#Does Tatcha brighten skin?
khulkarjiyo · 10 months
Nourish and Flourish: Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream Miracle
Elevate your skincare routine with Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream. This cream is a containing a blend of Japanese botanicals, this luxurious cream it’s a journey to luminous skin and offers more than just hydration. So immerse yourself with this in a balance of powerful ingredients that work great to give you a dewy, glowing complexion. What is Tatcha dewy skin cream? tatcha dewy skin cream Tatcha…
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rosequartzauraa · 2 years
my extensive skincare routine for healthy, glowing skin 🪄🌟
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morning 🌷
-first i wash my face with tatcha’s “the rice wash” as i like to start the day with a gentle cleanser
-if i am going out that day, i always make sure to apply my soopergoop play sunscreen
benefits of sunscreen: reduce the signs of aging, as it prevents the early onset of wrinkles and fine lines. reduce the risk of skin cancer, avoid inflammation, etc.
-next i apply the tatcha dewy skin cream, this product does wonders for glowy & soft skin!
-my next step is the yttp 15% vitamin c + clean caffeine energy serum.
vitamin c helps to brighten skin tone, act as an anti-inflammatory, boots collagen, diminish scars, lighten dark spots, etc. caffeine helps to reduce inflammation & puffiness, and tighten/brighten skin.
-as an added hydration for skin i use leneige’s water bank hydro essence serum, helps soooo much with skin hydration & moisture.
-my last step in my morning skincare is the ordinary’s hyaluronic acid. hyaluronic acid promotes healthier skin, it naturally occurs in the body & getting that extra boost can help so much with attracting & holding onto moisture.
night 🌙
first i mix the inkey lists salicylic acid cleanser & the dermalogica clearing skin wash to reduce & fight off acne.
-next step is the glow recipe’s watermelon glow pha + bha pore tight toner. this has definitely helped with giving me the glowy, hydrated look while also reducing the appearance of pores.
-next i reapply the laneige water bank hydro essence serum & the tatcha glow recipe
-i also reapply the ordinary’s hyaluronic acid, this time directly before my gua sha routine to give my skin a slippery, hydrated base. here is a link to the video i use for the gua sha routine 🤍
-a few times a week i will do my slugging routine, slugging is applying a petroleum jelly (vaseline, aquaphor, i use aquaphor) to your skin overnight for moisturized, glowing skin. slugging works by preventing trans epidural water loss so the skin barrier is protected.
aaaand that’s all 💌
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seravph · 3 years
What is your skincare routine that managed cleared up your face so much? How do you have seven steps; mine has like, two, what seven things can a person do to their face?
Okay so like. I have had really bad skin ever since I hit puberty in like fourth grade, and then June of last year my skin was the worst it had ever been, with itchy bumps and cystic acne and it was super inflamed. I have a lot to say about skincare as someone who has spent the last 5-6 years perfecting their skincare routine!! I’ll put all of my thoughts under the cut. Also CW I’ll add pics of my skin from last fall, which is kind of gross lol
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The first two pictures are from the first day I visited a general doctor in august, and the last picture was taken today (3/13) with no filters or makeup on.
My doctor prescribed me a topical medication that has adapalene and benzoyl peroxide, which I’m still using. When I picked up my prescription, I went to target and completely changed my skincare routine to make it much simpler.
I’ll preface this by saying that so much of skincare marketing is a complete gimmick. And a lot of people don’t actually need a whole regime!!! There are tons of people who have flawless skin without so much as washing it; the idea that everyone on earth needs a 12 step process is just not true. Again, I have had moderate to severe acne for a really long time and I went through several years where nothing would work!!! I tried every product everyone raved about to no affect. I have spent so much money of skincare products, most of which were mediocre at best. All of the products i use now are under $20 (with two exceptions which I will talk about). Expensive skincare is mostly marketing and packaging and honestly a $100 fancy moisturizer is probably not significantly better than one you can get from a reputable drugstore brand.
My skincare routine will not be applicable to everyone because everyone has different skin; like I said, if you’re happy with your skin, there is literally no reason to buy a bunch of products that will throw off the balance you already have.
I have 5 steps in the morning, which include cleansing my face with the La Roche-Posay medicated gel cleanser (it has 2% salisylic acid). I use it because my doctor specifically recommended I buy a MEDICATED cleanser. After that I use the Versed clarifying serum and brightening serum. The clarifying serum has zinc in it which is anti-inflammatory and the brightening serum is a vitamin c serum that helps to ‘brighten’ my skin (as I have lots of scarring, uneven texture, and dark spots). After that I moisturize with the Cerave daily moisturizing lotion and then put on sunscreen. I put on sunscreen everyday, but skincare brands exaggerate the dangers of the sun. You should not avoid the sun at all costs!!! You need vitamin D and supplements are not enough!!!! There’s a very interesting article about sunscreen and the importance of sunshine here
At night, I precleanse with the Clinique Take the Day Off oil cleanser. This is 1 of the more expensive products, it being $29, but an straightforward oil cleanser could probably replace it (the DHC one is $20 and is fairly good, although a little too thick for my liking. Still just as good and effective though!) then i cleanse with the medicated cleanser I use in the morning. I often get a bunch of little bumps all over my skin (similar to milia) that are primarily caused by an excess of sebum, so double cleansing at night helps with this. After that I use khiel’s calendula face mask. This is also expensive, being $45 but I use it every night. Yes, every night. It is genuinely one of the things that I can tell makes a huge difference in my skin. This mask does NOT exfoliate or cleanse my skin - it only calms and soothes it, helping to calm down my skin as it can get easily irritated. It’s kind of like conditioning your face like you do your hair??? I usually leave this mask on for upwards of 3 hours if we’re being honest, but since it’s ‘nourishing’ face mask I haven’t seen any problems with this (and I’ve been doing it for over a year now). In the past I used origins mega mushroom relief mask which is also good, and cheaper. After I wash it off I put on my acne medication, and then my serums. At night I use the ordinary’s alpha arbutin serum and their niacinamide and zinc serum. I think these are probably more effective than the ones by Versed I use in the morning, but I don’t use them in the day because the ingredients are more active and because the texture is not as wearable as the Versed serums. They could replace each other if i needed them to, though. I do NOT use vitamin c at night because my medication has benzoyl peroxide and you should not mix vitamin C with benzoyl peroxide. My final step is using moisturizer.
That is the BASIC night routine, and the one I use most often. If I’m wearing makeup, I’ll remove it with a makeup remover before starting my nighttime skincare routine. If I feel my skin needs a pick me up I might use the ordinary’s BHA/AHA chemical peel, but that is few and far between as it is a very harsh chemical and I don’t need it very often. I also do not use my acne medication if I do this because you should never mix AHA/BHAs with benzoyl peroxide. If I have a pimple or a cyst I use hydrocolloid patches, which are the ONLY spot treatments I have ever used that are effective. If I have a flare up in a specific part of my face, I use a tube of 10% benzoyl peroxide.
But like I said, I have really whack skin. My skin is super sensitive to breakouts and has uneven texture and skin tone as a result of years of picking at it. Many people have great skin without doing anything to it, and if that’s you, that’s great! Don’t feel like you need to buy a cleanser or a serum just because everyone on Instagram is telling you to. And oh my god I would advise you to never spend more than $35 on something as basic as a cleanser or a moisturizer. Your skincare routine should be straightforward and basic - I’ve used rose water sprays, witch hazel, tea tree oil, argon oil, $80 serums, $50 moisturizers, and none of them did anything but worsen my skin. Brands like Cerave, La Roche-Posay, Cetaphil, the ordinary, and the only list all have pretty affordable products that you can order online for cheap or find at target. I’ve used brands like Origins and Fresh and Tatcha that are all name brand, expensive, highly rated brands that I thought were completely overrated and did nothing to help my skin.
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pebbeul · 5 years
my skincare routine
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Absolutely no one: Influencer: So a lot of you have been asking me about my skincare routine...
Guess I have hopped on this meme bandwagon ;-)
I initially wasn’t sure if I should even write about my nightly skincare routine because skincare routines are so subjective to each individual. But I thought that it would be nice to share what are my holy grail products that I love and have, and will re-purchase over and over again. 
I definitely use a wider range of products than what is pictured here; I often swap serums and moisturizers depending on my mood, but there are some staples that I love so much that I wouldn’t want to try anything else.
I have been told that I have a pretty crazy skincare routine, but skincare to me is pretty therapeutic, so it’s not too much of a hassle. My go-to toner right now is the FRESH Rose Floral Toner. Ever since I tried this 1-2 years ago, I have not used anything else. Really helps that this toner lasts so long despite how generous I am with it. Sometimes I buy travel sizes of different toners to try, but it ends up unused because I just love this toner so much. Some of my friends prefer the Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner because it has more benefits, but I like to spritz on my toner, which is why I opted for this instead. However, I might switch to try the other one after I finally finish my current bottle (I’m left with 1/3, so hopefully by the end of the year).
I usually then exfoliate with PRISM, followed by a serum of my choice. I alternate between Glossier’s Super Glow, the It’s Skin Effectors, or the Real Propolis Ampoule from Answer19+ - this Korean brand that is pretty underrated as well. What I love about using serums is that it provides your skin with a lot more nutrients than if you just use a plain moisturiser. I always thought that using serums with moisturisers might be too much for the skin, but after using both for maybe around a year now, you can really see the benefits, depending on what sort of serum + moisturizer combination you choose. Personally, my skin isn't as dull as it used to be, and I find myself feeling more comfortable in my bare skin because of it.
Sometimes in between steps, I also use a mist to refresh the skin. I love Pixi’s Hydrating Milky Mist because it just feels like airy clouds of hydrating goodness just cooling my face. I spray this all the time - in between my routine, and even after I put on oil, just for the fun of it. Sometimes, when I don’t want to have such a heavy routine, I substitute this mist as my moisturizer instead. This mist is pretty affordable at $22 SGD, and I have already repurchased this after quickly running out of my first bottle. I also have Herbivore’s Rose Hibiscus Facial Mist, but this one is still my favourite.
For moisturiser, I really love Origins’ Original Skin Matte Moisturizer with Willowherb. I was so worried when I first got this product because a matte moisturizer is usually catered for the oily skinned, which I am not. However, this moisturiser is gentle, works very well on my skin without having me feel overly greasy or sticky, and it works really well with the brightening serums I use. If I want something gentler and more hydrating, I use Laneige’s Lavender Water Sleeping Mask, which also works wonders. I am definitely repurchasing these two moisturisers when I finally run out. I have also tried alternatives like Belif’s Aqua Bomb, or the Tatcha Water Cream, but the former I find too gel-like and the latter too expensive. 
My eye cream and lip balm are both from Laneige - simply because it’s affordable, and easy to use. The Water Bank Eye Gel EX is nothing miraculous, but it does it’s job to moisturize my under eyes. Does it work wonders in getting rid of my eyebags and fine lines? Not really. But I think it does work as a preventive measure because since using it I haven’t been developing even more wrinkles around my under eyes.
The Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask however, is the bomb. This works so much better than a regular lip balm. It works really well for both the humid weather here, as well as in super dry winters when I travel. I love to slather a thick layer of the lip mask before I sleep, and I will wake up to a fresh pair of lips that are hydrated and supple. Plus, they also come in different scents. I have both the Berry (pictured here) and the Vanilla lip balm. My favourite is the Vanilla one, but unfortunately they might be discontinuing it so I might have to purchase the Berry scented one for future use. This lip mask actually also has a ton of good reviews all round, so this might be the one product to check out if you’re looking to amp up your current routine.
Lastly, facial oils! I think everyone’s biggest initial concern when using facial oils is that it’s very ironic. We all want to avoid looking greasy and oily, but using facial oil is alright? When first researching on it, facial oils are said to help lock in the moisture and nutrients from your previous skincare steps, and this is so true. My first facial oil was Sunday Riley’s Juno Face Oil, and while this product has had mixed reviews on its effectiveness, I found that it does moisturise my skin and help magnify the benefits of the other skincare products I use in tandem with the oil. However, I don’t really like the smell of it - it smells kind of herby and earthy which is slightly off putting.  While it’s not necessarily a miracle worker, I would say that I am pretty happy with it and might repurchase because I have finished this already. 
On a side note, I am quite picky with my face oils because I once had an allergic reaction to Drunk Elephant’s Marula Oil, one of the oils that is widely acclaimed in the beauty world. Because of that, I tend to be more careful with the sort of oils I apply on my face. The other oil that I use regularly is Pixi’s Rose Oil Blend that smells amazing and is also not too bad. It’s also much cheaper than Sunday Riley, so if you are interested in trying facial oils, this oil might be a better first product to use. Other products that I am looking to try would be Herbivore’s Orchid Facial Oil - this smells really good and I have heard good reviews about this: for both its price point and product quality, so I am tempted to try this for my next facial oil purchase.
Overall though, it’s not necessary to incorporate that many steps in your skincare routine. Ultimately your skincare routine should be personalised to what you think is best for you, and not just a one-size-fits-all solution. For instance, you can include masking as a step instead (I have this additional step most of the time) and take out serums if you don’t want to layer on so many things. Or if you're like my mum who doesn’t believe in the effects of facial oil, you don’t have to do it as well. The point is really to find a good mix of products that synergize well together to really bring about the best benefits for your skin. If you’re dry-skinned, have more hydrating products in the mix. If you have oily skin that is prone to breakouts, use more balancing products that aim to calm and soothe any redness and infection. I would also recommend adding a dash of anti-aging properties once in awhile just to prevent any serious damage before it’s too late.
But yes - skincare shouldn’t be a hassle, and it definitely shouldn’t be an obligation! Although not all of us are blessed with good skin and will need to take time to get a good routine that works, when you get to that stage where you feel good about your bare skin, you will know that it’s worth it.
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clea4ua · 3 years
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Tatcha The Water Cream is a oil-free water cream that releases a burst of Japanese nutrients, powerful botanicals, and optimal hydration. This water cream clarifies and refines the skin, works to tighten your pores, while giving you smoother skin with a poreless healthy radiance. Key Ingredients:
- Japanese Wild Rose supports natural circulation, balances skin, and improves the look of pores
- Japanese Leopard Lily helps to reduce oil production, calm problem skin, and supports natural turnover of the skin
- Hadasei-3™ consists of Tatcha’s Proprietary Complex of Rice, Algae, Green Tea helps restore a healthy looking radiance
- Saccharomyces Rice Ferment Filtrate helps to condition the skin while providing significant antioxidant, brightening and visual repairing effects
- Glycerin and restores the skin by drawing and locking in moisture
The texture is a velvety water gel cream that turns into a water consistency when you spread onto skin. It absorbs nicely into skin and doenst leave being a greasy feeling or stickiness behind. It gives you a dewy glow and makes your skin appear more plump. While this would be a great day cream, especially in the summer months, it’s just not moisturizing enough for me at night or the colder months.
As for cons, while low on the ingredient list, it does contain fragrance and alcohol which might not be suitable for those with sensitive skin. I didn’t see any reduced appearance of pores in one jar and some sample packets. I would recommend this to those with oily or combination skin.
- Free of
- Oil Free
- Doesn’t irritate my skin
- Doesn’t leave skin feeling greasy/sticky
- Lightweight and Absorbs well
- Gives you a dewy finish
- Hydrates well during the day
- Contains Fragrance and Alcohol
- Not moisturizing enough for me
- Did not see any minimization in pores
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your-dietician · 3 years
19 beauty products that are worth the money
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/latest/19-beauty-products-that-are-worth-the-money/
19 beauty products that are worth the money
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CNN —  
Whether we’re covering expert-recommended beauty tools under $25 or the best Amazon beauty look-alikes under $30, we’re no strangers to the fact that high-quality beauty doesn’t always have to break the bank.
That being said, sometimes a little splurge can make a world of a difference. “Affordable drugstore makeup can be really amazing,” shares London-based makeup artist Jenny Coombs. “But I would definitely invest in high-quality foundations and concealers, considering they’re applied to your entire face.”
Mia Jones, a makeup artist based in New York who’s worked with celebs like Gigi Hadid and Mariah Carey, echoes that sentiment. “Skin care and complexion products are always worth the splurge,” she says. “What you use every day and what comes into direct contact with your skin should be as quality as possible.”
Whether you’re looking to treat yourself to a game-changing skin care tool, gift someone a truly luxurious makeup item or invest in skin care made from only the best ingredients, we’ve rounded up 19 splurge-worthy beauty and skin care goodies for you to choose from. All of these have been recommended by makeup artists, hairstylists and “skinfluencers,” or they’ve been researched and tested by us.
“I love getting microcurrent facials like the one at Joanna Vargas salon,” shares Molly Greenwald, an LA-based makeup artist. She recommends using a handheld device at home to achieve similar results. “They really work in lifting and filling the facial muscles and skin instantly as well as cumulatively over time.”
Greenwald specifically calls out the NuFace Trinity Facial Trainer Device, a microcurrent treatment device that helps to rejuvenate your skin. For a little background on how this actually works, our body’s natural current starts to slow as we age, which leads to many skin concerns associated with aging — like sagging and wrinkles. The microcurrents in this device mimic the natural current of our bodies, which when activated work to tone facial muscles, resulting in bouncier, firmer skin.
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iS Clinical Active Serum
“I don’t know a person that has tried it that isn’t in love with this multibeneficial serum,” shares Greenwald. “It helps with wrinkles, acne and the appearance of pores while also soothing and evening the skin tone.”
While many serums boast specific ingredients that help with specific skin concerns like dullness, acne or dryness, this one is a self-proclaimed “multitasking face serum” with benefits that range from anti-aging to brightening and even acne prevention.
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Sunday Riley Good Genes Lactic Acid Treatment
This lactic acid treatment from Sunday Riley is a fan favorite and Underscored editor favorite, particularly when it comes to plumping and brightening. Lactic acid is one of the most hydrating alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which just means that in addition to exfoliating your skin to reveal a smoother complexion (fighting dead skin cells that lead to a range of skin concerns like bumps, dullness and acne), the active ingredient also moisturizes your skin, keeping it luminous and bouncy.
The addition of licorice as an ingredient (and its associated brightening properties) can enhance your skin’s radiance and lead to the reduction of spots and discoloration, something reviewers love about this treatment. One reviewer writes that “active exfoliants have been dismal because most of them irritate my sensitive skin. Good Genes has turned that all around! It hydrates and gently exfoliates without irritating.”
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La Mer The Lip Balm
You’re probably thinking what we’re thinking — a lip balm that costs $70? That can’t be serious. But if you’re familiar with the luxury skin care brand La Mer, the price tag may come as less of a surprise. This mint-scented and velvety soft lip balm calms and conditions your lips while supporting their natural moisture barrier and helping to protect against environmental damage.
It’s free of sulfates, parabens and tons of other less than ideal ingredients, and it boasts La Mer’s signature Miracle Broth — a formulation that aims to help restore your skin to its healthiest and most radiant form.
Reviewers acknowledge the steep price tag but are convinced that despite the cost, it’s worth every penny. One person writes that they have “tried every form of lip moisturizer on the planet, and this blows everything else out of the water.”
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Tatcha Violet-C Radiance Mask
Tatcha is known for creating some of the most effective skin care on the market, and this creamy vitamin C mask is no exception. Rios credits this mask for keeping her skin glowing, noting its luxurious texture and super-hydrating benefits.
Formulation-wise, it’s packed with rich, high-quality ingredients, from two different types of vitamin C to an AHA complex derived from seven different fruit extracts, and the brand’s signature Hadasei-3 Complex, a proprietary blend of “double-fermented Uji green tea, Akita rice and Mozuku algae.” All of this works together, resulting in a mask that leaves your skin instantly softer, smoother and more radiant. There are also some more long-term effects — the vitamin C helps to prevent signs of aging, while the AHA complex works to improve overall skin texture over time.
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Gisou Honey-Infused Hair Perfume
A hair perfume may not be in everyone’s beauty rotation, but this option might just convince you that it should be. “This honey-infused perfume is ethically sourced,” shares Yamga, and draws on ingredients from Gisou founder Negin Mirsalehi’s father’s bee gardens. “The combination of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants assist in maintaining your hair’s moisture while also leaving behind a beautiful floral scent.”
Simply spray on your hair after styling for a summer-perfect scent that will linger throughout the day, and of course provide your hair with those benefits Yamga mentions. Just be sure to use a light hand, since a little goes a long way.
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Clé de Peau Beauté Concealer Broad Spectrum SPF 25
“This tiny little stick is really all you need in a pinch when it comes to complexion,” shares Greenwald. “The high-quality pigments cover and smooth even the most challenging areas and can be buffed out on the entirety of the skin for a soft focus foundation.”
And she acknowledges that while it’s a big price for what seems like a really small product, anyone who has tried it would attest that it’s well worth its price. Not only do reviewers love the full coverage effect of this concealer, they also love how moisturizing it is. Concealers are notorious for looking cakey or emphasizing dryness, especially throughout the day — but not this product. Because a little goes a long way, the small amount actually lasts quite a while (one reviewer notes up to a year). And the formulation includes SPF 25, which is always a big bonus in our book.
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Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate Face Oil
“I use this lightweight oil at night,” shares Rios, “and wake up with my skin looking fresh and dewy.” The Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate Face Oil is one of our all-time favorite skin care products as well, because it’s so simple yet so effective. With ingredients like lavender essential oil and evening primrose oil, the formula works to restore your skin overnight so you wake up with visibly brighter, radiant and, of course, moisturized skin.
If you’re wondering how that actually works, it turns out our skin actually repairs itself while we sleep. Targeting our skin with a beneficial, high-quality oil like this one while it’s already going through those natural restorative functions only helps it along that process.
