#Einar Wegener
fawkes5050 · 2 months
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He's so incredibly beautiful in this film ♥️
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abwwia · 10 months
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Lili Elbe (Einar Wegener) (Danish, 1882-1931)
An Autumn Day at Bassin de Flore at Versailles, 1917
Oil on canvas, Height: 61cm (24 in); width: 81cm (31.8 in)
... Following Elbe's fourth surgery, her immune system rejected the transplanted uterus. This ultimately caused an infection, which led to her death from cardiac arrest on 13 September 1931 in Dresden, Germany, three months after the surgery. Via Wikipedia ...
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sandwichsugarbong · 5 months
While there isn't a single definitive "first record" of a transgender person, various historical accounts and cultural practices provide insight into the existence of transgender individuals throughout history.
One notable example is Elagabalus, who reigned as Roman emperor from 218 to 222 AD. Elagabalus was known for defying traditional gender roles and norms, reportedly expressing a desire to be referred to and treated as a woman. Historical accounts describe Elagabalus dressing in women's clothing, wearing makeup, and even marrying men.
Beyond Elagabalus, various cultures throughout history have recognized and accepted individuals who do not conform to traditional gender roles or binary notions of gender. For example, many Indigenous cultures around the world have long recognized the existence of Two-Spirit people, who embody both masculine and feminine qualities and often hold special spiritual or societal roles within their communities.
One notable figure from around the Nazi era who is sometimes discussed in the context of transgender history is Lili Elbe. Lili Elbe was a Danish transgender woman who was one of the earliest recipients of sex reassignment surgery. Born as Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener, she underwent a series of gender-affirming surgeries in the early 1930s under the care of pioneering sexologist Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, Germany.
Another notable figure who has been identified as a transgender man from around the Nazi era is Karl M. Baer. Born in Germany in 1885, Baer is believed to have undergone a hysterectomy and legally changed his name to Karl in the 1920s. Baer was a writer and editor who contributed to various publications.
Some reputable sources for transgender history include:"Transgender History" by Susan Stryker"Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman" by Leslie FeinbergJSTOR and Google Scholar for academic articles on transgender historyWebsites of LGBTQ+ history organizations and archives, such as the GLBT Historical Society and the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria.
These resources can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the historical record of transgender individuals and the complexities of gender identity throughout history.
Being transgender is nothing new. Trans people have always existed and will continue to do so. Die mad about it.
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Lili: A Portrait of the first sex change edited by Niels Hoyer
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The story of the first sex change, as featured in The Danish Girl An inspirational and moving account of the transformation of the painter Einar Wegener, compiled from Lili's own letters and manuscripts Lili Elbe was, in 1931, the first transsexual to receive a male-to female sex change. This remarkable book – a sensation when first published over eighty years ago – shows Lili as a trans pioneer who took extraordinary risks to discover and liberate her true identity. It is also a tale of marriage, of love and romance, that provides a fascinating insight to the bohemian society of the 1930s. Lili: A Portrait of the First Sex Change is told through original documents, her personal correspondence, and with contributions from those who loved her most. Available in English as an ebook for the first time, it remains a pertinent and powerful work, acting as a monument to an iconic struggle, and a celebration of her bold and profoundly human journey.
Mod opinion: I haven't read this book yet, but reading about Lili Elbe's own experience in her own words sounds like it could be interesting.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult, by Mary Margaret Olohan, Regnery, 288 pages.
By 2015, the LGBTQ movement needed a new cause. Its decades-long march to normalize homosexuality was nearing a triumphant end, accelerated by a strategic shift away from democratic persuasion and towards a coercive use of civil rights law. As it became apparent that that year’s Obergefell decision would effectively end the marriage fight, the LGBTQ movement moved to bring the T of their ever-expanding alphabet center stage. 
President Barack Obama started the year by becoming the first president to mention “transgender” in a State of the Union address. TLC debuted a new reality show starring Jazz Jennings, a young boy on a futile quest to become a girl. Bruce Jenner decided he was actually Caitlyn and subjected the American people to a confusing Diane Sawyer interview and a nauseating Vanity Fair cover. Hollywood released The Danish Girl, a highly fictionalized account of the life of Einar Wegener, one of the earliest documented recipients of sex reassignment surgery. Wegener died from surgery complications in 1931. The Danish Girl received an Academy Award in 2015.
In response, conservatives relied on biological, psychological, and philosophical arguments to combat this latest deviancy. Most notable was Ryan Anderson’s tightly argued book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. Today, nearly a decade after the transgender moment took off, there’s more than just theory to rebut it. The real life effects of this ideology are in, and they’re not pretty.
