#Emergency Kitchens
uwudonoodle · 6 months
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Zelda taught him how to science. Gotta try it to see what happens.
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weaselle · 7 months
being a line cook is insane but people do it anyway
do you want to know the secret to why line cooks stay line cooks?
We're addicted to a certain aspect of the job. A sort of combination of Pride and Power.
See, most of what is going on in that restaurant comes down to you. If the restaurant was a dairy, you'd be the cow, everything is based on what you produce; how much, how fast, and of what quality.
And it's INSANELY hard for most people to do. It requires you to keep mental track of tons of stuff while doing complicated physical creation in a dangerous environment under intense pressure
Any line cooks reading this? let me recreate a moment most of us have had many many times
For the rest of you this will be a nice window into the line cook experience
you have a rail FULL of tickets, and the printer will NOT stop printing more.
You've got a stove FULL of stuff you're cooking, and half of it is for stuff you don't even have a ticket for, because of something on a table that already went out was wrong or missing, or a server forgot to put something on a ticket and needs it in a hurry, or...
the tickets you are working on are for tables that finished their appetizers 45 minutes ago, and it could be an hour before you even get a chance to read whatever the printer is currently printing.
You have a head FULL of stuff you're tracking: how quickly the sauce is thickening in this pan, whether the garlic is about to burn in that pan, how long before you drain the pasta in that pot before it over cooks. As soon as the thing in the oven for table 31 is 5 minutes from done you gotta put the other thing on the flat top to go with it, you're putting together Something on your board and you can't finish it because you need a refill of an ingredient from the walk-in but you can't go get it because if you leave the kitchen you'll burn the thing in the salamander. And you can't plate the thing in salamander yet because the Something you're putting together on your board is taking up all the room you had left in this disaster of a kitchen
Three people have just told you complicated changes to dishes you have to organize and keep in your head. Something like
"24 needs 3 gnocchi not 4, and 2 with no rosemary; 3 needs all 4 gnocchi to have extra rosemary, 2 with no garnish; 22 needs an extra gnocchi extra garnish no rosemary, salads are almost out you can go in 3 or 4 minutes"
The manager, assistant manager, about 8 servers, and a fuckton of people at tables are all waiting on YOU with an impatience bordering on fury.
right? sound familiar? okay that's not the moment, that's just the dinner rush on a night somewhere between bad and average.
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The moment happens when, during this insanity, you reach an internal place where you become completely overwhelmed. Panic and frustration and over stimulus all rise up and wipe your brain completely clean. You can't think, you have no idea what to do, you want to run away, you want to quit, you can barely think of your own name, everything feels completely impossible.
And then. The Moment
You pull it back together.
You stop being overwhelmed, you stop panicking, you insist that it IS possible, and that you are going to do it. You decide what has to happen and you start. You clear all the clutter you can from your kitchen. You pull all your tickets as far down the rail as possible and scan through the tickets on the printer so you have an idea of how things are going to go. You write down a couple of times on tickets that you would usually keep in your head but you need the brain space. You group the tickets according to not only time but what dishes they have in common so you can do batches of things. You decide if you can just get these two things out of your way you'll be in a much better position and so you concentrate on getting those two things cooked and plated. You beg the dishwasher to grab you the thing you need from the walk-in. You call your assistant manager or manager into the kitchen and you tell them you need them to start you 8 gnocchis: 3 no rosemary one extra garnish, 4 extra rosemary two no garnish, and one normal.
Right? Okay so first of all, as you can see... The job is INSANE
and second of all. Not everybody is capable of that Moment. The moment you stare already-existing catastrophic failure in the face and tell it No. That moment.
and you have to be capable of that moment if you want to be a line cook.
Which means pretty close to zero other people in that restaurant can do what you can do.
So now let me tell you a story.
I was 19 years old. I was a line cook at an italian joint. We're slammed off our ass one night, and the manager is in the little galley kitchen with me, and he's just standing there because he isn't good enough to not be in the way if he tries to help
and he's over my should about everything, telling me to drain that more or turn the heat down on this etc.
Finally, I stop completely, look him dead in the eye, and say "Tony, i'm not cooking another thing until you leave this kitchen."
I'm 19. Ive worked here six months. Tony is twice my age and married to the owner's daughter. There is a heavy pause.
Then Tony turns around and walks out of the kitchen.