Sabrina Yamani Yamga, an award-winning hairstylist based in Chicago, is a big fan of the Dyson Airwrap, which we’ve reviewed in its entirety here. “This little device comes with so many attachments that work fast,” she shares, “and uses intelligent heat control technology to give you that salon blowout look without having to leave home.”
While the price tag is high, this product truly performs in a way that no other product on the market does. To start, you’re not styling your hair with the same type of heat as a standard iron or hair dryer, which means that you’re doing way less damage to your hair. The other noteworthy feature, and something that Yamga calls out, is the number and variety of attachments. This product isn’t just a fancy hair curler — it comes with two different sized curling barrels, three different brushes for that easy blowout look and a prestyling dryer, an attachment that achieves a similar result to that of the equally if not more popular Dyson Supersonic.
If you consider the price of all those products combined, the cost of this one product seems a bit less daunting. In addition to all those features, the Dyson Airwrap is just a joy to use — you don’t have to worry about burning your fingers, it’s much lighter than other hair dryers and stylist tools, and the process of doing your hair is just way more comfortable overall.
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Trish McEvoy Beauty Balm Instant Solutions BB Cream SPF 35
We’re big fans of an all-in-one product, and this BB cream from Trish McEvoy does it all. It primes your skin, evens out its tone and simultaneously hydrates your skin while controlling oil. Like many luxury makeup products, the skin care benefits of this product are built in — peptides in the formulation help to improve your skin’s texture, while SPF coverage helps to prevent skin damage and aging caused by UVA and UVB rays.
Unlike other similar creams, this option provides much more coverage than a tinted moisturizer, and it’s definitely buildable for anywhere from a medium to full coverage.
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By Terry Baume de Rose Lip Care
“I’ve been using this for years,” shares Mireya Rios, an actress and content creator with over 3.8 million followers on TikTok, where she shares the best of beauty. “It’s expensive, but it keeps my lips hydrated, and it smells amazing too.”
This rich lip balm features a suite of nourishing and reparative ingredients, from essential rose wax, which works to soothe and restructure your lips, to floral oils that help nourish and moisturize them, to bio-ceramides, which smooth the skin while providing anti-aging benefits. While it’s perfect as an everyday lip balm, its formulation is also aimed at helping your lips bounce back from periods of dryness or damage.
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Luzern Laboratories Serum Absolut V15
“Vitamin C is an integral part of skin care,” shares Jones. “It reverses sun damage, brightens [and] reduces pigmentation.”
She recommends this serum specifically, which features pure vitamin C in addition to a ton of other vitamins and minerals, including vitamins E, A, B3, B12 and D3. Marketed as a multivitamin serum, the blend of goodies in this serum helps to address a whole range of skin goals, from assisting in the production of collagen to reducing inflammation and improving skin elasticity.
“It is so worth the splurge,” Jones raves, calling it “a miracle product.”
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Skinceuticals C E Ferulic With 15% L-Ascorbic Acid
It can be tough when a life-changing product is a pricey one. This vitamin C serum boasts a combination of its namesake ingredient, in addition to vitamin E and ferulic acid, which specifically enhances your skin’s protection against environmental damage that can cause skin damage and aging — whether UVA/UVB rays, ozone pollution or diesel engine exhaust.
In addition to that protection, you’ll reap all the other benefits that come with a high-quality serum formulated with prime ingredients, like firmer, brighter and more even skin. It’s been called “life-changing” by one of our editors, who’s grappling with the fact that this serum is totally worth its high price tag.
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Tatcha The Essence
While essences are massively popular in other parts of the world, they’re still not as common in American skin care routines. But if you’ve ever heard of one, it was probably this option from Tatcha. Made from 100% Hadasei-3 — the brand’s proprietary trio of Japanese superfoods — this product is all skin care goodness and nothing else.
Simply splash a bit of the product into your palms and gently press it into your skin. The formulation helps to prep your skin for all steps of your skin care routine while boosting your skin’s own bounciness, texture and radiance.
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Tom Ford Eye Color Quad Eye Shadow Palette
Jones calls these eye shadow palettes her favorite splurge. “The presentation of the quad and pigment in the powders are just stunning,” she shares. There are tons of different color and finish combinations to choose from — it’s admittedly hard to choose just one. However, Jones shares that she absolutely loves every palette, so whichever one you decide on is sure to be a great choice.
While people love the matte shades, reviewers go wild for the super-sophisticated, luxurious-looking and eye-catching shimmery shades. Apply them dry for a softer look, or wet for maximum impact — just be prepared for people to ask you about what you’re wearing.
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Beautyblender The Crown Jewels Blender Essentials Kit
“Beautyblender is the holy grail of makeup sponges and so worth the price,” shares Jones.
While you may be familiar with the standard-size Beautyblender sponge, Jones is also a fan of the different sizes the brand offers for different parts of your face. The smaller sponge in particular is really perfect for blending product into smaller crevices of your face, like along your hairline or on your nose. It can also be used to precisely apply cream or liquid highlighter or blush.
One piece of advice Jones shares is to keep them clean for optimal performance. Fortunately, this kit also comes with mini cleansers.
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Westman Atelier Vital Skin Foundation Stick
“I love this multitasking foundation,” shares Coombs. “It’s super easy to apply and build — with a brush, sponge or your fingertips — and works great as a blemish and under-eye concealer.”
This foundation stick from Westman Atelier is super luxurious — the container is heavy, the magnetic cap is amazing and the whole thing just feels expensive. Probably not enough reason to buy the product, but when paired with a high-quality foundation, it’s the cherry on top.
“The silicone-free formula contains many skin-friendly ingredients to hydrate and soothe,” Coombs says. The result is a “luminous, natural finish” that falls in the medium coverage range. However, it’s super buildable and great for targeting any troublesome spots.
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Equal parts skin care, makeup and technological innovation, the Opte Precision System is a smart skin care device that the brand calls an “all-in-one solution for hyperpigmentation correction, treatment and prevention.”
On the tech side, the handheld device features a little roller at its tip that you slowly sweep across your face. As you do so, the device scans and detects hyperpigmentation using a patented algorithm. Each time the machine identifies hyperpigmentation (some visible, some that may not be visible to the human eye), the device applies a unique serum.
This optimizing serum, which comes with the kit, combines mineral pigments with 5% niacinamide to help treat the discoloration while also lightly covering any dark spots for a super-natural look. The brand says the serum uses 97% less product than foundation, because the coverage is so targeted. Over the course of eight to 12 weeks, the serum continues to fade and eliminate dark spots and discoloration, improving your skin as you continue to use the device.
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Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum
If you’re sensing a theme here, it’s that serums are often totally worth a splurge. This option from Vintner’s Daughter boasts a stunning blend of 22 natural, multiperforming ingredients that balance, nourish, protect and revitalize all different skin types.
“The oil texture smells incredible, absorbs into the skin beautifully and is a great base under makeup,” shares Coombs. The core of the formulation is the brand’s “proprietary Phyto Radiance Infusion,” a 21-day process in which the nutrients from whole plants are infused into the serum’s formula, at which point additional and essential oils are added.
If it sounds a little bit like witchcraft to you, it does to us too. But the result isn’t just an incredible facial serum — it’s also one with responsibly sourced and highly sustainable ingredients.
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Favorite Skin Care Products
My last post was an in-depth skin care routine of all the different steps that I think are necessary to really give your skin some love and have it love you back! However, I did not mention any of my specific favorite products that I use for each step, as well as different weekly treatment products that I live by. So that’s what I am going to provide you guys with today!
Although I have said a set skin routine is one of the most important things you can do for your skin in my las post, I might have to correct that statement just a little bit. A set skin care routine with quality productsis one of the most important things you can do for your skin. Quality does not always mean high-end and the most expensive product that you can find, but that is has good and quality ingredients. One brand that I use, and love is The Ordinary and their products range from $5-$15, and they’re great quality!
Here’s some of my favorite products from each category. For reference of my skin type, I have struggled with acne for 10 years now, however with the products I use it is not much of an issue anymore if I am staying on top of my routine. I also have larger pores and combination-oily skin.
-Tatcha The Deep Cleanse Exfoliating Cleanser $38
For all skin types and helps with pores and oiliness.
-Philosophy The Microdelivery Exfoliating Facial Wash $29
For all skin types and helps with dullness and uneven texture.
-Thayers Witch Hazel $10
Cleanses, tones, moisturizes and balances pH level of the skin.
-Laneige Essential Power Skin Toner for Combination to Oily Skin $28
Purifies and softens the skin, replenishes moisture
-Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hylaruronic Acid Moisturizer $52
Perfect for daily wear as it is feels like water on the skin and is not heavy at all. Helps with wrinkles and dullness.
-Belif The True Cream Aqua Bomb $38
Super light weight, so perfect for daily wear. Helps with dullness and uneven texture.
-OleHenriksen Sheer Transformation Perfecting Moisturizer $40
Light weight and helps even the skin tone and perfects dark spots.
-OleHenriksen Truth Serum $50
Perfect for daytime wear as it has vitamin C in it to brighten and protect from UV rays.
-OleHenriksen Invigorating Night Transformation Gel $38
Antiaging serum and smooths the skin.
-The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution $5
Helps fight acne and breakouts
-Farmacy Honeymoon Glow AHA Resurfacing Night Serum $58
GAME CHANGER. Helps with pores, wrinkles and elasticity in the skin
Eye Creams:
-Banana Bright Eye Cream $39
Helps with dark circles and prevents aging. Looks great under makeup
-Glow Recipe Avocado Melt Retinol Eye Sleeping Mask $42
Helps dark circles and puffiness
Weekly Masks:
-Drunk Elephant TLC Sukari Babyfacial 25% AHA + 2% BHA Mask $80
Resurfaces skins texture and tone
-The Ordinary AHA 30% +BHA 2% Peeling Solution $7
Deep exfoliation to clear pores.
-Glow Recipe Watermelon + AHA Glow Sleeping Mask $45
Boosts radiance and smooths skin.
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Skincare Journey
March 20, 2020
I’ve decided to start documenting the things I try because actually what the hell is going on with my face. 
I didn’t have this much acne when I was at my peak of puberty, and there’s nothing in my life to explain it. No change in diet, water consumption, birth control, stress or routine. For a few years, I was using Rodan + Fields Unblemish. My skin was generally clear, but I often had dry skin, a breakout here and there, and was unsatisfied with how many harsh chemicals are in the product.
March 20, 2020
Figuring I had generally good skin, should switch to a product that didn’t directly target acne, and wouldn’t be as harsh, I switched to Rodan + Fields Reverse. I used Reverse for about three months before the breakouts came. The product felt way to harsh, and I was swinging between oily and dry skin. Always looking irritated after wash. I realize now, this was dumb cause it is extra harsh, aimed at combatting aging skin. I just went with it, because that’s what my mom uses. Should have tried Redefine if I was going to stay in the Rodan + Fields family.  
