#Elizabeth-Moon-love quotes
schnitzelsemmerl · 4 months
Mischa: so constance, what is noel's type in men? I need advice
Constance: oh? Well, i'd say he likes tall, oblivious guys, strong, oblivious, somebody who is strong-minded, romantic, oblivious, and preferably a foreigner. Oh, and oblivious!!
Mischa: wow im all of these things
Constance: did i mention oblivious
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
I thought maybe you could help me in my quest. I've made two bookmarks for a friend with watercolors. One of them is a small fox looking at fallen leaves flying above his head, as if he were mesmerized by them. And I've been trying to find a good quote to accompany it on the back of the bookmark, but I haven't been successful so far.
I'm looking either for a poetry excerpt (my bookmark is 1/8 of an A4 sheet of paper, so nothing that would be very long [like a full sonnet haha] but I still have some space) or a quote of any kind, in French or in English, both are fine.
Would you have any that would make a good fit? Maybe an autumn-y one?
[I don't want to influence you, but for example, for the second one which is a sky at almost-dusk-time with a washed-out blue sky and soft pink clouds, I have a quote from one of the Anne of Green Gables books by Lucy Maud Montgomery:
"In daylight I belong to the world, in the night to sleep and eternity. But in the dusk I'm free from both and belong only to myself."]
Much thanks, and scritches to your various animals :)
Handmade watercolour bookmarks are such a nice idea for a gift, I love it <3
I vexed myself thinking about your request because I learn poetry by heart so often, or small book excerpts, but when someone asks me to dig up a topical quote my mental library is suddenly empty. I wish I had a tag system for my brain.
I vaguely remember an Alfred Desrochers poem the first stanza of which was "Le vent est froid, le ciel est gris, la terre est rousse / L'automne est revenu par septembre apporté / Et les arbres, devant la mort du bel été / Pleurent des larmes d'or [?quelque chose?] sur la mousse." And something by Francis Jammes about "ces jours qu'empourpraient les agonies solaires de l'automne" but no recollection beyond that...
I also remember some meager excerpts from "Matin d'octobre" by François Coppée, "A travers la brume automnale / Tombent les feuilles du jardin / [???] / Une blonde lumière arrose / La nature, et dans l'air tout rose / On croirait qu'il neige de l'or."
And one of my favourite poems by Marie-Claire Bancquart, "Je marche dans la solitude des livres", "Beyond the garden, beyond the moment at hand, are the fallen shells of chestnuts, the fire of leaves in the mist..."
And a verse by Ernest Dowson that went "And are we not better and at home / in dreamful autumn...? "
Maybe a couple of lines from this e.e. cummings poem? What my brain retained of it was "the glory is fallen out of the sky, this is the passing of all shining things"...
(if a fox could write autumn poetry I think it would sound like this poem. "no lingering no backward-wondering straight glad feet fear ruining lead us into the serious darkness...")
I also like this sentence by Elizabeth Coatsworth, from her book Personal Geography: "The magic of autumn has seized the countryside; now that the sun isn’t ripening anything it shines for the sake of the golden age; for the sake of Eden; to please the moon for all I know."
Anyway, love the idea of handmade illustrated bookmarks :) It reminds me of a calendar I made for a friend years ago, I wrote a little poem for each month and illustrated it. One of the poems was about having a snail friend:
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hd-hurtcomfort-fest · 12 days
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Be still my beating heart. 
Creator: anon Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy  Rating: T Word count: 18.4k
Warnings/Tags: Cannon type violence, blood and injury, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Ron Weasley, Auror Partners, Medical procedures, Idiots in love, Draco Malfoy in the muggle world, Draco malfoy is clueless about muggle things, Hurt/Comfort 
Summary: A routine stakeout turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse for Malfoy and Potter, and when the worst happens, they are forced to call the Greater Manchester ambulance service for aid.  They landed at the back of a McDonalds in a noisy city centre, an overwhelming stench of rotting food filled the small space from the bins, the floor was littered with food and shiny underfoot with layers of grease. Harry cast around for the exit, looped Draco’s arm around his neck, got his shoulder under him and heaved him back onto his feet. Not waiting for Malfoy to get his breath, he walked them as steadily as he could out of the alley and onto the busy street, merging with the late-night revellers.
Author's note:  Thanks to the lovely R for beta reading, all mistakes you spot are entirely my own fault for not taking her good advice. Massive thanks to the Mods for letting me enter the fest and to V for such a delicious prompt!
The poem Draco quotes is All One by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Be still, my beating heart, be still! There is no hope for thee to-night. The fading of the wintry light Has made a blackness of the hill.
