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dead boy detectives is the perfect cure for a broken heart
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flythesail · 2 years
I am not the same person I was before reading chapter 24 of lockwood & co the hollow boy
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carlyleandco · 2 years
Raven Cycle fans? Still bitter the TV series was never green-lit? Well, whilst we wait for the rights to be picked up again, can I please introduce you to another YA adaptation which has dropped on Netflix, Lockwood & Co.!
It has lots of similar themes/ concepts to TRC including found family, the supernatural, ghosts, psychics, mortality, yearning for purpose/ambition, and tackling trauma/identity.
Also Gansey and Lockwood would be best friends. Blue and Lucy would also be best friends.
For your consideration:
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Okay cheers, bye!
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soup-sponge · 1 year
i would like an extended fight scenes cut of lockwood and co asap please
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my neighbors hearing me sing the same couple of lines of the same couple of songs every couple of hours because i am perpetually watching lockwood and co
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orionsangel86 · 4 months
About Dead Boy Detectives getting renewed or not. I know people may have cast judgement on this show already, or maybe watched the first ep and deemed it not for them for various reasons (the first ep is a bit clunky and full of exposition) but I promise you, hand on heart, that if you watch the series through to the end it will have you hooked.
If you are generally a fan of fantasy genre shows, loved Supernatural, Good Omens, The Sandman, and all those CW shows that were so popular back in the day, then I promise you I PROMISE YOU you will LOVE Dead Boy Detectives.
If you're still indecisive about it, not sure you want to commit to a show that may get cancelled again, or are generally put off by a show about teenagers (though NGL these are CW style teenagers aka twentysomethings lbr) then I beg you to give it a chance.
If you were a Lockwood & Co fan who is still bitter about its cancellation and views DBDA as a glorified replacement, I promise you are wrong. The premises for the two shows are actually very different. I've seen both and DBDA is definitely worth your time.
It keeps getting better and better every episode and by episode 7 you'll be so blown away you'll be desperate for another season, just like EVERYONE who has watched it through.
I havent yet come across a person who watched the whole show and came out thinking eh it was alright but nothing special. No. EVERYONE who watches it to the end raves about how wonderful it was.
PLEASE give it a chance. PLEASE watch it through. Its such a good series and it deserves renewal.
Please spread this post, please scream about DBDA as much as possible. Please encourage your friends to watch it.
This show is an absolute precious gemstone in an ocean of mediocre television. Please give it a chance
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Can I take a moment of your time?
If you loved this show or even if you just like my content I would be very appreciative if you could sign this petition for us to try and save it. Or even if you're as angry as a lot of us that the streamers only count the viewer numbers of the first 30 days of any show, then PLEASE SIGN. This trend is destroying good TV and fandom by not allowing shows to grow organically even when they're critically acclaimed. We are losing so many brilliant, unique, (suspiciously queer 👀 there I said it) shows and at some point we need to put it our foots down. I think Dead Boy Detectives has become this for so many people.
We're making waves, we're trending, we're streaming so much that Dead Boy Detectives is in the Top 5 Everyone's Watching List in multiple countries. Or was No.1 in the UK for two days, and it's now at No.3. There is hope, for once, I like to think. The cast and crew are supporting us with the hashtags (a massive thing!), but every signature makes a difference.
Link here:
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And if you haven't seen it yet, please give it a chance. The unexpected bomb of Baby Reindeer drowned it in the algorithm on release, but despite that is critically acclaimed, with a 92% review score, a 99% audience score and has made the Best TV lists in what has be 30 articles worldwide right now. NOONE understands why it was cancelled. From the brainchild of SPN writers, starring Ruth O'Connell (our beloved Rowena), directed by Richard Speight Jr, it is the perfect replacement for SPN.
It's a beautiful, spooky and quirky show all about friendship, ghosts, mystery; and with so much heart it'll feel like your own is bursting out of your chest, all the while dealing with important issues like grief, death, shame and toxic abuse. This show was an bright spot in a really difficult year for me, and it will be the show I recommend for everyone. I haven't felt this way about a show since Sense8, and so you should all watch it and sign.
Available to stream on Netflix.
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Similar shows we've lost along the way after one season: Lady Jane, Lockwood and Co, 1899, The Accolyte and so many more...
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cherrychapati · 2 years
okay no but listen. lockwood & co has literally fucking everything. the found family nothing will ever separate lockwood george and lucy, sword fights with ghosts, one cocky little bastard and his concerned friends, everyone is slightly unhinged and it's amazing, "you can kill me don't touch her", the SLOW BURN, "please tell me there's tea", there is no semblance of normalcy at lockwood and co, no stupid love triangle just an amazing trio PLEASE go watch this show it's so so good
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I can get a request please. The reader works for Lockwood and Co but she has the complete opposite personality of what Lockwood has (ex: reader is more of listener rather than a talker and when she is around new people she is more on the quiet side until she gets comfortable around them) and Lockwood falls for the reader. Thank you!
Ain't a Life a Many Splendored Thing?
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a/n: a bit of a shorter post but I think I might make it into a series!! I loved this prompt and I loved writing it sm!!! it's not much but I didn't want to write more before knowing if yall would want a part 2 :) also yes the title is from hello hello by elton john from the hit movie gnomeo and juliet.
pairing: lockwood x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none :)
tags: @hufflepuff1619 (thank you for the request!) @oblivious-idiot @tangledinlove @ikeasupremacy @givemea-dam-break @neewtmas [if u guys want to be put on a tag list just lmk in the comments!!! also if i missed anyone im sorry!!!!]
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The moment that you stepped into 35 Portland Row for your interview, it was obvious to everyone that Lockwood was a goner.
You two were clearly exact opposites- where he was confident and cocky, you seemed more reserved and humble. Where he was reckless, you seemed calculated and exact. And it was now evident that while he found it natural to talk in order to prevent awkward silences around new people (especially those whom he found to be very attractive), you were perfectly comfortable with listening to him ramble.
“And right up here is the attic.” He was saying now as the two of you climbed up the creaking stairs. “You've met Lucy, obviously- this is her room. And yours as well, if you choose to live here.” He watched you take in the room, filled with Lucy's drawings and scarce decorations on the walls, your eyes lingering on the small bed hastily shoved in the corner. He looked at you with apprehension, admittedly a little worried that you would turn to him and say that you'd changed your mind and reject the employment offer.
