#Eris x platonic!reader
ellievickstar · 2 years
Friendly Monster (Azriel x Reader)
A/N: I love procrastination and I refuse to stop generating new ideas and going back to this one, let’s please my intrusive thoughts and make a fic based on my impulsive idea so this is Day 1 of my 300 followers week! 
Summary: An ACOTAR one shot that paints the life of Rhysan’s youngest sister.
Inspired by: Nothing I ended up scrapping the original inspiration
Request: N/A
Warnings: Angst, Beron Vanserra, Amarantha, mentions of Rhys’s trauma from under the mountain. Mentions of rape.  
Growing up with Rhysand and Cassian was a pain. You spent your time with Morrigan in the court of nightmares but when your brother and his friend visited, or vice versa, they were assholes. Rhys and Cassian were like any other pair of reckless, stupid, ignorant illyrian boys, even with hard training, they were still cocky and had egos the size of the entirety of Prythian. 
They constantly pushed and prodded at your buttons, you were frustrated with the constantly, however, you were never furious with them. Not even when Cassian slept with Mor. The one time you were truly furious with them was when they were making fun of Azriel for not being able to fly. 
Something about their lack of sympathy ticked you off, the scars of Azriel’s hands were a good indication of his situation before the Illyrian camps. You berated Rhysand whenever he laughed at Azriel’s meek attempts at flying and told them off constantly. 
And that was somehow home. 
During the war, you were kept away from prying eyes and Amarantha somehow never got wind of you. You never followed you older sister and mother to the Illyrian camps because you had been busy sorting out some issues with Keir with your father, something you would always regret. 
When they were slaughtered you were devastated and fell deeply sick, by the time you recovered you were fatherless and your only living relatives were Morrigan and Rhys. You sobbed into you brother’s arms as you grieved over the lost of your father, even though he was still emotionally abusive. 
You were so much younger then Rhys and that reality hit you hard as you witnessed your brother harden his demeanour in front of your eyes, in front of others he became cold and distant. In a way, you also mourned the loss of your brother. 
That’s when the day of Rhysand’s party he threw for Amarantha came. 
Your first mistake was following Rhysand to that party. 
Your second mistake was not running. 
You last mistake was coming out of hiding. 
You screamed when you realised that Amarantha had taken control of your brother. Amarantha giggled and the sound made you want to throw up. You reached out to your brother’s mind, devastated as you realised that Amarantha had made him shut you out. 
He glanced at you once, the mask he wore cracking as he seemed to try to communicate the words that he would never be able to openly express for th next fifty years. I’m sorry. 
Tears streamed down your face as you watched your brother change again, as he became the swaggering, arrogant, loyal servant to the one woman you begun to despise. You watched for fifty years as she dragged him to her bedroom and used him in ways that you couldn’t begin to imagine. Every Starfall you were forced to entertain Amarantha’s goons, every Starfall another heart break, and maybe that changed you too. 
The worse was when you were gifted to the oldest son of the Autumn Court one night when Rhysand broke the rules. You whipped your head to your brother as you were dragged away by Eris, you screamed and screamed, pleading for him to do something, but he stayed rooted to the ground and watched. 
You remembered the fear that overwhelmed you as Eris snarled at you to shut up. You remember the opening of the door as you were lifted bridal style once you calmed down. You remember that he told you to start screaming and crying again. You remember screaming your throat raw until you felt like you were going to pass out. You remember the feeling of arms wrapping around you as you were placed into a warm bath. You remember Eris murmuring in your ear, trying to comfort you. You remember falling asleep. 
It was only at the end of those fifty years were you able to explain everything to Rhysand, he thanked Eris in private and you hugged the red-headed male who had grown to love you like a brother as well. He made you swear to tell him if anyone hurt you so he could burn them alive himself. That made you laugh, but you weren’t sure if he was serious. 
You stayed under the mountain as you ensured that everyone could leave. That was when Tarquin approached you. 
“I know your not that much older then me, any tips to get all the old bastard’s respects,” He tried. You were startled at the words he used, breaking into a smile as you began to share some of your experiences with the High Lords. How you visited Kallias after the attack and made sure that he understood that it was Amarantha’s fault, how you protected Thesan’s lover when Amarantha tried to ask why he never slept with any women — though it may have also been because he wasn’t attracted t any of them — you even shared how Eris helped you all those years ago. 
Tarquin listened intently to your stories before you finally bid him goodbye and winnowed to the moonstone palace. There, you found Rhys on the floor having a full blown freak out while Mor was trying to comfort him without laughing. 
You soon understood the situation, you wanted to smack Rhys’s head when you found out about the bargain, and you wanted to throttle him for deciding that he would not tell Feyre about the bond. After his — comical to say the least— freak out, you winnowed to the House of Wind and was immediately greeted with huge arms wrapping around you as you were spun around. Cassian cheered as he practically shouted to the whole of Velaris that you had returned home. 
Azriel smiled and you opened your arms, he rolled his eyes as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, you shrieked, pounding on his back while Rhys just pointed a certain finger st you when you cussed at him when he refused to help you. 
When Azriel finally put you down, you spent the rest of the night with your family, sharing the time under the mountain. Though it wasn’t great, you all cried together and that was important. Mor was astounded to hear of Eris’s change of character and considered that maybe the bastard could change after all. 
Once everyone was tired, you waved goodbye to everyone as they retired to their rooms for the night. You helped Nuala and Cerridwen and bid them good night before approaching Azriel’s room. 
Pushing the door open, you were met with Azriel’s hazel eyes as he closed the door. You sighed as you collapsed, tired, into his arms and he held you quietly against his warm body. You sighed, content to stay there the rest of the night. 
“Your brother would kill me if he knew about us,” Azriel suddenly said. You looked up and realised that you had been screaming your thoughts down the bond. “We found out just before I went under the mountain, give him some time to adjust the the good things then we’ll tell him after I finally accept the bond,” You said simply. 
And there was your secret. Azriel was your mate. You had found out a few days before Rhys’s party, you had planned on accepting the bond, but you never had the chance to. You had wondered if Azriel had waited for you, if he would have moved on… 
Azriel rubbed a thumb against you palm, snapping you out of your thoughts, mumbling that your think too much. 
“I could never replace you, you would be the only one who could love a monster like me,” He grumbled and shifted you to lie down next to him as he snaked an arm around your abdomen. Though he had said that in good light, you knew that deep down he meant it. Your heart broke a little and you turned to face him. 
“You might think that your a monster, but you’re mine,” You hummed as you traced circles against his cheek. “My friendly monster,” You giggled and he chuckled. The sound reverberated against the walls of the room, and everything seemed to finally be at peace. 
~*~*~*~*~ Taglist: ask me if you want to be tagged! tag list: @moonfawnx @bankerfrog @younxii @hideing@flightlesslittlebirdie  @menagerofmischief @famousbasementpainter @owllover123  @gigisssz  @cityofidek  @aetherl0l @judig92
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qwimblenorrisstan · 23 days
Insufficient Pt. 3 | Azriel/Eris x Reader
Summary: Your journey to Autumn Court doesn’t go exactly as planned, but you do pick up some entertaining company along the way, who also happens to be useful in getting you where you need to go.
Word Count: ~ 3.5k
Warnings: horse getting a bit scratched up, big scary monsters, rock juggling, allusions to abuse, platonic!lucien & reader, sassy luci, knife, blood
A/N: y’all I’m so sorry this is so late…school just started and I’ve also just started writing for cod too since I’ve been obsessing over it, so here’s some food for you guys, eat up<3
Requests are open!
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As it turned out, traveling was a lot more difficult than you had originally thought.
It wasn’t just getting on a horse and riding until night, starting a fire, and all that. Sure, you’d been around for a decent amount of time for a Fae, nothing close to centuries, but you still didn’t have much knowledge on things like that.
Most of your life had simply been with your family in the family home, spent in a warm house with plenty of food and water to spare. Not many hardships, nothing.
The first night you’d gone out had been rough.
Riding a horse for nearly six hours straight had made your thighs ache more than ever before, feeling as if someone had just beaten them with a rolling pin. Not to mention the fact that you hadn’t been able to get a decent fire going, so you’d eaten some cold dried meat in your pack, and curled up in a small den that was deserted by whatever animal had made it.
You were only on your second night when things already began going wrong. The woods were thick from where you were skirting the borders, tangy magic thick in the air from the protections most High Lords kept over their courts after Amarantha’s reign of terror. Your horse was tiring, sweat coating her mane, and your beads of sweat gathered on your forehead despite the chill of the night.
You slowly pulled the reigns back, slowing her to a stop when you got to a small clearing, before throwing a leg over and slipping off. Your knees nearly buckled when your feet hit the ground, sparks of pain flitting through them before fading slowly. The horse huffed, following as you led her by the reigns over to a little wall of stone in a mountain, a little roof provided by an overlook above. It looked relatively untouched.
Unbuckling the clasps and setting the mare free, though she never wandered far, somehow knowing better, you put the bridle down close to you.
Too tired to eat, you scooted backward, sitting slowly down as you resisted a groan with how your legs ached. Your eyelids felt heavy, and your body and movements were sluggish. Before you could even get a single coherent thought through your brain, you slipped into a deep sleep.
