#Eggsy x Roxy
nick-nzzz · 3 months
eggsy "i love you like a dog" unwin
BECAUSE LOOK. he's the most loyal person in the world, and when he loves someone, he loves them with his whole being, and he'll do everything he can for that person. he'll protect them as best he can, and will even sacrifice himself for their well-being. he believes in people and that there's goodness in them!!!!! if he loves you, he will love you forever, no matter what.
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brinleyparke · 4 months
Charlie: You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Eggsy: Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
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scarlettacklen1986 · 2 years
I Don't Want To Rember •Kingsman Merlin•
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Word count: 1157
Type: Angsty fluff
Warning: Mentions of Death and grieving
Paring: Merlin × Oc (description is kept limited name can easily be changed when reading)
Summary: Maggie can't process her feelings about Merlin coming back to her
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Maggie was sat at the kitchen table again, it was nearly 3 am and her head was hung over a cup of coffee.
"Mag?" She looked up to see Merlin coming down the stairs of their house.
"Hey babe, I didn't mean to wake you," she smiled.
"You didn't, I woke up naturally, and realised you weren't next to me," he said.
"I just had a nightmare, don't worry about it,"
"What about?" Merlin asked sitting across from her.
"You know what it was about," she said with a heavy sigh.
"I'm alive darling," he reached for her hand but Maggie retracted her hand setting it in her lap.
"Sorry, I'm still shaking it off," she mumbled.
"I love you," he said
"Love you too,"
"Go back to bed," she said "I'll be up in a minute" she assured
Maggie never came back to bed, Merlin found her the next day on the couch asleep.
"I...I just don't know Harry, it feels like she's pulling away from me," Merlin said to Harry as they ate in his office.
"It was traumatic for her too, she watched you die, she grieved you, then she helped get you back and she helped Ginger with your surgery, she's probably still processing," Harry assured him.
"Why won't she talk to me about it?" Merlin asked.
"She doesn't talk about her feelings and she probably feels as though she shouldn't complain because you're the one who came back to life," he said.
"You make more sense than you should," Merlin said.
"I read a lot of romance books," Harry shrugged.
"You read spy novels," Merlin argued.
"I change the dust covers to spy novels," Harry said amused Merlin shook his head with a chuckle leaving to his own office.
He hadn't seen Maggie all day, she said she was too busy working vitals on Roxy and Eggsy's blood from their last mission, an undercover that went wrong and ended in both of them getting injected with a mix of poisons that they had to scramble to get an antidote to.
Maggie had been frantic figuring out the antidote as Eggsy sat holding a puke bucket as he threw up blood, Roxy held out bearly any better but she had gotten to the all-acting poison negator, all it did was slow the poison down.
But Merlin could see the file, she'd ran their blood and done every test she could on both their most recent blood samples and the ones taken when they were injected.
"She's probably working on a better and quicker antidote than what we had," Merlin mumbled. "Yeah, that's all she's doing,"
Maggie came home later than Merlin. "Hey, you hungry?" Merlin smiled.
"Not really, darling I've been working on a proper antidote for months, seriously months and nothing is working," she complained.
"Literally nothing! I can't even figure out what the poisons in that mix were, if I could do that, I could work out a mix of the antidotes for each of those poisons," she groaned as she collapsed on the couch.
"You'll figure it out my love, you always do," Merlin said kissing her cheek, Maggie smiled looking over her notes.
"Thank you, love"
"Put the notes down, they'll be there tomorrow," Merlin said later in the night Maggie sighed rubbing her eyes.
"You're right, I've got a couple theories to try in the lab tomorrow," she said placing the book down.
"Come on, to bed we go," he said holding onto her hand pulling her up off the couch.
"I love you," Maggie smiled kissing him, Merlin kissed back crowding her against the door.
He trailed his kisses down her neck, Maggie pushed away. "I. . .I can't I'm sorry," she said.
"What? What is your problem? Are you afraid to look at my scars? Disgusted? Do you think you're too good for me now? That I'm damaged goods now? Huh!" Merlin shouted.
"No! Of course not!" Maggie said quickly.
"Then look at me like I'm a person again!"
"I can't! Okay? I just can't! It's too much all I see is the view from your glasses as you exploded! How your voice just stopped! The blood on your glasses! And I had Ginger telling me we needed to continue the mission and help Harry and Eggsy! But I couldn't and then weeks later we found you and oh my god the state you were in.
I collapsed into Tequila, Then. . .Then Ginger needed help during the surgery and you were flatling and the machines were going off and Ginger was fanatically trying to get you breathing again and I. . .Froze until Harry came in to calm me down, tell me it wasn't you, it was any other agent I've performed surgery on, we had to cover your face, I could barely even function as a medic, never mind as your wife.
I sat on the floor of my surgery room just thinking, thinking, what if you died, what if you flatlined and I froze again with no one to help, what if you got better and went back into the field and you got hurt again and I couldn't do anything and every time I see those scars, It's all I think about, I can only see you nearly dead on my table, I love you but I'm scared!" She cried sat on the edge of their bed with her head in her hands.
"And I'm so selfish because I can't imagine what you're going through if I'm like this, I can't imagine what your head is like and I-I don't know how to talk about it because you don't like to talk about your emotions and I'm fine with that! Because it's always small things like Eggsy pissing you off, even when you were grieving Harry we didn't talk about it much I could deal with them, I know those emotions, I've felt them but how do I deal with this,"
Merlin knelt in front of her. "Maggie, look at me," he said gently.
"Don't act like I'm a child Hamish" She groaned.
"I'm not but I need you to look at me" he said.
Maggie rested her chin on her hands looking at him, he took her hand. "Trust me," he said gently, he moved her hand under his shirt placing it over his heart. "You can feel that right?" She nodded "I'm alive and I'm healthy and that's because of you and your amazing work, you keep each and every single Kingsman healthy and alive and I love you for that," he leaned up kissing her.
"How about this, we go to sleep, if you wake up with a nightmare, you wake me up as well and we work through it together, you're not selfish, this hurts you as much as me, I didn't suffer alone and you won't either,"
Maggie smiled kissing him "Thank you," she said gently.
They settled into bed, Maggie laid against Merlin's chest listening to his heart and it was the first time in months she'd slept soundly.
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derailedfiction · 10 months
Run boy, run | Merlin | Kingsman
Chapter 3: A bitter life of Kingsman agent
Pairings: Merlin x Cecilia (OFC) | Merlin & Roxy & Eggsy| Roxy & Gary “Eggsy” Unwin | Percival & Roxy | Percival & Gary “Eggsy” Unwin | tbs whatever you can think about probably will be there Word count: 6484 Warnings: violence, swearing
Summary:  Roxy would definitely change the rules a little bit, like Merlin, who was quite anxious about being the temporary Arthur. One day, when she would be the chosen one, she would change the rules in a suitable way.
A/N: I wrote it in 2015 pls have mercy on me.
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"Is it me or does he look quite cheerful today?" Eggsy whispered conspiratorially to Roxy, who was sitting next to him.
She hadn't even notice that but Merlin was in fact more relaxed than yesterday and even nicer? His usual remarks were less strict. She shrugged in response. The personal life of her superior wasn't her interest, so she really didn't need to know. However, as she looked at Eggsy, she saw he was quite interested in it.
They had known each other for over a year, and she knew that look on his face. The look that tells her it is only a matter of time, before he asks some stupid ass questions, and probably got him hit on the head. Her and Eggsy's eyes met and she gave him 'don’t you even try' gaze.
"C'mon aren't you curious?" He insisted, with a charming yet somehow devilish smile.
"Eggsy, no. Don't even try it," she patted him on the head, trying to bring him to order, but she wasn't sure if it would help.
"Fine, Rox, fine. How's your candidate? Or don’t you have one?" He changed the topic, and was met with her sigh of relief.
"As a matter of fact I do have one, and I personally think he's really good. He's got a chance to get Tristian's place," Roxy answered.
Good Lord. Was that Merlin whistling, or is there something wrong with my hearing? She thought, as she got a quick look at the man. She was sure Eggsy had heard it too, because he was looking as surprised as she was.
"I bet he got laid last night," Roxy almost spit out the tea she was drinking.
"Eggsy!" she said that too loud, and attracted attention from Merlin.
"What are you two so fierce fully whispering about?" He queried.
"Our candidates, Merlin," Eggsy answered instead of Roxy, who was coughing out her tea.
"Good thing I didn't spit on my clothing... I wouldn't have time to change," she sighed with disbelief.
Eggsy looked as if he had the best time of his life, while watching her reaction. He handed her a napkin, laughing silently. How generous, she thought sarcastically, accepting it.
"C'mon that was funny," he tried to convince her, but after meeting her ice cold gaze Eggsy finally stopped talking.
A few moments passed in silence, disturbed from time to time by one of Eggsy's loud sighs, and after each, he would got tired look from Roxy.
"Eggsy..." He looked at her with suspicious look on his face, as her voice seemed a little too nice to him. "I didn't know you like Taylor Swift," her lips formed into huge grin.
"The hell? How would - " He started, highly surprised.
"Eggsy, language," he heard from Merlin.
"Were you spying on me? Have you seen how I’ve been singing? I don't believe that! Roxy, c'mon..."
She laughed softly to herself, watching him look at her in disbelief. It had in fact been an accident, but the film she had on her phone was a completely different story.
"I am a spy... What did you expect? Anyway, it would be shame if someone could see it..."
"Roxy don't be like that. You beat my ass on the rifle range and now this?" Eggsy was so surprised by her cold-blooded actions, that he couldn't find right words. "I was your slave yesterday but now you're gettin’ monstrous."
"Good," she said with satisfaction, as Eggsy tried to put everything together. "Anyway what are we waiting for, Merlin?"
He looked up from his newspaper and without a word, he pointed at the open door through which other agents walked into the meeting room. As soon as they had appeared Eggsy, sat back in his official place, so other agents could be seated in their own seats. He was a little surprised that none of the agents actually had the look of the spy. It was more like they were in a secret organisation like the Freemason, but for absolutely not like super-secret spy agents. They all exchanged greetings between Merlin, Galahad and Lancelot and took their seats, but quite interesting conversations didn't stop, as Eggsy overheard few.
"Gentlemen, please. I know we haven’t seen each other in person for quite long, but please stop talking as we have few tasks to do." Merlin said through the commotion, which was filling the room.
"Sorry for delay, Arthur. I got news for you but later, after the meeting.” Percival entered the room with his classic smile on his face. He seated himself on Merlin's left side and winked to Eggsy, and he knew something was going to happen and probably Merlin wouldn’t enjoy it at all.
"Since we are all here, I'd like to start the meeting. First things first; before we decide who will be the representative of headquarters, I'd like to outline plans for Kingsman’s near future for, and for the losses we suffered after Valentine’s day. I'm pretty sure you know quite much about it, but within few days we've found out about some crucial deaths in our department. Glasses please."
Roxy was only partially listening to Merlin. Nothing was new, as they were updated nearly every day about these kind of things. She concentrated on watching the other agents. She had seen them for the first time and she would have admitted, that she wouldn't have guessed that they were agents. More than a half were nearly fifty years old. Two she could tell were over sixty, and she and Eggsy were definitely the youngest of the group. She felt as if she was in a museum, with magnificent and maybe dangerous relics of a previous age. In her opinion agents should be changed out, not after their death but after passing a certain age, which would be fifty-five or sixty in her opinion. Of course, if the agents wanted retirement, that would be most understandable. Although such great figures of intelligence would be as magnificent in their new roles as consultant, as they had been spies. Roxy would definitely change the rules a little bit, like Merlin, who was quite anxious about being the temporary Arthur. One day, when she would be the chosen one, she would change the rules in a suitable way.
Lancelot snapped out of her dreams, and her gaze rested on Eggsy, who was as much interested in the lecture as she was. Good for him that Merlin was standing next to monitor, which was a habit hard to get rid of, because he was constantly whispering to the agent next to him. Merlin probably didn't pay much attention to that, because he had enough attention from the other agents.
Roxy narrowed her eyes, trying to understand each single one of these men. How did they get into this organisation? Through family connections? Through a friend? Or maybe by accident or stupid coincidence. Roxy slowly moved her eyes from one face to another, trying not to look at each agent for too long. She was a naturally observant person, and she could tell by a short look that two of the agents were going to be rather unpleasant and snobbish. There was probably no other person like Percival, open and easy-going. Although perhaps the agent in his fifties next to Eggsy. He could be a quite nice companion to talk to. Others were for her more blurred, and not interesting, but she wasn’t underestimating them. Roxy knew perfectly well that they were killing machines, rather than men, and she should show them respect.
Lancelot looked at empty chair. The chair belonging to agent Tristian. She had mixed feelings about the fuss that came with the recruitment. She had made it, and had successfully become the new Lancelot, but she wasn’t sure if she had chosen the right candidate. He had all the needed attributes, and yet something was keeping her worried all the time. Maybe that self-satisfied look Eggsy gave and his talk about his candidate. Or the fear that her candidate would stand against candidates proposed by other agents, and he would fail the first task.
It’s alright, Roxy. If he won’t pass the recruitment, it won’t be your fault. He’ll get the preparation for the oncoming tasks, and it’s only up to him, she thought trying to calm herself down, but if he drops out before Eggsy’s candidate, I’ll have no life for at least two months, perhaps even longer. Who knows what he will think of to make my life a little bit miserable.
The truth was that even if Roxy was a Kingsman agent, she had so many doubts about her part in the organisation that she needed to prove herself constantly. Prove that she is indeed worthy of the position, and only during missions had she been feeling free enough to believe that. That this was the best place for her and that she fit in here. Partially because she was the first lady in this company, and partially because of herself and her own problems.
Lancelot looked at the Merlin just in time when he finished his presentation, and returned to his seat. She knew what would happen next, and she was very nervous about it. That good humour of Percival, could bring storm clouds to this very room.
“Now we can take care of another, very important point of our meeting. The election of the representative of our division. I believe that every one of us has their own candidate in mind, but unfortunately we can and we must choose one, and only one. I suggest Percival as a temporary leader, our representative, and hopefully the next Arthur.” Merlin’s voice was calm and commanding, but Roxy saw a flash of fear in his eyes as he peeked at the agent on his left, unsure of his reaction, like a prayer to Percival not to do anything rash or reckless.
“Merlin I’m truly honoured by your choice but I must decline.” Percival smiled a lightly to his friend, as he had literally stopped breathing for a moment when he had heard the words. “We all know how important it is to choose the right person. He must know literally everything about Kingsman. Mission statuses, economics of our organisation. and how to manage all agents at once. I, personally, can’t say I know much about these things. I get a mission to complete, and I do complete it. Of course it’s in all of our interests for Kingsman to function correctly, and I believe that our organisation will function at its finest under command of our beloved Merlin. Which is why I’m suggesting he is our candidate for Kingsman headquarters.”
During his speech, Percival hadn’t had the courage to look to his right. Instead he was moving his gaze from one agent to another, while trying to convince them of his idea. Which was truly a good decision because if looks could kill Percival now would be a pile of ashes. Merlin sat in complete silence, being too well behaved to tell Percival directly what he thought of Percival’s speech.
“All right. Thank you, Percival, for your precious words.” Merlin’s voice was calm, but one could sense the fury and anger behind it. He already regretted having this meeting and changing the rules. Crafty twice loses. “Now the voting. Please raise your hand if you support Percival as the candidate.”
Merlin closed his eyes, hoping that this would delay his unfortunate fate. However, when he opened them and saw only two hands up, Merlin clenched one hand into fist, his knuckles whitening under the strain.
„Well then… Thank all of you for coming here. We have a verdict,” Merlin slowly unclenched his fist. “That would be all for now. You can now go, and exchange the latest news.”
The various agents got up, and began leaving the meeting room. Percival was first to go but a firm grasp of Merlin’s hand on his arm prevented him to take another step.
“We have something to explain to each other, haven’t we?” Merlin, looked like he had turned into venomous snake patiently waiting for his next victim.
“Oh man, Merlin won’t let Percival go. This’s going to be good.” One of the agents snorted as he was the last to leave. “I’m sorry. I’m Gawain, and you must be our new Lancelot. I’m really happy that something is changing in this old-fashioned organization. I’m looking forward your achievements, young lady.”
They crossed the corridor and went to a smaller room with a bar. Most of agents were already there, talking and laughing, with glasses filled with alcohol in reasonable amounts.
“Thank you very much, sir,” Roxy smiled a little bit still concerned about Percival’s fate. “I don’t know if you have met…”
“Ah, Galahad I’ve heard few things about you lad,” Gawain shook hands with Eggsy. “You both still look like scared nestlings.”
“Gawain, we’ll do our best to soon be one of the best agents.”
“I’m holding you to your word, my young friend. It’ll be pleasure to see your development.”
“So, what will happen to Percival?” Eggsy asked with interest.
“Well, he and Merlin are quite good friends, so I don’t think Merlin will kill him. However, he’ll probably end up with a few broken bones. We’ve all seen Merlin’s reaction,” Roxy and Eggsy looked at each other and then at the doors. “Oh, he’ll be fine. I’m joking.”
“No, he’s not. Trust me, if you unleash the legendary fury of Merlin, there is literally nothing to stop him, and Percival was quite successful today. I’m Bors, by the way. Welcome to Kingsman, kids,” The man in his fifties interrupted his colleague with charming smile. “I know a few things about Merlin and trust me if you tread on his corns, he won’t forget about you easily. My arm still hurts when I think about an argument we once had.”
“Don’t be absurd, you just went way too far in that conversation, and I must say it was mostly your fault.”
“My dear Gawain, what has he told you to get you on his side?” Bors looked both offended and surprised by this unexpected betrayal, but after a second, he started laughing, Gawain joining in.
“For give us kids. We’re dinosaurs. Merlin is not that bad actually. He’s one of the best technicians, engineers and computer specialists in the world. I’m glad he works here, and not somewhere else. Anyone wants a drink?” Gawain asked, and when there was no response, he poured a few fingers of scotch into tumbler.
“He hadn’t had much choice as his uncle got him here. He was literally brought up in this facility,” Bors shrugged and sighed wearily. “Everyone has a story and Merlin’s is quite an interesting one. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to catch up with the latest rumours.”
“And that was one of Kingsman’s best cut-throat. He can do miracles with knives and after thirty years I’m still impressed by his abilities.”
“Oh, and what is your weapon of choice, Gawain?” Roxy asked with courteous smile.
“Nothing in particular, really. I still can’t decide, but I have plenty of time to...”
“Did you hear that?” Eggsy looked at them, surprised and not sure if he had been the only one to hear the muffled scream.
“Come on Percy, I barely touched you.”
“Really, then why my nose is bleeding?” Percival slowly got up from ground, trying to stop the bleeding. “Fuck, Merlin new mats and blood is everywhere.”
“Be a man and take responsibility of your actions. Come on!” He was walking around him with defiant expression. Merlin jostled him and jumped back and again.
