#Elizabeth Twoyoungmen ~ Talisman
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So I've mentioned that Canada is basically passing their own super human registration act... and Alpha has a choice... stick around and possibly be used to hunt enhanced people while maybe doing some good, or bounce and let the people in charge make a team that will 100% follow the line and hunt people down... For the most part everyone decides to stick it out except for Nemesis.
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Alpha Flight #19
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doctorofmagic · 11 months
I saw that one ask about what if strange academy has a sort of Harry Potter thing going on and you put in voodoo magic and shaman,,, aren’t those closed practices? How would that work?
Hello and thanks for dropping an ask!
Just a quick disclaimer that has no relation to the question: I've never been an HP fan, my knowledge was just the basics. But now I really wish to stay away from anything related to that bigot and terf. I couldn't find the post to delete it, sometimes tumblr messes with my search engine. But if anyone has access to it, pls send me the link if possible. I wrote that a long time ago :/
Now, back to the question...
Shamanism and Voodoo are real religions, and so they differ in many aspects. I'm not quite familiar with the former, but I read many articles on Voodoo (especifically the Haitian branch), and how it's similar to brazilian Candomblé Jeje, both being born in Africa and brought to the Americas as consequence of slavery and colonialism. As far as I can tell, Shamanism is often associated with indigenous societies, and is centered around the figure of the shaman, who's able to connect with the spirit world. Meanwhile, Haitian voodoo has a system based on loas (entities/orixás).
Since these two religions are supposed to represent their respective heroes (at least in theory, I don't know how much any of this can be offensive by being adapted into a fictional world), I do believe they're different types of magic. Michael and Elizabeth are of Sarcee origin and use elements of nature in their magic. Jericho is Haitian and his magic is deeply connected to the loas.
Let's just say that Marvel has the potential to conciliate these different cultures and universes. For instance, they finally added more Egyptian mythology to Moon Knight's lore. So, imo, it's perfectly possible for them to co-exist and yet be different in their essence, just like every magic character has their own peculiarities.
PS: I'm not native of neither, so please feel free to correct me in any regard! Always love to learn!
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brw · 1 year
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uh we're fighting more bad guys. posting these bc i love their coats... the cute fuzzy coat n elixabeth's long green trench.... this is becoming an alpha flight fashion blog i'm sorry.
ALPHA FLIGHT vol 1 #23: "NIGHT OF THE BEAST" written & drawn by john byrne
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
Started reading Sisters of Sorcery last week and I’m enjoying it so far, though I could live without the Stephen bashing in the first few chapters.
It’s not excessive, and for when this book is taking place (it seems to happen a few months after The Order), I just wish it wasn’t there!
Stop picking on my boy goddammit!!!
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phoenixlionme · 10 months
Marvel Native/Indigenous Heroes
1. Amka Aliyak aka Snowguard - Inuit
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2. Eden Fesi aka Manifold - Black Australian Aboriginal
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3. Lucas Bishop - biracial; Black Australian Aboriginal
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4. Gloria Dolores Muñoz aka Risque - biracial; half Seminole and half Cuban American
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5.  Maya Lopez aka Echo - half Hispanic and half Cheyenne, the former nationality is unknown
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6.   Maria De Guadalupe “Lupe” Santiago aka Silverclaw - biracial; Hispanic nationality unknown but lives in a fictional Hispanic island or country and is an Indigenous member
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7. Aliyah Bishop; biracial; Black Australian Aboriginal
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8. Forge - Cheyenne; real name unknown
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9. Dani Moonstar aka Mirage - Cheyenne
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10. Kushala - Apache; real name unknown
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11. James Proudstar aka Warpath - Apache
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12. Jason Strongbow aka American Eagle - Navajo
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13. Silver Fox - Canadian Native; unknown Tribe; ally of Wolverine
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14. Thomas Fireheart aka Puma - enemy turned ally to Spider-Man; from an unknown Arizona Tribe
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15. Wyatt Wingfoot - Keewazi; an ally to the Fantastic Four and love interest to She-Hulk
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16. Narya aka Snowbird - biracial; half Inuit and possibly half white
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17. Elizabeth Twoyoungmen aka Talisman - Sarcee
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18. Michael Twoyoungmen aka Shaman - Sarcee
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19. Naze - Cheyenne; Forge’s teacher
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20. William Talltrees aka Red Wolf - Cheyenne
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21. Karl Morningdew aka Captain Anarchy - Cowlitz
