#Dusty's charas
wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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i wanted to draw bea ( gustafa & tris's kid ) before i finished up year 2, i'm gonna miss her being this small. i just hope she'll still be happy as a little kid... 😭
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passive-nightmaresans · 2 months
Here's some sketches for the au! (Fun fact Nightmare's vision is awful!)
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He refuses to wear glasses so here's him with a monocle lol- and don't mind my awful handwriting it's hard to write digitally-
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lunejump · 10 months
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uh yeah the thems
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dustyhyena · 2 years
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some talksprites i made for funsies :]
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Flowey is meant, I think, to be a sort of a representation of the Player. He has just slightly less Determination than we do and he was filling up that exact same role before Frisk fell into the Underground. He was the one with the power of RESETs and SAVEs before we came along, so he was basically playing his own ‘prequel’ to Undertale over and over
First aiming at getting a 'good ending' -
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But since he was unable to see anyone else in the Underground as a real person (what seems to be some sort of combination of the lack of a SOUL, being unable to process his Massive Amount of Trauma and the repeated time-loops allowing him to notice the repetitiveness and limitations of everyone’s reactions) he started moving into choosing crueler and cruller options.
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Despite his affinity toward sadistic gloating, it is important to note that Flowey’s main motivation is actually boredom. Although he will only open up about it to Chara, the real reason why he’s out to harness the power of the Human SOULs and destroy everyone - essentially his equivalent to a Murder Route - is because destroying the world is the one last thing he hasn't done yet. The one option he hadn't seen yet.
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Which mirrors the mindset of many who start on the Murder Route, as Sans himself points out.
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Important to note here is that despite Flowey talking about how he ‘killed everyone’, he never actually completed his ‘Murder Runs’. Like both in the sense that he never got to destroy the Entire Universe like the Player does at the end of a Murder Route and Flowey tries to in the Neutral Ending, and in the sense that the reason why he couldn’t is because he never got his vines on the Human SOULs before the events of the game. So there must’ve always been someone that stopped him before he got there. The implication is that it was usually either Asgore -
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Or Sans, as usual playing the role of a Murder Route final boss -
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The fact he could never beat them might have something to do with his plant body being weaker than the Player’s Human body or whatever - but I think it is probably mainly a matter of Determination. Again, he is slightly less Determined than the Player is - so he would logically be slightly more prone to quitting. Flowey is basically equivalent to a Player who has done everything in Undertale but never actually completed the Murder Route cause he rage-quitted at the Sans Battle.
His relationship to Papyrus can also be a mirror to the Player’s. Since Papyrus is the one character who is always willing to befriend the Player no matter the circumstance. In the more dusty Neutral Runs he is characterized as being in the dark (or in denial) about how terrible his ‘friend’ actually is…
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And that is basically also the relationship he has with Flowey in the current timeline. Papyrus is the only one who thinks of Flowey as a friend (and, well, the only one to know he EXISTS in this timeline), but he is totally in the dark (or perhaps willfully ignorant) to this ‘friend’ and his true nature.
Meanwhile, Flowey's behavior once he regains his Asriel form in the Pacifist Route mirrors the behavior of a Player who is replaying the Pacifist Route. He became so attached to the Player that he refuses to let the ‘game’ end.
Instead resorting to a plan to reset time and the Player’s memories over and over again, with the Player doing the exact same things again and again -
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Just so Flowey won’t have to say goodbye.
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That is basically the mindset behind replaying the Pacifist Route after already achieving everyone’s Happy Ending. Within the fiction of the game, you’re ripping them all away from their happy ending, resetting all of their progress - just because you have a hard time moving on from the game, just because you want another chance to play with them.
And the Route ends with the suggestion of a possibility that Flowey might be able to redeem himself and start caring about others again.
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Just as a Player might be able to prove a genuine care to the characters on an in-universe level by being able to resist the temptations of the True Reset.
But they also might not…
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Flowey is a third-person-POV demonstration to the Player of how a Player-like entity would be like in a video game world. An immortal time god who knows everything about everyone even while no one really knows them. Someone who has experienced every single reaction anyone could have to anything until they have become unable to see others as anything but predictable lines of code. Someone who prioritizes their own sentimentalities for others over these others’ actual desires. Someone who will destroy the entire world just because it’s something they haven’t done yet.
