#Emotional Lyrics Unveiled
ranjith11 · 1 year
This Night - Proof Of Burden: Emotive Lyrics Unveiled | (Official Lyrics Video)
This Night - Proof Of Burden: Emotive Lyrics Unveiled | (Official Lyrics Video) Unveil the emotive lyrics of "This Night" by Proof Of Burden in our Official Lyrics Video. Immerse yourself in the captivating storytelling and soulful melodies of this poignant song. The poignant and soul-stirring lyrics will take you on an emotional journey, leaving you moved and connected to the music on a deeper level.
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mathewbaron · 1 year
This Night - Proof Of Burden: Emotive Lyrics Unveiled | (Official Lyrics Video)
Unveil the emotive lyrics of "This Night" by Proof Of Burden in our Official Lyrics Video. Immerse yourself in the captivating storytelling and soulful melodies of this poignant song. The poignant and soul-stirring lyrics will take you on an emotional journey, leaving you moved and connected to the music on a deeper level. Join us as we present this lyrical masterpiece, beautifully brought to life through mesmerizing visuals that complement the essence of the song. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the powerful emotions and evocative melodies crafted by Proof Of Burden.
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catboybiologist · 5 months
The year is 2030.
At the Cincinnati stop of her "world tour", Taylor Swift ends her set. As she walks off the stage, she leans into a nearby mic and says "oh by the way, I'm lesbian".
She's still milking a public relationship with a man named Chett Whitesman, so this is met with a combination of cheers and confusion. Immediately, the media mobilizes. They have to intercept her before she gets onto her private jet, and ambush her for an interview. Luckily, this has become much easier these days. Since the release of her 2027 album, "The Carbon Emissions of my Heart", T Swizzle has performed a ritual sacrifice of an endangered species on live camera every time she boards her jet, a #girlboss way of saying that her emotional pain can only be healed by the tortured screams of drowning polar bears.
(Since this practice started, a devoted faction of Swifties have started a carbon negative algae farming commune, with the express intent of negating taytay sweezie's contributions to climate change. Apparently "her tortured soul deserves to pollute without guilt". They haven't even come close to their goals.)
Taytor Twift is intercepted after this ritual, as she's walking up the steps of her plane. When asked what the lesbian statement was about, she nonchalantly says "oh, I thought it was clear that was a joke. Anyways, G T G!" , before biting into the still beating heart of an emperor penguin.
During her flight, discourse on the newly renamed twitter-X-ElonIsExtremelyVirile Corp goes nuclear like it never has been before.
There's a camp of swifties thoroughly convinced that her relationship with Chett is all a beard so that she can still keep touring in the New Christian Republic of Florida, and the interview at the plane was deepfaked.
A different camp of Swifties feels insulted and betrayed that she would be anything less than a paragon of allyship. To them, this is the worst slight the queer community has ever experienced.
A third camp of Swifties insists that she *is* dating Chett, and is also a lesbian. They get insulted that anyone would police Taylor's labels. Comparisons to the Boulder, Colorado shooter are made.
A group of non Swifties tries to point out that everyone is fucking insane and that 'ole taytay regularly tear gases pride rallies to make way for her promenade to stadium venues, and who the fuck cares about this shit and point out that what a billionaire celebrity does for five minutes of PR is not worth your attention or discourse, nor does it warrant harassing other people for the labels *they* use, and isn't it really fucked up that Taylor is making a joke of how people describe their identities? They are promptly doxxed, harassed, and banned.
Bi lesbian discourse is off the charts. Nothing Taylor said has anything to do with it, but it happens anyways.
A lone transsexual who actually goes outside once in a while tweets "hey guys isn't it kinda fucked up that 2.4 billion people have been displaced by mega storms this year that her jet contributes to and is also specifically designed to fly over" and is promptly doxxed and harassed off the platform.
After an exhausting 9 minute plane ride, Tailing Swiffer lands in Columbus for the next performance of her world tour. She unveils a new single that contains the line "ride my horse after dumping him, stepping up onto my SAD dle".
All is forgotten. All is quiet. The Swifties continue as usual, moving on to the next discourse about these lyrics.
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 months
“Tell me a story, please?” you add, hiding a smile under the edge of the blanket. A kiss is bestowed upon on your forehead and the cave opens for the night. Leon clears his throat theatrically. “This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.”
Leon keeps his best tales under lock and key, and you crack one out of him on a particularly sleepless night. He thinks you might like this one.
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f / m, fluff sprinkled in with angst and emotional hurt, insomnia, grief + mourning, leon is a sweetheart he just loves you :(, he basically tells you a fairy tale before bed
word count: 1.6k // read on ao3
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a/n: um. norman fucking rockwell, baby. if you catch the lyrics from "How to disappear", i love you. i wrote this fic like i was possessed 😭 nothing was planned
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There aren’t any waves outside your landlocked bedroom window to lull you to sleep, but there is another ocean view you can think of. You turn to the other side of your pillow, biting your lip hopefully.
“Hi, sweetheart,” the view mumbles, ocean eyes groggy and losing the fight against sleep.
You’re in luck.
“Leon,” you whisper. 
“Can’t sleep.”
“Don’t know why…you’re not tired,” he yawns, his blond lashes almost fluttering closed before snapping open at your wide-eyed expression, “when you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
You cram the comforter to your chin and flip to the other side of the bed with a groan. 
Leon chuckles, giving your shoulder a sleepy shake, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” 
He’s not sorry. But you relent anyway. 
“Tell me a story,” you mumble as he tucks you back in.
You brush a strand of hair across his forehead to unveil those ocean eyes again. They’re faded and tired, yes, but they’ve also seen more of the world than you could ever dream of. The only good thing to come out of Leon’s mysterious missions to the ends of the earth is the treasure trove of stories he brings back with him, like a Cave of Wonders, filled with only the best for you to unlock. You don’t know anything about the outside of that cave – he stops telling the story if you ask – and you’re not in any position to argue as the clock ticks closer to morning.
“What’s the magic word?” he nudges.
Is he really going all open sesame on you too?
“Tell me a story, please?” you add, hiding a smile under the edge of the blanket.  
A kiss is bestowed upon your forehead and the cave opens for the night. Leon clears his throat theatrically. 
“This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.”
“One thing you have to know before I start anything though, sweetheart, is that this girl was a spitfire. Completely unreasonable. She was the type to pack a grocery cart full of ice cream she swore was on discount only to have all of it be full price and melt in the checkout line.”
(“That was one time!”)
“Never said a thing about it being you, sweetheart, shh. You’re supposed to be trying to sleep. But either way, this girl couldn’t be you because she was a princess – a real pretty one at that. Sweet, smart and kind like little girls grow up wanting to be. She lived in a castle by the sea on an island in the middle of nowhere, and here’s what I heard about her on my last mission. You’ll like this one.
“Life on that island was as peaceful as you can get in a fairy tale. She had plenty of mermaids for friends and animals to keep her company, but you can’t help getting lonely after the years start passing by. The princess was stuck there, you see.”
(“How’d she get there to begin with?”)
“Uh-uh, you’re interrupting me.” Leon teases. “Story or no story?”
(“Story, please.”)
“Magic, alright? Say she got stolen away by some evil witch like Rapunzel did and her kidnapper drowned in the sea. I don’t know. But it didn’t really matter because that island became home after a while. A beautiful home, but lonely all the same. The mermaids all returned to their castle under the sea when the moon came up and the princess wished had somebody she could sleep next to when it got cold at night. 
“She was fond of stories too, like somebody else I know, and after all those years on that island, she’d read every book in the castle and longed for someone who could tell her something new. All she ever wished for on her birthday was a friend. ‘Just for a little bit’, she’d beg.”
Leon sucks in a careful breath.
“So one night, the ocean decided to send the princess a birthday present just like she asked. A magic tide deposited a little boat on the edge of her island, and when the princess woke up the next morning and looked outside her window, she saw something – or rather, somebody – slumped inside of that boat.”
(“And inside that boat was a prince?”)
“No prince. The princess made sure of it too, brave thing that she was, walking right up to the boat and taking a good look at who was sleeping inside of it. 
