#Eridan x reader
myhedcanonicfables · 2 months
Confessing Gamzee, Karkat and Eridan
please, i wait your requests!
He worries less than many people. At least because his religion helps him.
«HeY i hAvE oNe IsSuE»
If you refuse him, Gamzee will be upset, of course, but he will not sad you for long.
Probably, it's just nice for him to admire the good features of a person and be his friend.
And if you agree, he will eventually take on subconscious responsibility. He may be a relaxed person, but he gives priority values to close people.
Karkat :
He is definitely heistates. «SURELY. IT WOULD BE A SHAME! IS IT WORTH IT?»
Karkat also definitely does not like himself and expects this from the reader, even if he has always been treated well.
But okay. In the end, for him will be easier to move on. Therefore, it is solved after not too long.
If you refuse him, then this is what he was preparing for. Therefore, with prepared sadness, he continues to strive for common friendship. But also, he can refuse future friendship too.
But how surprised and happily Karkat will become if you agree.
Now you are a couple, so it's time to experience his accumulated experience gained in movies.
If we are talking about a human, then he will need to step over his pride even more and for longer than with a lowblood troll.
He is unlikely to idealize his love in ordinary circumstances. But he understands his feelings quickly enough
Eridan hesitates a lot in front of whoever it is in this deal. He's afraid of shame.
And he'll get angry if you refuse. Of course, he will be very upset, and he will certainly be much more detached.
But maybe he won't show much joy if you agree, he still will treat you much better. Very.. protectively.
But whoever you are in the troll hierarchy, Eridan will be proud of his partner.
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venom-draws · 2 months
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Was playing around in ms paint and made something for my wife @aleemie
Sillies under the cut
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dav3katz · 1 year
Here’s something I think would be fun to write! How do you think the highbloods would react to a human reader having really long hair? Since in canon long hair is associated with royalty/fuchsiabloods they would probably believe that they were the human version of an heiress or something lol.
I was intending this request for the beta trolls but it’d also be okay to do the dancestors since you like them :3
I just did my lovely seadwellers I hope that’s ok
Feferi probably wouldn’t care but would ask, feferi just doesn’t care for high blood bullshit, obviously. But I think she would be interested if you’re royalty because you’d share something in common. Ps she defo loves ur hair :)
Eridan is all up on that shit, we all know how he is. He’d be very surprised to find you aren’t royalty at all. Still, he’d insist you must be hiding it for some reason. There’s no need to be humble, he knows. (He doesn’t)
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somberauthor · 8 months
could u write eridan with a flushed crush on a mutantblood troll reader?
omg. Back when I got into the fandom I had such a huge obsession with mutant bloods, and basically the hemospectrum in general. Idk why I felt compelled to tell you, but I did!
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you would be too scared to even MENTION your blood color around this man. He is very intense about the hemospectrum, but not as much as Equius. But intense nonetheless.
The only trolls who know about your blood is Karkat, and Kanaya, the probably most understanding trolls you were close to.
Although you're not in a relationship with him, he is quite obvious about his flush-crush. As he is with, literally everything.
''you look quite nice tonight y/n..''
he twirls his hair too, to make it even more obvious. But he doesn't use those silly pickup lines. You wish he did, but sadly he's ''so high-class'' Once you finally got up the courage to confront him about his advances, and inform him of their reciprocation, you royally fucked up. You most literally slid over to him, and ate shit. You fell on your face, and got a nose bleed. Once you got up, you realized what had happened and how screwed you were. You quickly covered your nose to hide your hideous blood.
''holy sh- Are you okay y/n?? That wwas a nasty fall.''
He waddled over to you, attempting to move your stone hands from your face. They didn't budge, since you were horrified of his reaction to your blood. You were lucky no one was in the room other than you two, but still unlucky enough to have ERIDAN AMPORA in the room. Out of the 11 other trolls that could've been in his place. Once he caught on to the fact you were deliberately hiding your nose from him, he god a bit irritated.
''I swwear, if you dont showw me your wwound I wwill be... uh... vvery angry wwith you.''
he was very weak with that insult. wow. you moved your hands nonetheless, letting him see what your blood color actually was. His eyes widened at the sight, you flinches slightly when he began to speak.
''so... this is wwhat you wwere hiding. you knoww i dont care that much, right?''
you looked away in shame, not admitting that you actually did think he would care. You then felt his arms wrap around you, and then he moved away.