“Merlin, fuck off!” Percival swung to punch him, but was to slow and was immediately knocked down. “You are the best option for Kingsman and you can’t deny it!”
“Say that again to my face, instead of the ground, Percival. I can’t hear you from ground level, you piece of shit.”
Maybe making Percival his personal punching bag wasn’t the most humane thing to do but surely he would learn. Merlin turned to him, taking off the boxing gloves and tossed them on the ground.
“Do you know why I didn’t want this position? Why I wanted to get back to my first job?” Merlin queried, slowly approaching his friend. “Because of my wife and son.” He reached out toward Percival and helped him get up. “Now that we’ve cleared a few things I’d like to give you a very special and private tour of my kingdom, which will be ruled by you for some time, and I’m starting to regret my decision.”
Merlin slapped Percival’s arm and left to change clothes. He still needed to let go of some steam, but he didn’t want any of that damn idiot’s bones to break. After the tour of ‘what and where’, he had to come back here again. And although his thoughts had calmed down, he was still in his murder mode.
Breathe in and slowly out. You know how to cope with this, he thought under the shower, letting all his negativity drain away with water. It’s not your fault. Percy does things before thinking about it. He probably shouldn’t feel pleasure in most likely breaking the nose of his friend, but the sight of blood gushing out of Percival’s nose was quite memorable and pleasing.
“So Percy, now without my blessing, you’ll need to cope with some things down here. Firstly you won’t have my clipboard because you obviously don’t deserve it, and I’m taking it with me. I’ll get you a new one in some time,” Merlin said with satisfied and smug look on his face, once he had returned from his shower.
“Great. So what am I going to use during that time?” Percival asked, still trying to stop the bleeding. “Do you have any ice here?”
“Yes in the freezer. On your left, but be careful there’s chemical weaponry in there.”
Percival looked at his friend, opening the freezer with hesitation.
“I can’t believe we are still friends.”
“Don’t drive me mad. That way you’ll live longer, Percy. Now can we move on? I don’t have all day.”
“Go on. Maybe I won’t leave a bloody trail after me,” Percival snorted in reply. “What else should I know?”
“The tasks the candidates will have to go through. I’ve written everything here on these cards, and of course you need to rewrite all the points to the computer system over there,” Merlin came closer to the panel on the wall and touched the screen. “Once you have done that, you’ll send it to me. That way I can monitor if you fuck it up or not.”
“How am I supposed to fuck up the recruitment?”
“I don’t know, Percy. I don’t know. You’re capable of fucking everything up, my dear friend.”
Percival could still sense Merlin was pissed off, and he wasn’t blaming him for that, but was sure Merlin could stop being so, because it was becoming rather childish.
“Of course you have to do it manually; I’ll not make it any easier for you. Now, every needed instruction, you can find in this panel, along with all the necessary information for each of the candidates. You must remember to make sure that you write down all of them. Now come here, I’ll show you the weaponry.”
Percival followed the quartermaster into the next, quite impressive, room, which connected with the central room. It was full of weapons of any kind. From the simplest knives to the most advanced guns and chemical weaponry. He stood for a while in silence admiring the view.
“Bloody amazing. I feel like a child before Christmas.”
“I know. I feel the same,” Merlin turned toward him. “You told me you had some news earlier?”
“Ah, yes. There are a few agents assigned to lead you-know-what, and I think the best option would be Eli Bovell,” Percival took two steps back as he saw Merlin’s reaction.
“Eli Bovell? The same Eli Bovell I’m thinking of? The one that nearly blew up my plane?”
“Yes, in fact yes. But…” Percival took another step back. “But, he’s still alive thanks to us. It’s kind of repaying the debt.”
“Fantastic. Amazing. I can’t wait to see him here, bossing around and driving me mad,” Merlin said sarcastically. He sighed loudly, looking at a showcase containing a number of machineguns. “Good. I’ll be ready for him. However, he can’t come in here. This is a restricted area for him. I don’t want him playing with my toys.”
“You probably have more than a month before he arrives, so relax. Also I’m really sorry for what I did today, but you do have great chances to become Arthur,” Percy came closer this time, and Merlin could hear the regret in his voice.
“Yeah, I know. That’s the thing that worries me, Percival. I’m sorry about your nose. I hope it’s not broken,” Merlin watched his stupid friend carefully through glasses with a forgiving smile. “Remember one thing, though. If during my recruitment anything happens to my wife or to my son, you’re responsible for it, and you’re next in line to have a bad accident. Keep that in mind, Percival.”
“Of course. I’ll remember that, and be sure I’ll take care of them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, this bloody thing doesn’t want to stop bleeding,” as soon as Percival had finished speaking, the man left the weaponry, leaving Merlin alone.
“God, I need to destroy something,” Merlin snarled, and punched one of the shelves with his fist on his way out of the room.
Carefully, he closed all the doors, and turned on the alarm. Just in case, or just because, he was little shit, and couldn’t help himself to cause some trouble for Percival. Merlin loved him like the brother he never had, but today Percival had gone way too far. Despite knowing all of Merlin’s doubts, he decided to come up with this idea. If he had had something upstairs, he would have ended up with broken bones.
Be nice to people so they’ll be nice to you, fucking bullshit, Merlin thought as he was changing into training clothes. He needed to shake off this idiot’s behaviour and return home more relaxed. The last thing he wanted was to bring all the stress and anger to his family. Just for second he looked in a mirror, and saw face of an extremely tired man.
“I won’t get any younger. It’s exhausting,” Merlin told his reflection and went to the gym.
With no one around, he finally felt unrestrained enough to unleash his anger on a training bag. Merlin stopped thinking about everything else. His only focus being smashing his fists into that bag, and trying to throw away anything negative that happened within the month. The death of Harry, nearly loosing Cecilia and Alex, Kingsman’s failure, bloody recruitment and now this, stabbed in the back with amazing grace by Percival. This poor training bag wouldn’t survive his furious hits.
“Fuck... this... bloody... shit...” With each word, his punches became more and more powerful. In the end Merlin took a step back, then kicked it in a half-turn. He took of his gloves and grabbed a towel to dry himself off.
“Fuck it, I’m going home,” he said with rather self-satisfied tone, looking at the devastated training bag. Its replacement was no bother for him at all, because from now on it was Percival’s duty to take care of such things, and that thought brought him into an even better mood.
"Hamish, you're earlier," he was surprised by the lack of surprise in her voice. Cecilia felt obliged to explain herself as she continued. "Percy called just before you came and told me that you'd left with a stern face. Is everything all right?"
"Yes it is. Percy was successful at driving me mad today and I just couldn't stay there any longer or I'd do something very, very bad to him."
“Oh boys, you always have to play on each other’s nerves. I don’t really understand it. However, I believe you came up with a suitable revenge on him, haven’t you?” His smile was more than the answer she was expecting. “You should go sleep or rest at least. Last month was quite exhausting for you.”
“I don’t need to be back at work till Monday, so don’t worry. I have plenty of time to rest and sleep,” Hamish came closer to his beloved one and kissed her cheek. “At least I can spend some time with you and Alex.”
Cecilia looked at him with a gentle and supportive smile. It wasn’t that hard to see in his eyes how much he needed a few days off work, and she was happy for her husband to have some free moments for himself.
“Go sleep. I’ll wake you for dinner and maybe later you can show Alex how to train his puppy. What do you say?”
“All right. I can agree on that.” He kissed her lips short and passionately, “And we need to talk after my sleep because unfortunately, I’ll be taking part in another recruitment. More work is just absolutely what I need right now.”
“Oh well, that happens especially when you have friends like Percy. We'll manage, love,” He looked at her astonished at how well she knew his friendship with Percival. “But you know if you kill him one day, give me a shout so I can help you hide the body. Sleep well, darling.” Cecilia pecked his lips and returned to preparing the dinner.
The time had come, and Percival was able to briefly meet all the candidates before the beginning of the actual recruitment. They absolutely weren’t suspecting anything, even if they had had short talks about upcoming events with their mentors. Two boys and one girl got his particular attention.
The first one, Lancelot’s choice, had the look of a very strict person with a very high self-assurance, which probably was a cause of his pride, but he could forgive him that after seeing his scores at school and shooting. At once, he managed to get good contact with other young men in the room. The second was Bors’ candidate. The quiet one, though with an impressive IQ, and interest in white and chemical weaponry. Percival had a feeling about this one to be one of the most problematic candidates, apart from perhaps the last one. The girl, the only one among seven boys. She would definitely be a huge deal of trouble, as she was Galahad’s candidate. She was the daughter of former RAF pilot with a flair for computers.
Percival checked the list one last time, making sure that all of the youngsters had arrived and were ready to begin his first recruitment.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Percival and you’re about to start on one of the most dangerous job interviews in the world,” he could have sworn this didn’t sound as serious as when Merlin said it, but he couldn’t help it. “The bags on your beds. Sign them in advance so we can know where to send your bodies if you won’t make it through the process of the recruitment. Any questions?” He begged for none. “No? Then you’re dismissed and we’ll start tomorrow morning.”
Percival turned around and walked out, trying to look calm. However, that was over him. Being on missions was nothing in comparison with training a bunch of kids to become a spy. He got to Merlin’s room only to find Eggsy and Roxy, waiting for him impatiently.
“Oh my God. What you two are doing here?” He queried, as he put his clipboard on a desk. Fortunately Merlin wasn’t as mean as he wanted to be and got him new clipboard in advance.
“Well we thought, we could look how it’s going with our candidates?” Eggsy answered with a question, coming closer. “And what do you think about them?”
“Roxy, your candidate will go far, if his pride won’t come out to quickly and Galahad... Good Lord, have mercy because yours, and trust me I can sense it, will be one big problematic girl. Just like you were, boy,” Percival smiled slightly when he saw pride on Eggsy’s face.
“How is your nose?”
“Good but broken, thanks for asking. Merlin has a really good right hook.” In fact, he was beginning to wonder if he hadn’t broken his nose when he had hit the floor. “Roxy do you have any more agents for the “Arthur recruitment” list?”
“Yes, in fact. Though unfortunately only one name, from American cell, Gerard Mole,” Eggsy laughed and received a surprised look from both agents.
“What? Mole as an agent, that doesn’t bode well.” He explained himself still laughing silently.
“Anyway that’s the one I’ve got. I’ll probably get the names from Canadian and Asian cells in few days. Hopefully, we’ll close the list within two weeks and process will start within the month,” Roxy ended her thought, interrupted by Eggsy’s laugh. “Oh, I’ll send you all the needed data tomorrow morning, if that’s not a problem.”
“No, that’s fine. Galahad please tell me how it is going with completing squads in other cells?” Percival turned his eyes on the boy.
“Well, the Canadian and American cells are doin’ pretty well. The Asian cell is a few steps behind, but also with good perspectives. The Australians send me documents and reports about problems with rebuildin’ their headquarters, and unfortunately a candidate from Australia may appear as the last one.”
“All right then. I’ll update the information and send it to Merlin. Hopefully he won’t break anything this time.” Percival smiled wearily, walking back to the monitors and began to update the data to the main computer.
“By the way, when will he be back? Because I saw him leave and didn’t get the chance to ask him,” Lancelot looked expectantly at the older agent.
“On Monday, I bumped into him when he was leaving,” once again, Eggsy rescued the situation with his information.
“Percival? When will start the first task?”
“Probably in few hours. They need to go to sleep; otherwise, there would be no surprise. Why, Galahad?” He asked suspiciously.
“I was wondering if I could see how my candidate will do. Roxy probably is dying to see it too, aren't you?” Eggsy looked at the girl both asking, begging for acceptance and excitement.
“That's true.” She said quickly, as she felt Percival's sight on her as well as Eggsy’s. “It would be quite interesting.”
“You two have a deal, haven’t you? Which candidate will last longer?” He smiled lightly. There was a time when he himself and other agents had made deals about which one of the candidates would fail first or last. The loser hadn't had a easy life for month but it was still worth it. “Well I don’t see any problems with it. Other agents are gone, as well as Merlin, so you can watch freely and enjoy the view. However you need to wait a few hours. Go to the library, dining room or whatever, and spent that time somehow.”
“Thanks Percy! You're the best.”
“Off you go. I need to rewrite the data for Merlin. Oh and I owe you for voting for Merlin.”
“Don't take it personal, but I really think that Merlin is the best option for Arthur.” Eggsy's smile was unbelievably wide.
“I must agree with him, Percival. He’s our best shot.” The blonde nodded in silent agreement. “But I think that you would be a good choice as well. Maybe not as much, but still.”
“Lance, c'mon I know where we can spent those hours. Drinkin’ good alcohol and debatin’ about world peace.” Eggsy caught her sleeve and started pulling her toward the exit, but she stopped.
“Go. I'll catch up with you in the library,” Roxy carefully watched as Eggsy left, and when she was sure he'd gone, she turned to Percival. “Sorry about that comment and being a candidate for Kingsman’s leader aaaaand... mom is asking if you can make it for her birthday dinner next Saturday, uncle.”
“Nothing has happened. I'll see what I can do. If I find somebody to take my place for that evening. I can't leave the recruits on their own. Merlin would have my head for that. But I'll do my best to be there.”
“All right then. I won’t interrupt you anymore. I’m sure you have quite a lot of things to catch up with, so I’ll go meet up with Eggsy.” She smiled and kissed Percival’s cheek.
“Good, then see you in few hours. If you both won’t be sleeping till then.”
The task was about to begin. All candidates were asleep, unaware of the oncoming event until the water had reached their beds. All of them not quite awake, yet trying to figure out what was happening. Soon they were sure the room was going under water and they needed to do something to prevent drowning.
“Use snorkels!”
“Showerheads!” Another person picked up on the idea.
Everyone looked around trying to figure out what was happening. Two boys were pointing at the toilets and showers, and soon began to swim in that direction, not paying attention to the rest of the competitors.
„He’s right go, quickly!” A tall blond had no problem with commandeering the other recruits.
At this point, no one wanted to stay behind and the rest of the group was swimming towards showers to get pipes. The girl was the last one and just before the water reached the roof, she saw one extremely panicked boy. It was obvious he couldn’t swim or he had big problems with swimming.
“Take a deep breath!” she shouted at him, and took one last breath, turning back for him.
She tried to get to him as fast as she could because it wasn’t hard to notice that his panic didn’t help him at all and soon he’d be out of oxygen. The girl grabbed him tightly and tried to swim to the rest of the group.
The blonde had the feeling it was ages before she got to the pipe with oxygen and could take a deep breath. At the end she could have sworn she saw blackness around her. Of course, she gave the pipe to the boy first, he wasn’t looking good, nearly in agony even. If he won’t get help, he’ll end in one of those bloody bags, she thought sarcastically.
Even though the room was under the water, with unlimited air supply they could have been there as long as they wish but it wasn’t the task and somehow everyone knew that finding a way out in short time, would be the best solution at the moment. Few were pointing at the door as an option, but that would be just too easy to try, and even if one of them would dare to swim there, that person should have capacious lungs to go there and back if it would turn out to be locked.
The girl looked at the blonde who had the idea with pipes, hoping that he would have another marvellous plan, but his face had left her no doubt nor other peoples’ faces. Everyone was trying to put on a brave face in the situation, but all of them were trapped.
“Oh my God, are they even tryin’ to get out of the room?” Eggsy was not impressed by the candidates’ doings.
“Eggsy if they don’t figure it out soon, they’ll probably won’t pass the recruitment and that would be most unexpected turn in Kingsman history. Every single recruit will fail because they couldn’t free themselves from that room. Amazing...”
Roxy looked at the monitor in astonishment. She really hoped her candidate would figure it out, but he was far from that. As was Eggsy’s girl.
“C’mon! Mirror! Think of it! Mirror!” He nearly shouted at the monitor to the swimming figures.
“I don’t think that’ll help at all, Eggsy. Maybe just sit down and enjoy the thought that your candidate saved the life of that poor boy. Anyway whose candidate is he?” she looked carefully at the floating figure which was clasping a pipe with air. He probably won’t go too far from it.
“He’s Bors’. You got it ‘ere” Galahad pointed small rectangle on the other monitor. “Curious how he had picked this one, or maybe he was the first to go and my girl just made the game a little bit harder...”
“That’s quite probable. Look now, I think they’ve finally found out about the mirror. They’re hitting it all together.” She was impressed how the group of strangers was able to learn to cooperate so quickly.
“Plus for group work and one big minus for the time!” He snorted in reply.
As they figured out the only escape route worth trying was to break the mirror, and with a little luck, it would be a two-way mirror. The whole group caught something like a tap or a sink and hit the mirror, at the same time. Unfortunately, nothing happened. So they tried again, and again. Until the glass began to crack, and it finally broke into small pieces, and the recruits ended up on the floor coughing and trying to start breathing normally again.
“Hey, you’re all right?” The girl asked the boy who was coughing the loudest.
“Yep, totally. If only I could swim...” His voice was breaking, and it was extremely hard for him to speak, too busy concentrating on breathing and thanking the girl for saving him.
“Congratulations on completing your first task. It took the longest time to solve that problem, but I’m impressed with how all of you worked together. John, Victor well done. For those still confused. If you get a breathing tube around the U-bend of a toilet, you have an unlimited air supply. Simple physics, worth remembering. Anna well done for helping the non-swimmer. If you hadn’t, he’d have probably ended up in a body bag,” Percival said when the recruits stopped coughing.
All eyes were on him, and it wasn’t especially hard to see how their gaze changed from the steady and emotionless one to the fearful, lost and a little bit disorientated one. Now they had found out that practically anything could happen during the recruitment, and they need to be prepared.
“All right, that’s all for now. You can go back to your room and clean up a little. Fresh and dry bedclothes, as well as sheets, are next to the door on the other side of the room. Get them and go to sleep. Tomorrow won’t be any easier than this. Good night.”
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axe2amendedfence · 4 months
Give me fanfic prompts cause I want to get back into writing and wish to procrastinate....
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Hyiaa!! If these prompts are still free can I please request
BINGO: Bimbo , Eggsy Unwin with the prompt
"I like having you covered in me. Smothered in me, full of me. Want all of you, and you need all of me." ?
Thank you for your time!
—𓆩[your majesty]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Eggsy Unwin x Fem! Princess! Bimbo! Kingsman Agent! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, maybe slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 2.6K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Eggsy truly didn’t know how you were recruited into Kingsmen, but he wasn’t complaining. You helped him out a lot during training, but for fucks sake, were you blind to how Charlie and his friends looked at you? When you go missing, though, Eggsy has to save you. He couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - foul language and cursing || reader is portrayed as very naive and kind of an airhead || reader is portrayed as wearing tight and revealing clothes and likes makeup || sex positive reader || again, kinda ditsy || you’re an undercover spy princess now || you get kidnapped || edited timeline || lovesick eggsy || smut || fingering || masterbating || different positions || multiple rounds || size kink || cum kink || marking kink || rough sex turned soft sex ||
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“Your mission,” Merlin spoke as you handed Eggsy, Roxy, and Charlie. “Is to win over the asset shown in the folder. And when I say win over, I do mean biblically.”
