vyther16 · 2 months
writing wip ask game
tagged by @curiosity-killed on main; ty!!!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i don't even know how many wips i have yet but i can already say i will not be tagging that many people <3
Misc Fandom:
100k drabble prompts (multifandom, mostly OP)
kiss of death au (PotC)
lang dianxia soft smut (The Wolf)
love handel is surprisingly relevant (Phineas & Ferb/Milo Murphy's Law/ Scooby Doo crossover)
nttsmmp4 (Kinnporsche the Series)
A Journey to Love
enemies to married to friends with a side of yuan lu
forced politicking siblingship
lin chen is sick of dying men (NiF crossover)
qz lives (but no one else does)
Joy of Life
Groupwatch Countryside Hospital
yby imprisonment
yet another faking of death in the house
One Piece
elizabeth swann in a straw hat (PotC crossover)
Nami & Sanji
sanji & chopper make cookies
(chopper) some of those physical processes
Percy Jackson
bianca memory loss fic
luke fic ch 3
luke fic pt 2: hoo edition
Till the End of the Moon
modern au
puppy dog x his two abused aro spouses
time travel speedrun fixit
ybc & ttj learn to be human
Ah Beng/Judith (with @myhamartiaishubris)
weyler batb au from dms
you cannot kill me in a way that matters (yes the mushroom quote)
Little Siblings (thirteen beware (it's the devil himself)) (has 14 docs for 14 chapters but is all the same wip)
Time Travel (Joy is the Loveliest Number) (has 2 unpublished docs for unpublished chapters)
Original Work
all that's left of yesterday (fanuni)
Ink Noodling (fanuni)
Sarathae & Elandorr convos (fanuni)
Wen Yinhong's Halfway Home for Wayward Assassins
half a pillow gone cold
6 swans retelling
aight that's 53, without going into my abandoned works folder, which is not so much abandoned works so much as works i haven't looked at in over two years and so have moved to a different folder so they don't haunt me as easily
anyway, no pressure tagging @jianghuchild, @whirlybirdwhat, @toppingjeffsatur, @rocknghorss, @iamwestiec
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corduroyserpent · 1 year
petal 👀 (for wip guessing game!)
ahhh wen ning/zhuzhi-lang 🖤💚
“Be careful not to crush the petals,” Zhuzhi-lang said. He quickly plucked the flower held between Wen Ning’s fingers. “It would be unfortunate for Wen-gongzi to fall under the effects of certain flora in this area.”
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
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thechekhov · 4 months
Bonus question for reblog tags: If you reblog AI art without realizing it's AI art, would you like your followers to let you know about it?
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radiance1 · 5 months
Damian: [brushing his teeth]
The shadow hanging over his shoulder: [Gets its teeth dangerously close to Damian's shoulder]
Damian: [Shoves a toothbrush into said shadow move and starts brush]
The shadow: [Pauses before starting to let out a contented purr]
Damian then spits out the foam and washes out his mouth, then makes the shadow do the same and then picks out pjs.
Damian: [Currently decided if he should go with the cat, dog, or knife imprinted one]
The shadow: [Starts getting dangerously close to Damian with, toxic green spirals it calls eyes]
Damian: [Throws the dog imprinted one behind him at the shadow and takes the cat imprinted one for himself and tells the shadow to put it on]
The shadow: [Stares at the clothes before hesitantly putting them on before letting out a noise of distress]
Damian: [Turning around to find the shadow somehow stuck in the pjs, lets out a sigh, then starts to help them fit]
Damian then moves over to the bed, he points to one side and tells the shadow to go there. The shadow listens, laying down as Damian also lays down, grabbing the sheets and covering them both.
It barely took a few seconds for the shadow to fall asleep, and Damian stared at it. Damian wasn't quite sure why the shadow of his dead twin was following him, nor why it was even able to and seemed to hide itself from anyone who isn't Damian.
Nobody besides him knew about it, and Damian decided that he liked it. This could have been his younger brother, if the other had survived, and they would have probably been told to fight to the death to decide an heir.
At the very least, that won't ever happen.
Even if his brother was slightly unusual.
Danny did not remember much of the before, he remembered people with blurred faces and features, blurred colors. He remembered a lot of colors, then red, then white, then pain.