“The boy inside that boat was dead to the world with cuts on his face from fighting too hard. He gave the princess a good scare ‘cause he was so asleep she thought he was actually dead. When he woke up and asked ‘Who are you?’, she nearly punched him out of fright.”
(“You were right, I think I like her.”)
Leon laughs, bright and warm.
“But this boy was a real charmer, and the princess was kind, remember?”
“She didn’t go around punching people out of nowhere. Especially not the first human she’d ever seen. Her curiosity got the best of her and she took the boy to her castle, where he told her he was a mercenary from a faraway kingdom. He’d been on his way to kill a rampaging sea monster when a mysterious wind blew his boat off course and right onto the princess’ island. 
“Over breakfast, the mercenary told her stories about monsters, jungles, fire-breathing dragons, stuff she’d only ever read about. She was entranced. The more he spoke, the more the princess wanted to see for herself even though she knew she couldn’t. She had to be smart about it.”
Leon swallows. He nestles the blanket around you a little tighter, like you’d slip out of his grasp, and continues.
“The boy was battered from the beating he took from his voyage, so the princess nursed him back to health. I told you she was stubborn, right? She wouldn’t take any of the gold or jewels he tried offering her from his travels. All she asked for was a new story each day he stayed with her. He agreed.
“The first week went by in a flash. The princess borrowed magic green herbs from her mermaid friends to heal the mercenary faster. The herbs made him strong enough to move mountains if he wanted to, so he pounded a couple to the ground outside her castle just to prove he could when she asked, and with the new space, the princess made him a place to stay. Turns out she was a great businesswoman; the boy spun tale after tale for her while she fixed a loneliness deep in his bones. Everything was perfect.”
“The boy stayed longer than he thought he would. His boat collected dust as that week turned into months. Those months grew into a year. The princess’ birthday rolled around again.”
(“Did they fall in love?”)
“They did, sweetheart.”
Leon chuckles softly.
“He ended up loving her a lot, and the princess loved him too, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not usually how it goes in fairy tales, is it? There’s a catch.”
You reach for Leon’s hand in the deep of the comforter, not remembering when he let go.
“Good sailors know not to mess with the ocean. It wasn’t too pleased with the princess keeping the boy to herself for more than just a little bit, not when he needed to get rid of that sea monster that had been killing millions of innocent people. So on the night of the princess’ birthday, the sea asked the boy to go back to being a mercenary. He needed to do his job and the princess wasn’t part of it.”
(“Tell me he stayed, Leon.”)
“Princess, I can’t-”
(“Make him stay.”)
And for the first time, Leon stutters because he never changes the story.
“A-Alright, so the boy stays. He tells the sea that he fell in love and can’t bear to leave the princess behind.”
(“And then?”)
“And then…and then he finds out he’s in over his head. The tide comes and goes, everything has to have a balance. He needed to go because he had to protect all those people, and he couldn’t do that by staying with the princess no matter how much he loved her, right?”
Lifting the blanket aside, Leon falls onto his back. You watch the ceiling fan blades spin in the dull sea-blue of his eyes. 
“The princess asked him to stay and he couldn’t say no to her. She meant well. She didn’t…she didn’t know. And they were happy together on that island until the boy’s decision caught up with him. The sea monster he was supposed to kill found their island one day, sweetheart.”
(“...Leon, no. That’s not supposed to happen.”)
“It’s how the story goes,” he murmurs, gently pressing his lips to yours.
You barely feel it; you taste saltwater in his kiss, feel it running down your face.
“But you changed it!” You’re crying, can’t find his hand. Where’d he go? He’s supposed to be here, you changed the stupid story, you have to make him stay. 
The ocean might not be outside your window, but you still see it behind glass as you prop yourself up on your elbows, heaving for breath only to find Leon’s framed picture sitting beside your pillow.
His eyes are so blue. Ghostly in the dark. 
You must have dropped it when sleep took you under. Your earbuds are still hooked up to a podcast in an earlier effort to bore yourself to sleep, but you don’t really want to hear about relaxing Zen gardens right now. Tugging everything out of your ears, your shaking finger opens the notes app. 
Right now, you’re in the mood for a story. A story with a happy ending where no one goes anywhere.
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psst, find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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cupidriki · 6 months
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pairing . situationship! sunoo x fem reader, warnings . fighting, mentions of blood, suggestive ending, cursing, sunoo is a tiny teeny bit toxic. word count. 658 | music playing - shameless by camila cabello. | authors note . very different from my usual writing but i hope you like it!
“Sunoo! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” As you approach the scene, you see the man lying on the floor with his nose bleeding, apparently knocked out. Without hesitation, you grab Sunoo and quickly bring him inside the nearest bathroom, making sure to close the door behind you.
After spending a long and tiring week at work, you were looking forward to spending some quality time with your sweet and caring situationship, Sunoo. You planned to have a fun and exciting evening together, filled with laughter and joy. However, things didn't go as planned, and the night took a turn for the worse. You're not sure what went wrong, but everything started going downhill, and the happy atmosphere quickly turned into a tense and uncomfortable one.
You were at a bar, feeling parched and in need of a refreshing drink. While ordering your drink, you noticed a strange man approaching you with a creepy smirk on his features.
“Hey beautiful, you wanna come to my place.?”
As you stood there, you suddenly felt a hand on your waist, causing you to feel uncomfortable. Without hesitation, you pushed his hand away, making it clear that you did not appreciate the unwanted contact.
“I’m not interested. Please don't touch me”
“Ay, don't be so difficult. I know you want this.”
Before you could react, you saw him thrown on the ground while your situationship was punching him in the face over and over again.
“Sunoo! Stop!”
As Sunoo doesn't stop despite your words, you take his hand and lead him towards the nearest bathroom. You guide him through the crowd, gently pushing aside anyone in your path, until you finally reach the bathroom door. Once inside, you make sure to lock the door behind you and check that the room is empty. You then turn to Sunoo and scold him.
“Sunoo! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” yelling at him.
“He was touching you. What do you expect me to do?! Just stand there?” his tongue poking through his cheek.
“Yeah! But not punch him to death?!”
Sunoo was feeling a surge of anger and frustration. He had been putting on a facade of being sweet and caring towards you all this time, but the moment he let his guard down and showed his true emotions, you reacted with anger. He couldn't help but feel like his efforts to be kind to you were being taken for granted, and that his true self was not being accepted.
So many mornings he woke up confused with full of dreams of you and you’re treating him like this?
As Sunoo leaned in closer to you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of intimidation wash over you. Despite his usually sweet and gentle gaze, his eyes now appeared sharp and piercing. It was as though his entire demeanor had shifted, leaving you feeling uneasy and unsure of what to expect next. The intensity of his stare was palpable, and with each passing moment, you found yourself growing more and more anxious in his presence.
The music blasting in the background you felt the intensity of the lyrics.
“Distance, inches in between us.”
“I want you to give in, I want you to give in.”
“Weakness, tension in between us.”
“I just wanna give in.”
“Cat got your tongue? I’ll show you what the fuck I'm doing.”
As you walk alongside Sunoo, you notice him looking at the strap of your short dress. He reaches out and gently takes hold of it. Looking up at you, he mumbles a quiet "May I?" making you nod hesitantly.
Though you felt a bit intimidated, you desperately needed him.
You became acutely aware of your own breathing as you felt a sudden hitch in it. Simultaneously, you noticed that the strap of your dress was gradually slipping down, exposing your shoulder and threatening to unveil more.
maybe you didn’t mind this side of him.
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herlondonboy · 10 months
The Songbird and the Rebel
pairings: lucy gray baird x gn!reader
summary: you love lucy. you would do anything for her. including throw yourself in with the wolves in order to protect her.
warnings: canon typical violence, minor SPOILERS FOR TBOSAS!!!! reader is gender neutral BUT takes the spot for male tribute, first person
word count: 2.3k
a/n: my first fanfic in a while (leilani if you see this leave) part 2?
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Lucy Gray Baird was a name known to most in District 12.
If you don’t know her from when her and her covey arrived in District 12 with an array of songs, then you definitely know her from her singing in the bar or by the hanging tree.
