#Emma vanity fluff
myadmiringmind · 2 years
Emma Vanity
Marauders Era Masterlist
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FC: Andrea Chaparro
House: Slytherin
Best friend: Dorcas Meadows
Slytherin Quidditch Team Captain
Born wealthy
Adores poems
Loves pet names (but only from people she’s close with)
Has a nickname for all of her close friends
Probably has a pet bird
Not an owl but some sort of bird
Like I want to say she has a pet Raven
Knows a bunch of different dance styles and loves trying new ones
Night > Day
She has definitely voiced that she thinks there should be quidditch matches held during the night (she’s been turned down every time)
Loves learning about herbs
Her best subject is potions
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yoke9494 · 4 months
Why not me too? (Mitsuya)
*Pt2 for (Why not me? *Draken*)
*read pt.1 here. Pt.3 here.
*Slight smut/Tease. I tried my best at fluff. Pinch of angst..
✨*We love Emma! ✨
It didn't feel the same...
Emma was the love of his life, of course it wouldn't feel the same! But, since he loves her so much, longed for her for so long... Shouldn't it feel... better?
It didn't. It felt... Wrong? She felt wrong. Her body felt wrong.
And she didn't seem to enjoy it much either. Just a few little hums here and there. Why didn't she sound like how she did before? Why didn't she shake and whine like before?
Her nails didn't dig into his skin, a sensation he figured out he really liked. Did she just get them painted again? That's it, that's probably why.
Why wasn't she moaning his name, throwing her head back with rolling eyes? Her legs loosely wrapped around him instead of holding on like she didn't want him to leave.
Why didn't his own back arch off the bed when she started riding him. Why did he have to pretend to to dig his feet into the mattress? He felt nothing, just annoyance..
He wasn't sure if that annoyance was with himself or her..
Why was his dick softening when she was finally cuming. She didn't have that cute face that made him want to go again. He didn't get to cum but he didn't even care. He wanted it to be over with, he wanted to go home.
Why did Emma look so different all of a sudden..
How stupid could he be? How blind? It was the worst night of his life. Why?
Because Emma wasn't you..
He kept seeing you, wanting you. He realized it when he was on his way home. What he wanted in Emma, he already had with you. But he was blinded by such a pretty face and voice. He didn't realize he had everything he could ever want already.
He hasn't talked to you in a few days. (In reality it had been weeks) He didn't really know what to say? But he needed to man up and talk to you. He probably should have brought you something to go with his apology. Maybe he'd take you out? Did you still like that diner down the way? Or did you end up changing favorites to the new restaurant you wanted to go to together?
The one he rejected you on when you tried to invite him...
He really did want to go. But Emma had pointed out how much she he liked his abs. Eating junk all the time would ruin all his hard work.. But you never cared about what he looked like. You never made him worry about his looks, that wasn't him.
He was the worst friend. Should he even call himself that anymore? Probably not.. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to be friends? This feeling had him wishing you were his. But he was sure he messed up that opportunity already.
Before he knew it, he found himself at your door.
But his knocks went unanswered. Your room was quiet?--Maybe you had your headphones on? It was late in the evening and it's not like you went out much unless it was with him.
With a sigh he opened your door. He's done this many times before and so have you to his. You were both comfortable enough to walk into one another's space.
"Y/n? We need to talk--"
He was greeted with emptiness. You weren't here? Your bedroom wasn't usually a mess, but today it was. Clothes scattered on your bed, shoes out of your closet, your vanity was messy with your makeup and the smell of your perfume was still clinging to the air..
Did you go out or something? It seemed like you left in a hurry.
No, he could hear soft footsteps coming his way. His shoulders relaxed-- only for them to tense up when he turned.
Remi, one of the girls in the brothel clicked her tongue. "Damn it Draken. I thought you were Y/n."
He furrowed his brows, as she lifted up a dress. "I was going to ask her to sew this for me. A customer got too excited and ripped it."
Draken shrugged his shoulders. "Do you know where she is? I wanted to talk to her."
Remi tilted her head. "You don't know? She left a while ago-- something about a date." She wiggled her eyebrows and giggled. "Must be going good if she isn't back yet. Good for her."
Draken didn't hear that last part just something about a "date". His chest felt heavy-- date? What date? And with who?!
Mitsuya wouldn't call this a date, it was far from what he actually planned.
It may be cliche but he wanted to take you out to dinner, maybe a movie? End the day with him winning you some stuffed animal from an arcade. He'd take you home on his bike after a small drive to look at all the city lights. You'd get a little cold so he'd let you wear his hoodie while you held onto him tight. Then he'd walk you up to your room, a simple kiss goodnight on the cheek-- lips if he was feeling brave enough before he left for home.
But when you arrived, in the cutest outfit-- the universe had other plans for the oldest Mitsuya..His mother had ran into some problems at work, and it was too late for him to find a babysitter.
He didn't want to cancel the date, but he didn't want you to get forced into watching his sister's with him. What kind of first date was babysitting?
But to his surprise you offered to help. You had no doubt Mitsuya could do it on his own, he's been taking care of his sister's since they were born. You just didn't really want to leave? Too used to his company already..
You found yourself enjoying being with him more and more over the past few weeks. When Draken had left you feeling used and unwanted, you may have let yourself waste away in your room for a few days.
It was such a random surprise when you got a knock on your door one afternoon. Half hoping it was Draken, but being shocked that it was actually Mitsuya?
At first you thought he was lost. Draken did end up moving rooms after all.
But again, to your surprise, he was there for you?
He admitted that it worried him that he didn't see you around anymore. Not with Draken, or at meetings. You had no idea he even noticed you there-- (if only you knew he was always happy to see you, even if you didn't say a word to him, just a glimpse of you made his day/night.)
And truth be told, he missed you. He liked it when you were around. He always got this tickling feeling in his stomach when he saw you, it became so addicting..
But its always been that way on his end..
He was sure he's always been in love with you. Since the day Draken brought him to the brothel when he tried to run away.
He remembers it like it was yesterday. The girls that lived in the brothel were dressing you up like a doll. Draken had walked in and began to scold them for spraying your hair and painting your face with chemicals.
He remembers the room was full of half naked women, his pubescent brain should have been drooling for them. But he couldn't take his eyes off of you as you fought Draken while he tried to peel fake lashes off your eyelids.
That's when the butterflies started. And it only got worse the more he saw you.. They became a storm deep down the more you both grew up..
But who could blame him? You were just so sweet but a mean type of funny. (In his mind it was a perfect mix) And your beautiful smile-- it always reached your eyes, you could put Smiley's own smile to shame if you wanted.
But he wasn't dumb, that smile was always for Draken. So he kept his little crush quiet-- until Emma came along and took Draken's attention away from you.
Yes, it hurt to see that smile he loved somewhat falter. Yes, he felt bad and was a bit upset at Draken.. But it meant.. maybe?-- Possibly?-- He could have a chance?
Don't get him wrong! He loves Draken! That was his brother, his best friend, his twin-- But Draken took everything you gave him for granted. He placed someone else over you when you always put Draken first. Even a blind person could see that. But not Draken, not when he has heart eyes on Emma..
Mitsuya knew deep down in his soul that he'd never do that to you.. And now he could prove it! He wasn't doing anything wrong. He had Drakens blessing..
After one too many meetings without you, he finally asked his dragon twin if he had any feelings for you, and if not-- could he ask you out on a date?
Draken made a face of disgust said he didn't see you as anything other than his friend. He told Mitsuya to have fun and take care of you.
But if you asked Draken, he'd tell you Mitsuya was lying. He never asked anything like that? He never gave him permission to pursue you.
But in reality, Draken wasn't paying attention. He was too focused on a text message Emma had sent him. He basically gave Mitsuya permission to ask you out in front of everyone. (Mikey, Baji, and Pah could testify)
He even mumbled something about a sister-- everyone just assumed he was talking about you. Assumed  Draken only saw you as a sister.. They couldn't be none the wiser that he was silently complaining to Mikey about his own sister being a diva.
**Mitsuya residence.**
So here you both were, in his apartment. You helped him cook dinner and tuck his sisters into bed. They absolutely loved you and begged him to let you come back to play with them soon.
He couldn't help but think you were too good to be with him. To give someone with a limited amount of time a chance.
He couldn't believe you counted this as a date. The guilt was eating him alive. Especially now that you were helping him clean up too.
You were drying the dish he just washed. As much as he appreciated the help and company. "I can drop you off at home if you want. You don't need to help me with the dishes and mess. It's bad enough you had to play dolls with Luna and Mana. I promise to make it up to you.. If you let me take you on another date?"
You chuckled and shook your head. "It's fine, really. I just like spending time with you, it doesn't matter what we do." You looked at him with a small smile. "AND don't ever apologize for your sisters. I had so much fun today.. I learned that Barbies actually have names and aren't just all called "Barbie". My mind is blown!" You got quiet as you put the now dry plate away. "But if you want-- I'd love to go on another date when you can."
Why did that make your stomach flip? You've never been this flustered around Mitsuya before. Then again you were distracted by a tall body and deep voice. You couldn't believe it took you this long to actually see Mitsuya for who he really was. How good he was for you-- How much you've been missing out on someone so caring, so handsome, so sweet and protective... Someone so perfect..
"After the dishes I still have laundry to do. But it's getting late so I'll take you back after?-- it's not that I want you to go! I Really want you to stay. It's just-- I can't shake the feeling of guilt--"
You shook your head. He was such a worrywart .. "How about a breakfast date? We could take your sister's with us if you want. And if I help with laundry you'll get a decent night's sleep. You worry too much Mitsuya.. But it's adorable."
Mitsuya chuckled, relieved that you didn't actually want to leave. Relieved you didn't find his mother henning annoying. "It's like we're husband and wife.--" he quickly realized what he just said. He didn't mean to, it just slipped! "I mean-- sorry, ignore what I just said. It was stupid.."
You felt yourself getting flustered. Mrs. Mitsuya-- why did that make your heart skip a beat? You let out a small chuckle. "I don't think it's stupid. Maybe one day?"
That gave him hope. He could feel himself beginning to blush. Maybe you did like him as much as he liked you? He really hoped you did.
"The laundry room is in the buildings basement. I promise it's clean and well lit... No spiders either."
You let out a sigh. "Oh good. I hate the laundry room at the brothel, there's always a spider or two down there."
You had to stop yourself after that. You were about to tell him that you always made Draken go with you-- but you shook him out of your thoughts. He broke your heart and left. You were nothing to him, hardly a friend like he said you were. He completely forgot about you again after he left your room that night.. he left you broken and feeling like beyond shit.. And he didn't care. So neither should you..
It took a lillac headed angel to come along and pick up all the pieces. How'd you get so lucky after being so cursed?
"Come on. I'll carry the baskets and you just open the doors?"
Mitsuya was a bit embarrassed. He was just so excited to have you here with him-- He completely forgot about his underwear possibly getting seen and touched by you..
And it made his heart freeze when you picked one out of the pile and began to fold it.
"Is there any certain way you want it fold--"
It was yanked out of your hands and Mitsuya was so red as he stuffed his underwear into his basket.
You chuckled. "Don't be embarrassed. I've seen underwear before."
He could help but get a little jealous. "Huh? Who's?"
You shrugged. "No idea? I help with the girls laundry and sometimes a customers underwear gets in there. We usually throw them out though."
That was a little relaxing.. Ish? Not really.. But he didn't really have a right to be upset. He knew doing chores and favors around the brothel is why you and Draken got to live rent free.
He nodded and let out an embarrassed chuckle. "Still. Sorry you had to see them."
You were laughing at him? "No need to be sorry, really... At least they looked well kept and didn't have stains or holes."
He would never... And if one suddenly appeared on the one you had in your hands-- he'd fucking jump off his apartment building and die without a second thought.
Your giggle caught his attention. "Don't think too hard okay? You might hurt yourself."
He was staring at the wall while thinking of his imaginary suicide. He laughed-- but then stopped.. It actually took him a minute! "Hey! Did you just call me slow?!"
It did take him a while? But you shook your head either way. "Nooo. Of course not!"
He rolled his eyes and bumped you with his hip. A little too hard?
You nearly fell over, but Mitsuya was quick to grab you!
"I'm so sorry!-- hey, don't laugh..." He was beginning to break, your laugh was so addicting. He tried so hard but it began to slip"Stop! I really could have hurt you. The floor is hard tile!"
He was so worried that it made you almost drop to the floor either way.
But suddenly your body started to become warm? Maybe it was because he caught you by your hips? Maybe it was because you could feel his chest go up and down against yours.
You were so close to one another right now...
Both your laughs died a bit. His eyes lowered as they looked down at your lips-- Yours copying his..
Was this a bit too fast? You've known one other since you were kids--
He doesn't know if it was you who leaned in or himself. But the second your lips brushed against one another. He was gone, his brain turned into a lovestruck mess.
And you were no better..
Just the small *pop* of sweet little pecks filled the laundry room. (Followed by the *buzz* of the dryer stopping) That should have been enough sudden noise to startle you, to have you both jump back from one another.
But it fell on def ears as the kiss became a little more heated. A sudden burst of bravery hit Mitsuya as his hands slowly slid up from your hips to your sides. They found their new home at your lower back.
He nearly pulled away when he caught himself swiping the tip of his tongue at your lower lip. But to his surprise you had placed your hands at the back of his neck and welcomed him in.
Eyes nearly rolling back with how sweet you tasted. How good your tongue felt rolling against his-- It was messy.. He could feel both of your saliva mixing with your cotton candy lipgloss. Wet and sticky but he loves it-
It almost pained him to pull away. But he needed air-- and judging by how fast your chest was rising and falling, so did you..
But what happened next should have made him ashamed of himself. He's been with girls before but, never this dominant. He liked to ask for permission constantly-- it was a good habit, something guys his age should follow. But it did cause trouble sometimes, it's probably why most girls left? He didn't see why his constant asking of "Is this okay?" "Can I do this?" "Can I touch here?" was such an annoyance.
But without a word he'd had backed you up against the folding table. A breathless "jump." was all he had to say to have you acting like an obedient puppy.
His adorable sweet little puppy..
Your mouths attacking one another once again as Mitsuya made himself comfortable between your legs.
This is where you stop right? You both really should..
But his body moved on its own-- yours moved on its own. You could feel how hard he was getting through his pants. And he could feel the heat coming from between your legs.
He wanted you so bad. He's waited for you for so long..
Slowly both your hips began to move. So close that it was as if the clothes keeping you apart weren't even there.
He had to pull away from the kiss. His breathing becoming ragged as an electrifying pleasure began to run through his body. Rolling your hips against his already had him seeing heaven.. How was he going to survive you? How was he going to keep his hands to himself like the gentleman you deserved?
He assumed he'd act very poorly.. Especially when you wrapped your arms around his neck, legs around his waist, and began to make the sweetest sounds.
Sounds he already knew he'd need to hear constantly..
You threw your head back and moaned out his name. He angled his hips just right, his length began to rub just right against your clit. You could feel your underwear becoming embarrassingly wet. So wet that you were sure it would soak through his pants.
You needed to push him away. You were moving too fast-- You didn't want to seem like this was all you wanted from him--
But then Mitsuya took advantage of fully seeing your neck. He began to groan against your skin as he left messy kisses on the most sensitive areas.
How did he know where to kiss to make you feel weak? Why was he so good at this? Why did having his body against yours feel so... Right? As if he was actually worshiping you..
You didn't deserve this kind of attention--
"You're so perfect."
Mitsuya's kisses began to drift a bit downward.
"So sweet, so soft.."
His lips tickled your collarbone as they made their way down to your clothed stomach.-- It felt like the world was spinning.
Maybe you shouldn't have worn a skirt-- Maybe it was the best idea you ever had? You'd pick the latter if your brain wasn't short circuiting right now. His warm hands began to explore under your skirt and up your thighs-- his lips lightly nipping at the skin.
Leaning back on your elbows you could feel yourself wanting him more. Your legs shook with each little bite that started getting a little more rougher the closer he got to your underwear.
You've never felt this before. A choked moan of his name struggled to leave your throat. His tongue pressed up against the wet fabric of your panties-- He was moaning against your heart and it sent a pleasurable shock into your core.
This didn't happen before. You were just told to lay naked on your bed and to open your legs.. Your body didn't know how to react.
Mitsuya's eyes rolled back as he began to taste how sweet you were. He could feel your clit twitching against his tongue as he licked the fabric.. He couldn't wait to have your little bud between his lips, his tongue deep inside--
You began to grind against his face and cry out his name. It sounded so beautiful coming from you--
You felt the coldness of the room hit your cunt. Your panties yanked to the side-- You closed your eyes and tried to keep yourself from spasming against his face. Somehow your hands found their way into his lillac hair-- praying that you wouldn't pull too hard and hurt him from how good his tongue felt--
But that feeling never came? You felt some pressure on your lower stomach and opened your eyes with desperate breaths..
Mitsuya's head was laying on your lower abdomen now. His hands still clutching the sides of your underwear, your thighs still against his shoulders.. He looked off to the side while he was trying to catch his breath.
Did you do something wrong? Did he not like the way it looked?-- He changed his mind, he didn't want you..
But that was far from it..
Holding back tears you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. "I should go.."
Only Mitsuya didn't let you go. He couldn't-- He shook his head against your stomach and groaned. "Please don't think it's anything bad. It's just-- I want you so bad, it hurts.." And it's actually did both mentally and physically.  He could feel his cock ready to tear his pants with how hard he was. He winced when he moved and could feel his own puddle of pre cum soaking through HIS underwear..
"You don't have to lie. It's okay.."
He's never been so hurt. You didn't believe him?
You were sitting up and already trying to leave. Mitsuya had to block you and keep you on the table.
"I promise you I'm not!" He was turning pink. "It's just-- I don't want our first time sleeping together to be in a laundry room under my apartment complex. I want to have you all to myself after I show you how serious I am about you. After I show you that I'm the only guy you'll ever need-- I want you naked and breathless, Screaming my name while I praise every inch of your body... Not down here where someone could walk in and ruin the moment. Down here where I can't worship you because someone could see the body, person, and soul I want as mine.."
He couldn't look at you. So he played with the hem of your skirt as he poured his heart out. Only for his heart to drop when he heard a small sniffle come from you--
"Oh, shit! I'm sorry.. Did I say something stupid? If it's just sex you want I guess I can--"
You wrapped your arms around his neck once more and leaned into him. He never really found hugging to be this enjoyable? But you fit perfectly in his arms.
"I'm sorry-"...
You cut him off. "You don't need to be sorry. Not for anything about tonight or what you said.." Much to his dismay, you pulled away and wiped your eyes. "I should be sorry for crying, it's not a bad cry... I-- I don't think anyone's ever said that about me before so it's just surprising... I didn't think someone could care about me that much."
Mitsuya's heart broke. You deserved so much more... With shaking hands he grabbed yours. "I want to show that's the kind of person I'll always be... If you give me a chance?"
You let out a choked laugh. "I thought I already was?"
What time was it? Did he really fall asleep in your bed while he waited for you?
To answer his questions, it was currently 11:23pm. And yes, he did fall asleep in your room. You wouldn't have taken longer he thought.. So he cleaned up your room a bit and waited for you to return.
Your room had become a bit too hot for himself and he opened up your window. His chest filled with guilt when he noticed your little ac unit had went out.. You always had him fix it for you, but he's been avoiding you for weeks-- every chance he got since that night.
The cool breeze must have put him to sleep till now..
He startled awake when a familiar muffler stopped at the bottom of the brothel. He could hear you and someone laughing--
He peeked out, ready to call your name and Mitsuya's. Had your date gone bad? Is that why you called Mitsuya to go pick you up?---
He stood frozen as you leaned over to kiss his twin dragon goodbye. Heat filled his chest when Mitsuya's hands wrapped around your body and brought you closer to him... Like he didn't want to let you go..
Draken gritted his teeth when his supposed best friend's laugh filled the night air as he pulled you back for another kiss, this time a bit longer..  His head hurt when he heard the little whispers and looks of admiration shared as you hesitantly pulled away from him and stumbled to the door.
Mitsuya didn't bother to look up-- he only watched you.. Until the door closed and your figure was going up the elevator did he start up his motorcycle again and left back home. Counting the minutes till hes able to come get you in the morning for your day together..
You on the other hand.. Have never felt lovesick before. It was such a heavenly feeling..
Had the brothel floors always been this wobbly? Had the wallpaper always been this pink? Why was the world so beautiful with heart shaped lens on?-- you hoped it would never disappear..
You hadn't noticed that you began to him to yourself. That happy, full of life version of yourself was coming back--
But that lens fell when you opened your room door and felt a stinging coldness run up your arms.  The first thing you noticed was a giant standing in your dark room--
Draken stood by your window and stared out into the street... His voice sounded so Angry-- so disappointed?-- so hurtful..
"So, Mitsuya huh?----"
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orchidniins · 4 months
Opening Act | Track 2 | Arthur Hill
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Pairing: Arthur Hill x f!Reader Warnings: Fluff, Angst Word count: 3.6k+ A/N: I'm trying to get these out once a week, and I think I'm able to write these parts at a good pace. if there's anything you want to see included in this series then make sure to send it into my inbox. Hope you enjoy!! Series Masterlist
Track 1 ✧ Track 3
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You were currently running around your room, digging through drawers and rummaging through your closet, trying to pick out an outfit. As you toss clothes aside in frustration, you hear a knock on your door.
"Yeah?" you call out.
Your older sister Emma gently opens the door and leans casually against the doorframe, watching you with an amused expression. She crosses her arms and laughs, "How are you not ready yet? I swear you've changed your outfit like five times already."
You huff as you manage to wrangle a jacket out of your closet, putting it on and giving yourself a quick look in the mirror. "What? I have not changed five times," you reply defensively. "Why are you still here anyway? Don’t you have to be at the shop?"
Emma smirks, not missing a beat. "I'm on break. I'll head back in a bit," she says, her eyes following you as you continue to run around your room like a headless chicken.
You nod, now at your vanity as you touch up your makeup, catching Emma’s teasing expression in the mirror. You let out a breath, trying to ignore her knowing look.
"Are you sure this isn't a date?" she teased, raising her eyebrows with a mischievous grin.
You roll your eyes, before you say "Of course not, Em. It’s just lunch with a friend."