Be still, be still, my beating heart! For thee to-night there is no fear. The moon has risen white and clear, And we shall neither meet nor part.
Pain: ON Hurt/Comfort || M || 17.2k
*banner art by @basiatlu
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lillipad72 · 2 months
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Emily of New Moon Book Club ~~ First Time Reading
Chapter 3: A Hop out of Kin, Part 2
These are my quite belated opinions on the introductions of the Murrays that I said were coming last night, but life caught up to me!
Uncle Wallace
"he was black and grim and ugly, with frowning bristly brows and a stern, unpitying mouth. He had big pouches under his eyes, and carefully-trimmed black side-whiskers"
Uncle Wallace does not come across as pleasant at all in Emily's description of him. All of his actions are described as 'cold' as well. It is also implied at the end of his introduction that he is not super sharp because he can not think of something to say to Emily, though it could also be due to his surprise.
2. Aunt Eva
"Aunt Eva was sitting huddled up in a shawl...She shook hands with Emily and said nothing."
Aunt Eva is giving us a whole lot of nothing. I guess I give her points for not being awful, but those points are then taken away for doing the bare minimum which can be taken as rude.
3. Uncle Oliver
"He was big and fat and rosy and jolly-looking"
Now, Uncle Oliver is giving us something to work with here. He seems like a fun guy, but Emily, in her anxiety, takes his joke as a slight. Bonus points for him though because he doesn't take offense to her offense. So far, a favorite!
4. Aunt Addie
"She gave Emily's cold hand a nice, gentle squeeze. 'How are you, dear?' she said"
She is giving the most of them all so far, but that could be because she is only a Murray by marriage (I think at least, I could be wrong!). But she seems to understand how children work, especially when they need some kindness. Uncle Oliver + Aunt Addie are so far winning
5. Aunt Ruth
"She knew the cold, gray eyes, the prim, dull brown hair, the short, stout figure, the thin, pinched, merciless mouth."
Oh, I thought Uncle Wallace's introduction was rough...I got to Aunt Ruth's, and it was worse. She not only insults Emily but also her recently deceased father, hope her pride feels better after that low blow. But...because she sounds so horrible I feel an eventual redemption coming at some point. But right now she is in dead last place.
6. Cousin James Murray
Not a super good quote for him, but he seems nice, he will probably become a nice companion for Emily! He is in the positive but I haven't seen enough to get a full opinion. Just remembered that he does stand up for Emily later one so yah for him!
7. Aunt Laura
"It was her eyes that won Emily. They were such round blue, blue eyes. One never quite got over the shock of their blueness. And when she spoke it was in a beautiful, soft voice."
Aunt Laura for the win! She seems so sweet and lovely, and I know she and Emily will get along great, especially after she sneaks the cat in, but I have a feeling our next person will control Aunt Laura and stop her from showing fondness to Emily.
8. Aunt Elizabeth
"Her eyes, though steel-blue, were as cold as Aunt Ruth's and her long thin mouth was compressed severely."
Our foil to Aunt Laura at New Moon is Aunt Elizabeth, who seems more like Aunt Ruth than anybody else. Like I said I feel that she will control Aunt Laura but I also think that eventually she will come to love Emily as well!
Okay those were my thoughts to all the Murray introductions! Better late than never! Tomorrow I will post about both chapters four and five so I get back on track!
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callivich · 8 months
Gallavich Quotes Prompts 🗣️
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Prompts for fics, headcanons, or discussion, etc. Interpret these however you like and feel free to use them as just a jumping off point! Btw, if anything along these lines has been written, please do recommend them to me! Quotes are by various writers that I’ve come across on tumblr (so I’m trusting these are the accurate sources)
“When I go toward you it is with my whole life” - Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke’s Book of Hours
“I still wake up with things to tell you” - Trista Mateer, I Still Forget We’re Not Even Friends
“You did something for me I couldn’t do for myself. You loved me for who I am” - William Chapman
“With my eyes in your eyes I am less vulnerable to the elements” - Oana Avasilichioaei, Momiji Garden
“The peril of love is not in loving too often, a single evening can leave its wound in the soul” - Meng Chiao, Impromptu
“All the years of wanting you have softened me up, have made me sensitive to the moments we are together so that I treat each one like a treasure” - Michael O'Leary, He waiatanui kia Aroha
“I want to watch your wrinkles deepen under the passing full moons, I want to see grey hairs appear and strong shoulders stoop as our families grow” - Tenille K. Campbell, we met in late spring
“I hadn't realized how much I'd been needing to meet someone I might be able to say everything to” - Elizabeth Berg, Talk Before Sleep
“Love, genuine passionate love, was his for the first time” - Jack London, The Call of the Wild
“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment” - Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever
“Right now I'd like all my troubles to stand in front of me in a straight line, and one by one I'd give each a black eye” - Shannon Hale, The Goose Girl
“If I could but know his heart, everything would become easy” - Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility
“It is funny how you do not miss affection until it is given, but once it is, it can never be enough; you would drown in it if possible” - Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing
“Your first kiss is destiny knocking” - Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones
“When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times” - Mitch Albom, For One More Day
“All roads lead to you even those I took to forget you” - Mahmoud Darwish
"I am in urgent need of having my lips sealed with kisses” - Franz Kafka
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alwayschasingrainbows · 9 months
I am a bit shy to post this poll, but also, very curious about your opinion, so here we go.