What must’ve been hours later, or at least felt like it, you drowsily opened your eyes when you heard the nervous nicker of your horse. Dark, splotchy figures stood nearly twenty feet away, concealed barely by trees. Maybe three of them.
They whispered and muttered quietly amongst themselves, sometimes in a language you couldn’t understand, other little English words snagging your mind. Inhuman eyes, two of them each, shifted your direction, and your eyes shut immediately.
Playing dead.
They must’ve bought it since they went back to their hushed whispers. Your mind, now fully alert and panicking, tried making sense of it. Maybe they were other travelers, like you? But outside of any court? They had looked at least 8 feet tall, thin, and cloaked in black that only served to remind you of the very male you were running from.
You heard your mare nicker again before a hoarse cry came out of it, and a scuffling sound. Your eyes opened almost involuntarily, being given a front-row view of the creatures, whatever they were, and their bony hands as they reached towards the poor animal, trying to drag it towards them as their shadowy maws opened. Whispers turned more excited.
Your body was frozen between shock and terror as you watched one of them grab the horse’s front legs, then back legs, both in different hands and begin pulling.
The horse cried out.
The hands pulled.
A disgusting ripping sound, but not from the horse.
From your dagger, embedded in one of the thing’s shadowy hands that were somehow physical, ripping the skin and flesh.
It hissed, dropping the horse, but the wound you’d made on it closed immediately as it flicked your dagger away.
You were at the horse’s side in less than a second, for some reason in a defensive position, lip curling to bare canines at the things. As you looked at the largest one dead in its cold eyes, a realization dawned on you.
These things were skinwalkers.
It should’ve been obvious to you from the start. The dark but physical body, the dead, shining eyes, the giant frame, and clawed hands. It was then that you had another realization.
Skinwalkers didn’t eat horses. In fact, according to an old mythology book your grandmother had owned, they only ate humans. Then why-?
“A fine catch we’ve gotten ourselves..”
It said, tone between a hiss and a purr at the same time, mingling in a sound that made every cell in your body want to run and never look back. If a direct stab hadn’t done anything to kill or even harm it, then what would it take to kill one, if not the three to four that were in the group?
“Not very clever,”
One hissed in a hushed tone, and another peered down at you, dead eyes hungry.
“I told you it would work. They’re always so attached to those little animals..”
Another whispered, poking the horse, now cowering against the stone, looking for an opening to run although there was none. It pawed at the ground, stomping and huffing as if it would help.
A trap. It had been a trap, and you’d been stupid enough to fall for it. Of course.
“Get on with it, I'm starving.”
The last of the group hissed, jabbing the largest one with a pointed finger. The largest one bared its perfectly midnight black teeth and stalked closer to you. Backing up, you spotted a flash of movement to the very left, behind the group of skinwalkers.
Too fast to be a human or animal. Too slow to be another skinwalker. Which meant either it was Fae, or another creature waiting its turn to eat you, and you were praying for the former.
Between a few trees, a small face came into view, along with golden orange hair, a scarred face, a mechanical eye, and dark clothing. You tried not to stare, so the creatures wouldn’t notice him.
“It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to smell their fear, let me have a moment-“
The biggest spat, and they then began bickering in their unearthly tones, creating a temporary way of distraction. The male in the trees jerked his head towards your right, and you gave a confused face, turning to your right. All it was was a pile of big rocks. He sighed silently, mouthing something to you.
You couldn’t lip-read for the life of you.
After asking “What?” silently three times in a row, you finally understood what he was saying.
“Distract them.” He mouthed, clearly agitated as he frowned, giving you a judgmental look. Sassy for a male, this one was.
The creatures seemed quite distracted amongst themselves at the moment, but you knew once that ended, everything would be over for you. You needed a distraction, and their hushed whispers were getting less frenzied, quieter, and slower. They agreed on something.
Your mind rushed to find something, anything and thought back to the pile of rocks the male had originally jerked his chin to.
You slowly moved towards it, eventually reaching it, before the creatures came to a final consensus.
“No, no, you don’t get to escape.” One hissed through its teeth as it grabbed the back of your shirt, dragging you back in front of the largest one, but instead of slaughtering you, they were left dumbfounded when you began throwing rocks up in the air, catching them, and throwing them again.
Juggling. You were juggling the rocks.
“What is it doing?”
The smallest asked the largest in a slightly concerned whisper, or as concerned as a skinwalker could be, and the giant shadowy figure only silently watched.
“Is it diseased?”
A second asked in a hushed whisper, poking at you with a finger, only for you to yelp and hop away on one foot, unable to regain your balance while continuing to juggle the rocks, meaning you were now constantly hopping on one foot.
Juggling was a trick you’d originally learned to impress some of your younger cousins and nephews and whatnot, and mostly forgotten, but it had somehow kicked back into you at the last moment.
Eventually, though, they continued poking at you, and you dropped a rock on one’s finger, before deciding to fully commit and hurling the two remaining ones at the shadowy beasts while falling flat on your ass.
They hissed, swatting them away, but only getting halfway through the motion before a giant blaze of flame consumed them, trapping them in a burst of golden light, and then they were just…gone.
Not even a pile of ashes, no bones, no remains, nothing.
However, the male from earlier was there, walking through the now-black grass, offering you a hand while giving you an odd look. You took it, and he sighed, offering his name. It sounded mildly familiar, probably because you’d heard snippets of the bond between him and Elain before, but it was a topic most people avoided in Night Court. His hair meant he was Autumn Court, no doubt.
He said simply, and you swallowed, immediately going to your horse’s side and checking her.
You replied, hands smoothing over your horse’s coat, trying to soothe the spooked animal as it nervously nickered and scraped its hooves against the ground, bringing up dirt.
“That was certainly one way of…distracting them.”
He said in a tone that barely held back that he thought you were insane, but also mildly entertaining.
“You looked at the rocks, didn’t you?”
You said, giving him a scowl, and he paused a moment, raising a brow, before shaking his head.
“I meant for you to go pull some out to unwedge the boulder up there to flatten them.”
He said, sass evident in his dry tone. You paused, glancing up at where you’d been trapped, and sure enough, there was a giant boulder above some of the rocks you’d used to juggle. Embarrassment heated your cheeks as you swallowed, eyes shifting back to your horse.
He snorted at the reply, rather undignified for a pretty boy such as himself, shaking his head, before walking over to your horse as well and assisting in checking her.
“Only a few little nicks, nothing terrible.”
He said, and you gave him a look.
“A few nicks is terrible. Imagine if you were a horse and you had a few nicks.”
You replied, scowling once again at him, getting quite protective over the horse that technically wasn’t even yours. You’d only just stolen her a few days ago.
He gave you a flat gaze, before blinking.
“I do have a few nicks.”
A few seconds passed in silence, before he pursed his lips, sighed through his nostrils, and tapped the scar on his face with one finger.
“Ohh….. That is not what I meant.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t.”
“Shut up.”
“I just saved your life and this is how you’re thanking me?”
“I’m starting to wish you hadn’t.”
An exasperated sigh from him again, as those seemed to be his favorite form of expression.
“Why are you even out here?”
“Why are you out here?”
He gave you an annoyed look, something akin to almost a pout on his lips.
“I’m an emissary. It’s my job to travel between courts.”
You raised a brow, hand running over your horse’s dark coat.
“Why by foot when you can easily winnow? Going by foot outside of the court’s boundaries at that.”
More annoyance crossed his features before his hand went to rub the bridge of his nose.
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“So are you.”
“Just answer this, where are you going?”
You took a moment of pause, trying to consider whether Lucien was a man to be trusted, looking him up and down. When he raised a brow, you considered it a sure.
“Autumn Court.”
A well-covered-up sour look crossed his face.
“Why there, of all places?”
“I have people there I want to see, and other people I don’t want seeing me. So I’m going to Autumn Court. Using this way.”
He looked at you like you were stupid. You were not stupid.
“And you’re still taking this way?”
“After almost being devoured by skinwalkers?”
He frowned, hand going to run through his russet locks as he looked to be thinking.
“I could take you there, I suppose. We’ll still have to travel by foot, seeing as I used all my magic saving you.”
A slightly dirty look in your direction for him having to have used all of his magic just to save your sorry ass. You only gave a little frown, and a reluctant sigh as if you’d accept the offer. And you would. It wasn’t like you had any other choice, but if he was going to be all snarky about it, you would match it.
“Guess we’ve got a new travel buddy.”
You muttered to your horse, patting it on the head.
Your new travel buddy was surprisingly useful, as it turns out. He’d taught you how to forage, what was poisonous and what wasn’t, and what mushrooms you could eat if cooking them well enough (you brought home deadly mushrooms 90% of the time but you looked so happy when he said “good job” that he pretended they were normal and exchanged them for edible ones when you weren’t looking).
You were not meant for hunting, your arm was too unsteady to hold a bow well, fingers kept slipping off the string, the arrow wouldn’t stay straight…it was a mess. Your knife usage wasn’t much better, but you at least got one rabbit over nearly four days.
