#Eli's descendants are weird
jules-has-notes · 1 month
What's This? — VoicePlay music video
People often debate what qualifies a movie as a true Christmas movie, and The Nightmare Before Christmas is no exception, despite the name of the holiday appearing in its title. But there's absolutely no question that its soundtrack is darn catchy. Which is why VoicePlay have made several music videos of those songs as their Halloween offerings, starting with this one. After all, professional singers often have to start rehearsing for holiday shows in October, if not earlier. Why not ease into things with a little gleeful spookiness?
title: What's This? (feat. J.None)
original performer: Danny Elfman as Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
written by: Danny Elfman
arranged by: Layne Stein
release date: 30 October 2017
My favorite bits:
the lovely opening chords
J.None's tone of cautious wonder
Eli and Earl imitating the carolers and the ossilating movements of their vehicle from the movie
♫ "I might possibly go daffy…" ♫ followed by Layne popping a quack into his percussion riff 🦆
"But seriously? What is this? Ew!" coinciding with the lighting change & makeup reveal
singing undeterred while dodging incoming "snowballs"
those sweet harmonies on ♫ "coming from insiiide" ♫
Geoff and Layne excitedly leaning into the middle at the start of the crescendo
the silly character voices on the syncopated ♫ "What… is… this? Yeah." ♫
the combination of rhythmic clock ticking and lullabye-like cooing as the "children" drift off to sleep
♫ ⇘ "dre-eam-laaand" ⇘ ♫ "That was weird..." 😬
J batting away Earl's encroaching monster hands
Geoff's bouncy descending bass line
the abrupt ending
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This song had been part of their holiday setlists for several years, including their annual residencies for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at Disney World.
They finally recorded this version with J.None for their "Warm Up" EP, which was released two days after this video.
The UV-reactive makeup looks were designed and applied by Andy Wright and Lia Malamo from Makeup and Creative Arts. The fixitive they used was apparently very effective, since the guys said it took several days to completely wash off.
Each singer is painted to resemble a character from the movie. Eli is Dr. Finkelstein, Geoff is Oogie Boogie, J.None is (of course) Jack Skellington, Layne is the Mayor of Halloween Town, and Earl is Barrel.
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When VoicePlay revisited this movie in subsequent years, the only singer to repeat a character from this lineup is Geoff, who had the lead on "Oogie Boogie's Song" in 2019.
The lighting changes were designed by Eli, and controlled by Kathy during filming. Meanwhile, Nick handled the audio playback and "color commentary" (perhaps code for "snowball" throwing?).
There are some sneaky Oogie Boogie faces in the set. Take a look at the black boxes behind Earl.
The lyrical silliness in this video's YouTube description was: " "What's this? What's this? There's white things in the air, What's this? There's white things in the air. What's Thi… " Wait… what are the words again?! Ok, back to zero everyone let's shoot this thing from the top again!"
When they were done filming, they had a little fun in breaking down the backdrop. Earl smash!
A fan was so amused by the destruction that they decided to not just draw the scene, they also animated it with a little speech bubble.
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Leon King also indulged in some animation inspired by the glowing makeup.
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teecupangel · 11 months
Why is nobody talking about how Desmond had a SAGE ancestor??!!
I’m now picturing a scenario where Des is having an awkward family reunion with John/Black Bart/Germain and let’s say that Aita is aware that Desmond is his descendant… so, for once, Aita is doing his utmost to be a good great grandad and spending the day with him doesn’t turn out so bad at all as Desmond thought it would.
The fandom should talk more about Aita in general honestly!
Wait. What did I miss?
Desmond is Aita’s descendant?
Then that means…
He’s Juno’s descendant!
Okay, in all seriousness, I don’t remember anything that states that Aita (and Juno) was Desmond’s ancestor nor is there any confirmation that Sages needed to be descendants of the Isu ‘possessing’ them.
Although, if Aita was truly Desmond’s ancestor, this would make Juno’s treatment of Desmond more… twisted.
Either he’s also Juno’s descendant and she has no qualm killing her own blood to get what she wants or she truly believe that she was rewarding Desmond by putting his ‘spirit’ in the Gray after he died.
He’s a descendant of Aita but not of Juno and her treatment of Desmond is tainted with the idea that she has no qualms sacrificing Desmond because he has the blood of the woman who seduced her husband in his veins.
But honestly?
I think Juno and Aita are loyal to one another and it shows with how far Juno was willing to go just to save Aita (using the Mead and getting punished by it) and how both John the IT guy and Bartholomew were both talking about Juno like she was the love of their life.
Anyway, this isn’t about Juno!
Let’s focus on the awkward family reunion with the idea that Aita’s Sages are all his descendant which includes Desmond because Elijah’s ‘Sage genes’ come from his father’s side!
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond would have no idea why he was in this weird time-space anomaly with these dudes. He doesn’t even recognize any of them! One of them was definitely a Templar too!
And there’s even a kid here???
Then Aita comes in and tells them that they were brought here because of their blood and there was some sort of attack that was aimed to lock Aita up. Instead, it locked him and a few of his descendants up instead.
And that’s how Desmond learned that his Isu ancestor is Juno’s husband. Well… fuck.
So Desmond would be stuck with Elijah, John, Germain, Bartholomew and we’ll also include Molay in the mix.
Desmond would totally not feel safe among any of them and his paranoia only grows after John says that he doesn’t know about the kid (Elijah) but he was sure Desmond wasn’t a Sage so he shouldn’t even be here in the first place. This gets Desmond a crash course of what a Sage is and he’s sus of everybody because the really short summary they gave made it seem like they’re being possessed by Aita so this looks like he’s in a room with lots of Aitas!
Aita doesn’t help his case because he says that Desmond is ‘special’ which is always a fucking red flag.
So they’re stuck in that room where the food never grows cold nor the fruits ever rot and the glasses always refill themselves and… mandatory bodily functions like sleeping and eating doesn’t seem to matter. Desmond’s pretty sure that they’re all ‘data’ at this point, avatars created from the memories of the real deals.
… at least, that’s what he came up with because this feels really similar to the Animus Island but felt more… ‘real’.
Desmond actually tries to talk to Elijah first because John says he’s not sure who he is so maybe he’s not a Sage as well. Elijah doesn’t tell him about their familial relationship but tells him that he is a Sage. And Elijah also tells him that not all Sages gets ‘eaten’ by Aita’s memories.
Desmond learns from Elijah that Germain and Molay are both like him. They have Aita’s memories but they control them but reports about Germain states that he’s not a good person in general. John and Bartholomew are completely enslaved to Aita’s memories though.
With that information, Desmond believes he and Elijah should be allies because it was clear that Elijah was trying to help him. Elijah doesn’t deny it but instead says that he’ll work with Desmond as long as he likes what Desmond plans to do.
They form a sorta distant alliance with Molay because Desmond knows he’s a Templar so he’s still super sus of him. Molay realizes that Desmond is an Assassin as well because he ‘moves like one’.
Anyway, throughout this entire time, Aita is trying to get into Desmond’s good graces, giving him gifts that appears out of nowhere or talking to him in general.
Desmond has no idea why Aita is doing any of this.
Elijah suggests that maybe Desmond is the Sage of Aita and Juno’s child instead and that’s why he’s there. “If you think about it, since we’re all his descendants, that would mean he had at least one child. Someone like Aita and Juno would have loved their child so deeply that it becomes twisted and they’d definitely try to save that child even if it meant using the same thing that killed off Ait-”
Elijah stops because he sees the horror in Desmond’s face and says instead, “I’m joking.”
Desmond sighed in relief and, seeing Molay about to speak, Elijah shoots him a very dark look that promises not death but endless torture just a shy away from death. Molay closes his mouth and keeps quiet.
John is the only one who is truly suspicious of who Elijah is. He has no idea who he is but… he looks too similar to Desmond… and… to Aita’s son who they were all descended from.
Elijah is keeping his connection to Desmond vague and, just to fuck with them, he makes vague comments about being from ‘far away’ and Desmond thinks he’s actually far into the future and Elijah’s just ‘yeah, I’ll go with that’ and uses the current state of the world he was living to make up a possible future that’s… weirdly… sounds like the plot of watch_dog LEGION.
Aita knows what Elijah is doing and he tries to tell him to stop it and tell Desmond the truth, reminding him that this might be the only time he could be with his father. Elijah tells him to shut up and that he has no leg to stand on since he’s just a parasite waiting to eat their mind to ‘live’ and to stop thinking of Desmond as a replacement for his son.
Desmond is having conflicted emotions since Aita is being nice to him but he also knows he’s Juno’s husband so he’s definitely not exactly a good person.
Germain is just there, unsure what to do because (1) Molay doesn’t want to talk to him after Elijah told him what Germain did to the Order and (2) Aita is pretty much ignoring him as well.
Bartholomew is just buddying up with John but he does know that Desmond is Edward Kenway’s descendant. He could feel it so he treats Desmond cordially.
The one that was trying to lock Aita so they can ‘capture’ him is Aletheia and Basim because they think he has an idea where their children are. Juno is actually trying to save him (and his Sages + Desmond… sorta).
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sunrayretriever · 10 months
day 3 of daily tornado posts until my birthday!
the most powerful tornado in canada... had a very weird path. .
in the evening of june 22nd, 2007, just as people were sitting down for supper, an eerie looking cloud began to descend right outside the town of Elie, Manitoba, Canada.
this was the beginning of Canada's ONLY recorded F5 tornado.
the twisted caused more than $1 million in damages, destroyed numerous homes and businesses, yet caused NO fatalities; possibly because of it's.... strange path.........
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witnesses say it seemed like the tornado had a mind of its own, suddenly turning towards buildings, changing direction and growing stronger within seconds. there was very little rain with this storm, resulting in a VERY clear, photogenic tornado.
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at its peak power, the winds measured 420-510 km/h (260-320 mph). because Environment Canada adopted the Enhanced Fujita scale in 2013, this will forever be Canada's first and only F5 tornado. if you'd like more information about this event, please visit THESE LINKS RIGHT HERE!
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nysocboy · 3 months
Gemstones Episode 3.1, Continued: Kelvin withholds sex, Judy cheats, Jesse fights, and Eli grifts
This is the G-rated version of the review, with no nudity or explicit discussions of sexual behavior
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The Book Signing: Eli is at a bookstore, signing copies of his "definitive autobiography" -- his third. Did you mention having a gay son?  Suddenly May-May, who attacked his wife Aimee-Leigh back in 2000, hands him one of his earlier books: Y2K: When the World Goes Dark. 
In 1999. many claimsmakers worried that computers were only set up for the 1900s, so on January 1, 2000, they would all reset. Bank accounts would empty; airplanes would fall from the sky; the world would descend into chaos. Some evangelists, like Eli Gemstone, made money by connecting the Y2K bug with end-time prophecies.
Eli is not happy to see his May-May -- he has a restraining order against her. But she needs his help.  Wait -- you storm in and throw his old book at him to ask for help?  
Marital Squabbles: A commercial: after a montage of heterosexual couples arguing and then being deliriously happy, Amber introduces her System (stupid name): for $500, you get a jar and some beads.  Every time you disagree, you put a bead in the jar.  Or go to Wal-Mart and buy the set-up for $10. She is surrounded by a group of ladies in white who look rather like Mormon sister-wives.
Cut to Judy's husband BJ at the Gemstone Welcome Center, talking to a group of potential church members about how to get their tithes automatically deducted from their bank accounts. Judy, feeling guilty about withholding sex, brings him some gifts and tells him what a great husband he is, BJ thinks that things are a little off in their marriage, but Judy gaslights him: "Things are fine. Why are you being weird?"  Check out his hot-pink ruffled outfit, part of the ongoing joke that couple is gender-transgressive, with Judy as the masculine partner, and BJ the feminine.
The Dildo Barbecue: Jesse drops by as Keefe is melting down some weird phallic objects on the grill in the back yard. When he asks what they are burning, Kelvin, morosely lying on the diving board of the pool, responds "Devils' objects."
Why is he morose?  The last we saw of him was at Dusty Daniels' racetrack. But this scene is coming after two marital problem scenes, so we have to conclude that we just missed a "Things are fine.  Why are you being so weird?" conversation. 
There is a nude woman on the urn pedestal next to them.  Apparently Kelvin and Keefe are too closeted for back yard sculptures with nude men.
Keefe is wearing a BDSM fetish outfit: several chokers, a slave collar with padlock, a vinyl top with built-in pecs and abs, and vinyl pants (I think). This again suggests that something has gone wrong. He wanted "cuddling," but Kelvin refused, ordering him to burn some sex toys instead -- destroy some penises?   
Notice that while Kelvin and Jesse are discussing their anxiety over leading the church, Keefe grabs a toy to use for anal sex from the pile, tries to hide it, and brings it into the house.  
Aha!  Kelvin is specifically refusing to take the passive role in anal sex.  
We cut to the reason Judy has been withholding sex with BJ: she is having an affair with her guitarist, Stephen (Stephen Schneider, top photo and left).  
Trigger alert: they engage in a quasi-sexual act to disgusting to describe here.
Since the couples' stories are usually parallel, viewers may conclude that Kelvin, too, is having an affair.  Actually, he is not -- yet.  Then why is he withholding sex? 
Unless you are asexual and work something out, romantic partners must balance eros and phileo.  Eros, sexual desire, leads to that intimacy, intensity, and passion that keeps the couple focused on each other. Phileo, friendship, keeps the couple focused on the outside world, leading to discussions of art, music, or sports, placing them in a friendship group, a family, and a society.
Last season Kelvin tried to eliminating the phileo, being all about sex. Every word, every image evoked the homoerotic. His physique, butt, and bulge were constantly on display, presenting him as the Messiah of Muscle, leading his followers to a paradise of masculine beauty. Until it didn't work: you can't build a society, or a romantic relationship, on sex alone.
This season he seems to be eliminating the eros, withholding sex, or maybe permitting "fooling around" only -- no smut, no lust, no coconuts.  We see no pecs, no butt, no bulge this season -- not until Episode 3.8, when he realizes that this won't work, either.  The problem is, a romance without physical intimacy looks and feels very much like a platonic friendship, until eventually you wonder if you are really in love at all.
More Stephen after the break
Back to Judy: as she and her fling Stephen smooch, Jesse and Kelvin come in!  Caught in the act!  They are disgusted, especially Kelvin: "Y'all are a pair of dirtbags!"  
Jesse is more worried about how the scandal will affect the church. They fire Stephen; he skulks off. 
The Church of the Wilderness:  Eli visits May-May at the Church of the Wilderness, where her husband Peter used to hold Pentecostal-type snake-handling services.  She explains that she's living there now.  After Peter "went away," the bank took the house, and her sons turned "mean, bitter."  Now Peter is out, and they've joined him, doing something illegal, maybe stockpiling guns or drugs.  
Big reveal: May-May is Eli's younger sister!  (Actually, she appears in Episode 2.1, a flashback to 1968, but who remembers?).  He promises to help the boys.
Background note: The Church in the Wilderness is probably a reflection of the hymn "The Church in the Wildwood," written by William S. Pitts in 1857, and recorded by several country-western singers, including Dolly Parton.
There's a church in the valley by the wildwood
No lovelier spot in the dale
No place is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the vale
The "Little Brown Church" in Nashua, Iowa, built in response to the song, is still a tourist attraction.  They no longer hold regular services, but you can get married there -- gay couples included.
Cocks and Penis Pumps:  As with Episode 2.1, we conclude with four interspliced scenes.
As Jesse prayers for victory over "those who would destroy us."  Judy comes home after the siblings discover her secret affair and finds BJ working out with a video game.  She takes off the visor and kisses him.
After his visit, Eli drives away from the Church in the Wilderness.  May-May watches, grimacing.
Jesse sends Matthew and Chad, members of his crew, to pretend to get into a fender-bender with Vance Simkins, then beat him up.  
And Kelvin's Smut Busters invade a sex shop with a new tactic, yelling "Shut it down!", knocking over merchandise, and assaulting customers, their violence effectively juxtaposed with Matthew and Chad's.
Again, the stock is almost entirely for gay men. 
