Steve looked at his watch and frowned as he saw the time. Looking over at Danny’s office he saw that his husband was still there. Frowning a bit more he walked over, knocked, and tapped on his watch when he stepped inside, “You’re cutting it close, aren’t you?” 
“I switched days with Rachel, so I got nowhere to be urgently. I am going to stop by the store on the way home, but I’m going to wait for traffic to not be hell.”
Even though his face spelled his confusion out well, he still asked, “What?” 
“I know you have a set menu for tonight but I’ve been craving bruschetta. We’re only missing basil and parm I think.”
“Not that. You switched days with Rachel?”
“I did, yeah.” 
“You can’t get out of your meetings. I know it bothers you if I go on my own because Kevin will be there. So today, Rachel will go to the PTA meeting and text me anything important. After a quick trip to the store, I’ll head home and start on dinner for us.”
“...you really did this? For me? Because I was jealous?”  
Danny nodded, finally standing from his chair to stand directly in front of Steve and placed his hands on his husband’s chest, “Look. If this had happened when I first got to the island. And we’d been younger and more hot headed, and the move and divorce were still so fresh and I carried a lot more anger...I would have fought back. Gotten defensive. Would have made a whole stink about you not owning me or being able to tell me who I could or couldn’t be around. But we didn’t meet just yesterday, babe. We’ve been through so fucking much. I love you. And I respect you. As my husband. As our child’s co-parent. So if it bother you how ‘friendly’ someone is...then I’ll do what’s only logical. And switch days with Rachel until you’re free to go to those PTA meetings with me.” 
Strong emotions swirled inside of him, it took him a moment to find his words. Finally, he managed to say,” Thank you.” 
“I love you, remember that.” 
Love and respected, and it still amazed him. He rests his forehead against Danny’s for a moment in gratitude, before tilting slightly so he could kiss him comfortably.
So, I have a personal love for jealous and possessive Steve. Him unleashing his inner animal on Danny is hot and I eat it up! But I can’t not reason out where the jealousy and possessiveness comes from. Which is insecurity that was never properly taken seriously, mixed with fears of abandonment, being left behind, not being important enough. 
So this scenario and dialogue between them popped into my mind. Not enough for a full story, so it’s just a ficlet moment I wanted to put out there. 
A new single dad pops up around the parent groups. Being a single dad, he joins Danny and Luke as they welcome him to the island and into their impromptu dad’s club that sorta formed, but the guy began to crush on Danny. First subtly but then not so subtly and Steve didn’t like it. But this is later on, so they’re more than well established, married, living together, things are stable. But he still feels as jealous as he would when he was 32. He doesn’t want to be a cliche, thankfully he and Danny are breaking a lot of bad cycles so he communicates. 
And Danny listens. 
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teruel-a-witch · 2 months
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2.09 #oh my god they were roommates
never over that we got mutual pining best friends/roommates who find it impossible to live together because their UST is so thick and unbearable it makes them fight about inconsequential things IN CANON. Later when Joe White knowingly suggests that Steve has all that extra space Steve just mumbles that 'it didn't work out' 👀👀
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gatorasmus · 24 days
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Is that time of the year again!
I'm a year older and still love these two idiots with all my heart :)
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Oahu, INT, Night
DANNY is chopping ingredients in Steve’s kitchen, preparing dinner, singing softly along to the radio.
STEVE stops in the doorway. DANNY, absorbed in his tasks, hasn’t yet noticed STEVE’S presence. STEVE waits for a minute, watching DANNY’S attention to detail with a fond smile.
DANNY (without looking up): back already, babe?
STEVE: Danny! I would complain about you taking over my kitchen, but this smells amazing.
DANNY (sweeping chopped herbs from the board into the pan): I made your favourite, babe.
STEVE: Danny, you didn’t have to go to any trouble. You know my favourite kind of dinner is the kind that just arrives.
STEVE reaches for something on the chopping board, DANNY smacks his hand away with the spatula.
STEVE (pouting): ow!
DANNY: no Steve, you can wait. We are eating at the table like civilised human beings, with cutlery and everything.
STEVE: yes, Chef.
DANNY makes eye roll.
DANNY serves two plates, one for STEVE, one for himself, and sits opposite Steve.
STEVE: this looks great, babe (happily picks up his fork). What’s for dessert?
DANNY: what do you want?
STEVE: (makes eye contact with a slow, suggestive smile)
DANNY: I’m going to regret asking that, aren’t I?