He hadn’t shared much with you other than his name, but you’d gathered that he was a Vanserra, Emissary for Night Court, and he was always talking about some band of friends named Vassa and Jurian. When you asked, he wouldn’t elaborate. Something about a Band of Outcasts.
He helped make the fire with his magic, and passed out at night, going into a deep sleep to recover what he’d spent of his energy that day, leaving you with the first watch.
Not many incidents occurred after the skinwalker one, but more than once you’d heard twigs snapping when they shouldn’t be, or bushes and leaves rustling. That was usually when you started adding more logs and thatch to the fire, and the noises quickly stopped after that.
You shared the food and drink with him, and he gratefully took it, most of the time both of you eating and discussing childhood meals you’d had to pass the time.
“My mother used to make the spiciest chili I’ve ever had, I couldn’t get it down without crying.”
“Seriously? Isn’t she like, a High Lady, though?”
“She might be a High Lady, but she’s a mean cook, and has a concerning tolerance for spice.”
“Damn. My grandparents make dishes all the time. Potato or tomato soups…lots of soups, but sometimes they’ll make this delicious curry, too.”
“Is the potato soup not bland?”
“No, they like…sauté onions and add salts and peppers, all that. It’s delicious.”
“Maybe I’ll get potato soup someday, just to try it.”
You had given a crooked grin at that, one he couldn’t help but smile at. You reminded him a lot of his younger brothers when they’d still been mere teenagers, except you were older, but still seemingly just as carefree and young at heart.
Your horse was carefree as well, mainly in the manner she didn’t care about anything you told her to do.
“Just lift your foot, it’s not that hard.”
You seethed, trying to pull her hoof up to pick whatever dirt and rocks had gotten into it out, so she didn’t get any sort of infection or injuries from it. However, she huffed and refused to do so much as to bend her knees. Stubborn thing.
Lucien strolled over, dropping a pile of gathered wood before observing the scene before him. He took the sharpened stick you were trying to use as a hoof-pick right out of your hands, and with the most feline ease you'd ever seen before, easily got the mare to lift her hoof, and he cleaned it out.
You stared, blinking, internally furious. He smirked lazily as he glanced over at you. The horse huffed again, this time more relaxed, and he looked a bit more curious then.
“What’s her name?”
Your mind blanked on that, you standing there silently like an idiot, before replying.
“I never really named her, considering I’m immortal and she’s going to die someday. Thought it would be better not to get attached.”
A lie. Not a full lie, but you’d really just forgotten to name her, and accidentally gotten attached along the way. Lucien raised a brow.
“You seemed awful attached when you attacked an eight-foot-tall-“
He rolled his eyes, but obeyed, moving on to another hoof to clean.
“You should name her. Might make her listen to you better?”
He suggested, and you sighed.
“I don’t even know what to name her. I’m not great with naming things. One of the many reasons I’m never having kids.”
His lips twitched into a small smile at that, but quickly faded into a more thoughtful, deep expression, as if thinking hard about something.
A silence passed over you both as he worked, and you idly watched, toying with your hair, not sure and also not very willing to do anything else. He eventually spoke up when he finished cleaning out her hooves, looking the horse over. Her little nicks had been patched up by you and him days ago.
“Name her Jesmind.”
“Okay…any particular reason why?”
He shook his head at that, as if not going to talk about it any further.
“She just…reminds me of someone, is all.”
You raised a brow but didn’t push. Not when he went to go walk out into the woods, and you walked over to your dark mare, brushing your hand over her muzzle and looking into her defiant eyes.
“Jesmind, huh?”
You mused, testing how the name sounded on your tongue.
“Blink twice if you think it should be your name.”
The horse just watched, blinking once slowly, and when you made a flicking motion with your fingers, it blinked again, looking annoyed.
“Yeah, it’s perfect. Confirmed by the horse herself.”
You said, grinning to nobody in particular as you began walking away, trying to find Lucien, only to almost fall face first off of a cliff edge. One hand grabbed the back of the jacket you were now wearing, pulling you back up.
“We’re here.”
He spoke grimly. This place, Autumn Court, didn’t hold fond memories for him. You could tell. And from what you’d seen and heard of his family and court…you wouldn’t be surprised if they’d done awful things to him. There was a reason he’d run from here so many years ago, after all.
“How am I going to get down there?”
You asked, looking down the large cliff. It was too steep for Jesmind to go down, even trying to go on the sides of it wouldn’t work.
“I’ll winnow you both,”
He said all too casually. You blinked slowly, turning to him.
“I thought you couldn’t winnow, that you needed to regenerate your magic.”
He gave you an amused smile.
“I had more than enough magic to winnow you and your mare the first time we met.”
Your fury slowly began to rise as you gaped at this male in front of you.
“Then why-“
“I was bored, and you seemed like entertaining company.”
Before you could even muster a reply, he gave you a pat on the back, walking back to camp and returning with your horse in one hand and your things in another. He handed you your bag, which you slung around your shoulder, and you took the reigns of Jesmind.
“Will I see you again?”
You asked, and he gave a lazy, but genuine smile this time.
“I’ll never stop annoying you, don’t worry.”
You huffed a bit of laughter.
“That’s a relief.”
His hand went to your shoulder again, and the tangy iron scent of magic hit you once again like it had in the very beginning days of the journey.
“A word of warning,”
He then said, voice now serious.
“Stay out of trouble, and stay away from my brothers. The High Fae of Autumn are not people you want to get caught up with.”
You gave a nod, and in a flash of golden light and fire like a rising sun, you were then in the bustling streets of a city, no Lucien in sight, looking more than a little ghetto.
A horse in one hand, bag hanging from the other, wearing clothes that were best described as hunting clothes rather than the proper clothing most wore, you began walking, the sun so bright and heavy that you could barely see.
Jesmind nickered, pulling to the side of the street.
Just quick enough for you to walk straight into the chest of none other than Eris Vanserra.
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shallyouobeyme · 11 months
Platonic!Yandere Vampire ErasterMic!Family x Toddler!Reader (GN)
Summary: Upon a hill over a small town stands a castle. It's vampiric inhabitants get a sacrifice every generation, but one year, they find a little child bundled up in a blanket at their door.
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Sacrificing a child (you), mention of mugging, fighting, attacks, murder + torture (not descriptive and not towards reader), vampires, being turned into a vampire, illness, dark content, I do not condone this - this is all just fantasy
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There was a custom in a small town lying in the valley under a hill which adorned the horizon along with the great castle standing on top of it unshakable, permanent, unaging - just like its inhabitants. There were legends going through generations of people living in the castle's shadow. According to them, the castle housed four very specific, mythical creatures. A man of shadows who could only be seen in the night and whose sight was said to be linked with an imminent death. A banshee who could act like a siren and lure you in, only to them scream with the voices of all the souls who have lost their lives because of him. An undead boy who could make you see things, hear things, do things, which would shake any living thing to their core. And at the last, a girl pale as a sheet, with hair white as snow - a ghost, said to be one of their former victims (according to some even their first), who was hunting the castle to warn others who'd share her fate and remind the creatures who had caused her death of their rotten soul.
Along with the legends and myths, the custom developed as well - it came from a place of fear and dread, from a time when deaths rid the town of most of its people and the only cause they could discern was that they had attracted the anger of their mythical watchers - and now it was common practice for every generation to chose a sacrifice to bring to the gates of the castle to gratify the rage of it's owners. Usually, it would be one of the elderly who volunteered themselves, knowing that they had not long to live and wanting to see what all the legends were about at least once in their life. Because except for the sacrificial rite no one was allowed to climb the hill to the castle.
By the time the most unusual and determinative sacrifice happened, the medics of the town had realized that the deaths they had in the past blamed on the creatures were caused by natural reasons - most crucial, the plague. But still, the custom stayed, because why would they change the habit that had kept the townspeople safe for all these years? There was just one thing that was different by that time - it had probably been the result of more health and people having fewer children - but for the first time in generations, there were no elderly who were close to dying, all the elderly who were around were still healthy and fit. And so, one family offered to make the ultimate sacrifice, as they had a young child of only a few years of age who they'd be bringing to the gates. The child was old enough to walk and talk, but not old enough to understand what was happening. And furthermore, the child was ill and sickly. They had been born with their ailment and the doctors saw no possibility of betterment, giving them only a few more years of life before the ailment would take them.
And so it was decided for the best all to lose their child in exchange for the happiness of all the other children they would have and that were living around them. On the night of the summer solstice, their parents put the child into warm clothes and carry their sleeping form up the hill. They knew that the least they needed to do was bring them away together and spend their last moments on this earth as a family. When they arrived at the gate, they rolled their child in a blanket and laid her down in front of it, before the father took the mother's hand and used the knocker that would never work from that distance at any other house. The parents gave their child one last kiss and then solemnly made their way back down the hill to their lives.