I am going for a natural, more hands-off wash. Amber recommends only washing your face at night, but I still want some kind of refresher in the morning. I maintain that moisture must be important-right? Per Ashlin’s recommendation, I ordered Philosophy’s Purity Made Simple One-Step Facial Cleanser; I will only cleanse at night or after a workout. 
April 1, 2020
Started Philosophy’s Purity Made Simple One-Step Facial Cleanser about a week ago and things are starting to clear up. Focusing on washing more intentionally. 
April 6, 2020
Okay, so I know it’s only been two weeks, but things are looking bad. Went online to find some dermatologist solutions. 
Sulfur is good in cleansers because its anti-inflamatory and targets acne, but is sensitive. Unblemish and Purity both have sulfur as a main ingredient, so this is good. 
April 13, 2020
Actually read up on Purity and learned it contains parabans, sulfates, and other irritating ingredients. Parabens are preservatives associated with cancer that are banned in the EU. Sulfates are cleaning agents that are too strong for the human body because they strip away natural oils.
Ordered Derma E Vitamin C Brightening Gentle Daily Cleansing Paste and it should be here next week. Should help with a more thorough evening cleanse.
May 8, 2020
Started Derma E Vitamin C Cleansing Paste.
Pure One-Step Camellia Cleansing Oil from Tatcha. Cleansing Oil helps to remove makeup and other oils. Should use gel cleanser after oil cleanser.
March 20, 2020
I’ve used witch hazel before as a quick cleanse or refresher in temporary place of a cleanse, but I found it dries my skin and could do without the fragrance for the clean score. 
Per recommendation and curiosity, I ordered Garnier Micellar Water for morning and post-cleansing use to get all makeup/dirt really out.
April 6, 2020
Dermatologist research confirms micellar water is a good. Gentle exfoliant, also takes off remaining makeup. Don’t need to moisturize after micellar if freshening up after workout.
April 13, 2020
Bought fragrance free witch hazel today. It has additional soothing properties over micellar. 
Derma E Micellar Cleansing Water with Vitmain C 
March 20, 2020
I am using Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream right now, and I feel like it almost over-moisturizes. I’ve used Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel-Cream before and liked it better, but no better than the cheaper Neutrogena version. 
I’m also going back to Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Moisturizer, to be used morning and night. 
April 1, 2020
Been using Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Moisturizer for about a week and feels much cleaner. Rebuy would switch to extra SPF with Neutrogena Hydro Boost with SPF. Might need more hydration at night tho.
April 6, 2020
Dermatologist research confirms light, water and gel based moisturizer good, but needs to be a sunscreen.
May 13, 2020
Started using CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. It’s a decent price, non-comedogenic, and fragrance free. It is light and water based. More moisturizing then Neutrogena.
March 20, 2020
The R+F sunscreen was way too thick and oily to be daily. 
April 13, 2020
Neutrogena water gel with SPF 50 came today. I thought it was same thing I’ve been using but with SPF, but it’s more of a cream then a gel. Light enough and I’m liking it so far.
Tatcha’s sunscreen as a moisturizer. 
Acne Treatment
March 20, 2020
Proactiv’s Refining Mask as a spot treatment is really helping - and yes, it does smell like middle school. 
April 6, 2020
Dermatologist research says to use Benzoyl peroxide to treat white-heads and hormonal acne. This is in the step three of Unblemish, so that’s probably what my skin is missing. Hoping my Curology I ordered today will have some in it. Known to stain clothing. Use over entire affected area not just the pimple. Salicylic acid is an alternative that is less harsh. 
The proactive refining mask is a sulfur treatment, like the cleansers. maybe I need a stronger spot treatment?
April 13, 2020
Started Curology today. My formula is 1% Clindamycin 4% Azelaic Acid and .25% Zinc Pyrithione. 
I’m supposed to stop using these ingredients while my skin adjusts to Curology: Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, AHA (e.g., glycolic acid, lactic acid), Topical Vitamin C, and Retinol - so basically everything that’s supposed to help? I’m guessing the recommendation is to not overload during transition. 
May 3, 2020
Curology is working okay. The hormonal breakouts aren’t nearly as angry. I’m not wowed by the results tho. I plan to keep using and work on my other products before I give up.
June 3, 2020
Switched my birth control back. Started Skinfood Peach Sake Pore Serum.
Serums for acne should include Retinol, Vitamin C, Zinc, and/or Salicylic Acid.
Always moisturize after serums.
Texture may be a result of lack of exfoliation.
The Ordinary Niacinamid 10% + Zinc 1% Serum for Acne
Pixi Overnight Glow Serum for overnight exfoliation
Naturally G4U Beauty Has No Age - Retinol Anti-Wrinkle Serum
111Skin 3 Phase Anti Blemish Booster
Caudalie Vinopure Skin Perfecting Serum
Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner
$13.95 Derma E Vitamin C Brightening Gentle Daily Cleansing Paste
$4.69 Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting Toner
$16 Skinfood Peach Sake Pore Serum
$19.95 Curology
$13.49 CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
$24 Clear Proof® Deep-Cleansing Charcoal Mask
$65 Tatcha Rice Polish: Deep Foaming Enzyme Powder
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fashioneditswebsite · 4 years
Mukama Botanica High Vibe Face Mist Tangerine + Sandalwood
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  Whether you are looking to calm irritated skin, brighten a dull complexion, or simply boost your mood, there seems to be a mist out there for you. Enter the
Mukama Botanica High Vibe Face Mist Tangerine + Sandalwood. While there seems to be an ever-evolving supply of face mists, Mukama Botanica’s is worth a try!
  From the moment you open the packaging, Mukama Botanica feels more luxurious than other natural facial mist products. The glass bottle resembles a luxury perfume as does one of its best features—the sprayer! Hands down, the sprayer on this bottle outranks the Badescu’s to the Tatcha’s. It releases the perfect spritz of cool mist without getting you too wet or leaving you too dry. Some face mists—while hydrating—can feel like a film on your face (think your face after a hot, humid summer day commuting in an NYC subway). This product not only absorbs nicely into your skin the spray is ridiculously even.    In addition to the product listing 7 ingredients that you can understand (including everyone’s beloved rose water) the tangerine + sandalwood are the stars of the show. If you are not familiar with sandalwood’s scent, it offers a luxury edge with its powdery, woody notes. Right before your nose convinces itself it may be too musky for your taste; the tangerine brightens it. While everyone has different skin, mine leans more combination and sensitive. I use mostly unscented products and fall victim to cystic acne without birth control. I have the occasional hormonal breakout and if a new product does not jive, I will know in 48 hours. I have been using Makuma Botanica for two weeks, and my skin is clear and vibrant! While the cost of Mukama Botanica High Vibe Face Mist Tangerine + Sandalwood is a bit more of a hit to your wallet, you are paying for sublime packaging and quality ingredients. Read the full article
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gothify1 · 4 years
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In the ever-evolving skincare industry, there's a constant influx of information that isn't always the easiest to make sense of. On any given day, you can find dozens of articles praising so-called miracle ingredients , ones presenting the latest and greatest in anti-aging , and everything in between. But there are some topics in this realm that continue to spark debate among skincare professionals, editors, and enthusiasts. One such topic is sheet masks . Do they work? Are they a complete scam? What's the deal? A simple Twitter search will turn up endless threads of impassioned debates on this practice that gained popularity in the U.S. as Korean and other Asian beauty regimens took hold stateside. While these skin-prioritizing communities have touted the benefits of sheet masking for generations, there are skeptics out there who think sheet masks do little more than let product sit on top of your skin. Some of the commonly noted benefits of sheet masks are hydration and improved product absorption, but some actually believe that when left on too long, these masks can actually pull moisture out  of your skin. Just like with any other skincare practice out there, there will always  be opposing schools of thought on their efficacy. But for this editor, sheet masks have been a true godsend that leaves my sometimes-dehydrated skin hydrated, plump, and glowy. I fully subscribe to the power of sheet masks! For those who agree, or those who want to experience firsthand what all the fuss is about, check out this edit of the 18 best sheet masks in the game. Most photogenic feature: This mask, worn above by actress January Jones, features ear hooks that keep it in place so you're not relegated to lying down while it does its magic. Not only is it effective, but it also low-key looks like the disguise a movie villain would wear before wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting group of campers. Key benefits: Unlike most other sheet masks, this one is dry. Instead of coming soaked in a water- or glycerin-based serum, the dry textile is imprinted with active ingredients that burst onto the skin. Most photogenic feature: Upon application, a face-forming foam layer erupts into a sea of microbubbles over the mask. Key benefits: The green tea and amino acid infused bubbles deeply cleanse the skin to help even out complexion and refine the look of pores. Most photogenic features: The outward-facing side of this mask is a luxe, metallic silver hue. It looks like a cross between kitchen foil and a superhero disguise. Key benefits: The silver backing on this sheet mask is said to encourage even more intensive hydration by creating a protective barrier on the skin that allows ingredients to sink faster and more deeply into the skin. Most photogenic features: This cellulose mask is a light-gold hue and looks soft and glittery on the skin. Key benefits: The silky gossamer mask clings closely to the skin to make sure the brand's famed herbal First Care Activating Serum is able to soak thoroughly into the skin. Most photogenic features: If you're going to wear a bougie SK-II sheet mask, it's your right to share such luxury with the internet. Key benefits: SK-II's signature fermented-yeast concoction, Pitera, is the hero ingredient here. The cotton mask is soaked in the stuff and leaves the skin supple and hydrated. Notable active ingredients: Glutathione, niacinamide, salicylic acid, tea tree leaf. Key benefits: This mask goes to work on breakouts with antioxidants that soothe and brighten, as well as salicylic acid and tea tree extract which clarify and absorb excess oil. Notable active ingredients: Vitamin C. Key benefits: This mask comes in two separate pieces—one for the top half of your face and one for the bottom half—for a better fit to aid in product absorption. Another benefit of this configuration is that you can mix and match with the brand's other treatment masks to tailor your experience depending on what each zone of your face might need at any given time. Notable active ingredients: Coconut water, purple broccoli, plant-based collagen. Key benefits: Deep hydration, improved radiance, and plumping are all on the list of side effects this mask aims to impart. Notable active ingredient: Hyaluronic acid. Key benefits: Hydration is the name of the game here. This kit comes complete with a concentrated ampoule as well as a serum to layer before applying the mask itself. Three different sizes of HA are employed to deliver hydration to every layer of the skin. Notable active ingredients: Pro keratin complex, hyaluronic acid. Key benefits: This two-piece rubber mask comes with a gel serum chock-full of skin-building proteins and hyaluronic acid to improve collagen synthesis and moisture retention. The thick, pliable mask binds well to the contours of the face, ensuring optimal product absorption. Notable active ingredients: AHA, charcoal, glutathione. Key benefits: This exfoliating, detoxifying mask gently removes dead skin cells and draws out impurities from the surface of the skin as well as from within its cell structure. The result is glowing, healthy-looking skin that's better equipped for collagen synthesis. Average rating: 4.4/5 (Sephora). Key benefits: Reviewers agree that this mask is pure luxury. It's soaked in La Mer's beloved The Treatment Lotion ($155) and is said to visibly plump, hydrate, and nurture even the driest, most irritable skin types. If you've had any interest in investing in the famed treatment lotion, this is a great entry point to give it a try at a much lower price. Average rating: 4.7/5 (Amazon). Key benefits: This mask employs a proprietary blend of organic humectants, lipids, amino acids and sugars that mimics the compounds our skin naturally produces to keep itself moisturized. Average rating: 4.1/5 (Amazon). Key benefits: K-beauty enthusiasts aren't new to Benton, and the brand's sheet masks are among the most beloved of its offerings. This one brings in polysaccharides via camellia sinensis leaf water and aloe vera to soothe and refresh the skin. Average rating: 4.5/5 (Amazon). Key benefits: This two-piece mask comes with a pre-treatment ampoule pad that gently sloughs off dead skin cells. The two-piece mask is ultra formfitting to ensure that its rich formula of niacinamide, edelweiss plant stem cells, adenosine, green tea, and black bean extract can effectively penetrate. Average rating: 4.8/5 (Amazon). Key benefits: This mask is formulated with skin-loving ingredients like squalane, niacinamide, and adenosine to promote bright, elastic skin. Average rating: 4.4/5 (Sephora). Key benefits: Tatcha fans agree this sheet mask is a game changer. It delivers natural vitamin E, polyphenols, and squalene via rice germ oil and helps the skin retain moisture via Okinawa red algae, sweet marjoram, and wild thyme. Average rating: 4.5/5 (Amazon). Key benefits: J-beauty powerhouse Hada Labo is beloved for its affordable and effective skincare offerings, and its sheet masks are among the best sellers. They contain a potent serum of hydrolyzed marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, and soy protein that leaves the skin visibly plump and smooth after just one use. Up next, my skin is kind of perfect right now thanks to this exact 30-day routine.