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themuseumwithoutwalls · 6 months
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MWW Artwork of the Day (3/19/24) Gerda Wegener (Danish, 1885–1940) Les femmes fatales (1933) Oil on canvas, 110.5 x 119.4 cm. Private Collection
Gerda Wegener, née Gottlieb, was a Danish illustrator and painter, famous for her images of fashionable women and femmes fatales in the style of art nouveau and later art deco. Her first husband Einar Wegener identified as female and became her favorite model under the name Lili Elbe, undergoing sex reassignment surgery, from which she died. Gerda is portrayed by Swedish actress Alicia Vikander in the 2015 film The Danish Girl, also starring British actor Eddie Redmayne as Lili Elbe.
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Akatsuki ships like random gifs of couples from random romantic movies, cause I’m sad and I need self comfort:
Kakuhida: Noah Calhoun & Allie Hamilton from the Notebook, ‘cause toxic love is their language.
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Kisaita: Eliza Esposito & The Amphibian Man from the shape of water. A lonely woman falling in love with a semi-human marine creature, who is far more human than many of the ones who surround her
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Pain and Konan: Einar Wegner/Lili Elbe & Gerda Wegener from The Danish Girl. Just a lot of angst from a woman completely devoted to her partner, who is like two people in one and is constantly having a battle with everyone and themself.
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Sasodei: Sam Wheat & Molly Jensen from Ghost. Do I really need to explain why? Neverending honeymoon phase, art, eternal love and suffering over one partner’s death and the trauma of leading with it? Yep, sounds like sasodei to me.
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The Wildest Winter
In the cracks of light, I looked for you
Summary: Viviane had not been Under the Mountain. As her childhood friend, Kallias had been protective of her to a fault over the years- had placed the sharp-minded female on border duty to avoid the scheming of his court. He didn't let her near Amarantha, either. Didn't let anyone get a whiff of what he felt for his white-haired friend, who had no clue- not one- that he had loved her his entire life.
Read More: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | AO3
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[six months before the curse]
“Are you sure about this?” Viviane asked, eyeing the curved blade in her hand. Not with distaste for the crystalline steel glimmering beneath a full sun, but because it was inherently an unfair fight. She had to wonder if Nikolai, who had remained behind after Calanmai, was even aware of what she could do with carefully timed ice alongside a Winter Court blade.
Nikolai had stayed to help her train more sentries they hardly needed. Autumn wasn’t so desperate they’d stage an invasion, though Kallias was unnerved after the ice bridge had gone tattling to the High Lord, who of course had money for more soldiers. Nikolai was to oversee and Kira had been begrudgingly called back to court. 
That, Viviane supposed, was for the best. Nikolai had come home that morning coated in blue, his eyes wild, his skin practically frosted over. Whatever had happened had unnerved him enough he refused to speak about it and Kira had sworn up and down nothing had happened.
Viviane wondered which was worse—they had sex and it was so good it freaked them out, or it was so bad they couldn’t make eye contact any longer.
That was how she felt with Einar. All that build up only to be fucked on his dining room table for the better part of two hours. She hadn’t dared tell Kallias the reason she couldn’t finish wasn’t because Einar was no good—he’d done his best with his lips and tongue and teeth—but because she couldn’t get her friend out of her mind. She’d tried. Viviane had taken control, had climbed into Einars lap, eyes locked on his.
Not Kal, not Kal, not Kal—
For all the good it did. In the end she’d faked it and gone crawling home like a miserable, terrible friend. Viviane still didn’t know what had possessed her that day. Maybe Calanmai merely heightened the tension growing between them, twisting it into lust. It had faded by morning—faded with each new carefully drawn sheet he’d made for her where he detailed how much it cost to treat the water each month. She’d fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder and woken alone in bed. Kallias had likely put her there before venturing into the city himself, because when Viviane woke, he smelled as though he’d been drenched in arousal not long before and his hair had been wrecked. 
It didn’t inspire jealousy in her, at any rate, which made it easy to write the whole night off as a one off. 
“Square up, Viv,” Nikolai ordered. She almost rolled her eyes at the command. They stood down in the valley in a makeshift training ring Kira had erected decades before. It would have been the perfect place for expanded barracks and an armory, had the High Lord ever allowed her such a thing. Perhaps Nikolai’s influence would change all that. It was the second to last missing puzzle to crafting her city as a major player. The very last was convincing both Kallias and the High Lord that the emissary from Hybern should be allowed to visit—to trade with them. Not just Hybern, of course. Autumn, Spring, and Summer, too. And with even a fraction of the High Lord’s court coming to live in Wegen, even if it was just to ski when the weather was mild, was enough. 
Barracks first. 
Nikolai pulled his icy blade from its sheath, the metal singing in the air. Viviane ignored that Einar had come to watch, his dark eyes blazing with curiosity. She also ignored that Kallias had said he’d come three days before and still hadn’t. All of those things were distractions.
