#Dream Stele
panafrocore · 5 months
The Dream Stele: An Epigraphic Stele of Divine Kingship and Historical Intrigue in Ancient Egypt
The Dream Stele, also known as the Sphinx Stele, holds a significant place in ancient Egyptian history, particularly during the reign of the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Thutmose IV. Erected in 1401 BC, it stands as a remarkable example of an epigraphic stele, symbolizing the divine legitimization of kingship, a common practice among the rulers of the New Kingdom era. Crafted from granite, the Dream…
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katakaluptastrophy · 9 months
Can we talk about Juno Zeta?
You're living the dream, Master Archivist of the Sixth House. The Archaeology department hates you. The secretaries love you. Your son has risen to the very top of the absolutely unproblematic meritocracy of the House to become Master Warden. Sure, you treated him as a colleague when he was 7 too, but this is much more intellectually satisfying and much better for your publication record (suck it, Archeo). You sit on the Oversight Body, making decisions for the 3 million strong House of the Sixth.
Then the Master Warden gets summoned by god to become a Lyctor. (No civilian has seen a Lyctor for thousands of years. But the information you do have speaks of astonishing power. Are you intrigued? Do you regard it as an even more stellar opportunity for the Master Warden? Do Lyctors have access to interesting material for the archives? Does the possibility of your son becoming an immortal finger and gesture of god ever feel strange?)
A few months later, some fragments come back in a box. There's nothing left of Camilla at all. No one will tell you anything. Every House but the Third and the Ninth has lost its head or heir (the poor girl your son loved is dead. You're never going to get another overly-formal letter from the Fifth begging for Lyctoral documents from your archive.)
Then the Master Warden makes contact from beyond the grave to tell you that the saintly founder of your House left a plan in place in case it ever became necessary to betray god. He tells you why god should be betrayed.
Suddenly, the Oversight Body has to make a decision. To take your home and 3 million people away from the Dominicus System (away from its thanergetic soil, no more necromancers will ever be born). To break the contract of tenderness made on the day of the Resurrection. Do you have time to call back your soldiers in the Cohort? Do you have to leave them behind? Has the Oversight Body ever felt unanimously about something before? And how frank can you be with the House? You have visiting scholars from almost every House, and who knows where the Bureau have eyes and ears.
There are calculations to make. How to transport a whole House? How do you work out that it takes five hundred and thirty-two obselisks? That there are deleterious effects past five hundred and sixty? How do you find a stele that would anchor such a big thanergy transition? (Only the Fifth make stele. Do you try to do it yourselves? Who do you trust on the Fifth to help with that? Is that why Kester Cinque left Koniortos?)
The Master Warden, who is dead, lives inside the body of Camilla, who is not. He picks you - in your capacity as Master Archivist - to be one of the negotiators. How do you integrate 3 million people into a completely alien society with whom your people have been at war for millennia? How does negotiating with terrorists feel compared to academic committees?
What happens then? One day you just...lose it? The sun rises too bright and too blue and you are in agony, unconnected from yourself, screaming and writhing. And when the thing in the sky is at its furthest orbit from you, in some exhausted moment of clarity, you nearly kill yourself using necromancy to restore your sanity. You blind yourself. Do you think beyond that moment? As someone who deals in documents and artefacts and forms in triplicate, do you mourn your sight alongside everything else you have lost? Your son, your home, your god, your sanity...
And now you are a hostage. Sixteen of you in the back of a sweltering truck, held at gunpoint, always moving. The only thing keeping you alive is the possibility of selling you back to the empire that you've betrayed. Your captors have signed a 'no torture' clause, and perhaps they do stick to that. You're needed for providing proof of life and are probably better off than most. But it's too hot, there's not enough water, you can't see, and the only way out is either that the Master Warden gives Blood of Eden a Lyctor or being released to the mercies of the Kindly Prince. You sit in the dark and do mental maths with each other to stay sane.
Somehow, the Master Warden has done it. Without a Lyctor, he's turned his own cell commander against her fellows and you have been released. Most of the Oversight Body can't even walk out of the truck without help. But you're free, and the Master Warden - now in the stolen body of a Lyctor's cavalier - has the sort of mad scheme only he could come up with. Those mental maths will come in handy. The cell commander isn't bad either...
You can't see your son die again (the last time he speaks to you, from that borrowed body, he calls you 'mum' instead of 'Master Archivist'). But you can smell Camilla’s flesh burn. Perhaps the Commander, holding your arm, describes it to you. You follow this new person, your child, now something else, back into the truck where you were held captive and watch as they drive it into the River.
The Tomb is open. Your child is part of a being of strange and unimaginable power. The House Formerly Known as Sixth is on the other side of the universe. You are on the Ninth with a dead cavalier in the body of her necromancer, the Emperor’s construct, legions of demons, and a very mysterious dog...