And I think Asriel, as part of this metaphor, is a demonstration of how this concept of the Player as an Amoral Time God within the fiction of the game does not necessarily translate into a condemnation of the actual real-world morals of the actual person playing the game.
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Because Asriel and Flowey are the same person. The difference is that Flowey had Consequences-Free Time God Powers and an (supposed?) inability to care about others in the Underground as real people. In other words, Asriel is the self that interacts with the world as the real world - and Flowey is the self that interacts with the world as a Player in a Game. So while Flowey might be a mirror of the Player, Asriel might be closer to who we are in the real world.
And also…
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I wonder if the scene where you have a chance to forgive or not forgive Asriel for what he has done as Flowey is also meant as a chance for the Player to self-reflect and forgive or not forgive themselves for the things they did before that True Pacifist Run. You know, whatever characters you might have accidentally or not-so-accidently killed in previous runs, whatever decisions you regret, whatever previous True Resets you might have done… If you believe Asriel can be forgiven (and most players do) for his actions - because he feels genuine remorse and he’s trying to do better now, then the Player can also forgive themself.
Well, outside of one little thing… There is one bad deed the game won’t ‘forgive’ you for. And it is the one thing that the Player can do and Flowey never could…
Finish a Murder Route.
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brewingcoffi · 9 months
Yay it will let me send asks now! Anyways how does clover react to all the changes on the surface? A LOT would have changed after all (especially if they were REALLY a cowboy)
Actually, I made separate concepts exploring Clover’s Homelife. Including the dialogue from In-game.
Concept 1.
If Clover was REALLY a Cowpoke (Yes, there IS a neutral word for Cowboys/girls, they’re also known as Wranglers or Ranch Hand!) then I would think that Clover depending if you wish to include Flowey from the previous posts about the AfterMath; Would be confused, but would also try to wander aimlessly trying to find their hometown/house, for they prioritize getting back home SOON as possible, the news about the human souls? The monsters? Those can wait.
I doubt anyone will notice a kid that has missing for a COUPLE of years, but I bet they will surely notice the sentient flower with a face of course. But since it’s [Insert what year you think.] I bet Clover and Flowey will be given suspicious stares and glances. They think it’s a Halloween costume 😭
Until maybe, somehow. Someone will recognize the child that looks awfully similar to the kid that disappeared in Mt. Ebott OR maybe someone realizes that KID has a REAL gun on their hands, maybe which may in a cause. Might get the police involved.
Fun fact: Me and a moot discussed that, when Frisk buys the Gun and Cowboy hat from Batty and Catty, they can have to option to return those two items back to Clover when they both meet again in a cutscene during Undertale.
Which of course made me split the scenario AGAIN, into 2 alternate time-lines.
Scenario 1. (Clover and perhaps Flowey get taken to the police station for questioning)
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Scenario 2. (Clover and perhaps Flowey escape the police, making them wanted by the police.)
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Take note, This AU takes place during the Pacifist Route of Clover, so Fighting the Police is a BIG NO NO.
(I also wanted to detail Flowey telling Clover to attack, like what happened between Chara and Asriel. Which reminded him about it.)
Either way, Both scenarios and concepts will only lead to ONE THING. Clover and Flowey get into Hiding.
This leads to Concept 2. Based on this information what on what could presumably Clover's home life be.
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Concept 2.
This could be the reason why Clover was so PRONE to be able to get persuaded to stay with Toriel or ANYONE.
Clovers parents were probably poor and weren't treated right, which would make sense as to why Clover wants Justice. Or perhaps Clover didn't really HAVE parents and was probably in a cramped orphanage.
Nevertheless, Concept 2 digs into Clover's home issues. Even though I wish I could explain more, but in a short story.
Clover DOES find their house, there's only one floor, no windows, and it looks abandoned. Flowey questions it, and Clover shrugs and states ‘💛Always been like that.’ Making Flowey so DAMN suspicious about Clover's home life. And once Clover opens the door, it just all-in-one room, no walls to have privacy, just like Starlos house. But way more dirty, dusty, and cramped, there are some broken glass on the floor which Clover avoids, scattered garbage and papers, a typical thing you see for a hoarder type room.