After reading the Finnish sequel to Emily of New Moon series, and comparing it to the later Anne books, another question came to my mind:
(the "Emilia Kent - Runotytön tarina jatkuu" by Satu Koskimies and Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen spoilers under the cut - as well as the origins of this question and my own opinion):
Thank you all for voting!!! I really appreciate each one of your answers ❤.
The origins of the question (and spoilers of a Finnish sequel!) under the cut:
SPOILERS for Emily's sequel (my opinion is beneath the summary):
It was a quite important issue in the Finnish sequel. Emily was very apprehensive when it came to an eventual motherhood. It was stated multiple times that she had no maternal instinct whatsover (very Rilla-like). She didn't want to sacrifice her writing - and she felt that she would have to, if she had children. One of the things she was dealing with in this sequel was writer's block - she found it very difficult to write. Thankfully, she overcame the issue and wrote another novel, at the end of the story. Emily was not exactly against having children (more like, resigned "If they come, there is nothing to be done"), but she certainly was not excited about the idea, unlike Anne.
Emily went as far as telling an annoying reporter that she and her husband were NOT going to have any children. Teddy, on the other hand, was described as wanting a family (which, for a short time, was a bit of a sore issue between them).
Emilia Kent - Runotytön tarina jatkuu takes place during the first two (?) years of Emily and Teddy's marriage. They don't have any children during this time - yet the narrative suggests that Emily is pregnant during the last two chapters (nothing is said straight-forwardly, though).
END OF THE SPOILERS for Emily's sequel.
My opinion:
I personaly have trouble picturing these two as parents. They seem far too invested into their work to find time for their eventual children.
On the other hand, LMM herself wanted children - and it was quite difficult to prevent pregnancy at these times (not impossible, of course, but difficult). Usually, marriage meant having children.
Also... Rilla, who did not like babies, couldn't help loving little Jims. We learn from "The Blythes Are Quoted" that she and Ken had, indeed, become parents to young Gilbert Ford.
Rilla's maturation is partly described via taking care of her war baby - as if to say that even people who seemingly had no parental instinct, could grow to love a child (it is not exactly true in a real world, but LMM seems to use this trope rather often; Aunt Elizabeth with Juliet and Emily, Marilla with Anne and the twins, Andrew Stuart with Jane, etc).
Also, this paragraph from Emily's Quest suggests that Emily might have wanted children at the end of the story:
"Daff," she said, "there is an old fireplace in that house—with the ashes of a dead fire in it—a fireplace where pussies should bask and children dream. And that will never happen now, Daff, for Mabel Geordie doesn't like open fireplaces—dirty, dusty things—a Quebec heater is so much warmer and more economical."
Emily's dreams are connected to the Disappointed House - I always felt that she talked about her feelings there - but that is very far-stretched and the only thing that might suggest something.
So, if I were to answer my own question: I would probably say: either none, either 1 or 2. I definitely don't see her as having a big family.
I am very curious about your thoughts!!!! Sorry for the long post.
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vyther16 · 1 month
wip game!
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs :)
tagged on main by @aletterinthenameofsanity <3
as usual, sorted by fandom bc i have too many.