Anyway, I'm very excited to see what havoc Juno gets to cause in ATN. She's there to be snarky, do psychometry, and be a romanceable MILF. Let her yell at god. And for goodness sake, let her get some peace at the end.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 4 months
Dream SMP Characters as SCPs
Tommy: SCP-2295 or SCP-4158
Wilbur: SCP-73 (Cain) or SCP-035, SCP-701
Technoblade: SCP-76 (Able)
Ghostbur: SCP-069
Niki: SCP-1234 or SCP-871
Phil: SCP-1295 (Meg's Diner)
Trixtin: SCP-4999 (Someone To Look Over Us)
Tubbo: SCP-1033
Ranboo: SCP-909
Charlie: SCP-447
Fundy: SCP-953
Skeppy: SCP-409 (Contagious Crystal)
BBH: SCP-017 (Shadow Person)
Ponk: SCP-427 (Lovecraftian Locket)
Foolish: SCP-4793 (Stele)
Hannah: SCP-046 ("Predatory" Holly Bush) or SCP-925-KO (F■■■ To The Flowers)
Karl: SCP-052 (Time-Traveling Train)
Connor: SCP-1545 (Larry the Loving Llama)
Dream: SCP-022 (The Morgue)
Awesamdude: SCP-148 (Telekill Alloy)
Tina: SCP-2396 (Ms. Sweetie)
Hey guys, I found this in my drafts. It's at least a year old I think. I honestly forgot what half of these SCPs are, but I thought I'd share anyway. Post is unfinished obviously, but I can't think of any more SCPs ATM.😅
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bestygogirl · 8 months
Group C Finals!
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!! This is ANZU. Yugioh's most dedicated friendship philosopher!!! The one who knew the power of friendship before anyone else did!! Always backing up her guy friends even when (especially when) they're up their own asses about card games!! Not the mom friend bc she's reckless and nuts in her own special way!! The girl Yami confided in when he couldn't even confide in Yuugi... who sees through everyone's bullshit into their true feelings.... who said "learning how to love yourself is a game we play our whole lives"..... She is THEE GIRL. Literally iconic. Foundational to the whole damn text!! She didn't haul ass after a bunch of goofy card game geeks supporting them through 343 chapters and suffer through endless early 2000s Anzu-bashing fic to NOT win this tournament!!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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Shiptalia: Sea of Stars season 1 (2008-2011): Episodes 1-10
Info underneath the cut.
These are some fake screenshots I made! Some sleep may have been sacrificed to make these, so here's the screenshots in order of apperance.
GerIta and Itapan talking about hopes and dreams
Ameripan and friends aboutta jump someone
North FRUK's melancholy: Her complaining about USUK steling her thunder
Itapan and FraIta in a bath house
GerIta and FraIta's training day
Flashback: USUK and his foster dad
RusAme diagnoses you with copium
OG screenshots:
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
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The general concept is that Hyacinthus, the (secret) sixth prince of Laconia is sent to Olympia to help out after the catastrophic earthquake that's completely paralysed the town. He gets there, he's given his land and he finds this cool statue of his Very Handsome Man on his land and would you look at that, the Very Handsome Statue is talking to him and introduced himself as Apollo, how nice-!
In short, it's something of a domestic mystery - much like in Fields of Mistria itself, the earthquake has awakened old magic in Olympia once more due to interfering with the seals far below the earth. Hyacinthus, motivated to help Apollo get his lost memories back and for the good of the town, traverses down the mines so he can break the seals and, in the process, maybe un-statue the really hot guy that's sharing this farmland with him.
Below the cut I'll put the list of the characters I assigned to the townspeople if you're interested <33
Farmer → Hyacinthus
Sent by the Adventurer’s Guild to help repair Olympia. Is the only one that can hear the voice of the Radiant from the statue on his farm. Sixth prince of Laconia, still in contact with his family, wanted to help his people after the disaster. 
Caldarus → Apollo
A God of old Olympia, used to be widely worshipped but is now sealed away deep under the earth. Has lost most of his memories along with much of his power but has recently reawakened due to a disaster which disrupted his seals. Can only communicate to Hyacinthus through the statue on his farm.  
Balor → Hermes
A prolific merchant who excels at delivering quality goods in unorthodox places. Took a special interest in Olympia after the disaster and remained the town’s sole contact to the outside world in the wake of their bridge collapsing. Always smiling and extremely mysterious - he has suspiciously low prices despite the danger of his work. 
Nora → Demeter
Head of Olympia’s Chamber of Commerce and co-owner of the General Store in town. Works closely with both Hermes and Hektor to keep the town running smoothly as well as coordinate the restoration of Olympia after the disaster. 
Holt → Triptolemus 
Co-owner of the General Store and Demeter’s life partner. Extremely reliable but a bit lost without Demeter’s instructions, he’s extremely skilled at cultivating crops and is responsible for stocking the general store with seasonal seeds and saplings. Strictly vegetarian.
Celine → Persephone
Demeter’s daughter and an avid lover of flowers. Constantly busy with the beautification of Olympia when she’s not researching the rare and mythical flora of Olympia’s past. She handles stocking the general store with seasonal flower seeds and furniture. Is in a secret relationship with Hades, one of the merchants from out of town.