Or Clover was just homeless kid who lived with poor and cramped conditions that they felt like they got robbed of something and wanted justice not for themselves but for others too.
Either way, Flowey takes notes of it and looks uneasy and nervous about Clover’s home life. Which causes Flowey to talk to them about the situation they are in.(Maybe making a fanfic or comic about the convo.)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
Ya know I could read a whole fic about Chara and Killer’s partnership in the Something New timeline before they inevitably went to shit. From beginning to the end and beyond. Killer being so incredibly lost and confused as he adjusts to this new existence, Chara here to guide him.
And at first it’s fine. It’s a slow going mess, Chara has to teach Killer things he would’ve known had he still been Sans, and teach him things Sans does not and would refuse to know. And they have to be careful, test what Killer does and doesn’t know—what is the tipping point that could bring back Sans, what could turn Killer against them, what could break him completely and leave him basically catatonic.
It’s not outright any obvious abuse or torture at first, there are no signs on Killer’s body to point to what he endured previously as Sans. The Reset dealt with any physical evidence, and a lot of the torture was targeting him mentally and emotionally—tearing down, corrupting and degrading what made him Sans. And all of it which led to the creation of another identity in the dust of a fallen star.
There’s an established, unchallenged power dynamic—not even any pretense of being partners. Killer doesn’t have any personal ambitions or goals of his own, so he has to cling to Chara for stability in the world wind of life—their wants become his own. He doesn’t know a time where he didn’t want what they wanted. Perhaps Killer gets about a solid two or three years before ever experiencing his first remembered death or Reset.
And this is actually the longest Chara had gone without Resetting or going back, this is the longest they had ever allowed things to move forward, in a very long time—which had been exactly what Sans had wanted all along. Maybe some part of them struggles with how easy it was to just..move on. Live again.
This is the most Chara remembers being happy in a while. They’re enjoying not being alone, pretending that they’re just any regular person who dies and doesn’t come back and can’t mess around with time. They’re enjoying teaching Killer and getting to know this..strange version of Sans.
They can almost forget about the Player. About how we’re bound to get bored or curious enough to attempt something differently. To Reset, just because we can, and because we can, we feel like we have to. Chara can almost forget.
And like, basically a fanfic following Killer’s (unknowingly) second childhood and it initially starts off fine—Chara is teaching Killer how to read and write, and he isn’t allowed to leave this designated area or interact with anyone that isn’t Chara ever—but there’s sense of rising tension and it all gradually devolves into a psychological horror with manipulation, gaslighting.
The lessons escalate into murder and violence and escalating torture and abuse until Killer’s completely lost the plot and any sense of stability and reality and the only think that matters is Chara until something or someone starts shaking his sense of self once again and shakes those dusty memories off the shelf in his mind and realizes he wasn’t always this and he can also be something else if he wanted.
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ugghouly · 8 months
Aside from the permanent rift in the underground, what else do you think happened after Chara and Asriel's plan failed. Do you think Gaster's lab fell eerily silent without the chatter associated with impromptu babysitting sessions? Do you think any of the horrors in the lab unaccredited to Alphys were wild experiments driven by his mad grief? Do you think the other children they would've played with began to tell ghost stories in school because they swear their friends are still here? Do you think they laid by the echo flowers that replayed their wishes just to listen to them again? Do you think the guards still stood stiffly, assuming they would be tackled at any moment by the royal children? Do you think their favorite puzzles were left in the ways they last solved them, whether or not their configurations were correct? Do you think the first child that fell into the ruins afterwards found that old chest of toys dusty, or do you think Toriel lovingly cleaned them every day and night? Do you think that for a time, she stopped baking because she couldn't bare to smell their favorite sweets? Or do you think that she threw herself into every hobby she had to drown out the silence?