100k drabble prompts (misc fandom, mostly One Piece)
d2 but make it make sense (Disney Descendants)
dfqc accidental mind control (Love Between Fairy & Devil)
kiss of death au (Pirates of the Caribbean)
lang dianxia soft smut (The Wolf/Lang Dianxia)
love handel is surprisingly plot relevant (Phineas & Ferb x Scooby Doo)
nttsmmp4 (Kinnporsche)
A Journey to Love
enemies to married to friends (with a side of yuan lu)
forced politicking siblingship
lin chen is sick of dying men (crossover with Nirvana in Fire)
qz lives (but no one else does)
Dead Boy Detectives
batbxlbr cindy continuation (Payneland Cinderella AU)
betty really likes dolls (The Umbrella Academy crossover)
dbd drabbles
devlin daughter catharsis fic
klaus gets a trans-dimensional snake as a pet (The Umbrella Academy crossover)
Maren post-canon
return fire
schrodinger's cannibalism (not crow rip)
scooby doo and a ghost crew too (Scooby Doo crossover)
sleeping beauty au
tall forest redux
teethface sequel (Niko Meets Teethface au)
two bitchy supernatural autistic detectives (Wednesday (2022) crossover)
Joy of Life/Qing Yu Nian (s1 & s2)
drabble improv game (with @jianghuchild)
Groupwatch Countryside Hospital
jol.qyn drabbles
time travel fixit for the time travel isekai show
yby imprisonment
yet another faking of death in the house
One Piece
elizabeth swann in a straw hat (Pirates of the Caribbean crossover)
Nami & Sanji
sanji & chopper make cookies
strawhats time travel (or is it)
Percy Jackson (and related fandoms ig)
bianca memory loss fic
luke fic ch 3
luke fic pt 2: hoo edition
pjo drabbles
Till the End of the Moon
modern au
puppy dog x his two abused aro spouses
time travel speedrun fixit
ybc & ttj learn to be human
Wednesday (2022)
Little Siblings (thirteen beware (it's the devil himself))
Time Travel (Joy is the Loveliest Number)
weyler batb au from dms
you cannot kill me in a way that matters (yes the mushroom quote)
I did not include every doc in a wip folder for a single fic, so there are a few that have multiple docs under them (strawhat time travel; little siblings; and wednesday time travel).
i'm not tagging 47 people <3
anyway, no pressure tagging: @jianghuchild, @biwenqing, @curiosity-killed, @iamwestiec, @princesswithabraidedcrown, and anyone else who wants to!
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vorpalmuchness · 1 year
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Rachel Mennies, from "April 18, 2017," The Naomi Letters// Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Seeing the Body// Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South (1854)// Izumi Shikibu, from The Ink Dark Moon: Love Poems by Ono No Komachi and Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan// Dulce María Loynaz, tr. James O’Connor, Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems; “XLVI”// Margaret Atwood, Cat's Eye// Catherynne M. Valente, “The Red Girl,” from The Bread We Eat in Dreams// Marie Antoinette, 1791
Quotes that remind me of the pairing of Elena Gilbert and Elijah Mikaelson
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punkbarbarian · 2 years
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[image ID: a litstack of song lyrics, quotes, and pictures on colored backgrounds.
1: “[verse 3] six summers down, another dreamless night / you’re not by my side / scratch on the moon like a familiar smile / stained on my mind / some other town, someone else’s life / dead in the night / in the night”
2: “my favourite genre of fictional men are those ones who should be cool and badass because of their powers or character designs, but are pathetic instead. never had a good day in their life. an insult from a child could probably make them cry. wet paper bag men. you know the ones”
3: a photograph of a rust-colored moon in a black sky. a small sliver of the moon glows with light.
4: “some will say i’ve got no feeling / no heart, and surely no shame / truth is that this has been with me so long / that i, i must admit, i kinda like the pain”
5: a screenshot of a tweet from elizabeth handgun: “i let him hit bc he is surrounded by an aura of tragedy”
6: a close-up photograph of a wolf curled up on the ground. it is looking at the camera and has it’s nose tucked under it’s tail
7: “omg i love this character he deserved the world!!!!!! *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *pu”
8: “my home is with the hills and trees around me / my ceiling holds the moon and stars above / so i’ll never be a lonely man a’walking / i’ll never live one day without love”
9: a pencil sketch of two cowboys kissing. one is on horseback and is leaning down to meet the other. 
