#Entrepreneurship in Food and Agriculture
crytoesign · 2 years
Join Cornell Sathguru Food and Agri Executive Management Program (AMP 2023) to enhance your competence in developing symbiotic relationships with relevant stakeholders.To know more about the program, 
visit https://t.co/CGOSZjaVky 
Registration link: https://lnkd.in/dDcuBaux
Limited seats available. 
Enroll Now!
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via marketing or work in dynamic and fast-paced industries, via coaching, sports management, fitness entrepreneurship, coaching and mentoring services in connection with career development, leadership skills, personal empowerment, via work in innovation management, technology development, product development, especially emerging industries. You find abundance when you are bold, take risks, focus on ambitious goals, cultivate independence, build a strong public image and when you embrace leadership qualities.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in finance, banking, investment, wealth management. Or via working as a realtor, property manager, real estate developer, via curating, selling or managing art collections, working as a chef, restaurateur or food critic. You find abundance in work in hospitality (managing hotels, resorts, spas), via work in landscape architecture or gardening, interior design, or as a performer, producer or manager, through farming, agricultural management or sustainable food production or creating an eco-friendly business. You feel abundant when you are focused on stability, value quality, when you are patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work as a journalist, writer, editor, public relations, marketing, working as PR specialist, brand manager, social media strategist, work as a teacher, lecturer, educational content creator, via writing content for blogs, websites or online platforms connected with technology, lifestyle, business. You find abundance when you write books (fiction or non-fiction), via work in technology sector, via technical writing, UX writing or product management, via event planning and work as a sales representative, account manager or business strategist. You feel abundant when you network actively, when you keep learning and embrace versatility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in healthcare as a nurse, doctor or therapist, work in interior design or home décor, helping others create comfortable and nurturing spaces, work as a chef, baker or food critic, via handmade furniture, textiles or pottery, engaging in childcare, daycare management or family support services, via work in real estate, helping families find their ideal home. You feel abundant when you use emotional intelligence, emphasize nurturing and care.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in acting on stage, in film or on television, working as a musician, singer or performer, via directing or producing theatrical productions, films or TV shows, work in television, radio or digital broadcasting, you could work as a host, anchor or presenter, designer, stylist, model, painter, sculptor or graphic designer.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering personalized health and wellness service. You can offer remote fitness coaching, such as offering personalized fitness plans and virtual training sessions. You could work in mental health professions, like counselling or psychology, work as a nutritionist, dietitian, work as a proofreader or editor, work with biology, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics or with language or having an IT role (system analysis, IT support or cybersecurity). You feel abundant when you develop organizational skills, use analytical skills and when you seek structured environments.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering dance classes, via work in art curation, gallery management or the fines arts, helping to showcase and promote artists and their work, via a career in human resources, focusing on employee relations, conflict resolution, via talent management, recruitment or career coaching. You feel abundant when you work in fashion design, graphic design, visual arts, brand management and marketing. You feel abundant when you aim for balance and harmony, emphasize fairness and justice.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via forensic accounting, crisis counselling or support services, via a career in scientific research, forensic science, medical research, psychology, surgery, oncology, energy healing, finance, technology or wellness, via art therapy and filmmaking. You feel abundant when you embrace transformation, healing, use psychological insight, when you pursue authority and expertise.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via travel blogging, vlogging or becoming a travel consultant. You find abundance via academic research, publishing, by becoming a travel consultant, tour guide, work in the tourism industry, work connected with educational, human rights and cultural exchange, via career as a spiritual teacher, counsellor, life coach, via theological or philosophical work, writing or teaching. You feel abundant when you cultivate optimism or enthusiasm, seek global or cultural perspectives, pursue knowledge or education and embrace exploration and travel.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn Sun people in your life. You find abundance via work as a financial advisor or analyst, accounting, as a property developer, manager or investor, via work in property management, overseeing rental properties, commercial spaces or large residential complexes, via civil engineering, work in educational administration (school or college management). You feel abundant when you focus on long-term goals and value pragmatism and responsibility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via buying and selling collectibles (stamps, coins, vintage items), creating eco-friendly products or services (zero-waste goods, sustainable fashion). You may also find abundance in esports coaching by offering coaching services for aspiring professional gamers. You feel abundant via work in scientific research, in fields like physics, astronomy, biotechnology and environmental science, work in roles focused on research and development, via digital marketing. You feel abundant when you are pursuing unconventional paths, via networking with like-minded individuals and align with social causes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in music as a composer, musician or performer, via a career in painting, illustration, sculpture or other visual arts, via hospice work, via work in non-profit sector, focusing on causes related to humanitarian aid, environmental conservation or social justice, work in hospitality, such as hotel management or event planning, via cultural exchange, guided tours or spiritual retreats. You feel abundant when you embrace your creative talents, cultivate compassion and empathy, when you explore spiritual and esoteric interests and when you focus on meaningful impact.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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supahstarrr · 5 days
Anti-Haitianism, this hatred of Haitians which has been in place for centuries, has accelerated recently into violence due to many white liberals and conservatives alike feeding into it. As meaningful it is to learn about how this unique form of hatred centuries manifested in the past, as meaningful it is to learn about their their revolutionary principles from the past, it is also just as important to focus on them and their revolutionary principles in the present.
Support COJEHA, a non-government organization focusing on helping the youth of Haiti through agriculture, financially helping students, fostering entrepreneurship among youth, encouraging mutual aid and much more. Keep up with this organization on facebook or on their website, various of their goals with images and photos can be seen on those platforms including the g0fundme.
In 2023, our headquarters in Port-au-Prince were overrun by gangs, displacing our workers and children. With funds depleted, we're reaching out to global citizens for help.
On their website: "Due to political unrest and violent takeover of many teritories in Haiti, our office and many resources were taken from us. The Centre d'Organisation de la Jeunesse d'Haiti (COJEHA) is currently raising funds for our children's fees, food, basic and necessary needs and most of all -  for our new campus which will allow us to be self sustainable by 2026."
Support the Youth of Haiti Now!​
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kalinq0 · 2 months
To wich highschools i think the ex yugo countries went to
{If they even went to highschool}
Serbia- sportska(sport hs), serbia has the best athletes in the balkans, besides that i think serbia would get kicked out of litteraly any other highschool (exept maybe the military school). And this school is famouse for letting its students miss class tg to training and he would most likely use this tg smoke or/and drink in a park nearby
Macedonia- ugostiteljska(hospitality hs), I dont think this really needs explaining but here (besides regular subjects) you also learn how to cook, bake and catering and I think she would be perfect here since she would show off her cultural food (and get into fights stating that ajvar is her dish)
Bosnia- poljoprivredna(agricultular hs), students here participate in practical work on school farms or thruogh internships in the agriculture industry, would also have burek with the teachers for grades bc he is too lazy to work like everyone else
Slovenia- trgovačka(commercial hs)- here you learn finance, marketing and ofc entrepreneurship, I think that since he is the first yugo in the EU has a lot to do with this, but also bc of its growing entrpreneurial sector (Iwould emagine him as a different type of a entrepreneur but oh well lol)
Croatia- gimnazija(gymnasium), litteraly any kind of gymnasium, stereotiped as the nerdiest highschoolers that will end up working in a gas station bc you cant really get a job anywhere with it without going to collage (wich is verry unlikely), also lives off of instant noodles
Montenegro- zanatska škola(vocational hs), these schools last for 3 yrs instead of 4 wich I think suits him well bc it wouldnt really make a difference if he stayed 3 or 4 years bc he slept threw it eaither way, here you learn a specific job such as plumbing, construction working, carpentry, etc. I think this is perfect for him bc he was pertrayed as a bartender in the manga series "The world twinkle" lol
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sulatni-flerida11 · 8 months
htbahb au dump !! because the brainrot is too strong
general context things
currently, the characters are in their college years. even though the plan is to have the main storyline happen when they already have jobs, their college years established dynamics between them. some dynamics luckily haven't changed over the years, but others may take longer to rebuild.