What's he going to do, send me home? Zero other people in this restaurant can do the thing that makes it a restaurant. If i go home the customers are going home too.
And that's the real reason most line cooks stay line cooks even though the job feels like a war you never win.
It's that interplay of Pride and Power. For those few hours, the restaurant is happening because of you.
That's the power.
For the other part, try pulling a cook off the line during the rush. You can't. Even if they are in the weeds. Maybe even especially if they are in the weeds.
Once i was working with a cook who, in the middle of the dinner rush, sliced is hand open - a cut both deep and wide, pouring blood. No bandage we had was going to be a solution for it.
So he popped a latex glove on that hand, triple wrapped a rubber band around his wrist to keep the blood in, washed with soap, and went right back to cooking.
Because it was the dinner rush and no one else could do the job, and he wasn't coming off that line.
30 minutes in he had to swap gloves because it had filled with blood like a water balloon and was making it hard to cook. Leaving the line was never even a question.
that's the pride
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The way that Sokka realised that he was in love with Zuko was during fire nation spring. It was Zuko’s free day and he immediately pulled Sokka out of bed and told him to walk with him. Naturally they find themselves at the turtleduck pond and are leaning against a tree. They’re talking when suddenly Zuko looks really upset, and tells Sokka that he forgot to bring bread for the turtleducks. Sokka just gives him a smile and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a bag of bread and giving it to a very (pleasantly) surprised Zuko. He immediately rushes over to the pond and squats down to feed the ducks. They all crowd around him and nip at his fingers and even claw at his robes but Zuko’s never looked more carefree. It hits Sokka when he’s watching Zuko with a soft smile, and he all but feels his heart clench when Zuko whips his head around suddenly— wind blown and flushed and a huge smile, eyes crinkled and brow upturned. And that, is the moment when Sokka’s brain is filled with one thought, ‘I’m so in love with him.’
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flowercrowngods · 11 months
oh no now i’m thinking about a follow-up to this :/
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orcelito · 8 hours
Several months late, the landlord finally picked up the dehumidifier from my kitchen
Would've been nice had I been told they were coming though 💀 so I could've cleaned up the grocery bags on the floor that I hadn't put away yet 💀💀💀💀💀
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ohio-thestate · 21 days
I have an unending hatred for those microwave dinners like why are the bbq ones the only ones that taste like anything
"spaghetti and meatballs" oh you mean starch noodles with tomato water and flavorless pieces of meat?
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elephantbitterhead · 1 month
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The new kitchen flooring (limestone; vendor's image above) arrives tomorrow. Shortly thereafter we will begin the most chaotic DIY project yet, as we tear out & replace the entire kitchen. Will it be worse than the bathroom? Only time will tell.
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hiso03 · 9 months
Headcanon about Halbarry cooking.
Barry knows how to cook almost nothing, compared to Hal who actually and against everyone's expectations, including Barry's, is an amazing cook. Hal's bad reputation comes mainly from the fact that he is very absent-minded and forgets she is cooking something, mixes up the timing or is simply too busy complaining about someone or something to remember what he was doing before.
The only thing Barry beats Hal at is baking and making macaroni and cheese. Mac and cheese is Hal's favorite, mostly because it's the only thing her boyfriend can make without setting the kitchen on fire.
(This whole idea was born because I've been doing a lot of cooking lately).
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coquelicoq · 3 months
these cats are a lot less scared of loud noises than they used to be, which is nice because i hate distressing them (this is their home! they live here!!). however on the other hand it does mean that turning on the stove fan when they start bothering me in the kitchen is no longer a guarantee that they will stay out of my business for any amount of time. trials and tribulations.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 months
ik i talk ab jensen being babied in the morning bc he is just atrocious to deal w otherwise but i NEED yall to know that it is perfectly balanced out when bryce goes to bed. bc bryce goes to bed no later than 9:30 and jensen goes to bed around midnight which means jensen is awake to get bryce everything he needs for bed. like god forbid jensen try to sit and do something bc bryce going to bed is an event for Both of them. bryce will sit and do his skincare while jensen gets him his water and makes the bed and 10 other things. and then bryce ofc cannot just go to sleep without jensen. no way. jensen Also has to be there for cuddles and back rubs until bryce falls asleep and Then he is free to do what he wants
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thisbrilliantsky · 3 months
first time ever fainting and it happened at 1am when i am home alone and on the other side of the house from my phone. dont especially love that for me!