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sorry but why is no one talking about THE LOVE SONG playing when danny dreams of him and steve owing and ruling Steve’s in 8x10??
like its a thing to give us Danny dreaming of his perfect life and it being steve wearing that slutty button up him and steve having their own little paradise. but it’s another to play “Volare” A LOVE SONG when these two are spoon feeding each other while looking in each other eyes like they want to make love at this exact moment.
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chaoticornot · 2 years
I noticed something in S10e16, besides the fact that this is an amazing episode, at the end of the episode where they are all at Steve’s house to surprise Danny with movie night. Because Steve was worried about Danny even though he said otherwise. What I noticed is that when they are snuggling on the couch, Steve has his arms around Danny and Brooke because there is no space, but Danny also doesn’t have space with his arms. He could put his arm around Tani, but he doesn't. So the only other solution is that he has to lean more on Steve. And that made me think about Danny falling asleep halfway through the movie and falling on top of Steve’s chest while Steve tightens his arm around Danny and looks adoringly at him. Then at the end of the movie, when he doesn’t want to wake up Danny and kind of awkwardly looks at the team as they clean up for him, and then he slowly slides out from under Danny to see everyone out and then tucks Danny in properly, and that is so cutee. Also, could you imagine Danny waking up the next morning all confused because he doesn't remember falling asleep, but he doesn't ask Steve because he is embarrassed and partly because the team keeps teasing him about it, with good meaning. Could you imagine him meeting Brooke again after that at school, I wonder how that conversation would go, haha.
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hawaiifiveohana · 9 days
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How to participate in Hawai’i Five 0’s Secret Santa!
->Send a private message to @goneahead with six things:
🎄1. Your tumblr name
🎄2. Your A03 name
🎄3. Your email address
🎄4. Tell us if you are willing to pinch hit for a second giftee (in case somebody cannot make a gift for their Secret Santa)
🎄 5. A wish list of 4 things you would like to receive!
What kind of things should you include? Well—do you love whump? Want domestic fluff art? Love gif posts with lyrics? Do you like certain AUs, like merman or sentinel? Want some McDanno artwork? Would you love to see ace McDanno fic? Or maybe you love enemies to friends stories? Your Secret Santa will choose one of these four things as your gift—so be specific!
🎄6. A list of what you'd love to give!
It helps if you give several alternatives of things you like to write or draw. Maybe you love writing AUs or whump. Or you don’t feel comfortable writing/drawing explicit porn. Or you love to make gifs, but you don’t write fic. The more we know, the better we can match you up with your giftee!
->The proverbial fine print:
-All fic gifts should be at least 500 words.
-Art gifts should be colored.
-Gif gifts should include at least four gifs.
🎁Secret Santa opens Oct. 1st, closes Oct. 18th. Secret Santas will be assigned Oct. 20th.
🎁You will get a wish list of four things your giftee would like. Choose one of those as your gift.
🎁 @goneahead be checking in with you: Nov 1, Nov 15, Nov 30
🎁Gifts should be posted on both Tumblr (a link to A03 is fine) and A03 between Dec. 15th and Dec. 21st.
->More fine print!
We will try to match people up the best we can, but if you look at your giftee’s list and it’s just not gonna work, please let @goneahead know! That happens with gift exchanges—and it’s totally OK to ask for a different giftee. That’s why we have pinch hitters!
Sometimes real life happens and you just can’t make a gift. Again, that’s OK! H50 is a low-pressure fandom, and we know how things can suddenly goes pear-shaped. Just let @goneahead know as soon as possible, so we can give one of the pinch hitters plenty of time to make a gift for your Secret Santa giftee!
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thekristen999 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @hippolotamus, @spotsandsocks, @exhuastedpigeon and @diazsdimples. Thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3? 110
What's your total ao3 word count? 1,384,560 and a another 700k on other platforms
What fandoms do you write for? Currently 9-1-1
Previously: ER, CSI, SGA, H50, Daredevil
Top five fics by kudos:
Beneath the Trident (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)) 
Reluctant Allies (Or the Time Frank Had to Bring Home the Devil) (Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017)) 
Shadowboxing (Daredevil (TV), Captain America (Movies),
Alone In The Dark With You (9-1-1 (TV)) 
Navigating Domesticity (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)) 
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to atleast. Even if it takes me a bit.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? All my stories tend to have happy or hopeful endings. I believe in catharsis.
The Hoku  was a McDanno future fic, post-apocalypse story. So, it had a hopeful ending despite the very bleak world it was set in.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Recently? my Buddie fic We’ve Got Fun & Games
Which was if the 118 did a local Amazing Race competition for charity. It was a hoot!
