#Parental Steve McGarrett
Some of my favorite characters have tattoos. Some happen to be from popular enough fandoms that MAYBE I’ll find their iconic tattoo for sale. (Though now adays you can customize temp tattoos so that’s an option too. Though for quality, even in tempt tattoos, it can get a bit pricey) So when I stumbled across these at my local Walgreens I bought them! The only hurdle then was my own artistic talent...
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And that’s a work in progress. 
Anyway, my Domestic and Parental McDanno headcanon is that Charlie finds some footing in the arts. Something both Danny and Steve encourage a lot. During one stint when Danny was over in Jersey and something wasn’t right but no one really knew much...and as much as Steve would have bolted to NJ the moment he could, he had Charlie in his charge and needed to focus on him. There was just a lot of waiting. A lot of waiting where words sometimes failed him because he didn’t want to worry nor lie to Charlie. It first happened with washable markers and no clean paper in sight. Steve asked Charlie for ideas about his next tattoo and it ended up drawing a ‘sample’ in washable marker. It helped them remain calm and still until they got news that Danny was okay and would be on his way back!
In the mean time Steve goes to buy Charlie more art supplies to always have at hand when he spots the temp tattoo markers...and he gets them. 
The night before Danno’s back, Charlie works on Steve’s arms with more concentration and carefulness. Though now that they know Danny’s safe and on his way back to them, they talk a bit more. Steve has something to focus on and staying as still as he could in the chair of any tattoo artist. 
When they pick up Danno from the airport, after a tight embrace to both his boys, Danny points to Steve’s arm, “Growing out the sleeve?” 
“Found a new artist that accepts ice cream and Scooby Doo merch as payment.” Steve replied,flexing his arm to showcase Charlie’s work proudly. 
The habit doesn’t stay with Charlie. After one of their cases goes south and their lives were at stake again...mostly Steve’s, Steve offers some of Charlie’s markers to Danny to write on him with. Symbolic branding, an anchoring as well, and a way for them let tension ebb away when words aren’t good enough but they need to do something(that because of their injuries can’t be strainous activity)
Steve for his part, always walks around proudly with his temp tattoos.
(Though he and Danny make a date of getting tattoos together not long after this little habit starts)  
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ellena-asg · 11 months
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Daddies to the rescue!
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There was no Steve & Danny & Gracie family hug (alas! also: crime!) BUT Danny gave Steve a hug and a kiss and he said "I love you both, most in the world" and "We saved her, we saved our Monkey" and "Thank you for always being there for us, we adore you and need you so much". How? With his eyes.
"Steve, it is you. I want to share Gracie with you".
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
that time steve and danny went to a party full of Victoria secret models yet they only had eyes for each other
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steve was especially worried about leaving danny alone with them, but all danny did was talk about his daughter, and, again, in a room full of world's top models it's steve danny is quite literally thirsting over ↓
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but even a bigger sign that steve has nothing to worry about? danny leaves grace, his precious baby girl his entire heart and life, in steve's care the entire time ↓
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(as an aside how cute is it that steve just holds gracie's hand the whole time before she is handed off to the models for them to fawn over her)
notice how danny doesn't even have to check up on her/constantly look at her (which is saying a lot considering how overprotective he is) because he trusts steve that much. he is the worthy co-parent in danny's eyes and there's no bigger testimonial over how steve is the only one for danny.
they really did look like a couple who only took their daughter to a fancy party because she would enjoy it, not to ogle the models themselves, because that's what they are, de facto. (two outstanding heterosexuals amirite? ;))
they are just oblivious to that fact and insecure/jealous because they wouldn't be steve and danny otherwise.
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Steve McGarrett as a parent
Steve, *on the phone*: Just snap his kneecaps and he’ll talk, I’m at a parent teacher conference.
Steve: Anyways, you said Freddie is enjoying finger painting! That's great.
I have a headcanon that if Steve ever had a kid, he'd name it after Freddie.
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unwillingwriter · 5 months
Detective Grace Williams
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Summary: Grace is her fathers daughter, she see's what the outside can not. She see's what her mother doesn't, she see's what uncle Steve doesn't either. But she see's what Danno see's and that is the only thing that matters. Just like her father, Grace can see bullshit. And this bullshit comes in the form of a woman that Grace doesn't really like 'cause her uncle acts different and Danno gets sad. And Grace doesn't like when her dad gets sad. Because that's when she really becomes her fathers daughter. A short ball of french Italian anger. And Danno is too sick to be feeling Sad.