He doesn't like pain, he believes.
Then he remembered going to sleep, and then he woke up. It was dark and slimy and cramped when he woke up, especially when he realized someone else was in their with him.
Then he fell asleep again, then woke up to that same dark and slimy place, then fell asleep again, all in some weird cycle. Then, moving, and pain.
It hurt, and he was sluggish when it eventually stopped. Then came pain again, and he was asleep.
Then he woke up, again.
He didn't know what was happening, wasn't really aware of too. But he woke up next to the other who was in that dark and slimy with him, and decided he wanted to stay with them.
He wasn't aware enough for most of the things that happened when Damian grew up, but he still stayed regardless, and hide from everyone else.
Danny loves his brother, and he thinks his brother loves him too. Even if he was slightly unusual.
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hermit-frog · 3 months
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hitwiththetmnt · 1 month
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Baby’s first hair problems ('▽')
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kitconnor · 4 months
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THE BEAR 1x08 "Braciole"
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beamattack · 6 months
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return of my legend of zelda au…. haha. i've been wanting to draw more for so long but i've been so busy studying! here's link and zelda discovering a strange temple together (this dungeon is point 8 on the map, but i decided to switch the places of point 7 and 8 so this would actually be the 7th dungeon)
(loz idea masterpost)
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aveloka-draws · 25 days
Listen,,, LISTEN,,,, THEON LICKED LESHY'S WOUND?!?!? Fuck the bite, we all know what that means they're both freaky bitches. WHAT I NEED TO KNOW IS IF THERE WAS ANY ICHOR IN THE EX GOD STILL AND WHAT THAT MEANS. Theon said "huh it tastes like blood, not sure what I expected." WELL WHAT GAVE THEM A REASON TO THINK IT COULD BE OTHERWISE??? LISTEN,,, LISTEN I AM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH LIKE A FERAL RACOON I NEED ANSWERS 💚💛💚💛💚💛
Hsjjs I assume the bishops blood wouldnt be ichor anymore, but it stays a darker color as a remnant of their divinity maybe?
Theon is just a weird little dude, because no one in the cult is normal. (Comes w joining a faith where everyone is used to dying and coming back to life as if nothing happened) It could very well have been poison and he'd have been like 'well, now i know' and hope to be revived in a few days pfff.
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saetoru · 9 months
if gojo doesn’t win this then it’s proof that all men do is lie bc why tf did you tell me in season one you’d win and have me all cozied up with no worries like “yeah trust. my man got this !!” only to make a fool out of the both of us. i’m never trusting nobody again this is not a game ok my mental health is not a game
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vyther16 · 9 months
fic stat game
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words
tagged by @curiosity-killed on main
Most Hits: nothing but ghosts images. One Piece. (Sanji wakes up, 10 years old again and in the cell underneath Germa 66.) ngl i would so many things differently with this fic now that i've turned it into a series
Second Most Kudos: so far as such a mirage. One Piece. (Nami wakes up in Arlong Park, eleven years in the past.) I like this one a lot better, bc I knew more of what I was doing with this series when I posted it
Third Most Comments: Joy is the Loveliest Number. Wednesday 2022. (Wednesday travels back to the start of canon. She decides to change some things.) I think this was the first fic I turned on comment moderation for ngl. So many comments asking for updates.
Fourth Most Bookmarks: nothing but ghosts images again. (however, most bookmarks is there is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends (KPtS) and second most is off the edge of the map (PotC), both of which I like much better, fyi)
Fifth Most Words: 不堪盈手赠 | So I leave my message with the moon. WoH/SHL. (I decided I liked the woman who died in her 3-minute scene in the first episode of a 36 episode show). This was my first ever beta'd fic, and i also have a barely started sequel that's been sitting in my docs for literally ever.
Fewest Words: I have two drabbles on Ao3, so behold like a diamond in the sky (OP Rebecca drabble) and on the fifth day of christmas (my true love gave to me) (OP Trafalgar Law drabble that has nothing to do with christmas) (i also have 2 double drabbles and 3 triple drabbles, but shhh)
no pressure tagging: @myhamartiaishubris, @rocknghorss, @toppingjeffsatur, and anyone else who wants to
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obscenicon · 2 months
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the girls are snugglingggg!!!
