#Dumbassery occurred
devilcantspeell · 8 months
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lankygeralt · 1 year
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I commissioned the wonderful @wannastayugly to bring a scene from the recent Sugar Crush chapter to life! (Link to the fic is on my profile). You did such an amazing job at bringing these modern versions of them to life. Hell, you even managed to nail Jaskier's dumbassery!! Thank you (again) <3
He snickered at the silliness of his own thoughts. Damn, he had it bad.
Jaskier glanced back at his phone, then an idea occurred to him.
He looked at Geralt again, loving how he sipped from his cup of tea as he took in their surroundings.
Okay, he could do this. He should just go for it. Rip it off like a bandaid. Wasn’t that what people said?
Taking in a deep breath, he propped himself up on the tips of his toes while holding his phone in front of them. Right before he pressed his thumb on the camera button, he quickly kissed Geralt on his cheek before his own would catch fire from embarrassment.
“Hmm?” Geralt looked at him in confusion, his eyes drifting from Jaskier’s blissful face to his phone. “What just happened?” He smiled lazily.
❌ Do not repost/use/edit ❌ 
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
The surreal thing about the Titan submersible: unless someone pulls off a miraculous last-minute rescue, when we all wake up tomorrow, those five men will be dead.
I mean, assuming they haven't already hyperventilated the last of their oxygen or imploded in a hull failure event.
It's currently June 22nd, 1:48 AM, MDT. If they're still alive, they will not be within the next...what, three hours? Give or take. And it would take hours to get the sub to the surface if it were found miles underwater, so if it's at the bottom of the sea, that really gives the rescuers...I don't know, like, maybe an hour to pull off the impossible?
These men are about to cross the event horizon.
When the banging sounds were first reported, it blew my fucking mind. I'd been certain that they were dead already, or that if they weren't, they would be soon. Without question. Then came this bizarre, impossible glimmer of hope. And I thought, if those sounds really were occurring at thirty-minute intervals, if it really was the Titan passengers, then maybe—maybe—they had a chance.
But they just...don't. Let's be realistic: they're about to die. We know this. We know for a fact that their time is about to run out.
And I know people are angry about the Missing White Woman Syndrome feel of it all. It would make for such on-the-nose satire. Five wealthy men have the world on pins and needles; where was that energy when hundreds of refugees drowned off the coast of Greece a week ago?
It frustrates me that I'm so invested in the Titan sub. It's like the entire incident was orchestrated for the sole purpose of grabbing attention (of course I don't believe that's the case). The very premise of the sub is tauntingly ridiculous—so very blatantly an expensive suicide. I saw someone compare it to an Onion article, and it IS.
The shitty video game controller, the ominous waiver, Stockton Rush's portentous comments (hell, even his name), the toilet sat right in front of that tiny dollhouse window. The absurd price tag paired with a history of failed dives and an OceanGate employee fired and sued years ago for raising safety concerns.
God, it's so dumb. It's so so fucking dumb. In real life, what we'd call "foreshadowing" is really just actions→consequences. But still. Still. It reads like sitcom writers setting the dominos for a season finale, tirelessly working to maximize memeability so we can all point and laugh with our popcorn.
The sheer pointless, brainless, wasteful extravagance of it all makes it easy to forget how horrific and tragic the ordeal really is. It grants us some strange permission to rubberneck.
And, well, who wouldn't want to rubberneck? The drama. Horror movie levels of repulsion. Any fear you can imagine—the dark, the cold, the ocean, suffocation, confined spaces, death—all wrapped into one perfect, cinematic nightmare. It's a black comedy: dumbassery punished by a fate we don't, shouldn't, wish even on billionaires.
Then, of course, there is the deadline. Pun not intended.
That, I think, is what's really gripped us. The limited oxygen supply is a countdown, a ticking time bomb. Ten minutes left in the movie—can the protagonist pull off a daring escape in time?
God, I know I sound like one of those crisis actor conspiracy theorists, but you couldn't manufacture a more gripping story if you tried. That hard figure we've seen in every news article: 96 hours. Ninety-six hours to save the day.
Can you see the Netflix docudrama now? The cuts to a black screen with the remaining number of hours emblazoned in the center? "If we don't find that sub tonight, those men are dead," some intrepid rescuer says...a split second of grave silence...then the scene goes black, except for a line of heavyweight white text that reads, in all caps, "SIX HOURS REMAINING." Next we'll see a heart-wrenchingly candid conversation between the passengers, for character development.
You know Channel 5 is airing a documentary about the Titan in the UK tomorrow. Tonight, actually, since I guess it's technically Thursday morning. The countdown was so hard-set, ITN calculated the exact hour at which they could broadcast their production. The perfect moment for them to capitalize on that post-curtains melancholy we all get at the end of a movie.
It's crass, but fascinating, too. Is ITN going to acknowledge their production timeline by leaving the documentary's ending ambiguous, a choice which will ring bittersweet when aired in the aftermath of the inevitable deaths? Will they scramble to concoct an ending in those mere hours after the passengers asphyxiate? Have they already made two endings: one in case of a miracle, and one in case of a tragedy? Any answer is soulless.
But all of this is soulless. The Titan is our gladiator fight, our bread and circuses. Still, I can't stop staring, because I cannot wrap my head around it. It's 3:30 AM now. Within hours, they will be dead, sure as an execution.
Few news stories come with such a grim deadline. Almost always it's a nail-biting rescue whose twists and turns we follow until some hitherto-unpredictable endpoint; or a sprawling clusterfuck of tragedy trailed by aftermath upon aftermath; or a search for a missing person that eventually meanders into a quiet presumption of death.
