#I know Cole might be a fave too when I get to him
riisume · 1 year
I started playing Blush Blush last night and I got a tk idea cooked up that I wanna draw… ‘-‘
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ishikawayukis · 3 months
me veo en la obligación de mandar un segundo ask solo de Haikyuu bc we gotta talk about it fr JAJAJAJA
ME ENCANTA QUE SEA DE TUS ANIMES FAVORITOS!! yo quedé encantada, yo sé que son un montón de niños jugando voleibol but I swear this is actually a life-changing anime and boy did I cry so many times😭🫶🏽
DAICHI SUPREMACY HELL YEAH!!! pero espérate cómo que la gente anda hablando mal de Daichi??🤨 literalmente karasuno no hubiera llegado a dónde está sin él, that boy did not falter in his faith for this team and did his best to bring karasuno back to its feet???
that being said, I might be a traitor within the karasuno fandom porque mis favoritos después de karasuno son nekoma y dateko and my fave is Kuroo🫶🏽🩵✨ pero le siguen Tsuki y Nishinoya así que con eso me excuso JAJAJAJAJAJAJA
siendo honesta al inicio no podía tener favoritos, todos tienen una dedicación y amor increíble por el deporte aún si piensan dedicarse a el o solo mantenerlo como “hobby” so just seeing how hard they worked for it and their character development made me have a soft spot for everyone in karasuno that I just couldn’t choose, fue hasta la temporada 3 que dije “vaya hoy si, creo que al menos puedo decidir top 5” JAJAJAJA
ALSO I know the answer might 100% be yes so: WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT THE MOVIE??? what were your favorite scenes??? yo refeliz de tener más interacciones de Kuroo y Daichi + Kuroo y Tsuki pero no me hubiera quejado si la película duraba otra hora JAJAJAJA I actually decided to not read the manga yet bc I wanted to experience everything for the first time when watching the movie, so I’m starting to read it now that I have watched it whenever I have time lol
de mis escenas favoritas fue el pov de Kenma ofc, that was so cool and I didn’t expect it at all Y LO CHISTOSO JAJAJAJA en el cole yo no le daba a ningún deporte y recuerdo que para volley+basket hasta nos hicieron hacer reportes de la historia y reglas antes de empezar el semestre and I remember not caring bc I didn’t want to get tired, literal yo era Kenma pero sin Kuroo JAJAJAJA y cuando empecé a ver Haikyuu me quedé como “hey, si me lo explican así si entiendo y suena súper estratégico y genial” and I started thinking that if I had to play or decided to, I would probably choose to be a setter since Kenma looks like he’s surviving- men ese pov me recordó que cualquier cosa se puede ver fácil hasta que te toca hacerla JAJAJAJA I swear I felt the fatigue and the anxiety in that moment
this is what haikyuu deserves tbh
mi cuñado la empezó a ver también y me decía pq son tan dramáticos y pq estoy tan metidoooo q tiene este animé AJAJAJ pero si eso es lo q más me gusta q es literal un montón de cabros simplemente amando mucho un deporte :')
it's not that they talk poorly about daichi, is that the only thing that they say about him is "haha he's dead" because of the scene when he collides with tanaka and has to leave the game. and it's LITERALLY the only thing they say about him and if you see any video of daichi literally anything about him someone in the comments always says "too bad he died rip daichi we miss you" and shit like that, or they would only include him to make a he's dead joke and it's soooooooo annoying, the importance of that whole scene and everything that happened after literally goes over their heads because "it's a funny joke" (it's not it's so over used and fucking lame) (so sorry this really como decimos en chile hace q me arda el hoyo AJAJAJ)
no pero same LMAO i'm a karasuno girly 100% those are My Dudes pero nekoma? los amo, seijoh también iwa-chan daría mi vida por ti. y kuroo es literally my segundo favorito después de daichi AJAJ asi q no puedo decir nada (y nishinoya y tsukki también son mis favoritos después de daichi JAJAJA)
my fave character development story is literally tsukki's because he was fighting to hard to find a reason to give it his all and he just couldn't, so when he has that moment against shiratorizawa? literally sobbed LMAO i was reading the manga when that whole match was coming out so reading it the first time was truly mind blowing, and then seeing the animation for it? top 5 haikyuu moments for real
i loved it!!! i really really loved it but honestly? would love it if it was an actual season more. me gustó q fuese todo del punto de vista de kenma pq era súper distinto a lo q estamos acostumbrados, pero extrañé mucho el punto de vista de karasuno pq bueno, ellos son la razón pq la q me gusta tanto haikyuu ajajaj y también sentí q no le dieron tanto la importancia q tenía el partido, se sentía como si fuesen más amigos jugando q rivales en un partido en las nacionales, pq como a kenma no le importaba ganar o perder sino q le importaba saber cómo dominar por así decirlo a hinata no tenía esa presión por así decirlo. the animation for it was amazing but we literally only saw karasuno besides hinata tsukki and kageyama like, 3 times LMAO like i could not tell you a single thing asahi did, and i'm incredibly thankful they actually included the kurodai moments but they felt like More in the manga as well, like their last hug is such a pretty panel in the manga (wait i'm gonna find it because i love it LMAO)
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LIKE!!!!! daichi literally crossed just to give him a hug because it was so important for both of them AND THEY DIDN'T CAPITALIZE THEIR SILLY RIVALRY ENOUGH!!!! because they're not like kagehina who want to beat eachother because of how they met and what not, or even kurotsukki for this match which was like ok can you beat your teacher kinda way. like kurodai has such a petty stupid rivalry and i have sooooooo much to say about them but i won't (can you tell they're my favorites lmao)
AMÉ esa parte demasiado, fue muy inteligente de su parte, además agregándole q el único sonido era su respiración literal demasiado bien hecho y se notó como lo anticlimatic q fue el punto con el q perdieron pq también se sintió así leyendo el manga, después de manso rally literal fue q se le cayó la pelota por sudor. q pasa! y pasa mucho pero no sé amé demasiado toda esa parte amo mucho haikyuu AAJJAAJ y weno no puedo decir lo mismo pq yo si jugué volley en el colegio AJAJAJ no sabía las reglas como las muestran en haikyuu pero si tenía q elegir un deporte era volley hasta q ya no había mucha gente asi q jugué fútbol AJAJAJ and yeah in theory the setter is the one that moves the least IF the passes are good and they can stay in the same place, which is what you realize does not happen with his point of view, and i swear i was also feeling breathless watching that part and just thinking oh my god when will it end when will the ball fall this is insane
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MLM!Cullen Fic Rec List
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Inspired by this post. Here is my fic rec list of some of my favorite fics with queer Cullen. Happy Pride :)  🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈
Only True in Fairy Tales by Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Summary:  In which Dorian is a special forces operative, Bull is his partner, and Cullen is the guy they're sent to rescue. Hijinks ensue. // Words: 110150
Modern AU. Dragonflies_and_Katydids makes me read the weirdest stuff. But their work is always captivating. The more ridiculous set up the better outcome, I promise. This one is both ridiculous and absolutely perfect. And somehow one of the very few modern au fics in which Cullen's lyrium addiction is well transfered without making it literal.
Fashionably Late by tsurai
For the tumblr prompt: Cullen/Dorian Soulmates AU? <3 "Maker’s breath, this is absolutely the worst timing, he thinks distantly." // Words: 1038
This is but a tiny thing but I'm a sucker for a soulmate AU. Would I love it more if it was 150,000 words? Yes. But I'm just greedy.
COLD HANDS, WARM HEART by spicyshimmy, stonelions
Summary: Cullen and Dorian's friendship deepens. Cullen is a romantic. Dorian is literally cold. Cullen is no longer certain what he would consider surprising. Mages and Templars working in perfect cooperation, perhaps. Evil and corruption disappearing into the ground along with the blight, blood magic falling so far out of favor it ceased to be. A united Thedas: that would be a surprise. // Words: 25369
I think this is most recced Cullrian fic and for a good reason. Slow burn, drama, all the delights. 
Light In This Darken'd Time Breaks by RamonaDecember
Summary: Cullen wouldn't say he hates mages, not anymore, but he can't see himself ever trusting one again. Dorian is no exception. The mage is off-color, self-important, and all together too much for Cullen to deal with. So why is it that every time Cullen is at his lowest, Dorian seems to be the only person by his side? // Words: 121289
Slow burn with 121289 words, what more do you want?
Jump In by Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Summary: In which Cullen is almost terminally awkward, Bull and Dorian are literally brothers (because why not?), and Bull tries really hard to be good. Or: In which Dorian tries to set up his brother and his roommate, if he can avoid killing them for being so clueless. (You might get cavities from reading it. Don't say I didn't warn you.) // Words: 33700
What did I say about Dragonflies_and_Katydids and ridiculous premises? But if you're as delighted with awkward Cullen as am I - enjoy.
Dragons from Stars in an Empty Sky by Midna_Ronoa
Summary: The one in which Bull takes Cullen dragon-hunting. // Words: 10423
Fluff and smut and dragons!
Stuck on the Puzzle by thespectaclesofthor
Summary: Once, back in Kirkwall, Cullen had an arrangement with a member of the city guard that satisfied his needs. But time changed all things, and he despaired of ever finding a similar arrangement again - that was, until he met The Iron Bull. Problem being that Bull seemed to care far more about sorting out the nitty-gritty of such an arrangement than Cullen ever has. // Words: 235586
No fic rec lists that can involve Bullen canot do without Stuck on the Puzzle. If you haven't read it - please give it a try. As far as I'm concerned - the best fic in the fandom. And definately one of the best fics in general. <3
Exit Light by Dragonflies_and_Katydids
Summary: In which Cullen is suicidally depressed, Dorian is a high-functioning alcoholic, and Bull just wants them both to be happy, except when he wants to crack their heads together for being emotionally stunted idiots. // Words: 77427
This premise is actually very close to canon, compared to some other stories by the same author recced here. The angst? Delightful. The smut? Delicious. The exploration of issues? Delectable! Cheff kisses all around.
to burn cool and collected by toomanyhometowns
Summary: Dorian hums. "Here is the function of the spell: Upon invocationne, ye caster's spyryt shal sterte to ye form of whomsoever mofte recently achieved releafe by hys hande." He taps the page in punctuation and looks back up. "And then there's a lot of text about the vast joys we may experience together, et cetera, et cetera." // Words: 16121
Ok, this list shows more than anything that my main delight is issues and angst wrapped in with porn. Anyway - cracky premise (body swap!), and angsty, sexy outcome.
Hold by queeniegalore
Summary: Everyone knows Cullen doesn't trust magic. But he trusts Dorian and Bull, so maybe they can make this work. // Words: 6654
Issues? Trauma? Kink? I'm a one trick pony when it comes to recs.
Okay now that we’ve gotten the obvious out, let’s enjoy the trully unexpected enjoyment.
Into The Light (Cole/Cullen Ficlets) by Sinister_Kid
Summary: A series of what I hope are tasteful Cole/Cullen fics that don't exploit or overly sexualize Cole's developing character. Based on a prompt I filled out of boredom in which I imagined the spirit actually hearing someone's pain like a physical noise in his ears that caused discomfort. Explores the option of making Cole more human, with my own original take on how that affects him as a character, and depicts Cole developing romantic feelings for the Commander as he discovers what it means to be human. // Words: 20454
I admit I don't often read Cole shippy fics but this one stays true to the info in the summary and it is careful and tasteful. Also Cullen learning to speak with Cole properly - <333
Verse & Volley Triptych by boycoffin
Summary: POSSIBLE TITLES: This Shit Was Even Weirder: A Surprisingly Not-Doomed Romance In The Shadow of the Apocalypse The Commander and the Rogue already taken, Antivan maritime smut with an elf girl in it How The Hell I Ended Up With That Guy: A Tale for The People Who Keep Asking Me About It In Bars The Short and Curlies that's just terrible Love Among the tropey garbage A Tale of Two Names pretentious and unclear The Penman's Paramour Memoirs of a Moron (That He's Going to Regret Publishing and Will Never Hear The End Of for As Long As He Lives) // Words: 133354
One of the very few fics in which I can not only accept but love 1st person POV. Crack. Slow-burn. Pennames. Lovable OCs. DELICIOUS. Also a fic that made me start this blog, so love all around.
Last but not least, my delightful fave (maybe, possibly, probably) and involving a shameless self-plug because it’s the month of pride.
Swordplay by orphan_account
Summary: The Bull's Chargers are undisciplined, untested, and unprofessional; but Cullen can't stop thinking about their lieutenant. // Words: 3910
I have a soft spot for whoever Krem being shipped with not knowing he's trans at first. But also oblivious, pining Cullen <3
If you have been starving, a creature of bone by missivesfromghosts
Summary: Cullen is content with where he is. He has a life and a purpose. He’s doing the Maker’s work and he’s cut the Chantry’s leash on him. He barely thinks about the fact that he’s trans anymore. The last person who knew he was born anything different, barring his sister Mia, died during the Blight. This works for him. That is, until he starts falling for Krem. // Words: 769
A tiny thing but I have a soft spot for the idea. Also what's better than a ship with trans character? A ship with two trans characters. Keep that in mind for further recs actually.
Sweet, Merciful Andraste by Tainaron
Summary: PWP. Honestly, Cullen should invest in walls and a ceiling that don't have holes if he's going to keep having such loud sex. Pure, unapologetic smut between trans men who love each other. // Words: 4187
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  What more do you want from me? Sometimes porn is just porn. Enjoy.
Champions of the Just by Tainaron
Summary: En route to Griffin Wing Keep before the battle of Adamant, Cullen falls prey to an injury that reveals a shameful secret about his trauma with magic. As Cullen struggles with his past, his duty to the Inquisition, and his love life, he becomes increasingly uncertain if he’s the target of an assassination attempt or just his own personal demons. // Words: 67885
Well, I also have some plottier and angstier fics in my rec disposal. This one actually explores the problems Krem and Cullen could encounter in their relationship and all within the canon plot line. Plus bonus points of Cullen actually interacting with other Chargers.
cabbage: a love story by psikeval
Summary: Krem’s grin fades into a quiet smirk, his eyes warm and amused, and Cullen does not forget how to move his legs because he is a grown man, a leader of soldiers, commander of the Inquisition’s army. He breaks the silence by coughing loudly, because he is also an imbecile. // Words: 18932
Creme de la creme of Krem/Cullen fics <3 Fluff, crack, porn <3 This delightful series has it all! 
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (3/4)
Yep yep yep, I'm liking this season a lot! 😍 Although I hope we'll get into a more frantic situation now, like with more battles and more bonding moments (Nya and Maya hopefully, but with Bentho too 🦈🦈🦈)! We got half a season to go, I'M READY!! 😎😎
Alright, here we go!
I do like the season a lot, maybe MoM was a little more cohesive? Idk but it's not a big complain, I still love it so far 😍
Also maybe I would've liked more interactions between Nya and Maya about how they've been apart for so long, they had a chit chat but I would've loved even more. Maybe with Nya saying that it was fine and she grew up only to realize she is still hurt by that, even though it wasn't Maya's fault. I still like how they did it, I wished there was more that's it 🤷‍♀️
While I do make sense to Maya's behavior, that while it seems a little different from Hands of Time it had its logic in my opinion, maybe Ray feels a little weird? He seems less courageous than before, and it was established that he is a hothead like his son so that came off as unusual 🤔🤔
But I do love the fact that he's here and he's bonding with his son, for real, I've been waiting for this for so long so I'm happy nonetheless 🤩
Maybe I'm just easy to please and I take all I can get idk 😅
Oh, are we gonna address the wind element? It feels like we haven't really seen a Morro reference since Hands of Time, that would be cool! 😍 I mean, why even mentioning the wind then 😅😅
Well what do you know, they tracked them, who saw that coming?... me, I saw that coming... we all did probably 🤷‍♀️
Jay took upon himself making a quick recap on how Ninjago will be destroyed this time, thanks Bluebell 👌
Yep nyeheh electricity makes Nya go crazy for sure ❤💙 ... wait it wasn't a Jaya pun?
Jay wear your seatbelt please, you risk you life enough 😅😅 Pff lol "are we there yet" and they are actually there, biggest plot twist I've ever heard of 😂
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And with someone who might as well join the League of Jay apparently 💙
I liked The Island yet it was not as exciting as I hoped for, but now understand the meaning of it. The ninja helped the keepers and they are all allies. Without The Island the moment where Mammatus gives Nya the amulet wouldn't be as meaningful
Is it just me or Nya looked even more gorgeous during that moment?... just me huh? Okay then 😂💕
Here I thought he was just messing around, he always makes things harder 😅 Or maybe better? I mean, they kinda missed a bullet on this one...