cleo owns an apartment close to uni, and they share it with grian & etho.
joel & scar live as interns on campus.
lizzie, jimmy, bdubs, and pearl are also interns, with lizzie & pearl as roommates in a different building and jimmy & bdubs living across joel & scar
au prolly takes place in a semi-rural area; it started as a town with a small population and lots of farmland, but it's slowly evolving to follow other highly urbanized cities.
the town hasn't gone fully urban since it takes pride in utilizing its land with locally manufactured agricultural resources and artisan goods.
courses/classes they're taking prolly
cleo - horticulture (with sculpting at the side)
joel - agribusiness management & entrepreneurship (he's not super into it yet)
scar - economics
etho - agricultural chemistry (secretly also likes music)
grian - literature (also enjoys photography)
lizzie - music (likes to experiment with different art mediums tho)
bdubs - architecture
jimmy - horticulture
pearl - economics
and other dynamics between the group !!
lizzie sometimes pulls bdubs & cleo to her experiments. every summer break, they take an art related class together. so far, they've done painting and dancing. (bdubs has already enrolled them in a modeling class for the upcoming break, but the other two don't know yet.)
joel, pearl, and scar would discuss their business and/or economics related classes to grian, and grian just smiles and nods in respect (of them and their friendship) even if he doesn't understand most things they're saying. ("wait, what is a griffin good?" "griffen, grian, with an e.")
the real reason why joel, pearl, & scar talk about their classes to grian is because they like messing with him. (he's not as good with hiding his confused look as he thinks.)
jimmy once accidentally found an opening to one of the private properties of a big business in town - a flower field. whenever he and cleo have floriculture assignments that involve getting flowers, they pick their flowers from there. sometimes, they'd discuss the flowers there, ways to care for them, flower meanings, etc. sometimes, joel and etho join them. as loud as they are, they've only had one instance where they almost got caught. (they never brought joel and etho with them since then.)
pearl & scar buy newspapers daily by the campus gate to chat about the current events, especially ones relating to their degree. they quickly befriended the newspaper vendor as he also had a lot of food for thought regarding the things going on. their discussions help them a lot, aiding them in their essays and analysis about economic policies and applications.
etho would sometimes ask lizzie about music theory. what was supposed to be a few messages would end up in hours of them talking about music. eventually, lizzie found out about etho's music hobby, and she's the only one that knows.
grian owns a polaroid camera, and he sometimes takes candid pictures of the gang. his subjects are usually cleo & etho, mostly because they're his roommates and he spends the most time with them, but there's also a handful of pictures with scar & pearl.
joel and lizzie started dating after scar, bdubs, & pearl convinced him to go to an open mic event in the dorms during their first year; lizzie happened to be one of the performers.
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if you've made it this far, any thoughts on what music genres/artists each life series member listens to? totally not for oneshot purposes in this au,,,
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swapnil7091 · 11 months
Title: The Employment System in Bihar: Challenges and OpportunitiesIntroduction: Bihar, a state in eastern India, has a unique employment landscape characterized by its demographic diversity and a mix of challenges and opportunities. In this blog, we will delve into the key aspects of Bihar's employment system, highlighting the state's strengths and areas that require improvement.Demographics and Workforce: Bihar boasts a large and youthful population, making it a potential labor powerhouse. The state's workforce comprises a mix of skilled and unskilled labor, contributing to various sectors of the economy.Government Initiatives: The Bihar government has initiated several programs to enhance employment prospects. Some of the notable schemes include:Mukhyamantri Nischay Swayam Sahayata Bhatta Yojana (MNSSBY): A financial assistance program for unemployed youth.Jeevika: A self-help group program promoting women's entrepreneurship and livelihoods.Skill Development Initiatives: Efforts to improve the skills of the youth for better employability.Challenges in Bihar's Employment System: Despite the potential, Bihar faces various challenges in its employment landscape, including:Low Industrialization: A limited industrial base compared to its population size.Agriculture Dominance: A significant reliance on agriculture, which is vulnerable to climate-related risks.Migration: Seasonal migration of labor to other states for employment opportunities.Opportunities: There are promising opportunities in Bihar's employment system:Agro-Based Industries: Leveraging the state's rich agricultural resources for agro-processing and food industries.Education and Skill Development: Investing in education and skill development to create a skilled workforce.Infrastructure Development: Building infrastructure to attract investments and create job opportunities.Conclusion: Bihar's employment system is a complex landscape with both challenges and opportunities. With strategic planning, skill development, and investment in key sectors, the state can harness the potential of its young and diverse workforce to drive economic growth and improve employment prospects for its citizens.Disclaimer: This information is based on data available up to September 2021. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to official government sources and recent news articles.
Here are the glimpse of some employees working for Automobile industry.
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Hinterland Career Learning Pathways
"Pathways" are sets of classes designed to prepare students for their future careers. Often, a student will take one or two elective courses a year that corresponds to their respective careers. Each pathway has a set of classes that must be taken for the pathway to be completed. Each class takes one level to complete pathways are only offered to students' year three and above. Some pathways require more classes than others, and some pathways allow some lenience for students to pick their own electives
Pathways offered at Hinterland/Classes Required to Complete Each Pathway.
Agriculture: Intro to Agriculture > Environmental and Plant systems > Agribusiness Systems
Alchemy: Intro to Alchemy > Elementalism >Transformation/ Transmutation Studies > Hermetic Principles
Animal Caretaking: Intro to Animal Caretaking > Anatomy of Living Creatures > Veterinary Animal Applications
Business Management: Principles of Business Management > Marketing and Finance > Practicum in Entrepreneurship
Culinary Arts: Food Production > Industry Food Management > Advanced Culinary Arts
Education: Principles of education and training > Elven Growth and Development > Instructional Practices
Fine Arts: Visual Arts Education > Dance Education > Music Education > Theater Education
Healing: Intro to Healing > Medical Terminology > Anatomy Advanced Alchemy
Public service (Social work): Principles of Public Service > Family and Community Services > Practicum in Public Service
Textile Production: Intro to textile production > Clothing Design > Current Fashion
Universe Studies: Intro to the Universe > Electromagnetism > Quantum Mechanics > Nuclear and Particle Physics
Language Studies: Goblin, Dwarven, Gnomish, Trollish, (Ogrish not offered): Reading/Writing Comprehension > Literacy Theory > Social, Cultural, and Critical Dimensions of Literacy Learning
After level six students may choose to apprentice under an experienced master. Apprentices may be learning their trade for many years before they are permitted to take their license exam. The license exam is given to those who wish to practice their own trade by themselves, this exam is administered by Hinterland, and Committee officials.
Not All Trades Eequire Exams
Many of the pathways' students learn do not require exams of apprenticeships. (Fine arts for example) does not require an exam, but it is recommended that student apprentice for a few years before starting their own business.
because of the amount of students at Hinterland there are main teachers for each pathway/elective and level. the teachers oversee the teachers of each subject/level, while also teaching the classes themselves.
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otstudentwithalife · 22 hours
As an OT student in Cato Manor, I have always felt that the journey toward sustainable development feels a bit like trying to patch up a raining roof with duct tape. Let’s look at some Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through my opinionated, satirical lens. 
No Poverty (Mission Impossible: Newest Edition)
Poverty in South Africa is like that one relative who stays way past they are welcome, it's been around forever, and no one knows how to make it leave. With 55.5% of the population living below the poverty line (Stats SA, 2020), it's evident not only to myself hopefully that we are not just going through "a rough patch." In Cato Manor, the poverty rate currently is 63%, meaning that nearly 2/3 of the population struggles with basic needs. The challenge of decreasing poverty here feels like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while blindfolded. But, as an OT student, surely, I can tackle what entire governments have failed to achieve, right?
