#Edwin Jarvis imagine
captainsophiestark · 25 days
No Way To Know For Sure Part 2
Daniel Sousa x Reader
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Also written for @ghostofskywalker as a part 2 to the fic you let me adopt a while ago! I've had this in my drafts since all that AI stuff and I'm happy to have rediscovered and finished it 😄 Hope you like it!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Now that you've decided to move to LA with Daniel, there's a few loose ends left to tie up in New York.
Word Count: 2,174
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed dramatically as I sared straight ahead out the window, watching all the people bustling around the streets and the familiar, giant buildings hovering over them. I'd been gone for some time now, but New York hadn't changed.
Jarvis, currently in the driver's seat of the car, was positively buzzing, and I could tell he was struggling not to say anything. Even the great city of New York couldn't keep me distracted from all the ridiculous energy he was projecting.
"Alright, Mr. Jarvis, spit it out," I said, at last turning from the window to look at my friend. He glanced at me, lips pursed tight to try and hold back a smile before he had to turn his gaze back to the road.
"I'm sorry, it's just... I must admit, I'm rather excited. Since Mr. Stark has been spending more time in Los Angeles, I've missed seeing all of you here in New York. Having you regularly in Los Angeles as well as Rose and Chief Sousa... well, it will be a delight."
A smile made its way onto my face despite my best effots. I'd wanted Daniel to drive me in to the office this morning to put in my transfer request for the LA office, but he had a meeting with an informant he couldn't move. I hadn't really wanted to resort to Jarvis, only because I knew he wouldn't be able to stay calm about my decision, but now I had to admit I was happy to be here with him.
"It'll be wonderful to get to see more of you too, Mr. Jarvis," I said with a smile. "You, me, Ana, and Daniel should set up a regular double date."
"Oh, that would be lovely!" Jarvis turned to give me a big smile as we at last pulled up in front of the New York SSR. He hopped out and ran around to open my door for me, beating me to the punch of opening it myself, something we'd turned into a bit of a competition. "Ana will be delighted at the idea too, I'm sure."
"Maybe we can even invite Howard," I said, my voice serious even though I was cackling in my head. I got out of the car and stood, smirking at Jarvis' less than enthusiastic expression as I continued. "He can bring along whoever he's brought home with him on any given week."
"That may be the single most horrifying suggestion I've heard in my entire life."
I cackled, clapping Jarvis on the shoulder as I walked past him and towards the entrance to the "telephone company".
"Thanks for the ride! I promise I won't let Howard crash any of our couples' nights, unless he finally gets a girlfriend who sticks around for more than a few weeks."
"At this point in Mr. Stark's life, a few days would be impressive," he called after me. I laughed, then turned back at the door to give Jarvis a smile.
"I'll see you back in LA!"
"I'm looking forward to it!"
I smiled and waved before finally heading through the door and back into the familiar hallways of the New York SSR. Daniel would be picking me up later, after I got everything sorted out for my move, and then who knew when I'd next be back in this place and this city. We had plenty of friends here and the other half of the SSR, so it's not like I'd never see the city again, but for the first time since I'd started working here I had no idea when I'd next be back. I tried not to let it get to me, but stepping into the currently-empty bullpen of the place I'd spent so much time in the last few years drove the knife in a little harder.
I'd intentionally arrived before most of the other agents got here, hoping to avoid a lot of hubub about my transfer request. No matter how nostalgic I felt being here, my decision had been made. I loved Daniel and the life I'd started building with Daniel in LA enough that nothing could make me want to leave it. Not even my favorite pizza place on the way between here and my former apartment.
"Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in."
Of course, I couldn't get away with avoiding Chief Jack Thompson, especially not when I had to turn my transfer request papers in to him. He came striding out of his office, a massive grin on his face as he crossed the bullpen towards me.
"Long time no see, Agent."
"I saw you two weeks ago, Jack."
"Yeah, but in LA. You've been on-loan for a while. I haven't seen you as my agent, in New York, in a long time."
I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, enjoy the next half hour then, because as soon as these papers are finalized, I'm officially Daniel's agent."
"Now hold on a minute, I have some serious concerns about you leaving that we need to address before I finalize anything. I mean, is it really appropriate for a chief to be dating one of his own agents? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen if you ask me."
"Jack. You are the one who sent me there, you meddling mother hen, with the exact hope that this would happen. I will literally fight you in the middle of the bullpen if you want to use that against me now."
Jack held up his hands. "Alright, relax. Your transfer's basically already finalized, I just need your signature next to mine. Then you can go run off into the sunset with Sousa and leave the greatest city in the world behind like it's nothing."
"Alright, you went to Ithica for college. At least I'm leaving for another interesting city, even if it's not as good."
"At least we can agree on that last part."
I snorted, but I couldn't totally keep a smile off my face either. Jack and I had actually kind of become friends in the past few months, especially in the wake of Daniel leaving, and I was surprised to find a little ping of sadness in my chest at the thought of leaving him behind with the rest of this city. If you'd told me a few years ago I'd be missing Jack Thompson, I would've laughed in your face.
Jack pulled the transfer papers out of a file on the nearest desk where they'd apparently been waiting for me all morning, setting them down in front of me. In turn, I handed him the papers I'd filled out since I last saw him, then glanced at what was in front of me. True to his word, they only needed my signature to be finalized.
"We're gonna miss you around here," he said, his voice unusually serious. I glanced up to find him holding out a pen to me, a small smile on his face. "Seriously."
"...I'm gonna miss you too, Jack."
We held each other's gaze for a few moments, maybe the first time we'd had a sincere exchange in my entire time working here. Finally, he cleared his throat, looking away as I finally took the pen from his hand.
"Alright, that's enough of that sappy crap. You bring a box to clean out your desk? I don't want to have to waste agency time clearing out whatever garbage you left in there before you went to LA."
"Don't worry, I've got a plan for all my leftover trash and scribbled notes I don't need anymore."
"I don't like the way you said that. What do you-"
"Oh, thank goodness!"
I straightened from signing the documents after finishing the last one to find Peggy coming through the doors into the bullpen, looking slightly more frazzled than usual. She shook her head at me as she approached, dropping her stuff at the base of the desk and putting her hands on her hips.