Jay somehow had his own TV show in the past and yet he's got that horrible acting skills wth 😂😂😂
Kalmaar is a very cool villain, like, deeply evil. Not only he's calculated and merciless, he stops at nothing to get what he wants. And the people that get in the way? He wants them to suffer because they had dared to confront him 😳
And yes the voice does help a lot, I'm sorry I'll keep saying it until the season is over 😂 (or even beyond? Please cast Giles again LEGO 🥺🥺🥺)
Awww Nya no my poor girl 😢 Jay wanted to hug her to comfort her he is so sweet my SHIP ❤💙❤💙
MOM PEP TALK MOM PEP TALK!!! 🤩🤩🤩 How cool was it?
Like, this isn't even Maya asking Nya to believe in herself, this is her saying that she KNOWS her daughter can do anything when she puts her mind into it. FINALLY SHE SEES HOW AMAZING WATER GODDESS IS 💜💜💜
MORE LEGO TEARS OMG THIS SEASON IS FILLED WITH TEARS 😱 Which... kinda makes sense considering it's a water based season 😂
Nice one, and now? NOW WE GO BACK TO KAI COLE AND RAY YAS!!! ❤🖤❤🖤
That is... surprisingly Egypt theme like? It feels like a title coming from the Fire Chapter of season 11... well we got two fire elementals so 😍😍
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I REPEAT SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! SPARRING KAI AND RAY!!! ❤❤❤ Lol Ray got old, but how can someone blame him? He did touch death while aging in Hands of Time, I'm just happy he is alive 😂
Yep, master prankster Wu, that's what I love 👌👌 I always thought Wu had become a father figure for Kai at the beginning, so seeing Ray and Wu in the same picture feels very wholesome to me 😚
Ah, uncle Powers, I both love you and hate you so freaking much 😌😌 But you make cool slides nonetheless 😂
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Oh no you guys are stranded on an island whatever are you going to do?? It's not like you had already before and managed to survive (Skybound) or you got stranded on a rock in a sea of sand filled with giant monsters (Fire Chapter) or you were on a freaking COMET in SPACE (Rebooted). Yeee, this is the worst yet 🙂
I'm starting to think these ninja are just a bunch of drama queens so no matter what happens, it's always hopeless 😂😂 I feel like I'm kinda right on this one honestly 😛
Aww I like that, while Ray told his kids stories about dragons and how they traveled through the Underworld, Maya told them about Nya the first water master that could summon whales 💙❤💙❤
Pff imagine if it turned out Nya was the master of fire, carrying a very water based name? Lol
Maya: I would know if it was possible!
Nya: Yeah, like she knows that I can control a bit of ice because it's frozen water
I find both interesting and very annoying that this explorers club thinks so highly of themselves, to the point the deny to aid even the FREAKING SAVIORS OF THEIR FREAKING LAND 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Misako got good reflexes after all, Kai was probably ready to melt this guy's face 😅
Oh, so a trial by Sphinx is a challenge? A mental one? A cultural one? A physical one? Idk but Misako is actually taking charge and that is cool I guess 🤷‍♀️
Okay this is kind of weird, how is Ray so afraid? Is it because there's fire?... did he... did he grow afraid of fire for some reason? Because it feels a bit off for now, but if there is a deeper meaning that could be interesting 🤔
Wait is that the riddle from Decoded? That's fire right?
Lol at least in this one Kai wasn't completely ignored 😂 I know my flame babe isn't the most rational person, but I do like that it was an answer connected to his element where he used his head!
Ah Clutch, you really got no backbone 😅 And apparently you're the only explorer who doesn't, dang look at the others go! I'm having a bit more respect for them now 😚
Kalmaar: I'm your conquerer
Wu: so after skeletons, the serpentine, nindroids, the Stone Army, Chen's army, ghosts, oni, more snakes but on fire and people from a game, that makes you the tenth. Have a free cookie
Wu: you're not special
Is this a little throwback to Possession too? Nya seems to always control better water when she doesn't actually think about it. When her feelings are free, so are her powers 🌊🌊🌊
Also this opens up more possibilities! Creatures connected with other elements might get summoned too! I would love something like that 😍😍
This was NEAT, or maybe I just missed Kai that much ❤ What's next??
ANTONIAAAAAAAA!!!! MY GIRL IS BACK!!! All my girls are back in this season, I'm so happy 😍😍😍 And if she is here, sweet little Nelson has to be around and I cannot wait! Bring in the purple ninja! 💜
Owww Antonia's last day as a papergirl? Nooo why??
She's got a job at the... DAIRY DRAGON??? OMG OMG OMG IT'S THE ICE CREAM PLACE BRAGI TOLD US ABOUT ON TWITTER!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I remember the post, he was asking about names for the place and ice cream flavors. Now I can't wait to see what did he choose 🍦🍦🍦
UNAGAMI BABY HI HONEY!!! 🙋‍♀️ I hope he's doing great 😘😘
This is so cool honestly, Antonia got her own character arc going on! Living in a chaotic city like Ninjago City must be pretty dang exhausting 😅
Was... was that Dareth in the garbage can? Am I wrong? Poor brown ninja 😅🤎😅
Their friendship is so wholesome, I'm so happy they are still together no matter what happens 💕
I thought Kalmaar wasn't much of a fighter but DANG he's got skills! Also the fact that he uses tentacles makes the fight very cool to watch! 😚😚
Well at least you tried Ray 😅
Ah, little cameo of the original Weekend Whip, always nice to hear it again... AND DO THE WEEKEND WHIP!!! 🌪🌪🌪
I don't even know what is cooler, the kids being mad lads on their bikes, Kalmaar driving a TRUCK or Kai going full parkour on the buildings to follow them 🤯
I'm sorry... am I the only one that during the Kai and Kalmaar talk kinda thought of Jestro and Clay? I miss my boys from NK, they're even more at odds now 😭😭
Kalmaar just loves to make everyone feel inferior, gotta be his hobby 😶
Oh good Kai is back
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Antonia, Nelson, you guys are now my heroes. You saved my fave, I'll be forever in dept with you ❤❤❤ Am I being overdramatic? Most likely, but Kai is one of the few that didn't almost die or did die in a dramatic situation and he is also my absolute favorite character so that... kinda keeps my sanity in check in this show 🥴
I wonder... does he still not know how to swim? He saved Lloyd in Possession but I wonder if he was only trying to float on the surface... THAT'S TERRIFYING
This episode was so adorable, I love Antonia and Nelson so much 💜💕💜💕 It's nice to see what the other people of Ninjago do while everything goes mad 🤣
Wait hang on my Ninjajan is a little rusty
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"Ninjago City. City that never sleeps" well if that ain't the truth 😂
Like Master of the Mountain? Wait are we going back to Shintaro?? VANYA?? ANOTHER BEST GIRL RETURNS??? 💛
Hey hey hey, we got a full Nyad backstory! I really like when they do these little drawn shots, they feel more like legends! And... the ending sounds terrifying? Like, they wouldn't let Nya sacrifice herself and die... again... right? 😱
Bentho: and the world was in balance, until now because of my brother
Lloyd: and the Overlord before of course
Bentho: the what now?
Lloyd: the evil one my grandpa the first Spinjitzu Master fought?
Why do I like this offscreen "hiiiyaaa" that sensei Wu does before actually going into the scene? 😂😂
No matter if they come from the underground or the sea, these are all snake-like creature with the same intellect 😅 Kalmaar and Garmadon would have a lot to talk about, sea king dealing with his minions does remind me of Lord Garmadon in season 2 a lot 😂😂
OMG Kalmaar is such a brat and petty villain I love him so much 😂😂😂 Yes I didn't even mention his amazing voice!... AH DANG IT 😳😳
*Misako kicks Kalmaar and is actually useful* 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
*Misako gets taken as hostage immediately after* 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
KAI LITERALLY JUST GOT SAVED FROM DROWNING WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!!... and Ray and Cole and Wu of course, I care okay 😅
OMG that face 🤣🤣🤣
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That some meme material right there
Whoa Vincent that voice just got super up when the Unsinkable showed up, it kinda sounded like Jay's lol
Kai: Nya talks to whales now? (I snorted so hard at this 😂😂)
HECK YES NYA GOT THE AMULET!! 😍😍😍 ... we got, like, four more episodes to go so something needs to happen in between... do I need to be scared? I feel like I need to be scared 😅
Jay starting a fire then blaming Kai?... this is so in character I got chills 😂😂
SHARK BOY IS STAYING TO THE MONASTERY THIS IS SO PRECIOUS!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I want all the shenanigans and we need to write fanfictions about more shenanigans and AAAAHHHHH 🦈🦈🦈
Bless these two fire idiots
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They own my heart ❤🔥❤🔥 Also Vincent, this is supposed to be a fun little gag moment, your amazing voice acting is kinda distracting me 😭😭😭
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Maya learned that her daughter is capable of everything, I love that. Nya simply understood that she doesn't have to give up when something gets difficult. She is AMAZING and can do anything she puts her mind into. She simply has to hold on until the end 💪💪💪
Omg Benthomaar playing billiard with the guys I already love this 😍😍
I love how Vanya doesn't even question it. It comes from Cole and he said it needs to be protected? Done and done 👌
Wait what, did something fall?
Well dang, I didn't see that coming, now what Seabound? What do you have for me?
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 29
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Angst
WC: 2008
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​ <3
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Dean knows that he should have run after her, but he couldn’t get his body to move. Knows that the moment the door shut that he had made a fucking big mistake. It’s all on fucking him , but no matter how many signals his brain is sending his limbs to move, no matter how much he wants to just shout out for her to wait, it’s not happening. He is a prisoner of his own fucking body. Prisoner of his own fucking mind.
His senses are flooded with dread, guilt nags at his conscience, and there’s the nauseous feeling again. 
She loved him? She said she loved him. It’s the first time they said that they loved each other and the circumstances couldn’t be any fucking worse. That’s certainly not how he imagined her telling him that she felt that way. The way he’s been feeling for fucking weeks.
He runs to the kitchen, throws up into the sink. 
Dean retches and coughs. There’s not much coming out, he hasn’t eaten in days. He retches and retches more, and his throat starts to hurt. He runs the tap and throws ice cold water into his face before he turns around and slides his body down to the floor. He’s sitting there in his fucking kitchen, crying like a fucking whimp.
Christ, Y/N’s right and he hates that she is. He didn’t even look at the clip for too long. Couldn’t make it past twenty fucking seconds without the feeling of wanting to punch his fucking screen. 
Is that why she was always so cautious about cameras in the rooms? Is that why she delivered him the speech about blackmailing? Jesus , he’s such a fucking dumb piece of shit. Dean closes his eyes and bangs the back of his head against the kitchen cabinet while he hugs his knees to his chest, hands balled into fists, his knuckles showing white. 
Maybe he would start to fucking feel something! 
After a while of numbness, he sniffs, rubs his hands over his face and brushes the tears stains from his cheeks. He stands up and walks over to his laptop on the couch, stepping over empty bottles. He starts his laptop. His hands are shaking but he wills himself to go over his emails, clicking on the dreadful message again. 
The clip starts right away, fills his fucking screen, and Dean wills himself to watch, squinting as he does because the sense of nausea kicks in again. 
He watches past the twenty seconds he first managed, and then he notices it. Notices her hair, notices that she tries to cover her face when the camera zooms in. He hears someone talking — fucking Cole . He’d notice the sneer of the guy's voice anywhere. You like this too, don’t you, Y/N? Tell me you like this, tell me you like being filmed. And then there’s her voice, small, a soft mumble, it almost gets lost in the wet sound of bodies slapping together. No, no no no.
Dean’s blood freezes and there’s the fucking sick feeling in his gut again. 
He closes the laptop forcefully, throws it off his fucking couch and it lands with a loud thudding sound. Dean lays his head in his hands. 
Guess the award for the most fucking idiotic dumb boyfriend has been handed out to him, huh? 
There’s nothing he can do anymore is there? The things he said to her, the accusations he threw in her face. The final word of him telling her it’s fucking over. It really is, isn’t it? There’s nothing to be fixed, right?
His phone rings and he looks up from his palms, sniffs before he walks to his bedside table where it’s plugged in. His heart’s racing, because he thought that it was her. Thought that maybe she’d changed her mind, thought she wanted to talk it out and he would, even though he’s never been a talker, but he fucking would sit down and talk it the fuck out with her — but it’s only Sam.
“‘Lo,” He says, and sits down on his still made bed. Hasn’t slept in it since the day he saw the video.
“Dean, you okay?”
Dean sighs, “Let me guess, Cas?”
Sam chuckles, “Yeah,” 
“I’d be lying when I said that I would be okay, Sammy.” He’s being truthful. It’s rare that it happens. Dean’s not the one to spill his heart out. Not to Sam either. Not to anybody for that matter. He would to her now, but she’s fucking gone.
His brother sighs, “What happened?”
Dean snorts and chuckles darkly, “I’ve been a fucking idiot, Sammy. But what else is new, right?”
“Y/N?” Sam asks.
“I’m too dumb for my own good, Sam. And now she’s gone and I was the one who said I wanted her gone.” The words spill out of him, and then he adds, “She walked out.”
Sam sighs, “And you let her?”
“What should I do?” Dean scoffs.
“You changed, Dean. I don’t think the old Dean would let her go without a fight. At least not when he realizes what a fucking idiot he’s been.”
“Don’t Sammy me, Dean! How many times have you told me stories about your English classes, huh? How many times did you tell me that it’s your fave fucking class? So, tell me something Dean, if I would ask for you to tell me about your favorite moments in your life, what will you tell me, huh? You and I both know it. You will say her. You will always say her, isn’t that so?”
Dean hates that Sam’s right. 
“I don’t know, so maybe you should go get her?” Sam says, and adds, “But, uh, maybe get the bottles out of the way, open up some windows to get the stink out of your loft and for god’s sake, take a fucking shower!”
Dean rolls his eyes, “Bye, Sam.”
After an ice cold shower, Dean sobered up enough to think straight. Not enough to drive, though, so he takes a cab to her apartment. 
Once there, he takes two steps at once and stops to breath in front of her door. He feels nauseous again, it’s a constant now and slowly he gets used to it. His heart is pumping fast, he’s fucking nervous. Lifting his hand, he knocks.
He knocks again, this time with his whole hand, palm hitting the wooden door, “Y/N open up, please. I need to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry. I’ve been an idiot.”
There’s shuffling behind the door and it comes to a halt just short before it, Dean can hear it clear as day.
“Baby, please?” Dean leans his forehead on the door, his hands balled into fist as he knocks again. 
“Dean, it’s over. I have nothing else to say to you. Please leave.”
He closes his eyes and his heart takes a leap when he hears her voice. God, he hates that she uses his words against him. 
“‘M not going anywhere.” Dean says and it’s like he once promised her, he’s not going anywhere. He’s fucking here to stay. A promise he fucking broke because he’s a goddamn idiot. He’s here no matter what, he said, and he fucking broke that promise too.
There’s no answer and Dean turns around, rests his back against the door and lets himself slide down it. He’s going to wait.
He spends four hours in front of her door but when she wouldn’t come out and Cas called if he’s going to be in for work, he gets up from his position, knocks at her door again, “I have to go in to work. I’ll be back alright? I’ll come every day until you talk to me again, I swear.”
The first day he came to her apartment straight after work, camped outside, hoping she’d go in to work and would open up to meet him but she never left her apartment. He went back to change into new clothes and came back around to wait it out until he had to go into work again. 
The same repeated for the next two days. 
Cas didn’t really ask where he’s going and Dean thinks he knows. He hasn’t really talked to anyone since, to be honest. He didn’t even try to send her a text or call, knowing that she wouldn’t want to answer his calls or text anyway. There’s really nothing else he can do than waiting out in front of her door.
And now, Dean’s been doing that for three fucking long days. He came and went, brought her food and water but it stayed untouched in front of her apartment. 
On his fourth day, Dean’s late because he fell asleep in his office before the club even closed and now it’s already 10am when he arrives at her door. 
He knocks, and as usual, there’s no answer, so Dean sits down again, braces his arms on his knees and buries his face in it. He tries not to fall asleep, because if he does, he’d miss her and judging from the lack of sleep he’s getting, he’s sure that if he does, he’ll be dead to the world and won’t hear a fucking thing. 
Dean’s fighting with himself right now, fighting to keep his heavy lids open when he hears a creaking of a door. It isn’t her door, though. No, the sound comes from a little further away.
“Young man?” Dean hears a voice and an old woman peaks her head around the corner of her door frame. It’s Y/N’s neighbor. 
“Yeah,” Dean looks up and clears his throat, pinches at his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. 