Instead, you turned to him with a slight smile on your face and said, “Is it ok with Lucy? If I stay here?” Instantly, Lockwood was filled with relief. “It was her idea, actually.” He said softly, watching you nod in understanding. “Alright then.” You said, a sense of finality in your voice. Lockwood smiled and watched as you walked to set the small bag of belongings you had taken to your interview on top of your new bed. “I'll leave you to it, then. Dinner should be ready soon.” He said to you. You didn't respond, but Lockwood wasn't worried- he knew exactly what your soft smile was meant to convey.
“Lockwood, I just- I don't know if she fits here.” It had been only 3 days after you had officially joined Lockwood & Co., but Lockwood wasn't necessarily surprised by the remark George threw him from across the table that morning. You and Lucy were asleep, still tired after facing an infuriating ambush from a large cluster of Type Ones while on a Type Two case.
“What do you mean, George?” Lockwood asked as he took a sip of his tea. “I mean, she's just so quiet. She never speaks, and when she does it's either in one word responses or a couple phrases- even then, she mostly only ever talks to you. I'm just worried about how well she'll be able to communicate in the future.” George explained, his hands moving wildly about.
“You haven't seen her in the field, George- she's brilliant. Her sight is comparable to mine, and her touch… it's like Lucy with her Listening. Yes, she's a bit… reserved, but I'm sure she just needs to warm up to us, is all.” Lockwood smiled at his friend as he took another sip of tea, peeling open the front page of a new issue of True Hauntings.
“Don't think I didn't notice how you avoided the comment about how she only seems to talk to you.” George grumbled, taking a bite out of a piece of toast. Lockwood didn't look up from the text on the page in front of him as he mumbled a soft “I don't know what you're talking about.” George scoffed in response, starting to say something that sounded a lot like “you're clearly gone for her, why do I even try”, when you walked in, hair amess and blinking sleep out of your eyes.
The kitchen fell into immediate silence, George's face flushing in embarrassment as you looked at him, your expression unreadable. “If you're going to talk about me, you could at least do it while I'm around.” Lockwood looked up at that as he didn't notice you silently entering the kitchen. He took in your sleep-addled state and the look of fear in George's eyes. And then you were softly smiling. “I was joking, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” You said before sitting down next to Lockwood.
George snorted. “I think that's the most you've said to me the entire time you've been here.” George said, apparently taking your joke to heart. Lockwood softly kicked George under the table, but you just laughed a little.
Deciding to change the subject, Lockwood turned to you with a smile. “I'm sorry for him. What he meant to say was good morning. Would you like some tea?” You smiled at Lockwood, and he was hit with the thought that it mightve been the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. “Yes, please.” You responded. Lockwood nodded, getting up to turn the kettle on once more.
The morning passed like that- you and George softly trading barbs with one another, Lockwood making you your tea and toast, and Lucy stumbling in once you were almost done with breakfast and mumbling a “gmornin” to you and the boys. Soon, the discussion turned from an easygoing conversation over breakfast and lapsed into a more serious discussion as Lockwood started explaining the cases that you all had scheduled for that night.
You and Lockwood would be going out to a house that was reported to contain a Type Two and a couple Type Ones, George would be staying home to do some research for a bigger case the four of you had coming up the next week (he had also gotten injured a couple of days ago and his wound hadn't fully healed), and Lucy would be going to an office afflicted by a couple Type Ones.
Lockwood had been too busy dishing out the information for the night's events to realize that you hadn't been talking. It was only after Lucy and George had nodded in understanding and set out to set their own respective tasks- Lucy heading down to the basement and George getting ready to go to the Archives- when Lockwood looked to you and realized that you had been drawing on the Thinking Cloth the entire time.
He leaned over slightly, watching as you drew a small landscape on a tiny piece of empty space with a green pen that Lockwood wasn't sure he had ever seen before. He smiled as you drew, watching the concentration on your face. “Did you hear the cases for tonight?” He asked softly, watching the quirk at the corner of your lips.
“George is doing research, Lucy's got a couple of Type Ones, and you and me have got the Type Two.” You clicked your pen, signaling that you were finished with your drawing, and then you turned to look at Lockwood. “How'd I do?” You asked softly. “With the cases, or the drawing?” You shrugged, a look in your eyes that told him “both.” He smiled. “Excellent.” He whispered, making you smile.
Eventually, the two of you migrated from the kitchen to the library. Lockwood sat in his favorite armchair, surveying a stack of recent magazines as he decided which one to read first. You left the room quickly, and Lockwood frowned at your departure as he settled into the chair with a week old gossip rag.
But as quickly as you left, you had returned, a book in your hand as you sat down in the chair next to Lockwood. You two sat there for a while, Lockwood taking breaks to explain to you different London Society news while you happily listened and Lockwood smiling to himself every time you reached a point in your book that made you laugh or make some sort of exclamation of disbelief.
He was content, he realized, to just sit there and exist by your side. While he normally felt the need to make his presence known, to charm and impress anyone he might’ve just met, he found that he was very happy to just sit and read with you.
An hour or so later, Lockwood decided that he wanted to go down to the basement and get some training in before the case that night. He was about to ask you if you'd care to join before he noticed that you had fallen asleep, arms curled around your legs and head laying peacefully against the cushioning of the chair. He smiled as he closed his magazine, getting up slowly and draping a blanket over you without a sound.
As Lockwood walked out of the library, he realized that George had been right. Not about you not fitting in- no, you had definitely proven George wrong. Instead, he was forced to admit that George might've been right about Lockwood being gone for you.
hehehe thanks for reading!!! I just put in my 2 weeks at my soul sucking part time job so I'll hopefully have more motivation to work on these hehe!!! I'll also be making a masterlist very soon- I've been meaning to do that for a while
also if yall want a part 2, pls lmk! I loved writing this and I think I could do a lot more w it hehehehe. anywhom if you've read this far, thank you for reading!!! love u!
mwah, linnie
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neewtmas · 1 year
What's Mine is Yours
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A/N: This was so fun to write! It's a little bit on the shorter side, but I hope you all enjoy :) @hufflepuff1619 thank you so much for your request! I hope you like it <3
pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
wordcount: 1.4k
request: Hello! I was wondering if I could request a one shot please for Lockwood. The reader works for Lockwood and Co and because of their job, she gets nightmares a lot and that usually ends up with her sleeping in Lockwoods bed and it basically become her bedroom too. Thank you. - by @hufflepuff1619
taglist: @maraschinomerry @marinalor @oblivious-idiot @lockwood-lover @givemea-dam-break (if you wanna be added/removed, just send me an ask/message :))
The only sound in the cold night air was the cab driving down the street, lights quickly disappearing in the thick fog drifting over the pavement. Lockwood, George, Lucy and Y/N stood in front of 35 Portland Row, duffle bags on the ground next to them.