"I thought I'd missed you. I can't believe you were planning to just duck in and duck out this morning. What were you planning to do if Thompson hadn't called me to tell me when you were coming in? Just leave for Los Angeles without a goodbye?"
"Actually, Daniel and I were planning to invite the two of you to dinner tonight for a real goodbye. I'm just trying to avoid causing a scene in the middle of the bullpen, in the middle of the SSR's workday."
Peggy and Jack both scoffed, the sounds eerily similar. I raised an eyebrow, but Jack leaned in and snatched the papers off my desk before I could comment.
"Alright, I'm gonna go process these since you don't want to hang around here. By the time you're done with your desk, I'll be done with these."
I nodded, watching Jack's back as he headed back into his office. As soon as he disappeared through the doorway, I turned back to Peggy.
"I need you to get him out of his office for, like, five minutes between when I finish cleaning out my desk and when I head out of here. I'm gonna put all the papers and stuff I don't need in his desk."
Peggy grinned. "I'll make sure you have the window of opportunity you need."
"I knew I could count on you."
We snuck a high-five before Jack could notice, then I headed over my desk to start the packing process in earnest. There really wasn't much I needed to get, since I'd brought most of the things I needed with me to LA the first time, but a handful of the things I'd collected found a temporary home in my bag. Even better, the stack of trash I was planning to stick in Jack's office was substantial, and just like Peggy'd promised, she dragged Jack away from his desk long enough to give me just the opening I needed.
I stepped out of his office and back into the bullpen after finishing my mission, and a moment later, Peggy and Jack came around the corner to join me. I smiled at the both of them.
"Desk's been cleared. Papers are done. I think... I'm officially all finished up here."
"You sure I'm not going to find some trash you forgot about when I try to put somebody else at your desk?" Jack asked, hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes and sighed, responding without missing a beat.
"Of course not, Jack. You're not going to find any forgotten trash in my desk. Come on."
All true, technically. Peggy grinned at me, but I managed to keep a straight face as Jack put his hands on his hips and sighed.
"...I guess this is it, then, huh?"
"I guess it is."
I sighed, looking around at the empty bullpen one last time. I hadn't been working out of this office for a while now, and it's not like I'd never be back. But something about having my desk packed, ready to head out the door with the last of my roots pulled up still hit me a bit.
"I'm... gonna miss you guys," I said, shaking my head as I turned back to my two friends. Jack rolled his eyes, since we'd already exhausted his reserve of sincerity for the day, but Peggy gave me a soft smile.
"We'll miss you too. And you can expect regular visits from us in the winter, when we're sick of the snow and need to use our friends for access to the sunshine in Los Angeles."
I grinned. "As long as you promise to bring real pizza with you whenever you visit."
We shared a smile, and thankfully, before any of us could get any sappier, Daniel walked through the door, his meeting with his contact apparently over with.
"Hey," he said, giviing me a smile as he walked over to join us. He leaned in to give me a quick kiss, then pulled back with a smile. "You ready to go? Our favorite breakfast place is waiting for us."
I smiled, then gave Daniel a nod. We were technically on vacation, so we'd planned to spend the rest of our day on a tour of all of our favorite places in New York city.
"We'll see you guys for dinner tonight, right?" Daniel asked as he took my hand, the two of us taking a few steps towards the door.
"As long as you're buying," called Jack, and Peggy nodded. Daniel shot him a thumbs up as I rolled my eyes, and just like that, Daniel and I were standing on the threshold of the New York SSR.
"You ready?" Daniel asked, leaning in to whisper to me. I took a deep breath, sparing one last moment of reminiscing for the place I'd spent so much of my life in over the last few years, then turned to Daniel with a smile.
"Yeah. I'm ready."
He smiled back at me, giving my hand a quick squeeze before we turned our backs on the office, officially and completely moving forward together. It still stung a little to be leaving, but not nearly as badly as it could've, since I knew and loved where I was heading.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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irondad-defensesquad · 4 months
"ugh, it's fine, jarvis. it doesn't even hurt anymore."
tony looks away, crossing his arms. jarvis doesn't insist on taking a better look at his face, but he doesn't leave, either. jarvis doesn't even scold tony for slapping his hand away.
tony is a liar. obviously. he lies so well that he can't really cry anymore. you might think he's turning into the man of iron his father wants him to be.
jarvis, of course, knows better than that.
the butler opens his arms. not saying a word.
tony complies, breaking down his inner walls.
the tears are there, but they won't come out no matter how hard he tries.
jarvis gets it.
he just gets tony.
unlike howard. who has never taken care of tony like this. whenever tony is hurt, howard just thinks he's a disappointment and tells the boy to lock himself in his room and not come back until he's presentable again. and tony just cries until he falls asleep.
then in sleepless nights, tony goes to the kitchen where jarvis often is. rarely asleep. jarvis knows tony needs him and he wants to help him.
jarvis is like those heroes tony likes to read about. the people you can go to without any fear.
tony wants to feel safe, but he wants other people to feel safe with him, too.
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Meeting Peggy
Howard Stark x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 454
Requested By: Anonymous
Ooh would you write for Howard Stark x daughter? and then the first time she meets Peggy is when she comes home from a mission beat up, and !r is staying with her Uncle Jarvis? Thanksss luv ya <3
A/N: Thank you for this request! Hope you enjoy
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While your dad was out gallivanting with women or doing whatever he was doing with his inventions, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis took you in. They didn’t mind so you were a perfect house guest and they already saw you as their own daughter. You didn’t go to school since your dad taught you everything you needed to know so you stayed and helped out around the house once Edwin began leaving the house more often.
Your dad kept you off the record so no one knew you existed which was helpful in this current time. He had to disappear as he was wanted for selling his weapons or, as he liked to call them, his Bad Babies. You had been with the Jarvis' since the news broke and you had no idea where your dad was but you knew he wasn’t in New York but Jarvis was out too much for your dad to not be up to something.
Since you were a naturally curious person, one night when Edwin left home late, you stayed up waiting to see when he’d get back. He came home a few hours later but you heard another female voice. It was Anna since she was asleep so you went downstairs to the kitchen to see what was up.
