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Lackadaisy Enrichment
#in our enclosures!!#video linked as source; which i'm glad to see already has a million views and is trending. That's Right#lackadaisy#WHICH i have been reading since at least '07 when i was thirteen my god b/c this animation is based on the ongoing webcomic#like does its influence show up Directly in some Discrete way i can point to in my art? not very easily probably. And Yet.#the inspiration....i wasn't able to be Regularly Only for at least another year / art done Nonprofessionally Online was novel to me#like wow ppl can make & post fanart of w/e they love huh....didn't know webcomics were a thing & i never really read that many since but.#good god the quality of Lackadaisy at its onset is like this is superb?? this person putting in all their talent and effort???#and Then you get years & years more art and i don't even know what superlatives to throw out abt its quality as it evolves. obsessed w/it..#if i see a new lackadaisy comic page i Will be acting out. obviously this animation is a delight & also stunning. and fascinating to also#juxtapose as a Translation / Interpretation of the comic in a different medium & standalone snippet of Story#and that we're not even quite there in the comic timeline; Taking Notes abt character info we get distilledly here....genuinely love like#take it back to '07 i'm like oh boy can't wait for the dream team to assemble. then a decade later when it did? Oh Boy. that is payoff lol#namely hooray for stitches and mudbug at the field office for every passing gangster. killing one marigold associate but not the other#which seems like a promising start to shootouts w/the other dream team triumvirate. i adore that in canon so far mordecai freckle & rocky#have met but only over a nice brunch. re: all intentions anyways. anyways i'm like Gifs Must Be Made while i'm also so riled afresh abt the#comic that i've been sooo hype for for over fifteen yrs now babeyyy Deservedly. i've done a couple of rereads & ought to do another....#For Interest it'd probably take a few sittings to catch up from the start but there is much to be engaged over....this ongoing story that's#historical fiction prohibition bootlegging cats with plenty of focus on characters & several Mysteries. which i'm better at parsing now lol#like one of the more recent rereads like Oh Of Course x (probably) accidentally killed his y & z took the fall & that's a binding secret...#Not [oh of course] abt the circumstances surrounding a's death & how b & c were involved. nor the ''what's marigold's damage'' mystery#which is great. love to not know things. love that we can readily follow all the emergent drama everyone's wading in nowadays. hell yeah#anyways admire my organized approach to gifs here. four shots each Expressions Atmosphere Action Groupshots#sure might've muddled through gifmaking for this anyways but fr being a huge lackadaisy comic enjoyer for now most of my life helps#and its very Overall Inspiration like. just really getting the [you can really just draw stuff out here] going. fr the art's detail & skill#and that enrichment like i'm gonna have a great time following this. And I Have#you don't expect a crowdfunded indie animation in the mix back then but hell yeah fellas#SIGH ok removing a 4th gif that's broken / not displayed despite reuploading then entirely remaking it. if it's a bug i'll try again later
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maurofonseca · 5 months
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ring racers making my brain work in regards to classic sonic and how it's best treated as an art style and unused concepts and so on
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aq2003 · 11 months
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biblically accurate tennant
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sanguineswanqueen · 10 months
Someone will post something about 13 and then I have to try and figure out if they're talking about the bisexual doctor
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Or the bisexual doctor
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sheepthatgobaa · 2 months
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so.... Thirteen huh...
Extra under the cut:
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this one is just becuz I thought it was too awkward that she wasn't leaning on anything so I just put luke there lmao 😭
Also the pose was based off of that hot lifeguard lady in lilo & stitch becuz I couldn't stop thinking about her
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ohmerricat · 8 months
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slay ! unhinged energy off the charts. out-unhinging simm dare i say
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ickieasv · 7 days
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oreo102 · 3 months
Day 16!
More arcade stuff bc it’s an endless well and I’m still sleepy.
They go to Chuck E. Cheese bc 13 really wanted to, and while they do the normal stuff like play arcade games and do the claw machines, the doctor also INSISTS that her and yaz get a picture with the mouse. Like it’s not optional.
