#Elements: Detailing
Elements: Tales Of The Arcanes - Story & Plot (S1): Part 2 (Villians & Antagonists)
Victoria Aoki “Vicky” or “Hebi” - an intellectual and cunning girl Vicky has the misfortune of coming across Erebis. Struggling with a strained relationship with daesha, Vicky is forced to attack and fight her after being manipulated and cursed into wielding magic. Though she doesn’t want to harm innocents Victoria will do what it takes to break the curse and free herself and her bestfriends (even if she wont admit it). 
Lila Weber - Seemingly absent minded and air headed, lila is an incredibly empathetic girl. After being forced to work under Erebis she is seemingly unaffected even having fun with her curse and new magic this is merely a front she puts up inorder for her friends to have some sort of comfort. Though she may truly care about those she holds close she can be incredibly manipulative inorder to get what she wants, often making others do things for her.
Alix Smith -  Flirtatious and charming, Alix is the definition of a charming devil. Seemingly sweet and caring but underneath has burning rage. He’s in a very dysfunctional household, havin to take care of his little sisters as his mother is neglective and his father is very abusive. Gaining his curse opens so many doors for him allowing him to protect his little sisters. Even if it means his parents get turned to ashes. 
Erebis Astrelle -  Broken from the loss of his mother who had been taken in a tragic accident with his brother erebis seeked out dark methods of revenge. Allowing ancient beings and dark magic’s to corrupt his mind he’s increadibly unstabe mentallit and emotionally. He’s incredibly cunning, manipulative but due to his grief can be very sloppy with his plans. His goal isnt just to torment his brother and his family but to give back to those who’ve helped him. (and trust me, these beings are not good).
Side Note - I do see Erebis having struggles with his mental health but in no way will that be Villianized. he's not evil because he's struggling, he's evil because of his actions.
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commsroom · 1 month
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the u.s.s. horrible unending nightmare 💥 (once again from the incredible @hehearse)
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the-phantom-peach · 25 days
You know how the elemental armor sets are based on the three dragons? When I found all three of them, I assumed that there would be a fourth set based on the Light Dragon and was so disappointed there wasn’t one. Could I pretty please request a doodle of what you think a Light Dragon Head piece or set would look like?
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You have awakened something in me that can never be set to rest again
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
As we approach the next arc in the story, an outfit change is now on the horizon! The question is, what are our lads going to wear?
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(Please also vote in the Lan Wangji poll!)
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elitadream · 4 months
When we think of Mario and Peach's chemistry in the games, any rescue scene is usually what comes to mind. But there's one bit of Mareach interaction I just had to talk about because it's honestly one of my all-time favorite moments with these two.
The introduction sequence of Luigi's Mansion 3.
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We see our characters on a bus ride, and the two of them are sitting side by side. Peach appears to be laughing at something Mario said, and they're both having a great time. All goes smoothly until Toad swerves to the right, causing the passengers to lose their balance and bump into each other.
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It takes them a second to steady themselves, and the first thing Mario does as he opens his eyes again is glance at Peach with a smile. But it's not his trademark grin. His expression is quite softer than usual, and meeker too.
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Even rarer still: he then lets out a timid chuckle. Something I've personally never seen him do in any other game. He's being shy, bless him. Not openly flustered or delighted, but actually shy.
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And what does Peach do? She returns his smile with a bright and gleeful "Yahoo!". An all too characteristic exclamation that she has undoubtedly borrowed from him over time.
It's a very small and brief moment. But OMG does it say a lot about their dynamic.
It captures everything that I find so very charming and endearing about their unspoken affection, and it's a very good example of how I imagine those calm and blissful moments between them to be like. The moments we never see as players, but which are surely there as well.
I wish there was one instance where we got to fully see what a pleasant and peaceful day was like for them. But if this is the closest thing we're ever going to get, then I'm okay with that.
Because this scene alone is downright adorable and it makes me very happy. 😊💞
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chrisrin · 11 months
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after reading @sixteenth-days's very lovely new fic chapter (go read here!) i just HAD to do a take on a flower husbands fusion design!
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lucabyte · 2 days
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[ ] like a body my same size
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+ textless alt
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gummi-ships · 1 month
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Toy Box
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a-light-seeking-dream · 5 months
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Rock formations in the Sahara Desert near Ounianga Kébir on the Ennedi Plateau, Chad © Nikolay Khil / Alamy Stock Photo
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liauditore · 23 days
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how many belts and buckles does she need someone save me.
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rcxdirectrix · 8 months
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I saw this 1957 The Vampire poster and thought I should draw a version with them. hehe.
original poster:
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Elements: Tales Of The Arcanes - Story & Plot (S1): Part 1
Synopsis - 
Elements is a story about a group of teenagers who are thrown into the world of magic after discovering hidden abilities which they must use against a malevolent king with a vendetta against each of their families. They must reveal the buried truth of their parents' past as well as discovering the cause of these unbeknownst magical abilities all while facing their own trauma and problems.  
