#missing julie and the phantoms? its just a girl and her ghost boys doing the best they can
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dead boy detectives is the perfect cure for a broken heart
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 9 months
missing jatp everyday but missing it harder today!!
I'm always thinking of how jatp would've kept going, so lets dive into those thoughts today.
Julie is supposed to grow up. and the boys aren't. That's awkward for them i suppose lol. my idea is that they wouldn't make the inside universe of jatp last five years, i guess they could last like two, at best. I do think they have potential plots for 4+ seasons, what i would've like seeing would be:
Julie's friendship with Flynn getting even more screentime
giving Flynn more background
a redemption arc to Carrie
a closure for Trevor and the phantoms (idk man just erase him from my sight) along w some more insight into Sunset Curve and its dynamics. (I want the angst of luke calling his childhood best friend a traitor to his face)
Caleb's past and destruction.
A bigger villain. to also get destroyed. (like having villains is not their biggest problem here)
More ghost powers!!!
A rival band (who could also be read as a villain)
Willie's past
A girl ghost (bonus if she becomes a regular character.)
Alex getting another boyfriend and having drama with Willie (owen said it'd be cool and i agree) but Willex endgame.
Alex's sister. (I really dont care abt his parents, they can just be dead)
Reggie's family (how cool would be if Reggie found out his brother had a son?)
And last, but not least, Julie and The Phantoms as band. I want band tour, band interview, band shenanigans, more songs, alex and reggie singing more songs. (I need my reggie's country album)
As for the ending. I think alike Jeremy Shada when he said that the ending should go with all of them parting ways and here's how i think it should go.
For Luke, they should go with the ghost magic with no explanation and bring Luke back to life, no, i dont care if its tacky or cliche, i just want a happy ending. would also be really funny if julie and luke only got together at the final season when Luke comes back to life.
For Alex, i imagine him and Willie remaining together as ghosts and turning the old hgc club in a ghost community and look for new ghosts to help them through the after life. Alex once said the after life should come with instructions, what's better having a ghost commune where they can have ghost powers lessons, ghost therapy and support for unfinished business? it'd also be Alex and Willie's little happy never-ending.
For Reggie. Baby is crossing over. After watching his brother heal from the storm of their parents' relationship, spend some quality time being part of Julie's family, having at least one fling, playing with his one chosen family and becoming a legend, Reggie could decide to crossover. and come back as a puppy. (Bc it'd be funny)
For Julie, she's carries on being a star, plays with different bands through her career and if anyone asks her abt her mysterious band as a teen and where those guys went, she plays a joke of "oh, they don't even live here anymore."
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
llora por una rosa, dijo el ruiseñor
➤ Written for Day One of Jukebox Appreciation Week: Canonverse @jukebox-week
Summary: Dr Turner said that there was no such thing as a schedule for grief and that everyone dealt with it in their own way, so it was okay if some days were worse than others. Although it helped to have a cute ghost to cuddle with. (Read it on AO3)
Notes: Thank you so much @sunsetcurbed and @felicitysmoaksx for betaing this for me! You guys are amazing, and any remaining mistakes are my own. 
Title: El ruiseñor y la rosa, by Oscar Wilde. | Song: A La Nanita Nana, from The Cheetah Girls 2.
Enjoy ♡
llora por una rosa, dijo el ruiseñor
Sometimes, Julie would wake up feeling like her world had turned on its axis as the pain of losing her mother hit her all over again. Dr Turner said it was normal, that there was no such thing as a schedule for grief and that everyone dealt with it in their own way, so it was okay if some days were worse than others. 
The problem was that every 'worse' day seemed to get worse.
Reality came crashing down on her on a Thursday morning with absolutely no warning. She still hadn't figured out what triggered the bad days, but she was pretty sure they were intrinsically connected to the good ones. 
Ever since the ghosts of three teenagers from the '90s fell into her life, Julie had been having (mostly) good days. Sometimes it all felt like a too vivid daydream, a fantasy she'd come up with to escape her painful reality. Ghosts, the band, music back in her life, stronger than ever, curses and playing the Orpheum; it was crazy. So crazy that it might as well be true. 
Five days after the Orpheum, after being able to touch the guys, Julie woke up with the realization that her mom would never meet them. She would never be there for Julie to tell her about how much Reggie enjoyed spending time with her dad. Or how cute Alex looked with his pink-tinted cheeks as he spoke about Willie and museums. Her mom would never be there for Julie to tell her about Luke's passion for music, about his endless energy and encouragement, about his perfect smile and ever-changing eyes and how it felt to finally, finally be able to wrap her arms around him. Her mom would've loved Luke. She would've loved all of them.
Only minutes after Julie turned off her last alarm, her dad knocked on her door, brows furrowed in concern when he peered into the room only to find her still in bed, eyes puffy and red, nose stuffed up and burrowed in her covers. 
"Oh, mija," he sighed, making his way into the room. He sat down next to her, and Julie dragged herself into her father's arms, unable to hold back the sobs that were begging to be let out.
"I miss her," she gasped between cries, burying the words into her dad's shoulder. 
"Me too, cariño. Me too." He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Your mom would be so proud of you, Julie. Wherever she is, I know she’ll be watching over you and Carlos and cheering you on like she always did.”
Julie nodded, thinking about the three boys who had literally dropped into her life. Her dad had no idea how right he was.
“Why don’t we take the day off? I’ll call the school and empty my schedule.”
“No, no,” she protested, leaning away and wiping her eyes with the sleeves of her sleep t-shirt. “Don’t miss out on work because of me, I’ll be alright. I think I’d just like to be alone today.”
He didn’t seem really convinced, raising an eyebrow in her direction and lowering his head to meet her eyes directly. “You sure?”
“I’m sure, Papi.” Julie sent him the most reassuring smile she could manage, which must have been good enough because he soon relented and pushed himself up.
“I’ll bring you something today after work, how about that?”
She frowned, unable to stop the lighthearted smile from forming on her lips. “Like what?”
Her dad shrugged, stepping backwards toward the door. “I don’t know, something cool. A surprise.”
Julie chuckled, but agreed, “Okay.”
“Don’t stay in bed all day. And eat something.”
“I won’t, and I will. Thanks, Papi.” She threw him a soft smile.
“Te quiero, mija.”
“I love you, too.” With a last worried glance in her direction, her dad stepped out and closed her bedroom door, taking all of Julie’s lightheartedness with him.
Like a dark cloud descended over her, Julie’s mood crashed again. Left alone with her thoughts, she couldn’t keep herself from imagining if anything would’ve been different had her mom still been there. Would Julie even have told her about the boys? After all, she still hadn’t told her dad, and now with her being able to touch the guys, it could be just a matter of time before they became visible to her family. 
One thing she knew for sure it’s that she definitely would have never stopped playing, and maybe she wouldn’t have immediately kicked Luke, Reggie and Alex out. And maybe, without needing to earn back her spot in the music program, she never would’ve played with Sunset Curve in the first place. That was a terrifying thought, but she’d like to think that they would’ve found their way to Julie and the Phantoms eventually anyway, and her mom would be cheering for them every step of the way.
Julie sighed, dropping back down into her pillows and burying herself into her covers again. With one hand, she reached over her nightstand for a picture of her mom and her. It wasn’t her favorite one — that one was in her dresser, — but it was definitely a close second. Rose was sitting on the couch with a five-year-old Julie on her lap, fresh out of the shower and rolled up in her towels like a burrito. They’d been watching something on TV when her dad captured the moment. Years later, Julie had no idea what they were watching, but what she did know was that there were several pictures of that day because that was when her parents found out they were having Carlos and so her dad wanted to have the whole day on record.
With a soft laugh at the memory of her mom and dad telling her that story, Julie traced her mother’s smiling face in the photograph, lightly humming her favorite lullaby that Rose used to sing to her.
Julie was startled out of her thoughts by a sudden knock. She dropped the picture down on the bed, body tensing up since her dad and Carlos had left minutes ago, until she remembered they weren’t actually the only residents at the Molina household anymore. She rolled her eyes before calling the knocker in.
Luke’s beanie covered head phased through the door. He had a bright grin on his lips and a bounce on his step as he made his way inside, stopping by the foot of her bed.
“Skipping school? Damn, Jules, I didn’t know you had it in you,” he said, apparently before getting a good look at her and immediately frowning in concern. “What is it, what’s wrong?” Luke came closer, kneeling by the side of her bed and resting his chin at the corner of her mattress.
Julie took a moment to take him in; the way his bottom lip stuck out just a little in a pout, and how his hands fiddled with her sheets, his eyes focused and intense, filled with worry and never leaving hers. She had to look away. “Nothing, I’m just- I’m just missing my mom today, that's all.”
“Oh.” His voice was low, barely a whisper, and it drew Julie’s eyes back to him. This time, he was the one staring down at her bed. He crossed his arms over the mattress and rested his chin on them, only sticking a hand out to tap lightly on the picture that rested between them. “Is this her?”
She looked down at the picture again, tracing the frame with her fingers. “Yeah, that’s mom.” 
“You look like her.”
Raising her eyes to meet his again, Julie couldn’t help the soft smile at the sincerity she found in his face. “Yeah? Thanks.”
They were silent for a moment, both lost in thought. Julie was sure that Luke’s mind had gone to his own mom. She knew he still visited his parents, and sometimes she honestly couldn’t say what would be worse: to never be able to see or speak with her parents again, or to see them and talk to them, only to receive no response and have them look right through you.
“Scooch over.” Luke’s voice brought her out of her thoughts abruptly, and Julie could only blink at him in confusion as he got up and started toeing his shoes off.
“Move over,” he shooed her with his hands, and Julie was a little too shocked to protest when he grabbed a corner of her blankets and crawled into bed next to her. 
For a whole minute, Luke fumbled around, fixing the pillows behind him however he wanted and covering himself with her blankets except for the one leg sticking out of the side. Finally, he opened one arm in invitation and threw her an expectant look.
Julie could do nothing but look at him in bewilderment, on the edge of freaking out about having a boy (a boy she had a big, fat crush on, no less) on her bed. Before she could let herself spiral into nervous laughter, Julie shook her head with a chuckle, and moved closer, fitting herself into his side with the picture of her mom in her lap. She was unable to contain the sigh of relief at actually being able to feel him there — the boys’ solid-state was still new, and she was always afraid that it would suddenly go away. 
Luke shuffled around a little more, getting both of them comfortable before tapping the picture in her lap again. “Tell me about her.”
With her brain still struggling to catch up, all she could manage was a “Huh?”
“Well, you got to meet my mom, but since I can’t meet yours, I figured the next best thing is that you tell me about her.”
Julie looked at him then, soft eyes meeting hers, and she felt her breath catch, the familiar butterflies fluttered their wings in her stomach. She couldn’t quite put a name to what she was feeling, she just knew that she had never felt something like it before.
She gave him a smile, and turned forward again, leaning her head on his shoulder to look down at the picture in her lap. There were a million things she could tell Luke about her mother, but the decision was made for her once she caught sight of the dahlias on the cushions next to her mom in the picture.
“My mom loved flowers. All kinds, and plants, and she would make the most beautiful flower crowns you’ve ever seen. Anytime we went to the park, she’d find these pretty, wildflowers and make crowns for me and my friends. Carrie and I used to say we were fairy princesses,” Julie chuckled, losing herself in vague memories of two little girls chasing each other around the swings while her mom sat on the ground nearby, weaving flowers together. Luke laughed softly with her at the image she painted. “Her favorite were dahlias, though. Mom absolutely loved them, they’re everywhere in the house.”
“Dahlias,” he said, and Julie glanced at him over her shoulder to find him lost in his own thoughts. “My mom likes those too.” He sent her a sad smile before motioning for her to go ahead.
“Uh… She loved sparkly things. Every time an outfit wasn’t quite what she wanted, she’d just… bedazzle the hell out of it.” Julie laughed, happy tears forming in her eyes. She sniffed. In the back of her mind, she remembered the latest bedazzled creation of her mom’s she’d found — the Sunset Curve shirt, and made a mental note to ask the guys about it later.
“She, uh, she didn’t like sugar on her tea, but she had the biggest sweet tooth. She loved breakfast for dinner, especially pancakes. She was a great dancer, she’s the one who taught me how to salsa, 'cause dad’s a little useless in that department.” Using the sleeve of her shirt, Julie wiped away the few stray tears that had fallen down her cheeks. If Luke was bothered by her crying, he didn’t say anything.
“She used to leave notes all over the house. Sometimes reminders about Carlos’ games, or where dad had put his keys, but other times just little encouraging messages like 'you got this' and ‘I love you’...” Julie’s voice trailed off, remembering the last note her mom ever left for her at the end of Wake Up; You can do it, Julie. Love, mom.
The few tears multiplied. She sniffed again.
“She sounds amazing,” Luke said softly, brushing his cheek over her hair and using the arm he had around her to reach for her hand. 
“She was,” Julie agreed, distracting herself by playing with the rings on his fingers. He was such a rockstar. She chuckled, tilting her head to the side just a little but not looking away from his hand as she traced the calluses on his fingertips. “When she was younger, she was actually in a band. A couple of bands, even.”