“What were you doing out so late?” you asked him, eyeing him and the woman next to him.
“Miss Stark you should be asleep right now,” Jarvis said, surprised that you were awake at this hour.
You shrugged and looked at the woman. She looked familiar but you couldn’t place her, “Who’s that?” you asked.
“This is Miss Peggy Carter,” he said, introducing her.
“Wait, the Peggy Carter? The one that dad worked with alongside Captain America?” 
Jarvis nodded.
“I’m sorry did you say Miss Stark?” Peggy asked, “As in Howard Stark? As in, you’re his daughter?”
“That’s me,” you said, “Don’t feel too bad. He doesn’t mention me to anyone. Likes to keep me a secret.”
Peggy nodded slowly.
“Are you alright Miss Carter? You look a bit beat up,” you pointed out, noticing the bruises on her face.
“Oh yes I’m quite alright,” she said, quickly looking over to Edwin, “Just need to get patched up and I’ll be good to go.”
“I can do it,” you said, heading to the kitchen where you knew the first aid materials were held, “Mrs. Jarvis has been teaching me a few things.”
“Well then, if you two are okay here, I’m going to go to bed now. Goodnight,” Jarvis said, heading upstairs.
Peggy sat down on one of the chairs and you began your work. You two went back and forth talking and getting to know each other more.
@i-writes-things @thatsamericasass24
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jackiequick · 2 years
Agent Carter OC
Jason Underwood
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Full Name: Jason Greyson Underwood
Height: 6’0
Birthday: April 20, 1922
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Age: 23-37 (but the year will say others)
Abilities: To live longer than anyone on the face of the earth ;) until death finally catches up to him!
Alias: Jack Keener, Lincoln Pine, Lieutenant Trace, Ethan Mayer, Mr Hunt, Steven Hale, Ewan Grey, Bradley Seresin, Jake Mitchell, Chad King, and the list goes.
Nicknames: JJ, Mr Underwood, Jay, Greyson, The Pest, Lieutenant, Hangman, Agent, Mcdreamy and whatever other nickname anyone gives him
Personality: Jason is a smart, slightly flirty, a bit snaky, charming but very kind man. His heart is always in the right place but if the job needs to be done to survive, even if that means stealing he would do it. He will always listen and be a gentleman like the good solider he used to be, as he under the station 108th during the War back in the 40s.
Family: Mom and father dead however he has one, who is sister alive
Sister: Dottie Underwood
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The Backstory
- With his older sister being send overseas to live her days out in an all girl school where she trained and fought, eventually becoming what the future would call a version of an Black Widow. He was sentenced to a life of crime, kicking back when possible and roughhousing everyone that annoyed him. From an young Jason was smart and sneaky just like his sister before she left, playing all the role of the charming southern boy with a drawl in his throat and a smile wink that he many woman at the nearest small diner smile. Sleeping around and stealing was his play, especially if it a bored married woman who didn’t care for her husband’s plays anymore. That’s where the big bucks came in ;)
- Robbing banks and stealing from the rich, giving to the poor like a Robin Hood style hero if the occupation felt like it. He’s kind and would do what’s need to be done to survive. He lived the simple life, wanting nothing more than less, because what else could be lost. Until there were spotting of a certain thief in New York and disguised as well as they can be, Jason smirked, he knew his sister was back in town. He tracked his sister and saw the woman she was now, but didn’t like it very much, hell he still missed her!
- He teamed up with the woman and pay his dues when needed but all the planning and plotting was Dottie. He was just the sharpshooter, partner in the play and so called back backup. She always took the lead no matter what and focused on much more stuff, when she wasn’t looking he stepped back and located Agent Peggy Carter to help her and Mr Jarvis on their missions, having already knowing Howard Stark from previous business.
- It took time, patience and money but Agent Carter let him in on the future plans and help whenever needed, she even flirted one or twice to lead him on. Daniel Sousa and Jack Thompson were a whole other story, being sometimes parted up with both men even noticed how feeling rose between the group, but he never tried to care for the romantic side of it all even if it was VERY tempting!
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Years went on and times got…different.
- The later then, called Agent Jason Underwood, would be struck by lightning the day he supposed to meet up with his friends in LA one night. He was driving around the countryside of LA near the greenery when the weather got chiller than usual, the air became solid as if was froze in time as the road was slippery with rain. Then BAM! Lightening stuck the road and bouncing onto his car as he wiped out. He woke up gasping for air, feeling completely fine after less than 20 minutes of silence aside from the bruised forehead and pain in his side.
- Little did Jason know that very night would be the night changed his life…forever. As the months, years went old everyone grew old expect him. He stayed the same age and not even a sign of a wrinkle told him the time moved however not for him. To avoid any controversy and experimentation on him, he made changes to his name every decade and move across the country, even out of the United States if the money he had allowed him. He had never the chance to settled down with someone, keep a job he actually liked and or just breathe same air as the others around him.
Present Day…
- Jason now lives in Westchester New York under the alias of Jordan S. Larson and volunteering to work in a library at a very small retirement home. In another moments, he’s a waiter at a restaurant downtown near his home. Jason always told himself to never reveal his name or history, never have his picture taken and keep an low profile. Very few pictures of him were taken and if they were taken SHIELD must’ve either erased them or had them underneath layers of their earliest files dating back to the late 50s and early 60s. Will he ever be founded and uncovered by the public eye? Will Jason ever actually settle down with someone? Maybe have a normal life? Who know…only time will tell..
Bonus: For my Top Gun Maverick fans, did you catch onto his nicknames and alias? ;)
Tags: @mcbident @gaminggirlsstuff @t-nd-rfoot @eagerforthesky @topgun-imagines @raphroseybeanpie @daughter-of-melpomene @meirafireshield @msrochelleromanofffelton @youlightmeupfinnn @rooster-84 @mandylove1000 @eliohasmyheart @halesfavoriteharlot and whoever i forgot to tag in this list
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gunsandspaceships · 5 months
Tony’s Childhood. Part 1: Identifying facts
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In the MCU, Tony sometimes acts like a kid. There is a reason behind every behavior, so I wondered what it was like for him when he was a real kid.