On the opposite side of the gate were a family at dinner - or at least as similar to dinner as it was possible for this family. They were sitting around a table with chalices before them, filled with dark, red, liquid that some might assume to be wine. It was not. The family had been living in the castle for centuries. And it was not the fathers and mothers of the people living in it now, no, it had been the exact same people as were sitting around the table now, unchanged like the building they were living in. Unlike what the townspeople assumed, the family of vampires had no interest in ending the lives of the people below them, they had long since switched to an animal-based diet. Still, they also had no interest in stopping their little habit of sacrifices, because it kept them unbothered, and kept the people of the town just afraid enough to not dare enter their homes. And since the sacrificial humans were usually already smelling of death, they had no issue putting them out of their misery - giving the old humans the happiness of letting them know what they had been wondering about for their entire lives.
As the family was talking about the latest news and interests that had been going on in their very exclusive, very secretive society of vampiric creatures spread around the entire world, Aizawa looked out of the window and sighed. He wondered about how fast the last 25 years had passed, but stood up and went out to the gate nonetheless. He wondered a little bit about the unusual breathing and heartbeat pattern heard coming from the human. It had been centuries since he had bothered with visiting or listening to other humans so while his ears were as good as ever, he had some difficulties distinguishing between the differences in them just based on their sounds and smells. So he assumed that this human was just weaker than usual.
All this led to all the more of a surprise when he opened the gate and found not an elderly human looking to find their end for the greater good, but instead a little bundled-up child. You - looking slightly younger than their own daughter had been when she was turned by a nefarious vampire looking to extend their clan - looked so weak, so frail, and as Aizawa looked at you, for the first time in centuries he was reminded of his own time as a mortal. Back then he and Yamada had to hide their love, their romance forbidden for multiple reasons. Not only were they both men, no they were also part of opposite sides of a war, though on the nights when they both sneaked away to spend their time embraced without having to worry about the rest of the world, they spent their time dreaming of having a life together, living without fear and most importantly, taking care of a little life of their own. A child. And when they had been turned, that dream had been mostly fulfilled.
Now they were powerful enough to live without fear together and a few decades later they stumbled upon a dying boy - a mugger who had stolen from them earlier, but as they hunted him down to get their stuff back they found him giving away the stolen goods to the children living in the street without a way to make their own way of survival. When he had also thrown himself in the way of a fight that had escalated and an attack meant for Yamada, it had been clear to them they could not leave him to die. And so they turned him and gained their son. And while they loved him as if he was their own - he was in a sense, the bond forged by turning someone almost as strong as the bond of blood mortals had - he had still already been a young adult when they had 'adopted' him.
Their gaining Eri for their family had been similar. She had already been a vampire for years when they had saved her and while she still looked the part of a young child, she had already been mindful and conscious of things a child would never be, she was a teenager or even an adult trapped in the body of a child.
So when Aizawa looked down at you, he saw this dream of theirs, the dream of raising a child of their own, and he saw the possibility of that now happening. When he brought you back in it was safe to say that his idea was taken in with a lot of enthusiasm, Yamada taking you out of Aizawa's arms and cuddling you close to him - so very happy to have a little you like you so close to him. Oh, how adorable you were, how precious - it was like he finally found what he was waiting for all of his immortal life. Eri was over the moon as well, stating that she had always wanted to be a big sister, that she'd do her best to make sure you'd grow up safe and surrounded by love, and that she wouldn't let anything harm you.
Shinsou was the one who stated something that the rest of the family had forgotten to think about through their joy. Someone had sacrificed you to them, had left you to what they thought to be a soon and possibly painful death. Shinsou's eyes were filled with rage, infectious rage and bloodlust that he hadn't felt since he'd been turned first, as he thought about how someone could leave such a little, weak thing as you to your death knowingly. And so, you were left with Yamada who was not quite ready to let go of you yet, and Eri who insisted on you getting a room near hers (even though you'd spent your next years sleeping in your new parent's bed) and to be there when you awoke to keep you calm in your new surrounded.
While they were already planning your new life, Aizawa and Shinsou made their way down that hill for the first time in a long while, with fire and fury in their steps, knowing that they'd leave no one alive - all of the townspeople at fault for letting you be sacrificed in their eyes. They had only had you with them for less than a day, but one look at you cuddling into Aizawa and Yamadas was enough to have them put you into their hearts and they'd bring hell before letting you go again. So no matter if young or old, male or female or in between, sick or healthy, every single mortal in that town paid their due that day, most of all your own parents whom they recognized by their smell and made suffer for as long as they could before they felt like they needed to see you again to make sure you were doing okay and ended your families misery.
It was clear that your life would be very different from now on, you would be coddled and loved, spoiled and protected. You were still so young that you didn't really worry about the fact that there were these strange people calling themselves your daddies and siblings for longer than a month or two, after that, you accepted your new situation. You enjoyed the attention, loved playing with Eri, dressing up with Yamada, taking naps with Aizawa and getting told stories by Shinsou. Your new life was happy and joyful and you didn't even notice how protective and obsessive your new family was. Leaving the castle wasn't an option anymore - which you didn't worry about too much given how big the castle felt to you - and neither was being alone. There was always one of them with you unless you were sleeping, and even then someone was close to you, close enough to race to you when they heard the difference in breathing patterns of you waking up.
Upon multiple protective measures, it was Shinsou who took it into his hands to tell you stories that made you scared of being alone and leaving the safety of your home - it hurt him to see you so scared, but the feeling of having you run into his arms for comfort when you were afraid of a shadow outside of the window, made it all worth it. Only once you started seeing evil in anything outside and started fearing things around you once you were alone did he tone it down a bit, knowing that he would not have to worry about you leaving them for the time being. His parents had claimed that it wasn't necessary since someone was with you at all times, but they didn't intervene when he started so he assumed they were fine with it.
Aizawa and Yamada loved having your young innocent around them, it reminded them that there was still goodness left in the world, but they still decided that they would not turn you until you were old enough to agree to it. They couldn't promise that they'd listen to you even if you didn't agree - already knowing that they could never let you go - but they at least wanted you to have the opportunity to feel like you made the choice on your own.
Of course, there was still your illness. Your family had many connections in the world thanks to their community of vampiric friends so they had access to the top medication and the best doctors and you got all of that. Everything to make sure you were as healthy as possible and relieved of any pain. The only thing that might change the way they had decided your turning would go would be if your condition worsened if there was no chance of healing anymore. Then, turning you would be an immediate reaction. And who knows, maybe them having you being their little toddler for the rest of eternity - never growing and being coddled by them to make sure you stay as innocent as you are now - was the best thing that could happen to you since they had found you at their gate.
N/A: Thank you to @dumpster-dive-reading for the inspiration behind this and thank you all for reading this. If you enjoyed it I'd love to read your thoughts. Tomorrow's entry for Yandere Writetober is going to be 'dagger' and let's just say while I'm not sure yet, I have a very mischievous character in mind for this. See you then ❤️
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serendipitous-girl · 2 months
𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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⊱✿⊰ summary: general headcanons with eri and a big sister reader
⊱✿⊰ warnings: ig bullying sorta plus mentions of menstruation, but this is gonna be super fluffy TRUST
⊱✿⊰ notes: this is so cute and i love it so much and yes. Requested by @actuallyacerrr
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❀ Eri looks up to you as a role model. You are her inspiration and leader in her brain. If you like something so does she. If you don't like something neither does she. Of course as she gets older she starts gaining her own opinions but she forever sees you as someone to lean on.
❀ you two do more feminine things like getting your nails done or shopping for clothes. Aizawa does not want or know how to do any of that and everybody else she is close to is a guy. So you help make sure she gets to experience girl stuff.
❀ in that same vein, you teach Eri about menstruation and girl health. Oh and you teach her about girl code, and like "girl world"
❀ you are so protective when it comes to Eri. When she came home crying because people made fun of her you immediately made sure to get some revenge.
❀ if you are in class 1a she begs you to take her with you all the time so she can see what its like. Mentioning you being a role model, she often says "I wanna be a hero just like [name] when I'm older!"
❀ she goes to you whenever she's sad or hurt. Like she goes to you first, since she trusts you the most. She'll cry in your arms after a bad day at school and sleepover in your dorm after having a bad dream.
❀ again if you are in class 1a you and the 1a girls plus eri all have mega sleepovers. Movie marathon, lots of snacks, fashion shows. Like it is insane but also super duper fun.
❀ I also feel like you were one of the first people she trusted when they were trying to help her control her quirk. She lets you practice with her and help her control it so she knows how to use it.
❀ even if you don't become a hero in the future, Eri will consider you her hero. Once she is a pro in interviews she always says you as one of her inspirations. You truly had an amazing impact on her
❀ Eri and you never lose your close bond even as she gets older. You guys are sort of like best friends, although of course its even better since you're sisters.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
If it’s not too much trouble, could you do a platonic team star x team star member!reader who became a dragon type specialist squad leader and joined because they got bullied for being a fan of other famous dragon type users like Lance and Raihan?
(Sorry if this is too specific)
Oh no worries, I like specific so it's all good!
"I'm gonna be just like them one day.." Sighing dreamily, you sat down at the cafeteria table, watching a video on your rotomphone while chowing down breakfast.
It was footage of a fierce Pokémon battle in Galar--a showdown between two of your idols, who were among the most famous dragon trainers of all time: Lance and Raihan.
Of course, you looked up to many other dragon type users in Paldea, but these two in particular kickstarted your dreams of becoming one yourself, inspired by their interviews and fierce determination.