Plot - 
Season 1: The first season focus is the teens, Ayden, Daesha, Pasi, Sarai, Ishaun and Kyshon handling life after awaking their magic as a result of playing around with a relic from their parents past. Trying to survive strong magical outbursts and attacks from strange shadow creatures. They are faced with the mystery of what happened aswell as who they actually are aswell as who is sending these shadow entaties. Sceptasism of their parents identitys, curiosity of their true mystical heritage and a deepsetated need to know the truth cause major internal conflict aswell as termoil between their families and friends. Through it all  everyone to works together, for better of for worse and become a rag tag group of magic wielders who must face this mysterious enemy and the truth, altogether as the “Arcanes”.
Cast Of Characters - 
Protagonists - 
Ayden D. Fiendfyre - a fiery and passionate young man, Ayden is the leader of the rag tag group of protagonists. He’s emotional, creative and empathetic but when tempted by his rage, can be incredibly wrathful. Wanting nothing more than the old life he once had, he is forced to embrace this magical side of him he never knew he had.  
Sarai T. Astrelle - The ambitious and elegant Sarai, the strategist of the group. She’s a seemingly endless stream of confidence and power, although somewhat vain this is merely a cover to hide her true feelings of insecurity. Sarai’s life was stressful as it was, her parents' marriage was crumbling, she had an image to maintain around her school and her brother was…himself and now magic, she must truly find her strength.
Daesha T. Fiendfyre - Sarcastic, goofy and a bit pessimistic, Daesha is the basket case support of the group. She doesn’t seem to be the talking type or the liking people type at first but beneath all her teenage angst, torment and misanthropic attitude is a bubbly and sweet girl. Daesha’s has always kept to herself but now she has to deal with a very toxic ex along with the emergence of her powers.
Kyshon P. Flores “kai” - The quiet and responsible (primary) powerhouse and eldest member of the team. Stoic and mature Kai is very much the parent of the group and unfortunately this makes it hard for him to deal with his own emotions and problems as he tends to prioritize others. Kyshon always felt that he needed to take care of people, his mother, his siblings and his cousins but he must learn to deal with his own problems. 
Pasi Tydes - an absolute ball of energy and unfiltered creativity, Pasi is the team's intelect. Seemingly reserved, Pasi is actually incredibly full of life and passion especially when it comes to her hobbies and hyperfixations but this can sometimes cause her to have her head in the clouds and get distracted easily.  
After discovering her powers Pasi takes it into her hands to make sure all of her friends see them for the really cool things they are no matter what happens.
Iyshaun Astrelle ``Shaun” - bratty, confident and ambitious and a bit childish. Iyshaun is the trickster of the team. Often ignored by his parents, his golden child sister Sarai, Shaun often finds joy in teasing his sister and making sarcastic remarks towards anyone he can, when given the chance. But though he can be such a little bully he truly does care about people even if he only shows that through…angst. When his powers awaken Ishaun must choose to use these powers to satiate his need for validation or to truly use them for the greater good.
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un-pearable · 1 year
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in which zane did not know before he died
remembered this very old au concept i’ve had since i was tiny watching ninjago for the first time… it completely unravels everything i enjoy about zane in the early seasons and i refuse to think of the necessary rewrites atm but i needed to make at least this one scene exist. can an au be naught but a single panel that makes me Sad?
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
y’all i’m in both david and mark motherbaugh’s walls for this one.
i was going through bits of footage for gifs as i do, and realized that the little note progression in the alma+stede scene sounded very familiar. sure enough...
it’s the same little progression as the pre-kiss confession, just in another key. it’s the lead-in to the love theme.
something something the handling of stede’s heart in both scenes. something something love but in different ways, hence the same song but in different keys. something something love towards stede finally progressing to the intended point.
...tldr, this show is insane for its symbolism and motifs and it’s wild that we keep discovering things over a year after the first season dropped.
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gio-scrabbles · 3 months
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“Shadow the Hedgehog vs the World” Poster Redux
Here is the final render of the poster that started it all over a year ago! This is for an AU I am still working on. I have a summary of the story and the original rough draft of the poster down below ⬇️
The story centers around Shadow the Hedgehog transporting himself to a new yet hostile world,
a world where GUN becomes corrupt,
a world where Black Arm/organic hybrids cause chaos within the umbra of society,
a world where Shadow died,
after Sonic is accidentally taken through a portal. Specifically in a Westopolis that will soon face the Promised Day.
Within the city, he is faced against a disgraced scientist as well as Sonic’s kidnapper named Dr. Kreo along with their hybrid experiments and their acquaintance, Doom’s Eye. In order to return him and Sonic to their own world, he must either follow every whim of the Doctor within the underground of Westopolis, or trek into the world to find the chaos emeralds. It won’t be easy to achieve the latter, however, as he is now a wanted suspect by gun due to stealing something, or rather someone, valuable to them as well as being a Black Arms hybrid, an ultimate lifeform, out in the open.
Will Shadow let humanity defy his destiny once again to save those he value, or will he face against the world to risk his powers and potentially his life in order to keep his newfound identity intact while protecting those in his own way?
Here is the original poster for reference:
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mumblesplash · 4 months
giving characters meaningfully distinct faces and hair: ez and free, not a problem
giving characters necks that do not look exactly like mine: smoke coming out of my ears as i stare uncomprehendingly at the google image results for ‘neck’, my stylus has not touched my drawing tablet in over 30 minutes, my eyes won’t focus, there are tears steaming down my face,
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