So, the questions of the day: what do we know about Tony's childhood? Did he have one? And, most importantly, how did it affect him?
Let’s first list what we know from the movies:
At age 4 Tony built his first circuit board (IM1)
At age 6 built his first engine (IM1)
Was sent to a boarding school by Howard (IM2)
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare (AoU)
Had a nanny until the age of 14 (IM3)
Went to college at 14 (IM1)
Built Dum-E and U when he was there (IM1)
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT (IM1)
Continued his education until his parents’ death (CW)
Tony’s genius gave him two things: the brain and the pain. And by the pain, I mean that instead of interacting and bonding with his parents, enjoying life, playing, having fun, making friends, taking care of pets, and all the other things children do to gradually prepare for adulthood and grow up "healthy", he got this list of achievements. That doesn’t make a person normal.
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We know his relationship with Howard was complicated. Howard loved him in his own way. He had too many things to do to be a good father: SI, S.H.I.E.L.D., scientific projects, trying to build a better future with clean energy, etc. All good, except when you want your child to love you back. Especially if in the tiny amount of time you spend with him, you don’t show him any signs of affection.
What do we know about Maria? Her name, what she looked like, that she played the piano, and died at Winter Soldier’s hand on Dec 16, 1991. That’s it. She didn’t spend much time with Tony either. Remember, he even had a nanny, instead of a mother. Tony's words about her showed that he loved her, but he didn't talk much about her. Because she wasn’t present in his life enough. Why? Because…
Howard sent Tony to a boarding school.
Here’s in the S.H.I.E.L.D.s file we have this information about the school:
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“Phillips Academy, Andover, MA 1977-1984”
This means he was there from age 7 to 14. Howard sent him to a boarding school when he was SEVEN.
Phillips Academy Andover serves grades 9-12 only (it is a college preparatory school). Thus, either this is a mistake by the creators of the film/file, or Tony, due to his genius, became an exception. Since the early age he was already at school was also mentioned in IM2 tie-in comics, and in Earth-616 that was also 7, we can mark 1977-1984 as valid.
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Think about it again: Tony was sent to boarding school in another state when he was 7 years old. He spent another 7 years there, alone, among high school-aged teenagers. No parents around, no peers.
For example, even Hogwarts accepts 11-year-old children, and they live with their peers. Now imagine Harry Potter, at the age of 7, is thrown into a dorm with 7th-year students and locked there. Doesn’t make a person normal either, does it?
Nannies and Jarvis
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Since Tony was at the boarding school, there are two options for how he could have a nanny (mentioned in IM3) and spend time with Edwin Jarvis:
1) He was at the boarding school with a nanny. There is almost no possibility that the nanny was Edwin Jarvis because Jarvis was Howard’s butler and had other responsibilities.
2) He had a nanny at home in the summer and during short school breaks. In this case, his parents couldn’t even give him this little of their precious time.
In any case, he could only see Jarvis at home, a few months a year at most.
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Note: There is a date error in IM3, stating Tony was 14 in 1983. This is clearly an error and we can omit this detail.
Remember this dialog between Tony and Harley in IM3?
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0:45:15 – Harley asks him how he knew he was being bullied at school. Tony doesn't answer. He gives him a non-lethal flash thing to "discourage bullying."
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We see that Tony knew exactly what was going on with Harley at school. Because that’s exactly what happened to him there. Harley reminded him of himself. Brilliant kid with no friends and practically no parents. He was bullied by 9th-12th graders.
If he had a nanny with him at the school, that probably made things even worse. He would be bullied because he has a nanny, and despite he has one to look after him.
In Part 2 we will discuss how all this affected him. Stay tuned.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Peggy is Tony’s Godparent Masterlist
A Hell of a Kid (ao3) - TheAsexualofSpades peggy/daniel, pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: Tony's upset and his godmother Peggy is having none of it.
Peter's upset and Tony's having none of it.
Also titled: How To Comfort and Reassure Your Genius Kid That Their Feelings are Valid: In Two Parts
Aunt Peg (ao3) - GNM_dreaming_girl G, 6k
Summary: Tony deals with the death of the one and only Peggy Carter.
“Margaret Elizabeth “Peggy” Carter died in her sleep, she didn’t suffer.” His hand was shaking, hell, all his body was shaking, he didn’t know if he would be able to talk, didn’t know how his voice would come out but after thirty seconds of silence he forced himself to speak.
Aunt Peggy's Mac and Cheese (ao3) - rachangel peggy/steve G, 2k
Summary: What if Tony knew Peggy?
Tony reads a speech at Peggy's Funeral about Peggy's involvement in his life and how she practically raised him.
Bless The Broken Road (ao3) - PinkEasterEggs peggy/steve G, 114k
Summary: In 1950, Peter Carter goes missing.
In 2005, a boy who looks exactly like Peggy Carter and Steve Roger's kidnapped son is found.
Tony doesn't even hesitate (okay, he may have hesitated a little) to take the boy under his wing.
Collateral (ao3) - dementedgoat steve/tony N/R, 13k
Summary: What happens after the shield comes barreling down?
Go And Make Aunt Peggy Proud (ao3) - holla_the_forestfairy pepper/tony, steve/bucky T, 19k
Summary: When Howard screws around with one of Hank Pym's quantum theories, things go south, quickly and that in a way Peggy did not imagine in her wildest dreams: they end up in the year 2019. Luckily, a vigilante in a bright red, skintight spidersuit can help them out and take Peggy and Howard to who will be able to help them out.
Her Mysterious Man (ao3) - dreambbles peggy/jarvis T, 15k
Summary: Tony had just mastered the art of time traveling.(Take that, Reed!) Okay, little white lie. He hasn't actually gone yet, he still needs a proper scolding from his A.I before doing so. He is advised not to interact with ANYONE in fear of tearing apart the space time continuum.
But nevertheless, he is still free to travel anywhere through time.
So, why does he decide to end up in 1945? And who is that gorgeous woman in those red dancing heels sitting all alone? And why does she seem so familiar to him?
