#mcdanno is so real
sorry but why is no one talking about THE LOVE SONG playing when danny dreams of him and steve owing and ruling Steve’s in 8x10??
like its a thing to give us Danny dreaming of his perfect life and it being steve wearing that slutty button up him and steve having their own little paradise. but it’s another to play “Volare” A LOVE SONG when these two are spoon feeding each other while looking in each other eyes like they want to make love at this exact moment.
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that-birdy-chick · 2 months
Okay so I'm still at the start of s7 and so far I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I like this season so far!
Like after the end of season 6 I was really fucking pissed because of how they treated Danny and how nonchalant Steve seemed to be about it all, but let me tell you -
nothing healed my cold dead soul like that little "I love you" talk Danny and steve have in ep 1 of s7 and how happy Danny looks when Steve finally FINALLY listens to him and doesn't get himself killed as a result! And after that Steve genuinely does try to take care of himself for once?? even if it's just a tiny bit- that's real character-growth right there, my guy! I'm so proud of him!
Also the mcdanno banter is suddenly fun and lighthearted again? Even kind and sweet at times? What happened there?
Don't get me wrong I absolutely love it!
It feels like there is finally some maturity and actual progress to their carguments again like they are actually working through their issues instead of just being bitter?
And I'm so here for that!
After almost two season of them just throwing venom at each other it's just so nice to hear them say stuff again like "I don't want you to be sad :(" "well that's why you're there, you make me happy" ??? <3. URGH MY HEART
Hell yes give me more of that please!
I don't even care about all the Catherine and God awful Doris stuff as long as these dorks finally get to be good for each other again!
Also really love chin and kono getting some much deserved screentime and adventures away from the team and the return of Adam and max! I missed those guys!
Another thing I really love is how - even if I hate the return of Doris with a passion- the team went immediately after Steve to Marokko this time! because they ARE a family!
Also love the detail that Steve kept his promise and informed Danny what was going on and of course Danny spilled it to the rest of the team and it's just so wholesome how much they care <3
Just love the atmosphere so far, it reminds me so much of the earlier seasons in the best way
I didn't even know I was starving for nice sweet mcdanno banter and Jerry being the uncle everyone wishes for, and Lou looking after grace while Danny is away, and chin discovering that yes he'd actually really love to be a dad, and kono and Adam getting to be happy, and kono being allowed to have a female friend for once who is not five 0, and just everyone feeling like a happy supportive family without to much seriousness in the way
Just in general the overall vibe within the team seems to be so much lighter compared to last season? Like you can really feel how Steve's almost death really brought them closer together?
It's good stuff!
Now I'm glad I kept watching,
fingers crossed it'll stay that way
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redgoldblue · 2 years
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[”Book ‘im, Danno” “What did I tell you about that?”] [”I’m just saying, Boo-Boo-” “Boo-Boo??”]
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
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mcdanno + text post (SAD™ edition) aka steve's life is a recurring nightmare whenever rachel appears
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hawaiifiveohana · 9 days
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How to participate in Hawai’i Five 0’s Secret Santa!
->Send a private message to @goneahead with six things:
🎄1. Your tumblr name
🎄2. Your A03 name
🎄3. Your email address
🎄4. Tell us if you are willing to pinch hit for a second giftee (in case somebody cannot make a gift for their Secret Santa)
🎄 5. A wish list of 4 things you would like to receive!
What kind of things should you include? Well—do you love whump? Want domestic fluff art? Love gif posts with lyrics? Do you like certain AUs, like merman or sentinel? Want some McDanno artwork? Would you love to see ace McDanno fic? Or maybe you love enemies to friends stories? Your Secret Santa will choose one of these four things as your gift—so be specific!
🎄6. A list of what you'd love to give!
It helps if you give several alternatives of things you like to write or draw. Maybe you love writing AUs or whump. Or you don’t feel comfortable writing/drawing explicit porn. Or you love to make gifs, but you don’t write fic. The more we know, the better we can match you up with your giftee!
->The proverbial fine print:
-All fic gifts should be at least 500 words.
-Art gifts should be colored.
-Gif gifts should include at least four gifs.
🎁Secret Santa opens Oct. 1st, closes Oct. 18th. Secret Santas will be assigned Oct. 20th.
🎁You will get a wish list of four things your giftee would like. Choose one of those as your gift.
🎁 @goneahead be checking in with you: Nov 1, Nov 15, Nov 30
🎁Gifts should be posted on both Tumblr (a link to A03 is fine) and A03 between Dec. 15th and Dec. 21st.