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chaos-le-mieux · 7 months
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Error Chara: Dusty Results
I gotta get these up faster than 6 months apart, or I'll be at this for eternity ; -;
For Mobile Users
Nightmare: Fighting Error Chara is a waste of time Also Nightmare: I'm going to Fight Error Chara Hypocrisy in the same chapter... wow... I mean, can't really say I'm surprised... he is all things negative... I think o 3o
Poor Dust, he didn't even get to do anything... well, except back sass Nightmare. The Murder Time Trio have got to be the most dysfunctional group in the fandom, that somehow tolerate each-other, and yet, I'm okay with it. lol. Poor Nightmare, has three terrible employee's, no wonder they never make employee of the month. anyway... Error Chara... Good Luck, lol.
Have Fun~
Undertale © Toby Fox Killer!Sans © @rahafwabas Horror!Sans © @sour-apple-studios Dust!Sans © @ask-dusttale Nightmare © Jukoblog
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fferthe · 8 months
The Bravery SOUL. so normal about it Shotout to n4rval's Gaster who got me thinking about the two humans‼️ Stares
(Patience not included as it's just plain good ol 'Your Best Friend' throughout) Why does the theme sound so NERDY. All the other SOULs, even Kindness, sound serious. And it would be logical for Perseverance to sounds like that, but nope: it's Bravery's theme.
When I listen to Kindness' theme, it associates with defending oneself, Perseverance with calculating your next moves, while Justice focuses on the opponent's.
Integrity is hard, its creepiness strays me from my line of thought, but most fitting would be 'attacking'. The dustiness of the tutu doesn't play a role in my choice and it's likely that neither of the humans killed anyone, as it would instill at least some fear into monsters and, y'know', be mentioned at least somewhere. But self-defense is still an option, though! Doesn't have to go as far as murder. Nerdy, and many people have pointed out the presence of Gaster's leitmotif in there.
(The video it's taken from)
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And, well, these. Just some silly things. Personally I think Gaster could've dealt with two humans after Chara, namely Patience and Bravery. The Patience and Bravery weren't used for the reason of being excessive (I feel like 4 SOUL modes is enough) and Toby not having ideas about how such a SOUL mode could be even executed (the OVERTIME one has a special place in hell). But if looking at it from an in-universe perspective, what if Gaster utilized the SOUL power for lasers? I think a monster's SOUL combines every human trait in it, making it white. Like RGB. So they can also use colored attacks, which have a unique effect. The Royal Guard uses blue attacks to hinder the movement of their target, or, more specifically, a human. Same goes for sentries like Sans and Papyrus. Woshua uses them so you could stand still and let it cleanse you. Hard to say why Gyftrot would, but hey! It's a personal choice, so why not? Orange attacks are very scarce and only one monster exclusively uses that type of attack, and not a combo. Tthat monster being Pyrope. When it comes to switching between these two, Mettaton uses both because of the lasers prominent in the CORE and Hotland, while also being a robot, which, I suppose, makes the utilization easier. Asgore, unlike Undyne, isn't adamant on his target being still to the point of rendering it immobile, so he uses blue attacks instead like the rest of the Royal Guard, while also mixing them with orange ones to disorient the human. So Sorry is a weird case. They attack you but are also sorry for that. (Asgore-style) ..They're quite the character. Green attacks are self-explanatory. Also got a silly idea: what if, since a monster's SOUL is all traits mixed together, white attacks damage you since that is also applicable to them? If you make an orange and a blue attack into one, then it turns into an attack that damages you upon contact either way. But strong monsters, like the main cast, can turn your SOUL a different color. Which, too, is connected to the fact that a monster SOUL consists of every trait, so it can be any color. I already talked about Undyne above. Sans rarely even fights, but in the one instance that he does, it's the sins weighing on our SOUL. Papyrus views the whole fighting thing differently, so for him it's about the challenge. The art of fighting. The purple and yellow modes are a bit weird, the latter one especially. But Muffet uses the former one over the green one due to her playfulness. The purpose of the yellow mode is hard pin down, because it doesn't inconvenience you in any way. But a SOUL is a SOUL, so naturally, SOUL magic would affect them as well. The yellow mode could be used to aid monsters and allow them to get more precise hits? My point is, monsters using either of these (colored attacks and SOUL modes) is natural. What Gaster did was to use that power a bit differently, fusing it with technology.