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clea4ua · 3 years
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Tatcha Polish Classic Rice Enzyme Powder
Is a non abrasive, water activated exfoliant made of Japanese rice bran that transforms to a creamy foam. This powder provides effective cleansing without stripping skin of moisture or breaking the skin’s barrier leaving your skin smooth with a healthy glow. The Classic is recommended for combination to dry skin. Key Ingredients:
- Japanese Rice Bran is a nonabrasive physical exfoliant rich in vitamins and proteins
- Hadasei-3™ consists of Tatcha’s Proprietary Complex of Rice, Algae, Green Tea helps restore a healthy looking radiance. - Amino acids and AHAs (lactic acid) from double fermentation to resurface and plump the skin
The texture a very finely ground rice that when activated by water it turns into a foam that is cloud like and creamy. Instructions say to use 1/2 teaspoon but I find that to be to much. I would say half of that is all you need. It cleanses and gently exfoliates the skin well, doesn’t irritate my skin. Although this says “daily physical exfoliant” and says it can be used twice a day, while gentle, I personally wouldn’t use twice day. Also the water/powder ratio is important! It helps to minimize my pores and leaves my skin feeling softer and more smooth. My only cons I have is that it contains alcohol so therefore it can leave my skin feeling slightly dry but not uncomfortably so. Once I continue with my routine my skin feels hydrated, moisturized, and has a healthy glow. My go to has always been Dermalogica Microfoliant Exfoliator and will probably remain that way considering I get more product for a cheaper price with similar results.
- Free of
- Doesn’t irritate skin
- Minimizes pores
- Skin is softer and more smooth
- Skin has a healthy glow after using
- Brightens my skin when it’s dull
- Packaging is beautiful
- Slightly drying
- Contains Alcohol
- Pricey
- While it does have a special enclosure to make sure the powder doesn’t fall out it’s hard to control the amount that comes
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dawnasiler · 5 years
How to Apply Retinol and Vitamin C in Your Skincare Routine: The Right and Wrong Way to Use Them Together
Retinol vs Vitamin C pH
Retinol vs Vitamin C Solubility
What Happens When You Mix Retinol with Vitamin C
The Right Way to Apply Retinol and Vitamin C
Vitamin C in the Morning, Retinol at Night
Vitamin C and Retinol on Alternate Nights
Wait 30 Minutes in Between Vitamin C and Retinol
Vitamin C Derivative and Retinol Together
Retinol and vitamin C are two of the most powerful ingredients for your skin. Both are known to fight wrinkles, build collagen and fade dark spots and pigmentation.
But fitting them into your skincare routine can be tricky. Should you layer one on top of the other, or will that inactivate them? Which one goes on first? And what about mixing them together?
In this tutorial, you will learn:
Why you need to consider pH and solubility 
What happens when you mix retinol and vitamin C together
The right way to use retinol and vitamin C in your skincare routine
The best retinol and vitamin C products to try
Retinol vs Vitamin C pH
If you're thinking about using retinol and vitamin C at the same time, the first thing you need to check is their pH levels.
All skincare products that are water-based (aqueous) have been formulated to work at a certain pH. 
Retinol typically has a pH between 5.0 and 6.0, as research has shown that's where it operates best. The same goes for retinaldehyde and retinyl esters.
L-ascorbic acid, the active form of vitamin C, is usually at pH 3.5 or lower in order to effectively penetrate your skin (as this study proves). 
However, there's another category of vitamin C out there—vitamin C derivatives. These are less potent than L-ascorbic acid, but more stable, with varying pH levels. 
Neutral vitamin C derivatives include ascorbyl glucoside, ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and sodium ascorbyl phosphate, which are all in the 6.0 to 7.0 pH range. 
Acidic vitamin C derivatives are ascorbyl methasilanol pectinate (pH 3.5), ethyl ascorbic acid (pH 4.0 to 5.5) and glyceryl ascorbate (pH 3.0 to 5.0). So these are not quite as acidic as L-ascorbic acid.
Skincare products that don't contain water (anhydrous solutions) don't have a pH.
Retinol vs Vitamin C Solubility
The next thing to think about is whether the ingredients are oil-soluble or water-soluble:
Retinol is oil-soluble, so it will only dissolve in oil-based ingredients (although it can be encapsulated within a water-based solution).
L-ascorbic acid is water-soluble, so it will only dissolve in water-based ingredients.
Vitamin C derivatives are usually water-soluble. The exceptions are ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate (which is soluble in oil) and ethyl ascorbic acid (which is both water-soluble and oil-soluble).
What Happens When You Mix Retinol with Vitamin C
Now that you're familiar with the differences between retinol and vitamin C, let's consider what happens when you use them at the same time or mix them together:
Their pH levels will change: Remember that retinol and L-ascorbic acid have a big gap in pH. So using them together will lower the retinol's pH and raise the vitamin C's pH. We know this can make retinol less active and inhibits vitamin C’s ability to get into the skin. Essentially, they will both become less effective! However, this isn't a concern with the neutral vitamin C derivatives.
They may not dissolve or penetrate: Oil and water don't mix. So if you're adding a water-soluble vitamin C into an oil-based retinol, for example, it will not dissolve. Therefore, it won't penetrate your skin, and you won't get any of the vitamin C's benefits. Another thing to keep in mind is that oils create a barrier on the skin that blocks the absorption of water-based products. 
The Right Way to Apply Retinol and Vitamin C
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Dermalogica Overnight Retinol Repair 1% and SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic
Fortunately, there IS a way to incorporate both vitamin C and retinol in your skincare routine. You've got four options: 
Vitamin C in the Morning, Retinol at Night
Your easiest course of action is to separate vitamin C and retinol from each other and apply them at different times of day. This ensures that each ingredient can work at its correct pH.
But what if your vitamin C is anhydrous (water-free)? I'd also recommend using it at a different time than your retinol. Anhydrous vitamin C solutions typically include oils, silicones or oily solvents, so the retinol may not be able to penetrate well through them.
Products to try:
Vitamin C and Retinol on Alternate Nights
Most dermatologists believe that retinol should always be applied at night, away from UV light. But did you know you can apply vitamin C at night, too? This study found that DNA damage continues for hours after exposure to UV light, and suggests it could be prevented with a nightly antioxidant, like vitamin C. 
By using retinol and vitamin C on alternate nights, you'll get the benefits of both, without having to worry about interactions.
Products to try: 
Wait 30 Minutes in Between Vitamin C and Retinol
If you must use retinol and L-ascorbic acid at the same time, separate them by 30 minutes. Apply your vitamin C first, since it has the lower pH of the two. Then, wait half an hour before you apply your retinol. Incorporating the waiting period allows your skin's pH to return to normal, so each ingredient can work at its intended pH. 
This is also applicable to the vitamin C derivatives ascorbyl methasilanol pectinate, ethyl ascorbic acid and glyceryl ascorbate, since they are usually acidic. 
Products to try:
Vitamin C Derivative and Retinol Together
If you don't have time to wait 30 minutes, your bet bet is a vitamin C derivative. Be sure to choose one with a neutral pH, such as ascorbyl glucoside, ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate or sodium ascorbyl phosphate. 
Since they are close in pH to retinol, it doesn't really matter which one you apply first. Go with whichever one has the lighter texture (keeping in mind that water-based products should always go on before oil-based products). As soon as the first one absorbs, you can apply the second ingredient and skip the waiting period altogether. 
Products to try:
Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum, Omorovicza Daily Vitamin C Serum, Derma E Vitamin C Concentrated Serum and Skin Design London C Antioxidant Glow all contain sodium ascorbyl phosphate, which is good for brightening, fading pigmentation and even treating acne.
Skin Inc Supplement Bar Vitamin C Serum, Youth To The People Superfood Firm and Brighten Serum and Glossier Super Glow have magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, which brightens, fades dark spots and boosts collagen production.
Tatcha Violet-C Brightening Serum, Joanna Vargas Rescue Serum and Sunday Riley C.E.O. 15% Vitamin C Brightening Serum feature ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate (tetrahexadecyl ascorbate), which treats dull skin and pigmentation while it builds collagen.
The Ordinary Ascorbyl Glucoside Solution 12% is made with ascorbyl glucoside, which is best for boosting radiance and evening out skin tone.
I hope this helps you make the most out of retinol and vitamin C in your skincare routine!
Does your skincare routine include retinol and vitamin C? How do you prefer to use them?
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How to Apply Retinol and Vitamin C in Your Skincare Routine: The Right and Wrong Way to Use Them Together syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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youresthibestie · 7 years
Skincare for Everyone
These are all options that would (hopefully) work for all skin types, I did my best to find these for all of you and keep it as inclusive as possible.
They are all products I’ve used and liked, affiliate links may be used. 
Everyone is different so, of course, I can’t make any guarantees! Ask box is always open for specific inquiries. 
Anything with a * denotes a product I currently use, ** denotes that I have used the product. 
