#Dolphin Druid
bigskydreaming · 2 months
Like yes merpeople but ALSO what about merpeople who are specifically half-shark, or the underwater equivalent of giants, half-human/half-whale? We've got the occasional half-human/half-octopus but also yes to half human jellyfish and half human manta rays and not naiads specifically so much as the underwater equivalent of dryads, having the same connection to coral gardens and reefs that dryads do to trees and forests.
Gimme underwater lamias who are actually more accurately half human/half electric eel, with all the associated zapping ability, that lends them insight into electricity and related phenomena they use to build high-tech wonderlands deep beneath the waves.....and far from any shore, underwater travelers fear crossing paths with 'ghosts' which are actually like a supernatural form of jellyfish who wrap their translucent selves around their victims to "possess them."
I want selkies who don't just come ashore to have angsty love affairs with beguiling humans, but who also live in communities deep in arctic regions far away from any human civilization where they carve entire villages and cities into the undersides of icebergs.
Underwater vampiric creatures, maybe lamprey or shark themed, who specifically drink blood for the oxygen in it, as that's what enables them to go 'top side' for awhile before having to retreat back to the depths they're more naturally adapted to live in. Krakens but also a Fae-like version of angler fish who use their lights as an undersea version of will'o'wisps, leading denizens of the deep astray.
Multiple types of undersea shapeshifters, going to and from the surface and the deep, with entirely different branches of the same shapeshifter family trees.....the dolphin shapeshifters of the Mediterranean being descendants of the sailors cursed by Dionysus and having very little in common with the encantado who live in the waters of South America, but often lumped in with each other and sharing similar issues and interactions with other civilizations due to the fact that so many others just assume all dolphin shapeshifters are connected or alike even though they have completely different natures, parameters for their shapeshifting, and an entire spectrum of supernatural abilities with very little actual overlap between the different 'types.'
Not just one god of the sea, but multiple gods of the deep, all associated with their own regions, from Poseidon to Sedna to Tangaroa to Manannán mac Lir and Kimbazi. The deep sea equivalent of druids, cultivating kelp forests and coral groves and gardens warmed and nourished by the undersea volcanoes they're planted in the shadows of. Sorcerers as fixated on trying to control and harness and direct the power and positioning of underwater currents as above-the-sea counterparts are with trying to control the weather.
Narwhales often mistaken for the unicorns of the deep, but only because there actually ARE an undersea version of unicorns for them to get mixed up WITH. Protective amulets and talismans and charms made of sea shells, alchemical potions mixed from octopus ink and kraken blood and marine sinkholes like the Great Blue Hole off the coast of Belize being the undersea equivalent of fairy rings, serving as entrances to a subaquatic Otherworld or Underworld.
The rivers of various pantheons' Underworlds having exit points at multiple places around the world, so there are entire regions considered haunted or places of wild magic because they're where the waters of the Styx or Acheron slip out and get mixed into the ocean, altering the properties of the water in those regions in strange and unpredictable ways.
Deep sea mages using and manipulating pressure in ways there's no above-water equivalent for because on land its not really a natural phenomenon of note or a force of nature all its own, not in the same ways it would be for those who live their entire lives and build cities at depths where the water around them has a weight and power that the air just does not possess for those who do the same at sea level.
A spectrum of sirens, different types and different cultures all with their own unique distinctions....as much as some are associated with seduction, there are other clans with reputations as scavengers, known for sending hunting parties to the surface where they sing down storms to scuttle ships and drag them and their contents down to the depths.
An entire world where there's always a lower depth, a darker chasm, a further mystery just below.....the deepest abysses an uncharted badlands populated by eldritch creatures older than anything else in the world, a pitch dark landscape dotted with the ruins of empires so old nobody remembers they ever existed, let alone what they were called.
Idk, idk, I just think there's so much more to be mined from the sheer wealth of sea creatures and concepts and phenomena and traditional mermaids and selkies and sirens, cool as they are, are really just the tip of the iceberg. And we have gotten a couple cool glimpses of undersea civilizations and how wild and colorful they can be in the last decade or so in cinema, but again....tip of the iceberg. There's soooooo much more that can be done, I'm just like. *vibrates in place wanting it all*
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film-score-simp · 1 year
See, I had a Thought which the Merlin fandom might be interested in. Especially the fanfic writers.
I was browsing Pinterest, as you do, and stumbled across a few tumblr posts instead of actually looking on the site… again, as you do.
And I came to a fun idea.
So y’know how with some pieces of fantasy media they go ‘oh with the amount of stupidity here this is totally a D&D game’?
Well… that, but Merlin.
Like we already have scenes that would totally fit the bill of a D&D game. The whole scene with old Merlin and the knights with the stepping stool onto the horse is just so unbelievably D&D, and I can imagine the scene with the “..reading poetry.” as just real bad persuasion/deception rolls from both Merlin AND Arthur.
Just imagine the chaos.
Here are my personal headcanons for their classes, but feel free to debate about it:
Merlin: Sorcerer. This man is too much of an idiot to be a wizard (though he DOES get hurt enough to be one), and I reckon being a wild magic sorcerer would totally fit the bill. He’s powerful, but hijinks must ensue- thus, the wild magic. Or perhaps not. People might assume it’s wild magic and turns out it’s just Merlin thinking he’s funny.
Arthur: Bard. Immediately. He’s got paladin energy as in like the ‘Chosen One’ and also he’s a knight, but he’s so stupid and also charismatic that he just gives bard to me. Like he’s so stupid and charismatic with literally everything, that Merlin ended up liking him. Like this man is a himbo that dresses brightly.
Morgana: Absolutely a warlock. She would have so much fun with eldritch blast, and being weird and spooky totally fits her vibe later in the series. She would probably be the one to sometimes have the braincell in the party and use her magic responsibly… but also eldritch blast. You gotta use eldritch blast-
Mordred: I don’t think he has chill enough vibes for the druid stereotype, but he definitely could be a druid. Giving funky nature powers to this kid would really be a hilarious idea. Like imagine Mordred with wild shape. I also think he has the possibility of being the Dionysus kind of druid… y’know, the greek god who turned people into dolphins just because? Yeah, him.
