5°C inevitable? Most probably yes. Will this cause disasters and will require a tremendous effort to fight back? Definitevely. But every effort counts. Every coal plant that closes, every hectare of forest preserved, every time people choose nature over profit, every effort counts towards keeping us away from catastrophe.
Do you efffort then! Go get educated instead of dooming, learn what a biosphere is! And a biosphere isn't a small thing, you won't save it alone. It will take the efforts of millions of people to protect it. Millions of people who are already hard at work. Educate yourself and join them!
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hoenn-hakase · 2 months
I don't normally get this personal, so sorry if I'm still being vague about things. But, um…. I need help.
I've been a caretaker for my grandma for about a decade now and as such, I've never had a full time job since I made my schedule around taking care of her. My main job is as a substitute teacher, which means I don't get paid for the summer. This usually isn't a problem, just a stretch since I try to save what I can during the school year since I know this drought is coming and then my grandma helps me take care of the bills until school gets back in session and we could breath again. This year though has had The Worst Summer Ever with my family in crisis mode for over a month now due to my grandma's sudden health decline; and between hospital visits, gas, and food when I haven't been home long enough to cook, I've burned through my savings since it has been a lot of unexpected expenses while not wanting to touch my grandma's money while she was incapacitated. But even that's been burned through in using her funds to pay our monthly bills. I… I won't be taking care of her this school year, and I had planned on trying to be more active in my online works too, since I thought I would have some more free time in the summer. This really only affects my side blogs, but I thought I might include my Kofi page every time I post stuff I made / wrote. I'm not sure if my stuff is worth much, but I'd much rather try to earn something than start up a GoFundMe since I feel like I'm not in dire enough circumstances for that. I guess I just wanted to give an explanation for why I started adding links since it might come off as annoying or needy (which I kind of am.) It's not because I suddenly think I'm All That, but if you enjoy what I do, I'd like to keep a roof over my head.
Thank you. 💜
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
Okay so I just wanted to share this idea I had for my story because I think it's cool. So in my greek mythos story, at one point Enyo (thank you for the suggestion of it being Enyo because I couldn't figure out which God would be crazy enough to do this) challenges my MC and another character, a child who is a son of Poseidon, to a duel. The son of Poseidon agrees, as long as it's first to draw blood wins. The boy wins, but Enyo is so pissed off she backstabs him and then flees.
Poseidon: What the fuck! That's not fair, bring him back from the Underworld! Zeus: No, he shouldn't have fought her. Poseidon: She was literally threatening him and the other one. Zeus: Well that sucks for him. You better not retaliate by using storms, earthquakes, or floods. Poseidon: Oh I swear this oath to you, until this gets fixed I won't do anything. Zeus: Tch, okay that's what I want. MC: Am I the only one who knows what he means? So we then cut to four months later, and the humans are suffering from a major drought affecting the lands, there's no fish to be found in the waters, ships struggle sailing from the rough currents, and horses refuse to listen to humans. All the works. At this point MC realizes he's going to have to be the one to go to the Underworld and get the child back. Ares soon shows up to bless him with the strength and courage needed to complete the tasks, all he asks for in return is to be the one to take care of Enyo as he sees fit.
I'm pretty happy with what I got. Pretty excited to write a land plagued by a drought and mortals trying to make sacrifices to appease Poseidon, and Ares helping out a hero on a quest. Now I just need to figure out what tasks my MC will be required to do to bring someone back from the dead.
Oh pretty cool. Also I feel Enyo is the type of gal to just bite her opponent when all else fails lol
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geminitay-quotes · 1 year
Hi! What follows is the original pinned post. However, life is hectic, so I feel the need to add a disclaimer. I will do my best to keep this blog running. However, I am a real person with not so great mental health, which very much affects my ability to keep commitments. You will notice this blog has repeatedly gone through month long droughts of no posts, I cannot promise it won't continue to happen. My apologies in advance, I swear I will do my best. With that out of the way, welcome on in (:
Hello! You can call me mod Raven :) I use she/they pronouns and neos
So what's this about?
Basically, we all know that minecraft youtube has some good quotes, especially taken out of context. I've been hyperfixated on Gem since... 2019? 2020? Somewhere around that time. And as a result, I've gotten lots of fun quotes from various servers, youtube videos, and streams. I'm here to share them with you all, and you guys can share some with me if you so desire :)
How's this gonna work?