She twisted her blade, offering a show of her teeth that wasn’t quite a smile. She waited for him to lunge before offering her own strike. Nikolai, she’d been told, had some magic of his own. Viviane wanted to find out just how much. And, perhaps, wanted to show off to the people she oversaw, if only a little.
 It was a careful dance of her feet and body, of knowing how she moved against the wind and the squelching mud. Nikolai was a warrior, trained just as she had been, though not quite as quick on his feet.
Not as careful with his magic. He was the first to strike, panting as he sent a blast of skin shredding ice her way. Viviane barked out a laugh, dodging it easily.
And then rained a torrent upon him. Nikolai had to choose between defending his person with his blade and risk her icy wrath or block the ice and risk her blade. It was the oldest trick in Viviane’s book. She thought that because she used her magic so infrequently, and never at its full intensity, that people often forgot what hummed in her veins.
Forgot why a future High Lord courted her attention. 
“Mother save me, Viv,” Nikolai panted. “Were you trying to kill me?”
Her victory was short-lived. As she walked to her friend, offering him a hand and noting where the blood staining his lips and cheeks, a new voice called through the mountain air.
“Now me.” Nikolai’s smirk told Viviane everything she needed to know. She turned, her eyes finding Kallias as he swung his powerful body over the fence with ease. Just to the left of him was Einar, watching her friend with guarded, almost distrustful eyes. She’d forgotten he’d only been interested in her when he learned Kallias was up at the palace.
It was a question for another day. Kallias had never once let her beat him and Viviane didn’t relish being beaten into the dirt in front of all the people she was supposed to oversee. 
“Where’s your sword, Kal?” she taunted, annoyed when Nikolai handed his over before leaving them alone in the muddy pit. 
“Miss me?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. The cold air ruffled at his white air, all but kissing his fair cheeks red. 
“Were you gone?” she replied blithely, pretending to examine her blade.
He shook his head, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “I missed you.”
“Why wouldn’t you? I’m funny, I’m pretty, I’m smart…all the things you lack—”
His blade sang through the air before she could finish, crashing into hers with such force it made her bones vibrate. Gone was Kallias’s easy amusement–those eyes were practically granite against his glacial face. She had to remind herself that this was how he focused—this was how he’d always been in the ring.
Your enemies won’t smile when they kill you, Viv.
She smiled, noting how he stumbled ever so slightly—not enough to turn things in her favor but enough to remind her that Kallias was so easily distracted by someone acting in a way he didn’t expect.
She sent him that first blast of ice, catching him against the cheekbone. He snarled, flinging his own magic viciously back at her. He was so much stronger she couldn’t avoid it all—she felt the burning sting against her exposed neck. She smelled the salt of her blood in the air but didn’t dare touch it. Not when Kallias’s blade came singing towards her. Viviane slammed to the ground, her whole body squelching into the cold, muddy ground in an effort to block him. 
It was easy to forget what Kallias was beneath his refined clothes and his fascination with numbers. He’d taught her to fight, afterall. His body was a weapon—he was an animal. He snapped his teeth against the cold, one of his thighs pressed between her legs as he bore his blade closer and closer to her wound.
Viviane took a risk, letting go of the hilt of her sword to press her frosted palm against his face. He roared against the pain, distracted just enough for her to plant her boot into his chest and push away. There was nothing fun about this fight anymore—it wasn’t quick like with Nikolai, nor was it particularly like a dance. It felt like a true battle where only one of them could walk away with their pride unwounded. 
Kallias sent another vicious blast of ice and wind directly at her, one Viviane offered up in equal measure. He cut his face again, though not half as bad as his own shards, which sliced through her jacket, exposing her skin to salty mountain air. 
She hissed, slammed right back to the ground as Kallias snarled in her face. His teeth were inches from her neck, his thigh wedged between her leg so hard she could feel the radiating heat. The only thing keeping him from pressing his body wholly against her was her blade between them.
Her arms shook from the effort.
“Surrender, Viv,” he whispered. “Let me clean up the blood.”
“You’re a bastard,” she replied. It didn’t matter. He wrenched her blade from his hand, tossing it to the ground and then pressed his own gently against her skin.
“An admirable effort,” he murmured, removing his blade and replacing it with his hand. All at once his body was off hers and Viviane couldn’t decide if she was angry or she was disappointed.
She took his hand, her body aching as she stood. No one made a sound—not Nikolai, who watched with eyes rounder than saucers.
And not Einar, who had gone ashen in the wake of their brutal showdown. 
“What’s with them?” she whispered, letting Kallias brace her body against his own.
“They’ve never seen your kind of raw power,” he offered charitably. And maybe that was true. Maybe they hadn’t expected that kind of magic to blow out of her.
But privately, Viviane thought it was Kallias who had surprised them. She’d forgotten what he was like when he was unleashed—how uncomfortable the High Lord had once been of him and the magic glowing silver from his skin. No one had ever dared voice those concerns out loud, but Viviane understood them as she looked from the shocked faces of the warriors around them.