Gwaine: Barbarian. Or fighter. He may be a knight, sure, but with the amount of bar brawls he gets into? Absolutely. The fool definitely would fist fight someone in a dark alleyway at 2AM, it’s just what he’s like. He likes to hit people and drink alcohol- it just fits his whole MO.
Percival: Also a barbarian. His entire thing is strength, and the ‘little man’ comment just screams of a man with high intimidation. He may be a gentle giant and not going for the whole stereotype of angry rage beast, but this guy can totally scare without it.
Lancelot: Lancelot is a paladin. He’s the very epitome of ‘Good Boy.’ This guy is such a Righteous knight and just a generally cool person that I think that a god straight up WOULD get in contact to have him fight for the forces of good. I love this man so much. I also love paladins. Perfect combo.
Elyan: Elyan’s a cleric. He’s caring and loyal, as well as not bullying Merlin regularly. He’s also pretty cunning so possibly rogue there as well? I’d be more inclined to lean towards cleric the most though, cause he’s one of the most chill knights and also balances out the chaos of Gwaine and Percival as a duo… they’re nuts-
Leon: Also a paladin. Less of a ‘pure and true soul’ guy like Lancelot, but more of a ‘stands for what’s right and upholds the law’ kind of paladin. Like he’s totally a follower of chivalry with all the traditional ways of doing things- always respectful and polite but just kinda a little at arms length.
Guinevere: Stereotypical druid. Totally a tree-hugger and loves plants. Also she gets to be a Disney princess now and talk to animals in forests. Living out her best life in the forest with her whole cottagecore aesthetic. Even with her becoming queen, she’s totally still a druid. Albeit a royal one now.
Gaius: Oh he’s so gonna be an artificer. But specifically an alchemist artificer. He can make healing potions and mix weird medicines together, sure, but jesus christ the old man gets into just as many shenanigans as the main group. I mean, the whole possession fiasco with the goblin is enough proof for that-
(And before anyone tells me a character’s missing, it’s been a while since I watched the series, I’m trying my best hhhh-)
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truetalesteam · 6 months
Season 3 Crowdfund - 50% Funded, 13 Days to Go!
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We've still got our noses to the crowdfund grindstone over at True Tales of the Illuminati HQ. We've now hit 50% funded, which is amazing! But of course we do still have 50% left to go, and every night our chief producer looks at that little bar on the crowdfund and cartoonishly mops his brow.
Why are tiny blue cell-shaded drops appearing on his forehead, you ask? Because we have only 13 remaining days to raise a little over 4k for our stupidly ambitious 5-episode season two. 
We're so excited to bring another season of this (twice audioverse finalist!) show to you, our favorite yet, and bring it to life with the help of our incredible voice actors. Who, by the way, your can get to say whatever you want* as one of our backer tiers. Note that our limited-backer tiers for those of you who were wise enough not to invest in bitcoin are still completely untaken, including the chance to pick a minisode for our next season's crowdfund(you can even pitch one for our consideration!)
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If you can't back, we'd love if you shared on social media! Our backer count spikes every time we pop up on people's feeds, so it really does make a difference. We live in a hell future where our success or failure is determined by complex marketing algorithms! Just like the Illuminati envisioned. Or as the motto goes, "Obey the algorithm and you'll be in heaven!" I guess we should just be proud they managed a slant-rhyme
Our next milestone is at $6k, when we’ll be releasing the minisode Basket Case, which sees Beck and co go up against the Druids and their many nefarious stone calendars. It also features another guest, our good friend Taqi Nazeer as High Druid Corbin. You may recognize Taqi as the voice of mechanical mage Eisen from fellow historical adventure-comedy The Kingmaker Histories.
After that we’ll have one more at the final goal of $9k, written and starring Wooden Overcoats’ own Tom Crowley! That’s right, we’ve got guest stars for days!
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If you back us at $5 or more, we guarantee that regardless of the money we raise, after the crowdfund closes you’ll get to listen to all of the minisodes that we’ve produced. But if we don't make it to our funding goal, then only backers will get to listen to the full complement of the minisodes that we’ve prepared for this crowdfund, and all of the rest of you will have to live a twisted half-life without the sensual tones of Tom Crowley saying classy, poetic words in British English like "beastial mentality" and "phantom dolphin". We wouldn’t wish that on anyone!
So, if you’ve read this far and we haven’t completely lost you with talk of druids and dolphins, then please, please head on over to truetalesteam.com/crowdfund and pledge today.
Illuminati Ollominoto, The True Tales Team
*Be cool or we will say no
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Ada Shorewalker
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Image © @iguanodont
[Another OC, and one of the first ones I came up with before realizing that I could make an entire Monster Girl Summer out of it. Ada is definitely a version of myself, much like Jade Seven is. I tied her to Castle Xyntillian in this flavor text because it seemed like a good fit for for her, either as a powerful ally for lower level players, or as someone in need of rescue for higher level ones.]
Ada Shorewalker CR 8 N Monstrous Humanoid This anthropomorphic seal has long red hair and a gentle, curious expression. She wears a seal-skin cape and carries a spear.
Ada Shorewalker was always more interested in observation than in the actual hunt. While other selkies of her pack preferred to play malicious tricks on humanoids, Ada spent her time in tide pools and beach-combing, paying special attention to those land organisms that came to rest or forage on the seaside. As Ada grew up, she practiced her shapeshifting to emulate the other animals around her, and eventually grew in tune with nature to the point of learning druidic magic. She has now left her pack behind, exploring on land in order to learn more about the life that exists independently of the ocean.
Despite her gentle nature, Ada is especially interested in things like predator-prey relationships, decomposition and toxicology. Fungi are fairly rare in the ocean, and so she is fascinated by fungi and fungal creatures. When she is comfortable with someone, she often infodumps to them about all of the things she’s learned; her idea of “fun facts” is decidedly morbid and sometimes very gross. She views undeath as an aberration, but a particularly interesting one.