''Well,, I know now. I'm sorry, Eri.''
You smiled, and he returned it. You kissed his cheek, and then went to Kanaya, hoping she'd know where to get bandages.
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this got a little off track, but it's done and it's decent. woo!!! I also got an Aradia cosplay recently, idk why i told you that either. This post is just useless information central ig
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Absolutely love the way you wrote eridan omg!!😩 Do you have any general relationship headcanons for him?
Oh wow, people actually liked the Eridan hc’s!
I could try general hc’s, tho I won’t guarantee they will be great TwT
General Eridan Relationship Headcanons
* This relationship would most likely take a lot of time and effort, Eridan’s personality is full of false bravado and colorful insults but since he genuinely loves you he would try his best to tone it down and be better about it.
* He’ll try to change himself for the better, learning how to be more genuine and just nicer in general, it’s hard but he’ll do it for you.
* At first he may act high and mighty if you’re a land-dweller. He acts as if he’s doing you a favor, as if you need to bask in his presence.. though slowly but surely he’ll warm up to you and realize that you may not be so different after all.
* When his mask breaks and you can genuinely trust each other he’ll start showing that he’s excited- yet apprehensive. He doesn’t know how this will go and that worries him, but with your help he’ll pull through.
* Like in the cuddle headcanons, he absolutely loves ranting about his interests and being genuine for once. It feels good to let down his walls and actually talk to somebody who cares about him. Of course he’d listen to your interests too, absolutely lovestruck and gazing at you (or the text on the screen, depending if it’s in person or not) with heart eyes, resting his head on his hands and leaning in on the table listening to your every word.
* He tries not to make everything about him, wanting to make you feel wanted too. If you want to do something with him then he’ll do it, dates are very frequent with the both of you typically choosing where to go.
* Of course he still occasionally acts “holier-than-thou” but now it feels.. less defensive, and if you were to point it out and joke about it he would only get flustered, not genuinely angry because now he trusts you.
* I love the whole “Eridan gets flustered over liking things” scenario but I also absolutely love exploring how it would feel to Eridan if he genuinely could trust someone, if he could let the walls he’s built up his whole life down around a single person who’s done nothing but love and care for him, and for that he would be eternally grateful even if he doesn’t show it.
* This dude is super clingy omg
* Whenever you two go out he will be holding your hand the entire time as a subtle way of saying “fuck off I’m dating them”
* He’ll also get jealous easily rip </3
* If anyone tries to flirt with you he’ll get super defensive about it, the troll would know not to mess with him after that though seeing as he’s a fucking Violet blood (which omg that sounds terrifying now that I’m thinking about it)
* As a violet blood he’s very loyal to you, willing to go through hell and back to keep you safe.
* He’s so happy that he met you, he can’t believe someone as amazing as you is his s/o <3
I don’t feel 100% confident about this TwT might’ve gone a bit too far with the “trust” thing. If you have any criticism or advice please let me know!
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hi!! can you write eridan slow dancing with his human matesprit at a highblood gala? if gender is relevant, transmasc + reader wears a suit <3
I love scenes like that tbh
Eridan slow dancing with his S/O at a gala
Reader here is transmasc and wears a suit
Inviting a human to a gala like that was in a way risky, but he wouldn't miss an opportunity to spend time with you there.
Before the gala itself he was helping you pick a suit. It took quite long, because he kept giving you better and better options to pick from. You had to blend in and look stunning at the same time.
But even though he saw you in every possible suit, seeing you at the gala still made him admire you like it's the first time he saw you dressed so well.
The music wasn't anyhow special, and honestly when you danced together you didn't even pay attention to it.
It was almost like you were in a separate world, the lights? The people? The music? None of it mattered. Just the two of you being close and enjoying the moment.
Every turn, every step was something that made you fall for each other even more. He didn't want this to end.
He was an excellent dancer. He was careful with his step and if you're a bit clumsy he made up for your mistakes just fine.
His lead was very easy to follow. Honestly you managed to almost dance the event away. He didn't leave you for even a moment so the night was filled with shared memories for the two of you.
~Mod Auvana
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
kismesis hc’s for eridan mayhaps 🥺 👉👈
💜 Eridan is a very obsessive, possessive yandere already, and that goes for any quadrant! Something about you just sparks such obsessive hatred within him. But not just hatred, a want for you to improve, as well. A true rivalry. To knock you down and build you up over and over again in his image until you are the best version of yourself you can be. No one else could give you such a challenge, no one could mold you like him.