“She left this morning. I saw her in the stairwell, she had a heavy bag with her so I don’t think she’ll be back.”
Dean’s heart sinks to his balls and he gets up, tries to not to just grab the woman and shake more information out of her, “Okay,” He says instead, “Thanks.”
His car stops with a screech at the curb in front of her office building and Dean hurries out, runs up to the entrance. Fortunately, the security guy knew Dean, so he waved him through. 
Up on her office floor, he can see that her desk is empty but Rufus stares at him, killing him with a glare. Dean lifts his eyebrow, but he stays rigid because Rufus stands up to walk over to him.
The man pushes him out into the hall, his hand firm but gentle on Dean’s shoulder.
“I just need to talk to her,” Dean says and he might sound desperate, but he just can’t bring himself to care.
“She’s not here, Dean.” 
“What do you mean?” Dean turns his head and cranes his neck to catch a glimpse of the open office. Maybe she’s just in one of the meeting rooms?
“Just what I said,” Rufus says and continues to walk Dean back to the elevator, “She took time off. She’s not going to come in anytime soon.”
Dean turns around to stare at the man, “Do you know where she is, please?” His hands fists in Rufus' shirt. Yeah, Dean knows that he gives the impression of being desperate, but that’s only because he fucking is.
“No, I’m sorry. She didn’t tell me.” 
“What did she tell you?” Dean can’t help but ask. 
“That you’ve hurt her, Dean. You’ve hurt her bad.”
Rufus goes on, “I’ve known her for a while, Dean. I was there when she ended things with Cole. And from the way she talks, she’s even more upset about this break up.”
Break up . The word hits Dean like a fucking freight train. 
Rufus ignores Dean’s dumb stare, “What I know about her is that when she gets hurt, she’ll shut herself out from everything and everyone. It’s her coping mechanism. Now, please leave. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
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Chapter 30
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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anneshirlxy · 5 years
AWAE Fic Recs- Full List
Hi! Here is the full list of all the fics I recommend. I will post a more organized way to look at it later tonight, but for now, here are all the fics! On here you can find the author, rating, length (word count and chapter) and a summary directly from ao3. These fics are in no particular order, and everything in italics is my dumb comments! Also, I am hopefully going to keep updating this so please send me fic recs!
Rating Key- G: General Audience, T: Teen and up, M: Mature 
1. Still He Offers the Sea Shell  By: Chash (@ponyregrets) Rating: T Length: 5.1k- 1/1
Summary: Gilbert Blythe is back from his semester abroad, and he wants to meet this Anne Shirley he's heard so much about.
First fic I ever read. A classic modern au (book verse) 
2.Strangely Are Our Souls Constructed  By: Fandom_freakout, vocallywritten Rating: G Length: 8k-2/2
Summary: In a desperate attempt to get Charlie Sloane to leave her alone, Anne posts a notice of her own. Or,Anne and Gilbert abuse the Take Notice board, much to the amusement, and frustration of the people around them.
Best take notice fic ever! Anne and Gilbert get into a take notice board battle and at first, it’s snarky and sarcastic, but then they start complementing each other and it’s beautiful.
3.say my name, don't ever stop  By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 13.5k-5/5
Summary: The gossip in Avonlea is insidious, making Gilbert think it's a good idea to initiate a fake courtship of Anne. Anne makes him promise it won't affect their relationship (because, obviously, they're just friends).Plot twist: it affects their relationship.
Also has a sequel you can read it Here
4.Mistletoe Madness By: avonleaace Rating: G Length: 3k- 1/1
Summary: To bring a bit of fun to the classroom on Christmas Eve, Miss Stacey hangs up some mistletoe. Anne and Gilbert have a bet that Gilbert can make it through the day without getting kissed. Will he succeed? cuteness ensues
5.The Secret of Distance  By: Lil_Readhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: T Length: 26k- 7/?
Summary: Anne and Gilbert embark on their journeys, but stay close to each other at heart. Courting across 1000 miles isn't easy, but they're more than willing to step up to the task. (A post s3 story).
I consider this fic canon. This is season 4. 
6.Avonlea's Summer of 1880 Great Game of Capture the Flag! By: christah88 (@christah88) Rating: G Length: 14k- 1/1
Summary: Moody Spurgeon has gathered all the boys in Avonlea between 12 and 18 at the softball diamond for a game of capture the flag. Subterfuge, reconnaissance, undercover missions, and just a dash of chicken-coop-climbing combine to make this a game they will not soon forget. Why? Because Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wants to play, of course, and she demands that the rest of the girls be allowed to play, too.
This one reads like it could be a part of the show. There is also a prequel that you can read Here
7.Limerence By: Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: G Length: 12k- 2/2
Summary: Limerence (n) - The state of being infatuated with another person. Gilbert and Anne featuring paint, photography, mutual staring, glitter and a very supportive Diana Barry
8.truth or dare  By: thearkdelinquents Rating: NR Length: 7k-1/1
Summary: “Anne, truth or dare?” Josie smirked at Anne, a devious glint in her eye. Lifting her chin and looking Josie in the eye, Anne chose, “Dare.” She could take whatever Josie had to throw at her.The smirk on Josie’s face grew larger and Anne was sure she had picked the wrong thing. Without breaking eye contact or even taking a second the think about it, Josie said, “I dare you to go behind that door and kiss Gilbert Blythe. On the lips.”
I love the show New Girl with all my heart so I had to put this one.
9.When the Sun Begins to Fall By: megs368 (@onedayiwillflyfree) Rating: G Length: 76k- 13/14
Summary: "Long time no see Carrots."After nine months of studying at The Sorbonne, Gilbert Blythe felt that he was ready for his upcoming graduation and wedding. That is until his brother arrives, informing him his childhood best friend is gravely ill.
this fic hurts you 
10.wishful thinking (mindless dreaming)By: bruadarxch  (@rootedbutfl0wing) Rating: G Length: 12k- 5/5
Summary: “She didn’t mean to, but a comment led to a friend of a friend’s profile and then she sees it. She sees him. Gilbert Blythe. Her old archnemesis turned friend turned... nothing.” Anne is bored for the first time in her life and falls down the Instagram rabbit hole. She finds a familiar face.
Anne finds Gilbert’s Instagram and they end up reconnecting at college and then drama ensues. It’s really cute then it gets kinda sad and angsty and then it’s really cute again. I love it.
11.wonderstruck By: bruadarxch ( @rootedbutfl0wing) Rating: G Length: 14k-4/4
Summary: Delphine Lacroix raves about Miss Shirley and her crazy lessons. Her uncle Gilbert thinks his niece surely has an overactive imagination, but one day he has to pick her up from school and a certain redhead covered in paint from head to toe crashes into him. OR: Gilbert Blythe puts his foot in it when he meets Anne in every universe. Luckily for him, she didn't have any heavy objects around in this one.
Modern au where Anne is Dellies teacher and Gilbert fall head over heels in love with her. Soooo cute, I love. Also, cue Diana berry being the best roommate ever. 
12.Imagining Something Worthwhile By: remylebae (@remylebub) Rating: T Length: 148k-3l/36
Summary: “Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worthwhile”- Anne of Green Gables. 
Anne is struggling through her mid-twenties, living with her two best friends from high school and starting a new job as an eighth grade English teacher. Just as she's starting to figure this whole teaching thing out, she finds an unexpected someone thrust back into her life.
This is the boy I spent 7 hours reading. It’s a modern au where Anne is a struggling teacher and Gilbert is a struggling med student and they fall back in love. Honestly, the best part of the fic is the best friend relationship between Cole, Anne, and Diana. It’s some pretty wholesome and domestic stuff.
13.You're such a big mess (And I love you) By: gayrefrain (@gayrefrain) Rating: T Length: 6k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Jerry get arrested.
This is one of the first fics I ever read and I loved it so much I read it 2 more times. Modern au where Anne and Jerry get arrested, they bicker like siblings and Gilbert is so worried for her!!! It’s a pre-established relationship and it’s so fluffy and cute ahh. An all-time fave.
14.five days of Christmas  By: thearkdelinquents Rating: N/R Length: 4k-1/1
15.Drive Me Crazy By: serendipitous_rambles(@carrotsofavonlea) Rating: G 
Length: 18k-15/15
Summary: Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe are next door neighbours, but they despise each other. It didn't used to always be this way, in fact at one time they were best friends. But things change following a personal tragedy for Gilbert, and by high school the two are practically strangers. Anne's life seemed to be going well: she was in charge of organising the school Centennial dance, she was accepted into college, and she was dating one of the most handsome boys in school: Roy Gardner. Only he breaks up with her mere weeks before the dance. When Gilbert's girlfriend Winifred also breaks up with him, Anne comes up with a crazy scheme to get their ex's back: pretend to date to make them jealous. Simple right? If only they don't kill each other first...
The modern fake dating au of your dreams. Includes an iconic scene from 10 things I hate about you. 
16.ours are the moments I play in the dark / wild and fluorescent / come home to my heart By: anbethmarie Rating: T Length: 8k-3/3
Summary: Avonlea, August 1914 – England declares war on Germany. Anne Shirley shows up rain-drenched on Gilbert Blythe’s doorstep and learns her fiancé is due to leave for the Western front in a week’s time.All Anne wanted was to have the memory of a few quiet moments alone with Gilbert. The fact that she would get wet through on the way to his house and have to wear his shirt while waiting for her clothes to dry did not enter into her calculations.
This one is basically an episode of a drama tv show and I’m not complaining.  Anne ends up pregnant with Gilbert’s baby and then he goes to war and they lose touch and he doesn’t know he has a child. It’s a whole thing. It’s mostly angst but reunions are chef's kiss (especially ones when they find out their father). 
17.Trippingly, on the tongue By: meals Rating:G Length: 8k-1/1
Summary: Gilbert goes to Paris, Anne goes to Queens, and years later they both return to Avonlea and meet again. They should be older and wiser, but when neither of ever admits to their mistakes and misunderstandings, will they ever sort themselves out?
Such a good season three “what if” fic. I’ve read it so many times and I can’t get tired of it. 
18.shy daydreams & stardust By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 16k-3/3
Summary: She can't help how he makes her magic spiral out of control whenever he's around, but maybe she can help him when his own abilities bloom out of nowhere like a lily pad in a teacup. Magic AU!
Anne and Gilbert are both magic and she teaches him about his powers. Very cute!
19.The Post-Exam Ritual of Merriment and Ridiculousness By: wanderinginthewoods  Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Anne, still slightly tipsy, tries to focus as she runs after Gilbert to give him a piece of her mind--but that's not the easiest thing to do when she can barely get her own thoughts in order.
The characterization of Anne drunk is so good and the funniest thing
20.I Belong to You  By: hoddypeak (@shirbertndisney) Rating: T Length: 30k-12/?
Summary: Arranged marriage AU. Anne always wanted to have her own love story, but not one that's decided for her. She doesn't want to fall in love with Gilbert, but after being thrown into many awkward situations with him, the walls around her begin to tumble down. It certainly isn't an easy ride for either of them.
21.Little White Lies… By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 16k-10/?
Summary: When Anne agrees to doing Gilbert a favor, she has no idea what she's getting herself into...
A modern fake dating au where Anne and Gilbert are best friends and college roommates that have to pretend to date. Mostly angst so far, but well written. Also, Gilbert seems like a bit of a douche but we will look past that. 
22.All my stumbling phrases never amounted to anything worth this feeling By: moonlightconstellations (@leiaslightsaber) Rating: T Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: Anne realizes she's in love with Gilbert. In typical Anne fashion, she reacts by yelling.
I just really love Anne yelling at Gilbert
 23.Anne of Hogwarts By: serendipitous_rambles (@carrotsofavonlea) Rating: G Length: 24k- 14/14
Summary: Muggleborn Anne couldn't believe her luck when at 11 she is adopted by the Cuthberts, who introduce her to the world of magic and Hogwarts.Her wild imagination gets her into trouble more often than not, but she doesn't let that stop her. She sparks up an academic rivalry with classmate Gilbert Blythe, and finds a kindred spirit in Diana Barry.However it's not all smooth sailing, with trials and tribulations throughout the years as Anne seeks to discover everything Hogwarts has to offer. It may not always be easy, but life at Hogwarts becomes the greatest adventure of Anne's life.
As a potterhead I am required to put one of the best Harry Potter x AWAE fics on here. Also the only one that (in my opinion) gets the sorting right (gryffindor!Anne, Hufflepuff!Gilbert). 
24.This Home is Vast By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: G Length: 6k-1/1
Summary: Delphine Lacroix wants to write a tale of adventure and romance, so naturally she writes the story of how Uncle Gil and Aunt Anne fell in love.
This one is so creative! Fics starring Dellie? Sign me up 
25.i picture it, soft, and i ache By: boos (@boosfic) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Gilbert accidentally end up snowed in at Green Gables
Pure and perfect fluff 
26.the world is brighter than the sun (now that you're here) By: blujamas (@kyleslei) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1
Summary:  Long-lost family offers Anne Shirley-Cuthbert a chance at education in a prestigious university across the sea. Before she can go, however, there is one last loose end to tie up: Gilbert Blythe.
27.more myself than I am (whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same) By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 6k- 2/2
Summary: Anne and Gilbert have not seen each other since the fateful night of the Queen's entrance exams. She assumes he must by now be engaged to Winifred. He still assumes her drunken babbling meant she doesn't care. A chance encounter forces them to revise the truth of these assumptions.
28.a ridge of lighted heath By: peterstank (@peter-stank) Rating: T Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: He’d overheard her talking once with Diana Barry. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but it couldn’t be helped given their proximity. He’d heard it, the bride of adventure, the wife of nature. And how fitting is it that she who has chosen nature as her most fitting suitor is more beautiful than any earthly thing he’s ever known? The freckles on her face are fit to rival all the stars in the sky. Her eyes are oceans overflowing, they are rippling streams and shining waters. She could torch him with her hair and he would happily turn to ashes, to be the Earth, to be loved by her just once.
29.One Iced Green Tea Latte for Ann  By: rosesonraindrops Rating: G Length: 6k-2/2 
Summary: Anne Shirley Cuthbert lives for three things: her family, Diana Barry, and Iced Green Tea Lattes. However, Gilbert Blythe, the barista at Anne and Diana's favorite coffee shop, never seems to spell her name correctly, no matter how many times she's told him the right way to spell it. Or, Diana and Anne get coffee, and Gilbert tries his very best to charm Anne with his latte-making skills.
30,but when he walks in i am loved - i am loved By: nosecoffee (@nose-coffee) Rating: T Length: 24k- 1/1
Summary:“Marry me.” Anne drops a plate. She barely reacts to that - Marilla can berate her later, for now Anne has a very good reason to have broken her expensive china. She whirls on him. Gilbert’s not kneeling or anything. He's just standing there, in her kitchen doorway, with a painfully earnest look on his face. “Are you kidding?” She says, laughing nervously. He shakes his head. 
Fun story: I once spent hours looking for this fic and almost started crying when I didn’t think I could find it. So you know it’s good. 
31. from friends to this (you're the one i want) By: cressisaqueen (@cressisaqueen) Rating: T Length: 4k- 1/1
Summary: new message from 1 (489) 5987 - 2351 
1 (489) 5987 - 2351 [3:29 pm]: hey, it's gilbert blythe from professor stacy's class 
GiLbErT bLyThE [3:30 pm]: when should we meet up to work on the project?
A fic told entirely through text messages! Really creative and good. Paper Rings is my favorite Taylor Swift song, so that also helps. It also has a sequel where Anne and Gilbert get married that you can read Here 
32.Anne of Nova Scotia By: coffee666 (@frappuccinio) Rating: G Length: 32k- 5/?
Summary: In an alternate life, neither Anne nor Gilbert were orphaned. Yet, they still found their way to one another.
I’ve never seen a tag better than “I’m not claiming to know how boats work” 
33.If the Sea Should Part  By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 35k-6/6
Summary: Anne finds herself caught up in whirl of romance and adventure after rescuing Dr. Gilbert Blythe from the sea during a storm. She should let him go, but when she finds out Billy Andrews is plotting to take Gilbert's life and estate, she realizes there's nothing that can keep her from protecting him.
34.charity (who is helping who?) By: antspaul Rating: T Length: 10k- 1/1 
Summary: AU in which Anne is a little more poor but just as vivacious while Gilbert is a lot more wealthy and a little more cowardly. 
Kind of a sugar daddy au, but not really. Told through letters which is really cool.
35.i found my voice (in her sweet melodies) By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 2k- 1/1 
Summary: Christmas with Gilbert has never been traditional, but it always manages to steal Anne's breath away.
