#Episode 203
kfrentzen · 1 year
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They're at it again
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auffilet · 2 years
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
Sun's out, guns out. Moon's out, spoons out. Stars out, lars out. Hi Lars.
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deweydell25 · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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forensicated · 11 months
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A summary is needed of events over 202 to 208 to explain happens/caused the Gina and Smithyness in Episode 209
WARNING: Trigger warning for controlling behaviour, discussions of rape and sexual assault.
Episode 202
Nick was found after being taken hostage by Weaver to stop him ID'ing a hitman. Nick, a recovering addict, was pumped with an overdose of heroin. Smithy goes above and beyond to prove that Nick is innocent. Unfortunately he's paired with Kerry who takes every opportunity to moan and flirt.
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Cameron tells Smithy that he thinks Kerry might be the one. Smithy is a jealous, belligerent and drunken pain in the arse and slut shames Kerry. Cameron storms off. During an argument Kerry tells Smithy she's happy with Cameron but leans forward and kisses him. They're spotted by Gabriel.
Episode 203
Kerry feels guilty for sleeping with Smithy and Gabriel seizes every opportunity to make her feel worse. Kerry is assigned to a rape case and is struggling to focus. The victim blurts out that she'd been raped after she'd been arrested and "isn't reacting like you'd expect a rape victim to". Smithy tries to ask Kerry if she's ok after their night together and she brushes him off telling him nothing happened. During an arrest Kerry is injured and sprains her wrist. At the hospital she asks for the morning after pill. Gabriel uses her upset, guilt and the rape case to emotionally manipulate her.
Episode 204
Kerry can't remember what happened, what was said or what was done on the night she and Smithy slept together. Gabriel takes advantage and suggests that Smithy could have raped her. Things finish officially with Cameron.
Episode 205
Kerry is left stewing on what Gabriel suggested and is behaving oddly around Smithy who asks Gabriel what's wrong. Gabriel says it's probably hormonal and that she's been behaving like it all day after he turned her down too earlier.
Nick returns to the station for one last day on shift and he's partnered with Smithy and later they join up with Kerry and Gabriel. Smithy and Nick end up saving Kerry from at best a very bad head injury. Kerry still can't look at Smithy without wondering if Gabriel was right and it was possible that Smithy raped her.
Episode 206
Gabriel keeps the pressure on Kerry, asking her what she's going to do. Things could be getting back on track with Cameron but she still hasn't told him anything about Smithy. An oblivious Smithy has to say goodbye to Nick, one of his oldest friends (... it's complicated) as he enters Witness Protection fully. Gabriel doubles down on manipulating Kerry, inserting himself as the only person who knows and the only person she can speak to. Yvonne helps Kerry when he finds her in tears in the toilets. She has a manipulated memory after Gabriel's talks. "We kissed but I didn't want it to go further. I said no but he wouldn't stop..."
Episode 207
Yvonne wants Kerry to report Smithy. Kerry said she has no proof and wants to forget it. Cameron's happy mood at a possible reunion with Kerry annoys a jeaous Gabriel. Kerry won't be drawn by Smithy on what is happening with her and Cameron. Their suspect falls into the water and Smithy leaps straight in. Without outside influence, Kerry starts to see Smithy as she did before it all happened for a few seconds before Honey puts her foot in it by saying she can see, after watching a wet Smithy undressing, why Kerry fancies him. Honey says that Kerry can't deny it, she clearly wanted Smithy that night.
Honey: Oh Sarge, I thought you were gonna let me towel you dry. Smithy: Careful Honey don't start something you might later regret.
Rather unfortunate banter to have right in front of Kerry and Yvonne. Yvonne begs her to talk and says he could do it to someone else if she doesn't report it. Kerry tells her that even Honey thinks she was desperate for him and the others will think the same. "I'm accusing a highly popular officer of date rape. Who do you think will come out of it worse? If you make it public I'll just deny it." Gabriel keeps up the manipulation of Kerry when they're alone in the writing room. He suggests Yvonne might be right and that it should be made official. Kerry tells Gina, when cornered, she's been having personal problems but won't be drawn further. Gina tells her off for 'trying to shift the blame' to Smithy - who had just plunged into the Thames (filmed around Jan btw!) - for them not following up on something.
Kerry interviews a potential rape victim and draws parallels between the described assault and her own encounter with Smithy. It later turns out to be an affair cover up. Outside Kerry witnesses the husband and lover fighting with the husband shouting 'how could you lie you'd been raped?' Kerry decides to let the entire thing drop as she doesn't even know if she has a complaint in the first place. Gabriel insists he'd be there for her as he just wants her to be happy but Kerry wants to move on and get back together with Cameron.