10: “[verse 1] all of these lines across my face / tell you the story of who i am / so many stories of where i’ve been / and how i got to where i am / [chorus] but these stories don’t mean anything/ if you’ve got no one to tell them to, it’s true / i was made for you” /end ID]
orville peck / @waterandsilver​ / justin townes earle / @jingles-miserably​ / trampled by turtles / @blue-nebraska​ / brandi carlile
will orville litstack in honor of the beginning of lost township arc 2 <3
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fritextramole · 6 months
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salt in my eyes
part 3 of an Eric van der Woodsen playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Mary Jane ~ Matt Doyle
Well, it's full speed, baby In the wrong direction There's a few more bruises If that's the way You insist on hеading
rises the moon ~ Liana Flores
Days pull you down just like a sinking ship Floating is getting harder But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile Rises the moon
Please Stay ~ Lucy Dacus
You tell me you love me like it'll be the last time Like you're playing out the end of a storyline I say I love you too because it's true What else am I supposed to do? Maybe bar the door when you move to leave
A Fallen Angel ~ shinigami
My heart and emotions are something I'm void of You're wasting away, are you okay? Please just keep your head up and just hope for better days Hold on to your memories and you'll be safe This may be our last chance to leave this place
I’ve Been Feeling Lonely ~ Sorry, Peach
I’ve been feeling lonely You don’t wanna know me I’ve been trying to pacify The feelings that I’ve felt for some time You’ve been feeling flighty I don’t wanna say goodbye And i’ve been trying recognize That you have never really been mine
Only Friend ~ Wallows
You're signing off again But you're my only friend I don't know what to say I feel the ending close Pick up the pieces Finding a place in the world to be Too many reasons To keep an ear at the door for me
Medicine ~ Matt Berry
Medicine You got me hooked on medicine I don't feel myself again The world is full of finer men
Achilles Come Down ~ Gang of Youths
Remember the pact of our youth Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping Since there is no me without you Soldier on, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
parties ~ Elizabeth
Tell me, when you’re out Don’t you miss me? Do you doubt Saying goodbye? Or do you only feel your high I go to parties Like I don’t need anybody Then I only miss you more
7 O’Clock ~ Penelope Scott
So just get wrecked, I guess I mean you kinda failed the cool kids' test, I guess It's kinda sad if this is you at your best, I guess It's not fun anymore I'm kinda bored so let's go fuck shit up, c'mon Let's go out
Walking with a Ghost ~ Teagan and Sara
No matter which way you go No matter which way you stay You're out of my mind, out of my mind Out of my mind, out of my mind
Wild World ~ Love Is Colder Than Death
Feel the power in the air Bloody bodies running down the street Try it again Please it again
Living In The Storm ~ The Pretty Reckless
They're dropping bombs on all of my friends Every time I turn around they're blowing up again But it's not me Out on the streets I don't know who any of you people are And I - I'll try to avoid it
Helena Beat ~ Foster the People
You know those days when you wanna just choose To not get out of bed, you're lost in your head again You play the game, but you kind of cut 'Cause you're coming down hard, your joints are all stuck I've tried to say that it's not the only way I never knew if I could face myself to change You were pacing, I was insecure Slip and fall, I'm dodging calls, hug the prison I've been living in
Shark Smile ~ Big Thief
It came over her at a bad time Riding through Winona down the dotted line Held us gunning out 90 miles down the road of a dead end dream She looked over with her part smile Caught up in the twinkle, it could take awhile And the money pile on the dashboard fluttering
Jonathan ~ Adrianne Lenker, Buck Meek
You know me Knew, knew me well When I was just a girl, only nineteen Twisted in my head So don't try and tell me to help This is not how you help You don't know me now
Fourth of July ~ Sufjan Stevens
Make the most of your life, while it is rife While it is light Well, you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me, what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We’re all gonna die
Where Is My Mind? ~ Pixies
Your head will collapse, and there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself Where is my mind?
Your Dog ~ Soccer Mommy
I'm not a prop for you to use When you're lonely or confused I want a love that lets me breathe I've been choking on your leash
parents ~ YUNGBLUD
Drop a toaster in my bath, watch my mum and dad laugh See a thousand volts go through the son they wish they never had They told me casual affection leads to sexual infection But it's hard to get an erection when you're so used to rejection
Mad Love ~ The Pretty Reckless
Like all of the orphans I got none of the friends I was alone until You came and went Now there's someone inside me I think it's you
Freaks ~ Surf Curse
My head is filled with parasites Black holes cover up my eyes I dream of you almost every night Hopefully, I won't wake up this time
bad idea! ~ girl in red
It was a bad idea calling you up Was such a bad idea 'cause now I'm even more lost It was a bad idea to think you were the one Was such a bad idea 'cause now everything's wrong
Carnations ~ Palehound
Cause I've been dreaming I might Just up and bail on this plight And maybe go on vacation Pack up my shit in the dark And if the car doesn't start
Go Home ~ Julien Baker
I went walking again, I'll go out And forget to tell any of my friends where I'm going I'm just drunk on the side of the road in a ditch When you find me, I wanna go home, but I'm sick
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
poetry flash fic game
ok since ao3’s down (and could be down for awhile, apparently), i wanna get some tumblr shorts going! i’ve listed out some poetry quotes i love below, so if you send me a ship (or a character – some of these really suit a character study imo) and a number i’ll write a little something! some of these quotes are from fav poems of mine, and some are just lines i thought would make good prompts :)
I am not cruel, just truthful – / The eye of a little god, four cornered. (Mirror, Sylvia Plath)
The dark collects our empties, empties our ashtrays. ([The dark collects…], Ben Lerner)
And this is the end, / the car running out of road (Aristotle, Billy Collins)
Being unwise enough to have married her / I never knew when she was not acting. (Acting, R.S. Thomas)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart (i carry your heart with me, e.e. cummings)
We talk so much of light, please / let me speak on behalf / of the good dark. (How Dark the Beginning, Maggie Smith)
The art of losing isn’t hard to master (One Art, Elizabeth Bishop)
Did you mean “this could go on forever” in a good way?  ([The dark collects…], Ben Lerner)
All day I tried to distinguish / need from desire. (Elms, Louise Glück)
I picture a figure in the act of reading, / shoes on a desk, head tilted into the wind of a book (Books, Billy Collins)
Pleasure / as a means, / and then a / means again / with no ends / in sight. (Peanut Butter, Eileen Myles)
But who is that on the other side of you? (The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot)
Love always wakes the dragon and suddenly / flames everywhere. (Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out, Richard Siken)
The moon is / predictably exquisite, as is the view of the moon through the word. ([The predictability of these rooms], Ben Lerner)
There is nothing more pathetic than caution / when headlong might save a life, / even, possibly, your own. (Moments, Mary Oliver)
To avoid the slow accrual of infatuation / Curdling into love / You just have to duck (Autocorrect, Noah Eli Gordon)
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mzannthropy · 1 year
Tell me why you dislike the Emily trilogy please because I'm rereading it!!