Kallias had all the markers of the next High Lord. 
She reached between them for his arm. She didn’t want to think about how she’d lose him should that ever come to pass. 
“Take me home,” she murmured, pressing her head into his shoulder. 
He was just her friend—at least for now.
[five months before the curse]
“Kal–” Kallias cut off her breathless plea, his tongue delving back into her mouth. More, he needed more. He couldn’t stop the desperate glide of his hands over her naked form, mapping her skin beneath his palms. Beneath him, Viviane moaned, grasping at his hair so viciously she was in danger of pulling the strands out by the root. He didn’t care. 
Still clad in his pants, he ground against her, desperate for relief. Kallias was drowning in the scent of her arousal, drinking it down while he tasted every inch of her mouth. Kallias needed to put his tongue between her legs, needed to know if all of her was sweet. She was warm here, open and inviting and he was so wrecked he couldn’t get his stupid body to catch up with his screaming brain.
He was running out of time. He couldn’t explain it. Something was ticking loudly in his head, some countdown to his doom he wanted to avoid. Wanted to ignore in favor of his female clawing at his back. 
“Kal,” she panted, arching her neck so he could nip kisses down her skin. His fingers tugged and teased at her pebbled nipples, drawing more of her arousal into the air. Burying his face between her breasts, Kallias inhaled deeply. This was what he’d been missing. This was what he needed.
He’d never felt so wild in his life. He was unrestrained for perhaps the first time in his life and it was all Viviane’s fault. He pushed apart her legs roughly, taking a moment to admire the splayed out form of her on his silken silver sheet. 
“You’re perfect,” he breathed, lifting her leg to press feather soft kisses up her thigh. She squirmed, eyes locked on his face. She wanted to watch? Kallias held her gaze, lowering his face until he could kiss the pale, pink lips of her cunt. Viviane exhaled, whimpering for more.
It was a dream, he thought. She was a dream, spread open for him to taste. He went to take that first hot taste of her, to slick his tongue over her clit—-
A banging on Kallias’s bedroom door dragged him from an all too familiar dream. He’d never gotten that far before. Usually Kallias woke just as he was about to remove her clothing. To find his head between her parted thighs was a new, almost exciting development, at least where his imagination was concerned. Nothing had changed between him and Viviane. As far as he knew, she was still seeing the disappointing male in Wegen and he was…well, Kallias was doing the world's shittiest job courting her. Unless, of course, utterly obliterating her with his magic counted as some romantic overture.
He very much doubted it. Viviane might have forgiven him for it, but the people of Wegen certainly hadn’t. They’d watched him with narrow-eyed suspicion the following day, as if he might turn her to a block of ice if she displeased him. As if Viviane wasn’t capable of removing his balls should he ever deserve it. 
That vicious knock forced Kallias to snarl. Night still poured through his half open drapes and his cock was throbbing with need. “What?” “Get up,” Kira’s voice whispered from behind the door. “Right now, get up.” He shoved the blanket off his naked body and stuffed himself in the first pair of pants he could find, artfully arranging himself so it wasn’t entirely obvious he had an erection. Kallias pulled open the door, shrugging a shirt over his head.
Kira looked scared. Wide-eyed in the flickering hall light, she lunged for his wrist and began dragging him down the hall. Kallias was barefoot, though so was she, a robe hanging off her small frame.
“What is happening?” he hissed, running a hand through his messy hair in an attempt to keep it from falling into his eyes.
“Gunnar,” she whispered. “Oh Gods, Kal….he…”
A mournful wail interrupted what Kira had been about to say. He knew that voice.
“Killed his wife,” Kira managed, practically shaking as she led him towards the throne room. “She wanted to leave him, too. And I guess…”
Kallias’s steps slowed as he imagined it. Wanting someone so badly you would have done anything to possess them, only to realize they didn’t want you back. The females at court had been lobbying hard, but Gunnar’s wife had been against them. 
“What changed?”
Kira shrugged. “Special treatment for her, hell for everyone else? I’m sorry,” Kira added softly. “I shouldn’t…he killed her.”
Kallias started to ask Kira how she could possibly know that, but the scent of blood flooded his senses. He understood why when he came into the vividly bright throne room, joining the other courtiers flooding in to witness the spectacle.
The High Lord stared at his son with lifeless eyes while his son clutched at his wife's bloodless body, kneeling half naked in her blood. It was the gravest offense in their court—to take a life, especially one as defenseless as Gunnar’s wife had been. 
All Kallias could see was Viviane laying there, her silver hair stained red as her blood cooled beneath Gunnar’s naked knees. She would have wanted the same—maybe not to leave him, given how dutiful Viviane could be, but the autonomy to be more than just the High Lord’s wife. She would have been vivacious and, when angry, vicious. 