Eggsy smiles, opening and showing off the picture. “Easy. Posh girls love a little rough.”
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Charlie scoffed, showing the exact same image. “We’ll see about that.”
Roxy giggled. “We certainly shall.”
“Yep! Mhm, sex! You need to fuck her,” you filled in, Charlie scoffing a slight laugh as Merlin smiled slightly and nodded. “Nicely! She’s an heiress.”
“Yes, Y/N, I’m sure they are aware she is an heiress,” Merlin spoke, a sheepish smile developing on your lips. “Anyways, you will be going to the club-”
“Oh, I love clubbing!” You say, Merlin looking over at you with a slight raise of his brows. “O-Oh I’m sorry… I’ll be quiet now.”
Eggsy smiled slightly as he stared at you, but his stomach twisted slightly at the thought of sleeping with someone else. Eggsy was faithful, he always was no matter what, and to be honest, he wasn’t very excited about sleeping with someone else when he wanted to be sleeping with you – both sexually and when he woke up.
“Anyways, you leave at 2200. Please be ready by then. Y/N, come with me.” Merlin smiled at you as you nod, smiling back.
“Yes, Merlin.”
As you both walked out, Eggsy quickly ran after you before Roxy could say anything. “Y/N! Y/N, wait up!”
“Oh, uhm,” you looked back at Merlin who nodded slightly, walking away as you turned. “What’s up, Eggsy?”
“I-I uhm… just wanted to talk to you real quick,” he whispered, looking back at the other two with a slight sigh. “If uhm… If I don’t go past this session-”
“You will,” you say, giggling. “I’m sure a rough boy like you can handle your liquor. And you’re very loyal too!”
Eggsy paused, tilting his head. “Loyal?”
You froze, humming. “Forget I said that. Anyways. Like you were saying?”
Eggsy cleared his throat, swallowing. “If uhm… I wanted to say that when I sleep with this girl,” he ignored your giggle. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m aware,” you say with a shrug. “I had to sleep with a pair of guys, but not for the initiation part. The initiation part was actually easier than sleeping with those guys, how are you gonna be a crime lord with a small dick…”
He smiled as you continued to ramble off, his eyes slowly trailing over your pretty face all the way down to your tight clothes and perfect body, round and soft in every perfect place, and the thought of having your thighs around his head truly was a dream.
“Oh, I am so sorry… you had a question, what was it?” You tilted your head, smiling at him.
“I-I uhm… I just wanted to ask if after this session… if you would want to go out with me? On like… a real date?” He whispers, tilting his head slightly as you gaped at him.
“R-Really? You want… you want to take me out on a date?” You whisper, eyes narrowing. “Why? I have nothing to do with the choosing process.”
“I’m not trying to get points for the choosing process,” Eggsy clarified immediately, taking a step closer toward you. “I just… I want to take you out to see if we could… go out together as a couple.”
You paused, swallowing. “Oh…” you looked back at Merlin who was tapping on his tablet, then turned around with a nod. “I would like that. I would like that very much.”
“You would? Good. Good, perfect,” he smiled widely as you inhaled, smiling. “Go. I’m sure Merlin needs something important.”
You smiled, nodding as you leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to his cheek. “I can’t wait.”
Eggsy smiled widely as you walked off, turning around to see Charlie and Roxy staring at him. “Did you just ask Y/N out on a date?” She spoke, tilting her head. “Really?”
You didn’t have a code name because there was no point. You were already known to the world, Princess Y/N who was the face of her kingdom, perfect in every way, though slightly naive – it didn’t make one bit of a difference to Eggsy. He truly, truly wanted to see how far he would get with you, and just maybe he would get you to the altar.
Right when they were about to leave, Eggsy noticed you in the corner, staring at yourself in the mirror as you flattened out the sides of your dress. For fucks sake, you looked absolutely stunning. Perfect in every way, the dark blue dress pooling at the floor as you slowly turned in the mirror.
He wasn’t used to seeing you in such a dark color, but you looked just as beautiful in it as you did any other color.
He couldn’t speak for a minute, but when it finally came to mind, all he could say was, “Wow.”
You looked over immediately, smiling as you walked toward him, heels clicking. “Going undercover,” you whisper, then shrug. “Kind of.”
“Well, I wish you luck,” Eggsy whispered back, trying to keep his eyes on yours and not trail over your body like a pervert. “You look… so beautiful.”
“Thank you, Eggsy, really,” you smiled back at him as he looked down at his clothes, completely underdressed compared to you. “You look great too.”
“You don’t have to lie, love,” he laughed slightly, embarrassed. How could he think a pretty girl like you would want to be with him? “W-Well… good luck on your mission. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“I could come to the barracks tonight,” you suggest, shrugging. “It’ll just be you and someone else anyways. I’ll bring you to my room.”
Eggsy smiled. “That sounds perfect, Y/N. Good luck, I’ll see you later.”
“See you, Eggsy.” You smiled as he leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before slowly turning around and walking off.
After he finished his initiation sequence, he waited in the barracks, reading a book as he slowly stroked JBs back, waiting for you to come in and take him back to your apartment for the night.
“Eggsy? Are you waiting for Y/N?” Roxy spoke, Eggsy looking up with a slight sigh.
“I was, yeah,” he whispered, shaking his head. Tomorrow was his day with Harry, and he couldn’t have thoughts of you interrupting it. “But I’m going to go to sleep now.”
“Oh, okay. Goodnight, Eggsy.”
“Goodnight, Rox.”
When morning came and Eggsy walked toward Harry who was speaking with Merlin, he inhaled as he heard your name on the TV. “Princess Y/N has been missing for three days now, gone and we haven’t been able to locate her since.”
“Y-Y/N’s missing?” His voice came out broken and hoarse, Harry turning around with a slight sigh.
“She didn’t come back from her mission last night,” Merlin says, shaking his head. “Y/N is a strong girl, she can handle herself. Now, go enjoy your day and we’ll keep looking for her.”
Oh, and then everything stacked up. With you missing, Harry being fucking murdered, figuring out that Arthur was with Valentine the entire time, he was so fucking tired. Now, about to die from Valentines dumbass soldiers, he couldn’t stop thinking about you — until the microchips came to mind.
After telling Merlin about the microchips, he could’ve sworn he heard your voice.
“Eggsy! Eggsy, is that you?!”
He quickly turned around, at this time ignoring the announcement that Valentine said and storing it for later, gasping when he saw you. “Y/N! You’re here!”
“Yes I’m here!” You giggled, sighing. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t come back and-”
“Don’t worry about that now, darling, what matters is that you’re safe,” he smiled as you leaned forward, pushing yourself closer to the opening, Eggsy doing the same before he heard Merlin’s voice.
“Hate to interrupt this lovely moment, but the fate of the world is about to be decided, Eggsy!”
Eggsy sighed as he pulled away, shaking his head. “As much as I’ve always wanted to kiss a princess, my darling, but I have to go save the world.”
You smiled, giggling. “You save the world, you can get me pregnant.”
Eggsy paused, blinking before nodding slightly. “I’ll be right back.”
You laughed, biting your lip slightly as he ran off. “Good luck!”
And as soon as he said his wicked last line to Valentine, he was already running to your cell and tried to open the door. He heard your laugh when it didn't open, clearing his throat. “Merlin, what’s the code?”
Merlin laughed and told him, Eggsy smirking as he slipped off his glasses and slowly walked in, holding back a loud groan when he saw your legs spread and your fingers working your cunt as you groaned loudly. “Fucking finally Eggsy, what took you so long?”
He laughed as he set down the champagne and the champagne flutes on the table, slipping off his tie before you pull your fingers out of your cunt and quickly moved to your feet, stumbling slightly before falling into his chest. “Are you alright, darling?” He laughed slightly as you giggled.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just… need you. So bad. Gotta hold up my end of the deal,” you tilted your head, winking up at him with another giggle. “You gotta put a baby in me, Unwin.”
He groaned loudly as he easily lifted you up, moving you back to the bed and dropping you gently onto the bed. He watched as you quickly parted your legs, sighing as Eggsy kicked off his shoes – carefully of course – taking off his suit before you leaned forward and held his tie. “Keep this on.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” he whispers, slipping his button down off from under his tie that you immediately took hold of and pulled him down. He leaned down, kissing you and savoring your lips on his as you moved your legs to wrap your legs around his waist. “For fucks sake, never thought I’d be kissing an actual princess.”
You giggled as he pushed down his slacks, pulling him down for another kiss and rutting your hips into his. “Oh please, please… just forget about the fact that I’m a princess and just fuck me. Not like a prince, I need that roughness.”
“Whatever you say, darling,” he whispers back, smiling as he watches you slowly lay back. “Are you sure you want it rough? Darling, I-”
“I’m a princess, Eggsy, just not one made out of glass,” you whisper back, smiling. “Fuck me, Eggsy, hard.”
Oh, you truly didn’t have to tell him twice.
He was quick to snap his hips into you, groaning loudly as your head tilted back, leaning down to tuck his face under your chin. His hips moved rough and quick, fucking into you like he was infatuated. In a way, he was, his mind blurring in pleasure as moans unconsciously fell from his lips, your cunt tight and perfect around him.
His cock was perfect inside of you, just the right length but heavy on the girth, thick and filling you up just right and absolutely fucking perfect. You gasped as you tilted your head back, savoring the feeling of him inside of you. Even with his strong and rough thrusts, he was still holding himself back, and you could feel it every time he held back from slamming his pelvis into yours.
It makes you take matters into your own hands, easily pushing him over and straddling his hips. “I said that I want rough Eggsy,” you whisper, placing your hands on his perfectly toned chest, roughly rolling your hips as you threw back your head. Oh, it was finally perfect. You could feel him in all of the places you desperately wanted him to be, letting out a loud groan as you rut your hips roughly into his. “I don’t want you to hold back, please, Eggsy.”
He groaned, his head tilting back just like yours, his hands automatically finding your hips to help guide you into his hips. Sadly, they were trying to get you to go slower. “Fuck, darling, don’t do this to me. I don’t want to hurt you, please baby-”
“I want it to be rough,” you responded, gasping as his hips roughly snap into yours. It was perfect, just like you wanted to, but it was a singular movement. “No! Eggsy please, please don’t stop!”
“Fuck, please… please, you need to tell me if I hurt you. Promise?” His voice was breathless as you nod, pulling his hands upward toward your tits.
“I promise. Just fuck me, Eggsy.”
This time he really didn’t hold back, immediately twisting you to lay on your back, inhaling as he snapped his hips forward to fuck you, rough and hard just like you wanted him to. He didn’t hold back, his hands holding your hips roughly. Oh, it was perfect and everything you wanted.
He was rough just like you wanted him to be, your body bouncing along with every thrust, head tilting back with pornographic moans falling from your mouth. The way you were being fucked was as though Eggsy was never given the chance to let loose, using your body as a way to escape.
His roughness wasn’t subjected to just his thrusts, leaning down and marking up every inch of your skin with hickies and bite marks from his mouth, his rough hands rubbing and gripping your body. You were basically sobbing when he was done, not even done as he panted above you, his cum dripping down your ass as he pumped his cock.
“Can I keep going, baby? Please, darling? I want to keep fucking you, want to fuck you so bad,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss against your ear. “Please?”
“I want you to keep going,” you didn’t care how sore you were, how full your stomach was of his cum. You felt sticky, gasping as he slid back inside of you, rolling his hips softly instead of what he was previously doing. “N-No, no, roughly. Rougher. Please.”
“You’re sure you can handle it?” His voice wasn’t taunting you, his lips pressing soft kisses to your skin. “I like having you covered in me. Smothered in me, full of me. Want all of you, and you need all of me. But I can’t give it to you if it’s gonna hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me,” you whispered back, shaking your head as you kissed his lips softly. “You could never hurt me. Keep going.”
He smiled, nodding. “Whatever you say, your majesty.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It’s your highness. I’m not queen yet.”
“You’re almost there,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Your majesty.”
“There you go.”
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Thank all of you so much for supporting me!! Even though Bingo requests and Bingo is almost done, I have my next event already planned - please stay tuned!! Requests are closed but they will be open when I clear my inbox, and again, thank all of you so much!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@copypastedaphne]𓆪 𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪   𓆩[@ineedmentalhelp123]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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Harry Hart x Kingsman!male reader
The sword and the knight
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No Warning
Just fluff or something
I got back into kingsman and saw a lack of male readers, so I am fixing that. I could do a lot better than this one, it's pretty boring and long, I am still trying to get back into the game and that will take a long while. But for the mean time, enjoy 🫰
Didn't have time to proofread, sorry.
Eggsy entered the tailorshop with his casual wear, jacket, shirt, cap and all. He looked out of place as he looked around until he saw Harry looking at him with a man beside him, his head was on Harry's lap with eyes closed, while Harry stroke his hair. Eggsy found it amusing and was about to talk until Harry put a finger to his lips, signalling him to shut it.
"Keep your voice down, he gets very grumpy if he gets woken up."
Harry said in a hushed tone as he beckoned Eggsy closer.
"Who is he exactly?"
"You'll know when you get into kingsman, now, are you ready?"
"way to leave a bloke in a cliffhanger, yes, I'm ready."
" Alright, head to the third fitting room, I will follow you shortly."
Eggsy did as he was told, still looking at Harry and the mystery person. After waiting a few minutes in the fitting room, Harry got inside and stood beside Eggsy.
"Apologies, he reacted not how I anticipated he would. Now, what do you see?"
Harry asked Eggsy as they were both looking in the three mirrors infront of them.
"Because I see, a man who is loyal, who can do as he is asked, and wants to do something good with his life."
Eggsy looked intently at the mirror.
"You ready?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Harry placed his palm on the mirror, a few moments later the floor began to descend into a subway. They got into the pod and travelled to the kingsman HQ.
As they arrived Harry told him everything he needed to know and brought him to the dorm with the other candidates. A few moments later Harry was joined by a bald man and the man earlier.
"Alright you lot, listen here and listen close, what I am about to say is vital. Your recuitment into kingsman is to take up to 3 months, more or less depeninding on how well all of you do."
The man from earlier spoke, and looked at Eggsy.
"I am Excalibur, and the bald scotsman beside me is Merlin, and this tall as shit fellow here is Galahad."
Excalibur said as he pointed to them respectively.
"I do not appreciate being called that, Excalibur."
"I just described you, what you want from me?"
Merlin just sighed as Excalibur crossed his arms in sort of a pissed off kid kind of way.
"Your test is already underway, the moment you stepped into this place the test has started. Now get some rest, and goodluck."
The three of them left after saying their farewells.
"When are you going to make them swim?"
Excalibur asked Merlin as he stood beside him.
"In a bit."
Merlin pressed the button, making the doorm fill up with water, Eggsy was the first to wake up. Noticing the water, the others were not far behind.
"Loo snorkels, loo snorkels."
Charlie said as he pointed towards the toilets.
"Showers heads."
Roxy followed behind, Eggsy was confused looking around as he looked at the door. After the room was full of water, he swam towards the door and tried to open it, unfortunately it was locked. He looked towards the mirror and began to swim towards it, as he got to the mirror he repeatedly punched it until it broke.
"That was fast."
Excalibur said as he looked towards the candidates on the floor.
"Good job, Charlie for quick thinking, as well as Roxy. However, all of you failed, you forgot the most important thing, teamwork, look inside."
Merlin said as the candidates now looked inside the dorm again, finding the lifeless body of a girl named Amelia.
"Still commendable, get some rest, we will continue tomorrow."
Excalibur said as he smirked at them, Eggsy looked quite pissed off.
"Are you trying to kill us?"
He asked angrily as he looked at Excalibur.
"Our job is to narrow down the candidates to one, Arthur never said how."
"For an old man you sure are fuckwd in the head."
"I am not old, I am just 3 years younger than Harry, I am Y/n, by the way."
Y/n reached out his hand for Eggsy.
"Proper sadist you are."
Eggsy shook his hand as he followed where the others went.
"If you see Harry, tell him I am looking for him, he knows where."
Y/n said before Eggsy was out of sight.
As Eggsy was walking to his dorm, he stumbled upon a tired Harry sat against the wall as he turned the corner. He looked to be asleep but with a cut on his head and he is sweating profusely.
Eggsy ran towards him.
"You good, mate?"
Eggsy shook his shoulder as Harry slowly opened his eyes.
"Just got into an accident, no need to fret."
Harry said with a tired face as he closed his eyes again.
"You sure? Well, Y/n is looking for you."
"thank you, Eggsy."
Harry nodded at Eggsy as he began to stand up, although struggling, he managed to be on his feet. He began to walk but he was stumbling and seemed to be in pain.
"You sure, you good? You don't seem proper, Harry."
Eggsy walked beside Harry as he put one of Harry's arms around his shoulder.
"I am feeling quite tired, my apologies, but I may need some assistance if you don't mind that is?"
Harry looked at Eggsy.
"You are tall, never realized just how tall until now."
Eggsy joke, trying to lighten the mood as he went with Harry.
"I am indeed tall, tallest in this place not to boast."
Harry chuckled.
"where are we going?"
"Just to Y/n' office."
"Right, I forgot, just on the second floor and last door on the right."
Eggsy hummed in acknowledgement.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you lot named after the knights of the round table? Guess it fits the name, dunnit?"
"We are named based on our capabilities."
"And why is Y/n named excalibur?"
"Because he is the best of us, he is quite literally, Arthur's weapon. When Arthur deems it necessary, Excaliber will be there to slay the foe. He is a cold blooded killer, he does not show remorse, he has his own justice. He is the one Arthur sends when his Knights are in trouble, Excalibur has never failed a mission yet, and Arthur trusts him with his life."
They reached the door to Y/n's office after Harry explained.
"Well, here we are, would love to know more about the others. But Your duty calls, and sleep is pulling me down, Night."
Eggsy gave a two fingered salute to Harry before making his leave, leaving Harry infront of the door. He knocked six times in a pattern, alerting Y/n of who is at the door.
"Come in."
The voice from inside said, just as Harry opened the door to the office, he collapsed. Y/n immediately ran to Harry and shook his shoulder while gently tapping his cheek.
"Harry? You good, Love? Come on."
Y/n aid as he was getting emotional, his voice wavering a bit. Harry woke up after a few moments, later.
"I'm alright, nothing to worry about."
Harry said as he forced himself to stand, Y/n noticed and helped him, holding his hips so he doesn't fall.
"Why don't you lay down, hm?"
Y/n offered as he looked at Harry with distress.
"If it calms you down."
Harry laid down on the couch in the office.
"What did you call me for, my dear?"
"I just missed you."
Y/n said shyly as he looked everywhere but at Harry.
"Needy little thing, aren't you?"
Harry chuckled as he motion for Y/n to join him in the couch.