The certainty blows my mind—the finality of it, the tragedy of it, is incomprehensible. It doesn't feel real. Why do I care so much? Those men were dead from the start (if not literally, then certainly figuratively). Why do I keep reading about it, posting about it? Why can't I stop watching the car wreck smolder? What am I doing still standing in the street?
I hate that I fell prey to the submarine story like everyone else with an internet connection. But whatever deity may or may not exist got bored, I guess, and crafted the dramedy-action-horror hybrid of the year. Even wove in little cliffhangers (the banging! On the sonobuoys! There's still time!) to string us along like a damn HBO producer.
It gets me, man.
It's 4:00 AM, MDT. I guess it's really over, huh? I know 96 hours was never an exact deadline, but let's not be idealistic here.
I hope it was quick. I hope they imploded in a single terrible instant.
I hope the next sunken boat of six hundred refugees wins as much attention as the Titan did.
I hope Netflix doesn't make that docudrama with the black screen and the all-caps line of heavyweight white text.
I hope we sleep. I hope I sleep. I hope we all can sleep.
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aurora-313 · 1 month
Obligatory 2am ramble post warning.
The Blade is Me is Ichigo supposedly accepting himself in totality. Warts and all, right?
That includes the fact his true zanpakutou, the purest manifestation of his soul, is a sadistic battle-hungry psychopath and a killer. One hell bent on protecting Ichigo, yes, but a psychopath all the time. (Who, for some reason, don't kick Ichigo's ass for forcing a compromise between him and that backstabbing Quincy parasite who is most DEFINITELY the Auswhalen mechanism, but hey. Fucking details.).
For all the farcical pomp and drama of the reforging sequence, and blah blah blah, Ichigo never actually embraces that lust for battle that's always been intrinsic to his character. Not in any meaningful way.
And contractual/plot-mandated dumbassery aside, Ichigo never takes a minute to consider the ramifications of Zangetsu being a psychopath either? Nor that his soul is a violent force that will destroy anything that hurts him, up to and including members of his immediate circle, if pressed.
Sure, Ichigo intellectually knows its the hollow he's inherited from his mum, but on a personal level, it's his perspective, his life experiences that molded the form and persona Zangetsu would take.
Nor does it ever occur to Ichigo that, external influences aside, his zanpakutou spirit's behaviour could/likely does indicate massively repressed rage issues and resentment of his own towards any countless number of things. Everything from his life circumstance; being forced into rearing Yuzu and Karin; towards Kisuke using him as a guinea pig and a tool; even towards his parents to varying degrees especially his father. Like it or not, they neglected this part of Ichigo's life - his history and heritage, both fundamental and vital to his identity - until a reality-threatening war came to their doorstep and literally forced that revelation. TWICE.
(I say Parents plural since it takes two to tango. Isshin might've been powerless, Masaki was not. She could've taught Ichigo any number of basic safety measures to control his powers, or to help him distinguish the good from the bad. But she didn't. No matter how esteemed her memory, that would breed a level of resentment. Because do you think Ichigo would've gone after Grand Fisher's lure if Masaki taught him to recognise it for what it was? And how many other life decisions would Ichigo have made differently if he only knew what he was?)
I know conceptually the Blade is Me is Ichigo finally coming to terms with himself. But in execution and reality? There's so many issues with it, I'd need a whole essay to quantify them. If anything, it's a culmination of how neglected, damaged and abused he truly was. My boy deserved so much better than this.
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gardenerian · 1 year
is there any gallavich scene that you’ve been thinking about/wanna dive into lately? they’re on my mind :)
hello! tonight we are gonna do a rundown of the 7x11 bank scene baaaabbeeyyy (which also reminded me of my best deep dive - 7x10, baby!) 🥰✨💓🥰✨💓🥰✨💓 let's gooooo!!!!
alright. first of all, how hard did mickey immediately get at this moment right here? it's checking all the mickey boxes:
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it's giving ✅ crime kink ✅ competency kink ✅ manhandling so ian can tAKE OVER THE CRIME? ✅ very good very good ✅✅✅
this plus the massive fucking romantic gesture that's about to occur - mickey's pants are not safe right now.
anyways. this scene is peak dumbassery and it's peak devotion. i am obsessed with it. but also. it is PEAK DRAMA. why does he say this??? with that face???????
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what is wrong with you???? she says "how's your day so far?" and he says 😳😮‍💨😟 just...... read the note 😳😮‍💨😟 boy WHAT? was the whole point of this not to appear legitimate and Not Suspicious? why would you scare this woman for no reason??? that's mean! is this even how closing accounts works? why would you not say "hello, i'd like to make a withdrawal" like a NORMAL HUMAN? anyways.
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brianna takes an appropriately Tired breath after being approached by this baby space alien and his cranky sidekick, and asks ian to swipe his card - and apparently mickey finds this fucking hilarious. he looks like he's in on a joke.... but JOKE IS ON HIM:
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also how hysterical is ian's goofy velcro camo wallet aksfjh
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poor mickey is DUMBFOUNDED that plan was not, in fact, for ian rob a bank with one (1) strongly-worded, handwritten note:
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and it takes ian EXPLAINING that he has a bank account associated with the very real card he is swiping for mickey to understand that there will be no crime today. also - back to the drama. they have that whole conversation about getting money....... why didn't ian ever just say "hey i have some"??? why are these doofuses so hellbent on causing chaos and confusion at all times?????
anyways. i wanna talk about THIS LINE. which i do not think i have freaked out about before.