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 8 months
okay the notes on this post I made have me genuinely curious
feel free to get more specific in the tags
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
Hello! Ash from @ashes-writing-corner here and I just had a brilliant idea!
What if König had a secret admirer that left him little love notes and tokens of appreciation? Nothing crazy but really sweet stuff. Poetry, notes, just pouring words of love on the page in pretty hand writing. Maybe they're good at calligraphy and/or are ambidextrous so he can't decipher who's handwriting it is. So he's gotta try and figure it out ^.^
Teasing König with love notes is a foolproof way to make our man obsessed ❤️
He thinks he’s a romantic at heart (and maybe he is) but it’s movies and such that mostly taught König how to deal with women. He wasn’t popular in school and never had a lot of friends from whom to learn how to date girls, ask what they like, how they behave… So to him, women are a bit of a mystery still. Cute letters and notes written in pretty handwriting are something he would try to do were he to court someone for real.
Seeing that he has a secret admirer is a life-shifting event because usually it’s he who does the admiring from afar (rather obsessively at that). Trying to find out who this romantic soul is becomes a priority. His head spins around during meetings, at lunch, in the plane, he's on high alert literally everywhere he goes. Curious to who's sending him this stuff, he sometimes lies awake at night, a bit delusional. Someone seems to have a crush on him, someone is sending him pieces of poetry like it's the 18th century, but who?
Who are you…?
Are you a pilot? A cafeteria girl? A fellow soldier?
König is starting to resemble a paranoid owl, trying to catch if someone is sending him secret signals, pretty shy smiles or lingering looks. He gets high on this shit... And also, a bit anxious. Are you even real…? What if this is just a prank? He's going to fucking strangle someone if it is.
Sniffs the letters and notes when they arrive, trying to catch your scent on them. Has every single one stored near his bedside, and reads them at least five times, both to make his heart swell again and to try to decode who this mysterious calligraph girl is. He’d write back to you if he only knew who you are…
One day, just before he goes to bed, there's another note pushed under his door. It's just a folded piece of cardboard paper that has no poetry in cursive; instead, it's written with a simple black marker pen and says:
“Hello hansome... Do you want to see me? If yes, come to the cafeteria tomorrow morning at 8. Bring a flashlight.”
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formosusiniquis · 10 months
caught flour handed
For the @steddiemicrofic challenge Prompt: cake | WC: 311 | G | no CW A Dustin POV steddie discovery, everyone's fave
Steve has been up to something for weeks. Dustin knows the only way to find out what he’s been up to: sneak in and go through his shit. He’s calling it sneaking too, because if he knows where the key is he doesn’t think it can be called breaking and entering.
He twists the front knob slowly so it doesn’t click in the latch, even mostly deaf Steve always knows when someone’s at the door. Eddie would say crouching before he’s even through the doorway is a dead giveaway that something’s up. But what does he know?
“There are more helpful places your hands could be.” Dustin freezes in place; his hand still on the front door.
“There are less helpful places my hands could be.” That’s Eddie’s voice responding, but his van hadn’t been in the driveway.
“You’re the one that said you wanted cake.” He’s too far from the kitchen to tell, but Dustin would bet Steve has his hands on his hips.
“What if I said I actually wanted beefcake.” 
Steve can be a bit of a ditz sometimes, but Dustin can’t imagine him getting cake and that confused. What would beefcake even be, meatloaf?
“I would say you should have said something before we got up.”
“I would’ve but y’know how you get when your mind’s made up, Sweetheart.”
“No, I don’t actually. Want to share, Edmund?”
“Only that delicious cake you’re making.” Dustin can hear Eddie’s feet moving on Steve’s tile flooring. He’s creeping up on the doorway now, but has to assume based on the giggling that Eddie was moving out of smacking range.
Moving even closer, Dustin can see Steve facing the oven. Two perfect, white handprints on the ass of his jeans. “Your child is lurking,” Steve says, “do you wanna tell him what you’ve been doing to his babysitter, or should I?”
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The $$$ is just a joke, The aroace doesn't have a Ko-Fi or anything. What The aroace does have is a crippling fear of failure.
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