Of course, I can't end poverty overnight. However, through community-centered occupational therapy interventions like skills training and entrepreneurship workshops, we can empower residents to create sustainable livelihoods. For instance, the promotion of small-scale home businesses and vocational rehabilitation services can help individuals move closer to economic independence (Marmot, 2015). After all, empowering people to help themselves is the foundation for sustainable poverty reduction.
Zero Hunger (Surviving on Dreams)
Ah, hunger—the daily "diet plan" nobody asked for! Food insecurity remains a pressing concern in South Africa, with 11% of households experiencing hunger (Stats SA, 2021). Hunger in South Africa has become more than just an empty stomach; it’s a widespread societal issue. As an OT student, I was able to support local community initiatives such as helping in the local soup kitchen. The implementation of gardening initiatives by offering education on sustainable agricultural practices for the soup kitchen. These gardens wouldn’t only provide fresh, fruit and vegetables but also serve the community as therapeutic activities where the community workers can engage in physical activity, and feel a sense of accomplishment. The act of gardening itself has been shown to improve mental health and promote well-being (Altman et al., 2020). Partnering with local schools and organizations for nutrition education also lays the groundwork for long-term food security. These practical applications of occupational therapy would support both physical and mental health, addressing hunger and promoting well-being simultaneously.
Quality Education (The Children Are the Future)
Education in South Africa can feel a bit like watching your favourite series get cancelled mid-season—just when you think it's getting better, the system falls apart. Education is a fundamental human right, yet many children in South Africa face barriers to accessing quality education. While 78% of Grade 4 learners cannot read for meaning (PIRLS, 2021), the Department of Education assures us of an 80% matric pass rate, conveniently curved after lowering the standards. In Cato Manor, We have been working with Mayville Primary and Secondary Schools and local daycares to bridge the education gap. Through the implementation of literacy and numeracy programs, we aimed to give children the tools they need to succeed in their academics which they were struggling with previously. At Mbali’s Daycare, we’ve been identifying children with learning difficulties and developmental delays early on, implementing interventions to ensure that all children get access (Department of Basic Education, 2021). 
Good Health and Well-Being (Surviving South Africa’s Healthcare System)
South Africa's healthcare system is “doing fantastic”—if by fantastic, you mean “still functioning despite falling apart at the seams.” The country faces a double burden of disease: high rates of both communicable and non-communicable diseases, with mental health issues on the rise (Coovadia et al., 2009). Adding to that, 30% of South Africans are expected to experience mental illness in their lifetime (South African Depression and Anxiety Group, 2022). In Cato Manor, where residents face daily challenges, addressing mental health is crucial to achieving this SDG. Let’s face it—patients don't visit the clinic in Cato Manor, they camp there all day in the waiting for the disorganized filing room, the nurses are constantly on lunch at vitals, and the 1 OT at rehab when we aren’t around.
So we contributed firstly to health promotion by facilitating health promotion talks on physical and mental health, providing education on preventive healthcare, and providing screenings for adult mothers and their children in various settings including Philamntwana and Cato Manor Clinic. The implementation of community-based rehabilitation programs will also help individuals with chronic conditions manage their health more effectively which was previously attempted with the active aging group. By focusing on early intervention and promoting healthy living, we can improve overall well-being in the community (Marmot, 2015). 
 Reduced Inequalities (What I Call the Delusion of Equality)
I can admit , I’ve had my fair share of delusions especially before community block where I’ve been forced to look at research then relook at it in the SA context which are 2 vastly different lenses. Reducing inequalities in South Africa is as almost as straightforward as trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle during a rollercoaster ride while also trying not to vomit. Despite the progress that has been made since the end of apartheid, South Africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world (World Bank, 2022).
As an OT student, I’ve focused on advocating for inclusive practices within the community. This involves working with local businesses to accommodate workers with disabilities, ensuring that public spaces are accessible, and providing rehabilitation services that empower individuals to live independently such as skills development workshops for the unemployed youth can be implemented at the community center with the correct resources. Breaking down barriers to opportunity requires both advocacy and community education. Through our efforts, we aim to ensure that everyone—regardless of ability or gender—has the chance to thrive.
In the face of these obstacles, all we can do is what South Africans do best—laugh, keep smiling, and get creative especially as OT students in the community. As OT students, our work in the community may feel like using duct tape to stop a leaking roof, but we know that resilience is in our DNA. The journey toward sustainable development is not a sprint but a marathon requiring collective effort. By addressing these SDGs, we can build a more equitable society where everyone can flourish.
After all the saying is: if you teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime. But if you teach a community to garden, they’ll feed generations.
Altman, J. C., Mena, S. E., & Ferreira, S. (2020). The impact of gardening on mental health and well-being: A systematic review. Health & Place, 66, 102418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102418
Coovadia, H., Jewkes, R., Barron, P., Sanders, D., & McIntyre, D. (2009). The health and health system of South Africa: Historical roots of current public health challenges. The Lancet, 374(9692), 817-834. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60951-0
Department of Basic Education. (2021). Annual report 2020/2021. https://www.education.gov.za/AnnualReports.aspx
Marmot, M. (2015). The health gap: The challenge of an unequal world. Bloomsbury Publishing.
South African Depression and Anxiety Group. (2022). Mental health statistics in South Africa. https://www.sadag.org
Stats SA. (2020). Poverty trends in South Africa: An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 and 2015. https://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/Report-03-10-06/Report-03-10-062015.pdf
Stats SA. (2021). General household survey 2020. https://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/P0318/P03182020.pdf
World Bank. (2022). South Africa overview. https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/southafrica/overview
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ejesgistnews · 1 day
The latest political news now in Edo State is that, Kennedy Iyere, the Accord Party’s governorship candidate for the 2024 Edo Gubernatorial election, has officially withdrawn just hours before the polls. Iyere’s decision is rooted in his desire to address Nigeria’s broader social and economic challenges, particularly the growing food crisis.   Read Also : BREAKING: Adeleke Counters Makinde, Reveals Position on PDP National Chairmanship In a statement, Iyere emphasized his commitment to tackling national issues, including his proposed ‘Food4All Initiative,’ aimed at ensuring food security and creating mass employment for youths and women through the “One-Family-One-Farmer Scheme.” This program, according to Iyere, would significantly boost the agricultural sector and help alleviate unemployment in Nigeria. His initiative, which he shared with President Bola Tinubu, is projected to create six million jobs within its first year. However, Iyere also cited internal party issues as a key reason for his withdrawal. He pointed to a conspiracy within his own party, involving his running mate, Bright Enabulele, whom he accused of undermining his candidacy. This, he said, further pushed him toward a larger national focus rather than state-level politics. Pay Attention To: Pregnant Woman Found In Port Harcourt A Day After She Was Reportedly Abducted In Edo Advantages of Iyere’s Decision: Broader National Impact: By stepping away from the governorship race, Iyere could focus on his larger goal of national development, particularly his ‘Food4All Initiative,’ which promises to have a far-reaching impact across the country. Targeted Social Solutions: His focus on youth entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation through agriculture and technology could address Nigeria’s unemployment crisis, potentially helping millions. Collaboration with the Federal Government: Iyere's alignment with the Federal Government may provide the necessary backing and resources to effectively implement his ambitious initiatives. Disadvantages of Iyere’s Withdrawal: Sudden Leadership Vacuum: His withdrawal at such a late stage leaves the Accord Party without a viable candidate, potentially weakening the party's influence in the upcoming elections. Unresolved Party Conflicts: The internal issues Iyere mentioned highlight deeper challenges within the Accord Party, which could affect its performance and credibility moving forward. Local Leadership Impact: While his national ambitions may have a broader impact, Edo State loses a candidate with significant plans for local development, particularly in addressing food security and power distribution issues within the state. Despite the challenges, Iyere has called on Edo State voters to remain peaceful and vote their conscience, stressing the importance of equity and fairness in the distribution of political power across the state’s three senatorial districts. Looking ahead, Iyere reaffirmed his dedication to national service, stating that he would focus on developing a comprehensive economic roadmap for the inclusion and empowerment of Nigerian youths. His social intervention programs, aimed at deradicalizing and engaging the youth, are set to launch in October 2024
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ritiktraffictail · 3 days
Small Business Ideas in Bihar: Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Bihar, a state known for its rich history and agricultural strength, is now emerging as a hub for small businesses. With growing infrastructure, supportive government policies, and increasing entrepreneurship, the state offers numerous opportunities for individuals looking to start their own ventures. If you're considering starting a business, here are some of the best small business ideas in Bihar that have the potential to succeed.