Gabriel reacts angrily, sweeping a rack of condiments off the table in front of undercover journalist, Andrea. He tells her that a colleague and good friend was ditched by her boyfriend and abused by a senior officer the same night. Andrea witnessed Kerry walk out ahead of her arrival so knows who it is. Gabriel openly names Smithy as the senior officer and insists Yvonne was the one who told him.
Smithy asks Kerry 'where they are' and she tells him their night was a disaster, it shouldn't have happened and she'd rather they avoided each other outside of work. Honey tells Andrea she doesn't understand why Kerry is choosing Cameron when she has Smithy on offer stating 'she'd have Smithy any day'. Andrea said that she'd heard that he's "a bit rough between the sheets". "Like no means yes type of rough?" Yvonne apologises to Kerry but insists it's only because she wants her to do the right thing. Kerry says she's not going to take it further. She doesn't feel any hate towards Smithy, nor does she feel like a rape victim. She just wants to move on with Cameron. Gabriel tells Cameron to take it a bit easy with Kerry because of 'the whole Smithy thing' and then that Kerry was raped by Smithy.
Episode 208
As if the situation wasn't already pressure cooker like enough, throw in Gina and Adam at a conference in Manchester, a serious RTC, an armed robbery, a bomb for Smithy to manages as the most senior uniform officer on shift.
Undercover journalist Andrea tries to pump Yvonne for information but she's not biting and Cameron is late. Kerry is trying to deal with the RTC with just a small handful of officers and the fire brigade whilst backup arrive through a massive traffic jam caused by the accident. Gabriel tells Kerry that the rumours have gotten out and implies Yvonne is to blame. Kerry hasn't time to react as a trapped motorist calls for her. Cameron finally arrives and questions Yvonne about Smithy and Kerry. They make it to the accident and he makes a beeline to Kerry to question her on what had happened. He begs her to tell him if it's true. Kerry can't answer.
With traffic jams Canley wide and most officers tied up at the RTA, Smithy has to join the Area Car at a suspected armed robbery whilst they wait for the traffic division to take over the accident and clear the area. He arrives just before Cameron. Cameron volunteers to be Smithy's scribe and keep an incident log meaning he has to stick close. Andrea spreads rumours around the cordon that Smithy raped Kerry. Cameron digs at Smithy before telling him that he knows he raped Kerry. Great timing Cameron!
Smithy tells Cameron that he's not proud of what happened, they were both drunk but he did not force her into anything. Cameron tries to attack Smithy but Smithy overpowers him and points out they have an armed siege with hostages with no back up and armed support because of the traffic issues. This. Can. Wait. Cameron doesn't let it drop, telling Smithy he won't get away with it and glowers in the background behind Smithy. Smithy has to shout into the bank to make contact, only to be held at gunpoint and a car demanded by the gunman/robber, Willet, in the next four minutes. Cameron belittles all Smithy's efforts, but Gary doesn't believe Andrea's gossip and backs him up. Andrea is horrified when an unarmed Smithy has to continue to talk to Willet with no protection.
Kerry arrives and she and Yvonne blame each other for the rumours. The bank manager, James is sent out of the front door when the car doesn't arrive. He has a bomb strapped to him and has to stay upright and level as there's a mercury tilt switch inside. Smithy has to talk a terrified and visibly shaking James into not touching it and keeping calm. Unfortunately, Willet's ex is James' new partner (and the bank reposessed Willet's house.) Willet a remote to set it off inside if they don't get the car to him in 5 minutes.
With just 5 minutes, Smithy says he has to give Willet the car he asked for, however Kerry runs over to tell him that CID have brought Willet's ex/James' partner to the scene. Kerry volunteers to isolate the bomb and James away from the scene until bomb disposal can arrive. Cameron tries to talk her out of it but Smithy tells her to take him round to the carpark and stay there - keeping him as calm as possible - and that he'll have a car placed between her and the bomb to try and shield her. He also lets her know that he's aware of the rape rumours. Kerry does as she's asked, trying to keep a lid on the situation - only for Willet's wife to break through the cordon and come face to face with her ex. Willet insists they deserve all they get. Smithy demands that she's taken away and reclaims control of the situation. SO19 and the ambulance finally break through the traffic.