I feel like Bravery stayed with Gaster for a bit longer than Patience, hence the amount of connections. But if we're going off of Flowey's order of the six SOULs, Patience died first. Bravery dies shortly afterwards. Very reminiscent of the Dreemurrs, isn't it? Ouch. Imagine searching for them and finding out that you arrived a bit late to the scene. Gaster, probably: human...... i know your BRAVE.
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glitchthedemon · 4 months
I have a pair of Toriel slippers I got not too long ago, and to me it hasn’t felt like I’ve had them that long at all, maybe a few months at most, but the other I looked at them and I realised they didn’t look as white as they did when I first got them, sort of a greyish-off white now, mostly around the ears where it’s closer to the floor, and it made me wonder, is that how Chara felt?
They fell down and almost immediately got adopted by the Dreemurs, and for a short while, they had a happy family. Then their plan with Asriel failed, and they died, the last thing they saw being the face of their parents. Due to Chara being dead, they probably didn’t notice how much time had passed before Frisk fell down, if they noticed time passing at all. But imagine it - they’ve woken up, excited to see their family again, but as Toriel arrives and greets Frisk, Chara is shocked. Did their mother always looks so tired? Was her fur always that grey? Did she always move that slowly? Chara begins to realise a lot more time has passed than they first believed, their mother hasn’t been a mother in a long time. She’s gotten old.
Entering Toriels home, they notice how quiet it is. No more Asriel running around, no more Dad cooking in the kitchen, just their mother lolling after a kid that isn’t them.
Frisk enters a room that hasn’t belonged to anyone in a long time. Chara enters their room again. Frisk looks into a dusty toybox that hasn’t seemed to be touched recently. Chara looks into their toybox, just as they’d left it not too long ago. Frisk sleeps on the old bed. Chara watches someone else lie down on their bed. Frisk is given Toriels pie. Chara watches their mother bake for a stranger. All these things haven’t been meant for them for a long time, but to Chara it only feels like a short while. How could so much time have passed already?
And what about Asgore? Seeing their dad living alone in the castle where they died, with nothing but golden flowers to keep him company. Chara remembers they time they accidentally poisoned him with those flowers, but that was years, maybe even decades ago. They stand at the Barrier, Asgore is looking at them but not at them. Six souls glow faintly behind him. They should’ve been one of them. Chara looks away, too many conflicted feelings. As Frisk dodges, they see a serious look on their fathers face. They finally realise this is not the underground they had left not that long all that time ago.
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ask-dcf · 11 months
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*Dusty Hare blocks the path!*
*The battle begins with the buttons appearing in front of the kids. They were sorta similar to what both the humans were familiar with*
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*Frisk looks terrified… They always hated this… They always hated Fighting…. And with Data gone… It won’t go the usual way they want it to go.*
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*They take a breathe and let it out calming down*
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*Chara presses the act button*
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*she looks at the list on what to do. Magic, Check, Action.*
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*She hits Check*
*Dusty Hare. HP 2. DEF 2.* “A ball of dust that does a lot of leg lifting”
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*She notices it doesn’t continue… Sees the other two have not pressed a button*
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*They were definitely keeping their eye off the fight button. Their eyes wonder to the shield button*
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*They press it and it says “DEFEND”. As they do the crystal on their robe glows and a heart shape crystal envelopes Frisk as a red heart shaped barrier*
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*She looks at Alice*
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*She looks through her options, eventually opting into pressing Magic. Her eyes wander through all the spells she has at her disposal*
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*She pressed the “Resistance” button*
“Damage will be reduced on this turn”
*As the buttons all disappear. All their souls glow. Frisk and Chara’s red, Alice’s white and upside down. Frisk was nervous at first but the souls simply had an aura glow that slowly combined in the center of the field. Their souls were still in their bodies. But the Smokey magic in the center morphed into a red heart with an upside down white heart in the middle*
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*Frisk’s wand glows and they slowly lift it up looking at it. When they do so the heart in the center of the field moves up aswell*
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*The dusty hare blows and there is dust pellets heading towards the Heart*
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*They move it out of the way of a few. But one dusty pellet came and hit it*
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*They take 1 Hp damage. But health doesn’t go down*
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*Chara also takes 1 hp damage. Hers does go down however*
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*1 Hp does damage to Alice aswell. She hopped around as it felt like her toe was stubbed. It seems the heart represents everyone in the group. And when hit. It damages everyone*
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*The buttons appear in front of everyone again. Round two for this strange battle*
Art by @xjunjox
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geno-swap · 3 months
ᴾᴿᴼᴸᴼᵁᴳᴱ ⁻ ᵂᴵᴾ
⟳ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ . . . ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
The soft crunching of a child's boots could be heard, small footprints being left in the white, almost dusty, snow. The kid looked around eight years old, their chocolate-colored hair covering their face. The only thing visible was their red glowing eyes, full of determination.