"Well, let's get inside and get some sleep", Lockwood's voice cut through the silence just as the ghost lamp at the corner switched off. The gate creaked as he pushed it open, and the small light next to the door switched on, illuminating the uneven stones that paved the way to the steps. He carried his bag up to the door and set it down, reaching for the keys in his pockets. He fumbled with them, almost dropping them before he found the right one and unlocked the door. It swung open and he let the other three trudge past him before he entered and closed the door again, leaving the darkness of the night outside.
The light in the hallway, though homely and warm, showed just how exhausted everyone was. No words were exchanged as they all left their bags by the door, the clean-up a concern for the next morning, and went into the kitchen. George immediately set a kettle on the stove, and Y/N sat down on one of the chairs while Lockwood rummaged in one of the cabinets for some biscuits.
Lucy grabbed one from the plate he set down on the table and excused herself to bed with a 'good night' mumbled out between bites of biscuit.
Y/N took the cup George gave her and gave him a thankful smile. She poured a bit of sugar in and stirred a few times, watching the liquid swirl around her spoon. She was tired, eyes threatening to fall close every few minutes. She had already dozed off on the cab ride home. But as much as she wanted nothing more than to curl up under her blanket and fall into a deep sleep, she also knew that it probably wouldn't be that easy.
"That ghost was something, huh?" Lockwood said to no one in particular. George snapped out of staring at the wall and nodded slowly. "At least this time, we weren't wholly unprepared."
He was right. From that perspective, tonight's case had gone great - no ugly surprises, and everything had been just the way George had predicted it with the material he had researched. They had worked together fabulously, and for once, no one was subjected to a near-death experience. Unfortunately, that was unusual.
"Raw-Bones are truly the worst", Lockwood said contemplatively, examining the biscuit he was holding closely before taking a bite. "Haven't seen a visitor this nasty and revolting in a long time."
Y/N squeezed her eyes closed, trying hard to stop her brain from conjuring up the memory of the ghost they had encountered just a few hours ago. "I think I'll go to bed as well", she said quietly and got up. She could feel Lockwood's eyes follow her as she walked over to the sink and emptied her cup into it. She hated wasting perfectly good tea, but right now she didn't feel she could stomach even one more sip.
She slowly made her way upstairs, feeling heavy and tired. A dull ache had started to form behind her forehead and after she exchanged her ectoplasm-stained clothes for soft pyjamas, she finally climbed into her bed and sighed a breath of relief. She pulled the blanket up under her chin and curled her knees to her chest, head comfortably buried in her fluffy pillow. She reached out from under her blanket to switch off the small nightlamp on her bedside table, and then her room was pitch black.
She did not yet close her eyes, but instead just stared into the dark, trying to calm her breathing. She listened to the quiet creaking of the floorboards as either George or Lockwood moved around one floor below her room. After a while, doors closed and the only thing that was left to hear was her own breaths. She pulled her blanket tighter around herself and tried to close her eyes, hoping to fall asleep quickly.
But the moment she did, her mind was flooded with the gruesome pictures of the Raw-Bones she had fought off hours earlier. One would think being an agent and fighting off ghosts for a living would get easier with time, and in some ways, it did - where she started as a talented but terrified ten year old she was now a capable agent. But no matter how well she did in the field, her sleep suffered after especially horrific cases, just like the one tonight.
George had prepared them - they knew what was coming. But seeing the skinless corpse, bloody all over with ribs sticking out, eyes bulging out as it robbed over the floor, leaving a trail of blood that was of course just ectoplasm but sure as hell didn't look like it - it was enough for her to know that the nightmares would come.
She opened her eyes again, quickly switching on her night lamp. The warm light was comforting. She knew that sleep was impossible tonight. Should she go down to Lockwood's room? He had been kind and understanding from the moment she first knocked at his door after a nightmare that had left her shaking a few weeks after she had started working here. After that, it had happened a few other times - and even though he never gave her the feeling that she was too much, maybe he just wanted to be nice.
A few minutes later she was tip-toeing down the stairs. Maybe he was just being nice, and maybe it meant nothing at all, but she desperately needed sleep and knew it wasn't going to happen if she stayed in her bed by herself.
In front of his bedroom door, she hesitated for a moment, not quite sure of herself. But then she took a deep breath and knocked three times, just like every time before. It was silent in his room, and for a moment she thought he was already asleep and was ready to turn around, but then she heard rustling and footsteps behind the door.
The door swung open and revealed Lockwood in his pyjamas, hair already messy. "Y/N. Are you okay? Another nightmare?" The way he said it made it clear that he was concerned, and not at all annoyed like she had feared. Her shoulders slumped down. "Not yet", she whispered. "But I can't sleep."
He extended his hand to her and she hesitantly took it, allowing him to pull her into the room and closer to him. He closed the door behind her, and now they stood in darkness. He squeezed her hand and led her to his bed where he switched on the night light.
"Do you wanna sleep here tonight?" She nodded and he climbed into bed, scooting over so that she had enough space to lay down next to him and lifted the blanket. The spot was still warm from him laying the moments earlier. He reached over her to switch off the light, and she could feel his breath at the back of her head and his warm body pressed up to hers. He didn't pull his arm back, instead wrapped it around her and pulled her closer to his chest.
She suddenly felt very hot and was glad that the room was dark, otherwise, he would have seen the intense blush that coloured her cheeks crimson. It wasn't the first time this had happened, but she was flustered just the same, every single time.
"Sorry that I'm bothering you again", she said quietly, cringing at how loud it still sounded. He was silent for a moment. "You're not bothering me, Y/N. You could never bother me." He paused and leaned closer, his breath tickling her ear. "Do you wanna know a secret? Every time a case is especially scary, I lie here and wait and hope for you to show up at my door."
She swallowed hard. This was new. His thumb was tracing patterns over her stomach where he was holding her. "Really?", she asked, breathless. "You don't mind sharing your bed?"