->More fine print!
We will try to match people up the best we can, but if you look at your giftee’s list and it’s just not gonna work, please let @goneahead know! That happens with gift exchanges—and it’s totally OK to ask for a different giftee. That’s why we have pinch hitters!
Sometimes real life happens and you just can’t make a gift. Again, that’s OK! H50 is a low-pressure fandom, and we know how things can suddenly goes pear-shaped. Just let @goneahead know as soon as possible, so we can give one of the pinch hitters plenty of time to make a gift for your Secret Santa giftee!
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ahellalottafandoms · 6 months
Thank you for answering my ask! You are so sweet! As a former fan of Hawaii Five 0, whose main couple, McDanno, was robbed of an amazing sexuality storyline, I am thrilled that Buck is now bisexual! I am hoping that Eddie gets his own amazing storyline!
Now for the reason I am writing you again.....I have seen posts regarding that speculating that Marisol is moving in or that Eddie or Buck will kiss each other in next week's episode and that in 7.6 that Buck and Eddie will be at odds with each other. I wanted to get your thoughts about all the speculation going on.
Also, were you in the fandom when Ryan supposedly posted a story showing that he had Grindr and Scruff notifications? I know from numerous posts that he was gay in some movies that he did and wondered if you believe that Ryan is gay/bisexual in real life? Due to the looks and closeness between Ryliver lately, have probably made many people wonder about them behind the scenes. I really hope they hug in the next episode.
Also, do you know where I can find the leaked scripts that everyone keeps talking about?
Aww, no worries, and thank you! 🥰
I do think seeing Buck and Tommy on a date and after Buck comes out to him, I think Eddie will start to have some conflict of his own. Internalised, so he makes some rash decisions and then regrets them, when he's had time to properly think things through.
Personally, I think something happens in 7x06 with Buck and Eddie. We know there's conflict between them, and they get into a scuffle, an angry, spur of the moment kiss, before realise Buck is on fire. I mean, Eddie is looking so debauched, and Buck looks the same clothing wise, so it's looking like whatever between the two, they cause it.
I wasn't in the fandom when that was all happening, I'll be honest, I'm kind of a newbie, 2 years in. I don't think Ryan is, but lately with the blushing and unable to keep a smile off his face when he speaks about Oliver or Buddie, I wouldn't be surprised... 🤣 He's also a quite private person, so I don't even think we'd ever know.
The "leaked" scripts are from imcatchingteardropsinmyhands. Apparently, the word b*****r has been removed according to them, so I'm crossing my fingers it has! Because that scene could be interpreted in so many ways without the b word!!
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ellena-asg · 2 years
I still remember watching episode 1x11 for the first time years ago and remember this one scene that made my heart dancing (oh, I'm still in love with it). Yes, McDanno one.
I'm sorry, I know that the episode is supposed to be about girl named Erica and her (murdered) husband Jake Harris and Erica's rocky relationship with her mother-in-law but... Oh, look:
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Nancy Harris: Jake and Erica met six months ago and three weeks later they were engaged.
So we've got our boys talking with Erica's mum-in-law and she hates Erica and she says these words above and then...
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Then Danny's response is (this is an exact quote!): So you don't believe in love at first sight? (no, please, it can't be just "Danny and his sarcasm", not in this moment).
And here is Steve's reaction (oh, of course that he reacts):
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Steve looks at Danny, immediately after hearing his question. And it's just a moment, it's like a one quick heart-beat but Oh My Gosh.
I bet that Steve and Danny thought about the same. About each other. Cause it's so much about them! Oh, pre-Danny Steve and pre-Steve Danny, yes, they could be like "Love at first sight? Nah, maaan, no way, I don't believe in this shit!". BUT. But boom! 2010 came and THAT happened:
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What I once interpreted in my comics as:
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(yes, that's definitely what I heard from their hearts)
I'm billions percent sure that Danny talks with Nancy in a very serious way and that his question is damn serious and sincere too. Well, I think that it's both - a question to Nancy and Danny's expression. I can see Danny's surprise (like "Oh... You DON'T? You don't believe in that, huh?") and I can hear his "You know, I, um, personally disagree. It, it happened to me so... It's not a bullshit, I think".
And of course that he means Steve. Cause it's about love and Steve... Steve is Danny's first (real) and only love (if we're talking about his romantic life). And vice versa.