In combat, Ada switches from fun-loving to all business. She uses her animal focus to take on aspects like dolphin, orca or turtle, and then closes into melee with her spear or natural weapons. She prefers not to fight in wild shape mode, as Ada usually saves it to take a flying form if she needs to make a quick getaway. Ada is a little headstrong, and is not used to working alongside others, but given time and practice could become an excellent teammate.
Due to her attraction towards macabre topics, Ada Shorewalker has been considering an expedition to Castle Xyntillian. She has heard that Lake Xyntillian is home to an entire population of freshwater plesiosaurs, for example, and unusual plants and fungi grow throughout the grounds. She is confident that she can deal with any undead creatures that she encounters, because she has underestimated the sheer number of powerful undead that live on the grounds. She has no idea, for example, about powerful guests such as The Sickness or Debbie Twice-Born, or that Hubert Malevol the Huntsman has never stalked a selkie before and would be happy to add her head to his trophy collection.
Ada has red hair and a fat build in all of her humanoid forms. She gets along especially well with gnomes.
Ada Shorewalker          CR 8 XP 4,800 Female selkie druid 6 (variant feral shifter) N Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +14, scent Defense AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 natural) hp 90 (12d8+36) Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14; +4 vs. fey Resist cold 10 Defensive Abilities resist nature’s lure Offense Speed 20 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee masterwork spear +15 (1d8+6/x3), bite +9 (1d8+4) or bite +14 (1d8+6), 2 claws +14 (1d6+4) Ranged masterwork spear +15 (1d8+4/x3) or sling +14 (1d4+4) Special Attacks animal focus (6 minutes/day), aquatic focus, powerful blows (bite), shake, wild shape (2/day, Tiny to Large animal, Small elemental) Spells CL 6th, concentration +10 (+14 casting defensively) 3rd—greater magic fang, neutralize poison (DC 16), speak with plants 2nd—barkskin, bear’s endurance, elemental speech, slipstream 1st—faerie fire, obscuring mist, produce flame, speak with animals 0th—detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, stabilize Statistics Str 18, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 16, Wis17, Cha 16 Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28 Feats Alertness, Combat Casting,Improved Critical (bite)B, Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge: nature) Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +9, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge (nature) +17, Heal +12, Perception +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +13, Survival +14, Swim +21 Languages Aquan, Common, Druidic, Gnome, Sylvan SQ change shape (any Small or Medium humanoid, alter self), echo of reason, hold breath, nature sense, trackless step, wild empathy +9, woodland step Gear seafoam shawl of resistance +1, pearl of power (1st level), wand of cure light wounds, scroll of lesser restoration, masterwork spear, sling with 10 bullets,coral and pearls worth 46 gp Special Abilities Animal Focus (Su): At 1st level, as a swift action, a feral shifter can take on the aspect of an animal, gaining a bonus or special ability based on the type of animal emulated. This functions as the hunter’s animal focus class feature. The feral shifter can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. She can emulate only one animal at a time. This ability replaces nature bond. Aquatic Focus (Su) Ada Shorewalker draws her animal focuses from the list for the aquatic beastmaster hunter archetype. Echo of Reason (Su) A selkie can instinctively alter the intonation of its voice to make anything it says sound more pleasing to those who understand it. When using the Bluff skill, a selkie treats its lies as one step more believable for the purposes of bonuses or penalties on the check. Shake (Ex) On a successful critical hit with its bite attack, a selkie automatically violently shakes a Large or smaller target. The target must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or it is dazed for 1 round. Even on a successful save, the target still takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks for the next 2 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Episode 49 Notes-
Heheheh I had a snow day so I got to listen early!!!!!!!!!!!
We are winning with the dndads music lately hehehe
“Like there’s a Druid in my mind saying it’s gonna be oak” SOBBING
Oak this is a bop actually
Holy shit there were so many things bad that happened to normal lately 😭 
They’re in the past!!!!!! Oh my goddddddd
Taylor’s Teen Fact: Taylor was the runner up of the Teen High Teen of the Year award (which Margarita Pizza won). Taylor is a very good cup stacker (third place in a competition)
We forget that Taylor is canonically the most popular kid 
Freddie’s facts are always the craziest of all time. I love it
Linc’s Teen Fact: Linc had to do things other than soccer playing so Marco and Grant got him into artsy stuff. Of course he only would pain/sculpt soccer type things. So he decided to start selling them on Next Door (with an account called Foot King). Marco and Grant took him off of the app. He’s a good painter basically
Normal’s Teen Fact: Normal always keeps his hot glue gun on him
Scary’s Teen Fact: Scary doesn’t have a New Years Resolution because she decided it was too resolute (too firm, too definite). She wants to be able to choose whether or not to do something 
Daddy Fact: Anthony’s goal is to write a porn thing and he was reached out to by a porn website to write for them. He was gifted a care package (picture as you will)
He’s already written the script 😭 
Ooohh AU where they ARE the four horseman of the apocalypse 
Sitcom staring the Porpy and Flippy: Cop sidekicks
Well Willy did but whatever
Screw Willy
Grill Master the Dolphin!!!!!!! Ayyyyyy
Dang Willy is God
They’re in a five person (well four person now) marriage don’t judge the dolphins!!!!
Awww they’re only like. Fifteen. 
Heh Glenn Close/Jodie Foster (a good guy) in charge of Hell, Willy Stampler (a bad guy) in charge of Heaven
Yoooo wait the FBI is apart of the Hell now 
Lark still hates Henry omg
Sparrow!!! Omg 
Normal and Scary are so similar omg omg omg
Damn Good Omens much
What is it with Willy getting at the Oaks?