"Was the mission hard?"
Y/n asked as he snuggled into Harry, his small frame fitting perfectly with his head on Harry's chest with Harry's hand playing with his hair.
"Then why are you injured?"
"I fell down a flight of stairs."
"Don't lie."
"I jumped off a plane."
"Come on, Harry, why so secretive?"
"Whatever do you mean, my love? I am telling you nothing but what happened as best as I remember it."
"You're so annoying sometimes, I wonder why I even married you in the first place."
"Because you fell for me 27 years ago, why? Do you regret it?"
Harry said as their bodies relaxed, the playful banter becoming softer and quieter.
"Very much, I would rather have been with someone else if I knew you would be this annoying, posh twat."
"That is not a gentleman thing to say to someone."
"Look at my eyes and tell me whether I care or not."
Y/n raised his head hid chin now resting on Harry's chest.
"I love you."
Harry said as the hand on Y/n's hair now rested on his cheek as he caressed it carefully and lovingly.
"You cheeky, bugger, I love you too."
They leaned in for a kiss, not rough nor was it delicate, just the perfect kiss to fit the moment and to slightly calm the fire of their love just for a moment of respite between them. They fell asleep in each other's arms, not wanting to let go, Y/n face buried in Harry's neck and his face in Y/n' hair. Just the way they like it, close and feeling the love they hold for one another.
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1-imaginary-girl · 1 year
I’ll Take Care of You Pt. 2
Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Summary: You and Eggsy have continued seeing each other after the incident. The only problem is, Eggsy only sees you when he's injured. Will he find the courage to tell you how he really feels? Reader uses she/her pronouns.
Warnings: Talk about minor injuries, but overall fluff again.
Word Count: 3824
Part 1
A/N: The second part is finally here! I rewatched "Robin Hood" recently and it got me back into the Taron Egerton headspace. God I love that man. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Eggsy is walking out of a Kingsman meeting and he can feel the fatigue settling into his bones. Without having a mission to focus on, spy work can be rather boring. Especially during meetings like those. He's trudging down the hall when suddenly, he feels a buzz from his phone. He takes it out and instantly a smile appears on his face.
He received a text message from you saying: Did your meeting kill you with boredom? :P
He laughs to himself before responding: It was fucking dreadful, but thankfully I will live to see another day.
Ever since that fateful night where Eggsy got hit by your car, the two of you have stayed in touch. He thinks he’s actually found a friend in you. It feels nice to have someone to talk to about being a spy, other than his fellow Kingsman agents. Maybe Eggsy shouldn’t be telling you the information he does, but he can’t help it. There’s something about you that makes him want to tell you everything and he knows he can trust you. And you already knew he was a spy, so he figured what’s a few more secrets to spill?
Eggsy loves having you in his life. The only thing he doesn’t love is that the two of you don’t really hang out other than when he gets hurt. Yes, Eggsy has continued to visit you, his favourite nurse, whenever he gets injured in the field. Once, he even paid you a visit after fighting practice with Roxy resulted in a nasty black eye. You didn’t appear mad at him for wasting your time, since all you could really do is offer him an ice pack. You just tended to him as you often did and the two of you talked the night away.
It isn’t even a conscious decision anymore to go to you. He just always finds himself making the journey to your place with a new injury. The first time it happened after the car accident, it was because he had gotten injured near your place and thought it would be easier than returning to base or even going home. But after a few visits, he found himself just wanting to be with you, injured or not.
After this realization, he began to feel bad about selfishly wanting you to be the one who fixes him. After all, you already spend all day tending to patients. So he told you:
“Are you sure you don’t mind fixing me up all the time? I’m starting to feel bad for inconveniencing you.” 
But instead of agreeing, you smiled at him and said, “Eggsy Unwin, you could never be an inconvenience. Don’t tell anyone, but out of all of my patients, you’re my favourite.”
His heart sped up at that, so he cracked a joke. “I’m sure that’s what you tell all your patients.”
“Only the handsome ones,” you replied with a wink that caused a shade of pink to bloom on his cheeks, but luckily you had returned to your work and didn’t seem to notice.
It was after that encounter that Eggsy had realized he was developing feelings for you that evolved past friendship. He had tried to chalk his feelings up to being platonic, but who was he kidding? He was falling for you, and falling hard. He thought about confessing to you, wondering if you felt the same, but it was too risky. Eggsy didn’t want to ruin one of the best friendships he had over feelings that are most likely one-sided.
“Is that Y/N?” A voice sounds from beside him, causing Eggsy to jump and almost drop his phone. So much for his spy training. “Tell her I say hi.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, tucking his phone away and out of Roxy’s nosy stare. She scoffs and rolls her eyes, now walking beside him.
“Cut the shit, Unwin, I saw you smiling down at your phone with that goofy lovestruck smile that is reserved only for Y/N,” she says. Eggsy had never planned on sharing Y/N with Roxy, not wanting to risk you getting into trouble, but unfortunately for him, Roxy and Merlin are no good busybodies. The next day at work after the car accident, Roxy immediately bombarded him with questions about you. Apparently, when Eggsy informed Merlin that he was going to a random civilian’s house, the news was too interesting not to tell Roxy.
He also never planned on giving Roxy your name but having a friend that’s a spy is not convenient when keeping secrets. She had spied on him when Eggsy was texting you, the two of you having exchanged information that fateful day, and saw your contact name before he could stop her.
“I was not smiling, and I do not have a goofy lovestruck smile only for Y/N,” Eggsy tells her, but as soon as he says that, he wonders if he does. If his feelings are really that obvious.
“God, for a spy you really are obvious.” Sometimes he wonders why he’s even friends with Roxy.
“And for the last time, Rox, I am not in love with her,” he insists. 
“Is that why you won’t let me meet her? You’re afraid I’ll tell her? Because I can assure you, unlike yourself, I am quite excellent at keeping secrets.”
“For the record, I won’t let the two of you meet because I’m afraid you’ll scare her off,” he says, but he’s also afraid that Roxy might steal you away. Maybe you’d prefer a female spy friend over him. He doesn’t think you’re the type of person to do that, but his insecurities continue to hold him back, just in case.
Roxy lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Come on, Unwin, just admit that you love her! I already know, and you won’t convince me otherwise.” Eggsy realizes how true that is when he looks over to see his friend’s dead serious expression. Fuck it.
“It’s not love, quite yet,” he admits, and Roxy giddily celebrates. Eggsy looks up and down the hall to make sure no one sees her. “What was that about being too obvious?”
But Roxy doesn’t hear him. “I knew it. I can’t believe I got you to confess, I thought I’d have to bug you at least a few more times about it,” she says with a smile on her face. He rolls his eyes.
“Well, now you know. Satisfied?”
She stays quiet for a moment before asking, “Why don’t you tell her again?”
“It’s not that simple,” he says, shaking his head. He doesn’t know how to explain himself without making him seem like a miserable sod. “She’s my friend. A good friend, and I don’t…” He sighs and stops walking. Roxy stops beside him. “I don’t want to screw this up.”
“Eggsy Unwin,” Roxy says, and when he looks her she has a serious arms-crossed look that makes Eggsy want to keep walking. “You’re not going to screw this up.”
“But what if she doesn’t feel the same?” he confesses and then realizes they should have chosen a more private location to be having this conversation. Luckily, there appear to be no other agents around.
“By the looks of your messages, I can almost guarantee she feels the same. On top of that, I’m your best friend and even I would get annoyed at having to fix you up after every fight,” she says.
“Sorry, exactly when did you see such messages?”
“Never mind that,” she says, brushing the topic aside. “The point is, I think she feels the same way. And even if she doesn’t, based on the limited knowledge of her, she sounds like the type of person to handle that well. You don’t have to worry about your friendship.”
What she said makes sense, yet Eggsy can’t shake the queasy feeling in his stomach at the thought of having to confess to you.
“It’s up to you what you do,” Roxy continues. “But would you at least consider it?”
He stares at her unyielding gaze, and relents. “I suppose.”
“Thank god. I don’t know how much more pining I can take,” she says and resumes walking.
“I do not pine!” he says, picking up his pace to catch up with her.
A week later, Eggsy finds himself sitting in one of the Kingsman jets heading back to base after a long, but successful, mission. He’s lounging in one of the chairs, feeling proud that the mission had gone off without a hitch. 
His mission had been to retrieve some confidential information that had gone missing, but the retrieval ended up being fairly easy. The people who had stolen the information got lulled into a sense of calm and had lowered their security. Thanks to that, Eggsy had been able to be in and out of the compound, only having to take out a few people along the way. 
Eggsy feels the pride and relief he normally would but now he’s also filled with excitement. Typically, at the end of his more recent missions, Eggsy will have acquired a few wounds that need tending to and would drop by your place (if you were available, which most of the time you were.) Only, as Eggsy relaxes into the jet’s seat, his excitement suddenly dwindles. He lifts up his arms and examines his body to check, but this time Eggsy finds himself in perfect condition. No injury to be found. He slumps back into the chair.
This should be a good thing, as Eggsy isn’t always as careful as he should be, but he finds he’s disappointed. After all, now he didn’t have a reason to see you. He bites his lip and gazes out the window. He was really excited to see you and now there is a hole of dissatisfaction left behind.
He continues thinking about you, about what you’re doing right now, and before he knows what he’s doing, he’s dialling your number. He only wants to hear the sound of your voice, even if he got your voicemail he would be satisfied.
On the third ring, you pick up. “How’s my favourite spy doing?” you ask as a greeting. He’s almost embarrassed at the butterflies that flutter in his stomach at your voice, and you calling him that.
“I don’t know, how is Bond?” He hears you giggle, brightening his already wide smile.
“Oh hush, no need to be jealous over a fictional character. And you were right, he is a bit posh for my taste.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “Well, your real favourite spy is feeling pretty fucking good right about now.”
“I take it the mission went well?” He had been texting you throughout the mission when he got bored. Merlin used to give him shit for it, but now he’s begrudgingly resigned to it, knowing that Eggsy had no intentions of stopping. As long as it’s only you.
“It went great! Everything went according to plan.”
“Sounds a bit boring.” He laughs, as he silently agrees with you. “Speaking as your nurse, however, I suppose this is good news.”
“What a lovely nurse I have. How did I get so lucky?”
Another laugh. “Right place, right time, right car I suppose.” He laughs. It took a while before you were able to laugh about hitting him with your car, as you still felt extremely guilty. But after reassuring you that he was over it, and constantly teasing you about it, you found the humour in it. “Seriously, I’m happy for you Eggs. You must feel great.”
“I do,” he says, despite the disappointment that lingered due to not seeing you. “Want me to tell you about it?”
“Could you please try to leave out the classified bits?” Another voice sounds from the jet. Eggsy looks up to see Merlin passing by. He gives Eggsy a tired, worried expression. Eggsy smiles up at him.
“You can count on me, Merlin,” he says with a cheeky smile and a wink. Merlin simply rubs the bridge of his nose where his glasses sit.
“Is that Merlin? Tell him I say hi!”
“Y/N says hi,” Eggsy relays to him. Merlin’s face softens.
“Hello dear,” he says. Despite the nagging and scolding, Eggsy thinks Merlin likes you. The two of you have never met, but Eggsy suspects the older man believes you’re a good influence on him. Truthfully, it’s because you make Eggsy happy.
“He says hi back.”
“When are you going to introduce me to your spy family? Or is that against the rules?”
“I think it’s a little late to be considering the rules.” You laugh.
“Fair enough. Then what is it? Do you just want to keep me all to yourself?” Eggsy’s breath catches as you jokingly hit the nail on the head. He knows it’s selfish, but he can’t help the feeling of wanting to be yours. To remain your favourite spy.
“You caught me,” he says with a laugh to avoid the truthfulness from leaking through his tone.
“You can’t keep anything from me, my dear boy.” Again, his heart hammers in his chest. “Now enough chit chat, tell me about your mission.”
Later that night, Eggsy is sitting on his couch, your phone call from earlier echoing in his mind. Even after hearing your voice, it didn’t quite satisfy his need to see you. He considers slightly nicking his hand with a knife when he catches himself. What is he doing? There’s nothing stopping him from going to see you right now except his own nerves. But if the two of you really are friends, then there’s nothing wrong with it, right?
“Fuck it,” he mutters to himself. Summoning up courage he doesn’t have, he stands up from his couch. What’s the worst that can happen? A deep breath, and he’s making his way to the door when suddenly he hears a knock. He pauses, wondering who it could be. It’s the middle of the night.
Eggsy cautiously walks to his front door and opens it, only to stop in shock. There, on his doorstep, is you. You’re here, at his place. Once that registers, concern overwhelms him as he takes in your state. 
You’re leaning against his doorframe with a hand pressed against your left side. You also brand a gash on your chin and a split lip. Despite all of this, a smile graces your lips. “Well isn’t this ironic?” you say as way of greeting. Eggsy’s still having a hard time believing he didn’t fall asleep and dreamt this. But your voice shocks him out of his frozen state.
“Y/N, what the bloody hell happened to you?” he asks, opening his door. Shock is slowly giving way to worry as he watches you slowly make your way into his place, taking in the view.
“It’s actually a funny story,” you say. You make your way to his couch but pause to examine his living room. “Nice place you have here.”
Eggsy’s mind is going a mile a minute. He didn’t know what to do, but then he remembers that you’re injured. “I-I’ll go see if I have anything to patch you up with.” Before you can argue, Eggsy starts scrambling around his place trying to find what he thinks he would need. He ends up bringing a wet cloth, a bag of frozen peas, a package of bandaids, and some disinfectant cream that you had given him.
He returns to find you sitting on his couch, a pained expression on your face as you take deep breaths. As soon as you see him however, your face hides any trace of pain. He furrows his eyebrows but doesn’t say anything. He dumps the stuff on his coffee table.
“Whoa,” you say, taking in his collection. He becomes self-conscious since you’re an expert in medicine.
“I-It’s not much, I know, but it’ll do for now,” he says reassuringly. He takes a seat on the couch beside you. He knows about the injuries on your face but not your stomach. He eyes your side and you know what he’s thinking. “Could you lift up your shirt?”
“How forward of you,” you say with a smirk and he’s acutely aware that your roles have truly changed. He gives you a stern look, and you drop the smirk. You pull your shirt up to reveal your side and Eggsy sucks in a sharp breath.
“Jesus Y/N,” he mutters, examining the massive bruise. 
“I’m lucky it’s just a bruise,” you say, a wince on your face. Eggsy looks at you and forces your gaze to meet his own.
“What happened?” he says sternly. He knows you’ve been dodging around the subject since you got here. You blush, realizing that he’s caught onto your game. To distract you, Eggsy begins fixing you up. He gently places the frozen peas on the bruise and you gasp in pain, causing his heart to squeeze.
“I don’t know how you spy types do it,” you comment. He thinks about asking how you medical professionals do it, as seeing you in pain breaks his heart. But Eggsy won’t let you dance around the subject any longer. You let out a sigh as you hold onto the bag while Eggsy examines your other injuries. “So, it’s actually rather embarrassing, but…I was actually on my way to see you.”
His eyes widen. You wanted to see him too? He tries to catch your eye but your gaze is directed at anywhere but him. A deep red is encroaching on your cheeks. You clear your throat. “So anyway, I got in my car and drove over. I…I was a bit rushed so when I got out of my car I wasn’t paying much attention. That’s when this biker rounds the corner and rides right into me.” Eggsy finishes dabbing the wet cloth on your chin and begins to apply the disinfectant, causing a hiss to escape your lips.
“Sorry,” he says. He finally meets your eyes and it feels like he got the wind kicked out of him.   
“It’s fine,” you whisper, not breaking away from the stare. A moment passes before you look away and continue your story. “Anyway, he knocked me over and my left side hit the curb while my chin hit the pavement.” Eggsy winces for you. 
“Did the wanker at least apologize?” His voice is clipped, withholding his anger for your sake. Tending to you is all that’s keeping him from tracking down this man and inflicting the same pain he forced upon you.
"It wasn’t his fault, Eggs, I wasn’t looking." He nods but still isn’t satisfied. Accident or no, this man hurt you which stirred unpleasant emotions in his head. “He ended up falling over as well, but he had a helmet so ultimately both he and the bike were fine. We both apologized to each other, me for not looking and him for not steering away or stopping quick enough. He was actually really nice about it.”
To distract from the illogical flare of jealousy that rose within him, Eggsy decides to joke around. “Is this a habit of yours? Getting into accidents with nice men? You know, there are other ways of gaining a man’s attention.” His comments make you break out into a smile that instantly winces due to the split lip.
“First of all, shut up,” you say, causing him to laugh. “And second of all, I’ll have you know that I had a clean record before I met you. Perhaps you’ve begun to corrupt me.”
“Perhaps I have.” The two of you smirk and the flirtatious energy soon leaves a sharp tension in the room. Eggsy applies a large enough bandage onto your chin and now begins to dab on the cut on your lip. You’re close enough for your breaths to tangle. But before Eggsy makes a complete ass of himself, he has to know. “Why were you coming to see me?”
This question wipes the smirk from your face and reheats your cheeks. “O-oh, that,” you say, trying to find the words, it seems. “Well, the thing is…okay, after your mission, I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was expecting to get a call from you saying you needed to be patched up. I-I had gotten used to it, so I was expecting to see you. But then the mission went fine.”
Eggsy can’t believe what he’s hearing. His heart begins picking up speed as he eagerly waits for you to continue.
“And I know I should have been happy to hear that—I was, I mean I hate seeing you hurt and I’m always the one telling you to be more careful.” You begin to ramble on and in your ramblings, Eggsy’s confidence grows. “I selfishly wanted an excuse to see you, but then I decided fuck it, and made my way over here. I-I just wanted to see you.”
You will no longer look at him. Your flirtatious confidence is gone as you let the unspoken words hang in the air. Looking at you, processing what you said, Eggsy realizes that there’s a chance. There’s a chance that you feel the same way, a strong one. And if there’s a chance, Eggsy’s going to take it.
“Y/N,” he whispers. His continued silence forces you to look at him and he hears you gasp softly at his proximity. He’s looking at you, flicking his gaze down to your lips and back up to your eyes. His eyes hold a question and you glance quickly at his lips before nodding.
Eggsy gently takes your face into his hands and crashes his lips down onto yours. You hiss and he breaks apart, feeling guilty for forgetting your cut, but you grab his collar and force his lips back on yours.
Eggsy sinks into the kiss, letting the passion take over and melt his body. He can’t think of anything else other than your lips, moving together, sweeter than his imagination could have predicted. When the two of you break apart, gasping for air, he breaks into a smile. You giggle, making him want to kiss you all over again to swallow the sound and live off it.
After a moment, you say, “If I’d known this is what it would take for you to finally make a move, I would have got hit by a bike ages ago.” You both laugh before Eggsy can’t hold himself back any longer and captures your lips again. You hungrily accept.