Emma wasn't convinced, her smirk widening. "Sure honey, friends who just stay up all night talking on FaceTime, and constantly text each other throughout the day.. And don’t think I don’t hear the flirting and giggles at night. Like you actually squealed when you guys made plans to meet today. Y/N... you are just lying to yourself, and this is a date."
You feel a blush creeping up to your cheeks but quickly try to brush off her comment. You clear your throat before straightening up and turning to face her, "For the hundredth time, Em, it's not a date," you insist, hoping to end the conversation.
"Fine, but then when you two are happily in love, just remember... I called it," Emma quipped, her grin unrelenting.
You roll your eyes at her teasing. "Emma!"
She chuckles. "What? He’s cute and you’re decent to look at," she teases further and you slightly pout at her, "He’s a musician, you’re a musician... If it hasn’t happened already, it’s gonna... and soon, I can feel it."
You let out a resigned sigh. "Whatever," you reply, grabbing your bag before heading to your bedroom door. "Now, can you move, please? I’m gonna be late."
Emma moves aside, adding, "Fine. Text me when you get there, yeah?"
You nod, bidding her goodbye before slipping on your shoes and leaving your shared apartment.
As you close the door behind you, the nerves kick in, and you can't quite understand why you're feeling so jittery about seeing Arthur.
You weren’t lying to yourself or your sister; you and Arthur were just friends. But Emma wasn't entirely wrong when she said that you and Arthur spoke all the time. Ever since the day you joined his live, your conversations with Arthur became a daily occurrence. What were initially just casual exchanges turned into hour-long conversations about music, life, family, friends, and everything in between. You found comfort in having a friend in the music industry; you appreciated the support, and Arthur was one of the few people you could truly relate to. 
As days turned into weeks, you found yourself becoming increasingly comfortable around him. You eagerly anticipated each interaction with Arthur. Whenever he released new music, you couldn't resist showering him with compliments, often jokingly referring to yourself as his biggest fangirl. Which is why you found it odd just how nervous you were feeling now.
Despite having spoken for a while and both living in the same city, this was the first time you were going to meet him in person. You had finally managed to find some time off from work, and Arthur had some time off from his busy schedule as well. Since graduating university, you’d worked at your sister’s bakery. While you dreamt of music becoming your full-time career, you knew you weren’t there just yet. Working at the bakery provided stability, and you also quite enjoyed working there with your sister, even if you two often argued over petty things.
You walk up to the street from the subway, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you bite your lip anxiously. The weather in London that week had been surprisingly pleasant, so you and Arthur had decided to take advantage of it and spend some time out in the city. You chose to meet up at a charming new place recommended by one of your friends for lunch. It had a cozy interior adorned with vintage decorations and soft, warm lighting, creating a welcoming atmosphere. There was also a quaint outdoor seating area, perfect for enjoying the nice weather. 
As you approached the restaurant, nervous anticipation bubbled up inside you at the thought of meeting him in person for the first time. But as soon as you laid eyes on Arthur waiting outside the entrance, a sense of calm washed over you. His smile was warm and inviting, and seeing him made your nervousness melt away. You couldn't help but notice how well put together he looked, exuding his usual charm. With a smile of your own, you waved at him, feeling a surge of excitement as you approached to greet him.
"Hey there," you greeted Arthur with a warm smile, feeling excited to finally meet in person.
"Hey," his smile mirrored yours. "Finally… she exists!" he joked, causing you to laugh.  You went in for a hug, but it was brief as he quickly pulled away, taking a step back, maintaining a slight distance. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at the abruptness, but you quickly pushed the feeling away, trying not to let it show on your face. Despite the slight awkwardness, you were just happy that you guys could finally hang out.
As you two settle into the cafe, you take a moment to peruse the menu. The whole time you feel Arthur's eyes on you, looking up at you ever so often. "You're looking lovely today," he compliments you, you look up at him, a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Thanks," you reply, a slight smile playing on your lips. "You're not looking too bad yourself," you say, returning the compliment with a playful grin. He chuckles lightly before glancing away nervously, sipping on some water and clearing his throat.
You laugh a little nervously, trying to change the topic, "How's the new album coming along?"
"It's been a lot of work, but I think it's really coming together," he replied proudly. His tone has shifted; he sounds less nervous now, his excitement evident as he continues, and you find yourself smiling at him.
He shares updates about his upcoming album, sounding passionate about all the details he shares. You listen intently, always enjoying when Arthur talks about his music and plans for Youtube and TikTok. He always sounds so excited when he speaks about it, and you're glad he's opened up enough to share this with you.
"How's the next song coming along?" he asks curiously, turning the conversation back to you.
You sigh, a hint of frustration evident in your voice. "I've been trying to write, but I've been struggling with a bit of a block lately," you admit.
Arthur chuckled sympathetically. "After only three songs?" he teased lightly.
You mock hurt, placing a hand over your heart as you laugh. "Woah woah, you of all people know how difficult it is to be an independent artist," you retort playfully.
"Haha, fair point," Arthur replied, his tone shifting slightly, his expression carrying a hint of concern. "Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
You shake your head, a grin spreading across your face. "No, it's okay. I know you're just teasing," you assure him, wanting to make sure he knows you weren't offended and Arthur nods in response.
“I’m just feeling the pressure to write something new lately," you begin. "My management did send me some demos that I could record, but I'm not sure if I'm completely okay singing someone else's words just yet. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just want to try on my own for just a bit longer."
Arthur nods understandingly. “You’ll get through it, I have faith in you. You've already written some amazing songs, and the people can wait a little longer." You share a knowing smile with him, “Thanks, Arthur,” you say, feeling a sense of reassurance from his words.
"Of course," Arthur responds with a warm smile.
Once you finish your meal, Arthur asks, "Do you want to go for a walk?", he asks you slightly nervously. "Maybe we'll stumble upon something that sparks some inspiration."
You smile brightly at the suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea,” you reply enthusiastically. Though you didn't want to admit it, you were secretly thrilled at the prospect of spending more time with him.
As you walk through the city, basking in the warm sunshine, the bustling streets filled with people don't seem to bother you at all. As you stroll along, the vibrant colors and alluring scents of a nearby flower shop catch your attention. He walks to the shop door, glancing back as you eye him with a curious look. "Well, come on," he says, holding the door open for you to enter the quaint little shop.
You enter the shop, its shelves adorned with an array of colorful flowers. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of various blooms, and your eyes light up at the sight of the colorful displays. You turn to Arthur with excitement. "Come on, let's pick out some flowers!" you say, walking further into the shop. Arthur chuckles, eyeing you with amusement.
As you wander from one display to another, Arthur follows closely behind, his curiosity piqued. You practically squeal when you spot some pretty pink carnations, prompting a laugh from Arthur at your reaction.
“Those your favorite?” he asks, you nod eagerly.
You nod eagerly, already reaching for a few of the pink blooms. “Yes, I've always loved carnations," you reply, selecting a handful of the delicate flowers. “There’s just something about them that makes me so happy.”
You eventually settle on some pink carnations, white roses, and baby’s breath. As you hand them to the lady at the counter, you watch intently as she arranges them into a bouquet, a contented smile on your face.
As you head to the cash register, Arthur beats you to it, handing the shopkeeper his card. "Arthur, it's fine, you don’t have to pay," you protest.
He shakes his head with a gentle smile. "No, no, I insist."
Arthur pays for the flowers and hands you the bouquet with a shy smile, his sweet gesture melting your heart.
"I hope you like them," he says. Your eyes sparkle with joy as you take the bouquet in your hands. "They're perfect, thank you," you reply warmly and without thinking you throw your arms around him in an embrace. You swear you feel him freeze up slightly before he hugs you back. You mentally scold yourself as you pull away, embarrassed, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks.
You try to hide your face by burying it in the flowers, hoping to conceal the blush on your cheeks. Taking a deep breath, you inhale the sweet scent of the flowers, holding the bouquet close to your chest.
A few hours pass as you and Arthur wander around the city, catching up and getting onto various antics. Eventually, you come across a band busking in a square, performing covers of popular songs, drawing a crowd that were singing along with them. You and Arthur are automatically attracted to the music, and you both move to stand amongst the spectators.
As the crowd thickens, you stumble back slightly, bumping into Arthur who was now standing behind you. You feel his chest brush against your back, causing your breath to hitch at the sudden contact. He quickly moves away, apologizing, "Oh, sorry." You turn slightly and laugh, assuring him, "It's okay."
You both turn your attention back to the music. "Does anyone want to come up and sing with us?" the lead singer calls out.
Arthur nudges you. "You should go up there," he says with a grin.
"Me? What about you, huh?" you reply, eyes wide. "Plus, I’ve never performed in front of a crowd like this."
Arthur urges you even more. "Okay, then you definitely need to go up there and sing. Come on, it’ll be fun."
You hesitate, shaking your head. "I don’t know, Arthur…"
Before you can protest further, you feel him gently push you to the front of the crowd. "Here!" he shouts, pointing at you, drawing the band's attention, and they call you over.
You feel the eyes of the crowd and the band on you as you take a deep breath. Handing the things in your arms to Arthur, you step forward with a mix of nerves and excitement.
Once you're where the performers are, the lead singer smiles and asks, "What's your name?"
"Y/N," you reply, trying your best to stay calm.
He turns to the crowd and announces, "Give it up for Y/N!" The crowd responds with a round of applause, and you try to keep a smile on your face.
"Do you know this song?" he asks away from the mic, showing you a track on his phone.
You recognize it and nod. "Yeah, I do."
Taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself as the band starts playing. You begin singing, and the crowd erupts in cheers at how good you sound. Glancing at the front of the crowd, you see Arthur filming you with his phone, a huge smile on his face. Encouraged, you try to get into the performance, starting to enjoy singing with the band as the crowd claps and sings along.
The band manages to get you to sing two more songs before the lead singer announces, "Let's hear it for Y/N, everyone!" You take a little bow and give him a quick side hug before heading back to where Arthur is standing.
You grab your things from him, and the two of you move out of the crowd. "That was amazing, Y/N!" Arthur compliments you. "You sound even better live!"
Blushing, you say, "Thank you!” before letting out a breath. “God, my heart is still beating so fast," you add as the two of you laugh.
Just as you're about to say something else, you're interrupted by a group of girls who recognized Arthur. They approach with excited smiles, asking, "Can we get a picture with you?"
Arthur is incredibly nice about it, extremely happy to meet his fans "Of course," he says warmly. You offer, "I can take the photo for you." "Thank you!" one of the girls exclaims as they hand you their phone. Arthur poses with them, and chatting with them briefly.
As you watch him interact with the fans, you feel a sense of admiration. He’s so sweet and genuine, and it warms your heart.
Once the girls leave, Arthur turns back to you and says, "Sorry, were you gonna say something?"
You just smile and shake your head. "No, nothing. I was actually going to say that I should be heading home."
"Oh, I didn't realize it had gotten so late," Arthur says and you notice a flicker of disappointment in his eyes, and you can’t help but smile at his reaction.
He checks the time on his phone before suggesting, "Do you want me to drop you home?"
You shake your head. "No, it's okay. I'll just take the subway."
But Arthur convinces you otherwise. "Come on, let me at least walk you to the station," he insists.
You agree with a smile. "Alright, thank you."
With a content smile on his face, he walks you to the nearest station. Once you reach the entrance, you both turn to face each other.
"Well…" Arthur begins, his smile softening.
"Well…" you echo him, laughing a little.
"It was really good to see you today," he says earnestly. "We should hang out more often. Don't be a stranger."
You laugh at his words and say, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." adding, "I had a good time today as well." and he smiles back at you.
Before you can say anything, Arthur starts walking away. "Let me know when you get home, okay? Bye, Y/n," he calls back. And you just nod in response as you wave him goodbye.
"Okay... odd," you say to yourself as you turn and make your way into the subway, not really sure what to make of what just happened.
You walk back to your place from the subway, the events of your day playing on repeat in your head. Despite having a nice day, you couldn't shake the feeling of awkwardness at how it ended. Why did Arthur rush away like that? Was he busy? Did he lie about having a good time? These questions swirled in your head as you approached the familiar sight of the pink storefront of your sister’s bakery.
You and your sister lived in the apartment above the shop, making getting to work an actual breeze. While the street below could get a bit noisy, especially late into the night, living above your workplace meant you could easily roll out of bed and make it to work at 5 a.m.
You enter the bakery, the familiar sound of the bell above the door rings through the shop, catching Emma's attention. She looks up from the till and greets you with a smile. "Hey! You’re back already. How was your date?" she asks teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You chuckle and shake your head. "It wasn’t a date," you reply, holding back a smile. Emma's eyes flicker to the flowers in your hand, and she raises an eyebrow suggestively. "Oh, those are lovely. Did your date get you those?" she continues to tease you, a playful grin tugging at her lips.
"They're just flowers, Em. It's nothing," you assure her, setting the bouquet on the counter before going behind the till to put away the rest of your things. Emma leans against the counter, curiosity evident in her expression.
"Okay, fine. So, how was your day?" she asks, a hint of mischief in her voice. You smile and shrug, replying, "Yeah, it was fun. I had a good time."
Emma quirks an eyebrow, a knowing look in her eyes. "That’s it? It was just..good?” she teases, prompting you to roll your eyes. “Give me more details,” she insists eagerly.
You chuckle and indulge her curiosity. “No, it was really nice. We went to lunch, then we went to this really cute flower shop, oh and Arthur convinced me to sing with some buskers that were performing,” you explain as you start arranging the flowers in a vase.
Emma's eyes go wide in surprise. “You actually performed in front of a live crowd…wow, Arthur can really work some magic,” she comments, impressed.
You laugh as you work. “Yeah, I surprised myself a little too, it was fun,” you admit.
Emma leans in, intrigued. “So tell me more about Arthur… How was he? Did he profess his love to you?” she teases.
You huff out, then say, "Emma... it was... well... I don't know. Arthur was nice and all, clearly a great guy. We got along great, and obviously, we don’t have a problem with things to talk about. But I just felt like the whole time he was really trying to keep his distance. So, there were times when it got a little awkward, but, you know, it was the first time we met in person, so I’m not thinking much of it."
Emma pauses to think for a moment, then says, "Maybe he’s just shy. Or maybe he’s so insanely into you that he just didn’t know how to act around you." You eye her like she's gone absolutely mad.
"No..absolutely not. Clearly, he sees me as nothing but a friend, and that's cool with me," you say, sounding slightly deflated.
Emma eyes you skeptically, sensing something more behind your words. "Uh huh," she responds, not entirely convinced. You quickly backtrack, adding, "Not that I want him to be anything more than a friend, of course. He’s just a good friend."
Before Emma can say anything else, you quickly change the subject. "Anyway, I have nothing else to do tonight, so do you need any help around here?"
Emma takes the hint to drop the topic for now, but you know she’ll want to talk about it later. "No, we're good here. It’s still your day off, so just go on up. I’ll see you at dinner," she says. You nod, grabbing your stuff before heading up to your place.
Once you’re back in your room, you proceed to get unready, changing into something a little more comfortable. You pull out your phone and open Instagram, noticing that Arthur has posted a story. It’s a video of you singing from earlier today. Watching it, you can’t help but smile. Despite the few awkward moments, you really did enjoy spending the day with him. It was some of the most fun you’d had all month.
You quickly text Arthur, letting him know that you made it home safe, and then you go through some of the photos you’d taken today, posting a few yourself. As you lie back on your bed, your thoughts drift to the day’s events. Today had gotten you thinking about your own feelings. You knew that Emma was just joking about all that stuff, but now that she’d put the thought in your head, it had you second-guessing things. You were content with the way the day had gone, but the last thing you’d expected to be left with today was confusion.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying the series so far! Let me know what you think.
Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Not working on any new requests currently but feel free to drop into my asks for a chat! 😊
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
It’s Always Been You
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Emma Swan x Regina Mills
Genre: Smut, fluff and a bit of angst (not too much though)
Words: 4.9k+
Summary: Regina and Emma have had an interesting relationship over the past few years, one that they don’t often talk about and have left only to memories. But before her wedding, Emma’s thoughts become too loud, and the past makes an appearance.
A/n: Not beta read so I apologise if there are any mistakes! There was going to be one additional flashback that I lacked the motivation for… but I’m interested to know if anyone will be able to figure out where ;)
Emma sits in front of the vanity, eyes raking over her barely furnished room from behind her in the mirror. It feels empty, hollow.
Her whole life, she has dreamt of having her own home and a family, both of which she’s acquired. So for her life, she can’t understand why it doesn’t feel right. Ever since she could remember, she’d run away at the first of danger; often finding it around every corner meant she’d never had a place to call her own. It makes sense that the feeling of finally settling down should be comforting. Instead, it feels suffocating, foreign in the worst of ways, and far too final.
Flickering her eyes back to her reflection, she looks at her freshly applied makeup; it’s more than she regularly wears or has ever worn. But the occasion calls for it. After all, it is her wedding day, and Ruby insisted on ‘dolling her up.’ Though when Emma sees herself, dare she say it, it may have been too much ‘dolling up.’
“What do you think?” The brunette asks, admiring her work.
“Ummm, well, it’s,” Emma stammers over her words, thinking how best to break the news to Ruby, “It’s-”
“Oh dear god,” Regina screeches from the doorway. Both younger women turn their heads, watching Regina move toward where they are sitting. She studies Emma’s face, making no effort to hide her grimace, “What have you done to her? She looks like she’s about to perform at a drag show, not walk down the aisle.”
Emma tries not to cringe at the older woman’s harsh tone, failing miserably when she sees Ruby roll her eyes and walk off. Of course, she won’t admit it, but she’s grateful for the fact she doesn’t have to be one to tell Ruby she’d put a little too much of her own spin on the bridal look.
“May I?” Regina gestures to the stool next to Emma.
“Sure. Could you pass me the wipes? They should be in the first draw.” Emma takes a deep breath, hoping to alleviate some of her nerves on the exhale.
Reaching out, Regina opens the drawer and pulls out the wipes, ready to hand them over until she sees the shaky hand that is held out to receive them. She carefully places the wipes on the vanity instead, earning a confused look from Emma.
“Allow me?” Regina offers, taking a wipe out and bringing it to the thick layer of foundation lying over Emma’s cheek.
Instantly the younger woman relaxes, closing her eyes and relishing the feel of cold against her flushed face. It’s an added bonus that now and then, Regina’s soft fingers are brushing against her skin, and Emma lets herself lean into them. She allows herself to get lost in distant memories.
Regina had gone below deck. She didn’t want anyone to see her in her current state, which - put nicely - was a complete wreck. She’d just lost the one person she’d promised herself she’d always protect, Henry.
“We’re going to get him back,” Emma said, walking in, trying to reassure the nervously fidgeting brunette.
Regina quickly looked up to see Emma walking towards her on the bed. She fixed her posture and cloaked her worries behind her trusty emotionless mask, “I know we are.” she snapped.
“Do you ever let anyone see the other side of you?” Emma asked as she sat down next to Regina, ignoring the look she received in response.
“Care to elaborate on what you mean by ‘other side,’ Miss Swan?”
Emma raised her hands, sensing from Regina’s death glare she was hitting a nerve, “What I mean is, the softer side, the vulnerable side of you that you spent years trying to bury. Others might buy the stone-cold act, but you can’t fool me.”
“And why do you think you know me so well, Miss Swan?” Regina asked, burying her newfound vulnerability behind a look of disgust.
“Stop with the Miss Swan.”
“Or what, Miss S-”
Frustration got the best of her, and in the blink of an eye, Emma had Regina pinned down on the bed, pushing the older woman’s wrists into the mattress on either side of her head. She stayed still for a few seconds, not entirely understanding what had come over her.
In the time spent staring, Emma studied Regina’s features. The little crease that formed between her eyebrows, that were now furrowed, and her chestnut eyes - which held an abundance of unspoken secrets and fears - that were wide open. Emma swore she saw a tinge of curiosity within them alongside the apparent shock. Regina’s lips were parted ever so slightly as she took in rushed but tiny breaths, and before Emma even thought she could pull away, those very lips trapped her in a trance-like state.
Realising kissing the human version of a brick wall may be unappealing, Emma moved her lips in rhythm with Regina’s, and what started as obligatory reciprocation turned into voluntary instigation. Emma’s hands roamed Regina’s arms, her nails clawing ever so slightly into supple skin in retaliation to Regina capturing her bottom lip between her teeth.
Neither knew who broke away first, too breathless to contemplate or care. They stared at one another, mouths agape as the realisation of what they’d just done dawned on them. Emma thought for sure she’d fucked up. There was no way they could make amends after this or even look one another in the eye. Then Regina did something unexpected. She fluttered her eyes shut, wrapped her arms around Emma’s neck, and anchored her back down.
Emma let it happen. She didn’t know why. In fact, she didn’t even want to know why. All she knew and felt were soft plum lips, and she willingly yielded to their power. The kiss quickly grew more and more fierce. With Regina’s hands around her neck, pulling her closer and closer, Emma finally let go. She pressed her body against Regina’s, relishing in the small moan from the brunette as their clothed breasts pressed against one another.
Regina knew she should stop. She knew what they were doing was wrong and inappropriate. Emma’s whole family was right above them, for god's sake. But it was hopeless. Her hands had a mind of their own, latching onto Emma’s soft curls and accepting her eager tongue into her mouth. Once the exploration took place, hearing the blonde moan into her mouth as she tasted her for the first time, all hopes of turning back were crushed.
From that moment on, both women were overtaken by desire. Their hands were all over each other. Emma’s knee nestled between Regina’s legs, which Regina instantly appreciated, grinding against it to relieve herself of the growing tension. It wasn’t enough. She needed more. And something told her Emma wouldn’t have a problem delivering.
Emma’s lips travelled down Regina’s jawline before reaching her neck and sucking over her pulse point, smiling at the small moan Regina let out. She ran her tongue over the bruised patch of skin while her hand snaked under the brunette's shirt, cupping and kneading her breasts.
Unbuttoning the silk shirt, Emma trailed a path of kisses further down Regina’s body, down to her black bra. Her fingers danced over the newly exposed skin, imprinting the feel of the toned flesh into her mind, not knowing if this would not only be the first but also the last time she’d have the pleasure.
They were limited on time, which meant there wasn’t much wriggle room for gracefully undressing each other, “Can you… ummm…” Emma sat up and looked down at Regina’s trousers as she began fiddling with her own.