Honey, you're familiar (like my mirror years ago) (ao3) - chaoticcollectorchaos_me steve/tony N/R, 43k
Summary: ...That in a past life, he was a valiant and brilliant scientist who, with Captain America, managed to destroy HYDRA. It was a good fantasy to have for a lonely little boy growing up with everything and nothing he could have wanted.
Too bad nobody told Tony that dreams do come true.
How It Should Have Been (And Maybe How It Was) (ao3) - rebelmeg ana/jarvis, howard/maria, pepper/tony T, 23k
Summary: Tony Stark was surrounded by love his whole life. His mother adored every bit of him from the moment she knew she was pregnant. Peggy was the most devoted godmother that ever lived. Edwin and Ana Jarvis treasured him as the closest thing they would ever have to their own child.
But even with all that love... Tony still struggled, because the man that should have understood him best barely gave him a glance.
This is how the relationships in Tony's life shaped him, and how he shaped them.
I'm with you (ao3) - withered bucky/tony T, 4k
Summary: Bucky doesn't remember Peggy Carter, but she remembers him. Which is hilarious given her memory issues.
No Matter Who It Is (ao3) - readingbylamplight howard/maria T, 1k
Summary: “I punched him once you know,” She says, and Tony’s eyes brighten, “A long time ago now, but it happened.”
“He hid something from me, lied to me about it, and when I found out he tried to say that he did it to protect my feelings. So I punched him. Tony, no one should get to use your reaction to their lies as a reason for them. If they do, they don’t deserve you. Do you understand?”
He nods, and she spends the rest of the evening teaching him how to punch.
Peggy's Baby Boy (ao3) - Pacifiers_and_Repulsors G, 2k
Summary: Steve goes to visit his best girl at the nursing home and runs into Tony. Steve is shocked, Tony is mortified, and Peggy is just happy to have her favorite soldier and baby godson in the same room.
Rise and Fall (ao3) - Orca478 gamora/tony G, 4k
Summary: Steve orders Natasha to close the portal as soon as Tony goes threw it. Not waiting for a chance for the genius to fall back.
This causes one of them to rise, and the other to fall.
And Steve is not the one rising.
Say Goodbye (ao3) - ShakespearePoet101 G, 1k
Summary: They all rally around Steve when they get the news. They keep him company and hold him when he cries and try their best to distract his thoughts from his long lost love.
Peggy Carter had died, and Steve was mourning.
But they didn't seem to realize that Tony was mourning too. But why would they? They didn't know. They didn't know that Tony even knew Peggy, didn't know that he called her his aunt or that she had been one of the only people to truly care about him as a kid. They didn't know that she was his rock more often than not or that he had spent many a night held in her arms as he cried over how utterly unfair life was. They didn't know. So they didn't care. They didn't care that Tony was falling apart, his heart torn and bleeding, that he was lost (his rock was gone), and he desperately needed a hug, something to keep him together. But they just didn't know.
(Or the Avengers all comfort Steve after Peggy dies, not realizing that Tony was also suffering from the loss.)
Sweet Pea: Goodbye (ao3) - anxious_soul T, 4k
Summary: Steve receives a call saying Peggy has died. Four of theAvengers gather around to comfort him, forgetting about the fifth.
Tony mourns on his own as he remembers all the times he had with his Aunt Peggy.
The Genius' Brother (ao3) - anxious_soul T, 14k
Summary: What if Tony wasn't the only son of Stark? What if he had an older brother? This is the two of them through the years.
tony and peggy's big day out! (ao30 - orphan_account G, 6k
Summary: She presses on the communication device in her ear. “Mister Jarvis, do tell me you’re nearby.”
His answer is immediate. “I am but four blocks away, Missus Carter. What is it you need? A coffee, perhaps?”
“Oh, nothing of the sort,” she says, panting slightly with her rush. The screams of civilians ache in her ears, set her stomach rolling. She tries to find breath, force it into her lungs. Someone slams into her shoulder and she stumbles. Tony grips her hand doubly hard. She grabs him in a smooth motion, an arm beneath his bottom and a hand on his back, and his arms go around her neck impulsively, his nose pressing into the side of her throat. “Perhaps a pickup, if you’re not too busy?”
“Why, never for you,” Jarvis says. “What’s happened this time?”
“Just a bombing,” says Peggy.
“At three in the afternoon?” says Jarvis. “Frankly, how rude.”
When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishing (ao3) - Calliope29 peggy/steve G, 5k
Summary: “And now, I’d like to invite Margaret Carter’s godson to come up and say a few words.”
A pointy elbow prodded at his side. Steve tilted his head towards Sam, a questioning furrow in his brow. Sam, with wide eyes, jerked his chin at the podium subtly, and Steve finally turned his gaze where he’d been avoiding.
It was Tony. Tony Stark was standing at the podium in a sharp suit, dark tinted glasses pushed up high on the bridge of his nose.
“You never told me you knew Peggy,” Steve said, quiet voice still carrying in the empty space.
Tony was staring at his hands. “Knew her?” he mumbled like the question amused him. Finally, he looked up. Steve had never seen those brown eyes so black. “She practically raised me, more than Howard ever did.”
“You know,” Steve found himself saying. “If I never went into the ice, you’d probably be my godson too.”
Based on the prompt: Peggy is Tony's godmother
"You Own Three Power Plants?" (ao3) - FairToMiddling93 G, 1k
Summary: Steve meets Howard's heir and is surprised to learn that it's a woman.
(Thor shows up to stop Loki in Germany instead of Toni, so her arrival is on the Helicarrier).