1. Organic Farming
Bihar’s agricultural roots make organic farming one of the most promising small business ideas. With a rising demand for chemical-free and pesticide-free produce, you can start an organic farm that grows vegetables, fruits, or even grains. This business requires moderate investment but can yield high returns, especially with a focus on healthy and sustainable products. Organic produce is increasingly sought after in both local and metropolitan markets, making this a profitable venture.
2. Dairy Farming
The dairy industry in Bihar is booming, and starting a dairy farming business can be a lucrative opportunity. With a growing demand for milk and dairy products, there is plenty of scope to set up a small dairy farm. The investment in cattle, feed, and infrastructure may vary, but with proper care and management, dairy farming can generate consistent revenue. Additionally, producing value-added products like cheese, yogurt, and ghee can further increase profitability.
3. Mobile Repairing Services
With the growing use of smartphones and digital devices, starting a mobile repairing service is a great small business idea in Bihar. You can set up a repair shop with minimal investment and offer services like screen replacement, software installation, and hardware repairs. Since the demand for mobile repairs is constant, this business has the potential to attract a steady stream of customers, especially in urban and semi-urban areas.
4. Retail Grocery Store
Opening a grocery store is a reliable business option, particularly in rural or semi-urban areas of Bihar. Essentials like food items, cleaning products, and personal care products are always in demand. With a modest investment, you can start a small grocery store and expand over time. To increase customer loyalty, offering a home delivery service can set you apart from the competition. As the population grows and consumption increases, a retail grocery business can be very rewarding.
5. Handicrafts Business
Bihar is known for its traditional handicrafts, such as Madhubani paintings, terracotta products, and silk weaving. Starting a handicrafts business can tap into both local and global markets. You can work directly with local artisans to produce and sell handcrafted items through an online platform or at local fairs and exhibitions. With the growing demand for eco-friendly and artisanal products, this business can be highly profitable, especially if you focus on promoting local art and culture.
6. Poultry Farming
Another agriculture-based business with high growth potential is poultry farming. Raising chickens for meat or eggs requires relatively low investment but can yield high returns. With proper management, housing, and feed, poultry farming can become a sustainable source of income. The demand for poultry products is consistently high in both urban and rural areas, making it a viable small business idea in Bihar.
7. Mushroom Farming
Mushroom farming is gaining popularity in Bihar due to its profitability and low space requirements. You can start with a small investment and produce mushrooms for local markets, restaurants, or even for export. With the right training and equipment, mushroom farming can yield a substantial income within a few months. The demand for mushrooms as a healthy food option continues to grow, making this an excellent small business opportunity.
8. Fish Farming
With Bihar's abundance of water bodies, fish farming is a highly profitable venture. By setting up a fishery and breeding popular varieties like Rohu, Katla, or Prawn, you can cater to both local and national markets. This business requires moderate investment in ponds, feed, and infrastructure, but it offers high returns. As the demand for fresh fish continues to rise, fish farming has the potential to be a sustainable and rewarding small business idea in Bihar.
9. Tailoring and Embroidery Services
Starting a tailoring and embroidery business is an ideal option for those with a creative flair and stitching skills. With a growing middle-class population, there is a constant demand for custom clothing, especially for women’s and children’s apparel. You can offer services like garment alterations, custom-made outfits, and even specialized embroidery work. With the right marketing strategy and quality service, this business can thrive in both urban and rural areas.
10. Solar Energy Installation Business
With the increasing demand for clean energy, starting a solar energy installation business in Bihar can be a great opportunity. The state is investing heavily in renewable energy, and more households and businesses are looking for solar power solutions. You can provide services such as solar panel installation, maintenance, and consultation. As energy costs rise and sustainability becomes a priority, this business has the potential for significant growth.
11. Agarbatti (Incense Stick) Manufacturing
Incense sticks, or Agarbatti, are used in almost every household in India for religious and spiritual purposes. Starting a small-scale agarbatti manufacturing unit in Bihar can be a profitable business with minimal investment. The demand for incense sticks is constant, and with easy access to raw materials and labor, you can produce and sell to local markets or even export them.
12. Educational Coaching Center
Bihar has a strong focus on education, and starting an educational coaching center can be a rewarding business. With a large number of students preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, and state-level exams, there is always demand for quality coaching centers. You can offer courses for school students or focus on exam preparation for entrance tests, government jobs, or professional courses. With the right faculty and marketing, this business can grow rapidly in both urban and rural areas.
Bihar offers a wide range of opportunities for small businesses, thanks to its growing economy, agricultural base, and increasing focus on entrepreneurship. Whether you’re interested in agriculture, manufacturing, or services, these small business ideas in Bihar can help you start your entrepreneurial journey. With proper planning, market research, and dedication, you can turn any of these ideas into a successful venture and contribute to the economic growth of the state.
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amitynoida · 11 days
Finding Best Agriculture Colleges In Delhi — Course & Details 
Have you ever stopped to wonder how that juicy mango or crispy cauliflower even gets on your plate? It's because of the agriculture sector. Agricultural sector is booming in India, and if you're passionate about growing the future of food, then chances are you're looking for the perfect college to cultivate your skills.
Delhi has a whole bunch of agriculture colleges, but picking the right one is the crucial part. That's where Amity University steps in. It is not just another college; It is a breeding ground for future agricultural leaders and innovators. So in this article we will look at why to pursue agriculture courses and what makes Amity one of the best agricultural engineering colleges in Delhi.
Why Choose A Career In Agriculture?
Agriculture acts as a backbone of our civilization which ensures food security for billions. Beyond sustenance- it is a dynamic field brimming with innovation and opportunity. Here's why a career in agriculture could be the perfect fit for you:
Diverse Career Paths
Agriculture is not just about tilling the soil. It is a vast and growing field which offers a spectrum of exciting career options. By pursuing this degree- you can become an agricultural researcher, a food scientist, a soil conservationist, an agri-business entrepreneur, or even an agricultural engineer designing modern farm machinery.
Work With Nature
Do you crave fresh air and wide-open spaces? Agricultural career lets you connect with nature on a deeper level. You can gain a profound understanding of natural systems and the delicate balance between human needs and environmental sustainability.
Be Your Own Boss
The agricultural sector offers ample opportunities for entrepreneurship. One can start his/her own farm, develop a niche agricultural product, or create a consulting service for farmers. The possibilities are endless!
Make A Real Difference
The impact of one’s work goes far beyond the farm. The contribution to the agricultural sector plays a vital role in ensuring food security, promoting rural development, and creating a healthier future for generations to come.
Why Choose Amity Uni?