Dell → Pelops
Demeter’s ward and a greatly troubled child. Rambunctious with a very vivid imagination, he has big dreams of returning to the capital and taking his rightful place as a Duke. Due to the remote nature of Olympia, it is the perfect place for him to be hidden away from his father’s madness and, luckily, no one in Olympia takes his tales seriously. Demeter worries about him endlessly.
Eiland → Cassandra
The younger child of the Baron and Baroness of Olympia, she is greatly concerned with the history and architecture of Olympia. Extremely perceptive and always on the lookout for more hints about Olympia’s buried past. Founded the History Society so she could more effectively research her current obsession, the scattered steles of a long dead god.
Adeline → Hektor
The elder child of the Baron and Baroness of Olympia, after the disaster struck he dedicated himself to restoring Olympia at all costs. He truly believes in the people and potential of this town and though he has never been particularly superstitious, he has found himself more inclined to pray and pay attention to natural omens since starting this project. He personally dedicates himself to working alongside Hyacinthus for the sake of restoring Olympia to its former glory. 
Elsie → Paris
Older relative of the Baron and a Count, he agreed to look after Hektor and Cassandra in Olympia while their parents were away. Seems to prefer Olympia’s quieter countryside but always has a story or two to tell about his exploits in the Capital. Seems especially fond of a particular man and woman he left behind in favour of coming to live with the Baron and his family.
Juniper → Penthesilea
A foreign woman who has not entirely settled into Olympia. Runs the bathhouse and gym and spends a lot of time on the Eastern Road. Is especially interested in the seals and inscriptions scattered around Olympia but staunchly refuses to join the History Society. Apparently, she is not very fond of Orpheus. 
Valen → Orpheus
The extremely skilled but extremely reserved town doctor. He has a clinic in the town centre and mostly keeps to himself, though he is especially fond of flowers and trees. Doesn’t speak much and instead prefers to write his thoughts down or communicate with sign language. Wears a wedding ring but notably, lives alone.  
Olric → Zephyrus
The older of the blacksmithing duo, a gentle man with a big heart. Part of the History Society and very enthusiastic about life, he was part of a skilled band of adventurers called the ‘Anemoi’ before eventually retiring and moving to Olympia. Spends a lot of his time on high hills and summits and can speak the language of flowers. Is good friends with Persephone.
March → Dionysus
The younger of the blacksmithing duo and undoubtedly the more skilled craftsman of the two, has been working extremely hard to help put the town to rights after the disaster and is a bit on edge because of it. Super welcoming and friendly but also somewhat unsettling due to his intensity, doesn’t actually care much about smithing and would much rather spend his days making wine casks and custom drinking cups.
Hemlock → Asclepius
Co-owner of the Sleeping Eclipse Inn and the town doctor before Orpheus moved in. He’s an anchor of the town and the inn is Olympia’s beating heart. Extremely well-read and a skilled luthier he helps wherever he can. Due to some difficulties with his health after the disaster, his family has been forcing him to take it easy. Cries every time he hears Orpheus sing.
Josephine → Epione
Co-owner of the Sleeping Eclipse Inn and the town veterinarian. She’s a powerful woman, the second tallest person in Olympia and very intimidating on first glance because of it. Despite this, she is extremely gentle-natured and always has a smile for those who enter her doors, works closely with Aristaeus to ensure the town’s internal supply of animal produce isn’t threatened, especially after the massive losses taken after the disaster. Was a ranger before she met Asclepius and still has her horse, Miel.
Reina → Iaso
Eldest child of Asclepius and Epione, was educated in the Capital but came home in a huff due to a major blowout with her boss at the hospital she worked at. Currently studying the healing power of food and cooking and works as the Sleeping Eclipse’s chef while she does her research. Is extremely concerned about her father’s health but refuses to let it show.  
Luc → Machaon
Middle child of Asclepius and Epione, he is determined to become a surgeon and surpass his father’s legend. Very smart young lad and one of the few people in town who completely believes Pelops’ stories, he loves small animals like insects and birds and often tries to nurse any small injured creature he can find back to health. Is fascinated by Pelops’ shoulder prosthetic and hopes to one day be able to make such a difference for someone else.
Maple → Hygeia
Youngest child of Asclepius and Epione, is a  twin but her sister died shortly after being born. Despite never knowing her sister, Hygeia struggles with a deep sense of loneliness and grief that has only recently started to ease with the help of the townspeople. Adores Orpheus and often spends the day shadowing him in the hopes of hearing him sing or play his lute. She is the only one Orpheus talks to about his dead wife.
Ryis → Thamyris
A carpenter who studied music in the Capital, came to Olympia shortly before the disaster at his friend’s request and was trapped after the bridge collapsed. Has a bit of a poor attitude due to once having big dreams of becoming a famous bard but is now too attached to Olympia to leave, no matter how much he grumbles about its backwater nature. Is convinced there’s something singing in the mines but is completely useless with a sword. 