36.Welcome to Toronto By: simonsjumpers Rating: G Length: 13k- 4/4   
Summary: Anne visits Toronto, buys trousers, charms everyone she meets and engages in a book-duel with Gilbert... And Gilbert can't help but, kind-of, accidentally, propose.
A very good awae after season 3 continuation fic. Anne is a complete badass and Gilbert is hopelessly in love with her. 
37.it goes on and on  By: morebooksplease Rating: G  Length: 3k- 1/1 
Summary: in which Gilbert lists all the reasons he loves Anne.
38.bless the broken road (that led me straight to you) By: cornerinthepouringrain Rating: G Length: 3k- 1/1 
Summary: She said she’s never been to the coast, and he volunteered to take her, because he’s an idiot with no filter and because he selfishly, despicably, wants (needs) all of her firsts to be with him. Or Gilbert Blythe decides to take Anne Shirley on a road trip, and hates himself for it.
ON GOD I love this one shot so much!! It’s just Anne and Gilbert on a road trip. It’s Gilbert POV and my man is whipped. After I read this I immediately read it again I love it! 
39.your glow (against the burning embers of my fiery soul) By: abigaylefayth (@pterparkcr) Rating: T Length: 13k- 2/2 
Summary: the enemies to lovers fake dating shirbert au nobody asked for  
Another really good modern fake dating au!!! This author also wrote one of the best awae twitter aus, that you can read Here 
40.Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same By: Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: T Length: 1k- 1/1 
Summary: Look, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wasn't heartbroken. She was, for like a day, but then she had mustered all the power a Marilla glare could contain and got over it. Did she still love Gilbert? Sure. But alas, she was a summer storm, and he a winter sun. In which Anne tries to move on, but a certain hazel eyed boy won't let her.
41.the road not taken By: melissa13 (@annesurelyblythe) Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Years after the events of Season 3, a chance encounter in a bookstore brings Gilbert face-to-face with an old flame causing him to reflect on his new marriage. Features Anne and Gilbert being adorable newlyweds.
Winnies a darling and Gilbert is such a proud husband. When Winfred says “love looks good on you Blythe” l lose my mind 
42.Maybe The Universe Has Other Plans By: Cones_McMurphy Rating: G Length: 2k- 1/1 
Summary: Four times Gilbert Blythe tries to propose to Anne Shirley and fails, and the one time he doesn't try and succeed
This one is actually green gables fables which is a modern au told through vlogs and social media that you can watch on YouTube right now! Anyway, even though it’s not Anne with an e it’s just Gilbert trying to propose to Anne and it’s very cute! 
43.be still my foolish heart (don't ruin this on me)  By: theatrythms (@fairrobb, @smearclouds) Rating: G Length: 5k- 1/1
Summary: (The idea was always, always, always a bad one, but it sounded so romantical, so whimsical; to throw a stunt for all of her friends and get to spend time with Gilbert in the process.) Or; fake-dating, and the aftermath.
44.one look in your eyes and i found my favourite colour  By:  simonsjumper  Rating: G Length: 5k- 3/? 
Summary: au where everyone can only see in black and white until a moment between them and their soulmate triggers colour gradually appearing into both of their worlds (and yes, it happens during dance practice)
45.Of Tongue and Pen By: piperholmes Rating: G Length: 5k- 2/2 
Summary: When Gilbert returns Anne’s pen, he is reminded of what’s important and what it means to live a passionate life. He finally understands he needs to ask the right questions. Now featuring an epilogue!
46.this, and my heart beside By: fruitwhirl (@ametroepya) Rating: G Length: 6k- 1/2 
Summary: It’s three months in Toronto before she runs into him. Or rather, he runs into her. Well, okay, there is very little running involved at all.
Gilbert and Anne becoming friends in Toronto together!
47.Those With Wit and Learning Will Always Find Their Kind(red spirits)
By: WideScopeofImagination Rating: G Length: 126k- 5/7 
Summary: Anne Shirley thinks its a dream beyond her wildest imagination come true when she learns she's a witch and can attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.There are still challenges, of course.Or: How Anne has to keep solving magical disasters with muggle common sense, and finds her kindred spirits along the way
48.all of the dreams that get harder, all of the things that I offer you By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 7k-3/3 
Summary: Anne receives proposals of marriage from various and undesirable quarters. Gilbert Blythe naturally happens to stumble upon her immediately afterwards every time.
49.Time and Tide  By: jacksparrow589 (@js589) Rating: G-M Length: 35k- 8 works 
Summary: The Modern AU that nobody wanted and nobody asked for that just keeps on spawning new tales.
This is a series of 8 works (all fantastic) so i just put the entire thing here. Modern au set in college. Check the author's recommended reading order! 
50.a rose amongst thorns  By: not_so_weary_pilgrim Rating: G Length: 7k-3/3 
Summary: Anne swallows, so hard that it hurts. His head is bent over her hand, and she suddenly realizes that with all the growing he’s done in the past year or so the top of his head is an uncommon sight for her. In fact, the last time she saw those dark curls from this vantage point was when he bowed after their dance practice at school.She nearly flinches away from memories of that golden afternoon, when Gilbert’s eyes never left hers, when she was only vaguely aware of anyone else being in the room, when he pulled her closer than the dance required but it still wasn’t close enough.
Anne gets hit on the face and doctor gilbert in action!!!! He is way too worried about her but it’s very cute and well written. 
51.doctor's visit  By: seashel  Rating: G  Length: 1k-1/1 
Summary: turns out, gilbert isn't the only one afraid of needles.
Short modern au where Gilbert takes Anne to the doctors. High key the main reason this fic is on here is because he calls her baby. 
52.Takes the Cake By: bookwormforalways (@bookwormforalways) Rating: T Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Gilbert, finally happily married, bake a cake to celebrate two months of being married.
53.to look in somebody's eyes, to light up the skies (to open the world and send it reeling)  By: lovishq Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1 
Summary: Anne Shirley's imaginary friends, fanciful names and women carved out of magic and fairytales are remnants of past lives, and they are all drawn to every Gilbert Blythe like moth to a flame. 
Ok, this one is like really cool. It’s this whole idea where Anne and Gilbert keep falling in love in different lifetimes but it’s always tragic until it isn’t. It’s really well written and just cool.
54.I don't have a choice (but I'd still choose you)  By: writergirl8 Rating: T  Length: 6k-1/1 
Summary: Anne knows now what it feels like to have someone looking at you like you are the most beautiful thing in the world.
I had to shorten the summary because its just so long, but basically this is a beautifully written fic that's just shirbert being fluff after season 3
55.everything you wanted, everything you don't  By: theystayalive Rating: G  Length: 2k-1/1  
Summary: And finally, when everything in his life quieted for just a moment, his heart molded his million thoughts into one word: Anne. In which Gilbert finds his way home.
56.that's the kindof love (i've been dreaming of) By: metsuryuogi (@natsujpg) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1 
Summary: In which Anne and Gilbert spend their first year together, and apart. 
A really cute post season three fic! It also has a sequel that you can read Here
57.A Very Tragic, Romantical Secret (Understanding of a Pre-) Engagement  By: christah8 Rating: G Length: 5k, 1/1 
Summary: Post 3x08 AU where Gilbert avoids Anne for the summer and attends Queens College in the fall.
It's got a scavenger hunt and they are just so cute!
58.A Christmas gift By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1  
Summary: Gilbert comes home for Christmas. Set after season 3.
59.The reality of baking Christmas cookies  By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1 
Summary: Anne really wants to win the neighbourhood competition over who has the best Christmas decorations, however her neighbour is making it really hard for her to do so. 
60.the one person who makes me feel like i can take a fucking breath ( i can't have without completely destroying you ) By: softmullen Rating: NR Length: 5k-1/1 
Summary: IF THERE WAS ONE thing you needed to know about the cuthbert-baynard family, it was that the two and only children did not get along. and it wasn't the 'not getting along' like constantly arguing, no, they just didn't speak. it was like they absolutely hated each other and no one quite knew why. especially gilbert blythe, who had been best friends with jerry since before he could remember. it's always just been the two of them, until jerry's father remarried, moving them three streets down in a rather large house.
An “Edge of 17” au. Anne and Jerry being siblings- 10/10
61,you're already home where you feel loved By: c19 Rating: G Length: 11k-1/1 
Summary: Soulmate marks were only for special people, everyone kept telling them, but Anne and Gilbert both felt decidedly unspecial. Soulmate AU where the soulmate part isn't all that important.
62.The Language of My Unwavering Heart  By: bravebatgirl (@bravebatgorl) Rating: T Length: 70k- 7/15 
Summary:Anne Shirley-Cuthbert is attending college, exploring the excitement of entering womanhood beside her friends, and has even achieved a not-so-tragical romance. Everything is finally settling into place for the bride of adventure, but there are others still in dire straits. How is it that so much pain can be caused in a world about to turn a new century? 
63.I'll See You in the Orchard By: wanderinginthewoods Rating: T Length: 20k-3/3 
Summary: An alternate final, where Gilbert has to leave for Toronto later on, and doesn't bump into Diana. Meanwhile Anne--after meeting Winifred--finds herself on a spontaneous journey to Avonlea to confront him for not telling her about his lack of engagement--amongst other things. 
64.The Many Faces of Gilbert Blythe By: Purple_Slippers_18  Rating: T  Length: 50k-10/10 
Summary: Anne was looking forward to meeting Avonlea's new schoolmaster, and if she could only stop herself from being distracted by the memory of a tall, dark, handsome stranger that she knows she'll never meet again, she was sure she would make an excellent impression on the new teacher, no matter what Minnie May had to say
65.Into the Sun By: goldinavonlea (@goldinavonlea) Rating: T  Length: 5k-1/1  
Summary: Summer had arrived in Avonlea. In all truth, summer had arrived in Avonlea several weeks earlier, but the inclement internal weather of Anne’s life of late had rendered the view rather cloudy from her window for a while there, and so perhaps it was better to say that summer had arrived—finally—in Anne. And what a summer it was. Or, Anne and Gilbert spend 5000 words ignoring all rules of Victorian propriety in favour of becoming the human embodiments of warm syrup.
Pure fluff, and written so well!
66.life is momentous, indeed  By: bruadarxch (@rootedbutfl0wing)  Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1 
Summary: "She turns around trying to wipe off her tears and there he is, galloping down Lovers’ Lane in his horse, like a brooding hero in a romance novel. Bastard."Anne mopes and Gilbert finally does what he has to do.
67.something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue By: lxstdreams Rating: NR  Length: 1k-1/1 
Summary: how to propose to someone the moody spurgeon style(ruby x moody) 
One of the very few not shirbert centric fics, but sooo cute! 
68.oh i swear to you (i'll be there for you) By: cornerinthepouringrain Rating: T Length: 9k- 1/1 
Summary: They sort of become a family, her and Jerry and Ruby and Gilbert (after she forgave him for the thing they don’t speak about), and they were annoying little shits who ate all her food and trashed her apartment, but... she was happy. It was a slow realization, one that didn’t really strike her until she was sitting on the floor in her pajamas, watching Ruby smack Jerry repeatedly after catching the boy stealing her Monopoly money as Gilbert rolled around in tears clutching his stomach. 
Friends Au! I just love it so much
69.you don't have to say nothing - you don't have to say you're mine By: goddessbeltane Rating: M (warning: rape/non-con) Length: 27k-1/1 
Summary: I hate this asshole. Asshole! The nerve! Anne rose from her chair abruptly, striding over to the counter to meet an obviously frightened Gilbert – though she couldn’t blame him for being scared, the last time she looked at him like that was about five seconds before he was violently doused - before folding her arms across her chest. “And just what would you know about soulmates, Blythe?”
The Office Au! If you can't tell, I love sitcom aus. Mentions of rape (not graphic)  
70.If You're Wondering If I Want You To  By: teal_always Rating: T Length: 16k-1/1 
Summary:  Princess Cordelia cordially invites Princess Delphine to join her on the playground to witness Sir Gilbert's courting of Princess Cordelia's mother, Queen Anne. Or Gilbert Blythe will piss off Anne Shirley-Cuthbert upon meeting her in any and all universes.
Single parent au! Just so good!
71.A Little Crazy By: YumKiwiDelicious Rating: NR Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: They’re eight and she’s got the knobbiest knees Gilbert has ever seen. || 5 times Anne tells Gilbert she loves him +1 time he actually takes her seriously||
72. we can leave the christmas lights up till januaryBy: Alice_Prongs Rating: T Length: 17k-3/3
Summary: the boys are throwing a christmas party before they leave for the holidays. that's fine. it's fine, really. all anne needs to do is stay sober throughout it and nothing will go wrong. like, you know, blurting out all of her feelings for gilbert blythe in front of him.
Modern + Christmas + Angst = a fantastic fic! (also sequel Here)
73.silence is the blood whose flesh is singing By: ashleykay Rating: NR Length: 4k-1/1  
Summary: Anne Shirley does not believe in soulmates. And she will not be swayed otherwise. She believes only in love freely given. Soulmate AU. Timers.
74.The 10 Rules of Anne and Gilbert's Fake Relationship By: anexistence Rating: G Length: 18k-4/11 
Summary: She’s kissing Gilbert Blythe, who is surprisingly eagerly kissing her back. Ew, she’s kissing Gilbert Blythe. Anne pulls away, and masks her horror by smiling sweetly up at him. He has that warm yet bemused look on his face. “Hey, there” he smirks, and Anne wishes she could just wipe the smirk away. “A favour for a favour,” she whispers. “You owe me some brownies, Carrots.”
75.thin ice  By: antspaul Rating: T (warning- eating disorder)  Length: 30k-7/7  
Summary: "She still has a long way to go. Frustration builds in her throat and she wishes she could eat what she wanted and still stay slim and beautiful and perfect like Anne or Ruby. But things are the way things are. Nothing can be done about that. Diana will be beautiful. She just has to stay in control." When her world seems to be falling apart at the seams, Diana Barry finds power in the strict regulation of food. At the same time, her friendship with the Cuthbert's farm boy grows into more than she could have expected. And so she spirals.
The other not shirbert centric fic (but they are mentioned). Whether or not you like Diana x Jerry it's still really interesting to see a fic from Diana's perspective. Mentions of eating disorders are VERY graphic. Stay safe kids. There's also an (uncompleted) sequel Here
76.All This Time, I Was Waiting For You  By: MeggieB Rating: M Length: 2k-1/1 
Summary: Five Times Gilbert Blythe says "Carrots"
Pure fluff! Includes young shirbert and married shirbert! 
77.Dream a Little Dream of Me  By: PhoebeDillard (@gilbvrtblythe) Rating: G Length: 8k-1/1  
Summary: Anne Shirley had been fascinated by the very idea of a dream her entire life. So imagine her surprise when she finally has hers and in it appears a prince that looks suspiciously similar to Gilbert Blythe. A Soulmate AU where everyone has one dream their entire life, and in it they see the face of their true love.
78.real or not real By: thearkdelinquents Rating: NR Length: 11k-1/1 
Summary: a fake dating fic but it's basically just a shirbert To All The Boys I Loved Before au.
79.Flowers in His Heart By:  Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: G Length: 1k-1/1
Summary: ‘Don’t be,’ he said, shaking him head, ‘I was dreaming.’ Anne carefully smiled, placing her chin on her palm. ‘About?’ Gilbert paused for a moment. How could he reply to that? (“I dreamt about pinning you against the grass and kissing you”, wasn’t exactly an acceptable answer.) Or, he weighed the option, he could work with it. (or: Gilbert and Anne hang out and they definitely do not like each other. At all.)
80.Strawberry Tarts By: carrotsblythe Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: Anne refuses to take part in another game of Spin the Bottle. And naturally, so does Gilbert.
81.Pretty Injuries  By: novahainn Rating: G (warning: PTSD, child abuse) Length: 5k-1/1 
Summary: Gilbert spent his childhood covered in flowers. Anne spent her childhood covered in some injury or other. Their meeting involves both. Soulmate AU where flowers appear on a person's soulmate when the person is injured.
82.From Red to Green With Love Between By: PhoebeDillard (@gilbvrtblythe) Rating: G Length: 7k-1/1
Summary: Gilbert Blythe was born with a tuft of red hair sticking out from amidst his unruly dark curls... until the day it turned green. A Soulmate AU where everyone has a streak of hair that matches the color of their true love.
 83.you belong somewhere close to me By: georgiestauffenberg Rating: G (warning: mentions of child abuse)  Length: 20k-1/1
Summary: “I know, son. I know. But if you feel what your soulmate feels, it is likely that she feels what you feel.” He raised his eyebrows. “Do you understand? If you are happy, she will be happy, too. Do you think you can be happy for her?” He nodded. “Yes.” He would think happy thoughts every possible moment if he must. AU. Gilbert is one of those rare, lucky souls who has a soulmate.