You also hoped to meet them and have a battle, although that was a little too farfetched for you right now..
Yet you didn't let that discourage you from forming your own dragon team, using your studies at Uva/Naranja Academy to teach them all the best moves and remember type matchups.
Tatsugiri was your main partner, and when combined with your Dondozo..it was an absolute powerhouse in double-battles--albeit this academy usually focused on the traditional single battles.
You were also currently raising a Drakalok, Cyclizar, Arctibax, and Sliggoo, and you cherished all of them dearly. Tatsugiri was a bit of an attention hog at times, though, and always wanted to stay out of its ball and on your shoulder.
You didn't mind it, of course. Whether you're heading to class or to a tournament where dragon trainers were going to participate, you always went together.
Life was perfect.
Except for-
"Still prattling on about being the next famous dragon gym leader, huh?"
-one of your bullies already ruining your day before it could even begin.
For some reason..a few kids at the academy really had it out for you simply because you admired famous dragon trainers. You didn't think there was anything wrong with looking up to your idols. But apparently they thought you were being too "obnoxious" about it and sought to make your life utterly miserable.
It only got worse when you spoke up about it to a teacher, as that bully got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist--that being to train their Pokémon as "punishment".
By sheer convenience, they had ice and fairy types. And that teacher only gave them the chance to make their team stronger and further intimidate you...to the point where you're afraid to go outside, fearing they'll drag you into a battle.
You've kept silent since, hoping to avoid them at all costs and try to keep your grades up. But unfortunately, Arceus wasn't smiling upon you today...and quite frankly, you were tired.
Huffing, you switched off your phone and scowled up at the bully. "Still following me around campus, huh?" You mocked, with Tatsugiri hopping on the table and mimicking your expression. "That's kinda creepy if you ask me."
"Well those stupid fangs of yours are creeping everyone out." They sneered, pointing out your sharp teeth. "Halloween is over, y'know."
"I've already told you..these are canines, and they are real."
"Yeah? More like real freaky."
"Look, just leave me alone before you anger Tatsugiri." You warned, watching as their gaze shifted to your ace, falling silent for a moment or two...
Before erupting into laughter. "Oh wow, I'm soooooo scared of your stupid sushi roll! What ever will I do??" They shook their head. "If you want my advice, dump this thing and get yourself a real dragon. Like a Charizard or-"
"You don't get to decide WHO I can have as a partner!!!" Your hands slammed onto the table as you stood up, fists clenched with anger. Even though you could see people's heads turning in your peripheral vision, you didn't care. "Tatsugiri may not look it, but it's more powerful than you'll ever know! You don't know our bond, so just back off already!!"
"Oooooh, I didn't know you knew Outrage..better not hit yourself in confusion." They snickered.
"...why are you like this?" With slumped shoulders, you frowned at them. "Why do you keep tormenting me day after day?! I've done nothing to you. Is it a crime to admire my heroes? To wanna be like them?"
"No, but you'd be an embarrassment to every future dragon tamer. I mean who'd wanna see a pathetic thing like that in the Elite Four? Or on a Champion's team? Raihan and Lance would laugh in your face and crush you if they saw-"
"STOP IT!!" You finally snapped, hitting the table again before taking out one of your pokeballs. "Do you want a battle?! Is that what you want?!! Then you'll get it-!!"
"[Y/n], what is the meaning of this?"
Hearing the voice of the director made all the color drain from your face. The bully just smirked as you slowly turned to Harrington, seeing him looking at you with a frown.
"This is the second disturbance you've caused in this same area. You know battles aren't permitted inside the academy."
It's only then did you realize everybody in the cafeteria was staring..and you shrunk back in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Director. I didn't mean to shout. They were just-"
But when you tried to point out the bully, they were gone.
How convenient.
"From how it looks..you were intimidating them. And you should also know we have a zero tolerance policy for such behavior."
"But I wasn't..they-!" You tried in vain to defend yourself, yet the look on Harrington's face told you he didn't wanna hear any of it.
"We can discuss this further in my office. Return your Tatsugiri to its pokeball and follow me, if you will."
"....yes, sir." Defeated, you gathered your things and put Tatsugiri back into the pokeball (much to its dismay), before commencing the long walk of shame to the director's office.
Maybe he will believe you.
"He didn't believe me either. What's the point of "standing up for myself" if I'm just gonna get in trouble?! What's the point if they're always gonna get away with it while I face suspension?!"
"I know I kinda let myself go back there, but...th-they kept pushing me and pushing me! Why couldn't he understand that? Why doesn't anyone here understand-?!"
Calming yourself down a little, you looked to Tatsugiri, who sat on your bed and looked up at you with sad eyes, wishing you weren't being so harsh on yourself.
"....well, I know you understand me, buddy." You quietly sighed and sat down, bringing it into your hands as it nuzzled your cheek. Immediately your shoulders relaxed. "I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm just...it's been frustrating. But I swear I'll never replace you for any other dragon. Not even for a shiny Charizard."
"Yip-yip?!" It cried out.
"Believe me! I won't." You chuckled, although you stopped as you thought over this morning's events...
And suddenly you felt sick to your stomach.
Just thinking about going to your afternoon class today made you feel ill, wondering who was going to harass you two next...and if you'll be able to do anything about it without getting into trouble with the director.
Now that you've gotten your second strike, you had to be careful not to lash out like that again.
But what else were you supposed to do?
Let them continue to bully you around and make your poor partner feel absolutely worthless? How was that fair to either of you?
At this point, you've ran out of adults in this academy to talk to...besides the nurse, of course, although she seemed more adept at healing Pokémon than counseling students.
Even if she was willing to listen, you doubt anything would change.
Nobody here took your side or could possibly understand what you were going through-
Your rotomphone started ringing, displaying an unknown caller ID. Normally you'd ignore it, although Tatsugiri had a better idea and decided to slap the screen with its fin, answering it.
"Tatsu!" You grumbled, pulling it away from your phone before addressing the stranger, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry! My Pokémon-"
"Greetings, am I speaking to [y/n]?"
".....uh...yeah?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not expecting to hear a distorted voice on the other end of the line. "And who am I speaking to exactly?"
"My name is Cassiopeia. Leader of Team Star."
"Team Star?" You blinked, remembering all of the rumors you've heard about this organization. They were a small group of kids who got bad grades, skipped school often...and sometimes harassed others into joining them or pulled pranks on teachers.
Why would their leader contact you?
Or better yet...how did they even get ahold of your number?
"Correct. We've been watching you for some time, and we see your pain. It must feel awful...being pushed around and intimidated all because you admire some famous trainers. And when you finally have the courage to defend yourself and your Pokémon...suddenly you're the bad guy? It's so unfair."
"How do you.....l-look, um..Cassiopeia. I got a lot going on right now." You mumbled, hoping to end this conversation quickly. "I'm facing suspension if I cause one more scene, so I don't think I should be talking to delinquents like-"
"That is a lie. Team Star isn't a group of delinquents. We're so much more than that." They interrupted you, sounding a bit annoyed. "The truth is that WE are the victims. We who were shamed and excluded for the crime of being ourselves. The system has failed us, [y/n], and we formed this group as a way to stand up and stand out."
"...ah, I see." Now you were growing a bit more understanding and sympathetic towards them. You always had a feeling that your classmates overexaggerated how "evil" this team really was, making comparisons to Team Rocket and organizations that were legitimately evil and criminal.
But obviously, you never put your two cents in. You were already getting bullied enough just for saying Lance and Raihan are cool dragon trainers you wished to meet.
You were already getting bullied enough just for admiring some famous dragon trainers.
"So...obviously you're trying to sell me something." You huffed, kicking your feet up on the desk. "You want me to join your team as one of your goons-?"
"Oh no. I actually have something much better in mind." Cassiopeia cut in once more. "We've seen how you battle with dragon types. Very impressive, I must say. You never back down from a challenge. You're fierce, protective..and you demonstrate incredible leadership."
That felt flattering to hear, considering all the times you've gotten criticized for your battling techniques during Ms. Dendra's class.
Recently, she actually made you apologize to your classmate, whose Pokémon was actively bullying yours and provoked it into using a powerful move that knocked it out in one hit.
Why was that such a problem?
Because you weren't supposed to be battling, but the bully kept pushing you into one--and of course, Ms. Dendra didn't see that part.
Only the part where you broke the "No-OHKO" rule she had written into her lesson plan for that day.
Now you were struggling to get your grades back up in battle strategies, which was hard since you gained a reputation as being "too aggressive"..when in reality you were just so afraid and fed up that no one would listen to you.
So hearing this complete stranger give you praise felt genuinely good.
"Oh! Ah...thank you." You decided to bite the bullet. "So what's your offer?"
"We believe you're a good fit to be a squad leader. We have one more slot available. Interested?"
Your heart immediately jumped at the opportunity, although part of you was still holding back.....wondering if it was worth getting mixed-up with people like Cassiopeia and Team Star's revered leaders.
This could very well throw away your entire future and your goals of becoming the next dragon type gym leader. You could be expelled for sure, or even blacklisted from partaking in tournaments.