The codependents of all time
This dumb spell my goodness I love their debate
Why are they so set on killing Henry 😭 
Oh only 49 damage that’s not that bad 
Scary noooooooo
Scary’s gonna die 😭 😭 😭 😭 
Taylors such an ass omg
Scary got 44 damage 
“I say no once in six years of podcasting” 
Lark and Sparrow make me so unwell omg
Begging for Lark to have a whole thing about Sparrow with Normal
No one catches Lark 😭 
Taylor is so funny omg
They seriously are having season one vibes I missed this so much omg
Nooo that was such a good transition 
Taylor having his own mini adventure is because they played a Taylor Swift song for their intro
This whole Taylor thing is giving off BIG Leviathan Fabian vibes with Chungle Down Bim
Please say this works 
Roll high
Ohh a 12
Voicemail box 😭 
Of course Taylor is going to find his name 
Nooooo and it’d be easier for Taylor too because HIS MOM MARRIED WILLY OMG OMG
Henry stopppppppp you’re messing with Scary :cccccccc
Nooo scary still has the hat omg oh dear
Oh dear Willy’s God now he could probably control someone’s mind through their sleepppp
Oh god I hate Barry so much. He sucked so much I hate him
Taylor squints so hard that someone dies 😭 
I wonder if he’s gonna get the original daddies as well as the Kiddads 
Scary’s pulling what Riz did with Biz ayyyy
Aww that would’ve been sick if he believed her
Scary just wants attention :ccccc
Noooo remembering the thing with the cheese :ccc
I miss early season two
“YOU BITCH” omg normal 😭 
“Give me an L” “You’ve had enough Ls” “I’ll give you one of mine”
No the way it fits the intro
This episode is making me giddy omg /pos
Linc is getting so sad this is worryinggggg. He’s acting like Grantttttt
This whole eye thing is seriously the math questions on my tests 
A happy normal is something I’ve missed so so much
I think literally all of these kids (except maybe Taylor) have a guilt complex (Scary/Willy, Normal/Code Purple, Linc/im not quite sure)
Omg Jodie and Glenn together 😭 
Scary looks like Larry!!
Omg Freddie is genuinely so smart omg
Yam ya
I’m gonna use that
He had a flying spell wowwww
Will and me both man
Larry is so cool omg
Dood nooooooo 
Mfer admits that Ron posed a threatttttt
Honey badger waits for no one 
I’m gonna start using that too
Willy likes the science kid oh my god I’m gonna sob
Larry gives off church camp vibes
Willy’s doing the spaghetti thing 😭 
“You’d be a lot prettier if you smiled Cassandra” GET HIS ASS TAYLOR GET. HIS. ASS.
You know I hated Willy before 
But this is a whole new fucking level 
Awww that’s so sweet at the end <33
I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to wait for the next episode ahhh
I’m betting it’s either the Potatoe one or Dead and Gone
January 30th!!
Oh screw off siri
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thebowynntradition · 6 months
Bowynn Gods List (Simplified)
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Below is an extremely simplified list of the divine that exist withing the Bowynn faith. Again, I stress this is a VERY simplified listing of their divine attributes.
Abennaea                    Goddess of all sorts of offerings and libation
Abonna                       Gods of music, dance and the arts
Adarro                         God of the sea, fish, dolphins and cleansing
Aetenn                        God of armories, protection and drumming
Alaway                        Home of the Gods. The Great Hall
Aleglea                        Goddess of happiness and joy. Patroness of all Bowynn
Allapae                        The Upper World, Heaven, sky, universe
Amaetheon                  God of wine, abundance, oil and honey
Anhur                          King of the gods, men, kings, council and judgment
Ano Taya                    Goddesses of fate, past, present and future
Arn                              God of the north wind
Bia                               Creation, the force and balance of all things
Brand                          God of music, prophecy, archery, poetry and oracles
Brea                             Goddess of the earth and earth element
Brenda                        Goddess of beauty, love and vanity
Briathenaea                 Goddess of protection, invention and wisdom
Chumash                     God king of the Daunnat and the dead
Dadjall                        God who leads the soul through Daunnat
Dae                              Primordial Darkness & Light combined created by Bia (Not a Deity)
Daekk                          God of wealth, fortune and abundance
Daeth                          God of darkness and night
Daunnat                      The nextworld where souls go at death
Deanna                        Goddess of the harvest and earth fertility
Dhonan                       Immortally bless mortal and god of love, passion, beauty and vanity.
Drautmer                     God of Music, drumming and drummers
Drudenn                      God that is the stable boy of the gods
Ehrlik                          Ancient Giant god of druids, bards, historians and
Enya                            Goddess of the morning and the dew
Gondor                        God of the forge and blacksmithing
Hawynn                      God of the great river Muet and all rivers, dams and fishing.
Hemway                      Goddess patroness of the poor, homeless and compassion
Hern                           God of the wild wood, animals and the sun
Heron                          God that delivers the souls to Daunnat
Hyu                             God of baking, ovens and bread. Baker of the gods
Ikarro                          The Milky Way. The bridge that lead the gods to earth
Innapa                         The Middle World, mortal earth
Io                                 Goddess of the hearth, tame fire, cooking and kitchens
Ion                               God patron of knights and god of virtues
Issen                            Ancient Giant god of the summer season
Istra                             Goddess of the 3 fold law, respect and vengeance
Jarda                            5 Kii Guardian Spirits
Jayleen Jarra                Goddess of the healing arts and medicinal herbalism
Kalen                           God of wood craft and architecture
Kalma                          Queen of the Daunnat, divination and oracles
Kara Jarra                    Goddess of the healing arts of massage, reiki and other healing touches.