Landen → Hippolytus
Owner of the Red-tailed Stag House of Carpentry (or the Stag House for short) and a very good friend of Thamyris. He gave up on urban life a long time ago and is dedicated to living in oneness and harmony with nature. Strictly vegetarian and kind of a stickler for his views being respected, he’s been on edge since the disaster since there’s been a massive change in the lands of Olympia. Most of the townspeople don’t take him seriously, but Penthesilea seems to think of him as a kindred spirit. He doesn’t work on the 6th or 16th of every month.  
Errol → Eros
Museum Curator, ex-adventurer and all around incredibly offputting guy, despite his open nature and pretty face, Eros seems to know everything about everything yet is unwilling to share that information with the rest of the town. His only delight seems to be the History Society and he is extremely pleased that Hyacinthus has decided to collect old artefacts and explore the mines. Apart from Cassandra, Eros is the only one that acknowledges the statue on Hyacinthus’ farm and occasionally passes by just to stare at it.  
Hayden → Aristaeus
Owner of Sweetwind Farm and the only other farmer in Olympia, Aristaeus has deep roots in this town and his family has lived and farmed here for generations. Skilled with animals and is extremely handy with preserving food, pressing olives into oil and keeping bees, he has almost single-handedly kept the town fed during the worst of the shortages brought on by the disaster despite the losses to his animals. Has a deep aversion to dogs and wishing stars. Seems to know a few things about Olympia’s history that no one else does but isn’t exactly eager to talk about it.
Terithia → Medea
A beautiful woman who lives alone on the beach. Has lived a long and eventful life and refers to Olympia as her ‘jail-cell’, her ‘gilded cage’ and her ‘death-house’ based on her mood. Much like Eros, she seems to know many things but is not inclined to let anyone else know, but unlike Eros, she very openly spins exciting tales of her youth when she was a court sorceress and princess. Though she doesn’t do much magic these days, she still has the knowledge and is always willing to decode some arcane knowledge for a price. 
Obviously there are a lot of liberties taken for the sake of the AU but that's the broad strokes of it. Thanks for asking about it @gotstabbedbyapen !!
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bb-enablefreebuild · 6 months
NTN opinions
so I haven't read NTN very recently (or the other locked tomb books) but its the most recent installment about Nona I think about a lot.
Muir said that she was splitting Alecto the Ninth into two parts, NTN and then ATN. She explained that Nona already had a complete story arc and could be its own separate book. Obviously there's nothing wrong with that.
But to be quite honest, I feel like most of NTN could have been cut. The most important parts of Nona are these:
More detail about the Blood of Eden
Nona's relationship with Varun the Eater
Her dreams of John Gaius
Now don't get me wrong, I loved seeing Nona going to school as a teachers aide and making friends! The problem is, the relationships she develops with the kids like Hot Sauce aren't...very important. I think it would have been better if Nona developed relationships with characters that she already knew, like Crown (Coronabeth) for example.
If Nona being friends with a group of kiddos is important, then maybe she should do it specifically with kids from the Blood of Eden. Out of all of Nona's friends, her relationship with Noodle the dog is the most important, and maybe Hot Sauce. She could be another niece of Wake, the same as Pash. It would explain why Hot Sauce is so suspicious of necromancers and why she shot up Nona in that one scene.
Also, If Nona is the secret weapon, why isn't she more involved with B.O.E? It's implied that the Blood of Eden is on the struggle bus. Wouldn't the inception have more depth if Nona was among their ranks right before their eyes, it'd be a major example of why they've failed for so long to stop Mr. Jod.
Cam and Palamedes could have gathered a few trust worthy relationships used to protect Nona too. Heck, the Blood of Eden could have a "school" of their own where they teach the kids of their soldiers propaganda, look at how Pash was raised!
I genuinely believe that all of the stuff that happened could have been condensed to a feasible first part. As an author, cutting things we're proud of writing is like shooting yourself in the head then doing it again. But I think if I was in Muir's shoes, I would've done it. I love Hot Sauce, Kevin and the other kiddos so much but they're just...not important enough for the over all plot :(
Lastly, and this is where I'm getting super nit picky, but I wish there was more world building. I 100% appreciate Muir's trust in the readers intelligence and for us to put the pieces together. I understood that Steles were used to travel far distances and "flip" planets to be colonized for necromancers. I VASTLY prefer this instead of five hundred pages of exposition (Fourth Wing) slammed into the beginning of the book.
That being said, a little bit of exposition is fine. Gideon The Ninth does this perfectly with explaining thanergy and other necromancer related info. We learn more in HTN as well. I think Muir was thinking that "Nona wouldn't know these things, so it can't be expressed in the book" which I totally get, but Nona has a canon excuse for just Having knowledge! Her uncanny reading of body language and understanding of different languages? Her ability to draw animals from Earth that were lost to public knowledge? Nona just casually absorbing information and thinking about it in her internal monologue is completely reasonable. I say this to point out that Muir was too vague with the world building in NTN. Yes, I could fill in the gaps but I would have loved more information about the colony planets outside of the House system! She's doing too much showing, which I think is precisely why NTN got much too long.