The wife/new partner learns about the bomb and Andrea tries to reassure her it might not be real. She screams at the top of her voice that it's fake with Andrea stammering that's not what she meant. Cameron is concerned that James is panicking but Smithy says Kerry can handle it and talks to SO19 about getting Willet out to the car so they can deal with him without the hostages. Cameron breaks away, followed by Gabriel. Kerry tries to keep control and tells the bank manager not to touch the bomb because Julie was wrong and it might not be fake. Cameron continues to distract Kerry and demands she tell him what happened. Kerry is literally trying to keep the bank manager looking at her and Cameron is stood crowding her and asking her why he didn't tell her she'd been raped. Pick your fucking moments!
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Cameron insists he'd believe her if she'd said he'd been raped but the fact she willingly went home with Smithy gives him an element of doubt. He walks off, Kerry turns to ask him to stop before looking back at James. He can't hold his arms up any longer and Kerry runs towards him to stop him touching it...
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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guiltknight-gaming · 11 months
Diablo IV Episode 203: Percieved Threat
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dtccompendium · 2 years
Episode 203: The Black Wings of Icarus (Part 1)
Mouri takes Ran and Conan to an inn in the mountains for two reasons. One: So that he can try their local beer. And Two: So that he can watch a Yoko Okino special that’s only being broadcast in that area. Apparently the only employees of the inn are the manager, the chef, and the two creepy twin maids from the cursed caterpillar knife mask mansion. Things quickly go sour when Cheese-san arrives. She’s an ugly actress with a bad attitude. She runs around being mean to everybody, including her husband, and says that she hates the mountains, and the soup, and pretty much everything else. When everyone stares at her like she’s a freak, she says she bets they wish she wasn’t there, and screams, “Fine, I’ll just go die!” Shockingly, she doesn’t die that night. The following morning, her husband and her manager go fishing while the hotel manager, the chef, Ran, and Conan all go to the plateau. A rare butterfly dies on the inn manager's shirt. When they get home, Cheese-san is found hanged in her bedroom.
Best Quotes:
Conan: “The soup is really tasty.”
Cheese-san: “I’ve never had soup as bad as this! Are you really a chef?”
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incesthemes · 3 months
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i am genuinely obsessed with how gordon stole the keys to the impala in bloodlust, because he simply had no logical support for that action. even eavesdropping on sam and dean's argument he could hear dean defending him, taking his side, and before that point too gordon's ideology was definitely winning over sam's. gordon taking the keys, then, displays a paranoia that really won't even fully actualize itself until croatoan.
because taking the keys means that gordon believes dean will side with sam. within the context of this episode that is exactly what happens, when gordon reveals he killed his sister and dean decides Fuck That, but on a larger scale it predicts how the rest of the season will go, too. at this point in the season dean is still caught between two ideologies, and he doesn't make his choice until croatoan, when his abstract duty vs sam conflict becomes real and he can no longer ponder it and must instead act. gordon knows who dean will side with before even dean knows himself—because dean spends the entire first half of the season desperately clinging to john (to his duty), trying to shove down his devotion to sam so that he can prepare himself to carry out his obligations and kill his brother.
and gordon alone knows what a futile effort it all is. he recognizes dean's devotion because he's an allegory for duty and so he understands too intimately all the ways dean is failing: duty or sam, gordon or sam, fate or sam. and gordon took the keys so that destiny can play out even when dean inevitably fails—so that they're too late to stop gordon, and so that they're too late to stop fate.
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vesivoro · 4 months
Are you kidding me?¡!
The whole deal with the vengestone army was that the ninja can't use their powers but after the Mechanic corners Nya and Jay suddenly thats all null and void
I know plot holes are a constant but come the fuck on
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theafictionados · 2 years
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Every Afictionados Best Line Award (Robyn)
The 100 Episode 203: Reapercussions
by the Afictionados Podcast Network
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
And it comes as no surprise/ I'll give you my french fries
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gintama-polls · 6 months
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Gintama Episode Tourney
Episode 203, "Everyone Looks Pretty Grown Up After Summer Break" Shinpachi and Hijikata learn why they're the only two who hadn't drastically changed during the break. The second half of the Timeskip Arc.
Episode 239, "Even at Year-End Parties, There Are Some Things You Shouldn't Forget" After drinking way too much at the year-end party, Gintoki learns he has made a huge mistake with five women and Hasegawa. The first half of the Scandal Arc.
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
new series where there’s a song that has a few lyrics that fit joel and ellie but it’s not enough for me to make a video so i give you screenshots. part 1
 - moon song by phoebe bridgers
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buildinggsr · 1 year
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William Petersen as Gil Grissom’s Awesome Portraits Collection ➥ B-Side subcollection (request by anon) CSI 2.03
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gamecenter-cx · 2 years
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Game Center CX, Episode 4: Roommania #203, 2003
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