But at the same time, you were so tired of living in fear and dealing with all of this alone.
Why should you have to? That's setting a terrible example for your Pokémon--they shouldn't have to see their trainer living like that. You had to be brave and stronger, but that was almost impossible if you were just going to suffer repercussions for trying.
Cassiopeia took your silence as hesitation. "I know this is a lot to think about. But trust me, [y/n]. Team Star can do more for you than the Academy ever did. You'll get to train without limits. Your name will be known by all, and nobody will mock you or Tatsugiri ever again. That is what you want, isn't it? To grow stronger together? To stand up against those who wronged you?"
Hearing them mention your partner made you look to the Mimicry Pokemon in your lap. Seeing the way they put their fin on your hand and gave you a small nod ultimately solidified your answer.
You weren't turning back now.
"We can discuss this tomorrow if you'd like-"
"No, I made up my mind. I'll take it. When do I start?"
"Looking sharp as always, Revavroom."
With a sharp-toothed grin, you gently patted the head of your Starmobile--specifically the Revavroom attached to it, as it rumbled in happiness.
Then you hopped onto the vehicle, climbing up to the stage where you could survey the rest of your camp, observing your goons hanging out by the vending machines and driving around on their Cyclizars.
This was the Achird Squad base stationed at Casseroya Lake, and for about a year or so...you've also called it home.
The location was perfect for a mighty dragon leader such as yourself, allowing you to keep watch over the Tatsugiri and Dratini herds you'd see in the waters from time to time.
It was far better than the cramped dorms of the Academy. They would never have let your dragons roam free like Dragapult, Baxcalibur, and all the rest were doing right now..
Ever since joining Team Star, you never looked back and never regretted your decision. You became fast friends with the other bosses, with Atticus even designing some cool armor plates for your outfit that resembled a Kommo-o's scales.
Although things have been...rather weird as of late.
Especially since it was the anniversary of the incident.
Back at the Academy, you and all of the leaders came together with the ultimate to confront your bullies once and for all. It was meant to finally settle who was the strongest, and how you were sick of being pushed around.
Least to say..the tables have turned, and everyone knew your names.
The bullies ended up running scared, barely putting up a fight themselves before scrambling to heal and recall their Pokémon.
You felt pretty good about it, especially when you knocked out that jerk who made fun of your teeth and admiration for dragon trainers in one fell swoop.
But then you looked around and saw everyone's scared faces. Many were recording the battles, spreading them all over social media, or shielding their own Pokémon from potential harm--even though you never intended to hurt them whatsoever.
It turned into a huge scandal over who was in the right or wrong, although in the end your bullies played the victims, dropped out of school, and ended up being listened to the most.
They made you out to be monsters who just attacked them for no reason..and it almost got you all expelled.
However, Cassiopeia took the blame, and while you were pardoned, Harrington, the deputy director (who tried erasing all records of the scandal and bullying to "preserve" the Academy's image), and many teachers left, guilty that they didn't do more to prevent this.
It would have been a bittersweet victory for Team Star---had your leader not also vanished, their last message being a call for the organization to disband.
To this day, none of you understood why they'd do that...or why they think you'd ever wanna leave this team and go back to your studies.
How could you after the faculty messed up this badly?
How could you after they still sided with the bullies?
How could you after they tried to cover up what really happened?
In the end, you all promised to stick together, abiding by your codes and living out on the squad bases. You occasionally met up for discussions and battle plans, although you always held onto hope that if the team kept going long enough....Cassiopeia might come back.
You've tried contacting them through various means, yet none of your Rotoms could retrace their calls nor social media posts. Everything was gone.
As though they wanted you all to forget ever meeting them..
It never made sense to you, considering you could really use a leader back then.
But what's done is done, and you winded up assuming a de factor leader position, given your team was the strongest out of all of theirs. Of course, Ortega was less-than-pleased about holding a vote on it, but you won the majority and he eventually got over it.
Now you've been training your Pokémon more frequently, and only because there's something called "Operation: Starfall" going around--and apparently some Paldean trainer was going around tackling each base with the hope of claiming their badges.
One of the codes was that being defeated in battle meant surrendering it, and that means...
Someone was dead set on shutting down Team Star for good.
But you wouldn't let them. The other bosses were your friends, family..and you'll be damned if you lost them, too.
"Boss! The others are comin' in!" You heard one of the grunts shout, and you looked towards the horizon in surprise.
She wasn't kidding.
Ortega, Mela, Eri, Giacomo, and Atticus were at your base's entrance, waiting for you. Although you were eager to see them after being occupied with training for so long...it didn't concern you that all of them chose to show up at once.
But you refused to show any sort of alarm, huffing as you jumped off the stage, mounting your partner Cyclizar. "Let's ride!" You barked, allowing it to sprint towards the group at full speed.
Your cape fluttered in the wind as it leaped across a small stream, all while Tatsugiri--who was resting in a small basket attached to it--held on for dear life.
Upon arriving, the bosses stopped their chatter and turned as you slowed down, stepping off Cyclizar. You gave it a small pat on the head, assuring that it could rest, before looking at the group.
"So we meet again...what's with the sour faces?" Your eyebrows furrowed at their expressions. When nobody was immediately speaking up, you huffed. "Come on, out with it. You can't come all this way to my base just assume I can read your minds-"
"We come before thee bearing..a warning." Atticus muttered, bowing his head in shame. "The student you've spoken of hath proven to be quite the adversary."
"Is that so? Surely they haven't claimed all of your badges, have they?"
"Why is no one talking-?"
"Because we got our asses handed to us." Mela bluntly stated, clenching her fists. "We got absolutely smoked...and now you're the only one left."
Your eyes widened in shock and horror, although you didn't get the chance to respond as Ortega cut you off.
"Now before you freak out on us all..we did try our best. We did everything you and Cassiopeia taught us. But this kid....they're good. Almost too good. And this guy named Clive was helping them out the whole time, getting under our skin and everything...."
"Well I wouldn't say that." Eri looked at the fairy trainer, crossing her arms over her chest as she frowned. "He wanted to know where we're coming from and why we're doing all of this."
"...and you just told him?"
You could see everyone tense up, and you just scowled, wondering why they would do this.
"What makes you all think he would care...or why anybody from that academy would care about us now?" Your eyebrows furrowed as Tatsugiri sat on your shoulder, mimicking your expression. "Nobody cared when they hurt us...nobody cared when we were literally begging for help. Look, I know keeping this group together was hard, but it's no excuse to-"
"Honestly...I'm kinda tired of this charade. At least someone's willin' to listen to us now.." Giacomo remarked, frowning a little bit. "But here's the lowdown, [y/n]: we got beaten into the dirt and followed our code, so now we're here to give ya a little heads up before this kid comes after you next. We're sorry. But we tried."
"And we still don't know who's really behind this sting operation.." Mela grumbled, shaking her head in worry. "Someone wants to shut us down for good, and it's definitely not either of those new students. They're just being used to carry out the dirty work."
"I might have a good idea on who it is...and I swear, they'll answer for this." You bared your teeth. "But I'll save my dragon rage for this trainer. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing...I hope they know I'm ready. Because I'm gonna defend Team Star...defend us....until my last breath."
"Su! Su!!" Tatsugiri trilled in agreement, nuzzling your cheek, to which you couldn't help but smile a little bit.
"Well whatever happens next, you have our full support, [y/n]." Eri smiled as she patted your shoulder. "Badge or no badge, we stand behind you."
Everyone else chimed in with agreements, smiles on all of their faces as well--although Atticus' wasn't immediately noticeable, you could see it in his eyes.
Knowing this group still cared about you and believed in your battling skills made all the tension leave your shoulders.
"Thank you, my friends. Hasta la vistar ~☆"
""""Hasta la vistar, and good luck, [y/n]!! ~☆""""
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alyslittlehaven · 3 months
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Mood/idea board for my Azriel x Vanserra!reader 😩😩😩😩
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere mha x Scarlet witch reader extras 3 : Big sister eri!
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(This is mostly a Platonic yandere eri and reader time)
Context: Mei wanted to test one of her inventions in you but it went wrong so while mei distracts the class big sister eri will take care of ya!)