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okay so ~3 months prior to s2, Daniel was visiting and had a one night stand with Peggy, but felt really guilty for cheating on Violet, thus not talking to Peg at all after. Cut to Peggy being sent out to LA for the Case, she was going to tell him about the pregnancy until she saw him with Vi, and decided to keep it to her self (she was still having a lot of her own internal conflict about a baby anyways.) So at this point, literally no one knows except maybe Angie, until Peggy gets Kebabbed on the rebar. Violet, know she's pregnant the minute she lifts Peggy's shirt to asses to wound, and they share this Look of Understanding--Vi understands that this is a) a secret and b) probably Daniel's kid, and they both know that there p much no chance that the pregnancy is going to survive this. Violet may be having an Emotion, but she is also respects the hell out of Peggy and doesn't say anything to anyone else. At least until Peggy leaves. She can't sleep, and early in the morning (maybe like 4 or 5 am) Daniels finds her in the kitchen and they have the Talk. Meanwhile, Peggy wakes after Jarvis puts her to bed to intense pain in her abdomen--different from from the literal hole through her body. She hobbles to the bathroom. She is in there a long time with the water running and Jason (who doesn't sleep in his ghostly form) becomes concerned. He asks if she's okay and asks if he can help her with anything, and Peggy snaps at him to go away. He goes and wakes the Jarvises and after a long time of negotiating through the door, Peggy allows Ana to come in. The boys wait until Ana pokes her head back out, serious and slightly pale. She instructs them to get some supplies without clarifying what for and, no, they still can't come in. Ana ends up holding Peggy through the night as she cries and bears through the pain. Edwin and Jason stay by the door the whole time. Jason has a (correct) hunch as to what is going on by now. Daniel rushes to her in the morning after Violet revealed the secret, only to find Ana escorting Peggy back to bed, red stained towel around her waist and eyes puffy from the emotional, sleepless night. Cue a long and emotional talk between them where Peggy tries to keep them talking about the case but Daniel refuses to let her avoid talking about Feelings. And... that's kind of all I got for the script in my head. I imagine if the convo goes well enough that Peggy lets her walls down. Daniel is a more traditional guy and would have married her, but Peggy doesn't want that--even if she were still pregnant, there was too much emotional baggage to work through first. Feelings for Jason, the communication, the miscarriage *cough* the cheating *cough*... The probably keep getting side tracked by the Case, but keep talking more through the next episodes and eventually get together. Also something about kinship with Ana after she gets shot? love, Angst Anon <3
This broke my heart so much for Peggy and all she'd gone through. Her and Ana's bond, just all of this.
Peggy needs a hug, definitely.
I absolutely love this and everything that Peggy goes through. The yearning, the cheating, the aching, the fact that Ana immediately knows what's up and doesn't tell her secret.
I think you need to write this, Anon.
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emerysaks · 1 year
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5
This story is finished! Thanks for hanging with me since <checks notes> 2015. Ha!
I hope you enjoy the final chapter!
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5 - EmerySaks7 - Agent Carter (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Edwin Jarvis quietly shut the door behind him. He had slipped into the chilly penthouse unannounced in a gesture of deference, as he had done so many times before. Usually, clinking mugs and snippets of conversation floated from the kitchen as Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli began the day with a shared breakfast. Yet, the space was strangely silent this morning.
"Miss Carter? Miss Martinelli?" Jarvis called out tentatively, his voice just barely rising above a whisper.
Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the study, and Edwin hurried over to investigate. As he crossed the threshold and peered into the room, he was startled to see Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli tucked under the blankets, their hair mussed from sleep. A moment later, he realized with a blush that two nightgowns lay scattered on the floor and, more importantly, that Peggy Carter's gaze was trained upon him.
An arched eyebrow barely belied the blush that rose to her cheeks as her eyes drifted to the nightgowns. Although Miss Martinelli remained blissfully unaware, still lost in sleep, Edwin, ever respectful, felt embarrassed to have inadvertently interrupted something private. He raised a finger to his lips, pointedly looking at Angie, and then stepped back into the hallway to give the two women some space.
A few minutes later, Peggy emerged, clad in one of the nightgowns from the floor. As she cinched her robe, Edwin dipped his head. "I apologize," he said, clearly embarrassed. "Forgive me for intruding."
“The electricity went out yesterday evening,” she explained.
“Yes, Mr. Stark mentioned that and asked me to come by and check on you ladies this morning.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I see you were resourceful, as always.”
A faint blush colored Peggy’s cheeks. “Yes, well… we decided to move the bedroom to the study for the evening because of the fireplace. Angie was rather adamant about our sleeping arrangements.”
Edwin chuckled. “Yes, Miss Martinelli can be rather persuasive when she puts her mind to something.”
“Quite, “ Peggy agreed. She drew a deep breath and continued, “Mr. Jarvis, I would appreciate it if you kept what you saw here to yourself.”
Edwin nodded gravely. “Of course, Miss Carter.”
Peggy sighed and ran a hand through her disheveled hair. “I hope you understand I am in no way ashamed of my feelings towards Angie, but until I can discuss this more with her, I would prefer this matter remain private.”
"I wouldn't dare dream of disclosing it," he assured her. Peggy seemed to relax at this assurance. But then, a calculating gleam entered her gaze. "One other thing, Mr. Jarvis."
"I couldn't help noticing that all the circuit breakers were operating normally. Yet, we still somehow lost power throughout the entire building."
Edwin frowned thoughtfully. "How peculiar."
Peggy held his gaze. "Coincidentally, the only building that contained an occupied penthouse."
Edwin shrugged innocently. "I suppose it must've been the city grid." He could feel Peggy studying him, so he remained silent.
"No, I don't think so," she disagreed. "The grid appears to be functioning normally. The building next to us had power. I clearly saw lights in the windows."
Edwin held out his hands, palms upward. "I don't know what to say, Miss Carter. I am not an electrician."
Peggy nodded. "The curious thing is when I checked the circuit breaker box, I found this," she said pointedly and held up the remains of a small capsule. Jarvis' eyes widened as he realized what it was, but he quickly schooled his features into what he hoped was a neutral expression.
“Imagine my surprise when I realized this shockingly familiar object was one of Howard’s experimental EMP devices.”
“Really? How odd.”
Peggy gave him a pointed look. “Yes. It is.”
“I don’t know what to say, Miss Carter.”
“Nor do I.”
“Perhaps Mr. Stark was careless with some of his items when he moved from this penthouse to his current residence,” he ventured.
They stared at each other momentarily until Edwin finally broke the silence. “If there’s nothing else?”
Peggy quirked her lips. “That will be all, Mister Jarvis.”