Julie felt Luke tense up in excitement, and she imagined he was having a hard time actually staying still.
“Really?” he asked, and she heard the awe in his voice just like the first time he said her mother was a really talented writer.
“Oh, yeah. They never made it big, but… they sounded pretty good. And mom was an amazing singer and writer, and the way she shredded on the piano?” Julie shook her head, no words would ever be able to describe the admiration she had for her mom and her talent.
“Kinda like you, then?” His tone was teasing, but Julie could hear the sincerity in it plain as day, and couldn’t help but tilt her head up to throw him a thankful look. 
“She taught me everything. The first song I learned on the piano was the lullaby she used to sing to me. Every night, she sang Carlos and I to sleep, and my dad too, if he happened to be sitting down,” she told him, and they laughed at the image of her dad being lulled to sleep.
As their chuckles faded out, they lapsed into silence. Using Luke’s knuckles as keyboards, Julie practiced the lullaby she hadn’t heard in years. She kind of wished she could go back in time and tell twelve-year-old Julie that she would never be too old to be lulled asleep by her mom’s voice. 
A few moments later, Luke’s voice broke the silence. “Will you sing for me?”
“What?” she wasn’t sure she’d heard him right.
“The first song you learned, the lullaby. Will you sing it for me?” he asked again, voice just barely above a whisper, drawing her eyes back toward him, like a siren luring a fisherman into the sea. 
For a second or two, Julie got lost in his ocean eyes — the late morning sun that was shining through her open curtains making them look bright blue. Then she cleared her throat, taking the moment to remember some of the lyrics. Julie’s Spanish was never as good as her parents’, but the words for this song she knew by heart.
“A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella,” her voice started out low and slowly built up to the song’s rhythm. Julie didn’t look at him, but she could feel Luke’s warm gaze fixed on her. “Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.” She repeated the first two lines, letting her volume rise just a little. The song felt like an overdue embrace from her mom, and Julie let herself get lost in the memories it brought.
She felt Luke’s fingers tapping against her own hand, and could imagine almost perfectly how the melody would sound coming from his guitar. A part of her wondered why it felt so natural to share this with him, but she also knew that if it wasn’t for Luke, Stand Tall would probably still be sitting unfinished inside her Dreambox. Music flowed through him the same way it did through her, and the same way it had flowed through her mom. It felt right to share this with him too.
Ascending to a major key, Julie started the next verse effortlessly. “Fuentecita que corre, clara y sonora. Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora. Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea. A la nanita nana, nanita ella...”
Julie sat up a little, leaning her shoulder against Luke’s and finally turning to meet his eyes. The look on his face… she couldn’t describe it, but her heart understood it anyway. Without looking away from him, she continued. “A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.” Before Julie could start the last verse, Luke started to hum, following the song’s rhythm as if he’d heard it several times before. His fingers were still tapping against her wrist, and she couldn’t help sending him a small smile before continuing.
“Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora. Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora. Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea. A la nanita nana...” she sang, then drew a deep breath and closed her eyes, remembering her mom’s kind and smiling face. Dragging out the last couple of notes, Julie finished the song, a single tear making its way down her cheek. “... nanita ella.”
The silence that followed wasn’t heavy or even charged. It was peaceful and comfortable, and Julie could have basked in it for a long time, but she couldn’t say she was surprised when Luke ended the peace quite soon.
She felt his hand leaving hers and wiping away the tear from her cheek just as her eyes fluttered open, meeting his awed eyes and impossibly soft smile.
“That was beautiful, Jules.”
She smiled, accepting the compliment with a nod before settling back down against him. Julie burrowed her face against his neck, the lullaby from her childhood had left her feeling light and sleepy.
Luke seemed to have gotten the message because he shuffled around a little more before settling down too. Julie didn’t know if the boys could sleep now; they couldn’t before, but after everything that had happened post-Orpheum, to ask whether they could sleep or not wasn’t exactly high on her priority list. 
She felt his fingers lightly run down her braided hair, soothing her further into sleep. Just before she could doze off completely, Luke spoke again.
“You know, you never told me her name.”
Julie yawned, wrapping an arm around his middle and pulling herself closer into his side as she answered. “Rose. Her name was Rose.”
She didn’t see Luke’s frown, or notice the way he looked down at the picture that had fallen from her lap and into his with a dawning sense of realization. All Julie knew was that she felt safe, and loved, and that wherever she was, her mom was still watching over her.
After all, she'd sent her Luke. 
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daydream143 · 3 years
Together, Forever
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina/Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
1000+ words
Also here on AO3.
Julie had given in and allowed them to stay, but since then, they had eavesdropped on an intimately private moment and conversation and broken into her room. Interfering in her life further was a sure-fire way to earn Julie’s ire, and Alex feared the results of Luke’s surely less than reasonable plan.
What made him give away a song — a song Luke had always claimed wasn’t ready, that there was something missing — a part of his soul to a girl he had met 24 hours ago?
He and Julie were cut from the same cloth, capable of working in synchrony, tandem, reading each other’s motions, hear what they weren’t saying.
Something was starting right now, and they would shine together, bright forever.
“Boys!” Luke announced, poofing into the garage. “I need your help!”
Alex tensed, his mind racing with horrible scenarios, still unacclimated to being dead, and therefore unbreakable. There was nothing in the world that could harm a ghost – and if there was, he didn’t want to know – but Alex’s anxieties didn’t listen to reason. “What’s wrong?”
“We’re going to get Julie back into the music program,” Luke declared, grabbing his guitar.
“Cool,” Reggie nodded chipperly.
Alex blinked, relieved that nothing was amiss, but he continued to envision all the ways this could go wrong. Yes, Julie had given in and allowed them to stay, but since then, they had eavesdropped on an intimately private moment and conversation and broken into her room. Not to mention last night, when they tried to get on Julie’s good side, when they were furious at them for making her look crazy in front of her family. Interfering in her life further was a sure-fire way to earn Julie’s ire, and Alex feared the results of Luke’s surely less than reasonable plan. “No, Luke.”
“Alex with a voice like hers she has to be in the music program,” Luke argued. “If they kick her out… then I don’t want to know what it takes to make it in…”
Alex relinquished his firm stance, hating the undertones in his best friend’s voice.
If Julie couldn’t cut it, what chance did they ever have?
It was doubt, and it was something Alex rarely ever heard come from Luke.
“I don’t disagree,” Alex admitted, “but how are we supposed to help her? Dude, we’re ghosts.”
Luke brightened, grin stretching across his face and fingers twitching on the neck of his guitar. “Julie’s going to sing for her teacher, not take no for an answer.”
Alex raised an eyebrow skeptically, because that sounded suspiciously like Luke, and less like the impression he got of Julie.
“Once her teacher just hears her sing again,” Luke continued, “she’ll have to let Julie back in.”
Alex sighed, relenting.
For whatever reason, this was important to Luke, and anyway, it would be nice to do something for Julie to show their gratitude for how she’s handled the craziness dropped into her lap. “How do we help?”
Luke grinned excitedly. “I already gave her ‘Bright’,” — Alex did a double-take and frantically turned to Reggie, who was gaping at their lead singer.
Music — melodies, harmonies, lyrics — was the blood running through Luke’s veins, filling his heart. He didn’t give it away lightly.
Despite his craving for a connect through music, Luke was extremely protective of his, due to its pure representation of his soul, the vulnerable revealing of him through every song. It had been almost a year before Luke had even told him, Reggie, and Bobby he was writing music and then it took a couple more months before he had shown them his songs, way back before they had formed the band.
So why did he show Julie?
What made him give away a song — a song Luke had always claimed wasn’t ready, that there was something missing — a part of his soul to a girl he had met 24 hours ago?
And why did Luke not notice what he was doing?
“—It’s – It’s perfect for her range, but we’ll need to transcribe it for the piano so she can play —“ Luke continued, until Alex interrupted him.
“Sorry,” he said, “can we go back to the part where you gave her ‘Bright’?”
“Man, that was, like, three sentences ago,” Luke whined.
“You gave it to her,” Alex repeated, waiting for the metaphorical punchline. “Just like that?”
“Alex, what’s the problem?” Luke questioned.
“Uh…. Well… nothing,” Alex stuttered, glancing at Reg in confirmation, who shrugged, “if… you don’t have a problem with Julie singing your song,” he finished pointedly.
“Why would I?” Luke wondered incredulously.
“No reason,” Alex quickly reassured, mentally noting to be on the lookout for and discomfort from Luke. “You do know how difficult it is to transfer music to a new instrument, right?”
“Julie can do it,” Luke declared.
Luke had always managed to collect really talented people around him, his intuition guiding him, and he could inspire them to greatness, drawing them into his orbit and never letting go (not even in death — no, Alex, it’s too soon for jokes). Julie was just the latest in a long line with Alex, Reggie, and Bobby.
“What can I do?” Julie inquired curiously, arriving unnoticed in the garage.
“You’re going to rock ‘Bright’,” Luke said giddily.
That was another Luke-is-acting-weird-about-Julie moment.
He was always excited about music, sure, but he always preferred playing it himself, not listening to others.
It was just curious, Alex noted, taking his seat behind the drums. As the drummer, he didn’t have much input — not like Reggie who had just begun experimenting with the keyboard before they died when they were alive after all of Luke’s complaints about a missing sound — but it gave him the perfect view to watch Luke and Julie work.
They sat at the keyboard, Luke’s guitar pushed across his lap, as they puzzled through the chords written haphazardly around the page. It was fascinating.
Alex knew what it was like, making a song with Luke. How enticing it was, the rush of adrenaline Luke’s energy provided, but also how frustrating it could be, because he knew exactly what he wanted but couldn’t verbalize it. He made vague motions and comments, trying to describe his vision, and his notes were indecipherable scribbles.
But Julie had no problems. She understood him perfectly, with no extra explanation needed.
And then, probably just to screw with Alex’s head, Luke let Julie take the reins, giving her power over his song. Never had the guitarist allowed him or Reggie (or Bobby) to workshop one of his songs like Julie was doing. Sure, Julie needed to transform the song from something for a band into something for a single musician, but that wasn’t all she was doing, and Luke let her.
He and Julie were cut from the same cloth, capable of working in synchrony, tandem, reading each other’s motions, hear what they weren’t saying.
It was magical in the frightening way that something new felt so inherently right.
Something was starting right now, and they would shine together, bright forever.
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
💔Rotten Love💔 //Twisted Wonderland Yandere Idia Shroud X Yandere Eliza X Reader// Part 1
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GIF made by the amazing @flowerofthemoonworld. Okay, so this story is really going to have a Persephone x Reader x Hades vibe to it. If we can get this to 160 likes before July 12 than I’ll release part 2. For now, my goal is to make it a 4 part story with a bonus 5th fluff chapter. Also for this story reader will be GENDER NEUTRAL.
WARNING: Gore, Angst
💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙
There was always a cold, nostalgic air in the Ignihyde dormitory, a sort of homey sensation that made Eliza's heart skip a beat. Sure the dorm was quiet and secluded, unlike the ghost kingdom, there was barely anyone to talk to. Most may have even described it as "lonesome" and "boring". But to princess Eliza who had waited more than five hundred years to be with her prince charming, it was unadulterated, homespun bliss. Of course, there was still something missing, a tiny puzzle piece that refused to fit in with the rest of its kind, a stubborn little piece it was, yet all too important to paint the picture of her perfect life. That mulish fragment came in the form of her newly wedded husband, Idia Shroud.
The "young" princess sang as she skipped over to where her "husband" was sitting, his posture crooked, like that of a scrunched up cat's. His long slender fingers where typing rapidly on that bizarre rectangular device that he all too attached to. Way too attached to, for Eliza's liking.
Eliza nuzzled her visage into the crook of the bleached-skinned boy's neck, taking in his smokey, ash-like sent. Her icy colored arms wafted over his shoulders, enclosing them his a tight embrace. Her fingers dangled over where his heart was, feeling tiny fast-paced pulses that sent a pleased blush to her face. "Idia let's go for a walk near that river. Please, my love! You haven't left this room since the reception!"
The taller male barely turned to look at her, preferring to instead to keep his eyes locked on his glowing blue screen. "Still busy Eliza" his cold dead voice was always so sharp and monotone whenever he spoke to her. It felt like someone was reaching into her rib cage and squeezing her decaying heart. Her voice cracked into a thousand tiny shards, as she tried to form a comprehensible answer. He might as well have told her to die again and rot in the deepest parts of hell. He doesn't love me....he'll never love me. The relation was like a heavy chronic toxic gas levitating overhead. Easy to overlook but still there, always there. Idia didn't move, if Eliza's arms weren't wrapped around his shoulders feeling every breath he took, she might have mistaken him for a statue. No, not a statue, she thought, some sort of sculpture of an ancient Greek God. A divine being set in stone resting in an altar, waiting for reparations and benedictions. 'I'd gladly pray at your feet every day. I'd sacrifice everything I had just for you to smile that charming smile at me'. The ghost thought to herself.