While the others are occupied, Keefe sneaks over and steals a single-use packet of lube.  He needs something to use with his anal toy. Apparently he expects the drought to be temporary, or he would steal the entire jar.
The four conflicts of the season have come together. The end.
Stephen frontal, Kelvin butt, and a lot of sex toys on RG Beefcake and Bonding
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CONTINUATION OF THE PERCY JACKSON AU WHERE NICO HAS A YOUNGER/OLDER BROTHER THAT'S SON OF DEMETER(this probably will be unaccurate and OOC, also I don't know to write a story so this probably is going to be shit) part 1 here
Tittle (the descendant of the goddess of harvest)
WILL'S pov
I swear to the gods that this camp would be doomed to it's downfall if there weren't any healer, like how in the damn world you injure yourself with a gumball
Hey stop moving could - I said
Will, how've you been my dear son- a voice suddenly said
I looked back and it was Lester, and I mean he's my dad but when he's a teenager is kinda weird to call him dad if people didn't know he was apollo
Hey dad, how've you been and why didn't you visit us, I even thought that you left forever I said
Then he hug me - I'm so sorry for not being able to visit you and the rest, I should've at least send you a message saying that I will be unable to be there for all of you, but now I have time to be even stay in camp a good amount of time after all I'm not longer on my prolonged "punishment" of writing my adventures since the time I fell from the Olympus and visiting everyone that have helped me in my journey, so the least I can do now is staying with you guys and help you out he said
I was about to cry only for the cocoa puffs piling up the two of us
wouh I didn't know the camp suddenly made demons in part of the camps Lester said
Well the thing is that they joined recently due to Nico and I travelling to Tartarus to save the titan Bob also the journey made me realize some things that I was afraid to ever explore due to my own problems I said making my gaze look other way
When I looked him at the eyes he was quite surprised and horrified
YOU WENT TO TARTARUS TO SAVE A TITAN!!! Will I'm so glad you are fine but why didn't any of you two try to make contact to people that could've helped you two and what in the world were you two thinking going to the definition of SUPER HELL, in the underworld there isn't light how did you even manage to stay alive and to summarize his reprimand for me going to Tartarus he was mad that I and Nico went to our own death but in the end he was glad I was more or less fine and ended up saying that while he wishes that he could've been there to at least give me something so I could be fine in the underworld, he also said that it's unexpected for the two of us to form a family with the puffs
Well we should head back to Nico and the two little kids apollo said only to see a green light appear from the sky
What was that I screamed
What the, that can't be her why would demeter suddenly go to camp half blood Lester said
What?!?!?!? I screamed
We should check it out he said
I didn't know my brother could've learn how to use magic in the time he was stuck in the house by what they told me while we were looking at the camp, you see due to us being in 2021
So to summarize he explained how the house worked being that day passes inside while in the real world it was years, and the reason it didn't affect us was because the seal that locked the places was broken, he also showed me that he use papers with the word of the element he wants to use, that he has a bracelet that allows him to use Laven powers and viceversa, then I asked if he could let Will borrow the set, he said yes but instead he gave a new set and a crossbow as approval of my relationship with Will , then we talked a little of Hestia, then about how there could be a Hestia cabin, just to Mr. D appear we had a conversation and asked if he make that cabin he said he didn't care and dissappear in a purple cloud with glitter , then Eli made the cabin, only for Demeter to appear making Eli very aggressive only for her appearance just for them to start arguing, and for destiny Will and Lester appeared, when the arguing was very heated, Eli created a energy/aura explosion that Lester protected will, the puffs and me, the rest of the surroundings were covered by grown flora, and for some reason my aura made the surroundings less crowded around our little group and so I made the same as Eli so the plant withered, then Eli told me he would be gone until Demeter was out of camp half blood and he left with Lavender, not before giving me my "late birthday presents"
Geez, you two really had a long day, Lester said
Yeah, also Nico what is the box and the crossbow for? Will asked
Well these are gifts that Eli gave me to give it to you as a gift of approval for our relationship
He knew?!! Will said
Yeah, I said
Well tbf you two are not exactly subtle about but that's fine, Lester said
That doesn't help, Will said
Yeah sorry about that, Lester said
Well where did you guys think they went to? I asked
They probably went to camp jupiter, Apollo/Lester said
It could be possible, I said
Let's hope they are fine, I said
Suddenly a noise was heard across the camp
Seems like it's time for dinner, let's go to the dinning Pavillion, Will said
Yeah, we probably will talk about the new Cabin for the New unclaimed demigods, I say
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sophsun1 · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind me sending you this ask but I finished with 5x07 (i am trying to go slow through these last episodes because while this season sucks, i am not ready to let it go). First about 5x06, i died at that moment where Emmett is waxing Carl. Also I need Emmett to go back to throwing his amazing parties because this new queer guy job, is not it. The things Brian said at that store were so right even though as usual it was rude. That brad pitt wanna be knock off, needs to leave. Oh my god, first of I am offended on Brian’s behalf because c’mon, he looks 1000x better. But also my gosh this story line is dumb. The ending was sad, but the whole ‘proper couple’ thing kind of annoyed me because weren’t they already that?? And now 5x07: i don’t know if it was here or not but I can’t stand Monty and Eli, im sorry i know it’s random but they’re so annoying. I feel bad for Justin but this whole marriage thing he’s now after is just weird, like c’mon you’re 21/22. Their break up hurt. I think this one hurt the most out of all (except the ethan one), Brian’s ‘youre making me nervous’ HURT! But also the part where Justin already had bags packed and ready. Fucking hell writers! I did though enjoy that he told Jen and Deb that Brian didn’t do anything wrong. And Jen’s ‘i wish you worked it out’ was so cute!!! I wish we hot waaaay more Jen/Brian scenes. The Brain and Michael scene hurt though. Seeing Brian have that smile right before Michael said ‘he left bc of you, who wouldnt’ and then his smile dropped and you see his eyes search Michel’s face. PAIN!!!! Gale, you will pay for my therapy! And the ending?!?!?! You ate my sunshine???? GIRL! I WANT TO CRY ALL OVER AGAIN! Also the bet is so fucking dumb. Please tell me this dude/storyline disappears in the next ep like the posse storyline did. But it was funny how Brian kicked him out of the club
Hey anon!
Of course I don't mind!
I love hearing people's reactions to watching the show for the first time and their descendent into anger at the brutally terrible story arcs this season offers up lmao.
Oh that bargain basement Brian Kinney, I cringed so hard... THE WORST PLOTLINE EVER. IT'S EMBARRASSING ON EVERY LEVEL. They really tested Gale, Randy and the viewers patience and yes, Britin's 100th breakup was again weak and just recycled issues that they had kind of worked through before and now Justin wants to be like Ben and Michael?
They were already a normal couple, that was the whole point of their relationship, they were unconventional and didn't bow down to society's expectations of them but that didn't mean their love was any less real. Somehow the writers threw that out the window and made Justin into a homemaker at 22!!!
The one thing I've always loved about their breakups is that they have never spoken badly about the other, or set out for revenge or been petty. In fact it's been the opposite you can see the love and respect for each other shine through unlike Mel and Linds for example.
God you are my sunshine playing over them as they walk away, PAIN!
What a way to stick the knife in from Michael, saying the one thing Brian fears the most the people he loves will ultimately leave him😔
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keyofshadows · 7 years
So! Ridiculous conversation that’s gonna strike me as funny for the next week, probably. Which I could definitely use, but whatever. Thought I’d amuse you with it since your cupcake started it, lol.
keyofshadows Tomorrow's Eli's birthday. Confetti for all.
akingdomtheorist Adion will make him a cupcake
keyofshadows Awe. He'd be touched. And Adion would get a hug. Also one of those pointy birthday hats.
akingdomtheorist What if the cupcake was shaped like a pointy birthday hat
keyofshadows Pfffff he'd demand to know if the dragon was conspiring with his mom. She used to sew him a replica of Yen Sid's hat every few years and make him wear it on his birthday while she took pictures. From his literal 'I'm twenty minutes old' birthday until he was eighteen. IS THIS POINTY BIRTHDAY HAT CAKE A REFERENCE TO HIS HAT NEMESIS
sstingray yen sid knows about the hats
keyofshadows Is he amused or shaking his head because what is wrong with these people
sstingray secretly amused but won't show it is my wager
keyofshadows I wonder how much Eli was complaining under his breath about it during his lovely summer of responsibility training also I wonder how many dirty looks he was giving Yen Sid's hat while the man was wearing it because whoops
sstingray the master probably noticed it and said something to him eventually.
keyofshadows lmao. "It's not you Sir, honest! It's just...uh...nothing, actually, never mind, I'm supposed to be mopping or something, better get back to that." /slinks off because oh my god, explaining to Yen Sid about the Hat when he has no idea he already knows, pfff. Poor Eli.
sstingray not pictured: ray in the background trying really hard not to laugh
keyofshadows Oh sure, enjoy your amusement now, he'll get you back for it. Someday. Somehow. Maybe. She can babysit his eventual demonspawn, that'll do it. ...Which would be more of a punishment to the kids, actually.
sstingray and she'll get just as much fun out of that as she did watching him
keyofshadows Okay, we totally know what we're doing with Auryn when he misbehaves. Off to aunt Ray's for a pop quiz!
sstingray secretly gives him cookies when they're not looking
keyofshadows Ray's gonna end up with a kid that mouths off just to be sent for 'punishment', you know. Though he'll be more of an actual pain in the ass as a teenager. Amelia says don't worry about that, she and Nico will knock him into shape. With his own Keyblade, if necessary.
sstingray but eli she is not a tool to punish your children with! gosh!!
sstingray well if he misbehaves TOO badly he'll still learn not to cross her
keyofshadows The Grasshopper knows this. But really, it's Date Night and he and Specter really wanted to have some quiet movie time that didn't involve Auryn yelling in the background from upstairs. I should probably feel bad for Ray having to deal with the next generation of troublemakers, but nope. Too busy snickering.
sstingray it's fine they'll watch a movie that eli doesn't want him to see
keyofshadows Which would probably be anything with drunk elephants. Dumbo is Evil. So is Bambi, but for completely different reasons.
sstingray well. if auryn is up for it...
keyofshadows This is Eli's punk firstborn, of course he is.
sstingray welp. pink elephants on parade it is!
keyofshadows And Ray then gets to field ALL the questions, like how can elephants get drunk, and why isn't HE even allowed more than a can of soda a day if whatever Dumbo had was worse - wait, was that elephant beer? Or did he drink funny water? And if he drinks too much soda is he gonna see pink elephants too? Is THAT why he's not allowed too much? Can he have a few cans and find out?
sstingray fermentation is a terrible thing, you're too young kid, maybe idk but i saw this video once of elephants eating fermented fruits and getting totally trashed, honestly who even knows anymore, no, no it's because you'll get a sugar high and it's also terrible for your health, and no
keyofshadows He is completely unhappy with all of these answers, he'll have you know. Except the trashed elephant video, he wants to see that. BUT. He's gonna complain to Nico first (who will tell him to Listen To Aunt Ray She Knows More Than Them) and then he'll go home and whine at his dad BECAUSE AUNT RAY IS BEING UNFAIR FIX THIS
keyofshadows Eli just snickering and yeah, no, you have no idea of the meaning of 'unfair' when it comes to her, short stuff, sorry.
sstingray eli's probably like "that's what she does there is nothing i can do"
keyofshadows Nor does he wish to try, he's too old for another Darkside/Twilight Thorn/Who Knows What That Is pop quiz. He has kids now! (He's never too old, lmao. Kai'll boot him over for laughs.)
sstingray in which kai accidentally initiates a game of corridor ping pong with eli as the ball
keyofshadows Pfff. Kai says he thought he was going to get into trouble for booting the Epic Dork through Corridors, or does that only count when he's kicking him into the Maw?
sstingray nnnnno he'll probably be in trouble for it later but aunt ray has a life too you know she can't deal with your antics all the time!! there are seas to be sailed! treasures to be found! magics to learn!
keyofshadows Good, then can she take Soren with, he needs a way to deal with him this week that A - Does not involve setting his sneakers on fire AGAIN and B - Keeps Ro from rescuing him. Little brother gets seasick, little brother won't be warping over to pick him up. ...The maturity is astounding.
sstingray just for that she'll kick kai into the ocean
keyofshadows This is punishment how? He can swim. Also will probably open a Corridor and drop into it before he hits the water because he's a little shit.
sstingray either way he's off her ship so she'll count it as a win
sstingray not if she kicks him into her own portal and drops him right above the water
keyofshadows This is how you make enemies, Ray. (lmao, as if he'd do more than sulk for a few days before showing up again to get cookies/ask a favor/see what she thinks is a good present for Ro's birthday)
sstingray puhlease she'll take kai on pirate adventures someday
keyofshadows Do we really want a Keyblade wielder pretending to be a pirate. Or even just on the ship for longer than thirty seconds. (Yes.)
sstingray um duh?? how fun could that be
keyofshadows Kai's pointing out it should be Keyblade MASTER by that time, get it right. This from Mr. 'There's no way I'd ever be that good' who eventually is because whoops, Auryn's training is filled with fetching the chips Mastery Exams. I didn't know that traumatizing was another word for fun.
sstingray isn't that the epitome of everyone's time with their favorite aunt
keyofshadows There was just a resounding 'YES', so.
sstingray well there you go!
keyofshadows /snicker
keyofshadows The pirate thing is gonna turn into tradition, just like Ray taking on Eli as an apprentice started that ball rolling for him. She should pop on by one of the rabbit holes of Wanderer's Refuge again and see if she can land anywhere near Fen's time again. Be greeted by a slightly older (no more than 18, probably) Az, who happily informs her about how she's 'retraining' Celia's apprentice Seth, much to her dad's horror. Probably much to Ray's too, lol. 'Wait, wasn't he the boy that kept going creeper on you? That you hated? WHAT ARE YOU DOING'
sstingray no no its not a bad thing retraining is good
sstingray show him the light girl you go though lol god forbid ray ever have kids and they get mixed up with eli's family that's just gonna be chaos everywhere
keyofshadows Fen asks Ray to PLEASE not encourage his baby, he doesn't like Seth, he doesn't trust him, how does he know he's not going back to Celia and telling her things AZ IS NOT READY FOR THIS STUFF. OMG
sstingray also how would even feel about ray showing up again Oh welp
keyofshadows SO MUCH CHAOS.
sstingray that's the thing about light fen, sometimes you just gotta trust someone
keyofshadows Also no one minds Ray's random drop-ins, she's the Refs boogieman, after all.
sstingray and maybe put a tracker on them u know whatever works
keyofshadows He refuses to trust Seth, he's a little shit.
sstingray excellent her legend will live on
keyofshadows Az'll threaten her kids with Ray popping out of nowhere, just for the entertainment value.
sstingray I have a feeling her hypothetical family would get on great in the chaos tho lmao az can be like IT HAPPENS. A LOT ACTUALLY. we should probably do something about that
keyofshadows Just like how she's naming her firstborn son Jalen, also for the entertainment value. She can hear the grumping from the original through the rabbit hole, lmfao.
sstingray listen ray never asked to be an accidental time traveler it's weird ok
keyofshadows Also hilarious
sstingray she'll be sure to tell Jalen that when she gets back
keyofshadows The kid's gonna be the bounciest, most cheerful baby ever. /cackle
sstingray Oh how delightful!
keyofshadows Az thinks so~
keyofshadows Fen's twitching now because apparently Az is over her crush on Leo and he'd actually rather she go drool over the grease-covered boy Not From Here as opposed to the direction she's looking in. /facepalm
sstingray he could always come back :v
keyofshadows Imagine Fen trying to convince Leo to distract his daughter from the weirdo she's currently 'retraining'. For her own good, of course, not his nerves. /dies
sstingray leo is like whoa that is none of my business dude. slowly backs away.
keyofshadows Az is just smirking. Ha ha dad. But hey, nice to see you Leo, still eating sandwiches out of that toolbelt of yours? Somebody made rice krispy treats if he wants any.
sstingray great now that he gets to see her again, yes, and y e s where can find them?!
keyofshadows lol. Just opens a Light corridor and hands him a whole plateful.
sstingray !!! did he ever tell her he loves her cause he totally does
sstingray thumbs up!!
keyofshadows Fen's trying not to applaud. Go away, you, quit trying to influence things. His wife would swat him.