Now we have understood why Agriculture courses in India are great to start a career. Let’s understand how Amity University tops the chart.
Faculties at Amity
Faculty at Amity is seasoned and renowned with a wealth of expertise in their respective fields! They don't just lecture; they guide you, share their industry connections, and make sure you're learning real-world skills, not just textbook theory.
Innovative Labs
Forget rusty equipment and dusty shelves. Amity has modern facilities — from smart classrooms to cutting-edge labs. Amity even has sprawling experimental farms where you can get your hands dirty and you can put your knowledge to the test. Plus, Amity's research focus means one will be encouraged to think outside the seed packet and explore innovative solutions for the agricultural challenges of tomorrow.
Learning With Practical Work
Textbooks are great, but let's be honest, they can get a bit dry sometimes. Amity believes in learning by doing. So the curriculum at Amity is packed with practical training sessions, workshops, and industry internships. One will graduate with not just a degree, but with the practical skills and confidence to hit the ground running, whether you aim for a stellar job or starting your own agri-business.
In summary— If you're ready to dive in and start a rewarding career in agriculture, then Amity University is the perfect institution you've been searching for. Ask yourself –  Do you want or dream of a career that's both challenging and makes a real impact? Then choosing agriculture and choosing Amity can help you. Amity provides the foundation, the knowledge, and the connections to help you blossom into a leader who shapes the future of food security and sustainability. Come grow with us by Enrolling Now!
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/finding-best-agriculture-colle/home?authuser=2
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farm-fnb-tech · 17 days
Cattle Farming Cultivation: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Practices and Benefits
Cattle Farming Cultivation, also known as cattle ranching or beef production, is a significant agricultural practice that involves raising cattle for various purposes, including meat, milk, leather, and other by-products. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a thorough understanding of cattle farming cultivation, including its benefits, goals, and various aspects related to successful management and practices. Whether you are a new farmer, a seasoned rancher, or simply interested in the field, this article will cover essential topics to help you navigate the world of cattle farming.
Benefits of Cattle Farming
Economic Advantages
Revenue Generation: Cattle Farming Cultivation offers substantial income opportunities through the sale of meat, milk, and other by-products. Beef production, in particular, is a lucrative sector due to high demand in both domestic and international markets.
Job Creation: The cattle farming industry creates numerous jobs, ranging from farm labor to managerial roles. It also supports ancillary industries such as feed production, veterinary services, and equipment manufacturing.
Rural Development: Cattle Farming Cultivation plays a crucial role in rural economies by providing a steady source of income and encouraging local entrepreneurship.
Environmental Benefits
Land Management: Cattle Farming Cultivation,Properly managed cattle farming can contribute to effective land management. Grazing helps maintain grasslands, reduce bush encroachment, and prevent soil erosion.
Biodiversity Support: Cattle Farming Cultivation,Sustainable cattle farming practices can support biodiversity by maintaining natural habitats and encouraging the coexistence of various plant and animal species.
Nutritional and Health Benefits
High-Quality Protein: Cattle Farming Cultivation,Beef and dairy products are excellent sources of high-quality protein, essential for human growth and development.
Nutrient-Rich Foods: Cattle Farming Cultivation products provide essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, and B vitamins, contributing to a balanced diet.
Goals of Cattle Farming
Cattle Farming Cultivation,The primary goal for most cattle farmers is to achieve profitability through efficient production and effective management practices. This involves optimizing feed conversion rates, managing herd health, and maximizing market opportunities.
Sustainable Cattle Farming Cultivation practices aim to balance productivity with environmental stewardship. This includes adopting practices that minimize the impact on natural resources, promote animal welfare, and ensure long-term viability.
Animal Welfare
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Ensuring the well-being of cattle is a critical goal in modern farming. This includes providing adequate shelter, nutrition, veterinary care, and minimizing stress to promote healthy growth and productivity.
Quality Improvement
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Improving the quality of cattle products, such as meat and milk, is a key objective. This involves selective breeding, proper nutrition, and advanced husbandry practices to enhance the overall quality and safety of the end products.
Key Aspects of Cattle Farming Cultivation
Selecting the Right Breed
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Choosing the right breed is crucial for successful cattle farming. Different breeds are suited to different purposes, such as beef production, dairy production, or dual-purpose. Factors to consider include:
Purpose: Determine whether you are focusing on beef, milk, or both.
Climate: Select breeds that are well-adapted to the local climate and environmental conditions.
Size and Growth Rate: Consider the size and growth rate of the breed, which affects production efficiency and market value.
Nutrition and Feeding
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Proper nutrition is vital for optimal cattle health and productivity. A well-balanced diet ensures that cattle receive the necessary nutrients for growth, reproduction, and milk or meat production. Key components include:
Forage: Grasses, legumes, and other forage crops provide essential fiber and nutrients.
Concentrates: Grains and supplements can enhance energy and protein intake.
Water: Clean and ample water supply is crucial for overall health and productivity.
Housing and Shelter
Providing appropriate housing and shelter protects cattle from harsh weather conditions and ensures their comfort. Considerations include:
Design: Shelters should offer protection from extreme temperatures, wind, and precipitation.
Ventilation: Proper ventilation helps maintain a healthy environment by reducing humidity and ammonia buildup.
Space: Adequate space is necessary for movement and social interactions among cattle.
Health Management
Effective health management practices are essential for preventing and treating diseases, ensuring productivity, and maintaining animal welfare. Key practices include:
Vaccination: Regular vaccination schedules help prevent common cattle diseases.
Parasite Control: Implementing strategies to manage internal and external parasites is important for maintaining health.
Regular Check-ups: Routine veterinary check-ups help identify and address health issues early.
Breeding and Reproduction
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Breeding strategies impact the productivity and quality of the herd. Key considerations include:
Selective Breeding: Choose breeding pairs based on desirable traits such as growth rate, feed efficiency, and disease resistance.
Reproductive Health: Monitor reproductive health to ensure successful breeding and calving.
Record Keeping: Maintain accurate records of breeding, calving, and performance data to make informed decisions.
Land and Pasture Management
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Effective land and pasture management contribute to the sustainability and productivity of cattle farming. Considerations include:
Grazing Systems: Implement rotational grazing and other systems to maintain pasture health and prevent overgrazing.
Soil Management: Regularly assess and manage soil health to support forage production.
Fencing and Water Supply: Ensure proper fencing and access to clean water sources for effective pasture management.
Marketing and Sales
Cattle Farming Cultivation,Developing a marketing strategy is crucial for maximizing revenue from cattle farming. Key aspects include:
Market Research: Understand market demands, trends, and pricing to make informed decisions.
Product Quality: Focus on producing high-quality meat, milk, or other products to attract buyers.
Distribution Channels: Identify and establish reliable distribution channels to reach target markets.
Ideas for Successful Cattle Farming
In the rapidly evolving agricultural landscape, cattle farmers must continuously innovate and adapt to maintain profitability and sustainability. Diversification, technology integration, community engagement, and sustainable practices are key strategies that can contribute to the success of cattle farming operations. Each of these approaches offers unique benefits and opportunities for growth and resilience in the industry.
Diversification in Cattle Farming
Expanding Revenue Streams: One of the most effective ways to ensure the long-term success of a cattle farming operation is through diversification. By not relying solely on a single product, such as beef, farmers can reduce risk and tap into multiple income sources. Adding dairy production to a beef-focused operation, for example, can provide a consistent cash flow from milk sales, even when beef prices fluctuate. Diversifying into other areas, such as breeding high-quality cattle for sale, or producing specialty products like organic or grass-fed beef, can also help farmers reach niche markets that are often willing to pay a premium for unique offerings.