For an endless minute, the darkroom fell into a thick, suffocating silence. Neither Eliza nor Idia moved both too scared of breaking some invisible glass wall they had put up around them. However, no amount of serenity could dispose of the awkwardness, and annoyance Idia was beginning to feel. "You know" the lord of the dead began "maybe you should talk to the principle about join the school full time. It would give you more to do than breathing over my shoulder" despite Idia's tone harboring no malice, Eliza still flinched in shock. Her body going rigid, stiffening as if she was going into Rigor Mortis again.
The voice in her head screamed,
"Please stop" she whispered
"If that's what you want" she finally replied in a broken voice.
"I'm... I'm only saying it for your sake," he muttered in a coaxing tone.
Deep down a delusional part of her wanted to scream that he was only saying all those harsh things for her own well-being. But she was still lucid enough to not believe those fallacies, imaginary words...Eliza perceived that her beloved prince Idia saw her as nothing more than a nuisance.  One that he was far too eager to get rid of. 
She couldn't bear the conversation any farther. Painfully slowly she peeled her arms off from around her so-called lover. In that taunting minute, Eliza swore she could feel billions upon billions of sharp needles piercing every piece of her dead body. She lingered in place staring at Idia's glowing, blazing hair. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to spend every second of her dead life with him! Touching him, kissing him, loving him! But he wouldn't love her! Why didn't he love her!! Without a customary goodbye or any form of acknowledgment, Eliza flew to the door. Swinging it open just a crack, wishing to slam it so hard that the whole underworld dorm would feel it. But alas she was still royalty and there was a politeness beaten into her every action. In the end after much debating, she closed the damn door quieter than a mouse. With a broken heart and eyes full of tears, princess Eliza began to hover up onto the surface of the school grounds.
A simple blaring thought that reverberated through Eliza's nonexistent skull as she marched through the glowing green halls of Night Raven College. Unlike Ignihyde, the rest of the school still felt rather alien and terrifying to the girl. She'd only been in the cafeteria for a short amount of time. Only to finish up her official marriage to Idia. After the marriage -and much persuasion from his friend with grey hair and glasses-  Idia had carried Eliza in the traditional manner a groom must carry a bride, to the hall of mirrors and straight to Ignyhde. Neither of them had left Idia's room since then.
It was a rather short memory but one that always placed a smile on Eliza's face. Rather than remembering the halls, Eliza had been all too bewitched by Idia's shy golden gaze, his bloody red face, and his kissable thin blue lips. Such a darling memory that she would always cherish within her rotten heart.
But as the minutes ticked away and Eliza passed hallway after hallway all identical to one another, she soon began to wish that she'd paid more attention to the whereabouts of the school's rooms and offices. The headmaster's office seemed to be missing from this endless maze. Behind every corner was the same tiled floor, candles lit by a mystical green light and windows so large they put the countless classroom doors to shame. Every few minutes a crowd of students would pass by, disappearing behind another wall withing second. No one noticed her, which was rather odd considering she was the only female in an all-boys school, her purple dress and feminine curves were proof enough of that. "I guess this is the result of being a ghost, wandering the land of the living" She whispered hopelessly to herself. "You're invisible when you're me..."
The eighth turn that Eliza took brought her to a small cluster of peculiar students. Some donning ears and tails like those of wild beasts, while the other had odd features resembling Ortho's limps. Metallic and reflective. They were laughing at something, attentions enclosed within their small groups. A measly thought flew into Eliza's head, why not speak up? Raise your voice and ask where she could locate the headmaster of this complex establishment.
"Excuse me."
None of the boys turned to her, they just continued with there chatter. Eliza opened her mouth to speak once more when she -rather unwillingly- picked up stray words from their conversation.
"It's not fair!" A tall lanky one with striped ears and tail whined
"Yeah! How come that useless shut-in gets to get married to a cute girl !" the second one was even taller, with thick furry grey ears that reminded Eliza of a wolf.
"Look man I don't know what Idia has that makes him so damn lucky! He's a useless wimp..." A Bold statement made by the one with metallic features.
Eliza was sure they continued bashing Idia but the phantom pain of blood coursing through her ears droned them out. How dare such hooligans speak ill of her beloved husband! Her fingers flexed in a robotic-like movement, stretching open than closing once more. Around her tiny flame-like spirits began to materialize, cute and cheery with big eyes and smiling mouths...until they noticed the distress of their mistress. the tiny things took a look around, grasping the situation from the loud words of the boys as well as Eliza's grim expression. Slowly the little flames began to merge with one another. Fusing into a large ax with a burning end. The weapon floated down to her hand, positioning itself smugly between her ghostly digits.
Eliza's eyes locked with the backs of the boys, she didn't know how this would work, could the ax could even harm the living? It may just phase through them as if nothing had happened....or it may price through there flesh and bones, tearing them in two. Hosting the ax up over her shoulder with both hands and taking a shaky step forward, Eliza lunged towards the first boy. In a swift flick of her wrist, the blade of the ax was pushing through the Ignihyde student's back. Splitting ceaselessly at the skin and urging past muscles until it reached the creamy colored bones. Eliza didn't stop there, her arms still pushing forward trying to get the heavy ax to break those pesky osseins. He had to pay for what he said! No one was permitted to speak ill of her one true love! A satisfying crack filled the air followed by a choir of screams. Only when the ax had finally resurfaced on the other side, covered in plasma and the remnants of organs, did Eliza turned her attention to the other two students. There eyes where enormous staring at her in disgust and fear...and something else. Something that -although it revolted her to her very core- she wished Idia would look at her with that same look in his eyes. A look of want, a look of need, pure lust, yet the welcoming sort ONLY if it was coming from the person you adored so much.
The blue-haired ghost didn't move, her semi existent body felt overworked. Everything hurt! Or at least she thought what she was feeling was the ghost equivalent to human pain. "Why.." her voice glitched at every syllable, like a broken cassette player. The two boys didn't answer instead taking shall strides backward. "WHY DID YOU SAY SUCH AWFUL THINGS ABOUT HIM!" in a split second, anger over ran Eliza's boy once more, dragging her and the ax forward until the blade came in contact with one of the animal eared men's neck. Slicing it so it flung backward, crashing onto the ground with loud "thud" then rolling around in its own gore. The last man stand, the one with monochrome ears pushed his palms forward, a pathetic attempt of shielding himself from her wrath. "W-we..we d-d-did...didn't-t mean...mean any..offense...honest!" His voice creaked as tears gushed from the corners of his eyes. "You're...you're just so...so...pretty...beautiful even...and...and...Shroud well...we...well, he's a loser who w-w-wouldn't kno--" his words were left half-finished, as Eiza's ax severed through him diagonally.  
Her heart was pounding much too fast, that it was beginning to make her feel sick. Her legs finally gave up, sending her crashing onto the blood coated floor.  Her bare knees dug into the red liquidy substance, finding an odd comfort in the warm human ichor. Eliza didn't know what to do, or even where to go. If she went back to Idia like this he would surely use it against her, Ortho was too young to be introduced to such a carnage...and she didn't know anyone else! "I'm all so very doomed" she sobbed as transparent tears trailed down her eyes.
"Hey" A distant voice spoke up. "What's wrong with her?" another voice, this one more high pitch and raspy. Eliza tore her face from her hands looking up at a group of three strangers and a cat...no, not strangers, she recognized the orange and blacked haired boy. They both had tried to crash her wedding. But the other person was new, they had a gentle look in their eyes, a welcoming stare that the princess longed for. "Hey ghost bride," The orange-haired boy spoke up, "need some help with your mess?" Eliza nodded meekly. Her body still limp and voice still too frail to speak. The last person, the one that had unexpectedly piqued Eliza's interest extended a hand towards her. And with only a scrap of hesitation, Eliza gripped it.
"Come on, we'll help you out!"
💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 
Tags: @yandere-romanticaa​ @ghostiebabey​ @lovee-infected​ @mermaid-painter​ @firemelody4​ also tagging @twstpasta​ and @delusional-obsessions​ cause I know they're huge Eliza fans.
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reggiepetersphantom · 4 years
ranking jatp songs based on their gay bi vibes
becos i am very bi :-) this is ,,,, two months overdue ,,, i am so sorry ,,., . anyway lets go :))
15. perfect harmony  i mean. its .... very straight. unpop opinion(?) but i cannot stand it </3 juke is fine i just .... idk .... i Dont Like It!!
14. this band is back pure boys will be boys. no romance but it’s gotta go somewhere
13. unsaid emily again no romance but its gotta go somewhere. idk. lgbt culture is having a strained relationship w ur parents so -
12. i got the music AGAIN no romance (besides nicks bit), and def got a lot of slack ,, including from me lol. but a very FUN number!! very hsm!! theatre is lgbt culture & PRIDE so!! & as a gay i appreciate flynn’s fit and julie’s cropped bobcats hoodie <3
11. wake up a v comforting song. anyone going thru anything will enjoy it. miss madison reyes ily
10. you got nothing to lose AKJSDKF willie shouted during alex’s solo!!! gay rights!!! caleb gets no rights for using baby not once but TWICE :// besides that, a banger. loved lukes electric guitar solo/bit thats like the only point i will swoon for him
9. wow the wlw love it. so do i. pretty girls <3
8. now or never its sunset curve not sunset straight ! there are no token straights here sry. they r gay n they do what they want!! lukereggie mic share ,, mlm rights. fucken bop
7. stand tall biden campaign edit lives rent free in my mind. i always forget abt alexs solo and it catches me so off guard. but like, love it. lukealex hand hold ,,, healthy exes no i will not take criticism. as for the SONG askdj like wake up, a lovely song for anyone going thru anything <3 julie and the boys’ outfit colors make up the bi colors ,,,,hmmm
6. all eyes on me  CONFIDENT GAY RIGHTS!!!!! and again the wlw love dirty candi
5. the other side of hollywood evil theatre gay rights!!!!! if i were there i would have simply joined the hollywood ghost club in an instant. rip to the phantoms (ahaha) but im different
4. bright i am bi and i love it. between the lukereggie mic share and julie walking thru luke i simply pass away. the lyrics def can be interpreted as lgbt and by me they absolutely are! fight to shine together!!!
3. finally free i wouldve loved it as a kid. i hope kids rn love it. i love it rn. i hope everyone loves it as much as i do. such a ,,warm song. lovely vibes. bi fucken RIGHTS luke shares the mic with reggie AND julie!! good for him good for him. julies voice ,,, <3
2. edge of great  bi rights strike again!!!! julies outfit is the bi colors i mean come on!! its never straight no, be who u r, no compromise. their voices are so >>> see this is the juke content i like. in some songs i can hardly stand luke (im sry), but the chemistry scene & him ‘singing’ back to julie during her solo >>>>
1. flying solo BI ! MF ! RIGHTS !!! they didnt even try to hide it!!! the forehead touch!! lukereggie mic share!! the them lyric!! heavy queercoding aside, a v soft scene. love it. o to have a friendship like any of the main characters </3
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jjpogueprincess · 4 years
Through the love of Music
  Requested: Yes
 Hi I noticed you are doing Reggie x reader for Julie and the phantoms and I was wondering if you could do one where the reader and Reggie were dating I. The 90s then time skip to 2020 and like Luke with his parents Reggie go’s to the readers house and watches her
Yes of course!! So i tried to stay as close to this as i could but it kinda got away from me. Its a little bit different but its got everything. and some twists. Hope y’all enjoy!!
Warnings: emotional? Cute? 
Reggie x Reader
The guys just finished up rehearsals at the Orpheum for their sold.out show tonight. As the guys are talking to the bartender another girl comes up and raps her arms around Reggie. Reggie turns around surprised to see his girlfriend of 3 years hugging him. 
“Oh my god! You’re here!!” Reggie says spinning you around making you giggle. 
“I thought you had to work tonight so you couldn’t make it?” he says kissing you on the forehead. You wouldn’t think it but Reggie is really affectionate. Especially when it comes to you. 
“Well I had Amanda cover for me at work so I could come see you play! I love you and I wouldn’t miss it!” you say to Reggie as he has this big grin on his face. He swoops in to kiss you long and hard.
 “I’m so glad you’re here! We were about to go get some street dogs. Wanna come with?” he asks you.
 “No I’m good. You know I don’t like being around that stuff. But have fun with the guys and be safe! I’ll see you when you get back! I have some news to share!”  you say as you kiss him. Little did you know that would be the last time you saw him alive. 
*25 years later* 
Julie is rehearsing with the guys for the gig at her house tonight and she can’t contain her excitement. Her aunt is going to be there with her son watching her perform! As they finish performing, a car pulls up outside and Julie squeals “they’re finally here!” she says as she runs outside. The guys knew her aunt and little cousin were coming because it’s all Julie could talk about when she wasn’t rehearsing, doing school work or writing music. Little did Reggie know that this was all a plan for her aunt to see Reggie again. Julie knows it's been tough on her aunt with being a single mother and all. Even if they can’t fully be together at least there would be some comfort to know that he is there. Spiritually speaking. The guys are snapped out of their little talk when Julie walks in with a woman and a guy in tow. 