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kaicobras · 2 years
aftertaste: eli ‘hawk’ moskowitz. requested here!
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— one time turned into two and two times turned into three. three turned into too many to count and now you were in a ‘no strings attached’ relationship with hawk. too bad neither one of you can keep it strictly just that.
warnings: it just jumps RIGHT into the smut LMAO i’m..so sorry, hawk and the reader are not minors in this fic (18/19), afab!reader, fingering (fem receiving), nipple play (fem receiving), implied vaginal sex, a lil jealously from hawk, reader is a bitch (affectionate): plain and simple, angst at the end that i can’t tell if i really like orrrr not, hawk doesn’t like you with bestfriend!demitri. completely unedited bc yes.
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hands descending to pull at the helm of hawk’s shirt, the open-mouthed kisses he pressed to your neck in the process halted your movements only slightly. you could only imagine how it looked now - deep pink, red, maybe even purple-colored marks beginning to coat your sensitive skin. hawk was never the type to care about leaving marks anyway, no matter how many times you’d warned him about being cautious.
you were lenient when it came to that, though. not how you were when it came down to the truly intimate things. or things you found intimate like kissing. neck kisses, sure. thigh kisses, even better. mouth? forehead? cheek? completely forbidden areas. as weird as it sounded, you both agreed that you wouldn’t blur those lines.
after all, this was just a casual thing. nothing more.
finally managing to rid the moskowitz boy of his shirt, your fingers raked through his hair as his worked their way up the tiny skirt you were wearing. ‘just for him,’ he’d teased and you only riled him up more by saying you had other people to impress. the smugness was wiped off his face in an instance, annoyance taking it’s place. if you looked hard enough, you could’ve sworn you saw a bit of hurt, but you hadn’t.
and that’s exactly how you ended up in the backseat of your car, hands and mouth all over each other except for the places you needed the most.
hawk was quick and eager to fill the need you felt, his fingers dipping under your skirt and skimming over your clit through your panties. a shudder ran over your body and your hands gripped his shoulders, no doubt shooting his ego through the damn roof.
as if he needed the satisfaction of knowing how much you wanted him even after a few touches. confidence oozed from hawk, and it showed in the way he touched you.
an involuntary whine left your mouth when he finally slipped his fingers into your panties and your folds. merely letting out a laugh you could only describe as annoying in the moment, your attention was swiftly taken away as a finger pushed inside you and a hiss left his mouth.
“always feels so fuckin’ good even around my damn fingers,” hawk murmured, his free hand coming up to cup your breasts and squeeze at them as his finger worked inside you. you wondered how he was so skilled at knowing just how to please you especially when the old him could barely look you in the eyes.
“yea, yea, gimme more already.” you rushed, hips pushing down on his hand and lap where you already straddled him. that annoying laugh filled your ears let again and hawk’s mouth replaced his hand on your tits, kissing any and everywhere he could reach on your chest.
it was sudden but you sure as hell felt when a second digit entered you, filling you up perfectly. your hands tightened on his shoulders, fingernails digging into the skin of his back, leaving crescent moon shapes. 
the seemingly relentless pace he was now going had you squirming in his lap, your moans, begs, and whimpers filling the air. if anybody could have you become a mess like this - it was hawk.
“there we go, using that pretty mouth for something other than shit-talking me.” your legs were shaking now, pleasure building up in your stomach as he teased. there were no rebuttals coming from you, at least not now when you were incredibly horny. 
“hawk, fuck, please, i’m gonna-”
“-you know what? i wonder what those miyagi-do friends of yours would think about this. seein’ you beg like this when you act like you hate me in front of them.” hawk emphasized the word ‘this’ by curling his fingers inside you, your orgasm hitting you and sending you crumpling forward into his arms.
“i..fucking...hate you.” you told him between pants, how unserious you were about these words clear as you were brought down from your high. 
hawk could only smirk, hands gripping your hips in order to push your sensitive crotch onto his. “yea? so prove it.”
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it was no secret that you completely hated the parties west valley kids were known to throw. too much of everything: the kids, the booze, the pda you were subjected to. everything. unluckily for you, demitri had somehow managed to get invited to one and begged you to go with him as a plus-one. since the end of his close friendship with hawk, you had partially taken up the role as his best friend. partially, though. no one could fill that spot like hawk could.
demitri spent the night placing all types of scenarios in your head. what if he was sitting against a wall all by himself all night? what if the cobra kai ‘losers’ made their way inside? what if a fight broke up and he was terribly injured by a flying chair because you weren’t there to shield him? oh, the horror.
you finally agreed. the flying table scenario would’ve stuck with you all night otherwise.
that’s how you found yourself in some random rich kid’s house, a beer in hand as you laughed with demitri and a group of kids from a few of your classes. you also weren’t stupid; you could feel hawk’s eyes on you from across the room. it was like they were burning into you from how long he’d been doing so.
as noticeable as that was, it was even more so noticeable how he was looking at demitri. glaring daggers at the boy who was having so much fun with you that he hadn’t even noticed.
and demitri alexopoulos noticed just about everything.
clearing your throat after realizing how hard you’d been staring, you let go of demitri’s arm, - after forgetting you’d even taken it when you both first walked in - slid over your drink to him to watch it and walked toward the bathroom.
it didn’t even take long before hawk was joining you in there. you’d seen him annoyed plenty of times, of course you had, but things were different. that was confusing.
“so? any reason you’re staring at demitri like he’s the damn devil?” your tone was light and if anything, it just made hawk’s nostrils flare even more.
“of course, you wouldn’t know. too busy hanging off his fuckin’ arm like he’s your boyfriend.” bitterness. it was all in the way he spoke.
your brow raised in confusion. was he not there when you both made the agreement to keep your relationship strictly physical? there were no emotions involved and you knew it well because it was all you told yourself when you saw him flirt with other girls.
“what are you? jealous or somethin’?” easiest way to deal with these situations was to mask them with humor. “what would be so terrible about him being my boyfriend anyway? he’s a way better option than others.” the truthfulness in that joke hit both of you way harder than expected.
it wouldn’t work between you and hawk, both of you knew that even without it being said out loud. if anything, demitri would definitely seem like the better option. 
a scoff and hawk’s back met the door as he leaned against it. “right because he’s good boyfriend material. he’s the one that gets to actually kiss you ‘nd show you off. i’m just here for a quick fuck, you’re completely right.”
it was almost like you were stunned: mouth open and closing as you searched for the correct words to say yet none of them seemed right. “we talked about this before. you don’t- you don’t get to throw a hissy fit when you see me talking to a close friend of mine, eli, that’s not how it works.” that jester facade of yours was beginning to shatter quickly and you hated how vulnerable you sounded in that moment.
“you don’t think i know that already? what- fuck this, whatever.” in all the years you’ve known eli, you’ve never seen him so upset. bullies were one thing, but this? you could tell this affected him more than they ever could.
before he could swing them door open, your call of his name stopped him in his tracks.
“maybe we should call this the end of the...arrangement. clearly it wasn’t as good as a idea as we thought.” it took you a second to make sure your voice came out as steady as possible. though it was unbeknownst to him, this wasn’t fun for you either.
hawk’s hand turned the doorknob and pulled it open. “whatever you say,” he said in such a low tone you almost missed it and walked back to the party.
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rokhal · 2 years
Been repressing the plot bunny “What if Eli Morrow has a kid running around somewhere” because that’s like the worst kind of self-indulgent OC, but what if, what if Robbie and Eli discovered Eli has a kid, like a mid-twenties adult the details of whose conception we will not go into at this time, and Eli is like, Robbie. You wanted to get rid of me. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE, because Eli can only use genetic relatives as hosts, and his actual blood descendant would be far more compatible than Robbie (assuming they can figure out how to break/stretch the Eternal Spiritual Bond enough to pry Eli loose).
And so Robbie meets Eli’s kid, who’s loaded with second-hand trauma from their mom being involved in Nuestra Familia or the Bratva and from conceiving a kid with Eli, and maybe has a few misdemeanors, and has disturbingly Eli-like mannerisms and an inappropriate fascination with gore and death. But they are, or are going to school to be, a butcher or a paramedic or something benign. And Eli gets excited like OMG I reproduced! Look at this! and Robbie is watching this person, and as much as they horrify him because of how much like Eli they are, he realizes that he absolutely cannot let Eli get his claws into them, because they’re not evil, they’re just weird and trying their best.
But if he lets Eli think he’s willing to help him jump ship and possess his own kid, maybe Eli will tell Robbie all he knows about how their bond works and how to break it.
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taags-old-account · 2 years
Steve from TOA for the character ask game
Hell Yeah!
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual (it's the vibes)
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender male
A ship I have with said character: Aja, Though I'm not a shippy person. I'm just neutral with it.
A BROTP I have with said character: Literally all of 'em. Eli, Douxie, Krel, Jim, the whole lot of 'em.
A NOTP I have with said character: Once again, not a shippy person. So I guess weird minor/adult ships.
A random headcanon: Less of a headcanon and more of an AU, but Steve having the ability to control water and ice, like waterbending. But for like when the Arcane Order would come, Steve would fight Skreal and take over the role of Skreal. Another headcanon would be that he was a descendant of Lancelot.
General Opinion over said character: He's an interesting character, and while I think his character could have been handled better, I still think he's neat!
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Sorceress of Arcadia || Becoming Part 1
Summary: Y/n Lake is Jim Lake's older sister. She discovers  that she is sorceress and her brother is the Trollhunter. She and the Trollhunters go on adventures together, they save trolls and humans. Along the way, a friend becomes more than just a friend and discovers their secrets.
Warnings: Bruises, mention of blood, pain 
Word count: 3,514
Tags: @lunariasilver​
N​ext >> Becoming Part 2 
Beep! Beep! Beep! 
My stupid alarm clock woke me out of my perfect slumber. You rolled over to your side and glanced at your alarm clock. 6:30 AM. You groaned, today was Tuesday, which meant SCHOOL! 
After another minute of groaning, you got up and walked over out of your bedroom and into the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and took a quick shower and got ready. You looked at yourself in the mirror. 
“Looking good, y/n!”, you thought to yourself and got out of the bathroom and rushed downstairs to the living room. You saw that Jim was already up and making what looked like breakfast but you might wrong though. 
“Good morning Jim! Your dear old sister is very hungry! Have you made anything for her?” you asked, walking through into the kitchen. 
“Morning y/n! You’re only 18, three years older, not that old. But yes, I have! Here”, he handed you a plate with an omelette and a glass of juice. 
“Thanks!”, as you walked out of the kitchen and sat at the dining table. 
You quickly finished you’re breakfast and ran upstairs to grab your bag. You noticed that Jim was in your mom’s room, leaving breakfast there for her. You smiled. Jim took so much care for our mom. She was working double shifts lately, and she wasn’t getting enough rest and ‘me time’. 
Jim closed mom’s room’s door, and headed downstairs with you. 
As the garage door opened, you saw that the garbage bin was laying on the floor with rubbish spilling out. 
“Uh. Raccoons!”, Jim said, annoyed. 
He picked up the rubbish, when Toby (Jim’s best friend) rides over to us from him house across from us.
“C’mon Jimbo, y/n, we’re late for school”, he said, buckling his helmet on. 
“I know. I was busy with the lunches. One for mom, y/n, me and you”, he said walking with his bike to him and handing him a brown paper bag. 
Toby peeked into the contents of the bag. 
“I can’t, I’m on a diet”, handing the paper bag back to Jim. 
“You’ve been on a diet for 14 years Tobes!”, Jim argued, pushing the Toby’s hand away. 
They continued bickering, when I got my bike and ringed it’s bell, catching the boys attention. 
“Well I’m heading to school. See ya later!”, you said, riding off
You took in the morning view of the beautiful mountains and canals. You would never want to leave Arcadia. As you rode your Vespa through town, you saw many people driving to work and walking to school. Some people were at the cafe or at a shop. You noticed a guy turn a sign from ‘close’ to ‘open’ for GDT Arcane Books. He was tall and skinny, wearing a black shirt and jacket with black jeans and black shoes. He had raven black hair with blue dyed tips. 
Hmm, I’ve never seen him around town before. You knew practically everyone in town except for the students at Arcadia Oaks High, other then Jim and Toby. I rode until your school came into sight, Arcadia Oaks Academy. You didn’t go to the same school Jim because your mom, Barbara Lake, couldn’t afford both of us going to Arcadia Oaks High, so I went to the other school, since it was cheaper. 
You parked your bike and hung your helmet on one of the handles. You walked through the entrance and were quickly greeted with your best friend,  Rachael and Izzy. 
“Y/n! Guess what happened!”, both of them squealed. 
“What?! Tom Holland is coming to Arcadia?”, you asked, jokingly. 
“Nope! I wish! But I got you-know-who’s Instagram!”, Izzy said, jumping up and down. 
You looked over at Rachael, she nodded. 
“Wow! Good job Izzy. Now you just need to become friends in the real world, not just the Instagram world”, you said walking over to your locker. 
“Uhh....maybe”, Izzy said. 
You grabbed your books and shoved them in your backpack, it was an urban backpack, so there weren’t any zips, just weird looking strips that magnetically connected. So you were having a hard time, zips were way more efficient. 
You slammed your locker closed and headed to our first class of the day, HPE theory. You were walking to class while talking with Rachael and Izzy when, you saw Jim calling me. you stopped and picked up. 
“What’s up, I have my first class in 5 minutes, so hurry”, you said quickly. 
“Sorry y/n! I found something in the canals, that was calling my name, strange. But I’ll tell you after school. Bye!”, he said and hung up before you even had a chance at saying ‘bye’. 
You put your phone in your pocket and were about continue to class, when you tripped over your feet and descended to the ground. You were ready for the impact but you never felt it. 
Huh? You looked up, and saw the same guy from the bookstore. He had grabbed you by your arms. You quickly got up and faced the guy. 
“Thank you! I can be very clumsy sometimes. Oh sorry, I’m y/n”, I said, stretching out my hand to shake.
“No problem! I’m Douxie. Nice to meet you y/n. Oh and...”, he said, then ruffled through his pockets and took out two cards. 
He handed them to me, GDT Arcane Books and Mr. Benoit’s cafe business cards. 
“I work there. It’ll be great to see you around there”, he said, not meeting your gaze.
“Sure! You look new, you just came here?”, you asked. 
“Nah. I just don’t really show my face to the public other then at school”, he replied. 
“Oh okay. Well, I’ll see you around, bye”, you said turning around to go to class. 
“Bye”, he said heading the other way. 
The whole day was exhausting for you. After your last class, you left and went to your brother’s high school. 
Jim rode over to me, as well as Toby. 
“Hey Jim! How was your day?”, you asked, as you rode your bike along side him. 
“It was good, I kinda got into a fight with Steve, cause he was bullying Eli, so yeah...”, he said, trying to sound like it was normal. 
“Yeah! Did you see how I chanted ‘let him out! let him out!”, Toby exclaimed, proud of himself. “Good thing your mom’s a doctor”, he said, while mom drove up to us. 
“Hey kids”, mom greeted us, rolling down the window. 
Toby tried to stop in-front the car while he said,
“Looking sharp Dr. L”, as he stopped and came into mom’s view. 
“Thanks Toby. You’re looking sharp yourself”, she complimented him. 
“Oh really! It shows?”, Toby says, showing his ‘muscles’. 
You chuckled. 
While Jim and mom were talking, you waved mom bye and rode to your house. You put your bike in the garage and walked upstairs to your room. You dropped you bag on the floor, and took your laptop out and started doing your homework. Then you heard the front door open, must be Jim. 
You ran downstairs, finding him sitting on the edge of the couch and looking at what looked like an amulet. 
“I have a feeling that this is what you wanted to show me”, you said, sitting next to him. 
“Yeah. Toby and I found it in the canals in the morning. It was calling my name. Strange right?”, he explained. 
