#Eddie Kaspbrak imagines
panties-on-boys · 4 months
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oh look it’s eddie’s blood circling richie’s ring finger like a wedding band
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lucycore · 7 months
Pov: If u were in the Bowers Gang or Losers Club
Tell me which one u'd pick and also if u wanna see a male version.
Bowers Gang:
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Losers Club:
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(Idk I got bored and did it. I'm definitely Bowers gang lol)
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seecarrun · 5 months
He admits to being in love with Eddie during an interview with Out Magazine.
He doesn’t say so by name, exactly, but it’s obvious, and if Eddie reads the interview he doesn’t bring it up, which Richie is super grateful for, as the rest of his shitty friends have no problem talking to him about it and frankly, it gets old.
But Eddie plays it cool.
Until he doesn’t.
They’re on the phone, Richie has him on speaker while he’s browning ground beef for tacos and telling him about the big wig party he went to at Bill’s over the weekend.
“Yeah, this director said I might be perfect for this part in some slasher movie he has coming up. I might do it? I can’t act for shit, but I think I’ll get killed pretty early on in the film so—”
“So are you hanging out with Bill a lot?” Eddie interrupts, and Richie blinks down at the phone quickly in surprise.
“Uh yeah? I guess? When he’s actually in town. You know how hard it is to keep that asshole in one place.”
Eddie hums. “And it’s not…awkward?”
“Why the fuck would it be awkward?”
“The interview,” he says, slow, syllable by syllable, like Richie is an idiot.
He rolls his eyes. Guess they’re finally talking about it. Goodie. “Why would I care what Bill thought of my interview?” he asks.
Eddie is quiet for a moment too long before scoffing out an annoyed “Because you’re in love with him?”
Richie tries not to laugh, he really does, but he definitely snorts, like, loudly. “Bill?”
Richie bites back another snort. “Biiill?”
“Yes Bill!” Eddie snaps back stubbornly. “You said you’re in love with your best friend who is short and handsome and brave and a little dumb. That is literally Bill.”
“Dude,” Richie laughs, “I also said anxious and angry and the only person I know who might be funnier than I am, which is very much not Bill. Or did you just ignore that part?”
Eddie is quiet again before finally clearing his throat. “I didn’t read that far,” he admits.
“It was literally in the same paragraph, you dingus.”
“Hey, fuck you! I thought the guy I love was in love with someone else, okay? I was distraught! Why would I keep reading that shit?”
Richie opens his mouth, about to tease that maybe he should have said he was ‘really dumb’ instead of just ‘a little dumb’, when Eddie’s words finally register.
“Wait, Eds… You’re in love with me?”
The line is quiet, until Eddie squeaks out a little “Fuck.”
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sm0kingcrack · 1 year
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decided to make a messy little comic from the headcanon from this post because even though i did that whole pretty picture, the idea was still stuck in my head
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incorrect-losers · 5 months
Eddie: How the hell do you spell shofur?
Stan: Chauffeur
Eddie: Oh, fancy pants Rich McGee over here, fuck you
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Eddie Kaspbrak Headcanons
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Freaks over every little thing
Type of guy to jump on you when he's scared or startled
He's bad with flirting and probably asks Richie for help
He [Richie] gives him the worse advice, kind of praying on his [Eddie's] downfall
Though, you think the stupid cheesy pick-up lines are the cutest thing ever
They win you over and Eddie's surprised [He thanks Richie, but Richie is just completely lost on why you'd think the lines were cute. For a while, Richie thinks you're not real]
You have a soft spot for guys like Eddie & by that I mean losers
He's probably still germophobic and worried about touching you for a while, but he does eventually get over it
Especially when he enters his older teenage years and he gets a more sexual mindset
You probably never meet his mother. He talks about her, but he never introduces you
He was worried when he first talked to you that you would never like him, because you were way out of his league
He's an incredible care taker
If anything ever bad happens to you, like you get hurt or sick, you can call him and he'll take care of you
He's a mother hen who scolds you for getting hurt or sick
Though, he secretly likes taking care of you. It makes him feel needed
Oh god, if you tell him you need him, he's hooked
If you thought he was hooked before, after that he's obsessed with you
He's like his mother in that way [Much to his dismay] in that he wants you to be dependent on him. Though, unlike his mother, he won't make you sick or anything... Well... Not all that time and besides, you are an injury magnet, so he doesn't have to do anything
^ DO NOT compare him to his mom, especially if you're hurt. He takes it very personally and gets really pissed. He'll ignore you and guilt trip you. Now, if you're hurt and he's mad at you, you're shit out of luck. You're so used to being taken care of that you'll quickly given in to whatever he wants, so he'll come back
Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
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Basically, since they aren't in the scene they were somewhere else, clearly. My ask is what do you think they were up to? :)
OHHHH, a headcanon post! I kinda figured, my bad lol! I really gotta make a format for people to send in for these lol!