“This place hasn’t changed a bit.” You say looking around the garage turned studio. The guy spoke up “Is this aunties studio?” Reggie Jr. Asks his mother.
 “It is. And before that it was where your father and your uncle Alex and Luke rehearsed all day and night.” Reggie Jr. Just looks around in awe. He looks like his father. Julie sees the look on the boys faces and she watches Reggie walk up to her like he sees his whole world right in front of him. He goes to reach for her but pulls his hand away and poofs out. 
“He’s just….hurt. They were together for 3 years and he was going to propose to her. Yeah they were young but they knew they were it for each other.” Luke said 
“She was family. My sister. I also think he’s mad that she was pregnant and didn’t tell him.” Alex said. “So wait a minute. She’s your aunt? Alex said dumbfounded. 
“She’s not by blood. She and my mom were best friends. They stayed with each other after you guys died. She watched me grow up. I always called her auntie.” Julie says forgetting you were standing right there. 
“Who are you talking to hon?” you say as Julie looks at you like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “Uhh. Just myself.” Julie says nervously. 
“She is so lying mom. I bet she’s talking to ghosts.” Reggie jr. says jokingly. Julie just laughs nervously. “Actually I wouldn't doubt if there were ghost’s out here ya know. Definitely would keep this place lively.” You say to her. This shocks Julie giving her an idea. “Would you like to hear a song? It’s called finally free. We played it a few nights ago.” Julie say’s looking at the guys. Reggie Poofed back ready to play. 
“I’m a little nervous. I mean, she’ll see us!” Reggie says. 
“It’s gonna be fine.” Julie says. As the song starts to play, the band appears and all you and Reggie jr. can do is just stare. You start to tear up because there right in front of you, is your only love along with your brother. You don’t know how it’s possible but you just stare at Reggie like he’s the only thing in the world. As the song ends, they disappear and you just look at Julie like you saw a ghost.Literally. 
"Julie. What just...but how...where..what just happened?" You ask her. She explains that she can see them and how and she goes into explaining how they came into her life. "I want to talk with him. I need to tell him. He's probably so mad at me for not telling him! Is he here?" You ask Julie. "He's standing right next to you." Julie says 
"Since she can't see me, can you relay what I say?" Reggie asks Julie. Julie nods. As he goes to ask a question he stops himself and reaches for your hand. Wanting to at least try to hold your hand. He places his hand on yours and as you look down,, feeling something on your hand, you see it, this light, you can't explain it but as you look up there he is. Right in front of you. You're actually able to see him. Touch him. And you start to cry. Reggie just looks at Julie shocked and then back to you as everyone except for you, Reggie and Reggie jr. Leave the room. You just stare at him. 
"Is it really you? How is this possible? How is any of this happening right now?" You ask him. Reaching up to touch his face. He's crying as well. You look beside you to your son and see him smiling. Reggie pulls you both into a hug and you all just sit there for a minute. 
"To answer your question y/n, I'm not sure how this is possible. But i'm so glad it's happening. And I have a son! Why didn't you tell me?" He exclaims. 
"I was going to. That night. Before you guys died. I was gonna tell all 3 of you. But you never came back. I found out you guys died and I wasn't the same. I did move on but I never found anyone else. I couldn't. You're the only one I ever wanted! I loved you. I still do!" You say. And you lean in to kiss him. Every time you guys used to kiss, it always felt like the first time. After you pulled away, you were smiling so big! You introduced your son to his father and left them to talk. Hoping to maybe try and see Alex and Luke. You walk out to see Julie talking to what I assumed were Alex and Luke. You say hey to Julie as she stops talking. 
"So, how did it go? Are you OK?" Julie asks. 
"I'm fine hon. He's talking with his son right now. Figure I'd give them a minute." You say. As you talk with Julie some more you feel a hand on both of your shoulders and turn around. Low and behold, there is your brother Alex and Luke. You pull them into a hug. "I missed you. Both of you." You say to them. They hug back 
"We missed you too." they said as Alex asked "How are mom and dad?" You can see he's waiting on an answer. "They're OK. They miss you every day. They felt bad the way things turned out. How they left things. They love you." You tell him. He hugs you one more time as Reggie and Reggie Jr. walk out. They both have red eyes and smiles which makes you so happy. As they come to a stop Alex hugs Reggie jr. who in turn, hugs back. 
"I know this isn't permanent, but we need to try and take a picture." You say not realizing Julie already had a camera in hand "i'm already ahead of you on that auntie. I need you guys to kinda squeeze together. And on 3.." she says as she snaps the picture. You have your fingers crossed hoping it would work. Julie just looks at it and smiles. "Do you want to see it?" She says showing you the picture. You start to tear up. It's perfect! 
"Thank you so much Julie. This was the best gift ever. You made so much happen in one day. I love you little butterfly. Your mom would be so proud of you." You say pulling her into a hug. You look up and the guys disappear again. 
"Are they still here?" You ask slightly panicked. "They are. I guess it doesn't last that long." Julie says a little sadly. "It's alright! We got to see them. That's all that matters. And every time you play, we will see them. So i'm not worried. I can't thank you again. For making this possible." You say to her. You were happy and a little sad. Even though you won't get to see him all the time, there will always be the time you did have. And photos. And music. 
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missorgana · 4 years
looks a lot like christmas
pairing: alex/willie, background julie/luke
fandom: julie and the phantoms
rating: general
word count: 1634
warning: swearing, referenced homophobia, dysfunctional family
summary: It's the first Christmas in the afterlife, and Alex misses Willie. (first christmas together, canon compliant)
(my 12 days of fanfiction event is now upon us!!! thank you @sayankotor for the prompt, i hope you enjoy this ❤️ and don’t forget, you can still send me prompts if you haven’t already!)
read on ao3
Alex is anxious. Then again, when is he not?
He certainly didn’t expect this to continue after he, well, died, yet here he is. 
After meeting Julie, getting to perform again, Caleb’s curse, him and his boys not disappearing forever, let’s just say there’s been a lot going on. Some peace and quiet serves him right, Alex thinks.
Oh, but meeting Willie, that was also something. Something completely different, so Alex doesn’t quite know where to place this feeling fluttering behind his chest.
In all honesty, he hasn’t seen Willie since they said their goodbyes. Of course not, the shorter boy thought he would fade away. Whether that be by the hands of Caleb or their own salvation.
Alex misses him. Of course he bloody does.
Luke and Reggie’s been comforting about it, even assured him he’d see Willie again, but Alex isn’t that sure.
He doesn’t know where he is, but he’s scared. What won’t Caleb do if he finds out the skater boy helped them out of his grasp?
And, of course, because Alex is just so obvious, according to Luke, he wishes he’d said something to Willie.
Something like a reply to the shorter boy’s line in the club.
“There’s a lot to like here.” What’s that supposed to mean? Alex knows what he  wants it to mean, but he was so shell shocked, he didn’t even react. He let Willie walk away.
And, oh, “I’d do anything for you.”
Luke likes to remind Alex just how not straight that sentence was, but the irrational fear in him still can’t help those nagging doubts in his head.
But why think of those when it’s Christmas, right?
That’s how Reggie gets him out of his own head. He’s always looked forward to Christmas, sometimes with a frightening obsession, but it’s nice of him to use it as a distraction, as well.
They’re good friends. Too good. Julie too, who lets them help decorate, with Carlos as well, of course, letting him in on their little family secret with their dad blissfully unaware. Alex is sure he wouldn’t mind.
In fact, while their dad’s at work, Julie and the boys work on the Christmas tree as a team effort.
There’s barely any tree visible at this point, presents filled up on the floor, Julie taking a hold of the glass ornaments, so the ghosts don’t risk smashing anything, and themselves focusing on glitter, light chain and the like.
She teaches them to fold these paper decorations, too, and Luke laughs at Reggie’s overly eager running about.
Julie takes Luke’s hand for a moment.
It’s different now that they can actually touch, and Luke smiles shyly. Maybe that just makes Alex miss the skater boy more.
But, of course, before Christmas day, the boys want to pay a visit to their families. Reggie found both his parent’s new homes, a month after it all went down, and despite it all, it gives him some peace looking after them.
Same goes with Luke, who receives a kiss on his cheek before poofing out.
And, well, that leaves Alex. He does poof out, too, giving the brightly smiling girl a wave, despite her eyes definitely looking through his facade.
Alex knows where his family is, just as much as his boys. And that’s where he goes. He’s not quite sure how much peace, or warmth, or fulfillment that brings him, though.
He rather just deems it a necessary thing to get done.
As Alex poofs into the stark white house at the end of the road, lavender painted window sills at the courtesy of his mom, and space enough for a garden for the dog, just like the old days, he’s ready to be let down.
He’s already been that anyway, he’s used to it.
When Alex went here for the first time since they died, just a month ago, actually, he was shocked at just how little had changed.
Inside, too. Living room seemed untouched since he ran away to sleep in the garage with the boys. Only difference being the huge portrait of himself over the fireplace.
That surprised Alex, too.
His father didn’t look at him the same way since he came out, and even though his mother didn’t admit to not accepting him, the sad look she gave him hurt even more than the spiteful words said to his face, for some reason.
Alex thought he was lucky his brother wasn’t home to hear it, which is just as depressing as everything else.
They’ve stuck with the traditional Christmas family gathering, still. And just beneath his own face staring back at him, on the mantelpiece, was the angel that always had its home there for the holidays.
It’s almost like the family used his death to forget what made him run away. Or rather, made them push him out, because God knows he didn’t want to be, excuse his language, fucking homeless at the age of 17.
Is it too tragic that dysfunctional families are what tied him and the boys together, made them inseparable? Perhaps.
Alex’s mother still had that sad look in her eyes when she looked at his portrait. Well it’s fair enough, if she hadn’t acted like that when he was alive, too.
But after mulling the thoughts from his first visit over, he didn’t have the energy to be bitter anymore. He’s just disappointed in them.
And Luke and Reggie, and Julie were right every time they told him it’s his family’s loss, and immediately stopped him in his tracks when he tried to blame himself, or regret he ever told them.
Now he can sit beside that very fireplace, and observe his strained family eat of the Christmas dinner, a painful silence settled on the resident.
Way to have Christmas cheer, huh.
Except, a poof, a sound he’s oddly familiar with by now sounds from the entrance. Alex expects it to be one, or both of the boys, picking him up on the way back to Julie because he hasn’t watched the time.
It’s a boy he knows, but one he’s missed.
He doesn’t even contain the surprise to his own head, but says it out loud, he realises, when the skater ghost is standing in the archway, looking at Alex like a lost treasure.
There’s this feeling in his stomach like the first time they met, which is insane because they’re  dead , he’s not supposed to stomach aches, or any aches for that matter.
“Hey, hotdog.”
Alex probably looks like a computer in shut down mode. It’s okay though, he supposes, since his silence doesn’t scare the shorter boy from sitting down next to him.
Okay. Calm down. Butterflies in his stomach, ghost butterflies, what the fuck?
The boy, now next to him, who’s just too pretty for Alex to process, duh, he’s been since the first day, puts his gaze on the gathering in front of them.
He can hear the fire crackling behind him, and he feels warm. Because of blushing, more likely.
Can ghosts even blush? He doesn’t have blood anymore, for God’s sake.
Alex ends up interrupting Willie when he tries to say something, stupid, yet the skater boy urges him to continue first.
“How’d you know where to find me?” he finds himself asking. Not “Where have you been?”, like a rational person. But he never claimed to be rational, did he?
Willie smiles softly. Fuck.
“I have my ways.” is all Alex gets, and instead of elaborating, he takes this as his cue to talk, “They’re not big on the holidays?”
Alex turns back to the dinner table, and the thick, uncomfortable aura.
If they knew he was there, watching them, all hell would break loose. Or if he was still alive, probably more so. He hates that thought.
He gives Willie a shrug, “They used to. I guess a dead gay son kills the mood.”
Alex got that sarcastic, borderline depressing humor from time to time. It’s not something that came with death, but perhaps, a bit more recurring now.
Reggie, the ever optimist and dork he is, always made it a mission to scold him for those kinds of jokes, and that’s what friends are supposed to do, right?
Willie looks at him. Concerned, but understanding. Alex’s not sure how he knows, but trust him, he just does.
“At least you got a portrait.”
And that’s where Alex takes his chance, “Where have you been?”
The words seem harsh, but Willie smiles again, so maybe it’s his own overthinking taking a toll.
“Avoiding Caleb, mostly.”
“Did… I-did he do something? To you?”
And the boy, an  angel , more like, knows those nervous eyes, it seems, and for some reason, thanks to whatever good forces out there, he takes his hand.
“You worry too much.” is all he says.
Well, he’s not wrong. Definitely not the first time he’s heard that statement.
Also, that’s not in any way an answer to his question, but Alex has developed a feeling of when he shouldn’t ask further.
Willie doesn’t seem as distraught as he expected. It’s weird, because just like before after all that mess, he reappears into his life- uh, well, afterlife, just as randomly as the many times before.
He’s soft. Alex doesn’t have other words to describe him, at all, like in the Hollywood Ghost Club.