It's pretty simple. I put quotes into the queue, which currently is posting once a day. You guys submit an ask or submission with your quotes! Currently I'm answering asks as they arrive, but that is subject to change
Any rules?
Currently not any rules for submissions, though that may change as time goes on. Only rule is that it Must Have Been Said By Gem. Group submissions are allowed, as long as Gem was included in the dialouge (for example, you could submit a Wither Rose Alliance quote, but at least one of the lines must have been said by Gem in order for it to get posted).
I don't really have a DNI list, but I can and will block anyone who I find to be rude, triggering, or just a general unpleasant presence.
Some basic criteria:
Don't be an asshole
No racism, sexism, homophobia, transpobia, ableism, or just general bigotry will be tolerated. Instant block.
I don't care what you do on your own blog, but if you bring any sort of discourse onto my blog that's a no no. It's bad for my mental health, and I can't think of any reason you would feel a need to bring that onto a silly blog where we quote a minecraft woman.
Mod is a minor!! Anybody being sexual, nsfw, or just generally weird will be insta-blocked for my own safety and comfort.
That's it for now! This post will almost certainly be updated but until then, happy submitting everyone!
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Minecraft needs a "Major" update
So I've been playing Minecraft for years. It's one of the greatest video games of all time in my book. But recently, I've been burnt out on doing anything in the block game, whether it be creative OR survival. It's just that I know the grind, and whenever I start a game, I get bored of doing the same thing over and over for materials and such. It's just a product of playing the game over the years. And I'm not saying what the current stuff Mojang is doing is bad, I just feel like we need more. Yes, I get that working on making new content for the game is hard, but I've got an Idea or two that could make things pretty interesting for both newbies and veterans. Tale mode: So, we've gotten some pretty good stories that use Minecraft's world as a Springboard, so why not add that into the game? Tale mode would add new "story" NPC's that would give the player randomly generated quests and/or lore for the world they're in, with a overarching "storyline" NPC companion that would stick with you throughout the game. I think it'd add some sense of accomplishment for the game, and you could do any of the quests at any time, so you wouldn't have to worry about loss of freedom. Different Overworld types: The Overworld is a pretty interesting place, with all sorts of nooks and crannies to explore, but for us veterans, we've seen it all, and all the new stuff that's been added just adds a small section for us to explore. So, to spice things up, let's add/bring back different types of Overworld generation. For what I have in mind, there would be two types of variation; mild and extreme.
Mild variations wouldn't affect the gameplay much, so you would have things like Isle Land: where the player can find many floating chunks of land, Caver's Delight: a world where there are many overhangs and cavern's to explore, and Mountain Madness: Where large mountains dominate the world, surrounded by either a large ocean, or a sea of sand or gravel. Extreme variations would greatly affect how you play the game, so you would have generations like Drought and Good Luck, where the oceans are either almost gone, or replaced with Lava. Caverns of Chaos, which essentially turn the world into a block of swiss cheese. But I've got some ideas of my own.
Administrated: The sky of the world has been covered by a thick layer of bedrock, plunging the world into a chaotic dark. There'd be holes in the bedrock, allowing for light to get through, but no way to get to the top without building your way out. Anarchy: The center of the world is covered in layers of cobblestone and obsidian, you will have to navigate your way out and survive off the harsh wilderness. But you would be able to find more materials on your way out.
Further Lands: The World would be surrounded by generated Farlands, which would offer a unique challenge to player survival and exploration.
Another option I came up with is just a Spice of Life update: Change a few things, like animal behaviors, if you punch one cow, they all panic. Maybe some wolves you encounter won't want to be tamed. Maybe some monsters will pick fights with each other for no reason. I think that giving the mobs some variety in AI behaviors would definitely spice things up a little. You could also change some blocks a little bit, make fragile things like glass and ice break when hit with an arrow! Add some visual effects to blocks like diamond ore, or gold blocks, make them shine a little in the light! Add some alternatives, lead for iron, silver for gold, you can do all the same things with them, they just look different! There's no limit to the things one could do.
But hey, maybe they've got some plans for some of this stuff, idk. If anybody else's got any ideas I'd love to hear em'.