“Then I shall bid you a good day, Miss Carter.”
“Good day, Mister Jarvis.”
He opened the door.
At Peggy’s soft tone, he turned to face her. “Yes, Miss Carter.”
Peggy’s eyes softened. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Miss Carter,” he replied, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips before he stepped through the door and closed it behind him.
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mccarthawrites · 2 years
Surprise Visitor
Relationship: Peggy Carter & Howard Stark
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Howard’s mother, Edith comes to the penthouse looking for Howard, but finds Peggy instead, assuming her to be his girlfriend.
Words: 1,054
Marvel Masterlist
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Edith stepped off the elevator, looking around the familiar apartment.
“Howard?” She called out, walking towards the drawing room. The sight of a pretty brunette sitting on one of the sofas, reading the paper and drinking tea took her by surprise. She must be Howard’s girlfriend. Edith knocked on the french doors, hoping she wasn’t interrupting anything. Peggy looked up, confused. Setting the paper and her teacup down she went to open the doors.
“Hello, can I help you?” Peggy asked.
“You’re not American.” Edith commented.
“No. I’m not.” Peggy replied.
“I’m sorry. Is my son here?” Edith asked.
“Your son?” Peggy questioned, before realizing. Of course it was Howard’s mother. He was a striking image of her. “I’m afraid Howard isn’t here, would you like me to call him for you?” Peggy asked, welcoming the older woman into the drawing room.
“I would appreciate that very much, thank you. Howard and I meet every Thursday for lunch when he’s in New York.” Edith explained.
“That sounds very nice.” Peggy picked up the receiver of the telephone, calling Howard’s other penthouse.
“Howard Stark’s residence.” Edwin picked up.
“Hello, Mr. Jarvis. Can I speak to Howard please?” Peggy asked.
“I’m afraid Mr. Stark is still asleep. Had a late night.”
“I’m sure. His mother is here looking for him. They had a lunch date.”
“Of course. I’ll wake him up right away.” After a few moments of silence, someone picked up the receiver on the other end.
“Hello?” Howard sounded hungover and exhausted.
“Good morning, Howard. Your mother is here. Waiting for you to take her out to lunch.” Peggy told him.
“Oh shit. It’s Thursday already?” Howard asked.
“Would you like me to tell her you’ll have to reschedule?” Peggy asked.
“No! Just- I need an hour and I’ll be there. Keep her entertained.”
“Please. Offer her some tea. Ask her about some embarrassing stories about me. I don’t care. I just need an hour.” He told her. Peggy sighed, looking at Edith who was looking around the drawing room, having noticed the changes.
“Fine, but you owe me.”
“I already owe you my life, what more do you want?” Howard teased. “Thank you, Peg.”
“You’re lucky this is my one day off. You better be here in an hour.” Peggy hung up the phone.
“Did he forget about me?” Edith asked.
“No. He’s had his hands full.”
“With the way our government dragged him through the mud, I imagine he’s been trying to save his reputation. After all my Howie has done for this country.” Edith scoffed. The use of the nickname made Peggy smile. She’s never known anyone to call him “Howie”.
“Would you like some tea? I could turn the kettle back on.” Peggy offered.
“That would be lovely, thank you.” Edith smiled. Peggy quickly slipped into the kitchen to turn the kettle on. She was glad Angie wasn’t home because how was she going to tell Edith that two women were living in her son’s penthouse? She returned to the drawing room.
“Howard said he’ll be here in an hour.” Peggy explained, sitting down. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Stark. I’m Peggy.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Peggy, but please call me Edith. How long have you known Howard?” Edith asked.
“We met in the war.”
“You were a nurse?” Edith asked.
“Not exactly, but I suppose I learned some medical aid while I was there.”
“Do you mind if I asked why you decided to leave home and come her to the big city?” Edith asked.
“That’s a long story, I’m afraid. One I cannot cover in an hour.”
“Something like that.”
“I understand. How long have you been here?”
“I moved to New York after the war.”
“Do you like the city?”
“America is much different than where I’m from, but I don’t think I’d ever go back. This is my home now.”
“I’m glad. Has Howard taken you to see the Statue of Liberty, yet? You can see the whole world from her crown.”
“I have been. It’s quite a view.” Peggy smiled.
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Howard walked into the penthouse finding Edith in the middle of a story.
“The poor boy cried for three days afterwards.” Edith laughed. Peggy smiled, looking at Howard.
“I think it’s been a bit longer than an hour.” Peggy checked her watch.
“Yeah. Sorry about that. Hi, mom. What are you doing here?” He asked, greeting his mother with a kiss on the cheek.
“I was looking for you, but I found lovely Peggy instead. I like her.”
“I’m flattered, Edith.” Peggy replied.
“I don’t live here anymore.” Howard explained.
“You don’t have to lie to me, Howard. I don’t mind if you’re living together out of wedlock.” Edith explained.
“Excuse me?” Peggy asked.
“It’s 1946. There are lots of young people like yourselves living together.” Edith explained. “It doesn’t bother me. Especially if you’re in love enough to move continents.”
“Mom, Peggy and I are not-”
“I am not Howard’s girlfriend. He really does not live here.”
“Yes. Peggy is the person who helped clear my name.” Howard explained. “We’re just friends.”
“How foolish of me.” Edith laughed. “I’m sorry, Peggy. I just assumed-”
“That’s quite alright. I suppose there are worse men I could be mistaken for dating.” Peggy replied.
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Howard looked at Peggy. “Thank you for keeping my mother company.”
“It was a pleasure. I learned a lot about you. Like how you cried when you were told you couldn’t marry the angel statue in Central Park.”
“Call me a romantic. Are you ready to go, mom?” Howard asked.
“Yes. Why don’t you join us, Peggy?” Edith asked.
“Thank you, but perhaps a rain check. It’s my day off and I was planning a day to myself.” Peggy replied.
“And I ruined that. I am so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. I very much enjoyed talking to you. We will have to get lunch together sometime.” Peggy smiled.
“Sounds good. Come, Howard. Let’s leave her be to relax.” Edith grabbed her son’s arm.
“Alright. Thanks again, Peg.”