Regina smirked and waved her hand. The sudden shiver that ran down Emma’s spine alerted her to the missing jeans she’d previously been trying to take off. When she looked down, she noticed Regina's clothes were no longer present, along with her own.
Emma went straight to work. She lowered herself back down, laying atop Regina and kissing her once more. Her tongue quickly slipped into the parted, plump lips, and she explored the hot, wet cavern until she had to come back up for air. Emma was privy to Regina’s slick arousal on her thigh, and the moment her lips made contact with the older woman’s neck, she felt her wetness glide over the expanse of her thigh.
At this point, the brunette was a mess, grinding down helplessly on Emma’s thigh, searching for friction, holding blonde locks tight as Emma moved southwards to her breasts. She let out a whimper when Emma finally took a pert nipple into her mouth, sucking and nibbling mercilessly. She used her other hand to cup the neglected breast, squeezing it in pulses before pinching Regina’s nipple between her fingers.
Emma didn’t know when she stopped thinking, let herself become overtaken by the thralls of passion, or when all thoughts of what she was doing became unimportant. But then again, she didn’t seem to care, not when there was a pair of perfectly toned legs wrapped around her head, and soft mewls came from above her. So, she fell back into a rhythm, rejecting the rigidity that tried to coax her body into feeling guilty, and she re-focussed her energies on pleasing the goddess who was letting her body be worshipped.
Before long, Regina’s climax was cresting. Quieted moans had grown into unrelenting cries of pleasure, and her sorry attempts at silencing them with her hand were woefully unsuccessful. Emma didn’t mind. She’d come to realise they may be her new favourite sound, a song she’d replay in her mind night after night alone in her room, where no one could judge her and where no one could see how her body reacted to the sweet melody of moans accompanied by soft waves crashing outside, the taste of the salted sea and Regina still dancing on her tongue months later.
Her tongue moved more ferociously, and instantly she saw Regina topple over the edge. Her chest rose towards the water-stained ceiling, the grip on her hair tightened almost painfully, and the firm legs around her head trembled with each stroke of her tongue over the brunette’s spent clit. After a few more seconds, Regina shimmied away, tugging lightly on Emma’s blonde locks.
“Stop.” She shakily breathed out.
Emma didn’t want to. She’d just discovered her true purpose in life, and she swore if she were denied the right to pry those sounds from Regina one more time in the next few minutes, she’d go crazy.
She took the risk and pulled away, crawling back up Regina’s body with speed and determination. Emma brought her lips back down to Regina’s, smiling as the brunette was temporarily distracted by the taste of herself on Emma. And that’s when she struck. She quickly slid two fingers into the older woman’s sex, coming back to life when she heard familiar sounds spill from Regina.
“Oh god,” she groaned, “Yes, Emma, like that.”
Emma suddenly understood what it felt like to be an addict, to be painfully aware that no matter how much of something you got, it would never be enough. She also knew that she’d take what she was given and, right now, happily accepted that she was given the opportunity to be greedy.
To graciously thank Regina, she thrust her fingers into the brunette's tight walls faster, curling them each time to hit the particular spot previous lovers neglected. Chants of yes’s, followed by obscenities Emma had never thought she'd hear from Regina, gave the younger woman some idea that she was on the right track to giving Regina her second orgasm.
When Regina brought her hands to Emma’s back, scratching the surface of her porcelain skin with ten scarlet lines, Emma lost it. Her fingers moved with vigour and one single purpose. Her lips ravished Regina’s neck with reckless abandon, leaving in their wake angry plum blotches. She didn’t care. She wanted one thing. They both wanted one thing.
And that’s when Regina’s vision went black, and the world around her faded. The only thing she knew, the only thing she wanted to know, was Emma’s lips on her, Emma’s hands on her, Emma’s sweaty skin on her.
They never brought up what happened that day. Not when Regina caught the looks between Emma and Hook, not when they found Henry, not when for a few seconds, it seemed like just the three of them against the world, and not when they returned to Storybrooke and Regina felt the loneliness creep back up and return to her.
Emma expects the absence of chatter to allow the voices in her head to intensify and engulf her once more, yet, here with Regina, the silence is comfortable and easy to enjoy. It’s the calm she has been looking for. That’s until her mother enters the room sometime later, puffy-eyed from the last few hours spent crying.
“I saw Ruby leave. Everything okay?”
By this point, Emma’s makeup is finished. It’s elegant and simple. Her cheekbones are accentuated, the green of her eyes shining in contrast to the red lipstick that paints her smile as she looks in the mirror (much happier and calmer than the last time she gazed into it).
“Emma…” Snow’s bottom lip wobbles as a fresh set of tears glint in her eyes, “You look beautiful.”
“Don’t start. You’ll set her off too.” Regina half-jokingly says to the brunette.
“I can’t help it.” Snow defends, “You’ll understand when Henry gets married or Emma if you have a daughter of your own, you’ll be crying just as much as I have been.”
Regina doesn’t even need to turn back to Emma to feel her tense at the mention of children. The sanctity has been broken, all thoughts return, and Emma is thrown head-first into a full-blown panic attack. Her breathing becomes unsteady, and tears well in her eyes. Her eyes are helplessly darting around the empty room, trying to find something, anything, to anchor her back to reality. It’s useless. She knows it as her hands start to tremor, and her knee begins bouncing up and down.
She looks to the one person she knows she can rely on, “Regina, get me out of here.”
Regina snaps her head back to Emma, “What?”
“Please.” She begs.
Looking into her watery eyes, Regina’s heart drops to her stomach. There is so much fear and heartache dancing around in Emma’s pleading eyes; all she wants to do is take the blonde into her arms, soothe her, and battle her demons for her. So she does the only thing she can. She poofs herself and Emma to the one place she always finds solace, her vault.
Purple smoke engulfs them, leaving Snow sitting alone on the bed, staring in disbelief at the two empty seats.
“Thank you,” Emma sits on a nearby trunk.
“Are you okay?” Regina asks, shifting her weight from foot to foot, not knowing whether it would be best to embrace Emma - as much as she wants to.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I just needed to get away, have a few moments to breathe alone before,” she swallows the lump in her throat, “before the wedding.”
Alone. Regina kicks herself. Emma had asked to get her out of the house, not to keep her company, “I can go.” She says quickly, turning to leave.
Fingers curl around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks and guiding her to turn back around.
“No, stay. Please.”
Looking down, Regina reunites with pleading green orbs, and just as before, she folds. In the low sombre light scattered candles provide, Emma seems so small, young, and vulnerable, and Regina can’t, no, she won’t leave her. If someone held a knife to her throat, she’d have sooner torn their heart clean from their chest before abandoning Emma.
Without knowing what she’s doing, Regina surges forward, crashing her body against Emma’s, pulling her into an unexpected embrace. Greeted pleasantly by slender arms wrapping around her neck, holding her close and in place, she breathes out in relief.
Silence falls over the vault. Light breathing comes from both women being the only sound. Regina traces small circles over Emma’s back, lulling her, feeling the blonde’s chest rise and fall against hers.
She slowly lowers herself onto the trunk, trying to avoid breaking the hug, though it’s unlikely to happen with Emma’s unyielding grip on her. Neither wants to let go; it would seem. It was under different circumstances they’d last shared such close contact. Pulling away means parting with memories - soft moans, sweat-clad bodies, a kind of intimacy they’d found with one another and no one else - that swirl around their conjoined bodies.
“I’ll stay. I promise.” Regina whispers.
And Emma believes her.
“My superpower may not be perfect, but with you, Regina, I can always tell when you’re lying.” Emma triumphantly stated.
Maybe it was the slight smile the younger woman offered or the unmissable adoration in her tone, but Regina couldn’t be annoyed. If it were anyone else stating, quite proudly, she’d lost the power to deceive them, she probably would not be smiling like an idiot in love. That was unimportant, though. And why was that? Because Emma was staring at her, and she was staring at Emma, and they both had that look in their eyes, which meant one thing and one thing alone.
“Even though you know I can’t live without him?”
“There you go, telling the truth again.”
“I missed both of you.” Regina spilt out, caught up in the moment.
Emma smiled, “Another truth.”
The brunette tried not to let her smile falter. Emma didn’t remember her in New York, so how could she miss her?
But then the blonde was up on her feet, sauntering over to her with a gentle yet playful smile on her lips, and her eyes softened, “I missed you too.”
There was no hiding the beam that fell over Regina’s face. Her smile shone brighter, and if she hadn’t turned away, Emma would have caught the faint blush emerging on her cheeks. Gentle fingers under her chin guided her back, and who was she to deny them? Watching Emma lick her lips, she no longer cared how noticeable her flushed cheeks were.
When the younger woman looked down at Regina, her stomach flipped. How the town still managed to think her capable of evil completely bewildered her, she knew Regina would never outwardly admit it, but she saw how it affected her. It only made what she did next much more effortless, telling herself it was their way of comforting each other.
Emma leaned down and kissed her, slowly at first. She kept her caresses light and her lips languid. When Regina wrapped her arms around Emma’s neck, she moved her hands down Regina’s body and cupped her ass, guiding her thighs closer to her waist.
With one content hum from Regina and a smile on her lips, Emma pulled Regina so she was sitting on the edge of her desk. She moved her hands under her dress and traced small circles over bare olive skin, working higher and higher up her thighs.
Regina shivered but didn’t dare pull away. The sigh she let out had little to no bite to it when her body was slowly responding the way it always did when Emma was this close. Her pulse was only getting faster in tandem with the speed and intensity of the kiss. Emma wanted one thing, and it was all too clear to Regina what that was.
By this time, Regina’s dress has practically ridden up to her hips, giving Emma plenty of room. She ran her tongue over Regina’s bottom lip, then sucked it into her mouth as one hand moved to hold the brunette's waist, and the other slid her wet panties to the side.
She used her fingers to part Regina’s delicate folds, dipping them temporarily into her entrance to gather some of the pooling arousal and distribute it over her twitching clit.
“Emma.” Regina breathed softly, and Emma would never tire of hearing her name tumble out of her mouth like that.
Svelte fingers kept working in tight circles until Regina’s hands gripped Emma’s shoulders. She lost all control over her body and mind, whining and whimpering as her ex-nemesis continued to carry her closer and closer over the edge.
Her breath was coming out ragged, and she couldn’t even think, so instead she focused Emma kissing and sucking on her neck and how the blonde was increasing the speed of her movements.
“Emma,” there it was again. This time more desperate, and Emma felt her underwear get further soaked by her own rising desire.
“I know.” Emma hushed.
That afternoon was about creating a potion to remember, but first, they helped each other forget. Forget the son that had forgotten them, forget the man that had kissed and brought them back to Storybrooke, forget the past and present that onslaught havoc on their every waking, every breathing, every godforsaken minute of their existences.
They forgot together.
It’s with great disdain, towards herself, Regina pulls back, feeling herself getting mixed up in what had already come to pass. “Want to talk about it?” She offers, placing her hands in her lap and fiddling with a loose thread on the hem of her dress.
“Not sober.” Emma lightheartedly chuckles, “You’ve got to have something in here.”
“Seriously, Emma. It’s one of the most important days of your life, and you want to get drunk.”
Despite the teasing, Regina stands up, walking over to where she keeps a bottle of liquor. She pours a generous helping into two glasses - she, too, would benefit from some of the stuff - then returns to her makeshift seat and unknowingly hands Emma the liquid courage she needs for what she is about to ask.
Taking what could be considered an overindulgent gulp, Emma shivers as the alcohol burns down her throat, settling when the liquid reaches and warms her stomach.
“Regina, what happened?” She speaks so softly that the question would have gone unnoticed had it not been for the fact Regina is already on high alert.
“What do you mean?” In truth, she knows what Emma’s alluding to, but if there is a slim chance she’s wrong or can avoid the conversation as a whole, she’ll take it.
“Between us,” Emma replies, watching the brunette closely, noticing how she suddenly becomes stiff and unnerved, “I thought we had something.”
The sadness in Emma’s voice throws Regina. Reminding herself that it is, in fact, Emma’s wedding day and bringing up this topic of conversation probably won’t have a terrific outcome, Regina makes another effort to dismiss the question, “Emma, do you want to do this now?”
Where a slight pout is forming on Emma’s face, a scowl takes its place, “Yes, I do.”
“It was a silly mistake that we kept up for far too long. Robin and Hook came along, and we ended it. That’s all there is to it, Emma. I thought we agreed on that?”
“Really, Regina? What we did, what we had. You know it wasn’t just a silly mistake.”
Though it pains Regina, she knows she needs this conversation to end, and for that to happen, she needs to stand her ground, “Emma, it was purely physical. We both knew that.”
“It was never just physical, and you know that. The first day I saw you, everything shifted, not just because of the curse and Henry but because I felt this pull. It was intoxicating. Feuding with you was exhausting yet addictive; I woke up waiting and anticipating your next move every morning. You were all I thought about. God, Regina, that day you came charging at me in your backyard, do you remember?”
“When you mutilated my beloved apple tree? Yes, I remember it quite vividly, Miss Swan.”
“Don’t Miss Swan me,” Emma sasses, but when she turns, she sees the sides of Regina’s lips twitch, a sign she’s indeed used the name not as an insult or a warning but as a way to lighten the mood, and maybe, just maybe, as a term of endearment. It’s refreshing. The name that was once used to instil the fear of god into her now makes her smile and reminisce over a time so different from the one she is now living. A small smile of her own comes to light, and she happily lets it as she continues, “I didn't know whether you were going to kill me or kiss me. I miss that feeling, and I don’t think I’d ever felt more alive than when I was with you.” she pauses, “Then when I’m with you.”
“It wouldn’t have worked out, Emma.” Regina defeatedly sighs.
“How can you say that? We never tried.”
“Because what we started, it was an outlet. It wasn’t real. We found that with other people.”
“Robin isn’t here anymore.” Emma is walking on eggshells here, and she knows it the moment Robin's name leaves her mouth. In fairness, it isn’t the best thing to bring up. That doesn’t matter, though, because it’s still the truth.
“But Hook is. You’ll meet him at the end of an aisle in an hour and start a life together.”
“I don’t want him.” Emma hurriedly spills out, “It’s always been you.”
Now that is one hell of a comeback that neither expects. The words fall out without a second thought, leaving them both speechless for ten seconds.
They sit staring for what seems to be an eternity, letting the confession dangle in the silence until Emma takes it upon herself to shuffle closer to Regina, never breaking eye contact.
“Emma, we can’t do this,” Regina whispers, helplessly trying to hold herself back from pulling Emma against her. It’s all she wants, and she’d be a fool to try and deny it.
Alluring is how Regina would describe Emma’s eyes, the shade of absinthe, and in truth, they, too, were intoxicating, flooding her bloodstream with a sudden disregard for caution and a yearning to be bold, to be reckless, to give in to desire.
“Tell me you didn’t feel anything for me, and I'll stop.” There are only a few inches between the two, and Regina’s mind is too occupied with Emma’s lips and how her hot breath is hitting her lips, and Emma’s lips, and Emma’s lips and Emma’s lips. She can’t answer even if she consciously tries to, which she’s given up on doing.
“You can’t,” Emma mutters, lips ghosting over Regina’s, “because you felt it too.”
Their lips meld together as they always have. Everything happens so quickly. One second there’s space between them, and then it is gone. The only thing Regina knows is there’s a pair of hands gripping her waist for dear life.
Her heart is saying yes and telling her to enjoy what could be their last kiss, but her mind is indifferent. In essence, she doesn’t know what to do.
Logic prevails, as it does most of the time, forcing her to pull away preemptively. “Emma, stop. We’re just going to end up hurting each other.” needing to put space between herself and the blonde who holds so much power over her, Regina stands up and walks over to her mirror, “Everyone I’ve ever been with, they’re gone. It’s like a curse befalls anyone I love. I can’t lose you. Hook makes you happy. That has to be enough.”
How the brunette manages to exert so much willpower, Emma doesn’t know. Then again, impulse control has never really been her thing, which is why she’s struggling with how not to grab Regina and reconnect their lips. She settles for walking over and placing a hand on Regina’s hip.
“Regina, look at me.” She guides Regina towards her. When their eyes meet, she isn’t oblivious to the welling of tears that have gathered, and it pains her to think she’s responsible, “Everyone I’ve ever been with, Graham, Neal, heck Walsh, they’re gone. I’m scared, I was scared. Regina, I care about you. Most of the time, I feel like you’re the only person who gets me, who truly understands me.”
“Emma,” she knows where this is leading, and there’s no coming back once there, “don’t.”
“I love you. I always have.”
Regina could burst out into tears at the certainty in Emma’s voice, how smoothly the words leave her, and at that moment, she falls harder than she’s ever thought possible.
“I love you too.”
When the crack in her throat and the stinging behind her eyes give way to a stream of tears, Emma moves forward, eclipsing the minimal space between two desperate pairs of lips. Emma’s hands fall to the small of Regina’s waist, pulling her impossibly closer to her, while Regina wraps her hands around Emma’s neck. The moment she feels Regina’s lips again sparks burst to life all over her body, sending her into overdrive. She’s drunk. Not on the unfinished liquor sitting forgotten to the side, but on the endorphins that spring to life at finding out the feelings she thought were unrequited are anything but.
“Do you want to do this?” Emma mumbles against Regina’s lips.
Regina lightly kisses Emma before gently pulling away, “This?”
Fearing what she’s asking would be too loud, Emma whispers, “Us?”
“I can’t lose you,” Regina cups the blonde’s face with both hands and runs her fingers over the soft, delicate skin, prompting Emma to hold her tighter.
“Then keep me close, and I promise you, you never will.”
“Okay.” And she seals that promise with a kiss.
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yoonoclock · 2 years
head & heart | myg + jjk
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❝yoongi had your heart and your soul. however, after following the poor guidance of family, that bond was broken. years pass before another man walks into your life…reminding you what it felt to be in love. a man who surprises you more than you realize — jeon jeongguk. but all of that begins to falter upon the return of yoongi. what should you follow? your head or your heart?❞
• pairing: captain yoongi x female reader | knight jeongguk x female reader
• genre: fluff, angst, royalty au, fantasy au
• warnings: none
• word count: 3.5k
• tags: @seokjinkismet @princxssly82
• note: thank you all for being patient for this next update! i hope you enjoy it! also, i changed emma’s husband to namjoon. originally it was just ‘sir henry’ but i thought he is better suited for this role. let me know what you think!
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The trouble of residing in a new estate is the persistent complaints from your sister and father. 
Naturally, your rest was disturbed by loud pitched inquiries from Florence concerning the whereabouts of her hand embroidered petticoat. This is then accompanied by father shouting for his latest biography to be read to him. 
Vanity didn’t perish despite the change in location. In his mind he is held in great honor. Honored by none beside Florence, of course. 
“I fear I may never find peace,” you murmured to yourself 
That statement couldn’t be more accurate to the turmoil that deepened within your chest. 
Despite the time that has passed since you have arrived, there is difficulty in adapting into this environment. Something feels…detached. Rather it is someone that is detached. 
This feeling may stem from the letter you sent to Jeongguk. Is there a reason you are riddled with stress? The idea of having another man in your life never crossed your mind. Your sisters made sure to remind you of that reality. It reached a point of complacency. If that is what everyone deems to be true then it must be so. For now, you are accepting of this fate. 
At least, you thought you were accepting. 
To keep yourself busy you opted to read books concerning the darkness that exists within reach. Everywhere you turn there is a wavering sensation. Often have you traveled back into your memory of your journey by foot. You continued into what was unknown. This interest is what occupies your loneliness. Very little was actually described of this..place, so you sought to soak up any word remotely close to it. 
Day in and day out you wandered the halls and small outdoor garden with a book in your hands. It felt reasonably familiar. 
Passages of this book are what has captivated your soul. 
What lies beyond the mystery is a life of misery. Nay, a lack of life. To be pulled into the shadows is to part with the holy matrimony of celestial glory. Our pleasures, which are taken for granted, will dissipate. 
We crave what is beyond our homestead. Curiosity does not equal eventual knowledge…it leads to de-
“My lady,” Maude stands with a letter pressed between her fingertips. “A letter has arrived for you.”
Whatever was inscribed that captured your attention, disappeared in the blink of an eye. The long awaited letter from Jeongguk has been delivered. Its content is what plants a seed of worry. 
You are quick to conceal the book in your grasp before rushing toward her, “Thank you.” 
Once Maude returned inside, you moved over to a nearby tree where you could sit in peace. 
The only one suitable existed beside the stone wall. As you approached there was a crackle of dry leaves beneath your feet. As the winds persisted alongside heavy rain for several days, the plants could only tolerate so much. This didn’t bother you in the slightest. The damp earth is all a part of what you admire of nature. 
Aside from the distraction that the earth gave in this moment, you fixed your gaze onto the letter. Slowly you began to peel away the wax seal to see the ink of the pen. 
Dear Y/N,
I admire your transparency concerning your heart. I assure you that none of this troubles me, for my intentions are not solely of love. I must be transparent myself and convey what it is that consumes my mind. You are a beauty that cannot be matched by any living thing. Forgive me if this makes you uncomfortable. I merely desire to share my truth. 
Time is of utmost importance when two people meet. If there is to be progress of any kind…time is needed. I intend to soak up every second I have in your life. From every word to the possibility of meeting face to face again, I give you my time. 
Does this work in your favor? Whatever you decide, I come to you with respect and honor. 
May you always be safe,
You reread the letter for what felt like the hundredth time. There is only one feeling that truly consumes your being…gratitude. 
For this reason you feel encouraged to form that bond with Jeongguk, whether it be purely out of friendship or something beyond. As of now you are not allowing yourself to dream of fantasies. What will be will be. 
You have nothing but time. 
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Dinner time is often the most tiresome. You attempt to partake in conversations but what is the use? Florence and father will never fail to challenge you on every little thing (even when entirely wrong..especially when they are wrong). 
You found amusement in their…vibrant personalities. 
“Emma has requested some assistance,” Florence casually mentions. “She has fallen ill with some nonsense, therefore, we agreed to send you.” 
“I suppose inquiring about my interest is of no concern to you?” 
You meet Florence’s gaze with a raised brow where she opted to smirk in response. This never fails to cause your blood to boil. She knew perfectly how to enrage you. 
It’s not that you didn’t care about Emma. Truthfully, you do have affection for your family. This affection just happens to be buried deep in your heart. 
When it comes to the youngest of the three of you, Emma is a combination of dramatic and ungrateful. To her, everything must center around her needs. 