Yaz resigns herself to a day of 13 acting like a toddler but she also grins like an idiot the whole time bc she just loves the doctor too much.
They get some of the pizza and are genuinely surprised it’s so good
Yaz buys 13 this hat after she begs for like 10 minutes
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elloratic-art · 2 months
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usmsgutterson · 1 month
if 13-14 year old newbie writer me knew I preferred to write either established relationships or relationships where they were broken up for a loooong period of time before they reunited, I feel like he'd either glare at me, hit me over the head with the nearest frying pan or ask me what the fuck happened.
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
i used to think "i'm in [insert show TPTB here]'s walls" was an Excessive statement but you know what, chris chibnall? i am IN YOUR WALLS
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burnedself · 3 months
@ofcompanionship gets a thing
She sits, practically splayed, across the armchair, feet dangling off one end. Fingers idly pluck at the strings of the guitar, sounds of chords, some discordant, some not, filling the space of the under-console.
" Temporal tremors, nasty things that. Now normally the TARDIS can weather them fine-- But when its two TARDISes from splinter timelines, it tends to get-- temperamental."
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She regards the figure, then, at last, in the corner of her eye, head bowing in their direction, a ghost of a smile in the corners of her lips.
" Don't tell me I go goth."
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emiliasilverova · 1 year
Silverova's very own list of 00 agents
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No idea if anybody will be interested to be fair, but well, I made this on a whim 🙃
Some notes:
This is Craig!Bond verse, set in 2014 shoo, shoo, Spectre
13 00s, because I don't think there has been any number above 0013 in the extended universe (that being said I'm not using any characters from said extended universe, because I just don't know them well enough). Also it puts Bond right at the middle 👀
001 is a weird case because he's both an OC and not an OC. He's technically the main character of the video game GoldenEye Rogue Agent, but since he's one of those silent protagonists everything but his name and appearance is completely made up by me
If @themuller13 is hanging around here, hope you're not mad that I couldn't find a better name than "Martisha" for Nomi
004 chose his name specifically to confuse people over the pronunciation (spoiler: it's Ka-zhee-myesh)... and also because I couldn't help making a Metal Gear Solid reference (Kaz, hmmm?)
"Panj" happens to mean "five" in Punjabi (thanks for the intel @00qsillyfanturtle)
James bloody Bond, a Catholic? 😱 Yessir (or ma'am, or any term that applies)
009 is named Eric after Eric Bryce (009 in the Spectre script)
My faceclaims for 008 and 0010 are respectively Regé-Jean Page and Joanna Dark (from the N64 game Perfect Dark)
0011 is Silver (my 16 year old OC) in 00 form. You might have encountered her in some fics of mine already
0013 is by far the least murderous one of them (followed by 005)
Religious background is just, well, a background--doesn't mean they're practising, or even believers
Languages in italics mean that said languages are more or less understood, though not enough to hold a conversation
You can ask lore questions on any of them, if you want. I'll be certainly happy to answer!
PS: damn, it's my 100th post 😮
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(Also, cut in two parts to be a bit more readable on mobile)
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lunozapp · 9 months
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#wile e coyote#splatoon 3#In Congress#July 4#1776#The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America#When in the Course of human events#it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another#and to assume among the powers of the earth#the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them#a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.#We hold these truths to be self-evident#that all men are created equal#that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights#that among these are Life#Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights#Governments are instituted among Men#deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed#--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends#it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it#and to institute new Government#laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form#as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence#indeed#will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath sh#that mankind are more disposed to suffer#while evils are sufferable#than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations#pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism#it is their right
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isawken · 6 months
you're a natural born tumblr user
i am so glad to hear this, as sometimes i worry i carry the Twitter Stink upon me after so many years in its vile trenches
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ppulverse · 1 year
being choi line biased is hard bc on one hand you feel happy when you see yeonjun getting so much attention but then on the other you have beomgyu just standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️ bc bighit just wants him to look pretty and nothing else
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