#Drowned Desires
gibbearish · 7 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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desire-mona · 2 months
more modern poets hcs for greenie!
charlie -
charlie used to post like "annoying gay ppl vs normal gay ppl" memes, had a huge turnaround and they cringe when they think of that time. mentioning blaire white or kalvin garrah would make him jump
has an "i <3 milfs" design of every article of clothing, could make an entire i <3 milfs outfit. shirt, hat, pants, socks, belt, shoes, hoodie, you name it.
todd -
todd is nonbinary bc he is autistic and autistic ppl generally view gender differently. not debating this. this is a fact and this is canon. they/he/she todd anderson, what of it.
chronic procrastinator when it comes to anything besides school. they will put off doctors appointments, finishing tv shows, even charging their phone.
neil -
doesnt use tiktok but he watches todd scroll thru her fyp sometimes and gets very mad at those "acting pov" videos. hes like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ACTING POINT OF VIEW" "POINT OF VIEW YOU ONLY HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF WORDS???????? WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEAN"
i see ppl saying that neil would be a swiftie but i would like to suggest that he's a big ethel cain fan, a collection of songs that tell a fictional character's story? tell me thats not right up his alley
meeks -
i dont think this is the type of math meeks bases a career off of but i do think he rly pays attention to architecture and city layouts and stuff. will forever complain abt how inconvenient it is to have a car centered society and how every place should be walkable OR have public transport
collects records despite not having a record player, tapes despite not having a walkman, and cds despite using his cd player maybe 3 times a year. quite honestly its just to have a physical collection of his music taste
pitts -
pitts went thru a "nice guy/ vaguely incel-ular" phase in middle school, but he didnt talk to a singular woman in those years. by the time it went away there was no harm done to anyone but himself and a very annoyed meeks who had to listen to how girls "only go for assholes"
he has a fashion sense so good that ppl online *ask* him to post fit checks, he doesnt do any if theyre not requested of him. pitts is also the one with the biggest online presence, most notably tiktok and twitter
knox -
type of guy to constantly post shit like "like for a tbh" or post anonymous question things on his story. nobody interacts with any of it so he usually just deletes them after half a day
haaaaaaaates texting and will either send very long voice messages or just ask to call whoever he's talking to (me fr i send ppl voice msgs almost exclusively)
cameron -
cam is suuuuuuuper creeped out by ai "art", especially the ai washing feet commercial during the superbowl, which he had nightmares about for a week
his parents are constantly trying weird diets (most notably keto) so he has the weirdest assortment of random ingredients in his pantry. has come up with the strangest "meals" any one of those boys have ever seen
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inabigworld · 11 days
i don’t desire mediocre love. i want a love that is so deep, i want someone to drown in me.
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princess-ibri · 8 months
Darkside Disney Princesses: Ariel
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Ariel’s fall begins after the destruction of her grotto, when in this timeline, Sebastian decides actually go and tell Triton she’s about to head off to seek a deal with Ursula
Still reeling from the discovery of all of Ariel’s human objects, and pushed even further in his paranoia and fear for his daughter’s safety, Triton’s anger explodes again at this reckless act and he has Ariel locked in a tower room in the palace until she finally ‘comes to her senses’
He also takes the step of making sure Ursula never tries to meddle with any of his daughters ever again. The Nautilus necklace protects her from the magic of the Trident just enough that she survives, but is forced to flee far beyond Atlantica’s borders (per the backstory rules I’ve set for my DisneyVerse)
This act only makes Ariel’s anger towards her father that began with the destruction of her treasures grow, and without the wonder of gaining human form and her prince’s love, and the isolation of her punishment, that anger turns into deep burning resentment.
Never one to take things lying down, Ariel attempts again and again to escape her confinement, each time she’s caught stoking Triton’s ire and her own resentment. Both of their hot tempers get the better of them, driving wedges between Ariel and her friends who fail to help her, and Triton and his people, as he takes his frustration out on them.
But something has begun to stir within Ariel, fueled by the darkness and despair growing within her heart. All the royal line has some aptitude for magic, as evidenced by their ability to wield the great Trident without being overcome by it. But in most of them it stays small and unfocused, unneeded in daily life.
But now Ariel has both focus and need. Her singing voice has always been special, even among her sisters lovely voices. There’s always been something about it that people feel drawn towards, and now, now she begins to feel it’s power growing within her, feeding off her anger, her despair, her desires. And she hones it as best she can from a gift into a weapon.
And finally, one night, a guard finds himself succumbing to the beautiful song that begs him to unlock the door, and then sleep so that he does not see the princess escape…. Ariel does not stay long enough to discover that he never wakes again.
The moment she’s free, Ariel takes off into open water, determined to place as much distance between herself and her now hated father—and to find the Prince she saved, three long years ago. The memories of him have been her only real companions, and isolation has fanned what could have become True Love given the chance into an obsession, fueled by her growing Magic, a magic she does not truly know how to control.