The kid had a knife in their right hand, their knuckles almost turning a pure white from how hard they were grabbing onto it. The knife was coated in a light powder of dust; you could almost mistake it for the snow surrounding them. They made no sound, other than their quiet breaths; in, out, in, out.
The child looked up at the figure in front of them, a monster, a skeleton. A short one at that. A quiet gasp was heard, the skeleton's eye-lights turning to a star as he realized a human was standing next to him.
" Human! I am Swap Sans, and I will capture you! " Swap declared, taking a step back and making multiple poses. The kid scoffed quietly, rolling their eyes as they twirled the knife they had.
The skeleton didn't seem to like that, nervously laughing as he awkwardly got back into a proper standing position, fidgeting with the gloves he wore. " Too stunned to speak! That's alright, human. I get that a lot, " He'd nod, his hands resting on his hips(?).
Ugh, so the skeleton's stupid too. They'd cross their arms over their chest, letting the skeleton continue his dialogue before the signature monster fight sound played; signaling that they could finally do something. Didn't want to break the game too much, not so early at least. A grin appeared as their hand slammed the 'fight' button, lunging at Swap. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
written by mikey !! info: this 'kid' is NOT Chara or Frisk; they are the Player. Currently they are just controlling Chara's sprite.
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the-white-soul · 26 days
[a young human in dusty ballet attire approaches]
"E-excuse me?"
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"Sorry to intrude. I'm not entirely sure how I got here, but I overheard your speeches and was wondering if you would like some assistance?"
"I understand that I'm human, and so should technically be in opposition to you. But in all honesty, I feel quite guilty over my previous actions and I see this as a possible way to make up for them, if only a little."
"Of course if that is a problem, then I will stay to the side. *Sigh* you may even kill me if you so wish and I would not be upset, it would be deserved."
(been contemplating this since the first speech and my brother finally talked me into it so here we go haha. I'll post a better quality version of the art on my blog ^^)
(Kara) "Let me tell you something little girl. I am part human too. I was actually human for most of my life! I want to say humans and monsters are basically the same. Just like all stereotypes there will always be a few that fit the category. Yes there are evil monsters who might want to do wrong but that doesn't mean all monsters are bad. Same with humans. You thing someone who would sacrifice themself would be bad? We aren't fighting humans to get rid of them, we just want to fight off the evil inside some of those humans. Also, if you are going to say you did horrible things in the past get in line! I killed thousands and Flowey *Omega Flowey flashbacks* the less said the better. Again if you admit you've done wrong than you can be accepted here! We'll greet you with open arms! Love your dress by the way. Let me guess, you were the blue soul? I can't wait to see what you'll do."
(Chara) "Don't forget me! I'm entirely human even if I am in the form of a flower. To warn you we will be going against the British army. They have my father at the forefront who has around 49000 men surrounding the place. It won't be easy and you may die. If you get captured I hope you'll die early. Now given all of this, do you still wish to fight?"
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Killer "Serrif"
Is he really a Sans? Does it matter? Killer doesn't think so, and it doesn't matter to him. After all, he's alone. Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone,
A L O N E....