And he even convinces himself to form words, an invite to Julie’s, not willing to risk the skater boy disappearing in front of him, too soon, too often, but Willie reads his mind all over again, “You wanna get out of here?”
Alex sighs in relief.
It’s warm now, the silence, because of the boy next to him. He’d rather prefer that warmth somewhere… warmer, in general. Not here.
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10 JATP Headcanons
Yeah I’m bored so I figured I’d make a post about some of the headcanon’s I have for Julie and The Phantoms. Some of these are sad but some are fun and some are defo more realistic than others. 
1) When Luke put the bands name down for the finally free performance he didn’t just have terrible handwriting he also misspelt phantoms as fantoms. It wasn’t until later when they put their band name on Alex’s drums that he realised he had been spelling it wrong the whole time but he was too embarassed to tell the band so he just stuck with bad handwriting when the annoucer prenounced it as Julie and the Fat Ones. 
2) A large part of why Bobby stole the songs from the band was because of Carrie. He had recorded a few of them and was just gaining popularity when he met Carrie’s mum. Feeling guilty about using Luke’s songs he decided to stop but then Carrie’s mum told him she was pregnant. Everything in his world became about that baby and making sure he could provide for his child which is what lead to him continuing to record Luke’s songs because he wanted to make sure he could give his little girl the best. 
3) When Luke left home he ended up living in Bobby’s garage/ the studio, that’s why he exclaimed ‘my couch’ in episode 1, it’s where he slept. Bobby stepping up when Luke really needed him is what made his later betrayal so much more painful for Luke. 
4) The reason why Luke is so against country music is because his parents used to listen to it all the time at home and so it makes him sad because it reminds him of home. It’s exactly the same reason why Reggie loves country music his family also had a love for country and although his home life wasn’t good either he still misses home and so country music is a comfort for him. 
5) Luke was so hurt when Julie said ‘the only person you think about is yourself’ because those were the last words his mother said to him when he left home that’s why the boys were so concerned and why Alex told him Julie didn’t mean it because they knew how much that would hurt him.
6) Carlos really started getting into the ghost thing when his mum got sick as a coping mechanism, he wanted to believe that even once his mum was gone she would still be here in some way. 
7) The lines ‘shout shout, let it out out’ in edge of great where suggested by Alex and were a reference to Willie and him screaming in the museum and you will never convince me otherwise. 
8) Ray was at the venue where the Finally Free performance happened because its where he first met Rose and that night he just wanted to feel close to her. 
9) Carrie’s mum left when she was really young but she pops back into their lives every few years when she wants money from Bobby. Everytime she shows up Carrie can’t help but get her hopes up that maybe this time it’ll be different and she’ll saty only to be disappointed when she inevitably leaves again. This is what has made her colder and put up alot of her walls. It’s also why Bobby/ trevor always gives her whatever she wants, he’s over compensating for her mother being gone because he thinks its his fault for not being able to make it work with Carrie’s mum. 
10) Reggie loves dogs. He always begged his parents for a puppy but they always said no. He told the boys that when sunset curve made it big the first thing he was going to do was buy a puppy to be the band’s mascot.  
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Deck the Halls with Boughs of Silly
Summary: Take three ghosts and a teenage girl, who happen to be in one band. Have them organize a Christmas party, with decorations, gifts exchange, dancing, caroling, and friends. What you get is the best Christmas EVER, Phantoms-style. A @jatpdaily Secret Santa 2020 gift for @bisexualrhee
Also on AO3.
Merry Christmas Emilia!!! I hope these holidays are going to bring you lots of joy, and the next year is going to be much, much, muuuuch better than this one! Stand tall! Anyho-ho-ho, here’s your story! I hope you like it!
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *  ~ * ~ * 
At first they planned a small celebration purely for Luke. It’d been his family tradition and since he obviously couldn’t celebrate with his mother and father, the band decided to orchestrate a little Christmas party to take Luke’s mind off of things like another anniversary of him running out on his parents, or being - you know - a musician spirit. 
But it sort of snowballed from there and as usual things were never simple for long when Sunset Curve was around.
Julie went absolutely nuts with Christmas lights, turning the studio’s ceiling into a miniscule version of the Milky Way. Ray happened to wander inside as she was installing a wee galaxy under the roof, balancing carelessly on a tall ladder. 
After the mandatory lecture on safety Ray smiled slyly and asked if Julie intended to communicate with any missing colleagues from the Upside Down. 
Julie flashed him a panicked look before laughing stiffly. “What?” she asked.
“The Upside Down? Demogorgon? Joyce communicating through lights with Will?” Ray explained. “Come on, we’ve watched Stranger Things like two weeks ago!”
“Ah, Stranger Things,” his daughter chuckled nervously. 
“Stranger indeed,” someone murmured at the bottom of the ladder, for her ears only.
“So… that’s a lot of Christmas lights, huh?” Ray decided to change the subject.
“Yeah, for ambience, you know,” Julie busied herself with the cords. 
“And totally not for a-ny-thing supernatural,” a second voice from the other side of the ladder assured mockingly. Julie had to purse her lips to keep herself from laughing.
“Good. That’s good,’ Ray swung his arms, taking a few long strides towards the door. “Well, then, have an ambient evening!” He disappeared outside.
“Thanks, Dad!” Julie yelled after him, trying to be louder than Reggie, who uttered a cordial “Thanks, Ray!” upon the man’s departure.
“Reggie, Luke!” Julie chided. “You were supposed to hold that ladder, not chat with Dad!”
Reggie, to Luke’s disappointment, called dibs on dressing up as Santa Claus. Julie couldn’t imagine a better suited candidate than the happy-go-lucky bassist. Although - she chuckled to herself - it would be funny to see a possibly sleeveless Santa.
The self appointed Father Christmas poofed out and was back a few seconds later sporting a shiny red leather jacket and a matching cowboy hat with a white fluffy fringe around the broad rim. A false beard hung loosely around his jaw. Red cowboy boots completed the look. Now Julie was sure, a sleeveless Santa could never compare.
“You like?” Reggie asked as he swaggered proudly around the studio, showing off his outfit. 
Julie cleared her throat. “Cooooool,” she breathed, fighting off the silly grin that threatened to betray her real opinion. Miraculously, she kept a straight face, even though all she wanted to do was to collapse in a fit of giggles. 
“Your take on Santa is truly astounding.” Alex announced with poorly veiled sarcasm. “Also I’m starting to regret some of my earlier decisions,” he added under his breath.
Luke looked like he was torn between mocking Reggie and sulking, but he ultimately decided to move to the next point on their agenda. “Gifts! Gifts! Gifts!” he chanted.
“Darn right!” Reggie rubbed his hands. “Now that your Santa is here, it’s time for presents!”
He opened the huge sack filled with packages of various sizes. “Me first!” he announced, pulling out a set of envelopes. There was one for each of the band’s members. “Don’t mean to brag, but these are real pearls,” he winked.
“You got us real pe-… okay…” Alex ripped the envelope and pulled out a page with sheet music. He inspected the score, humming quietly. “Hey, it’s a country song!”
“Mine too!” Julie piped in from over her sheet.
“No way!” Luke showed his own page. He burst into laughter.
“This is going to get awkward pretty soon,” Alex sing-sang.
And as if he was a fortune teller, right on cue came Reggie’s squeal of delight. 
He’d just fished out a package with his name on it and pulled out a… page of sheet music. He skipped over the notes and lyrics. “OH-MY-GOSH!” he cried. “You wrote me a country song, Julie!”
“Julie?!” came a surprised shout from both Alex and Luke. “But-”
“Oh, here’s another one for me,” Santa dived into the bag only to pull out another envelope and… yes, another page tightly covered with notes and lyrics, definitely less reader-friendly than the first one. “Oh, Luuuuuke!” Reggie awed. 
“Luke?” Now Alex turned to the lead guitarist, eyes as large as saucers. 
“I wrote him a little bit of something, country style,” Luke smiled benevolently, “I had to reciprocate for his gift of the horse song, you know.”
“‘Bike Shack Polka’ sounds AWE-some!” Reggie pressed the page to his chest. “You guys are just... “ he wiped a tear, that might have been only a little bit imaginary, from his eye.
“Is there- “ Alex squeaked, then cleared his throat, “is there maybe another envelope?” he asked.
Reggie shot him a surprised look, but obediently rummaged in the sack and indeed found another envelope. He opened it and-
“You have got to be kidding me!” he shrieked. 
Alex grinned with satisfaction. “Not bad for the first time, even if I say so myself.”
“Not bad? Not bad?” Reggie was still staring at the page. “Alex, this has ‘our first country single’ material written all over it!” 
“Country single?” Now Julie and Luke looked up from their own pages. 
“Best Christmas E V E R!” Reggie announced, proudly presenting the three country songs he received. “With the ones I wrote for you we are close to having enough numbers for an entire album!” he squealed with joy.
The rest of the band looked at each other in quiet stupefaction.
“What have we done?” Alex mouthed.
“You’d better start learning how to fiddle really fast, Julie,” Luke whispered, raising a brow.
Handing out the rest of the gifts went relatively smoothly. Julie awed at the gorgeous notebook with a dahlia patterned cover. 
“For all our greatest hits,” Luke murmured into her ear. He already finished attaching the new strap to his six-string. It had a cute motif of little glittery ghosts that Julie had painstakingly applied, rhinestone after rhinestone. 
The gifts from Alex were - as one might suspect - thoughtful and endearing. For Julie he selected a pink hoodie, a smaller version of his own. He must have noticed her envious looks, but now the only thing he saw in her face was joy, as she sank inside the soft garment. Luke got a tank top with “MY name is LUKE'' printed in big letters, with a small font addition of “Really. Definitely NOT Trevor nor Bobby'' underneath.
Finally the drummer unwrapped the last gift: a baseball cap, one of those he wore so often, with a set of reindeer antlers at the sides. He immediately put it on and raced to Reggie.
“Let’s go, Santa!” he crouched allowing for the bassist to jump onto his back, piggyback style. Then he cantered around the studio, to Julie’s impromptu “Run Rudolph Run'' a cappella performance. 
They’d probably switch to gallop really soon if it wasn’t for Luke’s frantic gestures. “Reggie!” he shouted, meaningfully raising his brows.
“What? Oh, put me down!” Santa demanded. “I forgot there’s one more gift!” He disappeared outside following Luke’s lead.
The boys opened the door a little wider and carried a huge box inside. It took them both to lift it, although it didn’t seem heavy for them. It was the size that was giving them trouble. They put it in front of Alex and patted their backs.
“Go on,” they encouraged. “Open it.”
Alex untied the wide ribbon that held the box together and its sides fell down.
“Oh- Wow,” Alex’s voice broke and he blinked a few times. He reached out, as if grabbing something.
“What?” Julie pushed to the front. “It’s… empty?” She looked questioningly to the drummer, then to Luke and Reggie. “You gave him an empty box?”
The boys knitted their brows in confusion. Luke was faster to understand. “She can’t see him,” he noted.
“See who?” The girl was at a loss. “There’s no one there.”
“Oh, right!” Reggie slapped his forehead in sudden realization. “Hang on, I got this!”
He poofed out again, appearing a few seconds later with Julie’s dream box in his hands. She zeroed in on him, the scolding of the year on the tip of her tongue, but Reggie just waved a hand.
“Calm down, Jules, it’s only for the glitter,” he pulled out a bag of shiny particles. “Now look!” he instructed. He spilled a bit of the substance onto his palm and then blew it in the direction of the box. 
Julie watched obediently, as the glitter cloud traveled through the air until it reached the box. And then she saw him. There was another boy standing on the cardboard, squeezing Alex’s hand. When he noticed she finally saw him he bowed.
“Julie, meet William,” Luke introduced the newcomer. 
“Call me Willie,” the boy smiled a glittery smile. “Nice to finally meet the famous Julie. I’ve heard a lot about you!”
“You’re Willie!” Julie replied with a smile of her own. “And likewise.”
“I’m finally here!” Flynn called from the door. “Are you alo- oh, who’s the glitter boy? And where’s the rest of the guys?”
“One thing at a time, gurl,” Julie laughed. “This is Willie. He’s a friend of Alex’s.”
Flynn gave a little wave. “And the boys?” She looked around as if she could ever see them without music. 
“They’re here alright, just- Alex, wait, what are you doing with that?”
Poof! Now there was a second glittery silhouette next to Willie. And once Flynn focused on the shape, she could also hear the voice. 
“Hi, Flynn! Long time no see,” Alex quipped.
Poof! Now a third glitter-boy became visible, waving enthusiastically at the girls. 
“This is awesome,” Reggie said. “Best Christmas ever!”
“So now we’re only missing Luke,” Alex pointed to something that to Flynn looked like empty air. “But apparently he’s above covering himself with glitter,” he added sourly.
“Wait, I have an idea!” Julie announced. She untangled a string of Christmas lights from one of the shelves and proceeded to decorate the empty space, wrapping the cord around it until it formed a vague shape of a man. 
The rest of the group nodded appreciatively, though brilliant as they were, the lights didn’t solve all of the problems - the shape still had no visible face, hence no voice.