CLEANSERS - Excluded wipes in this list, did include micellar or cleansing waters. A good cleanser is the base of your routine. If you use cosmetics or sunscreen daily it’s in your best interest to “double-cleanse” i.e. use a wipe or cleansing water + cleanser for your skin to properly remove all traces of oil/dirt/sunscreen/makeup. I strayed away from including specific cleanser for acne-prone skin as those don’t work for everyone. 
Philosophy Purity $24*
tarte Frxxxtion Stick $22**
Drunk Elephant Beste Gel Cleanser $34*
Sunday Riley Blue Moon Balm $50**
e.l.f Cosmetics daily Face Cleanser $7
Drunk Elephant Pekee + Juju Bars Travel Duo $18*
First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser $20**
PTR Rose Stem Cell Bio-Repair Cleansing Gel $30
Laneige Vitamin Brightening Cleansing Water $24
Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleanser $7.99
Laneige Multi Cleanser $23
Garnier SkinActive Micellar Water $8.99**
EXFOLIATORS - PHYSICAL - What you imagine when you hear “exfoliation”, grains you can feel. If using a physical exfoliant, be careful to only use 1-2x a week. These are generally more heavy duty and with overuse, can harm your skin.
Philosophy Microdelivery $28*
Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Scrub $9.99*
Origins Modern Friction $39.50**
First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Polish $25
e.l.f Cosmetics Exfoliating Scrub $6
bareMinerals Mix Exfoliate Smooth $22* (Transformative, can be used in your cleansers, masks etc.)
AmorePacific Treatment Enzyme Peel $60
EXFOLIATORS - CHEMICAL - In my experience, chemical exfoliants work much better for those with more sensitive skin or those who are new to a skincare regimen. They can be used daily when in serum or pad form for gentle consistent exfoliation. Use caution and pay attention to % in products. 
Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Pads Original $12.99 & Extreme $14.99*
PTR FIRMx Peel Gel $48**
First Aid Beauty FAB Skin Lab Resurfacing Liquid 10% AHA $55
Boscia Exfoliating Peel Gel $34
ExfoliKate® Intensive Exfoliating Treatment $24-85* (chemical and physical, contains lactic acid & 3 types of fruit enzymes)
Drunk Elephant T.L.C Framboos Glycolic Night Serum $90* (Categorized under chemical exfoliation instead of serums based on it containing 12% AHA/BHA for the purpose of overnight exfoliation. Do not use during the day.)
TONERS - I suggest a simple toner, not an astringent for daily use. Your skin has a pH level, water has a pH level, cleansers do too. None of them are ever (usually) the same. Toning your skin with a pH balanced essence or mist will insure that your skin will be less reactive and your products will work with you better. There are brands that properly balance their products, like Drunk Elephant, to where you don’t need a toner. Personally, I noticed my skin is softer and less red when I tone daily. 
AmorePacific Treatment Toner $60
Ole Henriksen Fountain of Truth Facial Water $22**
Caudalie Beauty Elixir $19-49
Fresh Rose Floral Toner $40**
Evian Mineral Water Spray $12-18*
SERUMS - HYDRATION - Serums are great products to use daily for a more “power packed” routine. They can all offer multiple benefits but I stuck to two very popular categories of skin concerns that serums can improve/solve more readily than moisturizers alone.  
NO7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Serum $29.99
e.l.f. Soothing Serum $12
PTR Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Serum $65
Nip + Fab Skin Dragon's Blood Fix Serum $19.99
Nip + Fab Dragon’s Blood Hyaluronic Fix Shot $24.99
SERUMS - BRIGHTENING - Most all of these contain Vitamin C to varying percents. If dark spots or overall uneven tone are your concern, use Vitamin C and SPF. Using VitC and no SPF will only have negative effects on your skin, meaning you’ll end up just with dark spots and wasted money. I do not preach sunscreen use for my health. 
Murad Environmental Shield Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum $65**
Bare Minerals Brilliant Future Age Defense & Renew Serum $50**
OLAY Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Serum $28.99
Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Serum $14.99
Skin Laundry Brightening Serum $50
Ole Henriksen Truth Serum $48**
BLEMISH + ACNE TREATMENT - I am not a dermatologist. These suggestions are for light-mild cases of acne. If you suffer serious, cystic breakouts please consult your dermatologist. This section lists serums, spot treatments and pads. 
Philosophy Clear Days Ahead Spot Treatment $19**
Peter Thomas Roth AHA/BHA Acne Clearing Gel $54
First Aid Beauty Blemish Patrol Pads $30
bareMinerals Blemish Remedy Acne Clearing Serum $42**
Peter Thomas Roth Acne Clear Invisible Dots $30*
Formula 10.0.6 On Your Mark Blemish Fader $7.99
MOISTURIZERS - May or may not contain SPF, labelled if it does. If you want a moisturizer made for night use look under the next category.
Josie Maran Argan Daily Moisturizer SPF 47 (P) $32*
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel $19.99
e.l.f Cosmetics Daily Hydration Moisturizer $8
Laneige Water Bank Moisture Cream $35
Formula 10.0.6 Picture Perfect Day Gel Moisturizer SPF 15 $6.99
PTR Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Cream $52**
Pacifica Dreamy Youth Day & Night Cream $14.99** 
Olay Total Effects 7 In 1 SPF 15 $10.99
philosophy Renewed Hope In A Jar $39**
NIGHT CREAMS + BALMS - Heavier textures, without SPF, made specifically for night time use. If you don’t feel you need that for nighttime, that’s fine! You can use your AM moisturizer as long as it doesn’t contain SPF. 
Farmacy Sleep Tight Firming Night Balm $48*
e.l.f Nourishing Night Cream $12
First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Hydra-Firm Sleeping Cream $38
Korres Wild Rose + Vitamin C Advanced Brightening Sleeping Facial Cream $48**
Herbivore Moon Fruit Superfruit Night Treatment $58**
Ole Henriksen Invigorating Night Transformation Creme $50
philosophy Renewed Hope in A Jar Overnight Recharging & Refining Moisturizer $49**
EYE CREAMS - These range from cream to gel, you don’t ~need~ an eye cream. Your moisturizer (as long as it’s safe for eye area) can be used here too. If you have concerns of dark circles, crows feet, crepe-y lids look through these options. Some are simple, some are heavier duty. 
Farmacy Eye Dew $38**
Origins GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream $30**
Origins Eye Doctor Moisture Care $38*
e.l.f Cosmetics Illuminating Eye Cream $10
Laneige Water Bank Eye Gel $36
First Aid Beauty Eye Duty Triple Remedy AM Gel Cream $36**
Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Intensive Eye Contour Cream $57**
Tarte Maracuja C-Brightener Eye Treatment $38**
SPF PHYSICAL (P) + CHEMICAL (C) - Many people experience irritation to chemical sunscreens, if you have tried them and disliked the effects, transition over to physical. 
Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer Original SPF 30 $34 & Tinte SPF 30 $36 (P)
Farmacy Green Screen SPF 30 (P) $36
Coola Classic Face SPF 30 (P) $32
Clinique Super City Block SPF 40 (C) $24.50
Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Liquid Sunblock SPF 70 (C) $14.99
Shiseido Urban Environment Oil-Free SPF 42 (C) $33
bareMinerals Prep Step Broad Spectrum SPF 50 (P) $30**
Tarte Tarteguard SPF 30 (P) $32
TATCHA Pore Perfecting Sunscreen SPF 35 Travel Size $13 + Full Size $65
That’s all! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. 
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sentrava · 5 years
At 35, I Started Caring About My Skin — Here’s My Routine
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The hardest thing about traveling so often is keeping a regular, healthy diet and a skincare routine compatible with TSA requirements and my aging self. I recently turned 36, and I’m embarrassed to admit I didn’t truly get serious about caring for my skin until about 18 months ago. That said, better late than never (right? RIGHT?), so I put together this play-by-play of how to maintain a skincare routine in your 30s—and, in particular, how I keep it up while on the road.
But first, it must be said, I am not a doctor, a dermatologist or an aesthetician (clearly). You should absolutely see one (or all) of the above before doing anything drastic with your own skin. I do have a great derm, Dr. Lorien Sites at Nashville Skin, who I see once a year for skin checks and preventative cancer screenings and an aesthetician in Nashville, Mallory Hamilton at Woo Cosmetics, as well as one in Manchester, Megan Hershman of Be Well Skin, who I go to for professional facials and waxing. That said, I can only afford so many such treatments, so I’ve learned what I can do on my own and what I need to leave to the pros.
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And it happens to be my favorite time of year: the Sephora VIB sale! I tend to stock up on all the products I need during this sale for 11 days every April and November. It’s the perfect excuse to try out a bevy of new products as there are 10 to 20 percent discounts throughout the course of 11 days, in addition to all sorts of freebies and perks.
Note: This post is in no way sponsored by Sephora, though I did include affiliate links when applicable below. I purchased every beauty product I featured below through Sephora (or Ulta if I can’t find it at my first-choice shop) and have stopped buying actual skincare products via Amazon. Why? Read this.
My Daytime Routine
After going overboard with products to start and creating blackheads for the first time in my life as a result, this is now what I do in the morning now. I don’t double-cleanse every single day, as I don’t wear makeup and my skin is already sensitive, so the second step is just an occasional add depending on how my skin is feeling that day. It’s always a trial-and-error with what works for you, though I’ve found a lot of helpful tips via beauty guru Caroline Hirons over the years. I also often defer to this New York Times piece on building a skincare routine when I’m feeling overwhelmed and sifting through the black hole of skincare recommendations that is the Internet.
Step 1: Rinse my face with warm water and a cleanser like this Algenist one
Step 2: Double cleanse with an exfoliating product like Tatcha’s Deep Cleanse (optional)
Step 3: Apply Tarte Knockout Tingling Treatment as a toner (I don’t do this every day)
Step 4: Splash my face with Fresh’s Black Tea Kombucha Antioxidant Essence to ward off pollutants
Step 5: Apply a layer of Drunk Elephant Day Serum
Step 6: Apply Supergoop SPF and an additional thin coat of moisturizer if needed (i.e. if my skin is dry)
Go about my day!
I’ve tried to be better about wearing SPF every single day, even if I don’t think I’m going out in the sun. My bestie Lemon turned me onto Supergoop! products a couple years ago, and those are my go-to for days I know I’ll be outside at some point. Plus, I love that it comes in a 1.7-ounce bottle, so I can keep it in my carry-on and reapply as needed. Back home, I have a massive tube of Le Roche-Posay’s Anthelios SPF, a line my makeup artist friend Brenna introduced me to a few years ago (and one you can now find at your local pharmacy like Walgreens), that I apply when running or working in the yard.
I have combination skin that errs on the oily side, so won’t use a moisturizer during the day unless it’s winter (or allergy season like now) and my skin is feeling tight and itchy. In that case, I’m a big fan of Little Seed Farm’s Goat’s Milk Moisturizer, which is a nearby Tennessee brand I purchase locally from Kroger’s but has a website from which you can order if you aren’t local. I also love Tatcha’s Water Cream, and it’s a bonus that it’s a clean product, too (slowly making the switch to mostly products that are certified clean).