In the quiet corners of my heart, there exists a profound narrative woven with the threads of affection and admiration for Lucy Gray Baird. To gaze upon her is to witness a kaleidoscope of beauty, each facet revealing a unique charm that, when combined, creates an enchanting tapestry of allure. Her presence is a gentle breeze, weaving through the tapestry of my days, leaving me breathless with the ethereal magic she brings.
Lucy Gray's eyes are like pools of liquid moonlight, reflecting a depth that seems to hold the secrets of the universe. When she casts her gaze upon me, it's as if time itself pauses, and in those moments, I find solace in the silent language exchanged between our souls. Her laughter, a melody that dances in the air, resonates with the sweetness of a thousand songbirds. Each note is a reminder that joy is not just an emotion, but a symphony composed by the mere existence of Lucy Gray.
Yet, it is in the cadence of her voice that the true enchantment unfolds. Her words are like a lyrical river, flowing with grace and carrying the weight of untold stories. The timbre, a harmonious blend of warmth and tenderness, wraps around my heart like a comforting embrace. Listening to Lucy Gray speak is akin to traversing a forest of ancient trees, each word a delicate leaf that rustles in the gentle breeze, revealing the wisdom etched into the very fabric of her being.
In the quietude of twilight, as the world settles into a hushed symphony, Lucy Gray's voice becomes a lullaby, a soothing melody that cradles my thoughts and lingers in the corridors of my dreams. It is a voice that navigates the complexities of emotion, painting vivid landscapes of understanding and empathy. With every syllable, she unveils a tapestry of connection, forging a bond that transcends the mundane and elevates our shared existence to a realm where love is not just a sentiment but a living, breathing entity.
To be in love with Lucy Gray Baird is to be immersed in a story where every chapter unfolds with the grace of a sonnet, and her enchanting voice serves as the narrator, guiding me through the intricacies of emotion with eloquence and poise. In her presence, time becomes an ephemeral concept, and the symphony of our shared moments resonates in the chambers of my heart, an everlasting ode to the captivating magic that is Lucy Gray.
As the calendar inches closer to that dreaded date, the annual arrival of the reaping, a shiver courses through my veins, and the spectre of fear looms large in the recesses of my thoughts. It's a perennial nightmare, a cyclical horror that etches its mark on my soul with each passing year. The looming prospect of the reaping casts a long, foreboding shadow over the days leading up to it, like an impending storm gathering its strength.
In the district, where life is a delicate dance on the precipice of survival, the reaping is the grand conductor orchestrating the symphony of anxiety that grips every heart. The Capitol's merciless tradition, designed to remind us of our vulnerability, is an annual ritual that plunges us into a maelstrom of uncertainty. As the day draws near, the atmosphere becomes thick with a palpable tension, a collective holding of breaths that echo the unspoken dread etched across the faces of my fellow citizens.
The fear is not merely a response to the capricious nature of the reaping; it is an acknowledgment of the ruthless lottery that defines our existence. Every year, the odds are a cruel reminder of the fragility of life, and as the names are drawn, the spectre of mortality hangs heavy in the air. It's a twisted game where the stakes are nothing less than life itself, and the chances of escape grow slimmer with each passing year.
Yet, in the recesses of my consciousness, a tiny flame of hope persists. Three more years, I tell myself, just three more before the shackles of this annual torment are lifted. The countdown becomes a mantra, a whispered reassurance that carries me through the darkest hours leading up to the reaping. I imagine a future where the weight of this fear is but a distant memory, where the spectre of the Capitol's malevolence no longer casts its sinister gaze upon my destiny.
Survival becomes an art, a delicate dance between evading the Capitol's scrutiny and navigating the treacherous currents of our district's harsh realities. With each passing reaping, the lessons learned, the alliances forged, and the scars accumulated become badges of a silent resistance against the Capitol's oppressive grip. As the clock ticks away, the urgency to outlast this infernal cycle intensifies, and I find solace in the belief that resilience will be my shield until the dawn of that promised freedom.
The reaping remains an annual crucible, but with each passing year, the embers of hope burn a little brighter. Three more years—a finite horizon that promises liberation from the perennial terror that shadows my days. Until then, I navigate the minefield of survival, driven by the unyielding determination to defy the odds and emerge from the crucible of the reaping with the scars of endurance etched upon my soul.
Lost in the tapestry of my daydreams, where the edges of reality blur into the realms of imagination, I found myself wading through the ethereal landscapes of distant thoughts. The cadence of a country twang, like a gentle breeze, pulled me back from the reverie, and there she was – Lucy Gray Baird, a vision of warmth and southern charm.
"What's wrong, darling?" Lucy Gray's voice, dripping with honeyed tones, sliced through the cocoon of my musings. Startled, I looked up to find her gaze fixed on me, a playful twinkle in her eyes that made my heart flutter.
Shaking my head to dispel the lingering fragments of my daydreams, I stammered out a feeble response, "Oh, nothing, just lost in thought."
Lucy Gray's expression shifted to a quizzical 'really?' as she cocked her head to the side. It was as if she could read the unsaid, decipher the hidden nuances beneath the surface of my demeanour. Unable to support the charade, I sighed and admitted, "Just thinking about tomorrow."
Her brow furrowed with concern, and Lucy Gray, with a sincerity that belied the playful banter, insisted, "We're not getting picked, darling. Trust me."
The assurance, while comforting, collided with the grim reality that haunted the eve of every reaping. "Lucy Gray, you can't be sure. The odds are never in our favour," I argued, my voice laced with the weight of impending dread.
An animated debate unfolded, our words clashing like opposing currents in a tempestuous sea. Lucy Gray, with an unwavering confidence, insisted that fate would spare us, while I, burdened by the grim statistics of our district, could not share her optimism. The tension escalated, transforming a mere disagreement into a storm of conflicting emotions.
With a heavy sigh, I declared, "I can't afford false hope, Lucy Gray. I need to face the reality of our situation."
Lucy Gray's eyes darkened with disappointment, and her lips formed a thin line. "You don't have to face it alone, darling," she murmured, her voice now devoid of its earlier playfulness.
In the aftermath of our heated exchange, the room echoed with the haunting silence of unresolved tension. Unable to bear the weight of the unspoken, I stormed out, leaving behind a tumultuous atmosphere that lingered in the air like a palpable storm. The door swung shut behind me, closing the chapter on a disagreement that lingered in the corridors of my conscience.
As I walked away, the shadows of doubt and fear clung to me like a relentless spectre. Tomorrow's reaping loomed on the horizon, and amid our clash, the uncertain fate that awaited us cast a shadow on the camaraderie between Lucy Gray and me.
The morning of the reaping dawned with an eerie stillness, the air thick with tension as I stood flanked by my brothers, a tight knot of apprehension settling in the pit of my stomach. The proximity to them, a meagre comfort in the face of the impending ordeal, offered a silent solidarity that spoke of shared fears and unspoken bonds.
As the announcer's voice echoed through the square, a collective hush fell over the assembled crowd. My gaze scanned the sea of faces, searching for Lucy Gray amid the sea of anxious expressions. But she was nowhere to be found, and a gnawing unease crept into my thoughts.
The dread reached its zenith when the familiar twang of the announcer's voice pierced the air, uttering those fateful words that sent shockwaves through my world. "Lucy Gray Baird."
Time seemed to grind to a halt as her name reverberated through the square. A sharp intake of breath echoed through the crowd, and my brothers and I exchanged glances, our eyes mirroring the disbelief that clung to our collective consciousness. Lucy Gray, the beacon of defiance and warmth, had been ensnared by the merciless claws of the reaping.
A murmur rippled through the crowd as Lucy Gray emerged, her steps deliberate yet exuding an air of unrestrained rebellion. As she approached the podium, the atmosphere crackled with a palpable tension. Instead of submitting to the Capitol's ritual humiliation, Lucy Gray took matters into her own hands.
In a daring act of defiance, she slipped a snake into the folds of the mayor's daughter's dress, a calculated rebellion that unfolded like a subversive ballet. Gasps of astonishment and screams of fear spread through the crowd as Lucy Gray stood there, an embodiment of resistance against the Capitol's oppression.
Her gaze, a beacon of unyielding determination, sought me out in the crowd. Our eyes locked in a silent exchange, a communion of understanding that transcended the barriers of the Capitol's surveillance. In that fleeting moment, I saw not just defiance but a plea for solidarity, a shared understanding of the injustice that had befallen her.
