#Eli’s just… ugh. I don’t care for him at all
riisume · 1 year
I started playing Blush Blush last night and I got a tk idea cooked up that I wanna draw… ‘-‘
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hedwig221b · 3 months
Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
I got tagged by @cozyrosykay, thank you, love!
This is gonna be interesting…
He was born for this. Nature itself whispered into his ear where he should put his hands, how to twirl his tongue just right and when to bite. Stiles knew well enough that his saliva was currently working its magic on this unfortunate man, making him hungry, lustful, and insatiable. Soon, all his thoughts would be consumed by Stiles.
And, just this once, Stiles would allow Derek to consume him.
I still consider this my best work (yet! bc I'm writing something currently and y'all… it's a contender). But it's so fucking good, I'm sorry, but it is! Each time I finished writing another piece, I closed the doc and told myself that this is the best thing ever. I love how gentle Derek is with Stiles, I love how persistent he is with his love, almost arrogant with his confidence. He's like oh well, Stiles is confused but it'll pass. I'll be here anyway. Forever. !!!!!! I love Stiles as a creature, and I love him embracing the darkness and being unapologetic about it. I love this fic so much.
Eros Mania Amor
“I am just reminding you that Stiles is married. To me. All you can do is imagine, and I get to do all of those things you’re dreaming of to him. Yes, I know. I know everything you and others think,” Hale opened his eyes and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. His smile was despicable in its selfishness. “I know what you dream of when you look at his lips—”
“Stop it.” Jordan shook his head.
“— because I am the same as you,” the wolf ignored him. “I imagined everything you did, it’s just happened that my dream became the life that I get to live. He is here,” he tapped his own temple, “and here,” he tapped his chest. “And you would have to kill me to get us separated.”
This fucking fic… I was high on reading Dracula, and I love classics, and I definitely put all my love for it here. I love the language in this, the intrigue, the misleading. I also love when sterek's love is so overwhelming and unbreakable. I also kinda ate with the imagery in last sentences... I ate in general with this fic lmao
Torn Apart and Set Anew
“Someone’s here,” Stiles whispered, feeling weirdly numb.
The metal latch clicked. With ice filling his lungs and his fingers shaking terribly, Stiles swiveled his head in the direction of a window and froze for a beat of a second.
There was a face behind the glass.
Forgettable and plain, but at the same time familiar face.
This deserves more attention, and it's probably my fault for putting a weird summary resulting in it not getting a lot. Anyway, I love the suspence. I love Stiles' stubborness and I love the plot twist. About that: I like how I make it obvious who's the villain and (I hope) the reader thinks they already got the plot twist... But then the real plot twist comes and it's like... FUCK. Also Derek in this is soo…. ugh... and the ending!!! Asffgghjjkhgrjsskr
“I know you don’t trust me,” Derek grunted. When Stiles inhaled to retort, Derek caught his chin and pressed a finger against his lips, making the boy freeze in place, eyes impossibly wide. “Don’t argue. I expected it. Wolves don’t trust easily, too. I just wanted you to know that… I’m sorry. I was selfish and didn’t see what was in front of me. You don’t need to worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
It was a thought that grew in his mind, spread to his heart and took root there, reincorporating into a deep desire and a vital need. Derek will take care of him and his little pup, he’ll bring the hearts of his enemies and put them at the boy’s feet. He’ll court and he’ll conquer.
I have my issues with this fic but ELI!!!! KIRA!!! DEREK!!! iykyk lol but yeah I often go back to this fic just to reread Eli parts, I loved writing baby Eli, he's gonna come back in Jane Eyre au for sure. I also never cried this hard during writing a fic, not before and not since. That scene... One of the best scenes I've written, the grief is so raw and scolding... shit I might reread this...
your fangs against my skin (the sound of your bones)
This was it, then, huh? It was that easy for Derek to invite someone to his den. Someone other than Stiles.
He healed the wolf. Stiles killed his tormentor, mended his blood and bones, and let him sleep beside him. But none of it was enough.
He wasn’t a spark, after all, but a witch — evil and alone, locked up in his tower.
Witches didn’t get happy endings.
One of my recent gems, I would even call it mild in terms of darkness and angst. It's a comfort fic for me. I love how relaxed Derek is around Stiles, how both of them crave each other's comfort and give it so easily. I also loved Stiles' witchiness, he's so weird and fun lmao, also LYDIA
Tagging gently in case y'all already did this: @dear-massacre @renmackree @endwersed @nerdherderette @thotpuppy @invisible-storyteller @eevylynn
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kikiswriting7 · 3 months
Take a Chance ✵ JJK ✵ MYG - 3
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✵ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook
✵Summary: Y/N just move across the world to start her University. She is paired with a roommate who is complete social butterfly and makes a bet, Y/N needs to take more chances. And at the hint of her new found friend, her social and romantic life take a dramatic turn.
✵Tags/Warnings: Smut, College AU, red flag, sexual tension. angst, dirty talking, drinking, friends with benefits, full of cliches, friends to lover, temptation
✵Notes: Hi guys! Took a while to update this on AO3 BUT here you go! Let me know what you think <3
lots of love, Kiki
Once more I wake up with the worst hungover. But this time it feels even worse. What the hell happened for me to get like this? I am still wearing last nights clothes and with make up on.  The last thing I remember is Gabi asking those stupid “Drink If” questions. I groan as I leave the bed holdind my head in between my hands. Ugh Im never touching alcohol again. I get up and go to the bathroom in hopes that washing my face with cold water would chase this terrible feeling away.
I reach the bathroom and splash the ice cold water on my face. The only thing that takes it away is the fogness of yesterdays events and everything comes all at once. Us all getting drunk and deciding to go for a walk at the beach late into the evening. Jungkook showing the constelations holding my hand. Coming back home worse. Falling asleep on the couch. Jungkooks strongs arms carring me to my room. Tucking me into bed and leaving shortly after. I look myself in the mirror with pure shock. 
“Fuck…. Eli” I groan. I gamble that she would’ve slept over and go to Gabi’s room where I find them both laying bed looking at their phones. They both just look over their screens but don’t say a word. 
Gabi moves over a bit and pats over the space in between the two. I crawl to the spot and lay face down on the soft and sweet smelling pillow. I let out a groan. 
“I feel like dying” I say the sound muffled by the pillow. 
“you are not alone sister” I receive gentle taps on my back. I sit back down on the bed facing both of them. 
“I’m so sorry for last night, Eli. I swear I didn’t intend to any of that to happen” I say to her with sorrowfull eyes
“I mean, thank you for saying that. I guess hes not really into me anyway. So its fine. Don’t worry about it.” She shrugs
“I promise I will not do anything with him.” I offer.
“its ok if you do honestly. It good that this bandaid was ripped off sooner rather then later. It would’ve definetly hurt much more.” She shrugs it off. 
“do you still feel like to have that movie night today?” gabi asks “We both totally understand if you don’t” I nod in agreement with her. 
“I can text him not to come. I don’t feel very well anyway. I bet he might not be the best either.”
“I mean, we can still be friends. He geniualy seems like a nice guy, just not interested in me like that. So that’s ok. We can still hang out.” She adds, even though with a sad look on her face. 
I give her a hug laying down on top of her. “Are we good then? I was honestly worried that you would be mad at me”
“We are good, don’t worry” she hugs me back laughing “now get off, you are smashing me” she taps my back and grunts. 
With a smile I lay back down between them. Pulling my own phone out of my pocket. 
My heart races as I see the message I received not too long ago. I gasp and both of them immediately look to find out what cause such a reaction. I spring up and scratch my eyes. 
Gabi sitting next to me and pulling my phone out of my hand reading the text out loud. 
 “Good morning! I was wondering if you are up for coffee? I know a place nearby that is quite good”
She slaps my arm. “why are you not up yet!? Go get ready!” motioning me to hurry up.
“Gabi I feel like death has come for me this morning…. I don’t know If I have the energy to go out right now”
“Girl I don’t care, you are still breathing. Go brush your teeth and change.” She says giving a fake smile. “NOW!”
I look to Eli for support but she just shrugs and goes back to being busy with her phone. 
“plus…” she says with her evil grin  “I already texted him yes.” She shows me the phone “he says he will be here in 10 to pick you up” 
My eyes go wide and yank the phone out of her hand. Reading back the messages. She really did send those messages. Oh my god.
“Im going to kill you” I say under my breath
“Well, better be after you get ready. Chop chop” she claps her hands. 
I immediately get up and rush back to my room trying to fix something else to wear. I exchange the black fluff sweater for a hoodie and try to fix the eye liner from last night that makes me look more like a panda than human. 
Once I think that is good enough I quickly brush my teeth and rush to the door to put on a pair of shoes and leave the house. My keys still in the pocket of my jacket from last night is a blessing. If I rush more then this I think I might be sick. I take a deep breath and get my composure back, taking it easy to reach outside. 
I see Yoongi waiting outside the apartment with his phone in his hand. 
“Hey stranger” I say leaving the building. He looks up and gives a small smile. 
“Was about to text you” he shakes his phone and quickly puts back in his pocket.  
It was a cold day but it was sunny, making it a more pleasureble temperature. The perfect day to not have a hungover. But here I was. 
The walk to the café is pleasant. Indeed its not far from my place and the place looks quite cozy. It full of books and it leads to a nice garden. We find a place at a corner all the way at the end of the place overlooking the garden that must be beautiful during spring and summer. The café was quite busy having breakfast and chitchatting. The atmosphere was defintely inviting to stay hours on end. 
“What is your poison?” he asks me before sitting down
“Honestly, a latte would be a killer right now.” I say following it with a quick thanks.
A few moments later he comes back with a tray with more stuff then I thought he would bring. He places my latte in front of me. 
“I was not sure what you would like right now, but I also got a strawberry short cake. Its yours if you like it.” He takes the iced americano from the tray and the chocolate muffin. 
The cake even though, simple looked perfect. Layers of cake, cream and straberries making the slice very appealing. 
I bite my lip before removing the little plate from the tray giving him a smile “Its actually my absolute favorite. Thank you!” which I only receive a small grin in return. 
“So what have you been up to this weekend?” I ask him between bites of the heavenly cake.
“Nothing much.  I’ve spent most of the night busy trying to fix this track I started to make, other then that nothing much more exciting.” He counters.
“Yeah I wish…” I say sighing getting lost in thought from last night. My heart rushing at the thought of Jungkook. No, I tell myself. Nothing can happen. Even after Eli said it was fine. 
“Rough night for you too?” He asks taking me back to reality.
“I swear I’m never drinking again” and rest my head on my hand. He chuckles 
“Yeah JK said you guys were quite drunk” he says casually. But I almost choke on my hot drink 
“Oh I didn’t know you were friends?” I ask him trying to sound casual but probably failing miserably. 
“yeah we are in the same friend group. Well, that and we all share a house. We’ve all known eachother for some years now.” he says taking his attention back to his half eaten muffin. 
I hope he didn’t see my absolute shocked face. But I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be that lucky. Great. Of course they were friends. Did JungKook say anything else to him? Was this why he was being friendly to me? 
“Ah that’s nice…” which is all I can gather to say. He just nods. 
After some small talk and finishing our food the place seem it got busier, with people coming for brunch. The headache still brewing in my brain not giving me pantience, I pinch the bridge of my nose. 
Yoongi seems to notice “ Hey are you feeling ok?”
“Not really” there is no use in lying right now “To be honest I have the worse hungover.”
“No worries we can hang out more on another day”
“I mean, do you want to come over?” I blurt out as we leave the place “Yesterday night, Gabi, Eli and Kook set up to have a movie chill day, I guess.” Now it was his turn to seem bothered. The frown quickly dissolved from his face as it foes back to its neutral face. 
“What are you guys watching?” He asks
“Honestly, I don’t know… If it were by me I would stay hidden under my blankets and nap the entire afternoon.” I say to him “and I’m not even sure if he will show up, since I guess he also drank a lot last night.” 
“Oh, he will” he quickly replies but before I can ask what he means we reach the apartmetn building again. 
I arch an eyebrow at him after unlocking the door as in question “So are you coming or not?” Looking over my shoulder with the door open.
He doesn’t take long to react, following me back into the building. With a shy smile, I lead the way to the apartment in silence. 
The living room is thankfully empty. Perfect. We sit next to eachother on the couch, and decide that the best thing for hungover cure is to watch random youtube videos. The late morning and afternoon passes fast, we left it to fate to decide what to watch, meaning the suggested tab. And after laughing over funny cats compilations, radom travel vlogs and deciding that Japan is should be everyones number one country in their bucketlist, Gabi comes out of her room walking loudly as if to annouce her arrivel and sporting a grin. 
“Sorry, but you were not responding your texts” she smiles at me “Just to let you know JungKook is on his way, he just called me. By the way very nice to meet you! I’m Gabi” She makes her way to give him a small hug that takes him by surprise. His wide eyes looking over her shoulder in search for help, but all he got was a small chuckle. 
Eli doesn’t take long to come to the living room, introducing herself too but this far with just a wave from her hand and a head nod. As if in cue with Eli sitting down, the doorbell rings. Gabi excitingly hops to the door to open it.  On the other side, wearing some loose jeans and a long sleeve, was jungkook holding a tub of ice cream. Gabi is quick to give him a hug and his smile turns into a surprised look when he notices Yoongi in the living room. 
“Let me put this in the freezer” Gabi takes out the ice cream from JungKooks hands and hops back to the kitchen, meanwhile JungKook greets briefly Yoongi and takes a seat on the empty corner of the couch. Trying to avoid much eye contact with either of us. 
“Weren’t you guys all super drunk yesterday?” Yoongi asked to nobody in particular
“Yup” JungKook replies first
“Is she always like that?” He asks again pointing to where Gabi disapeared. Which gets us all agreeing at the same time 
“She says her superpower is to not get hungover” I add while Gabi gets back to the living room.
“ All righty! Super fun!” She drops the small bowl of snacks at the centre table “I guess you guys know eachother?” she asks looking between JungKook and Yoongi. 
“Yeah we are friends for a few years and we live together now that he is also is studying here” Yoongi replies giving a small grin to Jungkook who only smiles back in return, relaxing a bit more on the chair
“Great! So what do you guys feel like watching?”