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i think - GODDDDDD. i think many things about this line.
he's been working for a year. he's been solid, steady for a year. some bumps, of course, but he's been doing so well. the gallaghers are notorious for losing their way with Good Things. a year is HUGE. and here is ian, about to take the product of that year and just pour it into this new life for mickey. he's about to walk away from that year. i don't know if i can adequately express what means - to just up and walk away from one of the things that keeps us grounded. huge.
and for that to land with mickey, as it clearly does. you can see it on his face. a realization that ian is doing something big here. that he did something big with their time apart. here is a quantified result of that for mickey to see and have. HUGE.
so brianna is like "????????" and asks ian if he's sure he wants to cash out all the money in his account. and ian. IAN DOES THIS:
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before he even looks at mickey, he smiles. his mind is already made up. he's taking out that money. but like. what is he thinking here? i don't think he is quite aware that he's not going to cross the border - but i think the sense of time running out is there. i think the understanding is coming. but he can do this. he's going to do this, and he WANTS to do this!!!!
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there is so much on his face here? is ian really gonna do this? are they really standing here together in this BONKERS whirlwind after so much time apart? is ian really in it, just like that? is he really gonna make this massive move for him????? mickey has that line about not having much to leave behind - but i think here it's really reinforced for him that ian has quite a bit to leave behind. family, of course. but this level of security is MASSIVE. so there's fear here in the waiting - but there's also SUCH LOVE. his face is so open. like he's supporting ian here no matter what. it's been that way since the start of this arc! ian has CHOICES. and hE CHOOSES TO TAKE OUT THAT MONEY.
before ian turns back - there's this flash of a smile. just a quick of the dimples. he feels good about this! he feels ready! he's happy to do this for mickey!
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HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A MAN LOOK SO CERTAIN IN YOUR LIFE? he may not know what's about to happen just yet, but he knows he wants to give mickey safety. security. something to start this life on, to give him a chance. THIS is the foundation of how ian loves. he wants his people to have something solid, something to care for themselves with. if he can't do it in the day to day, this is how he can leave mickey with something he needs.
in conclusion, this scene has everything. it's funny, and sweet, and silly, and TRAGIC, and beautiful, and i love it.
in additional conclusion, i am going to pass out.
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8o8o8o8o8 · 10 months
Thinking about the potential comedy in Gabriel "would hunt-and-peck if he has to use a laptop" Ultrakill & The "renaissance man who built and modeled a gabriel hologram" Ferryman. He gets to All Of The Competency Porn watching them sail on zero visibility pure instruments, and they get 500 excuses to ask Gabe to please undo this giantic stripped bolt with their equally giantic pipe wrench. And the sheer dumbassery that would occur! Just—
Gabriel: I can—well, could—pick up messages from Heaven even down here. It's what I'm built to do as a messenger.
Ferryman: Oh, you're an antenna.
Gabriel: Like...on an insect?
Ferryman: That's antennae—nevermind.
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redfurrycat · 1 year
Top Gun: Peacock 🤠+🐓= 🦚 [Part 4]
Due to an inexplicable malfunction of the new F-302 fighter-interceptor, Mitchell Nicholas Seresin-Bradshaw, callsign Peacock, travels back to a time when the suicide mission has already occurred, but his parents aren’t together yet.
[There’s some heavy mutual pining going on though.]
Most Daggers –including Rooster and Hangman– are away on a joint exercise with the US Air Force, except for Phoenix and Coyote who remain on base to teach new recruits. That’s why they’re the first ones to be called by the COMPACFLT himself.
He informs them that earlier this day an unknown aircraft has crash-landed on the aircraft carrier under Admiral Rick Hollywood Neven’s command.
The extraordinary likeness to Lt. Jake Hangman Seresin and the fact that the plane is engraved under the name of Lt. Mitchell Seresin-Bradshaw “Peacock” are enough for Admiral Neven to make a direct call to The Iceman and let him deal with that bullshit. [With the promise to tell him everything afterwards, ‘cause they’re all a bunch of gossipers.]
Mitchell then greets the younger version of his g.o.b.s.m.a.c.k.e.d godparents with an enthusiastic ‘Howdy Auntie Nat! Howdy Uncle Jav!’ and proceeds to kiss his auntie’s cheek and to do the very choreographically-complex handshake with his uncle – who does it automatically as it’s the same he does with Jake every day.
[A few days later. Phoenix, Coyote, and Peacock are at the Hard Deck.]
Mitchell has already charmed Penny with a kiss on the back of her hand and is now happily dancing with the other patrons.
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Meanwhile Natasha and Javy are supposed to be playing pool, but they can’t help but watch their godson…
Coyote: Can you believe our best friends are responsible for the most adorable and sweetest godson ever? The best parts of Jake with the best Bradshaw attributes. Dude’s a killer.
Phoenix: I’m frankly relieved Mitchell has not inherited our best friends’ dumbassery. After all, minus one dumbass asshole times minus one asshole dumbass equals one positive smart and nice guy. Maths is beautiful that way…
Coyote, snorting and high fiving her: Nice one, Nat. It also means they get their shit together sometimes in the future. I hope it’s soon. ‘Cause I can’t take anymore of their ‘Bradshaw, as I live and breathe’ & ‘Hangman you look *insert suggestive pause* good’ bullshit routine.
Phoenix, groaning:  Right?! I run out of place to mark a cross each time Bradley gives him a once-over and Jake bites his lips with an hungry look. I’m getting so distracted I didn’t see the COMPACFLT entering the class the other day and almost didn’t stand to attention. How embarrassing!
Peacock calls his godparents and asks them to come over and sing the Great Balls of Fire song with him.
Coyote: Think we can interrogate our godson about this 'Finn' guy? Seems to be a recurrent character in his current/future life...
Phoenix: First one to make him spill the beans pays the other's tab?
Coyote: Deal.
[Blame the Everybody wants some! movie that I haven’t seen yet, but Mitchell’s Enemy-turned-Crush is based on Tyler Hoechlin’s Glen’s looks – THEIR FREAKING MUSTACHES DRIVE ME CRAZY!]