All these girls were just an escape, a mistake. Yes, Gabby, Melissa, Lynn... They were adorable and good-hearted and loved by boys in some way - but it wasn't romantic. It wasn't THAT. Boys loved them like you can love someone for being a kind good person/human being, a good friend-like person. But it was never that kind of love (and f.e. Melissa knows that so well, so painfully well). And it was never at first sight.
And yes, I'm thinking about Cath and Rachel too. I know that many of you won't agree with me - and that's totally ok! But I think that Steve never loved Cath. Maybe once he tried but deep down he knew he couldn't. And Rachel? It was she who started it. She saw a handsome cop, she hit his car and then, as Danny once said: somehow things happened. Somehow they got married. I'm sorry but it doesn't sound like "oh that was so great" to me. Danny's words, the way how he describes it as "things happened"... There's nothing romantic there. There's nothing joyful. And Danny sounds like "You know, I met her, she seemed to be nice, we met again and somehow I thought: Why not?".
But oh, Danny felt that it's not good. In one of the episodes he confessed that he wasn't even sure about marrying Rachel. And though I remember about his anxiety, oh *high five, Danny! yeah, anxiety is a bitch* - I don't think that it was caused (only) by anxiety. I think that deep down he didn't want it, he wasn't sure about his feelings. He didn't believe in "happily ever after" with her. Well, to me it's meaningful. And when in 6x11 Danny admitted to Steve that deep down he didn't want any therapy with Rachel, he didn't want to save his marriage - this is what looks like "I always felt that I didn't love her".
Yes, I think that Danny couldn't love Rach. He tried but he "only" could love her as a friend (in the beginning) and as a mother of his daughter. It's not only because of the awful way Rachel and her damn mother treated Danny. It's not only because of Rachel hating Danny's job/passion. It's not only because of Rachel cheating on Danny with Stan (ok, I can't be that sure but, well, I've got the feeling) and her post-divorce behaviour (using kids as tools to hurt him). I think that even in the beginning, when all seemed to be ok, Danny always felt that he and Rachel weren't a real thing. They weren't meant for each other. They didn't even understand each other. When Gracie came to this world... He stayed for her.
Gracie. She was the only love caused by this marriage. And after divorce it was all for Gracie and thanks to it... Danny came to Hawaii and found his destiny, his beloved one - beloved at first sight.
It's Steve. Thanks to Steve Danny believes in love. Even in love at first sight. And Steve can finally have it all too, thanks to Danny.
And I love that after the talk with Nancy we have the scene at the office where... Danny talks with Steve about Nancy and about his own ex mother-in-law. Cause it's... You know, moment ago he thought about real love and about Steve so now he needs to talk about his old life with Rachel and her mother to... To show the contrast. To Steve and to himself. To show the difference between "I was so miserable" and "now my life is so great". Between "It was a mistake" and "YOU are my love, babe".
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But of course they're both such walking disasters so their feelings stay in their minds and/or sometimes are expressed but "the receiver has no idea". And someone should make the first step... So, as always, they try to focus on their case.
And THIS case. Gosh. I've recently rewatched this episode and now I see how much McDanno-ish this episode is. Yes, it's about Erica and Jake, the "Beauty and the Beast" (but I don't mean it literally, Jake isn't a beast, he isn't worse than others, he just got this role in the show and ok, I get it, I get the point of the story). And there is also the case and the killer. And other tragic stories (I mean other couples-victims). But the more I watch it, the more these stories look like a background. And this background gives us McDanno and their romantic story.
I shared my thoughts about the famous Garage Scene so now I'll confess that I think that Danny and Steve are truly touched by Erica's and Jake's story. And I bet that it's hard to focus on the case cause there are many moments shouting "You know well what Erica is feeling now".
Let's start with Jake. Boys are cops, Danny is such a detective so they should think about all possible scenarios. "Erica only wanted Jake's money, she didn't love him and his face" is just one of them. Oh, I bet that Lenkov wanted (again, hell) to show Danny as "only pretty things man" but Scott was amazing as always and he showed how complex and great Danny is. Danny doesn't laugh when he sees Jake's photo. Yes, he makes a comment but - BUT! 1) He's detective at work and he needs every scenario and he knows people well, he knows what many people may think about guys like Jake, duh, he's not an optimist - he knows that world is cruel, that people are cruel, that "happily ever after" happens very rarely, oh, he's bitter sometimes, isn't he and 2) Danny cares about people's hearts, about all what is inside - he knows well that "outside" is just a surface 3) Danny knows that love is love, you can fall in love with anyone - even with Steve McGarrett ;)
So boys do their job, talk with Erica and... when they see how devastated she is, how ANGRY when she thinks that they think she didn't love Jake, how HAPPY when she talks about Jake and their moments, how she believes in love...