Do you get hate on fics? I’ve gotten people who try to argue with me or leave unpleasant comments in the bookmark section.
Do you write smut? On occasion
Craziest crossover: The Killing Game Daredevil, The Punisher, Jessica Jones fusion with the Predator.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, a few times.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. I had a co-author for a few CSI and SGA fics back in the day.
All time favourite ship? Buddie
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I tend to finish all my stories because I write one fic at a time. Occasionally, I’ll write a one-shot in between longer stories, but I typically don’t have a WIP file. Just ideas that wait until I'm ready.
What are your writing strengths? Descriptions, tone, action scenes, world building.
What are your writing weaknesses? I’m mildly dyslectic so word order and weird grammar. It also takes me forever to write.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Unless it’s alien in sci-fi, I don’t tend to use it.
First fandom you wrote in? X-files
Favourite fic you've written? I'll stick to recently. All these are Buddie.
We Found Each Other (Over There)  Epic WWII AU.
Hold the Pain, Release Me  Eddie tries art therapy.
Buddha's Arrow  Buck helps Eddie deal with chronic pain.
Trying Hard to Remember, Trying Hard To Forget  A nitty gritty look at healing and recovery after the shooting.
... tagging a few people who might want to play:
@renecdote @homerforsure @mellaithwen @andavs
@elvensorceress @the-likesofus @goddess47 @eddiebabygirldiaz
@ronordmann who could apply this to her cover art!
@steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @dangerpronebuddie
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jakeonao3 · 5 months
pass me yourself
mcdanno, >1k words, rated M
They're having dinner at Steve's when something happens that makes Danny make the first move. or: Steve presses against him to get a spoon and Danny turns around and kisses him.
tags uder the cut
Additional Tags: First Kiss, These Idiots, Idiots in Love, Love, Affection, Affectionate Insults, Making Out, Grinding, Dry Humping, Sex Talk, kind of, Dinner, Cooking, Affectionate Danny "Danno" Williams, Affectionate Steve McGarrett, Domestic Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Resolved Romantic Tension, Implied Sexual Content
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miriam-heddy · 9 months
Magic Muscles:
Because I’ve got a teenaged son who talks about this stuff, I’ve started to notice how many times Danny or Steve get a serious injury and can’t engage in intensive exercise for weeks or even months. Yet in 10 years, I don’t think we ever see either of them working out in a gym or complaining because they can’t (and their bodies are changing).
In contrast, Scott Caan and Alex O’Loughlin are gym rats who’ve given interviews and demonstrations of their routine. @mcdannowave has some great gifs.
But this very rarely comes up in fanfic.
Weird? Or no? Do you categorize this like, “We never see them pee, either” or something else?
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Some of my favorite characters have tattoos. Some happen to be from popular enough fandoms that MAYBE I’ll find their iconic tattoo for sale. (Though now adays you can customize temp tattoos so that’s an option too. Though for quality, even in tempt tattoos, it can get a bit pricey) So when I stumbled across these at my local Walgreens I bought them! The only hurdle then was my own artistic talent...
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And that’s a work in progress. 
Anyway, my Domestic and Parental McDanno headcanon is that Charlie finds some footing in the arts. Something both Danny and Steve encourage a lot. During one stint when Danny was over in Jersey and something wasn’t right but no one really knew much...and as much as Steve would have bolted to NJ the moment he could, he had Charlie in his charge and needed to focus on him. There was just a lot of waiting. A lot of waiting where words sometimes failed him because he didn’t want to worry nor lie to Charlie. It first happened with washable markers and no clean paper in sight. Steve asked Charlie for ideas about his next tattoo and it ended up drawing a ‘sample’ in washable marker. It helped them remain calm and still until they got news that Danny was okay and would be on his way back!
In the mean time Steve goes to buy Charlie more art supplies to always have at hand when he spots the temp tattoo markers...and he gets them. 
The night before Danno’s back, Charlie works on Steve’s arms with more concentration and carefulness. Though now that they know Danny’s safe and on his way back to them, they talk a bit more. Steve has something to focus on and staying as still as he could in the chair of any tattoo artist. 
When they pick up Danno from the airport, after a tight embrace to both his boys, Danny points to Steve’s arm, “Growing out the sleeve?” 
“Found a new artist that accepts ice cream and Scooby Doo merch as payment.” Steve replied,flexing his arm to showcase Charlie’s work proudly. 