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wastelandnarry · 3 years
Don’t You Remember? - hes
summary: You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said, no final kiss to seal any sins.
author’s notes: Hi everyone! Thanks for the support on kiss in the kitchen! This is inspired by Adele’s Don’t You Remember, I hope you enjoy!
warnings: mentions of infidelity, mentions of alcohol, angst
request || taglist
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If you were being truthful, which most of the time was a hard thing to do, you were full of bitterness and a cold heart sat in your chest. You'd been hurt before, more times than you could count, and had decided that the next time love came around in your life you would not hesitate to kick it back. Your last long-term relationship, which had ended when they'd decided an adventure was calling their name and you had no ticket with them, had left you in pieces. It had left you bouncing from bed to bed, leaving your mark on stranger's lives, but you'd disappeared before the morning sun rose, leaving them alone and cold in a bed you'd forget about before dinnertime. 
But then you met Harry. 
Harry was warm and he made your heart race with every touch he left on your skin. He was golden and beautiful, leaving you breathless as you gazed at him at your side. He was the warm spots in a sunny field where you'd spend all day if you could, reading a book as the breeze blew through your hair on the summer evenings. His smile was addicting and you found yourself stealing it onto your own face a lot of the time. It was as if a force unknown had brought you two together and the world had burst into color. Harry had come into your life like a storm that a drought had desperately needed. He'd stormed in and refused to leave, no matter how fickle your heart had been, he'd stayed and a part of you had been grateful for it. 
It hadn't been a stable relationship, not at all. You'd both been hurt before in the past and that had made it hard for both of you to truly trust each other. It meant that sometimes moments would go from sweet and innocent to cold and distant. It meant that nights together were spent in a tense silence sometimes, or that they'd be cut short before things escalated too far. But you both felt something for one another, something so deep and passionate it spiked fear in your heart. A fear that it was all too good to be true and it was only a matter of time before things blew up like you were used to. 
"Do you think we should go out for dinner? Or maybe we could order in," Harry's voice broke your concentration, your eyes looking up from the computer screen and finding his. 
"Huh? Oh, maybe we should just stay in? It looks pretty shitty outside anyways," you shrugged, your eyes falling back onto the screen as you skimmed through the emails your boss had sent you. 
"Yeah, guess so. And if we go out we won't have a lot of privacy, don't want our last night together for a bit to be full of people wanting pictures," he sighed and shrugged. 
"What? Last night together? What're you on about, Harry?" you frowned, your eyes shooting back up to watch him move around the living room. 
"I leave tomorrow?" Harry chuckled and looked at you with a confused look on his face, "I have to go to Paris to film for a month, remember?"
"That's tomorrow?" you asked and frowned, shaking your head, "I thought you said that was happening in July?" you scoffed. 
"No, we finish shooting in July," he mumbled and sighed, "But you of course weren't paying attention, all you care about is it affects your own life." 
You'd both frozen as the words left his mouth, both too afraid of what would come next if you truly spoke your mind. Yes, you were a bit forgetful when it came to Harry's schedule, but his life had always been hectic, and trying to plan your life around his seemed impossible most of the time.  He'd be gone for weeks on end with no contact and the only way you knew he was safe and alive was when the internet told you so. Your jaw was clenched as you watched him, frozen in place near the entrance of the kitchen. 
"You know what? You're right. I'm just a selfish bitch who only worries about herself and not the fact that her so-called boyfriend is going to be gone for another month," you scoffed as you stood up, sliding on the shoes you'd set by the end of the coffee table, "I hope you have a fucking amazing time in Paris, make sure not to stare at yourself in the mirror too long." you muttered, grabbing your bag as you made your way out of Harry's house. 
You could've stopped and talked it out, like adults, but in all honestly, it had been exhausting already. Every time Harry had to leave for work there was always something he was upset about. At first, it was how distant you became when the day of his departure got closer. Then it was the fact that you always texted him while he was away, something he'd asked you to do in the first place. And now, it was you forgetting his oh-so-important schedule. It was exhausting, trying to talk things out when you knew it never mattered because it was just a matter of time before something new came up between the both of you. So you walked out the door, hoping that maybe Harry would follow after you and for once try to fix this himself, only to be left sitting in your car alone. 
Days turned to weeks and soon enough, two months had passed since you had last spoken to Harry. The spring weather had turned hotter as July rolled in and the hot days became unbearable. Most of your days off were spent trying to distract yourself from the pain in your chest, the pain that had come with the absence of Harry. He hadn't called you since that night when you'd walked out, hadn't tried to text, facetime you, or even email you. He'd left you with silence and it was all because you'd walked out. 
"You always do this to yourself," you thought as you jogged through the empty park, your forehead  shining with the sweat you'd worked up, "You push people and then blame them when they don't come back to you." 