Full Story Here
Hopefully you all enjoy.
Truthfully the story did not come out how I wanted it to. And I’m mad 🤣.
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Do you ship it?
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reason: They choose each other over anyone else again and again, they act like a married couple and co-parent Danny's kids.
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nobigsecrets · 7 months
Feedback Fest 2024: H50 Fic Recs
for International Fanworks Day, February 15 (for more info see this post by @transformativeworks)
I haven't posted a rec list in a long while and I'm taking this opportunity: in alphabetical order here are ten of my favorite H50 fics (by far not all of them though):
1. Agitated States of Amazement by @emphasisonthehomo Rating: T, Words: 5,823 He meets Stef when he’s like 18, on a sub-reddit that doesn’t exist anymore. She’s kind of a huge fucking cunt. Danny’s kind of in love with her. OR: Sometimes the people you meet on the internet stick with you.
2. Anchored by lavvyan Rating: E, Words: 883 One of the things Steve takes pride in is that he knows and understands Danny better than anyone. Better than his parents, certainly better than Rachel, and probably even better than the brother whose name shall not be spoken. Pure, plotless smut.
3. the art of leaving and saying goodbye by verasteine Rating: E, Words: 115,812 2007 is the year Danny learns that choice can be the worst kind of heartbreak. AU.
4. The Bareknuckle Poet by pleasebekidding Rating: E, Words: 66,793 After a serious accident left Steve temporarily wheelchair-bound, working towards his recovery, he enrolled at Rutgers for a year. He met Danny Williams in his criminology course, wearing pride pins and chipped black nail polish, so sure of himself that Steve found it breathtaking. What happened next redefined Steve's sense of self, his ambitions, and many of his priorities.
5. Guided Missile by McParrot Rating: E, Words: 11,772 Steve is primed and targeted and he’s not stopping until he’s hit that target or crashed and burned.
6. Grand Theft Octo by Cattraine Rating: n/a, Words: 8,741 Danny is no cephalopod expert, but he’s pretty sure regular octopi don’t hang around the docks getting drunk from stolen beer.
7. I Know You're a Mistake I Won't Regret by LunaCanisLupus_22 Rating: E, Words: 40,958 “I don’t know how your omega at home lives with you,” Danny says, half serious, half mocking. It’s a throw away comment. Not meant for further thought but Steve stiffens considerably, hackles rising with the urge to attack and defend. Mostly because there is no omega waiting for him at home. And there’s no alpha Lieutenant Commander, Steve McGarrett, either.
8. Signals by Destina Rating: E, Words: 1,674 Steve knows how to read the signals.
9. Still The Rain by @thekristen999 Rating: M, Words: 21,720 Danny turned around until he faced Steve McGarrett, Danger Magnet. "Mountain cliffs; dinghies in the middle of the ocean; nightmare camping trips. You had to add a rainforest adventure during a monsoon to the list, didn't you?"
10. Up In The Air by JoJo Rating: G, Words: 1,261 Eight hours in a supply plane to think about how nothing was solved.
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sunny-mercya · 3 months
Vows of Love
Steve McGarrett x Male Reader
Fandom -> Hawaii Five-0
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Witnessing Steve McGarrett dancing—more like a waltzing, which resembles, of either a shaky baby deer or an trampling Elephant—through his office to another song of Elvis, was just a rare and unusual sight to experience—that it does causes a bit of concern, confusion and speculation throughout the Team.
The voice of Elvis—rich and deep, so lovely and mellow soft, like an Angel welcomes you into heaven—rung through the headquarters, not all too loud, but enough to hear the melody—which creates an ambiance of old nostalgic melancholy and feelings, oh so sweet, the heart suffers through love—and the bass echoing, chorusing like a symphony, through the building.
The team watches from the sidelines of the hallway, watching with disbelieving amusement the little show Steve presents—without seeming to realise or he simply doesn't care—to them.