You kiss until you pull back, wincing in pain. “Totally worth it,” you whispers. He sighs as the cut on your lip reopens. 
“What am I going to do with you?” he says, shaking his head as he reapplies the cloth. 
“Nurse me back to health?” you say with a smile. He smiles back.
“Don’t you worry love, I’ll take care of you.”
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echothefandomeater · 2 years
Lean On Your Team
Paring: Agent Galahad Jr x GN!Reader x Agent Whiskey
Genre/Warning: Talks of blood, injury on the shoulder and passing out in the shower. Eggsy and Whiskey argue (but what's new there.) The reader is also a kingsman agent so it’s suggested that they’re British.
Words: 908
Summary: Hiding an injury from two Agents argue a lot and who care a lot about you is easy until you pass out in the bath and they have to help you.
A/N: Does this make sense? Probably not since I wrote this from my late night writing inspiration. Apologies if Eggsy and Whiskey seem out of character, this is the first time I’ve written them properly. I’ve been having massive Kingsman brain rot so if you like this piece feel free to send any other requests for Kingsman characters (literally any of them from the first two movies.)
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The bickering between them was starting to get on your nerves. 
“If you would have been careful with your shot-“ Eggsy cut Whiskey off. 
“Well if you hadn’t tried to tie him up as I was shooting-” this time, you cut them off.
“Can you both just shut the fuck up?!” Both of the men looked taken back at your sudden outburst “You have been arguing ever since we left and in case you couldn’t tell, all three of us are tired! So please I would like to get to the safehouse without developing a headache.”
This seemed to shut both agents up and the silence felt like heaven to your ears.
You all continued walking. You looked down at your shoulder and lifted your suit jacket lightly. You held back a grimace at the blood not wanting to worry the already injured Whiskey and Eggsy about your injury, you would just clean it up when you got to your own room.
Finally you all arrived, in true southern fashion Whiskey took off his shoes before entering the safe house and collapsing on the couch, Eggsy followed suit and looked like he was about to fall asleep right there. You on the other hand began making your way up the stairs to your temporary room. You couldn’t wait to get these disgusting clothes off and put on fresh ones.
You shut the door and went into the bathroom turning on the shower, even just the steam building up from the hot shower made you sigh in relief. You carefully dragged the clothes off your body, occasionally your clothes would stick to the wound making you hiss from the pain.
Eventually you got into the shower and it felt like such a relief, such a relief that you started getting sleepy, you tried to catch yourself before you fell asleep but the last thing you remember seeing was the ceiling.
The crash heard from the bathroom had both agents up and off the couch with weapons ready. Eggsy nodded silently towards the stairs and Whiskey nodded back.
Slowly with Eggsy leading they made their way up the stairs with minimum creaking from the stairs. They made their way towards your room hearing the sound of the shower, they pushed the door open and Eggsy called out your name, when no response came he made his way to the bathroom. 
He stopped nervously, his hand hovered over the door handle, scared what he would find behind the door. Images of you lying there dead because someone was here and they didn’t check flashed through his head. He was terrified to lose you after what happened to Roxie albeit his feelings were less platonic but he still couldn’t stand it, he never wanted to lose anyone like that again.
Whiskey watched him and could see the nerves on his face, he could admit he was having the same feelings of fear but he couldn’t stand by so he pushed Eggsy out the way. He pushed the door open.
The sight of you bleeding passed out in the shower made both their hearts jump. 
Next time you woke up it was in the bed. You opened your eyes slowly and squinted at the low light of the room. What caught your attention though was both Eggsy and Jack watching you from the bottom of bed, no suit jackets or ties and sleeves rolled up, Jack didn’t even have his hat on. 
They were both frowning, Eggsy had his hands in his pockets and Whiskey had his crossed across his chest. You spoke and it came out very dry. “Don’t tell me you two have been arguing again” neither of them responded.
Jack left the room muttering something about water to Eggsy and he nodded. Once Jack had left Eggsy approached you “when were you planning on telling us you got stabbed?” He spoke to you like he did to Galahad Sr when he was reckless and it made you scowl. Still you made no eye contact with him.
“Agent Percival” The use of your codename made your eyes automatically snap up to his, the look he gave you made it clear he wasn’t giving up so easily.
You huffed “I was going to deal with it myself but I didn’t exactly plan on passing out in the shower.” His eyes narrowed.
“You seem to have forgotten the most vital part of your training, Percival” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion “teamwork.” You rolled your eyes at how cheesy it sounded when he said it.
Jack came back into the room with a glass of water and a pack of painkillers, he handed them to you. “He’s right, it's something they nail into our heads at Statesman, there's a reason multiple Agents are assigned to cases” once again you rolled your eyes before finally speaking up. 
“Okay I get it! You don’t need to treat me like a child just because I’m less experienced than you both” You snapped at them before taking two painkillers out the packet and taking them with the water you were given.
Finally Eggsy sighed “Just next time…” you prepared yourself for another lecture but he trailed off like he was unsure what to say.
“Ask for our help when you need to” Jack finished for him. Your pissed off attitude retreated slightly seeing both their faces soften an inch.
“Yea I will… I’ll make sure I do”
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justsomerandomfanfic · 9 months
Karma - Hamish Mycroft (Merlin) X Female Reader
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Title: Karma
Hamish Mycroft (Merlin) X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Sean Cobb (OC), Harry (Mentioned), Eggsy, Roxy (Mentioned), and random guards (Mentioned)
WC: 4,536
Warnings: Kingsman canon violence, guns, Reader is mentioned wearing a dress and heels, pretending Kingsman Headquarters wasn't blown up, flirting?, tension, pretend relationship for mission, banter, slight angst, cursing, nicknames, fighting, knives, blood, teasing, and fluff
Breathing heavily, you skidded across the marble floor, regretting wearing heels as you held up the hem of your dress to not trip on it. Turning down another hall, you heard the shouting of the very unhappy guards - very unhappy guards with guns - not a very good combination. Now this mission was supposed to be easy, one that was supposed to take less than an hour. But no, you didn't know what happened. Either the weapons dealer saw right through your flirting and he was smarter than you thought or something happened on Kingman's part. You liked to think it was the latter's fault. 
Harry, being the new Arthur, had asked you to go on a mission to get some files from Sean Cobb, a weapons dealer. This would've been your first mission on your own, but for some reason, Harry asked Merlin to join you. He reasoned that having a date with you would make you less suspicious. You mentally wondered and questioned why Eggsy wasn't coming with you. He usually was the one who joined you on most of your missions. But, you had forgotten that Eggsy was on a mission somewhere in France, so he couldn't do it. 
And it wasn't like you didn't want Merlin to join you on this mission. It was just that you had a bit of a crush on the older man. And, well, you're not exactly sure when it began. Maybe the moment you met him. Perhaps it started during your first week at Kingsman. Or maybe it had been there all along, and Merlin just never noticed, thankfully. Or he did, and he just didn't say anything to save you from embarrassment. Whatever it was, Merlin was your friend and you liked spending time with him. That's all it was. Even if you wished for that friendship to blossom into something more. He probably didn't even think of you in that way. You were pretty young. You were supposed to be in college at the time that you were recruited, and that was a year and a half ago. 
After you were recruited, and passed all the tests, you were given the code name, Elyan. A couple of months later, is when you met Roxy and Eggsy. Which you grew closer to. You got to spend more time together, becoming quick friends. During their recruitment, you had helped Merlin during it. He had asked you for your opinion numerous times, especially in the beginning when he flooded the sleeping room. Normally, when working, Merlin was pretty stoic and serious, so when he asked what you thought of the recruits, you were surprised but honest.
You told him the truth. "I don't think most of them will get past the parachute jump."
Merlin glanced at you before looking back at his clipboard, "I remember that was a difficult task for you." He looked up at the window, the water level rising. 
"Yeah, it was." You murmured, remembering how scared you were, up so high in the sky. 
"But you did it." Merlin commented, making you smile.
"Yeah... Thanks for reminding me. I still have nightmares about it sometimes," You jested, Merlin only shook his head, looking back at the clipboard.
Running down the hall, you almost fell as you turned another corner, pushing the thickly-framed glasses up your nose, you continued to breathe heavily. You wondered how Merlin was doing, you had lost him when everything went to hell. One minute you were flirting with Mr. Cobb, and trying to hack into his computer to get those files, and then you were being shot at while running down a hall. Again, this mission was supposed to be simple, and easy... So how did it turn into this?
- Two Hours Ago -
Brushing down the skirt of the lavish dress, you let out a nervous breath. Your reflection looked right back at you as you turn your body every which way, observing the dress as it lay on your body. It was a deep red - similar to the color of red wine - made of silk, tight to your body; perfectly showing off your curves. The straps were thin, with a square neckline, and a high slit on the side of your leg; stopping mid-thigh. The skirt ended right on the floor, hiding your black heels. Overall, it was gorgeous. You felt gorgeous. You weren't really expecting Kingsman, or Harry rather, allowing you to choose your own dress for this mission. Fixing your hair, you gave yourself one last look right when there was a knock at the door. 
"Come in," You called out, grabbing the small gold earrings - a birthday present from Roxy - and placing them in your ears. The door opened, and in came Merlin, dressed in a dashing ebony suit, black tie, shiny black shoes, and gold cufflinks. Upon meeting his eyes in the mirror, you froze momentarily before smiling at him, "Hi, Merlin, could you help me with this?" You asked, fumbling with the small gold necklace. It was in the shape of the north star, and it so happened to be a gift from Eggsy; also a birthday present.
Harry, for your birthday, last year, had gifted you a novel that you had your eyes on, and had spoken about more times than not. By the time a month had passed after your birthday, you had read the book more than three times. It was hard to put down when you weren't on a mission. And Merlin... He gave you a small dagger; which you were grateful for, it was very useful during missions, and it fit perfectly in your garter - for exact missions like this one.
Raising his fist to his mouth, he cleared his throat before walking further into the room. Upon reaching you, he carefully took the necklace from your fingers. Standing behind you, he reached around, and gently placed it around your neck; it landed delicately on the center of your chest. You tried to regulate your breathing as you felt the tips of his fingers brush against the back of your neck as he clasped it in place. Merlin's hand lingered there for a moment longer before taking a step back. "There." He stated as you let out a breath you didn't even know that you were holding. "Are you ready?"
Turning slightly to face him, you nodded. "Are you ready?" You asked him in return, only for you to get a nod in response. 
Side by side, you said your farewells to Harry, who in turn, wished you good luck. Exiting Kingsman Headquarters, you clutched your bag with one hand as you and Merlin walked down the stone steps and to the awaiting car. Merlin sped a bit further than you, surprising you by opening the passenger door for you, which made you smile. Sitting down, you buckled your seat belt as Merlin shut your door before slipping into the driver's seat. 
Beginning to drive to the large estate where Mr. Cobb was holding his event, Merlin spoke up. "Do you remember our names?" He asked, staring ahead toward the road, his face stoic, as usual. 
Huffing, you answered, "Mark and Natasha Pierce. We've been married for the past couple of months, Harry mentioned we should act like we're still in that honeymoon phase or whatever." You said, a bit irritated. "You know that I know this stuff. We just went over all of it before lunch." You added, turning your head slightly to glance at his side profile.
"Of course," He began, "I was simply making sure."
Crossing your arms, you frowned slightly, "I've been on like... A hundred missions, Merl," You watched as he glanced at you, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe not a hundred but you know what I mean. I'm a damn good Kingsman." You reminded him.
"Of course you are," Merlin spoke, "If you weren't good at this, you wouldn't be here." Stopping at a light, he added, "I just wanted to make sure."
Shifting in the seat slightly, you leaned against the car, closing your eyes briefly to rest for a second. Opening them again, you looked out of the window. Looking at the sunset, you admired it for a bit, and before you knew it, you were at the estate.
Parking along the large field with the other fancy cars, Merlin turned off the engine. Turning in his seat slightly, he let a hint of a smile grace his lips at the sight of you, leaned against the car door, temple pressed onto the chill glass window, your eyes closed; asleep. Reaching over, Merlin's fingers just brushed the stray hairs that fell in front of your face, mentally debating whether or not to sweep them behind your ear. Instead, he pressed his hand on your upper arm, gently shaking you awake. Your eyelids fluttered open, blinking rapidly.
"We're here." He said simply, pulling his hand away.
Sitting up, you looked around, seeing the large home before you. "Oh." You muttered, grabbing your bag, and unbuckling.
"Elyan, wait." Merlin spoke up, your hand just brushing the car door to exit as you looked over at him, curiously, "Here." He continued before opening his coat pocket and pulling out a ring. It was beautiful. You felt your breath hitch, as your eyes widened, your whole body becoming rigid.
It was a golden band, topped with small white diamonds, and a round brilliant cut green Sapphire in the center. It was so delicate and ornate. It was perfect. 
You almost felt like crying. On the one hand, you were so happy to receive such a ring to wear for a mission, but on the other hand... You wished that Merlin was giving you the ring for a different reason. The more you stared at the ring, the more nervous you became. This was going to be a tough mission, you didn't know how you were going to handle having to pretend to be in a relationship with a man that you had been in love with. The thought of it made your stomach twist unpleasantly. None of this was real. 
Clearing your throat, you pulled your gaze from the ring. "Thank you..." You breathed, looking up at him and offering him a weak smile. Taking the ring and slipping it onto your ring finger, you felt your breath leave you. "It's beautiful."
"Harry picked it out," He spoke as he pulled out his own ring, a simple golden band, and slipped it on his own ring finger. You hummed, staring down at the ring. You knew that it was a possibility that Harry would pick out all the attire and accessories that you needed for the mission, he had done so for many missions in the past. Though, you couldn't help but be a bit disappointed.
"Well," You cleared your throat, "He isn't getting this back after the mission. It's mine now."
Merlin said nothing more than that, opening his door to walk around the car for you. Opening the door for you, you took his offered hand, stepping out of the vehicle. 
Entering the large home, your arm looped with Merlin's, you looked around at the high ceilings, paintings on the walls, and marble statues. You let out a breath, your hand at your side tightening its hold on your small clutch. Merlin seemed to notice how tense you were becoming, as he squeezed your hand that was on his arm lightly, "You can do this." He whispered in your ear.
Looking up at him, you nodded, "Right." You murmured quietly, taking a deep breath.
Merlin led you through the house, through numerous hallways, before finally arriving at the ballroom. The live orchestra was playing some sort of classical tune, and everyone seemed to be mingling together as if they were old friends. Everyone's faces were painted with smiles and their bodies were swaying slightly to the music. Though it all seemed to be a pretty calm and enjoyable scene, all these people were either corrupt government officials or criminals, all pretending. Immediately as you stepped into the large ballroom, you entered the lion's den. 
"Do you care to dance, Natasha?" Merlin asked, making your gaze snap from the dancing and up to him. 
Nodding, you offered him your best smile, all the while, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach swarming. Letting out another breath as Merlin began to make his way to the dancefloor with you, you told yourself to get a hold of yourself. This was an important mission, you had to push your feelings back and get this mission done and over with. 
'Play the part, play the part, play the part.'
Wrapping his arm around your waist, Merlin took your hand as your free hand came to rest on his shoulder. Gripping his hand tighter, Merlin began to lead you in a waltz, his dark eyes looking down, right into your soul; you couldn't look away. As he moved his foot, he guided yours, keeping the two of you perfectly in sync with the music. 'This is nice,' You thought to yourself, letting yourself relax.
After several moments of quiet and slow dancing, Merlin finally broke the silence with a question, "How are you feeling?" He queried softly.
"Better," You muttered, glancing around, you realized that you were technically supposed to spot Mr. Cobb while you were dancing. "He's by the bar," You murmured, eyes landing on the man from over Merlin's shoulder. 
Sean Cobb was a young man, around your age, falling into the family business after his parents mysteriously disappeared. He wasn't married, nor did he have children. His hair was a dark brown color, and it framed his face, stopping at his shoulders. His eyes were dark brown with a sliver of gold in them. He was wearing a black suit and a tie with an emerald pin. His outfit wasn't quite extravagant, and obviously expensive. His hands were wrapped around a whiskey glass filled with amber-colored liquid, watching the other couples dance. 
As the song slowly came to an end, you and Merlin broke apart, "That's my cue," You muttered, turning to head towards the bar. Leaning against the bar beside Sean Cobb, you waved down the bartender. Smiling, you ordered a drink, spying from the side of your eyes that Sean Cobb had been staring at you the entire time.
"Well, hello beautiful." He drawled, resting his cheek against his fist.
"Thank you. But I have a name..." You turned towards the man, looking at him over the rim of your glass.
Taking a sip from his drink, Sean gave you a lecherous smirk. "What can I call you, sweetheart?" He asked.
"Natasha Pierce..." You answered as you took a seat on the plush stool in front of him, "But you can call me anything you want." You smiled flirtatiously.
Sean's grin widened as he took the chance to look at you, his bright blue eyes slowly dragging along your figure. You wanted to throw up, but you kept your cool, allowing the man to continue to gaze at you. "My, my..." He trailed off, smirking, "Are you here with anyone?"
You sighed, lightly rolling your eyes as you took a small sip from your drink, "My husband actually." At those three words, Sean's smirk faltered slightly.
"Your husband? Where is he then?"
Raising your eyebrow, you glanced over at him, "I don't really know. He's somewhere around here." Crossing your legs, you let your leg slip through the slit, immediately catching Sean's eyes; his eyes trailing the expanse of your exposed leg. "But, enough about him, what's your name, handsome?"
"Sean." His voice was smooth, like melted chocolate.
"Hello, Sean..." You mumbled lowly, "What do you do exactly?" You asked, leaning forward slightly.
"Well, I am a weapons dealer." He responded smoothly, raising his eyebrow and leaning closer to you. You didn't move away, instead, you placed your empty glass down on the bar counter, "And what about you, gorgeous? What do you do?"
Biting your lip, you spoke, "I work for the government. So does my husband. We run the weapon creation firm." You smiled at him innocently.
You felt sick to your stomach, just being near this guy was creeping you out. On top of that, poor Merlin was hearing all of it with those glasses of his. Though, you should've been used to the thought of it, since Merlin always listened in on your missions, being the tech genius he was and all. You also hated that you were sometimes asked to go on missions because you were attractive and the targets would let their walls down around you. 
But after Harry took over as the new King Arthur, your missions were greatly based on your excellent combat strategies rather than your looks. It was just this one that you were stuck doing. Harry promised that this was the last mission you ever had to do where you had to flirt with the criminal. He would gladly send you on more combat-based missions, your comfort was important to him.
Before you knew it, you were walking down the hall to have a private chat with Sean the weapons dealer. Once you got into the hallway though, Sean stopped, and that's when you felt something press against your side. Sean wrapped an arm behind you, tightening his hold on your waist as you looked down and confirmed that it was indeed a gun. Dropping your shoulders, you turned to look up at Sean with a rather unimpressed expression on your face. 