84. Shirbert One Shot + Drabble Collection By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: G-T Length: 43k’
I could have individually put every single fic on this list, but I thought it would be better to put the entire collection. You can find everything you're looking for here. I recommend them all but here are my personal favorites 
In the Blue Haze, The Peace, The Storm, She Has Brains Enough for Two , A Sweet Heart Won, Take Notice, Here is the Echo of a Sound I Wanted, things that fall (i, for you), Lifemate,when the sun goes to sleep
85. Time Turns to Amber By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: T Length: 42k-7/?
Summary: The line between universes is blurred when Anne Shirley of Green Gables suddenly switches lives with Ann Cuthbert, a university student living in the contemporary world. Suddenly Anne must learn how to navigate the modern world, one which contains a boyfriend, a part time job, and another year of university. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to tackle corsets, farming, and a world without electricity. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but most people can't tell the difference between the redhead they know and the girl who replaced her. Anne (and Ann) have to learn to live as the other and try to find a way back to their own homes.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
WWE Royal Rumble 2021 - Initial Thoughts
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I know I’m late, but employment is still a thing, and I had to prioritize that over an all-nighter, but it’s time for the Royal Rumble, one of the more exciting shows of WWE’s schedule, so let’s get on with it!
Spoilers for Royal Rumble, you have been Warned
I might not invest too much in kickoff matches but the Women’s Tag Match was not a good time
It was fine before the end, but who the hell decided that Charlotte should control 90% of the champions’ offense and have the hot tag!? Asuka is the RAW WOMEN’S CHAMPION, not Charlotte. After the tag Asuka literally had one spot and she was dead, completely taken out of the match for *checks notes* being thrown over the Announcer’s Table...you know that thing several wrestlers come back from easily.
The finish was just too much too, Ric distraction didn’t work, Lacey distraction didn’t work, Kirufuda Clutch didn’t work but then the brass knuckles did. Too much.
And why TF are we putting titles back on Nia!? We should’ve just given the titles to the Riotts, or the winner of the Women’s Dusty Classic. It also cuts me deep that Asuka and Shayna are treated this way, even as champion Asuka is a side character to Charlotte T_T
Main show though and I don’t like the package and interviews between entrances
Drew vs Goldberg was just...meaningless.
It was cringy enough that Cole had to spout drivel to make 60 year old Goldberg seem strong but to have Drew be ‘injured’ by a barricade spear - something much more tired wrestlers have and will get back up from in less time and continue a longer match - was daft. Also saying that Goldberg’s spear or jackhammer is the best move of all WWE is stupid, it was a WCW thing
Thank God Drew Won, but the post-match does remind you of the meaningless circumstances this feud came about. Suddenly Goldberg is okay with Drew’s same manners of respect
I mean, Carmella’s entrance and gear is cool, but do you think it eats at Corey a little that Carmella’s ‘behind the curtain’ bit is a tad...red light district?
Sasha’s promo didn’t hit for me unfortunately
Reginald didn’t deserve to be ejected for that! He caught Sasha and get beaten up for it
Jesus Carmella! Sasha got barely any of that dive
Screeching and faffing aside, Carmella got a good showing...I do hate quick tap outs in title matches though
Sami cuts a good promo, but his content wasn’t exactly the best. New Day are hardly the management’s faves, it’s taken this long for E to get a singles run, Fans literally had to Yes Movement their way into giving Kofi the world title.
New Day’s Brodie gear was good though
Bad Bunny as the ‘Biggest Latin Artist’? Is Cole for real? I didn’t even know who he was before today
If the song is about Booker T then why is he dancing around GI Bro?
Come on Book, you hang on the Sucka! That’d be like if the Rock just went ‘If ya smell what the Rock is cooking’ without the drags or pauses
Ric’s ‘with a tear in my eye’ promo was after the Rumble though...
It’s actually a sad stat that just over half of the Rumble winners win titles
No Morrison segment for the escape spot!? He did it as much as Kofi dammit!
Sorry Greatest Royal Rumble is not canon for me
This Stat Attack has taken far too long
I’m okay with Mike Rome but couldn’t a woman have announced the Women’s Rumble? Where’s Lillian at!?
That hair is amazing as well
I know you can’t say it, but we all remember that Benoit won the rumble in the first two as well
Was...Bianca wearing earrings on her entrance, she looked like she was taking them off
Billie actually had the right idea, can’t be in the match until you enter the ring, it’s clever stuff
That tank did not look like it was meant to turn that direction XD
It actually surprises me every time how tall Shotzi is, I always imagine her short
Billie no...not with Shayna
The piped boos are highly unrealistic to boo even a heel Toni Storm
Shotzi eliminated and then horrible singer Jillian comes in? Urrrrgh, Bad Singer Jillian was terrible
Wrestling wise she hasn’t missed a beat though
Billie’s surprisingly being a highlight here with actual narra-OHMYSHITITSVICTORIA
Gear was a bit meh but Victoria definitely can still go
Oh Peyton the purple looks good on you, and her Widow’s Peak was not bad at all
Ah, good for Santana, for a moment I thought it said Santina and got a very bad chill
Damn Liv, Speed Machine!
Ooof, the betrayal is real Billie
Somehow I’m genuinely upset by every elimination so far, good job!
Aaaaaand then they got rid of Victoria and brought on Charlotte to immediately take out Rhea -_-
That was a clever move from Bayley but damn Ruby landed hard
Are we seeing a Bayley/Peyton team? Or is she just eliminating the Riotts for revenge for Billie, but also Liv Nooooo!
Torrie now, eh okay
Ouch for Dana
Lacey...no, this ain’t working
Poor Peyton, her elimination was a side chapter
And we missed Bayley’s elimination!? For Shame
Mickie! Good to see ya! Aaaaand being beaten by Charlotte...
Nikki Cross is back too! Hopefully they find a good story for her
Alicia Fox? I guess she sobered back into the good gra...R-Truth? No
Oh yeah, Humberto is a thing
Jerry shut the fuck up!
The 24/7 stuff was super unnecessary, we did not need to take focus off this match
Lacey eliminating Mickie, rude.
Dakota should’ve gotten more time, she barely lasted a minute
Reginald again deserves better
See Tamina vs Rhea would be exciting...if Tamina was booked better
Naomi’s chemistry with Bianca is really insane right now
Lana *reminded of her feud with Shayna and Nia* Also Lana *goes for Rhea*
That was a hard tackle on Alexa by Rhea...aaaaand she’s eliminated mid ‘transformation’ a bit worthless for me
Road Warrior Ember Moon! And right into the Eclipse that’s the good shit
Baszler probably shouldn’t have eliminated Lacey story-wise
The Betrayal is real for Tamina as well
What’s with the crazy camera cuts!?
Nia eliminating Baszler? Nah...
Hold on Cole, baiting Nia over the ropes isn’t a ‘tremendous elimination’
The betrayal is real for Lana too, Nattie sure shrugged off that double assault
I get that the narrative is that Charlotte has beaten both Bianca and Rhea before, but to hang against both of them after already being in a match and hanging on from two apron attacks was daft. Stop making her super strong, she’s mega talented yes but giving her the Brock Lesnar energy does her no favours
That close call though with Rhea and Bianca was great, need more spots of two wrestlers about to be eliminated at the same time
The final bit of chain wrestling too was great, that’s what you need at the final part of a rumble, the mini-match
I had Rhea as my win prediction but am more than happy for Bianca, who was my second choice. Winning at No. 3 is great and her emotional promo just gets her more over. Bianca vs Sasha’s gonna be wild too
Overall the Women’s Rumble was good, most of the women got shine and there were a few mini stories too, do wish that more time was given to some women and that Sonya was in the rumble but the returns were good and most of the eliminations got me good
Miz talking about guaranteeing a championship run like he didn’t lose the last cash-in and didn’t have a chance to cash in previously this night when Drew was ‘reeling’ from the barricade spear.
I reiterate that I wish Sonya was in the rumble, but do like her endorsement of Bianca
Again, this 24/7 stuff is wrong place and time right now
Last Man StANDing Match for the UniVERSal Championship
Cole, there is Champion’s Advantage. Triple H vs Michaels Last Man Standing, neither men made the 10 so Trips kept the title, 17 years ago. Royal Rumble 2004.
See, this is where a Finisher Spotfest works, because it’s not about pinfalls it’s about keeping people down
The camera switches are not doing good on this portion of the side of the thunderdome
Yes, attacking the knees, this is the Cerebral ‘rope breaks with his pinkie finger’ Owens I like to see
Ooof the Golf Cart, a la Kane and Stadium Stampede
Why is this training area just like a second arena
Lil’ running ref in the background
Right into that conveniently placed mini-ladder
Not the forklift! Think of Judy Bagwell!
Oh that curtain is the thing Becky took a photo of! I mean she was always gonna be backstage
Corey before the match ‘there must be a winner’, Corey after Owens went through the stage LED ‘The ref should consider stopping the match’
Did the Ciampa move there to stand up
I don’t think you’re allowed to use a Ref Bump that way
Then the Second Ref restarts the count and stops at 5!? If this doesn’t come back next SD it’ll be a misstep
It was a physical match, not the best I think the finish brought it down. The problem is that KO has lost 3 times now and the last time is a botch finish, and we can’t have him lose again - the poor guy needs a win
I will say this immediately, revealing Edge and Orton as 1 and 2 beforehand was a terrible idea, just because you don’t have a live crowd doesn’t mean the people watching from home can’t be surprised
‘Number 3 is the worst number to draw on average’ - Belair just won at No. 3
Ali at 4? Then went after Edge and not Orton?
Sami, just don’t get in Orton’s face
Refs what are you doing? No rules in Rumble, where were you with Nia and Shayna with that logic
‘What does Shin need to do to be more successful?’ - for one not face AJ Styles, he is still a tag, US and IC champ as well as a RR winner, that’s quite successful
Carlito finally shows after the Legends Night tease and yes those are some abs
So...Randy’s just sleeping with this knee injury
Big E enters with some snappy camera angles again
I was hoping for more Ali - especially since Ricochet came immediately after - buy angry E was nice to see
Wait is that Elias’ entrance? Where’s the guitar strum?
Priesty, wonder if this is his main roster call
What DJ leaves his equipment on stage anyway?
‘The biggest star in the world in the music business’ - for real?
‘I’ve heard of flying squirrels but flying bunnies!?’ - Corey you need to watch Tokyo Joshi Pro, they got a flying sugar rabbit
To quote Ross Tweddell, MMMmmm Riddle...does not do it for me
Stop with the camera cuts I beg of you!
Mayor of Knox County!?
Ricochet eliminated by Kane, le sigh
The betrayal is real for DBry
Big Elim for Priesty though
‘Now it’s a Royal Rumble’ - reminder that Edge is a KOTR winner too, and that Nakamura is the King of Strong Sty-oh and Corbin eliminated him :/ what was the gauntlet about if you’re gonna Corbin him?
Otis’ new gear is slick
aaaaand Corbin’d again
Big Dom Fuck im Uhhhhhh Spinebuster’d
Damn he got him though
Dang that bounce sound from DBry
Bobby no why you gotta do Dom like that!?
Hurricane back from his Gangrel crossing and disposing Sammy Guevara’s broken body in Elite Deletion to do another rumble
One of these days, he’ll hit that Chokeslam and shit will go wild
Christian! This time getting the more emphatic reaction
Oh that smile, that hits you in the chest cavity...then Riddle ruins it
Rey comes in and WWE made him an advertisement ¬_¬
Edward James Omos what are you doing? well...I know what he’s doing, IC feud between AJ and E
Edward James Omos fuck you for eliminating Rey
The betrayal is real for Shamu
Cole how did you know it was Seth before his entrance hit?
I don’t think we were supposed to pick up Shamu welcoming Christian back but that was sweet
Then finally BWOAR
And Bwoar eliminates Cesaro, what was the point of his push? (it’s because his contract’s nearly up isn’t it?)
Again with the camera switching
Seth No! And where’s the boos pipe music!? DBry was a heavy favourite, that would’ve caused heat
Can’t believe Mmm Riddle lasted ahead of DBry
I didn’t forget about Orton, but the finish was good, that Orton tease got us good
It was a decent rumble, in hindsight you could tell Edge was winning given how they put express focus on Michaels winning at number on in the stat attack, Edge being face in peril for the first 10 entrants and Cole reminding us how long Edge has been in there
I don’t at all hate the end result, though I do question whether it was the best choice in the long run. Edge had his rumble win returning from injury already and throwing more legends at Drew does imply a heavy lack of depth in the current roster. Edge didn’t really need the win, but I’m not disappointed in him winning
The Men’s Rumble itself wasn’t as good as the women’s I don’t think, a lot of favourites of mine were unceremoniously dumped out quickly, any layered storytelling didn’t get enough time and it did feel a little by the numbers, almost a microcosm of modern WWE booking
Overall it was still a decent PPV, happy with the winners of the rumbles and that’s mostly all we need from a Royal Rumble. The Road to Wrestlemania starts here
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theharellan · 5 years
Every so often I see people claim that they/their fave could’ve called out Solas and figured him out if they were in the game or allowed to, and while I’m sure certain parties would/are suspicious and ultimately are right to be, the reasons for finding him suspicious are often weirdly couched in in-universe prejudices and assumptions in ways I don’t think people reflect upon:
“He’s not a Dalish OR a City Elf? That’s suspicious.” - This idea relies on the fact that we assume elves can be one of, like, two things. That someone might suspect him in-universe based on this fits with Thedas’ presumptions, but people thinking it’s a good argument out of universe is odd. We know elves can be things like fog warriors and qunari. Solas states that he’s from a small village to the north, which as backgrounds go is pretty mild. 
“He knows too much! ‘He saw it in the Fade’ is a convenient excuse.” - While Solas often uses that fun half-truth/half-lie technique to explain how he knows so much about Elvhenan itself (given everything was in the Fade), a lot of things Solas knows do come from the Fade. He woke up a year ago and even if he had eluvians to get around, he wouldn’t have had time to absorb as much information as he has without the use of the Fade before and after waking. Also, much of what he tells you about a post-Elvhenan world comes from information he learned in the Fade. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if he learned new information about Elvhenan after waking, although that’s more a headcanon of mine. So it’s a convenient excuse mostly because it happens to be true a good 100% of the time if the topic isn’t Elvhenan. There’s also this mild classist angle to it, this accusation comes with the implication that a low-born elf couldn’t possibly know as much as he does, despite an ability which grants him special clairvoyance, and a life dedicated to said research.
“He doesn’t tell you anything about his history.” - I honestly think this is mostly the game’s fault, with his past only being hinted at cryptically via banter with Cole and Blackwall. Most of the questions you ask him about himself and his past get honest answers, but reveal little about details. Leliana canonically extensively questions him, and while she notes that he was evasive, he was forthcoming enough to give the name of where he grew up. I also think part of the reason this comes off as more suspicious than it is is that this is an rpg where characters are contractually obligated to bare every detail of their lives to you. If you were to go up to someone and ask them about their past experience with war, and they didn’t want to tell you, you’d be kind of an asshole for distrusting them for that.
Were someone to accuse Solas of being suspicious because he knows too much or find his background unusual, it’s really easy for him to find flaw in their argument. Elves, obviously, can be more than two things. His abilities as a Dreamer are the reason he isn’t stumbling through modern Thedas with only a thimble of knowledge.
In the case of roleplay, people are welcome to suspect Solas (within reason-- as stated in my rules I’d prefer people ask before they know that he’s Fen’Harel/an ancient elf), but be prepared for him to have a retort. And a retort for that retort. He didn’t walk into a Chantry camp without knowing his lines. In regards to his past Solas has an answer should someone ask him about the most obvious things, but it won’t be complete, and if it’s someone he doesn’t like he may reject answering altogether. The implication when he answers is that those memories hurt him to speak of, which is, as are so many things with Solas-- true. But there is always more to the story.
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fenharel-archived · 5 years
25 Dragon Age Questions       
tagged by @lelibela ♥♥♥ tagging: @denerim @flmeth @blckwall @clanventrues @thalasians @cireael @rkyloren @noonvraith @aloths and anyone who wants to talk a bit about da!!!! 01) Favourite game of the series? Inquisition. I’m just here to smooch Solas, ok.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age? It’s all @flmeth’s fault!!!!!! She once made a post about it here. :’/ (♥)
03) How many times you’ve played the games? TOO MANY TIMES. And that’s saying something, as someone who usually only plays a game once or twice lmao (I like trying out new things, ok!). I just checked and I apparently have 798 hours in Inquisition alone. Including DAO & DA2 I would estimate around 1400 hours, hm... wtf@me
04) Favourite race to play as? Elves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05) Favourite class? Mage!!!!!!!! Rogues are cool too though I just really can’t do warriors tbh.