Keeping my products organized and ready to use step-by-step has been a lot easier in the new house as we actually have bathroom space and closets here. I like to keep everything where I can see it so I can survey what I have in stock, so I loved adding this rotating beauty organizer I got on Amazon for just $26 to my new bathroom. I also have a variety of Container Store and STORi plastic bins like this one that I use to organize my overflow and hair products in my bathroom closet.
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Using Face Masks
Since I work from home, I often do a mask once or twice a week midday and have all my skincare products readily available and have liked splashing this Fresh essence on my face throughout the day when I need a boost. I’m constantly trying new ones, but here are a few of my favorites:
REN’s Glycol Lactic Radiance Renewal Mask (I use this peel once a week and it’s glorious)
Sephora Collection Face Masks (I prefer the coconut, pearl and lychee)
TONYMOLY Sheet Masks (for $3.75 a pop, you can’t beat the price)
My Nighttime Routine
One thing to note is that figuring out what works for you takes time. Don’t introduce everything at once, otherwise you won’t know what’s working and what’s not. For example, the Pixie Glow Tonic from Target beauty bloggers rave about? Only made my skin break out and become more red in complexion. I immediately took it out of my rotation and started testing out different Vitamin C and brightening serums instead.
Wash with a deep cleanser (I like various Peter Thomas Roth products)
Apply a serum (Sunday Riley Vitamin C or Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Framboos)
Apply a retinol (currently using Drunk Elephant’s A-Passioni)
Apply an eye cream (I haven’t found one I love but currently am using Drunk Elephant’s that came in a set)
Apply a night cream (see below for my thoughts on this)
Between each step, I make sure the product has properly soaked in before I add the next layer. Rule of thumb if you can’t remember which order to apply is: lightest to heaviest. My night cream or moisturizer depends on how thirsty my skin is (I used to not use one, but now I’m trying to reverse deep forehead wrinkles without Botox so use one religiously). My go-to is Belif’s Aqua Bomb, particularly in the drier months like winter, but I really love Farmacy’s Sleep Tight quenches my skin but doesn’t make me wake up feeling oily.
I also finally started using a silk pillowcase, the Slip pillowcase beloved by bloggers everywhere, and I’m kind of mad my mom has used one her entire life and never enforced it upon me because it does help protect both your skin and your hair. And as someone with crazy wavy hair, I can actually straighten it one day, sleep on the silk pillowcase and wake up to it not a mess for a change.
In terms of toning and skin-brightening, friends of mine swear by Karen Hayes Esthetics’ Koji pads, and I finally dropped $160 on a pack and … was extremely underwhelmed. I used them religiously for the recommended 60 days and saw no change in my skin tone. That said, I didn’t actually go in to see the esthetician first—rather, I filled out the survey online—so maybe I needed a stronger prescription? I don’t know. In a world of abundant skincare options, I don’t think I’d drop the money to re-try this one. I’m getting more religious about using a toner and Vitamin C serum instead.
After a decade of using retinol from my derm, I’ve been using OTC retinol products for the past year after my skin went ballistic with an allergic reaction the last time I tried medical-grade products. I’m due for my annual skin checkup with my derm soon, so I’m going to ask her to prescribe me a new retinol—not because my skin breaks out regularly, but because I have deep forehead lines that need reversing (I laugh a lot, what can I say?) and I’m just not into the idea of Botox (no judgment if you are). For those who don’t need as strong a retinol, I do like Drunk Elephant’s A-Passioni Retinol Cream and also Algenist’s Retinol Serum.
Drunk Elephant products are pricey, so I’d recommend you go with a sampler kit like this one before investing in the full-sized products to see what you like. But I’m fully on that bandwagon now, as I’ve been using them for nearly a year, and my skin feels so clean and fresh daily (plus, their products are non-irritating and non-toxic).
When I Travel, Here’s My Beauty Kit
My friend Christie, to whom I also go for skincare tips, made me envious of how organized her beauty kit always is, so I threw out my old caddy and bought this hanging organizer instead. I keep it hanging in my bathroom and each section is organized by theme: first aid (Band-Aids, medicine, prescriptions, etc.), dental hygiene, shampoo and conditioner, hair products and skincare. It’s always ready to go when I need to pack my suitcase, and this way, I never forget anything, which I was inevitably doing before. I also now use this little $8 seven-day pill organizer for my prescriptions, which has reduced the chance of me forgetting one bottle since I’m on so many daily allergy meds.
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For this, I typically use Sephora samples I get when I’m stocking up or I buy mini-kits of products I use that are under three ounces. Nothing will get me to check a bag when I travel, so I find it’s always easier to be prepared. Some kits of minis I’ve used and love:
Algenist Discovery Kit (which includes the retinol, a serum, an eye cream and more)
Drunk Elephant’s The Littles (which includes a small version of every one of the products I use of theirs)
Tatcha Pore-Perfecting Duo (I use this for my cleanser and moisturizer when traveling)
What You Eat DOES Matter
Doing food elimination diets for my autoimmune disease means that I’ve seen firsthand how my skin reacts to certain foods, dairy in particular. And while we are mostly dairy-free day-to-day—we long ago, started making our own almond, cashew and coconut milk—neither one of us is one to turn down sour cream or cheese, and if I’m at a fancy coffee shop, I’ll occasionally opt for real creamer as opposed to oat milk or cashew substitute.
But if I’m consuming dairy or sugar on the regular, you better believe my skin reflects it. I get large breakouts around my mouth and jawline, and it’s just not pretty. Again, I’m a big fan of these cheap, but totally efficient Nexcare acne patches to get ride of isolated breakouts quickly (note: this is the only beauty product I buy via Amazon as my local Walgreens doesn’t carry it—but yours might). You can’t beat $6 a box! Target also carries the CosRx brand ($5 for 18) that beauty bloggers swear by.
I’ve had professional dermaplaning three times, and little has given my skin quite the glow as removing all the peach fuzz and dead skin cells. I absolutely love the effect of dermaplaning, but the problem is that it only lasts about two weeks (at least for me), and it is not cheap. Instead, these days I do weekly at-home dermaplaning with a variety of tools:
Stacked Skincare dermaplaning tool
Level Setter Razors
Tinkle Hair Removal Razors
Stacked is by far the most efficient, but it’s also very sharp, so proceed with caution. The $10 drugstore brands work fine to just get your face smoother for applying serums and creams; not having that layer of fuzz and dead skin definitely helps your products soak in more (and your makeup to go on more smoothly if you’re a daily makeup-wearer).
Microblading & Your Brows
So far I’ve yet to find a brow-grow product that fills in the patchy parts of the brows I overplucked in my teen years. Ladies, why did we not listen to our mothers? *face palm*
I’ve tried Shisheido, Rapid Brow and Sephora—none of which have done anything for me. I finally ordered the two-part GrandeBrow Brow and Lash Enhancing Serums from Sephora, and still nothing. One eyebrow got thicker, I’ll give it that, but the problem brow stayed, well, problematic. So, if you have an effective eyebrow serum, help a girl out, will you? I’m thinking of asking my derm for a Latisse prescription next time I’m in as nothing OTC seems to work.
I would love to try microblading, and honestly was going to do it years ago until I found out you have to get touch-ups once to twice a year. While I’m OK paying $500 for something that has a semi-permanent effect, paying $500 and then hundreds of dollars for touch-ups every quarter or bi-annually is just an investment I’m not ready to make yet (plus, the thought of getting my brows tattooed freaks SVV out to no end). But if you have thoughts on microblading or success stories, please let me know in the comments!
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What’s worked for you when it comes to your skin? I’m constantly learning how to take care of myself after years of neglecting my skin, so share your favorite tips or products, pretty please!
At 35, I Started Caring About My Skin — Here’s My Routine published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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robertshugartca · 5 years
Personally, my skin veers oily—combination on a good day. I also...