It's just—as they all voiced their own opinions of theory, about why Steve is acting like this, like some lovesick fool—Elvis Presley and Steve McGarrett—who can be a scary man if required to be and whose the imagine of a strong tough guy—doesn't really match together, not when they all know Steve listen to way different genres of music.
And while they discussed their speculations under one another, Danny dropped the explanation—in his nonchalantly usual blunt mannerisms of yapping annoyance—that Steve was mere practicing some dancing for tonight as Steve wanted to ask you out for a dance—which had been long overdue—and finally having the guts to propose to you.
A unison of „what“ chorused through the hallways—with Tanis voice being the loudest and almost drowning out the voice of Elvis and potentially alerting Steve of their watching—as confusion crossed both the faces of Tani and Junior.
Both had thought—Junior especially as he lives with the McGarretts family after all—that [Name] and Steve are already married, after all they have a dog, a cat and children—adopted, but it's the principle which counts.
The still newest members—besides its being two years already of them being in the Squad—didn't know, like Danny—especially him, because Danny keep having discussions about this topic with Steve for 10 years now—or Adam or Lou, about the fact that besides Steve and you wearing Wed-Rings over years now and being obviously an married couple with Kids, Steve and you just never gotten official married.
So Danny—after Tani asked for some more background information—elaborates further, telling how Steve and you being a couple—way before he had meet the two of you—and during his first year on Hawaii, Danny nagged Steve to no end about his dumbness and drove him into what's as of current—a simple hawaiian ritual of marriage.
In the end, the others came to the agreement that it was—in this particular sense—Danny fault, which the man denies and keep insisting that's Steve at fault—because his friend is a dumbass.
Junior—whose a former Navy Seal and shouldn't really (at all) have any sorts of fears, concerns or doubts to feel, because Navy Seals are meant to be unbreakable and tough—cowers, with increasingly nervousness, under the look you giving him—this specific parental glance it was, which makes every child hesitantly.
Junior did tried to appease you with a small smile, to take away your growing irritation and slight forming frustration—because getting told by Steve via SMS, to meet up at Kamekona's Food court around lunch and then being stood up to the late hours of night—when you should be home with the kids, instead of letting the oldest keeping watch over the youngest—just to have the disappointment, in a sort of way, that Steve isn't actually going to show up—wasn't really all that pleasing to feel.
»Steve is coming, soon, him and the others are just held up with an ongoing case....«
»And that gives him the right, to basically order me to go out and waiting all those damned hours? Yeah, well, I don't think so.« you scoffed, crossing your arms and fixating Junior with a glare—which softened soon enough.
»I'm sorry, Junes. I'm lashing my frustration out on you, when you ain't at faults here and that isn't fair.« sighing, you uncrossed your arms again, starting to play some Candy-Crush on your phone.
»It's alright, [Name]. I know what I've signed myself up for, when I got into Five-0 and being unofficial adopted by you and Steve.«
Juniors smile widen, when he heard you laughing in slight amusement to what he had said.
»Silly boy, now don't tell your siblings, but you're my favourite son.« you joked, making attempts of a fist bump which Junior gladly returned.
But even if Junior keeps you company during the wait—although you're pretty sure, Steve told him to—there's still boredom lingering around and you were close to just get up and going back home.
But also, then again, Steve rarely ask for a meet up—not when you two living together anyways and the few dates you two occasionally do, are more a spontaneous weekend thing—so whatever Steve had planned or wanted to tell you, it must be pretty important or akin to it—otherwise he wouldn't' have send you a SMS, especially during a Case—so you decide to wait for him.
It's around sunrise—Junior half asleep, nodding off every few minutes, before taking some big sips from his Black Coffee—which you brought, once you knew some Coffeeshops are open around such early hours—when Danny came jogging towards the two of you, looking beat up and lowkey annoyed.
»Thank god, you're still here [Nickname]! Because I ain't gonna drive with our local dumbass anytime longer.«
You looked at your friend unimpressed, knowing all too well how Danny means it and that he spoke more hot air than actual bullets.
Shaking your head, you grabbed Danny's hand and leading him to the table—telling Junior to get the first-aid kit from your car—examining some of his wounds.
»Ah. And where is our local dumbass now? Because I for sure, really not so keen on to wait another whole day, just too he stood up again.« you said, raising a brow at Danny and thanking Junior—once he came back.