The Covey, recognizing their songbird in distress, began to sing. Their harmonies, a haunting melody of sorrow and defiance, wove through the square, amplifying the rebellious spirit that Lucy Gray embodied. It was a serenade for a fallen comrade, a hymn of resistance that reverberated through the hearts of those who dared to challenge the Capitol's iron grip.
As Lucy Gray stood there, surrounded by the harmonies of the Covey, I felt an indescribable mixture of emotions. Anguish, for the injustice that had befallen her; admiration, for her unyielding spirit; and a lingering sense of guilt for the moments of doubt that had clouded our camaraderie. The reaping square transformed into a stage for a silent revolution, and Lucy Gray, with her audacious act, had become the unwitting protagonist in a tale of defiance and sacrifice.
Driven by a surge of emotions that transcended reason, I pushed forward through the tightly packed crowd, determination burning in my veins. The air crackled with tension as I reached the front, and my heart pounded in my chest like a war drum. Lucy Gray's name lingered in the air, a haunting echo that reverberated through the square.
As I stumbled towards the platform, the weight of the moment settled on my shoulders. My voice trembled, but a resolute conviction carried me forward. "I volunteer!"
Lucy Gray, standing defiantly on the podium, shot me a perplexed frown. A silent exchange passed between us, a question lingering in her eyes. Why would I jeopardize my own safety for her? But there was no time for explanations as the Capitol's relentless proceedings demanded swift adherence.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Lucy Gray gestured towards me, her eyes mirroring a silent plea for me to reconsider. But I couldn't back down now. I couldn't let Lucy Gray face the Capitol's brutality alone.
"I volunteer to take the place of Jessup Diggs!" The words hung in the air, a courageous declaration that seemed to confound the very fabric of the reaping ceremony. Murmurs of uncertainty rippled through the crowd, unsure if such a deviation from the Capitol's script was permissible.
The Capitol's enforcers hesitated, caught off guard by the unprecedented turn of events. The air was thick with uncertainty, the collective gasp of the onlookers amplifying the tension that permeated the square. Jessup Diggs looked bewildered, unsure whether to be grateful or worried for the unexpected twist of fate.
Before the Capitol's enforcers could make sense of the situation, Jessup was roughly thrown down from the stage. A jolt of realization surged through the crowd, the unspoken understanding that the Capitol's machinations brooked no dissent. I was seized by unseen hands, dragged up to the platform, and away from the tumultuous sea of faces.
As I was pulled away, my eyes sought out Lucy Gray, who now stood alone, a solitary figure in the midst of the chaotic spectacle. Her gaze met mine, a silent acknowledgment passing between us. In that moment, I saw gratitude mixed with an unspoken sadness, a recognition of the sacrifice made in the name of defiance.
The cheers and protests of the crowd faded into the background as I was led away from the square, the consequences of my impulsive decision looming ahead. In the face of the Capitol's cruelty, I had dared to challenge the script, to rewrite the narrative of the reaping. The road ahead was uncertain, but as I cast a last glance at Lucy Gray Baird, standing alone on the podium, I knew that the seeds of rebellion had been sown, and the repercussions of my choice would resonate far beyond the confines of the reaping square.
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rayroseu · 11 months
Masquerade Malleus Vignette Spoilers✨
Cuz I only managed to groovify it rn ☠️☠️
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its always implied that Malleus is strict with anything but seeing it on full action... makes me think that this is how Lilia taught him as he grow up... strict and unrelenting nsiwnkns🥹🥹🥹
it makes me ache because we know in contrast to Silver's upbringing, Silver got the softer version of Lilia's teaching 😭😭😭😭
Also as a deuce kinnie... Malleus as a strict person will be the nemesis of my weak asf attention span frrrr😂😂 my productivity will thank him loads though...🥹🥹
but heyyyy atleast youre gonna hear ✨malleus draconia sing the same specific lyric over and over✨ despite being trapped in diasomnia indefinitely lol
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Oh but now i want a scene of Malleus ruminating about his NRC invitation now 🥹🥹🥹 gahhh imagine him being all prideful and thinking "a human magic school have the audacity to educate him about magic" who areyou kidding??? And and imagining him spending weeks about this invitation as well if he accepts it he'll be able to go outside but would the outside welcome him???
I'm getting sad that Malleus probably prepared himself to be isolated, feared, and excluded😭😭 His school experience didn't even start yet he's already prepared that its going to be desolate and not as intriguing as Lilia tells him to be... And the fact that his grim expectations is what happened for the first 2 years he had at NRC.... 😭😭😭
Imagine Lilia trying to cheer him up that it'll be better next time... That he'll surely get along with someone eventually 🥹🥹 but Malleus is tired of getting hopeful about a companion now bcs he experienced way too often that this hope is always not going to be met💔
In exception of this line being a reference to Yuu being Malleus' good friend--- this vignette is also nice because we see him work together for a performance with other NRC students without anyone making rude comments about his status 🥹🩷💝💞 like this is essentially what Lilia envisions Malleus' school years to be... A memory where he gets along with everyone 🥹✨✨
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HFBWUBDUBSUBS THERE IT ISSSS MY MALLEYUU 💝💞💝💞💝💞 i love his smile beneath that mask, hes so cute aarghhh hsgib🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
He doesn't even process that he's so delighted to hear people liking his gift, that how much he's so happy 😭😭😭💖💖💖
malleus why do you seem surprised at the thought of you looking happy... 🥹 Im feeling so emotional about the fact that Yuu notices his core emotions ALWAYS nfibcjd like when he resists that "he isnt lonely, he's just alone" in book 7 now here in this vignette he didn't even process that he's expressing happiness until Yuu points it out 😭😭💞💞💞
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My angel of music... He's so gorgeous in this groovy and it perfectly matches the animation too like the sparkles after the thorns unveiling him.... It feels like he teleported infront of us magically and offered his hand for a dance🥹✨💝💞💖💖
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laiqualaurelote · 1 month
Press Release: Spooky Action at a Distance Album Reveal
The London Music Register - Local Interest
Spooky Action At A Distance unveils cover art for their much awaited debut album
The Ambassadors meets The Breakfast Club
Perhaps even more difficult than snagging a ticket to one of SAAAD’s sold-out club shows is trying to describe the experience to your less-lucky friends afterwards.
Their sound defies basic mortal conventions such as genre, instead better described by critic buzzwords, namely, transcendent and explosive.
Four band mates of wildly different backgrounds and styles meet to produce something that’s both the ultimate sum of their ancestral influences and entirely, uniquely theirs. Their music unabashedly melds high and low art- what begins as a pop punk song flows seamlessly into an operatic verse, while another number features elements of a baroque dance suite in what can best be defined as a modern club anthem. Their lyrics are equally packed with esoteric references and universal emotions.
It shouldn’t work- but it does. And it’s delicious. In order to tide you over until the album release, we’ve got the first look at its cover art, and as a gift to fans, it’s visually indicative of the band’s layered sound.
Many of you may be familiar with The Ambassadors from school trips to the National Gallery. The painting’s a popular subject of debate for art historians due to its detailed subjects and metaphysical symbolism. It’s reproduced faithfully here, albeit with a few cheeky adjustments.
SAAAD frontwoman Crystal Palace (yes, that Crystal Palace!) takes the place of the leftmost figure, complete with lavish outfit and undeniable rockstar swagger.
Across from her, drummer Charles Rowland stands in a dark coat, sticks clutched in a gloved hand.
Bassist Niko Sasaki lays across the top shelf à la Molly Ringwald, dandelion-crowned head at Palace’s shoulder.
Center frame- the band’s ‘brain’: virtuoso Edwin Payne sits with a lute across his lap and the painting’s infamous distorted skull slashing across his legs. (Memento mori seems to be a prevalent theme in many of SAAAD’s songs, though they often turn it into a lively celebration)
Eagle eyed fans will notice a couple additions to Holbein’s instruments- a bear figurine, a lantern, and a cherry blossom branch among them. Are they references to the band’s lyrics? Hints at future projects?