It's more of a difficult relationship, rather than disliking it; there are many parts that I like about Emily. Like, the majority of it is good. But it drives me CRAZY! It's the way LMM wrote, and the choices she made in the Emily series.
(Sorry if it's ranty and incoherent, it's the first time I've properly wrote down all my thoughts & feelings on Emily.)
So first of all, what the hell is it with all the preachy, patronising BS? This is not LMM's usual style, which is why it's so bewildering. The narrator frequently breaks the fourth wall to tell us how she's not there to defend Emily, but to merely chronicle her life and I want to say, I don't need you to defend Emily, Lucy Maud, I can make my own mind for myself, thank you! She doesn't do it in Anne (also a story of an orphan being taken in), and as far I can remember, she doesn't do it in any of her other writing. It reminds me of Little Women a lot. And from me that's not a compliment.
Then, I say it outright as it is: I loathe Aunt Elizabeth and Aunt Ruth and I think they're both child abusers. Aunt Ruth, especially, is a tyrant. She's a dictator. Her constantly calling Emily "sly" with no evidence and then after that incident with Perry and the kiss, when they hold a family court, she says "I would have believed you if you had told the truth", can you get any more textbook abuser? I have this thing when I cannot handle someone not being believed (also due to something that I went through), it triggers me, and a person (esp of authority) determined to disbelieve you and think the worst of you when it's just not true sends me to a rage. Aunt Elizabeth is a vile, cruel, narrow-minded woman, who should not be allowed near children. If the narrative ever condemned these women, it would be a much better reading experience. But it doesn't. Right to the very end, the last page, the second to last paragraph, when Emily and Teddy finally, FINALLY, find each other, Ruth still calls Emily sly. Worst of it is that Emily really doesn't do anything remotely wicked. She's essentially a good kid. What would these hags do if they saw today's teenagers?
"You are always writing yards of trash that nobody wants." Quote from Aunt Elizabeth. What a nice, loving aunt! Then they call Emily a Murray when it suits them--when she does something they disapprove of, it's "that Starr coming out in her". Or they say she's "half a Murray" and I'm like, everyone is unless both your parents were Murrays?
Abusive caregivers are no strangers to LMM works, ofc, but they're usually presented as villains and are not the "endgame" caregivers. (Take as an example, little Elizabeth from Windy Poplars.) That's why I like Jane of Lantern Hill, bc here LMM finally admits that an abusive narcissist is an abusive narcissist (the grandmother). And that was 1937, so you know, it took her time to realise that.
So, most of what I'm saying here relates to the second book. Emily of New Moon is not as infuriating and Quest I actually like, despite how it drags, bc it so perfectly depicts the consequences of Emily's choice at the end of Emily Climbs. And here I get to the crux of the matter--the ending of Emily Climbs.
So, Emily has graduated school, has some success with her writing, has had short stories published and at last meets someone who believes in her, who sees her talent as a writer. Janet Royal offers her a job and a place to stay in New York. An opportunity people would sell their literal souls for. And what does Emily do?
She refuses it bc she doesn't want to leave New Moon.
Once again, I repeat. Emily gets offered a job and free accommodation in fucking NEW YORK and she refuses it bc she doesn't want to leave New Moon, that fucking backwards, progress-denying, candle-burning, abuse-filled place in godsforsaken village on PEI.
