#Donation for turkey
uluotugen · 2 years
Hi everyone, as you already may know February 6th two earthquakes 7.7 and 7.5 hit and affected 10 cities in Turkey. Close to 14 million people have directly been affected, and close to 15 thousand buildings have been destroyed. So we can use all the help we can get. Below this of the text you can find link where you can donate so we can get the necessary needs to provide for the necessary means. Ty to for all the Nations and everyone who has already helped out but like I said we still can use all the help we can get any donations, anything will help so please spread the word. Ty.
İş Bankası EUR Account
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moonlayl · 2 years
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The Death Toll of the Earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria may have reached 20,000 people, and that’s outside of all those who are injured and lost.
If you could donate PLEASE do!!!
Here’s a post full of charities you could donate to, but I’ll add my own trustworthy ones here:
Islamic Relief:  teams are on the ground right now providing emergency food assistance, shelter, medical supplies to hospitals and clinics, as well as blankets and tents for those made homeless by the quake in Turkey and Syria
Molham: The team at Molham are currently on the ground helping displaced families in Turkey and Syria who have been affected by the earthquake   
The White Helmets: The team are on the ground in Northwest Syria searching for survivors and removing the dead from the rubble.
MSF: remaining in close contact with the local authorities in northwestern Syria and with the authorities in Turkey to extend their support where it’s needed. They’re providing essential life kits to displaced people in the region
please PLEASE reblog. Syria and Turkiye need our help!!!
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raniamuhanna · 28 days
These are the fragments resulting from a missile attack. Imagine what it does to the human body. This is what we have been exposed to for 323 days.🥲
Save us in Gaza💔🇵🇸
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lizablackthorn · 2 years
by looking at this photos you can see how much affected southern Turkey because of earthquake
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I lost some of my loved ones. And there’s so many more people need your help. The weather conditions are extremely bad. Some people cannot being rescued,some people don’t have any food,water,clothes,a place to stay and much more. And most of them can’t even get help. It’s like the apocalypse. So much worse than you see on the social media. And my people need your help. Here’s some of the things you can do
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Please share this as much as you can to raise awareness,make the world aware of the crisis and inform people.
If you would like to get more information about donations and the earthquake please contact me thorough dm’s. No matter where are you from. Thank you❤️🙏🏻🇹🇷
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girlfictions · 2 years
the death toll of the turkey-syria earthquake has now reached over 30,000. those who survived are in desperate need of food, clothes, shelter and medical aid. please please please donate if you haven’t done so yet; even ten dollars can make a difference.
ahbap (turkey) | white helmets (syria) | CARE (turkey & syria)
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dionyrtal · 2 years
hi, if you want to help people affected by the earthquakes in turkey but don't want to support government-affiliated channels, AKUT and AHBAP are two trusted non-governmental organizations you can donate. AKUT's website supports english and this tweet shows how you can donate to AHBAP (the website does not support english as of now). HAYTAP is another turkish organization that helps our animal friends and you can see how you can donate to them here. this twitter account shares multiple translations for people to find medicine, food, water, and other supplies in the region.
multiple earthquakes killed already more than 14 thousand people already and it's very cold. every little bit helps, thank you.
editing to add: this linktree also has additional resources for syria as well although i cannot confirm if they're reliable, please let me know!
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Turkey had the biggest earthquake we ever see last night with 7.4 and more than 100 earthquakes after that. It's still continuing to happen. If you wanna help/can help please donate. This are all safe and government supported sites. More than 1000 people died. Nearly 3000 buildings collapsed. People need shelters, foods, blankets anything you give would help a lot. Please help if you can.
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alphadogmp3 · 2 years
it is incredibly frustrating to see the non-response from westerners to what is arguably the worst natural disaster in recent memory. when the ukraine-russia war broke out, it was on everyone's blogs. everyone--at least on my dash--was trying to spread awareness of the humanitarian crisis. but now?
fucking crickets.
absolutely nothing.
this earthquake has already claimed 20k confirmed lives. it has only been 5 days. most wrecks have not been excavated yet.
we need all the help we can get, but not a single fucking person is doing anything to help spread the message. people who proudly put the ukrainian flag in their display names or in their bios are nowhere to be seen now. the influencers youtubers and tiktok micro-celebrities who shared donation posts and ukrainian refugee testimonials daily are dead silent now. why? why do you only care when the people dying are somewhat like you? do we need to be whiter to deserve your attention? or more christian? do we not deserve your energy as is? are we, turks and syrians, not humans?
im so fucking sorry if donation posts don't fit your blog's aesthetic or if the news are just so fucking draining for you. every single one of you motherfuckers living in the west should be ashamed of yourselves for how differently you are treating us versus how you treated ukrainians when the war broke out.
if this happened in any western country you'd all be making infographics on how to donate or help.
right now the only reason why people on my dash are devastated is because the rhythm guitarist from my chemical romance had a haircut.
all of you need to be doing better.
do better.