Florence at least is more tame in public. 
“You have no choice,” your father interjected. “Neither of us have the will to tolerate her. You, on the other hand, are better suited for it.” 
“Indeed,” you agreed with a small smile. “I have endured enough of each of you to withstand every storm.” 
This is easily an insult and a compliment, neither of which they acknowledged. 
The remainder of the dinner was just as it had started — solemn. Once you had finished you were the first to excuse yourself. Immediately, you barricaded yourself in your room to further your research. 
From the snippets you read earlier that day there are plenty of folks who know the truth. Do these individuals speak up? No. This alone perplexes you the most. 
What is it that they could be hiding? Or are you putting too much thought into it? 
Jeongguk knows of it. In his brief mention of it you could sense there is more he is aware of. Surely, being a knight that travels the borders offers a great deal of knowledge. 
This encourages you to write to him. Before departing once again tomorrow morning to stay with Emma, you will spend your time articulating the proper way to inquire about everything. There is much you want to know but there are also things you desire to learn concerning his life. 
How do normal people write letters? 
Dear Jeongguk, 
I have read your letter with much gratitude. Your kind words do ignite some warmth in my heart. It is quite high praise to be labeled as such a beauty. Is it appropriate for me to say the same of you? A knight for the people. 
I do thank you for your time. This is a currency that many disregard in more ways than one. I will give you all the time in the world. Thank you for giving me yours. 
Whatever does come of us will be wonderful, that I know for sure. Perhaps the questions may begin? 
There has been something weighing on my mind that I am unsure of how to ask…I wonder what lies beyond the fog. Can I inquire of this? 
If I am seeking for what should not be sought…please correct me. 
As for other interests, I do wish for you to share more about yourself. What do you enjoy beyond your knighthood? 
Thank you for your time. 
May you always be safe, 
The flicker of your candle is what brought you back into reality. A pain in your wrist began to form. Writing is not your forte but when there is a reason to…it no longer intimidates you. 
You hope this letter finds him well. 
Due to all of this there has been little to no trace of Yoongi in your heart. It has been…muted. 
And this is what relief feels like. Maybe. 
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When it comes to visiting Emma there are 3 things to look forward to: 1) Daniel, the eldest son, 2) Eddie, the youngest son, and 3) Namjoon, her patient husband. 
These are the dearest members of the family that you forever will be excited to see face-to-face. Although the journey is tiresome, it is well worth it. 
One also must not forget Namjoon’s two younger sisters. They are closer in age to you and are full of beautiful joy. Whenever they are near there is no need to worry. It is a vacation that you do not mind being on. The issue relies on Emma’s temperament. She truly makes or breaks the entire atmosphere of the company. 
What you do know is that when you arrive Emma will make sure to complain of her pain, the fact that she’s convinced her in-laws despise her, and that no one respects all of her efforts. All of this usually occurs within the first few minutes. 
The moment you arrived you were led to Emma’s room where she lay beneath the covers. You didn’t need to say a word. All that was required was showing your face. 
“Oh, Y/N.” Emma cried out while burying her face with her hand. “No one cares about my predicament. All I hear is laughter and enjoyment as I suffer in agony.”
“Poor Emma.”
“Poor me indeed,” Emma adjusts her position. “Namjoon’s father and mother gave me flowers. Are you aware of what flowers do? They die. Is that not what they wish for me? They despise me.”
“How cruel of them to offer their sentiment,” you shake your head through amusement. “Flowers are a sign of admiration.” 
Emma laughs, “Admiration? No one in this family understands the word. I am scarcely praised for my efforts.” 
“Perhaps it’s because you do these acts to be praised. Give an attempt to just be…kind.” 
The way that Emma looked at you could be painted into a picture that you wished to keep forever. It was beyond anything you could put into words. It’s as if she was brutally attacked. For you it proved to be a great form of entertainment. 
“I do not appr-”
“Y/N,” Daniel and Eddie burst into the room in a fit of giggles. “We missed you!”
You opened your arms wide for them, bracing for the impact that comes from such strong forces. Even when prepared, you still happened to stumble backwards. 
All of this chaos upset Emma further. 
“I apologize, my love.” Namjoon soon followed. “The boys were in need of seeing their aunt.”
“While I am ill in bed?” Emma sighs dramatically. “It’s as though neither of you care for my health.” 
Namjoon is an example of a man you should never take for granted. He is full of patience that you couldn’t possibly understand. When he fell for Emma it wasn’t out of obligation to be married. He truly grew in love. Is that not surprising? In many ways, yes. Based on her personality it can be difficult to tolerate. He on the other hand enjoys it all. Through headaches and bickering, he still loves her. 
You wish you could have held onto that when you had the chance in your grasp. 
“You know that is not true,” Namjoon speaks softly. “We care deeply about you.” 
Before Emma could further her misery, you managed to wrestle the boys to the ground so that you could properly greet your brother. 
“It is great to see you again,” you courtesy with a smile. 
“The same can be said for me, sister.” Namjoon bows slightly. “You came at the perfect time, we will be having guests over for dinner tomorrow night”
“And I have to waste away while they have dinner without me,” Emma interjects. 
You roll your eyes at her, “Who is to be expected for the party?”
“A good friend of mine, Captain Min Yoongi.” 
Everything stopped. You had no idea that he was aware of Yoongi, let alone good friends. The fact that he was so real and close to you now caused a tightness in your chest. He’s here. You can’t keep escaping him for the rest of your life. 
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“Is it of great importance that I attend?” 
Yoongi trailed behind you closely. As you both continued down the beaten path in the midst of the flowers, you feathered your fingertips across the small blossoms. He followed suit, making sure to guide his hand directly beside your own. The gentle warmth of his skin against yours settled a calm over you. 
The farther you traveled the more you fell into silence. 
You were entirely captivated by the scenery and his company. Everything about him was your safe place. 
Eventually, you began to carry a conversation concerning an upcoming dinner. 
“I wish you would come,” you answer quietly. 
“It is your family that does not want me present,” Yoongi responds coldly. “An invitation does not extend to me.” 
You turn in your heel to face him, “The invitation is from me to you.” 
Yoongi softly embraced you, leaving his palms against your hips. You took the opportunity to close the gap in between you. This is where you leaned forward to brush your lips upon his leaving a faint kiss. Immediately he melted into your touch. 
“I do not wish to pressure you into compliance,” you whispered. “I understand the grievances my family causes.” 
He shifts the angle of his head to fit into the crook of your neck, breathing in the warmth your skin offers. 
“My love,” he murmured. “Wherever you are…I am free.” 
It felt like you were trapped in a daze. Ever since Namjoon mentioned Yoongi as a dinner guest you couldn’t sleep for one second. The night turned from darkness to light as the sun began to rise. Once you felt entirely drained of all life is when you finally pulled back into reality. 
How are you meant to talk to him? Surely there can be a sense of civility. For the sake of your wellbeing and image, you had to compose yourself so that others cannot see into the truth. No one else truly remembers your relationship with Yoongi, except for Lady Frances. All others have managed to block it out as their personal vanities mattered the most. 
For that reason you are thankful they are self centered. 
“This is absurd,” you forced yourself to get out of bed. “A walk will surely do me some good.” 
Dressing yourself appropriately, you wandered quietly down the halls as only the servants were awake at this time of day. Once you slipped out the door you felt the wave of cool air hit your cheeks. At the moment there was a light fog that slowly dissipated. Sunshine managed to break through to create a beautiful painting of orange rays across the landscape. 
This is where you find peace in the midst of restlessness. 
The gardens of Namjoon’s estate are as lavish as your own once was. Path after path became intertwined with roses of vibrant colors. You admired these the most. As you gazed at each petal with curiosity, you noticed a bright flash of light from the opposite side. Due to the early morning hours, it was difficult to truly grasp what it was. For that reason you assumed it to be a figment of your imagination until it happened again. 
Now, you are fully enthralled by the unknown. 
Picking up your pace, you rushed towards that direction with hopes of seeing the source of this distraction. 
“Have I gone mad?” You ask yourself aloud to which a voice answers. 
The voice was…soft. It greeted you warmly in a way you did not expect. 
You tilted your head in confusion, prompting you to think this is some form of a joke by your nephews. 
“Is someone there? Perhaps two little…miscreants?” 
Now you are further buried in confusion. This is not out of the norm. 
“Follow.” The voice spoke again. “For there you shall find the truth.” 
Every fiber in your being told you to pursue this voice. The logical part of you that is often cautious told you to wait. Which one did you listen to? Clearly, being reasonable was forgotten at home. In a matter of seconds you were quickly walking towards what you believed to be the general location. 
Could this be a connection to your interest in the darkness? Perhaps, but only time will tell. If you never tried, how could you possibly know? This is the support for your persistence. 
Due to your lack of awareness and tunnel vision in this particular situation, you failed to notice the puddles of mud. As you continued to cling to the uncertainty, you unfortunately slipped to the point of nearly burying yourself in the wet soil. From your feet to your face, it was splattered. 
“How grand,” you groaned at your stupidity. “Falling for some make believe being.” 
You couldn’t believe how foolish you were being. By a mere few seconds you could have repeated the instance in the fog from a few weeks prior. However, this time you will not be accompanied by Jeongguk. 
What a fool. 
As you attempt to bring yourself to a stand, you hear a pair of footsteps approaching. 
“Y/N?” Namjoon’s voice called out to you with worry. “Are you alright?”
By lifting your gaze from the ground, you meet a familiar pair of eyes. 
How did you expect to react when you saw Yoongi again? You practiced this in your bedroom more than once. Occasionally the scenario would play out as some dramatic act meant to be on a stage. Other moments would be an emotional reunion that resulted in your dreams being fulfilled. 
Does it happen either way? No. Instead, you are covered in mud to look like a fool while he stands in all his glory.
“It appears that I fail to focus on where I am going,” you respond with an attempt of humor. 
Yoongi fixated on you with a look that said everything you needed to know. You failed in more ways than one. 
Namjoon walks towards you to offer his coat, “Take this so you can be warm as you travel back to the house.” 
You accepted his kindness, “Thank you.” 
“May I introduce you to our guest, or shall we wait till you are cleaned up?”
“No need,” you dismissed his idea. “We have met….previously.” 
Namjoon perked up with curiosity but sensed he should not pry further. 
“Indeed,” Yoongi answered firmly. “Although our last encounter was long before I was…rich.” 
You knew that passive aggressive comments were bound to be directed towards you. Surely there is a great deal he could say about your awful behavior towards him. You’ve already done so to yourself. In this particular situation you wished you were better prepared.
Could you be upset? Yes. Are you? Not at all. 
He was just as beautiful as he was before. Perhaps a little bit more. 
His hair had grown out quite a bit, which you assume is due to his recent journey at sea. The black tendrils fell upon his forehead enough to partially cover his eye. A heavenly glow radiated from his skin at all times during the day. As of now it appears he is of heaven. 
Yoongi stood tall with his hands clasped behind his back. There is pride in his features, and how could there not be? The success he has obtained is extravagant. He deserves every ounce of it. 
“Forgive me for my appearance,” you courtesy to Yoongi. “I intend to always show the best of myself.” 
“Could there be any other version?” Yoongi asks. “The best is all anyone ever sees.” 
Namjoon sensed the tension so he took the opportunity to change the subject. 
“Let us continue our stroll, first leading my dearest sister to the warmth of my home.” 
Immediately you stepped aside, “I assure you I am capable of walking on my own..it’s merely part of the earth that I so keenly decided to wear.” 
“If you insist,” Namjoon offers a warm smile. 
Slowly the pair began to walk away leaving you to remain in the same position. There you stood…frozen. Yoongi is here and that is not how you intended on meeting him again after so many years. It is disappointing. All that remains is a feeling of embarrassment. 
As you refrained from moving, you failed to notice as Yoongi turned to gaze back at you. He harbored some guilt for his words toward you just now. It was not his intention to speak so poorly…however, the hurt reigns in his heart. 
Hurt people often hurt others. 
“All will be well,” you attempt to encourage yourself. “I will not let this ruin me.” 
Whatever had distracted you before, whatever it was that spoke…it no longer mattered. 
There is one truth you can agree on: you would have been a happier woman in keeping him than giving him up. 
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trohpi · 2 months
navigation °•. ✿ .•°
hello! im charlie (or charles if you want to be fancy) and i write things occasionally. self-proclaimed number one regulily enjoyer here to spread the trans girl regulus agenda.
tiktok | twitter | ao3 | carrd | guide to my neopronouns
my one-shots
✦ ✿ come close to me (i’ll take you higher) | G, 2.5k, wlw, pandorcas — pandora/dorcas, sapphic september 2023 day 7: flight -> no voldemort au, fluff, friends to lovers, panromantic asexual dorcas, hispanic lesbian pandora, dorcas has anxiety, parties, pining, first kiss
✦ ✿ wanna listen to your hands soothe | T, 2.4k, mlm, wolfstar — remus/sirius -> no voldemort au, fluff & hurt/comfort, established relationship, post-hogwarts, trans male sirius, periods, gender dysphoria, french sirius, welsh remus, linette the cat
✦ ✿ she’s making me feel like this could be love | T, 1.8k, wlw, regulily — regulus/lily -> modern muggle au, fluff, getting together, friends to lovers, lesbian lily, trans female regulus, name changes, first kiss, mentioned past regulus & lily & severus friendship
my microfics
microfic may:
✦ ✿ soft dawn | G, 469, gen, prompt 3: horizon, baby harry & the potter cat -> canon compliant, second person pov, animal pov, fluff, the potter cottage in godrics hollow, minor jily
✦ ✿ falling’s not so bad with you | T, 869, other/multi, regulene — regulus/marlene, prompt 10: rise & fall -> no voldemort au, humor, rivals to lovers, quidditch rivalry, marlene is a seeker, they/he genderqueer marlene, gay regulus
marauders rarepair microfics:
✦ ✿ in the palms of their hands | T, 913, other/multi, lawnparty — barty/sybill/peter, may 9: weed -> no voldemort au, fluff & humor, polyamory, pre-polyam, recreational drug use, flirting, shy flustered peter, established sybarty
✦ ✿ what friends are for | G, 769, het, regulily — regulus/lily, june 3: slytherin -> no voldemort au, fluff & hurt/comfort, pre-relationship, young regulus & lily, good friend lily, determined lily
✦ ✿ crackers and dirigible plums | G, 852, wlw, pandorcas — pandora/dorcas, june 7: go -> no voldemort au, domestic fluff, married couple, kid fic, child luna, dorcas is lunas mom, pregnant pandora, morning sickness
✦ ✿ eyes of emerald, heart of silver | T, 761, wlw, vaneflower — narcissa/emma vanity, june 16: emerald -> pre-canon, mild fluff, early mornings, internalized homophobia, hidden romance, the room of requirement, lesbian narcissa, desi artist emma
✦ ✿ of love and cats | M, 950, wlw, marylene — mary/marlene, june 23: apple -> pre-canon, fluff, mild sexual content, moving in together, aromantic mary, aromantic marlene, queerplatonic relationship, arab mary, asian marlene
✦ ✿ lovesick | T, 996, other/multi, wolfstardoe — sirius/remus/dorcas, june 28: potion -> no voldemort au, tooth-rotting fluff, polyamory, established relationship, potions accident involving a love potion, hospital wing, sirius loves remus & dorcas
✦ ✿ delinquency and its knightly consequences | T, 996, mlm, killerqueen — sirius/barty, september 18: dragon -> royal fantasy au, pre-relationship, knight sirius, lord barty, age gap (barty: 18 - sirius: 22), padfoot the dragon, minor injuries, mentioned jegulus
regulily microfic:
✦ ✿ dance | T, 904, wlw, july 3rd prompt -> no voldemort au, fluff, cis female regulus, lesbian lily, slughorns christmas parties, good friend barty, dancing, getting together
✦ ✿ stay | G, 860, het, july 7th prompt -> modern muggle au, domestic fluff, married couple, kid fic, regulily child oc, good parents regulus & lily
✦ ✿ flower | T, 760, other/multi, july 9th prompt -> modern magic au, fluff, established relationship, they/them nonbinary regulus, lesbian lily, picnic dates
✦ ✿ time | T, 824, het, july 13th prompt -> modern muggle au, comfort, established relationship, trans male (& possibly autistic?) regulus, anxiety, lego building, discussions of upcoming top surgery
✦ ✿ mine | E, 879, wlw, july 19th prompt -> modern muggle au, smut, established relationship, trans female regulus, lesbian lily, top lily, bottom regulus, riding, strap-ons, regulus has a praise kink
✦ ✿ anger | T, 901, het, july 22nd prompt -> canon divergence, hurt/comfort, first wizarding war, lily has anger issues, complicated relationships, regulus was friends with lily and snape, implied future horcrux hunting
✦ ✿ fire | T, 933, other/multi, septetmber 6th prompt -> no voldemort au, hurt/comfort, established relationship, she/he nonbinary lily, gay regulus, lily has anger issues, referenced fighting
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bandefic · 9 months
I saw the fanfic request. I hope you enjoy this grandkid fluff!
He had been bragging about it to his coworkers all week: the grandkids were coming this weekend. And he wasn’t sure who was more excited: him or his wife.
One of his favorite things was bedtime. He loved that soft, quiet moment after all the little ones were asleep, clutching their little stuffed animals, and he and his wife could stand in the doorway, wrapped up in each other and gaze at their little loving, peaceful family.
He also loved what bedtime meant for them too.
Brigitte had just settled on top of him, leaning forward, pressing her silk covered chest into his as she leaned in to kiss him when they heard a quiet knock on their bedroom door, followed by a weak, terrified "Mamie? Daddy?"
With a sigh, Brigitte quickly rolled off her husband and gathered her robe from the chair on her vanity as she walked towards the door to unlock it, shooting a quick, quiet, "do you need to run to the bathroom?" over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t caught in an uncomfortable situation.
Seeing his quick head shake "no," she slipped the lock and pulled open the door to see little Emma shaking like a leaf, tear tracks coloring her face, and her little teddy squeezed tight to her chest.
"What’s wrong, Sweetie?" She asked as she squatted down to be on her level, opening her arms as she went, a slightly surprised "oof!" following the force that hit her as the little girl threw herself into her Grandmother’s arms.
"I had a nightmare," she answered, muffled by where she had buried her head in Brigitte’s skin.
"Oh, Sweetie. It was only a dream," she tried to soothe, gently rubbing her back like she used to do when her mother was her age and suffered from the same demons.
"It felt so real!" She protested through her sniffles. "And every time I close my eyes I see it again."
With another sigh, she turned to look back at her husband over her shoulder, sending him an unspoken: "what do you want to do?"
"Emma, do you want to sleep with us tonight?" He asked, from his spot in their bed.
Rapidly, she pulled back to nod enthusiastically.
"Alight then," Brigitte agreed, standing to her full height, and grabbing the little girl, resting her on her hip to carry her towards their bed. "Here we go," she soothed as she gently deposited her in her vacated spot, allowing Emma to scoot into the middle before she joined back in her spot.
She couldn’t help but smiling over at her husband as she felt the little girl loop her arms through each of theirs, grabbing on tight to the comfort they provided, a sight that he spent the following week endlessly recounting to his coworkers.
🫠 Grandchildren fics melt my heart and this one was beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing. (I’m sure this has happened in real life too).
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
but i can see us lost in the memory (august slipped away into a moment in time)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AC2rwFm
by not_your_darling
Words: 3463, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of all the secrets of the world
Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Anya Forger, Damian Desmond, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Becky Blackbell, Yuri Briar, Emile Elman, Ewen Egeburg, Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter, Aurora Sinistra, Regulus Black, Emma Vanity | Slytherin Quidditch Captain, Pandora Lovegood, Eileen Prince, Eileen Prince's Father
Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Damian Desmond/Anya Forger, Becky Blackbell & Anya Forger, Becky Blackbell & Damian Desmond & Ewen Egeburg & Emile Elman & Anya Forger, Yuri Briar & Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Aurora Sinistra & Severus Snape, Regulus Black & Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Fluff, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Good Slytherins, Slytherin Politics, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Pureblood Society (Harry Potter), Pureblood Politics (Harry Potter)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AC2rwFm
0 notes
lindsey-laufeyson · 2 years
Texts from Tom Hiddleston
34. The Talk
Warnings: sickening fluff which quickly turns to dirty smut at the end
A/N: Contradictory to the rest of the series, this chapter doesn’t actually have any texting in it. Also, I’m sorry it took so damn long!
As you sat at your vanity, putting on your makeup, you wondered why you were so nervous. By now, you considered Emma a good friend, and you had met Jack plenty of times, not to mention you spent 40 hours a week for the past year with Annalise. That being said, you’d never been to their house, and you weren’t going as Anna’s teacher, you were going as Tom’s girlfriend. Though, as far as Anna knew, you were just going as her teacher.
“Uncle Tom is coming to my house for dinner,” she had told you earlier that day at school.
“That sounds like fun,” you replied nonchalantly. “Do you think I could come too?”
“Yeah!” She answered excitedly, giving you a big hug.
You smiled at the memory while you applied your mascara. Just then, your boyfriend, looking as handsome as ever, appeared in your bedroom doorway.
“Are you almost ready, darling?” Tom asked you as he walked in. “What are you smiling at?”
“Just thinking about Anna,” you told him. “She was so excited when I asked her if I could come to her house today.”
“Why wouldn’t she be? A real-life Disney princess is coming to her house,” he said as he came up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning down to kiss your cheek.
“I just hope she doesn’t think I’m taking her Uncle Tom away from her when we tell her about us,” you admitted nervously.
He looked at you through the reflection of the mirror and smiled. “We’ll be sure to explain to her that this won’t affect my relationship with her whatsoever. You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart,” he assured you. “But it’s not too late to cancel if you aren’t ready for this yet.”
You turned in your chair to look up at him. “No, no! I’m ready. Just a little nervous is all.” You stood up and kissed him. “Shall we?” you asked, and the two of you left for Emma’s.
When you arrived at Emma’s house, you insisted that Tom enter first. When he walked in, Anna came running down the hall shouting “Uncle Tom!” He squatted down with open arms just in time to catch her as she crashed into him. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and he lifted her up.
“Guess who I brought with me,” he told her excitedly.
Her face lit up. “Bobby?!” she guessed.
Tom chuckled. “Even better!” He turned around so Anna could see you in the doorway.