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Personally, my skin veers oily—combination on a good day. I also happen to have pores that make a habit of sucking in everything and anything I put on top of them and subsequently clogging. Lovely. Celebrity esthetician Renée Rouleau once recommend this lightweight sebum-controlling face moisturizer to me (like two years ago), and it’s pretty much the only formula I’ve touched since. It keeps bumps and clogged pores on crowd control and my overall complexion bright and healthy-looking. I shout about it to anyone who will listen.  We love French drugstore staple brand La Roche-Posay because the quality of its products often feels about 10 times their actual dollar weight. For oily skin types, we recommend this daily face moisturizer, in particular. It keeps skin matte but still radiant thanks to salicylic acid, a rush of antioxidants, and vitamins C and E.  If fighting oiliness and blemishes is a daily war you no longer care to wage, we’re happy to introduce you to Murad’s top-notch grease-patrolling face moisturizer. You still get the essential hydration your skin craves (pro tip: never starve your skin of moisturizer no matter how oily you are!), but the brand’s unique formula helps absorb the excess stuff for up to eight hours post-application. Plus, you’ll also get a handy dose of SPF 15 sun protection.  Many of our favorite SkinCeuticals formulas pose potential threats to our bank accounts (we’re talking over $150 for one product), but this expert face moisturizer comes in at a pretty reasonable $61—especially once you realize how little you need to apply. Fortified with a 10% hydroxy acid complex to lift away dead skin, a botanical medley to treat blemishes and congestion, and lightweight oils that infuse the skin with moisture—not acne— this nighttime face cream keeps even the oiliest of skin happy and balanced.  This ultra-light face moisturizer from Bliss kind of feels like liquid velvet. No added fragrances, no oily aftermath, and no harsh ingredients. Instead, it features super-calming healers like rose flower and colloidal gold to help sensitive skin types feel calm, cool, and collected.  Avène is one of those lesser-known skincare brands that all the best skincare gurus in the business basically fawn over. This fragrance-free, face-healing moisturizer is a perfect example and offers even the most hypersensitive skin with irritation-free skin drench. The secret? The brand’s signature ingredient, spring water. Kiehl’s is known as one of the best names in the industry for a reason. Its skin-loving formulas really work. This calming number is a fan favorite and treats sensitive skin with utmost TLC thanks to squalane and glacial glycoprotein, which, according to the brand, hydrates, protects, and discourages unwanted water loss. Oh, and did we mention that this face moisturizer promises 24-hour long nourishment? Just some food for thought. Formulated with sensitive skin in mind, this clean pick from Ren is one of our newest fave formulas. It’s the brand’s top-selling moisturizer and keeps discomfort and discoloration at bay by utilizing strategic ingredients like omega fatty acids, Roman chamomile, green tea, and more. Tip: Never bring this cult-loved face moisturizer up in conversation during a social gathering, because it generally incites product-obsessing chaos. Great for all skin types, it’s a consistent top seller and boasts a nine signal peptide complex, pygmy waterlily stem cell extract, and soybean folic acid ferment extract for improved texture, tone, and firmness. Everyone’s craving vitamin C serums these days, but why start there? This is by far one of the best under-the-radar face moisturizers on the market, and it’s specifically formulated with mega-brightening agents like vitamin C, yes, but also other MVP power players like niacinamide, red algae extract, shea butter, probiotics, peptides, antioxidants, and beautifying herbal extracts. Yes, this gal is expensive, but if you’re into all things ultra luxurious and equally efficacious, it just might be worth busting your bank account. It’s made in Switzerland and infused with the brand’s holy-grail Cellular Complex, alpha hydroxy acids (for exfoliation), and other mega-watt hydrators enhanced with caviar premier for above-and-beyond suppleness and firmness. Newly designed with super-chic packaging, this investment piece is another holy-grail investment that both estheticians and makeup artists practically salivate over in order to give their celeb clientele an otherworldly glow. True to the brand, the concentrate features the cell-renewing Miracle Broth contained in all its potions. This treatment is just a little more restorative and a little more luxurious. The newest addition to the Tatcha family of skincare covetables, this dreamy face cream is all anybody and everybody is talking about within the skincare community. It’s specifically formulated to rehydrate parched skin and uses antioxidant-packed Japanese skincare secrets in the forms of purple rice, Okinawa algae, and botanicals like ginseng, sweet marjoram, and thyme to keep even the most desert-like of complexions on bright, brilliant behavior (no flakes allowed). Forget green juice, and meet pink juice—for your face. The people love Glow Recipe (as an editor, I receive so many glowing DMs—no pun intended), and this top seller from the brand is a home run for those who especially struggle with dryness. Watermelon, obviously, is the formula’s hero ingredient, but it’s anchored by other juicy sips like hyaluronic acid and botanicals. The effect is further amplified if paired with the Watermelon Glow Ultra-Fine Mist, the brand’s newest play. If extreme moisture relief is what you seek, look no further than this water hose of a moisturizer from Sunday Riley. Not only does it hydrate, but it also brightens and refines thanks to two forms of hyaluronic acid (the LeBron of moisture in the league of skincare), tamarind extract, papaya enzymes, and alpha-arbutin. Makeup artists love, love, love to prep and prime celebrities’ faces with this Swiss skin elixir, and even though it’s technically labeled as a baby cream, it’s magic for the face, too. Plus, it’s one of the most affordable in the bunch. Essential fatty acids, vitamin E, organic pansy, and organic calendula flower are there to help with all your dry-skin woes. Super nourishing in formulation, this soft and soothing German-made face moisturizer was specially developed with for women of color with normal to combination skin types. The lusty ingredient roster includes fares like magnolia and Enantia Chlorantha bark to refine the appearance of pores, control sebum, and nourish with hydration. Plus, it will also boost your natural luminosity thanks to the brand’s active ingredient, Lumicol. This best-of-the-best face moisturizer is actually well-suited for all skin types, but we especially recommend it for those with combination skin. Its concoction of antioxidant-rich honey, hyaluronic acid, and golden cupuaçu butter beads (try saying that five times fast!) keep it lightweight enough to stave off oil and breakouts but hydrating enough to never leave you feeling thirsty. Loaded with skin-boosting superfoods in true Youth to the People fashion, this hydration-rich face moisturizer is heaven-sent for those who can veer either dry or oily. Kale, spinach, green tea, and hyaluronic are our favorite ingredient highlights. If it’s a testament to how much an all-star moisturizer for combination skin this cute cream tube is, I use it regularly and also slather it on my 70-year-old mom and dad whenever I get the chance during visits home. It’s so lovely. It’s lightweight, it’s hydrating, and it’s never left me feeling clogged, parched, or with any other icky skin symptoms. Blame the pretty lineup of açai berry, borage oil, fatty acids, and sesame seed oil. Next up: 3 Budgets, 3 Smart Skincare Routines Broken Down by Cost Per Wear
source https://gothify1.tumblr.com/post/183643094005
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gothify1 · 5 years
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I don't think there's a certain way one is "supposed to" look or feel in their 30s . I know that aging is a part of life that we all experience, but that doesn't mean that I can't amp up my beauty routine as I progress through life. Some embrace the signs of aging; I've chosen to fight them in the most noninvasive ways that I can for now. Truth be told, I have always looked young for my age. (Just an example: When I was 11, I was being cast as 7-year-olds in plays.) Even now, at 35 years old, I get carded from time to time and get a lot of comments from strangers about not looking my age when I share it. I like to think that my current skincare routine has something to do with that—at least I hope so, given the amount of time and money I spend on it. (It's worth noting that something I don't often spend money on is facials—I prefer to invest in products I can use again and again). As you know, one of the most important things you can do to offset aging is to avoid the sun, which I've always done (save for a few of my teenage years…). I wear sunscreen every single day, and if you don't, it's definitely never too late to start. Aside from that, read for the details of my daily beauty routine from morning to night, including makeup, and shop the products I swear by (like my holy-grail sunscreen). I don't get enough sleep, and my morning routine is usually pretty rushed, so I focus on trying to fake looking awake and protecting my skin from the elements. I know the price seems high for a face wash, but I've been using this for years, and it's worth it. It's mildly exfoliating and never leaves my dry skin feeling tight. You've probably heard how important vitamin C—and the antioxidants that come along with it—and ferulic acid are for your skin, so I always start with this. It has a subtle brightening effect, but I mostly use it for the damage-prevention factor. I love a serum, and this one has so much good stuff in it. And it absorbs instantly, making it a great option for busy mornings. If you're just starting to use anti-aging products, this is a great place to start. I shake a bit of this into the above serum before applying, and the skin-brightening effects are truly instant. You can shake it into any product, so it's completely error-proof. Plus, antioxidants! This is the product on this list I've been using the longest by far. It applies like a beautiful lightweight moisturizer and has zero scent. Plus, the SPF is very high, but it doesn't leave a white cast. I've re-bought it countless times over the years. Can't forget about the sensitive eye area. This cream is very light and sinks right in. I apply it right after my sunscreen. Bonus: It helps combat the signs of aging. I don't know about you, but my eyes can be very red when I wake up (might have something to do with only getting six hours of sleep). I put one drop of this in each eye, and they're perfectly white and clear in seconds. Plus, it doesn't burn. Not sure how I ever lived without it. I don't really leave the house without makeup on, but I definitely don't wear a lot of it. I find that heavy, dramatic makeup is aging on me, so I keep things fresh and light with the focus being on rosy cheeks and dewy skin. I don't know how they do it, but this provides great coverage yet stays really sheer. I can't stand heavy foundation, and this one is light and applies beautifully. I mix a drop of this serum with my foundation for a little bit of a bronze glow (which I need thanks to that SPF 46). I'd use it even if it didn't have anti-pollution antioxidants, so it's a big added bonus that it does. This just-released color corrector has already become a staple in my makeup routine (because six hours of sleep). I apply it before my concealer, and my dark circles are basically gone. You've probably heard the rave reviews about this cult-favorite concealer. Well, they're all true, and I'll never stop buying it. Pricey? Yes. Worth it? Yep. This stuff is magic when it comes to hiding imperfections, and it blends so well. Plus, my last tube lasted a good two to three years, so there's that. I always struggle with finding a pressed setting powder that doesn't look chalky. I started using this one a few months ago, and it's nice and sheer and natural, just how I like it. I love cream blushes and find them to be more youthful and dewier (obviously) than their powder counterparts. Kosas really excels at them, and I love the pretty complementary highlighter it's paired with. I love light, shimmery eye color, and this one is perfection. It's nice and light but has just enough pigment. I always apply a bit at my lower lash line, too, to brighten things up. I've tried a lot of the other cult eyelash curlers, and everyone has their favorite, but this one is the best. You can quote me. Dramatic mascaras and all their clumpy-lash outcomes are not for me. Glossier Lash Slick is my ride-or-die, as it doesn't clump or smudge and makes lashes look impossibly long. I find black eyeliner to be aging, so brown it is for me. This one is nice and rich and applies easily (which is great for me since I'm terrible at applying eyeliner). If you like a nice fluffy brow that's just the tiniest bit polished, you must try this. (Take a look at the Sephora reviews if you want further proof.) It also comes in six shades, so finding one that will look natural on you is a cinch. I've been through multiple tubes of Dior Lip Glow, and I never get tired of it. It has the perfect hint of color and actually stays on even though it feels like a balm. The focus of my evening routine is on anti-aging and repairing. I have dry skin, so I stay away from anything too harsh, but I've found that my skin can handle more acids and exfoliants as I get older. That said, I've had to find alternatives to strong retinols, as they're much too drying for me. This is my go-to evening cleanser, as it foams up really nicely, and I feel that it takes the day off. And like my morning cleanser, it doesn't leave my skin with that dreaded tight feeling. Plus, you can get it at the drugstore or on Amazon. TG for Shani Darden and her gentle retinol products (including Retinol Reform, which I also love). It's the only form of retinol I've been able to use that doesn't make my skin red and flaky, and the results are really noticeable. My lines are undoubtedly softer since I started using it. Speaking of Shani Darden, this is the perfect lightweight moisturizer. I often apply it over the retinol (or other strong products) when my skin is feeling parched. A few nights a week, I use this Versed miracle worker, and I wake up with a nice glow whenever I do. It works just as well as (if not better than) its pricier counterparts. It gently removes dead skin cells while hydrating. Genius. I honestly don't know how or why this serum works, but the second I put it on, my skin is instantly brighter and "glowy." It's a little pricey to use every night, but goals. Plus, it smells AMAZING. Shaba Complex is really gentle—so much so that you can put it on your eyelids. Just reading the description of this convinced me, and so far, I'm happy with the results: "A satiny eye serum formulated with a powerhouse of ingredients to tackle the major signs of aging under and around the eyes such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage for a rested, more youthful appearance." I think full brows can really be effective in achieving that youthful look, so I've been investing in Revitabrow for years. It works like no other. This is very hydrating, stays on, and isn't sticky, all of which are requirements for me in a nighttime lip balm. I also love the yummy coconut smell. Not the prettiest tube but definitely the best hand cream I've ever tried. I wash my hands a lot, and they're one of the first things to show age, so I'll use whatever works. And this works. Below are a few products that I don't use every night but that I always have on hand and highly recommend. This cream is rich, but in the winter and post-travel, it's what my skin craves. It really plumps the skin, and when I apply it before bed, my dry patches are gone by morning. Heads-up: Tatcha's Friends and Family Sale (20% off sitewide!) starts tomorrow, October 13, and goes through October 20. Sounds like a good time to stock up. This is one of the first skincare products I invested in years ago, and I still use it to this day. It's the perfect exfoliant, in my opinion. It really gets the job done without being harsh and drying. This is my favorite mask to use before a special occasion or just when my skin looks particularly dull and needs tightening up. It only takes 10 minutes to work its magic, and as the description states, it will leave you with baby-soft skin. Like I've said many times throughout this story, I love glow-inducing products, and this is one of my favorites. I use it about once a week under my moisturizer for gentle exfoliation and brightening. In case you want even more of my beauty insight, here are the 14 beauty products I never pack when I travel (and 21 I do) .
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