Julie tapped her lip thoughtfully. “At this point it’s either glitter, beauty powder or we start playing, which is gonna be exhausting.”
Flynn thought she heard the slightest sigh from Luke’s light form. Julie nodded and went for her purse. She produced a round box of pressed powder and handed it to Luke. He applied it gingerly and finally Flynn could see his face. Kind of. At least now she had an idea where his face was and what was his current expression. The final result - of a powdered face floating over a spiral of Christmas lights - was rather weird, if not disturbing.
“Happy now?” Alex asked. He looked as if he was having the time of his life. 
“Happy,” Luke grunted. He didn’t sound particularly happy. “Can we do something else now?” 
“Awww, had I known a Christmas tree was an option, I wouldn’t want to be Santa,” Reggie jested. 
The party was in full swing and once they started singing and dancing, the boys became easily visible to Flynn. No aids were required at this point, but Luke refused to take off the lights. He stuck a star to his beanie, completing the Christmas tree look. It didn’t stop him from showing off his dancing skills. Julie suspected it was to top Nick’s performance at the dance rehearsal, which was a rather silly thing to do. Yet she smiled to herself at the thought of Luke feeling he needed to compete for her attention.
“Luke, you make such a nice snake,” Flynn commented after a particularly showy worm move . She nudged Julie in the ribs, “He’s definitely a Slytheryn, right?”
All the ‘musical spirits’ gave her a blank stare.
“A sly-what?” Reggie was the first to talk.
“Awww,” Flynn continued, clearly not having read the room, “you and Alex are definitely Hufflepuff material.”
Alex frowned and turned to Julie. “Is she ghost shaming us? We don’t huffle and puff, we’re well-mannered ghosts.” 
He didn’t get his reply as both of the girls, and Willie as well, collapsed in a fit of laughter. 
When they finally got tired of dancing and prancing, they decided to give a few old classics a new spin.
“On the twelve day of Christmas my true love gave to meeee,” Reggie belted out, pointing to Alex.
“Twelve drummers drumming,” Alex carried on, pointing to Julie.
“Eleven dahlias blooming,” Julie nodded to Luke.
“Ten terrific gigs,” Luke rasped, nudging Flynn to go on.
“Nine whole brain cells,” Flynn tried to pat Willie on the shoulder. Her hand went through glitter, but he got the message.
“Eight wheels a-skateboard,” he sang in a surprisingly warm tenor. He turned to Reggie closing the circle.
“Seven country a-songs,” the bassist wiggled his eyebrows at Luke, changing the order
“Six best friends forever,” the guitarist sang without missing a beat.
“Five dirty candies,” Alex twirled gracefully, eliciting a bout of laughter.
“Four cute ghosts,” Flynn wrinkled her nose.
“Three deadly hotdogs,” Willie chuckled.
“Two awesome girlfriends,” Julie squeezed her friend’s hand. 
“And a Luuuuke as a Christmasy treeeeeeee!” The said Luke bellowed, in an opera worthy baritone.
They all sank to the ground and laughed, laughed, laughed until their tummies hurt and tears appeared in their eyes.
Alex moved closer to Willie, his back against the couch. He looked around to his company. His friends. His family. Their family.
That’s what it was. Loud. Mismatched. Messy. Hardened by life and death. A little bit silly, a little bit damaged. Supernatural at places, magical to the core. It was theirs and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
 * ~ * ~ * ~ *  ~ * ~ * ~ *
Many thanks to @goblin-alchemist for betareading and her advice!!!
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Title: The Cloud That Took the Form of a Demon In My View - Chapter One 
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Relationships: Background Julie Molina/Luke Patterson
Summary: After the death of her mother and the demonic possession of her father, Julie Molina hunts the supernatural with her best friend Flynn. She pursues a nomadic life until a string of suspicious bathtub electrocutions draws her back home to hunt down a ghost. (Supernatural AU)
It had been a 13-month search and nothing had come of it. Nothing pertaining to the being Julie and Flynn were looking for. They had found and removed varying other supernatural beings but not their target, a demon whose name neither girl knew. Julie was sitting at a desk in a cheap hotel, one of many in the months that had passed. She was looking at the odd happenings around the country as she always did hoping to find a lead on their demon. Where one odd occurrence happened, another wasn’t too far behind and demons usually loved to get into trouble. Flynn had gone out to buy fast food breakfast and hadn’t come back yet. It wasn’t long enough to worry most people but it worried Julie. She tried to logic her way out of worry as she scrolled. There’s probably a long line. There’s always a long line to get coffee before work.
Just as she repeated those thoughts to herself again, she found an article. To most, it could be ruled off as an accidental bathtub electrocution. The problem was this was the third this week, all in the same city: her hometown, Los Angeles. She sighed and minimized the page. They were close to Arizona, a little while from LA but they had no intentions of returning. At least, not until the demon inhabiting her father’s body could be found. If the demon even still had it, Julie thought to herself macabrely. She shook it off. Her dad was still alive, full of demon or not. 
The door swung open and caused Julie to jump out of her skin. Her hand instinctively flew to the cross necklace she had started wearing with her other jewelry since her dad’s possession. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Flynn said, balancing a bag of food and a cup holder in her hands, “There was a long line at McDonalds.” 
Julie dropped her hand. 
“Are you okay?” Flynn asked when she saw her friend’s face. She put the food on the table and came closer to Julie. “Was there something in here?” 
Julie shook her head. “You scared me coming in.” 
“Ghosts and demons don’t use doors,” Flynn said matter-of-factly. 
“Yeah, well, someone possessed by them might. Or maybe a witch, vampire, werewolf, or something else.” 
“Anything that comes in here has a death wish. We’re the most badass hunters in America.” 
“Yeah,” Julie said, as if trying to convince herself. Then, she added more confidently, “We are.” 
“Anyway, did’ya find anything?” 
“Yeah. Ghost in LA.” 
“Are you ready to go back there, Jules?” Flynn asked softly. 
“I think so. Besides, it’s been awhile since our last ghost.” 
Flynn didn’t look entirely convinced. “It’s okay to not take this one. Someone else will get it.” 
“No, it’s okay. We won’t be there long.” 
“You’re not going to see your aunt and Carlos?” 
“I’m not ready for that conversation.” 
Flynn nodded. “Are we going after breakfast? Or?” 
“Yeah, after breakfast.” 
Los Angeles was a strange place for Julie. It was her home but it was also the place where she had lost everything she ever had. Returning reminded her of this but also of failure. It reminded her of the empty seats at her graduation. Going home meant she had to accept that her and her little brother were orphans now - not without loved ones but faced with a loneliness that could never end. Julie had to find her father, not just for herself but for Carlos. 
Flynn opened the bag and divvied up their breakfast. Julie pushed her food closer and began to eat, trying to find the bright side of this situation. Flynn was the first to come to mind. Even if the world turned against her, Flynn would be by her side. Her mother, though passed on, was still a bright side. Nothing, not even permanence of death could take her memories of joy and music that they had shared. The possibility of her dad being out there was a bright side. With this in mind, Julie finished her breakfast with her mind more at ease. 
Flynn wasn’t the best driver but she liked to drive nonetheless. Julie was the more capable driver but she was a better navigator. She found it easier to navigate when she wasn’t avoiding drivers worse than Flynn on the road. Being the navigator also meant choosing the music and Julie wanted something upbeat for the road. California had gotten so far from her and Flynn that it would be a day or two before they reached it. It was the longest road trip with few stops they had gone on in awhile. Flynn turned the key in the ignition and Julie scrolled through her playlists. She found a song and selected it just as Flynn pulled out of the parking lot. 
At some point Julie had fallen asleep. She blinked as she took in her surroundings. “Where are we? Flynn, I was supposed to be navigating.” 
“It’s okay. I’m handling it,” said Flynn. “You barely slept at all in the last motel. You needed sleep.” 
After a minute, she added, “I should drive. You need sleep too.” 
Flynn shook her head. “I had a Redbull.” 
Julie gave her friend a look. “Flynn.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll pull over,” Flynn said and she did. Seat belts unbuckled and they switched places. Almost as soon as Julie pulled off the shoulder, Flynn was asleep. Julie looked amusedly at her friend. She drove until the sun rose again and they were just outside Arizona. 
Then it was a quick stop at a gas station to buy a less than satisfactory breakfast. It was time like these Julie missed her mom especially. It was Saturday morning and in a time that was starting to feel like an old movie, she would be watching cartoons with a much younger version of her brother and eating a fresh, hot breakfast her mother had made. 
“I said that’ll be 10.50,” the cashier said irritably. He was the usual sort someone would see at a gas station in the middle of practically nowhere: some old man whose love of life was fading faster than his hair. 
“Sorry,” Julie said quickly, pulling the cash out of her pocket. The cashier checked the money in the light then put it in the register. He slid her breakfast across the counter and asked if she wanted a lottery ticket or a pack of smokes. Yes, he had said ‘smokes.’
Julie made a face and grabbed the black bag her food had been put in. “I don’t smoke, or gamble.” She headed toward the door and added, “Have a nice day” as she went out. He didn’t get the chance to return the formality. Gas station cashiers have a way of making people uncomfortable, even if they do nothing at all. This one was no different. 
Flynn was waiting in the driver’s seat. Julie opened the bag and handed some of the food to her. Neither said anything as they made their way back to the freeway. 
California was a refreshing sight after over a year of navigating unfamiliar places. Los Angeles was especially so. Julie watched the buildings of the Citadel Outlets pass by in the window. She was home. 
The occurrences described in the article had been occurring in a residential part of town made up of mainly middle class families. The victims were disproportionately teens. The types of teens who bring their cell phones into their bathrooms. Julie wasn’t an expert on electricity but these incidents struck her as odd. Not many people got electrocuted in their bathtubs. Based on her Google searches over the past day and a half, a cell phone isn’t enough to electrocute a person in a bath. It has to be plugged into the wall. Then it has to fray or fall into the bathwater. It takes a great deal of stupidity or negligence. Put a ghost in the mix, however, and everything becomes more likely. 
Flynn was checking them into a new motel when the news of a new electrocution came in. This article confirmed Julie’s suspicions of a ghost and made this trip less of a waste of time. Nothing at all had been plugged in when this teen girl had gotten into her tub. Her mother had checked on her only minutes before her death. Then when the police arrived, a frayed extension cord had made its way from a drawer into a socket then into a wall. It was far too strange. And when Julie told Flynn, she agreed. 
Flynn pocketed their room key and they headed for the car. 
Usually Julie and Flynn’s adventures involved abandoned buildings so Julie was unsure what to say when they arrived at the Ford residence. She was too young to be a police officer and too old to be a girl scout. She knocked on the door anyway. 
A distressed middle aged white woman answered the door. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying it.” 
The woman moved to close the door. Flynn interrupted her. “We’re not selling anything, Mrs. Ford, we’re here about your daughter.” 
“It’s Ms. Ford. I’m divorced,” the woman corrected. “And the police were just here.” 
“We’re not police,” Julie said. “We hunt the supernatural. We think your daughter’s death wasn’t an accident.” 
The woman frowned. “I’m desperate but I’m not that desperate. Three boys about your age came around her an hour ago saying the same thing. They said they were looking for a ghost in this neighborhood.” 
“Don’t you think it’s weird four different teens have died the same way in the past week?” 
“Yes,” the woman said. “But teenagers are stupid.” 
“Even your daughter?” 
The woman shrugged. “I don’t believe in ghosts.” 
Ms. Ford went to shut the door again but Flynn stopped her. “Do you know where those boys went?” 
“Something about the junkyard down the road. The blonde one said something about it being a good spot to hide something.” 
“Thank you,” Julie said. “I hope you find answers” - she clutched her cross necklace - “I know what it’s like to lose those you love.” 
Ms. Ford nodded sadly and shut the door. 
“Do you think those boys are trying to find the object the ghost is attached to?” Julie asked Flynn. 
“Yeah,” she said. “But why in a junkyard?” 
“Good place to hide something you don’t want found.” 
By that point, they had made it back to their car and proceeded to get in. 
Then, it was off to the junkyard.
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iwishiwasacuteghost · 4 years
The Everlasting Couch - Part I
Warnings: None? (Please, let me know if you think I need to add any).
Summary: Alex’s sister, Y/n, died before the boys did, and then she sees them play at the Orpheum with Julie.
Word Count: 1200+
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Chapter I
Being dead has its perks. I get to go anywhere and everywhere I want. I can see any concert and I can be on any movie set. It’s nice. There are disadvantages, I can only interact with fellow ghosts, lifers and ghosts don’t mix. I have two favorite places to be in the afterlife, in the abandoned building I made my own this past year, and the Orpheum where both my band and brother’s band had been competing to be the first to perform there. If you played the Orpheum, you were guaranteed to be big someday.
‘Julie and the Phantoms’ is on the sign tonight, they must be newcomers, I’ve never heard of them, but any music is good music when it’s free and if they made it to the Orpheum then they must be decent. I pop in just before a girl comes on stage, Julie, and she starts singing. Then, a boy that looks just like my brother appears playing the drums and I can’t believe the similarities. At least, not until Reggie appears followed by Luke who is flickering. They absolutely crush their performance before disappearing and I don’t get a chance to grab their attention, to show them that I’m still here and to talk to them again. I haven’t seen them since the night I died. I missed them though I wish they weren’t here like this, I wish they hadn’t died too.