The debate gets intense when Eli says she would like to watch a romcom and Yoongi suggests a new spy movie that just come out. Gabi sugests a Disney movie that gets quickly shut down by both Eli and Yoongi. For me, I honestly couldn’t care less about what we watch. Both me and Jungkook are watching the heated argument and when we lock eyes we both give a quiet laugh at the situation that we find ourselves in. 
At the end, since it was hard to everyone accept the same movie, we ended up doing a quiz, which resulted in us watching both of the DeadPool movies. The entire time Eli was disgusted and just like Gabi was quick to be on her phone. Yoongi, JungKook and I would laugh and snort at the terrible jokes made throughout.  When the movies were finally over, Eli bids her farewells earning a pout from Gabi. Shortly after both the boys also leave together. They were definetly were good company, I think to myself. Even though it is a bit strange to have all that tension in the room in the beginning. 
Once I start tidying up the living room I notice Gabi just staring with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, waiting to be acknoledged. 
I roll my eyes and say my own good night and leave her. I definetly don’t wanna talk about it whatever she thinks we need to talk about. 
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Classes the next day are boring, and I cannot wait for this day to be over. Unfortunately, even though we are on the same course, Gabi and Eli are on different schedules then mine, leaving me to suffer by myself. 
Lunch time couldn’t come fast enough. Lunch at school was quite fun. The food was made by the first years of our course and managed by the third years. In their semester they learn how to operate different departments and the third years how to run different outlets. After settling for a deliciously smelling creamy pasta, I spot Gabi and Eli searching for a spot to sit. 
A hand shoots up and JungKook calls out for Gabi, which leads to us three sitting at his table with his friends. Jin and Taehyung are also there. I sit next to Taehyung, Gabi and Eli on the opposite side next to Jungkook and Jin. 
Suddenly someone drops on the seat next to mine “You know, we are so hurt that we were not invited to your movie night yesterday.” I look to the person next to me, only to find Jimin pouting. 
“The fact that Yoongi was there, makes it hurt even more” Jin says elbowing Gabi. 
“Hey its not my fault” she says “Shes the one who invited him” motioning to me with her head while taking a bit of her sandwich. 
Her call out earned some smirks from the others on the table except Jungkook who, normally is very talkative, staring at his own plate in silence. 
I roll my eyes “It’s not like that.” Which only provokes a snort from taehyung. “Well if you all are so butt hurt, feel free to also join next time.” I try to ignore but my phone buzzes with a new notification. 
JIMIN added you to a new group .
I roll my eyes but honestly finding it quite fun. I miss having the chaos of my friend group from back home, and I’m eager to create these new friendships here. 
 “Ok so next movie night is tomorrow at your place right?” Jimin asks cocking his head at me.
“You cannot just invite yourself” I say trying to shrug him off.
“Though luck” He says “I just did, sweetheart” JungKook laughs at the audacity of his friend.
“Can we please watch something else then?” Eli is the one to say now “Like some romantic comedy or even a Disney movie..” she tries.
“Yes!” Jimin jumps from his seat earning from me a side eye.
All of our phone’s buzz at once with a notification
Yoongi:  ? 
Jimin: Tomorrow movie night at Gabi and YN’s place
Jimin: Presence is mandatory. 
“Don’t mind him” Taehyung says lower to me “If you guys don’t feel like it just tell him off” he shrugs, clearly his friends energy is something that sometimes needs to be ignored. Well, at this point, I can relate, since Gabi’s energy is much the same. 
When I look back to them Gabi and Jimin are excitedly making plans about what we should eat and watch. Both matching each other’s energy, with Jin, Jungkook and Eli, casually adding or removing things from their plan. 
Here we go, I think to myself.  
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Indeed, Gabi and Jimin are the on the same side of the coin. Their similarities don’t end at their energy to make plans with their friends. They burst out singing, dancing or their new favorite activity: bother each other. 
It has almost been a week since the last movie night with all of them, and at this point Jimin is set in making this a tradition. Every Sunday, everyone gathers to watch a movie. The first time we all got together, was a bit strange. All of them showed up. Even Yoongi, who Jimin kept teasing that apparently never leaves his house during the week. The teasing earned him a flick on the forehead earlier in the day. 
JungKook also back down on his flirting since the Beach Incident. Even though the way we held hands keeps finding its way back to my thoughts. Eli also seems to be over her crush on JK since apparently, she and Gabi saw him with another girl on last night, at a bar. Good for him, I guess. 
I told myself that I would only let myself go out on weekends as I can just relax for the next couple of days, and that is how I managed to drag myself to this sports bar.
The same way Jimin has the same traits as Gabi, he also is earning a spot closer to me. Gabi swears she is not jealous of him stealing her spotlight, but that just adds fuel to his bickering. Which is exactly what is happening right now. 
“I already told you to drop it Jimin. I - ” she then points to herself in a very dramatic way  “am the best friend. You just arrived at the train and wants to sit at the window. I think not” 
I roll my eyes “Or…. Hear me out….” I add like it’s a secret  “We could all be best friends” I say with a fake smile
“No” they add in unison. Giving each other a side eye when they realize they said it together. 
“Yeah, I will go get another shot” I say promptly getting up. 
“I will go get it for you bestie” Gabis shoots up
“Sit” I say in a serious tone, and she immediately falls back to her chair with a pout. 
The sports bar that we chose to spent Friday evening was not at all crowded. Jin suggested that we all get together at this sports bar close to campus as there were multiple matches they were interested in watching. Of course, most of them were late. The bar was actually quite cozy. The walls were nicely decorated, big TV’s divided the space with all sorts of sports paraphernalia. There was also a pool table, a tarts board and next to it sitting corner with brown leather couches, where we decided to wait for the rest. 
As soon as I reach the bar, and lean against it, the bartender, a friendly-looking guy with a neatly trimmed beard, approaches with a smile.
"What can I get for you?" he asks, wiping down the counter.
"3 shots of tequila, please," I reply, glancing back at Gabi and Jimin, who are now engaged in a heated debate about who knows me better. Their antics bring a smile to my face.
As the bartender prepares my drink, I notice as familiar faces are entering the bar and make their way casually to the couches in the back. The bartender hands me the shots, and I nod my thanks and quickly pay before making my way back to our corner. As I approach, I catch snippets of conversation.
“Now, this is what im talking about!” Jimin eagerly takes the second shot from my hand and passes to Gabi. 
“and where is our shot?” Jin asks with an eyebrow raised. 
“This is their reward for arriving on time and hello to you too” I say and clink my glass with theirs before downing the strong drink while making a face. Gabi acts like she just had a shot of water. I honestly don’t know what type of mutant that she is. 
We all settle into a comfortable rhythm of conversation and laughter, As the night progresses, the sports games fade into the background, and the focus shifts entirely to our group. We play a few rounds of pool, Jimin and JungKook teaming up against Gabi and me. Gabi’s competitive streak comes out in full force, and we end up winning by a narrow margin, much to Jimin’s mock dismay.
“Okay, okay, you win this round,” Jimin concedes, throwing his hands up in defeat. “But next time, we’re definitely taking you down.”
“Dream on,” Gabi retorts, a triumphant grin on her face.
Eventually, we all go back to being around the couches and we are slightly buzzed from the drinks we had for the last hour or so. The conversation turns to future plans, ideas for the next movie night, and upcoming events on campus.
Just as we’re about to decide on the final plans for our next gathering, the door to the bar swings open again, and a familiar figure steps in.
“Well, now this is going to be interesting” Jimin settles back in the couch putting one arm around my shoulder and we all turn to see who just entered the bar. 
It’s Yoongi, and he’s not alone. He’s with a girl I’ve never seen before, her arm casually linked with his. She has this dumb smile splattered across her face and he has his usual unbothered look. They head toward the couches where our group is sitting. I feel an unexpected knot tighten in my stomach.
“Yoongi, who’s your friend?” Jin asks, his eyes twinkling with curiosity as our friend aproaching. 
“This is Mina,” Yoongi introduces her with a small smile. “We met at the record store a few days ago.”
Mina waves shyly, and the group greets her warmly. I try to force a smile, but it feels more like a grimace. It’s unlike Yoongi to bring someone new into the group, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing him with her.
 “I was starting to think you’d ditch us for another quiet night in.” Jimin is the one to talk now, with a playfull smirk on his lips and I know that he loves poking at people. 
Yoongi chuckles. “Not this time. Besides, I’ve been out all day. Might as well end it with some good company.” He says looking at me with an intense gaze. 
Gabi and Jimin resume their playful banter, and while everyone else seems to be taken with Mina, I can’t shake my irritation. She laughs at all the right moments, shares interesting stories, and fits in seamlessly, which only makes me feel worse. My eyes keep drifting back to Yoongi and Mina, and every time she leans and touches him again and againa, I feel like rolling my eyes until its stuck in the back of my head. 
It seems that JungKook notices my distraction and asks the group if anyone wants more drinks. Everyone states what they are drinking, with a quick thanks, and goes back to the conversation with Mina, who is now sharing about a new exhibition coming to town next week.
“Hey, can you help me out with the drinks?” Jungkook asks closer to me as he reaches out a hand to pull me from Jimin's side.
We reach the bar, and he is quick to order everyone's drinks. I honestly don’t know how he managed to keep up with so many different orders.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks quietly, concern evident in his eyes.
“Yeah, just tired,” I lie, offering a weak smile.
He doesn’t seem convinced but lets it drop. The conversation continues at the corner of the bar, but I honestly don’t really feel like listening. Instead, I’m focused on Yoongi and Mina, trying to decipher their relationship. Are they just friends? Is there something more? My thoughts spiral, making it hard to concentrate on anything else. Mina’s laughter rings out again, and it grates on my nerves. I try to push the feeling down, reminding myself that Yoongi is just a friend. I can’t assume that any guy who is remotely nice is into me.
Mina's drink is the last one to be poured. When the bartender finishes pouring her stupid rose wine, I turn to the bartender and add to the order, “Can I actually also have another shot?” I ask him.
“Make it two,” Jungkook quickly adds, drawing closer to me. “If you’re tired, that will knock you right out, sweetheart.”
I take my glass and clink it against Jungkook’s, and I look back at the others sitting. Yoongi catches my eye, and I lift my drink in cheer to him with a ghost of a smile on my lips, before downing it without making a face this time. The burning is welcomed by my throat.
I help Jungkook bring back the cups on a tray, handing them to each of their owners, and plop down back next to Jimin, who barely notices me as he now starts an argument with Jin over which one is the best video game of all time.
Just as I’m about to excuse myself for some fresh air, Yoongi catches my eye. There’s something unreadable in his expression, and for a moment, I wonder if he can sense my unease. He leans over to say something to Mina, and before he can get up, Jk, stands up first. “Going out for a smoke” he announces “anyone care to join?” he asks generally but his playfull eyes fall on mine. 
“yeah lets go!” Gabi jumps up, and follows Jk. I also get up to follow them, maybe some fresh _smokey_ air will help me clear my head, of this unreasenable dislike of Mina, and improve my mood. I cannot be like this the entire night. I need to get it together, and fast.
As I was about to pass him, I feel a warm hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me. “I thought you didn’t smoke?” he says more in a statement then a questioning tone. 
“I don’t. Just going to make them company” I brush it off.
The frown that crosses his face comes as fast as it goes, and I believe that if I blinked I would have missed it. Mina enthusiastically, turns to him to ask his opinion on some music, that now she was discussing with Jimin, 
“You coming, sweetheart?” Jk asks standing not too far, as Gabi is distractedly putting on her coat. Yoongi lets go of my hand and turns to give her attention.
Outside, the air is chilly thanks to our proximity to the beach. Gabi and Jungkook are already chatting animatedly, the glow of their cigarettes illuminating their faces.  Gabi enthusiastically telling stories of her life back in her home country and  how she got so high once that she hallucinated she was in Paris. Our laughter echoes across the empty street.
Gabi apparently was a quick smoker as she was already taking the last drag of her cigarrate, shivering with the cold. “as much as I love your company guys, I think I lost all sensation to my extremities.” She states, a shiver clearly running through her. I chuckle as shes quickly makes her way back inside. 
JungKook nudges me playfully. “Come on, sweetheart,” he says, his breath visible in the cool night air. “Let’s join the smokers’ club.” He holds a laugh raising his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at his remark. 
“Nah, thanks” I brush him off. “I mean… good for you” he says, taking another drag. “this shit kills”
I chuckle. At least he knows. Jungkook is talking about one of our teachers, and how he doesn’t know how he will pass her exams if the classes continue being this boring. 
“Jungkook, its ethics. How did you expect it to be?”I ask with a small laugh,  but my eyes inevitably drift back to Yoongi and Mina. They’re sitting close, their shoulders almost touching, and I can’t help but wonder what they share. I look back at Jk, who is tossing his finished cigarate away, and I expect him to hush us inside. Instead, he leans against the brick wall, exhaling the last of the smoke. “You know,” he says, “sometimes it’s hard to figure people out.”
I raise an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
He nods toward Yoongi and Mina. “Take them, for instance. Are they just friends? Or is there something more?”
I sigh. “I wish I knew.”
JungKook chuckles. “Life’s full of mysteries, isn’t it? Like why Jin insists on wearing mismatched socks or why Jimin thinks he’s the world’s best dancer.”
I laugh, grateful for the distraction. “And why Eli can’t resist buying every cute stationery item she sees.”
“Exactly.” JungKook steps closer. “But sometimes, the answers surprise us. Maybe tonight will be one of those nights.” He winks and nudges me 
As we go back inside, to the comforting warmth of the bar I remind myself that Yoongi is just a friend—a complicated, enigmatic friend. 
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crazyunsexycool · 4 months
Hearts munition ❤️‍🔥 Eli calls Steve dad without even thinking…..what are everyone’s reactions?
🥺🥺🥺🥺 I think everyone would stop I. Their tracks…. Also this just in time for Father’s Day is perfect.
Call me dad
Let’s set the scene. I’d like to think that Steve had to go out on business for like a week. So Eli is missing him like crazy. Sure they FaceTime but it’s not the same for a kid who’s never had a father figure in his life.
On the other side Steve was also missing Eli. They had really bonded and their relationship was separate from just Steve trying to win you over. So it didn’t surprise anyone that Steve wanted to come home as soon as possible just to surprise Eli.