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22. Kahhori - Mohawk
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Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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earth-138 · 1 year
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Native American characters in Marvel Comics
Jason Strongbow // American Eagle
Maya Lopez // Echo
John Proudstar // Thunderbird
Jesse Black Crow // Black Crow
Elizabeth Twoyoungmen // Talisman
Michael Twoyoungmen // Shaman
Danielle Moonstar // Mirage
William Talltrees // Red Wolf
Thomas Fireheart // Puma
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The Canadian Characters of Marvel Comics picspam
1st pic = Wolverine (James 'Logan' Howlett)
2nd pic = Guardian (James MacDonald Hudson)
3rd pic = Vindicator (Heather McNeil Hudson)
4th pic = Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)
5th pic = Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
6th pic = Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
7th pic = Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen)
8th pic = Snowbird (Narya)
9th pic = Puck (Eugene Judd)
10th pic = Marrina (Marrina Smallwood)
11th pic = Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
12th pic = Box II (Madison Jeffries)
13th pic = Diamond Lil (Lillian Crawley Jeffries)
14th pic = Wild Child (Kyle Gibney)
15th pic = Flex (Adrian Corbo)
16th pic = Radius (Jared Corbo)
17th pic = Murmur (Arlette Truffaut)
18th pic = Major Mapleleaf (Louis Edmond Sadler Jr) and his flying horse, Thunder
19th pic = Puck II (Zuzha Yu)
20th pic = Nemesis (Amelia Weatherly)
21st pic = Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata)
22nd pic = Persuasion (Kara Killgrave)
23rd pic = Windshear (Colin Ashworth Hume)
24th pic = Somnus (Carl Valentino)
25th pic = Snowguard (Amka Aliyak)
26th pic = Box (Roger Bochs)
27th pic = Manikin (Whitman Knapp)
28th pic = Squid Boy (Sammy Paré)
29th pic = Goblyn (Goblyn Dean)
30th pic = Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
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tepkunset · 2 years
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X-Men Evolution ft. Alpha Flight
Been enjoying X-Men Evolution recently, and it made me think about how great an Alpha Flight episode could've been. Hell, there was a Captain America one, so why not?
Anyway, some thoughts about what an Evolution version of the characters might be like:
Age 16, Québécois
Super-speed, flight, can create blinding light by linking with his sister
A jerk, but in his defence is straight up not having a good time. Only does homework for the classes he likes
Backstory only semi-unlocked because it's none of these clowns's business: Kid on his way to being an Olympic-level skier who is hinted to having been blackmailed into joining AF by Guardian, but mostly remains for the sake of his twin sister he only recently reunited with
I didn't bother designing new superhero outfits for JP and JM because why mess with existing perfection?
Age 16, Québécois
Super-speed, flight, can create blinding light by linking with her brother
Either very outgoing and bubbly or very shy and quiet, (depending on if she's Aurora or Jeanne-Marie of course). Definitely forgot about the homework
Backstory unlocked: Raised in a very old-fashioned Catholic boarding school hinted at to be abusive, until running away as Aurora and was found and recruited by Guardian. Really not sure how her DID might be handled in a kid-friendly cartoon, but I think it should still be present because I don't see why children can't be educated on such things
I originally had her civvies designed to reference her 2.0 yellow costume, but then I liked the idea of JM wearing blue and JP wearing pink too much
Age 14, Newfoundlander
Super-speed underwater, can breathe underwater as well as on land
Just happy to be here; tries too hard to seek validation from everyone older than her. Agonizes over not being able to go to public school due to her looks
Backstory unlocked: Was adopted by a small coastal family and raised in a very happy environment, joined AF because she wanted to see more of the outside world and genuinely believes Guardian is teaching them to do good
I literally just drew her in a wetsuit for a superhero outfit lol
Age 15, Albertan / Tsuut'ina
Deus ex machina mystic powers
Running on anxiety and bitterness towards Guardian. Won't let you copy her homework but will help you with your own for as long as it takes
Backstory unlocked: She and her father were recruited to Alpha Flight as what she believes is a PR stunt for so-called Reconciliation. Her magic circlet helps her control her mystical powers, but unlike in the comics she's capable of taking it off
Of all the characters I was most excited to design a new age-appropriate look for her, since 90% of her outfits in the comics look like they're racist Spirit Halloween costumes
Age 17, Nunavummiuq / Inuk
Animal shape-shifting
Easily forgotten from being so quiet, very prim and proper behaviour that can sometimes come off as up-tight. Studies above and beyond regular homework because she feels like she has to work twice as hard to be respected
Backstory semi-unlocked: With her parents divorced, Anne was used to spending the school year down south with her father and summer up north with her mother, but when her powers started manifesting, her father scorned her and wanted to give up his custody. Instead she now spends her school year under the care of Department H
I hate Snowbird's comic backstory so much; the whole "she's 100% white because her mother was a goddess who temporarily transformed into a white woman to appeal to her white father" makes zero sense and also has gross connotations, so I decided since this is my adaptation, she's not a demigod but rather just a mutant, because why not...