"Not if it's with you." He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. "What's mine is yours, as long as you want it."
thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated :)
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/14/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Samba Schutte Cameo; Taika & Rita; Rhys Darby; Dominic Burgess; Lindsey Cantrell; Con O Neill Love Project; Lovely Letters; Moonglow Manifesting; Lube As A Crew; Watch Party Reminders; Uncle; People of Earth; Articles; Petition Thread; Love Notes; Gay men kissing;
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
Samba Schutte recorded a beautiful Cameo for all of us. Thank you @saveofmdcrewmates for sharing this lovely gift with us! Src: Tumblr Today is about sharing love -- with friends, family, and crew, so we want to share this with you! 💕 https://www.cameo.com/recipient/65c16e19f7ff859ddd914500
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= Taika Waititi =
Rita Ora and Taika Waititi were out here being adorable with each other on Instagram today. I realise it's not OFMD related, but Taika needs love and support and that's what we're doing tonight.
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= Rhys Darby =
Rhys Darby is back with this adorable grey kitten that everyone is jealous of.
Photo Srcs: ofmd-ann , Rhys' Tiktok , Tumblr - ty @kiwistede
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= Dominic Burgess =
Our hilarious friend Dominic Burgess is just out here at it again being supportive AF during our events. I love this man.
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= Lindsey Cantrell =
Just some love from Lindsey Cantrell on her IG Stories
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== Con O Neil Love Project on IG =
Somehow I missed these! Very sweet video project for Con O'Neill happening on IG, thank you @ringasunn for posting these!
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There are three videos up so far, but sounds like a 4th is on the way and Con is feeling the love you all! Such an amazing Job!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
== Lovely Letters ==
The Kudoboard for Valentine's day was sent out this morning on various platforms. Please feel free to check out some of the Lovely Letters the crew wrote to our dear Cast & Crew family.
== Moonglow Manifesting ==
Several of our crew have been manifesting moonglow and setting up spaces in their homes for that manifesting! Please check out some of the gorgeous and creative setups our crew have put together! In order of appearance: @_irene_adler, @tayleafz, @snailforkery
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== Lube As A Crew ==
So @Astroglide had decided to do another Watch Party after the #ReviewAsACrew theme that was going on. @yronnia was kind enough to notify me of this fantastic review that came up before the party.
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So as usual, so many memes (may of the valentine's cards are from @astroglideofficial) and responses came with the latest @Astroglide watch of the episodes 8, 9 , 10 of S1.
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And @astroglideofficial's reactions were glorious as expected (reach from bottom up for chronological reactions)
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However, as you can imagine, finishing at episode 10 left them where the rest of us were.
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Can't wait for them to see Season 2! Hopefully they'll get some of their hope back!
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
= Feb 15/16: Uncle Season 1 =
Next 3 episodes of Uncle tomorrow! This is mainly for UK folks but non-uk folks are welcome to vpn in as well! Here's an article on how to join via vpn!
16 Feb, GMT - 8 PM, ET - 3 PM, PST - 12pm (episodes 4-6)
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WatchParty Hashtags:
= People Of Earth S1 Ep 7, 8 =
#PiratesOfEarth has been going great these last couple days! Thank you again to @iamadequate1 for organising it! Next episodes: 7 and 8 tomorrow the 15th! at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST / 4PM CST / 2 PM PST
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== Articles ==
Our Flag Means Death - Streaming services are continuing to sink ships - ty @manthastar
10 Media Award-Nominated Series That Will Steal Your Heart This Valentine's Day!
== Petition Thread ==
Our friend @sonnetforbonnet was kind enough to get a twitter thread going for all the petitions for cancelled shows. For those of you without Twitter here are the Petition links.
Our Flag Means Death
Shadow & Bone / Six Of Crows
A League Of Their Own
Gentleman Jack
Station 19
Hotel Mondial
Lockwood & Co
Infinity Train
People Of Earth
Rap Sh!t
First Kill
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Coyote Vs. Acme
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies <3 I hope that however you celebrated today, (Valentine's Day, Captain Cook's Murder Day, Your Birthday, whatever it happened to be) that you got something positive and fun out of it. I know this day is a mixed bag for a lot of folks, so any way you are able to get something good out of it, I'm excited for. A little gentle reminder, something that took me a lot of years to realise -- you are enough, with or without a partner, I hope you know that. Your partner or lack of one doesn't define you. You are you and you are wonderful and you are enchanting. You could be in the perfect relationship and that other person(s) could bring out the best in you, and yet, the best in you is still you. You shine because you are a beautiful, unique little radiant ball of starstuff, and don't you ever forget it. You deserve just as much love as you give to others, no matter what anyone says, and you deserve to be happy and to be you, just the way you are. Now matter how you feel on any given day, no matter how much energy, or spoons, or love you have for yourself, you are doing enough, and you deserve all the wonderful things this world has to offer. I know I speak for all of us on this safespaceship crew, when I say I hope tomorrow brings you joy, and love, and unhinged laughter. Get some rest babes, love you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Yeah so, since Rhys and Taika already had new footage earlier in the recap tonight. I'm gonna be a sappy little bitch and just show you the same old footage of two gay men kissing because it brings life.
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writtenontheport · 1 year
Just a Night at Portland Row
(pt.1) (pt.2)
Anthony Lockwood x (gn) Reader
Warnings/Tags: Literal romcom, These people are silly, Everyone’s so sillycore here, teary confessions, someone accidentally confesses, nothing dramatic happens he’s just silly, Childhood friends to lovers, Lockwood is kinda stupid (affectionate), no smut or suggestive content, Lockwood and co and reader friendship, whether or not what Lockwood says at the end actually happens is up to you!!
Notes: I have quite a few issues with this one, and I’m not entirely satisfied with it, but I think it’s one of the better ways I could go about it. I also put all the flowers meanings at the bottom, so if you were curious I did in fact plan the flower meanings (I am a nerd). This finale has gone through about 20 revisions on the first day alone, so if anything seems jarringly out of place, I am so sorry 😭 I was all over the place with my ideas.
Summary: Just before supper time, you and Lockwood have a heart to heart, and it starts as it always has: with flowers, with tears, and a little funny thing called love.
word count: 2.4k+
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“George,” Lockwood says seriously. It’s the first time George has ever seen him so serious about something that isn’t Lucy or him dying and it shocks him how quick he is to steel himself for whatever it is. “I need you to get Lucy to bring them down here, if you can, please.”