»McGarretts on the way, please give him some more minutes, [Nickname].« it was Adam who said that, coming towards your table—Tani and Lou behind him, carrying coffee and baked goods.
You sighed loudly, giving them all pointed glare—the one a nurse would give, when a patient was being reckless—shaking your head at their shared passion for danger and with how beat up the whole team—you didn't want to imagine how Steves gonna look like, knowing your husband, he probably had more wounds and damaged than the others—looks like, you guessed whatever Case they had finished off before, had been rather intense and rough.
»My Ohana is so fucking injury prone, maybe I should resume to my nurse job.« you said offhandedly, voice lacing with amusement and eyes crinkling from the smile you gave them—the others, while taking a seat and spreading out the breakfast, laughed in agreement.
When the sun had begun to rise even higher, sunset slowly transcending into the sky's blue, Tani—while scrolling through her phone—had started an playlist of Elvis songs—and you looked her in surprise, didn't thought that Tani—like you—would listen to Elvis.
»To set the mood.« was all Tani had said, shrugging her shoulders, bashing you a smile—when you looked at her in confusion.
And when Danny said something along the lines of; part of Steves plan to own up for his dumbness and finally swooning you high off—and the others all saying in unison; Danny's at fault for this too—you weren't even able to reply, about to ask what they meant, when someone grabbed your waist firmly and flung you off from the bank you're seated on.
A shout of surprise escaped from your lips, looking like a deer caught in the headlights—those moments of being spun around in the air, had probably gave you a good scare.
Once you were put back on the ground, feet safely planted on the grass, you turned around—almost giving yourself a whiplash—ready to admonish whomever that person is, who thought it would be funny to do.
Your vows of curses died on the tip of your tongue, when you came face to face with Steve—whose face looked absolutely bloody, decorated with lots of small cuts and skin tearing—who greets you with a smile, before leaning down and capturing your lips with a kiss.
When pulling away, leaving you breathless for a moment, Steve started to sway you to the melody and voice of Elvis song—dancing in small circles with you through the grassy ground—all the while the others whistling and shouting in jubilation.
»Do you want to marry me?« asked Steve, twirling to the left.
And you looked at your husband in confusion—expression morphing into a smile.
»Steve, we are already married,« you reminded him, finding amusement in your husband silliness.
»I know. Though, I do ask again, will you do me the honour and marry me, again?«
»I do. I absolutely do!«
And this time it was you, who kissed Steve—and the hollering of jubilation cheers from your family was louder than the waves.
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satashiiwrites · 18 hours
From Scorched Earth A Phoenix Rises
happy sunday morning.
Title: From Scorched Earth A Phoenix Rises
Fandom: 911, Hawaii 5-0
Pairings: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams
Tags/warnings: (eventual) explicit sex, canon divergence from end of season 7, character bashing (Tommy Kinard, Helena Diaz), child abuse, canon typical violence, sentinel/guide AU, spirit animals, anchors, BuckTommy breakup (this fic is very not friendly to Tommy Kinard), first time, Bad Diaz Parents.
Summary: An anchor, however fragile, can keep even an offline sentinel from manifesting as long as it is maintained. When his anchor is removed, Eddie Diaz enters a deep zone.  Can Buck, a long unattached guide, save his best friend from slipping away?
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El Paso, Texas, 1995. 
“Mom, I still don’t feel so good,” Eddie says as he tugs on Mom’s skirt and stumbles into the kitchen. He feels tired, achy, and too hot, but he had a bad dream about the firebird and the blue dragon going away. They’d told him they’d always watch over him, but he woke up looking for them and couldn’t find them. 
“Oh honey, that’s just the medicine kicking in. Do you want some more juice?”
“No!” Eddie shakes his head briskly. He doesn’t want to throw up again. 
“Maybe you need more medicine? The doctor said you might need a second dose,” Mom says, bending down to look him in the eye. She has a slight frown on her face, and Eddie doesn’t like this look. This is the look Mom gets when she’s about to be mean to someone while pretending to be nice. 
“I’m getting better,” Eddie insists despite feeling the room begin to sway around him. 
“We’ll do a second dose,” Mom says, already straightening to get the dark bottle out of the cupboard above the sink that’s too high for Eddie to reach. 
“I don’t want it,” Eddie protests, wanting to cry.