Kauldra                       Queen of the sea and all fresh waters
Kii                               Spirits/faeries/nymphs/elves/gnomes
Kora                            Goddess of the Autumn season
Kord                            God of peace, law, justice, freedom and brotherhood           
Lomaun                       God of hunters, travelers and bears
Luanna                        Goddess of fields, meadows and gardens
Lyan                            God of the east wind and east
Lyanna                        Goddess of the lute, music and musicians in general
Maena                         Goddess of balance, truth, order and victory of all sorts
Mammont                    The race of Ancient Giant Gods that came before the Akua
Mano                           God of hate, jealousy, tricks and destruction
Mask                           God of wisdom, gambling and music. Messenger of the gods
Morrighynn                 Goddess of the moon, night, stars, hunt and wolves
Muet                            The river that flows from Alaway all the way down to Daunnat
Mura                            Goddess of the 1st Gate of Daunnat, of courage
Myliea                         Goddess of the winter season
Mystara                       Goddess of the magical arts
Naddas                        God of the 2nd Gate of Daunnat, of kindness
Nae                              Ano Taya, young goddess of the past
Naea                            Goddess of wells, pools, fountains and springs
Naerea                         Goddess of sleep, dreams and prophetic dreams
Nareen                         Ano Taya, elder goddess of the future
Narna                          Ano Taya, She is the Mother goddess of the Present
Nauidd                        Goddesses of the hours of the day
Nyalla                          Goddess of bathhouses, sweat lodges and hot springs
Odjett                          God of the 4th Gate of Daunnat, of balance
Ohenn                         God of time and journal keeper of the gods of mortals deeds
Oken                           Ancient Giant god of strength
Onaur                          God of love and passion
Ortsal                          God of the 3rd Gate of Daunnat, of love
Owenn                        God of health and healing
Panu                            Goddess of gem crafting
Paut                             God of the element of Soul
Pedjed                         Goddess of the 7th Gate of Daunnat, of peace
Pequiss                        Goddess who is the gatekeeper of Daunnat
Phoenix                       Goddess of fire and the element of fire
Quatt                           God of the 5th gate of Daunnat, of faith
Quilla                          Goddess of the Spring season
Reye                            Goddess of the rain, hunt, protector of animals
Rhya                            Queen of the gods and goddess of women’s rituals and psychics
Rhymar                       God of the 6th Gate of Daunnat, of charity
Ryan                            God of the east and west wind
Saphon                        God of the south and south wind
Saul                             God of the light and day
Saulnat                        God of light in Daunnat
Shane                          God of love, desire and homosexual love
Shayla                         Goddess of the day and light
Sheli                            Ancient Giant Goddess of Expeditions, courage and bravery
Sumon                         God of all waters and the water element
Tane                            God king of the sea, horses, shapeshifting and scrying
Tarma                         Ancient Giant God of invention, wisdom and creativity
Tarna                           Goddess of the summer season
Tennaer                       Home of all the sea and oceanic gods
Tii                                Small malicious spirits that pester humans and gods alike.
Tora                             Goddess of the night and darkness
Traydea                       Goddess of childbirth and childcare
Treya                           Goddess of sunset and dusk
Tsellet                          Goddess of Duannat who purifies the soul
Tya                              Goddess of the element of Spirit
Tymora                        Goddess of fortune, luck and wealth
Tyr                               God of protection, soldiers and war
Unthar                         God of the air, sky and the air element
Uya Jarra                     Goddess of the healing arts and physical therapy
Vadyss                        God of Duannat who separates the Soul, Spirit and Body
Vae                              Anicent Giant goddess of seed and fertility
Vella                            Goddess of jewelry making and gold and silver smithing
Yormell                       Ancient Giant God of the weather
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cagemasterfantasy · 9 months
Cleric (Nature Domain)
Cleric spells
Level 1: Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals
Level 3: Barkskin and Spike Growth
Level 5: Plant Growth and Wind Wall
Level 7: Dominate Beast and Grasping Vine
Level 9: Insect Plague and Tree Stride
Acolyte of Nature: At 1st level you learn one Druid Cantrip of your choice. You also gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling (Wisdom) Nature (Intelligence) or Survival (Wisdom).
Bonus Proficiency: Also at 1st level you gain proficiency with heavy armor.
Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants: Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to charm animals and plants. As an action you present your holy symbol and invoke the name of your deity. Each beast or plant creature that can see you within 30 feet of your must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its save it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage. While it is charmed by you it is friendly to you and other creatures you designate.
Dampen Elements: Starting at 6th level when you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes Acid Cold Fire Lightning or Thunder (or sound damage as I call it) damage you can use your reaction to grant resistance to the creature against that instance of the damage.
Divine Strike: At 8th level you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold fire or lightning damage (your choice) to the target. When you reach 14th level the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Master of Nature: At 17th level you gain the ability to command animals and plant creatures. While creatures are charmed by your Charm Animals and Plants trait you can take a bonus action on your turn to verbally command what each of those creatures will do on its next turn.
Gods in this domain their alignment and their symbol:
Auril NE Six pointed snowflake (Also one of the villains of Rime of the Frostmaiden sorry not sorry for the spoilers), Eldath NG Waterfall plunging into still pool, Malar CE Clawed paw, Mielikki NG Unicorn's head, Silvanus N Oak leaf, Beory N Green Disk, Ehlonna NG Unicorn Horn, Obad-Hai N Oak leaf and Acorn, Habbakuk NG Blue bird, Chislev N Feather, Sirrion N Multi-Colored Fire, Arawai NG Sheaf of wheat tied with green ribbon, Balinor N Pair of antlers, Deep Sashelas CG Dolphin, Eadro N Spiral design, Rillifane Rallathil CG Oak, Sekolah LE Shark, Skerrit N Oak growing from acorn, The Daghda CG Bubbling cauldron or shield, Dunatis N Red sun capped mountain peak, Manannan mac lir LN Wave of white water on green, Silvanus N Summer oak tree, Artemis NG Bow and arrow lunar disk, Pan CN Syrinx (Pan Pipes), Osiris LG Crook and flail, Sobek LE Crocodile head with horns and plumes, Njord NG Gold coin, Skadi N Mountain peak, Uller CN Longbow.
Source: Players Handbook
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vole-mon-amour · 6 months
how to lure me into some piece of media: hey, look, a cute animal! hey, look, a cute animal is the protagonist! hey, look, the cute animal protagonist is a shapeshifter!
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(trying to watch watching John Wich (2014) now and hey look, there's Daisy! she's such a cutie.)
also, currently reading a book with a huge saint bernard that can't speak but that understands 3 different languages and has a human like consciousness and he's just a dog at a hotel high in the mountains. and he likes it when you spend time with him, lets you pet himself, all that cool stuff.
like, you get the idea. y e s, just yes.