“You are welcome.” Peggy watched them board the elevator before going back to lounging. She didn’t know what she expected Howard’s mother to be, but she was pleasantly surprised.
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ao3feed-peggysous · 2 years
Early Fox Gets The Bird
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/M791FVY
by flyingfoxtopus
Steve is so close to his happily ever after he can taste it. There’s almost nothing standing between him and the beautiful future with the loves of his life. A life more perfect than he could ever have imagined. All he has to do is return the Infinity Stones, repair the damage caused by undoing the Snap, and find a way to protect their now vulnerable timeline.
So close and yet so far.
At least he has both his people with him this time. Sweet Ayame, who tried to warn him. Beloved Bucky, beside him no matter what. He’s sure the three of them can shake the universe, but he’d rather spend the time sketching them while they played with their baby.
Just a little longer and they can have that.
Assuming they don’t mess this up.
Words: 3420, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 16 of Domesticated Foxes
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s) of Color, Ancient One (Marvel), Daniel Sousa, Howling Commandos, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton, Happy Hogan, Jason Wilkes, Whitney Frost, Dottie Underwood, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Loki (Marvel), Peggy Carter's Husband
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Daniel Sousa/Violet (Agent Carter TV)
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Past Relationship(s), Developing Relationship, Major Original Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Established Relationship, Eventual Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, thrupple, Angst, Awesome Howling Commandos, 1940s
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/M791FVY
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Agent Carter Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
X - x reader F - Female Reader (otherwise it’s gender neutral) ☀️ - Fluff ✨ - Humor ☁️ - Angst 💙 - Platonic ⭐️ - Author Faves
Daniel Sousa Masterlist
Newest Fic: August 30th, 2024
Jack Thompson Masterlist
Newest Fic: August 9th, 2024
Peggysous Masterlist
Newest Fic: August 6th, 2022
Angie Martinelli
Surprise! X ☀️
Other Agents F!X ☁️☀️
Savor F!X ☀️
Consequences Be Damned F!X ☁️☀️
Broadway Calling X ☀️
Peggy Carter
The Truth F!X ☁️☀️
Tourist F!X ☀️
Girls' Night F!X ☀️💙
🌟 Gen Fic 🌟
Filed Away (AC Chaos Trio) ☁️☀️✨
💫 Headcanons 💫
Being the adopted child of the Jarvises would include... X ☀️✨
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 2 years
I Came Back For You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3HxBDKn
by AgentPeggyRogers
Steve Rogers didn't like going into this without a plan, but there was so much at stake and there were so many things that could go wrong. He knew where to go and that he only wanted her... | Peggy never imagined she would come home to find her lost love waiting on her front porch. She never expected to feel the way he made her feel ever again... | My (first) version post-Endgame reunion.
Words: 4734, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Angie Martinelli, Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark, Violet (Agent Carter TV), Daniel Sousa, Jason Wilkes, Ana Jarvis
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Past Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3HxBDKn
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can-youimagine · 4 years
Repost bc i can’t figure out tumblr (completely my work tho, don't come at me)
You wander through the mansion. You were not exactly proud of why you are here, but you have to say, if you had to go home with anyone, you were glad that it was Howard Stark.
“Ma’am, would you like breakfast?” a man asks. “Mr. Stark had other matters to attend to, so he will not be joining you.”
You nod, as you take a seat at the table. “So, there’s no chance that I’m going to see him again?”
“I’m afraid not.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God!”
He sputters at your outburst.
“No, no. I’m sure he’s a wonderful boss, but I would like to be rid of all of this as soon as possible.”
He smiles. “You certainly are different from his usual women. What’s your name?”
“(Y/N) (L/N),” you answer, leaning over the table.
His face grows pale, and he immediately looks to his wrist. “(Y/N) (L/N),” he repeats.
“Yes, is something wrong?”
“What does your wrist say?”
You give him a confused look. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Just tell me, please.”
You push your bracelets aside to make sure that you have the name right. “Edwin Jarvis.” When he doesn’t respond, you walk over to him. “Sir, are you okay?”
He wordlessly holds his wrist up to you, and you read your name off his wrist.
“Seems like last night wasn’t too much of a waste.”
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fangirl-imagines · 6 years
Dating Peggy Carter Would Include...
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-Meeting through your sister Angie
-Like imagine walking into the Automat one night because you need to talk to your sister and when you find her you also find Peggy and cue literal heart eyes
-Because holy cannoli she’s gorgeous
-Angie being ecstatic that you too are interested in each other and setting you up every chance she gets
-Jarvis listening to Peggy talk about you constantly but ‘No, of course you don’t have feelings for her Ms. Carter.’
-You two are Jarvis and Angie’s OTP
-Peggy being reluctant to get involved with you because she doesn’t want to put anyone else in danger
-But you to can’t seem to stay away from each other very long
-Getting an apartment together so you don’t have to sneak around
-Having a hard time believing she works for the phone company because you don’t get bruises like that working at a desk at the phone company
-Her calling you love in that British accent of hers and making you lose your mind
-She would defiantly be the more dominant personality in your relationship
-Leaving red lipstick marks all over your body
-Trying to convince her to stay in bed with you all morning instead of going to work
-Convincing her to let you do her makeup some days
-Planning date nights in to relax her after hard day at work
-Other times you’ll go for a drink and dancing 
-Frequent dinners at the Automat where Angie teases the both of you
-Becoming best friends with Jarvis
-AKA Team Protect and Care For Peggy Carter At All Cost
-Like I feel like you’d have tea once a week and discuss Peggy and Howard and Anna and how oh my gosh how have the two of you not lost your minds from dealing with those three
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funnyincorrectmcu · 4 years
(Fighting in an Office Building) Tony: Jarvis, prepare for a large file transfer.  Jarvis: How large, sir?  Tony: *throws a filing cabinet at the villain*  Jarvis: Well played, sir. 
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eleveneitherway · 4 years
Wandavision is great. But. Imagine that sitcom format for Agent Carter. Hayley Atwell, James D’Arcy and Dominic Cooper already have that energy. Maybe throw Chris Evans into the mix.
Chaos I tell you, chaos, simply marvellous.
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