Now, ‘them’ is obviously referring to you, who’s laughing away upstairs with Lucy so loud they can hear it ring through the vents. If this wasn’t something George has genuinely been excited for, he would have smacked Lockwood upside the head for using that terrifying tone. “Don’t say it like that, prick. Thought someone was dying there.”
Lockwood grins at him from where he’s messing with the bouquet stood up on the table. The paper wrapping hasn’t been removed, courtesy of the empty vase and that water would most likely melt it; ribbon still intact. They stand, not quite fully in bloom (which is the best way to buy flowers, because otherwise they wilt right away) but just on the precipice of it. It’s packed with other, smaller additions, but at the heart of it, well. Maybe Lockwood did know something about the language of flowers.
“How’d you even pick them out?” George asks instead, watching Lockwood’s grin wobble.
“I made friends with the shopkeeper. He wouldn’t tell me what any of them meant, but he said they were good flowers— like the carnations. One of them though… these white ones here, just felt familiar somehow.” He kept messing about with the bouquet, meddling with any loose leaf or bud. “Can you please go get them? I want them to be able to see the flowers before they wilt.”
George does swat Lockwood for that, but he goes upstairs to get you. You and Lucy have moved to her room on George’s urging (he made Lockwood wait outside before coming in to make sure you didn’t know) and were lying in her bed on your stomachs, reading and sharing books. Lucy’s the first to look up at him, raising a brow as she nudges you.
“George? Everything ok?” You ask, propping yourself up to sit criss cross on the mattress. “Has Anthony come back yet?”
“He has,” he says simply, “He says he needs you in the kitchen. Lucy should stay since she must be tired from the case yesterday.”
From behind you, Lucy has a moment of realization that has her tucking her lips to hide a smile. Quietly, she puts a hand up to her forehead in a salute to George.
“You should go check,” she says, “Who knows what kind of trouble he might be in.”
“A lot of trouble,” George adds, nodding slightly along. You narrow your eyes in suspicion, but you get up off the bed.
“I’ll save your place!” She calls just as you’re headed down. George walks 2 steps behind you to hide his expression before he can school it, feeling giddy with nerves that aren’t even his to have. He wonders how Lockwood’s doing, stopping just at his bedroom door.
You turn back, asking “You aren’t coming?”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He rocks gently on his feet and pulls his hands behind his back, reassuring you with a calm nod. “Off you go, Lockwood’s probably burnt himself making tea by now or something.”
“I’d hope not…” you mumble, each step down like a crescendo in the world’s most suspenseful piece of music— every floorboard creak like the lead instrument and your heartbeat acting a steady base. On a sheet you’re sure it looks hideous, but it levels out when you open the door and Lockwood’s waiting there by the counter, looking like he’s straight off a magazine. The silence creeps in, but the piece rises to new heights as the sound of everything— the floorboards, the vents— suddenly dulls out.
You step into the kitchen, and let the door shut behind you.
There is your Anthony, standing there in the middle of the kitchen with a bouquet full of dazzling pink tulips, red roses, and spots of white jasmine flowers. There is Anthony, the boy you’ve known and loved for years— looking at you like he always does: like you’re the whole world and sky and everything he wakes up for.
Neither of you speak for a good minute, but it’s not without trying. Lockwood spends that pregnant pause fumbling for words, before—
“I love you,” He says.
The words come rushing out his lips, hurried and desperate. It shocks you how simply he puts it, like a sudden rest in the notes that takes you by surprise. He looks surprised too; horrified, really, that he’s just blurted that out. He swallows thickly, steeling his expression into something determined.
“I—“ you pause, the words caught in your throat, blood pounding in your ears. You think you tear up, but you can’t really tell when the whole world narrows down to Anthony Lockwood across from you in the kitchen of Portland Row, professing his love in the spur of the moment. You grow warm with affection, taking a step closer to him as the music of your singing heart drowns out everything but his words.
He takes a deep breath, his face pale with fear as he swallows and says quietly,, “Today, when I went down to the shops to get you these flowers, I met the really old man tending to them. Don’t look at me like that, he was really old, alright?”
“Anthony,” you scold quietly, tutting at him as you wrap your hands around his.
He bites the inside of his cheek before he keeps going. “Anyways he isn’t the point— I brought him up because he made me realise that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I never gave telling you a shot. He lived loving someone else until they died— even after they did, and if… if there was a chance I could have that with you, I wanted to take it. I can’t promise you that I’ll be alive for as long as you will be, but I can promise you that I will love you for everyday I live and breathe if you let me.”
“Anthony,” you start, breathlessly. You take his face in your hands and he puts the bouquet down to cover your hands with his. He looks so scared like this, fragile like glass in your hands and pale with nerves.
“I can’t promise you forever,” He says solemnly, “But I can promise you my heart for as long as it beats.”
You take a deep breath through your nose, and will yourself not to kiss him. Years down to minutes— minutes to seconds. The silence hangs like a winding note. You glance back quickly at the bouquet, picking out one of the jasmine flowers before sliding it behind his ear and resting your hands on his face.
“Do you remember the first flower I gave you?” You ask just as quietly. He shakes his head, cheeks rubbing against the skin of your palms. “We were… quite young at the time, and I must have been mad, because I stole it from the neighbour’s garden. Yes, the grumpy one, you remember her. Well, I ran straight over from all the way from home with this crumpled little thing in hand— stop giggling. I’m telling you an important story— and you lit up like a light. Cheeky little thing you were, finding a way to give it back to me when I got scolded the same day for stealing and I was awful sore about the whole thing.”
“You looked all sad,” He cut in, voice hoarse in a mumble, “It made me happy, so I wanted it to make you happy too.”
You laugh, just as breathless, “And it worked, Anthony. It’s still one of my favourite flowers. Did you know that? They were the first flowers I read up on when I learned flowers could have meanings.”
“What’d you find?” He asks, the nerves fading into a hopefulness that fills his eyes with stars. It’s helplessly endearing where you see them shine, nearly nose to nose with how close you’re holding him.
You hum and close your eyes, pushing your forehead against his. “We gave each other white jasmine flowers, that day. A lot of people say they mean purity or innocence, but the one that stuck out to me was that people say it meant “everlasting love” too. When I look back on it now, it must’ve been fate.”