It was just after 10 in the morning and Eli was lounging in the living room with a book in hand. His head pops up from his place on the couch when the front door opens. He wouldn’t admit to staying close to the front door in order to wait for Steve to show up. This time it finally happened. Steve was in his normal business clothes, a nice navy suit with a white button up shirt but no tie.
“Dad, you’re home!” Elijah exclaimed as he rushed up from his seat and ran to Steve.
You and Bucky who had been walking out of the hallway that leads to Steve’s office froze in place. So did Sam who was walking in behind Steve. Dom and Coulson walked out of the kitchen and stared with disbelief but happiness.
“Hey bubs,” Steve said but it was obvious he was trying to control his emotions as he hugged Elijah. “What have you been up to while I was gone?”
Elijah was so excited he started talking so fast. He just kept going on and on about all the fun stuff he did.
“And I kicked uncle Bucky’s ass at Mario kart again.” He says with a laugh. “But mostly I missed you.”
Steve was sitting on the couch now with Eli next to him. His eyes were brighter than you’d ever seen them and you had to fight back tears. You never realized how much Elijah needed a father in his life. It wasn’t your fault his father wanted nothing to do with him but he was a growing boy that also needed fatherly love. Now he was getting it from the last person you expected.
“I missed you more bubs.”
“Will you read me a bedtime story tonight, dad?”
Steve smiled. “Of course I will.”
“Bath time Elijah.”
“But ma.” He whined.
“Go, I’ll be right up.” Steve nudges him towards the stairs.
“Fine. But you have to tell me all you did on your trip too.”
Steve grimaced slightly. “It was just boring business stuff.”
“Stop stalling and go take a bath.”
“I’m going.” Eli huffs and runs up the stairs.
Steve is a little bit lost in thought so he doesn’t feel you sit next to him. You place your hand on his forearm to get his attention.
“You ok there?” You ask gently.
“Yeah. Im good. How are you how was everything here?”
“Same as always.” You hesitate for a moment. “Can we talk about it?”
“Sure. It was unexpected that’s for sure.”
“Yeah. I didn’t put him up to it or anything.” You say, hoping Steve doesn’t think you’re using your son for something.
“It didn’t even cross my mind.” Steve’s hand comes to rest over yours.
“Does it bother you? I’ll tell him to stop.”
“No! Don’t.” Steve sighs. “You know I care about him a lot. I love that kid and if he sees me as his dad, I’m ok with it. As long as you are too.”
“You’re sure?”
“Dad I’m ready.” Elijah peaked over the handrail of the top floor.
“Elijah you are wearing the same shirt you had on two minutes ago. You only wet your face. Go bathe.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
“We can finish this conversation later if you want to check up on him.” Steve says as he gets up.
“No way, that’s your son now. You deal with him.”
Steve’s smile could light up a room. He nods and heads up the steps before stopping halfway and turning to you. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
You shake your head and get up to follow him. “I forgot you’re a new dad. You’re going to be in way over your head.”
Later that night the others would gather in the kitchen paying up bets of how long it took Eli to call Steve dad and how emotional Steve would get. They were of course all happy about it but they would also get together and warn Steve they’d kick his ass if he hurt Elijah.
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ruminate88 · 2 months
Feeling Indifferent 😯
Lately I just feel “indifferent” this is NOT the numbness I’m use to. This goes beyond that. I’m not angry at myself or my past. I’m not angry at anyone really. I’ve been sad though for awhile beyond words. Not depressed like I was in the past, just sad. Very deeeply inside of me. Sad over Andrew and Cody. I almost couldn’t take it. I couldn’t even cry anymore for so long. This past week or so I did finally cry some but I felt dramatic towards it and I stopped myself from letting it continue.
I don’t feel “indifferent” towards andrew or Cody, I just feel it towards everyone else. I want to love and care for people. I wanna be a good friend and family member but I’ve also wanted to be left alone. I’ve wanted to just make music and eat cereal and watch tv. Ive just let all the important things go it seems and focused on what I find pleasure in I guess? I don’t know what it means. I feel fake sometimes but I am trying to be super real and get back to something normal. Is there a “normal” after emotional abuse and then covid? So much isolation.
I read you need to focus on “self care” and focus on your own well-being but I’m not there just yet. I mean, I am getting my hair back, taking vitamins and I fixed a tooth but there is so much more that needs to be taken care of and I just don’t have the energy! I haven’t wanted to journal I’m tired and feel bad . I constantly beat myself for thinking and talking about my exes BUT I did love Cody and Andrew and that is the problem!!
Every social media platform does nothing but show me videos and quotes about emotional abuse and I just ignore them almost every time now because it’s too much ❤️‍🩹😝 I don’t wanna see anymore! It hurts too much cuz the truth sucks. I believed I heard Cody and saw his heart too but he refused and couldn't see mine and ugh makes me feel just awful. 💔 I thought he was so special to me and then I met Andrew and took a risk on him after cody, thinking Andrew can treat me better than Cody 😣😣😣 but Andrew was just as bad! Those men hate me and I only ever loved them so much 💔💔💔 they’ll NEVER understand!!!! (Letting go of the expectations and feelings attached)
I’m so indifferent in my current state of living, what does that even mean????? 🥺🤷🏻‍♀️
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shindayyume · 3 months
Let’s Party •°. *࿐🍷
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Pt. 2 of Vanessa’s POV to @simmetrycal’s mystery girl series <3
All credits to Sim for their ocs (ex. Raymond, Ash, Chantelle, and Jia)
It was yet another long day for Vanessa. Eli was out in school, and she was glued to her seat within the tattoo shop. Just by midday she had already done 3 clients. They were small, simplistic tattoos— but it still takes a toll when you’re constantly holding a needle in your hand.
But finally, it was now time for Vanessa to head onto break before her next appointment.
Just before she can go and grab her purse- a silhouette at the doorway caught her attention.
He leaned against the small entree way, smiling. “Put your wallet down, girl. Cmon, I’ll go buy us lunch.”
“What?! How come you didn’t tell me about this guy earlier? Nessi, I’m your brother..” He pouted, taking a saddened bite from his sandwich.
She rolled her eyes, then sighed as she picked at her food. It’s been little over a week since she’s seen that blond haired man. Ever since that day, Vanessa has been unable to get his face out of her head. She’s been cursed with a crush. And she hated it- it made her feel like a pathetic highschooler again.
“Because- I know how you can be. But this one’s different, he seemed really sweet. And he didn’t have a problem with Eli.”
“Right. But- he could be a total jackass just trying to get some game. I mean come on! An eye brow piercing? Seriously? Fuckboy.”
“Collin has one?”
“My point entirely. Now that guys a freak in bed.”
“Ugh,” she groaned. Not irritated by Ethan’s words but- by the fact that she couldn’t stop thinking about the stranger she had met at the dog park.
Ethan chowed down on his food, taking out his phone to do some detective work. All he had was a description given to him by Vanessa- but no matter how little the information, he always finds a way.
“Look, Nessi. I’m not saying *Don’t* shoot your shot. But I don’t trust anyone who’s seemingly this perfect pretty doll. He’s definitely hiding something.”
“See! This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you. You’re too dramatic,”
“I was right before, wasn’t I?”
A dead silence pans over them, like a pair of scissors slicing the red wire. Ethan was right. The last time she had gotten her hopes up, she was left alone with a kid to raise.
“I’m sorry- sorry.” Maybe a little too far- clearing his throat, “all I’m saying is.. be careful. And if you do mysteriously run into each other again- I will tear out his jugular and make him eat it if he so dares to make a wrong move.” He smiled- purely innocent.
Damnit. She couldn’t help but smile back, nodding. “I doubt I’ll see him again.. I even stay a few extra hours longer than usual at the park now but- I never spot him.”
She scooted her plate across the table, letting him finish it off.
“Must be nice to have a secret admire like that, maybe he gets scared every-time he sees ya and hides in his car” he laughed, “he sounds like a nerd.”
While chatting, he was simultaneously scouring all over the internet. He was having a difficult time.. after all, there are millions of blond men out there. Until he remembered an important detail from her story- into the search he typed,
Jia Taylor.
Instantly a profile popped up. She seemed like a simple woman, the account was old and unused. At first glance, it could be taken as nothing but the average cringey Instagram selfies and environmental photos. Not even in her description did she mention anything about her life. Just her occupation and a sad quote from a TV show.
That is until, he began to scroll. His eyes lit up- spotting an outdated photo from a couple of years ago. It was her, and a blond man. That same man had a singular eyebrow piercing, and even the same squared ear jewelry described by Vanessa.
Holy shit. He thought, quickly clicking on the post- the caption was simple,
‘Dinner with Raymond.’
Okay, nothing to urgently worry about yet.. At least now he has a first name. Taking a better look at the photo- he definitely saw Raymond’s appeal. personally, not his taste but hey, to each their own. Taking the name to google, he searched it up and scavenged through any link he could find. Eventually, he came up on a username-
How.. quirky.
Inspecting deeper, the profile belonged to a dark haired man with bright blue eyes. By the name of Ash.
“Damn,” he muttered, not out of interest or appeal.. he genuinely thought the guy was irritable just by looking at his face.
“And I- hm? Ethan, are you even listening??”
He looked up- this whole time Vanessa had been rambling on and he didn’t hear a word. “Uhhh… yesss?” He grinned.
“Right. So as I was saying—“
Aaannnd back to stalking. Scrolling the post, the guy seemed to be fairly popular. The photos he shared basically documented his life. Including the most important people in it- there was a few that included Raymond. More recent too.
There were a few embarrassing photos of Ash and Raymond together, that included them ‘hanging out’ in ways Ethan never considered non romantic.
Starting off normal, out eating lunch together.
The two doing clay face mask.
wearing matching outfits.
Holding hands at work?
And why the hell were so many captions from Ash calling this dude ‘slime’??
Either they are really great friends.. or really great friends.
Now, Ethan knew he could just be reaching, and end up extremely incorrect. But for Vanessa’s sake, he had to consider each and every possibility.
“His names Raymond.” He interrupted.
Vanessa stopped her yapping- confused by what he was talking about. “Who-?”
He turned his phone screen around, showing off the account to her. Taking the phone- she did her own little inspection. “Yeah- that’s him.. how’d you-“
He shrugged, collecting their trash. “I got my ways. He doesn’t have his own account, though. Guess he’s not an internet person”
Deep down, he wanted to mention that Jia person he found. But he decided not to. And he didn’t understand why. Maybe he just wanted to do some more digging first- to get an entire background check on the guy before unleashing Pandora’s box to Vanessa. After all, she was his best friend. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt.
And the last thing he needed was an issue.
Her eyes gazed over the post, focusing on those with Raymond in it. He was just as beautiful in photos as he was in person. But she gloomed over not being able to find his account. If she could- she would’ve sent a message by now. Ethan’s voice bringing her back to reality,
“Cmon, I need a cigarette”
Returning back to the shop, Ethan stopped at the entrance. Leaning against the wall with a lit cigarette in between his fingers.
Before entering the shop without him, she stopped to give him a glance. “I have one more client for the day.. do you have a soda? I need some sugar to wake me up.”
he nodded, “in the fridge in the back. There’s energy drinks in there too”
“Ew- those are discussing. I’ll do with a Pepsi. See ya,” and just like that, she was off.
Ethan raised the cigar up to his lips, releasing a stream of smoke. Among the mist- a couple caught his eye. Two women were walking their way up to the shops doors, hand in hand.
Upon looking over- He noticed a familiarity to one of the woman’s faces. He didn’t know her personally, no. But he recognized those dark braids on Ash’s Instagram post. This girl was a friend of his. And it sparked his curiosity-
As they approached, he gave them a friendly smile just before they entered bleeding ink.
What a strange coincidence, he thought.
*~ The party ~*
It took some convincing, but with enough persuasion from Collin and Davis.. she got Collin to babysit Eli for the night.
It wasn’t something she was used to, getting dressed up and going to a party was only something she did before she got pregnant. It’s not like she missed it very much. Afterall, she did a lot of stupid decisions during those times.
She had to dig deep into her closet, eventually finding a slim black dress and matching heels. Being that it was old- it was a bit of a tight fit around her figure. Needless to say, she had to do a few jump and bend test to make sure nothing would rip or flash out on her-
After applying some light makeup, she was ready to leave the apartment.
Questioning if this was worth it.
Upon reaching the address, she was surprised to see so many cars parked around. It seemed like it was quite a popular place- though how could it not be? The house was gorgeous. Giant windows, and a grand entrance fit for royalty to walk on.. there was no way she would fit into this scene- and for a while , she waited in her car just staring. hesitant to even step foot out of her vehicle- who would really notice if she were to chicken out and turn her car around….
But no.
This was her chance to relax, and enjoy herself for once…
And maybe give her the opportunity to get Raymond out of her head.
As she stepped through the main doors, she started to feel the loud bumping of the speakers in her own chest. They raced with her heart, mostly out of nerves. The place was comfortably crowded- but it felt so claustrophobic as she took a long look around. Not a single face she could recognize. It was just a room full of strangers and bad habits to her-
Until she heard a familiar voice shout from the crowd. Despite the room being so loud and overwhelmed with different sounds- she heard it clear as day.
He was there, in the middle of it all. And honestly it made her want to laugh, he looked more out of place than she did. Raising her hand up to her face to cover her giggles- but needless to say, her stress washed away to find that she did in fact know somebody here.
They began to walk forwards one another, meeting in the middle. “I had no idea you’d be here?” She questioned him, because why would someone like Raymond out of all people be in a party like this? Was he secretly an animal?
Though, as she looked up to him and waited for an answer- she noticed him blanking again. The same gawking stare he had gave her when they first met. It seems like anytime she speaks during his zoning out, her words just fly through one ear and out the other…
It made her nervous. If she would have known he’d be here, she would have dressed nicer.. or maybe put some more effort into her hair or makeup. Though with his staring, she felt like she was being watched by a lion ready to pounce at her. Making a nervous smile- “You okay?”
He stood there, starstruck and glued to the floor. But luckily for them, an unexpected ice breaker broke out-
There was a loud thump from behind them, and of course it was Ash’s doing. He had thought of the brilliant idea to climb the flimsy table they had set up beer pong with. It collapsed underneath him, causing him to flip back and crack the table in two straight out of a cartoon. The half filled cups flew and landed on a few standby victims.
Vanessa recognized his face. It was the same guy displayed in the photos with Raymond- must be the reason why Ray was here in the first place.