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- Me personally on the fourth of july I think the gangs parents get together for a cookout or somethin since in my previous headcanon I’ve made the gang into childhood friends!
- I think they’d all go to Henry’s house because come hell or high water there’s no god damn way Butch is letting someone else grill those shitty hotdogs and burgers
- We have Patrick chasing henry around the yard with either those pop thingies that snap when they hit the ground or firecrackers
- Belch absolutely demolishing 7 hotdogs and Victor holding his and Belch’s sparklers in his hands
- also Henry’s punk ass cousin Connor is there, god i fucking hate connor..He’s also a victim of the fire crackers and pop thingies except he’s slower than henry so he actually got hit lmfao
- Butch is definitely getting drunk off his ass as per usual when he’s off grill duty, Patrick and Vic’s dad probably join him to yell at some type of ball sport and the wives get to gossip about whatever’s going on in Derry currently!
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This set of headcanons was pretty fun to imagine ngl lol! I’ll have that format for headcanons asks soon! For now, with headcanons just specify it’s a headcanon ask lol
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wolftozier · 2 months
eddie k eddie kaspbrak and edward kaspbrak are all different people to me. eddie k (silly and whimsical) eddie kaspbrak (serious) edward kaspbrak (the type of name you'd give a cat when ur trying to be funny)
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lady-targaryens-world · 8 months
Chapter 1: Return to Derry
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English is not my first Language!
Pairing: Patrick Hockstetter
UPDATES: Slow (very slow)
Fandom: IT
Please like, comment and share 🫶
The bus slowed down as Y/n looked through the window at the familiar streets of Derry. A touch of nostalgia surrounded her as the autumn wind brushed through her hair. The town she hadn't seen for years was now in front of her.
*"Back in Derry."* Y/n sighed, her thoughts swirling like the autumn leaves outside.
As the bus stopped at the edge of town, a mix of excitement and uncertainty washed over her. Her mother had taken her away after her parents' separation. But now she was returning to her father and beloved sister, Beverly.
Stepping off the bus, her gaze fell on the house that once was her home. Beverly stood on the sidewalk, a radiant smile on her face.
*"Y/n! You're finally back!"* Beverly embraced her sister tightly.
*"I've missed you so much, Beverly."* Y/n reciprocated the hug, but her eyes betrayed a deep sadness.
They entered the house together. Beverly's joy was palpable, but the atmosphere inside was tense. Their father sat in the kitchen, engrossed in the newspaper. Y/n felt a pang in her chest as she noticed his cold gaze.
*"Hello, Dad."* Y/n attempted a friendly greeting, but his silence spoke volumes.
Sensing the tension, Beverly tried to lighten the mood. *"Isn't it great that Y/n is back?"* she said with an encouraging smile.
While Beverly warmly welcomed her sister's return, Y/n‘s resentment toward her father hung heavy in the air.
Their father didn't even lift his gaze from the newspaper. The chill in his silence was like an icy shadow over the room.
*"Well, we'll see."* Y/n tried to conceal her uncertainty, but the silence seemed louder than any conversation.
Beverly led her sister to her old room, now a mix of memories and forgotten items. The creaking of the door and the sight of the familiar space brought Y/n back in thought.
*"You can settle in here. It's still the way you left it."* Beverly tried to dispel the melancholy in the air.
*"Thank you, Beverly. You're still the best."* Y/n forced a smile, but the pain of her absence permeated the room.
The next hour passed in an uncomfortable silence as they tried to bridge the past.
*"I'm going into town to run some errands."* Beverly eventually broke the silence. *"We can talk later."*
After Beverly left, Y/n looked at her father, who was still engrossed in his newspaper. The room seemed to shrink as the unspoken conflict between father and daughter cast heavy shadows.
*"Why did you come back?"* her father suddenly said, without lifting his gaze.
*“Mother said it was time.“ * she felt her voice tremble.“*
*"It wasn't my decision to let you go. It was hers."* His words were icy, and her heart sank.
*"You've never treated Mother, me, and Beverly well. That's why Mother left you."* her voice cut through the tension in the room as she accused her father.
He glared at her angrily, but before he could respond, the door opened, and Beverly entered, holding a bag from shopping. She seemed To feel unwell and tried to go to her room.
*"Whatcha got there?“* Her father went to Beverly, asking about the contents of the bag.
*"Just some things."* Beverly replied briefly.
*"Like what?"* he persisted. He took the bag from her, looked inside, and noticed the tampons she had purchased. He glanced back with a subtle grin, gently touching her cheek. Y/n observed the strange and inappropriate gesture as Beverly tensed up and flinched slightly. He then smelled her hair, took hold of her ponytail, and uttered, *"Tell me you're still my little girl."* Beverly's response was a resigned *"Yes, Daddy."* With that answer, he appeared satisfied and released her.