"Really?" You began, raising an eyebrow, "A Colt?" You gestured to the gun almost painfully pressed into your lower ribs. "A bit extra, don't you think."
Sean glared down at you, pushing you forward, "Shut up, I know what you were playing at. You're pretty easy to read, princess." He sneered, and you mentally gagged at the nickname.
"Gee, what gave me away?" You asked sarcastically, watching as you turned down a secluded hall. 'Almost there...'
"I have the registry for every single weapons worker in the government who works with me," He paused in the middle of the hall, "And there is no 'Natasha Pierce' on it." Punching the code into the keypad on the wall, his office door opened. Moving inside, you quickly glanced around the room as the door shut.
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" You asked, feeling as he pressed the gun into your side, making you wince.
Sean grinned evilly, "Yeah. This room is soundproof." He turned you around, pressing your chest into his as he stared down at you; gun now pressed into your stomach, "No one will hear you scream." All the while, your free hand fiddled with the slit of your dress.
"Noted," Grinning as you watched Sean's smirk falter in confusion. You heard the gun fall to the ground, his eyes widening as he staggered back slightly; your dagger was buried deep into his stomach. Your hand tightened around the handle, "Now, why don't you give me the password to that there computer, huh?" You asked with a glare, only for Sean to spit in your face. Pulling the blade out of Sean, you watched the blood pour out of his wound. Taking a second, you watched as he stumbled further back, hitting the wall before falling to the ground; his blood foaming a puddle around him. "What a shame." You tutted sarcastically, opening your clutch, you grabbed a small napkin; wiping your face before cleaning the blood from the dagger and putting it back on your garter. "Merl, I'm in," You spoke, rushing to the computer, leaning over to jiggle the mouse, turning it on. "But I assume that you already knew that."
"Good work, Elyan. Get the files, a few guards are beginning to grow suspicious." Merlin replied but you were already on it.
And that was how you got into this situation. Opening your clutch, you grabbed your gun, spinning around to shoot at some of the guards that were chasing after you. You were able to take out three, your bullets going through their heads as you quickly backed down the hall. Once at the end of the hall, you were about to turn around the corner when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back into a small room. 
Initially, you felt the heat of panic fill your blood as the door to the small, dark room closed shut. 'Great,' you thought, 'I'm going to die in a closet.'
"Elyan." At the sound of his voice, you sighed, your stiff shoulders dropping in relief. 
Turning around in his arms, you strained your eyes to see Merlin, "Thanks," You breathed out, trying to back out of his arms, only to bump into the wall behind you. 
You felt a wave of nervousness wash over you at the mere thought that you were in a dark closet-like room, pressed impossibly close to your crush. You swallowed hard, "So, uh..." You cleared your throat, "What do we do now?" Merlin said nothing, reaching out to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He tried a couple more times before a strand of curses left his lips, his Scottish lilt becoming more noticeable; making your heart skip a beat. He couldn't even try and kick the door down, there was hardly any room to breath, let alone move. "Don't freaking tell me that we're stuck in here." You began, raising your hand up in the limited space to pinch the bridge of your nose. 
Merlin let out a sigh, his warm breath fanning your face, "We are."
"You've got to be kidding me… This has to be karma or something." You exclaimed before muttering out, "First having to flirt with that Cobb creep and now this."
"Karma?" Merlin asked, and you nodded.
"Yeah, I mean this is your first mission in like twenty years and I stole Harry's sandwich this morning." Merlin let a small, amused smile lift the corners of his lips, as you continued, "How are we going to get out of this?" You asked the man, whose small grin turned back into a serious frown. “You’re the more experienced one out of us.”
"I've already sent Galahad our location," Merlin answered, raising his hand, his fingers brushing against a string. Cautiously, he pulled down, a light bulb quickly lighting up the place, you sighed; finally, you could see..
"He’s back? Great, so, we just wait here?" You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes, "That'll take forever."
"Unfortunately." Merlin said, "I apologize, Elyan." Glad that he was finally able to see you, and even with your hair messed up a bit, you still looked breathtaking.
Shaking your head, you raised a hand to pat his chest, "It's fine, don't worry about it." Quickly dropping your hand after you realized what you had done. "It's not like you sent me on this mission." You shrugged, looking anywhere in the small closet but at him. “I’m going to blame Harry.”
"I never told you how stunning you look tonight," Merlin stated suddenly, his hand coming up to brush the fallen strands of hair behind your ear. His hand slowly moved from your ear to your cheek. You could feel his cold hands on your skin, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
Looking up at him, you gazed into his dark eyes, "Oh... Well, thank you." You muttered, furrowing your eyebrows as you tilted your head into his hand, "What's going on with you?" You whispered, as Merlin just stared down at you, his gaze intense but warm. "Did you hit your head or something? I mean, the ceiling in here is pretty low." You sputtered out a small laugh, trying to hide how bashful and nervous you were feeling with a joke, but it didn't seem to help the situation like usual.
Merlin sighed, his hand dropping from your cheek, and looking away from you, Merlin spoke, "Nothing's wrong, I promise." His accent thickened a little with his words, "Just a bit of a headache, nothing you should concern yourself with."
"Merl, how long have we known each other?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at him, "You can trust me."
Merlin stared down at you, an unknown look in his eyes, lips pulled into a straight lip; pursed. “I’m not very good at this, love,” He muttered, almost too quiet for you to hear. It was then that Merlin seemed to shake himself out of whatever trance he was in. His eyes softened and you swore that you saw a flash of sadness in them, which disappeared almost as soon as it had appeared.
Staring up at the man, you let in a breath as you took a chance. One that could either blow up in your face or change everything. Reaching up, you stood up on your toes before placing your hand on the side of Merlin’s face, gently stroking the soft skin. Your thumbs brushed against his cheekbones lightly as you looked up at him; it seemed everything was going alright, he hadn't pushed you away.
And finally, you pressed your lips to his, soft and chaste. Slowly, you pulled back, your hands falling from his face to rest on his chest. Your heart hammered in your chest, nerves rising as you worried that you had ruined everything. Slowly, he raised his own hand, moving to cup your chin gently. You felt your breath catch in your throat, unable to say anything as he leaned down closer to you. The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils once more, making your stomach tighten.
You felt his soft lips press against yours, his mouth parting slightly. A slight gasp escaped you as you immediately kissed him back. It took everything in you not to cry in relief as you gripped his jacket tightly. All you could think was, 'thank you' to whatever higher power was out there as one of his hands came up to cup the back of your head while the other wrapped around your waist.
Pulling away, you let out a shaky breath as he placed his forehead against yours. You both stayed silent, enjoying the moment as you caught your breath. Finally, you said, "I should steal Harry's sandwiches more often..." You joked, smiling as you looked up into those enchanting brown eyes again.
He chuckled before bringing you closer, but before he could say anything, the closet door opened revealing Eggsy. He immediately smirked, looking between you and Merlin in each other's arms. "Well, time to go, love birds." He spoke, voice chipper. Awkwardly, you both pulled away, quickly leaving the closet. Walking down the hall, Eggsy continued to tease, "If I knew that throwing you two in a closet would finally get you two together, I would've done it ages ago."
The pair shot daggers at his back, Merlin mumbling under his breath. You scoffed, "Come off it, Eggsy." You grumbled, though your sour expression didn't last for long when Merlin gently took your hand in his. You smiled at him, letting his fingers intertwine with yours as you walked down the hall towards the exit.
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retiredficwriter · 2 months
me? being tagged by @jetsteelyourheart ?? what an honor!
just like the top 5 favorite characters: Make a poll with 5 of your favorite rarepairs/crackships. See which one is everyone's favorite!
i became too invested in this. some of these ships i haven't thought in years, so it was nice to relive the times i was obsessed with them. i narrowed it to one ship per media/fandom and just like my tag-buddy, I'll provide my questionable reasons/propaganda.
Sydney Sage/Trey Juarez:
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so when i was first reading bloodlines, i read online that sydney gets a human boyfriend in book 2. i had heard about brayden but never in the context of HIM being the boyfriend, so i thought he was the random dude in book 1 (wasn't he, unironically, called hayden??) who asked sydney out. i was theorizing who that boyfriend would be until my brain went: "omg.... IS IT TREY??" and got soo hyped. i loved their interaction in book 1 and thought exploring them in a romantic setting would be so interesting, especially with the implication of trey having a major role. they are so similar (growing up in a cult, daddy issues, both being smart) and yet, trey has some adrian-like traits?? charming, popular in the dating pool, laidback... and it would create some tension between sydrian??? imagine adrian watching trey and sydney date and feeling discouraged because she found a human "version" of him?? and with trey being a warrior, he would try to get sydney to have the alchemist side with them and push the "moroi are evil" narrative, creating more doubts for sydney to rebel! BUT THEN SYDNEY HELPS TREY REBEL AGAINST THE WARRIORS!!
i love their friendship as is, and know for a fact they wouldn't last that long but man... i would have eat up their failed romance.
bonus point for an adrian/sydney/trey polycule
Rachel Berry/Sam Evans:
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ah yes. my first ever rarepair. since that one episode in season 2 where she and finn helped sam with his young siblings, i fell in love with them. if you were in the glee fandom, you know every single couple was problematic one way or the other (this is the writers' fault). yet somehow, every relationship sam was in, it was the healthiest the woman he was with ever had. and i wanted that for rachel! i ate all the crumbs this show gave me, which were... almost nonexistent. the big difference between this rarepair and the others on this poll is that, in the show's final season, THEY BECAME CANON. I WAS SO HAPPY. they were very unpopular because it came out of nowhere and the writers only put them together to give rachel a love interest for the final season (and give the storyline they planned for finn to someone else), which... fair. but he was so caring, encouraging her to follow her dreams and telling her the tough truth about things she didn't want to hear. it was so good to see rachel heal from finn and her failed broadway dreams while with sam. (also she was less insufferable with him).
but then, ha... they broke up on the third to last episode of the series. so she could be with jesse who showed up out of nowhere on that same episode, after he "left" 4-3 seasons ago. don't get me wrong - i love st. berry! jonathan groff and lea michelle have chemistry! love ambitious broadway wannabes being a power couple! but why not, i don't know, put the storyline she had with sam with jesse instead so it could be more organic and avoid crushing my dreams???
i'm fine. not bitter at all. I'M FINE. I'M F-
Clarisse La Rue/Silena Beauregard (PJO):
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this isn't a rarepair compared to the previous two, but within the pjo fandom, it isn't as popular (surprisingly?? at least in ao3. i'm so out of the loop). first time reading pjo, little old only thought of clarisse and silena as best friends. but as i got older and read more fan analysis of the series, i realized the tragedy of these two. either 1) clarisse had an unrequited crush 2) they dated and didn't work out 3) it was a failed situationship. the daughter of ares, the girl people in camp-half blood are so scared of because she is mean to everyone and can (and will) beat the shit out of them, had a wholesome friendship with the daughter of aphrodite, and one of the nicest people in the camp?? and this friendship appeared because silena helped clarisse with her "boy problems"??? and then clarisse basically protected and comforted silena after what happened with charlie?? no spoilers for those who haven't read the books, but they parallel a famous greek mythology couple and their ending hurts. still love silena/charlie, but god... poor clarisse...
can't wait to keep rereading the books and suffer once i get to their part!
Gary "Eggsy" Unwin/Roxy Morton (Kingsman)
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everyone prefers hartwin and merlin/eggsy, but i can't help but love mortwin. i watched the first movie and loved their small moments. loved how they bonded over being the underdogs in the competition and, instead of becoming sworn enemies, they recognized each other as worthy opponents. their small fun, friendly-rivarly banter was cute. part of me was relieved they stayed as friends in the end... but i couldn't help but be soo disappointed. the chemistry? it was there!! even taron egerton said there was potential to explore a romance if given the chance! plus, i'm a sucker for well-developed friends-to-lovers.
never watched the sequel but after reading what the writers did to roxy, i'm glad i didn't and never will. i can now create my own sequel in my head and read fanfics of the story they deserve 😌
Bella Swan/Leah Clearwater (Twilight):
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i want to thank this one brazilian fanfic i found years ago (and never wrote down the name and lost it 😔) for presenting me with this ship. everyone talks about bella/alice, bella/rosalie, bella/carlisle... but what about bella/leah??? think new moon, when bella has just been abandoned by edward, meeting the werewolves through jacob and therefore leah, who is still dealing with the whole paul/emily thing. they can still start out with leah hating bella but they can bond over being abandoned by their boyfriends and heal from it, and in the end realize they don't need them anymore - they can have each other!
i also love if edward still comes back and bella is conflicted, and it's a edward/bella/leah love triangle (apparently people ship edward/leah and how i never heard of it?! imagine the drama!!) i will take anything where jacob isn't involved
tagging @morocorra @forcebookish @artianaiolanthe @sydneysageivashkov + anyone who wants to do this!
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snazzynacho · 8 days
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Gary “Eggsy” Unwin x Fem!oc
Summary: In which the posh girl and the chav fall in love. Closed-off and un-admittedly stuck-up Gwendolyn Winslet is one of ten candidates training to be chosen for the open place at Kingsman. If she passes she will become a Kingsman, or rather, Kingslady. One person in particular - who on paper does not belong there - catches her attention, for better or for worse?
Fanfic Masterlist
My masterlist
Read on ao3
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Chapter one:
The metal door swings open. Gwendolyn enters the room and all eyes land on her. Her heels click on the floor as she struts closer to the group. Her chequered pink Chanel skirt and jacket combo stand out between their boring beige smart attire and she ignores the judgmental stares.
"The princess has arrived," The ruder man of the lot comments on Gwen wearing an all-pink outfit, smirking at his remark, to which she rolls her eyes and places herself next to a woman with dark blonde hair — the only one who seems to be smiling at Gwen instead. Before Gwen can tease him back, the metal door opens again and in steps a young man who looks completely out of place. He's wearing a blue cap, Adidas joggers, a grey jacket over the top of a blue polo top and white trainers. Very casual and not at all smart like he should be.
The tension in the room is palpable as the group stares at him with intense judgment, far more than what Gwen received. They don't have time to make comments as a sharply dressed man holding a clipboard walks swiftly behind him, maintaining a vital amount of authority.
"Fall in," He says, prompting everyone to stand straight and give him their full attention.
The man lingers for a moment, which feels like forever for the candidates. He's passing a silent verdict on each of them, determining who is the strongest and ruling out those who will crack within the first few days, or hours, even.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Merlin...You are about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world." He speaks in a Scottish accent.
"One of you, and only one of you, will become the next Lancelot."
Merlin walks over to one of the beds and picks up a muddy green bag, "Can anybody tell me what this is?"
Immediately everyone raises their hands, apart from Blue Cap — the odd one out.
Merlin picks on the rude man from earlier who snappily answers: "A body bag, sir."
"Correct. Charlie, isn't it?" To which Charlie nods in confirmation.
Gwen sees the sly glance Charlie gives the man with the blue cap, and makes note of it.
Merlin continues instructing, telling them they will each need to collect a body bag and write their names and details of their next of kin on said bags. "This represents your acknowledgement of the risks that you are about to face as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally if you break, will result in you and your next of kin being in that bag. Is that understood?" He doesn't wait for an answer, seeing the rigid looks on their faces. "Excellent. Fall out." Merlin promptly turns and leaves.
The group slowly begin to separate, each going to choose a bed and proceed with the task at hand.
Gwen chooses her bed and it happens to be next to the man with the blue cap on. She overhears Roxanne (Roxy) introducing herself, and in return, he does too.
"I'm Eggsy,"
"Eggy?" She mishears.
"Nah, Eggsy," He corrects her.
Then, Charlie's irritating voice perks up, making her skin crawl. "Eggy? Where did they dig you up?"
Gwen looks up now, seeing Charlie obnoxiously resting his hands on his hips, trying to seem superior to him.
"You know we're not allowed to discuss who proposed us." Roxy attempts to defend Eggsy.
One of Charlie's sleazy minions walks over. "No need to bite his head off. Charlie's only making conversation. Isn't that right, Charlie?"
Gwen rolls her eyes so far back she thinks she can see stars. She thought attempting to join Kingsman would get her away from men like them, but she guesses not.
He introduces himself to Eggsy as Digby, but Gwen will call him Minion from now on.
A second minion walks over claiming to be Rufus, but she now sees him as Minion Two. "So, Eggy, are you Oxford or Cambridge?" He asks.
"Saint Andrews?"
"No, wait. I think we may have met. Did you serve me at the McDonald's in Winchester service station?" Rufus jokes except it is not that funny. Gwen rolls her eyes again. Everyone knows Winchester is too posh for Eggsy.
"No. But if I had I would have given you an extra helping of secret sauce." Eggsy teases them back and motions his hands as if he's pretending to jizz in their faces.
Gwen cannot help but snort at this. She admits this guy is funny.
Out of the corner of his eye, a blob of
pink catches his sight, and Charlie glares at Gwen. "The princess hasn't said much, has she?"
To which, Gwen smiles and sticks up her index finger and middle finger — a British gesture to politely tell someone that they're being a c*nt.
Eggsy flashes her a look of surprise. He never expected a posh girl to do something like that.
Focusing back on the task they have been set, Gwen locates her pen to write her information on her bag.
"You need a pen," the only other woman in the group says and offers Eggsy a pen. "Do you need one too?" she asks Gwen.
"No, thank you," replies Gwen.
"Amelia, isn't it?" Roxy asks, and she nods, prompting Roxy to introduce her to Eggsy.
Amelia glances around to see Charlie and his minions gossiping about them. "Don't take any notice of those guys," Amelia advises Eggsy.
Gwen finishes writing and looks up just in time to see Amelia and Eggsy's handshake. She cannot understand why they're all pandering to him.
Roxy notices Eggsy's wary look at the label on the body bag, which asks for his name, blood type, and next of kin. "It's just scare tactics. Classic army technique. No one's gonna die." she reassures him.
Eggsy looks around at the trio of twats. "Shame,"
The sound of trickling wakes Eggsy up in a start. He pats his bed in confusion before realisation sinks in. His bed sheets are cold and soaked. Water is flooding the room, and rising. Fast. It is almost as if the room is sinking. It is dark even with the bright white lights in the bathroom, so he twists around to flick his lamp on, and in the warm hue, there is a terrifyingly clear view of the pool of water.
By this time, everyone has woken up and done the same thing he has. With all their lamps turned on, it's apparent the reality of the situation is much more dire than they realise. The water has not stopped rising.
With his bed now submerged underwater, Eggsy struggles with what to do. He decides to stand on what's left of his bed and grabs onto the ceiling to stay dry. Everyone seems to have thought of the same idea as he glances in all directions, observing.
"All right no one panic. Listen to me," Charlie advises, as if he were in charge.
Eggsy catches a glimpse of Gwen to his right. Her eye roll would have been amusing if they weren't in a life-or-death scenario.
"Loo snorkles. Loo snorkles!" Charlie begins pointing to his left where the bathroom is.