Anyway, PLEASE take all of this with a grain of salt. I love Nona the Ninth and I think the way it was written is digestible and good! It's just not how I would have done it. Please Tamsyn I'm begging you for lore I am BEGGING YOU FOR LORE.
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Wednesday Prompt: timetravel with both Alec and Magnus returning to the start of their journey. By this time however Alec has been married to Magnus for years, and led the Clave for years. Meaning he no longer defines his worth through his family and he demands the respect he deserves. His „they cannot have been that bad“ nostalgic view on the terrible three and reality clash quite badly, resulting in quite a lot of change to the timeline and a lot of forced growing up for the trio.
here we go! i hope you enjoy this! thank you for the lovely prompt!
Perhaps, if they weren’t soul bonded, Alec could have been convinced it was a dream.
That’s what everyone else thinks.
That he reacted violently when he woke up from his fever because of a dream and the medics say it’s natural. That his temperature was dangerously high for a nephilim and that they weren’t sure he’d make it.
If it weren’t for Magnus, Alec might believe them, but no one and nothing can convince him that what he has with Magnus doesn’t still exist.
He’s seen stranger things than the tantrums of time and while it’s strange to walk the Institute’s halls in a body so much different from the one he’s used to; he knows it’s real.
Alec sees a young, alive Izzy and Jace and while his heart leaps to see them again and so youthful, there is something far more important.
So, he nods and keeps his face blank and gets rid of them as fast as he can, pleasantly surprised at how easily they back off and let him rest.
The moment they’re gone, Alec is using his stele to carve a series of secret runes. The Commander of an Institute is privileged to know the secrets of their home and Alec isn’t surprised when the passage opens up.
Finding Magnus loft should be difficult, but Alec’s never found an easier path to walk. His feet lead him past wards that sing when they touch him and a door that opens before he raises his hand to knock.
A shockwave of magic knocks him back but the wards catch him. Alec stares because Cat and who he recognizes must be Ragnor are both violently struggling to contain Magnus.
The shockwave wasn’t an attack or defense, but a backlash of their magic against Magnus. The three of their magics are struggling not to hurt each other and Magnus’ magic seems torn.
As if Magnus can’t bring himself to hurt his friends, but that letting them keep him contained is torturing him.
Cat is crying and so is Ragnor and Alec knows instantly that Magnus must have also had a fever. If Cat and Ragnor were healing him and here when he woke, they would have been compelled to stop him.
Because Alec knows that Magnus would have said fuck to the timeline, to the clave, to the world and come to him.
Which would mean they’re stopping Magnus from what they probably assume is a fever-induced attack on the clave.
Magnus is ready to do very stupid things if it means breaking free from the hold Cat and Ragnor have on him until a fourth energy presses against the barrier.
Magnus’ magic croons, delight in every particle of it as it presses harder, a possessive need fueling it.
“Alexander—” Magnus demands quietly because his vice his hoarse from screaming and his boy comes to him. Not even Cat and Ragnor’s combined magic can compare to the desire that Magnus magic has to be reunited with Alec.
The minute he has his beloved, his darling Alexander back in his arms, everything goes still.
Magnus isn’t aware of the flashes of blue and gold that dance between them, only that he has Alexander pressed against him and can feel him again.
“Alexander, you must never leave my side again,” Magnus orders him because he can’t bear it. From the way Alexander’s arms tighten like bands of platinum around him at the thought, his boy agrees.
As their bond settles back into place, Magnus sighs in contentment as his control returns back, his magic, — all of it that he gained as sole sovereign of Edom — returns to him.
With their magic slowly dissipating, Cat and Ragnor hover around him and Magnus loves them, but he doesn’t trust these versions of his dear family with Alexander just yet.
So, he wraps ward after ward around his boy as Alexander presses close and breathes him in.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 7 months
Hi Theitsa, I have noticed that many westerners (especially those who study classics and greece+rome) have a massive boner for emphasizing how Greek language has changed so much since antiquity, how Greece did not really exist as a nationstate before 1800s, (duh, so is the case with so many other nations today) and that Greeks are not the same people today as in Ancient Greece. They don’t really do this much with other countries when much of these things could be said for them as well. Why are they seemingly so obsessed with divorcing Greeks of today with our ancient forefathers? Have you noticed this?
Have I noticed it? My blog is almost dedicated to that sort of delusion 😂 (some of my posts on this are on the tag #xenoi doing bs) For many centuries now northwesterners saw themselves as the inheritors of an idealized ancient Greek past, and any argument that solidifies this position of theirs they see as valid. Western Europeans in the 19th century when seeing actual Greek people, thought "This can't be the marvelous handsome white people I envision when I read the Epics!!" They never bothered - or bother - to place Greek works inside Greece. For them these works exist on a theoretical basis and the moment they have to face reality they resort to the most racist arguments.