You nodded. You then looked at the amulet, it looked ancient. Jim suddenly, started talking to it. When the amulet didn’t say anything, he got frustrated and told it, 
“Come one speak up or else you’re going up on eBay!”
He sounded stupid at this point, he was talking to an inanimate object for God’s sake! Then we heard something from the basement. We glanced at each other and headed to the basement. 
“Uh! Must be raccoons!”, you said, getting a broom for Jim and getting yourself a metal stick.
We headed down the stairs and then saw....nothing. We went further in when you heard something behind you. You tapped Jim’s shoulder and turned around. 
A blue creature that had 6 eyes and 4 arms came out of the shadow’s. 
“Master Jim!”, it said. 
Jim started screaming, when another creature was behind us. It was bigger, had green hair and grey skin, well stone. 
“Hi!”, it said. 
You wanted to scream, but you couldn’t. Then you looked at the creatures and backed away terrified. You couldn’t hear what they were saying since you were in your own thoughts.
How did they get in? What do they want? What are they? How do they know Jim? 
Then you snapped back into reality. The creatures were introducing themselves. The multi-eyed guy was Blinky and the brute was AAARRRGGHH and they were ‘trolls’. Then Jim passed out. You looked at the trolls. 
“Don’t go near my brother!”, you shouted at them and stuck your metal stick out at them.
“Do not worry sister of Master Jim, we will not harm him”, Blinky said, trying to calm you down. 
But that didn’t work you felt very scared, but you had to look confident, the complete opposite. Then suddenly, aqua coloured sparks started to flare out of your hands and onto the stick you were holding. Then a ball of aqua looking sparks shot out and towards the trolls. It hit them, making them stumble back. 
“Hmm. Master Jim’s sister is a sorceress. Who knew?!”, Blinky whispered to AAARRRGGHH. 
“I-I’m a what?”, you asked, lowering the stick. 
“A sorceress. In simpler words, you have magic”, Blinky explained, “We should make our exit. Lovely meeting you sister of Master Jim. We-”. 
“My name is y/n. So call me that”, you said, introducing yourself. 
“Oh okay. Lovely meeting you, y/n. Well, goodbye, we will be seeing you soon”, Blinky said and AAARRRGGHH waved. Then they were gone. 
You looked down at Jim. 
“What have you gotten yourself and me into Jim”, you said, as you picked him up and took him back to the living room. 
You set him on the couch, and went upstairs to sleep. 
You had gotten up a bit more early and got dressed. It wasn’t the best outfit but how cares?
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You grabbed your backpack and headed downstairs. You looked at the clock, it was 7. You then looked at the couch were Jim was sleeping, he was snoring very loudly. You quickly wrote down a note for Jim: 
Morning sleepyhead, I’m out, since you were asleep, no one was going make breakfast, so I’m grabbing something for Mr. Benoit’s. See ya after school. 🤪
You rode you way over to the cafe and placed your bike near a window. You walked inside and was about to order, when Douxie walked up. 
“Hey y/n. Were you going to order something?” Douxie asked. 
“Hey Douxie, actually I was just going to get black coffee,” you replied. 
He help up a coffee cup. You smiled and thanked him as the two of you settled at a table. You drank your coffee quietly, while Douxie ate his muffin. 
“Wanna go to school together?” he asked. 
“Sure” you replied. 
You grabbed your bike while Douxie grabbed his. You both rided along side each other and talked. When the school came into view, Douxie asked, 
“Wanna race?”
“Why not!”, you replied. 
You both start peddling faster. When thought you were just about to win, Douxie peddled a bit faster. You pressed the brakes, but you didn’t stop. It did not end well. You skidded on the concrete, scraping your hands, making them bleed, and you ankle landed the wrong way when you fell to the floor. Douxie was just about to rush over and help you when a bunch of girls came up to him and started oooing and ahhing over him. He tried to go over to you but he couldn’t. 
You looked at your hands, there were bleeding a lot. You tried to stand up but as soon as you did, you fell back onto the floor, screaming in pain. Your ankle was not okay. Douxie had heard your scream, making him loose his patience. 
“Excuse me girls! I need to get to a very important person, so please,” he shouted, sprinting to you. 
“Y/n! Your hands...”, he said, worriedly, looking at your hands. 
He took your hands in his and inspected the scrapes. As he touched your wrist, you winced, he had touched a bruise. He saw you wince in pain, so he quickly apologised. He looked at your ankle, it was turning to a purple shade. Since you couldn’t walk, he would carry you. He placed one of his hands under your knees and the other behind your back and lifted you up. 
“Douxie, this isn’t necessary. I can pull my own weight,” I protested. 
He had pulled you close to his chest, so you wouldn’t accidentally fall. 
You noticed that he was pretty tall, so you wrapped your arms over his shoulders and clinged onto him for dear life. 
“You can’t pull your weight, clearly and this was the only way. Plus I don’t think you have a lot of weight to pull,” he said. 
He was clearly referring to me being light. 
He carried me across the school, getting everyone’s attention. We were about half way to the nurses office when Izzy and Rachael came rushed over to us. 
“Y/n! What happened?” they both asked. 
“My brakes were not working, so I skidded on concrete and my ankle landed the wrong way so I can’t walk. I told Douxie that I could pull my own weight but he didn’t listen and so he now carrying me to the nurses office,” you explained. 
“Well look at the bright side! You’re getting carried by Douxie! Douxie!” Rachael said. 
Douxie and you blushed. 
“It’s nothing. I can do anything for y/n,” Douxie said calmly. 
Izzy and Rachael eyebrows shot up at his statement. Douxie realised what he had said and tried to explain, when you tightened your grip on Douxie. Your ankle started hurting a lot. You winced in pain. Douxie looked at you and apologised to your friends and continued to the nurses office. You whimpered in pain, as it got worse. 
“It’s okay y/n, I’ve got you. Nothing is going to happen,” Douxie whispered to you. 
Douxie tried pushing the door of the nurses office open with his foot but it didn’t work. A person in the office, noticed you and Douxie and quickly opened the door, letting you in. Douxie laid you down on the bed in one of the room’s. The nurse ushered him out and the nurse examined your ankle. 
After you were examined, the nurse told Douxie that she will be fine by the end of the day, and that he could pick her up after last period. 
You had been sitting on the bed all day, having an ice pack around your ankle and bandages on your hand. The whole day was very quiet and boring. Then, you heard the bell ring, school had ended! You didn’t have to wait long, your black and blue haired friend came as soon as the bell rung. 
“Hey Douxie!” you said, as he came into the room. 
“Hey y/n! How are you feeling? Can you walk?”, he asked, shooting you questions. 
“She can’t walk fully yet, she can limp. You’ll have to support your friend home”, the nurse interrupted. 
Your eyes become wide when the nurse said that he had to drop me off to my house. Douxie nodded and walked over to you. 
“Let’s see how you can walk”, he said. 
He offered me his hand for support and you took it. As you put weight on your ankle, it started to hurt. 
“Ouch!”, you exclaimed, squeezing Douxie’s hands in pain. 
“Yeah...you can’t walk. I am sorry for doing this again,” he said, then lifted you up again. You got out of the nurses office and out of school, were your bike was. 
“Hmm. If you can’t ride your bike to school, then you’ll need a lift. Do you have a brother or someone that can pick you up?”, Douxie asked. 
“I have a younger brother. He goes to Arcadia Oaks High. I can call him-”, you said when you were cut off by Douxie. 
“I can call him. What’s his number?”, he asked. 
You told him and then he called your brother. 
“Hey, is this Jim? Okay, so I have got your sister, can you pick her up? She can’t ride her bike, I’ll come with you guys since her bag is with me. Bye,” he said over the phone. 
“Hey Jim!” Douxie waved at Jim and Toby, making him come over to you. 
“Y/n! What happened? Are you alright?” Jim asked, worried.  
“I’m fine Jim, I’ll tell you about it at home,” you said, reassuring him for now. 
“Okay let’s go, before it get’s dark...” Toby said, looking at the sun setting. 
Douxie looked confused, but he pushed the thought away. He helped you over to Jim, where he his hand stretched out for me to take. I took it and looked confused. 
“Jimbo, where am I going to sit?” you asked, gesturing to his bike, where there was only one seat. 
“You are going to sit on the seat, while I ride,” he explained. 
You nodded. You sat on his seat and he started peddling through town, while Toby and Douxie were following behind.  
“Douxie, thank you for helping my sister, it means a lot,” Jim said, as we rode through the town and onto the bridge. 
“It’s nothing. I can do anything for her,” Douxie said, but then he realised what he had just said. 
You blushed. 
“Well I um mean that I can do anything um...” Douxie stammered. 
“Anyways! Toby why were you at the dentist?”, Jim asked, trying to start a normal conversation. 
“I’ll explain later. Anyways, let’s talk about you, Jim,” Toby said, changing topics. 
“What about me?” Jim asked, panicking a little. 
“You know, the LOYL,” Toby smirked. 
“Yeah Jim, who is this girl? Wait, is it Claire Nūnez?” you teased. 
“Uh...um..well...”Jim stammered. 
“Oh! Jim you have a crush? Have you spoken to her yet?” Douxie teased. 
“Well I did yesterday, during gym class,” Jim said. 
“Please don’t tell me you said anything to her in Spanish,” you said. 
When he didn’t give you an answer, you knew the answer, he did. 
“What’s so bad in talking in Spanish?”, Douxie asked, curious. 
“Jim starts talking in Spanish when he get’s nervous, which is usually when he talking to girls, more specifically, Claire,” you explained. 
Then your house came. 
“Well that is it for the day, see you guys tomorrow,” Toby said, riding to his home across from ours. 
You got off your brother’s bike and limped over to the front door and opened it. You collapsed on the couch, tired. Douxie came in and dropped your bag onto the floor next to you. 
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow, love,” he said, walking out of the door. 
Jim came in and dropped his things on the couch. 
“I’ll make sandwiches, you rest,” Jim ordered. 
You sighed, you limped over with him and then sat on top of the bench. You looked at you brother, he chopping and looking at the amulet. 
“Why don’t you try looking into it?” you ask. 
“Maybe I should,” he said, taking the amulet and walking outside. 
You followed him outside and sat on the stairs. He looked at the amulet and spoke the incantation. 
“For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command,” he spoke, turning the amulet. Then the wind suddenly picked up, and you saw that the rocks started to levitate. Then, blue magic orbs appeared out of the amulet and into Jim heart, then he levitated and armour appeared. Then the pieces clicked together. At first it was very big, which you started laughing at, then it shrunk and fitted him perfectly. He looked like a knight, but without the sword. 
“This is so freaking cool!” Jim exclaimed. 
“Now you just need a sword to go with the armour,” I commented, when a few more orbs appeared out the amulet and drifted to his hand, which then created a sword. 
You were amazed. This was magic! 
“Wow!” you said. 
Then Jim started to do some ‘cool’ moves with his sword, but when it got stuck into a a rock behind him. You bursted out laughing as you saw him attempt to take it out. He eventually did, but then he got it stuck again. He tried again, and it got out a lot faster. He chuckled when he got it out. 
In having discovered all this, on the other side of town, Mr Strickler and Bular were planning to take it from him. But the amulet had found it’s champion, would it be that easy? l
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philicheesecake · 3 years
(U. L.) An Impossible Defeat
Synopsis: After he survived witnessing the giant’s Banding, Warren seems to be the target of a vengeful giant. It seems just quitting the Unseen Legion was not enough to protect him.
Warnings: PARTIAL HARD VORE, GRAPHIC SEVERE INJURIES, PARTIAL DIGESTION, NEAR DEATH, F/M halfsize unwilling nonfatal vore, fatal mention,
((Phili’s note: 
Me: takes 4 months to write one U.L. story  Also me: Writes this story the next day in under 24 hours OHhhh yeah babyee we movin’ along! And yeah I got pretty violent for this one, so if you’re squeamish, I would be cautioned. Also if ye like this story, go ahead and reblog! It helps spread my work and it means a lot! ^w^ ))
“Well I came a long way to be here today
And I left you so long on this avenue
And here I stand In the strangest land
Not knowing what to say or do”
The windows of the old silver Civic were rolled down and the speakers blared the upbeat tunes of Electric Light Orchestra. Warren had his elbow propped out the window, some aviator sunglasses, and his hair blowing back in the mountain breeze that gushed through the windows. He was belting out the lyrics of the tune, stumbling over some of the lyrics, but he didn’t care. His voice was high and steady despite his stumbling over the words. 
“As I gaze around at these strangers in town
I guess the only stranger is me”
Unknown to the ex-hunter, something with glistening eyes followed from within the treeline. Its speed rivaling a racehorse, though quieter than a cat. Its figure was too fast to be seen beyond a subtle blur past the treeline as a hulking silhouetted shape masked by the glare of the setting sun.
“And I wonder, Oh I wonder
Is this the way life’s meant to be?”
He was having a great time with the free air. No more U. L. missions. No more giants or near-death experiences. Just him and his friends about to meet up at a concert out of town to have a fun evening. The sun was beginning to descend over the road, casting its golden glare over the windshield. In his mind, he might’ve been a Lone Ranger riding into the sunset. He had seen some things no one else would believe. That alone could power a Western film. 
Though he was beginning to associate dusk with death, he was safe in his car. Nothing could get him here. He’d be with his friends when he got into town. Safety in numbers, right?
“Although it's only a day since I was taken away
And left standing here looking in wonder”
The figure in the tree line burst out. Warren didn’t notice it immediately with the sound of blaring music, but one glimpse at the rearview mirror showed what was going on. “OH SHIT--!”
A giant. Seriously? What sort of gods decided to toy with Warren’s luck at this point? This was just ridiculous at this point. He thought he could recognize the figure. Long white dreadlocks, dark skin, flashing silver eyes. She was even taller than Eli by a good two feet. She had a weird name, but Warren couldn’t remember exactly what Eli had called her back then. Not that he cared. His first thought was getting the hell out of here.
“Oh, the ground at my feet, maybe it's just the old street
But everything that I know lies under”
The melodic voice continued on, despite the alarm in the situation. The sheer contrast only seemed to add to the stress of the situation. 
He stepped on the gas, speeding faster. The giant was in hot pursuit, soon practically on the car’s bumper. Her claws dug into the asphalt, powering her unbelievable speed. 60 mph. She was still not lagging behind. 
Her claws lashed out and she lunged forward, digging her claws into the back of the car and pulled herself half-onto it while her feet dug into the ground to gain traction. The car screeched, lurching to a halt. Warren was thrown over the steering wheel and the impact jammed into his ribs causing a painful crack. 
He wheezed, blinking through the adrenaline to realize the car was at a complete halt, and the silver-haired giant was approaching the driver’s door. 
“And when I see what they’ve done to this place that was home,
Shame is all that I feel”
He gasped, almost immediately coughing from the pain of the shifting of his lungs disturbing a freshly cracked rib. He hastily unbuckled, trying to scoot away from the driver’s seat as the large figure stooped over the window. Her slit silver eyes peered in. An expression of complete indifference played on her face. No response to the intense fear he was feeling. It almost scared him more than any taunts. There was no connection of emotion. Just complete apathy.
“And I wonder, yes I wonder,
Is this the way life’s meant to be?”
The door was ripped from its hinges. Her clawed hand reached for him, trying to grab through the narrow space to get ahold of him. He scooted backwards. His breaths rattled in his chest. His heart pounded in his ears. Tears pricked the corners of his wide eyes as the claws barely skimmed him as they fought to gain purchase. He ducked beneath the console of the passenger’s seat, digging out his phone and his shaky fingers struggled to operate the device to send a hasty message. 
A crushing grip closed around his leg. He screamed.
“Too late, too late to cry, the people say
Too late for you, too late for me”
He was dragged out of the car, clawing for purchase. Trying to grab onto one of the seats or the steering wheel. His cracked ribs bumped painfully against the seats. She pulled him out of the car, hoisting him onto the air by his ankle.