Value-Added Products: Creating value-added products is another powerful strategy for diversification. Instead of selling raw milk, farmers could produce cheese, butter, or yogurt, which often command higher prices and can be marketed directly to consumers. Similarly, beef can be processed into specialty items such as artisanal sausages, jerky, or gourmet cuts. By controlling more of the production chain and offering products that stand out in the market, farmers can increase their profit margins and build a stronger brand.
Exploring Niche Markets: Niche markets offer cattle farmers the opportunity to cater to specific consumer demands and trends. Products like organic beef, grass-fed beef, or dairy products from heritage breeds can appeal to health-conscious or environmentally-aware consumers. While entering niche markets may require additional certifications or adjustments to farming practices, the potential rewards include higher prices and loyal customer bases. Niche markets also allow farmers to differentiate themselves from competitors, reducing direct competition and potentially leading to more stable pricing.
Technology Integration in Cattle Farming
Embracing Precision Farming: The integration of modern technology into cattle farming can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, productivity, and animal welfare. Precision farming, for instance, allows farmers to make data-driven decisions about feeding, breeding, and health management. GPS tracking systems can monitor cattle movement and grazing patterns, helping farmers optimize pasture use and reduce overgrazing. This technology can also aid in tracking the health and well-being of individual animals, leading to more targeted and effective interventions.
Utilizing Data Analytics: Data analytics is becoming increasingly important in modern agriculture. By collecting and analyzing data on aspects such as feed efficiency, weight gain, milk production, and reproductive performance, farmers can identify trends and make informed decisions. For example, analyzing feed data can help farmers adjust rations to improve growth rates or milk yield, while health data can be used to predict and prevent disease outbreaks. This level of insight not only enhances productivity but also reduces costs and improves overall herd health.
Automation and Robotics: Automation in cattle farming can range from automated feeding systems to robotic milking machines. These technologies can significantly reduce labor costs and increase consistency in daily operations. Automated systems can also improve animal welfare by ensuring that cattle are fed, milked, and cared for on a regular schedule, without the variability that can come with human labor. In addition, wearable health monitoring devices can provide real-time data on cattle health, allowing for early detection of issues and more precise management.
Community Engagement in Cattle Farming
Building a Supportive Network: Active engagement with local communities and agricultural organizations is essential for the success of cattle farming operations. Farmers can benefit from sharing knowledge and resources through participation in local farming cooperatives or agricultural associations. These groups often provide access to training, group purchasing opportunities, and a platform for advocacy on issues affecting the farming community. Building relationships with local businesses and consumers can also enhance a farm’s reputation and create new opportunities for direct sales or partnerships.
Participation in Agricultural Events: Cattle Farming Cultivation,Involvement in agricultural fairs, workshops, and cooperative programs allows farmers to stay informed about the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices. These events also offer opportunities to network with other farmers, industry experts, and potential buyers. Presenting at or attending these events can help farmers gain new insights, adopt innovative practices, and establish a presence in the local and regional agricultural community.
Educational Outreach: Cattle Farming Cultivation can further engage with the community by offering educational programs or farm tours. Educating the public about sustainable farming practices and the importance of cattle farming in the food supply chain can build goodwill and support for the industry. These activities can also inspire future generations to pursue careers in agriculture and contribute to the sustainability of the industry.
Sustainable Practices in Cattle Farming
Environmental Stewardship: Sustainability is increasingly important in cattle farming, as consumers and regulators demand more environmentally friendly practices. Farmers can adopt sustainable practices such as rotational grazing, which helps maintain pasture health and prevent soil erosion. By planting cover crops, farmers can improve soil fertility and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers. Sustainable practices not only benefit the environment but also enhance the long-term productivity and viability of the farm.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Cattle farming has been under scrutiny for its role in Cattle Farming Cultivation,greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane. Farmers can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint by improving feed efficiency, which lowers methane production per unit of meat or milk. Additionally, incorporating renewable energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower overall emissions. These practices not only contribute to environmental goals but can also result in cost savings and potential new revenue streams from renewable energy.
Implementing Conservation Techniques: Conservation techniques such as maintaining natural Cattle Farming Cultivation,habitats and protecting water resources are critical for sustainable cattle farming. Farmers can implement buffer zones around water bodies to prevent runoff and contamination, and adopt practices that protect biodiversity. Using conservation techniques not only ensures the sustainability of the farm but also aligns with consumer expectations for environmentally responsible farming.
Topic Suggestions for Further Exploration
Cattle Farming Cultivation is a multifaceted industry with numerous opportunities for research and development. By exploring advanced breeding techniques, cattle health innovations, sustainable grazing practices, economic analysis, and the impact of climate change on cattle farming, researchers and practitioners can contribute valuable insights to improve the industry's productivity, sustainability, and resilience. Below are expanded discussions on these topic suggestions for further exploration.
1. Advanced Breeding Techniques
Genetic Selection: Cattle Farming Cultivation,The selection of genetically superior animals has always been a cornerstone of cattle breeding. Recent advancements in genomic technologies, such as DNA sequencing, have revolutionized this field by enabling more precise genetic selection. Researchers can explore how these technologies can be leveraged to identify and propagate desirable traits such as increased milk yield, faster growth rates, disease resistance, and improved meat quality. Moreover, the ethical implications and long-term sustainability of genetic selection practices could also be areas for deeper investigation.
Artificial Insemination (AI) and Embryo Transfer (ET): Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are key techniques in modern cattle breeding. These methods allow for the widespread dissemination of superior genetics without the need for transporting live animals. Researchers could explore the latest advancements in AI and ET, such as sexed semen and in vitro fertilization (IVF), which can increase the efficiency and success rates of these technologies. Additionally, studies could focus on the impact of these techniques on genetic diversity and herd health over time.
2. Cattle Health Innovations
Disease Prevention: Cattle Farming Cultivation health management is crucial for maintaining productivity and ensuring animal welfare. Emerging technologies such as wearable health monitors, biosecurity measures, and advanced vaccines are transforming how farmers prevent and manage diseases. Research could focus on the effectiveness of these innovations in reducing the incidence of common cattle diseases such as bovine respiratory disease (BRD), mastitis, and foot-and-mouth disease. Additionally, the integration of data analytics with health monitoring systems to predict and prevent outbreaks could be an area of significant interest.
Treatment Innovations: Cattle Farming Cultivation,As antibiotic resistance becomes a growing concern, there is an increasing need for alternative treatments and preventive measures. Researchers could explore the use of probiotics, phytochemicals, and immune-boosting supplements as alternatives to traditional antibiotics. Another area of interest could be the development of novel treatments for parasitic infections, which continue to pose a significant challenge in cattle farming. The exploration of precision medicine tailored to individual animals or specific herds could also pave the way for more targeted and effective treatments.
3. Sustainable Grazing Practices
Rotational Grazing: Cattle Farming Cultivation,Sustainable grazing practices are essential for maintaining the health of pasturelands and ensuring the long-term viability of cattle farming. Rotational grazing, where cattle are moved between different pasture areas to allow for regrowth, is a widely recognized practice. Research could explore how different rotational grazing strategies impact pasture biodiversity, soil health, and cattle productivity. Additionally, studies could investigate the economic benefits of rotational grazing compared to continuous grazing practices, providing farmers with data-driven recommendations.
Agroforestry and Silvopasture: Cattle Farming Cultivation,Integrating trees and shrubs into grazing systems, known as agroforestry or silvopasture, is another sustainable practice that can enhance both environmental and economic outcomes. Researchers could investigate the benefits of these systems, such as improved soil fertility, carbon sequestration, and enhanced animal welfare through natural shading. The impact of these practices on farm profitability, as well as their potential to mitigate climate change, could also be explored.