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summertimemusician · 5 months
Honestly I don't know if I'm remembering it wrong due to sleep deprivation, but out of everything in TOTK one of my favorite little details is that Zelda's eyes in her Divine Noodle (affectionate) form when Demon King's flames hit or graze her tremble a little, more so around the pupils than the iris
The implications are absolutely delicious when you think about it, either it's an expression of deep seated, primal fear which she would probably feel as a dragon even if her main instinct is to help Link, it makes sense she'd feel distressed when faced with a bigger predator if we assume the dragons actually work like wild animals (I mean have we looked at Demon King's full size and length? He absolutely overshadows her and he's clearly going in for the kill, what with that initial bite, he's clearly not only gunning for Link and for Hyrule but also for her specifically), because Zelda by nature is not a warrior, she will fight for her people and to defend her people but she's not one to start the conflict, she's not one to HUNT, so when faced with something actively doing so it makes sense she'd be a little afraid, just because you are made to fight the divine threat from birth doesn't mean you can't fear death in the process('Courage is not the absence of fear but the will to rise against it even when you're afraid' and all that), immortality or not and trust me I'm getting to that part-
And arguably the more interesting implication: that dragons can feel pain/get hurt from other beings in a similar status, which also puts their immortality into question. Because that little twitch can also be because the flames actually hurt her.
One thing I always found interesting in TOTK is the dragon skeletons deep down in the Depths, they're parallel with the Leviathan skeletons, sure, but the fact that the dragons that we know can come and go from the depths and that there are actual skeletons there makes me look at them side by side and think "Oh those are dragons" rather than Leviathans, which begs the question: what could have killed them if dragons are immortal and can live for such long periods of time? What could have killed them when none of our weapons (including the Master Sword mind you) can't hurt Naydra, Dinraal, Farosh and Zelda in a way that matters?
I think the best answer in this case is given to us by Zelda's reaction (assuming I'm not wrong and didn't just imagine it due to sleep deprivation) to the Demon King's flames.
Maybe, just maybe, what caused them to die was likely another dragon. Which means that dragons can actually die, just not through age or natural means, but have to actively be killed through the right means/being for it to stick. Which also tracks with a lot of divine lore in LOZ in general, Demise/Ganondorf only being able to be brought low by the Master Sword wielded by someone who posseses the Hero's Spirit (or that has become worthy of it is we see in Wind Waker) because it's quite literally a divine blade, Hylia actively giving up her immortal form to become a mortal but still slumbering/existing in a separate realm outside of time can also be considered a form of divine death, not to mention Bellum being in the process of killing the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass. Divine beings have always had an element of mortality to them in LOZ, and it's not too much of a stretch to think that pattern might hold true in TOTK.
(Personally I think maybe the dragons we know might have killed the others in a territory/route dispute, if we go with the fact that a person loses themselves when they consume a secret stone and is guided by their base instincts/whatever goal they had before becoming a dragon, I don't think territory disputes would be all that far fetched, or some other goal which would motivate possible aggression.)
Although there's also the other possibility to consider: we get the armor set of the wild on the heads of those skeletons in TOTK, and we know for a FACT there was a hero before BOTW/TOTK Link, not only through the Ancient Hero's Aspect (which I have so many thoughts/headcanons about) but also through the tapestry in BOTW no matter what the heck happened to the lore in between games, you can still work with the information that there was a hero before BOTW/TOTK Link, and possibly one even before that one if we assume the armor set in the depths isn't from the Original Calamity Hero.
What I'm pitching here basically is, Original Calamity Link/another possible Link was likely a dragon slayer (not uncommon among Links, but how many Links killed an actual possibly divine dragon?), and possibly the one to kill the dragons in the depths and that maybe, just maybe we should have a game one day or a manga which either clarifies or debunks that- wait I know it sounds insane but listen stop walking away-
(Also if it's indeed a sign that Zelda feels pain it honestly ramps up Wild's/TOTK Link's motivation to kill Ganondorf WAY up because I too would want to eviscerate anyone who hurt Zelda even if she can't outwardly show it.
Also also- divine flame scars on Zelda where the gloom fueled fire grazed/hit her in her dragon form, you wouldn't be able to see it normally, but once she turns back into hylian they're there as another showing of how her time as a dragon will always stick and haunt her.)