Here is Finnegan Noah Stilinski-Hale to become a famous baseball player in the future! I still have to think about how they met (or more likely will meet) …
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[part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3] - [part 4] - [part 5] - [part 6] - [part 7]
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oh-snapperss · 7 months
i was tempted to post the whole fic here but here's a section from your work, "ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece":
""I have twenty-two minutes left," Skizz says, as if he were merely telling Etho what time of day it was, or that the chickens were all loose in the base again, or even that Impulse had fallen asleep on the stairs again, and don't wake him up! "And this is my final order."
Skizz fixes Etho with a look, right in the eye, one that Etho knows he'll never escape. The ticking still doesn't stop. "My time will not go to anybody else. TIES gets to final three."
Etho's grip around the axe tightens, but– he turns to face Tango and Impulse. “Tango, you don't– you don't want it?” Please take it. Please. But Tango is shaking his head, resolute. "You need it most, dude."
Skizz turns, and kneels, his face turned to the ground in acceptance. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
The axe swings upward, poised in the air above Skizz's neck, and the night falls silent, the air static with energy Etho can't quite place.
(There are Eyes w̸̜̼͗͝͝a̴̦͓̻̋̂t̷̤̰̞́͠c̵̠̯̩͌h̷̫̰̏i̸̱̙̻̊̋͑ň̷̙̠g̵̫̱̊.)
For a moment, the axe hangs there, held up by invisible strands that Etho swears are pulling the axe away from Skizz's neck, tightening by the moment as if to stop him from doing the very thing he knows he'll do at any moment. The axe drops towards Skizz's neck, falters, and pulls back up again before Etho can force his body to go through with it. He grits his teeth, forces his eyes to stay open–to aim. Readjusting his grip, Etho takes one deep breath. Then two. He's wasting his time and he's not even sure why. It's not like he's never killed before, or even used an axe to do it.
He doesn't even know who said it.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
(Somewhere in another game, Tango tells Bdubs: He's a survivor, man, that's what he does.)
Etho swings.
Just as the axe connects with Skizz's neck, thunder cracks overhead, so loud the crack shatters through his bones and shakes the platform. The lightning hits Skizz in the same second, blinding white and in arcs of electricity that dance down Skizz's body, down through his hair and neck, and then up the axe still moving into his neck. It's too late to stop the connection, too fast to stop the lightning from dancing its way up the blade and handle. Instead, it's as if Etho is frozen, mesmerized by the tendrils of pure energy that arc around his hands, before connecting, and–
Heat travels through his body, up through his hands and arms and then the rest of him. It's so much that he thinks he might explode, or maybe he just has. The world is silent, save for the ringing in his ears, and a thousand years have passed in the agony that tears through him. The entire world is white and gone and it's too much, enough he’s sure he’s going to die with Skizz."
i can't get that phrase out of my head, of "static energy". your writing is wild man, absolutely one of my fav life series authors :] -vm
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA no i'm so glad you asked about this passage OMGGG
link to the fic this section is from
send me a passage of a fic i've written and i'll give detailed commentary on it!
""I have twenty-two minutes left," Skizz says, as if he were merely telling Etho what time of day it was, or that the chickens were all loose in the base again, or even that Impulse had fallen asleep on the stairs again, and don't wake him up! "And this is my final order."
god. okay so this scene was definitely one of the harder things I've written in the year or so I've done fic--I wanna say I actually rewrote this entire part... three, four, five times? I was struggling to find the right way of describing being hit by lightning because. well. I hadn't been hit by lightning so I didn't really know how to write it!
and them a miracle occurred by my own dumbassery and i accidentally electrocuted myself three times in one night with an outlet and that gave me a starting point! ((disclaimer DO NOT DO THIS))
Anyways, my thinking for this paragraph! I really wanted to have the memories of a slightly domestic life within TIES flashing through Etho's mind. I like to think about TIES as fiercely loyal to each other, like some type of almost family. Not like... family family, but you get what I mean. Having that section, that little glimpse into what living in denial about their time running out was something I think added to the overall horror of this chapter.
Skizz fixes Etho with a look, right in the eye, one that Etho knows he'll never escape. The ticking still doesn't stop. "My time will not go to anybody else. TIES gets to final three." Etho's grip around the axe tightens, but– he turns to face Tango and Impulse. “Tango, you don't– you don't want it?” Please take it. Please. But Tango is shaking his head, resolute. "You need it most, dude."
This part was less me and more the actual dialogue of what happened. I must have rewatched that scene from Etho's pov a good thirty times just trying to peruse what I wanted to keep, edit, or add to this scene. The only thing I really, really needed to convey throughout this entire time was the time ticking away and away, because I think as the end approached in LimL, that was something every player came to notice constantly. Tick, tick, tick, tick. That little rhythm, a reminder that their time was fading. A reminder it wasn't too late.
The other thing I think is worth noting about the ticking in this fic--I don't know if you ever heard or watched Unus Annus, but I was a day one watcher of that channel and the first thing I thought of when I saw the concept of LimL was that goddamn ticking clock they had at the start of their videos, counting down. It really affected how I watched the entire series and I wanted that tick tick tick tick to carry through in this.
(i'm gonna put the rest under a read more!)
Skizz turns, and kneels, his face turned to the ground in acceptance. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. The axe swings upward, poised in the air above Skizz's neck, and the night falls silent, the air static with energy Etho can't quite place. (There are Eyes w̸̜̼͗͝͝a̴̦͓̻̋̂t̷̤̰̞́͠c̵̠̯̩͌h̷̫̰̏i̸̱̙̻̊̋͑ň̷̙̠g̵̫̱̊.)