Being a panicked mother, her natural instincts came in as she rushed over to help. “Jesus- are you okay??” She loomed over Ash- who was completely knocked out on the ground and broken table pieces. A few others were quick to come surround him- Raymond too.
“Shit- let’s get him on the couch..”
A woman approached, the same woman Vanessa had tattooed recently- she’s the entire reason why she’s here in the first place..
“Be careful- he might’ve hit his head.”
Carefully, Raymond was able to relocate Ash from the ground to the nearby couch. They all waited to see if he would come to or possibly need to be rushed to the hospital- but eventually, his eyes began to open.
His gaze crossed over Raymond and Chantelle. Then stopped on Vanessa- causing her to lean forward a bit, still keeping a good distance from Ash’s face. “Are you okay?”
He attempted to seat himself up, to which she stopped him- pressing her hand lightly against his open chest. “Just lay here for a moment. You had a pretty big fall” she smiled, in attempt to comfort the guy.
Though that smile might have changed once Ash grabbed her hand- She didn’t know if it was on purpose, but the hold had caused her hand to ‘slip’ in the direction further down his shirt. He gave her this dazed look that just spilled of hopeless puppy.
Oh god.
Ash, was no where near her interest. To her, she saw him as some scruffy little kid.
To make that clear, she bashfully pulled her hand away. “My son tends to trip a lot, he’s normally better after settling down for a bit.”
“Thank you, Miss pink hair..” he mutters, dramatically throwing his arm over his head as if he were dying to an arrow in the chest.
Seeing his drama, Chantelle quickly left the scene.
“Oh- it’s Vanessa.” She corrected. That seemed to trigger interest- noticing Ash give Raymond a smug look. Man was this guy weird-
Besides her, Raymond cleared his throat. “This is my boss, Asher.”
This thing is Raymond’s boss?
“Nice to meet you.” She avoids taking his hand again, to not further cause injury of course… but to her surprise, Raymond introduces himself as well. Suppose it’s best that he doesn’t know she already is aware of his name- shaking his hand.
His grip is firm, yet soft. Neither of them wanted to let go of one another. Instead of breaking it he ask, “How about we take this somewhere more private?”
And of course, she happily agrees.
From the couch, Ash also agrees. “Oh that’s a great idea!” He reaches his arms out, fully expecting Raymond to lift him up so all three of them can disappear to chat. Though, he is ignored. Both Vanessa and Raymond zip right past him.
“You’re just going to leave me here??”
She is led outdoors, to this beautiful and large pool area. Whoever owns this house must be quite the amazing individual.
Their hands finally disconnect, and for a brief moment there’s a bit of regret from the both of them.
“So.. that’s your boss?” He laughed. “Is he always so…”
“Unfortunately, yes, he is.” He chuckled back. He seemed unfazed by it, like it was a common occurrence.
“Is he younger than you? He seems fresh out of college.” It was still hard to believe. There was no way Raymond was working for someone like Ash.
“He might as well be. This is the first party of his that I’ve been to after years of him asking.”
“Woah, okay Mr. Popular” she teased. She thought so. Raymond didn’t seem like this was his crowd.
He laughed, walking her towards the edge of the empty pool. Maybe to sneak more glances at her through the water reflection. Just to avoid him staring directly too much. “How do you like it so far? The party I mean.”
To be fair, she has hardly had much of an experience yet. But.. “I wasn’t. Until now,” in an attempt to hide her smile, she also turned her attention to the water. Though Raymond fully caught it.
“You know, I was actually really hoping I’d see you again after-“
Their moment was cut short as Vanessa felt a harsh push- a group of young men had ran out from the building, tossing an object so far that the one catching wasn’t paying much attention. Bumping right into Vanessa.
She made a light gasp as she slipped forward. Feeling Raymond’s hand wrap around her waist.
They both plummeted into the pool.
She had resurfaced before Raymond, taking a moment to process what just happened. But instinctively, she began to laugh and push aside her now soaked hair that covered her face. After getting her vision back, she swam to the edge and pulled herself up. Noticing Raymond follow right after her.
Before she could continue to make a joke out of it, she remembered that her phone was tucked away in her pocket- panicked as she pulled it out.
This was her only way of contact in case anything happened with Eli- she attempted to turn it on, but of course not even a single light flickered. “You’ve got to be kidding me..” she sat at the pull edge, still soaked and now sulking over her broken phone.
She notices Raymond’s shadow stand above her- extending his hand out for her to take. She turned her head up, the first thing her eyes went to was his belt buckle. Then his face.
And everything blanked.
Suddenly her phone wasn’t much of a concern anymore- reaching up and taking Raymond’s hand as he helped her back onto her feet.
Seemed like Raymond knew his way around- he walked her over to pool house not far. It was warm and cozy, providing them both with some life saving towels. She thanks him as he hands her one, using it to dry her hair.
All seems fine, until she notices Raymond start to unbutton his top and remove his shirt- wringing out the extra water.
She doesn’t notice her face redden, nor does she realize how hard she was staring. He’s toned, and perfectly built. It was impossible for a man to look this good.
He catches her stare, laughing. “Oh, sorry- I didn’t mean to strip like that.” A hint of embarrassment in his tone
“Oh no- it’s fine.. I would do the same but, I’m only wearing the dress,”
She doesn’t know why she felt the need to say that, but it clearly irked him on.
“i feel that,” he says, then backtracks. “i mean i- i don’t feel that- not like i know what that’s like but i just mean— i would agree that that’s, um, understandable”
Her heart melted. For a guy with such a stern demeanor, was quite the softie.
She heard sudden ringing coming from him- causing him to stumble for his phone. While he was busy with that, she walked a few steps to the neatly set up bed. She couldn’t help but notice how they had a moment of solitude now- no interruptions like that the park..
She laid out the towel in her hands against the edge of the bed. Speaking as she did so, “You know, it’s a bit quieter here..”
her words had caught Raymond’s attention. His eyes drifting from the contact on his phone to her.
She stretched her body out, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and looked up to him. With her hair and dress still damp, she knew it was partially see through. and her mascara was ever so slightly ruined by the water.
She still had a few tricks up her sleeve after all these years.
And it was working.
She watched as Raymond’s temperature in his face rose up, showing his eagerness as she was now at the same height of his hips.
Though she noticed him freeze up, clearly panicked and nervous. Maybe he wasn’t so interested in jumping to sleep with her.. her chest sunk as she as just about to suggest returning to the party. But to her surprise-
He joined her. Forcing her to lean back further as he hovered over her body- despite having fell in the pool, she can feel the body heat radiating off of him. And with their faces only inches apart, she could now smell the rich scent of whisky on him.
She thought in her head for a moment, about how the smell could just be from a spill at the party.. but she was curious, if it was really just his decision to have a few drinks. To find out for herself, she opted to get a taste of it.
Meeting their lips together into a surprisingly sweet kiss.
She let her eyes fall closed, noticing a few hiccups in Raymond’s actions. She wanted to giggle- starting them off slowly with the slow kiss, and letting him open up to it. The soft touch alone was enough to get him breathless- hearing him take a short break by groaning his sexual frustration out.
As if it couldn’t be anymore obvious on the poor guy.
Her arms find their way around Raymond’s neck, and she deepened the kiss by guiding her tongue in.
At the same time, he could feel one of his hands get tangled in her hair. And the other inching its way underneath the bottom of her dress. She hummed through his lips- begging for him to use his hand to explore every inch of her body.
But he didn’t.
He broke away from the kiss, and Vanessa was surprised to see this saddened look on his face. It reminded her of a lonely kitten behind bars.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers.
“What for?”
“I- I don’t know.. I don’t want to take advantage of you..” to make it even worse, he completely backs away- leaving her to pick up his shirt and throw it back on.
It was completely unexpected, and she couldn’t process it fast enough for his words to break her heart. “You aren’t,”
“I’d rather be with you completely sober.” He admits, his back turned to her. She’s unsure if it’s his alcoholic mind talking, or if she genuinely isn’t as desirable as she made herself out to be.
Truthfully though, she can tell he was completely serious about it. And the more she thought about the situation, the more she realized it was probably for the best.
Especially with them being at some strangers home, unknowingly ruining their property for a one night stand.
She gives him a nod, meeting his understanding.
She watches as he turns back around, now having fixed all the buttons on his shirt. Asking a shocking question,
“are you hungry?”
She would have never imagined she’d end up in the passenger seat of his car.
And his very own home.
The two had an amazing time together. Raymond offered to cook, which was a first for her. Normally she was the one making meals for her and Eli. So it was nice, to finally get a break.
And gods, was Raymond a chef in the kitchen. With each bite, her taste buds melted at the flavor. She was eternally grateful, and made sure he knew that.
After dinner, and some quick laughs between one another, Vanessa thought it would be best to return home. Of course, Raymond offered to take her. But just before they could make it to the door..
A loud cackle and drum of thunder followed. It sounded quite furious- starting heavy rainfall outdoors.
“Maybe we shouldn’t risk it,”
She nods, “probably for the best..”
“You might even.. have to spend the night.” He teases the offer confidently.
Vanessa raised a brow, seductively leaning herself closer against his body. “Is that so?”
“It’s so.”
“And where would I sleep? Do you have a guest room?”
“I’ll let you find it.”
And like giddy teenagers, the two rush upstairs. She couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his home is laid out. From the coloring of the floors and walls, to the simple decor on the shelves. And of course, the single bedroom.
“You liar. This was all just a wild goose chase.” She stood at the doorway, crossing her hands with a smile.
“Was it?” He slips past her, opening one of the drawers to take out a clean shirt and pants. He fiddles with his watch for a moment, removing it.
“Were you trying to get me to lay in bed with you? You should have just asked,”
She’s taken back by him approaching, handing out the top to her. “Sleep in my bed.” It was hardly a question, more so a begging demand from him.
How could she say no.
She accepts the shirt from him, huffing. “Look away,” he turns obediently, and she begins to strip.
She replaces her clothing with his shirt, which might as well just been another dress. Luckily it was long enough to cover the fact that she didn’t prepare shorts underneath her previous gown.
“You can look now.” And he turns, taking the dress from her hands that she had folded up.
“*Look away,*” he mocks, and she is obliged to turn around. For the most part she’s turned away, but she couldn’t help but to slightly tilt her head, grabbing a peek-
And she’s startled to find Raymond’s eyes meet with hers. “I thought I told you to look away?” He was finished dressing anyways, pulling his sweatpants comfortably around his hips.
She rolled her eyes, fully turning to face him now. He's topless, and it’s distracting.
“You don’t sleep with a shirt?”
“Not usually.” He admits, watching as Vanessa climbed into his very own bed.
The cushion was soft, and the blankets even more so. It caused her to melt as she sprawled her back against the linen. His bed was larger than hers, a king. She’d never had so much space before…
Naturally, Raymond was enjoying her watching her stretch out on his bedding.
“How do you stay warm?”
“Well, there are some ways.” She begins to flick off the lights, keeping a far lamp warmly lit. “Like blankets and..”
“Human contact,”
He joins her in bed, laying pressed up against her side. His hand instinctively placing himself along her outer thigh. Using it to tug her closer than they already were.
“Why don’t you demonstrate?” She purrs out, inching her face closer to his until they meet again in another kiss.
It doesn’t last long however, as Raymond breaks away to instead wrap his arms around her waist. Hugging her against his chest. She can feel his heartbeat at this point- and other things..
she can tell he’s almost- fearful. Scared to do the wrong thing and move this any further. Even if they weren’t meant to spend a night of passion together, she was just as happy to have someone protecting her throughout the night for once.
It was… nice. Raymond provided a different type of warmth for her.
One so gentle and caring that she could easily see herself staying her. Not just for one night, either.
She feels his hand move aside her hair, exposing her neck for him to leave a stubble trail of kisses against her skin.
It felt unreal, as if she was already dreaming. But to her surprise, Raymond’s kisses, and the loud roaring of thunder and raindrops hitting his window only further helped her drift off to sleep.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
I may have rushed to complete this one so please excuse any mistakes or hiccups in the writing 😅 but hopefully it was enjoyable anyways, Ty for reading 🫶🏼
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lake-archive · 10 months
Track 3
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: Rat Infestation
Characters: Eli (by @watersofcamelot), Arisugawa Dice, Busujima Mason Rio
AO3 Link
Track 2 - Track List - Track 4
Honestly, Dice had been under the impression that Eli had just been exaggerating at this very moment. There was no way that an entire room was crawling with all sorts of rodents, to the point the ground may as well look like a rat–carpet. And yet, this hope would be crushed the moment the boy had opened the door, all while his face remained as dead–pan as it was known for. He had opened the door without a care and not even with visible disgust, no. It was as if this was some weird second nature to him, as if he was too used to this. Not to mention the smell…
It was the first thing which had hit Dice’s own nose and honestly… He would take any other smell over this one. It was just unpleasant to the nose, to the point one would want to chop their own nose off so they would never have to smell this again, ever. It was worse than the worst. How does that even happen!? How can anyone endure such a wet, rotten smell all over the place!? This was something way beyond him to be honest. So moldy, to say the least… Actually, do rats not mind this? How are they still here!? If he was one of them, he’d run and tell his fellow rats to do the same right away!
And yet, when taking a look inside Dice’s own eyes went a little wide, in literal disbelief. He was seeing rats swarming all over the place, going at the rations of food stored within said basement. Nothing fancy, most likely, just the basic stuff, but damn…They were digging in like crazy! Well, those who could reach the bags or something like that. Some were battling or something… Never thought he’d see the day. … Actually, maybe it was amusing to see the rats here and not as unsettling as originally thought. It’d be for sure a story to tell. 
Either way, Eli had soon stepped inside, Rio and Dice following shortly after. “The hell’s this?” The jobless one of the group decided to ask regardless because this was still feeling a little surreal… 
“I see the hunting season is a little early.” Both could hear Rio mumble. “Though it is also a problem of course. I could—”
“Nothing too risky. Boss’s gonna freak out otherwise if she comes back.” Eli interrupted. “Besides, killing them doesn’t seem to really work. Tried that a few days but they’re multiplying instead.”
“Multiplying?” Rio repeated. 
“You sure we’re dealin’ with rats here?” Dice asked.
The third guy nodded. “Yeah. Stabbed them right where it hurts. They’re the real deal. But their root’s gotta be somewhere else.”