One thing’s for sure, we cannot wait to see more of this group. *
Spooky Action At A Distance’s album is available for preorder at record stores all across London.
Next live show: Saturday night at the Catabasis (tickets required in advance)
Booking inquires should be sent to Jenny Green.
HELLO I LOVE THIS?! for those unfamiliar with The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein, it's a 16th-century painting most famous for the weird distorted shape in the foreground, which looks like an alien object but is an anamorphic skull that comes into view if you approach it from certain angles. It's absolutely perfect for this band AU, I am shrieking. my eternal thanks to you anon
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I actually drafted, but did not put in the fic itself, the track listing for the band's debut album AFTERLIVES, complete with writing credits:
ACES DACES (Rowland)
GIRLS’ KNIVES OUT (Sasaki, Surname von Hoverkraft)
BURY THE EX (Surname von Hoverkraft)
STAIRWAY TO HELL (Payne, Rowland) 
(bonus track)
13. GOT THE HELL OUT OF HELL (WE AIN’T GOING BACK) (Payne, Rowland, Sasaki, Surname von Hoverkraft)
gig officially gigged
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orewing · 2 months
WIND BREAKER Original Soundtrack: Official Lyrics
These were transcribed by me directly from the CD booklet included with the OST; I reviewed them carefully to make sure there aren't any mistakes. Please enjoy!
High in the sky The crows are calling and their wings unfold And now, they fly in circles like they've found a prey to hold Staring cold A bell resounds A blasting welcome portrays in its sound I wonder now What kinda mighty foes will come around Zest's unbound
The curtain unveils a sight I'm unleashing the rage, igniting a fight Position I chase, will be mine Through the gate, move on with my fist I'm set to face all foes, no twist
My unshaken resolve, unwavering rock The sight I pursue's kept away for the strongest one to unlock Rise to the top
Feeling the stares and piercing gazes I'm surrounded here And I don't care I love the tension, pitch-black atmosphere, drawing near
Only might will hold its weight in our realm Are you weaklings or are you strong? Heartbeat uncontrolled, racing on I'll be so ruthless with all foes I'll face
The curtain unveils a sight I'm unleashing the rage, igniting a fight Position I chase, aim assigned Through the gate, move on with my fist I'm set to face all foes, no twist
For my goal, that is above all <<Watch out, stay on guard>> I'll face and conquer my rival <<Watch out, stay on guard>> Today's bound to an upheaval
A Starting Sign
The wind of ease would calmly blow onto days I knew nothing of A battle fought for someone else comprehension's still on pause But emotions deep inside would change as sound was heard Unimagined movement now, I cannot be conquered
There is someone needing my strength There's someone I must now protect
It's getting hotter now, this fighting spirit burns The soul would shake, and emotions turn I stand and stare into this foe in front of me Blaze in your fist every meaning of the fight
A starting sign Denounced and praised
Higher I'll Go
Every enemy in front of me I'll strike down In position for the fight, I feel the time stop Fire's burning from the soul, to the sky And that's the cue to advance, let this ignite
Shall we begin it now, our show time You wanna see how the fight ends Like I'm distorting space, speed defines Attack of the fist forming gusts of wind, now break away
This hurricane
Even in mid-day, dark interference With no choice of home and appearance This is me, what's wrong with that What you keep calling "normal," I don't know what you mean My true worth I now must feel Gotta prove it's fine to be what reveals Walking in my isolation I'll be doing this my way, no room for your disruption
Way stronger, higher I'll go I'll live the life I must know Fist clenched with this heavy load Like it's cracking open the world, here comes my blow
All denial and refusal and rejection Discontinuation of retaliation Solitude has taken feelings astray Affection for tenderness would fade away
Shout it out! So, get up!
This is my Way This is the Way
Even in mid-day, dark interference With no choice of home and appearance This is me, what's wrong with that What you keep calling "normal," I don't know what you mean My true worth I now must feel Gotta prove it's fine to be what reveals Walking in my isolation I'll be doing this my way, no room for your disruption
Way stronger, higher I'll go I'll live the life I must know Fist clenched with this heavy load Like it's cracking open the world, here comes my blow
Way stronger, higher I'll go Hey! Then I'll live the life I'm owed
When I wanted to seize my freedom It may've already broken But I don't wanna cease Only wished I'd neared the dream my heart has spoken
Unfolding disarray I couldn't understand what I should have done The colors fade away Why does my heart keep on becoming so cold?
The rain, pouring down from the dark Didn't care, kept walking on the path embarked And focusing hard on the place I wanna reach I even broke and lost what's dear to me
It is so bleak and iced Lone, I can't suffice
To become stronger for somebody Allies together, aligned with me Always remember Protecting someone Allies together Remember that Remember that
At last, found my treasure But it's unfilled, void of what I pursued
I noticed my heart is so dried All the memories I cherish cracked inside It felt unfulfilled, like there was a missing part Although it's been so close, here from the start
It is so warm around Lone, I feel the bounds
To become stronger for somebody Allies together, aligned with me Always remember Protecting someone Allies together Remember that Remember that
The rain subsides Here come the bright skies
Call My Name
Stand clear, volatile, our faces glaring near Why do you stand here? Show what is deep inside, and rooted all throughout Your conviction, unbending, firm and loud
With determination, make your move
The way of life abiding essence Turns doubt into belief Move, show no fear This burning soul shall surface, keep focus Welcoming new strengths outnumbers Just filling in the gaps Those powers couldn't mean nothing at all Come and call my name
Screech of the bones sound, Teeth, you bite down Fist clenched, and drenched in sweat, firm-body strike down Spectators overpowered Temperatures rise in the room They collide, boom! Smirking as they fight now
Being strong, full of power, brings a certain thrill But a dose of, oh, anything uncool can bring me down with chills Carrying out intentions ain't no drill
Taking lies, repainted on with truth Let go, don't accept that impulse with no proof If you don't know how to control your stance Let's keep it going until you understand
A fist you're clenching through deception Has no meaning or use One blow with truth beats sentences Confession, no fiction In this palm resides pain and woes Find answers through what guides Crashed down, look up, receive winds in these skies
The way of life abiding essence Turns doubt into belief Move, show no fear This burning soul shall surface, keep focus Welcoming new strengths outnumbers Just filling in the gaps Those powers couldn't mean nothing at all Come and call my name
Screech of the bones sound, Teeth, you bite down Fist clenched, and drenched in sweat, firm-body strike down Spectators overpowered Temperatures rise in the room They collide, boom! Smirking as they fight now
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starburstfloat · 8 months
Let's Talk Innuendos and Queer Subtext: TXT's Poppin' Star Lyrics Analysis
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One of the joys of making progress in my Korean language journey has been the ability to analyze lyrics more critically by dissecting tone, word choice, or rhyme schemes that would have otherwise slipped by me a few years ago. And as someone who has a deep love for literary analysis and kpop, there's an unparalleled joy in getting to bridge the two together. I'm happy I have this space to do that. So without further ado, let's take a look at TXT's Poppin' Star from their first full-length album, The Dream Chapter: Magic (thank you nika for requesting this!).
This song feels like a sonic representation of this memefied image:
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It's literally bubblegum pop at its finest. It sounds sparkly, cute, uplifting, and deceptively adorable, and anyone who has seen the choreography can attest to watching the video with a ridiculous smile on their face.
I could give high praise endlessly about this underrated early TXT Bside, but I wanted to prioritize the lyrics for this post! We're going to talk about the superficial meaning of the song before we dissect some of the more suggestive, metaphorical elements. Heads up I'll be mentioning sexual innuendos, so if that's not your cup of tea then please kindly leave.
My goal is to get you to see that, at the very least, this song is not just about eating candy. Whether or not we agree on the queer subtext is another debate, but I'm hoping this analysis post can be a lesson on interpreting figurative language and grasping inneundos.
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Whenever I do analysis, I always start with the surface level face-value of what's being presented, and then I try to peel the layers and discern the underlying themes or suggested connotations based on context clues. Usually I leave out the initial face-value in my posts because it's something so obvious that it feels contradictory to present it. But it feels relevant to include for Poppin' Star. So what is the face-value meaning of the song when we look at the lyrics as a whole?