The habit doesn’t stay with Charlie. After one of their cases goes south and their lives were at stake again...mostly Steve’s, Steve offers some of Charlie’s markers to Danny to write on him with. Symbolic branding, an anchoring as well, and a way for them let tension ebb away when words aren’t good enough but they need to do something(that because of their injuries can’t be strainous activity)
Steve for his part, always walks around proudly with his temp tattoos.
(Though he and Danny make a date of getting tattoos together not long after this little habit starts)  
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
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summary of 5.17 'the stakeout'
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twoonezero · 2 years
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domestic mcdanno sunday walk on the beach :)
what are they talking about?? ;)
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emphasisonthehomo · 11 months
That gifset of domestic mcdanno made me think about a property brothers au and it suits them well, if I can say it.
Steve is the one who tears down things and asks later, always almost destroying the whole house but creating gems from rubbish. He likes working solo and he is more instinctual than anything, bc he hasn't trained a lot academically but he used to do renovations with his dad from a young age.
Unfortunately his stunts, albeit pretty successful, are seen critically and his boss Pat Jameson decides that they can't risk so she puts him in a team with architect/surveyor Danno (I prefer surveyor because they are usually more practical).
Obviously danno is appalled by all Steve's infractions of everything (he does anything but risks his collaborators safety. His own is a different topic) and Steve can't deal with someone who follows the rules when there is a much more cheaper way for the families to renovate their home.
You can also remake the first episode of the series like that; for the hundredth episode Steve decides to renovate his deceased father's home but it has historical relevance/heavy structural problems so they need a specialist for it and he can't just go at it as usual. But he doesn't like that a stranger, who is one of the people that his father didn't take seriously, puts his hands on his family house.
I don't know anything about house renovations/architecture so my apologies to the field.
Hi anon! I did receive your ask but thanks for sending it again because I completely forgot to answer.
I do think this is really fun, but alas I also don't know anything about home renovation. Steve would be an excellent demo guy, thought I'm sure OSHA violations aplenty.
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I completely agree with the other anon about how Buck and Eddie from 911 shouldn’t be included here. Like they said, the show is still going on so they might go canon and there are other canonically queer characters in the show already.
Before I started watching 911 I heard a lot of people compare Buck and Eddie to Steve and Danny from Hawaii 5-0 (I submitted the latter to this tournament, I was big on McDanno for a while there) but after having seen 911 I simply don’t think that’s the case. Buck and Eddie are very close, yes, and they share a whole bunch of domestic and “wait are they going there” moments which Steve and Danny also have but the key difference, at least to me, is that I never for one second thought that McDanno would actually go canon whereas I’m fairly confident that Buddie will.
And it all comes down to two things, 1) the way the show itself presents the relationships and 2) how the shows are marketed.
I’ll focus on 2) because that’s what we’re here for because, you know, queerbaiting is a marketing technique.
So here’s the thing: Hawaii 5-0 actually used McDanno as a marketing technique for the show, for example the show’s official social media posts sometimes used the hashtag McDanno in trailers and sneak peeks and such to get people to tune in to the show.
Now, 911 has never done anything like that. Sure, they might share Buck and Eddie moments in trailers and sneak peeks but as far as I know, those are rarely if ever the main focus of how they market the show. And I would also argue that they don’t even show Buck and Eddie together in trailers too often. As an example, Eddie was really struggling in season 5 and in the trailer for the second half of the season we see Eddie breaking down in his room but Buck is not shown to be there in the trailer even though in the actual episode we learn that he’s in the room with Eddie (unless you count the slightest sliver of his shoulder in the corner of the screen in the trailer that is very easy to miss especially if you’re a casual viewer).
Now let me ask you this. If they were using Buddie as queerbait, wouldn’t they have made it clear in the trailer that Buck was in the room with Eddie to get more people to tune in? Wouldn’t that sort of thing be the whole point of queerbaiting?
So no, as far as I’m concerned Buck and Eddie are not queerbait and thus should not be included in this tournament.
Thank you for your perspective anon!!
(Again, I don't make the decision, the poll is still running)
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h50fics · 2 years
McDanno's Radiant Festoonery
by kitmerlot1213
This is an extremely goofy but well meant holiday story for the Swap of Joy at livejournal-ENJOY!
Words: 705, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of McDanno Christmas fluff
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams, Grace Williams (Hawaii Five-0)
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Steve McGarrett & Danny "Danno" Williams & Grace Williams
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Lights, Christmas Decorations, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Domestic
via AO3 works tagged 'Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams' https://ift.tt/RSwLr8c
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