🌊 After all, Kismesissitude is not only about hatred. It's just as much about love as Matespritship, or Moirallegiance, or Auspisticism. It's just shown and felt in different ways! It's about seeing someone's flaws and recognizing them as both endearing and infuriating. It's about fire and passion and butting heads and coming together into an explosion of emotions and hatred and biting and ripping each other bare. Bared teeth, sharp claws, lethal tongues. And then, you make each other anew. Together. Forever. Or, at least, that's what Eridan had always wanted. Everyone left him eventually, though. He doesn't know if he could take more of the same, trusting someone and exposing the deepest parts of himself, his very soul, only to be abandoned again. Because of that, the Seadweller was just as scared of you as he was loathsome. And that only seemed to increase the possessive rage building up inside him…
💜 Eridan could be the perfect rival, you know? He would, he promised. You really think anyone else could challenge you like he could? Could loathe you like him? Preposterous! The idea was- it was laughable! Nobody but him understood you like him, knew you inside out, watched your every move, paid lackeys to spy on you and observe you and report back to give him every detail. You think anyone but him would be that dedicated to your relationship? Especially those land-dwellers? No. No, you needed- you deserved the best Kismesis Alternia had to offer. Why couldn't you see that? Why couldn't you accept his hatred? Why wouldn't you just hate him?!
🌊 At least, if you hated him back, even if only a little bit, it'd mean you cared. That you thought about him, enough to be annoyed by his eccentricities or disgusted by his attempts at genocide or angered at his pompous attitude. It would mean you thought about him. That in some way, you cared about him. Wanted him to get better. That's all Eridan wanted. He wanted you… He wanted you to be with him. He couldn't be alone any longer. Please, please just hate him. Be disgusted by him! Scream at him, please! He'd take anything. Anything to soothe the ache in his bloodpusher and the cold, hollow feeling in his acidsack.
💜 The Violetblood would keep those vulnerable feelings close to his chest, however, upon first kidnapping you. Or, rather, having you kidnapped. He had paid for your capture, of course, and planned on then immediately executing your captors for daring to touch you. But, when he saw the bruises and marks on your skin left by the vile thugs he'd hired, Eridan concluded that a torture session before their murder was necessary! He could do it in front of you, if you'd like? It'd be the perfect way to show how perfect a kismesis he is - only he was allowed to leave his mark on you! And you'd eagerly do the same to him, he hoped…
🌊 No matter what your reaction, it will only add fuel to the delusional fire within the Seadweller. Quiet, afraid, almost unresponsive? He'll coo to you condescendingly, telling you that he knew you were far too unprepared to last in the outside world. You would be taken advantage of by any other potential hate-mates. Only he could mold you into the perfect rival, one he'd take on the world together with. If you're angry and fight back, it'll only please Eridan more. You hated him! You hated him back, just as much as he did you! You cared about him, wanting to leave claw and bite marks and leave bruises on his skin, staking your claim as his Kismesis. He'd hold you as you writhed and squirmed in his arms, purring and pressing kisses to your skin even as you hissed and bared your teeth to him. Oh, his perfect Kismesis, so glad was he to finally have you in his arms. And he would never, ever let you leave. Not like the others. Never again.
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krankikankrivantas · 2 years
Hello how are you? i would like to Request headcanons for dirk, eridan and karkat (separate) with s/o who loves ocean and underwater things, they are passionate about marine life and their room has things like, a replica of poseidon's trident, a plush crab etc. . I know it's kind of vague sorry. you can do transmasc dirk i love the headcanno, also can i have the transmasc reader too or male please. please let me know if you can't place my Request some reason
Thank you so much for requesting this, I had a lot of fun writing it! Also, sorry if this is formatted weird- I’m still getting used to posting on here and haven’t figured out exactly how I want to format these
-Being trans himself, Dirk knows how terrible dysphoria can be so if something is making you dysphoric, he’s always there to comfort you- even if it’s over something seemingly minor
-Smuppet felt binders if you bind, he also makes sure you’re doing it safely
-Growing up surrounded by nothing but water, he likely had little interest in the ocean and marine life before he met you
-But seeing how passionate you are about marine life made him appreciate it more.