“Cause I always loved you and you probably realised that with how stupid I get about you?”He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close.
You chuckle quietly, just as helplessly lost, “Not quite. I didn’t even think there was a chance you could love me back, though that does make everything a bit easier… because I’ve always loved you, Anthony.”
Like a child on Christmas day, Lockwood’s eyes grow wide; he’s helpless to the grin that splits his face. “Really?”
“I’m no liar, Anthony, and certainly not about this,” you laugh, unable to help yourself as you tip back and rest your nose lightly against his.
“No like— you mean it?” He asks, voice cracking with hope as he searches your face, “You love me? You love me?”
You’re helplessly endeared, helplessly in love and helplessly lost to it, so you just whisper back with a grin as wide, “Yes, Anthony. I love you.”
What little space between you both is gone in a second when he pushes his lips against yours. It’s a desperate thing, all relief and comfort and love pouring out. At some point, you’re both smiling too wide and too much for it to be anything more than just pushing your lips against each other’s and you pull away with a wet laugh.
He grins wider, and you didn’t think it was possible but he manages it. “I’m so glad, because if I had to go back to the shopkeeper with a terrible story about how I got rejected by the love of my life—“
You giggle and swat at his arm, wrapping your arms around him, “Of course that’s what you worry about. This is all a publicity stunt, yeah? To boost your ego.”
“Of course,” he says, with no weight to the words as he sniffs and blinks away the last of his tears, “Though that just means we should make it a bigger stunt and get married. I’ll even invite Kipps just to rub it in his face.”
You hum, helplessly amused, when the door slams open and George shamelessly walks in with at first his usual deadpan, then a pleased expression. From behind George, Lucy is brimming with happiness, smiling cheek to cheek.
“Gross,” George says, simply and without malice. He steps around you and Lockwood, patting you both on the back sincerely and pulling out pots and pans. It occurs to you a little late that he’s starting on supper. “Took you both a while to actually confess. Mental, the two of you.”
“It was cute,” Lucy says kindly, taking you from Lockwood (he does pout lightly, but she just sticks her tongue out at him) hugging you dear. “George just means that we’re both very happy you two finally got together. He was starting to go bald actually from pulling his hair out too much, look at his hairline—“
“You can’t even pretend like you weren’t too, Lucy.” George sends her a glare as she separates from you. Lockwood quickly fills the space at your side again and all but wraps himself around you. Lucy pats him on the back with a congratulatory smile.
“You can’t go bald before my wedding, George, that’d just ruin it,” you say, clicking your tongue as you reach over (not without struggling over Lockwood) and pat his curls into place. The pot nearly slips out of his hands while Lucy’s eyes grow big as saucers.
“Wedding?!?” They ask simultaneously. Lockwood giggles into your neck, the cheeky bastard.
“This one here,” you gesture at Lockwood with a look, “said we should get married since this whole thing is a publicity stunt or whatnot. Said he might even invite that Kipps bloke he hates.”
“That is the lamest proposal I have ever heard,” Lucy immediately cuts in, the most disappointed scowl pointed at Lockwood’s head.
“I’ve got to agree. You could absolutely do better than that, Lockwood. Also, Quill Kipps? Do you want to have start a fight at your wedding?” George asks, his back turned to everyone. You pull away from Lockwood to pick up the flowers, but not without him frowning as you do. He stops frowning as soon as you smile at him, though, before he turns his attention to Lucy and George when they both pretend to gag.
“I gave them flowers, a really sentimental bunch I think, then I had a good speech,” He says to Lucy first, who raises a brow at him.
He turns to George next. “I need to rub it in his face that he’s probably miserable and forever alone.”
“I thought it was gonna be a publicity stunt, not a revenge plot,” You mutter, clicking your tongue.
“I’m not letting you have a lame wedding, Lockwood, because that means they—“ she points to you “— will have a lame wedding and I will not let that happen.”
“But you’d let me have a lame wedding if it was just mine?” His face is scrunched in offence as he ‘discreetly’ wraps himself around you again.
“Yes,” Lucy and George say simultaneously.
“I’d marry you at a lame wedding.” You play with his hair where you can reach it, pressing a kiss to his forehead where he’s dumped it again on your shoulder. Lucy and George gag, Lockwood beams so bright you’d think he won the lottery that night.
They manage to convince you that it’s too dark out to leave (it was past curfew, the sun had set already) so you spend the night recounting everything you can with them until the stars had gone to sleep and the sun started rising.
The next day, he brings down the bouquet of carnations you’d first given him, and you mix both the bouquets into one. A year later, Portland Row becomes home to not only to the people living in it, but a garden full of flowers blooming with love, laughter, and a lot of hard work. White Jasmine flowers bloom on the veranda and a house of three becomes home to four.
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A/N: Finally finished this series!! Whew, that was… hmm!! And just because I couldn’t add it to the story without it getting clunky, have these idk, headcanons? fun facts?:
Reader tells Lockwood all about the flowers after, and informs him about why the Jasmine flowers were so familiar
The grumpy neighbour reader stole the white jasmine flowers from was actually the old man gardener’s wife
Lockwood goes back to tell the old man, and they have a laugh about the whole thing
It is so hard to get one straight meaning for a flower, but if you dig enough you can find flowers that mean so many cute things:
Red carnations mean deep love and affection
Pink tulips mean caring and affection
White Jasmine flowers can mean many things but for this story I went with: Eternal love, persevering love, and new beginnings
Everyone knows red roses, but I also like to think Lockwood’s bouquet had thornless red roses because they mean love at first sight
Yes he one upped the reader even without knowing what all the flowers mean because he’s a competitive little freak (affectionate) and I love him
This series has been very dear to me, and I am especially thankful to @tangledinlove <3 Thank you for your kind reblogs, I hope you know I read them and always look forward to seeing how you find each part in the series even if I don’t respond to them <33333
Also @milesmorals asked me to tag her too!!
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captainfairygodmother · 5 months
Okay, I know it's a bit early to be talking about this- and highly pessimistic of me- but can we all agree that if Dead Boy Detectives does get cancelled like how everyone keeps saying it is likely to be, then can we please have a huge OFMD-fans-style effort to get it reconsidered or brought to another streaming service?
I know OFMD didn't work out in the end, which is unfortunate because I loved it as much as the next person. But I dread to think of another queer show being cancelled without further content.