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? Depends! I have several characters in each game who make slightly different choices and I stick to them if I re-play them, or I just do something that I don’t ~consider canon~ just because I’m curious. So I’ve tried out most choices by now! Except for DA2, I always do the same in DA2.
07) Go-to adventuring group? DAO: Zevran, Morrigan, Alistair DA2: Anders, Varric, Fenris DAI: Solas, Dorian, Cole is my fave during main quests, but I really don’t have a solid “Go-to group” in DAI tbh. There is so much banter I don’t want to miss, you know! The companion that is always in my group is Solas lmao. :^)
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? Oh boy idk. All of them? Feels weird picking only one. I mean I re-played Alvar the most so I guess her maybe? Idk
09) Favourite romance? *drum roll* SOLAS.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books? The books, yeah! Not all of them yet but I’m on it.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book? So far the Masked Empire
12) Favourite DLCs? Trespasser. I would even say it’s my fave DLC throughout any game series? The emotional turmoil this one gives me is INSANE. The STORY. The SOUNDTRACK. THE ENDING.... @ everyone who follows me and still hasn’t played DAI & all it’s DLC’s in the Egg romance yet: It enhances your experience SO MUCh. It’s so GOOD. Trust me on this one.
13) Things that annoy you. I can’t smooch Solas casually. What the hell.
14) Orlais or Ferelden? Orlais..... is prettier?
15) Templars or mages? Mages.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? It’s both for me! I have a big universe in my head where all of them have their roles and this is also the one I consider the most important, but I also have separate world states for each. It’s just easier sometimes depending on which OC I play.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) Nymeria’s dog: Fang, Cari’s dog: Fluffy, Eleanor’s dog: Sinner. Oh, Cari is also able to summon a Skeleton buddy, I called him Klaus.
18) Have you installed any mods? Yyeeahhhh...
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? Nymeria didn’t, but Cari thought it sounds interesting, at least the getting out of the tower part.
20) Hawke’s personality? Eleanor is mostly purple. But she uses blue and red ofc as well, depending on the occasion. (& Lynne is not a Hawke, but she used mostly red, with blues sometimes when she talked to her friends)
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? Like making them all look the same? No.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? Nymeria wouldn’t have made Shianni the Bann of the Alienage, since they killed her for it. Cari wouldn’t change a thing, she believes everything happens for a reason and that she wouldn’t be the person she is today if she would change something. Eleanor would go back and try to save her mother & sister, she would also stop Carver of joining her into the Deep Roads expedition, so that he wouldn’t have to be a Grey Warden now. Lynne would like to have given the DA2 clique a chance earlier, they are bffs now but it took her so long to get her armour off. Alvar keeps thinking about Crestwood and what she could have done or said differently. Falon regrets something that happend with him and his ex boyfriend. He would like to fix that.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? So many, it’s more fun that way! I have three living Grey Wardens in DAO for example, instead of two, since both Cari & Nymeria get recruited. Or I also have Lynne, who is another member of the Kirkwall crew, without being a Hawke, etc.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade? In my current “canon” it’s Hawke :/. But since switching Cari to the Warden it should be Stroud. So that might change. If I’ll ever be able to let go of the angst. Also if Hawke doesn’t come back in DA4 I’ll do it in an instant.
25) Favourite mount? asjkdhkjsdhs “Pride of Arlathan” but honestly only because of it’s name. I don’t use mounts at all lmao.
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jungdrizzydraco · 5 years
An O.C. for Your Asses!!!
I wanna see if the characters are legit before I move forward with this short story im working on (I'm a character first kinda guy, so I work inside-out) leave any form of constructive critique you wish, they are still works in progress, thanks!!
Augustine Harriet Andersson
Sign: Gemini (sun) Cancer (moon) Virgo (rising)
Height: 5'8
Eye Color: Formerly dark-brown, bleached to a pastel-hazel because of some dark magic fuckery
Hair Color/Cut: dark-brown,q shifting variations of a fade, whose design changes somewhat based on his thoughts and emotions (yes, this is an enchanted fade)
Build: lean, lightly muscled from years lifting cauldrons in his grandfather's potion shop
Notable Features: Dimples; left-dimple is deeper than right, multiple piercings on each ear, artificial left eye (looks organic but to magical eyes, it looks otherwise)
"Have you ever been like...fundamentally angry? I feel that way...like at my core, there's this rage that seethes and coils at the pit of my stomach, everyday, like a python that can't quite squeeze his prey all the way to death. Everytime I think I've grown up, forgiven something or someone or myself, there's this anger that tightens right back up all over again...like it's reminding me of something. Somedays...I feel like that feeling will petrify everything I've ever loved about myself, and I'll just be another slave to outrage and ego and pain...just like everyone else...haha, then I'll really be a normie."  -August Andersson, on his depression and internal anger issues.
Augustine Andersson is a witch-boy. But you could probably already tell that from looking at him: the way his eyes are almost constantly fixed towards some unseeable infinity, the way air molecules hum with fresh, manic energy around him, how he seems to absorb sunlight and the way his brown skin would filter the glow as a result of his connection to the natural...it was all very off putting to others around him for most of his young adult life. And as we all know, no one likes a freak, so such years had a hand in building his current trust issues, feelings of great anger and inadequacy, and all the tics and tricks he uses to keep such feelings at bay. He's not at a total loss; at his core he is a humanitarian, deeply compassionate and available to those who have managed to capture his heart, as well as wild and humorous. However, he keeps a tight lid on his darkest feelings and insecurities, out of fear that they may be too much for those around him (also, he might accidentally call forth a vile arch-daemon on accident, but that's neither here nor there.) After finally having had enough of his mundane time amongst the humans, he vanishes from his college campus one day and takes to the open road, hoping that like the many young, angsty teens in the movies he loves, he will find himself in his own solitude. But the best way to deal with oneself is when confronting someone else, and after a close-call with a reckless (and very cute) motorcycle rider on an interstate, August will be forced to deal with every single part of himself, the good, the bad, and the strange...
A few more things about him...
1. His father is Afro-swedish, hence his last name.
2. Loves to travel and is nomadic by nature.
3. He gets a special kind of warmth out of being moderately petty at all times.
4. He loves open spaces and bodies of water, as well as hikes through mountains (ok so he only went once in Vegas, so sue him, he really liked it!)
5. Surprisingly low maintenance, really just likes being around people that are happy, and the feeling easily rubs off on him.
6. Both positive and negative emotions easily rub off on him.
7. Can get caught up in moments of warm content, given his unstable interior life, and can get lost in wasting/spending time.
8. Gets restless easily.
9. Budding film buff, faves include Kill Bill vol. 1&2, Her, Moonrise Kingdom, Gone Girl, Blue is the Warmest Color, Moonlight, & Mean Girls.
10. August's father is very engaged with politics and civil rights, so in honor of that, he decided that his son's middle name would belong to one of the greatest figures of the civil rights movement: Harriet Tubman.
11. Favorite new movie is The Favourite.
12. Due to a lack of acceptance of his full self and the full spectrum of his sexuality, he is judgemental of others and holds them to the same near-impossible standards he holds for himself. 
13. Things he expects from others: To read his mind and conjure what he wants without saying, to have his needs and boundaries respected without actually stating so, for others to fit in whatever box he thinks they should be in, for everyone's intellect to be slightly lower than his own, but high enough not to annoy him with silly questions, ect.
14. Listens to Lorde, J. Cole, Rex Orange County, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey, Tyler the Creator, Young Thug and assorted film soundtracks.
15. Enjoys playing into his double-sided nature when it suits him, and has a secret glee in melding into different roles depending on who's around him.
16. Is attracted to more eccentric personalities in platonic and romantic relationships
17. Smokes weed to escape boredom. (and his problems)
18. Smokes weed because he likes the feeling.
19. Is secretly a little ratchet, but he'll kill you if you say so, it'll fuck up his reputation as the quasi-sociopathic erudite.
Magic House-Thoth
Augustine is a member of the Sacred House of Life, witches whose magic is passed down from the Egyptian Gods themselves. August himself is a descendant of an African slave-witch, once known as Ashe. She was taken to Egypt as a typical piece of cargo from zealot raiders, and was sentenced to a life of building the pyramids. Or so she would have thought: Thoth, the God of Magic and Knowledge, took pity upon her and beguiled her to follow an invisible force into the desert one night. He then revealed himself to her in his ibis-headed brilliance and bestowed upon her a set of choices: he could free her now and set her loose across the desert with all the things she would need for survival, or he could give her secrets and wisdoms unknown to man at the time, but she would have to frequently return to him for lessons. Ashe always prized knowledge and growth over any material thing, or even something such as freedom (I prefer to disagree myself). And secrets from a God must count for that much more, right? She indulged in option two. Thoth grinned and whispered to her the mysteries of life, the secrets of the stars, and the riddles of worlds lost and intangible, he spoke magick into her very soul. She would then use her newfound knowledge to fool her captors, freed any slave that would believe in her, and with her wits about them, guided them across the desert to build a library-like sanctuary, in honor of Thoth. The former slaves then learned from the god's teachings, passed through Ashe, and became witches and educators in their own right, and Ashe came to lead this new coven of magi. This is how the House of Thoth became to be. 
Magick: As a member of house of Thoth, August has the ability to manipulate various aspects of the moon, writing, hieroglyphics, knowledge and sciences, and the progression of time. His particular specialty is the creation of Moon Dust, a substance used as a medium for most of his spells. By gathering various quantities of mineral, be it: crystal, rocks, pearls, aluminum, or even silvers and golds, he can channel his magic into them and break down and rearrange their atomic components into a corrosive, abrasive substance that also tends to stick to objects due to an electric charge. This dust is also dangerous to breathe in. He tends to carry around a pouch or two on his person, as trying to create some on the fly is nearly impossible given how much time and intricacy is needed to create the substance. (I mean, working with just a pile of plain old rocks would take a couple of hours to convert, let alone harder or more distilled substances.) Spells that he has mastered so far include...
Spell of Refraction: A spell in which the moondust bonds to whomever or whatever August desires (sans the harmful effects, it's enchanted in this state) and whatever is enveloped in dust turns invisible via light refraction.
Spell of Revelations: He can spread his moondust over an area and have the pieces cling to imprints of negative emotion or dark magick. A spell used for forensic work.
Spell of Retribution: An offensive spell that uses moondust to its fullest offensive powers and creates small funnels of dust to ravage the opponent. The largest funnel made could surround a fully grown man.
Golemancy:  Can create golems out of the moon dust he has formed, usually no larger than a human toddler. They tend to take form roughly resembling lego-men (he was a big fan of the Lego Expanded Universe as a child), but one can easily be fooled by their size: each golem has the strength of three men, and can combine to further power themselves up.
There are a few spells that don't require the moon dust...
-The Veil: A surface-level illusion layered directly over the skin. This allows the caster to look like whatever he wants to look like and sound however he wants, but can be broken if struck with bad intentions (like a slap from an offended woman on the street)
 -Somnus: A very old, yet practical spell. Also one that does not require moondust, this handy spell induces sleep.  Those affected by this spell will not remember being forced to sleep, but they will have active and vivid dreams for distraction. Also necessary for Dream Diving.
-Dream Diving:  A skill Augustine has yet to master, this allows the caster to astral project into one's consciousness for complete access to the afflicted parties mind, if the brain is distracted by dreams. August has gotten stuck in several public nude dreams, and it takes long hours to remove oneself from another's mind.
-Illusion Casting 
-Temporary Madness Inducement
-Script Magick: By writing down a word or phrase on any surface that can be sufficiently marked on, whatever has been written manifests somehow, just so long as it is within his power. He can't create miracles with it though.
Top 10 Roadtrip Songs
Sobriety- Sza
No Role Moldelz-J. Cole
Sacrifices -Dreamville, assorted artists
Grown Up Fairy Tails- Chance the Rapper, Taylor Bennett 
My Boy-Billie Eilish
U.N.I.T.Y.- Frank Ocean
West Coast: Lana Del Rey
Cruise Ship-Young Thug
400 Lux-Lorde
Let Em Know- Bryson Tiller
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wild-lavellan · 7 years
Hi, just curious, might wanna follow BUT – can you please explain how you feel about all the companions from the Dragon Age games pls?
Hi anon! Ahahah that’s an interesting question. 
Before starting i have to mention i still have to play at da2, i know something about the plot and characters, but i won’t write about them. That’s mainly because there are some controversial ones which i will judge only after having actually played. 
Dragon Age Origins:
Alistair: he’s a sweetheart. I actually like him a lot because he’s the one who makes the bad jokes to keep high the morale even in the darkest times, even if he usually hides behind it when you ask about things he is shy about. He’s generous and loyal and a good friend for the Warden. And he tendentially never judges, despite being Chantry raised.
Morrigan: i like her a lot! She’s cool and very badass. I do not share her point of view on many things in the game (like how she scorns the Circle mages, how she disapproves everytime you go out of your way to help someone etc.) and i often think she’s a bit too egoistical and cold, but she’s subtle, sharp and has that sweet and romantic side that makes her a grey and well written character. I also loved her romance path, she's so sweet with the warden and i like how she gradually warms to him until she admits she's straight ot worried xD Also she grew a lot in Inquisition, the scene with Kieran and Flemeth is so touching. 
Leliana: i loved her in Origins, a bit less in Inquisition. Mainly because in Inquisition she’s fucking scaring and after having softened her in Origins i didn’t expect so much ruthlessness and detachment afterwards. It does make sense tho, after what happened to her. Anyway I’d say lovely in Origins, scary in Inquisition but always super cool. I also like her being so open minded and ready to look back on her views once proved wrong.
Zevran: I actually like everything about him and he’s super sweet.
Oghren: hhhhhhhhh my favourite drunkard what the hell
Wynne: she’s like the Warden’s granny. Always kind and ready to give advice. She can be a bit pressing on some things but all grannies are lol. I find her very wise and supportive, not to mention she’s so damn cool like an elderly woman protected by a spirit who just goes out to fight darkspawns.
Sten: i like him a lot and at the same time i am intimidated by the sheer righteousness he radiates. Anyway 10/10 would recruit him anytime
Shale: sass queen, another 10/10. We share the hatred for pigeons (but i wouldn’t ever harm one!!).
Dog: I mean it’s an affectionate mabari called Barkspawn by Alistair. It’s pure.
Dragon Age Inquisition:
Cassandra: One of my favourite companions, truly. Righteous and wanting to make things better, fearless, stubborn and impulsive. Also i love how she changed her mind about the Inquisitor. I played with a Dalish Inquisitor, and her nagging about the Herald, the Maker etc. was annoying at times, same with the usual mistrust of mages. That was expected tho, and she gained points when she says she will tell everyone about the cure for Tranquility after they’ll have found a safe method to achieve it.
Varric: he’s precious and a good dad for Cole
Solas: my favourite treacherous bald elf. I dunno, i think he’s a masochist idiot, superiority complex everywhere, the main cause for all the shit that actually happened, but he actually has so many good (and bad) qualities i love him to pieces *cries*
Dorian: my Inquisitor’s romance. He’s the ultimate perfection, my favourite character of all the three games.
Cole: he’s the human version of Dog. He’s just pure.
Sera: one of my faves but dear, it’s so hard to get on with her while playing with a Dalish mage! After What Pride had Wrought damn, i found the cutscene so cringy, like she just yells mean things and you can’t really argue back. Aside from that, she’s the sweetest bean. I also love how she grew up in Trespasser.
Vivienne: not one of my favourites, but mainly because i don’t agree with her point of view on many things. I think she’s a very cool and strong character, but i found little connection with her throughout the game.
Iron Bull: wet titty
Blackwall: I like him. Not one of the faves either, but he’s good hearted and wants to be better. A tiny bit too enthusiastic about the Wardens. A tiny bt creepy how he faked to be a dead man for years.
I hope i haven’t forgotten anyone! *sweats*
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (2/2)
Here we go with the next part! I really hope we get some major big plot twist at some point, because it's all really cool but I need something to really change from good to GREAT
For now, let's focus on the next episodes!
It's the 17th of April and here we go!
I feel like there's little time to really pull up something, I don't know. Like, what plot twist could happen now that there just half season left with only Unagami/Dyer's identity and maybe Scott's past as mysteries? There's little space for more plotlines, that's what I think
Overall fighting scenes, character designs and game backgrounds are AWESOME!!