Also willful misinformation at a national scale makes the problem in those nations worse. For example, they compare the evolution of Greek to English, as an argument that Greeks are not any more "worthy" of their heritage. They think all languages have evolved like English, aka to be unrecognizable after a few centuries. And nobody tells them otherwise, because they don't care to know or to teach that. They have NO idea this isn't how Greek evolved. They don't even care to ask the question. Many don't know that Greek is still spoken. Some Greeks have heard the "what language do you speak in Greece?" from westerners, mainly Anglophones (and usually the US).
Most of our phrases and words hold well since the Classical era, if not earlier. In museums, we can straight up go read an ancient marble stele and we can understand most of it - and what we don't understand is still a word that we use but some things have changed slightly. Our liturgies are still in Koine Greek and if you listen closely you can make up most of the text. Of course there are more complex ancient texts, but Greek has stayed recognizable to a degree the English language cannot even dream of.
Anyways, they're eager to notice that cultures and languages evolve and change always, except when it comes to countries that are involved in their pop obsessions.
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palatinewolfsblog · 1 year
Random Thoughts on Ascension day.
In Germany also known as Father's Day. When fathers meet up with friends. Go on a hike with handcarts full of drinks and food, forget about their daily work and problems and have a good time. The actual meaning of the day - that Jesus returns to his father - moves into the background. No problem. After all: It's just another ancient story that defies Logic and - Gravity. Right? I see it differently. And start with an even older story of a powerful ruler from the Ancient Orient who staged his personal ascension. His name is Naram Sin of Akkad. Until today we see impressive statues of him in museums and a very special stele too. A giant with a helmet with horns that emphasize his superhuman strength. We see him climbing a stairway - up to the stars. His followers right behind him. Enemies fall or are trampled under his feet. What a scenery. This guy knew how to impress others. He knew a lot about - Progaganda. I have to think of some modern powerful people who are also making their way up - at the price of people being left behind or becoming victims. Elon Musk comes to mind with his dream of reaching the stars. A leader for whom other humans are only means to an end. And then i must think of this Carpenter King from Nazareth. Who wanted to help others. Women and children, outsiders, strangers, the many victims of the powerful few. He had a dream of a better world. He had a vision of peace and social justice. And he gave his life for it. Without fear of the powerful, who tried their very worst to crush and destroy him and his friends. Ascension Day is a reminder to me that this story went on and continues to this day. Ascension Day teaches us to look ahead and up. Take courage even when things get tough. To make this world a better place. Let's try. He show us the way and will help us to succeed. Ascension Day is an reminder: Dreams and Visions can come true. Change often begins with an individual who breaks new ground and inspires others. Helps them to focus on their dreams, goals and ideals and keep moving. Remember: The sky is the limit! ;)
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
Rafale and Cami's discussions and angst are another level of complicated and so fucking good!! Like, I understand Cami's position, but at the same time I know the pain and pressure Rafael is dealing with rn, and while yes, he's not leading as much as barely keeping under control, he's still doing everything in his power... but will that be enoight?? FUCKING WOW.
“People don’t read porn anymore,” Magnus rolled his eyes. “Not for the last fifty years at least.” “Don’t ask me how I know this but I know David does,” Alec rolled his eyes too.  PLEASE HE'S SO DONE WITH EVERYONE JAGDCJHZDGC
Alec and David talking and bonding and Alec giving advice😍😍. I need more of that so bad!!! He’s always felt like hope was a dangerous thing. The only thing more dangerous than broken hearts was broken hope. HE KNOWS THINGS!!
All the people who cared for him ended up dead. Looking back, the foreshadowing makes me feel both stupid and depressed LMAO
The way I love Arthur's POV in this chapter is not normal. istg I've read it like three times and I cry every time 😭😭. It was shocking, and terribly sad and so beautifully written. I don't really take many pictures of myself and never, EVER, take pictures of myself crying, but I remember I was reading this chapter at like 2 am and bawling my eyes out, trying not to make a noise so I wouldn't wake someone up and trying to swallow the pain in my chest and then thought "lmao this looks so weird I am crying about fictional people and this is my definition of having a good time, I need a pic lol"
Arthur never saying visions and just calling them dreams and nightamares, that is so in character and sad at the same time. And how hard, living like that, constantly getting stuck on this visions all the time, never telling anyone and just learning about them little by little 🥺😭. God, it was just so good and I felt my heart beating faster and faster like I was the one trapped in a vision!!!
Also, don't think we've forgotten about that little boy Arthur saw!! I am not letting a single detail slide😤😤
And yet, he had fallen in love with Kincaid anyway. He had fallen in love with the boy who he witnessed kill his brother a thousand times. I coudl write a whole essay just about this, please don't let me 😭
So, he watched the man cry quietly, clutching a stele in his hand. WAIT THIS WAS AFTER DAVID DRAW THE AGONY RUNE, RIGHT??
I have to make a list of my top favorite moments in lbaf, but this scene definetly has a place there!! I LIKE PAIN DON'T JUDGE ME!