She would have died, too. Kallias put his hand over his chest, unable to get the image out of his mind. He might have winnowed straight to her had the High Lord not taken a step towards his hunched over son. 
Everyone fell silent. Even Kallias didn’t believe the High Lord would kill his own son, law or not. Gunnar made no move to defend himself and Kallias wondered if he even realized what his father meant to do until it was too late. Gunnar twisted, eyes wide as he took a gasping breath of frigid air.
Kallia couldn’t watch this. He turned, pulling his arm from Kira’s grasp. He didn’t need to be present to hear that frigid death rattle or to know the High Lord had turned his son's lungs to ice. It was the end of a dynasty as old as their territory, ruined over one spoiled male too unused to being told no. 
Kallias flexed his fingers as warmth twanged through his body. He stumbled, almost crashing into a wall in an attempt to steady himself. His palm caught against the smooth surface, steadied by Kira who had followed him out.
“Don’t,” he rasped, hating himself for the first time in his life. The High Lord would realize, would know the truth of the matter soon enough. His son might have inherited had he been a better father. And now a new line would rise through Winter, assuming Kallias lived long enough to see the High Lord fade. 
A woman's high pitched scream forced a groan out of Kallias, his knees buckling beneath the weight of a vicious, violent cascade of magic. His palms stung, bracing his weight against the smooth floor while raw, unstemmed magic raced through his veins unrestrained. He looked over his shoulder to Kira, who knelt beside him. Her face was etched with her terror, the screaming in the throne room just behind him ringing in his ears.
“What did he do?” Kallias managed, bowing his head against the onslaught. 
“Could you survive the loss of your own child?” Kira whispered. The scent of warm blood filled the air, driving out all other thoughts. Had the High Lord truly chosen to kill himself rather than live with his grief? Kallias forced himself to stand, his legs shaking. Kira helped, bracing him against her body while he got his runaway heart under control.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Kallias whispered, flexing his fingers. 
How would he ever explain this? To the court, his people…to Viviane? 
“Go,” Kira told him. “The longer you make them wonder, the longer they have to plot against you. Shore up your power now.”
He had only a second to make a decision. It should have been Nikolai, he lamented. Kira ought to have remained with Viviane. 
“Get your sword,” he ordered. Kira’s eyes widened, and yet she nodded, racing down the hall. He had moments to get himself together, to step into that blood-soaked throne room and pretend this was normal–that he was normal. Kallias flexed his fingers, reveling in the feel of his magic, of the newness thrumming beneath his skin.
He took a step, swearing the world around him seemed to tremble. The screaming stopped and, with a breath, Kallias stepped into the room. The sight laid before him threatened to turn his stomach. Gunnar knelt before the corpse of his once beautiful wife, a block of frigid, blue ice. Beside him, the High Lord lay in his own rapidly cooling blood, his heart half torn from his body. It was all so gruesome, so unnecessary. Kallias knew that even if he lived for a century more, he’d never forget the sight. Not of the court that now belonged to him, all staring with wide, mistrusting eyes. 
Kira skidded into the room, flanked by several sentries. She still wore her blue night dress, comical against the vicious look on her face.
“Kneel,” Kallias ordered, watching those sentries from across the room. He needed their support if he didn’t want to die in the next few days. The transition between one family to the next was rocky—or, so he’d been told. Winter had always avoided those kinds of shifting power plays. His eyes drifted back to the High Lord, who loved his son so much he couldn’t tell him no. Would have seen all of Winter crumble beneath one spoiled lordling's whim then govern as he should. 
It was a reminder for Kallias, who turned his back to the kneeling nobility, of what he stood to lose. How things could go wrong so quickly—how he might lose focus if he wasn’t careful.
It felt strange, ascending the white cut dais to the glittering blue and amethyst throne. Kallias seated himself atop it, sweeping his eyes over the room. 
High Lord. 
He’d never wanted it.
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venicepearl · 2 years
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Lili Ilse Elvenes (28 December 1882 – 13 September 1931), better known as Lili Elbe, was a Danish painter, trans woman and among the early recipients of gender-affirming surgery (sex reassignment surgery).
She was a painter under her birth name Einar Wegener. After transitioning in 1930, she changed her legal name to Lili Ilse Elvenes and stopped painting; she later adopted the surname Elbe. She died from complications following a uterus transplant.
The UK and US versions of her semi-autobiographical narrative were published posthumously in 1933 under the title Man into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex. A film inspired by her life, The Danish Girl, was released in 2015.
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yaraorkawaii · 2 years
Gerda Wegener (1886-1940)
Hablare de una leve reseña de una artista que admire obviamente no me enfocare mucho sino su talento, una mujer admirable, inteligente, rebelde para su época, astuta y no solo eso una mujer a pasional que amo y que estuvo siempre apoyando en las buenas y en las malas a su querido esposo Einar Wegener, un artista muy conocido, en donde estuvo con él transcurso de su cambio de sexo y hasta su muerte. En donde la historia de ellos dos fueron inspirado sino también de su esposo que hasta le hicieron una película de él llamada “la chica Danesa”. Pero no hablare de él ni su historia de amor, (y si para mi fue una historia de amor), sino de ella.