“This will make you feel better, honey. Just you see.”
The bitter taste makes him gag, but Mom doesn’t let him spit it out. Over his sniffles, there’s a fading cry of the firebird screaming in warning.  
He doesn’t see his firebird or her friend, the blue serpent dragon, again until many years later. 
Read Chapter 1 here on AO3.
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kxtvrs · 2 months
➸ — cast of chosen family
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— a rundown of the cast of the chosen family verse ! this will probably be updated as cast appears in the universe ! — read chosen family on ao3 !
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➸ the main cast
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➸ chief petty officer kathryn mitchell-kazansky ➸ portrayed by jessica stroup ➸ aliases — ryn, bengal ➸ 1984 ➸ retired navy seal ➸ los angeles fire department air support pilot
"see, no, i'm a trouble magnet. that's different from a danger magnet. pup is the danger magnet."
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➸ petty officer first class evan buckley ➸ portrayed by oliver stark ➸ aliases — buck, pup ➸ 1989 ➸ retired navy seal ➸ los angeles fire department firefighter
"i am not a danger magnet. bad luck magnet, absolutely."
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➸ lieutenant commander steve mcgarrett ➸ portrayed by alex o'loughlin ➸ aliases — smooth dog ➸ 1977 ➸ united states navy reserves ➸ leader of hawaii five-o task force
"i have no biological children. how many adopted ones i have depends on what they've gotten themselves into at any given moment."
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➸ the supporting cast
— the significant others
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➸ lieutenant bradley "rooster" bradshaw portrayed by miles teller ➸ detective danny "danno" williams portrayed by scott caan ➸ edmundo "eddie" diaz portayed by ryan guzman
— caroline bradshaw [as of season 7]
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➸ portrayed by anna nicole silverstone ➸ aliases — care, chickadee, chickie ➸ 2015 + bonus || caroline through the seasons [first appearance (end of season 2), season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6]
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— christopher diaz [as of season 7]
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➸ portrayed by gavin mchugh + bonus || christopher's first appearance in hand me a pen
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— the parents
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➸ captain pete "maverick" mitchell portrayed by tom cruise ➸ admiral tom "iceman" kazansky portrayed by val kilmer
— the firefam
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➸ captain bobby nash portrayed by peter krause ➸ sergeant athena grant-nash portrayed by angela bassett ➸ maddie buckley portrayed by jennifer love hewitt ➸ howard "chimney" han portrayed by kenneth choi ➸ henrietta "hen" wilson portrayed by aisha hinds
— the daggers
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➸ lt jake "hangman" seresin portrayed by glen powell ➸ lt javy "coyote" machado portrayed by greg tarzan davis ➸ lt natasha "phoenix" trace portrayed by monica barbaro
— miscellaneous characters
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➸ sergeant dan "hondo" harrelson portrayed by shemar moore ➸ senior special agent sam hanna portrayed by ll cool j
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h50fanficdirectory · 11 months
by Maddddddddddyyyyy
Danny needs his partner to help him. His daughter Grace has the flu and needs someone to watch her. Steve didn't want to do it, but he wouldn't change a thing now.
Words: 1032, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Grace Williams (Hawaii Five-0), Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Steve McGarrett & Grace Williams
Additional Tags: Sickfic, Sick Character, Steve McGarrett is Grace William's Parent, Sick Grace Williams, Minor Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, I wrote this in 30 minutes, Im sorry for the long ass hiatus, Ive been super busy and needed a small cute fic, Comfort No Hurt, Homemade chicken noodle soup, i had to google a recepie, recipie?, i cant spell, i was watching smosh videos while writing at 11 pm, okay im done now
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I’ve seen the camping episode being referred and gifs from it reblogged and despite all the hectnicness and jumping onto the ‘there was only one tent for the men and Steve “accidentally” forgot the second sleeping bag’ band wagon, I offer this topic for pillow talk: 
Steve thanking Danny for letting him be the fun parent. And needing to use his words to reassure Danny that he still respects his parental authority but with how they’re taking their time easing Steve into the family unit(Grace already accepts him all formalities are really for the court though mostly for Rachel lbr) and Steve finding his groove as Danny’s boyfriend and life partner and his place in Grace’s life. Easing into it in a mix of being her friend while also an authority piece with certain responsibilities(aka they’re mostly at the stage where Steve is the adult who can supervise but if Grace maybe wants to buy a specific type of make up, that’s something Danny and Rachel are more in place to allow.) 