Once again, a combination of canon and the tick rhythm.
"Static with energy Etho can't quite place." THIS line right here was where I first started trying to carry in the same feelings as one might have felt when reading The Stories We Tell and the Truths Untold. Being set in the same series, if you've read both fics than you'll know that Etho and the Watchers have just a slight history. My goal here was to carry across that weird energy Etho felt back with Team Canada in this fic. And, if the reader had NOT read the Team Canada fic, which I assumed would be the case since Ethubs is such a more popular thing than Team Canada, they could interpret it as the energy of four men on a platform--two about to watch their best friend die, one about to kill his friend, and the fourth knowing his end is here.
And then the final line with the Watching!! Once again, a throwback to the Team Canada fic, where I not only had used this type of text for the watchers throughout, but had also increased how corrupted the word "watching" was as the fic progressed and Etho got more freaked out.
For a moment, the axe hangs there, held up by invisible strands that Etho swears are pulling the axe away from Skizz's neck, tightening by the moment as if to stop him from doing the very thing he knows he'll do at any moment. The axe drops towards Skizz's neck, falters, and pulls back up again before Etho can force his body to go through with it. He grits his teeth, forces his eyes to stay open–to aim. Readjusting his grip, Etho takes one deep breath. Then two. He's wasting his time and he's not even sure why. It's not like he's never killed before, or even used an axe to do it.
eeeheheehhehehehe this is literally just building up tension for the most part--racing thoughts, the ticking ongoing, Etho hesitating to do it, which is where the fic differentiates from canon.
“Etho....?” He doesn't even know who said it. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. (Somewhere in another game, Tango tells Bdubs: He's a survivor, man, that's what he does.) Etho swings.
Yeah. yeah... this line. I think the throwback to the Line was important to Etho's character and the study through the rest of the fic. He's a survivor. I'll be interested to see if that continues in Secret Life, because...he's actually been so out of character I could see him not choosing himself in the end. Just once. I dunno! I could be SO wrong. But so much of this fic revolves around Etho and his need to survive vs. the love he has for his friends...I think this sets the stage for the internal conflict coming.
Just as the axe connects with Skizz's neck, thunder cracks overhead, so loud the crack shatters through his bones and shakes the platform. The lightning hits Skizz in the same second, blinding white and in arcs of electricity that dance down Skizz's body, down through his hair and neck, and then up the axe still moving into his neck. It's too late to stop the connection, too fast to stop the lightning from dancing its way up the blade and handle. Instead, it's as if Etho is frozen, mesmerized by the tendrils of pure energy that arc around his hands, before connecting, and– Heat travels through his body, up through his hands and arms and then the rest of him. It's so much that he thinks he might explode, or maybe he just has. The world is silent, save for the ringing in his ears, and a thousand years have passed in the agony that tears through him. The entire world is white and gone and it's too much, enough he’s sure he’s going to die with Skizz."
If you've ever wondered what this sounded like in my head... it sounded like this. I don't know how to explain that most of this section was inspired by a fucking Spiderverse track, but here we are. So much of the build-up and the actual strike was this. If you listen to the song, it builds up and up for the first 34 seconds, and then it stops, and then just. GOES and that's the moment I felt like the axe dropped and the lightning struck, in those moments after. I know that probably sounds like . laurie what the fuck is wrong with you. but the vast majority of my fics are written with song inspiration and soundtrack in mind, and music helps me visualize things such as this i could NEVER write otherwise. If you don't listen to soundtrack or instrumentals, I highly recommend it for writing!
Thanks so much for the section!!! I hope this all makes sense:]
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laughing-moonlight · 2 years
Sometimes I still wish Tien had his 'Crane School' personality whilst being a Z-Fighter. The possibilities! The sheer dumbassery he and Yamcha would get up to whilst competing with one another! The absolute rage-filled anhiliation that would occur when Yamcha dies. Telling Yamcha he doesn't need to fight but being lowkey glad he's not in harms way anymore. Looking at Yamcha and realising "Oh god! No! Why that one?! Why do i liKE THAT ONE?!". Threatening to break people's legs! Getting whacked by Roshi's cane when his personality gets too much! Calling Vegeta out literally any chance he gets! We could've had it all...
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writinginstardust · 2 years
Real Conversation Prompts
Compiled a list of various things that have been said by myself and friends either irl or online and turned them into this silly little prompt list that’s mostly just humorous or general but has some fluffy and potentially angsty ones as well if you wanna take them that way. Feel free to use however you like and also to tag me in anything if you want because it would be fun to see my conversations with friends recontextualised. Have fun!
"You always being in my life is gift enough"
"I just wanna hug [them] forever"
"Baby, I'm so proud of you!"
"Just me, huh?" "Just you."
"I miss you, come back"
"I can't wait to see you"
"You're adorable"
"I wanna marry [them]"
"I support you in whatever decision you make"
"Every time I think about you my heart goes all fluttery"
"It feels like torture, but I don't want it to stop"
"You're a godsend and I adore you"
"I never want to leave"
"Get on your knees"
"They can't keep us apart"
"I feel like a monster"
"If I don't, then who will?"
"Don't do this to me"
"It's called being soulmates, bitch"
"You're not just a snack, you're a whole damn picnic"
"Hush with your valid arguments"
"Rain can suck my ass"
"I'm gonna start eating people if I don't get food soon"
"I'm ready to simp"
"You can murder, if you like, it's chill"
"I am gay and I love drama"
"No joke, I will cut a bitch for you"
"Okay fuck this, fuck it right to hell!"
"Babe, I am going to scream"
"I take payment through love"
"She's a goddess. And a villain." "So just my type then?"
