#Don&039;t Give Up
rolainisblessed81 · 11 months
God's Promises Are Stronger Than Facts
As God has given you promises you need to remember that His promises for your life are stronger than the facts that come your way. No matter how difficult your circumstances are and how impossible things seem, know that God has got you. Choose faith over the facts because the facts can shout so loud and tell you why the promise won’t come to pass but you must not listen to them. Trust God…
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mitigatingchaos · 1 year
On Trying
“You never fail until you stop trying” -Thomas A Edison (1847-1931) Simple wisdom and it reminds me of what I believe to be a Chinese proverb, “Fall down seven times, but get up eight”
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theseasonofnow · 2 years
What Do You Imagine?
What Do You Imagine?
When you start moving toward your desires, you must set a clear intention about what you want to achieve. It is one of the most important first steps you can take. No trip can reach a successful conclusion unless you know the destination. That is one of the problems we face in life. We want something better but are unsure what that looks like. Indecision in intention leads to a lack of action and…
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mariasanfeliu · 8 days
I’m determined to finish this
After successfully writing 10 chapters of my book, I got stuck. I can’t say it was writers block, it was more like I got distracted, which happens to me very easily now. I have small attention span and very bad short term memory after the TBI, which makes it very difficult to write a book about a TBI, but I’m determined to do it. This has happened a lot since I first got the idea to write this,…
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authorlmmontes · 18 days
Don't Give Up
Do you find yourself thinking there’s no time in the day to do what you want to do? I do, at times. I was thinking just the other day that maybe, saying there is no time in the day, is just an excuse. That, if I sat down to do what I want, what I end up doing isn’t good enough. The only remedy to this problem is to recognize that what you produce most likely won’t be that great the first time…
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writerss-blog · 19 days
Don't Give up
Don’t give up the challenges it takes positive and have confidence to succeed. There are many challenges in life for your future, family and profession. You should cool and calm focus on issues and resolve with confidence. If you give up challenges you lost your confidence never win life always be looser. Strong willpower always be a tools of success.
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fight-4-my-life · 19 days
PTSD, how mine activated recently, and top 5 things I'm doing to Combat mine.
Trigger Warning!!! Ptsd, Cptsd, child abuse and neglect, self harm and suicidal thoughts and actions, nightmares and flashbacks
To all you parents out there, I’m guessing this school year couldn’t come soon enough, unless of course you are one of those parents who feels this time of year is more bitter than sweet.
To all you educators at any level and of any subject, I wish you well, and I hope…
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doulafaith · 21 days
Keep Walking
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4 Strong’s 5281:Perseverance –  Endurance, steadfastness, patient waiting for. cheerful endurance, constancy. My husband for many years ran and rode his bike. He always pushes himself farther than he intends to go. So trying to keep up with him is a challenge. At 79 he’s recently had two…
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housingconcierge · 1 month
Embracing the Fighter Within: Living Your Hero Life
When life strips you of everything, you become a fighter. Embrace your inner strength, push forward, and live your hero life. 💪✨ #Resilience #HeroLife
Life can sometimes feel like a relentless series of challenges. There are moments when it seems like everything is stacked against you, and you’re left with nothing but your will to survive. In those moments, something powerful happens—you become a fighter. This is the essence of living your hero life: when all else fails, you tap into a deep well of strength and resilience that you didn’t even…
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itsfarmerphil · 2 months
W17D5: Time to finish strong cause the only way is up!
As I get today started, I find my strength in God and my hope and trust are in Him so that I can finish the week strong and focus on His way which is higher than my ways meaning the only way from here is up. After watching many of the active applications close, it was exciting to get to reconnect with a friend who put in two referrals for me. I know God’s been working out the details and…
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zetasattic · 2 months
Don't Stop Believing
I don’t care if I’ve tried a hundred times before and failed, I’m going to try again. I’m going to keep trying until I get it right, hopefully learning something as I go. I can’t control life or circumstances or much of anything really. As cliche as it sounds, the only thing I can control is my reaction, my actions and my thoughts. Where my mind dwells the most is what I’m manifesting so I have…
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rolainisblessed81 · 2 months
There is Hope in The Dark
It can be so hard to have hope in the dark, when you can’t see a way out of the troubles you are facing. If you are facing a mountain today or are in a dark place and you don’t know how you are going to get through it, I want to tell you that there is hope for you in the dark. There is ALWAYS hope in the dark. Don’t ever lose sight of God in the darkness because He hasn’t gone anywhere. Just…
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henrosa2 · 3 months
Prayer 17/06/2024
Genesis 41:14Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him quickly out of the dungeon; and he shaved, changed his clothing, and came to Pharaoh. Any prison garment in any shape or form that I and my family have accepted and have been wearing, I tear you to pieces permanently and set you ablaze in the name of Jesus Christ
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mariasanfeliu · 3 months
60 Minutes of Cardio, Strength and Yoga Collection
After my most recent 24 hour EEG was finished earlier this week, I had a lot of energy. I hadn’t been able to do much since I left the doctor’s office the day before because of fear of sweating. It’s so hot, I stayed in a room with air conditioning for as long as a could and watched TV, did my nails, read, wrote and texted. After the test was finished, and I unsuccessfully tried to get all of…
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amyjasek · 3 months
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Newsy news!
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debzcorner · 4 months
Each day I rise, facing my tasks with an unexpected strength. Last night, I lay in bed, my mind working overtime to solve my problems. I fell asleep without clear solutions but woke up to a new day and jumped right in as if I had everything figured out. I made a move I thought was brilliant and felt a rush of excitement. But then, looking around, I saw how flawed my attempts were. My mind told…
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