On the surface, this song appears to be about a young male protagonist who experiences a burst of emotions - dizzying warmth, sweetness, and a clouded brain - after he eats a variety of flavored candies. He states that he is not satisfied with the burst of flavor he's experiencing - now that he knows this intense feeling, he's craving more.
cr. color coded lyrics (though I'm cross referencing multiple translations and using my own knowledge of individual words and tonal conjugations to understand the song)
It doesn't take much of an analytical eye to catch the innuendo presented in Poppin' Star. What exactly is an innuendo? An innuendo is an allusive hint to something typically sexual. The keyword here is hint - it's something you pick up on based on subtly provocative language. Critics could argue that "your brain must be in the gutter" if you find sexual context where there is supposedly none. I'd say blaming the observer for a sexual interpretation is disrespectful to the art in question. Inneundos are meant to be spotted and discussed - they have the potential to heighten the art and unveil a greater message. Just because something is sexual does not mean it is bad.
Now that we have that cleared, it's pertinent to reflect on the surface value of the lyrics in contrast to the glaring inneundo jumping out at the audience. Let's look at the opening lyrics together:
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One look at the lyrics, and you'll raise your eyebrows and go, "Really? You sampled a mouthful of candy and can't stop talking about how you're tingling all over, feel dizzy, and are melting from the sweetness?" The song's lyrics and language is quite figurative: the audience is guided to see beyond the literal meaning.
If we break down the individual feelings our protagonist shares, it sounds reminiscient of a first kiss or sexual experience. Considering how strongly the lyrics center on oral pleasure (oral as in the literal sense of the mouth), the rightfully assummed metaphor here is kissing. Let's look at all the instances where the song connects pleasure to the mouth:
별가루 가득 물면 느껴지는 불꽃놀이일까? / (Is this) fireworks that I feel when I bite a whole mouthful of stardust?
입 안을 채운 콕콕 따끔한 이 느낌은 또 / This tingling feeling that has filled my mouth
혀끝에 건전지 / A battery at the tip of my tongue
Our protagonist talks extensively about the pleasure in his mouth in correlation to feeling dizzy, warm, fuzzy, electrified, and excited - all feelings heavily associated with heightened sexual experiences, and notably kissing.
A striking detail is the fact that our protagonist is not alone during the story - he's actively talking to another person, meaning he's not literally eating candy by himself and getting an explosive sugar rush as the superficial interpretation insinuates. We notice this from the opening line which calls to a direct "you":
짜릿한 정전기 you’re popping star / Electrifying static, you're popping star.
Not only is this a reference to the title, making it an important detail to note, but it's also inviting the audience into acknowledging the relevant prescence of another character, some unnamed you. He goes on to say:
머리가 띵하게 기분 좋은 my love / Making my head feel dizzy, that good feeling, my love
He's directly saying "my love," so this person is clearly special to him. This person is his popping star - someone who evokes all of these explosive, tingling feelings.
The chorus is riddled with suggestive language: "This isn't enough / I need something stronger / A chew full of lemon, lime, orange, yeah / I need more, more, more / A stronger popping / A chew full of lemon, lime, orange, yeah"
Our protagonist is craving more flavor as he seeks a pleasure high. My interpretation is that the other character is wearing flavored chaptstick, perhaps fruit-flavored or candy-flavored, and our protagonist wants to taste more of the character's lips. Another interpretation is that they're both chewing on flavored gum, and when they kiss, the flavors blend together in a satisfying burst. Both feel plausible to me. The chorus suggests a kiss through the explosive repetition of surprised "oh's" that the members sing. It's hard to explain without hearing it, so skip to 0:48 in the song to catch what I mean. The explosive instrumental paired with the high-pitched oh's feels representative of an epiphany, or at least a heightened emotional state.
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Perhaps one of the most glaringly suggestive parts of the song is Beomgyu's line after the first chorus, where he says:
잠깐 쉬어갈 땐 slime vacation / When (I) take a short break, slime vacation
This implies he's taking a break from exchanging slime, or saliva, with the aforementioned "you". Keep in mind that Korean sentences don't always need an explicit subject, so it's unclear whether Beomgyu is saying "When I take a short break" or "When we take a short break". However, later in the song, during a critical moment that I'll get to shortly, Yeonjun explicitly mentions the pronoun 우리 (we/us) which means we can assume this whole candy-tasting fiasco is, at the very least, a pleasure-seeking high that our protagonist is doing with someone by his side.
The kissing metaphor is more strongly suggested when Taehyun says:
어제 했던 건 벌써 지루해 / The things that (I did/were done) yesterday are already boring
더 더 더 강한 popping이 필요해 / I need a stronger popping
which tells me the song is self-aware enough to recognize it's not just about eating candy. Why would yesterday's candy be described as "the things that were done yesterday"? I also find it interesting that he's using the verb 지루하다 instead of 심심하다 when mentioning boredom. Both of these verbs mean "to be bored", but 심심하다 refers to boredom through a lack of action, whereas 지루하다 has the connotation of being bored by something because you've been doing it for a prolonged time; as in, you're getting physically tired of it. So, Taehyun is saying that the stuff he did yesterday has become repetitive and tiring, and he's now seeking a stronger high. Very suggestive language.
There's a line from Heuningkai that really stands out towards the latter half of the song. He goes:
가끔은 조금 위험해도 돼 / Sometimes it can be a little dangerous
엄마 몰래 자물쇠를 열어봐 / Open the lock without my mom knowing
The conjugation here is very interesting!! He uses the 아/어도 되다 pattern at the end of the adjective for "dangerous", which is a conjugation used to give permission for something. So, rather than him stating the fact that it's dangerous, he's giving permission to the speaker to be a little dangerous. It's a subtle nod at him approving risky behavior, so perhaps a better translation would be "it's alright if sometimes it's a bit dangerous".
"Open the lock" reminds me of Soobin's verse in Sugar Rush Ride:
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, which I interpret as a more blatantly sexual inneundo for losing one's virginity. I don't think Poppin Star implies more than kissing, but asking someone to open your lock without your mom knowing, and engaging in risky behavior, appears symbolic to doing something you wouldn't want your mom to see, so at the very least it's suggestive language.
This interpretation aligns with the direct album overview provided by Bighit, which states that "The Dream Chapter: MAGIC tells the story of 'magical adventures' that boys encounter together with their friends [...] the boys share their transformation, confusion and exploding emotions that arise during their transition to adolescence." Notice that the official statement itself says that the album centers on a boy and his friends as they transition into adolescence. Interesting.
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I'd be happy to leave the analysis there and say, "See? The song is clearly an innuendo", but then the writers toss in the gayest shit during the last third of the song that forces the audience to pause and reinterpret.
Yeonjun and Taehyun sing the following lines:
이건 어쩌면 나라에서 허락한 / Maybe this is something that the country has allowed
우리끼리만 숨겨둔 유일한 / Something we have kept hidden just among us
자 아무에게나 허락된 게 아냐 / Alright, it's not allowed to just anyone
입안 가득 터뜨려 / Burst a mouthful
The verb used here is 허락하다 which means to allow, permit, or approve. Talking about what your country allows in connotation to something you've kept hidden among the two of you…feels queer-coded. Especially when the rest of the song has been dedicated to pursuing a thrill from "my love", a pursuit which they acknowledge is intimately private given the line "without my mom knowing". Why bring up what's allowed in your country in a song that centers on a boy seeking pleasure? The last line is odd too - it's conjugated as a command, so our protagonist is telling us, the audience, that we should pop a mouthful of the candy too. In connection to the line above it, it's implied that he knows popping the candy aka kissing his love is not allowed for everyone, but he's encouraging others to try. Adding to the intrigue is the fact that they repeat the last two lines again, but change the command to 입안 가득 터뜨려 봐 which is a less forceful command and more like "Give it a try".
If the song truly were just about candy, talking about what your country allows and who is allowed to do it feels very out of place and strange. This, paired with the striking fixation on oral pleasure makes me believe the song is about a boy kissing his friend, and it's been a fun, exciting little secret between the two of them.