"Thanks for the trauma"
"I wanna pour bleach onto my brain"
"Laptops can sense fear don't you know?"
"Interesting 3am impulse you had there"
"That ass is keeping me going through this sickness"
"Honey… that's illegal." "well no one has to know…"
"Everyone go away, no one perceive me please"
"I swear I hate [them] more with every word"
"Why is war always [their] answer?"
"God, go get therapy and embrace your emotions, damn."
"I may have gone and done something slightly insane"
"I have some questions about your sleep schedule, ma'am"
"We all had our emo phase and he is our emo dream boy"
"I’m marrying that sweet son of a bitch"
"Chaos is my main personality trait"
"How do you even manage that?"
"Send. Pic. Of. Dog. Now."
"Everyone else is just gonna have to live with my decisions"
"But darling, why would I stop when it gets me what I want?"
"I love you too, but please go to bed"
"Can I fuck [them] over to the good side?"
"I am a [woman] of many talents"
"I personally think I'm hilarious, but no one appreciates me"
"You know I'm illiterate"
"Guess whose been a dumbass again"
"Karma can fuck off, I want a refund"
"I make it my mission to ace every rainbow road to assert my dominance"
"Expect that in 6-8 business months"
"I don't know why, but I'm not really up to taking that sort of advice from you"
"You’re meant to be the nice one"
"What the ever-loving fuck happened?"
"I've lost control"
"Don't you dare." "I'm gonna do a thing. You can't stop me"
"I could sleep but at what cost?"
"I am not dramatic. I am sensible. I could fall and DIE [name]. DIE. Do you want me to die? Do you?"
"My leg has gone dead. Cut it off, it's no use to me now"
"Bitch, don't laugh at me! …I'm sorry. You're not a bitch. I love you"
"That did not occur to me…"
"Wisdom teeth can honestly fuck the fuck off"
"Are you gonna be done soon or what?"
"Who will triumph? Common sense or my impulsive dumbassery?"
"I'm so incredibly unhappy with this development"
"My problem is I'm a nosy bitch"
"It's 11:11, make a wish" "I wish I was dead"
"Don't laugh about my misery"
"'Twas an angstier time"
"You ever just want to go back in time 258 years and beat the shit out of someone?"
"I don't know who I am"
*proposes with a Haribo ring over snapchat*
"I'm getting this 'fuck you' in early"
"Self care ain't always pretty"
"Guess who's about to decapitate Santa?"
"Goddamnit, how did we end up here?"
"Look, I'm dying"
"It's coming for me, I know it"
"Time to sell my kidney"
"I wanna burn a house down- I mean what?"
"What else are friends for if not providing alibis for murder?"
"Do it" "fine, but I'm making you pay for my therapy"
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alienaiver · 2 years
Hello uh….you know exactly what I’m gonna say djdkshdkdhlsnsl aNYWAY do u have. Any kanda relationship hcs 👀👀
hi hey friend !!! ✨ you BETCHA i do! he was my very first love - i have a 162 page long fanfic with him thats oc (me, basically lol) x kanda from when i was 14 and its so very cringe but so very beautiful<3 I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ABT HIM - i hope you enjoy them and that I do him justice!!! 🥺🧡🧡🧡✨ i feel like i went on a tangent with the confession thing hehe hes just SO PRECIOUS
wordcount: 1.2k (sobs,,, whoops? 🤡)
warnings: none! its fluff and dumbassery <3, genderneutral reader and set in a sort of modern au!
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I feel like he's actually the most mature partner out of the main four!
BUT ONLY after you've unlocked level 43 on his romance route<3
He's reserved, in complete denial for a long while after realizing his own feelings and if you dont confess first he wont EVER, he decided.
However much this man has a resolve of steel though, his thoughts about kissing you DO get out of hand for him. He makes the mistake of ranting to Lavi about it, who won't stop teasing him about it.
Lavi accidentally spills the beans to Allen who goes into complete and utter shock - which pisses Kanda off even more because really, does he honestly seem like the type to be SO incapable of a healthy loving relationship at first glance?! (don't answer that!)
So he practices. A Sunday morning he's standing in the bathroom, looking himself in the mirror and trying to confess. He doesn't even get through one sentence though because talking to himself is absolutely ridiculous. 0/10 won't ever happen again!
Surprise! It does happen again, and again and again.... Almost every day at this point, after brushing his teeth.. He practices how to confess to you!
After he's deemed himself prepared he asks to hang out with you - which isn't an unusual occurence, you've been meditating with him for months now after you showed interest in wanting to learn and started hanging out just the two of you afterwards (you just wanted an excuse to be with him, mostly)
Also he is not even the slightest bit insecure on whether or not you'll reject him. Not because he's that confident but honestly? You’re close with him and he feels like he can read you like an open book. He’s not blind to the way your eyes linger on his lips (at least not blind anymore....)
 "Are you having a stroke?" Alma asked when he walked past Kanda on the couch one day as he was holding back a blush and a smile from reading one of your stupid texts again, "shut up, Alma".
So when the day comes he’s taking you to the meditation room, setting up with you and sitting down next to you. He keeps stealing glances and holding back a smile, knowing what’s about to happen (he gets to try and finally kiss your lips)
He honestly thought of something bigger but he wanted it to be about the two of you. So when you’re both seated and positioned correctly he breathes out an “I’m in love with you, you know.”
He keeps his eyes closed but he hears the way your breath hitches, hears the way you move around your mat and nears him and he’s actively fighting back a blush when he can almost feel your breath on his cheek. He opens his eyes to see you staring right into his, “what the fuck kind of confession is that!?” you ask, almost enraged by the casualty of it - if his words hadn’t been so... heavy, you would’ve thought he was joking. You still fear he is, “don’t mess with me!”