I literally love thinking about every aspect of their lives. And domestic McDanno is one of my favorite parts of them. And not just them as established, though that’s fun too. But at the start of many thresholds where it’s new and they’re still learning. 
Steve’s evolution on his thoughts on kids, his own thoughts about himself as a parent, having an ache in the pit of his stomach as he mourns his child self as he sees how Danny is with his kids and sees how parents could be and should be, and how he may stumble(because no one is perfect) on being a parent once he has to put it into practice not theory. (A great fic idea to tackle would be Steve trying to input parental authority for the first time and being met with a tween/teenage rebellion for the first time. With Grace defying him and using that hurtful iconic ‘you’re not my dad’ line, because it’s a heat of the moment and she’s at that age and it’s not so much a break in reality per se but their world is being remodeled and Steve’s got to be more than just the fun parent in the absence of Danny and Rachel because he is at least sure of where they are in their dynamic. I could literally go on about dynamics and family and people as individuals who are part of a unit and kids growing and parenting via using my faves but...y’all ain’t here for that xD)
I rambled and went on tangents. 
The McGarrett-Williams family, at every stage, in every dynamic...is something that I love to think about. How they mesh with each other, work with each other, help each other grow, how they help each other feel more united, and even if we can write them as perfectly as we want, we can also explore their struggles as these broken and growing pieces figure out how they fit together <3  
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alea-says · 4 months
H50, Season 4, episode 15 thoughts...
Steve has gone with Danny to pick up his parent's from the airport. Just BFF things, amiright?
And Danny's mom is expecting Steve. No surprise to her that her son's husband friend is there.
Why do ppl always put bodies in walls? Aren't they worried about the smell?
Lol. Danny's mom wants to know why Steve is driving.
Steve: we have an arrangement
Danny calling Steve family, happy to talk about his parent's divorce with Steve there.
Steve so eager to get away he literally runs off.
I half expected there to not be a crime scene.
But I suppose they did find a guy in the wall.
Of course Danny has left 19 other messages. How many messages does he leave Steve if his bff doesn't pick up straight away
Danny is gonna cook! Been waiting for this as I've been reliably spoiled that he cooks but I think this is the first time we actually see him cook.
Danny asking Steve to call so he can get away. Their whole conversation.
Danny: please just say yes
Steve: okay
And his smile!
Danny so worried that Steve says Danny's mom is attractive. It's okay, Danny, he's speaking objectively, your man's only got eyes for you.
Also, their relationship 😍 that they can go from yelling at each other to serious conversation and advice in seconds.
Poor Grover.
That is some good acting there.
Aww. Danny. Worried about Grace having make-up. His overprotective dadness is showing.
Aww. Danny and his mom having a good convo.
For once it wasn't Steve smashing through the window. Go Chin!
Oh, Kono's been attending the Steve McGarrett school of how to make perps talk.
Also really liked Steve's speech to the reporter.
Aww. Grace busted for reading when she's meant to be sleeping.
Their father/daughter relationship is so beautiful.
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elirandom · 1 year
Okay, it's slow going but I just took a break because I reached that moment when you conclude an arc/moment and you know where you're going next but you need to give your brain a break. It's slow going at 7100 words but the fact that it's still keeping some sort of pace is very gratifying. It's been years and years since. So I'm doing a late Fuck it Friday because I wasn't happy where I left off on the actual Friday. Plus it's soon 11am and I need to go outside for yard work.
Pardon the formatting, my rough draft is very rough.
"You there Danny?" Mary asks.
"I am. Barely. He really did that? On his own?"
"Oh yeah. He just called to tell me, statement after the fact, I had no hand in it. I didn't know it was that bad Danny, but we're notoriously bad at talking. We talk, but we don't really say anything. He's better at talking with you."
"Yeah well right now I feel like I let that goof deflect one time too many, I'm pissed he didn't tell me. Didn't talk to me. But at the same time I'm so proud of that asshole for getting help."