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visenya42 · 2 years
If you want to donate to Turkey right now, here is a trustworthy NGO you can donate to:
The founder is @haluklevent and @ahbap on twitter, you can also check out his account for further info and the current state of things. Volunteers are trying to bring aid with your donations to the disaster zone. It’ll be snowing in 6 of the worst hit cities tonight, where more than 4 million people lives. Please consider donating if you can, keep in mind that 1 US dollar currently equals 18 Turkish liras. Even a small donation may buy an extra tent.
you can make a donations from abroad using this swift code called “ISBKTRIS”
Ahbap Derneği
USD Account Number: 1021-2150262
IBAN: TR320006400000210212150262
EURO Account: 1021-2150277
IBAN: TR150006400000210212150277
GBP Sterlin IBAN: TR370006400000210212260849
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sscosfield · 2 years
I want you to remember something when you donate. You may not care about 1 $ or 1€ or 1£ but in my country these numbers equals much more higher Turkish liras.
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So please i beg you donate this institutions
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My people needs your help. According to the latest updates there’s 35.418 people who lost their lives. And most of the cities are destroyed. Weather is extremely bad. Please don’t withhold 1$,1€,1£ from us. Thank you. 🙏🏻
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without-ado · 2 years
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Rescuers struggle to find survivors in Turkiye and Syria
If you feel pain, you're alive. If you feel other people's pain, you are a human being. —Tolstoy
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raniamuhanna · 1 month
Someone asked me why I collect all this money, a logical question, and my answer is to leave Gaza, because we are dying every minute for no reason, this may be my last post.
If I don't post anymore, I'm dead, so do what you can to save me.😭
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lizablackthorn · 2 years
I want you to remember something when you donate. You may not care about 1 $ or 1€ or 1£ but in my country these numbers equals much more higher Turkish liras.
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So please i beg you donate this institutions
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My people needs your help. According to the latest updates there’s 20.213 people who lost their lives. And most of the cities are destroyed. Weather is extremely bad. Please don’t withhold 1$,1€,1£ from us. Thank you.
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
I just actively chose to not get involved in Discourse with stupid people online and I'm being SO brave about it!!!
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
Odd jobs are few and far between in Nearobo. Peter knows because every day he walks the streets of his village in south-east Liberia looking for one. In a good month, he might make $20 (£16.70). That’s hardly enough to feed himself, let alone his children.
But today things are looking up. As part of an innovative new donation scheme, Peter receives $40 (£33.40) per month for a minimum of three years. No paperwork. No requests for receipts. No catch of any kind, in fact. Just hard cash transferred straight to his mobile phone. 
The 59-year-old casual labourer plans to use the money to buy materials for a new home for himself and his family, he says. “Although it is going to take long, I will continue until my house is completed.”
The scheme is part of a new-look approach to development assistance that, if taken to scale, could potentially turn the £156bn international aid industry on its head.
At least, so says Rory Stewart, the former UK foreign secretary turned podcaster-in-chief (he co-hosts ‘The Rest is Politics’ with Alastair Campbell, a surprise hit which has topped the Apple podcast charts virtually every week since it launched a year ago). From his new base in Amman, Jordan, Stewart heads up GiveDirectly – the world’s fastest growing nonproft – who are behind the initiative.
“It’s a rather radical, simple idea to help people out of extreme poverty. We deliver the cash directly … there’s no middleman and no government getting in the way.”
It feels like an odd statement from someone who has spent much of his life in government service: first as a junior diplomat for eight years (during which he penned a bestselling book about dodging Taliban bullets and hungry wolves whilst walking across Afghanistan), followed by almost a decade as a politician at Westminster.
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Pictured: Rory Stewart and GiveDirectly’s Ivan Ntwali talk with a refugee household in Rwanda. Image: GiveDirectly
His enthusiasm is even more surprising given his initial caution. During his various ministerial stints at the UK’s department for international development (including three months as secretary of state), he was an out-and-out “cash sceptic.” 
Giving away money with no strings attached was, he felt at the time, an impossible sell to tax-paying voters. What’s stopping recipients spending it down the pub? Or investing in a hair-brained business venture? 
Quite a lot it turns out. No one knows the value of money more than those who don’t have any, he argues. Give an impoverished mother-of-four $40 (£33.40) cash and, 99 times out of 100, she’ll spend it on something useful: repairs to the house, say, or school fees for her kids...
By virtue of GiveDirectly’s model, participants can spend their money on whatever they choose, but the charity’s research indicates that most goes towards food, medical and education expenses, durables, home improvement and social events.
On the flipside, Stewart also has numerous examples of well-funded aid projects that deliver next to nothing. A decade ago, the then United Nations general secretary Ban Ki-moon estimated that 30 per cent of aid money disappears in corruption. There is little to suggest much has changed.
The aid industry doesn’t need corrupt officials to see its funds evaporate, however; it has its own voluminous bureaucracy. Stewart recalls once visiting a $40,000 (£33,560) water and sanitation project in a school in an unnamed African country. The ‘deliverables’ were two brick latrines and five red buckets for storing water...