“Miss Y/n!” she squealed as she wiggled in Tom’s arms, reaching toward you.
“Hi!” you said, matching her enthusiasm as you went to take her from Tom.
“Uh uh,” he scolded as he set the three year old back down instead of handing her to you. “Miss Y/n is still trying to get better, so she can’t carry you right now,” he told Anna before looking at you.
You rolled your eyes at him and kneeled down to her level, holding your arms out to her. She hugged you tight as Emma came around the corner.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” Emma greeted you both. She hugged her brother, who then put his hand on her large belly.
“How is my nephew?” he asked with an adoring smile on his face. It made your heart melt.
“A lot more active than his sister, that’s for sure,” she replied, exasperated. “He especially likes to do flips in the middle of the bloody night.”
Tom laughed. “Hang in there, Ems. Only 3 months to go.”
“Ugh! Don’t remind me,” she groaned. Then she immediately looked at you, slightly horrified with herself. “Shit. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to complain—.”
You waved her off as you stood up from your kneeling position. “Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t the right time. Besides, you have every right to complain. It sounds like you’re quite uncomfortable.” You gave her a sympathetic smile, but she still seemed a bit uneasy. Thankfully, Anna provided a much needed subject change.
“Come see my room,” she requested, tugging on your shirt.
You looked down at her with the utmost enthusiasm. “I would love to see your room!” You looked back at Emma for permission and she gave you a smile and a nod. Then your gaze met Tom and he winked at you as his niece led you away to her bedroom.
Annalise was sure to show you every detail of her bedroom, from her Frozen bedspread to every single toy she had in her toy box. She was in the middle of introducing you to all of her stuffed animals when Tom walked in. For a moment he just watched the two of you talk, biting his lip as he tried to contain his joy. You and Anna were sitting on her bed and you didn’t notice Tom had walked in until he cleared his throat, causing you to turn and look at him.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he apologized as he came to sit down next to you on the toddler bed. “I just wanted to see what the two of you were up to.”
“Oh, just a load of trouble, clearly,” you joked, winking at him.
“I’m showing Miss Y/n all my friends,” Anna chimed in, gesturing to all of her stuffed animals.
“Ah yes,” said Tom. “Watch out for Mr. Snake over there. He can be quite the rascal sometimes.” You laughed as you nudged him with your elbow. He then put his hand on your back, stroking it softly as he addressed his niece. “Hey, Anna, can I tell you something?” he asked her, trying to sound as excited as possible.
“What?” she asked, thoroughly intrigued by whatever he was about to tell her.
“Come here.” Tom gestured for her to come sit in his lap. As she did so, he wrapped an arm around her, keeping his other hand on your back. “Did you know that Miss Y/n isn’t only your teacher?” Anna gave him a skeptical look, as if her uncle had suddenly lost his marbles. He chuckled at her expression as he continued. “She’s also my girlfriend.”
“She’s my friend too,” Anna told him, in such a tone that she might as well have added a ‘duh’ to her statement. You tried to hold back your laughter and gave Tom a look that said ‘she’s got you there.’
He decided to take a different approach. “You know how much your daddy loves your mummy?” he asked her. She nodded. “That’s how much I love Miss Y/n.” You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Oh okay,” Anna responded, thinking about this for a moment. Then her eyes lit up with realization. “So are you gonna have a baby too?!” she asked both of you excitedly.
Your eyes went wide and you felt Tom tense up instantly as he started to stutter, not knowing how to answer the little girl. You lifted your head back up and put your hand on his shoulder instead, giving it a gentle squeeze as you stepped in to answer her. “No, not right now, sweetie.”
Tom relaxed a bit and Anna’s face fell. “Oh,” she said. “That’s okay. I don’t even know how to take care of one baby.” You and Tom couldn’t help but burst out laughing, causing Anna to giggle too.
“What’s so funny in here?” Emma asked, walking in the door.
“Oh, Anna here was just discussing the hardships of child rearing,” Tom answered his sister. “Something you clearly wouldn’t understand.” You continued to laugh as Emma rolled her eyes at her brother.
“Well, when you lot are finished, Jack says dinner’s ready,” she said, chuckling as she turned to leave. Tom stood up, lifting Anna with him. You followed suit, and the three of you headed to the dining room for dinner.
You had a wonderful night at Emma’s, and Anna didn’t seem bothered at all by the news she recieved about you and Tom, proving your nerves from earlier to be just that: silly nerves.
On the drive home, Tom placed his hand on your thigh. “Did you have a good time, darling?” he asked you.
You placed your hand on top of his and smiled at him. “I really did.”
“Good,” he replied. As he drove, he was quiet for a while, and you could tell something was on his mind.
You squeezed his hand. “What’s wrong, baby?”
He blinked and shook his head as if he had been woken up from a trance. “Nothing, love. Just driving,” he replied, but you knew him better than that.
“Spit it out, Hiddleston,” you implored.
He sighed. “Okay, it’s not a big deal, though,” he prefaced. “I was thinking about when Anna asked us if we were going to have a baby.”
You tensed up as you remembered that awkward moment. You had no idea how he felt about the subject, since the two of you never really talked about it. “And…?”
“And I was also thinking about your response…” he told you hesitantly.
“I figured it was the most appropriate answer for her at the time,” you explained, unsure of where he was going with this.
“Oh, it was! And I appreciate you stepping in for me. It’s just…” he paused, trying to think. “When you said ‘not right now,’ did you mean— you know what? Nevermind. We don’t need to talk about this now. Forget I mentioned it.” He shook his head, laughing nervously. You’d never seen him so nervous and unsure of himself. It was actually kind of cute.
“Okay, if that’s what you want,” you said. Truth be told, you didn’t know what else to say. You should have expected a conversation like this to come up, given what happened, but you had been so caught up with just being with him again.
Tom quickly changed the subject to how the pair of you mercilessly beat Emma and Jack at charades, and you both mused and laughed about it the rest of the way to your house. Still, you had a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you shouldn’t leave anything unsaid, and by the time you were laying in bed, nestled into Tom’s body, your back against his chest, you decided to speak up.
“Someday,” you said quietly into the darkness.
“What’s that, love?” Tom asked, confused.
You turned your head to look at him. “The answer to your question earlier. I’m not ready for a baby right now, but I do want one someday, and I really hope it’s with you, but I understand if you don’t want that.”
He propped himself up on his elbow behind you and smiled down at you as he brushed a hair from your face. “Princess, I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want to scare you off or think I’m in a rush— because I’m not in a rush at all— but there have been a few times when I couldn’t help but imagine you as a mother. The first time was the day of the field trip to the aquarium.”
“Really?” you asked in disbelief as you turned your body to lay on your back, so you could look at him more comfortably. “That early on?”
“I couldn’t help it. You’re so good with your kids at work, how could I not?”
You gazed up at him lovingly. “You should see yourself with Anna. Pure baby-daddy material.” You gave him a wink before pulling him in for a kiss.
It was meant to be a chaste, loving kiss, but it quickly deepened. You pushed your tongue into his mouth and glided it over his, while your hand made its way down his abdomen and into his boxers. When you felt that he was already starting to get hard, you hummed in delight into his mouth and wrapped your hand around his semi-hard cock and started lightly stroking it. He gave a little whimper before breaking the kiss suddenly and looking at you with concerned eyes, a hint of lust hiding behind it.
“Y/n, it’s only been a week,” he reminded you.
“Just because I’m not allowed to cum doesn’t mean you can’t,” you said sultrily as you gave him a few more strokes.
His eyes closed for a second while he took a sharp breath, trying to gather himself. “It wouldn’t be fair, darling,” he said as he took your arm and pulled your hand out of his boxers. “I promise you, I don’t mind waiting.”
You took his face in your hands. “And I promise you that I want nothing more than to wrap my lips around that lovely dick I missed so much and make you cum down my throat. So, please, baby, let me do that?” You looked up at him with big doe eyes you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
Sure enough, his head fell forward in defeat, letting out a surrendering sigh. “I’m not going to convince you otherwise, am I?”
You lifted his head so he would look at you again. “I’m afraid not, my love,” you informed him sweetly.
“Well then, who am I to deny a princess what she wants?” he said as he leaned down to kiss you again.
While you kissed him back, you nudged him as a hint to roll onto his back. He did so, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you on top of him in the process. Your lips traveled from his lips, along his jaw, and down his neck, sucking the sensitive skin and occasionally grazing your teeth against it. He was panting in your ear, soft moans lacing his breaths. You continued your way down, kissing his collar bone, his sternum, taking a detour to briefly flick your tongue over each of his nipples, and then down his abs. When you got to his boxers, you could plainly see from the strain in the fabric that he was rock hard by now. You bit your lip and looked up at him. He was staring down at you with intense lust. You gave him a smile before turning your attention back to his cock. Not bothering to take his boxers off, you simply pulled his massive erection out of his fly. You licked your lips, thinking it was even more impressive than you had remembered. You then cupped his balls through his boxers and licked a stripe up the underside of his shaft, from base to tip, causing him to hum softly in pleasure. Using the hand that was cupping his balls, you extended your fingers to include the base of the shaft in your grasp, increasing the pressure in his balls while also having a firm grip on his cock. You kissed the tip and then swiped your tongue over his slit, tasting the precum that had already started to leak from it. “Mmmm,” you moaned at the taste while you wrapped your lips around the dark pink head of his cock. He moaned in kind, bringing one hand to your head and lacing his fingers through your hair. You swirled your tongue around a few times before slowly taking more and more of his length in your mouth. When you reached your limit, you began sucking, while you slowly bobbed your head up and down. Tom gasped when you started sucking, and you felt his fingers curl into a fist in your hair, slightly tugging on it. You moaned around his cock in response, increasing your speed. He grunted and groaned as you sucked his cock faster and harder, and it didn’t take long before you felt his balls tighten in your hand.
“Fuck, Y/n,” Tom huffed as he tugged your hair a little harder and bucked his hips. “You’re going to make me cum already!” It was all the encouragement you needed. You tightened your lips around his girth and sucked as hard as you could while his shaft slid in and out of your mouth at a quick pace. In seconds you felt his cock throb and explode in your mouth; hot, salty cum spurting down your throat just as you had asked for. You swallowed every last drop, then released his dick from your lips and crawled back up his body to kiss him on the lips.
When the kiss ended, you kept your face close to his. “Do you like the taste as much as I do?” you asked softly.
“Only when it’s on your lips,” he replied before kissing you again and rolling the both of you on your sides. It was only then that you realized you were soaked through your pajama shorts, but you hoped he wouldn’t notice and then feel bad that he got to cum and you didn’t.
As if reading your mind, he parted his lips from yours. “I still feel bad that I got to cum and you didn’t,” he echoed your thoughts.
You chuckled and smiled warmly at him, tracing the side of his face with your finger. “You know you’re allowed to enjoy a gift without worrying about what to give in return.”
He sighed. “You know that’s not in my nature, my darling,” he responded as he dragged his fingertips lazily down the curves of your body. “But I suppose I have no choice now, huh?” He gazed adoringly at you, a reluctant smile on his lips.
“That’s my darling boy,” you praised him sweetly, kissing the tip of his nose and snuggling into his chest, like you always did when you drifted off to sleep. He held you close and kissed the top of your head before falling asleep himself.
TFTH tag list: @darkacademicfrom2021 @lokiprompts @blackwidownat2814 @immersed-in-mischief @anonymousfiction211 @naniky @stars-and-moondust7 @d1a2n389 @maevetriesart @ice-queen-of-music @donttouchmylaevateinn @likeitloveitblogit @tiredmamamac @owldwagitoutofyou @vampire7595 @1marvelnerd3000 @fromasgardandback @pescadoavocado @nadderlover1 @asgardianprincess1050 @apine7 @elenaysusneuras @sleepdeprevedswede @mochie85 @slpnbty2001 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @caleighhiddleston @sleutherclaw @geekwritersworld @violethaze @sweetberry47 @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @kbakery @dryyoursaltyoceantears @hayden429
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cottonkendi · 3 years
Your Babies | 10
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Sano Shinichiro x f!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Established Relationship, Fluff, Crack
Warning: Spoiler warnings
Synopsis: Sleep overs ft. Clingy boys
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
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It’s been over a week ever since Emma first arrived in the Sano household. It’s also been a week since you last slept with Shinichiro since after your talk with Emma, she asked you if you can keep her company until she’s comfortable enough to be alone in her room. And since you can’t refuse her or any of the Sano siblings, you agreed.
Ever since then, you’ve been keeping her company for the past week that she’s been home, much to Shinichiro and Manjiro’s chagrin who thought that it will only last for 3 nights at most. But instead, the moment you step inside Emma’s room for the night, the boys are completely locked out of the bedroom with Emma forbidding them to enter her room.
“Must we really part like this? Is our love really this fragile for it to be blocked out by a slab of wood?” Shinichiro whispers into your ear as he wraps his arms around your waist, trying his best to prevent you from walking towards Emma’s room after changing into your pajamas.
Running your fingers through his hair, you let him hug you longer, your own arms wrapping around his neck as you lean against the wall, letting his taller figure hunch over so that he can rest his forehead on your shoulder.
As much as you love spending time with Emma at night, keeping her company and telling her bits and pieces of your past with Shinichiro, you can’t really say that you don’t miss being able to sleep next to your boyfriend, even with the occasional Mikey - a nickname that he came up with a few days ago that he’s forcing everyone to use on him - barging in in the middle of the night.
You miss your quiet nights with Shinichiro since you can’t really spend all that much time with him during the day with you going to university and him being busy in his shop. So, with the little time that you had with him in the past during the night, that time has been reduced significantly with you being with Emma.
Which is why you can’t really blame Shinichiro for being extra clingy towards you.
“I’m sorry, love. I promise that once Emma’s good to go, I’ll be with you again, okay? I’ll even tell Manjiro to not visit us at night so we can have our alone time.” You whisper against his skin, unconsciously making goosebumps appear on his skin when you start kissing his jaw while playing with his hair. “I promise that we’ll go on a date after, have the whole day for ourselves the next time I get off school early. Sounds good?” You can feel him nod, arms tightening around you when the sound of footsteps echoes across the hallway.
Turning your head, you’re met with a sleepy Manjiro, his blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he trudges towards the two of you.
From what you know, Manjiro has been staying with Shinichiro the whole time you’ve been with Emma which is good since now, your two boys won’t be as lonely without you. “Ready to sleep, Manjiro?”
Shinichiro slowly loosens his hold on you, letting you crouch down in order to give Manjiro his good night kiss before bed. Seeing the little blond nod, you can’t help but ruffle his hair a bit, fixing the blanket around his shoulders before standing up once more, ushering Manjiro inside the room so that you can give Shinichiro one last kiss before you head to bed with Emma.
“Good night, Shin. I promise, okay? We’ll have our alone time soon.” Kissing him again, you lightly tap his chest, gesturing for him to follow Manjiro into his room before making your way to Emma’s room. The little blonde is already sitting by the little vanity table that you got for her yesterday.
She looks cute.
Looking so tiny compared to your old vanity that you used during highschool.
Walking over, you take the hairbrush on the table and start brushing her hair for her. “Sorry if I was a bit late, the boys wanted a goodnight kiss.” You joked as you brush her silky hair, lightly grazing your nails against her scalp and giving it a massage.
You found that Shinichiro, Manjiro and Keisuke really enjoyed them.
You’ll have to try it on Izana and Kakucho the next time you visit them.
Finishing up your night routine, you helped Emma onto her bed before following after. You can see the eagerness in her eyes as she waits for you to settle down, your arm spread out by her pillow so that she can rest her head on your arm. Once she’s tucked under the blanket, you turn off the lamp beside you, preparing your memories for whatever story Emma wants to hear for the night.
However, before you can even ask Emma about her bedtime story, your phone lightly rang on the table, your hand automatically stretching to get it.
Holding the phone up, you opened the messages that you got from the two older Sano brothers.
From: Shin <3
Hello, the love of my life.
as depressing as it is to say that we are once again separated, I would just like to bid you a ‘Good night’!!
Sleep well
ill dream of you<3 xoxo
You can’t help but laugh at the last texts, shoulders shaking as you type in a quick reply expressing your love and well wishes just so that Shinichiro won’t start knocking on the door and demanding for you to reply to him.
“What did he say?” Emma whispers beside you as she stares at the screen, barely able to read the texts since she’s just starting to learn.
“Just the usual ‘Good night’ and ‘I love you’. But look, Izana texted as well.” You excitedly said while opening the text message that Izana sent, his lilac coloured eyes still remains in your memories as you read the message.
From: Zana (cutie)
goodnight y/n! Kakucho and I thought of what we want to do with tenjiku in the future! I’ll tell you when you come visit us!
Forgot to tell you but i’m now allowed to attend school outside of the orphanage! I bought the sausages that we ate last time from the convenience store with my own money! I gave Kakucho half of the sausage and he liked it too.
Good night!!!
A smile makes its way to your face as you read the message out loud, Emma aweing in amazement with the news that her older brother sent. “Woah! He can go to the convenience store by himself now? And he goes to school! I wanna go to school too!”
Brushing her hair to the side, you start texting your reply. “I’m sure you will once you’re old enough. You can go to the same school that Manjiro goes to so that you can spend some time with him and his friends. Senju’s there too.”
“Is that the girl from the other day? The one with pretty lashes?”
Humming, you press send. “Yup, Haruchiyo’s there too, and the three oldies.” You told her, unintentionally mocking your friends as you put away your phone. “Well then, we need to sleep. It’s getting late so what story do you want to hear?” Your hand unconsciously makes their way to her hair, fingers coursing through the silky locks as you massage her scalp once more. Glad that she’s starting to relax from the way her eyes instantly closes.
“Hmm, have you and Shinichiro ever fought?”
“Of course. I think the latest fight we had was a month ago.”
Turning to your side so that you can face Emma better, you close your eyes as you start to remember the fight. “Can you tell me the story?”
“Well, it started when I walked in and saw…”
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therewillbedancing · 3 years
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masterlist — rules — taglist form — request through my ask !
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pairing: platonic!regulus black x fem!reader | genre: kinda angst, kinda fluff ? | warnings: allusions to death, the first wizarding war, lmk if i missed any! | word count: 1,153
isha's notes: HEYYYY besties <3 here's a kinda longer fic for yall !!!! i've been experencing regulus black brainrot lately so this is in perfect timing. still accepting requests ! just go to my ask box :)
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regulus arcturus black - the pride of the ancient and noble house of black, a diligent student to his professors, enigmatic and alluring to his peers. he was alone most of the time; nose deep in a big book and curled-up in the dark green loveseat at the corner of the slytherin common room, no one bothering to occupy the cold seat beside him.
that was until y/f/n y/l/n.
y/n quietly left her dorm to work on her two and a half feet transfiguration essay she was nowhere near finishing. emma vanity, her roommate, had conveniently decided it was karaoke night in their dorm, and although she was not one to pass on a night of fun, the essay was due first period and y/n cannot stand another detention with mcgonagall.
the girl stood at the base of the staircase, stopping abruptly when her eyes landed on neatly kept jet black hair peeking out of an old, brown book. it wasn’t hard not to recognize the younger black anywhere - he always stood out. not in the same way charming and boisterous sirius did, but it was something in his aura and demeanor that seems so captivating.
regulus black finally peeled his eyes away from his book and fixed his gaze on y/n. she pulled her textbook and parchment closer to her chest, smiling slightly. “hey, i’m sorry if i’m bothering you. vanity is being - well, vanity,” regulus nodded, “and won’t play her abba records on a volume that won’t make your eardrums pop - but, like, i just really need to finish this stupid transfiguration essay.”
“it’s alright,” regulus replied. he moved closer to his side of the loveseat, bringing his legs that were previously sprawled on the sofa down to the floor.
“thanks, reg. don’t worry, i won’t bother you much,” y/n assured as she sat down beside him. he watched as she sprawled her parchment on the table, slightly chuckling upon seeing that she has not even finished writing even a foot.
that night, regulus black wasn’t so lonely.
and that was how y/n and regulus came to be. they spent the next years together - studying in the library, walking to class, even spending saturdays in hogsmeade shopping for knickknacks and whatnots. for once, regulus was something significant to someone. he wasn’t just an heir to a family he disliked, he was not a brainless follower of a cause he no longer supported, and he was no longer the little brother sirius had selfishly left behind.
years later, y/n and regulus sat on the same spot in the common room. it was late spring of their seventh year, just n.e.w.t.s. away from graduating. pieces of parchment and opened textbooks littered the coffee table in front of them as y/n frantically reviewed the makeshift flashcards she made for history of magic, blabbering about the 18th century goblin rebellion something, something…
unlike her, regulus’s potions textbook he had intended to go over remained unopened on his lap, his fingers drumming on the hardcover. he had been apprehensive ever since discovering the dark lord’s secret, his horcruxes, and there was no other way out of his situation. he desperately wanted to talk to y/n about it, but there was this feeling in his gut telling him otherwise.
“hey, black!” y/n, who sat on the floor, nudged his knee. he snapped out of his thoughts, piercing grey eyes meeting hers. “you okay?”
y/n wasn’t oblivious. she noticed how restless regulus had been the past year, even more so the last few weeks. he had also been quite secretive, often getting caught by her just entering the common room at the dead of night. y/n had tried getting something out of her best friend but it was always to no avail, saying he’s too tired or that he doesn’t want to talk about it. she didn’t want to force him to talk. she knew about the burden and pressure regulus carries on his back as the heir of house black and the abandonment of his dear brother. she was afraid if she pushed him too hard, he might break.
regulus nodded and curled his lips upward, “yeah, i’m fine. just a bit tired from studying.” there he goes again.
“m’kay…” y/n shuffled her flashcards and arranged them in a neat pile, handing it to regulus. “test me, then.”
regulus received the flashcards, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “okay, let’s see… why did i see you exit madam puddifoot’s last weekend?”
“oh, come on!” y/n whined, small giggles escaping her lips. “i told you, i was with emma because she was nervous for her date.”
regulus clicked his tongue. “ah, y/n, you should tell me about your love life. who else is going to stop you from saying ‘i love you’ on the first date?”
y/n laughed out loud, slapping her best friend’s leg. “i am no longer the same person!”
regulus admired the crinkle in her eyes, the way her laugh sounded, and her expression of happiness brighter than the stars combined. he decided there was no way he was going to tell her about the pulsating dark mark on his forearm nor voldemort’s horcruxes and his plan to destroy one, the locket of slytherin. this is his mission, his chance at salvation, and he would do anything to never take that smile away from her.