Danny asks about Joanie and listens to Mary worrying about being a good mom but at the same time enjoying Joanie in her life so much. Danny tells her to call him any time if she needs it, he was raising Grace alone for so many years he figures he might do as a sounding board.
"Alone huh?"
"I'm divorced so you know what I mean."
"Oh I know. I was thinking about Steve actually, he talks so much about Grace whenever we talk about Joanie. How much he remembers from Grace at that age."
"Yeah well. He's been a good uncle. Too bad he never got to be a dad, I don't think a family's in the cards for Catherine and I'm not sure Steve is ever getting past her."
"Good thing he's got Grace and Joanie then."
"Mmm. And Charlie."
[... ... ...]
"Steve's not going to get rid of any of his dad's things. It's like he wants the guilty conscience around him all the time, like a damn hairshirt."
"I've an idea."
"No it's needed Danny. I'm making the consecutive decision to change that mausoleum he lives in, and if he's going to get angry he'll be angry with me. Because he's not the sole owner of that house, and I'm making a point."
"When he's not around to contest it. I'm not sure this is a good idea Mary."
"Like you don't want him to stop living in the wreckage of the memories our parents left behind? I know he's all broken up about mom but I made my peace about her a long time ago. It's easier for me to go through their things than make him go through all that grief again. It'll be a fresh start when he comes home."
"It'll be a home renovations nightmare is what you mean."
"We'll need all the help we can get and we'll manage, we got 8 weeks minimum. I'll get a flight and be there soon."
And she hangs up too, it's like a McGarrett disease.
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Just to clear up any confusion about canon on Hawaii Five-0, I will list the facts here:
Steve's eyes are blue hazel. (Alex calls them "hazelly blue.")
Steve's parents are John and Doris.
Danny's parents are Eddie and Clara. His siblings are Matt, Stella (Eric's mother), and Bridgett.
In April 1992 (Steve was 16 and Mary was 10), Doris faked her death.
John told Mary and Steve that she was killed by a drunk driver.
Steve doesn't find out that his mother's "death" was actually murder until 1x11. Mary doesn't find out until somewhere between 1x11 and 1x13. She finds the pictures of the car bomb in 1x11, and in 1x13, we find out she was kidnapped because she had started asking questions about their mom's death.
After Doris' "death," Mary was sent to live with their Aunt Deb. Steve was sent to the Army and Navy Academy (ANA) in Carlsbad, California. Joe White (aka "Uncle Joe") helped get Steve into the school.
After graduating from ANA, Steve went to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, for 4 years.
After graduating from Annapolis, Steve was with Naval Intelligence for 5 years, and then he joined the SEALs for 6 years.
It is implied a few times throughout the series that Steve was a sniper.
When Steve came back to Hawaii after his father's murder, he transferred to the Reserves.
Steve is fluent in Mandarin and Hawaiian, and he can speak conversational Korean and Japanese. He understands Pashto, but he says he is rusty.
STEVE IS NOT STUPID. He is actually very smart. Plus, he was in Naval Intelligence. Intelligence is in the name.
Kono has met John McGarrett before.
Even after Chin was accused of being a dirty cop by IA, John McGarrett stayed his friend.
Both of Kono's parents are still alive, but her mom had an aneurysm, so she can't walk or talk.
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thatqueerfangirl02 · 11 months
This is officially a series.
Last week we talked about “Best Friend Buck”
Today I give you “Disaster “Dad” Steve”.
Now, non of these men are actually fathers, but they are dumbasses nonetheless.
1. Steve “The Mom” Harrington.
Screw the six kids and a Winnebago, this 17-19 year old is a proud single mother of seven (7) tiny disasters who he can, and will, kill a bitch for.
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2. Stephen “it’s Doctor” Strange
This man looked at a sad teenager with superpowers and no parents, and decided to help them rip a whole in time and space. TWICE!!!
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3. Steve “I understood that reference” Rogers
Now this man might not interact with many children, other than the one he dropped an airport bridge onto, but everything he does is do old man/dad coded I had to add him.
*walks into the room wearing something soft and comfy* “Hey”
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Honourable Mention: Steve “Smooth Dog” McGarrett
I have not yet watched Hawaii Five-0, but I have read a lot of crossover fan fiction, and the general consensus seems to be that he sees a sad child of any age/size/gender and immediately decides to be their new dad.
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