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They feel her, don't they? ;) They know. They know she really loved Jake.
And when Jake is found dead...
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They can imagine the pain. They know that in their case it would be the worst scenario. The death of Yin means the death of Yang. And they're sorry, they're sad that Erica's and Jake's story has no happy end. Look at Danny's face. Look at Steve, the way he is hugging Erica - like a brother who KNOWS and cries with her.
Ok, now let's see what else we have in this episode...
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Danny and Steve arguing in front of the motel. Why does it remind me of them arguing in the garage? ;)
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🎶Sexy eyes🎶 and the TENSION. Yeah, when you think about your love at first sight all damn day and suddenly you hear "one more lonely night for me"... Yup, you can be frustrated.
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McDanno behaving like "Oh, honey, why aren't you wearing the ring? We're married!". "I know, babe. I love you, babe. We're married forever, babe. It's just... My goofy fingers". "Babe". "Oh, ok. I'll wear it for you, fuck my goofy fingers".
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Mr and Mr McGarrett-Williams vibes.
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I know that it's their case. I know that these wedding rings belonged to the victims. I know that the background is sad and tragic. BUT wedding rings. Wedding rings and McDanno holding them together. Just look at that scene and for a while don't think about the context.
This episode is like "He is my One and Only, my love at first sight and my love forever. This man - yes, that's the one I really want to marry". It's like showing their beginning ("When Danny met Steve", rom-com, 2010) and "what should be in the end: happily ever after, so damn married").
Ok, now you can call me a weirdo 😆
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Random thoughts about Hawaii Five-0 rewatch: part 2/?
Still trying to make sense, in sparse order, of some things I noticed and that made me question the mental stability of whoever decided determined plot points...
Thought #3: missed chance to be a fucking adult, evolved human being and not a caveman about divorced couples, or: if you had started with the intention of showing how Danny and Rachel could rebuild affection and understanding, why fucking slaughter her character that way?!?!
At the end of s1, I suppose it's in the Shorelines extra? anyway, the authors talk extensively about how it was their endgame since the pilot to portray the subtle change and the evolution of the relationship between Danny and Rachel, meaning: they wanted to show how two people, who once loved each other enough to decide to share a lifetime together, had fallen apart and started hating each other just as much because that's what happens in life, but in the end, slowly, thanks to life's twists and turns, they managed to find back the chemistry, the trust, the support, the love they had lost, creating a new kind of bond.
~~~~~~follows under the cut~~~~~~
Which....cool, really. It's fantastic. I obviously don't like the idea of no-mcdanno, but in a way I can really appreciate the intention of portraying something clearly fictional but way better, healthier and more hopeful than what happens in reality like, 70% of the times. My parents would immediately slaughter each other even after more than 30 years after the divorce. I have friends and ex colleagues who are just the same and cannot even be decent enough not to shit over each other in front of their children, making them part of their feud. In Italy, every three days a woman is murdered by her husband, ex husband, fiancee, partner, ex partner. The other 30% is barely civil enough to pretend NOT TO want to murder the other ex spouse.
So, cool. Good intention, I appreciated it, even if I don't agree with Danny sleeping with his ex wife behind her rightful husband's back.
Then 2x01 happened and ok, everything between them fell apart. Probably Danny didn't really believe the baby was Stan's, but it didn't matter because in the end he trusted Rachel and that was enough. He helped her deliver Charlie. He was a good friend. They could've kept this storyline, show how ex spouses can become civil and affectionate again, share a different love, explore the nuances of an extended family. Everything could've been normal and healthy.
So what the fuck happened with the whole "Stan wants to move to Vegas" and then "Rachel always knew Charlie was Danny's but had decided to keep him in the dark because she wanted to decide for everyone"?!?
Ready? The answer comes, plain and simple, in the following seasons' Shorelines commentaries.
They wanted to put Danny through an emotional grinder and imagine how he'd react, but most of all, they wanted to throw a curveball (multiple curveballs including Steve's storyline) at the audience, to hook them, shock them, and make sure they'd be unable not to be there for the next season to see what will happen.
That's it. That's the great mastermind masterplan.
Cheap shocking for the sake of audience ratings.