His face scrunches up at your reaction and he’s confused for a solid moment, unsure why you’re mad at him. “You don’t like me back?” he asks, almost confused and brows furrowed. You flop back on the mat with a sigh and even wider eyes, “you’re serious?” you ask again and he leans closer to you, his heartbeat quickening. He lets the blush he was fighting to hold back earlier loose as he gets on his knees to crawl to you, “I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
His hand travels to your cheek and he gently touches it with his thumb, “can I kiss you?”
You stare at him, dumbfounded and gather your strength to nod and lean toward him.
He’s a very gentle kisser! He’s aware of how rough he can be around the edges and wants to be the opposite with you
He doesn’t act like you’re made of glass, though! He will still kick your ass if you train with him! He sees you as a perfect equal and while he won’t admit to it, he likes seeing you riled up - especially if it’s because of him and silly things. If you’re ever sad or frustrated he will support you, though!
His toxic trait is jealousy... I’m sorry but this man is JEALOUS. He’s not possessive per say, but he will glare daggers at the person behind the counter at the supermarket who even remotely sounds like they’re flirting with you. His glare is scary for others to experience. You always smile apologetically to the poor cashier before you leave.
Kanda CARES so much about anniversaries! They’re very important to him - he remembers the days for your first kiss, your first (real) date, first time he slept over as your boyfriend and the day you moved in together. He even wants to celebrate the day he realized he was in love with you!! He’s so precious, he writes them down in both his own calender, yours and the joint one in the kitchen.
Kanda’s love language number 1 is physical touch. His favorite dates are when you’re sprawled out on the couch or the bed, completely entangled in each other, he’s like a cat. It took him a while to admit and even longer to start asking for it but he absolutely adores when you’re fingers rests on his hip, moving in mindless circles as you’re watching yet another film he hates
(”we can turn it off if you hate it so much,” you mutter after the second negative comment about the composition and camera positions (when did he become an expert in move making?) You feel his grip tighten on you, “never.” he mutters as he kisses the top of your head) You guess you’ll never figure out why he enjoys “torturing his eyes with such imagery” every weekend but you don’t complain. His gruff voice close to your ear and the expert cuddles makes up for it.
Kanda also has a soft spot for matching couple outfits.... Nothing wild, just matching sweaters or color coordination! He’s super embarassed about it at first though, grumbles through the entire Christmas dinner where you’re matching but can’t hold back the need to match again at New Year’s! It starts a whole thing for him.
Kanda snores. Loudly. I’m sorry but you can’t convince me otherwise. In the beginning it’s a whole “deal with it!” kind of situation but behind the scenes he’s researching how to help it - he buys one of those nose clips and even tries the anti-snoring nose sprays!
His first priority will forever always be your safety and happiness. So whenever you have arguments that take a stronger turn than friendly bickering, he sits you both down to talk it out and figure out what to do with any problems you might encounter! He doesn’t sacrifice his own principles for you and he expects you to hold to your own as well! That will cause clashes and fights once in a while, but he’ll always be there to hold you when it’s all said and done.
After all, there’s nothing he enjoys more than waking up for his morning workout 15-20 minutes before he has to only to look at you, peacefully asleep next to him, grumbling about the morning sun as you try to crawl into his skin to be closer. It’s home, it’s the love he lives for and there’s nothing better after any rough day than coming back and going to bed with you so he can experience these magical minutes the next morning, right?
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I RLY HOPE I DID HIM JUSTICE... I MAY HAVE MADE HIM SOFTER THAN HE WOULDVE LIKED IF HE EVER READ THIS LMFAAAO but honestly..... emotionally mature kanda lives rent free in my mind!!! 👀 aaaa i wanna kiss him so bad rn 🫣 THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING HIM!!! its about time i made smth for him!!!! 😩🧡🧡 lmk if you want more !!! or a tiny fic mayhaps................ 👀
@hanayanetwork 🌸
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captaincrewe · 7 months
whenever i remember that not everybody is on drumline and isn’t used to the unhinged dumbassery that occurs it makes me sad for them
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tropesandmopes · 3 months
Sometimes taking care of yourself is about anticipating your own dumbassery.
For example, today I noticed my nail polish remover was next to my mouthwash. I frequently brush my teeth when tired. I moved it before the obvious mistake could happen.
But that's an extreme example! Sometimes it's about putting your meds next to your bed because you're always too tired to go get them. Putting your gel pens next to your calendar so you'll actually write on it. Putting your sneakers closer than flip flops because then maybe you'll go for a walk.
I've been thinking a lot recently about what it means to tailor your environment. It doesn't come naturally to me, so it never feels obvious, even though afterwards I'm like oh, that was so obvious. And I think part of it is because for so long I haven't had control over my environment even when I really needed it. Schools (at least in the states) are notorious for not accommodating students, and that's what it was like for me. So often I had/have to pick the option that hurt me so I could adapt to my environment, and so it rarely occurs to me to adapt my environment even now that I have some control over it.
So it's something I'm working on. Taking the wrist brace with me when I know I'll be writing. Putting fruit snacks and crackers in strategic locations because I'll forget to eat. Moving that chair I always tripped on so I stop tripping on it.
What does it mean to shape your space to suit you? What does it mean to anticipate your needs?
What if you treated yourself like the most beloved five year old in the world? How would you change your environment?