-Now when he sees the ocean, instead of the years he spent in isolation, he thinks of his boyfriend
-Hair gel and water don’t mix, so when you actually go into the water, Dirk watches from dry land
-Every cheesy romantic movie has a scene at an aquarium, so Karkat loves the idea of taking you to one on a date
-Also loves walking along the beach with you and pointing out any small creatures you two see
-He is (obviously) a huge fan of crabs and loves that you like them too
-this leads to him buying you a lot of crab themed gifts
-every time he sees the plush crab in your room, he smiles
-being a troll he doesn’t fully understand human gender stuff, but he’s no stranger to being uncomfortable in his own body
-so if you want to vent, or just stay in bed and watch Thresh Prince reruns all day when dysphoria becomes a bit too much, he’s always there for you
-because of how proud he is to be a sea-dweller, he loves that you know so much about the ocean and marine life
-even though he’s spent almost his entire life living on land, he starts to spend more time in the water because of you
-surprises you with literal sunken treasure as gifts
-because he hasn’t had the best luck with quadrants in the past, he does everything he can to make you know how happy he is to have you as his boyfriend/matesprit
-he loves taking turns talking about your interests-partially to show off his knowledge of war and history and also because he loves hearing you talk about something you’re so passionate about
-like Karkat, he might not fully understand dysphoria or what it’s like to be trans, but he’s always there to support you in any way he can
-he loves to put together masculine outfits for you and tells all of his friends how amazing his boyfriend/matesprit is pretty much constantly
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furbyfanat1c · 1 year
Eridan art for 4/11/23 were so close to 4/13!!:3
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beejebles · 2 years
Flush Crush - Eridan Ampora
“You know I can’t do that.” A sigh.
They run their fingers through his hair, a comforting gesture.
“i..” He cuts himself short, taking time to think.
“i don't understand why you can’t just lovve me..” A heavy pause, sorting out his mind.
“the way humans do. not.. not troll.. lovve.”
He finally looks up from his place, nestled in the arms of his flush crush. 
“We both know how I feel, Eridan.” A soft look.
“don’t.. don’t say that. please.”
His tears are heavy, and roll down fast. They land on the human's shirt, leaving light violet imprints. The faint stains will forever remind the two of this night.
“Shh.” The human brings him back to their chest. Cradles him again and sways slightly.
The gentle rocking does nothing to soothe his aching heart.
“am i” he splutters “not good enough?”
“Wh- Eridan.. Love, you will always be good enough. That isn’t the problem sweetheart.”
“it hurts when you call me that.”
His voice is small.
He shakes his head.
“Oh. Love.”
He shrinks down further, pulling his legs into a fetal position.
“wwhy won’t you be red for me?”
He peeks up at the human’s face, his eyes wide and glassy.
You can almost hear his heart wrenching.
He shakes as he releases a heavy sob, clinging onto their shirt.
“please, pleasepleasePLEASE.” His chest heaves as he forces down a cough.
“just givve me a chance.. i’ll treat you like none other-”
“Eri-””wwe can take wwalks, and i’ll brin’ fancy jewwels. you like those, yes? the crystals? i’ll brin’ you breakfast in bed- i’ll do all the laundry and wwe can get a dog and take it on our dates and you’ll smile at me and we can be healthy. together-”
“Eridan please.”
His ramblings have quieted down into faint mumbles.
“Eridan honey, you know it won’t happen. I’m sorry”
He looks up again, desperate. 
He shoots straight up, fast enough to catch the human off guard. 
He leans in for a kiss.
He stops.
“Eridan, that isn't.. Appropriate.”
He looks confused and dejected.
“i- please. please?”
He is visibly shaken, frantic for the opposite party to understand and return his feelings.
“please, i just want you. i want- NEED your affection.”
The human begins to shift in their place, separating themself from the troll in their lap.
“please- please?”
His anxious energy gets the best of him and he clings to the human’s shirt, even as they start to stand.
“Eridan, my sweet boy. I’m sorry but I think.. You need to sort out your feelings. And I..”
He waits for them to continue.
“I don’t think I can help you.”
The human detaches themself and turns to leave.
“wwait, wwait please!”
They look back before the door shuts, a sorry look on their face.
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homestuck-loving · 2 years
I have a request!! Either playing a horror game with Sollux or going to a haunted house with eridan/exploring an abandoned haunted house!! Thank u :D
We've come full circle, I'm answering a now 3 year old request during the Halloween season. Oh well, enjoy!
Going to a huanted house with Eridan!