It doesn't feel like an exaggeration to find queer subtext here. If you're an avid TXT fan, you'll know their songs are very queer-coded, from 0x1=lovesong having the most blatant thematic connection (I still regularly think about Soobin's "I can't go to heaven, I don't belong there" line) alongside Sugar Rush Ride, which suggests we "swallow the sugar rush"....sir, swallow what exactly??!
I hope this could spark your interest and see the lyrics from a new perspective. Sorry not sorry if this burst your innocent perception of the song...like I said, it sounds deceptively adorable 😂 let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading!
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patozori · 3 months
Refraction -- CL16
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In "refraction," an evocative and soul-stirring album, singer-songwriter [Y/n] unveils the intimate and tumultuous journey of her relationship with Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc. Each song serves as a vivid snapshot, capturing the raw emotions and transformative moments that defined their love story.
"The boy is mine" - The album opens with the electric spark of their first meeting, where chance encounters lead to an undeniable connection.
"I wanna be yours" - The second track delves into the intoxicating whirlwind of falling in love, where every glance and touch deepens their bond.
"Glue Song" - The 3rd track is a portrayal of how love can be a powerful force that binds two people together emotionally and spiritually, shaping their world in profound ways.
"1 step foward 3 steps back" - As the relationship progresses, the couple faces inevitable challenges and moments of doubt.
"Lose you to love me" - The intense and heartbreaking phase of their breakup is depicted through powerful, gut-wrenching lyrics and haunting melodies.
"I Like the Way You Kiss Me" - This song explores the lingering emotions after the split, capturing the nostalgia and the bittersweet memories of their physical connection.
"After the storm" - This track finds solace and strength in the cyclical nature of love, embracing the possibility of falling in love once more.
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A/n: this is the masterlist of this short story !! the playlist is linked here and each song is a different chapter credit to all the original artist! I'll try to update once a week
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ranjith11 · 1 year
This Night - Proof Of Burden: Emotive Lyrics Unveiled | (Official Lyrics Video)
This Night - Proof Of Burden: Emotive Lyrics Unveiled | (Official Lyrics Video) Unveil the emotive lyrics of "This Night" by Proof Of Burden in our Official Lyrics Video. Immerse yourself in the captivating storytelling and soulful melodies of this poignant song. The poignant and soul-stirring lyrics will take you on an emotional journey, leaving you moved and connected to the music on a deeper level.
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asteracelatte · 3 months
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Otori Eiichi (CV: Midorikawa Hikaru)
Sumeragi Kira (CV: Ono Daisuke)
Mikado Nagi (CV: Yonaga Tsubasa)
Otori Eiji (CV: Uchida Yuuma)
Kiryuin Van (CV: Takahashi Hidenori)
Hyuuga Yamato (CV: Kimura Ryouhei)
Amakusa Shion (CV: Yamashita Daiki)
(Glorious angels…) (Glorious angels…) (Glorious angels…) (We gotta love and cherish you) (We’ll make your dream) Ei It’s bright, the light spreads everywhere Ei I try to grab it with my outstretched hands Va So hot, these emotions keep boiling inside of me Va I want to keep pushing myself until the limit Ya It’s brave, the more wounds I bear, the stronger I get Ya Every punch I take turns into a scab Ki Complete, surely we’ll reach utopia Ki For we have the key to open that door Ng Glorious angels Ej This body, these lips Sh This hair, these eyes, even these fingertips Ng My whole body trembles in joy Ej These emotions Sh Yes, all of them I’ll dedicate it all to you alone… Ah The meaning of loneliness and solitude Don’t misunderstand them at all You’re not alone even in your “suffering” I want to grab you and climb up so I can show you that There’s a view beyond The highest point that we can see I want to kiss you passionately Ei It’s pride, “don’t be afraid of changing” Ei You can’t be stuck in the same place forever Va So cool, while living life to the fullest Va I want to show you my dignified figure Ya It’s rule, it’s okay to lay all your impulses bare Ya Stick to your beliefs and unveil them tomorrow Ki All right, your thirsty and aching heart Ki Let it sing about everything you wish Ng Glorious angels Ej Always looking for adventure Sh Always being by my side Ng Wrapped up in happiness Ej With a smile Sh With hope You were there to teach me in every way… Ah Oh miracle, may you shine across the sky and beyond Let the wings of song flutter gracefully Make your strength and your courage transform into musical notes That’ll write a new story Believe in it and follow me Sh Even if the world comes to an end someday Ng Even though I know that day is coming soon Ki Even if my voice is stolen and I can’t stand up anymore Ej Even in the days when my tears dry up Ya I know I can become someone else’s wings Va Shall I charm you and take you away? Ei To -HE★VENS- Ei I swear in your name… Ah The meaning of loneliness and solitude Don’t misunderstand them at all You’re not alone even in your “suffering” Loving yourself, being loved, and loving someone else We can do that eternally So let’s embrace each other here Oh miracle, may you shine across the sky and beyond Let the wings of song flutter gracefully Make your strength and your courage transform into musical notes That’ll write a new story Believe in it and follow me ㅤ
Agematsu Noriyasu (上松 範康) – Elements Garden
Shimoda Koutarou (下田晃太郎) – Elements Garden
LIVE EMOTION Theme Song CD -Single-
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stcpidcupid · 5 months
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STUPID CUPID, a dynamic force in the music industry, made waves with their latest release, the 10th mini album, TRUE VALENTINE (LET'S TALK LOVE!). this captivating collection of seven tracks, launched in may, showcases the group's unique concept and musical style.
kicking off the excitement was the electrifying pre-release single, MANIAC, which garnered widespread attention and anticipation. a carefully planned four-week promotions kept fans engaged and eager for more, setting the stage for the full unveiling of TRUE VALENTINE.
as the MANIAC promotion drew to a close, STUPID CUPID seamlessly transitioned into the promotions for TRUE VALENTINE, igniting further excitement with teasers that lit up discussions and buzz across various digital platforms.
album analysis & content.
the concept of a true valentine is portrayed through the lens of obsession, the lyrics and overall theme of the album takes on a more intense, possessive, and potentially darker tone. obsession in a romantic context can be complex, often involving a heightened sense of desire, longing, and an intense focus on the object of affection. the notion of a dark cupid and an obsession-themed true valentine introduces a more mysterious and intense perspective on romantic connections. in the shadowy realm of dark cupid, where love takes on a more enigmatic form, the concept of a true valentine becomes a captivating and potentially dangerous affair.