Gerda Wegener nacio nació el 15 de marzo de 1886 en Hammelev, Dinamarca, sus padres fueron Justine y Emil Gottlieb. Es un mujer que fue muy talentosa para su época en donde sus obras era retratista, al principio era algo difícil que tuviera una fama y más por ser mujer, en donde los logros y reconocimientos era más por los hombres. Pero ella decidió cambiar eso, al principio era diversión utilizar a su esposo vestido de una mujer, en donde se dio cuenta que él se veía como una mujer hermosa así que lo retrato de una manera admirable y bello.
Gracias a su esposo ella pudo ser reconocida, aun que su vida personal con su esposo era muy delicado así que lo acepto como tal a cambio que sea su musa. Así fue creando muchas obras con temáticas erótico en las que aparecen escenas de sexo entre mujeres, en pocas palabras lesbianismo, que era un tema y mas en el arte era una cosa admirable para las grandes y/o clases sociales en el aspectos de morbo del arte. También tenia influencias del romanticismo, el cubismo y sobre todo el Art decó, en donde ese tiempo expresión artística era algo de moda. De igual manera tuvo colaborando con grandes compañía de moda también hacia ilustraciones de libros y entre otros. Pudo exponer sus obras en la galería Ole Haslunds de Copenhague varias veces.
Fuentes: https://www.ecured.cu/Gerda_Wegener
Aurora: Yareli E. R. Acopa
Siganme en:
✓instagram: @yarelier_acopa
✓Facebook: Yareli E. R. Acopa
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queerstuffonscreen · 1 year
The Danish Girl (2015)
120 min.
Country: UK, US
Genre: Drama, Biography, History
Language: English
When Gerda Wegener asks her husband Einar to fill in as a portrait model, Einar discovers the person she's meant to be and begins living her life as Lili Elbe. Having realized her true self and with Gerda's love and support, Lili embarks on a groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.
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Watch or rent on AppleTV
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ehrfan · 3 months
07JUL2024, Klappe die Erste
Guten Morgen, hier erstmal der Morgenblick:
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Und weil‘s so schön ist auch als Panorama:
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Gestern haben wir nach dem Einkauf nix mehr gemacht. Schön lecker Abendessen und dann einen Fernsehabend: „The Danish Girl“ ( https://mh-stiftung.de/projekte/biografien/lili-elbe/ )
und „Inas Nacht“ auf one.
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taletheoldcrowtold · 3 months
Pride 2024 - Day 25
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Movie: The Danish Girl
Made in: 2015 – Set in: 1926 – 1931
Starring: Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander, Amber Heard, Ben Whishaw, Matthias Schoenaerts, Sebastian Koch
Rated R for: sexuality, brief scene violence and nudity (boobies, buns and willy)
Based off the novel by David Ebershoff, which was loosely based off real painters Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener, it follows Einer Wegener as he embraces his true self, soon going by the name Lili Elbe and becomes the first person to have gender confirmation surgery.
The movie is sad but shows the struggles one has being transgender, especially in the 1920s and how unaccepting it was. And the hardship one has trying to transition while being married, trying to do away with their old self so they could be who they truly are.
Spoilers under Keep Reading Line
Lili dies in the end after severe blood loss during surgery.
The movie I think shows the struggles one would have being transgender in that time period. Given when the movie was made, you’d think they would have found a transgender actor to play Lili but I do think Eddie played the role well enough at least. Perhaps someone will remake the movie later and use a transgender actress to portray Lili and maybe follow closer to the real life Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. I would also like if trans actors got roles outside of trans characters, but I feel like that will be a while to accomplish. But I feel like if we limit trans characters being played by only trans actors, we limit the trans actor to only those roles. And those are roles unfortunately scarcely written. This movie was sad and at least showed transgender positively, but I do not know how accurate it was to the real Lili and Gerda. I feel not very well, since Hollywood likes to change things for drama. But since I’m reviewing the movie, I’ll just stick to that. I really felt for Lili and Gerda and could understand both their struggles and pains. It was sad to see doctors call Lili insane for how she felt and it was nice to see her able to have the body she wanted. Though the real Lili had four surgeries, they condensed it to two for movie sake, I suppose. I would like to see this story retold by people in the community and not so focused on winning an Oscar.