Thank you so much. I struggled SO MUCH with that particular Arthur POV. I'm glad it turned out well :)
So, he watched the man cry quietly, clutching a stele in his hand - this is a vision of Other David before his suicide.
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Costoja. Photo by levilo - Leandre on Flickr.
Costoja, a village of 100 inhabitants in Northern Catalonia, has been considered the town with the most poetic street names.
Where any normal (at least in Europe) town or city would have ordinary names like "shoe makers' street", "[insert more or less relevant historical person] boulevard", or "[name of building that once was there and which has been forgotten by time] square", the street names in Costoja take an unexpected turn.
The town has 77 bilingual street name signs written in Catalan (the local language) and French (the state's language), where you can find names such as:
Escapatòria dels Tenaços Xiuxiuejadors: Tenacious Whisperers' Way Out
Via Crucis dels Somnis Inconfessables: Unspeakable Dreams' Way of the Cross*
Plaçot dels Emprius de Tothom: Common Easements Square.
Atzucac de les Paraules Callades: Hushed Words Cul-de-sac or Unsaid Words Cul-de-sac.
Maquinacions de Xavals i Pubilles en Joguineig: Boys and Girls' Playful Machinations
Lloc del Pou Inoblidable: Place of the Unforgettable Well
Costat de les Ullades cap al Solà: Side of the Glances towards the South
Vaivé dels Pastorets: Little Shepherds' Ups-and-Downs
Tertúlia Ample del Consell dels Antecessors: Wide Get-Together of the Ancestors' Council
Enfonsament de les Mirades Llunyanes: Far-away Glances Descent
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*A Way of the Cross (also called Stations of the Cross, Way of Sorrows, or Via Crucis for its name in Latin) is a kind of street present in many countries with a Christian history. It's often uphill, and throughout the street there are 14 steles with reliefs or paintings depicting the 14 stages of Christ's crucifixion day.
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sublingual-art · 1 month
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From a recent visit to the Delaware Art Museum:
Me chillin under Three Rectangles Horizontal Jointed Gyratory III by George Rickey
Dream Stele by Bernard Felch (Apparently, not normally wrapped in plastic)
Egg Painting II by Ken Mabrey
Cover Study by Jerry Pinkney for the children's book "The Old African"
The labyrinth
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lulubunny0 · 2 years
Eyes of the Soul.
Jace X fem/reader
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Summary: Alec and you go on a mission to find out which downworlder is kidnapping werewolves. Jace joined in as back up, but after what those eyes where saying, was he really there just as back up?
Warnings: t/w, blood, fighting, yelling, blood, mature content, cursing, use of y/n, fluff, tension.
A/N: This is my first time writing in a while, but i can not get this gorgeous man out of my head. Sooo, heres a little fanfic for my Jace livers <3.
“Do you even know what your doing?” A voice came from behind you. Causing me to turn around and then sighed lightly as I saw Alec.
“To be honest, no. How does Izzy use this thing.” I tossed the whip to Alec as he smirked.
“Well no one said picking your signature weapon was easy. Try and relax and seek with in to see which calls to you.” He grabbed some arrows and my eyes sparkled.
“Are we going on a mission?” ‘No no, I am going on a mission.” He stopped my excitement but I followed him through the hall.
“Please, you know I haven’t been on one in ages. Its the least you could do for your little sister.” I said with a smile and dragged out the word sister while giving him a pleading face. I felt bad for always begging Alec for things, knowing he could almost never say no to me.
His body relaxed in defeat as he rubbed his temples. “Fine fine, but I’m not gonna use my stele on you when you get hurt.”
He continued walking and I ran and grabbed my stele and my blade running after him with excitement. I caught up to him and bumped his shoulder in a playful manner like i always have since I was brought into the institute. I was 14 years old when my parents decided to leave me in the human world after altering my memory with no note or good byes.
At least this is my theory since no one knows where I came from or who I was. Ever since that day Alec and Izzy took me in as their ‘little sister’. I owe them everything for putting up with me ever since then.
We arrived at a run down building that seemed close to crumbling down. Alec walked in as if he didn’t notice anything wrong with the building. I followed him a few feet behind as I looked around. I started to hear music coming from the distance.
Alec was walking at a fast pace making me walk fast with him. We walked to these huge doors and he applied his invisibility rune. “So why exactly are we here?”
“We need to find the downworlder that is kidnapping werewolves after spiking their drinks.” He put his stele up and looked at me, “Don’t run off. This isn’t a field trip.”
I laughed then nodded after activating my invisibility rune. He opened the doors and walked in calmly. I followed behind in the crowded sea full of people and occasionally a few downworlders moxed into the groups. As much as I loved to get lost in the moment of a party I remembered what Alec said and sighed lightly.
Alec and I made it to the bar while looking through the crowd. “Okay, I know I said not to wonder off but its better if we spread out then group back up. Meet back here in an hour, and if you see anything call me.” We agreed and he walked to the top floor. I slowly made my way to the dance floor as I looked around and tried to fit in.