(me? in love with druids/elves and choosing druids because they love nature and can shapeshift? one of my first loves being Sirius Black and his wolf-like form? me being a monsterfucker and in love with creatures that have shapeshifting ability into animals?
when i was 16, i thought/hoped that in the previous/next life i was/will be a dolphin? "flower child, catcher in the rye"? me lowing wolves and horses and cows since childhood? me wanting to adopt a cat from a shelter when i was, like, 8-10 and writing it down so when i grow up i can do just that?
no surprise there at all. i love animals & i fucking love druids and shapeshifting beings. shapeshifting demons, too, but that's another topic.)
p.s. humanized animals? human that shapeshifts into a humanized animal? don't be cowards. give me actual animals that can communicate and consent or don't give me anything. there's nothing worse than human-like dogs or dragons walking on two legs, have a human-like body, and have a human-like cock or a pussy between their legs. and human-like breasts on female animals. that shit sucks.
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thatbiologist · 1 year
Psychic Dolphins (Homebrew 5E)
Psychic Dolphins
Medium beast, Neutral Evil
The Psychic Dolphins are a rare and elusive sentient species from the Realm of G’eth. Their origins are steeped in mystery: some scholars believe that they originate from the Elemental Plane of Water, others believe they are a beast of burden created by the merfolk of the depths, and some believe that they are the twisted pranks pulled by drunk druids.
The Psychic Dolphins are an unknowable eldritch mystery, to know the truth of their being is to look into the abyss of forbidden knowledge. They will frequently attack fishers, who stray too far from the safety of the shores.
What little is known is that the Psychic Dolphins enjoy and are enthralled by music. Maybe their love of music is due to their ancestors giving up their ability to create art when they returned back to the seas from whence they emerged from eons ago. But be aware they are master manipulators, and will often trick naive humanoids to carry out their malicious orders.
Armour Class: 12 (Natural Armour)
Hit Points: 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed: 0 ft., swim 60 ft.
STR 14 (+2)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 19 (+4)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 10 (+0)
Skills: Perception +3
Senses: blindsight 60 ft., passive perception 13
Languages: Telepathy 120 ft.
Charge. If the dolphin moves at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a slam attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Hold Breath. The dolphin can hold its breath for 20 minutes.
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The Psychic Dolphin's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:
At will: Detect Thoughts, Magic Missile, Message, Mind Strike
2/day each: Control Water
Pack Tactics. The Psychic Dolphin has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the Psychic Dolphin's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Mind Knife (Recharge 5-6). The Psychic Dolphin magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or take 13 (2d8 + 4) psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
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dreamhot · 1 year
I always think of dream as a druid, hiven his animal forms in the minecraft but my friend is a mob videos + often getting the help of dolphins and ghasts in manhunts
awhh that would be kinda sweet actually
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wetbloodworm · 2 months
toby adopted the dolphin PCs plus rahz when they burst into their shop to beat up ferret!kiza in order to force her to pop out of druid shape and meet the rest of the champions. they already liked the group but that was the moment when they were like 'these babies are mine actually'.
for the lost dolphins, they were adopted the moment toby heard they were back in this timeline. didn't have to know or even meet them; they're part of the dolphins, they're toby's kids now. nice to meet you i'm your parent give me your measurements so i can make you clothes/armor
also there's a chance that some of the dolphins, the ones from longer-lived races, were actually older than toby but that doesn't matter. those are toby's kids. get parent'd idiots
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annimator-ocblog · 2 months
Over the past couple of months, I’ve recently been creating more OCs. And unlike the other ones I mentioned previously, I actually drew this guys form scratch, whereas the other 10 were conceptualized in Gacha Club (I can explain-)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
Mercy Stamen
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/They (Demi-Girl), Pansexual
Species - [Fallen] Angel
Nationality - English (The word Angel is derived from Old English)
Birthday - December 16th
Inherited Interests - Fantasy and Morbid Curiosity
Elements - Soul, Fire, Ice, and Creation
Surname Translation - Latin for Life
Weapon of Choice - Scythe (matching with Geno)
Geno Mortalidad
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/They (Demi-Girl), Pansexual
Species - Demon
Nationality - Colombian
Birthday - October 29th
Inherited Interests - Morbid Curiosity and Fantasy
Elements - Soul, Ice, Fire, and Creation
Surname Translation - Spanish for Death
Weapon of Choice - Scythe (matching with Mercy)
Nova Estrella
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/Her, Asexual
Species - Human
Nationality - Chilean (Chile’s said to be the astronomer’s paradise!)
Birthday - March 9th
Inherited Interests - Astronomy and Astrology
Elements - Mind, Crystal, Earth, Soul, and Light
Surname Translation - Spanish for Star
Weapon of Choice - Twin Chakrams
Ro Torehan
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/Her, Asexual
Species - Human
Nationality - Melanesian
Birthday - October 26th
Inherited Interests - Technology and the Paranormal
Elements - Crystal, Technology, Mind, Soul, and Light
Surname Translation - Indonesian for Hack
Weapon of Choice - Twin Daggers
Dylan Uisce
Pronouns and Sexuality - He/Him, Questioning
Species - Selkie
Nationality - Irish (Selkie myths originated from Scotland and Ireland!)
Birthday - June 1st
Inherited Interests - Artic Life and Sea Creatures
Elements - Water, Animal, Ice, and Sound
Surname Translation - Irish for Seal
Weapons of Choice - Broadsword (matching with Kai)
Kai Amaré
Pronouns and Sexuality - He/Him, Questioning
Species - Dolphin Hybrid
Nationality - Brazilian (Dolphins can be found in the Amazon River. Part of which is in Brazil!)
Birthday - June 12th
Inherited Interests - Sea Creatures and Rainforest Life
Elements - Animal, Water, Ice, and Sound
Surname Transation - Portuguese for Water (originally spelt as a maré)
Weapon of Choice - Broadsword (matching with Dylan)
Parker Tourmaline
Pronouns and Sexuality - They/Them (Non-Binary), AroAce
Species - Crystal Elemental
Nationalilty - Tanzanian (Tourmalines can be found in Tanzania alongside other African countries!)
Birthday - November 4th
Inherited Interests - Arts & Crafts, and Crystals (and also Steven Universe by proxy lmao)
Elements - Crystal, Slime, Creation, and Mind
Surname Translation - It doesn’t mean anything! But Tourmaline is the specific Crystal that Parker was born as.