“You mean the cause of this problem? Do you want me to scout the area? Maybe I can find a hint.”
“Sure, do whatever. I’ll—”
But, as if by sheer luck, or also not really, a sudden dark chuckle had become audible. One coincidence after another today, isn’t it? If this was a bet Dice would… Uhm… Not important! Ahem, so anyway…
The chuckle came from somewhere in the dark corners and would soon speak up. It sounded a little distorted while breathing all too heavily. And given that they had no face around it was almost creepy to listen to. All that was certain was that if Ramuda were there, he’d shit his pants. No, for real. He’d run straight for the door and would be nowhere to be seen for the rest of the day. Hah, that’ll make a fun story to tell then! Dice will keep it in mind if he ever needs some fuel! That thought was the only reason that he managed to keep calm. Because anyone else would have shivers going down their spine, really!
Well, almost anyone. Rio seemed unfazed but maybe he’s seen some shit. As for Eli… His face was anything but scared nor cold. It was but also not really, having annoyance written all over it and even rolling his own eyes. 
“Don’t fucking tell me…” He mumbled, loud enough for the other two to hear him growl. “Some little bitch causing trouble again?”
“Again? Whaddya—”
“Ugh, fine, whatever. You two, just make sure the rats don’t escape. I’m gonna deal with this punk myself. To think some shithead’s causing the boss trouble for days…”
Before any of the two could even say anything they would just see Eli walking right into the dark, soon no longer visible. But the knuckle cracking sure was. What the hell’s the meaning of this!? The fuck’s going to happen next!?
Oh the answer would come soon enough… 
Track 2 - Track List - Track 4
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markosbabymama · 1 year
1st, I found ur page yesterday and I love it!
2nd, could I request a matchup pls? Could be for anyone lol
Anyway, I’m 5ft. Like on the dot man. I’m more on the curvier side. My skin is light normally but I just got back from the beach so I have a tan lol. I’m also an introvert (unless I’m with friends) and an INFP. Along with major social anxiety. I’m a virgo.
I have hazel eyes that are more on the green side. My hair is slightly passed my shoulders and is wavy/curly. I’m in the process of trying to heal it after years of heat damage. It’s dark brown and I have bangs.
I love art and books. Along with animals. I have a cat, dog, and turtle. I love the ocean. My aesthetic, I would say is salted granola. I saw a tiktok once and was like ‘yes. That one.’ Im a big marvel, dc, and Star Wars fan. Music is like my life. Literally had 1526 minutes played last week. I’m in a honors choir class, book club, and art club. I have a green VW beetle.
Idk how much of that u needed but oh well🤷‍♀️ thank you love you🫶🫶
aww omg ty sm!! i’m so happy u like my content!
okay so idk what fandom to do but i’ll do ck to play it safe lol!
you would be the cutest with demetri ???
y’all have been besties since u were kids, like it was u eli and him
so when u hit puberty, both of em were like 👁️👄👁️
and y’all had crushes on each other for the longestttt time so when he finally grew a pair and asked u out it was like
“so, do you wanna go to the movies tomorrow?”
“oh sure! should i pick up eli?, or do you want to?” “o-oh no i meant like, just me and you y/n.”
*ur obviously screaming on the inside and blushing.*
“oh u- uhm, i would love too! what time?” “let’s say 4:30?”
“yea. i would really like that dem.”
“awesome! uh- i mean- psh, yea it’s cool. whatever” *leaning on his locker to act cool.*
“okay. cool. see you tomorrow.”
and when eli found out he was so happy for y’all bc he was y’all’s #1 shipper.
he definitely teases u abt ur height, always has.
but it’s demetri so it’s all in good fun.
“so like, do you think you’ll ever grow? you’ve been 5’0 since you were 13.” “oh piss off tree trunk.”
A LOT of playful banter is going on in this relationship.
“why do you HAVE to put everything on the top shelf.”
“because it’s funny. watching you struggle to get a cup. better then television.”
“you know i’m the perfect height to punch you in the guts.”
“ohh shes fiesty today.”
demetri is a very mouthy sarcastic guy, but only with his close friends.
hes also very shy so he obviously doesn’t mind it
and he definitely helps you with ur social anxiety 🥹
*at a crowded party* “hey are you okay? do you need something? a water?”
“i’m okay dem, looks likes you’re worried about me.”
“psh i’m not worried about you. just don’t need you dying on me and everyone’s think that it’s my fault.”
*lauging* “you’re a jerk dem.”
always makes jokes that y’all have the same eye color.
“y’know, i think we were meant to be y/n.”
“why’s that dem?”
“because we have the same eye color, what kinda couple has the EXACT same eye color? no one. we’re special. it was definitely meant to be.”
“you’re actually crazy, you know that?”
“no i didn’t. but i DO know that we were meant to be.”
*laughs* “you’re such a dork. you’re lucky i love you.”
always takes pics of ur eyes side by side AND has it as his wallpaper 😭😭🥹🥹
ugh he lOVES ur hair
loves it.
plays with ur hair all the damn time
has your loose hair ties on his desk and in his backpack LMAOO
“dem have you seen my hai-“
“your hair tie? yeah i have about 50 of them in my backpack.”
“really? welll, can i have one… please?”
“no y/n im revoking your hair tie privileges. yes you can have one.”
“thankssss demmie!!”
loves going to museums with u🥹
he doesn’t really care for art but he goes anyways to make u happy🫶🏻
“y/nnnn, i have a suprise for u”
“what is it dem?”
“i got us tickets to the art museum! you’ve been talking about it so much lately, so i thought i’d take you today.”
*y/n bear hugging him* “OH MY GOSH!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! I LOVE YOU DEM!” *kisses him on the cheek*
*lauging* “you’re welcome, i love you too.”
definitely loves ur aesthetic
and secretly loves going shopping with u lol🤭
*y/n dragging demeitri to another store* “y/n, another store?”
“yes demetri! you wanted to come anyways, so suck it up and help me pick out more outfits.”
it’s like one of those scenes in a corny chick flick where you go in and out of the dressing rooms showing him outfits LOL
definitely getting into arguments over who’s team cap and team iron man 😭😭
“y/n how could you possibly be team cap!? bucky killed tony’s parents and he tried to justify it by saying he was brainwashed????”
“because dem!, he didn’t understand what he was doing. it’s not his fault!”
constantly saying that you’re mary jane and peter because he’s nerdy and you’re gorgeous 😭
loves looking at all ur stuff u painted/ drew in art class
literally will post them on ig and show them off like he did it LMAOAKS
he’s so proud of u cause u can paint
he was so jealous when u first got it lolz
him and eli were in literal shock
they were both so excited because now u didn’t have to pay for ubers/ have eli’s mom drop u off LMFAOOO
A/N: OH MY GOD I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW LONG😭 i hope u like it this took me so long to finish for no reason?!?
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sopebubbles · 1 year
just finished chapter 9 🫠 first of all, what’s up with Eli? i mean suddenly show up and became this overprotective and caring brother? yet at the end he threw her out just because his fiancé asked him to? is he an alpha? because he is hell act like a sap, asshole sap just like his fiancé.
honestly i do understand that he care for her little sister. deny all you want but you can’t change who you are originally. so i guess within him, as lykos, he just cannot see his sister in trouble that’s why he tried to save and provided for her. yet his fiancé freaked out and he also willingly threw her out and that is really a dick move. wish you happy life Eli, until your sap pregnant and got lykos hah serve you right- (im sorry for being salty)
the fluffiest part has come to show though, yoongi and yn!!! that is so heart wrenching yet fluffy yet soo soo ugh. no words can describe how im feeling right 😭
well, soon after, yoongi and jk probably going to take her home. aww can’t wait for that!!
but, i wonder- it just me thinking okayy, um what if,- (author-nim don’t take this to heart or in you wip okay! it just me wondering in my wild thoughts instead of studying for my test tomorrow- sigh, i’m 22 yet still going to class for test— btw!!! ) after all is well, and yn get to be in pack as yoongi’s omega, and what if, suddenly yn got pregnant instead of hoseok. you know as we all know that hoseok and jin has been trying for kids yet yn and yoongi get first?? it would be hella dramas and i’m just wondering okay author nim- you don’t have to wonder or put it in your wip you know- just wonderrrr ㅋㅋㅋ
all is well, and i really lurve the update! got me excited for next!! oh question, how long this lone wolf series would be? 12 chapters? 14 chapters?
luv u ! - 🫧
About Eli: he is a beta. Really there's no other way he would be able to pretend so well. I think he genuinely wanted to help her, but only as long as it didn't threaten his own security. He grew up the same way she did and is also very damaged, so don't hate him too much.
That scene where she goes to him and calls him alpha has been in my head for so long. I'm so happy it's it there now. It's everything to me. She will be in get proper home very soon.
Ah so about that. As I've hinted at with her fear of breeding, mc will not be getting pregnant, at least not anytime soon at all. Because of her past, that would be extremely traumatic for her. But that doesn't mean kids won't come up 👀
I have no idea how long it will be!! Most likely the following chapters will be a bit shorter just because they are going to be fluffier. I kind of really pushed their separation into as few chapters as I could bc I don't want it to last too long. Now I think I'll do slightly shorter chapters and we can just snack on the fluff for a long time.
Thank you so much for showing my little universe some love. Good luck with your exam!!
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
happy thursday its l& o time
spoilers thoughts opinions and random ramblings under the cut
Okay, I know they’re undercover but OC seems to be shoving Jet & Jamie together and that gives me the ick because the actors are like, 13 years apart or something. And I get we can age up or down, but I always base of the actors ages so im uncomfortable here…. LOL.
Man… these guys are always SO obvious when they’re trailing, or like, staking someone out from a car, also, ive seen this chase scene already so I know what’s up, BUT, also ive gotta say, her little parkouring is literally just flashy, it’s not saving her ANY time than if she was just continuing to run. If she wasn’t showing off, she probably could’ve escaped.
Okay…does this case/jewelry shit have ANYTHING to do with the casino bitches?? Or are we now doing one BIG case/arc in the background for the entire season and smaller cases for each episode or two? Like the showrunners don’t know what they’re doing with OC….
Well that was some lazy explanation to cover stablers mom not being there and Eli’s in COLLEGE? Are we SURE? Is the math correct on that?
Yeah this Italian chick is annoying, I do not trust her, and she’s literally an olivia knockoff (again, no bensler shipping here…) BUT REALLY?? *sigh*
AYANNA!!!! FUCKKKK!!!! Dem HIPS girl!! I am looking *disrespectfully*
Okay…Jet clearly isn’t the same age of Ainsley if jet was married when she was 20 and it’s clearly been a while now. I don’t like that….
Is this…like..trafficked girl UC cop breaking cover to help her, has a kid back home… is this not the EXACT plot line from last season with elliot and that girl from the diner? This is lazy…just lazy…im literally only here for Ayanna and jet
Fuck AYANA is so pretty! (and also clearly divorced because no lesbian is doing their nails like that….)
Okay. I got bored during a commercial break and looked it up. Eli was born in s9 ep Paternity. That aired in 2007. It’s 2022. ELI IS FUCKIN 15 YEARS OLD AND HE LAZY WRITING/NOT CARING ABOUT SHIT LIKE THIS MEANS that he’s in college, in a different state, at 15. Not to mention… he was only 3 years old when he moved to Italy, he would’ve gone to Italian schools, he would have an Italian accent. Jfc. Why couldn’t they just say that he went to live with Kathleen??
 Okay…mothership time.
 Lets be honest, I’m not paying attention to this shit until Samantha’s on screen so I doubt I’ll have much to say LOL.
JFC there are SO many extras/guest stars that have been on a l&o show multiple times before. This is getting ridiculous. Can some more actors relocate to nyc pls?
Ugh can we stop bringing up covid please?? I know it’s all “pull from reality” but cmon…
Okay….okay…hear me out… if I end up writing power high femme sam x casual/bottom muncy….don’t come for me…..
“met the old fashioned way, drunk as hell in a biker bar in queens” fuck I love kate
Also there was a whole lot of shying away from terms of specific gender in that dating/partner talk…and tonights ep was directed by the person who played the og lesbian in this franchise… THAT’S SUSPICIOUS…
Okay…imma need WAY more background info on what sam’s story is… cause I just know there’s some shit that’s gone down, like I want that history…
Okay. SVU here we go!
Is amanda gonna fangirl tonight or is muncy gonna take that spot? Cause we all know molly loves sports and they do like to add/write in things of the personal actors lives…
I stand corrected… its joe… awe.. poor guy’s by himself?? You KNOW one of the girls would’ve gone with him!
What hotel did they film at? I need to know for fic reasons…wait…is this the homeland hotel…?? (s6 when they were in nyc)
Mothership ended with Sam saying she had a date, the perp in svu mentions having a date and you tell me why im expected sam to pop up over here LOL.
Yaaaasss molly coming in with the title card! A kween!  (truly did think we’d have to wait until after amanda was gone but I guess I was wrong about that)
Okay, called muncy being an American football fan, adore that they added that in there.
Octavio with the fucking *hand* thing again jesus
LOL fin… I love you… sweet talkin and bringing people food to get ahead in the case LOL
Muncy simply cannot be straight when she’s sitting on desks like that…. That IS A QUEER
“the vending machine was out of kale” LOL also lol to joe being all health conscious…
Omg grace fake fangirling, I love it
Where the fuck is carisi??
Dude…. You KNOW the cops are there..why the fuck are you now pulling a gun??
Okay so I will admit, I wasn’t paying too much attention to the case at hand, or the perp, like im literally just here to thirst over people at this point but that wasn’t a bad episode. Definitely the best out of the three for tonight. Still pissed that we don’t seem to get to go to court anymore. I also DESPERATELY miss the recurring guest stars that came along with court rooms, defence attorneys and judges and the like. *sigh* maybe next week. 2 more eps with amanda. Do we think they’ve been clowning us with those BTS pictures/videos or will that shit actually happen?
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sylvialovejoy · 2 years
Pinch Me
Klitz x reader
Warnings: Swearing, (Y/n) being a slay queen baddie purrrrr
A/n: Entering my y2k phase so I feel inspired. Also, this is quite short but I’m fairly sure I’m gonna do a few parts so fear not.
Song Mentioned: Operate - Peaches.
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It was the first day back after summer which of course meant that Eli, Matt, and Klitz felt like entirely new people- as most do after summer break. By that, they meant they were not even an inch or so taller and had had a hair cut. But it was fairly safe to say that (Y/n) had changed over the summer.