I suppose that this is also a message to the OFMD fans- I know that we really tried for our little pirate show, so is there any chance that the same people can help out with Dead Boy Detectives in the worst case scenario? If we all banded together, it could make a huge difference between renewal and cancellation. Help can even start now, just by watching the show, which even goes for people who are reluctant to watch it due to the fear of cancellation, or people who are still upset by the cancellation of shows like Lockwood & Co and Shadow & Bone etc. But the more views, the more likely it is to get renewed.
So please, Dead Boy Detectives fans, Our Flag Means Death fans, Lockwood & Co fans, Shadow & Bone fans- anyone who is even slightly interested in making sure that another LGBTQ+ show doesn't get cancelled- please help out in any way possible, starting with getting the views up on Dead Boy Detectives while we still have time!
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maraschinomerry · 1 year
simple ask; just a george trying to hide a crush on gn!reader?
Matching Mates
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Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader, Locklyle
Summary: Lockwood & Co are invited to a Valentines ball at Fittes, forcing George to admit who he wants to take as his date.
Content: brief kissing, couple-centric Valentines plot
A/N: I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were going for but I thought it was such a cute idea! Part 2 here
Word count: 1.6k
George stared at the crisp white and pink invitation with something close to disdain.
"You have got to be joking."
The fuchsia pink envelope dropped into the hallway of 35 Portland Row earlier that morning, to be immediately snatched up by Lucy. She promptly bounded into the kitchen.
"It's here!"
Her glee was unmatched by the remaining members of the agency - Lockwood was focused on trying and failing not to burn his toast, George was scribbling something on the Thinking Cloth and you had been in the library, following with confusion when you heard the excitement.
"What's here? We're not expecting any parcels, are we?" you frowned.
Lucy gawked.
"It's the invitation for the annual Fittes ball," Lockwood supplied helpfully. Of course. You'd heard tales of the grandiose event, but hadn't joined the team until after last year's 'Fittes at 50'. There was always some sort of theme - one year it had been aquatic where people went dressed as stylised sea creatures or in rippling blues, another was a masquerade where any guest without a mask had been refused entry. This was only Lockwood & Co's second time as invitees.
"Drum roll, please!" Lucy brandished the envelope. You and Lockwood began hammering the table top, grinning at each other. George rolled his eyes. Lucy tore open the seal and threw the enclosed invitation onto the table with a flourish. Everyone gathered in close to read, George peering over your shoulder and Lucy over Lockwood's.
Penelope Fittes cordially invites
Lockwood & Co
To the 51st Annual Fittes Ball
'Love-Locked' (Lucy winced. "Tasteful," George muttered sarcastically.)
A celebration of romance on February 14th.
We request that all guests attend as part of a couple and have accounted for one +1 each if required for partners outside of your agency.
Dress code: matching mates.
Lucy was overflowing with anticipation, already dialling up the number to RSVP. Lockwood was watching her fondly. You were trying to wrap your head around the theme. George was fuming.
"You have got to be joking."
It had been nearly a week since the invitation arrived, and George was still not happy. Lucy and Lockwood watched him from the comfort of the sofa as he paced up and down the living room.
"It's such a stupid, reductive theme. Why can't I just go with (name)? I mean, you're going with Lucy." He gestured flippantly at Lockwood.
The other boy laughed. "We are a couple, remember? Besides, you can go with them if you want. Just ask them out."
A blush spread across George's cheeks.
"Or," Lucy gave him a coy smirk, "you could always just pretend to be dating."
The blush reached George's ears.
"No- I'm not- I can't- that's not the point!" he stammered. His friends exchanged a knowing glance.
"Fine, we're still going as a team anyway," Lockwood replied calmly. "Just find yourself another date so you can actually be there with us and (name). How about Arif's new delivery person? They seem nice."
"But I don't want to go with them," George whined.
"And you do want to go with (name)."
George opened his mouth to protest, realised he'd been had, and flopped into the armchair in defeat. "It's not that simple."
Lucy watched him carefully. Everyone knew he liked you, the two of you had clicked the moment you joined the agency, but up until now it had seemed just as friends. As he sat there, cheeks burning, trying desperately to explain why he couldn't simply ask you to be his date to a Valentine's ball, she was hit by what should have been blindingly obvious.
"Oh my god, you have a crush on them!"
"Of course I have a crush on them," George blurted, laced with his usual level of snark. That was more like it. "Have you seen them?" He suddenly seemed to realise what he'd admitted, gaze dropping to his rapidly fidgeting hands. "I want to go with them, really I do, but we have such a good dynamic and I don't want to mess that up, either between us or the whole team."
His friends softened. It was so unlike George to be open with his feelings like this, and they knew how much you meant to him.
"Tell you what," Lucy began, "I have a few friends in the city. How about I find you a date - I promise it'll be someone you'll like - and I'll even put together your matching outfit? It'll be a surprise though, that way you don't have to be overthinking it and can focus on the fact that you get to be there with the rest of us." George pondered for a moment before nodding firmly. Lockwood stood, patting him on the shoulder, and left.
Lucy grinned. "If you'll excuse me, I have some shopping to do."
The day of the ball arrived, and with it came a brown paper parcel outside your bedroom door. The wrapping was messy, held together with tape in too many places and a clumsy twine bow. You recognised Lucy's handiwork immediately.
She had told you she was organising dates for the ball, and although you were still excited for the event you had to admit you were a little disappointed. It was no surprise that she and Lockwood were attending together, but a part of you had secretly hoped you and George would too. You'd fallen so hard for the resident researcher, with his cheeky grins and fluffy curls, his passion for research and his amazing cooking. The two of you spent most of your free time together, exploring the city or chatting away into the night over tea, biscuits and leftover pizza. It had really seemed like maybe he was interested in you, but then when he'd had the perfect opportunity to ask you to be his date and said nothing, you started to doubt yourself.
You forced your thoughts away from George and back to the parcel, which you had now brought into your room. A slip of folded paper was tucked under the twine.
Hey (name)!
Hope you're excited for tonight, and hope you like the outfit. Your date will be downstairs at 7.
Lucy x
Eagerly, you pulled the paper apart.
George was pacing again. Lucy had said his date would be arriving at 7, and he'd made sure to get ready early to meet them at the door. Give him time to adjust to whoever they were.