Let's see how it goes, maybe I'll be surprised. Wouldn't be weird for Ninjago to pull a bomb last episode 😅
Okay, so there is a photo, and there is a friend. As I thought, Dyer might not be Unagami at all, I feel like there's a lot of backstory coming along. I wonder if Scott has a part in this... WHERE IS SCOTT 💙
Ah, of course Kai would spend his credits on an avatar, I should've known, my flame babe can be such a dummie sometimes I mean why would you even do such a thing as buying an avat-
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NEVER MIND I LOVE IT 😍😍🔥🔥 I thought him being blonde was going to bother me, I actually kinda like the change. Still prefer my baby brunette, but it's really cool as well. The best of this season are definitely the characters designs
Was that "let's fight an ogre mission" a hint for next season? I wouldn't be weird, but it's been a while since I've seen forshadowing for new season in this show
HECK YEAH THE DANCING EPISODE!!! I was waiting for this, Jaya is so cute while they are on the dancefloor 😍 They have chemistry 😘😘😘
I like the implication that Nya was really bad at dancing before Jay, like Kai covering his eyes because he cannot handle her sister not being perfect at something 😛
And Cole being the dance expert, that little tango moment with Kai I bet made many lavashippers super happy 🖤❤🖤❤
JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! Nya better say I love you back soon, like Kai and Skylor are a little behind, Zane and Pixal already said it, Jay can't stop doing it, come on girl it's your turn! 😎😎
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Okay, I think my theory won't happen 😅 Feels like there are not enough episodes for a good reveal, and it doesn't seem like Scott is that influenced by Jay. My last idea is that perhaps he has spent so much time in the game like Jay said (POOR BABY 😭) that he doesn't remember. Maybe the moment he will come back, we will find out that it is Jay's brother/twin, I mean he still has those dragon and lightnings drawing on his back... yeah I like this theory a lot, gonna hold on to it!
So Scott is indeed a person trapped in a game, at least that's confirmed 👍
Also he's got some major issues, the poor thing, and I think there is some special reason behind him not wanting to race besides having just one life.
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OH MY GARMADON 😂😂😂 Okay, okay, it's actually better than I expected really. The scarf is cool, and so are the golden tattoos, the suit and the golden sleeve. It's just the mohawk that will take time to get used to, it's not even bad, just weird 🤷‍♀️
Racer Seven is so cool! Always nice seeing a new female character in this show that is not a love interest. I do love Nya, Pix and Sky to death, but I love variety too 💪
Really, really nice the piece of all Racer Seven's crashes! Impactful and sad, a never ending loop that she wants to break through from. That's the heavy stuff I like!
Okay, ready for the race! And I'm... scared? Like, a lot of they guys have one life?? KAI HAS ONE LIFE?? 😱😱 I hope for the best I guess 😅
Might be my favorite episode yet
Seven is SO COOL, it's another reason why I'm sad these episodes are so short! I really would had liked see her more, truly have her bond with the guys
Soooo... I guess since Scott's been in the game for 30 years it's safe to assume he's not Jay's brother/twin. To be fair it's really hard to tell a LEGO person's age😅 At this point I guess he could be either Dyer's friend, even if it sounds unlikely, or... idk, still think he could have a connection with Jay. Maybe he's like... an older brother? Libber had him a long while ago?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID SCOTT HAVE TO DIEEEEEEEE??? 😭😭😭 Just when he was getting more involved, come on! He even said he wanted to try that hero stuff, I love him! WE WILL SAVE YOU MY TECH BABY!!!
Cole getting a ride from Kai, this season has some pretty good lava material ❤🖤❤🖤
I've got some major Ninjaball Run vibes from this, that brings me back 😂 Even the no rules thing is there, come on, there has to be a little bit of inspiration from it!
Still don't know what I think of the rats, kinda seems useless and annoying, gonna be honest. But it's a nice race, exciting with nothing big happenin-
Kai and Cole sacrifice for Jay
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I so, so enjoyed how they did it. Like, one look between them to realize that yes, this is it, Jay is the expert and needs to go on. This is the end of our race... AAAHHH!! (Infinite shipping potential too)
Omg Nya screaming her brother's name and Jay his best friend's name, while Lloyd looks so devastated (those masks are actually kinda espressive, I really like them). Wow. This is the angst I needed, finally👌
YES SEVEN WON!!! HECK YEAH GIRL!!! SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Also Okino in the background being happy, nice touch!
And now they are three... it's gonna end up with only Jay huh. I... I'm not ready actually, my heart 😢 They better all hug when this is all over!!!
The music of the old school section was actually very nice, reminds me of the past, I kinda hoped The Fold were going to release some game themed songs. Been a while since I have one of those 😍
Lol, explaining the side scroll games was actually pretty cool
YES THEY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THE AIRJITSU!! Maybe they will remember they can used it, right Cole? The ladder scene? YOU CAN FLY???
OMG NYA ACTUALLY SAID CICLON-DO JUST HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! All the way from my favorite season Possession, Jay's definition of airjitzu that I actually still kept in one of my fanfictions 😂
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Okay the design of the temple of madness is REALLY cool, you can immediately tell it's from an old videogame. Gives me the double vibe the googles for the first 3D movies used to give me 😂
Also look at this
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THIS IS ADORABLE!! 💙💚💦 Really old style videogame 😂
And there we go!! Harumi!! Since I saw her in the set I was wondering what she was going to be, maybe an avatar or an NPC of some sort... THIS HURTS WAY MORE!!! And of course pure heart BABY boy Lloyd doesn't feel good fighting her, he had a crush on her! AND HE FREAKING SAW HER DIE!!! It's really sad that he still hopes for her to be good...
The fighting scenes are really, REALLY good! So fluid and active! This fight was really pleasant to watch, not gonna lie 💜
Okay, down to three members. Remaining Zaptrap and water godess... omg Nya will totally die first and at that point Jay will go completely nuts. I'm both scared and DYING TO HAPPEN!!! ANGST FINALLY!!! THIS IS THE STUFF!!
Got some major Skybound feeling, like when it was only Jay and Nya... will Nya finally say I love you back?? I HOPE SO ❤💙❤💙
With the three keytana now, what will happen? I'm actually curious now, this is the exciting stuff I need! And yes I do realize it's a little weird that for getting hype I need my faves to die 😅
The Weekend Whip with sax, never thought I needed this in my life 😍
Bet Brent had a blast recording this
Okay this is the third Chima reference I see, they better throw some Nexo Knights hits as well next season! Come on, it's about freaking knights!!!
This is not what I expected when they said there was going to be an episode with only Zane and Pixal but I'm sure as HECK not complaining 👌
Oh, seeing Pixal joining in so normally is so beautiful, I really wish we could have her even more often
Dareth's karaoke bar! From Sons of Garmaron! Also him guessing first try because the ninja really do get post in other dimensions very often 😂 Gotta love them indeed
Pff Zane narrating and getting stopped every time because of it, how I missed this naive little nindroid
So the bartender Tony is the friend? That's it? A little easy really, hoped for more... still calling him Milty is cute 💕
Buddy's Pizza from season 2!!! This season is killing me with references and I LOVE IT SO MUCH 💜💜💜
So, the mechanic is free again (the Kryptarium dudes should really learn how to do their job right 😓), Zane is kidnapped, and Pixal has a fedora that makes her possibly even cuter. I have emotions
AH!! KNEW IT!! UNAGAMI IS NOT DYER!! FREAKING CALLED IT!!... kinda expected really, but still called it 😅
So Unagami was the first name of Prime Empire and is also an AI that got crazy and was shut down, but now is back after programming the game itself and wants to get to the real world?... I'm down with it
So I'm guessing we won't get much of a Scott backstory... Eh, let's see how it goes!
I was seriously confused by why those dudes wanted to kidnapped Wu, but it made sense later. Still come on sensei, you're a freaking half god or something, pull yourself together 🤦‍♀️
Very nice that Pixal is the one to bring up the argument about feelings and AI. So very nice to have her in this!!!
Oh finally the backstory of Unagami I'm really curious about what happened in the past and what exactly brought the shut down of Prime Emp-
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So Scott was the first beta tester, Milton asked Unagami to make the experience as exciting as possible, and that ended very badly so the game was shut down and THEY LEFT HIM INSIDE FULLY KNOWING HE WAS THERE??? I HATE DYER NOW!!!
Although it is really interesting knowing a tech genius like him, until now we got Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg that were plenty open about the idea of AI with feelings as meaningful as humans'. While he doesn't get that, they are only machines for him and that's the reason why he doesn't understand how much Unagami is mad and filled with need for revenge.
This is why I want more than 11 minutes, the themes of this season are really, REALLY cool. I would have loved more introspection and development.
I guess Scott being Jay's brother is officially debunked 😅 Although I am curious about the life he left behind, since he was stuck in that game for 30 years. He still has those lightnings on the jacket I don't understand...
The portal is open, Zane might get destroyed, Unagami wants revenge, Jay and Nya are the only one left and I'm pretty sure Nya will be killed as well leaving only Bluebell so there's THAT. So yeah, this is actually pretty cool!
Two episodes left. Okay Ninjago season 12 Prime Empire, wow me 😎
This felt a little simple if I'm gonna be honest. I felt like the last mission before facing Unagami was a little basic, with nothing really exciting. Still liked it, but this is probably my least favorite episode 🤷‍♀️
Of course, put Jay is a sushi restaurant-themed level and he will kill you with puns 😂 I love this prankster
Again, the fighting scenes are dope. Definitely one of my favorite things since they changed the animation. You lose something you win something 😙
Wooo, Jay saying that he had trained for years just for kick his butt was actually cool! Bluebell is unleashing!
"And that's how we roll!". You rock we roll, am I right 😂
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I wish Nya said that she loves Jay back though! Freaking come on girl, he is your yang!!! ❤💙❤💙
Unagami is not Dyer, he wants to get to the real world, I'm actually kinda curious about the confrontation that is about to happen... ALSO THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF HUGS WHEN THIS IS OVER
I... genuinely forgot about the dragon medallion 😅 Eh, I love dragons so I'm fine with it. Well, let's see how it ends!!!
Wow, I actually love this ending?? A LOT?? After last episode I didn't have much hope, but after seeing it I gotta say, it was really great 👌👌
Thanks for not dying on us again Zane, much appreciated
Jay taking charge is quite rare and when it happens you know things are about to get crazy 😂 It was really nice seeing how sensible he could be, telling that Unagami wasn't evil after all, that he needed closure and answers
I know I miss the animation peak we reached with SoG and Hunted, but I gotta say the atmosphere of the city with the lightnings and the gray sky was really awesome. Very cool.
Pff, that part with the elevator though, reminds me of the one in season 1 that made me start watch Ninjago ✌ Also it's always Borg's Tower indeed 😂
And wow. WOW. I didn't expect Jay to drop the I'm adopted bomb on us, I think I never heard him talk about it since Skybound (that technically never happened so 😅). It was SO good seeing him sympathize with Unagami because he was also left with no explaination. His desire to know, along with the hope that the past is the past, but they had a good reason for. Also he freaking said he didn't have the chance to ask because Cliff is dead and I 😭😭😭😭
And here I melted, because we finally see the situation for what truly is, the way Jay also sees it: Unagami is a kid, a child that doesn't understand how the world works, that just wants to make his father proud but got rejected instead. The confrontation was actually touching, I really wish we had more time for that. Even a little resistance from Unagami, another fight, and a finally reconcilliation with Dyer.
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Could you seriously be cuter than this?? ❤💙❤💙 I wished for more hugs but I'll settle for this I guess 😍
Okay, very nice to see Seven and Okino out there and deciding to live their lives in Ninjago, nice to see some others like the rats going back to Prime Empire. As Unagami said, he gave them a choice, it's up to them at this point
But I'm sorry, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK WITH SCOTT??? That guy's been trapped inside the game the longest, not even a "Hey bud, you're alive, cool cool"? I know I've been overbearing about how much I love Scott, especially since I had all those theories about him (still don't know why he has lightnings on his jacket and hat, is it just a style thing? Idk), but come on! Well I guess if he's happy I am 🤷‍♀️
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Is that his girlfriend or something? After 30 years? Or maybe she got trapped with him a while later? Or maybe that's his... mom? Look, we all know determine the age of LEGO characters is hard, give me a break please 😅😅
Overall, very nice ending, it brought everything together quite nicely. I'm satisfied, yes!! 💜💜
As I said, the episodes' lenght I really think gets in the way of making this an excellent season. There is so much that could be explored more, the choice matter, all the amazing characters, and the AI feelings stuff from the latest episodes. There is room for more, I wished we got that
The characters though were really amazing. Between Scott, Okino, Seven and Unagami himself, there were very different personalities with very different dreams and thoughts, that made this ride much more interesting
Fighting animation was 👌👌👌
Comebacks from past seasons were 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Maybe it didn't really focused on Jay as much until the end? Yeah it was about him, but we got to see his sensibility and his past only last episode. He loves Nya, he likes videogames, of course but there's more about him than meets the eye! Wished we saw that, but in general it was nice seeing him first line again 💙
I liked this season. It has flaws, but I enjoyed many parts and at the end I was left satisfied 👍
Just... wasn't Jillian supposed to be in this? Or is it next season? She said a mom was going to come back, I took for granted it was going to be Edna. I'm curious about next season now... FINALLY A COLE SEASON EVERYONE!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you for leaving notes to my last rant, this helps me not jump excitedly every time a new episode comes out 😅 Well then, that's all from me!! Have a nice day everyone!! 💜💜💜
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
LOUIS TOMLINSON - MISS YOU [5.45] 3rd try is the... charm?
Maxwell Cavaseno: While foolish critics fondled the prattishness of current day Liam Gallagher and Primal Scream pastiche as some kind of return to form just because he had a good year on Twitter, leave it to the prophet of the zen-sunni anarchist of laddishment defined as "The Tommo Way", one Maestro Louis Tomlinson, to actually bother with coming up with a song that channels the Oasian spirit. The rock bits are all corrosive grafts to the point of Frankenstein artificiality, but whereas prime Oasis sounded like the pieces of Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane's torched remains superimposed over Paul Weller statuettes at times, "Miss You" is the false memories of those Good Time Gents xeroxed and 3D-printed out, Trevor Horn style, into blasts of anxiety disguised as escapist hoots. Louis feels attached to violent bungee cords outside of his control from the demands of the present, desire to "move on" into the future and the regrets of the past, and for all the easy charm of the sneery "Shit" reflex, you get the sense he would really like to keep up those swells of abandon for more than a few moments. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: A post-breakup celebration complete with concomitant feelings of bitterness and regret. Louis Tomlinson channels 2000s pop rock and Oasis to forge a song well-suited for a bygone era's Teen Movie and obligatory soundtrack tie-in. The strings are hokey but self-aware: a cartoon rain cloud that follows Louis as he attempts to drink away conflicted feelings. The whole situation may be trope after trope, but it can feel less lonely and disheartening when you align your experiences with familiar, well-trod territory. [7]
Scott Mildenhall: It's great to have to Freefaller/The Noise Next Door/Son of Dork back, it really is, but what on earth is going with Louis Tomlinson's accent? Perhaps he just has to do what he can to get his voice through a song unscathed, but here it flits between classic, Robbiesque mid-atlanticism ("all of these thoughts", "tune"), an approximation of "standard" southern ("dancing" is halfway to Bextor), and a weirdly exaggerated version of his own northern speech (witness the same vowel in "worry", "love" and "coming" in the bridge, which does not sound quite like how he says it when talking). In the final case, it's almost as if they wrote in that particular vocalic thread in an attempt to accentuate his tediously misguided #toplad persona. Better yet, it might all be a purposeful display of linguistic performance made to explode the myth of singular authenticity. So let's just pretend that it is. [4]
Alex Clifton: Louis Tomlinson is such an enigma; I could never quite figure out his place in 1D, and I'm not sure anyone else did, either. Zayn was the hot one, Niall the songwriter, Harry the wild card, and Liam was... well, whatever Liam is. But Louis? Who knows, other than the first one to become a dad. Fittingly, this is the most generic 1D solo debut. Even "Strip That Down," a real corker, could've only come from someone as self-important and un-self-aware as Liam. Louis ticks all the post-boy band boxes here--he swears! he drinks!--and doesn't actually sound bad, but I still can't tell you anything about Louis-the-person. In other words, it's exactly what I expected from him. [4]
Isabel Cole: In the absence of any ability to even pretend to be a little bit objective about my fave Direction/fellow Capricorn sun Gemini rising with Mars in Sg/iPhone background and lockscreen since 2013/biological son whom I, personally, raised to semi-manhood with my blood sweat and tears, how about full transparency instead? Three points off the bat for the sheer base pleasure of hearing Louis Tomlinson sing with false brightness "everything is fucking great" with that accent, happier to be swearing on his song than anyone in pop since Avril snarled her exhaustion with all the ssshit that you do; one point for the #mood of spending the entirety of an ostensibly fun night out glued to your phone, two points for the #big mood of "just one more pint or five / does it even matter anyway"; one for the knowledge that he is finally making the loud dumb guitar-punching fake pop punk of his beautiful idiot heart; two for finding myself genuinely affected by the bridge - I remember that, too, when I was his age, marveling over how suddenly the rules can change, how you have to unlearn the entire way your life has oriented itself around the person you can't even be with alone now; docked two points for not living up to the promise of "No Control"; bonus point for "lads." [8]
Joshua Copperman: "Miss You" is a bizarre listen from the top -- a dry guitar VST shares space with real-life violins, martial drum loops, gang vocals, and a glossy, compressed acoustic strum. Also, auto-tuned ad-libs. That's all before the lyrics, which sound like "Not Over You" was combined with the sappiest parts of Divide, then sprinkled with curse words, and then sent through Botnik. I'm assuming Julian Bunetta didn't know how to work with Louis after crafting successes for Niall, so Bunetta just decided to do everything at once. Therefore, we get an album's worth of misguided ideas in one song, but by some miracle, it's just WTF enough to work. To paraphrase another Directioner, it's absolutely ridiculous, but I'm into it. [7]
Katherine St Asaph: How is Louis from One Direction making better Pink songs than Pink? [7]
Austin Brown: Oh, so he's decided to be the pop-punk one? That's...a choice. Somehow this makes me appreciate the fluidity of post-reunion Fall Out Boy's EDM integrations far more though--the genre gestures scattered throughout (strings, auto-tuned adlibs, background choral vocals, etc) feel more like badly disguised bids to expand Louis's market share, and who needs any of this when Hey Violet is around? [4]
Anthony Easton: Bratty vocals, but not in ways that I haven't heard a million times before, made even more obvious by the terribly reductive guitar playing. [2]
Alfred Soto: While his 1D mates have gotten undue credit for using power chords and arena-ready drum patterns, Louis Tomlinson aims for spice: he adds violins and some rubbish about dancing on tables. As if. [3]
Ashley John: Louis is earnest in the only scrubby, scuffed up, anthemic way he knows how to be. "Miss You" steals just the right amount of pop punk sandpaper grit to toughen up an otherwise precise pop song into something else. He's genuine and apocalyptic in the same lines, barely delineating a Tuesday night from the vast, hopeless forever. This song sounds like the stride he's been waiting to hit. [6]
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echozane · 8 years
ninjago tag
tagged by @glitterytammy
Rules: Answer the questions and tag whoever you would like to. At least 5.