It was true, this hadn't been the first time a relationship had gone to shit because of your fear of getting close. That's all the fight with Harry had been, an excuse to push him away so that you wouldn't end up on the floor with your crushed up heart. Not that it had helped much, but at least you'd ended things in a way that hadn't crushed your entire soul. But finding distractions became harder and harder as the days went on, everything was just so...Harry. 
Some nights, when your favorite bottle of wine ad tempted you into a glass or two, or three, you'd find yourself sitting on the sofa in your apartment. You'd relived that night more time than you could remember, frowning as you couldn't remember whether you'd both said goodbye. That was what had hurt the most, knowing that you loved Harry and through your fear of it, you never even said goodbye or had that final kiss. You'd just left and hoped you'd see him again. 
"Um, hi Harry," you mumbled into your phone, staring up at the ceiling as you took a few seconds to collect your mind. 
Maybe the wine had given you the courage that you didn't know existed, or maybe the pain in your chest from finally realizing he was gone had kicked you into gear. You'd picked up the phone and clicked on his contact, seeing the smiley picture he'd taken one of the first tines you'd hung out as his contact, before calling him up. You'd hoped he was back, not wanting him to be across an ocean where the sun was high in the sky and his voice would answer back. You wouldn't know what to do if he'd actually answered, so his voicemail message had you letting out a sigh of relief. 
"I know that things were left rather...shitty," you mumbled, chewing on your bottom lip as you sorted through your thoughts, "But I just, I want you to know that I think about where it went wrong a lot these days. I thought that if I gave us space and let us both clear our heads we'd be able to fix whatever this is."
It was true, you'd wanted to give him the space to process the fight. You two hadn't been exclusive, something you'd both been pretty open about since the beginning, but you still loved him no matter how much it terrified you. You'd given him the space to breathe and figure out if you and all your issues would be worth it. And now that there had been radio silence for weeks, you decided getting your own closure would send him the message that you understood. 
"I just...I hope you remember the way it was during the good times," you said, the crack in your voice replaced by you clearing your throat, "How soft and whole it was. You made me...gosh, I don't think I've ever felt so loved in my life before."
Loving Harry had always been something you were terrified to admit to yourself. It still was in a way, but you knew you had to tell him the truth, even if it fell on deaf ears. He deserved to know that he was loved and that it was by you. That even if the silence between you two lasted until your last breathes were taken, you had loved him and it had been a privilege to do so. No matter how bad things had ended and no matter if he'd felt the same, you'd loved him and if he gave you the chance, you would love him still. 
"I hope you still think of me, maybe that's why I get this warm feeling sometimes when I'm alone. Maybe it's you thinking about us. I hope I see you again soon, bub," you sighed quietly, holding back the tears as your voice began to shake, "I love you." 
It wasn't until the call was hung up and your phone laid across from you on the coffee table that you let the tears fall. It'd been a mess from the beginning, casual hookups which led to more and more time spent together. Maybe if you had tried hard enough to work on you fears or maybe if you'd let him in more than you shut him out he'd still be here. But with your voicemail sent and your cheeks wet from tears, you decided all you could do was hope Harry would listen to the voicemail. And maybe, just maybe, he'd remember you just once more.
taglist: @hrrypinks​ @matchacal
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calathailea · 5 years
Mental Health and Plants
Well. Today I am going to share something very sad and difficult for me to admit. This happens to more people than you would think though and I feel like it needs to be brought up. I've seen many people on some of my favorite plant groups talking about how they can't keep plants alive no matter how hard they try and that they feel guilty. But what about those who are amazing with their plants when they are mentally doing okay and unfortunately end up neglecting them once they aren't okay? Today, this is what I'm going to discuss because I personally am guilty of this.
Let me start off by explaining my current situation. As many of you have seen, I am expecting a beautiful baby girl, any day now. In the beginning of this pregnancy I had EXTREME morning sickness and dizziness and could not stand up for more than a couple minutes without getting sick or feeling like I was going to pass out. This lead me to being unable to water and care for my plants properly. One by one I had to sit and watch my beautiful plants wither away to nothing. The more I watched this happen the sadder I got. As someone who suffers with PTSD, depression and anxiety already.. I decided it was time to let them go and focus on keeping myself and my baby healthy. I decided to ignore the plants too far gone to save, cut back all my bulbs and tubers, stop all watering and hope to god I could bring them back in the spring once I was healthier.
This was unbelievably hard for me to decide because I knew I would lose the majority of my plants..