"Loo snorkels?" Eggsy's beyond confused and shocked. He's just woken up to the room flooding so very quickly and now they're shouting about snorkelling from a toilet?
"Showerheads!" Roxy shouts from next to him, and he's even more confused and scared. Now his only friend is joining in on the lets-shout-about-bathroom-appliances game.
He looks to Gwen again, though she has an unreadable expression on her face.
"She's right. Fucking go!" Charlie yells and on cue, they all start to swim towards the bathroom, leaving Eggsy.
"Hey, hang about, what's wrong with the fucking door?" Eggsy cries after them, using his last breath, as the water rises so high he only has time to take one last deep breath before the water reaches the ceiling.
Eggsy looks at where Gwen is again, expecting her to be swimming as well, but she is not. They catch each other's eye — a silent action that speaks volumes.
They swim over to the door but it's locked. Gwen, who has already figured this out, taps him on the shoulder, shaking her head. She points in the direction of the opposite end of the room, where the others are in the bathroom. From here they can't see exactly what they're doing but it looks like they're breathing from the lead of the showerhead. Gwen knows you can get an unlimited amount of oxygen from a toilet but that is not on her wish list. She'd rather drown than breath toilet air. Literally.
Speaking of drowning, with not much time left, she yanks his arm and insists they need to swim in their direction. Eggsy feels betrayed in a way, thinking she's joining the others on their toilet extravaganza, but with his life on the line, he follows her cue. They end up swimming over there, and that's when Eggsy spots the large mirror. It's almost comically too big. There's something about it that is suspicious to him, and that's when a thought pops into his head — it is a two-way mirror.
He rapidly swims towards the mirror, using all the strength of all his limbs to glide through the water. Gwen follows his lead and reaches him as he's throwing his first punch into the glass, his muscles flexing.
She joins in on the punching, but her knuckles irritatingly don't puncture the glass nearly enough as she wants. Gwen gets an idea though. She swishes around in the water and swims away to her bed.
Eggsy is thinking the worst — that she's gone back to her bed to drown or that she's joined the others in their snorkelling. How that's going to help? He does not know.
He spots a flash of pink to his left and stops punching the glass momentarily. She is swimming to him again, holding something pink in her hand. He wants to comment about her wasting energy by swimming all the way to her bed area just to bring something pink back in this dangerous situation when she starts to help him. The pink thing is actually one of her stilettos, and she uses the long thin dagger-like heel to their advantage, hammering it against the glass.
Eggsy begins to punch the glass again, next to her hammering. Cracks in the glass begin to form around their hits. They glance at one another again - silently agreeing to utilise all their energy on one final blow to the glass, hoping that'll be the end.
They nod at each other, and raise their arms. Eggsy's fist is closed tight and ready to pound, and Gwen's high heel is held up, prepared to slam.
Their weapons hit the glass hard. So hard that it gives way, and the large glass panel crashes in on itself, sucking all the water out, along with Eggsy and Gwen, the others follow, being dragged by the tidal wave.
They all crash in a heap onto the hard floor of the secret room that was behind the two-way mirror. They're all coughing and spluttering, dripping wet and cold on the floor. Merlin stands before them, holding his clipboard again. "Congratulations on completing your first task. Charlie, Roxy, well done."
"For those of you who are still confused, if you can get a breathing tube around the U-bend of a toilet you have an unlimited air supply," Merlin explains. "Simple physics, worth remembering."
"Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror." Merlin then focuses his attention onto Eggsy.
"He's probably seen enough of them," Charlie butts in with as usual an idiotic comment.
"And, Gwen, well done for being imaginative in your choice of weapon. But you can all wipe those smirks off your faces. Because as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed. You all forgot the most important thing...teamwork." Merlin points to an area in the room.
One by one they stand up, stepping closer to where the mirror used to be. Over by the beds lays a body — Amelia.
"So much for classic army technique," Eggsy thinks out loud.
Gwen believes that even she and those around her don't fully comprehend what they've committed to.
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scarlettacklen1986 · 2 years
Dreams come true •Kingsman Merlin•
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Word count: 400
Type: Fluff
Warning: Non
Paring: Merlin × Oc (description is kept limited name can easily be changed when reading)
Summary: Merlin goes to find Maya when she sneaks away from from a party to think to herself
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"So I've lost Morgana," Eggsy announced as he walked up to Harry and Merlin at the Kingsman gala.
"She's probably hiding away," Merlin said handing his drink off to Harry leaving the large hall.
The corridors were quieter than the hall, Merlin checked where he usually found, Maya, Agent Morgana, when she decided to hide away and think, the gardens.
He went out to the garden found her sat on a low wall in the gardens, a beer bottle next to her, dressed in a bright red formal dress.
"You're a long way from the party, princess," he said.
Maya looked up from the ground smilling. "Yeah, lots people, lot of noise, you know what I'm like," she said.
"Understandable," he said "What were you thinking about?" He asked sitting next to her.
"Do you ever think that your dreams could come true?" She asked as she swung her legs.
"No," he replied quickly. "Why? Do you?"
Maya frowned slightly. "No. . .Just wondering" she said, Merlin nodded. "If you could have a dream come true? What would it be?" She asked.
"Honestly? This is my dream, I've never thought of anything else," he shrugged.
"Absolutely nothing? You've only ever wanted to be a quartermaster? You've got no dream?" She asked.
"Maybe a nice healthy marriage, a dog but yeah Kingsman is all I've ever known, next to the army and Kingsman has a much nicer uniform" he said.
"Do you have other dreams?" He asked her.
"Mhm, I guess, it's dumb." she shrugged.
"What is it?"
"I want to live out in the country, nice little house, a couple of dogs maybe, married to a nice guy, work in a little family bakery," she said.
"I guess a healthy relationship is a dream for every Kingsman," Merlin said taking her drink from the side stealing a sip.
"Expect Eggsy, he got it " Maya shrugged.
"So tell me, who is this perfect dream husband?" He asked.
Maya took her drink back from Merlin taking a long drink of it. "Well he's tall, he dresses well, a little older then me with glasses, bald and a rich thick Scottish accent," she said.
Merlin looked at her surprised. "Me?" He asked.
"Mhm, you occupy alot of my unconscious mind apparently," she said.
Merlin slid off the wall coming to stand infront of her, his hands rested on either side of her.
"What other dreams have I been involved in?" He asked lowly. "A lot of them," she mumbled "Maybe dreams do come true," he said tipping her chin to look up at him, kissing her gently.
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brinleyparke · 5 months
Kingsman Fic Ideas/Prompts
Merwin, Perciwin, Hartwin, or Gen: Charlie gets kicked out or at least punished for the water prank.
Parachute test fix-it (Merwin or Gen): Perhaps Merlin takes a minute to understand why Eggsy has said chip on his shoulder
What if Eggsy and Charlie were the last two in the parachute test?
"Manners maketh man. You'd do well to remember that Mr. Hesketh." Or Harry is none too pleased when he finds out how Charlie has been treating Eggsy. (Can be Hartwin or Harry can be more of a father figure in this)
What if Charlie had passed the loyalty test?
Harry lets Eggsy teach Dean a lesson after Eggsy fails the final test and comes home and finds out that Dean hit his mom.
Post-TGC: (Merwin or Gen) Merlin lives, but Eggsy still feels guilty. He's also angry because Merlin sacrificed himself to repay Eggsy's father, not because of Eggsy himself, which parallels Harry saying, "Can't you see that everything I've done has been about trying to repay him?" in the first Kingsman film.
AU - Canon Divergence, Enemy of My Enemy: Eggsy doesn't kill Charlie. Eggsy and Charlie have to team up against a villain, not necessarily Poppy.
Merwin or Gen: Daisy asks Merlin to dress up as Gru for Halloween so that her and Eggsy can be minions.
H/C after train track test
Maybe Eggsy is upset that he was drugged.
Maybe Eggsy has been drugged before, so he has a panic attack or a nightmare after the train test.
Maybe Eggsy is still freaked out a little because he thought he was gonna die.
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry takes care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN FIC) Based on this fanart:
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Merlin takes care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN FIC) Based on this fanart:
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry and Merlin take care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN or Merlahad FIC)
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). The agents of Kingsman take turns taking care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN or Merlahad or Harry/Percival FIC)
Harry apologizes to Eggsy for what he said and the assumptions he made in the Black Prince.
Tilde tells her parents about Eggsy.
Merwin or Gen: After the toast to Merlin, Eggsy leaves the room (maybe he goes to the bathroom or something) and breaks down. Harry or Tequila or Ginger Ale comforts him.
Tilde meeting Daisy and Eggsy's mother for the first time.
Post-TGC: Eggsy has nightmares about Merlin and almost losing Tilde, and Tilde comforts him.
During training, Eggsy has nightmares about Dean.
After Merlin's "most dangerous job interview" speech, Harry explains the bruises on Eggsy's cheek and neck.
After the water test, all of the recruits receive physicals. Eggsy doesn't have much medical history because Jamal treated most of his injuries. The doctor and/or Merlin are concerned about the scars and/or broken bones or bone fractures that didn't heal properly.
"When was the last time you ate?" Or Eggsy's first meal at Kingsman. He's not particularly gross or rude about eating; he just eats very fast. Roxy or Merlin is concerned. In other words, Eggsy has food insecurity issues.
"What's his story?" Or during or after TGC: Ginger Ale or Champ is curious about Eggsy, and ask Harry what Eggsy's story is. Or maybe they ask Eggsy himself
Songfic based on "Waiting For Superman" by Daughtry about Michelle waiting for Lee to come back home even after Harry told her he was dead.
Songfic based on "Save Me" by Jelly Roll
Songfic based on "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
Eggsy meets Merlin's nephew, who is fancast as Richard Madden. They hit it off pretty well. (You can make up the name of Merlin's nephew.)
Merwin: Eggsy and Daisy convince Merlin to watch Brave with them.
Eggsy dresses up as Robin Hood for Halloween. 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵
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Arrow x-over: Kingsman needs the Green Arrow's help.
Reacher (TV) x-over: Tequila tries to recruit Reacher.
Reacher (TV) x-over: Dixon or Neagley is recruited to Statesman to be the new Ginger-Ale
Supernatural x-over: While doing recon on what Kingsman believed to be a Satanistic cult, but is actually a coven, Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry (or Merlin or Harry and Merlin or all of Kingsman) takes care of him until they can turn him back. Harry or Merlin knows someone in the British Men of Letters and makes some calls to get help reversing the spell. (GEN or Merlahad FIC)
Constantine (Arrowverse) x-over: While doing recon on what Kingsman believed to be a Satanistic cult, but is actually a coven, Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry (or Merlin or Harry and Merlin or all of Kingsman) takes care of him until they can turn him back. Someone at Kingsman knows John Constantine and gets in contact with him to ask for his help. (GEN or Merlahad FIC)
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derailedfiction · 10 months
Run boy, run | Merlin | Kingsman
Chapter 2: A dog's life
Pairings: Merlin x Cecilia (OFC) | Merlin & Roxy & Eggsy| Roxy & Gary “Eggsy” Unwin | Percival & Roxy | Percival & Gary “Eggsy” Unwin | tbs whatever you can think about probably will be there Word count: 5492 Warnings: violence, swearing
Summary:  It had been nearly a month since the Valentine’s Day and during it, he couldn’t recall any free moments. Because Arthur was dead, the issue of having a new leader was an especially urgent matter and until the new leader was found, he must have had everything under control, even the process of choosing a new Arthur. It could last for a few months just because other Kingsman’s cells had to have started their recruitment for fallen agents only then the final recruitment could be made.
A/N: I wrote it in 2015 pls have mercy on me. Also pls forgive me if there's somewhere Max instead of Hamish, I tried to change all of it.
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He opened his eyes with hesitation. The few moments of precious sleep had just gone away and once more, he needed to face the reality, which was really gloomy. It had been nearly a month since the Valentine’s day and during it he couldn’t recall any free moments. Because Arthur was dead, the issue of having a new leader was an especially urgent matter and until the new leader was found, he must have had everything under control, even the process of choosing a new Arthur. It could last for few months just because other Kingsman’s cells had to have started their recruitment for fallen agents, only then the final recruitment could be made. All this time he hoped that the superior unit was most important and finding new leader for it should be top one priority, but unfortunately that dream was only realistic in Hamish’s dreams. He stretched his muscles cautiously so he wouldn’t wake up Cecilia, to whom he moved closer as soon as he finished stretching. With sleepy smile he thought about his luck, that he met the right woman at just right time and she had prevented ending one of his missions in rather tragic way. He could lay all day long looking at her and admiring her perfection but as he thought about all his responsibilities, he felt weary.
All this time Hamish remained silent to listen to her calm breath and peaceful dreams.
“You’re truly an adorable creature,” he whispered and kissed her arm.
“Mish, what’s the time?” she turned around to him and stroked his cheek. “Do you have much to do today?” As an answer, she received a tired sight and dismal moan. “It can’t be that bad, can it? Is it?” she asked as he rolled eyes.
Hamish left one more kiss on her collarbone and sat up.
“I’d let somebody cut me for one peaceful day…"he sighed as he took the glasses from bedside table.
Cecilia moved to him and hugged his waist. "Don’t be so drastic… That would be a shame if somebody cut you, Mish,” she murmured into his ear causing a pleasant shiver.
“Are you visiting your father today?”
“Yes. He’ll send car for me and Alex…” She said with very unhappy face.
She got up and stretched after her sleep. He was observing her over an arm. The view was quite absorbing as the t-shirt she was sleeping in was too short and when she rose her hands up it showed her haunches. Hamish smiled to himself until he realised that glasses were recording everything and he quickly moved head back. As soon as he got to the headquarters, he needed to delete this video before it was sent further.
“Prepare yourself to work, put on some nice suit and in the meantime I’ll make your favourite coffee. What do you say on that?” she asked while entering the wardrobe just to go out in blue dressing gown.
“You’re an angel, Cissy,” she gave him one of her brightest smiles. “How’s your arm?”
“Not that bad actually. After a month of rehabilitation, it’s quite good but sometimes it hurts like a hell. Good thing I got some free time from work.”
“Are you doing it on purpose?” Hamish asked with slight annoyance and jealousy. As an answer, she shrugged her arms with boorish smile.
“I don’t know my dearest. Am I?” She gave him a mischievous look as she left the bedroom.
Of course she did it on purpose. She always did and she loved teasing her husband. It was like a small hobby of hers if she got bored. However, Hamish wasn’t any better, and when it came to teasing between them quite often it was he who was winning. Fortunately for her, she had some other techniques to get him into the shape she liked.
Carefully she entered her son’s room to check if he was still asleep. As she heard his quiet and peaceful breathing, she left the room.
“Where are my shirts?”
“One should be in the wardrobe. If not check bathroom, I think I ironed one,” Cecilia answered Hamish’s whisper in a low voice to prevent waking up the boy. Her gaze rested on his well-shaped abs. “My God. One day you’ll give me a complex for being in such good shape, Hamish…” He laughed silently at that and disappeared in the bathroom.
Cecilia slowly went down the stairs watching out for her left foot so in the future she would be able to wear high-heels without more than usual pain. The best solution would be to lay down with her leg up but having Hmish and Alex to care after she had no free time to do so.
The kitchen looked like a battlefield as she was quite a messy chef, and Hamish would only sometimes be willing to clean after her. With a sigh on her mouth, Cecilia put the plates after yesterday’s supper into the dishwasher and started preparing coffee in tact with energetic music from radio. First, she turned on the express and then she grinded the coffee beans, and in the effect kitchen was full of characteristic and intense smell.
“Uh… How can he drink such horrible thing?” she wondered out loud checking if Hamish wasn’t standing right behind her. If so he’d look at her judgmentally with a look annoyance put on his face.
The blonde-haired woman sniffed at the grinded coffee and with highest level of disapproval she filled the express with it and put a cup under it. Even though she wasn’t a lover of the drink she was very proud of herself for possessing the ability of making one of the best coffees ever. With pleasant whistling, she continued preparing some breakfast for her husband.
“I heard you were talking shit about coffee,” his voice made her jump as she didn’t expected it at all.
“MISH! How many times do I have to repeat myself about that?!” she reprimanded the grown-man-adult. “My God like a child. What are you laughing at?”
“Anger marrs beauty, Cissy. Don’t make such a fuss about it,” she snorted angrily.
“Perfect timing for coffee,“ she handed a cup of aromatic coffee to him. "An espresso so you can be awake all day long,” after that she gave him a plate with eggs, toast and bacon. “And breakfast, so you have enough power to deal with today’s oncoming shit.”
She turned around to brew tea, whistling quietly at the same time. She would start dancing a little bit if it hadn’t been for her husband’s remarks about it.
“Well, well, at least someone is in a good mood,” he commented her actions and drank all of his coffee with one sip.
She shrugged, licking the teaspoon from the honey in a very suggestive way.
“Cecilia, calm down please,” he tried so hard not to look at her.
“No, no, no… You don’t talk like that to me, Hamish or you’ll be late for work,” he raised a brow as he heard her answer with the fake Scottish accent.
“Are you mocking me?”
“Never!” Cecilia looked at him in disbelief trying to retain her poker face, but just a second after she burst into laughter.
“Sometimes I wonder why I married you,” he shook his head, trying to finish his meal without any disturbance from Cecilia.
“Because I’m making the best coffee you have ever drunk,” she said confidently.
“True,” he agreed finishing his breakfast and standing up.” I need to go. I’ll be late so don’t wait for me with dinner and be nice to your dad,” he kissed her forehead between the sentences. “Send him my regards.”
“Of course. I’m sure he’ll be happy as usual.”
Her smile brightened his morning, and was the only good thing in it as he thought about it. Cecilia looked through the window when Hamish got into black car and drove away. With a slight sigh she braided her longish hair in a loose braid and approached the stairs.
“Alex! Get up, little one! You need to prepare yourself to visit grandpa!” the woman shouted and waited close to the stairs until she heard some kind of movement and sound of bare feet on the floor. Only then did she return to the kitchen to prepare food for herself and her son.
“Lancelot, I hope you have good news from the United States and their presidential crisis?” Merlin started as he sat down in the armchair in the main seat at the table. Even though he was sitting there for over a month, still the feeling remained unusual and it was hard for him to get used to it.
“Yes, I do believe so, Sir,” she started looking through her notes, which she had made last night. “As the great part of the previous government were killed on Valentine’s day, they had to choose some unconventional practices and within a week there are going to be held elections. The candidates are nothing special, which makes me think that they’re just figures and someone else will guide them from behind the scenes. But for now it’s not our problem, so I think that America’s issue is closed for some time.”
She finished just in moment when Galahad with his smug smile entered the meeting room.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said as he seated himself at Galahad’s seat.
“Eggsy as you took Harry’s place, it would be more suitable for you if choose to wear more formal clothing, especially for the meetings,” Merlin pointed out wearily, looking on the boy’s outfit with doubt.