Mom’s Thought: One could say that Lili was a true pioneer being the first man to undergo transgender surgery to become a woman. The film is emotionally gripping with what both Einar/Lili and Gerda go through while Einar becomes what he feels is his true self, Lili. Gerda goes from discouraging Einar to let himself become Lili, then she fully supports Lili in her transformation. It’s sad in the end when Lili dies after the second surgery, but I feel she was able to live her final moments in her own way, as the woman she knew herself to be. The acting in the movie was good and while some may believe Einar/Lili should have been played by a transwoman, he/she spent most of the movie as a man so I can see the reasoning behind having a male actor play him/her. I believe that any actor should be able to play any role they can do well. I’d be afraid that trans actors/actresses would be limited to playing only trans parts if the whole “a trans actor should play this role” was enforced.
Not in the movie: After watching the movie, I looked up more information about Einer Wegener/Lili Elbe and learned that when her restructuring surgery was done, the surgeons found shrunken ovaries inside her, making her intersex. I think there must be many reasons people feel they were born in the wrong body and it shouldn’t be limited to just a few reasons, which I feel many in the non-transgender world may think.
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aurolynchan · 3 months
Bugün size gene ilk gördüğümde beğenip hikayesini öğrendiğim bir resmi paylaşmak istiyorum
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Bu resmi gördüm ve güzel geldi.Resmin sahibi Gerda Wegener(Gottlieb).Kendisi kadın,danimarkalı bir ressam ve illüstratör.
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Resimdeki ise eşi olan Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener(Lili Elbe) ve Lili bir transseksüel kadın.Bilinen ilk cinsiyet değiştirmiş kişilerden biridir Lili.Ve aynı şekilde o da bir ressamdır.
Bu ikili normal evleniyorlar Danimarka'da.Gerda model çizimi yaparken aynı şekilde Einar da resimler yapıyor.
Ve Gerda'nın modeli yetişmeyince Einar modellik yapma kararı alıyor.Kadın kıyafetleriyle poz veriyor ve bundan da hoşlanıyor.Ardından Almanya'da deneysel cinsiyet değiştirme ameliyatı için Almanya'ya gidiyor.2 yılda 4 ameliyat başarılı geçiyor.İsmini bir gazeteciden alır Lili Elbe.Yasal adını değiştirdi ve resim yapmayı bıraktı.Lili'ye göre Einar resim yapardı.Lili değil.
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Danimarka'da lezbiyen ilişki yasak olduğundan evlilikleri zorla bitirildi.
Bu ilişki hakkında Danimarkalı Kızlar adlı kitap ve film çıkartılmış.
Lili'nin model yaptığı birkaç Gerda resmi
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Ve maalesef Lili'nin sonu iyi değil.
Evlilikleri reddedildikten sonra bir Fransız tüccarla evleniyor.İsteği çocuk sahibi olmak.Bu yüzden son bir ameliyata gidiyor.Rahim nakli.
(yumurtalıkları ameliyatla var ama aslında ilkel olarak yumurtalıkları var.)
Rahim nakli yapılıyor fakat bağışıklığı kabul etmiyor rahmi.Enfeksiyon oluştu.Bu yüzden ameliyattan 13 ay sonra hayatına veda etti.
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darkmaga-retard · 15 days
Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult, by Mary Margaret Olohan, Regnery, 288 pages.
By 2015, the LGBTQ movement needed a new cause. Its decades-long march to normalize homosexuality was nearing a triumphant end, accelerated by a strategic shift away from democratic persuasion and towards a coercive use of civil rights law. As it became apparent that that year’s Obergefell decision would effectively end the marriage fight, the LGBTQ movement moved to bring the T of their ever-expanding alphabet center stage. 
President Barack Obama started the year by becoming the first president to mention “transgender” in a State of the Union address. TLC debuted a new reality show starring Jazz Jennings, a young boy on a futile quest to become a girl. Bruce Jenner decided he was actually Caitlyn and subjected the American people to a confusing Diane Sawyer interview and a nauseating Vanity Fair cover. Hollywood released The Danish Girl, a highly fictionalized account of the life of Einar Wegener, one of the earliest documented recipients of sex reassignment surgery. Wegener died from surgery complications in 1931. The Danish Girl received an Academy Award in 2015.
In response, conservatives relied on biological, psychological, and philosophical arguments to combat this latest deviancy. Most notable was Ryan Anderson’s tightly argued book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. Today, nearly a decade after the transgender moment took off, there’s more than just theory to rebut it. The real life effects of this ideology are in, and they’re not pretty.
Enter Mary Margaret Olohan’s Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult. As a reporter, Olohan has a knack for telling human interest stories. Her subject in Detrans is the growing number of young people, especially young girls, who fall into transgender ideology and take irreversible steps to alter their healthy bodies, only to regret it. The personal stories are just as important as the arguments from reason—and more powerful. 