"Are you sure this is gonna work?" you said while carefully sitting down and wincing at your broken arm "Yep! I've made sure the machine is safe and harmless without any harmful side effects!" Mei said determined to try on her machine while she got everything ready "Now all you gotta do is go wear this helmet and attach that arm band on the injured arm and hold very still that's it!" Mei explained putting on her goggles when she noticed how you were still a bit nervous but you trusted Mei you knew she wouldn't hurt you
"Ready?" Mei said "Ready," You said and took a deep breath Mei typed some codes and pressed a button and the machine started to shake a bit and suddenly ur broken arm started to hurt less but your body began to change as well you noticed how you're clothes were getting oversized "Uh Mei?!" you called in a panic by when she looked back it was too late in front of her was a toddler version of her beloved darling all still under your UA uniform "Ba?" you babble out confused of where you are "Y/n?!?" Mei said in shocked she picked you up to get a better look of you and yep it was you
"You're so cute!" She squealed while she cooed at you and tickled you making you giggle and make funny faces until she realized that your classmates were prob looking for you she scolded at the thought of it she wanted to spend time with you especially when you were this adorable and giggly! She tried making up a plan of how to hide you when suddenly She heard a familiar voice
"Excuse me Mei" Eri Came into the lab twiddling her fingers and looking around "Yes eri how may I help you?" Mei said while coaching down to Eric's level "Have you seen y/n recovery girl say that they were with you they promised that I could draw on their cast" Eri replied "Uhmmm. Well, they're right there...." Mei pointed at the toddler shoving their first in their mouth while cooing,
"Y/N?!?" Erik said with eyes wide open "What happened to them?!?" "Well I was working on a rewind machine so the injuries would rewind and heal but it worked a bit too well," Mei said nervously while scratching her head "But since you're here I got a job for you!" "What is it?" Eri looked at the pink-haired girl confusedly "You're gonna hi- I Mean watch y/n for a while so I can make an antidote on them" Mei lied doing a fake bright smile "But I don't know how to watch them what if I hurt them" Eri frowned looking down on the floor "You won't I promise you plus just imagine yourself being the Big sister!"
"Big Sister..?" Eri questioned "Yea you can protect y/n from bad guys!" Mei said punching her fist in the air meanwhile Eri was deep into her thoughts her being a big sister to you?!? It was a dream come true she can teach you things you taught her make you watch all her favorite shows and teach you how to be the greatest hero! Oh man, she can't wait "YAY! IM GONNA BE A BIG SISTER" Eri clapped her hands excitedly picked you up ran towards her room her room had a big toybox and her bed was a all might themed she had a bunch of plushies on the bed as well and a tv
"So y/n what do you wanna do!?" the toddler tilted their head and looked at her confusedly "You wanna have a tear party" "Ba!" you babbled exciting clapping ur hands "Great lemme go get the tea supplies"
Eri: and when I said "Mirio you can't have any of my candies their mine!" he said I had to SHARE
Baby y/n: *bangs hands on table and spits bubbles*
Eri: RIGHT?!
During your time with Eri she would make you play with a lot of her toys but had to stop when u kept chewing on one of her Barbie heads eri decided to show u a jack in a box but you ended up crying because of the jack looked scary so the 2 of you decided to watch cartoons suddenly Mirio, tamaki, and neijire came in
Miro: Hi Eri! Hows i- whos little baby is this
Eri: This is y/n!
Mirio: oh that's n- wait what
Eri explained how y/n got turned into a baby
"ahhhhh! Y/n San is so cute!" niejire was squealing and cooing at you while Tamaki tried to calm her down so she wouldn't scare you but she didn't blame her tho you were so small and adorable like a small little kitten "Eri can I hold them for a sec please?" Mario politely asked "Sure but hold her gently," Eri said sternly while Mirio chuckled "I will" When he reached his hands trying to wrap you around you did a grabbing position Mirio wanted to squeal right there but kept his cool and gentle demeanor not wanting to startle you
when he picked you up it was like holding a kitten you were so small and so cute! And the way you looked up and giggled at him he could just die right there "No fair Mirio let me hold them!" Neijire whined while trying to reach to you "But y/n promised me to play with me" Eri had a grumpy face while having her hands on her hips "Why dont we all play together and watch y/n while Mei makes the antidote" They all frown but reluctantly agreed
During those hours the miri, eri tamaki, and neijire, we're all trying to have their little time with you, Mirio was pretending to know what you said making dramatic fate expression making u giggle Tamaki had an I sea of watching cartoon together so you all watch your favorite cartoon as a child (Mines was baby estein) and somehow fall asleep then it was neijire turn she was putting you in all sorts of cute closes taking pictures for herself and the shrine she has did your hair in many cute hair styles with hair pins and bows and eri's idea was to play tea parties together
"I GOT THE ANTIDOTE" Mei yelled but was quickly shushed by the group because Mei saw you asleep in tamakis arms they took you to the lab and made you wear the helmet the machine Started to shake and your body started to grow back as your original self
"Y/n! Your back"
"wtf just happened.."
Safe to say mei explained to you what happened and at this point, you were just tired of them all "Remind me to never be a lab rat to Mei" "Hey I said they were no side effects" yea no BAD side effects "I still kept my promise!" "Don't be so dramatic you were so cute as a baby" Neijire ruffled your head mirio and neijire chimed in as well as eri "You all are not helping.."
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Yandere aizawa family who is aizawa and hisashi ( mic sensei) and shinzo and eri who wont let reader become a hero even tho she is shinzo's twin sis and have the same quirk
Yandere aizawa family who wont let reader have a relationship cuz they might hurt the reader
♡ Your Own Good ♡
(A/N: I have so many platonic yandere requests right now, everyone just wants platonic yandere and I am here for it!! I hope you like, I think erasermic family is a very cute idea 💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, child and teen!reader, overprotectiveness, mentions of bullying
Summary: You want to be a hero yet your family refuses (Platonic!Yandere!EraserMic Family x Teen!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You slam your bedroom door behind you, crawling into your bed with fat tears rolling down your cheeks. It seemed as if everyone in your family were heros. Both of your fathers were heroes, your brother was a hero in training.
Even your little sister was allowed near heroic stuff yet they all treated you like a child and told you it was to dangerous. You just wanted to be a hero, you just want to help people.
Shouta kneels down next to your bed, gently wiping some tears off of your sleeping face. It’s hard for him not to see you as the small child he saved along with Hitoshi.
He knows that you just want to save people but he’s just so scared that you’re going to be hurt. It makes him feel like a asshole to shut down your dreams, but he wants to keep you safe.
“It’s for their own good, Shouta” Hizashi says from the doorway. Shouta glances up at his husband for a moment.
“I know” he says simply. You had the same quirk as Hitoshi, both you and your brother were heavily bullied because of your quirks. Hitoshi tended to internalize all of the pain from the bullying, instead opting to comfort you when anything would happen.
Hizashi and Shouta still remember you coming home from school sobbing because people called you a villain. They remember you coming home covered in dirt after bullies pushed you down.
They remember you hiding in your room so you wouldn’t have to been seen in public. They even remember you sobbing and telling them you were scared that you were going to end up a villain simply because of your quirk.
After all you’ve been through, how could your family not be overprotective of you? You couldn’t be a hero. You were to fragile. You were to fragile which is why you need your family to protect you.
“They just need to be protected” Shouta mumbles, finally standing up from the side of your bed. You had gotten into a fight with your fathers about how you wanted to become a hero but they refused. So you went to your room, slamming your door and crying yourself to sleep.
“I know, but we’re doing the right thing” Hizashi smile, leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead. They turn off the light as they leave your room, they’ll have to talk to you later about why they won’t let you become a hero. They’re only isolating you and they’re only prohibiting you from your dreams so that you’re safe.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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Welcome To The Family (9/???)
Warnings: unwanted touch, unwanted cuddling, minimal clothing?(not of reader), slight swearing
I’m so freaking conflicted whether or not to leave canon MHA. Found out things that make Mic no longer a comfort character for me, and just losing interest altogether of MHA. I should also mention if it isn’t clear: erasermic sees you romantic, other 2 platonic. You’re also mid 20s.
It was like a stalemate. Time is frozen still. He also glares for a second at Tadao, whom looks like he’s about to pass out where he stands. 
Shouta snaps out of it first, grabs his capture weapon, eyes turn red, and hair waves upward. That must be with his quirk. 
I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever seen his quirk. It’s so rare that maybe I forgot. Or is it the headache not letting- now’s not the point! 
He goes to grab her, but she manages to dodge him and his weapon. 
A shiver yet again wracks through my body. “Ugh.”  
Shouta stops in his tracks and locks eyes with me. He easily dodges a hit Aiya tries to get on him. Is she really so far out of her mind to try attacking a pro hero???
Like a dance off, every time he tosses his scarf, she dodges. Every swing of fist, foot, or even body, she dodges as well. It’s like she knows his attack patterns down to a T. She tries to hit one back, and he manages to dodge as well. 
I’d almost jokingly call it a tango in a way. But with a lot more violence. And that they seem to despise each other’s existences. 
Tadao comes back in front of me and kneels, grabbing the cuffs between my hands. “H- here- uh, try to pull them apart while I do the same. Us pulling together should-” 
He tenses severely as something comes behind him. Make that someone, who is Shouta. 
His glare is murderous. I have to make sure he doesn’t kill Tadao. “Stop!” He’s helping!” 
Shouta’s eyes narrow for a moment before he pulls out a knife. Tadao freezes fully and lets out the most girlish shriek I’ve ever heard from a man as the blade swipes down onto the center of my cuffs between his hands. The blade missing his hands by mere millimeters and breaking the chain before continuing fighting Aiya. 
Tadao scrambles to stand back up. He stands up with his back so tense he could be even more straight than a needle. 
A strange, yet familiar faint smell hits my nose. Did he just?...
His face is extremely red, even in the dim lighting. His hands cover his face. “Not a word… ever, please.” 
“Can you focus on my tied up feet instead, then?” I may as well not tease him, especially because of the situation right now. 
Shouta manages to finally crack a hit onto Aiya’s face. It makes her more angry. 