Beverly reacted by quickly retreating to her room. Her sister, who had witnessed the entire bizarre scene, found the interaction between father and daughter peculiar.
He gave Y/n a final glance and returned to his previous activity. She understood that the previous discussion they had was closed for him.
After Beverly disappeared into her Room, Y/n went to her room with mixed feelings. The argument and the bizarre encounter between her father and Beverly had turned the first day of her return into an unexpected drama.
The house, once a safe haven, now seemed permeated with unspoken words and hurt feelings. The first day of her return held more conflicts than she had expected, indicating that the challenges in Derry had only just begun.
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shifting4fun · 11 months
am i or am i not maybe sorta gonna drop a patrick hockstetter x goth!reader?🤭
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liv45no · 1 year
*on a nature hike*
Mike: it’s beautiful out here
Bill: and quiet
Eddie: too quiet
Beverly: did we lose someone?
*cut to Richie trying to befriend a bear*
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whatthefuckisasweep · 2 years
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I really love @gloomy-prince​ ‘s trans Eddie comic so so so so fucking much. ITS SOOOO SOO well crafted and wholesome and always makes me smile or like gasp in some way everytime it updates
SOOOO I drew a lil fanart of the AU with Richie being silly right after the haircut because FUCK I love to imagine how supportive and cute all the losers would be with eddie, esp richie.... MY HEARTTTTTT !!!
ALT TEXT: a drawing of trans eddie with his hair short, having just been cut by richie. richie is behind him holding two strands of cut hair above his lip as if it is a mustache. he is smiling wide and saying “HOI. OIM MISTAH EDWARD K!!” while eddie rolls his eyes playfully and tries not to smile. 
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stan has to do it all himself in the end, as was richie’s intention XDDD
ALT TEXT: a 6 panel comic. In the first panel, richie and eddie are laying in the hammock, with eddie reading a comic book and richie just relaxing. In the second panel, there are “huffs” and “hrks” that are heard by richie. He looks over. In the third panel, stan is carrying a big box that says “bird books” and also a grocery bag. He looks tired. He says, “can one of you lazy fucks help me?” In the fourth panel, richie smiles and looks at stan. He says “You heard em eds, use them big man musk-les!” Eddie glances up from his book. In the fifth panel, eddie angrily throws his comic book at richie and says, “JUST BECAUSE YOU FOUND OUT IM A DUDE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GIVE ME ALL THE WORK, ASSHOLE!”. Richie goes, “LMAOOO”. In the sixth and final panel, Stan is still carrying his stuff and he looks annoyed as all hell. He’s squinting angrily. Meanwhile, richie and eddie argue off screen through speech bubbles.  “well idk I think it does!” “it does NOT!” “I mean... look, you’re strong enough!” “It’s NOT ABOUT being STRONG!” 
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bagerfluff · 9 months
Eddie Kaspbrak x Male Reader
Prompt - “I demand cuddles”
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Eddie pouted as he watched Y/n read a book on his bed. Y/n was leaning against the headboard as he read a book Stan had recommended to him. Completely ignoring Eddie. And Eddie was not happy about that. Eddie hadn’t been able to hang out with Y/n at all at school. So when school was over he had asked Y/n if he wanted to hang out.
When Y/n said yes Eddie was thrilled. Now he wasn’t. Y/n was ignoring him. So Eddie sat in front of Y/n crisscross with his arms crossed over his chest. Pouting. Y/n could feel Eddie staring at him so he lowered his book and looked at his boyfriend. “You okay Eds?” Y/n questioned. Eddie just huffed and turned his head so Y/n could only see one side of his face.
Y/n put his book down as he moved across the bed to sit in front of Eddie. “You okay?” Y/n asked as he looked at Eddie. Eddie just huffed and pouted. Yln let out a little laugh as he realized why Eddie was doing this. “Come one” Y/n started “I’m sorry”. Eddie normally acts like this when he’s mad at Y/n.
Never telling Y/n he’s mad but showing. “Don’t make me do it” Y/n said with a sly smile. But Eddie didn’t do or say anything. “Fine, your choice” Y/n stated as he reached his hands up to start tickling Eddie. Eddie then fell into a fit of laughter as he tried to push Y/n off. But Y/n was stronger then Eddie so he was able to push Eddie down and get on top of him.