“I know, I know. I was late anyway and if I had to put the whole suit on too I’d have been even later. Sorry for that. Won’t happen again,” he ensured, with nod to Lancelot as a form of greeting.
“Well then, getting back to the other crises; The European countries did exceptionally good work with overcoming ruling problem. The United Kingdom after losing its Queen, which is irreparable loss, won’t be the same again but the royal family is quite big so we can be queer for new King William. Unfortunately, I cannot be so optimistic when it comes to Kingsman. Glasses, please.”
He waited until they put on glasses and then he showed diagrams and names of fallen agents in the incident.
“As you can see all over the world, each cell of Kingsman has lost an agent or two. Which is not a good thing for overlay. If we stay weakened for too long it would make for a great opportunity to attack our organisation," while talking he changed the page and pointed out average number of deaths in European countries in comparison with other world’s countries. “Yes, Galahad?”
“What about new Arthur? As you don’t want to stay at his position – “ he started but was interrupted by Lancelot.
“Is there another recruitment oncoming?” she asked with her eyes on Merlin.
“Yes, there will be another recruitment, but unfortunately I have to wait until the other cells will start their supplemental recruitments.”
“Merlin, what is the point of it? There will be no such good candidate as you to take over Arthur,” Eggsy insisted on getting a more specific answer.
“Well thank you, but I do not see myself as a leading figure of this agency and I do not feel competent to do so. Therefore I believe that my concerns are good enough to start procedure for casting a new Arthur,” Merlin’s voice was peremptory and the forceful gaze he put on Eggsy, made him quiet for a few precious moments.
“What will the procedure look like, Merlin?” Lancelot queried trying to put the tension down.
“Good question, Roxy, but I’ll get to it later, as I haven’t finished with the number of deaths. Now, other agencies; FBI, CIA, MI5 and other intelligence organisations registered high numbers of fallen agents and unfortunately some of them, such as directors and important agents, were found out to be enlisted by Valentine, which basically meant their heads blew up,” he showed the last diagram and paused.
“Why are we looking at these week after week,” Eggsy wondered aloud, not even trying to hide that he was a little bit bored.
“Because, Galahad, the numbers are still changing, and even after a month the number of people killed grew, just because of maybe a simple miscalculation, and we need to be updated about any changes,” Lancelot answered the question, forestalling Merlin.
“Now, we can get to the current order of business. On Friday evening, recruitment for Tristian’s place will begin. I’m giving you two days so you can find your candidates and bring them here at 9 P.M. This time Percival will take care of the process and our candidates,” Merlin said with a bitter voice.
If he had to be honest, he’d love to run the recruitment for fresh, untrained minds which he could evolve into something great. It was something that gave him, maybe not the meaning of the life, but hope that one day, when he would be much older, the future would be as bright as today’s or even brighter because of high-trained, Kingsman agents, who were prepared for everything. The sight of people getting better and better was giving him pleasant chills and he didn’t want to give it up.
For now, he had to be satisfied with the part that didn’t suit him at all. Taking care of almost everything was slowly driving him crazy and he was exhausted of it. He knew he could depend on Lancelot, Galahad and Percival for finding needed backup information but his old habits were pushing him to prepare weaponry by himself, making all charts and numbers to presentation. Merlin was overworked and pushing himself to his limits. He couldn’t stand that Kingsman was literally on the bottom of its previous glory. It seemed to him, that the organisation was falling down and he felt obliged, in memory of Harry, Lancelot, every single fallen Kingsman agent, to keep it safe and bring it back to its previous glory.
But if that was going to happen the new Arthur had to be chosen and that wouldn’t be an easy assignment to accomplish.
“Now, answering to your question Lancelot. The recruitment for Arthur’s replacement will look much different from what you have been through because there will be no freshmen. To replace the head of our organization, each cell must provide one candidate. It must be one agent, the best agent on Kingsman’s behalf,” Merlin said after a little break. He still wasn’t sure who was going to be the representative of headquarters, and he was silently counting that Percival would agree.
“Will you be our candidate, Merlin?” Merlin looked at Eggsy with sight.
Huh, you’re not the only one who is wondering about that boy, he thought.
“I’m not sure, Eggsy. There are other agents who can be suitable candidates to represent us. And I’m sorry to inform you, that you won’t be taken under consideration even though I know you are valuable agents,” he pushed up glasses as he continued, “The other rule is that the candidate must have served the agency for no shorter than five years and must be older than thirty-five years old. So no offence but you’re both too young and too inexperienced.”
Merlin was about to add something else but was interrupted by Percival’s entrance. He was holding a couple of letters, which he handed Merlin.
“Thank you, Percival. Have you got what I asked you for?” he asked with light smile as he checked the addresses on envelopes. “I was just introducing Eggsy and Roxy to the rules of choosing new head of Kingsman.”
“That’s good. It’ll be useful in short future as we have to vote for our candidate. Also I’ve got what you wanted, and even something more,” Percival couldn’t help himself, and a self-satisfactory smirk appeared on his lips, “As you asked, I’ve contacted the heads of other Kingsman’s cells to start thinking about their probable candidates. At the moment three of them sent me back information about their candidates. Also two of them, the Australian and Middle-Eastern cells have already started supplemental recruitment.”
“That’s great news. Now Percival, I want you to contact some independent agents from our safe-zone and find one who would be willing to run the show. You know the rules,” Merlin noted something in his electric notebook. “From now, Galahad it’s your responsibility to check on, and receive information about the statuses from other Kingsman’s cells on their recruitment. As for you, Lancelot, you’ll be completing a list of candidates for Arthur’s place,” he paused as he looked at each of them. “All right, I believe that’s everything for now. You’re dismissed.”
Eggsy was the first to get up and leave, but just next to the door, he waited for Roxy.
“So have you thought about your candidate?” he asked with a grin.
“Not really, no. But in two days I think, I’ll figure somebody out. And you?” she looked at him as they went on to ground floor.
Their dogs were waiting patiently for them and as J.B. saw his master his tail started moving faster and not long after he was jumping around Eggsy’s legs, while Roxy’s poodle remain still.
“Good job, come here girl,” she called the dog and petted her lovingly. “So? What about your candidate? Do you have one?” Roxy put her eyes on him.
“Yes,” Eggsy answered with wide grin.
“And what? You’re not telling me anything about him or her?” she queried with narrowed eyes.
“All I can tell you is that if my candidate wins, you won’t be the only girl here, Roxy,” Eggsy shrugged.
She looked at him with a gentle smile. That would be a quite surprise if he brought a girl but frankly speaking, like a Galahad Senior, like a Galahad Junior, Eggsy was full of surprises and even though he was following the rules, he was doing it quite differently than the other Kingsman agents.
“What you’re lookin’ at?” Then she realized she was staring at him.
“Nothing Eggsy. I was thinking, maybe we could go and do some shooting training?”
Roxy changed topic with a little blush on her cheeks. She knew he would see it, but was thankful he didn’t make any remarks about that.
“Good idea but if you lose, you’re gonna be my slave for one day!”
She laughed loudly.
“You? Win? Over me? You sure you’re all right? I have better scores at shooting than you, Eggsy. That is no mystery,” Roxy said and let her poodle go onto the grass outside the building, “And I’m terribly sorry to say that but you’re going to be my slave, Eggsy.”
“We’ll see about that…”
He said it with so much confidence that she smiled again. He was a helpless patient with his cheeky temperament.
“C’mon girl, we don’t have all day!” Eggsy shouted as he was running outside to the rifle range. She shook her head and followed him.
“Merlin, could you tell me why you are changing the rules?” Percival asked as he was looking through the window.
“Why do you think? I’m just making them more useful,” he shrugged, while reading the letters, “Yes, I perfectly know that I should choose one of the main agents, but Percy that would take just too much time. Anyway three of our agents are heads of cells so I know them,” Merlin continued as he felt the sceptical look he received from Percival.
“That is exceptionally good, Merlin but they’re three out of eleven, except the candidate from headquarters which –“
“Won’t be me, Percival. And you know perfectly well why,” Merlin interrupted his friend looking up from the letters.
Percival stood shocked. He said nothing, as he knew Merlin was stubborn as a hell if he didn’t want to do something. He slighted wearily, checking through the window if Roxy or Eggsy weren’t about to blow up the rifle range, then he moved away.
“Sometimes you’re worse than Cecilia with your stubbornness,” Percival started, carefully choosing his words. ”But the fact is you need to know all the candidates and their abilities so you can make the right decision.” He finished as he took his seat right next to the Merlin, waiting patiently for his response.
“Percy, that’s why cells must send me all documents of the candidate, mission statuses and results of previous missions. Their tests, all of them. I will know everything about them before beginning of the recruitment. There is no need to worry.”
Merlin’s voice was confident and strong but Percival knew he had some doubts. Even though, he hadn’t shown many emotions, Percival knew that Merlin was the one who hadn’t gotten through Harry’s death and Chester’s betrayal. Of course, it was hard for all the agents but Merlin had practically been brought up in this place and Chester had somehow been like a father to him.
“All right, if you say so, but you must remember that on Friday we’ll be voting for the candidate and I’m pretty sure you’re a very serious candidate, Merlin. There’s no doubt about that,” Percival continued his little tirade hoping that he could make Merlin change his mind.
Merlin only cleared his throat in annoyance, because Percival wouldn’t do anything else but literally harass him by talking about it over and over through last month. Merlin swore to himself that if Percival would talk about it one more time, the man would end up on the Moon.
„Good Lord Percy, you’re a pain in the ass…”
“Because I know, you would be a great leader. You’re just a little bit too lazy, my friend,” he quickly moved aside to avoid a pen thrown by Merlin.
“Percy… Get out or I’ll go for more advanced weaponry, and we’ll see who is a little bit too lazy. Because one of the fires is going to burn your ass off, my dear friend.”
Percival chuckled and rose his hands up in surrender. He was aware, Merlin had all the needed abilities to be a leader, to be a damn good leader too, but he needed to stop being so childish when it came to the bloody recruitment. He didn’t tell Merlin, but since the incident he had been talking to other agents and persuading them that Merlin was the best candidate for new Arthur.
Cecilia was enjoying a rather peaceful late evening as Alex was asleep and she could rest a little bit with a glass of a Moscato while reading. She stopped when she heard a squeak of the front door.
“Hamish, is that you?” she asked involuntarily when she couldn’t recognise the figure in the darkness and just a second after she realized how stupid that question had been.
Oh yes, because a murderer would come in through the front door, answer the question and even ask you for a cup of tea, you stupid goose, she thought sarcastically.
“Yes. Why are you still awake?” she could sense the exhaustion in his voice.
Cecilia closed the book, putting it aside. “I didn’t feel tired enough, but Alex fell asleep straight away when he got to his bed,” she got up and approached him, “Are you hungry? There’s dinner in oven if you want.”
“No, thank you. I need to rest for a moment and I’m going to sleep. I’ve been having a headache since midday –“ he looked at her for a brief moment, “And yes, I took some pills,” Hamish added after seeing a question in wife’s eyes.
He took off his jacket and hung it on a bannister while going into the living room. As his gaze fell on the Nordic mythology lying on the table, Hamish undid the cuffs and rolled up his sleeves. He was dead tired but he saw something unusual and new near the fireplace and his curiosity won over.
“What’s that?” he pointed a small, furry ball on a lair.
“A puppy… My father at his end decided to be a good grandfather and presented Alex with a corgi puppy,” Cecilia sighed wearily and sat on the sofa. She grabbed her glass and finished the wine.
“A puppy? Maybe he’ll learn a little bit about responsibility, but I can see that it’s not entirely about the dog,” he said as he seated himself next to his blonde beauty.
“Hamish, please. Alex is only five and I can already see how he’ll take care of that dog. For the first month maybe, yes, but who will take it to the vet? Walk it? Not to mention that we’re usually at work and Alex is at school so the puppy will be all alone at home,” she said bleakly looking at the puppy as it shuffled it’s paws in its sleep.
“So it’s good thing you’re staying at home as long as your arm gets better as well as the ankle. But is it really about the dog?” he embraced Cecilia and pull her closer until she could rest her head on his shoulder. “I can help Alex with the puppy’s training. It’s not that hard.”
She sighed loudly and closed eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts. Maybe the dog wasn’t a bad idea at all. However, her father’s initiative was making her a little bit annoyed. It wasn’t even that he hadn’t asked her or Hamish. She just didn’t want to have anything to do with him, more than usual.
“It’s about my father… I’m constantly surprised by his actions and I have this unpleasant feeling that he wants me to carry on the family business, instead of Matt. No one tells me shit about it and apparently that doesn’t bother my father at all,” she answered after a long pause.
“There can’t be anything wrong, can it?” Hamish felt she tightened her muscles, “Come on, Cissy, there’s nothing you should worry about. Maybe he’ll think about it and change his mind. He’s and old man, they do tend to change their minds quite often…”
“Oh no, that’s not in my father’s style. He’s as stubborn as a mule.”
“Now I can see where you got that from,” Hamish laughed silently when she punched his side.
“The kettle calling the pot black, my dear,” she mumbled, faking being offended. “I don’t want to owe him anything, not since I became independent. He scares me somehow and I can’t recognise the man as my father.”
“Cissy, you can’t speak like that. After all he is your father and he brought you up and took care of you and your brother until you became independent.”
She rolled her eyes with a bored face.
“Hamish, I’m begging you, do not start this tirade again. I should be grateful for my parents. I am grateful for them but since my father’s illness he has changed unbelievably and I can’t recognise him,” how could she possibly be grateful for the double-faced man who was her father?, she thought ”He scares me sometimes…” she added with hesitation.
“Please woman. You and your brother are the last living relatives, especially as long as your mother has been missing since the incident,” he said irritated by her complaining. He was tired after long day at Kingsman’s facilities dealing with its shit and he didn’t have the energy or will to hear her complaints, although, he knew he should show some support. “Anyway, you’re aware he won’t live for long with such high state of his heart illness…” Cecilia looked incensed at him, “Don’t do that. I said something obvious and have known for long time. Of course that incident just made his state even worse.”
“God, I hate when you’re so direct,” she said angrily as she decided not to give him the satisfaction of admitting that he was right. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
“Oh, thank God!” he accidentally blurted out.
“Sometimes you act worse than Alex… Do you still have a headache?”
Hamish nodded. Despite taking a quite impressive number of painkillers, his head was still killing him. She suddenly started to fidget to free herself from his arms. Only when was she successful at her doings she sat on his lap and took of his glasses.
“Cecilia what are you up to?” he looked at her with half-open eyes and he had to admit she looked very appealing in semidarkness.
“Old, granny way to get rid of headache. Relax and close your eyes.”
He did as she said without hesitation, waiting for her next move. Within moments he felt her thumbs gently massaging and squeezing his temples. He give out a sigh of relief when he felt pain subsided. Fingers moved on to his forehead, massaging it with circular moves.
“Is it any better?” Cecilia asked tenderly.
“Absolutely, you’ve some magical skills,” he murmured with closed eyes.
“But you know if it’s still killing you there’s another way to deal with it,” Hamish raised eyebrow on that words.
“Don’t you say…” he smiled and opened one eye, as he got suspicious about her intentions.
She leaned closer to her husband with roguish smirk.”Mmhmm… It’s very effective when it comes to ladies headaches and I think it can also be effective on men’s headaches, don’t you think?”
Before he noticed it, Cecilia was in the middle of unbuttoning his shirt with one hand while in the other she held his tie. She bit her lip lovingly when he slowly slid his hands along her thighs pulling her skirt up higher and higher.
“Come here.”
As she leaned her head over his, Hamish kissed her, as if he couldn’t breathe without her lips. He could swore that her bright blue eyes became dark of lust and he couldn’t blame her. His hands wandering on her body and slowly exploring it all over again. He never had enough of it. Every single moan of pleasure he caused, he enjoyed twice as much as her fingers gently stroking his neck giving him the shivers.
„Mish, come here with your hands,” she traced them onto her hip and waist and eventually onto her breast.
“With pleasure”
Hamish whispered with husky voice while unbuttoning her shirt, under which he found a nice piece of lacy lingerie. With tender kisses Hamish traced path from her lips to soft skin between her breasts. He could feel like her body was melting under his touch and hear how much she enjoyed it.
“Perfect timing, Merlin…” he paused terrified.
“What?” Max looked at Cecilia, both surprised and petrified with wild thoughts crossing his mind that she somehow had found out about the truth.
“The dog, puppy is awake,” she said miserably.
“Could you please repeat the dog’s name?” he just noticed the little furry ball, which was trying to get on the sofa.
“Merlin. Alex named it like that. He has been quite obsessed with Arthurian legends since I started reading them to him. Everything is all right?”
Eggsy must know nothing. Under no circumstances , he thought as he nodded to Cecilia’s question. In that right moment he was close to the heart attack caused by his own son but realized it wouldn’t be that bad with such beautiful sight. Hamish looked at the unfortunate dog and he knew that it needed to go out to its business immediately otherwise there would be a catastrophe on the floor. He moved again, looked at his wife and with much regard he kissed the spot between her breasts, buttoned her shirt up and sighed. That stupid dog interrupted such a beautiful moment and that nearly made him cry.
“I’ll go out with him. I’ll be back just in a minute, my beauty,” he kissed her passionately.
“I’ll be waiting in the bedroom,” she said between kisses.
He watched her getting up with that specific smile, with messy hair and not properly buttoned shirt. Hamish followed his wife with his eyes until she got to the stairs.
“And what should I do about you? This house is not big enough to have two Merlin’s in it,” he said to the puppy, which was quite lively running around excited by its surroundings. “Come on, boy.”
He led the animal to the door and let it go into the garden. For a moment, Hamish observed how excited the dog was. It barked at a bird flying by, sniffed some bushes and eventually came back to him, putting its paws on his leg.
“What should I do about you, little one? I can’t call you Merlin, that would be strange…” he stood in silence thinking intensively what to call this little creature. A small smirk appeared on his lips when he came to the solution.
“The lady of my heart isn’t particularly patient. We need to go… Junior…”
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starofhisheart · 7 months
I finally watched the kingsman sequel and while I was happy Harry was back there still wasn't enough of him!!!!
-Harry fanfic amnesia plot, disability, rehabilitation (could watch a whole movie on just that) and eggsy being the one to get his memory back
-Pedro Pascal (yes I'd seen THAT clip a million times before I even watched the movie lol)
-that hartwin fight scene w the umbrella 😳😍
-the hartwin hug 🥺
-eggsy & merlin team up
- merlin x harry feels 😍
-Merlin's death 😭😭
-the wedding (im sorry im gonna be a hater im sure there r some fans of their romance i just wasnt one of them)
-the entire kingsman deaths??? Poor roxy 😢
Final thoughts:
-just not done as well as the first one was. It was fun but the quality just wasnt there.
-but ultimately? I enjoyed it. I cant see what they could do next...so fanfic take it from here!
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