“reg, you’re out of it again,” y/n said as she waved a hand in front of the boy’s face. “c’mon, tell me what you’re thinking about.”
her eyes twinkled under the warm light of the common room. regulus straightened his posture, leaning forward so he can rest his elbows on his knees.”i.. i was thinking about what we can do after graduation…”
“yeah?” y/n pushed herself up on the loveseat, occupying the space beside him.
“what if, you and me, we move to paris or vienna or milan… anywhere!” regulus proposed, excited as he envisioned this life in his mind. “and we can forget about stupid school and exams and … everything.”
y/n looked at him with a mix of amusement and disbelief. “oh, so now you’re out to see the world and go on adventures?”
“oh, come on, it’s gonna be fun. and you can bring your madam puddifoot's date too, i don’t mind,” regulus joked, earning another slap from y/n.
at that moment, regulus wanted to freeze time. he knows, in his heart, that he won’t be able to go out and see the world with her, but it was worth it if it meant she got to live in one where she does not have to fear for her life.
regulus black leaned back on the sofa, letting his head fall on y/n’s shoulder. he never felt alone again.
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battinscn · 3 years
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LATE NIGHTS BY THE BLACK LAKE PART 2 — remus lupin x f! reader PART 1
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content warning: angst/ self doubt/ fluff ending
summary: after confiding in sirius, the raven haired boy promises not to tell remus about your worries. however during lunch, peter accidentally spills the beans about your whereabouts.
wc/ avg. reading time: 1505 words/ 7 minutes
return to the remus masterlist here
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THE THREE MADE their way to the great hall and settled themselves where peter was sat.
remus stretched up in his seat, looking around the great hall for his girlfriend, but she was nowhere to be seen.
the werewolf then felt someone tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see emma vanity standing behind him.
"she missed dinner last night and i think she only came back to the dorms after curfew, she left early in the morning as well. we've all been worried about her.”
"oh! i saw her crying just-" peter began to speak when sirius cut him off with a sharp glare, kicking the boy in the shin under the table.
"what?" remus picked himself up from the bench and swung his bag over his shoulder, "where?" he asked frantically.
all the pain from his scars seemed to have dissipated, all he cared about now was his girlfriend.
"out in the courtyard i think, that's where she was running off to," peter spoke with a handful of eggs in his mouth.
remus did not say another word and sprinted out of the great hall towards the courtyard.
he gripped onto a pillar as he made a sharp turn, entering the courtyard and seeing you huddled on a bench, hugging your knees.
you picked your head up from your knees when you felt a dip on the bench you were sitting on.
your eyes widened when you saw the worried gryffindor in front of you.
you quickly wiped her tears away and feigned a smile.
"hey rem," you tried to speak as normally as possible, but your hoarse voice gave it away.
"are you alright my sweet girl?" remus reached for you but you flinched away.
remus looked at you dumbfounded.
it was now or never, you were going to confront him now.
"h-have you been cheating on me?" you managed to form words into a sentence.
"what?" remus was taken aback at the absurdity of your question, "no! i'd never think of doing that to you."
"then where have you been off to recently? don't say doing your prefect rounds, because i've spoken to lily and she said that it's her turn to do rounds this term," you let out a frustrated cry.
remus did not know what to say, he was silently balancing out the pros and cons of telling you about his lycanthropy in his head.
you took his silence as had admission to having cheated on you and so you struggled to stand yourself up from the bench.
"wait y/n." remus grabbed onto your wrist.
"i-i'm a werewolf."
you looked at him wide-eyed, your eyebrows raised. you were expecting a stupid excuse from him, not a confession of a condition he had been experiencing since he was a child.
"that's where i've been running off to during full moons. i go to the shrieking shack during my transformations so as to not alarm any students in the castle, a wild werewolf running around and all."
you returned to the bench next to remus, "oh rem," you pulled the boy into your chest.
"i'm sorry for not telling you sooner, i just...i was just afraid i'd hurt you," remus apologised.
you pulled his head from your chest, "rem, baby, you'd never hurt me. don't apologise, if anything i'm sorry for ever doubting your faith in our relationship."
"no no, i understand why you would think that. i love you so much y/n," remus pulled you into his lap.
"i love you remus, so much," your lips ghosted his, "no more secrets?" you stuck your pinky out to the brunette boy.
"no more secrets," remus wrapped his pinky around yours, burying his head in your neck and peppering kisses on it.
"ow prongs! you're stepping on my foot," sirius whisper-scolded james as the two gryffindors hid behind a bush, watching you and remus.
"my parents are at peace at last," james smiled gleefully, completely ignoring sirius who was poking at his feet.
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tags: @lilytoyourjames @haroldpotterson @harryjamespotterswife @fairydxll @xangel76 @eleventhboi
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Lay All your Love on Me (Chapter 8) (Part 2)
Paring: Dark Soft Alpha Lee Bodecker x Female Omega Reader
Summary: After moving to Knockemstiff, Ohio with your troubled parents, you find solace in the local Seven-Eleven. There, you bump into the Alpha sheriff, Lee Bodecker.
And then you keep bumping into him. There’s just something about the chubby Alpha that keeps drawing you in. Now there’s something going on with the new preacher of the church that you attend. Everything’s a mess.
But you’re an unbonded Omega. Life can turn to shit anyway.
Chapter Warnings: This chapter includes more possessive behavior from our Alpha Daddy. Maybe some stalking too? Just a little bit of smut in this one. Some vaginal fingering. As well as some fluff and a marriage proposal from Lee. Not officially, that'll be in a later chapter, but they do discuss marriage. There are death threats and gun violence from our Omega Reader. And we can count the dead body in this chapter, lol. Talk of unplanned pregnancy and rape in this one.
Additional Notes: Part two was a lot longer than I thought it was, and I didn't want to cram it all in one single chapter, because there was just so much going on that I didn't want to confuse anyone. So, that's why I had to split it in half. So this is the second half! Much longer than part one, lol. Please refer to the chapter warnings before proceeding, and minors, DNI.
Word Count: 7,262
The familiar dinging of the Seven-Eleven brought you back.
Back to the first time you had met Lee.
A warm feeling rushed through you. Almost like you were giddy. A pep in your step as you showed Sandy to the way of the lovely drinks of heaven, aka slushies.
There was familiar music playing.
You even said hello to the cashier up at the front when you had come in.
The linoleum aisles really brought you back.
You had so many happy memories with Lee here.
It made you feel so warm.
Your Omega was delighted to be back at a place she was familiar with. This place… she knew this place. She spent time with her Alpha here. Memories of you and Lee came back.
Plop. Plop. Plop.
“Okay… so you can choose whatever flavor ya want. They got cherry, Lee really likes that one, blueberry, and grape. I like to get cherry and blueberry. Mix em together. Tastes and looks nice.”
Nods came from Sandy. She watched as you filled up Lee’s cup with the cherry, happily humming a tune under your breath. Then you did yours. Mixing the red and blue together with your straw, before you plopped the correct lids on.
Click. Click.
The sounds of you sticking the straws in made Sandy come back. You were smiling, even as you took a small sip of your mixed slushie.
A slow smile stretched onto her face.
“Okay… I think I get it now. Any flavor, you said?” She questioned you.
“Mhmmm… any flavor.” came your response.
Sandy’s gaze turned to the grape flavor.
A full smile spread onto her face.
“… What do you mean, we’re leavin’ early?”
You were blinking. Your mother just let out a sigh. You looked so confused.
Laying on the big folding chairs in the backyard of Lee’s home, wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts underneath your bikini top and bottoms.
Because of the fucking creep in your house. You wanted to avoid him, and be cautious if he was looking at you from the windows.
“… Emma called again. After lunch. Lee gave me the phone, and she explained to me the issue with Lenora. So I told her we’d be going early. Is that okay?”
Was it okay?
Was it okay?
You shifted your body, so you could be laying on your side. Your fingers tapped against the folding chair when you answered your mother.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“I’m not sure if I’m okay with leaving Lee and his sister with that freak inside the house, mama.”
Said freak being your technical brother-in-law.
It wasn’t like you were married to Lee or anything. But the thought made butterflies erupt in your stomach. Made you feel all fuzzy inside. Your head lift.
You had given the idea some thought. Would you entertain the idea as well? Sometimes. Did you want to marry him?
After much deliberation, yes. Yes, you wanted to marry this man.
Oh did you want to marry him.
So badly.
But with the current weirdo in your house, you probably couldn’t even talk to Lee about it. Because every time Carl was in a room with you, you just avoided talking to anyone altogether. Other than the times where you would be in bed with Lee. Then yes. Other than that, no. Not at all.
Up came your mama’s hand towards her forehead.
She had been anticipating this.
Oh yes, she had.
Because you weren’t wrong.
Carl had so many red flags.
So many red flags.
Many, many red flags.
Every time she saw him, your mother’s fight or flight reflex would act up.
It was like looking at her husband almost.
Terrified could be one word to explain how your mother felt around the man. Almost like she felt as if she was walking on eggshells around him.
He just gave her so many bad vibes.
“I know sweetheart, I know. But Lee will be fine. He’s the sheriff. He can handle himself.” Was what she told you. Tried to reassure your nerves.
You, however, were not that reassured so easily.
You still raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
You were worried for your Alpha.
How could you not be? He was your Alpha, for fucks sake. You were bonded to the Sheriff of Knockemstiff. He was your Alpha. Your Lee. Your Daddy.
You had a right to be worried about him.
So you couldn’t help it.
It was perfectly reasonable.
Very reasonable, in fact.
“I dunno mama… I’m still a little bit worried.” You admitted quietly.
And your mother could understand that.
Even with her Beta status, she knew how it would affect a recently bonded Pair.
Because you were recently Mated.
She saw the bite mark on your neck from Lee that proclaimed you as his. The fucking entire county probably knew you were his alone by the bite in your neck. And if anyone were to speak an ill word against you, well, your Daddy would set them straight. Lee Bodecker, Sheriff Lee Bodecker would see to it that no one spoke any ill word against his mate.
Because you were his. His alone. His Omega. His other half. Lee knew for a fact that he would murder for you. Hell, if you even asked him to murder someone, he would still do it. Because that was how much his love ran for you. It was so deep.
And now that you had his bite on your Mating Gland, well, he knew for a damn fact that if someone were to take you, they would have to pry you from his cold, dead hands. Or body. They would have to kill him first to get to you. And he wasn’t going to let that happen.
As you and your mother were in his backyard, laying on the foldable chairs from where he watched from your shared bedroom that used to be his once upon a time, he watched.
Was it out of line, or even creepy to be stalking you?
But did he care?
Absolutely not. He didn’t give a single flying fuck anymore.
You were his now. So he had a right to be concerned, where his other half was.
Completely reasonable.
But Lee… Lee didn’t know where this surge of possessiveness had come from.
Ever since you had bitten his Mating Gland and you and your mother had moved in, the Bond complete, Lee felt something shift inside of him. Almost like a change in the air.
For the past couple of nights, weeks even, you had been adjusting. Throwing out your nest over and over again. Lee would hear you in the bedroom when he’d come back from work, having thrown your nest across the room like you were a freaking superhero. Grumbling and hissing underneath your breath about it not being in its proper place.
Throw out. Fix again. Throw out. Fix again.
Rinse and repeat that for the past few nights, and now, now as Lee moved so he could sit comfortably in the nest, watching you get up after saying something to your mother that made her sigh in fondest, padding back into the house, it was perfect.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The sounds of your footsteps smacking against the hardwood floors of the hallway caught his attention.
Seeing you at the doorway, mumbling and spewing curses underneath your breath as you slammed the bedroom door shut behind you, shoving your shorts down. Revealing your bikini bottoms. He watched as you slipped on a pair of jeans like it was nothing. Shimmying into them and hissing to yourself, oddly sounding like, “stupid fuckin’ creepy motherfuckin’ Betas,” or something like that. Grabbing a scrunchie from your vanity that you had moved in from your house, tying your hair up. A few strands of hair falling free into your face, which you tucked away behind your ears.
When you finally did look at him, a genuine, real smile stretched over your face. Walking over, allowing the beacon that was your Alpha, your Daddy, his big, strong arms wrapping around you, surrounding you in his scent that reminded you of home.
Nuzzling your face into his shoulder, against his uniform. Against that star embedded into his uniform that made the slightest bit of arousal leak from your pussy.
A soft, gentle sigh was expressed from you.
His voice was throaty when he spoke.
“When you come back from visitin’ Arvin and his folks…”
Up came your head. Looking at him, encouraging him to go on with that wide, innocent look in your eyes that you saved only for him.
A nod.
He continued.
“I want to get married. I want you to wear my ring and my mark. I want you to have my name.”
His hands came to cup your face as he talked. You listened.
Thrill ran down your spine.
“… Want it, Daddy… want Daddy all to myself… want your name, Daddy…” your response was breathy as you looked at him.
Something broke in him.
Cause just then, Lee had grabbed you, spun your around, landing right on top of your vanity. He made sure to not smack you down loud. You had guests in the house, after all.
Sandy was in the living room with your mother, who had just come in. Carl, thank fuck, was out doing god fucking knows what.
There was a noise of Lee unzipping your jeans. He shoved them down your ankles. In fact, just for good measure, he shoved your bikini panties down too. Shoved three thick fingers into your pussy that was already leaking.
You gasped.
Keened, even.
How could you not?
Although… although you would’ve preferred your Daddy’s tongue, his fingers worked just fine. That feeling of your pussy being plugged always gave you pure bliss.
Pump. Squish. Pump. Squish.
Lee’s breath ghosted against your mating gland, making a shudder run down your spine as he fucked you with his fingers.
All the while, secure in the knowledge that his own little sister and future-mother-in-law were in the next room.
No more fucks had been given.
You were so full.
Oh so full.
You were cumming in no time at all, your walls clenching down harshly onto Lee’s fingers. Shuddering as you came. Feeling like someone had smacked the air out of your lungs.
Deep breaths and pants came from you.
His lips were pressed down onto your mating gland. The tip of his tongue peeking out, before his tongue licked your gland, making your hips stutter. His fingers still buried deep inside of you, all the way up to his knuckles.
He was buried so deep inside of you, but still, that wasn’t enough.
And then his fingers were moving again. Pushing back up inside of you, filling your pussy up.
Smack. Smack. Smack.
Keening noises came from you. Wet, squishing noises echoed with every thrust of Lee’s fingers plunging back into your wet cunt. You had to hold onto your vanity, gripping the edge so tight that your knuckles were turning white. You were so wet and turned on, having just come once already.
It wasn’t until you came for a second time, your second orgasm piggybacking from your first one, a soft little whimper filling the bedroom as you clamped down onto his fingers, your breathing turning a little breathless. Softer.
“Daddy…” your voice was softer, bringing the Alpha back.
Squirming came from you when Lee licked your gland again. Your back arched up against his front, your toes curling up, making you rise a few inches. His arms wrapped around you, his scent coiling around you.
“Mean it,” his voice was a little rough, “wanna give you my name, babydoll. Want this whole goddamn fuckin’ county to know who your Alpha is.”
Your pussy throbbed. A low hiss came from Lee at the sensation.
“When my ma and I get back… when we get back… we’ll do it. It’ll be the first thing we do, Daddy.”
His voice was a low rumble, making a deep shudder spread down your spine.
When you turned so you could look at him, Lee noticed you trembling.
“I… I mean it, you know.”
You were shaking. Absolutely feeling so many emotions all at once.
“I… I really do wanna marry you. I got your mark already but… I want your name. Your ring. I really do. I already got ya mark but… I really want it. You. All of you. I… I want your pups too, Daddy.”
Words were coming out so quickly you weren’t really quite sure what you were saying either.
But the next words… those next three words… you remembered them. You remembered them well.
“I love you… I love you so much,” you were crying. When had you started crying?
But whatever now.
You were crying and spilling out your feelings like a lovesick teenager.
Your Lee, your Alpha, your Daddy, he wrapped his strong arms around you, bringing you closer to him as his head dipped down, his tongue flattening against your gland, making your ears pop. His scent overflowing your nose as he scented you. Marked you. Your body shuddered against his. Your Omega was overjoyed.
Alpha. Alpha. Alpha. Alpha is a good Alpha.
“I love you too, Little Omega.”
A couple of hours later...
Something was deeply wrong once you and your mother had driven up to Coal Creek.
It was like a fog that had seeped through your bones, once you had gotten up to the house.
However, you were broken out of your current train of thought when you saw Arvin running out of the house, running towards you, picking you up, and making you squeal.
Alphas and their strength.
“Everythin’s been so boring without you!” The young Alpha complained once he put you down, “the whole house’s been silent except for Lenora’s puking!”
How… peculiar.
Very interesting.
It made you raise an eyebrow, as Arvin helped you and your mother inside as your sleepy brain tried to rack at what Arvin had just said.
But you didn’t dwell on it for far too long, considering once you had finally lodged your suitcase into your room, you had crashed immediately on the spot.
What had made you wake up from your slumber though, was puking.
Someone was puking their guts out in the bathroom.
Groggily, you stirred.
Even made a noise of deep discomfort from being woken up. Your Omega even stirred. She was also not very happy with these changes of events. You heard her in your mind, grumbling unhappily at the Omega who was currently vomiting her guts out.
After you managed to lodge yourself out of bed, you padded down the hallway, down to the bathroom, where the vomiting had been coming from.
What you saw made you nearly shriek.
Lenora cried out in surprise.
But that wasn’t what you were focusing on.
Your eyes were wide.
Your nose smelled something.
Something was very wrong with Lenora. You sniffed at the air.
The brunette Omega watched as you walked over to where she was, kneeling over the toilet. She watched you get onto your knees, grabbing some paper to wipe her mouth.
“Need you to stand. Can you stand?” You asked her.
A nod.
Being as careful as possible, you helped Lenora up to her feet, helping her to the sink. Helping to rinse her mouth. Lenora coughed and spluttered the first few times. But eventually, you managed to help her rinse her mouth clean of any bile or puke.
“I’m gonna need ya to brush ya teeth. Can you do that? Brush your teeth?”
Another nod came from her.
Nodding at her, you quietly gave her some space. Some time to brush her teeth, while you scurried out of the bathroom and down the hallway again, into the living room.
After scouring around for everyone or anyone else who could be in the little house with you and Lenora, you found that it was just the two of you.
The Russell’s car wasn’t in the driveway. But your mother’s car was still in the driveway, which you assumed that she had caught a ride with Emma and Arvin. Finding yourself back in the kitchen, you also found that she had left the keys on the dining table.
You heard her spit into the sink. Then you heard the sounds of the sink being turned on and off. Padding footsteps made you aware of the fact that she was coming into the kitchen where you were.
That uneasy feeling filled you up again.
“So… how long have you been pukin’?”
Lenora blinked in surprise.
“U-Um…” she looked almost nervous, her voice stuttering. “A-About… a week now? I dunno why. Maybe I’m comin’ down with somethin’-”
You sniffed the air again. Lenora looked confused.
“What’re you doin’?” she asked, bewildered.
Still, you continued to sniff the air.
“Arvin said you presented. Did you have any toys? Emma provide you with any?” you inquired. Lenora’s cheeks flushed. “I- no. N-No. I never… I never got to.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Whatcha mean, you never got to? You’re supposed to?! You stayed home, right?!”
You were even more confused.
“Lenora…” you were still very confused, but you didn’t want to frighten her. Scare her. Nothing of the sort. So your voice became gentler. “Lenora… when you present… you’re supposed to stay home. Your presentation… it hurts like a bitch.”
Lenora made a noise.
You waved that away.
“Bah,” you were unbothered, “you’ll cuss eventually. It comes to everyone.” Undeterred, you went on. “Any penny saver… your presentation. It hurts a lot. You’ll go into heat right after. It’s what happened to me.”
“Did it… how much did it hurt?” Lenora asked you tensely. Almost as if she was walking on eggshells. Clapping a hand gently on her shoulder, you steered her to the couch. It was time for a heart-to-heart. Omega to Omega.
“Well… it depends on the person. For me, it hurt like a bitch. It felt like… I felt like I was doing to die. As dramatic as that shit sounds… it really did hurt. My Ma had to send me to the damn ER cause all I would do was climb the walls like a bitch in heat. The whole thing… it felt like I wasn’t really… myself. Like I wasn’t all there, you know? Like… I was there. Subconsciously. But my designation… my Mega… she was in control. It’s kinda a helpless feelin’, bein’ in heat. All you want to do is fuck and breed. It’s what your designation craves. Needs. After though… I was still in pain a little bit. After-effects of heat. And I was really tired. Conked out for the next couple of days to recover. That’s why you gotta get a week off of school. Why weren’t cha in the house recoverin’? Where were you?”
Although now, you were thinking to yourself.
You were Bonded now.
You had a Bondmate. You had an Alpha.
You had never told Lee about your heats. About how much they hurt. For as long as you could remember, they were always painful. Many trips to the ER and hospitals didn’t do you any good. You had to be quarantined from everyone else because your scent was so strong. So thick. You remembered throwing fits, pounding your fists on walls, and screaming because it hurt so much. Your designation would wail and rage within you, wanting her needs to be met. Your Omega, your Omega was truly one of a kind.
In truth, you could admit to yourself why you hadn’t told him just yet.
You were terrified.
Truly utterly terrified.
What if you hurt him?
What if you killed him?
What if he saw what you were capable of during your heat and decided it was too much?
No, no, no.
The mere thought of it was breaking your heart.
Your Alpha, your Daddy, he wouldn’t do that to you.
Would he?
Lenora faltered. Even paused. She looked like she had been slapped.
She had gone silent.
You sniffed at the air again. You could smell her scent of vanilla and cherries, yes, and while your brain processed that this was an Omega in front of you, something just wasn’t feeling right in your gut.
A darker, deeper feeling was twisting your stomach. It made your brain go into darker thoughts.
Lenora looked almost terrified. Her eyes kept darting around. Her scent shifted and started to burn your nose. Your eyes even watered a bit, smelling how her sweet scent slowly turned sour.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me where you were. But I need you to listen to me carefully, okay?”
Your voice was nothing but gentle as you gently looked at the younger Omega. Your voice washed over her, coaxing her. You were sending off soothing pheromones, calming her frantic and shaking form.