1. Favorite Character(s)? zane cole and kai for main ninja . i also like karlof uh and dareth ? and more too i guess but i dont want to name of a bunch of ppl hfgd
2. Favorite Episode? uH Im not rlly good at remembering the title names but i like The Void (second to last episode of s3) bc the beginning the whOLE SPACE SCENES On/around the spaceship are so good. and those parts when zane and cole both started floating away from the ship. and the music it plays at the v beginning of the episode when we see the spaceship and when theyre all floating around in it iS SO GOOD. i also like the episode where the ninja stay in the haunted temple over night i think this might be the same episode where cole turns into a ghost at the end (and the music that plays when we see him as a ghost iS RLLY GOOD). i also like the tick tock episode flashbacks of zane and the music that plays in that part aND in season 3 when zane is dying. i LIKE THe royal blacksmiths ep where cole reaches his full potential bc i like the outfits the ninja wear and the dancing and song they were singing when practicing.
3. Favorite Season? season 4 / tournament of elements , s5/possession would be my second fave
4. Favorite Whip? im doing this just for the opening lengths not the whole song sO , 1= GHOST WHIP I THInk would be my fave opening and i love how it sounds and i cant rlly explain it ? I JUST LOVE how this season has the good scary/creepy/”something bad is gonna happen” feeling, 2= the original one. classic, 3= tournament whip (it sounds rlly good when it shows wu and garmadon. also i think it would be 2 for visual opening but idk not rlly for song?) the pirate whip one sounds nice and upbeat-y too.
5. Favorite Enemy(s)? uh lord garmadon im too tired to answer this but i like garmadon / edit: ok and i like morro
6. If you could spend a day with any character, who would it be? i dont rlly know hfgdf i dont rlly talk or hang out with anyon e so i guess id be fine just like. FOLlowing around with the ninja group bc when theyre together itll just be like ? other ppls friend groups? and then theyd prob be nice to recognize ur their with them hanging out w/e and i think that they wont just forget about you ?? i kinda made this sound melancholy jhfg
7. Train with Wu or train with Garmadon? with sensei garmadon
8. Lloyd or Morro? Why? uh morro and idrk why or how to explain i just like morro more i guess? like i like how he wasnt the chosen one and got all upset and stuff over it
9. Fangpyre Venom, Great Devourer Venom, or Tiger Widow Venom (getting bit)? uh ok i dont rlly want to search these up so fangpyre is the hallucinating one right and the great devourer is turning into a snake like what happened to jay? i forget what the last one does if it doesnt make u paralyzed or something SO I Guess i would go with the fangpyre venom / edit: ok fangpyre venom is turning into a snake, great devourer venom is turning u like total evil like lord garmadon and tiger widow venom causes death sO I WOULD still go with the fangpyre venom
10. Which Part(s) made you cry? uh i dont rlly think any parts did and i forgot if i teared up at any part hjfgd
11. How long have you been a fan? well according to when i uploaded that pic of jay that was from july 2016 sO SOMEwhere around there i guess
12. What are your thoughts on movie Zane? i LIKe HIm
13. Would you rather die like Morro originally did(incinerated)(no Cursed Realm) or die like Zane did(exploding)(no coming back)? uh like zane prob .. i dont think i would want to be burned i think exploding would just be quicker
uh i dont rlly have anyone to tag except for @c0rvids if they have not already done it hjfgd
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clumsychicken · 8 years
Samuel: 9, 14, 16 (and 20 if you want :P), Luna: 1, 6, 19, Nikki: 4, 8, 13, Paris: 2, 7, 10!
9: Does your character have a dream job or life path for themselves?Yes, he does! I’ve mentioned before that in canon he really only wants to find peace with himself and find some sort of place where he can be happy. In a modern AU, his dream is to work with maths. Most of all he wants to work for NASA and calculate trajectories - launch and landing and orbits and such. He mostly considers it impossible because of his history and mental illnesses, but maybe one day he’ll have the chance to get there…
14: When does your character feel truly at peace?When he’s surrounded by his chosen family. Being with people who he knows value and understand him can really help him shelve his anxieties for a moment. And ofc they’re a fun bunch, which always helps c:
16: What’s one memory that your character will always be fond of?Oh, man, there are many. I think one in particular was how gentle and understanding and utterly soft Anders was with him after his mother died. It’s one of the worst, most tumultuous times in his life, and Anders’ help and kindness was so sorely needed. The memory shines bright like a star compared to the void that surrounds it.
20: Describe any AUs you have for your character/s.Oh god, uh, let me see… obviously there’s the modern AU where he owns a bar and yearns for those trajectory calculations. Then there’s the Alpenglow Star Wars AU where he’s a runaway Sith warrior… aaand the other Star Wars AU where he’s literally just Darth Vader. He also exists in The Old Republic MMO, so there’s that?? Whole lot of wars and stars.He also exists in Fallout 4 where he lost his non-Anders cheated husband who glitched out the game. He’s grumpy and suffering, as usual. There are several Inquisition AUs; one where he’s a companion and the other where he’s the Inquisitor, as the devs originally planned.OH and of course there’s my precious Bloodborne Sam! Where he used to be an Executioner and grew up alongside Alfred, but became blood-addled and turned into a humongous dog beast. There’s a version where he interacts with the Hunter protagonist and one where he doesn’t. He also exists in Dark Souls, of course, where he happily invades the Chosen Undead using a rapier and pyromancies and eventually comes to respect them as they defeat him and offers to help them out instead.There’s also… a phantom of the opera AU. Where he annoys opera singer Anders and wears a mask and is as goth and dramatic as humanly possible.I think… that’s it?? I feel like I’m forgetting something, but I’ll add it later if that’s the case :’) Sam exists in every game with a cc.
1: What’s something other characters will notice first about your character?I think first they’ll see her big, observant eyes. Then they’ll notice that she doesn’t like to talk much - not to someone she’s just met. If they really click, she’ll open up and talk their ear off, but otherwise she’ll keep quiet and let someone else do all the talking.
6: What kind of media would (or does) your character consume? This includes books, tv shows, video games, and movies.She reads sooo much. That’s definitely her preferred form of entertainment. I don’t think she plays a lot of games, but if she does it’d be platformers. Fast-paced with tight controls. She likes crime tv shows most of all, but prefers movies. Thrillers and especially horror movies are her faves. Though she can’t pass up a ridiculous sci-fi or fantasy flick once in a while ;)
19: What words would your character use to define themself?Hmm good question. I think, most of all, she’d call herself Weird. She’s always kind of felt like a square while other people were circles. I think she might also use the word Vast. She feels that way - not physically, but mentally and emotionally. It’s like there’s an ocean inside of her and she tries to build dams to keep it all under control. And she’d call herself Adventurous. She yearns to travel and explore and see and document as much as possible.
4: What would your character wear to a formal gathering such as a dance, a wedding, or a funeral?Oh god, always something teetering on the edge of inappropriate or tacky :’) always just a little bit too much cleavage, or a dress that’s a bit too tight or too glitzy and neon and gaudy. But That’s So Nikki and everyone knows it, and they know they’ll be seeing and hearing her a lot if they invite her. She usually wears knee-length dresses or pencil or nigh-tutu skirts. Lots of jewelry. Just the usual Nikki fare, really, only more formal than usual ;)
8: If your character attended school, did they have a favourite or best subject?Does lunch break count? :p No but Nikki loved English most of all. She also loved P.E. and every arts subject available.
13: What’s your character’s preferred method of self-care?A full tub, a bath bomb, scented candles, fragrant tea, and loud pop music. That’s just about her favourite thing after a long day or a rough time. Especially if she follows it up with her favourite body balm and making her boyfriends feel how ridiculously soft her hairy legs are now.
2: What’s your character’s aesthetic (things associated with your character)?Ohh that’s tough. Let me see… Everything you’d associate with Ocarina of Time, you can also associate with him. And… Saturday mornings where the sunbeams roll lazily across the floor and you’re just the right kind of warm and sleepy. Freshly baked breads and pastries. The glance you give your bestie when someone said some bullshit and you both know it. That feeling when you hear a familiar song that makes you nostalgic but also a little bit sad. The feeling when you’re walking down a quiet street one late evening and can’t quite shake the feeling that you’re being watched. The feeling when you’re in a room packed with people and you still feel despicably lonely. And jewelry with nature motifs made out of solid gold.
7: What would be an average shopping list for your character?
more cocoa
chocolate (crossed out and re-added)
stuff to put on top of bread
Dorian’s cheddar
Dorian’s shaving cream (the unscented one)
pasta (spaghetti x4 and tortellini x4)
tomatoes, mediocre ones ok
bacon x2
6-pack, not mediocre ones
chips (not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
cheap doughnuts (not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
soda x2 (not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
fries(not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
10: Does your character have a particular way of talking or acting?What was it that Cole said?? “Sharp words hide a gentle heart”? It was something like that. And it’s very, very true. Paris is extremely soft and tender at his core, but he jokes and lazes around a lot bcs it can be just… a lot to handle sometimes. It’s easier to keep everything at an arm’s length than it is to face all the feelings that shove him around. And, ofc, he tends to joke and be sarcastic as a way to care about others. Anything else feels horribly awkward to him.
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macabow · 8 years
My Top Rated BL for 2016
Here is a list of my top BL manga for 2016 counting only the mangas that started (scanlated) in 2016. When writing these posts I realise the inadequacies of my vocabulary for describing the elements of manga that I enjoy. Bear with me!
[Edited to add a few pics and to take out all the ‘really’s]
Escape Journey -  Ogeretsu Tanaka.  This is one I’m a little conflicted about. There are lots about Taichi that I don’t like, though I know he’s trying hard in his own way,  his possessive jealousy leads him to hurt Naoto and I LOVE Naoto. I’m going to end up using a lot of fangirling words about Naoto, but his bright cheerful character makes me happy, and he. deserves better.  And I dearly need there to be a happy ending for him. Aside from that, I like the side characters, the female characters are likeable,  the premise of the story (of being in love with someone who might not be the best thing for you, but can’t helping but to be in love anyways) and the sex scenes are hot.
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MODS - Natsume Kazuki
A tragedy-redemption story. I did finish it a while, back so will need to reread. Again the plotline isn’t that unfamiliar, but a story told well with great drawings and characters is always welcome.
Sweet Heart Trigger - Nyan - nya.   A different vibe from the generic Yaoi setting. American characters that actually act and look American. Cole is off the wall and I love it.
Fave quote “As I was saying dick slaps, and raw fucks!”
Itoshi no Anneli by Ishiko - this story is so cute. too cute. An children’s author goes to stay with a bookshop owner, they have prickly cute relationship ship. The drawing style is also quite fairytale/picture book ish in a way, a style that suits the story.
I love the main story the Anneli picture book story (shaded of little prince) and Kuro x Mame. I would buy it if it came out in English, and wish I could find more things for this mangaka!
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Given by Kizu Natsuki
This started in 2015, but I only got into it this year properly. Beautiful drawings and lots of beautiful boys, I want everyone one of them to have a volume each! Actual plotline. Jam sessions makes me think of my few brushes with music and practice sessions  (played guitar at a gig with my friend’s band once - haha even got paid. WHAT?! yeah no can’t quite believe it happened either)  A story that I know I can reread over and over, I love all the characters.
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Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki - Scarlet Beriko
Hot drawings, Tragedy and Comedy in one. Hot sex. I’m not doing it justice, the characters are all have their own internal motivations and different personalities, and the relationship between the two main characters blossom as they get to know each other. I like how the characters are both manly/feminine.  Key characteristic of Scarlet Beriko is that she breaks the unspoken rules about how seme/uke are supposed to act and behave, and she draws super hot bodies, and also knows how to draw comical scenes as well.
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(When you flick through a manga trying to look for a good image and then realisedyou’re getting sucked into the story -  moving this up my reread list)
Mou Ichido, Nando Demo - Aniya Yuiji
I’ve read a few things before by Aniya Yuiji, she writes comedy, but I’ve never been that into her style,I think it’s mostly the trembly mouth she draws. The premise of this story (amnesia) has been done many a times before, but this one punched me in the gut, and I felt all the emotions that Tarou would feel if a lover forgot you. This manga was strong in terms of pacing and plotting, and how it revealed key points in the story, some sweet and beautiful lines as well. A couple you want a happy ever after for!
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Honourable mentions
Loved Circus  - Asada Nemui
This is a good story and the characters are interesting. I think I just couldn’t be completely satisfied with how it was resolved, ending seemed a bit rushed, so lacking in plotting perhaps.
Muchuu no Hito - Tanaka Suzuki
A comedy fantasy story where IRL are meeting in dreams with an array of settings. So different from anything that I’d read that it was refreshing. It’s not been scanlated to the end yet (I hope it is being continued) I want to know what it’s all about!
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Kami-sama no iutoori - Moegi Yuu
This story I’d read the year before, but the chapter that came out this year with the background of how the main characters first met, moved me and not just because it’s a tragedy setting, those are a dime a dozen, the build up was great and in the tragic scene, juxtaposed with unsentimental words,and then final action came together so well, and also chibi Hinata and crow together was too cute for words
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All the things by Yamamoto Koutetsu - I always enjoy reading her stories
Kijima-kun - Momoki Sae
This is fluff with a side of yaoi, but sanpaku eyes Kijima is adorable, and I can reread this when i need to cheer myself up
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The newer(ish) mangaka’s I’ve been in love with are Scarlet Beriko , Ogaretsu Tanaka, Zariya and Gusari (all that beautiful IwaOi,  regret I did not spend all my £££ on the DJ compilation when I saw it in Animate)
For Doujinshis. Haikyuu gets all the best DJs  from oh so sweet Bubunhanten KageHina to the what the foursomery of Kuroquis KuroTsukkiBokuAka (?!) and the why you trying to rip my heart in two-ness of Gusari’s IwaOI saga.  There’s something for everyone!
Mind you, Zariya Hetalia DJ of Germany x Italy Aru Otoko no Haiboko is no joke when it comes to its beauty (the way she draws bodies makes me want to cry)---I am excited to see what 2017 will bring.  Closure and happiness to the manga I’ve been following so far and more new things.
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