“S-stop!” Eddie yelled as he laughed. “Only if you tell me you love me!” Y/n laughed back, still tickling Eddie. “I love you!” Eddie yelled and the second he did Y/n stopped tickling him, but was still on top of him. “Now” Y/n said as he got up off Eddie and pulled him up so they could sit face to face. “Why are you sad?” Y/n asked, now serious. Eddie’s smile quickly left as he looked down at his lap. “You weren’t paying attention to me”
Eddie looked up at Y/n’s face. “Sorry” Y/n said as he grabbed Eddie’s hand. “I know we didn’t hang out at school and I promise to pay more attention to you in the future” Y/n stated and sealed it with a kiss. Eddie pulled away from the kiss to say “I demand cuddles” with his arms over his chest. Pouting. “So that’s what this is about” Y/n laughed as he pulled Eddie forward onto his chest. Y/n leaned back so he was laying on his bed. Eddie was laying on top of Y/n, Eddie head on Y/n’s chest. 
Eddie got sleepy as he listened to Y/n’s heartbeat and soon fell asleep. Y/n smiled down at his boyfriend as he placed a kiss on his head and closed his eyes. Both boys had the best sleep of their lives that night. 
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seecarrun · 3 months
“Richie Tozier, what in the hell is wrong with you?!”
Richie blinked down at his phone and put it back next to him on the counter on speakerphone so he could keep making his sandwich. “You gotta be more specific, Red,” he told Bev matter-of-factly.
“Eddie Kaspbrak, the literal love of your life, calls you to ask you on a date, and you turn him down?!” Bev’s voice shrieked from his phone. “I know you’re like, the king of self-sabotage, but this is ridiculous.”
Richie gave his phone a Look at that, putting down the jar of mayonnaise and picking the phone back up. Apparently this was not going to be a speaker phone kind of conversation. “Dude, what are you talking about? Eddie never asked me on a date.”
The silence on Bev’s end was deafening. “He didn’t?” she asked finally, her words dripping with malice.
“Trust me,” Richie snorted, “I would remember something like that.”
“That lying little—Did he call you at least?”
Richie thought back to the last day and a half. “Yeah, yesterday eveningish? On his way home from work. Said he got tickets to some show or something. Sounded boring as fuck.”
Bev let out a loud groan at that. “That was him asking you on a date!” she cried.
“Bullshit,” Richie countered. “He didn’t ask me shit.”
“It was implied, Richard!” she snapped, and with a grumble, mumbled under her breath, “Have to do everything around here. Jesus Christ.”
Richie bit back a snort and opened his mouth to retort, when Bev interrupted him.
“Richie, would you like to accompany Eddie on a date to some boring-ass show he has tickets to?”
“Uh, yes?” he answered, bemused.
“Good. I’ll let him know. He’ll text you with more information. Now I have to call him. Ugh. Bye.”
“Bye?” he asked, somewhere between greatly amused and straight up flabbergasted.
Bev sighed heavily once more, and then, with what was actually some loving-ass sincerity, tacked on one last heartfelt,
“Congrats. You big idiot.”
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beverlymarsh33 · 11 months
The scene where all the kids beat the absolute shit out of Pennywise at the end of It chptr 1 was genuinely so funny. Like, they weren’t even scared anymore, they were just PISSED.
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drunkenkissesatdusk · 4 months
mv1 - made for lovin’ you baby
ls2 - nothing yet . . !
dr3 - nothing yet . . !
ln4 - nothing yet . . !
pg10 - nothing yet . . !
fa14 - nothing yet . . !
cl16 - nothing yet . . !
ls18 - nothing yet . . !
yt22 - soft
aa23 - nothing yet . . !
zg24 - nothing yet . . !
eo31 - nothing yet . . !
ob38 - nothing yet . . !
lh44 - nothing yet . . !
cs55 - nothing yet . . !
gr63 - labyrinth ( part one )
- labyrinth ( part two )
op81 - matching bracelets
donnie darko - doll
- baby
- relax!
dazed and confused - nothing yet . . !
it 2017 - nothing yet . . !
gran turismo - nothing yet . . !
batman begins - nothing yet . . !
evil dead rise - nothing yet . . !
the lost boys - nothing yet . . !
the conjuring - nothing yet . . !
the amazing spider-man (or spider-man overall) - nothing yet . . !
scott pilgrim vs. the world - nothing yet . . !
brooklyn nine-nine - nothing yet . . !
avatar the last airbender - nothing yet . . !
the walking dead - nothing yet . . !
the umbrella academy - nothing yet . . !
chilling adventures of sabrina - nothing yet . . !
a series of unfortunate events - nothing yet . . !
titans - nothing yet . . !
pen15 - nothing yet . . !
dc universe - father of the year.
- defiance.
- mornin’ ( just jason )
- like like! ( just damian )
- you have kids? ( just damian )
- late nights ( just dick )
- number one ( just damian )
- safe haven ( just jason )
- summer’s over ( damian and jonathan )
anything else requested will either get their own part or will be placed down here! - nothing yet . . !
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