- Official Height: 5'4
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Perceptive, clever, confident, assertive, stubborn, cynical, blunt, optimistic, teasing, untrusting, deceitful, sarcastic, persuasive, erratic, social, cocky, dependant, careless
- Has a liking for the color green and red
- Can have a quick temper
- Named Killer because the nickname he had given Chara turned into an actual name for himself
- Curses often and his favorite word is shit
- Specially skilled with knives
- A little fucking shit
- Forgets things often, leaving him to knock on his skull when trying to remember something
- Talks to himself a lot, a habit he picked up
- Tries to "befriend" everyone
- Surprisingly quite patient when he chooses to be
- Constantly wipes away the ooze pouring from his eyes when it drips
- Black ooze spills from his eyes when crying, so he always has tissues in his inbox
- Laughs during inappropriate times
- He catches himself envying others sometimes, so he gets quieter when this happens
- Both internal sides of his soul argue about their opinions on things, so he usually has neutral opinions on things, leaving him indecisive on simple items
- He doesn't drink ketchup anymore
- Is quite lonely, especially after things went quiet for awhile
- Makes rude comments like the way a child is brutally honest
- He chugs energy drinks a lot to keep awake, he doesn't like sleep since he often has bad dreams
- Loves to mess around with instruments
- He's very touch oriented so he can't stand staying still. He tends to also get in people's space as a result
- Magic smells of iron, magic tastes of cranberries
- He would call his lover Doll
- He adores cats but does not own one of his own since he doesn't want them to get hurt
- When away from the underground he grows to have more fashion sense
- Drinks alcohol frequently, since he was left alone with it in the underground and grew thirsty
- Avoids getting emotionally invested in others
- Fucking eats chocolate UP
- He avoids yellow flowers like buttercups, but he likes roses and overall more red flowers. Yellow ones remind him of days long past
- Hates having anything to do with fate, so he often will get irritated if someone starts rambling about "fate". To him, it's all about chance and choice
- His soul turns back to a heart when he's feeling, and which then involves a lot of crying while one eyelight glows a white
- picks things from out of his teeth with his pinky, since he doesn't carry toothpicks
- Bro has a crusty dusty jacket, he needs a bath💀
- Can never get along with other AU's except very very very rarely
- I think he would listen to ICP
- Avoids hurting animals at all costs, despite his nature
- Would be a horrible babysitter for anything. Give him a baby? He lost it. Keep your keys in his pocket? He lost it. Your faith in him? He lost that pretty quickly
- His gaster blasters are fuzzy and slightly glitchy, not quite present. It is a last resort when he's out of knives since he uses a lot of magic already. His soul can visibly spike and he ends up feeling completely drained to the point it hurts using his magic
- Is able to detect FEAR when staring into another's soul, in which he'll mock them
- Hates being belittled or compared to others
- His magic bones are jagged and red tinted
- Hates seeing himself in reflections, so he avoids mirrors by cloaking them or shattering them
- He dreams of Papyrus and it feeds into his guilt. He gets shaken up by it every time
- A small white eyelight will show itself if he's either his 'normal' self or if he's super comfortable with someone
- He doesn't care for puns anymore, often teasing others or using dark humor instead
- Tends to play with victims during his sprees, as he enjoys teasing them and loves the chase
- He rarely feels remorse for hurting others, but it's possible
- It's not recommended to challenge him, as he feels that he has to win at all costs and tends to be quite tricky as a result through loopholes. He doesn't quite "cheat"
- Rarely does he lose or allow himself to admit defeat. Sometimes he'll even discard the challenge and deal unless they're stronger or best him in a way he finds acceptable
- He is a light sleeper due to paranoia, often waking up with a slightly jittery or skittish response
- Even if he has left others behind to chase a target, it's mainly because he's a chaser. His speed, dexterity, and stamina are his best qualities. He can outrun any other Sans, but he always makes sure to let them have some "leniency"
- Rarely does he quit chasing someone, not unless told not to (depending on different interpretations where he works for Nightmare) or if he's grown to become utterly devoted to those he's close with and decides to help them
- Rarely can be actually create emotional bonds with others, often having "partnerships" or "deals" instead
- Can only keep track of two things: his target of interest (monster, human, item, animal. For hunting or otherwise) and his knives
- Has fun executing those that he deems against his fucked up moral code. If he deems them horrible, then they must be. It's his preferred execution, and so he tends to actually avoid killing those that are aligned as neutral or good. He isn't against hurting them though, and only kills them if necessary