Ok, I get that after all the mess Rachel did, she probably didn't get much of a saying in Stan's relocation purpose...even if she could've been the friend Danny had been, and left Grace with him, moving only with Charlie and maybe getting Grace for school breaks. Anyway, that's a normal and believable kind of shock/curveball.
But the whole "Charlie’s paternity clusterfuck"?? I mean, it's not even realistically believable! In my 44 years, I've witnessed THIS EXACT SITUATION TWICE!! And in both cases, first thing the cheated husband did, apart from asking immediately for a divorce, was asking for a paternity test! That's what normal, real people do, if they KNOW their wife had an affair and suspiciously GETS PREGNANT immediately after!!
Unless you're a complete idiot who has no experience whatsoever of how the real world works, there's only one explanation for this mess: that you wanted us to imply that Rachel didn't even tell Stan about the cheating, that she simply told him, generically, that their marriage wasn't working anymore and she wanted to go back home, and made him believe that the baby had been conceived during their last-effort trip before Danny was poisoned....right after she'd made sure she'd get pregnant with Danny's kid to trap him with guilt AND need, and then lied to both men. FOR YEARS.
I call this clusterfuck one name only: character's assassination.
There were so many ways, even after s2 and s3 events had happened, they could've brought that shocking curveball forward, because the path they chose only managed to depict Rachel as a mean, cheating, liar bitch who managed to play both men. It's horrible, and chauvinist, and toxic.
She could've been genuinely sure Charlie was Stan's, and only with the disease outbreak and the test both Rachel and Stan had learnt about the truth. Stan could've kicked her out and Danny could've swept in like a real hero to help a friend who once was his love, or maybe they could've explored the difficulties of rebuilding a family.
More simply, Charlie could've been genuinely Stan's but Stan could've given her an ultimatum about Vegas and they could've divorced because Rachel couldn't bear the situation anymore, and made Stan go through what Danny had suffered with the move to Hawai'i.
Charlie could've been Danny's, and she could've decided to come clean with both instead of the whole shared custody arc (this situation, of course, implies that they could've been so far-sighted to imagine a several-seasons arc for Danny and Rachel, instead of improvising for the sake of shock).
Stan could've died, and Danny could've found himself suddenly in charge not only of his daughter and ex wife, but also acting as a father figure for a little kid who wasn't his, but who was his daughter's little brother thus deserving love and protection, making his genuine amazing humanity shine.
These are just some things I'm coming up with, right now, while I'm working and not even plotting, and avoiding any hypothesis implying both Stan's and Rachel's timely death to allow Danny the troubling experience of being a single father of two kids, maybe suddenly discovering that Charlie is his.
There were so many interesting nuances they could've explored, to make sure that they could've followed their initial masterplan about rebuilding a human bond between Danny and Rachel, AND granted them enough shock and emotional distress to hook the audience to the following seasons. Kinda like what they did, more respectfully, with the reveal of Harry's paternity.
They simply chose the cheapest route: harpy, bitch, whore ex wife cheats on both husbands and ruins everyone's life.
Good job.
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satashiiwrites · 5 months
Snippet Sunday
tagging @quietborderline @monsterrae1 @rosieposiepuddingnpie @tkwritesdumbassassins @outtoshatter @whimsyswastry and @missanniewhimsy with no pressure. It’s sunday and i’m procrastinating packing for vacay. Y’all know the rules.
Banner by me.
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Title: Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 13: Eddie POV
Fandom: 911, H50, SWAT
Pairings: Buddie, McDanno, platonic Deacon/Hondo
Fic summary:
When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him
Tags/warnings: first draft. NavySeal!Buck. Slow burn (look it took us 170k almost to get to the first kiss), first time, get together, set post tsunami/lawsuit era.
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The nurse gives him a warm blanket to wrap around himself while he waits for someone to read his scan.  Eddie falls into a light doze and is woken several times by the orthopedist and then again by the nurse and neurosurgeon telling him that he’s cleared to leave sometime around five AM local time.  
Each time he wakes, he reaches for Buck only to see the rigid line of his back through the tiny slit window in the door. Buck is never looking back at him, and Eddie knows he’s got his work cut out for him to knock whatever bullshit Buck’s been telling himself about Eddie being taken is his fault out of Buck’s thick skull. 
But first, Eddie needs Buck to willingly be in the same room as him. 