He had to admit, Lucy had done a good job with the outfits. She and Lockwood were every bit the couple - she was busy swishing round the kitchen in an emerald green and black shot silk gown, while he watched from the doorway in a matching green tuxedo with black collar and tie. George was curious what his date would be wearing to match his blood red suit and shimmering gold tie. He didn't often dress formally, never really, but as he looked in the mirror he quite liked what he saw. Maybe you would too, if you ever got down here. Late as ever. Probably making sure you looked amazing. Wait George, stop. You're about to go on a date with someone else. Cut it out.
The clock in the hallway chimed the hour, and Lucy and Lockwood emerged to join him. Any minute now, there'd be the knock at the door.
A noise sounded on the stairs, and George tried to hide his excitement as he turned to see what you were wearing.
His jaw dropped, and he was convinced he'd stopped breathing.
You gracefully descended the staircase in the sleekest outfit he'd ever seen, deep red with gold accents so bright they made your eyes sparkle. Your hair was neatly styled away from your face so he could see every inch of your nervous smile and the crinkles of joy in the corners of your eyes.
You looked to Lucy first, silently thanking her for such a gorgeous outfit. Next was Lockwood, face plastered with an encouraging and yet worryingly mischievous grin. Finally, your gaze came to rest on George. George, who was very clearly dressed in your matching colours.
You faltered.
George snapped back to reality as you stumbled on the bottom step, reaching out instinctively to catch you with one hand in yours and the other around your waist. Your breath hitched, and in your shock you barely registered the way you leant into his embrace.
"Wow, you really fell for him, huh?" Lucy snorted, earning an elbow in her side from Lockwood.
George's eyes met yours, face so near you could see the hope shimmering behind his glasses. You bit your lip.
"I really did," you smiled, stomach doing backflips as George smiled back and tugged you even closer.
"Well I hate to rush things, but we do have a ball to get to," Lockwood interjected playfully. "George, I believe there's a question you ought to ask, shall we see you in the cab?"
He and Lucy threw you both a backwards glance as they eased out the front door, Lockwood's accompanied by a wink and Lucy's an enthusiastic thumbs up.
George cleared his throat, finally releasing your waist but immediately taking your other hand and facing you.
"(Name, last name), would you do me the honour of being my date? For the ball, and in general, if that's okay with you."
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, giggling at the way it knocked his glasses off balance. He let go of your hand to adjust them, and you took the opportunity to do it yourself, hand trailing the blush on his cheek.
"George Karim, I would be honoured."
He pulled you in, placing a soft sweet kiss on your lips, and pulled you to the door and the taxi that awaited.
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maraudersarecanon · 4 months
I've finally watched dead boy detectives and it absolutely did not disappoint! 1000/10 I would certainly recommend that everyone watch it.
If you're still upset (as I am) about the cancellation of Lockwood and Co or Shadow and Bone or anything else Netflix has taken away from us please please watch this show.
Save it from Netflix's graveyard.
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ynbabe · 2 years
Lockwood & Co. X Fem!Reader:- Incorrect quotes pt.2
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Y/n: Die. Lucy: Please don't die! Y/n: DIE! Lucy: PLEASE DON'T DIE! George, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant? Anthony, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it cause I told them to stop fighting and Lucy wants Y/n to accept it as their kid. George: ... Anthony: Y/n wants to co-parent.
Y/n: You know guys, sometimes I feel like Lucy doesn't like me much. Anthony: "Like"? George: "much"? Y/n: George: Change that to 'at all' and we'll talk.
George: Why did you kidnap Lucy!?!?! Anthony: Ah- um- well- the reason for that is, uhh... Y/n: Sometimes, we must work together towards a common goal. George: NOT TO KIDNAP PEOPLE FROM DEPRAC!
*Everyone is playing a board game together* Anthony: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Y/n: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Lucy: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. George: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Lucy: *flips the board*
Lucy: What is it called when you kill a friend? George: Homicide. Anthony: Murder. Y/n: Homiecide.
Y/n: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess. Anthony, professional denier: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to? Lucy, did not the dots yet: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit. George, brain cell haver: Guys.
*In a horror movie situation* Anthony: I've got no service in my phone here. Lucy: Shoot, I don't have a phone. Y/n: Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a rapier. George: Guys, my phone is a book.
Anthony: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, and wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. Lucy : That's deep. Y/n: That means that ketchup is a smoothie. Lucy : That's deeper. George: ...You guys are idiots.
Y/n on the phone after going missing for a year: Hey, I'm gonna come there, kick Anthony’s door in, and let him know that I'm baaack. George: That ain’t the way we do things here. You may have to go in there and run a con, apologise, and do the smooth-talking. Y/n: Okay, you come in with me, you do the smooth-talking, let’s go. George: No, we can’t go in there and kick down the door, that's how I introduced the two of you. We need a plan. Y/n: Well who makes the plans? George: Me. Y/n: Okay, what's the plan? George: You are gonna come here, kick Anthony’s door in, and FUCKING APOLOGISE FOR DISAPPEARING, YOU PSYCHOPATH.
Anthony: What's the most efficient way to burn calories? Lucy: Exercise more Y/N: Set yourself on fire! George: There are two kinds of people.
Anthony: Everyone synchronise your watches. Lucy: I don't know how to do that. George: I don't wear a watch. Y/n: Time is a construct.
George, trying to get them to stop fighting: You know, We give Lucy flowers when she's down. Y/n: Okay. *Later* Y/n, see's Lucy laughing: *Reminds her of all the bad things* *gives Lucy flowers* Lucy, hyperventilating: ??? Y/n: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
Anthony: I told Y/n to grab snacks for everyone. Lucy, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks? *Anthony, Y/n, and George raise their hands*
George: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Y/n: When have I been paranoid? George: Um, when you first met Anthony you thought he was a murderer…? Y/n: No one falls in love with me without having problems, I thought he was trying to lull me into a false sense of security! George: And last week you were sure Lucy was in a fight club! Y/n: She keeps trying to fight me! COINCIDENCE?! George: YOU THREW DAGGERS AT HER WHEN YOU FIRST MET *Later, when Y/n’s theory is proven wrong* George: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Y/n: I still think Lucy is in a fight club.
Anthony, about to do something stupid, points to George and Lucy: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves* Y/n, suggested the something: Okay! *five minutes later* Anthony: *returns and sees George and Lucy unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out! Y/n: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
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