The beauty of direct giving, he stresses, is not just that it annuls opportunities for thievery and red tape; it also frees the world’s poorest individuals from the well-meaning but, very often, misplaced guidance of donors. An aid expert in Brussels or Washington DC may well have a PhD in development economics, but who is best to judge what a single mother in a Kinshasa slum needs most and how to obtain it most cheaply: the expert with her degree, or the mother with her hungry children?
Empowering recipients to decide for themselves helps end the kind of “mad world” where aid agencies pay to ship wheat from Idaho, US, to Antananarivo, Madagascar, only for local people to sell it in order to buy what they really want, Stewart reasons.
“So often, these communities are having to turn the goods we send them into cash anyway, but just in a very inefficient and wasteful fashion … instead [with direct cash transfers] they are given the choice and freedom in how to spend it.” 
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Pictured: Villagers in Kilif, Kenya, at a public meeting about the GiveDirectly programme. Image: GiveDirectly
Is the system perfect? No, clearly not. Stewart concedes that opportunities for fraud and coercion exist. To minimise these risks, GiveDirectly employs field officers to meet face-to-face with recipients, as well as a team of telephone handlers and internal auditors to follow up on reports of irregularity.
By his reckoning, however, the biggest impediment to direct giving really taking off is donor reticence. At present, only 2 per cent of official aid is given direct in cash. Stewart thinks it should be closer to 60 or 70 per cent...
‘My children will not have to beg anymore’
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Happiness Kadzmila from Malawi enrolled on GiveDirectly’s Basic Income project last summer. She will now receive $50 (£41) a month for a year ($600/£496 in total).
What are the biggest hardships you’ve faced in life?
I am a divorced mother of four children. I got divorced in 2020 while I was eight months pregnant with my last-born child. Since then, I have been depending on working on other people’s farms. I get paid $0.49 (£0.43), or a plate of maize flour per day. As a result, it has been a challenge to feed my children, buy clothes for them, and to pay their school fees My firstborn child is in year 4, the school charges $0.69 (£0.61) per day for her. My second is in year 3, I pay $0.49 (£0.43) for him. There were days when I would have no food in my home, and my children would go to my neighbours’ homes to beg for food. This made me feel sorry for my children as a mother.
What does receiving this money mean for you?
I was so happy the day I received cash amounting to $51.75 (£43.56) from GiveDirectly. I used the money to buy maize at $9.88 (£8.32). My children will not have to go to our neighbours to beg for food anymore. I also bought a sheep at $34.58 (£29.10). I will be selling sheep in future when they multiply. I also bought lotion and soap at $1.88 (£1.58).
How will you spend your future payments?
I plan to renovate my house. I have always admired those who sleep in houses made of a roof with iron sheets because they do not have to think of fetching grass every year for a new roof. I will also start a business selling doughnuts to sustain my income after I receive my last transfer. I did not know that an organisation like GiveDirectly would come to help me this way All I can say to those who are giving us this money is ‘thank you’."
-via Positive News, 3/3/23
More and More People to Help
In addition to their universal basic income programs, GiveDirectly also has dedicated programs where you can donate to emergency disaster relief, people living under the protracted civil war and human rights disaster in Yemen, refugees, and survivors of the Syria-Turkey earthquake.
They have also commissioned a number of large-scale, third-party studies on the effectiveness of their numerous universal basic income models. Find these and other projects here.
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im finally going through my stuffed animals to choose which ones to donate (most of them. ive been putting this off for a long time ahaha sobs) and each webkinz i put in the box kills me inside
#THE GUILT IS EATING ME ALIVE#both a betrayal to them & my younger self#who would burst out sobbing at the mere notion of parting with a single one#and swore to themself that they'd never willingly say goodbye to any of their plushie friends#im trying to do it quickly and unemotionally but man. Man....#clinging to my mangled toothless plush like it has any life left in it#GODDDD AND ALL THE WEBKINZ#when i was little i fucking collected them. i was obsessed. id play the online game for hours and diligently add each toy i got#some of them im not sure i can part with...#like milk the cow... dinner the turkey... white fang the husky... orchard the dragon...#ice cream the polar bear... strawberryblast the horse... kevin the bloogaloo or whatever the fuck it is...#why yes i do still remember most of my stuffed animals' names. which is making this infinitely harder#'sorry lovemuffin. sorry ellie. sorry momma dolphin. sorry snakey' etc etc#im keeping the ones with the most emotional value#like High emotional value. devastation to say goodbye level value#this box is Not Small and its still gonna get filled up....#i havent donated or thrown away a single one in all of my years#eating glassssssss#absolutely unprompted#but it needs to be done!! i finally have a moving date! the uhaul will Be Here in like! just over two weeks!#and i've barely packed Anything!!! its crunch time babey!#its emotional turmoil of a different flavor babey!!!#now if yall will excuse me i will sit here and reminisce#of long past nights sneakily spent awake to play with my stuffed animals#oh the stories i would give them...#cooking shows... assassinations and resurrections... broken marriages.... betrayals...#white fang & milk you were my most iconic couple fr fr#badass lone wolf (husky) / easygoing sweetheart cow....#OHHHHH THIS IS KILLING ME ITS KILLING ME#gonna go purposefully choke on my leftovers i stg-
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