Big time.
Her and the trio had been close friends since they started high-school, practically joined at the hip. This also resulted in Klitz developing a huge, huge crush on her. Sure, Eli made his fair share of jokes and drowned her in compliments but Matt and Eli were convinced Klitz was in love. While (Y/n) had never been disliked or bullied, she had never really stood out either. Just enough to get along with the popular people, but not enough to be fully integrated into their circle- thankfully leaving her with Klitz, Matt, and Eli.
The three boys were making their way into school and past the parking lot when they could hear ‘Operate’ by Peaches slowly getting louder. They turned their head to briefly look at the passing car before snapping their heads back in pure shock.
“Oh, my fucking God.” Eli’s mouth dropped open.
The car in question- a sleek, black convertible- stopped to a halt besides them, the driver shooting them a beaming grin while pushing her sunglasses up to the top of her head, “Hey, boys!”
The music stopped as she got out, revealing her black mini skirt and top with a bejewelled heart and seams paired with strappy kitten heels. They were certain she was breaking numerous dress codes, but she didn’t seem to care so why should they?
“Uh, H-hi.” Stammered Matt, raising a hand in greeting.
She gave them all a hug, causing them to tense up, “Ugh, I missed you guys, fill me in on everything that happened over the summer.” It shocked them how she acted as though she hadn’t become the hottest girl in school overnight. She pulled out a compact mirror with ‘you look hot’ printed on the front before applying some lipgloss, pushing the two strands of hair away from her eyes that hung loosely.
Klitz couldn’t help but stare at her, unable to speak. He’d always thought she was beautiful, but this- this was... wow. He shared a look with the other two before Eli spoke up.
“Nothing much,” he said, still in shock, “what about you? You seem... uh... different?”
She let out a short laugh, “Is that bad?”
“No, no, no!” Eli said quickly, raising his hands in defence. “Just different.”
“Different how?” She asked, head cocking to the side.
Klitz spoke before he could even think about what to say, it just slipped out, “Hot.”
All eyes immediately snapped to him. He mentally face palmed and was ready to jump into oncoming traffic when (Y/n) spoke up.
“Wow, thanks Klitzy. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
He swore he melted on the spot.
“You know you’re gonna be like, the hottest girl in school now, right?” Said Eli, “You better not ditch us.”
She placed a hand on her chest and gasped, “I’m offended you’d even think that. I could never do that to my favourite tripod.” Eli rolled his eyes at the reference.
Now that they’d somewhat recovered from shock, they began to fall into their normal flow, much more comfortable. As they were talking, a voice interrupted them.
“Hey, gorgeous. I didn’t know we had a new girl joining us this year.”
It was Cody Jones, head of the football team and full time dick. He slung an arm over her shoulders but she slapped his hand, causing both him and the other boys to flinch as he tore it away.
“Don’t touch me, mutt. I’ve been here for three years.” She snarled.
Klitz could stand there and say that the tone of her voice didn’t do anything to him, but his mother didn’t raise a liar.
Cody scoffed but walked past, rubbing his hand before joining a group ahead of them. Smiling, her demeanour now bubbly again, (Y/n) pulled out her timetable.
“Ugh I have English first.” Rolling her eyes, she put the paper back into her back.
“But English first period is an honours class?” Klitz said, looking at his own timetable and seeing the same lesson.
She flicked her hair over her shoulder and shrugged as if to say ‘what can I say’, “I know. I better go, don’t wanna be late.” She walked between Matt and Eli, all three boys followed her and held their eyes on her.
(Y/n) looked behind her shoulder, “Walk with me, Klitzy?”
He had never moved quicker, “Yeah, sure.”
Eli and Matt watched in awe as the two walked off. (Y/n) linked her arm in Klitz’s, which wasn’t unusual for the pair, but with everyone staring at the now odd pairing, Klitz couldn’t help but blush. He could tell his crush was only gonna intensify from here on out. God, help him.
A/n part 2: WALK EM LIKE A DOG BITCH WALK EM LIKE A DOG she’s so slay. I might make this a series so leave me some ideas if you have any! <3
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citrus-simp · 3 years
Hope everything is okay. I just wanted to say I love your writing and both blogs :) if you ever do open requests again, and even if you do you don’t have to write this. But how about a drabble of levi and his wife who have 2 sons and 1 daughter named Kutchel who is 3/4. Levi loves all his kids but kinda has a soft spot for kutchel🥺 and sometimes her brothers exclude her from play n are mean to her so she comes up to him trembling like “why won’t they play w me daddy”. Cue levi. Rest is up to u.
{AN}-> first of all, thank you so much for the love and support and of course for reading my work! And yes I am doing better thank you for the wishes! I am and ULTIMATE simp for papa Levi!
"I'm home" Levi called out as he slipped out of his work shoes and hung his blazer
"Dad! Look what I won today at practice!"
"Dad look at the grade I got o my test today!" your sons yell as they ran to their father holding up objects for him to look at.
Your eldest Liam who was 8 showed him what his football coach gave him, at practice. He had done very well and had gotten a button that said MVP on it, he was very proud of himself. Eli, your younger son who was 6, wanted him to know how well he was doing in his classes. He was top of his class and loved to show you both how hard he worked
"Congrats to both of you, I'm proud of you both for working so hard," he said ruffling their hair, gaining a big smile from them both
"Welcome home, Levi" you popped in with Kutchel in your arms, pecking Levi's lips. Your youngest and only daughter, Kutchel. She was 3, and definitely had Levi wrapped around her little finger.
The thing was, not only was she named after his mother, she looked so much like her! Of course, she had certain things from you but her eye shape, and nose were from his mother. Unfortunately, Levi lost his mother before Kutchel was born. It took a toll on him, all the things she had done to care for him, her sacrifice, everything.
He felt as though he was never able to repay her. Next thing you know about a year later, you found out about your pregnancy, with your first girl. The day she was born, Levi felt something he never had before. It was almost like he had completely healed from his loss when he looked at her.
"Papa!" she reached out for her father to take her, which he gladly did
"Hey there princess," he said kissing her chubby cheek "what did you do today?"
"Me and mama went to the park and I fed the birdies," she said with a rosy smile.
"Oh look at you doing big girl things! I'm so proud of you princess." he smiled at her and raised her above his head. Her brothers watching a bit disappointed from a distance.
Did they hate their sister? No. Their parents taught them to respect and love their sister, which they did. But at their age, jealousy was something big among siblings. Seeing how their father would be more affectionate towards their sister made them feel different. They saw that their father would gravitate more to their sister than to them. Or he would put her first before them when asked to spend time with them.
Of course, you had noticed this way before time. You had asked him when you were pregnant with Eli that he wouldn't have favorites and love all your kids equally. You knew that could make a bad relationship with his kids and between siblings so you wanted to avoid it. Sometimes you'd step in and try to give your sons the same praise, but of course, they still wanted their father's attention.
"Liam why don't you go and find a nice place to put that MVP button in your room, like a trophy" you try and lighten the mood "and Eli, I'm sure I have a frame for that test of yours" thank the god it actually worked as both boys run in different directions for each of their own things to do.
"Levi, did you see the boys' accomplishments?' you ask
"Y/N, I know where you're going with this. I paid attention to all of them, Liam is doing great in football, and Eli is practically a genius," he said putting down Kutchel
"*sigh* I know I just-"
"Want no one hurt I know, well how about you meet me in the kitchen and we can talk it out alright? Kutchel sweetheart, why don't you go and play with your brothers while I talk with mommy okay?" he said ruffling her hair
" 'Kay!" she said running up the stairs to where she'd find her brothers most likely.
"And what would this talk be about?" you ask raising an eyebrow as his hands found your waist
"Oh just about how I have some time to kiss you properly~"
" 'iam" Kutchel said as she enters his room, Eli in the same as they played together "can I pway with you and E-i?"
"No Kutchel, go away" Liam sneered "we don't play with babies"
"I'm not a baby!" she pouted
"Go away Kutchel, you're not smart enough to play this game either way," Eli said motioning to the board where he and his brother were playing chess "Maybe dad wants your company" Eli may be smart but he also got his father's sassy mouth
"B-but I wanna pway with you" he pouted trying not to cry as she sniffed
"Kutchel just go away, ugh you're so annoying when you cry"
"Yeah, and only babies cry."
"I-I not...a-a baby," she said as tears pooled in her eyes, of course, they would tease her playfully at times but this time Kutchel really did feel hurt
"Whatever, the only reason gives you so much attention is 'cause you were a mistake and he doesn't want you feeling bad" Eli sneered without thinking
"N-not true!" she stopped her feet as tears started to fall from her eyes, but she just couldn't handle any more ridicule from her brothers and left.
Meanwhile, you and Levi were in the kitchen caught in a makeout session when you heard a certain someone crying "Papa, mommy!"
It wasn't a regular call, she sounded hurt and heartbroken causing you both to separate quickly
"Kutchel, sweetheart what happened?" you ask as you kneel down and she crashes into your arm and lets out all her tears. Levi kneels beside you and strokes her back trying to comfort her some more
"P-papa, why won't 'iam let me play?" she asked her father as she peaked from your shoulder "T-they say I was a mistake.." she sniffed and you swore you could see the fire in his eyes. You stood up with Kutchel in your arms as Levi shot up and walked towards the stairs
"Levi! Levi, keep your anger in control, don't you dare-"
"Y/N, I won't do anything brash, but they can't say crap like that. I for sure didn't raise them this way. Just watch Kutchel, I'll talk to the boys"
Levi would NEVER lay a hand on his kids, but you didn't want him scolding either. However, they couldn't just say what they wanted to their sister thinking it was okay. Especially to the point of her crying.
"Come on baby, let's go watch the birds outside okay?"
Meanwhile, Levi is now knocking on Liam's door "Liam, Eli, come downstairs" he said while taking the lead waiting on them. He sat in a chair in front of the sofa and watched his sons take a seat. They looked like they knew what happened...
"Is there something you want to tell me? Like why Kutchel came to us crying? Asking if she was a mistake?" he said with a firm voice but not yelling at them. But enough to let them know he was very serious about the situation. Eli started to fidget with his fingers while looking down in his lap. Liam keeps eye contact with his father trying to keep a straight face.
"We didn't want to play with her so we said that so she'd leave..." Liam said
"That doesn't justify calling her a mistake. All three of you are here because your mother and I wanted you and we were happy as hell to have all of you."
"Even if you wanted all of us, it's not like you love all of us the same" Eli said crossing his arms
"Eli, that isn't-"
"you always put her first. Even if we come to you, whenever she comes you act more affectionate and happy with her just existing"
"We always have to do something just to get your attention...it sucks dad..." Liam added, "why can't you just love us how you love her?"
Levi was honestly hurt. He didn't want this to happen. He loved his sons to the moon and back. Maybe it was true that Kutchel got more attention from him but it didn't mean he didn't love them
"Boys, do you remember grandma?" Levi asked relaxing his posture a bit. Both boys nodded "Well, your sister looks a lot like my mother, it's why we gave her that name. I think I got attached to her in a way to cope with losing her. But I never want you to think I don't love you." he said kneeling in front of the two children
"The day you were both born were two of my happiest moments. You know I cried the first time you walked to me, Liam? And the day you told off Hanji made me laugh, Eli" he shared with them "I love Kutchel, but I also love you both to the end of my days. But I am sorry." he apologized opening his arms for them.
Hopping off the couch they have a warm group hug
"Alright, you two. I apologized but you still have some apologizing to do with your mother and sister," he said taking their hands and walking to the back porch where you sat with Kutchel
Levi clears his throat "You and Kutshcel have some visitors" he said with a nod to his hands
"Oh? What would these visitors like to say?" you ask in hope of a good outcome
"We're sorry we were mean to you Kutchel" Eli started
"Yeah, we didn't mean it, really. We were a little jealous but we never meant to hurt you. We love you" Liam followed
Kutchel pouted, not making eye contact "Really?" she asked
"Really really." they both offer a smile Kutchel jumps up from your arms and runs to hug her brothers. Walking over to Levi you kiss his shoulder and say
"Guess you'll be getting a reward for this accomplishment~"
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jamiethetrans · 3 years
Taken (Modern AU) - Ch 6
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Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader Series: Taken (Modern AU) Taglist
AN: Hey everyone! Another chapter is up!
I’ve noticed some of you from the taglist can’t be tagged. I don’t know why, I’ve double checked for the third time today and I am sure I have written everything correct. If you find your name in the taglist but isn’t tagged, try and see if anything is out of the ordinary for you on your profile. I do apoligize for the inconvinience.
“You asked her out?!”, Daniela squeaked as she and her sisters along with their father sat in the living room, watching tv. Alcina had just mentioned she was going out Friday night. She hadn’t even mentioned where she was going or who she was going out with.
Alcina stared at her youngest for a moment before turning to Jeremy who held up his arms in defense. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t tell them anything”
“So it’s true then. You’re going out with her”, Bela said this time and Alcina could hear the protectiveness in her voice.
“Yes. Doctor y/l/n and I are going out Friday night. I hope you don’t mind”, she said, the last sentence with a pit of sarcasm.
“Of course not mama. We want you to be happy”, Cassandra said eyeing her sisters with a look making them both roll their eyes, but kept quiet. “But you’re still gonna come to my game Saturday right?”
Alcina smiled at Cassandra and nodded. “Of course darling”
Cassandra smiled wide and looked at her father. “Are you going too papa?”
That made everyone turn to the man and said man looked his daughter for a moment before turning to Alcina who already knew the answer. “Cass I–“
“Jeremy”, Alcina warned and Jeremy turned to her.
“Alcina I have work”
“This means everything to her!”
Jeremy eyed her before turning to Cassandra who sat with tears in her eyes. “Cassandra I–“, he was interrupted as she stood from the couch and ran out of the room and up the stairs.
Bela immediately stood as well, and walked after her. “Why are you always working?”, Daniela asked innocently and Jeremy turned to her.
“My boss is strict. Look I will try to make it okay? But I can’t make any promises” He turned to Alcina who eyed him knowingly. He wasn’t going to come and they both knew it.
“Ugh this dress is hideous!”, you hissed as you went through your wardrobe. On your bed sat Eli and Jane, watching you. You and Jane had planned to find a dress for your date with Alcina. But right now it did not seem possible. Somehow none of the dresses you owned were good enough.