How is this supposed to be a good storytelling choice??? And this is why I don't think the series will get adapted again. Not without some major changes. Bc I can't imagine how modern audience would react to a heroine rejecting an opportunity of a lifetime, an opportunity many young people today would commit literal CRIMES for--and for what? It's not even that she is doing it to get married and have kids (stupid choice still, but at least more understandable). The end of Climbs makes me so fucking mad, that story with the dog is so stupid and painful to read (YMMV). I want to cry, why, Lucy Maud, whyyyyyyyyyyy *cries unconsolably*
I think it's bc LMM wouldn't have been able to write--or at least she thought she wouldn't have been able to write--a story of a young upcoming female writer in NYC, bc that wasn't her type of story. But in that case, she should not have included that golden opportunity in Climbs at all. Bc why is it there? Emily could have just returned to New Moon after she finished her schooling.
The tragic, Watsonian interpretation is that Emily is merely experiencing effects of her childhood trauma. (If you want to look at it as a tragedy, then it makes it sort of more bearable, if only it was less patronising...)
When she informs Aunt Elizabeth of her decision, the woman's response is: "I thought a Murray would." I thought a Murray would. Not, I'm happy you're staying with us. That tells you everything you need to know.
And this is what's good about Emily's Quest. Bc here, Emily suffers the consequences of her moronic choice. Ilse, Teddy and Perry all leave to chase their fortunes. Imagine Emily left too. The NYC offer was a tad unrealistic, but, had LMM had better ideas, she could have made it a Toronto job instead. Or Halifax. Or just Charlottetown, ffs. Imagine her getting out of the New Moon environment, getting brand new experiences, seeing people not give a slightest fuck that she was a Murray of New Moon. Seeing how, out in the real world, little their majestic family clan matters. But she didn't. And that's why she had to go through what she went through in the last book. Bc she never meets any book/literary people, she puts so much stock in Dean and she believes everything he tells her. She believes him when he tells her that her book is no good, burns her manuscript and in anguish runs out of her room, trips over the sewing basket and----
So ummm, Dean. Of course he's a creep. But it makes sense to me that she's friends with him. She's a vulnerable child, he preys on her. I don't buy that he'd so happily to give her the deeds of the house as a wedding gift, but LMM wanted her happy ending and she never actually wrote Dean as the dangerous predator that he is.
When I read LMM biography The Gift of Wings by Mary Henley Rubio, I hoped I would find some answers to things that bother me about Emily--but there weren't any. So, *shrugs* I guess I never will know.
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loquentia · 10 months
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did you hear THIS WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS A SHRINK? it reminded me of PIPER HALLIWELL. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a WITCH, that explains why they’re loyal to THE CHARMED ONES.
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NAME. piper halliwell AGE. twenty-nine GENDER. cisgender woman PRONOUNS. she/they SEXUALITY. bisexual DATE OF BIRTH. august 7th ZODIAC. leo sun , gemini moon , virgo rising AFFILIATION. the charmed ones OCCUPATION. professional chef
FATHER. victor bennett MOTHER. patty halliwell SIBLINGS. prudence halliwell , phoebe halliwell , paige matthews BIRTH ORDER. middle child second born PARTNER. leo wyatt OTHER NOTABLE. penny halliwell (maternal grandmother)
Who is [your character]?
piper was the typical middle child , keeping the peace between her more head-strong sisters in their youth (and even into their early 20s) . there is an edge to her though , and many seemingly miss this to their own disadvantage . piper may be the perfect host , the motherly one , but she is by no means shy or a wall - flower . over the years , she has shown the most resistance to the craft , but she knows that it is her destiny . sharing an affinity for the kitchen , like her grams , piper's decision to be a professional chef was not a surprising one for any of her family .
What is their goal? Whether it’s saving the world or graduating college, short term or long term, what is your character looking for?
family . to keep her family safe , happy and (if possible) non - magical . she would love to start a family with leo , too .
When was this goal chosen? What triggered this goal? Was it an external event or internal?
since she was a little girl , she has always had a great desire to protect and nurture ( or just feed people , at least! )
Where do they go from here? This could be either your muses future plans, or it could be answered ooc with what you would like to do with your muse and their plots.
piper feels a little lost at the moment , struggling to handle the knowledge that it is her and leo's child that loses his way so badly . she needs to make the necessary but difficult choices surrounding her family , and to practice her craft .
Why did you choose the quote for your character? An explanation on why the words chosen for your application pertain to your muse. Whether it was a quote that hit you, or it defines them as characters.
piper is the funniest halliwell , idec . this quote couldn't be more accurate , really - the entire family needs therapy and if they only did this once during the show maybe things wouldn't be so bad . imagine being all - powerful magical beings and still having to deal with family drama !