Weapons of Choice - Mace and Shield
Lilith Krǔv
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/Her, Lesbian
Species - Vampire
Nationality - Bulgarian (Vampires were conceptualized in Bulgaria!)
Birthday - November 13th
Inherited Interests - Folktales, Fairytales, and Occult Stuff
Elements - Dark, Fire, Ice, Air, and Electricity
Surname Translation - Bulgarian for Blood
Weapon of Choice - Parasol and Throwing Knives
Clover Forêt
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/Her, Lesbian
Species - Nature Mage
Nationality - French (The earliest writings about Druids date back to ancient communities of Britain, Ireland, and France!)
Birthday - March 31st
Inherited Interests - Fairytales, Folktales, and Dungeons & Dragons
Elements - Nature, Water, Animal, Air, Ice, and Electricity
Surname Translation - French for Sprout
Weapon of Choice - Greatsword
Brio Canzone
Pronouns and Sexuality - They/Them (Agender), Demisexual
Species - Tiefling
Nationality - Italian (Brio is a name with Italian Origins!)
Birthday - February 24th
Inherited Interests - Music and Geography
Elements - Sound, Metal, Fire, Creation, Water, and Acid
Surname Translation - Italian for Song
Weapon of Choice - Violin
Orion Ippotis
Pronouns and Sexuality - They/Them (Agender), Demisexual
Species - Half-Elf
Nationality - Greek (Orion is the name of a figure from Greek Mythos! This one gets a happier ending tho)
Birthday - April 31st
Inherited Interests - History
Elements - Light, Metal, Nature, Water, Acid, and Fire.
Surname Translation - Greek for Paladin
Weapon of Choice - Battle-axe
Edan Yuhraq
Pronouns and Sexuality - He/him, Bisexual
Species - Pheonix Hybrid
Nationality - Scottish/Egyptian (Edan is a name from Scottish origins, and Phoenixes originated from ancient Egyptian mythology)
Birthday - June 20th
Inherited Interests - Mythological and Cryptid Creatures
Elements - Fire, Air, Animal, Lava, and Sound
Surname Translation - Arabic for Burn
Weapon of Choice - Whip
Skadi Págoma
Pronouns and Sexuality - She/He (Androgynous), Bisexual
Species - Ice Nymph
Nationality - Norwegian/Greek (Skadi comes from the name of the Norse Winter Goddess and Nymphs are from Greek Mythos)
Birthday - February 28th
Inherited Interests - Cryptid and Mythological Creatures
Elements - Ice, Air, Animal, Nature, and Water
Surname Translation - Greek for Freeze
Weapon of Choice - Quarterstaff
• Mercy and Geno (Dating)
• Nova and Ro (Dating)
• Dylan and Kai (Dating)
• Lilith and Clover (Dating)
• Brio and Orion (Dating)
• Edan and Skadi (Dating)
• Mercy and Geno have a lot of religious trauma thanks to their respective parents. Their parents believed that Angels and Demons are in an eternal war even though it ended centuries before their births. They eventually ran away together and enrolled into Arcana Academy.
• Mercy became a fallen angel after kissing Geno for the first time. It didn’t really matter to her since she didn’t plan on returning back “home”
• Nova’s family has a deep connection to the stars despite their human background. This explains why she’s obsessed with outer space.
• Ro comes from a bloodline of people that specialize in anything and everything paranormal. Ro does inherit this, but her main hobby is hacking and programming.
• Dylan and Kai first met each other after Kai returned Dylan’s selkie coat to him. This was basically a way to court a Selkie, and they eventually started dating afterwards.
• Speaking of which, they both live underwater, and visit the surface on rare occasions. Both of them had to leave their homes to be able to learn at Arcana Academy. Dylan and Kai both miss the sea and usually comfort each other whenever one another starts to get homesick (this happens a lot)
• Parker was a childhood friend of C and lived in the same village as him. When their hometown was destroyed by Entities, Parker’s mother died right in front of them. And after that, they watched their Dad slowly fall in grief and despair.
• Lilith lived secluded from society. When she was younger she disliked this, but realized this was for her own good after she nearly died after being hunted by a group of vampire hunters when she went outside of her home.
• Clover grew up in a neglectful household, and if her parents actually cared for her on the rare occasion, it’s to berate her for her interests. This ultimately led her to leave her home.
• Clover first met Lilith after Clover came across her secluded home, believing it was as an empty house. Lilith let her stay for the night before Clover ultimately left the next morning. They stayed in touch afterwards and ultimately reunited after they both enrolled into Arcana Academy
• Brio and Orion have zero clue as to where their biological parents are, supposedly disappearing when they were really young
• Before meeting each other, Brio was a travelling musician, and Orion was an adventurer, having left the village they originally stayed in after being forcibly raised as a child soldier
• Orion first met Brio when they both visited the same village. On the same day, Entities attacked it, and the two of them decided to fight against them to defend the village. After healing from injuries sustained from the attack, They decided to travel to Arcana Academy together.
• Edan and Skadi are literally vibing.
• Mercy and Geno both lived in households that secluded them from the outside world. Neither of them really know much about it due to this, but they’ve been getting help from their new friends at Arcana Academy, which include everyone from this post and the previous OC post
• Alongside C, Lance, Aaron, and Jadeyn, Mercy & Geno also know about Marcus and Liam being reincarnated
• Geno’s named is derived from the word Genocide, keep that in mind when trying to pronounce their name!
• Mercy’s scythe was stolen from her mom’s armoury, and Geno’s scythe was a farewell gift from her Dad (he realized the errors of his ways with raising them and allowed her to run away with Mercy). They were reforged with Lance and Aaron’s help to be matching weapons.
• Ro and Nova keep running into the other 10 mentioned from the last OC intro post. It’s mainly on coincidence but they do share elements with some of them.
• The hat that Nova wears in her design was made by herself
• Parker similarly crafted her entire outfit by scratch
• Ro is self-taught in her hacking skills. She hacks small indie websites as a side hobby.