“Y/n you look gorgeous in all of them”, she said, making you turn to her with a look. “Right Eli?”
The boy nodded silently and you gave him a smile making him blush. You turned back to you closet, looking through all of your dresses. A beeping sound was heard and Jane widened her eyes.
“Uh! The popcorns are done”, she said and half ran out of bedroom to the kitchen.
“Popcorn? Seriously?”, you commented turning back around, a frown covering your face. You turned to your son who smiled back at you. “Really?”
He smiled wider, letting out a small chuckle and you couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling yourself. Your son was just the cutest.
You walked over to him and kissed his forehead before crouching down in front of him. “Are you sure you’re okay with mommy going out?”, you asked for the third time that day and Eli actually rolled his eyes making you chuckle.
“Yeah mommy. Tall lady pretty”, he said making you smile.
“Yeah. She really is pretty isn’t she?”
Elijah nodded and you smiled, bringing him in for a hug. You closed your eyes, letting yourself savor the moment, smelling his smell that was all your wife. “I love you buddy”, you whispered and kissed his cheek making the boy chuckle.
“Love you mommy”
You smiled and kissed him again when you heard crunching in the background and looked over to see Jane standing in the door way, a bowl of popcorn in her hands, leaning against the doorframe.
“You’re so sweet”, she commented and you let out a chuckle shaking your head as you stood from the floor.
“Just help me please”
Jane smiled and walked back to her seat next to Elijah, placing the bowl on the boy’s lap, making him smile wide and take a popcorn into his mouth.
“Not too much buddy, okay?”, you told him sternly and Elijah nodded.
“Yes mommy”
Jane smiled at the boy, stroking his hair. She took a handful of popcorn before turning to you. “Alright hot shot. Show me what you got”
Bela sat in Cassandra’s bed watching tv while her sister slept next to her, her head on her shoulder. Daniela was sitting by Cassandra’s desk, writing on her MacBook. Whenever she had the time between school and work, she always wrote her stories.
“What are you writing about?”, Bela asked quietly and Daniela turned to her, staring back at her. And right there Bela knew what she was writing.
“You’re writing smut aren’t you?”
Daniela mumbled a ‘yeah’ before suddenly a knock was heard and they both turned to see Jeremy open the door. “Hey, may I come in?”
They both nodded, Daniela closing her MacBook while Bela turned off the tv. Jeremy walked in and sat on the end of the bed.
“Should I wake–“
“No, it’s okay, I’ll talk to her later, let her sleep”, he stopped his oldest and Bela nodded, letting her sister continue to sleep.
“I’m sorry I’m not here more often”, Jeremy started out. “And I know work isn’t an excuse. I’m your father. I should be here for you”
Bela and Daniela shared a look and Jeremy knew they were silently speaking to each other. They all did that. Alcina had told him about it a few years ago. It was something they had done ever since they could communicate with each other.
“But… work isn’t the only reason I’m not here”, he said and the girls turned to him. “I’m seeing this girl, and–“
“But I thought you loved mother”, Bela said as a matter of fact and that made both Jeremy and Daniela turned to her.
“How did you–“
“You’re not that hard to read father”, she said and Daniela still sat with widened eyes, turning to her father.
“You love mom?”
Jeremy sighed. There was no way denying it now. “I always have. But I know I’m not your mother’s type and I’ve respected and come to terms with that from the first time we met”
“But you still slept together. You still had us”, Daniela insisted and Jeremy turned to her.
“We were young and drunk. We didn’t exactly plan on having kids together, let alone sleeping with each other”
The two girls turned to each other again and Jeremy sighed turning to Cassandra who was still sleeping peacefully against Bela.
“But that doesn’t make me love you any less. I promised Alcina I would be here and I intend to keep that promise”, he continued making the girls turn back to him.
“I’m looking for houses here in New York. The moment something comes up, I’m moving”, he stated and that made them both smile wide.
“So you’ll live closer to us”, Daniela said and Jeremy nodded with a smile.
“Yes. I wanna see my three beautiful daughters grow up. I don’t wanna miss another second”
That made Daniela smile wide and stood from her seat, hugging her father tight. While they shared their moment Bela turned to the door and noticed her mother eyes in the small opening of the door.
Alcina knocked softly before opening the door further and Daniela and Jeremy turned to her. “Hey, everything alright in here?”
They all three nodded and Alcina met Jeremy’s eyes, the man smiling back at her with an assuring look. She turned and noticed Cassandra sleeping on the bed and smiled at the look. She walked over and carried the girl into her arms, holding her against her chest.
“I’m gonna lay her in the bedroom, while you three can spend some time together”, she whispered and they all three nodded watching her leave with Cassandra in her arms.
Despite the girls being teenagers now, they were still small for their age, and Alcina who had always been tall and muscular could easily still carry them if she wished to do so. That was secretly one of the things she loved most about her children.
Bela was the tallest, Daniella not far behind, while Cassandra was the smallest despite only being the second youngest.
“Have you told mother? About the moving?”, Bela asked once she knew her mother was gone and Jeremy turned to her.
“I have”
“And what did she say?”, Daniela then asked and Jeremy smiled at her.
“The most important thing to your mom is that you three are happy and receive all the love that she and I can give you”
The two girls stared back at him, clear understanding showing in their eyes. “You three and your mother are my greatest adventure. And I have missed more than any father should. I promise I will be better. Much better”
This time Bela moved from her spot on the bed and over to Jeremy, sitting next to him before hugging him tight. “I expect you to keep it”, she said before pulling back and standing from the bed, leaving the bedroom.
Jeremy sighed, knowing it was gonna take more than words to make Bela trust him again. “Don’t worry. You know how she is”
Jeremy smiled at his youngest and squeezed her arm. “Yeah. Now. Tell me about your latest story”, he decided to change the subject and that made Daniela suddenly freeze, a huge blush creeping on her face.
Jeremy frowned at her with confused eyes. “What?”
Unbeknownst to him, her latest story was nothing but pure smut between her two favorite characters; Kim Possible and Sheego.
Cassandra opened her eyes and immediately noticed she wasn’t in her own bed with Bela anymore. She could smell her mother’s perfume and saw her scar on her chest. She smiled and snuggled closer in her mother’s embrace.
“I see someone is awake”, Alcina commented as she watched tv on the couch and Cassandra hummed making the woman chuckle. She hugged her daughter closer and Cassandra smiled at the action. She’s always loved her mother’s hugs. They were always so filled with love and her touch filled with tender and care.
Her mother was just her everything. “Was it a good nap dear?”
Cassandra nodded and before Alcina could say anything more, the girl was fast asleep again. Alcina smiled and kissed her forehead. A few minutes later Jeremy came back and sat down next to her, watching the tv as well.
“How did it go?” Alcina asked and Jeremy turned to her. He looked down at Cassandra and stroked her hair softly before moving his hand down to hers, holding onto it.
“Daniela is happy I’m moving. They both are. Bela just…”, he trailed off and Alcina nodded in understanding.
“She just needs some time Jer”
“I know, I know. I just want to prove I can actually be there you know”
Alcina nodded and they sat in silence as Alcina watched the tv while Jeremy looked at Cassandra, feeling his heart burst with love.
“I’m so sorry Alci… I’ve been such a bad father to them and even a worse best friend to you”, he softly whispered and Alcina turned to him, looking into his eyes. “I wanna be better”
Alcina looked down his on Cassandra’s and placed her own hand on top of his. “You will be”
Jeremy looked down at their hands and smiled at the sight.
You stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom looking over the dress you had chosen to wear. It had taken you and Jane almost an hour to find a dress that you liked.
Eli had just sat and ate all the popcorn. Normally you would have stopped him earlier but you couldn’t get yourself to do so. He deserved the best.
You turned around and saw Elijah standing in the doorway, his hands behind his back. “Yes honey?”
“Are you… are you gon-gon leave me?”
You felt your heart break at his small and insecure voice. “What? No honey, of course not”, you assured him walking over and crouching in front of him. He looked down in sadness and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Why was he feeling like this all of the sudden.
“But-but you gon love somebody else”, he said and you suddenly realized he was talking about Alcina.
“Oh honey”, you whispered and hugged him tight, which instantly made him cry and you felt your own eyes getting watery. “Eli I love you. I will never leave you, no matter who comes into our lives, okay?“
Elijah nodded but kept crying, holding onto you for dear life. “You’re my everything”, you whispered, kissing his temple softly.
@lucina1998 @catswag22 @lel-s @multifandomlesbianic @madaraskitten @chocolatepartykidcookie @Second-daughter-of-clexa @noarawriteszr @LittleSideOfRice @marvelwomen-simp @lord6-6fandom @mmemalwa @cxpiddd
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miyagihawk · 3 years
“idfc; blackbear (again it’s so easily related to hawk vibes, maybe he’s afraid to open up again for a relationship after moon so he acts like he doesn’t care about the reader but the mfs actually so in love😩✋🏻)” - @hawkwhore
ugh i love this sm and blackbear 😛 ty for the request as always <3
idfc | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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warnings: just cursing?
summary: based on idfc by blackbear :) hawk doesn’t like you and you don’t know why
a/n: soooo i kinda strayed from the song LOL sorry but this is kinda more cutesy and less angsty than the song. i actually like it though :)
You don’t know why he seemed to hate you.
Ever since you walked into the dojo for the first time, it was like you couldn’t escape his death stare.
Eventually, you got closer to Miguel, his best friend, so you two started going to the same parties and hanging out more often. But he never seemed to warm up to you.
Miguel said Hawk was just intimidated by you because you always beat him when Sensei calls you both to spar. So you let him win one time, but he seemed to hate you even more after.
Which is why you started Operation Get Hawk To Like Me.
It seemed like a fun challenge to get the broody boy to enjoy your company, but you also sincerely wanted to be friends with him. When he would laugh with Miguel and he smiled like the sun, it made you sad that he was so cold towards you but so warm towards others. You wanted the sun.
You decided that the first part of O.G.H.T.L.M was to subtlety be nicer; you didn’t want to be desperately kind out of nowhere and make him dislike you even more.
“Hey!” you called after the red haired boy who was about to open the door to the dojo.
Hawk turned around slowly at the sound of your voice, and you winced at the annoyed look on his face.
“I- uh, I got this for you,” you held out a blueberry smoothie. When everyone hung out at Golf N Stuff, you saw that he got that flavor and took a mental note.
The boy stood in front of you with a twisted face, not reaching out to take the drink. “Why?” he asked.
You shifted awkwardly, feeling nervous under his stare. Was this too forward? “Um... I accidentally got an extra one?” you made the excuse lamely. “Just take it.”
“Give it to Miguel,” Hawk turned around and sauntered into the dojo, leaving you with a frown. But you wiped off any trace of your disappointed expression and walked into practice too.
You tried everything.
You waved at him every time you passed each other in the halls. You got him drinks at parties and you even offered to be the designated driver so that he could get wasted with Miguel.
When you two sparred, you lost on purpose each time. Sensei even pulled you aside to ask if something was wrong. “Hawk is getting better,” was all you said, but he didn’t seem convinced.
The list of things you were trying to do for Operation Get Hawk To Like Me seemed endless and you were totally kissing his ass. His feelings about you weren’t budging, and it seemed like this was just a hopeless mission.
“I just don’t get why he hates me so much. I’m trying so hard,” you groaned.
“Maybe that’s why. You’re trying too hard,” Miguel said across from you with a mouthful of fries.
“Well I don’t know what to do then. I want him to know I’m trying.”
“He knows,” your best friend nodded his head nonchalantly.
Your face scrunched up in confusion, causing Miguel to give you an amused look. “Then why doesn’t he care? I’m starting to think there’s just something wrong with me,” you huffed, crossing your arms.
“You should just talk to him if it’s bothering you so much,” Miguel shrugged.
“I guess I should,” you slumped, feeling intimidated by the thought of confronting Hawk. Was it even worth it? If he didn’t want to be your friend now, then what would change if you talked to him? If he would even agree to talk.
Tonight. The final step that would determine if you were going to give up on Hawk.
The truth is, it really hurt your feelings how little he cared about you. And it hurt even more when you went out of your way to get him to even acknowledge you as an acquaintance.
You don’t know why it affected you so badly; maybe you’ve always had a teensy crush on him. And maybe this little plan you formulated was actually motivated by your subconscious desire to really get to know him, even though you passed it off as wanting to simply be his friend.
So tonight, at the party you were all going to, you were going to talk to him. And get the truth on why he was so persistent in shoving you away.
“Woah, slow down Y/N. Miss lightweight,” Miguel eyed you cautiously when you downed another cup of beer.
“I just need some liquid courage to face Hawk,” you licked your lips, already feeling the effect of the alcohol clouding your mind. You started to sway without noticing, making Miguel laugh at you amusingly.
“Well good luck with that. But that’s enough, or you won’t even get any words out,” he took the cup from you and you pouted. Miguel subtly motioned behind you, and you turned around to look.
It was the red haired boy you’ve been avoiding all night; the one who made your palms sweat when you thought about the conversation you were planning to have.
But with the alcohol giving you a rush of confidence, you walked up to him with no anxiety. His eyes widened when he saw you rushing forward, and he almost looked afraid.
“Can I talk to you?” you said solidly, feeling braver than you usually are. Hawk looked at you, confused, but nodded to his friends before following you to go somewhere quieter.
He traced behind you as you opened the door to go outside, where there were less people and the music wasn’t so loud.
“Um... is something wrong?” Hawk stood awkwardly in front of you, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“Of course there’s something wrong,” you replied in a meaner tone than you intended, but you brushed off the guilt.
“Well what is it?” he asked in his usual annoyed tone that he used only when he needed to speak to you.
You felt your cheeks heat up with frustration. “Why don’t you like me?” you blurted out, and the expression on his face told you that he wasn’t prepared for it at all.
“W-What?” Hawk stuttered, his previously composed persona was gone.
“Why don’t you like me?” you repeated, more forcefully. “I am so nice to you. But you just hate me and I have no idea why! And you’re just best buds with everyone else, so I know you aren’t incapable of having friends. Do you know how shitty that feels? Especially when I try so hard to just get you to treat me decently!” your mouth ran on and on and words were coming out without you thinking.
Your blurred vision from your anger cleared after you caught your breath, and you focused on his shocked expression. It was the most expression he’s ever shown you.