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mcagrimm-blog · 2 years
revisiting childhood
I’m doing an informal project of reading books I read as a kid. So far I’ve read
-- Linnets and Valerians by Elizabeth Goudge (really good)
--some of Anderson’s Fairy Tales (a little creepy and disturbing)
--Eleanor Farjeon’s The LIttle Bookroom (more fairy tales but not as C and D)
--Daddy Longlegs, by Jean Webster: good writing, but has a questionable plot point - that is, wealthy orphanage trustee anonymously sends one of the orphans to college, and then later on they fall in love and get married. Hmmm...
Currrently reading The Silver Chair, which is about midway through the Narnia series. It was the first one I read, when I was around 10, and still my favorite. Highly recommend for its scruffy and somewhat recalcitrant protagonists, Jill and Eustace, and for the gloomy and philosophical Puddleglum who accompanies them on their quest to find the Lost Prince. Here’s a great Puddleglum quote, a speech he makes to the villain of the story, the evil queen: 
“Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things–trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow.”
Which is on the one hand like Plato’s allegory of the cave, and on the other hand a sort of manifesto for fiction writers, yes? 
#rereading #narnia #Puddleglum #childrensbooks
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pulchramsolis · 2 years
𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆
At the Beginning (Epic Version) (from Anastasia)- Alala
Moth's Wings - Passion Pit
Head Above Water (ft. We The Kings) - Avril Lavigne
Elizabeth's Theme (from Bioshock Infinite) - Gary Schymann (youtube link)
Higher (stripped version but also the regular one) - Naked & Famous (honorable mentions because i'm a cheating ass - Yes or Yes by Twice)
𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆
There are darknesses in life, and there are lights, and you are on of the lights, the light of all lights - Bram Stoker, Dracula
And if you are to love, love as the moon loves. It doesn't steal the night, it only unveils the beauty of the dark. - Jasleen Kalra (this whole poem though)
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. - Iain St Thomas, I Wrote This For You
Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them. - Nikita Gill
And she finds it difficult to believe - that a person would love her even when she isn't trying. Trying to figure out what other people need, trying to be worthy. - Margaret Atwood (honorable mention: the quote in my sidebar: You have always approached everything terrible trustfully. You have wanted to pet every monster. - Friedrich Nietzsche)
tagged by: @kipagircs tagging: @scndbrn, @wcrriorhearts, @sunfyred @kinslcyer, @dragynfire, @inmydrcams, and anyone else!!!
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vyther16 · 6 months
writing wip ask game
tagged by @curiosity-killed on main; ty!!!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i don't even know how many wips i have yet but i can already say i will not be tagging that many people <3
Misc Fandom:
100k drabble prompts (multifandom, mostly OP)
kiss of death au (PotC)
lang dianxia soft smut (The Wolf)
love handel is surprisingly relevant (Phineas & Ferb/Milo Murphy's Law/ Scooby Doo crossover)
nttsmmp4 (Kinnporsche the Series)
A Journey to Love
enemies to married to friends with a side of yuan lu
forced politicking siblingship
lin chen is sick of dying men (NiF crossover)
qz lives (but no one else does)
Joy of Life
Groupwatch Countryside Hospital
yby imprisonment
yet another faking of death in the house
One Piece
elizabeth swann in a straw hat (PotC crossover)
Nami & Sanji
sanji & chopper make cookies
(chopper) some of those physical processes
Percy Jackson
bianca memory loss fic
luke fic ch 3
luke fic pt 2: hoo edition
Till the End of the Moon
modern au
puppy dog x his two abused aro spouses
time travel speedrun fixit
ybc & ttj learn to be human
Ah Beng/Judith (with @myhamartiaishubris)
weyler batb au from dms
you cannot kill me in a way that matters (yes the mushroom quote)
Little Siblings (thirteen beware (it's the devil himself)) (has 14 docs for 14 chapters but is all the same wip)
Time Travel (Joy is the Loveliest Number) (has 2 unpublished docs for unpublished chapters)
Original Work
all that's left of yesterday (fanuni)
Ink Noodling (fanuni)
Sarathae & Elandorr convos (fanuni)
Wen Yinhong's Halfway Home for Wayward Assassins
half a pillow gone cold
6 swans retelling
aight that's 53, without going into my abandoned works folder, which is not so much abandoned works so much as works i haven't looked at in over two years and so have moved to a different folder so they don't haunt me as easily
anyway, no pressure tagging @jianghuchild, @whirlybirdwhat, @toppingjeffsatur, @rocknghorss, @iamwestiec
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