PASSIONATE VER. — ( this version focuses on the intense and passionate aspects of love, featuring vibrant colours and dynamic visuals that evoke a sense of fiery desire ) … photo booklet + folded poster ( fitting the album ver. ), sticker sheet ( 1ea ) + accordion lyrics poster + handwritten letter + member photocard ( random 2 out of 5 ) + flame-shaped charm ( distributed randomly )
OBSESSION VER. — ( reflecting the album's theme of obsession, this version delves deeper into the darker and more intense elements of love, with edgier aesthetics and visuals that convey a sense of possessiveness and longing ) … photo booklet + folded poster ( fitting the album ver. ), sticker sheet ( 1ea ) + accordion lyrics poster + handwritten letter + member photocard ( random 2 out of 5 ) + lock-and-key charm set ( distributed randomly )
ROMANTIC VER. — ( this version emphasizes the traditional notions of romance, featuring softer hues and dreamy visuals that evoke a sense of classic love stories and heartfelt emotions ) ... photo booklet + folded poster ( fitting the album ver. ), sticker sheet ( 1ea ) + accordion lyrics poster + handwritten letter + member photocard ( random 2 out of 5 ) + heart-shaped locket charm ( with a group photo inside — distributed randomly )
track list. ( analysis cr. to /plasticflwrs )
CRUSH (YOU) ... the album intro declares the unexpected attraction of the cupids to someone, hinting at a shift in mindset and lifestyle. the lyrics suggest a celebration of the exhilarating experience of falling for someone, emphasizing playful flirtation, genuine emotions, and a desire for a meaningful connection. the song conveys surprise, excitement, and vulnerability in the face of newfound romantic feelings. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by GLOOMY & CHESKA, prod. by GLOOMY )
MANIAC ... the pre-release shows a twist in love and explores the intense and unpredictable nature of it. the lyrics convey a sense of chaos, obsession, and passion that can often characterise a relationship. MANIAC delves into the complexities of a love that is intense, chaotic, and almost addictive. it explores the rollercoaster of emotions, confusion, and the simultaneous desire to both embrace and let go of this passionate connection. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by H.EUI, prod. by H.EUI )
MELTING LOVE ... the cupids express confidence and a bold attitude, daring someone to reject them. there's a playful challenge in the tone, suggesting a desire to enchant and captivate the listeners. the song uses sensory imagery, comparing the speaker to a "pink light," expressing the idea of melting like ice cream and asking for a lighter touch on the lips. these images evoke a sense of warmth, sweetness, and intimacy. the playful and seductive tone, along with the elements of innocence and vulnerability, contribute to a multifaceted portrayal of the cupids' emotions and intentions. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by PANDORA & 2MIE, prod. by TOKKI & GLOOMY )
SMART ... the song revolves around determination, ambition, and resilience in the pursuit of success. it celebrates the power of strategic thinking and hard work in overcoming obstacles and achieving one's goals. setbacks are seen as opportunities for growth, and the lyrics emphasize the importance of confidence, optimism, and unwavering determination in the face of challenges. overall, the song encourages listeners to believe in themselves, work hard, and persevere in the pursuit of their dreams. the song seems to be a break between the toxic love being shown through the rest of the songs. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by ASTER, prod. by RE:INA & PANDORA )
OUR SECRET ... the song delves into the theme of passionate and intoxicating love, capturing a moment of intense attraction and desire between two individuals. describing a single kiss as a symbol, the lyrics highlight its ability to captivate and mesmerize, leaving the recipient utterly consumed and lost in the experience, as emphasized in the chorus. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by PANDORA & AIMEE, prod. by TOKKI & H.EUI )
GIMME KISSES ... the song's theme centres on the transformative power of love, overcoming obstacles and building a deep connection. the lyrics illustrate a journey of navigating challenges, breaking down barriers, and expressing hope for lasting affection. the repeated phrase "GIMME X-O-X-O" underscores the desire for intimacy, emphasizing the positive impact of love in overcoming difficulties. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by RE:INA, prod. by RE:INA & PANDORA )
LOVE WINNER ... the song articulates a profound, unwavering love and commitment to someone special. the lyrics convey the anxiety of losing this person and the unimaginable thought of life without them. the cupids liken their bond to the vulnerability of a lost child, underscoring the deep emotional connection. in essence, the song beautifully communicates an overwhelming love and devotion, affirming a readiness to make any sacrifice for the cherished individual. it highlights the robust emotional attachment and a firm resolve to stand by them, regardless of the challenges that may arise. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ( written by GLOOMY, prod. by TOKKI & ASTER )
era notes.
♡ ⠀⸻⠀ the promotions for this album were the longest the group ever had. MANIAC was promoted for four weeks before the album dropped out while MELTING LOVE for five weeks. SMART originally wasn't going to be promoted on music shows, but because of its popularity, they decided to extend promotions for another two weeks. a special music video was also released a week before the promotions for the title track finished. ♡ ⠀⸻⠀ by the end of the promotions, STUPID CUPID received thirteen awards in total — four during MANIAC, five for MELTING LOVE and four during SMART. ♡ ⠀⸻⠀ the music video for MELTING LOVE received a whopping 80 million views in the first 24 hours! SMART also reached similar numbers after its official release. ♡ ⠀⸻⠀ a lot of fans were thrown back during this era, mainly because the group is known for their cute and artsy music style, so watching the MELTING LOVE music video changed their views drastically. what confused them more was up to the music video release, their teasers have consistently been shown in a softer way. ♡ ⠀⸻⠀ their tiktok was ACTIVE! the girls posted dance challenges non-stop, either with other idols or with their staff! you could not scroll through the fyp without seeing at least three different videos from this era. ♡ ⠀⸻⠀ the group released a lot of content, both on their youtube channel and various other ones. they teased an interview with WIRED, as well as a possible world tour, that may or may not happen soon.
era style.
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whoeverl · 9 months
⚔️Riven x fem!reader 💛 Bad Boys Bring Heaven To You
Requestsed? No
Summery: based on the song ‘Heaven’ by Julia Michaels
Trigger warnings: none
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Riven had always been the rebel of Alfea, the one who thrived on pushing boundaries, challenging rules, and stirring up trouble. He was the epitome of the ‘bad boy’ persona, complete with a devil-may-care attitude and a magnetic charm that drew others in like moths to a flame. Amidst the vibrant halls of Alfea, where magical energies crackled and friendships blossomed, Riven stood out with his brooding demeanor and the air of mystery that surrounded him. He was a puzzle, a complex enigma that nobody dared to fully unravel. His antics were legendary, his reputation notorious, yet his heart remained veiled from prying eyes.
Y/n, the fiery and fiercely independent fairy, found herself inexplicably drawn to Riven’s allure. Despite warnings from her friends about his tumultuous nature, she couldn’t help but feel a flutter in her heart whenever their paths crossed. There was an undeniable chemistry between them, a clash of personalities that sparked an unusual connection. One evening, as the sounds of laughter echoed through the school grounds and the stars adorned the sky like diamonds, Y/n found herself alone with Riven. They stood atop one of Alfea’s towers, the world beneath them a tapestry of magic and wonder. “I don’t understand you, Riven,” Y/n confessed, her voice laced with curiosity and concern. “You’re a puzzle I can’t seem to solve.” Riven’s gaze softened, a rare vulnerability flickering in his eyes. “Maybe some puzzles aren’t meant to be solved, Y/n. Maybe they’re meant to be felt.” He reached out, his fingertips brushing against hers, sending a surge of warmth through her veins. In that fleeting moment, amidst the whispers of the night, they shared a connection that transcended words. The melody of their hearts beating in unison echoed the sentiments of a forbidden love, a love that danced on the edge of chaos and serenity. As the night wore on, they talked, laughed, and bared their souls to each other, unveiling layers they had carefully concealed from the world. Y/n discovered the depth behind Riven’s facade, the pain he harbored, and the longing for acceptance that fueled his rebellious spirit. The song ‘Heaven’ by Julia Michaels played softly in the background, its lyrics weaving through the air, echoing the emotions swirling between them. They found solace in each other’s company, creating a fleeting paradise in the midst of their tumultuous world. But as the first rays of dawn painted the horizon, reality came crashing back. Their love, forged in the shadows, faced the harsh light of day and the scrutiny of their peers. Reluctantly, they parted ways, knowing that their worlds were too different, their paths destined to diverge. Yet, in that brief encounter, they had discovered a slice of heaven in each other’s presence, a fragile yet unforgettable moment that would forever linger in their hearts. Y/n watched Riven disappear into the morning mist, a bittersweet ache settling in her chest. She whispered the song’s refrain into the wind, a silent tribute to the brief, passionate encounter that had brought a piece of heaven into her life.
Characters list
Riven masterlist
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paraliveimaginesblog · 11 months
AHHHHH I LOVED THE S/O THAT WRITES LOVE SONGS WRITING TYSM!! It had me giggling and kicking my feet so bad (´ω`★) Can I ask for the same prompt with Yohei and Iori? Thank you!!
Iori Suiseki:
Iori knew it was easier to be honest in song, through lyrics, rather than having to speak words out loud directly to the face of the person they’re meant for. Performing and writing lyrics had been cathartic in many ways for him, so he’s not exactly surprised when he’s given a love note in the form of lyrics one day. When he reads them he feels like a teenager again, throat tight as he’s overcome with emotion, unable to look at the paper your words are scrawled on until he gathered himself again. The bond you had was unbreakable, and while there were many more hardships likely to come, he felt a little more at ease knowing he could count on you to stick by his side.  
Yohei Kanbayashi:
Yohei didn’t know if he was the type who deserved to have love songs written about him, but he’d accept your love in any way that you presented it. His heart ached a little as he thought about the best way to reciprocate, thinking regular words couldn’t possibly compete with the artistry you’d presented him with. He related to the lyrics deeply, finding he could turn each compliment or feeling into something personal to his own feelings for you; if given enough time he knew he could write a response song that would be like a matching pair with yours, unveiling the love story that continued to bloom and would do so for an eternity if Yohei could help it.
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