- He doesn't care for humans and seems to actually prefer attacking them instead, since they're not made of just magic. They bleed and can take more hits
-He is partially unable to feel pain, so even if his skull is cracked or if his bones are broken, he just laughs about it and even snaps things back in place
-He usually smiles, but there are times where he's absolutely pissed and is unable to force it. It's his default appearance, sometimes leaving him sore
- This based off my own little twist of the AT, and so this can be entirely ignored. I feel that there is more to his dynamic with Chara because I personally don't think that Chara is evil. In fact, I think that both were forced by the Player, thus bonding as they broke their coding in order to not only feel something, but to also make it nearly impossible for the Player to "win." In this version, I feel that Chara was just morphed into something else due to Hate and Spite. In the end, I feel that after Killer destroyed Chara's soul, a part of it consumed and molded within him, this leaving him and Chara to sort of share a soul
Closing Notes: I have a lot of fun working with him, even when I found him sort of boring when I was younger. Some of my own little twists on what my personal hc's do influence my perception of him. I hope you guys enjoy this and aren't disappointed, don't be afraid to ask questions or throw in your own hc's for him! Thank you for reading =)
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liliallowed · 10 months
I have more headcanons! These are kinda based on my and other people's past asks.
I don't know what slay the princess is but the platonic obsession from the players side is such a cool concept! I imagine they would be dramatic with it and to piss dust off might just pluck and kill flowey to make him into a flower bouquet for Dust, or almost get killed by him so they could kiss his hand to annoy him, and give him a golden heart necklace as some sort of chain to them. Silly smug bastard Player my beloved <3
About the Frisk comment, I think that when the Players gets a vessel and Frisk is just empty and left behind, the player might just set them up like a doll when they're bored and not fighting. Like how a child plays dollhouse they might sit Frisk down in Toriel's empty house and have a teaparty with the kid while waiting for Dust to find them.
Dust would probably walk in on the morbid scene and see the barley living child and the psycho sitting together. The player themself treating their old body with such tender care but at the same time like just a useless ragdoll.
They to talk so sweetly to the cusp of a child, and yet their voice has the undertone of someone filled with anger and jealousy. It must be disgusting to witness.
Sorry this is so long lol! I have fun sharing my headcanons with you <3 / platonic
it's pretty fun to read these asks! don't be shy to send more!
tw: angst
tw: dark fic
"he hates me, he hates me not."
they mutter as they pick off another golden flower pedal.
more golden pedals dropped to the floor of Asgores garden as the human layed there staring at the cavens ceiling.
"he hates me"
they reached out to the light seeping through the cracks of the rocks. freedom. just outside of their reach. happiness just taunting them outside of that damned barrier.
"he hates me not"
at the empty dusty throne sat a child with an expressionless face. a small flower crown was woven on their head as they stayed still simply existing there like a statue.
"he hates me"
they pulled off the last pedal with a smile.
"of course he does I made it so he can't have any other feeling. he hates me."they giggle. pire joy and happiness in their playful voice despite their grim implications.
"if he hates me he won't leave me to rott here. if he hates me he won't leave me alone like you little frisky bits."
they approached the child smiling sweetly as their voice dripped with venomous malice.
"you did this to me. you denied me of what I DID for you frisk. this is all your fault. this is all chara's fault." they muttered.
the statue like child remained unresponsive and silent.
they started laughing.
"you're just mocking me aren't you? first Chara leaves and now you're like this..."
no response.
"say something... be angry at me... at least" their voice broke.
only silence.
"please... why won't you fight back like you used to?"
they hug the child as small tears start running down their face.
"why won't you do what I want?why are you so obedient... it's like you're not real anymore."
the muttered.
"just like those forgetful fools. no one gets it. FLOWEY CAME CLOSE to getting it be even he backed off in the loop . fucking cowards"
they pulled back, straightening the flower crown. they felt something sharp poking at the back of their neck, as their whole body tensed up.
they stood still not daring to look behind them.
"took you long enough to get here. I got so bored I started playing house with myself." they giggle, their facade if a sadistic persona at full display.
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