I pop backstage and knock on Julie’s dressing room door. She opens it and I step inside while her friend behind her is giving her a funny look.
“Julie, what are you doing? I didn’t hear anything. Come on, we have to pack up your stuff and head out.” Her friend says.
“What do you mean you didn’t—“
I cut her off. “I’m a ghost and I need to talk you, please.”
“It’s another ghost, Flynn.” Julie gives her friend a look and she walks out mumbling something about how her friend became some kind of ghost whisperer without her and to meet her outside.
“So, you need to talk to me?” Julie asks after closing the door.
I pause trying to decide what to say as I pick at one of my fingernails with a different one. “Your band…my brother is in it; his name is Alex. I died before him, so I didn’t know, I thought he was somewhere being old, but I saw him and then he disappeared. I figured you might know where I can find him? Please, I’ve only been wandering around for a little while and I was just getting used to everything and moving on, but now, my brother is still here and I just really want to see him and the guys again.”
She gives me a sympathetic look and starts tearing up. “I am so sorry. Their unfinished business was to play here and I think they passed over at the end of our performance.” My face falls. “Hey, but, you can come with me, we were practicing in my studio which used to be theirs, so if you meet me there, then we can talk about them, I’d love to trade stories with you and just hang out. It could cheer us up both up a bit?”
“Thank you. I’ll meet you there. I’ll see you in a bit?” She nods.
I decide to poof to a street nearby the garage-turned-studio and then start walking, because I don’t want to get there too quickly and I need to process the fact that my big brother and his band died just like my band and I did. If our parents hadn’t been so awful to Alex, I’d feel worse for them, but I only feel a little bad that they lost us when we were both so young, although really they’d already lost both of us the moment they didn’t accept Alex for who he was. I can’t believe they’re here though. I finally would have people to hang out with in the afterlife, my band had gone off to do something that I chose not to follow them to. I’d seen a few other ghosts here and there, but most of the time it had just been me, my music, and whatever random objects I’d found and decided to keep. I approach Julie’s house and see the lights are on in the garage so she must have beat me here and already be out there.
I knock gently on the garage doors and hear shuffling and whispers before Julie opens the doors and Alex tackles me with a hug.
“Y/n! Julie told us she talked to you and she kept us from losing our souls after we didn’t cross over, and I missed you so much.” He pulls back and just stares at me for a second while we smile at each other. The moment is quickly interrupted by Reggie pulling us into another hug and him forcing Julie and Luke to join in too.
We’re all crying but smiling as we let go. Reggie rambles for a short while about what they’ve been doing while Luke is silently staring at me. “Hey Patterson. I guess you guys really did beat us to the Orpheum? You all crushed it by way, though, I might’ve been better.” Alex laughs as he messes up my hair.
“In your dreams, Y/n. We were going to play the Orpheum the night we died, so even before we died, we were going to beat you.” He says.
“Yeah, okay. Well, it’s not like you were all older than us and died after us anyways, Lukie-Pookie.” I stick my tongue out at him before realizing something. “Wait, where’s Bobby?”
Luke and the other boys frowned. “Y/n. Bobby didn’t go to get street dogs before our show with us, so he didn’t die and now he’s ancient.” Alex explains as he places a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“You died by street dogs?” I ignored the Bobby issue for a second as I held back a laugh.
“Yes! And then Bobby changed his name and stole our music, my music! He didn’t give us any credit, never even mentioned us, he just pretended we never existed and used my lyrics to get rich and famous by himself!” Luke was starting to get worked up. I gently shrugged Alex’s hand away and hugged Luke.
“I’m sorry. He was always selfish, even while we were together, but I never would have thought that he would do something like that to you guy, to you.” I patted his back before pulling away.
Reggie interrupted, “Don’t worry, we’re going to find a way to get back at him. We tried haunting him once with limited success, but we’re not giving up entirely.”
“Well, guys, I’m so happy that you get to stay and that Alex’s sister is here, who can stay as long as she wants by the way, but I have to head to bed so I’ll see you all in the morning. Great performance tonight everyone and good night!” She waved as she started heading out, before stopping and adding, “And don’t wake anyone up by playing music without me!” and then left, closing the doors behind her as she went.
“So, should we all sit and talk or…?” I looked around at them each.
“Yes! We have to swap ghost stories and I need to spend some quality time with you. I spent way too long thinking my weirdo little sister was gone for good.” Alex said as we all sat on the couch that was miraculously still there after all of these years.
Please let me know if you notice any spelling/grammar/etc errors or if you want to be on the taglist for future chapters. Also, comments and feedback are appreciated. Thank you for reading!
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
first lines   ::   a writing game
rules :   list the first lines of your last 20 stories  ( if you have less than 20, just list them all! )   see if there are any patterns.  choose your favorite opening line. then tag 10 of your favorite authors!!     ---   i’m going to be ranking mine  x / 10,  with comments, just for the heck of it.
1.   with friends like these   ( 2100, gen, phantoms friendship )
“Dude,” says Reggie, after the third — or maybe fourth — time it happens. “You... doin’ okay?”
verdict :   starting off with a line of dialogue is always an effective way to throw the audience right into the story, without a lot of build - up exposition.  and i... get carried away with the exposition sometimes.   this was my first ever JATP fic, so i was just trying to get a feel for the characters voices  ---   starting off with dialogue felt like a good place to begin!    7 / 10, vague but it works, and i can hear reggie’s voice clearly!
2.   even if we hit the ground  ( 3200, pre-canon, shameless reggie whump )
It all explodes in an instant, so fast that no one gets the chance to react.
verdict :   this line punches!!  it’s supposed to punch, it’s supposed to feel like the audience just got caught up in an explosion, because reggie literally does!   ( this is the story in which i establish the precedent of Hurting Reggie in my fics, just because he’s there. )      9 / 10,  super effective line
3.   if i didn’t know better  ( 3500, grief fic, julie centric )
Doctor Turner always said the special days would be the hardest.
verdict :   it’s...  okay.  i mean, it accomplishes what it needs to, but it’s nothing special.   this story holds a very dear place in my heart, and might be my favorite  ---  i wrote it to help cope with my sister’s very recent death, and frankly, it was just what i needed at the time.  i love the story as a whole more than this opening line.   5 / 10
4.   21st century (dead) teen rebellion   ( 2100, willex, ghoul bois antics )
If Alex knew exactly how he gets talked into half the things he does, he’d know how to avoid them, and his life would be so much easier.
verdict :   bahahaha, it’s sad because it’s true!!  i love this story, and this line  ---  while a bit cluttered  ---  makes me giggle.   7 / 10
5.   how to be a heartbreaker    ( 7500, luke character study, light jukebox )
Luke learns the danger of a crying woman early.
verdict :   this story was a constant surprise.  i didn’t expect it to get as long as it did  ;  i never expected it to take off the way it did, oh my gosh  ;  and there are parts of it i really like, and parts i’m more ‘meh’ about.   this opening line is good, it absolutely works in the scope of the story...  i just feel i could have done it better somehow.   but...  it leads into a whole segment with baby luke, so no regrets.   5 / 10
6.   nothing quite like living on the edge   ( 6200, missing scene after ‘nothing to lose’  ;  the boys trapped at caleb’s club )
By the time Caleb’s song reaches its grand finale, self-control is trickling back to them…  slowly, slowly, like the reverberation of the final notes.
verdict :   heehee...  like the entirety of ‘nothing to lose’, this line is delightfully unnerving.   caleb’s weird not-quite-mind-control was a topic i just had to explore in greater detail, so i really took it and ran with it.  this isn’t exactly a whump fic, but none of the boys are having a good time... and i get to explore a much darker tone, which works really well with my writing style.   overall, one of my favorite stories, and an excellent line.   9 / 10
7.   every empty space   ( 2900, emily patterson study, growing up luke )
Raising Luke was never easy, even for a moment… but in the beginning, it was a dream come true.
verdict :   the first half of this line was the main thesis for the entire story...  and i love how it sets up emily’s entire pov, and her arc over the course of 17 years, in a really effective way.  ilove writing emily because i relate to her  ---  i also look at luke and think “my beautiful, stupid son” daily.   fun story, great opener.   8 / 10
8.   revelations   (3200, gen, boys coming back to life, ray finds out )
The night of the Orpheum performance is definitely the start of something… and things never go back to normal after that.
verdict :   this is a very sexy leading line!  it’s informative, it’s ominous, and sets up a fun story / series.  i can get behind this!!  8 / 10
9.   sugar, how'd you get so fly?   ( 3000, gen, alex learns to fly, help him )
Her mom used to call it the “Mama Spidey Sense”;  a very loud, very accurate superpower that only parents have, to let them know when something is Going Down.
verdict :   ...  meh.  i like the idea, it’s a very rose vibe, but.  i don’t love it.  doesn’t have a lot to do with the rest of the story.  i think i just honestly didn’t know how to kick things off.  3 / 10
10.   know that it's probably magic   ( 4600, gen, soul bonding w/ spirits )
It takes a while for the boys to figure out all the weirdness that comes with being a ghost — and for Julie, on her end, to sort out living with a haunted band.
verdict :  opening lines work best when they’re short and pithy.  this... feels a bit cluttered, not going to lie.  while it definitely sets up the rest of the story, i feel like there was a more concise way to do it, if i just dug around a bit more.  i love this story as a whole more than this actual line.   ( also, ‘haunted band’??  does that even make sense??  girl... )   4 / 10
11.   still alive but i’m bearly breathing   ( 4100, possessed teddy bear )
Honestly, if she hadn’t been zoning out on her history essay long enough for her eyes to wander, Julie might’ve never noticed anything was wrong at all.
verdict :    uhhhh....  i don’t know how to talk about this one, actually.  midterm season is one hell of a drug.   ( another theme in my stories?  really putting alex through it.  not in a whumpy way, just in a ‘fml’ way. )  fine opening line, 6 / 10
12.   regenesis    ( 28000, multichapter, reggie whump / backstory )
Carlos is the first one to bring it up.
verdict :   this story!!  i love this story so much!!  while this opening line is the definition of ‘meh’, the story itself is such a favorite, and was so much fun to write.  i’d rank the story itself 10/10...  this line, though, will have to get  4 / 10
13.   paint a picture of it   ( 1800, gen, julie + reggie become art buddies )
“These are amazing! You’re really playing with color composition here, I like how you blend it all together.”
verdict :   can you tell i’m bullshitting my way through art terminology?  oof.  i started off this story with an entire conversation, through literally just dialogue  ;  i don’t love it, but it works well enough.   5 / 10
14.   interwoven   ( 2500, emily adopts sunset curve via knitting )
They break her heart sometimes, just a bit — her eager boy and his habit of bringing home strays.
verdict :   luke and emily patterson, out here once again, breaking my heart.  this was a more sympathetic view on emily, yes  ---  i didn’t want to excuse her canon behavior, and she still has flaws in this story...  but she also cares, and tries to be a good mom, in her own way.  she loves luke, and she loves his friends too.  this line sets that up wonderfully.   9 / 10
15.   if i was you (i'd wanna be me too)   ( 11000, multichapter, carrie redemption arc-ish??  ;  exploring carrie / julie relationship )
Because her dad always has impeccable timing, he picks the night Julie plays at the Orpheum to completely lose his mind.
verdict :   oooh, i love this line.  poor trevor, but also... this line slaps.  it’s just the right amount of carrie-pov bitchiness.  while this story is still very much a work in progress, but i love how it’s coming along so far  ;   it already has so many moments i love  ( ‘this band is home’!! )  and writing carrie is an exercise in characters i’m not used to writing.   excellent line, 8 / 10
16.   kill your heroes (and then kill them again)   ( 9500, vampire reggie )
Reggie gets bitten on a Monday. On Tuesday, he goes to band practice.
verdict :  EXCELLENT opening line!!  it’s short, it’s pithy, it gets right to the point, and you’re sure not going to forget it.  i love this line.  i love this story.  this really set up the story and i’m super happy with it.   10 / 10
17.   feast or famine    ( 7200, demon goose fic )
In their absolute defense, the boys do not, as they’re later accused of, murder a goose.
verdict :   ... listen.  this is the best opening line i’ve ever written.  it literally doesn’t get better than this, you can’t top this one.  the pinnacle has been reached.   i will literally never write a line, or a story, more engaging than this one.  200 / 10
18.   fall out boy knockoff   ( work in progress ;  5 times luke falls while climbing things he really shouldn’t be climbing )
The first thing Luke says when he sets foot in the garage for the first time is, “Whoa! You’re kidding me, you got a loft!”
verdict :   starting off with action  ---  another great way to toss readers right into the story!!  this is a fun line that really encapsulates luke’s sheer...  chaos gremlin energy.   this entire fic radiates chaos gremlin energy, and i can’t wait to post it.  7 / 10
19.  i can’t even hear them scream   ( work in progress ;  all the women in julie’s maternal line have the ability to see ghosts, the boys ain’t special )
Julie is eight months old when she sees her first ghost.
verdict :   straightforward!  to-the-point!!  tosses you right into the plot!!  not the most engaging...  but i like it, especially as this section of the fic is being told from rose’s point of view, so it comes from a perspective we wouldn’t otherwise get.   6 / 10
20.   remembering   ( work in progress ;  part of the ‘side effects of coming back from the dead’ series, basically an excuse to write sleepy bois )
Even after the spell is broken and Caleb’s stamps are gone, Julie can’t bear to leave the boys alone; the idea that they will vanish when out of her sight, flickering out of existence like candles dying in the rain, is too real, and too awful to endure.
verdict :   this...  might work better broken up into two sentences.  i’m probably gonna do that.  technically it works better as two lines, but as an opening sentiment, i love this??  the entire fic has a...  very slow, soft, thoughtful vibe, and i like how this line establishes that with a metaphor.   excited for this one!!  8 / 10
tagged by :   the absolute superstar that is @sunsetcurvecuddles​ tagging :    uhhhhh i don’t know a lot of writers in the fandom i don’t socialize hEL P
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brooke0297 · 3 years
Julie Purple Nail Polish (A Julie and the Phantoms Fic)
So last week was absolute garbage for me and after wallowing for a bit, I decided I needed to paint my nails and write some ghost bois fluff. Plus, I would pay Netflix an insane amount of money to let the boys have painted nails in the show. Sacha and Owen rock painted nails and I am HERE FOR IT. Enjoy lovelies!