I thought about giving her tunniit, but since I know so little I figured I wasn't the best person to depict them
Age 17, British Colombian
Super-strength, super-stamina (when in gamma form)
Biggest nerd in any room, pretty chipper. Will do your homework for you just for fun
Backstory unlocked: Walter was taken in by Department H after being branded as a failed experiment by a group of scientists playing with gamma radiation—except the experiment didn't fail, turning Walter into a gamma mutate, but one with control over himself and the transformation
I had such a hard time trying to decide what to do with this bitch... His power is to turn into a 'cryptid' that is just lifting from spirits across multiple Indigenous cultures so that's really awkward, but I didn't want to leave him out since that felt weird? I do imagine this version of him having a different personality though, where he's less annoying
Age 35, Ontarian
Flight and super-strength granted by super-suit
Thinks acting like a Cool Dad™ will make children like him. Believes recruiting kids to work for the government is justified because they have superpowers, but at the same time hypocritically insults the X-Men
Backstory unlocked: Oil corporation research and developer who designed a super-suit for oil extraction, except then the Canadian government put him on the payroll to head Department H for monitoring superhumans in Canada
I knew I still wanted him to be decked out with the maple-leaf because it fits his asshole nature, but I wanted to make him look like he's trying too hard to be Hip
Age 40, Albertan / Tsuut'ina
Healing mystic powers
Is the actual Cool Dad because he's so chill and actually cares about the well-being of the kids
Backstory Unlocked: A surgeon who turned to traditional medicines in attempt to save his wife when western medicine failed her, and though he he did not succeed, he did discover he had innate mystical powers, putting him on Department H's radar. Just here to protect and patch up the children the best he can
Age 42, Saskatchewanian
Says thinks like 'back in my day' and 'eh' unironically way too much, low-key waiting on that inevitable divorce between the Hudsons
Backstory semi-unlocked: Is mostly there to train the kids how to be superheroes and survive the experience
Like Snowbird I think Puck's backstory is some bullshit that they should've just left alone instead of trying to create this magic explanation for his dwarfism and chronic pain... just let him be disabled! Disabled superheroes exist! So again, in this version he's just a mutant who happens to also have dwarfism and chronic pain
Age 37, Albertan
Guardian's wife, tries to be a Team Mom and make up for her annoying husband
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marvellfashion · 3 years
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Lucas Bishop in Marauders (2019) #18
Rachel Grey in X-Factor (2020) #2
Elektra Natchios in Black Widow (2010) #2
Matt Murdock in Daredevil (2011) #1
Wanda Maximoff in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) #1 Variant
Satana Hellstrom in Doctor Strange (2016) #14
Sam Wilson in The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1985)
Sif in Journey Into Mistery (2011) #646
Elizabeth Twoyoungmen Alpha Flight (1983) #19
Jessica Drew in Spider-Woman (1978) #1
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scarletwitchpanels · 3 years
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Doctor Strange Annual #1
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Every new writer who comes along is like "This is the real reason for Taliman existing!" and when there are like 6 different reasons none of them feel like they matter at all...
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evilhorse · 1 year
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But…ah…well, excuse a personal question, Guardian, but…aren’t you dead?
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doctorofmagic · 2 years
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I’m late to the party but Marvel has announced a new novel starring only sorceresses, and Clea as the leader!
“Late this year, enter the Dark Dimension to defeat a supernatural tyrant with four extraordinary sorceresses in Sisters of Sorcery by Marsheila Rockwell from Marvel and Aconyte Books."
The story will take place in the Dark Dimension and Umar will be the antagonist. The book will be available on September 6, 2022.
“In Sisters of Sorcery, deep in the Dark Dimension, the tyrant Umar the Unrelenting craves the Power Cosmic to expand her realm into new dimensions. When she kidnaps the cosmic being Ardina to make a grim battery of her powers, she draws the attention of Clea, her estranged daughter and mighty user of the mystic arts.
Clea knows her mother will stop at nothing to conquer the whole of the Splinter Realms, imperiling all of reality. To defeat her, Clea must ally herself with three powerful sorceresses, each with their own unique powers, traverse dimensions, and free Ardina and the entire Archipelago of Anguish and Redemption before Umar consumes it all.“
The sorceresses on the cover are Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungman), Agatha Harkness and Margali Szardos.
Talisman appeared in a few Doctor Strange recent runs (v4 and v5 annual), while Agatha has become more popular for obvious reasons. Meanwhile, Margali is a surprise since she’s a very underground character, but had a story with Stephen in Doctor Strange v2 #57-58. She’s uh... a hard character to make an alignment.
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On the other hand, Ardina was a being created by Clea after the Defenders stabbed Silver Surfer and took a bit of his essence to create a female counterpart (they were evil back then thanks to Yandroth’s curse).
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From The Order #4.
It seems that they will explore Clea’s lore with flying colors. I’m really excited for this one!
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brw · 1 year
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everyone dies, except wanda feels so bad about this she resurrects them all, including designated hater northstar. this is actually sweet. i also like how the colour of her soul is a kind of hot pink, that's something for me specifically.
ALPHA FLIGHT vol 1 #24: "FINAL CONFLICT!" written & drawn by john byrne
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why-i-love-comics · 3 years
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Captain Marvel #28 - "Strange Magic" (2021)
written by Kelly Thompson art by Jacopo Camagni & Espen Grundetjern
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