-It’s going to take a lot of convincing to get Eridan into a haunted house. He claims “It’s not because I’m scared! They’re just a wwaste of my time!”
-Why would anyone find joy in getting yelled at in a dark room, Eridan wonders. Though he’s not accustomed to Earth holidays, he’s sure there are other events worth his while.
-He’d totally be into something corny like wearing matching scarves or watching some terrible movie.
-Eridan, however, is not immune to bribes. Promises of kisses, a new book, and you cleaning his house will get him to a haunt.
-The look of absolute shock once he sees how much a ticket costs. “40 dollars? Each!? I could go see Sollux and get just as scared for free!” Though he would take it as a chance to flex his wealth. Probably whips out a hundred dollar bill and tells them to keep the change.
-Once inside the haunt you would notice him fiddling with his rings, a nervous habit. The feeling of your hand around his would make his face flush a wonderful violet.
-If you got scared, he’d laugh at you. Prepare for many teasing remarks. Though if you tease him back he’ll get all pouty.
-He’s the type to swing at an actor when he gets scared which gets him promptly kicked out. Eridan will be sitting at the haunt’s security stand waiting for you to finish the attraction.
-Your original bribe will have to be doubled to make it up to him.
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
Can i please get some yandere moirail eridan hc’s please?
Pale!Yandere Eridan Headcanons
-Before he kidnaps you, he would make very forceful pale advances, such as telling you what you should do to be protected, and trying to calm you down if you're upset, even if you tell him to leave.
-Once he kidnaps you, his main reason would be because you wouldn't listen to what he told you to do, and he felt like you would get injured or cause more problems for yourself.
-It would likely be an almost completely one-sided relationship, even if you ended up getting a pale crush on him.
-That's because he would still have difficulty opening up with his feelings, though he still wants you to comfort him and understand what he's going through.
-He doesn't want to harm you, at least not physically, but he won't shy away from it if he thinks you are misbehaving or trying to escape.
-He's a very controlling moirail, he feels like he knows best for you, and he gets upset whenever you don't listen, even if it was just for something small.
-However, he is also a moirail who would cause many problems, and push you into a position where you feel obligated to calm him down. He would openly talk about his plans of genocide, and try to tell you about when he was going to do it, saying that he was doing it because you wouldn't reciprocate his advances.
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insertmesoftly · 2 years
Future Captain Eridan x Scribe Troll Reader
Post-Session. You didn't meet Eridan until you were both older, off the kid-planet and forced to work together on Eridan's ship. Eridan didn't pick you to be on his crew but you were 'assigned' as someone to keep an eye on his affairs, write it all down, and communicate back with higher ups. A historian/spy of sorts. You are meant to be involved as little as possible in his affairs; just to be a shadow unnoticed by most trolls, but Eridan keeps being nosy, annoying, and very concerned about how he's being written. So, to preserve his image, he keeps trying to 'sweeten' your perception of him.
You’ve been trained to show as little interest as possible/to never accept bribes by threat of a horrible death, so you’re pretty hard to get a reaction out of. What cracks your professional mask is the slow, pathetic build-up of Eridan's actual personality coming through. He was faking being professional (pretending to be on top of everything and suave to impress you), and the facade keeps cracking the more failures stack against him in his voyage. Ultimately, it culminates to you being able to see him as the sad, angry and overwhelmed troll he really is, given power too early and not being very good at believing in himself and his decisions anymore since what happened on SGrub.
There’s a night he explodes at his crew, locks himself in his quarters and begins to cry... then he notices the shadow in the corner scribbling along. And he’s had it. He has another breakdown, insulting you, denouncing the system. Then he targets his anger at himself.
He wonders out loud what you’ve been writing. 'The Ampora bloodline has failed yet again. It's provven itself to truly be fragile... wweak... undeservving of their blood. That’s all fine and dandy now, isn’t it? Better prepare myself for a culling wwhen wwe get back, right?'
The writing stops. Eridan doesn’t notice at first, but when he realizes he doesn’t hear it, he turns to where they were sitting. There’s only a note. He wipes his eyes and retrieves it. It was ripped from their journal. And it was full of wonderful things. Talking about his charisma, his level of detail, his marksmanship, his fearlessness, and sense of duty. He may have failed at a lot of things, but there were also moments of connection he had with his crew, really tying his best to make sure everyone did their jobs and even helping when his subordinates needed it. He’s an asset to his bloodline. The page crumples in his grasp.