Danny Williams shows up at the time that Eddie is handed his discharge papers. Buck has disappeared in search of a wheelchair despite Eddie’s protests that he can walk out of the hospital. Eddie is irritable, hasn’t slept in what feels like ages, and wants a real shower. 
“Danny Williams—I’m a lieutenant with 5-0, which I’m sure you know.”
“I have heard of you,” Eddie admits as he shakes Danny’s hand. “Any chance you can get me a shower so I don’t smell like roadkill left out in the heat for two days?”
“Sorry, no can do. We need everything on you for evidence and then pictures.”
“For trial?”
“Yes. Assuming we go that route,” Danny mutters the last part, but he hands Eddie a set of hospital scrubs and allows Eddie to change in private, leaving his clothes, including his boots, in a large paper bag. He won’t wear his boots without socks, and Danny has provided a set of flip-flops that are the right size. 
“We’ll get you some regular clothes after the CSIs have their pictures, and you can use the showers at our headquarters. You signed the release, letting us use your records for the case?”
“Yeah. Where’s Buck? Did he have to go to LA for that wheelchair I don’t need?”
Danny snorts and smothers his laughter, ice-blue eyes dancing. “You give him a run for his money, don’t you?”
“I guess?”
Danny waves off Eddie’s confusion. “He saw me coming and hightailed it somewhere. He’ll be back once he’s talked himself into something possibly macho but extremely bullshit about you getting hurt.”
“It wasn’t his fault,” Eddie repeats yet again, scowling at Danny. 
“That’s the attitude. Keep repeating it until he believes it. The kid is too much like Steve and needs to have his little brood session before you knock him straight. He was terrified for you, so let him have it now.”
“I’m sure you don’t need my lecture on the care and feeding of your Seal?”
“I know how to take care of Buck,” Eddie firmly states. He doesn’t need to be told anything to care for Buck as long as they’re talking to each other. If Buck keeps hiding from him, he might take an assist from Kono if she’s available, but he doesn’t know Danny, and McGarrett will probably be on Buck’s side in things and be unhelpful if he needs to pin his partner down. 
“Again, I’m sure you do. Just remember he’s a bit tender about you being kidnapped.”
“How could I forget,” Eddie says, pointing to the bruising on his face. It didn’t hurt since he was given some Tylenol and ice, but it was pretty spectacular looking in the glance he’d gotten in a mirror. 
Buck picks then to reappear with a wheelchair, and he pales at Eddie pointing to his bruises.  
“Buck,” Eddie calls, stopping him from disappearing again. He may play it up a bit how stiff he feels when he stands and hobbles to the wheelchair, making Buck hover. Give Eddie a few hours in the sun, a shower, and a nap, and Eddie will be good as new and ready to sit on Buck if necessary to make him listen to what Eddie has to say. 
“Let’s get the show on the road. The sooner we get your photo shoot done, the quicker we let you shower,” Danny reminds him as Buck pushes him out of the ER.  
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alea-says · 4 months
H50, season 4, episode 19 thoughts...
Sarcastic Danny my beloved.
And they're having an argument.
Oh wow. Bomb. Okay.
Yet another trope to tick off the list: trapped together under a collapsed building.
(I need to write a list of all the tropes this stupid show covers one day)
Okay... if they're at Danny's place... where's Grace?
Called it.
Oh. Poor Grace. 😭😭😭 She tried calling Danny and it kept going to voicemail. Danny?? How?? This is not in character for you!
Steve laughing. He can see Amber isn't right for Danny if she's causing these issues already.
And now we also hear that Danny and Amber have been spending time together without him mentioning her to Grace...
Also, why is Steve in a wetsuit? Where is my shirtless Steve to ogle? And for Danny to ogle too
Danny doesn't want Grace to get attached to another woman.
Interesting choice of words. Woman. Not partner or girlfriend. But woman.
And he has no problem with Grace being attached to Steve. But I guess he knows Steve isn't going anywhere.
Steve calling Danny out on not being serious about the relationship.
Oh they are covered in dust. Which is actually really realistic.
That ringing noise is gonna drive me insane, though. Poor dudes.
Steve calling for Danny.
Catherine yelling for both of them. (I could maybe go a throuple)
Grabbing hands 😍😍😍
Holding hands 😍😍😍
Aww Danny!
The feels!
Danny and Steve and surviving together.
Oh no! Not rebar!
Why is Steve saying to take it out? Isn't that the first rule, to leave it in?
Okay. Steve's saying infection and sepsis and I don't know enough medical stuff to know if that's real... I'd have thought you'd bleed out before you died of sepsis... doesn't sepsis take time?