“You've come so far, now you know everything, my friend
Look and see the wonders--”
Her ears twitched and she stomped her foot over the front of the car, smashing the radio. She didn’t seem to enjoy it. Without another word, she rose to her full height again, leaving the ground far below Warren as she began to walk back into the treeline. The ex-hunter whimpered, struggling to try to reach the hand that held his ankle. It was scary and disorienting to be held this high above the ground upside-down. A fall like this could break his neck, but not escaping would lead to certain death. He had encountered giants plenty enough times to get a pretty good idea about where this was going.
“P-please-- R-- Riki-- uh-- Riri--?” Warren struggled to remember her name, but honestly he couldn’t think at this point. 
To his surprise, she let out a cold laugh. “If that Arawn knew you called me that, he would have finished what he started last time.”
Warren shuddered, recalling how they had parted last time. She was climbing up a cliff and Eli had eaten him to protect him from the other giants. He had been certain he was going to die. 
“I--” “I should have known he had gone soft like his sister. I suppose I will soon deliver him the same fate as she has received. This human, however,” She lifted him higher so that they were practically face-to-face, just inches apart. He took in a shuddering gasp which stung his lungs. 
“It’s lived too long to see too much… Things that no human should have seen. Not that it makes any distinction from the rest of the humans.” She sighed and opened her mouth beneath him. His eyes widened and he flailed, trying to jerk away from her open mouth. He quickly reached up to dig into his pocket. His fingers nearly slipped to drop the object, but he caught it, unfolding a pocket knife. She gave him an unimpressed look, and her other hand reached up to grab it just as he managed to slash it across her face. “GAHH-!”
A growl sounded through her throat. Her hand crushed around his leg, snapping his bones like twigs and he screamed in pain. Her other arm reached up and gripped him roughly around the torso. Her teeth snapped over the knife-wielding hand and spat out the weapon onto the forest floor. Blood poured down from a slash across her face, dripping down from her chin. 
“I think that you’ll learn that fighting will only worsen things for you, human.” Her voice drawled. Warren cried, barely able to focus on her in the blinding pain. She shifted her grip to let go of his leg and reinforce her grip around his waist, beginning to lower him into her mouth backwards. Warren sucked in a terrified breath as his feet met the back of her tongue and she began to gulp them into her tight throat. Things were happening so fast. His shattered ankle screamed in protest as it was engulfed into the passage of rippling muscle. 
“No! Nono— wait—“ 
The giant swallowed again and he suppressed a shout of pain. Her legs were now fully encased in the throat and his lower torso was entering her maw. Fangs jabbed painfully around him. She clearly didn’t bother being careful about how rough she was in the process. The giant’s tongue slathered his torso in gross saliva as she gulped more of him down. The ex-hunter whimpered and grabbed for the edge of her jaws in a poor attempt to stop his descent. This only made things worse when she met the blockage. 
Her jaws widened for a second before crushing down over his chest, not enough to snap him in half, but enough to draw blood and hurt like hell. There was a distant scream of pain. He was getting lightheaded. He was losing blood, and was faintly aware of the feeling of blood dripping from his limp fingertips, and pooling our from her jaws. There was a hungry growl that sounded around the throat from the taste of his blood. The tongue cupped under him and she began to tilt her head back. He had lost the strength to struggle, in a state of shock and agony that made it too hard for him to think. 
Another swallow sounded around him, bringing his head into the mouth. His chest was squeezed into the too-tight throat which crushed his already cracked ribs. He was barely able to choke another breath through the pain. It was a frightening sight to see the jaws wide around him, the saliva dripping over his line of sight. The marks of his own blood trailing down from the fangs. He didn’t have the strength to struggle in his state of stupor and pain. 
One last gulp dragged him completely into the darkness, and his arms soon followed. He distantly felt pain shoot up his ankle as his feet began to press through the esophageal sphincter and the rest of him began to follow into the tight organ, forced to curl up in the claustrophobic space. As soon as his head and arms finally joined him, he coughed and gagged for air, finding it difficult to breathe with how much each breath hurt. The air was scalding and humid and burned his already aching lungs. The jagged movements of his rapid breaths only hurt his cracked rib further. He hugged his knees and cried. 
“R— Rikki— R— Rhyka— please— please don’t do this.” He barely managed to recall the giant’s name.
Rhyka ignored him. She couldn’t care less. The giant was so tall and broad that her stature nearly perfectly concealed the small imprint he made, and the only mark of his existence was subtle. It made it all too easy for him to be ignored. 
“L-listen, I’m…” he hissed in an anxious breath through his teeth, trying not to fully break down now. The heat was exhausting, and the main thing keeping him conscious was the intense pain. He just wanted it all to end, but at the same time, he didn’t want to die. Not like this. His sisters needed him, and he tried his best to not abandon them, only for his luck to turn for the worst once again. He could recall Olivia’s lessons on giants and hoped to god something might work here to give him a slim chance of survival. “R-Rhyka… I’m sorry humans drove giants into hiding. I— I wish things were— were different between our kinds… but— but killing people won’t fix that.”
To his surprise, the giant let out a laugh. “You truly believe that having a, ah, ‘heart-to-heart’ will spare your life here? Your kind is an inferior race. Weak. Pathetic. Even if your kind had not done what they did, it does not change the fact that we are the predators, and you are the prey.” 
Warren shuddered, biting back a sob of fear. “B— wait—“
“You could save your meager breaths now. I have heard all the same arguments. None sway me. Do yourself a favor and accept your fate.” 
Warren could feel the movement from her walking seem to settle. There was a dropping sensation and his environment seemed to tilt sideways. She must have laid down or something. He squirmed in place, biting back a hiss of pain as he had to reorient himself with his vulnerable broken shin and ribs. The puddle of fluids he was sitting in splashed over his face, making him sputter and cough weakly. He noticed a faint stinging and his heart rate picked up in alarm. Acids—? Giants only digest when they’re asleep… which meant Rhyka must be heading there now. 
“Wait— no—no— please— I— you can’t—“
He froze as he could hear the giant’s breaths slow to a more relaxed rate. She didn’t respond. His eyes widened in the darkness and he took in shaky breaths. An ominous growl sounded nearby from the organ. The puddle of fluids was half-filling the space now, and still having trouble to reorient himself, he had to sputter and squirm to avoid breathing in the stinging fluids. 
“Nononono— G-God— p-please…” he cried. He didn’t want to believe this. He didn’t want to die like this. He had dodged death before, he had to do it again. But Eli has told him time and time again he was weak, and he was right. 
The stomach groaned and clenched tightly around him, causing the level of fluids to rise briefly before the walls relaxed. He took in a sharp gasp of pain, bracing his shattered leg that just felt like pulp now. He could swear he felt something crack from the way his leg bent just then, feeling the limb was beyond repair. It was probably just held together by shredded muscle and tissue at this point. 
He was too tired and in too much pain to really fight back the oppressive stomach folds that began to clench around him more rhythmically. 
“I guess you’ll die then” Olivia’s voice echoed in his mind, recalling her lecture from before. 
Warren took in shaky breaths in the heat. Olivia had a point. She gave him lessons, and if he gave up, he would be dead. Not every giant would be generous enough to let him live. Rhyka wasn’t one of them. He had to think.
Olivia had mentioned a pressure point against the spine that could do… something? His brain felt foggy, but some part of him could recall that it might save his life. He hadn’t succeeded last time he tried. 
He grimaced as the stomach gurgled loudly again and its walls crushed in closer. The acids were beginning to sting worse. Burning at the bare skin of his hands and face. He held out his elbows on either side to hold the slimy walls off of his face, letting out a rasping breath through his teeth. He felt around in the darkness, trying to orient himself to figure out what was where. Doing some calculations based on how he had been swallowed, and the new position of the sleeping giant, he made a blind guess of an idea. He was facing the wrong way. Being swallowed feet-first and backwards, he was likely facing the outer wall of the stomach, instead of the vertebrae where his target lay. 
He grunted, twisting around in position and using his one good leg to try to reorient himself to face the spine. He had no idea if he was right about this, and every inch of the tight organ was identical. It was especially difficult to figure out if he had turned a 180 or just a few inches because of how disorienting the rippling muscles were, making his laborious movements either too small or too big to calculate. He settled at where he ended up, however, taking a moment to gather his breath. The heat was really making him feel like he was about to pass out, and he just wanted a break from the pain of his mangled leg and ribs. He couldn’t rest though. He had to at least try.
He leaned back as far as he could, using his hands to press himself backwards in the stomach as his one good leg kicked at the spine. There was no response, and he tried kicking everywhere along the opposing wall. Everything felt the same, so it was impossible to know how close he even was from it. The walls around him crushed in more tightly. He could barely breathe now. The fluids were rising higher. He was on the verge of passing out. The heat. His mind was numb and far away. His only thought was his sisters. He had to focus on them. He could barely even recall their faces. So tired...
The tightening walls suddenly went limp, freeing the small pocket of air. Warren gasped for air, feeling lightheaded from all the effort. He didn’t know what happened. He didn’t even know if he had succeeded. Everything was too foggy to focus on. His mind slowly drifted from consciousness.
“Rrrg. Wha... what did you do… to me…?”
Warren was slowly brought to his senses by a rough jab that met his injured rib which prompted a scream of pain. He gasped, foggily beginning to regain his senses. Everything hurt. The first thing he noted was the voice… so loud and rumbling around him. There was a numbness around him. He could barely feel his limbs, but at the same time, he was faintly aware of a burning sensation covering everywhere. He was soaked to the bone by a deep pool of slimy fluids. It was hard to know how much of him was left, and if most of him already been melted away. The walls weren’t as active or crushing as they had been before. The place felt oddly dormant aside from an occasional groan or squelch from the environment, the sound of the giant’s breaths, and the thumping of her heart nearby. How long had he been in here?
“Wh…” Warren’s tongue felt like it wouldn’t cooperate enough to speak. “Whd’yamean…” He slurred. He couldn’t think. He was too tired. He just wanted this hell to end, whatever this hell was. 
“Don’t play stupid with me, human... You… you shouldn’t still be alive! What have you done to me?” Her voice almost sounded pained in a way, though his brain was too tired to pick up the tone. The jab once again met his side, though thankfully hit his shoulder this time. He weakly tried to raise his arm to push back. 
“D’nno… wha you… mean. Wh...what time’sssit…?”
The pressure increased by his side and he could hear a gurgle nearby. “I am finished with your games… Hunter. You will be dead soon enough… what… whatever tricks you are using will… wear off.”
“I.. I dunno wha-- what…” he took in deep breaths, on the verge of passing out again. He was faintly aware of a shifting from outside and the pressure lightened to be circular rubs. Any other moment he’d be indignant to the action, but right now, he was too tired to really think about it. There was definitely something off about her voice. She sounded… fatigued. He didn’t think into it.
“Please… j-just… just make it s-stop…” the ex-hunter groaned weakly. He was regaining awareness of the burning sensation around his skin. The pain from his broken leg and ribs. 
The giant didn’t respond aside from an annoyed growl that rumbled to her core as she rubbed the form in her stomach as if to help him digest faster. Her breaths began to calm again. He could hear another gurgle from the stomach and the dormant walls began to pick up their act again, rubbing against his skin and distributing the numb, stinging fluids over his skin. He didn’t bother squirming. He was too weak to think. Rebeka. Liss.
What were those names anymore? He could barely recall their faces. Just concepts at this point. But more than anything, he wanted to see them again. 
Had the kick done something before? 
A clench tightened around him, bringing up the acid level higher, briefly submerging his head under the caustic fluids. He choked and struggled weakly for breath just as the walls loosened up again just enough to give him a chance to take shallow gasps for air. He tried to focus, lifting up his good leg briefly to jab into the opposite wall again. It took every fiber of strength for the action. He kicked a few times. The walls tightened again and he was submerged. His heart pounded. He could hear the giant’s heart thump more slowly. The distant gurgling sounds of the stomach around him. His lungs burned for air. He kicked out his leg again, trying anywhere for that pressure point. His foot slipped, then dug into the opposite wall. It just barely managed to hit the right place. The walls loosened up again and Warren coughed weakly, gasping for air. The whole stomach seemed to grow limp again. His body followed suit. He didn’t have the strength to keep this up. Even if he was alive for now, he was prolonging the inevitable. He wasn’t going to make it out of here alive.
He was too tired to cry, but there was a pang of emotion in his chest nonetheless. His body grey limp again. His ears began to sink beneath the stinging fluids. His mind fell to dormancy again. 
Olivia had been sound asleep through the whole night, unknowing of her phone buzz with Warren’s text. Her face was planted on the alchemy table and her glasses were falling off of her nose. In the late morning, she rose again to get some coffee and sat down with her entire carafe of coffee with her alchemy equipment, ready to put this frustratingly difficult concoction in the past. She worked for a while at her project before she saw her phone buzz. It was another hunter wanting some more potions for lycanthropy. She had been getting too many requests from that same hunter, it was beginning to get rather tiring. Wait a moment… There was another message from Warren. 
Her tired eyes scanned it with her bulbous spectacles before sighing tiredly and picked up her pastel pink bag of alchemy equipment and got in her car to drive away.
The white dump truck hummed down the winding road into the forest. Olivia was dead tired and really didn’t want to be doing this. She would much rather finish that lycanthrope-enthusiast’s order, or sleep instead. The road was not a popular route, one of the back roads. It didn’t look like anyone was within miles of the stretch of asphalt. Though something laid ahead in the road. A smashed silver car was sprawled out over the asphalt in shredded bits of smashed metal. Her brow raised slightly and she parked her truck on the shoulder of the road, giving the wreckage a good once-over before she sighed and pressed through the treeline. 
She took out a small vial of blue liquid from her alchemy bag and opened up the bottle, placing a small drop on her finger and dabbed it beneath her nose. She sniffed in the odd scent of the concoction and the effect was instant. A faint blue mist seemed to appear in the forest. A scent trail that led further ahead. Wordlessly, she followed it. 
There was a dip in the forest path that led into a steep ravine which was difficult to travel into, though she managed. At the bottom of the ravine in a dip in the rock, the scent trail led to an end. 
A white-haired giant laid asleep on her side. There was a slight bulge in her middle. Her clawed hand rested over it. It didn’t take much imagination to deduct what had happened. The alchemist sighed, taking a small yellow orb of ice out of her bag and put her teeth together, making a high-pitched whistle barely audible to human ears. The response was instant. The giant’s eyes opened, though she remained on the ground. She tiredly turned to her side, scowling as she spotted the alchemist. 
“I take it you’ve eaten William, then,” Olivia’s tired voice drawled.
Rhyka’s eyes narrowed and she sat up, glaring at the ice that the alchemist wielded, knowing exactly what it was meant for. 
“He is dead. Your point?” Her voice was groggy, almost coming out in a slur. 
Olivia sighed. “Well I guess I have no restraint from using this, then.” She raised the ice and approached the giant with an unphased expression.
The giant held up a hand hastily. “Stop… It… I will release the human if you throw that into the woods. I lied. He might be alive. I can’t know for certain at this point, though it’s the only chance you have.”
Olivia shrugged and tossed the ice aside indifferently. “Alright. Let him go.”
Rhyka looked like she hadn’t expected this, but groaned. Her eyes were exhausted. She looked like she had been through hell with some sort of terrible indigestion. She pressed a hand to her stomach. Heaving sounds came, then the bulge in her middle reformed in her throat, slowly traveling upwards. She lowered her head and gagged. The form of the bedraggled, slimy hunter spilled out onto the ground in a pool of reeking fluids. 
Olivia barely seemed phased at all by Warren’s appearance. He looked like he had been thrown in a meat grinder. His left leg was crushed to pulp beneath the knee. He was covered in acids and his own blood. Past the dripping slime, patchy red burns littered his skin. 
The alchemist didn’t waste a moment before reaching into her bag again and threw another yellow orb of ice at the giant, hitting her clean in the face. Rhyka let out an infuriated shout as the enchanted ice seemed to melt into her skin. There were cracking and shifting sounds and she began to decrease in height. The giant roared, lunging forward to slash her claws at Olivia, only to shrink further and bat harmlessly with declawed otherwise human fingertips. She collapsed onto the ground, hissing in pain. She eventually shrank down to a complete human size, though she was still a good foot taller than the short alchemist. 