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Sometimes it can be easy to forget that LGBTQ+ identities are not new to the past few decades. Finding LGBTQ+ histories can be very difficult either because it wasn't recorded or it got lost or destroyed or rewritten. A piece of queer history that we do have though is the story of Lili Elbe, the semi-autobiographical narrative was published after she died in 1933 under the title Man into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex. The story of a transgender woman and some of the first recorded gender affirming surgeries.
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This book consists of memoirs that were written by Lili during her lifetime. Before her death she had begun compiling these into a narrative with the help of Ernst Harthern. After her death the novel was published first in Germany with the help of an editor friend that published under the name Neils Hoyer. A story like this was sensational. It was so revolutionary for the time because for the first time an international  general audience got an insight into transgender lives and struggles. In Germany (where Lili got the surgeries done and where her doctors came from) there were some transgender publications such as newspapers and magazines but they were few and far between and weren’t widely circulated. They functioned more as a way to spread information between who was already in the community rather than outreach to the world. 
Whether or not going in the readers supported transgender rights and movements, lots of people had a burning curiosity about the medical aspects of a procedure like this. Which again, was REVOLUTIONARY at the time. There had been a rising interest in gender affirming procedures since the beginning of the 1900’s. Most of this audience wanted to know about the medical advancements rather than the psychology surrounding transgender individuals at the time. 
So to get into who she actually was: Lili Ilse Elvenes was born in 1882 in Denmark as Einar Wegener and was a moderately successful painter married to fellow painter Gerda Gottlieb. She began her transition in the 1920’s. By the 1930's this woman was not only able to transition socially, but was able to get gender affirming care. She managed to get her name legally changed, she got her passport changed to reflect that she was a woman, and she was one of the very early cases of a medical sex change.  Lili had the first recorded uterus transplant as she wanted to become a full woman and be able to bare children. (As was the social expectation and ideal of women at the time) Not long after her surgery she died due to complications relating to organ rejection.  
The beginning of Einar’s transition into Lili actually began because of her wife. Her wife was basically like “hey I need a female model and I think you would be beautiful as a woman. Here dress up as a woman to model for my paintings” Which Einar ended up greatly enjoying and discovering this other side of themselves. One thing led to another and Einar started to go out in social settings cross dressing and trying to pass as a woman. The couple moved to France as it was easier for Lili to exist there. France being what it was at the time masculine fashions and silhouettes were IN so that helped her fit into society. Lili felt this war and dichotomy between her male side and female side, probably so harshly because of the social gender divide that was wider than ever following WWI and the tensions between women who had stayed on the home front and men who had gone to war. She felt like the woman had won and if she couldn’t live as a full woman she didn’t want to live. 
Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld was the guy who really made Lili Elbe’s transition possible. He was a German doctor and sexologist and literally wrote the book on transgender people and coined the term transvestite. He was the one who introduced Lili to the doctors that would perform her gender affirming revolutionary surgeries. In Wiemar run Germany where she got her surgeries you could cross-dress in public and get cross dressing certificates, as pre Nazi Germany was surprisingly progressive and was even looking to decriminalize homosexuality until the Nazi’s took control. Germany had housed Hirschfeld’s research institute which held Lili Elbe’s medical records, all of which were lost due to Nazi students burning the institute down.
Now because of the loss of these medical records, we can’t be certain of the realities of Lili Elbe’s medical history and therefore what parts of the narrative presented in her biography are factual and what was edited to make a more compelling and acceptable narrative for the general public. As much as I want it to be, this book isn’t a perfect representation. Many of the actual medical details have been obscured and put into euphemisms. Everyone involved in this story was given pseudonyms so it's hard to cross reference accounts. It was made for a larger audience and likely wanted to reflect the sort of ideal scenario that didn’t push the boundaries or what they believed was moral. We don’t know for sure if Lili was intersex or not or the exact details of her transition due to her medical files being destroyed. It is likely they over exaggerated the biological aspect of her story because that was the only way being transgender could be accepted in those days. Performing gender affirming surgery on someone who was already halfway to the opposite sex biologically was much more acceptable than changing a fully biological man into a woman. The psychological reasonings behind and studies of transgender identities was less accepted and explored at the time. 
Most importantly, nothing was published until AFTER she had died so she didn’t even get final say on anything got left in or taken out of or edited within the narrative. This book has also been translated many times so even if her story was more or less accurately depicted at first, the translators writing for an English speaking British and American populous likely took liberties to censor and reword to fit the expectations of the audience they were writing for. 
When examining LGBTQ+ histories, it is so important to understand the context of what we are researching and how that changes how we interpret the source material. Lili Elbe’s story is an important part of history that deserves to be known and explored, just with an awareness of its context. She was able to open many peoples eyes to the transgender experience and her story inspired the well known 2000's novel, The Danish Girl, which was later made into a film of the same name.
To end off here is a portrait of Lili Elbe painted by her wife:
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P.S Once Lili was legally recognized as a woman her marriage with Gerda had been made null and void, both went on to marry men
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