I went from a collection of over 50 plants to a mere 18. 4 of which are tubers or bulbs and will have to completely regrow. If I can even bring them back.. this has made me unbelievably sad and this morning I decided it was time to try again. As I trimmed my plants dead leaves and gave them water I apologized out loud to each one of them and told them I loved them. That may seem silly to some but those who love plants will understand.. this wasn't so much me actually expecting them to understand as it was me apologizing to myself. I had to forgive myself for neglecting them. My morning sickness went away before my collection had fully died off but because I was so upset at my losses I couldn't bring myself to go into my plant corner and save the ones I had left. Mentally, I didnt have the power or energy to fix the damage that had started.
This is where this conversation comes in. Plant lovers, I want you to know that this does happen and you are not alone. Taking care of your mental well being is and should always be, put first and foremost. If you lose some plants in the process, know that that doesn't mean you are a bad plant parent. Even in nature, not all plants survive. I'm not saying it's fine to let them die out of laziness by any means. But in nature, plants die from drought, lack of nutrients in soil, animals stepping on them or eating them.. it happens. If you need to chose between your mental or physical health and your plants? It should always be your health that gets attention.
Now that it's spring, I plan to get back to making posts about my plants. Maybe trying to rebuild my collection bit by bit and bringing back the troopers that survived my neglect. If you would like to see how this goes and watch as I dig myself out of my own depression, give me a follow and I will post progress pics and such.
I hope this made someone feel better, knowing they aren't alone and that our mental health really does affect our plants and that that's okay. It isn't your fault. If you have had this happen over the winter or recently in general, let's rebuild our little plant empire together. I can't promise my plants I won't let them down again.. but I certainly promise them I will always fight to pick myself back up and show them love again when I've finished falling. With every fallen tree, new life springs forth. Dont forget that.
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barborawrites97 · 7 years
The definite fall
We can't stop it but it keeps spreading all around. The mentality of people is changing. It has never been perfect and I'd hope, it will capture the bright side. But as it seems, the population is incorrigible from its mistake. There are 3 circles of failure of mankind. ENVIROMENTAL, POLITICAL and SOCIAL. I wanted to focus on the third problem the most but let's immix into all of these.
 Nowadays most people don't believe in God. I don't force the faith upon you, but there's something everyone should realise. If you don't believe in God, who created the nature and everything connected to it, including human race, you should believe in nature. After all, it is our mother. But we still destroy that. Our generation won't be that affected by sins held in our hands. But when you throw trash on the ground again, think how long will it take until it decompose. How much hurt will the nature be? And think about having kids in the future. Do you want to have family? And do you even realise that it's right you and me, who ‘prepare’ the world for our kids. It's going to burden them the most. And I bet, as a parent you would want the best for your children. "What the heck? It's just some trash!" And the answer? Imagine 7 billion people saying the same.The planet is becoming a big rubbish bin. And we are also part of the rubbish with this behaviour.
Over 99% species already extinct. People let companies sully our atmosphere, cut forests, kill animals and so on. A few years ago, there was an incident in Malaysia - Farmers wanted to burn a part of rain forest to plant (probably the most stupid idea to cut down millions-years-old trees for some stupid wheat) but didn't think about the drought. The fire burnt most of the rain forest, killed so many animals; they tried to extinguish the fire for months. And what's the funny thing? If you searched that on the internet, you wouldn't be able to find it. It wasn't even on the news. Why? Because governments don't want people to know. Nobody would like a news like this one. But they still have money from it, don't they?
 This brings us to political issues. Money. There's corruption everywhere, you never know, who to trust, everyone can stub you in your back. We want more and more but from the bad cup. We're addicted to money and that's the worst addiction. We would do everything to have more and we are losing the real value of the important things. This is the case in politics, too. They think they've got power over us. Why? Because they're richer. They just sit on their asses and make more money than anyone can ever imagine. But that's the least they do to us. They are withholding the truth and justice from us. Are you happy with your country because it 'cares' for you and mixing into its business is just a waste of time, because you have everything you need? Food, electricity, news, television, internet. Exactly! That's the point. They give you all of these that you wouldn't mind their doings. If soldiers fought for peace, there would be NO WARS. You wouldn't even know, how many countries are involved in a war between two states. For money, weapons, everything. And we do nothing about it. Humans' lives might depend on our decisions. People are dying each second, they fight for their life, children lose their parents. BECAUSE OF MONEY! Because far across the ocean, there's a fat man sitting, having all needs, eating hamburgers but complaining about not having enough.