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transmascskywalker · 5 months
if you ever descend on a small business as a pack of 15 vultures and place 20 food orders total, create a blockade of people so kitchen staff can’t get to the back, wonder why your order is taking so long, and then HOUND THE FUCKING BARISTAS FOR YOUR ORDER. I HOPE YOU DIE. I HOPE WE BOTH DIE.
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marieshyperf1xations · 3 months
The FIA just (a few days ago actually but I only now got around to making this post) put out a leaflet/information campaign about head injuries and more specifically concussions in motorsport, which I found really interesting and helpful, not just for those in motorsport but life in general
The tl;dr of it is: you don’t necessarily have to have hit your head in order to get a concussion, the warning signs are especially headaches, nausea and dizziness; if in doubt go see a doctor.
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Now for the slightly longer/nerdy ramble under the cut:
Concussions are a mild form of traumatic brain injury (also called mTBI), that are most commonly associated with (motor vehicle) accidents, but can happen in a variety of different ways, basically any time sudden deceleration of the head happens.
The brain isn’t “attached” to anything in the skull strictly speaking, it sits in its cavity, protected by layers of skin and a fluid called “cerebrospinal fluid”. I’ve put a diagram below where you can see the layout of the head/skull/meninges. The cerebrospinal fluid isn’t labelled in the image, but it fills the spongey-looking space between the arachnoid and pia mater.
That fluid is meant to protect the brain from mild trauma, but it can only absorb so much force. When you experience rapid deceleration of any kind (so whether you directly hit your head or “just” suddenly stop) your brain can hit the inside of your skull, if it’s too much for the cerebrospinal fluid to buffer.
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When the brain hits the inside of the skull in the worst case scenario it can bruise like any other part of the body, but since the cavity of the skull is closed off, there’s no way for the pressure to escape and it can seriously and permanently damage the brain, which is part of the reason why head injuries need to be so carefully watched.
As seen above the most common symptoms are headaches, dizziness, nausea, disorientation, memory issues, changes in character/behaviour and coordination issues, but that list is non-exhaustive. Apart from the risk of a more serious TBI being overlooked, in motorsport there’s also the effects of the symptoms that can lead to accidents. I don’t think I need to go into too much detail how dizziness spells or problems with vision impact racing drivers going wheel-to-wheel with each other at 300+kph, but I want to stress that this also goes for “normal” people in road cars or other every day situations. Cue the motto of the FIA’s campaign “If in doubt, sit out”.
As for first aid, the things you can do are rather limited, but the most important thing is to get somebody with a suspected brain injury to a hospital or medical centre as quickly as possible. Since patients with concussions will oftentimes vomit, it’s good to be prepared for that when taking someone to the hospital and with unconscious patients it’s even more likely and therefore important than usual to limit the risk of them choking on their own sick by putting them into recovery position (image below, but also brush up on your first aid course if you don’t know/remember this) or (if you’re trained and have the materials) otherwise protect their airways.
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For some reason tumblr won’t let me link the pdf or the article, so I’ll just put it at the end here.
(Legal stuff:) Disclaimer that while I’m a paramedic and not just talking out of my arse on this, I’m not a medical authority, and this isn’t legal medical advice or anything of that nature, I’m just trying to raise awareness for brain injuries, concussions and the FIAs campaign and you should always contact medical personnel over things like this and call your local emergency number when you witness a medical emergency of any nature (144 in Austria, 112 generally in Europe, 999 in the UK and 911 in the US as far as I’m aware)
Link: https://www.fia.com/news/concussion-awareness-campaign
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gillianthecat · 9 months
I'm just going to take this space to vent about how tired I am of characters in Thai BL living in hotel rooms. Like, I understand why it happens, and I don't begrudge productions for spending their limited budget on other things. But still. It annoys me.
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faunabel · 3 days
agh... kind of worried we might not have the money to afford rent tomorrow... and since my parents paid late yesterday from my sister taking the car and they're mad at us and said they'll kick us out if we don't pay by 11 tomorrow. agh...
once again hate to ask for money but if anyone has any to spare... just in case it's needed... because like i said if it's 11 tomorrow and it's not paid then it's Over and i will in fact be on the streets 😔 and then if it's not needed i'll still have it in case of emergencies!!! and i can even give it back once i'm financially stable if wanted i prommy
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