Lenora let out a sniff.
“The world for us Omegas… it’s a dark and dangerous place out there. Always gotta be on our guard. Fuckin’ knuckleheaded Alphas who can’t take no for an answer. And for us women… well, we still gotta be on our guard. Men are stupid.”
A choked noise came from Lenora.
It made your Omega straighten up.
Your head cocked to the side.
Suddenly, it clicked.
Shit, shit, shit.
She was pregnant.
Lenora was fucking pregnant with a fucker’s pup.
You couldn’t explain the feeling that had run through you. It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice-cold water over your head. It gripped you like a vice. Trapping and ensuring you in place. You might’ve even called the feeling pure horror seeping through your bones.
But you wouldn’t call it pure horror that was running through your veins at this moment. It was more than that.
“Lenora… were you visiting your mother?”
She only responded back to you with one word.
“ Yes.”
You had never been one for faith.
You weren’t a believer.
Not even when you had been younger.
You didn’t know why you didn’t believe. You hadn’t really given it much thought as you had grown older. Going to church seemed like an obligation. Almost as if you had to go. Truth be told, you always fell asleep during the sermons. So there was that.
But as you drove your mother’s car down to the church, your jaw was tight.
Those dark thoughts were back.
It had been a while since you had slipped into that dark headspace. Not only that, but it had been a while since you had actually driven a car. These days, you didn’t really drive, considering you just walked everywhere. A small town did that to you.
Growing up, especially in your dysfunctional household, your parent’s car was almost like an escape for you. Other than your room. Even then though, whenever you’d sit in your parent’s car, hearing the shouting coming from inside the house, the car didn’t quite still feel like your own.
Unlike the car, your room was strictly yours. Yours and yours alone. Your parent’s cars had their names on them. So it didn’t really feel like yours.
However, your new bedroom, after the attack, it didn’t quite feel like yours anymore. To be completely and utterly honest, you had felt like you had been in haze for the past couple of weeks. Like you were just here. Like a star up in the sky, aimlessly floating through space and time, just observing everything around you.
You felt like a ghost.
Although, at this moment, you didn’t feel quite as empty as you had been these past couple of weeks.
Now you felt ready and secure to kill a man.
An Alpha.
Never had you ever felt so angry to the point of violence. You weren’t a fucking pansy. You weren’t a fucking pacifist. You believed that if violence was truly needed, that you would use it. Only if it was the last possible option. Then yes, you would fuck shit up.
Here and now, however, violence was truly your one and only option.
Emma, Arvin, and your mother had come home to the Russell house a bit ago. You told them that you’d be going into town and that you would be dropping off at the church, to clean up Lenora’s mother’s grave and put new flowers down.
So, with a newly bought bouquet of flowers, a scrubber, and some water in an old plastic bottle, you drove off to the church.
But you had a darker motive in mind.
As you drove up, you made sure to wear your Mate’s leather jacket. Somehow, smelling Lee’s scent, it made you feel safe. That what you were about to do was okay and justified.
It was okay.
It was going to be okay.
Finding a place to park the car, you took the keys out of the ignition. Stuffing the keys into the front pocket of your dress, you got out of the car with all of your things. Your eyes were sharp and focused, blood roaring through your veins. Even your Omega was in full and complete support. The entire duration of the car ride, she strayed, staying at the back of your mind, tapping her paw in turn. She was silent and feeling quite deadly. Ready to rip a man’s throat out. Her anger kept perfectly under control. But she was like a ticking bomb. She just needed one thing to tip her off, and you were pretty sure that if she wanted to take over and attack a man, that you wouldn’t be complaining.
Not really.
The sounds of scrubbing slowly filled your ears as the birds chirped in the trees. You were wearing gloves because you weren’t fucking stupid. Plus, you didn’t really like these gloves anyway. Your mother had bought them for you a few years back, because they were on sale at Sears and because she thought that had looked nice.
They looked fucking hideous.
Absolutely an abomination to gloves. But, they were easy to put on and take off. So that was a plus, you supposed.
Only when you had put down the bouquet of flowers did you hear a noise.
A leaf crunched.
Someone was walking towards you. From where you were, knelt over Helen Laferty’s grave, your head turned.
Immediately, your Omega screeched in alarm.
It was him.
The Alpha that had single-handily ruined Lenora’s life.
Preston Teagardin, with his scent of maple and something musky, made itself known to you.
Not that you wanted to know.
Not really.
“Preacher,” was your cold response as you turned your head back, and adjusted the flowers.
He couldn’t help but blink in surprise.
He had noticed you driving a car into the church. Saw you pull in, dressed in a dress with all of your crinolines underneath your dress, making your skirts puffy and out there. He had seen you get out, with all of your materials. You looked like a woman on a mission. And well, he was definitely curious.
Subconsciously though, his Alpha was telling him something was wrong. But Preston being Preston, ignored it.
Your scent had intrigued him. You smelled wonderful. Like freshly baked chocolate chips.
Although now, especially with that leather jacket draped over your shoulders, clinging to your form, making you look smaller, he caught another whiff in his nose. A deeper scent. It was a masculine scent. Chocolate and bourbon filled his nose too. He almost thought maybe you had a brother who was an Alpha, but then his eyes fell upon the bite on your mating gland that you showed proudly.
You had an Alpha.
The last he had seen of you, you had not had an Alpha.
So that meant you were recently bonded.
Preston didn’t know whether to be shocked or angry that you were bonded.
Finally finished with your work, you turned back to the still shell-shocked preacher and stood up. Brushing off your skirts.
“You know preacher, it’s quite interesting.”
He was confused.
“What’s confusing?”
Your lips stretched into a smile.
“It’s quite confusing to me. I’ve never been one for faith. Never truly got into the church, or believed in Him. I’m not very spiritual, or religious. Never have been. Never truly believed in a higher power. But that’s not all that puzzles me. You wanna know what truly puzzles me though, Preacher?”
When he didn’t answer, you cocked your head to the side appraisingly. You took a step forward. He took a step back.
“It truly puzzles and interests me that you, you’re a Man of God, aren’t you, Preacher? You’ll listen to someone if they need to confess their sins, won’t you? Take it to the grave? That’ll it just be between me and you?” you inquired. You tilted your head back, looking at him. Waiting for an answer.
“I-I…” Preston stammered, making you tilt your head again, almost like a dog looking at its master.
“Because really, I find it very, very, very interesting that you’re not aware that rape is forbidden in the Bible. Don’t you know when the disciples asked Jesus what they should do about their sexual urges, that Jesus told them to gouge out their eyes? And don’t you know that when Omegas present, that they’re supposed to stay home? And don’t you know, that you’re mated and married to an Omega who doesn’t know that her Alpha and husband is a motherfucking rapist?!”
Preston threw his hands up in surrender.
“No one’s going to care. Who do you think the masses are going to believe? A spineless Omega or a Preacher?”
Your eyes flashed dangerously. In less than a second, you pulled out a familiar-looking pistol from underneath your dress and pointed the weapon right in Preston’s face. You knew it was fully loaded. But, just to check, you made sure to reload.
“W-Wait- this is a mistake-” he stammered, stepping away from you. You watched his feet stumble. He tripped on his own feet, falling into the grass. He continued to push back.
“Believe it or not, I am not a huge fan of violence. Neither is my Alpha. He looks out for me. He’s an amazing Bondmate. I don’t think you’d like him either. He’s the one who gave me this before I came here with my Mama. Just in case. This world’s dangerous, you know.”
You had worn your special shoes for the occasion.
You were not wearing your kitten heels.
You were wearing stilettos. Which, now would be considered out of fashion. But you had been gifted a pair from your Daddy. So, therefore, they were special and were to be worn on only special occasions.
And wasn’t this a special occasion?
You considered it one.
You didn’t even bother to reload a second time. You knew you were fully loaded. And besides, you weren’t going to kill him.
Oh no.
No, no, no.
You’d just give him a fate worse than death.
Seeing his terrified form, you aimed your gun down.
Right there, the pistol facing his left hand.
A gunshot rang out.
You heard a scream. Maybe even a yell.
Moving your pistol down lower, your second bullet went right into his left thigh, dangerously close to his dick. You saw the tears. But you didn’t feel remorseful. This Alpha had harmed a member of your Pack. Why should you listen if he begged for mercy? Which he was. You were hearing his pleas. His begs for forgiveness. You knew right then and there, that your Alpha, your Daddy, would have never spared this man’s life.
However, you were not your Daddy.
You weren’t Lee.
So while Preston was still there, laying on the ground, you made sure to get right down on your knees, your left hand grabbing and twisting his left hand, making sure he wouldn’t touch you. Your knees completely spread, so that you would be nice and comfy.
Lee’s pistol cocked right on his temple.
“P-Please- you’re- you’re makin’ some type of mistake-” Preston pleaded, but you narrowed your eyes.
“No,” your tone was completely cold and unmoving, “No, I don’t think I am. I smelled you on her. Are you doubting my nose, Preacher? But don’t worry, I won’t be ending your worthless life today. Be happy that I won’t shoot your goddamn cock off. And besides, you should be grateful I didn’t shoot your right hand. If I truly didn’t give a shit, I would’ve fucking murdered you and left you for the birds. They’ll eat anything. Especially pieces of shit like you. But I don’t think even birds would want to feast on you.”
"I ever see or hear you rape another goddamn Omega, I'll make sure to really kill you. Consider this a goddamn motherfucking warning."
Getting up, and ignoring his whimpers that truly made him sound like a pathetic Omega in heat, you gathered your things.
As you walked past him, back to your mother’s car, you spoke one last time.
“Don't be sad, Preacher. Ya still got a right hand. I know it’s not your dominant hand. But you have a right hand, Preacher. Use it.”
Later on in the evening, back at Knockemstiff with Lee…
Believe it or not, but Lee Bodecker did not enjoy killing.
Even though he knew he was a corrupt Sheriff.
He had heard the rumors. The whispers. Gossip flew around quickly. Especially in a small town like Knockemstiff.
And the saddest part was that they were right.
Someone like Lee, someone who looked like Lee didn’t get to the Sheriff position without a little bit of darkness in him. Lee had long accepted the fact that he had crossed the point of no return. That if there was truly a God up there, with Heaven, that he would never be permitted to enter. He already knew with all the killing, deception- that his soul was black and damned.
There was no going back now.
Lee’s eyes were gazed, focused on the chair on his right. He could smell your lingering scent on it. If he leaned back and closed his eyes and focused hard enough, he could probably hear your laughter. He could probably imagine your smile too. Just the thought of that black box shoved in the top drawer of his dresser made his heart warm. Like there was something worth living for.
The sound of Sandy’s fork clanging on her ceramic plate caught Lee’s attention. He saw his little sister getting up, getting all of their empty plates, and marched right into the kitchen. Lee relaxed in his chair, hearing the sink turn on. Hearing the sounds of Sandy washing the plates.
For a moment, it was quiet. Lee could actually hear himself think. All leaned back, everything in his life nearly in peace and harmony.
“You know, I thought about her for a long time before I actually saw her again.”
Carl jumped.
Actually jumped.
He had jumped in surprise.
“We met at church, you know. Me and my Mega.” Lee was so relaxed, so deep in old memories.
“Took me two weeks to see her again. I felt so sorry for drinkin’ the rest of her slushie. But I just wanted to know why she was just so in love with drinkin’ em. For those two weeks… all I thought about her.”
Which, Lee was technically speaking the truth.
But not the full truth.
He remembered, in those two weeks before he saw you again, all those sleepless nights spent in his bed.
And now, he thought, what if he had been a good man.
A good man didn’t slick up their cock with Vaseline and jerk off to the thought and memory of kissing a defenseless, young Omega who was probably nearly a decade younger than him.
A good man didn’t masturbate himself to the near brink of death in the shower thinking about just how good your pussy would be if he fucked you for the first time.
A good man didn’t masturbate to the thought of his young Omega partner whom he was courting, cumming at the thought of how tight her cunt would be, or if blood would trickle down her legs after taking her virginity.
Lee Bodecker however, was not a good man.
At all.
Remembering his brother-in-law’s words, Carl’s face went pale as a sheet. Lee was so relaxed without a care in the world that he didn’t even have the ball to be smug about it.
The sounds of Sandy's footsteps made both of the men look up.
“I brought the tea.”
Sandy Henderson, with her hair in rollers, wearing her nightgown and her slippers adorning her feet, gave her Big Brother and her husband a look. Her gaze on Carl lingered just a bit longer. As if she was giving him one last look.
There was a clunking noise as Sandy placed the little ceramic teacups with the little covers on top of the table. Handing one to Carl and Lee. Sandy herself sat down at one of the chairs, stirring her cup with a little spoon.
When Carl took the top off of his cup and drank from it, he felt there was something wrong. Something in his gut turned and twisted.
Lee wasn’t surprised to see Carl get up from his chair, and start to cough. Nor was he surprised to see Carl claw at his throat, blue spit dripping down the corners of his mouth. Sandy sat there, staring Carl directly in the eyes as her husband breathed his last breath before he fell to the floor.
The Omega watched her Beta husband die kneeling. Like a sinner confessing their sins.
“Hold on, won’t cha Big Brother? Gotta get something from the bedroom.” Sandy got up, even pushing her chair in like a good little housewife, before clamoring her way down into the hallway, into the guest room.
Sandy came back with a camera.
Carl’s camera.
The one that he used for all of his murder victims. Lee didn’t feel a chilling in his bones. Sandy got real close, good enough to take a full-body shot. But focused on the horrified look in her husband’s eyes. Ones that looked like ones of pleading. As if he was begging for repentance.
Lee heard the camera click. Sandy shook the camera, hearing it splutter for a second before she got the photo out. An almost satisfying, chill smile stretched over her lips.
“He had a lot of photos, Lee. But this one… this one’s my personal favorite.”
Getting up from his chair, Lee looked down to inspect the dead body of his former brother-in-law.
“Ya brought the marriage papers?”
“Yup,” replied Sandy.
“And the photos?” Lee raised an eyebrow.
“Brought all of 'em,” the blonde Omega said in almost a relieved voice.
“Good. You burn them. I’ll take care of his body.”
Sandy could get on board with that.
It was a plan.
With you, late in the early morning…
It seemed, after your detour with the Preacher, that you could not sleep.
You had tossed and turned in bed all night.
Eventually, you had thrown all of your fucks out the window and got up quietly from your bed, opening your door ever so slightly so you could slip through. Padding your way down the hall, to the kitchen. Where the phone was located on the wall.
Picking up the phone, you spun the dial.
Spin. Spin. Spin.
Spin. Spin. Spin.
There was a moment of silence as you heard the phone connect.
There was another moment of silence before you heard the other person on the other line pick up.
Lee breathed out a sigh of relief. Your Daddy sounded sleepy.
“Did I wake ya up, Daddy?” your voice was low. You didn’t want to wake anyone up.
“No, babydoll. I wasn’t sleepin’. Had a busy night, that’s all. Couldn’t sleep, could you baby?” his voice washed over you like thick syrup. You felt as if you were on frigging Cloud Nine. You felt so warm. So safe.
“Nu-uh… couldn’t sleep. Had quite a day today, Daddy.”
“Oh yeah?”
You heard some shuffling on his end of the line. Almost like he was moving around in bed.
“Miss you a lot, Daddy. The nest don’t smell like ya.”
“I miss you too, angel baby. Nest’s not the same without cha in it.”
He heard you intake in a deep breath. And then a deep shuddering noise came from you. Hoisting his legs over so he’d be sitting, he asked, “Ya alright, Mega?”
You faltered for just a split second.
“Daddy, I… I… I need to tell you something.”
That didn’t sound good.
Whenever Lee heard those words, or “we need to talk” in the past, then usually, those weren’t good words. Nothing good ever came out of those words.
“I’m listenin’, babydoll.”
He heard you take in another deep breath before you continued.
“I… my Omega… I feel like… like my heat’s slowly comin’. It ain’t gonna come tomorrow, or any day this week, but… I… I feel like my Omega’s warnin’ me as if she’s tellin’ me the storm’s bout to come my way… and… and I never told you but…” a loose sigh escaped your lips, “my heats are… awful. Every time they happened in the past… I felt like I wanted to die. They were so painful, Daddy. I don’t… I don’t wanna scare you…”
As Lee listened to you over the phone, it made him think of his own Rut.
He thought about how the week before he had seen you in that Seven-Eleven again, how he had gone right into a Rut. You, your scent, your Omega- it had thrown him in a frenzied Rut. He had never remembered any of his Ruts hurting like that before.
But Lee Bodecker wasn’t scared. He never was like that, even when he had been younger. Never ever.
“I ain’t scared of your Omega. I can handle your Omega. I’m your Daddy, ain’t I, babydoll?”
“Y-Yeah…” your voice had turned breathy. “Y-Yeah, Daddy.”
An agreeing noise came from Lee.
“Yeah, Mega?”
“I think…” you chewed on your bottom lip for just a second. “I think… I think you need to come to Coal Creek.”
Now he was concerned.
“What for?”
“It’s… it’s about Lenora. Today… earlier, I… I went to the church. I went to the Preacher and I shot him twice. With… with the pistol you gave me before my Ma and I left. He raped her, Lee. She’s pregnant with his pup. And I think… I think if I tell Arvin, that he’s going to kill him. I need your help, Daddy. Please.”
There was a beat of silence from the other line. For a moment, you thought Lee might've hung up on you.
But then, you heard it.
"Don't cha worry babydoll. San and I will come. You just stay there. Behave, ya hear me?"
You swallowed thickly.
"Y-Yeah, Daddy. I'll be on my best behavior."
"That's a good girl. Hang tight, got it?"
"Good. Go get some sleep, babydoll. I don't like my baby tired and cranky."
You let out a faint giggle.
"Okay, Daddy. Gonna sleep."
There was another beat of silence.
"I love you."
Maybe it was that you were getting a little sleepy. But you smiled anyway.
"I love you too, Daddy."
And then the line went dead.
Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44, @bxnnywriting
Series taglist: @queenslvy
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
My Girl <> Tom Felton
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Anonymous Request: can u plsss write a tom felton imagine where they meet on set of a movie or show they’re both starring in and they start hooking up, but the reader is around 21/22 and tom feels she’s too young or whatever so won’t commit to her? then he finds out she’s falling for him so he decides to like abandon her and start publicly seeing another older actress and the reader is heartbroken and completely changes from like happy and sweet to quiet and isolated. then tom realises he’s actually in love with her and has to try and make up the hurt he caused her? lots of angst and fluff (maybe even a smudge of smut if ur comfortable) plsssss i love ur writing sm !!
Note: Thank you so much for requesting this whoever you are! I hope I was able to satisfy your request. I've never written something like this before, and half the time I was in the car traveling while writing it and the other half in a hotel, so yeah, we'll see how it turns out. Sorry there's no smut, I'm not that kind of person. I will but rarely add smut to my writings, but I'm a fluff kind of girl and don't write smut very well. Anyways, enjoy!🖤
* * *
Walking around the set, saying hi to the cast and crew, you made your way to your next scene. You feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket and see you got a text from your friend back at home. Laughing at something she said, you begin to text back, but not before your phone drops to the floor on the impact of running into someone. You stumble, but the person steadies you. Looking up, you see that it’s Tom, your co-star, your boyfriend, and yet still your crush for who knows how long.
“Hey, Y/N. Probably should watch where you’re going. Never know who or what could sneak up on you,” Tom chuckles, receiving a giggle back from you. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss of greeting. A shiver cascaded down your spine. Every time you were with Tom, or even near him, you could feel the sparks, and your stomach felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Well, hi, to you too, Tom. Where are you off to? Our scene is that way,” You question, pointing in the opposite direction that he’s going.
“Oh, really? These big places always confuse me. Walk with me?” Tom smiles, holding his arm out for you. Your smile widens and you take his arm as he guides you to the set together.
“Y/N, I was wondering, would you like to go out with me tonight? After today’s shooting is done. There’s a nice restaurant down the street, not too far from here.” Tom mentioned and you felt all giddy inside.
“Tom, I would love to!” You almost screamed with excitement but tried to hold back the best you could. You haven’t been able to go out much lately with the movie and all, so you’re always so excited when you’re able to go out and have a nice evening with your boyfriend.
* * *
Once your scene with Tom was done for the most part, you both parted ways. “See you later, my love,” You told him, kissing his cheek and walking away, missing the wide-eyed look on his face.
Tom went to shoot a different scene and you went back to your trailer to get ready for your date with Tom. It was a short shooting day, so Tom was coming to pick you up at 7. You had a little over an hour to get ready as you picked out a cute black, off-the-shoulder dress and some converse. After touching up a bit on your hair, you sat at your vanity and waited.
Tom was rarely ever late coming to see you. That’s why you were surprised when the clock struck 7 and Tom hadn’t come to your trailer yet. Maybe he just got caught up in a scene or talking to a crew member, you thought.
You waited and waited. You even texted him, however, with no reply. You didn’t want to seem clingy, so you just left it at one text. You became worried when you realized Tom was half an hour late. Setting an alarm for 8, you decided you’ll text him again. But, for now, you wait. You looked over your script, trying to memorize your lines for tomorrow’s scenes.
Jumping suddenly at your phone’s alarm, it was already 8 and Tom still hasn’t shown up yet. You shot him another text, asking about his whereabouts before stepping out of your trailer to go and find him.
“Hey, have you seen Tom anywhere?” You asked a passing crew member, but he said he didn’t know, that the last place he saw him, though, was his last scene set. You thanked him, then made your way there, not finding Tom, but finding his friend.
“Hey, have you seen Tom? I’ve been waiting for him for an hour, but he never showed. I’ve been looking around for him, but can’t find him.” You told him, sounding a bit exasperated.
“No, sorry, I haven’t seen him. But, I think he mentioned going out with a friend. Have you checked his trailer?” He asked, a little worried himself. He knows that you and Tom are together so he’s a bit suspicious of Tom’s unknown whereabouts.
“I was just about to go check there. Thanks.” You told him, waving with a smile even though your heart was racing.
You head out of the building and zigzag through the various cast and crew trailers until you reached Tom’s trailer, knocking before climbing the stairs to open the door. He’s never had a problem with you just going in.
“Tom, it’s been more than an hour. What’s going-?” There wasn’t a chance to say anything else as the shock of the sight in front of you silenced your voice. Tom kissing your best friend, Emma Watson, was the thing you feared most. You had a feeling there was something between Emma and Tom, but you wanted over everything for that to not be true. But, here you are, staring at your best friend and your boyfriend, making out.