Have you seen The Matrix? What if the thought of it is real? What if we are just slaves in a mind prison? Kept locked by regular supply of necessities? Think about it.
 And now finally the society. There are so many social experiments proving how mindless and careless we are. You see somebody in danger or in lack of help and you just pass by? How ridiculous! I can have a little understanding in those,because people do a lot of pranks and you don't want to get fooled. Then don't do stupid pranks, people! But imagine yourself in some dangerous situation and others are just walking through. Maybe with a little sacrifice you'll receive much more by making someone else happy. Another topic could be bully. But there's the same solution. Imagine yourself in their shoes. Don't do or say things, which you wouldn't like to experience, to others. You never know how will you look like or where will you end up after couple of years.
Statistically there's an awful fact which we should discus. It says that the sought-after porn is sex between relatives, family members. Isn't it awful? You can say that it's all just a play because the characters are only actors doing their job and they need a plot to turn you on. But the thought of it is disgusting. I wouldn't mention it here if it was only about porn. As a proof that it's becoming a serious issue - A couple of times on Instagram I saw a few posts about it, too. In one, there was a girl, lying on a bed, with curvy body and so on. The capture was – “If your sister turned 18 and you'd see her like that, what would you do?". When I read comments under that picture I appeared amazed. In a bad way. 90% boys wrote, they would have sex with her. What's the difference if she's 18?! She's still your relative, your sister, THE SAME BLOOD. We become to behave like animals, dear humans. Animals also don't care, who they – pardon me – fuck with.
Songs. I've heard so many times that I've got different taste in nowaday music. Yeah. I listen to old music and metal. I listen to metal, because it has a meaning. The text is powerful, the melody is divine (of course, not all kind of metal, haha). But it is meaningful as well as the old songs. They all have a story. Find me some story in the songs teenagers listen to now. The singers just talk and add music or repeat a few words over and over or just say stupid, random words, which doesn't make any sense. But whatever. Music isn't the problem. Look at the clips. Is there even some videoclip without twerking, shaking ass or showing parts of your body, which shouldn't appear in a music clip? This fact leads to fashion. I go shopping and I see those girls. I have nothing against shorts. I wear them, too. But you don't need to show your ass. Or have a cleavage, what shows your whole breast. Keep some dignity, girls! Once I also saw a girl wearing shorts in shape of panties, just walking by, showing half of her bottom. I was with two boys that time and I asked them, what do they think about it. "We love it! It's so perfect!". Let me laugh - HAHAHA. You point with your finger at a woman, who covers her hair with a scarf (hidjab). You say, it's bad and shameful that she hides her hair with a piece of cloth and keeping the dignity, what the girl, exposing half of her ass, doesn't have. Instead of that, you find it sexy and now on people wonder, why is the number of raped people increasing. Shame on you, men.
While scrolling Facebook, I found some girls from my previous school. I know, how did they look before but when I see, how they show themselves to the world, it makes me sad. Put tons of make up on your face and show your boobs like a hoe, friend! That's soooo lovely, huh? Are you really so desperate to find someone for sex by posting those? Well, I immediately understand, when I see those statistics. Myself, I had a classmate, who lost her virginity, when she was 13. And yet, she's not ashamed of it and her sexual life just grows. And the statistics? In Czech republic is a law, what says, you can't have a sexual intercourse unless you are 15 years old. But it's absolutely normal in here that most of teenagers lose their virginity at age 13-14. Don't tell me, you are that lucky and found your true love at that age. Virginity is like a flower. Smash a flower in your hand and it will never look alike anymore. Go and enjoy with some boy, who just wants to use you and then throw you away, and after a few years you'll regret your impatience to be a ‘big girl'. I understand, sometimes it just doesn't work out. But in future, if you don't regret losing virginity to that one person, you will know, she or he was special. And you will never need to be sorry for anything.
 That's all I wanted to share. Maybe, it will help you think and process things, maybe not. I wanted to get this out of my chest, give a little help, how to be a better person and be aware of things happening in our life. I believe, there is a cure to these and that's LOVE. If we all loved what we have and the people around, we wouldn't hurt the nature, wars would come to the end, we would find more care in the society and we wouldn't expose our bodies to force somebody to like us. Love is disappearing and it's hard to recognize true love from the fake one. Here's a little type: Love are no reasons, no facts, no likes and dislikes. It's some feeing you feel. You don't know why, you just know you would lose part of yourself if you lost the people, you love.
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