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It was just one of those days for Julie.
The days where the hole in her heart where her mom used to reside seemed to throb and made it hard to breathe. Where it got harder and harder to swallow the lump in her throat and the smallest thing could begin a meltdown.
They had been fewer and far between since the boys had literally dropped into her life. Those first few weeks after she’d found music again and they’d formed the band, she’d been more preoccupied with rehearsing and writing and saving her boys from evil ghost magicians. 
And the Orpheum. Oh man, the Orpheum had changed so many things in Julie’s life for the better. Andi Parker from Destiny Management had found her and now (with her dad’s blessing) Julie and The Phantoms had official representation. Andi was still booking some smaller gigs, but doors had been opened for the band that the boys hadn’t even seen when Sunset Curve was at its peak. Venues were calling, begging for the band to headline and had willingly agreed to strictly Friday and Saturday gigs (school came first was one of the first things Ray and Andi had agreed on).
The boys had recovered beautifully from Caleb’s curse. Alex was still worried about Willie and tried to hang out at some of their favorite places to make sure he was safe. Reggie was still following her dad around and had taken to casually making sure a forgetful Ray never left without his wallet and backup camera battery. Carlos had been clued in on the secret the night of the Orpheum and spent most of his free time while Ray was at a shoot playing Mario Kart with an invisible opponent. And Luke was still...Luke. The ability to touch the guys had remained after their luminescent group hug and no one was happier to take advantage of that fact than Luke. The casual touches he’d always given the boys extended to Julie now and she tried not to let on how much the hand holding and brush of their shoulders made her heart flip flop in her chest. It was hard to be sad when she had her ghost boys around to love her.
Today, however, it seemed her mood just couldn’t be salvaged.
Flynn had seen it immediately when Julie had trudged into school that morning: the dark circles and barely contained tears in her eyes. She hadn’t said anything about it, only launching into one of her crazy stories as a way to pull Julie from the pit in her mind and distract her until there was a ghost of a smile on her face. Despite Flynn’s distraction techniques, classes felt overwhelming and she spent the whole day on the verge of a meltdown until she finally made it home and collapsed face first onto her bed. She was exhausted from trying to keep herself from bursting into tears and all she wanted was to curl up and disappear for a few hours. Her dad was out at a shoot and her brother had baseball practice all afternoon, which meant she would have the house to herself for a while. An added bonus was that Luke had (reluctantly) designated Wednesdays as their day off from rehearsals, so the boys would probably be up to their own shenanigans and Julie could mope in peace.
She decided a nice hot shower would make her feel better, first and foremost. Maybe a bath, but she didn’t feel like getting her bath bombs out and lugging all her stuff to the ensuite in her dad’s room. So she pulled her hair up and into a cap, grabbed her comfiest sweats and a flannel she was pretty sure she’d stolen from Reggie at some point, and jumped under the stinging hot water.
Her muscles immediately loosened and she sighed. She could almost feel the stress of the day wash off of her as she scrubbed at her skin with her favorite body wash. Her mom had always told her there was nothing a hot shower and Disney movies couldn’t fix. 
She spent some extra time moisturizing and using one of her “girls day” face masks her and Flynn had splurged on. She knew Flynn would forgive her for it, knowing what kind of day she’d had. After she had cleaned the bathroom up and put all her stuff away, she padded into her room to grab her laptop and her case of nail polish. Her nails were looking a little sad and could use some TLC. Plus, doing her nails always relaxed Julie in a therapeutic way.
She paused in her doorway when she caught sight of Reggie lounging on her small couch, looking chipper.
“Hey Julie! Sorry, I knew you were in the bathroom so I waited here for you.” he said. Julie’s mouth turned up slightly.
“Hey Reggie. No worries” she said quietly, climbing into her bed and sliding under the covers.
“Whatcha doin? We didn’t see you come to the studio so I thought you might have been at Flynn’s.” He trailed off, sensing that Julie wasn’t quite herself. His face fell minutely into a worried frown.
“Are you okay? You seem...tired.” he asked, shifting on the couch. Julie sighed.
“I guess I’m just having an off day. I’ve been missing my mom and today just felt like a lot.”
Reggie’s face morphed into understanding and he nodded. 
“I’m sorry, Julie.” he said softly; sincerely. Julie felt a rush of adoration for her ghost bassist and his extra large heart. Usually when she told people about missing her mom and they apologized, it felt hollow. Like they didn’t know exactly what to say or how they could make it better. Reggie knew what it meant to lose people you loved. His was more of an “I’m sorry you’re not having a good day” instead of an “I’m sorry your mom died.” 
Julie, not wanting to wallow and bring her sunny bandmate down with her, patted her laptop gently.
“I was actually about to start a movie and paint my nails, if you wanted to watch with me.” she said. Reggie’s eyes lit up and he hurried to pull his shoes off and climb onto her bed beside her. As Julie queued up Tangled on Disney+, Reggie shifted so that his left side was pressed against Julie’s right. She couldn’t help but still feel a shot of surprise and contentment when she could feel his warmth radiating off of him. Now that she could actually feel them, ghost cuddles and casual touches were not only encouraged, but required. So she snuggled in closer.
“So what’s this movie about?” Reggie asked as Flynn Rider’s opening monologue began. Julie began telling him the premise of the movie as she rifled through her nail polish case. By the time she’d decided on a color and had begun putting on the clear coat, Reggie was enthralled. He had tugged one of her throw pillows to his chest and hugged it tightly as Gothel kidnapped the baby princess.
Julie let the sound of the movie fade into background noise as she carefully spread the thin clear coat on, paying attention to around her cuticles. She gently blew on them to help them dry before taking the brush from the purple color she’d chosen to begin carefully applying the color to her nails.
Julie could remember her mother spending many Saturdays in their bathroom, painting her nails a deep red color. She had always watched in fascination until Rose had sat her on the counter and let her pick her own colors. Then she would take Julie’s hand and gently cover her little fingers in vibrant shades. When Julie got older, they would share the counter and Rose would help her clean around the tips of her fingers where the polish would smudge. After her mom had died, it had taken Julie a long time to feel right about painting her nails without her mom. It was a sacred ritual they had shared and it was only when Flynn had handed her the nail polish before the Orpheum gig that she had felt right about it.
Now, she let the small brush glide along her nails and fill the blank spots with a deep purple that made her think of her dress from the Orpheum. She smiled softly, remembering the poofiness of her skirts and the exhilaration of performing at one of the biggest venues in LA.
“Hey Julie…?” 
She looked up from her left pinkie finger to see Reggie watching her in fascination.
“What’s up Reg?” she asked, waving her hand around to dry the polish.
“I like that color. It’s a really good Julie purple.” he said.
“Julie purple?” she asked, grinning.
“Yeah, like your dress from the Orpheum and how you always seem to have some sort of purple with you. It’s very...wait what does Flynn call it? ‘On brand’? Yeah! It’s very ‘On Brand Julie.’”
Julie giggled.
“Thanks Reggie. Purple is one of my favorite colors so I tend to gravitate towards it.” Reggie nodded and turned back to the movie. Julie started on the second coat, painting until the color was to her satisfaction.
“Julie?” Reggie was much quieter this time.
“Hmmm?” she hummed, keeping her eyes fixed on her ring finger. It was the trickiest finger for her for some reason and she wanted to get it right.
“Do you...I mean...could you…” Reggie suddenly flushed and Julie quirked an eyebrow, glancing up.
“What do you mean, Reggie?” she asked. Reggie swallowed harshly and blinked.
“Doyouthinkyoucouldpaintminenext?” he blurted out. His eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe he’d actually asked. 
Julie thought nothing of it, only grinned and nodded at him.
“Sure Reg. Let me finish my second coat. Pick out a color that you want.” She finished the second coat of her right hand, carefully filing in the spots she’d missed and trying to avoid her cuticles. Once she had finished, she glanced up and saw Reggie smiling at her brightly.
“What, do I have something on my face again?” she teased, blowing on her nails.
“No I just...you’re amazing Julie.” he said quietly. Julie smiled at him as she reached for the black polish he was holding in his hands. She held out her hand for his and placed it on her thigh as she began spreading the black color on his nails. Reggie watched in fascination as the pale pink of his nail beds were slowly covered by Julie’s expert hand.
“You know, it’s pretty common for men to paint their nails nowadays…” Julie trailed off nonchalantly.
“Really?” Reggie asked happily.
“Yeah. You know that artist I was playing the other day? Harry Styles? He always has his nails done. And a lot of guys at school paint theirs. Nick does before the lacrosse season starts. He doesn’t like to wear it during the season because he hates when it chips too much.”
“I’ve always thought it looked really cool. Bobby and I always talked about doing it before gigs to see how it would look but we never did.” Reggie said. Julie smiled sadly.
“Actually, Trevor always paints his nails before his shows. Says it always brought him luck…” Julie saw a shadow pass over the bassist’s face for a moment before he was back to his happy go lucky self. Julie finished his right hand and began on the left.
“Blow nice and gently on them to help them dry enough for a second coat,” she instructed. Reggie followed her directions, eyes wandering to the movie still playing on her laptop. They sat quietly for a moment as Julie finished his left hand until the tell tale sound of ghosts poofing into the room made them look up. 
“There you are!” Luke groaned dramatically, flopping onto the bed beside Julie. The momentum sent the nail polish bottles flying and Julie grunted, sending the guitarist an exasperated look. Alex only sighed.
“Luke…” she warned.
“I’m sorry. Julie, can I please sit on your bed while you and Reggie hang out without us?” he pouted. Julie rolled her eyes and Alex groaned.
“Yes, you man child, sit down and don’t make me spill on my bedspread.” she chastised. Luke smiled contently and spread out on the mattress, curling his head in towards Julie’s leg. Julie tried to ignore the flush of her cheeks by focusing intently on Reggie’s hand.
“Anyways…” Alex cut in, sitting on Julie’s bean bag. “What are you guys doing?”
“Julie’s painting my nails!” Reggie blurted, waving his newly painted nails at his friends. Julie grinned as Alex grabbed Reggie’s hand to look.
“That looks really awesome, Jules.” Alex said quietly.
“Yeah! That looks lit!” Luke crowed. Julie and Alex shot him another look and he shrugged.
“Just trying to get the 2020 lingo down.” 
“Thanks guys,” Julie said, pulling out her top coat. As she grabbed Reggie’s hand to finish his nails off, she glanced over to see Alex eyeing the case of polishes with an unfathomable expression on his face. Luke had summoned his guitar and was idly strumming it, but every once in a while he would pause and glance at his own bare nails. Once Julie was done with Reggie, she grabbed the case and shoved it towards Alex.
“Pick some colors, Alex. I'll do yours while Reggie’s top coat dries. Then I’ll need your help to pin Luke down to keep him still enough”
The drummer’s face broke into a wide grin and he sifted through the various colors, ignoring Luke’s indignant squawk from beside her.
Which is how Julie ended up giving Alex a rainbow set and Luke ended up choosing black as well, with the added purple on his pinkie fingers to match Julie. He cited wanting to have cohesion as a band, but based on the looks Alex and Reggie were throwing at him, she knew he just wanted to match her. As Julie finished Luke’s top coat, Reggie and Alex were chatting quietly about how they could incorporate new nail colors into their performance outfits and what Flynn (their unofficial stylist) would think. They praised Julie’s work and Julie quirked a smile as she was once again reminded how lucky she was to have her boys.
Maybe her day hadn’t turned out as bad as she’d thought it would.
Thanks for reading everyone! Let me know what you think and don't forget to check out my other stories if you liked what you read.
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