• Kai and Dylan’s matching broadswords were a gift from both of their parents. They purposely made them match when forging them
• Lilith can survive perfectly fine in sunlight, but she still uses a parasol when outside for aesthetic purposes. (It clashes with her main aesthetic)
• Clover’s a massive DnD player and dragged her entire Academy group into the game (excluding Lilith since she already played it beforehand). She personally prefers the term “Druid” over “Nature Mage”
• Brio and Orion are both inspired by 2 Dnd characters that I never really got the chance to use. One of them’s an elf sorcerer that’s basically a self-insert, and the other one’s a tiefling bard in a similar vain to Brio.
• Edan and Skadi met and got together because they both matched each other’s freak by being obsessed with mythological and cryptid creatures. They probably read H.P Lovecraft stories religiously.
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abyssalaerlocke · 6 months
So not on the current aquatic poll are Jaheira, Minsc & Boo.
I'm thinking gold Grung for Jaheira. Grung are small frog humanoids that secrete poison. The gold ones are leaders, and their poison specifically can charm — which is closest to Jaheira's truth wine.
Minsc, I kinda like Sahuagin, cause they're cool, and I don't have any planned. They're normally evil, but maybe Minsc has too much head trauma for that kind of malevolence? There's also a four-armed variant 🤔
Boo, I want to make a miniature version of a giant animal (since miniature giant space hamsters were made with magic, and it's theorised that shrinking them is what causes their increased intelligence). Something naturally small, cute, innocuous. I'm waffling between seahorse and frog.
If I do frog, they have a relationship with bullywugs, who can communicate with frog species. So then I'm considering making Minsc a Bullywug and just having the 3 in a froggy family portrait (funny, but lame). Although typically evil, those that stray from the group, and explore and live among other races are known to become neutral or good.
My biggest issue is in terms of relevance. I abandoned the writing and just plan on drawing the character designs. And these wouldn't meaningfully be recognisable as their characters anymore. You could just look at existing art of the races and ta-da, that's them! 🙃
The other less human ones are Tav as a squidling — but Tav doesn't have a defined look to recognise in the first place. It's just a fun — hey, here's this silly little cute monster, Astarion's unexpected buddy, both fish out of water, getting up to mischief together.
Durge as a lizardfolk, but he'll be albino, and recognisable as the default dragonborn.
And shark Halsin — but it's mostly about Shadowheart being scared of sharks. Also, considering making him a wereshark, which have hybrid forms 🤔 I dunno, feels weird to draw
I also like him having a dolphin form, but still in addition to the shark form (which is relevant especially in that pic). Weredolphin would suit him better, but just wild shaping into a shark as a druid.
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catsidhesilvie · 9 months
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D&D last night..... lol.
The party Winnie is with is.... highly chaotic. She is lawful good.
We spent an hr+ trying not to drown until my druid started making whale noises, then were rescued by a pirate ship led by dolphins. Party then proceeded to insult the pirates and threaten them.
Poor Winnie. She had to try to distract everyone using an adorable Healing Spirit shaped like a cat. It did not work.
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not this fucker almost DROWNING
we probably shouldn't have let the paladin in HEAVY ARMOUR be the one to accompany the wildshaped dolphin!druid on a boat rescue mission
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pinerdish · 2 years
The forbidden game movie
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The forbidden game movie movie#
The forbidden game movie series#
Your name is Alex, a newly hired janitor at the Hotel Dolphin, making your first night at his new night job, with the main objective of cleaning and organizing all the rooms for future guests, however. This begins an epic journey from Phoenix’s humble. When the hero of the game, Phoenix, seeks the counsel of a druid to make sense of his visions, she awakens the latent pyromancy within him.
The forbidden game movie series#
The master of the game, Julian, is none other than the salesman of the store where the so-called game was found.Īlthough the release date of the series is not yet known, the title search already allows for some brainstorming. An indie horror game that tells the story of a supposedly cursed room in a hotel called the Dolphin Hotel. Summary: The Forbidden Arts is an action adventure platformer with a focus on discovery and exploration. SMITH, Lisa Jane Smith, is the New York Times 1 Bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions.
The forbidden game movie movie#
The group then finds themselves in different parallel worlds where they have to face their worst nightmares or risk having their souls imprisoned forever. Released January 2nd, 1995, Forbidden Games stars Jeff Griggs, Lesli Kay, Gail Harris, Amy Weber The R movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 29 min, and received a user score of 50 (out of 100) on. Originally released as a horror story for teenagers, “The Forbidden Game” tells the life of Jenny and her six friends as they play a game similar to Jumanji during the birthday of her boyfriend, Tom. Sarah Schechter, David Madden and Greg Berlanti will be the executive producers. The rights of this trilogy, of which the first volume was published in 1994, were acquired a few days ago by Warner Bros Television and Berlanti Productions. Smith fans will be delighted: after the “The Vampire Diaries” saga, it is now the turn of another series by the writer to be adapted for the small screen: “The Forbidden Game”. While perhaps not the innovator that fellow R… Bruce Beresford, Nationality: Australian. Enter into the Forbidden World - an outrageous, sexy, and violent exercise. His many film credits i… Film Noir, The genre known as film noir emerged from economic, political, and moral crises in European and American cultures in the years leading up to World Wa… Andrei Arsenievich Tarkovsky, Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986) was, arguably, the greatest filmmaker of his nation. In the distant future, a federal marshal arrives at a research lab on a remote planet where a monstrous genetic experiment is loose and feeding on the scientists who created it. Career: Journalist in Copen… Alain Resnais, French film director Alain Resnais (born 1922) was one of the most noted innovators in the history of twentieth-century film. Hello Moi cest Mhyre, je réalise principalement des Game Movies et des lets play sur les nouvelles sorties jeux.TECHNIQUES MONTAGE Gameplay maitrisé Tr. Family: Married Ebba Larsen, 1911, two sons. Jean Renoir, French-born Jean Renoir (1894-1979) directed two of the twentieth century's most critically acclaimed films, La Grande Illusion and La Regle du jeu (… Carl Theodor Dreyer, DREYER, Carl Theodor
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