Olivia pursed her lips, ignoring the giant as she stepped toward Warren. He wasn’t moving. Neither was the giant. Whatever vigor she had before was short-lived. She seemed too wiped out to fight. 
“Wilhelm, listen to me,” She sat down on the earthy floor, taking his slimy hand. His hand remained limp in hers. She shot a look at the now shrunken giant. “You killed him.” She spoke levelly. She sighed and withdrew a black orb from her bag and pressed it into his hand. “Wake up,” She muttered.
The black orb melted into his hand, seeming to grow warm before disappearing. For a moment, there was no response, before she glanced over at him to see Warren’s chest slowly rose and fall. He was breathing. Weakly, but steadily.
Two were dragged into the truck by the tired alchemist. Rhyka’s hands were tied together, and Warren was seated next to her, unconscious, and wetting the seating with the gross slime that dripped from him. 
They drove back to the alchemist shop in silence. Rhyka still seemed ill from whatever had happened, not in much of a talking mood. 
Once they arrived back at the shop, Olivia put out a blanket on the floor for Warren and tied up the camouflaged Rhyka in a chair. Olivia did her best to clean Warren’s wounds and treat the burns, but for his broken leg, not much could be done.
Warren groggily returned to consciousness. A day had passed. He was lying on his back, staring up at the blank ceiling of Olivia’s basement. The light was dull, which was a good thing, to not be overwhelmed by too much light with his senses returning. He was in pain, though the worst thing of all was his leg. He could feel a crushing, burning sensation coming from it, though part of it was foggy and dampened. He must have been given medications while he was asleep to numb the pain.
What just happened. 
The last thing he remembered was… He grunted as he rolled to his side and his blood froze. Rhyka was sitting tied up in a chair before him. His heart picked up rapidly. 
“Look who awakened,” she smiled coldly. 
“You… How... what..?” Warren mumbled. How was he here? How was he even alive?
footsteps sounded from the floor above. Olivia appeared on the staircase, looking over Warren tiredly. “Ah, Winston. Good to see you are alive.” She spoke in an expressionless drawl. “I suppose the pressure point techniques work after all.”
Warren hugged his arms, leaning back on the hard blanket. He just tried to level his breaths instead of thinking too much into it. He might have been in a state of shock. 
“And my apologies about your leg. It seems not all of you was intact enough to be saved.”
Warren blinked, then glanced down at his legs. His breath caught in his throat and he felt like he had been punched in the gut. “Ho-holy shit.”
His left leg was gone. Amputated beneath the knee. He stared for a moment in shock. Olivia sat down next to him on the floor, taking a swig of her coffee from the glass carafe. “Yeah, you’ll get used to it. Just take it easy for now.”
He shuddered, biting his lip. “I… No… no… this can’t… I quit the U. L.. I-- I was supposed to be safe. W-why… Isn’t fair.”
Olivia sighed, glancing toward Rhyka. “The giant who ate you seemed to have a grudge from when you witnessed their Banding ritual. Apparently it’s no thing that any human should live to see. She had been hunting you down ever since.”
“B--but it’s not my fault! The giants brought me there! I-- I didn’t want anything to do with that!” 
Rhyka rolled her eyes, staring at Warren in a deadpanned sort of way. “Ah, excuses. None of that will change anything, you are aware?”
Warren covered his face, shaking. “You… you cruel person… you wanted to kill me. I didn’t want to get involved with the giants ever again and-- and y-you went and…”
The alchemist’s hand tapped his shoulder and she let out a tired groan. “Rachel is right. None of the things that happened will change. However,” She rose to her feet, walking over to her alchemist desk and withdrew a shimmering grey knife. She turned to look at Warren. “I do not kill monsters unless I have to. If you wish to kill Roxanne, then that is up to you.”
Warren tried to stand, leaning against the wall and lifted the stump of his leg above the ground. He stumbled over toward Rhyka, using the wall as support. “Give me the knife.”
Rhyka’s eyes narrowed. Olivia sighed and went over to Warren, placing the knife in his hands. He gripped the blade, trying to keep a straight face through the pain in his leg and glared at Rhyka, holding it to her neck. 
“How does it feel having the tables turned, huh Rhyka?” Warren grit his teeth. “You… You don’t care about humans. What did you say we were? W-weak? Inferior? ‘Lesser beings?’”
Her cold glare remained unwavering, locking eyes with Warren’s. She remained silent.
“Look at me now. You tried to kill me but failed.” The knife pressed more firmly against her throat, threatening to draw blood. “You-- you have no idea w-what you put me through. No one. No one should ever have to go through that. Killing you will avenge god-knows-how-many people you’ve murdered like that. I don’t wish death on many people but… You…”
His jaw tensed and his eyes narrowed. His grip tightened over the knife until his knuckles were white. He didn’t act for a solid few seconds. Rhyka held her breath. 
The knife dropped to his side and clattered to the floor. 
Rhyka let out a cold chuckle. “Coward,”
“I’m not like you, Rhyka.” Warren backed to the wall again, sliding down to be seated. He put a hand on his injured leg, hissing through his teeth and looked to the side, trying not to focus on the pain. He was defeated, even if he had survived. He had just lost his leg, though it felt like he had lost so much more.
Rest of the series can be found here.
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fresafresitawrites · 3 years
paloma’s cards and water
my latest creative writing assignment! adding onto the next series of my vignettes! involving my oc andrew as the main boi. u can find them all here  this one is a lil long but my prof really liked it so im happy w it. rest is under the read more! id be so happy if anyone reads this slkajf inspired by tarot reading, my grandma, and that one chapter in the house on mango street w the tarot reader 
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I was on the first floor of my building getting the mail when I heard my downstairs neighbor sweeping her entrance mat.
“Buenos días, m’hijito.” Her voice was like the strum of a guitar.
“Buenas, Señora Paloma.” I replied. I gave her a quick glance as I skimmed a letter about my academic probation from last semester.
She set the broom aside and looked up at me.
“Ah, so formal now that you’re older, and taller too. You’re always getting taller and taller.” I’m only five foot six, five foot eight when anyone asks. “I haven’t seen you too much lately.”
“Oh, disculpe.” I crammed the envelopes into my messenger bag. Most of them were junk anyway, like dollar store advertisements or auto companies offering me a car loan. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind, a lot going on with school and work and everything.” I closed the mailbox unit.
“Ay, perdón, Señor Ibarra,” she teased. Somewhere after I turned eighteen, I went from calling her Mama Lola to using formalities. “Do you have some time, actually? I need help with something, si puedes.”
I checked my phone. I had work in an hour. “Sí sí sí, yeah, whatdya need?” I cracked my knuckles. Usually, she just wanted me to move furniture or get something from the top shelf of her kitchen cabinets, like the blender she used during the summer to make watermelon juice. Her oldest son also bought her an iPad for Christmas three years ago when he visited from Buffalo, and I’ve memorized the passcode after troubleshooting it for her so many times.
Paloma waved me inside her one-bedroom apartment, two floors directly underneath my family’s. We lived in an old house with four floors that probably used to belong to one rich family in the nineteenth century but was now broken up into several apartments. Paloma’s door was the first one on the ground floor across from the staircase. Her apartment always smelled like dryer sheets, and the television was always on some Spanish talk show, and water was always boiling over the kitchen stove because she didn’t trust the pipes. The yellow walls were adorned with Mexican folk paintings, plastic floral garlands, and family photos attached with Scotch tape. In every corner there were figurines of Catholic saints.
A few years ago, I asked Paloma to watch Sofi and Eli for me. I had tickets to see The Strokes at Madison Square Garden and only that morning did I double check the date of the concert. My mom was at a student’s piano recital, and I agreed a week earlier to watch the girls that night.
I was carrying Eli in one arm and held Sofi’s hand with the other outside Paloma’s door. The girls were four at the time, so I just gave them each twenty bucks to never say anything.
“Hmm!” Paloma lifted her eyebrows and crossed her arms. “And you think your momma won’t find out?”
I thought about it. “Well, don’t tell her.”
Paloma laughed, squinting her dark eyes like a fox.
Thankfully, Ma’s train got delayed on the way home that night.
In Paloma’s kitchen, two Devil’s Ivy plants sat in the sink with their vines trailing over the edge, hesitating to touch the tile floor. On the left was the glass door to her own small patio, where a few stray cats lay across the concrete. Paloma pointed to her wooden breakfast table, leaving her broom aside, so I pulled out a chair.
She sat down across from me, laying a purple and gold silk cloth between us and placed two tea lights on each side.
“Oh, is this what you wanted me for?” I sat up, surprised. She tied her long, gray-brown hair into a bun.
Paloma has never tried to use her cards on me before. I was never interested in these things. Hemera was the one who came to visit often after her break-up during freshman year with this film studies major, Vladimir, who played the accordion and was originally from Portland. Hemera and Paloma would lean over the tarot cards, speaking low, like candleflames. I usually sat on the couch and watched Looney Tunes, since Boomerang was one of the only channels on Paloma’s television other than the news or Telemundo.
“How’s your friend?” Paloma asked as if she read my mind. “Is she your girlfriend yet? Or has she found someone?” She pulled out the deck of cards from her apron pocket and shuffled them.
            “Oh, no, she’s okay. She’s doing okay.” Hemera told me two weeks ago she was “focusing on herself” which meant she deleted Tinder and would reactivate it within the next week. “And nah, she’s like a sister to me. That’d be weird.”
            Paloma watched me. “You cold?”
            “What? No…” Well, now that she mentioned it… ‘Actually, yeah, kind of, maybe.” I zipped up my wool sweater. Was there a breeze?
            “Good.” She spread the cards out with her delicate hands. “That means the spirits are here.”
            “Uh, okay. Sure, Paloma. They are.” I tried not to sound too sarcastic.
            I closed my eyes and hovered my left hand over the fanned-out cards, mimicking how Hemera used to do it. I tapped three random cards and Paloma flipped them over.
            She read them out loud. “El ermitaño, la rueda de la fortuna, y la muetre.”
            The late February sun casted a soft glow over the kitchen like a dream.
            “Your past, present, and future cards.” Paloma’s tone shifted into something softer, as if her words descended from the clouds. “Ah, look at you. Always keeping to yourself, always, always. Like the old man here on the card… alone on the mountain, holding a lantern trying to illuminate his path.”
            I tilted my head.
            “Right now, you’re in a critical position. It’s a marvelous position to be in! See all the arrows on the wheel going in all directions? They can lead you anywhere. You just steer the wheel like the helm of a sailboat and go wherever the wind takes you. How exciting!”
             I leaned forward. I examined the card that depicted what looked like a large, gold coin covered in strange symbols and surrounded by hybrid animals and angel figures.
            “And here, look, don’t be afraid of this last one. Everyone’s always afraid of this card, but don’t take it too literal. This card means transformation, it means upheaval, it means purging, it means endings.
            I picked up the card, fixated on the small boy kneeling before the skeleton-knight riding a white horse. I put the card back down.
            “This sounds… vague.” I leaned back in my chair, half skeptical and half on edge from her reading, but I didn’t want her to know the last part. “I thought you’d tell me something terrible would happen, or something like who I’m going to marry or whatever. Not that I would believe it, but I’m just wondering why you wanted me here right now.”
            Paloma smiled and crossed her arms. She’d been expecting this reaction. “It’s not like that. It’s not a math test, like in school. There are no right or wrong answers here. I know you don’t like that. Frustrating, no?”
            “Yeah, a little.”
            “Half of the work is you. It’s like looking at art or reading poetry. You’re participating. You’re drawing your own conclusions.” She placed the deck back into her pocket. “You have to marinate on the words, m’hijo. Everything will reveal itself.”
            I took a deep breath, swung my bag over my shoulder, and checked my phone.
            I had work in five minutes.    
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kaplanwrites · 3 years
02.7.Other Side.
sound: The other side by UNKLE, Tom Smith
Kon knows when he fucked up this relationship (started to fuck it up more and more). 
He supposes, he also knows why he did this - as an unconscious protest to the unfairness of life, of the circumstances. To Tim’s decisions. 
Mostly out of his own frustration to being unable to protest the pound of a replacement Tim made all for himself, but who somehow became an anchor for the both of them(the sum of them). 
(Somehow on the shitty end of his mulish egoism, as always, Tim ended up being.  )
Jeez, is he an asshole.
It’s no wonder that as he earnestly tries to make this pretend-family real, more than simply real: strong, lasting. Romantic. (oh God he’s so fucked. Everything he fucked, in the end, is just himself over). Tim is being difficult. 
The kid is in the heart of it, but it is not about him, right now it’s about Tim and making Tim understand how he is making Kon feel.
Frustrated. Angry. Miserable.
Tired and sorry, and stuck in front of the wall that Tim’s self-loathing is. (“Self”, though? Tim was never the one to doubt himself, he's the most driven and sure person Kon knows. So is it just, “loathing”? Is it “Kon-loathing”?)
(But then again, Tim was confident. He also was cheeky, and an ass, and Kon’s best friend and confidant, and now he’s… kinda pushed a stop button on all of those things).
It’s like they coexist simultaneously in the same and parallel place together, it’s like Tim can hear him only if making a conscious effort (which he is not always trying to make. Or, to be fair, has time to).
See, Kon understands that things should be unfucked, and then they start to fuck. It also happens unconsciously (for him at least, but, he thought that they started to fuck to make it all better, but all they achieved - is fucking it up better). For all that he wants Tim to open up, he doesn’t really want to know why he did it. His peaceful rest lays on trusting Tim not to have a malicious cause for it. 
For the first month, Kon thinks this arrangement to be blissfully awesome, then entertaining and convenient. As he starts to stay in Tim’s bedroom for nights, he starts to see cracks in Tim’s facade.
(He knows, that when he’s not contemplating Tim’s disassembly drilling metaphorical  (and wanting to blast very real ones so badly) holes in the ceiling, he is being watched. He also knows it’s the only time Tim looks at him directly now (after they started to fuck(this up)).
He wants to feel loved again like he was - for years now, he realizes, and isn’t it an asshole thing to wish? The worth in the want, isn’t it?
 This whole cohabitation started off as weird, but now they push to unhealthy. Then again, he suspects, maybe “fuckbuddy relationships with your best friend who nursed your child to life while you were dead” have very shaky foundations for “normal”.
Also, he’d never was able to do fuck all to shift Tim from his path, but together, oh, they’ve always been synergetic. Hence, fuck-up of cosmic proportions. Fast. Brutal.
He dreams of his cheeky snobby overthinking Robin.
He lies in bed and thinks about tearing the gorgeous sharp man lying next to him apart and finding his old chum wonderboy inside. Cradling him to the chest and reassuring that everything will be back to normal. Eventually. Sometime later.
(sometimes he resorts to pushing his forehead into Tim’s jaw, putting a tentative hand on his shoulder) (sometimes Tim doesn’t pull back)
Sometimes he thinks that if they’ve started to fuck back in Metropolis, it wouldn’t be that much of an issue right now. At all. This whole…
Then again, Kon doesn’t think Tim is that shallow of a person to think that Kon will chase the first convenient skirt when Kon will get bored with him.
Then again, Kon didn’t think that he will be that shallow of a person to treat this whole… this. As friends with benefits.
(With the benefit of doubt size of Manhattan.)
He tries to speak, but every time he opens his mouth, he finds words… lacking.
(‘Hey man. Back a couple of months ago, when we fought about your fuckbuddy who wasn’t me? Remember that? So I’ve figured it wasn’t that I was just horny, I was really jealous of this dude. Weird, huh?)
Sometimes (when they’re angry) it’s for the best.
The Kid awful lots of time was more about words than deeds, now Kon mostly resorts just giving everything Tim needs.
If that needs to be spreading out on top of still hot bike, balanced only by Tim’s hand in his hair and spared scraps of TTK, well, it’s worth it.
(For all it looks like Tim punishes him for being careless, his second hand strokes Kon’s outstretched thigh, soothingly, and Kon lets go. Lets them both feel it).
Kon keeps his stretched and primed canvases on the wall next to the windows in his room; white and greyish rectangles hanging on nails in odd angles form unsettling ghost gallery around the window frame.