You didn’t have time to say anything before you were out the door, tears rushing down your cheeks.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” You heard Tom’s voice behind you.
“What, Tom? What could you possibly say to me right now? How could you?” You were yelling at him, infuriated.
“This isn’t how I wanted you to find out. I was going to tell you,” He started, but you weren’t going to give him the time of day.
“No, Tom. Just, no. There’s nothing you can say to make this better. Just don’t,” Is the last thing you said to him before walking away, sobbing, back to your trailer, missing the way Tom was staring as you walked away from him, heartbroken and guilty all at the same time.
It’s been days since you talked to Tom. Luckily, you haven’t had to shoot any scenes with him. If you see him walking towards you, you’d walk the other way. If he tried to talk to you, you still wouldn’t give him the time of day and you’d just walk away.
Ever since that day, you wouldn’t greet the cast and crew like you used to. Of course, if someone said hi to you, you would respond, but the smiles became short and fake. You isolated yourself. You would shoot your scenes, then go back to your trailer when you weren’t needed, which seems like all the time lately.
And ever since that day, when you caught him cheating with your best friend, Tom’s been miserable. He hates himself for what he did to you, for hurting you, especially because it was for a stupid reason. He’s vowed to make it up to you, to get you back, because he’s realized that he loves you. So, he will do everything he can in order to get you back, to show you he loves you.
You were walking back to your trailer after a long day of shooting, getting towards the end of the movie, when you were stopped by a very anxious-looking Tom.
“Y/N, please, let me talk to you for just a minute, please,” He begged, although he didn’t really give you much space to agree or not.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, Y/N, I did what I did for a stupid reason; because I thought you were too young and we wouldn’t work because of the age difference. I didn’t think I could commit to this relationship, and I’m so sorry for what I did, not telling you before and making out with Emma and you having to see it. Katie, I cannot tell you how sorry I am. If I could I would take it all back…” But you interrupted him.
“But, that’s the thing, Tom, you can’t take it back. It’s done, I saw it. And with my best friend, of all people. I always knew there was something going on between you two," You took a deep breath. "I can’t deal with this right now, so please, just leave me alone,” You told him before turning around and continuing back to your trailer, leaving behind a sad and heartbroken Tom.
You step up into your trailer, plugging your phone into the charger, and seeing a flash of red in the corner of your eye. How could you have not seen it before?
Laid on your bed were a perfect bouquet of red roses and a note on top. You picked up the bouquet, the beautiful scent filling your senses. You knew who they were from even before you saw the note.
My love,
I know this doesn’t make up for what I did, but I am sincerely sorry. I hope you will give me the honor of giving me some of your time so I can explain.
Just then, looking down, you noticed a small black velvet box that must have been hidden underneath the flowers. You hadn’t noticed it before. Setting down the flowers and note, you picked up the box, opening it to see a beautiful silver ring with a sparkling diamond in the middle, For me, there is only you, engraved on the inside. Tears were once again beginning to form. You had to go apologize for not letting him speak his case. Some part of you said he didn’t deserve you or your time. But another part is saying he does deserve you. You love him and, even after what he did, he still deserves a second chance.
After slipping your shoes back on and shoving the ring into your pocket, you run out of your trailer and towards the sets to try and find him. You knew he had a scene to shoot soon so he should be around somewhere.
Just as you turned a corner, there he was, that sad look on his face with a mix of guilt and who knows what else. He spotted you and your eyes met. All these emotions were flooding through your mind. Your heart was saying one thing, that you need to run to him and let him explain. But your head was telling you to turn around, run away. You tend to listen to your head over your heart, unfortunately, so you turned around and began walking back, tears beginning to fill to the brim.
“Y/N,” The sound of Tom’s voice made you stop; something about it struck you and made you freeze on the spot. He walked towards you and took a deep breath and continued what he had started before. “I hate myself for what I did to you. I know I can’t undo it, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I love you, Y/N. After what I did, I saw you crying, and something in me just snapped, and I haven’t been able to sleep or eat, and…”
“Wait, you love me?” You turned suddenly and looked up into his eyes, tears spilling over onto your cheeks. Tom’s hand makes its way to your cheek, ridding away the oncoming tears as he looks into your eyes with a sincere, sad smile.
“Yes, I do. Baby, I love you so much. And I will do anything to make everything up to you. I will beg you for your love until you take it and love me back…”
Next thing you know, your lips were on his, your lips moving together in perfect sync. You both pulled back for air as you slipped your hand into your pocket and pulled out the promise ring. Tom looked down and smiled.
“Do you mean it?” You questioned him hopefully, looking up into his eyes, his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck.
“I mean it all, my love. Indeed, for me, there is only you. I love you and I always will.” Tom declared, taking the ring from you and slipping it onto your ring finger. Tom placed his forehead against yours.
“I love you, too, Tom,” You exclaimed, your sweet smile that no one has seen for the past several days resurfacing.
“I will make it up to you, my love. In any and all ways that I can, I will make sure you know how sorry I am and how much I love you.” Leaning in, he placed a passionate kiss to your lips, adoring the way your lips feel on his.
“The flowers were beautiful, by the way,” You smiled up at him, and the way he looked at you made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the whole universe.
“Only for my girl.”
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harrylilies · 4 years
The Royal Series | Pt. VI
The Royal Series Masterlist
"What do you mean I have to take him with me? I'm going on a two- day trip with my friends." You asked your grandmother in shock.
"Which is why it's the perfect way to get to know each other. I know you don't like following the formal way so do it your way." She told you before sipping her tea.
You laughed in disbelief, shaking your head before looking at your grandpapa, Prince Philip, "Please say something."
"Darling," Prince Philip sighed before looking at his wife. "You know how Y/N hardly gets to go on vacation with her friends and this seems like a duty."
You motioned with your hands at him as you looked at her, mouthing an "Exactly.”
"Fred is 26, he will fit in with Y/N and her group of friends."
"Why are you doing this?" You whispered, leaning back on your chair in defeat.
She put her hand on top of yours, looking at you with soft eyes. "It's for the best. For you."
You shook your head, "This isn't what I want. It’s what the government wants. What you think is best."
"It's what you need." She finished for you before standing up, making you stand. "Amsterdam is an exotic place. I expect you to not do anything you might regret, sweetheart." She told you before looking down at one of her corgis, Willow.
"Oh, can I hold Fred's hand? Maybe steal a kiss or two." You said sarcastically, knowing well that you were pushing her buttons, something that made Prince Philip snicker under his breath.
"Y/N," she looked at you, "As long as it's nothing that can be held against you, harm you or downgrade you, you're free to do anything you please."
"Free," you chuckled before nodding. "Yes, Ma'am."
After she left the room, you were left with your granpapa who instantly approached you and put his arm around your shoulders, his sympathetic eyes looking at you. "But you have fun on your trip. I'm sure Fred isn't half bad."
"I know he isn't, Papa." You sigh, feeling him squeeze your shoulder. "I feel so pressured."
"Everything will be alright, darling. You just have fun for me, will you?”
"How was your nap?" You asked Fred politely as you and your friends sat, having breakfast in the hotel.
"Very satisfying," he chuckled, pouring himself a cup of tea. "What about you?"
"Haven't really slept. Nia and I decided to play monopoly instead." You chuckled, adjusting your jacket.
"Hear it from us first, Princess Y/N of the UK breaks royal rule and plays Monopoly. Scandalous!" Fred said in a dramatic reporter voice, making you laugh.
"Come on, you must have broken a lot of rules before."
He nodded, "I don't really go by the rules." He shrugged before chuckling, “Except for that necklace I gifted you, I’m sorry. That was my mother’s doing.”
"How scandalous and vulgar." You joked, putting a hand on your heart dramatically.
"Your Royal Highnesses are needed in our conversation." Your friend, Nia, joked. You and Fred looked at her together, "We were saying we should go canal cruising right away. Although I'm scared to shit."
"Why? Not a fan of water?" Fred asked her.
Nia shook her head, laughing. "I'm a terrible swimmer. Can't rescue myself if I ever fall."
"It's true. She swims like a sad cat." Eddie joked, laughing more when Nia swatted his arm.
"It's alright, we'll all be together so I doubt you won't get rescued if you fall." Fred smiled, putting his loosely crossed arms on the table.
"Are you saying we can fall off?" Emma asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.
Fred instantly straightened his posture and shook his head, looking back and forth between Nia and Emma. "I didn't mean that. Not that way."
Emma laughed, "I'm just joking."
"Oh." He chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck.
"Well, it's comforting knowing that we have a professional swimmer with us. Very assuring." Trevor said before putting his fork down, "Because Y/N here, said she was skipping on this activity."
They all nodded, knowing what you already told them. You gave them a sheepish smile, shrugging, "Sorry."
"Don't apologize. You fucking better make use of these 4 hours we're gone in." Nia pointed at you.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Also send us pictures." Farrah said, elbowing you.
"You're all embarrassing."
"Do I look bizarre?" You ask one of your personal guards, Andrew, motioning to yourself. You had a "Treat People With Kindness" black hoodie, the hood covering your head, black trousers and your black vans on. You had your sunnies on, opting to not get recognized.
Andrew shook his head, "You don't, Your Highness. I don't believe people would notice."
"Told you to call me Y/N, Andy." You chuckled, taking your phone out.
"It's a habit." Your other guard, Sid, said.
You chuckled again as you texted the one person whom you were impatiently waiting for.
I'm outside x
Almost instantly, you received a reply.
I'll let Jeffery come and get you x
You waited for about 3 minutes before the black door in front of you opened and out came a grinning Jeff. "Your Highness, good to see you again."
You smiled, "Just Y/N. And thank you, Jeffrey. It's good to see you, too."
"Just Jeff." He corrected you teasingly as you walked inside and backstage. "Harry has been all over the place since we knew you're coming. Doesn't shut up about you. Don’t tell him I said that though."
You felt your cheeks heat up, only giggling in response. You stopped in front of a brown door that had "DRESSING ROOM" beside it.
"He's inside." Jeff said, knocking. "Harry?"
"Come inside!"
You grinned, glancing at your guards who chuckled and took a step back. "We'll wait here." Sid said.
Jeff opened the door for you, motioning for you to go inside.
You took off your sunnies, holding them in your hands instead as your eyes fell on the man in ruffles in front of you who was looking down, his head snapping up once he noticed your presence.
"Y/N," Harry breathed out softly as his face broke into a grin, taking long strides towards you before wrapping his arms around you, his head buried in your neck as he brought your body closer to his. "I missed you."
Your arms around his shoulders squeezed him tighter, closing your eyes as you let his warmth engulf you. "I missed you, too, H."
At the nickname, Harry felt himself smile. He pulled back, his hands moving to your face as he softly and so gently stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. "H, huh?"
You let out a small nervous chuckle, shrugging as you wrapped your arms around his torso and looked up at him. "It slipped."
"I love it." He confessed quietly.
Your hands moved to his arms that were covered by the silky shirt, feeling so soothing and satisfying under your fingers as you looked at him. "This is the part when you kiss me." You teased him, feeling your faces get closer.
"And this is when you kiss me back."
If you could describe Harry's lips against yours, you'd use the word "melting.”
Melting was what you felt, slowly letting the feeling of his lips on yours let you loose. Melting went your worries and everything around. Melting went all the judgement and overthinking. Harry's lips absolutely melted you.
Pulling away with a smack and smiles, Harry pecked your lips once again softly. "You have very kissable lips."
"Yeah?" You looked up at him.
"Yeah." Harry confirmed, leaning down to steal one more soft and quick kiss.
"I like the ruffles." You said, running your hands through them.
"Jeff says I look like I came from the wrong era." Harry said, looking down at himself.
You laughed, shaking your head. "You look just fine. I told you that you would."
"’Nough about me. Nice sweatshirt." Harry's lips turned to a smug smirk, looking down at you wearing his own merch. "I was so nervous that I got Farrah's address wrong and it wouldn't be delivered there though."
"I told you I can get it online."
"And I told you to consider it as a gift." Harry shrugged. "Can you help me with my hair? It won't-" Harry patted his head, looking up, "It won't sit."
You laughed, taking a hold of his wrist to get it away from his head.
"Sit down." You urged him to the vanity chair, him sitting and giving you a wide toothed comb. You began to softly comb it, enjoying how luscious and soft in felt. "So, are you coming tonight?"
Harry looked at you through the mirror, his eyes focused on how concentrated you looked as you combed his hair gently with a faint smile on his face. "Do you think your friends will like me?"
"You already liked Farrah as far as I know and she liked you. My friends are fun to be around, promise." You nodded, glancing at him through the mirror before looking at his hair.
"What were their names again?"
"Eddie, Nia, Trev and Emma." You replied instantly before your move hitched, pursing your lips. "And-and Fred." "Fred?" Harry repeated, "Don't remember a Fred in the text you sent me a couple of days ago."*
"Yeah, he's just," You gulped, shrugging your shoulders. "He's just a friend of ours that joined last minute."
Harry nodded, his index and thumb moving to graze his bottom lip; something you picked on was a habit of his when he felt nervous or in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" You asked gently, putting the comb down before softly beginning to run your fingers through his hair to fluff it.
Harry sat up straight, lacing his fingers together in his lap as you both looked at each other through the vanity mirror. "You know I don't consider you a fling, don't you?"
"Uh," your eyes moved to look at his hair again instead of him, shaking your head slightly. "I didn't actually."
"So you," Harry paused, stopping your hands from moving by grabbing them and putting them around his shoulders instead. "You think you're a fling?"
You shrugged, feeling his thumbs gently stroke your knuckles. "I don't know, I-" You stopped, "I don't really know what do you consider me, Harry. Whether you see this going anywhere or you're scared. Or if you feel like I'm too much to handle or not. I don't know if you think this is worth it. Or if-if you just think this is adventurous and risky, gives you that thrilling feeling. It happened to me right after uni and I think I stopped understanding people's intentions ever since. When it comes to that I mean." You confessed, giving him a pursed smile after you finished as you looked back at him. "I don't have history, Harry. I don't-" You paused, shaking your head as you let out a low laugh, "I don't know."
"Y/N," Harry said softly, holding your hand and moving you till you were in front of him, letting you stand between his legs as he looked up at you.
His hands moved to hold your waist, looking up at you as you rested your hands on his shoulders. "Then I will tell you what you don't know. What you should know is that I like you. I really do. I don't care about your status or if you have guards around you all the time. Fuck it, I don't even care if I have to wait for you for three hours outside your flat and behind bushes because your grandmother isn't with us being together. I," Harry chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, "Call me a sap, a total cliché tosser but I have never felt like this about anyone before, Y/N. So here I am, an hour before my show begins, with everyone outside and the world oblivious to me having Her Highness Princess Y/N of the United Kingdom in my hold and me only caring about everything that you wish you can show to everyone, including your family, and about being there when you try new takeout," he chuckled,
"And what I'm trying to ask you is, do you want us to be-" Harry stood up, towering over you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
And there you stood; oblivious to his heartbeats that Sarah could probably use instead of her drums, his body hot and his nerves feeling as though they were about to get wrecked.
"Do you want us to be together? Exclusive?" Harry asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
You let out a small laugh of shock, looking up at him before raising your eyebrows. "Are you serious?"
"Dead serious." He nodded.
Instantly, your hands cupped his cheeks and you brought your lips to his in a deep, strong kiss, tilting his head slightly to feel all of it before pulling away. "Are you sure?"
"I can't stop," Harry said, almost heaving, "I can't stop thinking about you," he pecked your lips, "Kissing you," he kissed you again. "Knowing that you're mine. That I'm yours. I can't fucking stop thinking about it, Y/N.” His hands were than tangled in your hair after dropping your hood, his eyes looking into yours. "Fuck," He licked his lips, glancing at yours before looking back into your eyes. "What have you done to me, you minx?”
You giggled, "I haven't done," You shook your head. "Anything.”
"Lies." He joked with a smile drawn on his face.
"Think I just became your girlfriend."
At the confirmation, Harry only pressed his lips to yours.
"What do you mean you didn't tell him about Fred?" Emma asked as you sat on her bed in the hotel, watching as she towel-dried her hair.
"I mean I didn't tell him about Fred. I told him that he's our friend."
"Why did you do that? You're together now, Y/N. He should know." Nia said, plopping beside you on the bed.
"What do I say?!" You groaned, "Hey Harry, by the way, I'm somewhat arranged to marry Prince Fred by my grandmother and the government. Hope it's alright." You sarcastically said.
"Okay, I don't think she should tell him." Nia said, looking at your other friends. You chuckled, shaking your head at how easily convinced she was.
"It sounds bad," Farrah said before turning to look at you as she fixed her hijab, "But put yourself in his shoes. What if he knows about it later when it's already too messy?"
"I won't let it reach that. I'm going to do something about it." You said, glancing at your friends. "It's not like I'm going to allow that marriage."
"Still." Nia said before she popped her newly red-coloured lips.
"If I really did put myself in his shoes and I know that the woman I'm with is basically arranged to marry someone else, I'll probably run off because what's the point of fighting against the queen and the country’s fucking government? I’ll be done for." You opened your arms questioningly.
"Didn't you say that he told you he doesn't care if he hides behind the bushes because your grandma doesn't support you?" Farrah asked, pointing her mascara at you. You nodded. "Then there you have it. A keeper."
You sighed, about to drop on your back when Nia's hand on your back stopped you. "You ironed that suit. Don't mess it up because your life is fucked up."
"Wise words." You mumbled, sitting up. You nodded, standing up and looking at them. "Alright I'll tell him,"
"Yes." They all breathed out, nodding.
"When it's the right time." You continued, hearing them groan in response. "We've just got together today!"
"Look, baby," Emma approached you, putting her hand on your shoulder, "We'll be here for you whenever you decide to do whatever you want. You're a grown woman and you handle complicated shit everyday in your life. We trust you, okay?"
You smiled, nodding. "Thank you, Em."
"I second Em."
"Third her." Farrah smiled at you, blowing you an exaggerated kiss.
"That jumpsuit looks good on you, by the way."
"Speaking of looking good," Nia began, standing up and scrunching her curly hair as she looked in the mirror. "Fred isn't half bad. He's decent."
You, Emma and Farrah looked at each other with surprised smirks before looking at Nia who noticed the change in the room, looking back at you. "What?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" Emma challenger her teasingly.
"Like I just told you I want to shove my tongue down his throat." Nia replied.
"Your words, not ours." You teased her, laughing when she gave you a "come on!"
You raised your hands up in surrender, "Just think I should let you know that I'm a taken woman and as far as I know, he's single."
"You three," Nia pointed at you, raising her eyebrows, "Are shit, do you know that?"
"Come on, it's almost 7. We better leave." Farrah said, checking her phone.
Meeting with the guys in the lobby and getting into the cars, you all drove towards the restaurant which Eddie told you was one of the best. Harry had texted you prior, telling you that he was almost there.
"Better early or I won't get the friends approval." He had texted.
Walking behind Trevor who turned to look at you over his shoulder, "Can I give him the if-you-hurt-her-I-hurt-you talk?"
"Absolutely not." You scolded him under your breath before chuckling.
"Geez, fine. Guess I'll stick to the embarrassing stories."
"Trev-" Trevor speeded off while snickering, letting you stop behind Fred.
"You look nice, Y/N." Fred smiled softly at you.
"Thank you, Fred. So do you." You smiled back, nodding your head.
"I was uh," he cleared his throat, looking behind you for a second. "I was meaning to ask you about something."
You nodded, urging him to. "Sure, what is it?"
"Is Nia-" He looked behind you again before lowering his head and voice, "Is she seeing anyone?"
Not knowing how to contain the grin, you glanced behind you at her before looking back at Fred. "She isn't actually. Want me to put in a good word for you?"
"No, no, I-" He shook his head instantly before looking down at you, "Would you? Would you do that?"
You hummed, nodding. "Of course."
He nodded, "Yeah, that would be-that would be nice."
You chuckled before nodding at him and looking in front of you, grinning when your eyes fell on the one person you absolutely wanted to kiss.
"Come on. Let's meet that boyfriend of yours." Emma whispered in your ear as you all walked towards the table where Harry stood, his hands behind his back and a welcoming smile on his face.
You were almost standing in line, watching your friends greet Harry who was grinning, shaking everyone's hand.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Harry." Emma smiled at him before sitting down; not before looking at you and giving you a discreet “ok” hand sign and a thumb up.
You approached him, smiling when he quickly leaned in, greeting you with a peck on your lips. "You look incredible." He whispered.
"You look handsome, too." You replied. Harry pulled your seat out for you, making you sit near him as he sat at the head of the table, you sitting on the first chair to his left.
"Y/N told me you went on a canal cruise, how was it?" Harry asked, smiling as his hand rested on your knee.
And so, the conversation started flowing naturally and easily, filled with laughter and playful banter.
"I saw the video, that one you posted on your Instagram story," Eddie pointed at you before looking back at Harry, "You're bloody talented, mate."
"Right? You have amazing vocals, Harry." Farrah agreed.
You smiled as you looked at Harry, seeing his cheeks slightly turn to faded pink, making you put your hand on his on your knee. "You should hear him live. It's exactly like the studio version." You told them.
"Hey! We should definitely go once." Emma suggested, looking around at everyone on the table who agreed.
"You're welcome to any time." Harry politely said with a sheepish smile.
"Any time isn't convenient to these two royal highnesses." Trevor motioned with his hand at you and Fred, making your smile falter slightly.
Harry's eyebrows raised before looking at Fred, "Oh, excuse me. I wasn't aware that you were-."
You looked down, your ears almost perked at the conversation as the girls eyed you. Fred chuckled, nodding. "Eh, piss off,” he joked, “It doesn't matter. I'm probably going to give it up as soon as I can."
"Oh," Harry almost absentmindedly began rubbing your knee with his thumb, affectionately. "But why? If I may ask so."
"Y/N can tell you about it or she probably already did. Expectations, force, control, all that. No offense to you, darl," Fred looked at you for a second before looking back at Harry. "It's the whole marriage thing that tipped me off." "Marriage?" Harry asked confusingly, seeming interested in the talk.
"You know what? I think royal talk is the last thing we need right now," Nia interrupted them, you releasing a breath. "Harry, where's your next show?"
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