I remembered the last time I was at a club, me and Jace where celebrating on the fact that Magnus and Alec finally got married. We both had been having a hard time, so I decided to make up the excuse for a celebration. We danced and got drunk, that was the first time I’ve seen a drunk person so on guard.
As I was lost in thought I didn’t feel the hands slowly trailing up my waist. I turned around fast to see those ocean blue eyes. Followed by a smirk from what I assume was because of my reaction. “I thought you where supposed to he helping Alec, not day dreaming and being completely off guard. I could have been a stranger you know.” I laughed then pushed him back but kept dancing.
“You might as well be from all you’re disappearing lately, why are you here though?” I motioned for him to follow me back to the bar. He followed closely.
“Alec called me to keep an eye on you.” As he talked I saw a witch walking away with a werewolf who was clearly drunk from the wobbly walking.
I started walking away from Jace and towards the witch and werewolf. Jace was used to following me even during a conversation. From all the fights, teasing, and just me getting distracted easily.
I walked through the door and took out my angel blade as I saw blood on the ground. Jace saw the blood as well as he then also took out his blade. We walked closely together out into the ally. Jace went in front of me and I ignored it to stay focused. I then felt something throw me at the wall to the old building. I heard Jace yell out to me but the hard brick wall made my ears buzz.
I stood up quickly even though it hurt, i used my stele to activate my healing rune. I looked up at Jace who was fighting what seemed to be another shadowhunter. I went to help but heard a whistle, then felt a stabbing pain in my right shoulder. There was a long metal bar that was stabbed into my shoulder. I turned to see the witch from earlier.
“Who are you?” I yelled out while holding the bar in place. The witch looked at me with sorrowful eyes. She then ran to the other person and grabbed onto then while going through a portal. I went to follow them but felt someone grab onto my waist.
I winced in pain as I dug my nails into my thighs while sitting on the hood of a car. Jace in front of me looking at the poll. “I need to pull this out, hold still.” He said almost in a stern tone.
He took my hand tightly and then gripped onto the metal bar. I took a deep breath, “Okay, on one… two… th- mother fucker!” Jace smirked as he dropped the bar to the ground then gently pulled up my shirt just past my stomach to activated my healing rune. He glanced at my slender fit stomach as the rune glowed then gently slide his hand down my stomach.
I looked at Jace as he eyes where gliding along my body, his hand traced my runes that where shown on my stomach and sides. I tensed up since I had never seen Jace look so tense while being so gentle. His touch was almost nonexistent.
I couldn’t help but giggle a bit from my sides being sensitive. He looked up to my eyes and then started to look at my lips. His eyes where filled with something I had never seen before. I melted from just his warm hands on my bare skin. He gripped my waist as the space between out lips got smaller and smaller.
Alec walked out of the same door me and Jace came out of. Jace dropped his hands and backed up while looking into my eyes with a bit of sadness and worry. Alec saw me and Jace and the blood then ran over. “What happened?!”
I got up off the car and went passed Jace catching a glimpse of his diamond eyes. Still filled with that same look he was giving me when his hands where on me. I tried to not make a face or blush as I looked up at Alec and started to explain everything while walking with him back to the institute. Jace following right behind us.
A/N: So this is just a starter to see if anyone will like these kinds of stories or not. Or even to see if I truly do want to get back into writing. But if this does do well i woukd glady make a part two!! <3
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gacougnol · 2 years
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Teri Varhol
Born of Dreams (Dream Stele)
"Souvenirs II", Egypt Diaries, 2022
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jimbojim997 · 1 year
Today I Learned: French Words & Expressions
stèle (f) – stone tablet, memorial stele
Il y a une stèle commémorative là où tomba l’avion.
arqué – arched
Les bébés ont naturellement les jambes arquées jusqu’à leurs trois ans.
convive (m/f) – guest
Les convives discutaient joyeusement autour de la table.
immondice (f) – (formal) filth, foul matter
Merci de débarrasser le trottoir de ce tas d’immondices !
voie (f) de la facilité – path of least resistance
affabuler – to plot, dream up (a plot)
L’auteur a mis deux jours pour affabuler son nouveau polar.
s’enliser – to sink, get stuck
Le tracteur est allé aider une voiture qui s’était enlisée dans la boue.
jupitérien – Jovian
éphéméride (m) – block calendar, tear-off calendar
bouclier (m) – shield
Les légionnaires romains portaient des boucliers rectangulaires.
tellurique – telluric, terrestrial
Le courant tellurique est un courant qui circule dans la croûte terrestre.
remue-ménage (m) – commotion, agitation, fuss, pandemonium, upheaval
Qu’est-ce que c’est que ce remue-ménage ? Tout est en désordre.
saccadé – jerky
La rotation de cette roue dentée est saccadée.
rodage (m) – setting up, establishment, trial period
Le rodage du nouveau service informatique se termine.
réticule (m) – (historic) reticule, drawstring bag/pouch
Les réticules étaient très à la mode sous le Directoire.
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