She begins stalking the ships that cross the ocean waves, singing out to the sailors who work them, seeking her lost love, calling him to her. She does not mean to cause men to leap overboard for want of her, lured in by her song. But neither can she save all of them. Sometimes she doesn't even notice they’ve lept into the waves, too focused on seeking for the face of her prince to notice that of any other man.
The sailors who survive spread the tale of the siren that haunts the waters around the kingdom, a fiend hair as red as blood and a voice that draws men to their deaths, the ships begin to travel with supplies of cotton to cover their ears, and harpoons to put an end to any mermaid they might see.
Ariel does not care, she barely feels the nicks of the spears as the graze her, thrown by men made too clumsy to kill by her song, powerful enough now to seep in past the cotton. She is seeking Her Prince, and she will not stop until she finds him.
Meanwhile, the prince who is now a King, who was forced two years ago to give up his dreamer’s quest for the girl with the beautiful voice who saved him, and marry a suitable royal bride for the prosperity of his kingdom, now finds that kingdom threatened by the presence of a monster from the deep.
When enough men to man three ships have been lost to the deep trying to subdue it, he decides it’s time he protects his kingdom himself.
He bids farewell to his wife, who he is fond of, even if he does not love her, and their young child, who he does, and sails off into the sea to strike down this foe.
He never returns.
And the Siren who haunts their shores remains, still searching, still singing for the Prince she lost, who in her madness she did not even recognize when he lept into the waves, pulled like all others by her song. The gash on her side from his spear is the closest to a kiss they will ever share in this life…
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melissa7102004 · 1 year
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They're so cuteeee !!!!! I've known them for a while now, and absolutely adore themm UWU
These greekgods au babies belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish.
Dreamtale //@jokublog.
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nonsosinceramente · 7 months
kinda laughing at mizu shutting the peephole as soon as she visualized taigen while watching that threesome go on lol
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irisbellemoon · 1 year
Camilla's being a question mark of a character is sort of the whole point. Like the person who's describing her is a repressed queer guy who's very much not interested in her, but rather her brother, hence the constant comparisons between the two of them.
It's not Camilla Richard wants but Charles and he can't admit that to himself so he projects her brother's qualities onto her with only a few of her actual 'characteristics' told to us. Hence her position in the narrative, which is narrated by Richard, is very superficial and 'soft'. Of course, Camilla was a bigger part of the entire plot (bigger than even Richard) but it doesn't really matter to Rich hence it's not given much thought.
In a lot of analysis about her, sometimes people get a little accusatory towards Donna but the person she chose to use as narrator doesn't really care about Camilla as her own person. So it wouldn't matter how much information was originally written for her, we still would never get a peak to it.
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nvrontyme · 27 days
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getting to polythreme (derogatory)
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04h09m · 2 years
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Sweet Child 、 ◌ 𐨿〬 ‿︵‿୨🫀୧‿︵‿ 𐨿〬 ◌ — O’ Mine
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What doesn't kill you Makes you wish you were dead Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper And I can't take One more moment of this silence The loneliness is haunting me And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up
It comes in waves, I close my eyes Hold my breath and let it bury me I'm not OK and it's not alright Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again
Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down? Save me from myself Don't let me drown Who will make me fight? Drag me out alive? Save me from myself Don't let me drown
What doesn't destroy you Leaves you broken instead Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper And I can't take
One more moment of this silence The loneliness is haunting me And the weight of the worlds getting harder to hold up
It comes in waves, I close my eyes Hold my breath and let it bury me I'm not OK and it's not alright Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again
Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down? Save me from myself Don't let me drown Who will make me fight? Drag me out alive? Save me from myself Don't let me drown
'Cause you know that I can't do this on my own 'Cause you know that I can't do this on my own 'Cause you know that I can't do this on my own
Who will fix me now? Who will fix me now?
Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down? Save me from myself Don't let me drown
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still pissed that there's just a whole catalog of sofia the first songs that aren't and will most likely never be on spotify
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minwritings · 8 months
as the water fills my lungs
and my mouth lets out
the smallest screams for help
i realise that even though
everything is disappearing in this moment
i’m going to wake up tomorrow
and repeat the cycle
of my endless drowning
it’s my drowning
so i close my eyes
and begin the suffering again
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brookheimer · 1 year
have never watched a single episode/read a single page of bsd but every month like clockwork i frantically search “chuuya” on twitter to see if he’s alive yet. turns out he is still drowned. see you guys next month
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sunliv · 3 months
need everyone to go fuck themselves until i can get my hands on a ver of windwaker
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lovesick-vyn · 10 days
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I need Him! I need Him to eat Me! He can have all of Me, after all I belong to Him just like He belongs to Me <3
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