4. Economic Analysis of Cattle Farming
Cost Management: Cattle Farming Cultivation,The economic viability of cattle farming depends on effective cost management. Researchers could conduct detailed analyses of the various costs associated with cattle farming, including feed, labor, veterinary care, and equipment. By identifying areas where costs can be reduced without compromising productivity or animal welfare, such studies could provide valuable guidance for farmers looking to optimize their operations.
Profitability and Financial Planning: Profitability in cattle farming is influenced by numerous factors, including market prices, production efficiency, and financial management. Research could focus on developing financial planning tools and models that help farmers forecast income, manage risks, and make informed investment decisions. The exploration of different business models, such as cooperative farming or direct-to-consumer sales, could also provide insights into strategies for improving profitability.
5. Impact of Climate Change on Cattle Farming
Climate Adaptation Strategies: Climate change poses significant challenges to cattle farming, including increased heat stress, changing precipitation patterns, and altered forage availability. Researchers could explore various adaptation strategies that farmers can adopt to mitigate these impacts. For instance, studies could examine the effectiveness of heat-tolerant cattle breeds, changes in grazing practices, and the use of climate-resilient forage species. Additionally, research could focus on developing tools and technologies to help farmers monitor and manage the impacts of climate change on their operations.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Cattle Farming Cultivation is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane. Researchers could explore ways to reduce these emissions through improved feed efficiency, dietary supplements that reduce methane production, and manure management practices. Additionally, studies could investigate the potential for carbon sequestration through sustainable grazing practices and the use of renewable energy on farms. By identifying strategies to reduce the environmental impact of cattle farming, such research could contribute to the industry's long-term sustainability.
Cattle Farming Cultivation is a multifaceted field that encompasses various practices and considerations aimed at achieving economic, environmental, and nutritional goals. By understanding the benefits, goals, and key aspects of cattle farming, you can make informed decisions and implement effective strategies to enhance your farming operations. Whether you are just starting or looking to improve your existing practices, this guide provides a solid foundation for successful cattle farming cultivation.
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How Shriram Farm Solutions empowers Indian farmers
Indian agriculture is the cornerstone of the nation’s economy, and farmers are the backbone of this vital sector. However, modern farming faces numerous challenges, from unpredictable weather patterns to pests, when it comes to ensuring optimal crop yields and profitability. This is where innovative companies like Shriram Farm Solutions step in, empowering Indian farmers with the products, services, and knowledge they need to thrive.
Shriram Farm Solutions: Empowering farmers with science-backed products
Shriram Farm Solutions goes beyond the traditional image of an Indian fertilizer company. We offer a comprehensive suite of products designed to address the diverse needs of modern farmers.
High-Quality Seeds: Farmers gain access to improved seed varieties boasting superior yields and enhanced disease resistance. These seeds are specifically chosen to perform well in Indian conditions, maximizing crop potential.
Specialty Plant Nutrition Products: A variety of products cater to different soil types and crop requirements. Popular options include water soluble fertilizers, own-researched crop-specific grades, nano-technology powered biostimulants, and liquid fertilizers for plants for efficient nutrient delivery. This ensures crops receive the precise nourishment they need for healthy growth.
Crop Protection Solutions: A rich portfolio consisting of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides catering to all the prominent and evolving pest challenges.
Shriram Farm Solutions: Guiding farmers with advisory services
Shriram Farm Solutions understands that simply providing products isn’t enough when it comes to supporting the Indian farmer. It’s why we have established Shriram Agronomists across India. These agronomists are not just marketers but trusted advisors who connect farmers with agricultural experts for invaluable guidance on various aspects of farming.
Soil Health Management: Understanding the specific needs of their soil is vital for farmers. Advisors guide with soil testing and recommend appropriate fertilizers and amendments to improve soil health and fertility.
Effective Crop Management Practices: From planting techniques and irrigation strategies to pest and disease control, advisors provide insights on best practices tailored to specific crops and regional conditions.
Sustainable Farming Techniques: Shriram Farm Solutions is committed to promoting responsible agricultural practices. Advisors guide farmers in using fertilizers and pesticides efficiently, minimizing environmental impact and promoting long-term soil health.
How Indian farmers benefit by partnering with Shriram Farm Solutions
By providing a comprehensive range of products and expert guidance, Shriram Farm Solutions empowers Indian farmers to make informed decisions that can significantly impact their bottom line.
Improved Yields and Crop Quality: High-quality Shriram seeds, effective nutrition and crop protection solutions, and proper crop management practices can lead to increased yields and improved crop quality. This translates to higher market value for farmers’ produce.
Reduced Costs: Expert advice on fertilizer application and pest control can help farmers optimize resource utilization. Additionally, Shriram Farm Solutions emphasizes sustainable practices that can minimize long-term input costs.
Enhanced Confidence: The knowledge and skills acquired through advisor guidance empower farmers to become self-sufficient and make informed decisions about their agricultural operations. This fosters a spirit of entrepreneurship, transforming them into successful agri-preneurs.
Shape a better future with Shriram Farm Solutions
At Shriram Farm Solutions, we recognize the critical role that Indian farmers play in maintaining national food security and economic development. It’s why our commitment to you – the hard working Indian farmer, extends beyond simply selling products to also include high-quality agricultural inputs and expert guidance. Together, let’s embrace modern agricultural techniques and help build a more productive, profitable, and sustainable future for Indian agriculture.
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Exploring Opportunities for Climate Tech Venture Capitalists with Green Frontier Capital
The Rise of Climate Tech VCs. The most serious issue with climate change is not climate technology; it is human psychology. Climate change is one of the most difficult challenges to handle due to our inability to comprehend the severity of these difficulties completely, appreciate their long-term repercussions, and deal with the adjustments that must be made at all levels of society. “Many individuals believe that climate change is a distant concern. Distant in time, that this problem will not be felt for a long time, distant in space, that it is about Polar Bears or maybe some emerging countries. — Anthony Leisorowitz, Director of the Yale Program for Climate Change Communication
Climate change’s consequences must be recognized as both immediate and ongoing. It impacts ecosystems, economies, and societies all across the planet. Climate scientists have demonstrated that human actions have been at the root of all global warming over the last 200 years. The primary causes of this have been industrialization, deforestation, agricultural operations, and reliance on fossil fuels. In response, climate tech investment and entrepreneurship have increased in recent years. Several green projects are underway in several areas to develop new solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable behaviors. According to Deloitte’s (2023) research, climate tech enterprises operate in over 65 nations. But they are concentrated in eight nations, one of which is India. These eight countries have a significant effect on climate technology investment. Green Frontier Capital is spearheading the effort in India for just this reason. The purpose is to promote green investments and sustainable finance to give investors profits that do not harm the environment, as well as to encourage decarbonization.
Climate Tech Investments in India In 2019, India ranked seventh among countries most affected by climate change. According to the figures, the average temperature in India climbed by almost 0.7 degrees Celsius between 1901 and 2018. According to a recent collaborative research conducted by IIT-Kharagpur and IITM-Pune, India’s temperature is anticipated to rise by an average of 1.1 to 5.1 degrees Celsius by 2100 as a result of different greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, regions of the country are facing drought, lower rainfall, and more frequent extreme weather events. These changes jeopardize not just food production and water supply, but also have far-reaching consequences for both economic and ecological systems.
According to the World Bank, India would face a serious health crisis, with rising malnutrition and linked health issues such as child stunting. The poor are likely to be the most affected. Child stunting is expected to rise by 35% by 2050 when compared to a scenario without climate change.
Climate tech venture capitalists play an important part in this, and the emergence of green investments that address climate change and promote sustainability is a true silver lining. According to FSG, climate tech investments in India increased by 29% from 2019 to 2022, with a record-breaking investment topping US$5 billion in 2022. The surge in investments demonstrates not just a chance for investors to earn a solid return, but also the emergence of a melting pot of new ideas from Indian creators to handle the multitude of difficulties that lie ahead. Green Frontier Capital is India’s first climate VC fund, concentrating on sustainable finance through investments in renewable energy, clean transportation, waste management solutions, and agritech.