Tim usually doesn’t spare much thought to them, but faint acrylic smell wafts from the open window, and it catches his attention.
There are no new paintings in the room. The easel stands empty, all pots seem to be shut. 
Tim smells paint as he looks for a new brush on shelves; smells it as he turns to leave after he finds one that will tech cleaning job done. Stops.
He stares at empty queen-sized mattress negligently pushed towards the wall, to make more space in the centre of the room. It stands right in front of the door uncovered - Kon was gathering laundry a couple of days ago. It makes the bed look barren and unnecessary. There’s an empty shopper bag with receipts for paints and condoms on it, the latest lie now in his nightstand. Tim chews on his lips.  
The smell itself is nothing of a notice: it could be any of the rags thrown around the room, but something tugs on Tim’s mind, brings him to the windowsill.
There’s that one canvas peculiarly hanged near ceiling facing away from the room, obviously darker than others. It would be a hard job to put it this way if you don’t have a TTK, Tim guesses.
He contemplates how exactly hard it could be to get it down and back up again.
He wants to think that he didn’t mean to climb the windowsill.
He takes first look on the painting as he grabs it from the hook, and almost flops down to the sill from his precarious position hanging from the window frame.
Tim is fascinated by the vividness of the painting: maroon backdrop seamlessly merges with shadows around the sole figure on painting creating vertigo of strokes and dots,  almost like the bird-eye view of a night city.  
Startled,  Tim recognizes himself on painting,  bare-chested and barefaced,  but very unmistakably Red Robin.
Man on painting poised over the viewer reaching over the upper right side of the canvas, eyes either hooded in bliss or slit in anger,  with multicoloured strokes proclaiming sweat over his chest.
He remembers a red streak of blood on his cheek,  remembers the anger and anguish of the night Kon was knocked out on a team-up with JL Dark. Remembers vindictive way he fucked into pliant body splayed on his bike,  barely into the garage after a long night. The way Kon’s dazed eyes never left his.
The way he later tugged both comforter and Tim over the spread of bed, murmuring ‘Cold’ into the back of Tim’s head. The way he felt (not normal. human. cool) on Tim’s back.
Tim figures that the voodoo sucked the sunlight charge out of Kon, and kicks him out of the bed first thing in the morning to park with Eli. He looks wrought and miserable leaving, but when hours later he returns, perked up and with two more kids in tow, Tim is relieved to learn that he was right.
He’s not particularly clingy that day, but he touches Tim more. A handclap on the shoulder. A brush of fingers as he passes Tim’s laptop charger. He goes to fly some more, leaving kids to distract Tim from work and destroy the living room.
During the dinner he pushes his bare feet under Tim’s, twine them together. Looks at Tim.
(he’s running a fever again, and Tim’s feet are cold. It is convenient (it is a relief)).
As Tim turns the light off in his office, he realizes that the cityscape outside his window looks almost like the background of that painting.
He’s already too late but really wants to take this photo now.
He finds the drone in the lowest drawer of Yves’ worktable, contemplates flying it through the labs to the roof. Nobody will bat an eye about it (it says something about his department, but he’s not sure what exactly). Thinks about the half-dead battery in the drone.
When it’s finally outside, paired with his cellphone and poised at the right side of the roof,  Tim activates it; lowers it down to the right floor,  makes a couple of sweeps to and fro until he sees himself through the drone's cam.
He toggles with controls a bit and pushes drone back and forth until he catches frame right and sees the reflection of city lights clearly behind the drone - in front of Tim.
Momentarily distracted by this dichotomy,  simultaneously seeing this landscape both in the window and mirrored on his cell’s screen.
He gets rid of the tie and opens the collar,  puts his right palm to the glass just over his right shoulder.
It's not right.
It’s too crystal, too precise, and although he likes that in his photographies, it’s not like that painting at all. He can see the drone in reflection,  for one,  and his face - tense and annoyed, for another.
Warning of low battery, peacefully blinking in the upper right corner turns angry red and the drone begins it's slow descend to fickle safety of the solid ground.
Tim pushes forward,  tries to catch a couple of shots more. Transfers everything drone shot to the cloud.
Pages security to retrieve the drone sometime during the night.
He swipes through photos in the elevator, and luckily finds what he looks for. There's one accidental shot where he's slightly off-centre, with tightly pinched eyebrow looking down to descending drone. His palm cut in half by the border of the frame, and the cityscape is a blur of lights, highlighting his face with a soft glow.
It’s perfect,  but he still tweaks a bit with colours. Deepening shadows, pulling contrasts. Making sloppy seem intentional.
His phone buzzes with an inquiry from Kon if he should tuck the kid in.
He sets home, sending a photo instead of an answer from the car.
Years later both painting and printed-out photo hangs in Kon’s studio in the new house.
flies drone
takes dozens of pictures
they’re pretty but not it
than battery dies and the drone takes last shot before descending down to its sure death
and the picture has blurred lights in the reflection, and Tim’s brow pinched in concern as he looks at descending drone
and it’s perfect
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kelvintimeline · 3 years
idk if u watched the entire thing yet if u didn't feel free to stop reading here i don't want to spoil you!!!! but if u did, idk if it was only me but bucky's entire white guilt arc was rly tasteless imo esp considering recent events & the fact they literally had him shoot an asian person & then make up for it by not even admitting it?? idk it just left a bad taste in my mouth when i saw it
First off, I do wanna say... what’s happening here isn’t White Guilt. I’m not saying that to absolve Bucky/Bucky’s writing but rather to preserve the terms actual meaning. Like I get what you’re going for but... that’s not what Bucky is going through.
That said... yeah... they are going about this racistly.
The showrunners have talked, a LOT, about how this show is going to “tackle” the issue of racism and so far it feels like it’s trying to tackle and not tackle it and rn, with Bucky’s story, it’s like “Through helping Hydra, a white nazi org, a lot of the peripheral victims weigh heavily on Bucky’s conscience and this ONE person who is gonna symbolize his many, many victims is gonna be a person of color. Watch how Bucky easily slips in to this culture to make amends except he’s not ready yet.”
I did say in my response to the review last night is “This is just the first episode, which exists SOLELY to set the stage for topics that will be dealt with in the rest of the season.” That is to say, of course nothing is resolved yet. That’s not how seasons of television work. It’s like being upset a character hasn’t gotten over their flaws in chapter one of a book.
This is Marvel, so chances are this WON’T be resolved in a way that doesn’t feel racist. I have a strong feel these characters won’t come up much again, dropped for a Bucky/Sharon romance (which would make him bailing on that girl extra distasteful, writing wise) and a “Making amends via apologies won’t fix Bucky, only kicking ass will fix Bucky!” plotline.
So, what I’m trying to say is, yeah, it’s not good. It COULD POTENTIALLY be used for something decent (though even if they continued with this plotline with this particular group, it then feels like “These people of color exist solely for Bucky’s absolution,” which is bad even if “Yeah, they’re dropped completely after this” is worse) but going by Marvel’s track record... yeah it’s not good.
Somehow, yet again, Marvel has proven that even in attempting to be “Diverse,” they don’t actually understand that like... there are racist ways to include people of color. Like if they exist solely as vehicles for a white characters character arc, that’s racist.
This isn’t as bad as “Hawkeye becomes a serial killer and happens to only go after people of color” level bad but like... it’s not great.
Nor was the inclusion of “Unique” like why the fuck did we have to show Bucky breaking up an argument between a black and Asian man? What did that scene accomplish? Why was that scene included at all? Why show a black man tryiing to... use another person’s garbage bin? What does that have to do with the plot?
Are we meant ot assume Unique is gonna come up again as like a spy or something or like... is that a truly a one off scene to show us... something about Bucky resolving conflict?
It’s fucking weird that outside of Hydra, Bucky is surrounded by people of color except for his Professional Therapist Who Knows Best for Him and isn’t being framed as incompetent, which she is.
Like... I’ve realized I’ve already stepped outside of my lane but like this shit is so apparent it’s hard to not comment on.
Considering the rumors of Eli Bradley (a young black boy who effectively becomes Young Captain America only for it to be revealed he was just stealing drugs to seem like a super soldier (despite being a descendant of the OG black captain america) and he’s kind of just... written out of the comics) being introduced in the show and knowing his relationship in the comics centers more around Bucky/Steve than Sam... I’m wary of that element too.
Like his comics origin is rocky to begin with (I love him, don’t get me wrong, I am criticizing Marevl, not Eli)... and being introduced to this sloppy Pro-Military, Weird Bucky as  a Potential White Saviour In Need of A Wise Person of Color to Guide/Absolve Him just makes everything more sus.
FATWS I do not trust you.
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avecorviidae · 3 years
Fic: mainlining the spiraling spherical truth of the universe
Fandom: Fallout 4 Rating: T Relationship(s): Male Sole Survivor/Nick Valentine, Male Sole Survivor & Shaun Word Count: 5012
Ao3 Link
Toby descends into the Institute to find a son that's old enough to be his father, and despite that, still looks at him with a very careful sort of vulnerability as he walks with him through the pristine white laboratories, introduces him to his heads of staff, shows him orderly living quarters and serene recreational areas, looks at him sidelong like he's always waiting for Toby's reaction, like he wants him to be proud.
And there's a part of him that wants to pull his son close to him, and tell him, yeah, it's fantastic, this thing you've built, I'm proud of you, I love you.
But Toby knows what the Institute does. He's been smuggling synths out of here with the railroad for months, and they're fucking terrified, gun-shy and shaking, watching over their shoulders for the coursers that will surely, inevitably come to reclaim Institute property. and the way Shaun talks about the folks above ground - so dismissive, as though the towns and cities and communities and bonds, the buildings and the families and the love and the art that people on the surface have created, don't matter because it's not pure, not clean,and he just as much wants to grab Shaun by the shoulders and shake him, go, don't you know that I'm one of those people? That you ought to have been too? That it's beautiful up there? That in the face of all this awful fucking shit, I've found people that have, against all odds, refused to be anything but kind?
So Shaun says, "What do you think of my home? Of everything I've built here?"
And Toby says, "I'm sorry. This wasn't what I wanted for you. This place, it's beautiful, but it's not the world I'm from. It's not a world I can ever be a part of. And you can run your lungs dry justifying every awful thing I've ever seen the Institute do by saying it was a mistake, or for the greater good of mankind, but I'm sorry, kid, the mankind you've got down here isn't any better than the mankind I’ve got up there. I love you, and I am so fucking glad I’ve found you, but I can't support you with this. The things you do here - it's gotta change."
"Please," Shaun says, "Father, let me show you- the work we've done down here-"
And Toby just shakes his head, and says, "I've seen the work you've done. I’ve seen the people it's hurt. That's enough for me."
There is a hard, tight hug, and some tears, and Toby leaves the Institute with his son's permission and blessing, and in the seconds before Toby relays out, they look at each other with hard, tight eyes, and Shaun's got a look about him, stubborn and angry, and Toby, with a sinking sense of dread, thinks, that's my boy,'cause if he's a bullheaded little shit, then he got that from Toby and not a damn place else.
“Aw, hell,” Nick mutters, as soon as he finds it. “Guerra? Think you might wanna see this,” he calls over his shoulder to the other room of the abandoned house, where Toby and his terrifying friend had been digging through cabinets looking for unexpired food.
Eli appears in the doorway a moment before Toby does, hand already drifting to the holster at her hip. “Christ,” she says softly, as soon as she looks down, sees the baby sitting on the filthy floor at Nick’s feet, gnawing happily on its chubby fist. It’s about the fifth word he’s ever heard her say, he thinks, and definitely the one with the most feeling behind it.
“Nick?” Toby calls, as he rounds the corner, “Everything alri- Oh. Oh.”
In a moment flat he’s crouched on the floor, waving fingers at the little one’s face to catch its attention. “Hey sweetheart,” he says gently, all bright and smiling. “What are you doing alone all the way out here, huh?”
Pointless question, really. Toby knows as well as Nick does that there’s no good answers to it. Whoever the kid was with before was either dead, or ought to be dead for deciding to leave it behind.
Toby grabs it under the arms and scoops it up, tucking it snugly against his hip. It makes a hiccupping, surprised little noise, looking at Toby with wide, guileless eyes.
(He oughtn’t call the kid an it, really. Most of the humans he knows have been nice enough to do him the courtesy of a pronoun, he can at least return the favour.)
“Okay, sweetpea, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” He’s talking to her in a low, sorta sing-song voice, swaying gently, and it’s right around then that Nick remembers that Toby’s got a kid. Well, it’s not as if he forgot, it’s practically the first thing the guy says to half the people they meet, I’m looking for the man who took my son. But this is the first time Nick’s looked at him and really understood what that means. ‘Cause it’s gotta be some paternal instinct, right? The way he comforts her like he’s not even thinking about what he’s doing, like it comes as easy to him as breathing.
She’s been alone long enough to be soiled, so Toby sends Eli off to look for a metal washbasin, pours some of their purified water in there, warms it over the fire for good measure. Grins when he dips her little feet in there to let her test the temperature and she starts to giggle and kick, splashing him right in the face. She seems delighted with the bath in general - Nick guesses he would be too, if he’d been waddling around in a stinking diaper for however long. (He sometimes gets - phantom memories, he supposes, of what it’s like to have a human body. Sometimes feels a strange nostalgia for the sensation of hunger, or genuine, non-battery-related exhaustion. He has never once missed the ability to excrete.)
Toby’s only got eyes for the kid, all attentive and careful as he cleans her off, and Nick finds himself making an awkward sort of eye contact with Eli, who shrugs slightly, expression as blank and unreadable as it’s ever been. She’s sat herself down cross-legged on the rug, ostensibly relaxed, but Nick’s travelled with enough mercs, knows she’s one of the smarter ones, knows how carefully she’s positioned herself, sat between Toby and the door, rifle across her lap, angled towards the open window. It had used to make Nick nervous, how careless Toby seemed, like he’d never been taught to watch his own back. Guess he gets it better now, the idea of having someone that you trust enough to watch your back for you. He feels safer these days, walking into a room full of strange humans, with Toby at his side, fending off any synth-averse sentiments with a truly aggressivedegree of cheeriness.
“Are you old enough to talk?” Toby asks, to absolutely no response from the babbling kiddo. Still, she’s clearly charmed with Toby, like just about everyone is, and she’s watching him with big, happy eyes as he chats at her. “Can you say... Toby? To-by?”
She laughs, and Toby snorts, swipes a little booger from under her nose, and Nick’s struck again by how unthinkingly he does it, like it’s just second nature to him. “Alright, maybe that’s too hard. Let’s try... Can you say aaaaahhhh?” He goes all dramatic with it, roars like a little deathclaw, and the kid laughs, delighted, and copies him, screeching with all her tiny little lungs can give.
“Awesome, sweetpea! And look at those teeth! You’ve got a whole bunch! Think you can handle some tato stew?”
She’s got no idea what he’s saying, of course, but she’s very agreeable as he lifts her out of the water and pats her dry with one of his clean shirts, dresses her as best as he can given their limited supplies.
Feeding babies is, apparently, a spectacularly messy process, but Toby seems inexplicably delighted to have half of a perfectly good meal splattered down the fronts of him and the kid.
“We’re, what, five hours from Diamond City?” Toby says, eyes not leaving the kid as he waves a spoon enticingly in front of her face, trying to coax her to open her mouth.
“Six, if we take the long way around Hangman’s Alley,” Eli says, almost making Nick jump out of his circuits. She says it real neutral-like, almost careful, makes no mention of the fact that they’d packed for a week out in the wasteland, a job for Nick’s agency, nearly halfway from here to Sanctuary, with no plans to turn back.