Steve: the really bad pain only lasts a couple of seconds. You gotta stay conscious.
Steve: that's my boy... stay with me...
(Gotta say that rebar was not as long as I expected)
Oh, they're arguing. They're gonna be all right cos they're arguing.
Grover: everybody stop moving *as he continues walking*
Danny: can I die in peace, please.
Uh, no, Danny, as if you'll die in peace if you're dying with Steve.
And, even though Danny's complaining, he's also starting to work the case again. Questioning why this guy.
Danny: it's not as bad as it looks
Catherine: thanks for trying to make me feel better
Max: this is a lot worse than I imagined
Steve telling Catherine to make a reservation for dinner that night. Would only have been better if he'd said to make it for all of them. Love how he operates as if they're gonna get through it.
Danny finds out it been all over the news and his first thought is Grace ❤️
Okay, I get not wanting Grace to worry about him, but seriously after that morning you can't tell her she's grounded. She did nothing wrong.
Also, if I was Grace I'd want the chance to talk to my dad even if it did mean I was worried about him.
Oooh. Mysterious outside guy.
And now mcdanno are having a serious conversation.
Danny: everytime something good happens in my life I just think about when it's going to end. That's all I can think about.
(So how long has he been fearing his relationship with Steve falling apart?)
Danny: the only sustained happiness I've ever felt in my life so far is Grace.
Steve telling Danny to bring Amber in, bring her closer - he should be giving that advice about himself
Danny agrees, if he makes it out alive, to give it a shot. (Steve really should have suggested them getting closer instead)
Please tell me we're getting science Steve again.
And he's got a grenade.
Directional charge. Oh yes.
Danny: this gonna work?
Steve: I dunno
Danny: hold on. Before we do this I just what you to know one thing.
Steve: what?
Danny: whatever happens, I really, really, from the bottom of my heart, hate you so much.
*they both smile and laugh* (they totally know hate is code for love)
Steve: I love you too, pal
Danny: I guess there's a lot worse people to die under a big pile of concrete with, huh?
Steve: You wanna do the honours?
Danny: no, no. It's your stupid idea. You do it.
(This is so beautiful)
They get Danny up first! Of course Steve sent him up first!
And the first thing Danny says?
Danny: Steve. You gotta get Steve. He's still down there.
(I half expected them to both come up together, hugging)
Oh I like Catherine's watch.
The cop car arriving with Grace!!!
The way Grace hugs Steve, too.
And, after being trapped together for hours, Danny asks Amber and Grace to give him and Steve a moment. He still hasn't had enough time with his man.
Danny: when we were in there you said. You know, before you did the thing with the bomb, you said what you said. I want you to know, I feel the same way.
Steve: how is that exactly?
Danny: gonna make me say it? Come here. *hugs* I love you.
Steve: I love you, buddy
And mystery guy is ex-CIA
Have you gotten the message?
Steve walls through the door.
Please peeps, Steve does not give up, okay. The more you push at him to back off, the harder he's gonna come after you. Dude likes a challenge.
Now Steve's got a gun on the guy.
Okay, guy is explaining... it seems a bit too easy for him to be just explaining...
And now the dude is dead.
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that-birdy-chick · 2 months
Listen people I know - okay I KNOW Hawaii five 0 aged terribly, it's filled with copaganda and so very problematic and the plot makes no sense after like season 4 BUT- mcdanno was fucking real and I'm loosing my mind over it - and I know I'm beyond late to the party but these two fuckers were married from day one and they're so insane for each other
Their devotion toward each other is beyond crazy it's madness
I have no fucking clue what the powers that be where thinking creating this show
But whatever Steve and his danno have going on is the most gay-as-dramatic-shit show and I will watch this dumpster fire of a show till the end even if I know the finale will wreck me I just - I'm OBSESSED
Like how is any of this real?!?
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finduilasclln · 2 months
What's your favourite fandom you have been a part of?
You know... this is such a difficult question. Seriously.
I think there are a few that are very special to me.
Lord of the Rings was my first fandom! I discovered so many things through this fandom. Mainly what a fandom IS. Lol. And I still have friends from that fandom, who are near and dear to my heart. I also went to my first con for this fandom. It was the beginning of it all!
Hawaii Five-0 / McDanno fandom was quite amazing too. I wrote so much fic for this fandom, I was so inspired. I miss that. Hah.