Eridan picks himself back up after that night, ecstatic in the morning to keep going despite the harshness of his situation. He's a new troll. And as soon as he locks eyes again with you, he gives you a wink and you turn back to your writing, unphased. After giving his orders for the morning, he’s back at your side, leaning over your shoulder. He knows he can’t see what you’re writing but it’s fun to tease you with his proximity. Especially now that he knows it’s gone noticed by you.
'So, you DO find me charming?'
No response. His smile broadens and he leans closer than he has before, right in your ear.
'You havve quite a wway wwith wwords yourself.'
Your writing stops. He can feel your breathing hitch. You turned so he can’t see your face, but your ear is the hue of your color. You’re blushing. He makes a noise of contentment and leaves you be, brimming with new confidence and interest.
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dav3katz · 1 year
How about the Amporas, Leijons and Vantas’ with a reader who likes to play dating sims with them?
Eridan may act like this is stupid but truly it is something he’s grown to genuinely enjoy playing and it’s taught him how to be decent in terms of romance so that’s a plus. He really can’t stand the cheesiness of it all though.
Cronus kinda makes fun of the game a lot for how stupid it is but he actually has a fun time with it so 🤷‍♀️ and it’s very obvious he’s having a fun time despite him making fun of it
We all know karkat is a hopeless sap, so he loves these games especially when it’s with you lmao. Oh boy and if it’s a well written game, even better for him.
Kankri acts like this is childish and below him but he’s secretly a hopeless romantic and is low key having a fun time with it.
Nepeta LOVES it, probably the one that suggests you two play most of the time and it’s just become a bonding experience between you two.
Meulin likes it a lot, so you two play it very often. Has specific ones she likes to play with you over and over, but her favorites are typically really silly and stupid ones.
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hs-canons · 2 years
Any ideas for Eridan w a crossdressing male s/o? They can bond over how dumb and fake gender is lol
See he is an actual God of makeup so when he hears that you want him to do yours he is 100% down for it and as you too Bond over makeup and gender
You two can also get some dresses from kanaya that he actually has quite a bit of to let you borrow
All in all you to look dropped at gorgeous and you two talk about how stupid masculine the two of you then proceed to just chill and watch some movies (probably Shrek) cuddled up together
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maid-of-time-writes · 2 years
Hi! Love your writing, can I request something for Eridan if that's okay?? Maybe cuddling headcanons like you did for Jade or any other relationship headcanons whichever you prefer, ty<3
Hey! Thanks for reaching out to me!! I don’t rlly write for Eridan so this will def be a challenge which I’m super glad to do because I really wanna learn more about the trolls and how they work!! If you feel as though I wrote him a bit out of character or have any criticisms of how I portrayed him please don’t be afraid to point them out, I’m more than happy to learn how to properly write the trolls!
And for anyone else, please don’t be afraid to send asks, requests are super helpful for writing practice!
Eridan Ampora Cuddle Headcanon’s
* Holy shit this dude is so touch starved and he won’t admit it, he always boasts about how strong he is and that he doesn’t need a bit of affection but immediately melts whenever you two start cuddling.
* Like this dudes hive is literally a wrecked ship in the middle of the sea he is TOUCH STARVED OMG
* I feel like he would melt if you held his face in your hands, just a small thing I’d like to add before really getting into the cuddling
* He def likes to be both the big spoon and little spoon, he wants to know that your alright and that you’re in his arms and he can protect you but at the same time he wants to be reminded that there’s finally someone that will stay with him, that he won’t be alone anymore, that finally after all this time everything’s ok now
* The first few times you two cuddle you would be the one to initiate it, he would be super awkward about it because it’s all new and weird to him
* But slowly he understands how it works and he learns that it’s ok to ask you to cuddle and he would try to put up this false bravado while blushing intensely
* If you ever point out that he’s blushing while you two are cuddling he would try to deny it as much as possible, getting more angry and flustered and it’s super cute, but he’s not serious about any of the anger, he would never truly be angry at you!
* He doesn’t like to cuddle around other people, he’s too embarrassed about any PDA so you two typically cuddle in his room or something.
* If he’s comfortable enough he will rant about anything he’s genuinely interested in, ur probably sitting on his lap or something as he hugs you and talks about Alternia’s rich culture or something else.
* He feels really safe around you and feels super lucky to have someone like you <3
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