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S2: E6 "No Exit"
This episode featuring: Misogynistic tropes, Family Guy, the daddy issues continue, and Robert Smirke's 14 Fears
Silas: YAY
Kayla: hello queers and sam winchester
Compilation of Dean's dumbassery in the beginning, we love to see it
Ominous flickering lights! Great start
Hell is RIGHT baby bc its probably a demon or something
Oh boy mom and daughter fight
Poor passerby family walking in on that
Yeah and you're young and blonde and therefore likely to get eaten by this thing, which I'm sure is the point
Melon: Oh to be born as a disposable horror movie character
Whshsgs yeah her moms not an idiot
Shes thinking abt stabbing u with it Dean
Anyways as I was saying its like "definitely a sexist character archetype" but also she really is stupid
Dean gonna get his hand bit or somethin just putting it in a vent w/a spirit
Oh look another random blonde girl
Did they not check to see if there were any other blonde chicks in the building when investigating
He was fucking sleeping like that
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Ah yes the tragic backstory bc of her dad dying
Dude honey he has daddy issues out the wazoo this isn't something you want to be asking probably
Melon: Wait is she asking Dean for parent advice
Me: Asking what yhe first thing he thought of when he remembered his dad
Melon: MAAM
Me: Dean saying it was shooting bottles on a fence I Feel Like Thats A Lie
Melon: Ma’am this man exudes daddy issues in a 6 km radius at all times you really shouldn’t ask him anything about his dad
Melon: Does this look like the face of someone who was hugged as a child? No? Cause he wasn’t
Melon: Pretty sure any answer he gives could be a lie cause like I’m pretty sure the entirety of everything he’s ever done with his dad flashes simultaneously every time he remembers him.
Ohhhh so hanging people jn the field nextdoor ok that tracks
Girl u have no sense of self preservation
HHHolmes blond girl. Joanna Beth? Isk.
Time to start breaking walls
[ Crepe says to drink the ectoplasm like a milkshake. Do not do this. ]
Scratch marks..... where others have tried to get out
Oh I am not looking at the screwn while shes looking out of it bc creepy fuckers eye is gonna show up I just know it
Rip in pieces
[ Melon appreciates the humor of using an acronym and then adding the rest of the statement. ]
Sam and Dean looking like dumbasses with their fuckin. Metal detector?
Into the sewers without delay we can't go wrong we know the waaaay
That ladder is pretty sketchy
What a creep
Ok scared him off for a sec
Dean army man crawling in a stupid little sewer
[ Melon notes that he's always felt showing someone crawling through a dark tunnel on their stomach is, in his opinion, one of the scariest things to be utilized in horror. I think there's a lot of merit in this; you can't go very fast, and you can't turn around, so if something else is in there with you... It occurs to me, that while we've warned away Melon from TMA for Prentiss reasons, I should show them MAG15. ]
Eugg... bones...... the corpse of one of the victims
Well thats creepy as shit
Salt circled him
[ Crepe makes a reference to a Tumblr post about salt in hoola-hoops, instead of salt circles. I'm sure one of you guys could dig it up. ]
Well thats rough
[ More discussion comtinues on useful and hilarious solutions to demons and ghosts, such as holy water squirt gun, holy water humidifier, and salt infused hairspray flamethrower. ]
Like father like sons oh ma'am
Oh boy
I mean I get being upset but also its stupid as hell
You can't blame someone for what their parent did thats fucking stupid
I mean I get being concerned that some traits carry over but this soecific behavior is stupid!
[ At some point around here, the episode ended. I, however, was hung up and DEEPLY offended by Jo's behavior at the very end. ]
Melon: *cough* unfortunately pretty sure john could find a way to pass on his sins or smthn. Dudes done some weird shit
[ I rant about it a bit more. I'm so deeply, deeply offended. Then, a pivot into discussion about the monster of this ep. ]
Me: Anyways absolutely wild that the monster this ep was an irl serial killer
Me: Same energy as Robert Smirke being in the Magnus Archives
[ Needless to say, the conversation was immediately sidetracked. ]
Crepe: What did he do
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Kayla: WHAT
Me: Ok I can't argue with that actually
[ There's some more prattling about this, but I'll mainly leave you with this last thing. ]
Kayla: the us govt isnt its own fear?
Me: No that would be giving it too much credit
Well, needless to say, I can't say I'm a fan of Jo at this point. It's a bit frustrating, because it's very clear (to me anyways) that her characterization is the result of some annoying tropes. I can get behind the idea of her wanting to be like her father, and maybe being a bit reckless, but the treatment of her is just... idk. Really frustrating.
I probably would have been a lot more sympathetic if it weren't for that weird turn around at the end. I understand Helen seeing John in the brothers and having issues with that, but Jo? After surviving all that with them? I can understand feeling conflicted, but the way it was presented... hrgh. Irritating all around.
At least this episode had concrete truck. Keeping in theme with the TMA references, Adelard Deckard would be proud.
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elvisgrace · 2 years
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I have been suffering from an undiagnosed case of rampant dumbassery, because until @hungryfortaeminitos pointed it out, it never even occurred to me that my University Overhaul mascot default would affect the teen athletic career outfits. That oversight has been rectified, my rampant dumbassery not so much.
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ufhathairllama, umhathairllama, and tubodyllama replaced with a 4t2 conversion of the noble llamacorn, OR replaced with @mdpthatsme's 4t2 EF13 Yeti, boardshorts, and sunglasses. Choose only one, plz!
Llamacorn - SFS/Mediafire
Yeti - SFS/Mediafire
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@veranka-downloads's Body Electric age converted to YF/AF, four recolors.
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Veranka's Body Electric Age Conversion - SFS/Mediafire
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seawing-vibes · 1 year
Okay hi!! Quick post on my dumbassery real quick! For some reason I cannot receive or send messages on this blog, send asks, or comment on any posts, including my own </3 I don’t quite know Why, if anyone has any insight that’d be lovely, but for now I’m just gonna. Try to figure out why this is occurring pfh!! I can receive asks though but again cannot respond to comments </3
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