“I-I-” Hawk stammered, but you cut him off.
“Look, I’ll leave you alone if you just tell me to. But tell me why, so I can give up. I’m sorry, okay? For whatever I’ve done that makes you not even want to be near me. And I don’t even know why I feel like I need you to like me, I just-”
This time he was the one to interrupt you. “I do like you.”
You blinked in confusion, taken aback by his words.
Hawk licked his lips anxiously, taking a breath in before speaking, “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a dick. The truth is... I’ve been... um... catching feelings for you. And I guess I was trying to protect myself by pushing you away.”
Your mouth dropped open at his confession. Out of all the responses you were expecting when you were overthinking about the conversation, this one was one you could have never seen coming. But surprisingly, it made your stomach turn and your heartbeat accelerate.
He continued, this time looking into your eyes with his blue ones. “I don’t hate you at all. I just... I just felt like last time I caught feelings for someone I just got hurt. And I was all in, but they weren’t. That’s why I keep myself from getting close to you. I’m sorry Y/N,” Hawk confessed his whole heart, leaving you speechless.
After barely getting a few words out of him everyday, his confession of feelings was overwhelming. But you finally understood him. You knew about his relationship with Moon and how it went down from all the school gossip, but for some reason you never pieced together that it was why his guard was up so high.
“I don’t really know what to say,” you admitted, still feeling woozy from both the alcohol and his speech. You weren’t sure about your feelings and you didn’t want to say something you didn’t mean. Yes, you had feelings for him too, but everything was going so fast.
Hawk gave you a smile that calmed you from your worry. “It’s okay, sorry. It was a lot. But if you still want we can be friends.” He reached out his hand for you to shake and confirm your partnership.
Instead of taking it, you took him by surprise by wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He melted into the hug after a few seconds, and you smiled from behind his view. “Friends,” you pulled away and he beamed at you warmly.
You finally got the sun.
a/n: omg bye this was not like the song at all SORRY there wasn’t that much action it was just fluffy IVE BEEN WATCHING TOO MUCH MIRACULOUS LADYBUG like they r so soft and u can see the influence of it on my writing lmaoo anyways hope u enjoyed!! :)
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diaphragmjellyfish · 4 years
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz NSFW Alphabet
Not my gif
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Hawk is pretty quiet after sex. He likes to lay there with you draped over his chest and a smirk on his face while you both catch your breath. If it was a particularly rough night he will get a wet cloth and clean you off before getting snacks and turning on some rock music or an action movie. He’s almost always the big spoon when cuddling.
B: Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also yours)
His favorite body part of yours is your face. He thinks you look so innocent and pure like a literal ray of sunshine. A complimentary opposite to his look. He especially likes how sweet you look while doing certain *ahem* activities. His favorite body part of his are his abs. He worked hard for them and they give him confidence. He loves when you run your hands down them while y’all are making out.
C: Cum (anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Hawk likes to cum on your face or inside you. You guys are young and not at all ready for kids so you always wrap it up, which is why he usually cums on your face. He could honestly finish just thinking about how you look covered in him like that. When it’s a super passionate or romantic night he prefers to finish inside you with or without the condom. He just likes to look deep in your eyes.
D: Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He’s always wanted to try anal. His tattoo buddy Rico told him it was awesome, and he’s wanted to do it ever since. He’s nervous to ask you though because he would never want you to be in pain. When you eventually tell him you want to give it a go, he’s beyond excited but also super gentle.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Hawk is somewhat experienced, but his confidence makes up for anything he might not be sure about. He was with Moon for a few months and learned all the basics, but it’s with you that he really starts to experiment. He’s also a super quick learner.
F: Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
The boy loves to try new things. You guys are making your way through the Kama-sutra. He still thinks you can never go wrong with the classics though- missionary and cowgirl. As long as he can touch you he’s a happy guy.
G: Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they more humorous, etc.)
He almost always is wearing a smirk when y’all are going at it. He’s more serious than goofy at first just because he feels like he has something to prove but once you guys get comfortable and he knows he can be himself around you, he lets loose a little and will crack a joke or two during.
H: Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes)
God I wish I could say the carpet matched the drapes lmaooo imagine a little mini mohawk. But fr he’s probably trimmed. Nothing too fancy but he keeps it clean.
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
He’s a romantic at heart, but only for you. He’d never tell anyone but on Valentine’s day he goes all out. Rose petals, candles, a massage. And he loves to buy you lingerie to wear for him.
J: Jack off )Masturbation hc)
He does it a lot when he’s by himself because he can’t believe he got such a sexy mf as his girl. He always thinks of you. If he’s ever too frustrated from training or a tournament he’ll rub one out by himself so he doesn’t take out his anger on you. He’d never want to hurt you. But if you’re there, he obviously prefers you over his hand.
K: Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Anal, Hair pulling, choking, he loves when you bite his shoulder when it feels good, or scratch his back so when he takes off his shirt at practice everyone knows he did a good job. He also loves to leave hickeys all over your neck and thighs. He’s a confident boi but he has an insecure past so he wants everyone to know you’re taken and taken well ;)
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He’ll take you anywhere and everywhere. Bed, the dojo, the canyon, on his motorcycle in an alley somewhere, he literally does. Not. care. You guys even did it in his mom’s Sentra while it was in the middle of the car wash
M: Motivation (What turns them on, what gets them going)
Any time you bend over, or ask him to help you with something like opening a jar, he likes to feel needed and wanted. You could honestly look at this boy funny and he’d pop a hard one.
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do)
Anything that causes you pain. He would never slap you or make you gag on him or anything like that. Also threesomes are out, whether that’s with another guy or another girl, he wants it to be just you and him always.
O: Oral (preference in giving or receiving)
The first time you went down on him he thought he was gonna explode. He couldn’t believe it was happening. But the first time he went down on you? He’d never heard such beautiful noises and he knew from then that he wanted to hear those little moans every day for the rest of his life. He’s got the basics down when you first get together, but after you show him what you really like and y’all start experimenting? God tier head.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Honestly depends on the day. When you guys first meet he just wants to impress you so he’s super fast and rough, but once you tell him that slow and steady wins the race, he starts to take his time. You still enjoy a good pounding every once in a while though
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies)
He’s the king of quickies (not too quick tho if ya know what I mean). He’s a young guy, he’s horny all the time and doesn’t care if anyone sees. He’s doing what he wants when he wants as long as you’re ok with it.
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment)
YES. It’s his favorite thing. You both love to get freaky and try new things. He’d do anything you ask him to do, and do it well.
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for)
Ngl, when y’all first got together, this kid would bust in under 10 minutes. He’s a young guy, you were his second girlfriend ever, and he spent most of his childhood thinking he would never even talk to a girl like you. He bounced back fast though and could go for multiple rounds. And he’s built up stamina over time so no issues here.
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?)
He loves to use toys on you. In the beginning, you were having trouble reaching the summit *wink wink* no matter what he did. He was amazing, but for whatever reason you couldn’t quite finish. You told him it was fine but he said he couldn’t enjoy it if he knew you weren’t enjoying it. So one day he bought a tiny pink vibrator and held it between your legs while he fucked you and you LOST IT. Now he has several different toys that he uses on you all the time.
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He’s not much of a tease. He likes to let you both have what you want. But he loves when you tease him. The anticipation of you hovering over him, not knowing when or if you would finally sink down, gets him that much more excited.
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Kind of quiet, but lots of swearing and groaning. Literally the “ugh fuck” right in your ear as he sinks into you. He doesn’t like to be too loud (his old shy self is still there) and would rather hear you scream for him.
W: Wild Card (Random hc)
He is very much into foreplay. He likes to make sure you’re on the brink of orgasm before he even gets in you. Your only sexual experiences before you met him were guys just shoving themselves into you completely dry and when you told him that, he promised you he would never do that to you. He’s been a foreplay prodigy ever since. It’s his thing.
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Probably about 5 or 6 inches, average girth. Honestly size really is overrated. The G spot is only 3 inches in I’m tired of everyone acting like bigger is better. You Don’t Need Much if they’re using it right and he definitely does.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
On a scale of 1 to 10, Hawk is an 11. He could fuck you all day every day for the rest of his life. Morning, noon, and night. Rich or poor, in sickness and in health (I got carried away lmao)
Z: ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep after)
Hawk likes to cuddle, eat snacks, and watch a movie after. Maybe it’s because he always felt insecure sleeping around other people as Eli but he always lets you fall asleep first. He loves to feel like he’s watching over and protecting you while you sleep on his chest. Literally when you’re in such a vulnerable state around him he feels so honored and would die before he let anyone lay a finger on you.
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free-boundsoul · 3 years
if you're still doing the kiss prompts, i have a couple!!
62 with elliott and sunshine!
86 with milo and sweetheart!
(Thank you so much for the requests, Mads! I really hope you like them. Also, 62 was just perfect for Eli and Sunshine, it just fits his character so much lol. First time writing for these characters though so I hope they turned out okay. Also um...86 may have gotten a little spicy)
62. Elliott and Sunshine
“I still can’t believe your first kiss was Dalton Petersen.” Elliott snickered, dodging the smack they’d aimed at his chest. “Too slow, Sunshine~” That damn smug smile curled his lips as his eyes glittered in that stupid...charming mischief when he was teasing them.
“It was in third grade on a dare! It doesn’t fucking count.” They insisted, sullenly crossing their arms over their chest as they leaned back in their chair. They were almost tempted to shove the yearbook that was balancing on the armrest to the floor. He just had to find that when they were going through the old stuff in the side room they used for storage. They should have just left that with their parents.
“It so counts! He had such a crush on you too after that. He followed you around everywhere.” Elliott grunted as the yearbook hit his chest, though it didn’t stop him from chuckling. “You’re always so violent.”
“I’ll show you how violent I can be if you don’t knock it off. We were kids, I didn’t even like him! He was a jerk as a kid and he became a bigger jerk when we were in high school. He used to date people for a few days and then drop them when he got bored. He was an asshat!” They ranted; hands raised in exasperation before pushing their hair back from their face. “If they turned out to be an asshole, it doesn’t count. You never counted Rebecca Adams when it turned out that she was just using you to make her ex jealous.”
His nose crinkled in distaste at the memory, “Fair point. We really had bad taste when we were teenagers.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I’d just like one nice kiss from someone who actually cares about me. I don’t think that’s such a bad thing to ask for.” They grumbled as they picked up their drink.
“Well...why don’t we kiss?”
They almost choked on their slushie at the suggestion, their head snapping up to meet his gaze, trying to detect any of the usual teasing or mischief that this was just a joke. But he was serious. “What...are you saying, Eli?”
“C’mon. We’re friends, right? Friends kiss each other all the time.” Elliott insisted before he forced a chuckle, rubbing at his neck as he looked away. “Y’know, unless you don’t want to. Of course. Um, I was just thinking since we’re friends and we care about each other, I mean, I really care about you and-”
“Eli. You really want to kiss me?” They asked. It wasn’t like they hadn’t thought about it before. How could they not when Eli’s eyes shined so much when he looked at them? When those fleeting touches made their heart race or his hand in theirs had the butterflies squirming around? But they didn’t want to risk bringing that up, you weren’t supposed to have those kinds of feelings for your best friend. They didn’t want to chase him off because their stupid heart didn’t get the memo. But if he was the one to say it first...
“Well, yeah, but um, just forget about it. I was just-” He fumbled over his words, a flush crawling up his cheeks as he tried to hide his face behind his cup. He jerked a bit when they stood up to stand in front of him, plucking the cup from his hands to set it on the coffee table. “Sunshi-”
Their lips pressed against his before they could second-guess themselves. He was rigid against them, but only for a moment before he was leaning into them, his hands resting against their waist to pull them closer as their own hands rested on the arms of his chair to steady themselves. His lips were cold against theirs, sweet but with a twang from the blue raspberry syrup he’d picked.
When they pulled back Elliott was blinking up at them, almost in a daze before he beamed up at them, “Oh wow...Sunshine. I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that...”
Their heart raced, making them almost light-headed as they leaned their forehead against his. They couldn’t stop the smile that curled their lips, “You wanna do it again?”
86. Milo and Sweetheart
“You kissed me first.”
Their mate snorted at the claim, he didn’t even look up from the paperwork he was doing for the pack as he rolled his eyes. Sweetheart grinned as they rested their chin in their hand to watch him. A little conversation in the group chat they had with David’s and Asher’s mates had brought it to mind. The self-dubbed ‘Angel’ had been the one to kiss the Alpha first, and it didn’t really come to anyone’s surprise that Asher had been the first one to make a move on his mate.
“I definitely didn’t.” Milo insisted. It’d been a little argument between the two of them since they’d mentioned the conversation to him. Still, it didn’t stop them from goading the wolf, especially since his memory was hazy.
“You were literally all over me. I don’t remember that shade giving you a head wound.” The pen in his hand spun around his fingers before he set it on top of the stack of papers, getting to his feet and striding over to them. Those fingers catching their chin to angle their head back as they grinned up at him.
“My memory is just fine, Sweetheart. But I think you might need a little reminder of what I feel like ‘all over you. And I’d be happy to jog that memory of yours.”
The thrill that went through them at the smoldering gaze searing into them only had their grin widening as they gripped the collar of his shirt. “Hmmm, I bet you would. You certainly can’t keep those hands to yourself.”
Their laugh was cut off as his lips claimed theirs, swallowing down their sounds as he crawled over the arm rest. His weight pressing against them until their back hit the cushions as his mouth moved against theirs. His knee sunk into the couch between their thighs, pinning them in place as his fingers slid under the hem of their shirt to trace along their skin.
They moaned against his lips, only pulling back when their lungs started to protest to gasp in a breath. Milo just took the opportunity to move to their neck, pressing kisses to the sensitive skin there, his teeth grazing just enough to make them shudder and for their fingers to thread through his hair. “Ah, this is my turn to show you what my undivided attention on you is like. So keep those pretty hands to yourself, Sweetheart. Or do I have to hold them down?”
They bit back the whimper that tried to escape from his voice growling at their ear, their teeth catching their bottom lip as he nipped the skin right below their ear. Their hands untangled from his hair as their breathing hitched in their chest at the low chuckle that rumbled from his chest. “Wouldya lookit that? You can listen when you want to... Now just relax, Sweetheart. And let me be...all over you.”
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