Teen Wolf is for sure unique. I made a lot of friends there, I went to loads of cons and got to experience a lot of fandom in real life. I also got to meet so many of the actors so many times. I got so many friends in that fandom, but it also has a bitter side because some stuff happened with some people in fandom that was not okay. So looking back, I have mixed feelings about some of it. But mainly it was terrific.
MCU / Stony was nice, but I never felt truly a part of it somehow? Maybe because it's so big? I very much felt like an outsider looking in most of the time.
The current one is 911, obviously, and while I do also have that outsider feeling sometimes, to me it is still hugely important. I have to say that I could do without the current animosity, which saddens me enormously. But overall I just love this fandom. I can't imagine ever "getting over it", but I know I felt that with previous fandoms as well and then all of a sudden a new obsession comes along and BAM. You're sucked in. LOL. I hope my interest stays at least until the end of the show, and I hope that's many years from now (with a nice BuckTommy storyline first, but a Buddie endgame) ;)
So all of that did not answer your question, did it...? LMAO. Honestly, I can't answer. They're all precious in their own way. They all had incredible and some crappy moments.
Mainly though, what my favorite part of any of these fandoms is: The friends I made and still have. Like you!! First fandom, and still going strong, baby!
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im watching hawaii five o 6x25 and the fact that danny would rather die (land on the beach) than stay alive without steve (land on the water while its safer)
anyway, mcdanno is so real
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teruel-a-witch · 11 months
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5.17/7.01 Kono Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud
These are two completely real lines that somehow made their way past CBS censors into the show. Except the second one doesn't show up in any of the subtitles/captions provided by CBS. But you can hear it clear as day so they actually recorded it in the ADR.
In both episodes Danny and Steve say 'I love you' to each other and the detractors could argue it's a platonic confession but then these lines spoken by Kono reframe it into romantic, but only if you paid attention in the first place. Schrödinger's romance. Mcdanno isn't romantic except when it is. Mcdanno is platonic except when it's not. They can say 'i love you' but that doesn't mean they are 'in love' unless they are. But we'll only say it in a blink and you'll miss off-camera line. Gay love fighting through the wall of homophobic censors to spill through the screen.
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piratefalls · 2 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
oh man okay so i'm not the biggest fan of my own writing (and not in a woe is me way, but looking back i always think they could have been better) but here goes:
tides, they turn, and hearts disfigure / mcdanno truthfully this was just me putting words down because i was feeling incredibly, deeply lonely one night and it turned into a 20k word verse around a jason mraz song lol.
The Comedy (Is That It's Serious) / sterek my mom was going through cancer treatment when i wrote this and it just kind of became an experiment in "not all cancer fics are miserable" because life still goes on and absurdities still happen, and it's okay to ask for help, and the human capacity to laugh even when your'e scared.
I'm Gonna Give All My Secrets Away / stanny it was my first real rare pair fic, a season 4 rewrite, done in like two weeks because that deadline really snuck up on me, and the second longest thing i'd written. the response to it really surprised me and i got to meet someone at a convention who really loved it and i've been chasing that high ever since.
Got Your Body On My Mind (I Want It Bad) / mcdanno i'm gonna be honest, i'm listing this here because i'm still proud of that venn diagram joke.
Ho, Ho, Holy Shit (Or, The Time Derek Hale Forgot About Christmas) / sterek this was for a challenge, and at this point 5+1 had kind of become my the format of my heart, and i gave derek my gift giving anxiety for christmas.
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miriam-heddy · 11 months
At last, an H50 female love interest who’s kind of interesting!
Just watched S6E7, and I actually *like* Lynn Downey (Sarah Carter) as a person. Not more than I like Danny, natch. But I can see why Steve’d like her. There’s real chemistry there, which was sorely lacking with Catherine Rollins (Michelle Borth), no matter how hard TPTB tried pushing them together. I just wish TPTB had laid off the “thumb worthy” thing with Lynn (so OOC for Chin!) and not talked up how “hot” Lynn was. Especially given that TPTB populate the weekly H50 mise en scene with a constant stream of conventionally attractive bikini-clad women.
I think Danny and Rachel have chemistry, too. I at least believe they could’ve gotten together. Their flirting works.
Thing is, I’ve run into at least a couple of McDanno writers who loathe all the women (all women?) to the point of near parody, if not character assassination. One of them had Rachel try to kill Danny, which was… just ODD.
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Male showrunners seem to just suck at creating lifelike women love interests. Is it any wonder that male buddies so often seem perfect only for each other?
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