“Six,” Toby repeats. “Okay. We’ll catch a few hours’ sleep here, set off at dawn. Someone in the city will be able to take her in.” The kid finally takes her spoonful, only a little of it dribbling down her chin this time. There’s an odd, hard set to his face that makes Nick some weird sorta mix between nervous and sad, a kind of seriousness that doesn’t often touch Toby unless it’s something to do with Shaun, or the gal that Kellogg killed, his life before. Makes Nick almost want to rest a hand on his shoulder, say, look, she’s sweet, but you know you can’t keep her. not now, not here. she ain’t a lost mutt that you’ve found in an alley, and she can’t be what you’re looking for, not when you’re still following leads on your boy. But Toby knows that, doesn’t he? It’s why they’re heading back at dawn. Why he’s going to knock on the schoolhouse and ask around for any families that’d be able to care for a kid her age, why he’s holding her so close on his lap now, his nose and lips pressed into the dark, downy hair on her head. He knows, maybe better than any of them, what he can’t have.
Despite that - Toby does go back. Gets a message on his Pip Boy from Shaun, asking if he would like to visit, for coffee. They sit in a careful, studied sort of silence at the table, Toby sipping on the freshest fucking coffee he's had in 200 years and feeling conscious of the fact that he's probably leaving dust and various other wasteland detritus all over Shaun's bright fucking white chairs
"I just-" Shaun starts, shakes his head. “You're from before. When everything was pristine, when humanity was striving forwards. We're doing that, here, now, looking to the future. How can you support the people up there, stuck in the filth and ruins of the past?"
Toby leans back in his chair, sighs. "Forward isn't necessarily a straight line. Sure, back in the day, we had working air conditioning and fancy vending machines, but the way I was- the way I am- was illegal. It was an unkind fucking world, and all the shiny trinkets didn't do a whole lot to hide that people were paying a few hundred bucks a month for medication that they needed to live. Down here—you’ve got the science down, I won't deny it. Clean food and water, medication, synthetic life. The kind of shit we read comics about when I was a kid. But up there? Shaun, they've made art. You can't walk thirty feet in Diamond City without hearing someone playing guitar, there's murals on old billboards, I once met an old church choir made up entirely of ghouls. Here, you're taking care of the body, but Shaun, humanity needs a soul."
The kidbot - Toby can't bring himself to think of him as Shaun, despite the fact that he's got Toby's eyes and freckles and smile - steps into the room with something in his hands, freezes in the doorway when he sees Toby sat at the table.
"I was just-" he starts, looking back at the door like he's thinking of bolting.
"It's alright, don't mind me," Toby says softly, waving the kid in.
"What did you need, Shaun?" Shaun says. Fuck, that's going to get weird fast.
The kid shuffles his feet, something guilty about his face. "I was trying to make my remote control car go faster, but I think I broke it." He holds the little shiny red racecar up to Shaun and Toby for inspection. Toby's actually got a similar one back at the house in Sanctuary, blue paint fading to an off-green, some rust gathered around the wheels. He'd managed to fix up a little motor in it to make it go one night, and he and Hancock had spent half the night racing it against a rat. Good times.
Shaun peers over to inspect the car with a distant sort of interest, but Toby can see where the kid's gone wrong. He's always been good at that shit, fiddly little stuff to do with his hands. Besides, his dad taught him his way around a motor back when he lived out west and they had the truck, and he fixed garage doors for a while when he and Val were trying to get on their feet in Boston.
"Give it here?" He holds out a hand for the car, and the kid hands it over. It takes him a couple minutes of fiddling with the multi-tool he keeps in his coat pocket, but he returns the car with a perfectly functional suped-up battery, and the kid grins when he sets it down and sends it careening off out of the room and down the hall, says, "Hey, thanks!" and runs off after it.
The door slides closed behind him, and Toby finds that he's smiling softy after him, and when he turns back to Shaun, he's looking at him oddly. Do you think you would be capable- Shaun had asked, that first day, Of loving a synth? As though it were a human?
Toby knows he is, as surely and intimately as he knows every crack and tear along the seams of Nick Valentine's face, knows the whirring and clicking of machinery under the skin when he's lying with an ear to Nick's chest, the black metal of his spindly hand tapping an arrhythmic beat on Toby's shoulder.
"Don't you know what you've made, with synths? the Gen 3s, they have free will, they feel.They're feeling for the first time, it's incredible."
Shaun tuts dismissively. "They're just machines. They cannot feel. The Gen 3s have some errors which seem to cause them to behave... erratically. The defects, they are violent and dangerous, and cannot be allowed to roam free."
Toby raises a single, skeptical eyebrow. Shaun wilts, just a little, and Toby realizes that he's just given his son his first ever I’m not mad, just disappointedlook. What an exciting moment in his parenthood journey. "Yeah," he drawls, "so violent and dangerous that they desperately run away from the coursers that want to bring them back to be dissected, and go looking for help and shelter, usually blending in peacefully into human settlements in an effort to live a normal life and find a purpose. Real terrifying. Shaun, jesus, this is what I'm talking about. You've created people, and you have the chance to care for them, to guide them into being a person, and you're treating them like defective equipment! Up there, at least, they can find community. They can find home."
You’ve never personally met the General of the Minutemen.
Which, like, you get it. He’s this big important guy, right? Dragged the Minutemen out of ruin and obscurity singlehandedly, spreading goodness and justice wherever he went, and you’re just a farmhand from fuckoff nowhere. You and your folks joined up with the Minutemen because it was your best shot at protection from the local gangs of raiders and other assorted scumbags that tended to make your lives miserable, and all the righteous justice and fun uniforms and shit were just a bonus. Still, you believe in it, right? And you’re grateful. So when the radio call comes through that Garvey and the General want to retake Fort Independence, set up a big fuckoff stronghold, yeah, you want to get involved. You’re twenty-nine and pretty much the most exciting thing you’ve ever shot is a real sad looking radstag, so you’re pretty excited at the prospect of some real action.
When you roll up to the diner across the wharf from the old fort, there’s a few campfires burning all around it, sleeping rolls and tents and scattered packs, folks sitting around on upturned cars and half-rotted benches, cleaning rifles and gnawing on jerky and passing around canteens. Preston Garvey, the biggest bigshot the minutemen had before the general came along, greets you at the door of the diner with a big smile and a clap on the shoulder, tells you to make yourself comfortable, introduce yourself to your brothers in arms. apparently the general’s travelling from pretty far west, and he’d had to detour south to rendezvous with an ally of theirs, so it’d be a few days yet before they mounted the attack on the fort.
There’s folks from all over the commonwealth here, and all sorts. Salt-of-the-earth farmers like yourself, hoity-toity Diamond City types, rough mercenary-looking people, all breaking bread and listening to the radio, singing along to the same five fucking songs, and you’re right there along with them, sipping whiskey and drunkenly drawling Johnny Guitar into the shoulder of one of your comrades.
The General arrives near sunset, and if Garvey hadn’t greeted him as such, you’d never have guessed it. You’re not sure what you expected – maybe a big buff blonde guy waving the star spangled banner, maybe someone more like Preston Garvey himself, big tough freedom type – but it wasn’t the unassuming kid who pulls Garvey into a brief, warm hug, grinning wide as Garvey claps him on the shoulder. You wouldn’t put him at older than twenty-one, and he’s small, got this kinda delicate look about him, all freckles and big puppy eyes and bouncy, curly hair in a cute little ponytail at his neck. He looks soft, and you’re pretty fuckin’ sure that he’s not really the General. Like, okay, maybe he’s got the title, but it’s cause somebody’s his daddy, right? Something like that. Anyways, he’s just some ditzy, pretty kid who smiles at folks and tells them everything’s gonna be okay, and Garvey’s gotta be the real brains of the operation, the one who does all the bloody, dirty work to make it happen.
The attack is being mounted at dawn, and when y’all are gathered round for the strategy meeting, you figure Garvey will take point on explaining everything while the kid smiles and nods along. Still, he seems to have half an idea what he’s talking about as he points to things on the map of the fort, asks questions about fortifications and potential choke points, takes shit into account when Garvey or one of the other more experienced vets chimes in with an idea. It’s just weird to see, you guess. This bright-eyed, smiley kid squatted on his haunches, his pouty, round face all serious as he stares down at a war plan. Fuck’s sake, he’s still got baby fat clinging to his cheeks, he looks younger than your baby cousin.
The plan, such that it is, is not the most complicated thing you’ve ever heard. There’s a bunch of slimy monsters holed up in the fort. You and your comrades will storm the fort, and shoot the monsters. Simple enough. Some of you will be scattered around outside, taking the high ground and moving up to the turrets once the towers have been cleared, to provide ranged support and catch any little bastards who try to escape down the hillside. You’ve all got a nice little stockpile of frag mines to take care of the egg clutches. Gross. You reckon it’ll work, though.
“Gonna let y’all go to catch some sleep before we get this started tomorrow,” the General says, addressing his little crowd of soldiers as a whole. “But just wanted to say one thing, so listen up. If you find yourself shit out of luck tomorrow – if you’re cornered, run out of ammo, get too scared, too tired, too hurt to keep fighting? Run. Scram. Get the hell out of dodge. I know it’s the coward’s move, I know it doesn’t make for a good story, I know it feels like deserting. I know you probably joined the Minutemen because you believed in it, believed in what we do, and you’re willing to die an honorable death doing it – and I’ll be honored to fight and die alongside you. But in the end, that’s just a big old castle with a bunch of mirelurks crawling around in it, and that’s not worth dying for. The fort is a symbol, and in my eyes, no symbol will ever be worth more than people. I’d rather each and every one of you ran away from it screaming and lived to tell the tale, than if we managed to take the fort, but at the expense of half of you getting gutted by some overgrown crabs.”
It is the weirdest damn speech you’ve ever heard, and the weirdest part of it all is, you’re pretty damn sure he means every word of it. He’s looking around at you all like he’s trying to remember faces, nervous sort of energy to the way his fingers tap tap tap on the stained yellow paper of the map at his feet.
“Besides,” he says, smiling ruefully, and you realize that this kid’s carrying an exhaustion that’s older than the fucking war, “If y’all keep on dying, people are gonna start saying that we’re called the Minutemen on account of us managing to lose another man every minute.”
They keep irregular coffee dates. Fuck if Toby knows why Shaun keeps inviting him. Fuck if Toby knows why he keeps coming back. Maybe it's the same reason for both of them. Shaun is his son, and Toby loves him, wants to know him, even if he hates him half the fucking time.
The Railroad's suspicious of his intentions, and he has to smile his way into a restricted lab and bring them back some stolen synth research to convince them that he's still on their side, despite getting cozy with the Institute's director. Desdemona's angry that he won't commit to destroying the place from the inside out, but... he's talking to Shaun. It's philosophy and ethics, and even Toby's got to admit that the serene quiet of the Institute is a good place to do it, and Toby brings him little oddities he's found along the way, comics that survived the old word, photographs and holotapes, even shows him some of the sketches he's done of the folks he's met above.
Toby starts bringing toys for the kidbot. They're nothing near as shiny and pretty as the ones he's got down here, but he seems to still love the scuffed up Nuka-Cola van Toby had found in a ruined comics store, goes wide-eyed and amazed when Toby hands it to him.
It's a peace that wasn't meant to last, of course. Most of the Minutemen settlements at this point are informally doubling as Railroad safehouses, Dez and the rest delighted to have farms to send newly-escaped synths to, places where they're guaranteed jobs and work and purpose, and folks who will look after them and check up on them like they're family.
Preston flags him on the radio, lets him know that there's been reports of coursers at five different settlements across the Commonwealth. They're going after the escaped synths, and they're more than willing to kill any humans that get in the way.
Nick gives him a dark old look, that, "We've both seen two hundred years of the world going to shit and you and I both know this doesn't end well"look. They recall everyone to the castle, it's the most fortified place they've got, the best shot they've got at defending their people. They all arrive within a couple days, plenty of them with coursers on their tails, and Eli dispatches them with quick, clean shots, the respect that one hunter shows to another. For days, the coursers keep coming, and Toby's people are getting tired. Shaun's not responding to any of his efforts to contact him on the radio, and with grim finality, he lets Preston prepare the Minutemen and the Railroad to invade the Institute and take down the Commonwealth's boogeyman, once and for all.
It's surprisingly quick work in the end, Toby using the access Shaun gave him to relay his little army inside, and they make quick work of the synths that patrol the halls. Ss soon as alarms start blaring, all the humans in clean Institute whites panic and scram, which makes Toby's job a hell of a lot easier. Place the detonator on the central reactor, ignore the frantic ticking of his Geiger counter and the vague feeling that radiation might be making his teethbuzz.
He tells Preston to issue the evacuation order, get as many people and willing synths out as quickly as they can, and he and Nick trek up through the eerily empty halls to the director's quarters.
Shaun's in some kind of biobed, skin ashy and face gaunt, eyes half-lidded as he watches Toby step softly into the room. the kidbot's sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, curled around himself and shaking, and as soon as he sees Toby, he darts up, wraps arms tight around Toby's waist. Toby keeps a firm hand on his back, comforting as he knows how to be, in a situation like this. He meets Shaun's eyes.
I didn't want it to come to this, is what neither of them say, but both of them mean, when Toby blames him for the death and pain the Institute's wrought on the Commonwealth, when Shaun spits back that Toby is destroying his life's work. But what's done is done.
"...You'll take the boy?" Shaun asks wearily, looking at Toby's hand, still keeping the kid close to his side.
"Of course," Toby says, rough with feeling, "Yeah, of course. We're taking everybody, everyone we can get out. We'll take you, too."
Shaun shakes his head. "No. I want to rest now. I don't want to live to see the destruction of my home."
"Neither did I, but I managed, didn't I?" Toby snaps, then shakes his head. That was, well. Mean. Even for him. "You wanted progress. You wanted to move forward. You don't always get to choose the direction that goes. You don't just give upwhen you lose."
Wordlessly, Nick hefts the kid up against his hip, and Toby guides his son to a wheelchair near the bed, pushes him back down the sloping halls to the relay point, where the last party is getting ready to leave, waiting only on their General. Preston and Dez give him hard, unreadable looks when they see who he's pushing, but they've both got the good sense not to say anything, especially with Nick hovering over his shoulder and Eli quickly returning to his side.
Later, much later, they return to Sanctuary.
The kid wants to be called Callum. He read it in one of the comics Toby gave him. Toby had helped him to set up a bedroll and a lantern in the upstairs nook of Toby and Nick's home, had tucked him into bed wearing a soft shirt of Toby's that went down to his knees, hugging the bedraggled teddy bear he'd left the Institute with to his chest, and Callum had said, softly, "Night, Dad,"and Toby had smoothed a hand over his soft, perfect, synthetic hair, and said, "Night, kiddo."
At night, Sanctuary's strung up with lanterns and cooking fires, soft orange glows from inside the windows of the carcasses of old homes, flickering lamps in garages and driveways. It's more crowded than usual, on account of it being something of a celebration, the end of the Institute, and all. There's most of the Minutemen from across the state, the Railroad HQ, and the Institute evacuees, scientists, citizens, and synths all. Deacon and Hancock are arm wrestling, and they've drawn... quite the crowd. The Institute evacuees are slowly, surely mingling with the Commonwealth scum, who are meeting them with only minimal suspicion, and mostly good-natured heckling about the ugly white clothes. Someone's playing Johnny Guitar, obviously, and the soft strumming mixes with the gentle, constant murmur of a hundred or more voices laughing and talking and singing.
Toby finds Shaun on the outskirts of the celebration, his wheelchair parked in the dim driveway of the house that he was supposed to grow up in. Toby wonders, vaguely, if that's a coincidence. He's avoided this house, since he woke up. Maybe he's more like Shaun than he's wanted to admit. He's wanted to move forward.
Toby sits beside him on the concrete, follows Shaun's gaze to further down the block, where Preston's got an arm around Desdemona's shoulder, making some kind of triumphant speech, most likely.
"So," Toby says eventually, with a strange sort of serenity. He's got a thin layer of dust and sweat on every inch of his skin, and his fingers probably smell like battery acid from the plasma cell ammo, and his lip is still tingling from the little shock he'd gotten when he kissed the open circuitry on Nick's cheek. He's aching and stinking and exhausted, and he's never been happier. "What do you think of my home? Of everything I’ve built here?"
Shaun sighs softly, and after a long moment between them, says, "I don't know this world. but I suppose I'll have to take after you, and learn to adapt."
He stands, puts a hand on Shaun's shoulder, squeezes. "That's all I can ask for."
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