VCs Have Branded Climate Tech as the Fourth Investment Era of India. Green Frontier Capital believes that the next decade will be a new investment era driven by green investments and climate technology, following liberalization in the 1990s, the internet in the 2000s, and mobile in the 2010s. Climate tech venture capital, such as Green Frontier Capital, may give entrepreneurs financial support, knowledge, and networking opportunities, therefore promoting development and effective innovation.
Green Frontier Capital’s green investments include Chupps, a sustainable footwear brand that sells to hundreds of thousands of customers per month, ElectricPe, the country’s leading EV charging platform, and BluSmart, India’s first and largest zero-emission ride-hailing service platform. The opportunity for profitable and beneficial investments awaits. And climate tech VCs and investors don’t need to look much further. India’s climate technology industry has the potential to make a big contribution to tackling the climate catastrophe while also fostering long-term economic prosperity.
Tags: climate investors India | Top climate tech vcs | Venture capital funds | Green investments in India | top investment companies in India | Venture Capital for Startups
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indahapp · 1 month
Advances in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Biotechnology and genetic engineering have rapidly evolved in recent years, driving significant advancements across various sectors, from agriculture to medicine. These fields have opened up new avenues for innovation, research, and entrepreneurship, positioning institutions like Telkom University at the forefront of these developments.
The Evolution of Biotechnology
Biotechnology has its roots in traditional practices, such as fermentation and selective breeding, which have been used for centuries. However, modern biotechnology involves the manipulation of living organisms at the molecular level, enabling the creation of products and solutions that were once unimaginable. This evolution has been marked by the development of techniques like recombinant DNA technology, which allows scientists to modify the genetic makeup of organisms to produce desired traits.
Genetic Engineering: A Game-Changer
Genetic engineering, a subset of biotechnology, involves the direct manipulation of an organism's genes to achieve specific outcomes. This technology has revolutionized fields such as agriculture, where genetically modified crops are engineered for improved yield, resistance to pests, and adaptability to environmental stresses. In medicine, genetic engineering has paved the way for gene therapy, where faulty genes are corrected to treat or prevent diseases.
Telkom University: A Hub for Innovation
As a leading institution, Telkom University is at the forefront of integrating advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering into its curriculum and research initiatives. The university's state-of-the-art laboratories provide students and researchers with the tools and environment needed to explore these cutting-edge technologies. By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, Telkom University prepares its students to become global entrepreneurs who can leverage these advances to create impactful solutions.
Lab Laboratories: The Epicenter of Discovery
Laboratories are the heart of biotechnology and genetic engineering research. At Telkom University, these labs are equipped with the latest technologies, enabling groundbreaking research and discoveries. Students and faculty collaborate on projects that not only contribute to the scientific community but also have the potential to lead to commercial applications. This hands-on experience is crucial in developing the skills needed to excel in the biotech industry.
Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology
The advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering have opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurship. Startups focused on biotech innovations are emerging at an unprecedented rate, and universities like Telkom University play a pivotal role in nurturing these ventures. By offering courses and programs that emphasize entrepreneurship, Telkom University helps students turn their ideas into viable businesses. This approach aligns with the university's vision of being a global entrepreneur university, where innovation and business acumen are intertwined.
Global Impact and Future Prospects
The impact of biotechnology and genetic engineering extends far beyond the laboratory. These technologies hold the potential to address some of the world's most pressing challenges, from food security to personalized medicine. Telkom University's commitment to advancing these fields positions it as a key player in shaping the future of biotechnology on a global scale.
In conclusion, the advancements in biotechnology and genetic engineering are transforming industries and creating new opportunities for innovation. Telkom University, with its cutting-edge lab laboratories and focus on entrepreneurship, is at the forefront of this transformation, preparing the next generation of global entrepreneurs to make a significant impact in the biotech industry.
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Anil Ambani: Driving Rural Development Through Empowerment and Infrastructure
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Anil Ambani, a prominent Indian businessman and philanthropist, has long been a staunch advocate for rural development. His initiatives in improving livelihoods, agriculture, and infrastructure in rural areas reflect a deep commitment to bridging the development gap between urban and rural communities. Despite facing significant challenges in the business world, Ambani’s unwavering dedication to rural development continues to make a substantial impact.
Empowering Rural Livelihoods
Anil Ambani’s focus on rural development is multifaceted, addressing the essential aspects of livelihoods, agriculture, and infrastructure. One of his primary goals is to enhance economic opportunities for rural populations. By supporting various livelihood programs, Ambani’s initiatives aim to provide rural communities with the skills, resources, and opportunities necessary to achieve sustainable economic growth.
These programs often include vocational training, microfinance opportunities, and support for small-scale enterprises. By equipping individuals with skills and access to capital, Ambani helps to foster entrepreneurship and create job opportunities in rural areas. This empowerment is crucial for improving living standards and promoting economic resilience among rural communities.
Advancing Agricultural Development
Agriculture is a cornerstone of rural economies, and Ambani’s initiatives place a strong emphasis on enhancing agricultural practices and productivity. His support for agricultural development includes investments in modern farming techniques, infrastructure, and technology.
For instance, Ambani’s projects may involve providing farmers with access to high-quality seeds, advanced irrigation systems, and sustainable farming practices. By improving agricultural productivity, these initiatives not only boost income for farmers but also contribute to food security and sustainable rural development.
In addition, Ambani has supported the creation of agricultural cooperatives and market linkages that enable farmers to access better markets and fair prices for their produce. These efforts are instrumental in integrating rural economies into broader markets and ensuring that farmers receive a fair share of the value they create.
Improving Rural Infrastructure
Infrastructure development is another critical focus of Ambani’s rural initiatives. Adequate infrastructure is essential for economic development and improving the quality of life in rural areas. Ambani’s projects often involve the construction and enhancement of roads, bridges, and essential services such as clean water and sanitation facilities.
For example, the development of rural road networks facilitates better connectivity between villages and markets, reducing transportation costs and improving access to goods and services. Similarly, investments in water supply and sanitation infrastructure address fundamental needs and contribute to better health outcomes.
Navigating Business Challenges
Despite his significant contributions to rural development, Anil Ambani’s business journey has been marked by considerable challenges. The past decade has seen financial difficulties, market fluctuations, and regulatory hurdles that have tested his business empire. These struggles have posed risks to his ventures and impacted his financial stability.
However, Ambani’s response to these challenges reflects his resilience and strategic acumen. He has been focused on restructuring and revitalizing his business operations, identifying new growth opportunities, and leveraging his expertise to navigate the complexities of the market. His ongoing efforts to make a comeback in business underscore his determination to overcome obstacles and continue contributing to societal betterment.
A Commitment to Sustainable Development
Anil Ambani’s work in supporting rural development highlights his broader commitment to sustainable and inclusive growth. His initiatives in improving livelihoods, advancing agriculture, and enhancing infrastructure are designed to create lasting positive impacts in rural communities.
As he continues to address business challenges and work towards a comeback, Ambani’s dedication to rural development remains a testament to his vision for a more equitable and prosperous society. His efforts are not only transforming rural areas but also reinforcing the importance of addressing regional disparities and fostering comprehensive development.
In summary, Anil Ambani’s contributions to rural development reflect a profound commitment to improving the lives of those in underserved areas. His focus on empowering rural livelihoods, advancing agricultural practices, and enhancing infrastructure is creating meaningful change. Despite facing significant business challenges, Ambani’s ongoing efforts highlight his resilience and dedication to building a better future for rural communities.
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