Tadao at the same time reaches down and tries to mold the ropes. It’s slowly taking over, but not nearly fast enough.  
“How the hell did you even find us!?” She dodges another swing he tries to make. He almost seems more intent on trying to seriously harm her more than capture her. “We covered all our tracks! Sure, we could have been farther from your house, but still! It hasn’t even been an hour!” 
Shouta remains silent, and stays silent through every insult she throws at him. Even the ones including how he stole Hizashi. 
She lets loose another punch, this time Shouta catching her hand. 
He quickly wraps her wrist much more tightly and excessively than needed, then pulls her to him. He swings his leg to be behind hers, and makes her legs buckle by hitting the back of her knees. She loses balance and falls to her knees. He doesn’t wait a second to wrap her up with more of his scarf so tightly to the point it almost seems like she can’t breathe. He then pulls out a phone and calls someone on a phone I didn’t realize he had until now. 
“The suspected abandoned wearhouse. Ex-hero assistant BodyFrost,” his smirk widens as he yanks the binds to tighten it more before releasing it back to the way it was. 
“I’m… going to go. He looks like he’s going to kill me still.” Tadao whispers to me, booking it up the stairs and out the door. 
Shouta thankfully doesn’t go after him. He does however walk over to the- why the necklace? 
He picks it up and walks back over to me. He pulls out the blade again and easily cuts the half-molded ropes binding my ankles. 
He stays still for a second, staring into my eyes, then hugs me bone-crushingly tight. The warmth seeping through his outfit is extremely hard to resist not trying to give into. He stills, seeming to notice my abnormally cold body. He pulls away just enough to lock eyes with me. His face so grossly close I could feel his still rather even breath. His eyes narrow. “Did she use her quirk on you!?”
I slightly nod as a shiver wracks my body again.
“FUCK,” he whips his head towards her and glares at her. She glares back. 
He takes a breath in and sighs. He passes me the necklace, making me so utterly confused. It really shouldn’t be this important. He reaches for me and picks me up effortlessly into a princess carry. 
“She’s lucky I can’t kill her.” He says so quietly that almost not even I could hear him say it.
… What??? 
He ignores my expression. He goes up the stairs with me and gives her another glare before we left as the sound of other people arrived. 
I fiddle with the necklace, trying to forget his body against mine. Being so pressed up I can feel the curve and bulge of each muscle- stop mind!!!
My hand felt a fairly sharp edge sticking out. 
I turn it to the side. There was a fairly large crack. I look closer and something that doesn’t seem to be part of the jewel sticking out. I manage to grab it and pull it out, realizing what it was immediately. Ice cold fear floods through my body to the point I’m pretty sure it’s not just the quirk making me shiver. “You… You put a tracker in the necklace!?”
Shouta grunts in confirmation, moving to a sprint and easily keeping the pace. He looks down at me and then glances at the chip that is now in my hand, then back forward. The lights on the streets showing up temporarily as we pass them. “It’s a good fucking thing we did! You have ANY idea what could have happened if we didn’t!? 
I’ve never heard him so angry and it terrifies- yet it also greatly pisses me off. They could have at least told me! I would have willingly then if it was such a concern! Or maybe something simpler so it wouldn’t be such a blaring red flag to wear! No wonder they’ve been freaking out so badly over a fucking necklace! 
Ugh, I seriously should have known with their obsession over the damn thing. Should I drop it?
You know what? I’m going to drop it. Fuck both parties for lying. Fuck being kidnapped. Fuck getting a stupid quirk used on me. Man, I’m so exhausted from all this. 
I open my hands and just let them fall onto my stomach, then falling to the ground from Shouta’s running. “Oops.” I say “genuinely”. Though not feeling remorseful even the slightest bit. 
He looks down to give me a slight glare, but looks back up again after a second. “It was already damaged anyways. That’s how we knew even faster than we would have. It was set off while I was already in this direction to start my parole for the night. It’s already been over half an hour since you left.”  
Sure hasn’t felt that long. Then again maybe the head pain is a part of it.
It doesn’t take too long for us to get back to their house, though I desperately wish he’d just drop me off at my house. I know that’s out of the question however from how tightly he’s holding me. 
Shouta somehow manages to open the door without even placing me down. Hitoshi is sitting in the living room and stares at us when we get into the house. Most of the lights are off except for the T.V. 
Hitoshi stands up and takes a step closer. “You managed to get them?” He asks in a rather hushed tone. Eri must be sleeping already. 
“A certain nuisance is the one who kidnapped them. Her quirk was lightly used, so Hizashi and I are going to keep a very close eye on them.” 
Hitoshi’s face morphs into one with more concern than he tries to let on. “Will she try to come back?” 
Shouta shakes his head. “Fortunately, she was caught.” He didn’t say anything, yet they kept staring at each other as if having a whole conversation without words again. I seriously question how they’re able to do that. 
“Just don’t stay up too late again.”  
“I’m not making any promises.” 
Shouta narrows his eyes. “I will not have you sleeping in class again. We have those medications for you for a reason to help with your insomnia.” 
Hitoshi quirks a brow. “You’re really going to talk about sleeping in class?”
Shouta just turns and starts heading towards- wait, his and Hizashi’s room!? I start to squirm, making him tighten his grip. “You’re not getting out of this. Like I was telling Hitoshi, we need to keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t get worse. We have a couch in there if anything like this were to happen.” 
Liar. I know I would have remembered seeing a couch in your guys’ room at some point. 
He opens their bedroom door, and closes it with his foot. The light is still on in the room, and it doesn’t take long for Hizashi to notice. Worry laces his face upon locking onto my body. 
I refuse to meet eyes with him and look around the room.
Oh. There really is a couch in here. Huh, wonder when that was added. 
“What happened to our sweet Lovesong? Are they injured? Nothing’s broken right? Should I get the med kit!?” He’s rather frantic, but is noticeably trying hard not to be too loud. Did they really put Eri to bed already? 
Shouta shakes his head. “No. Like I just told Hitoshi, Aiya got a hold of them. 
His silence with nothing but a glare is honestly terrifying on a whole different level. “What?” 
His quiet is so much worse than his loud. Like the silence before the storm. Except it feels like the storm skips right over you and destroys everything of your neighbor. 
“She has used her quirk on them, so we need to keep a very close eye to make sure it doesn’t get worse.”
Hizashi goes into his thoughts, and I don’t like the mischievous glint that appears in his eyes. 
“I have the best idea! You could share the bed with us! That way we can keep you warmer too!” 
I internally recoil at the thought of that. Sleeping with a married couple? Specifically even a hero couple? Fuck. No. That’s just awkward and incredibly weird! Why would they even recommend that!? He must not be thinking! I look up at Shouta, who is still carrying me. My face is pleading him to get some sense into Hizashi, but he stayed surprisingly quiet about it, as if actually pondering the idea.
“It could be the best idea in your state. Until the quirk wears off and your body can generate heat normally again.”
… Am I hearing Shouta right? He’s… AGREEING to this!? 
I get placed onto the bed in front of Hizashi, and he doesn’t waste even a second before yanking me back to be pressed up on- oh my god he’s shirtless and I’m pretty sure he isn’t wearing pants. I feel the heat of his legs touch mine. He wraps his arms around me as well. Gross, gross, gross, stop touching! Let me go! 
I start trying to squirm, but Hizashi is surprisingly strong, preventing me from moving much. 
His warmth is making it really hard to want to get away. Even more than with Shouta earlier. 
Shouta takes off everything but his boxers and gets into the bed as well. My face feels like it’s on fire. He quickly shuffles to be on top of me and puts a hand on my mouth before I could scream at them to let me go. 
“Shhh, you don’t want to wake Eri now, right?” 
Hizashi nuzzles his head into my neck. His small facial hair slightly tickling, 
A strong part of me says it doesn’t matter. That she wouldn’t do anything. Another part of me hopes if I did yell, she’d see and be upset by them or even me ruining their parent’s time together. With the hand covering my mouth though, it’s impossible. 
Tired… their warmth makes me so tired. My body too quickly stops struggling. It gives Shouta the time to also have an arm wrap around my body. The other staying close to my mouth to make sure I don’t wake Eri though.
“That’s it, dear Lovesong. We won’t let you get taken again. See your lovely face in the morning.”
This makes me decide I’m going to resign. I’m done. 
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This is related to an Ask that Messedupcookiejar had given me. I’m honestly debating whether if I should make Eri survive or not, she’s honestly sweet and has gone through so much shit in AUs and canon. Like, she could be a little sibling to Reader. Being clingy and maybe even introducing them to Overhaul. She would be like: “My dad might like you, come here.”
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serpentandlily · 1 year
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Untouchable - Azriel x Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI ➻❥ Part VII ➻❥ Part VIII ➻❥ Part IX ➻❥ Part X
Summary: For as long as you can remember, you have always had feelings for Azriel, your court's spymaster. But after centuries of watching him pine after your own cousin, hoping he'd eventually move on, your wish came true. He moved on-with Elain, your brother's mate's middle sister. Unable to watch him fall in love with someone else again, you flee from Velaris, from him. But things are a lot more complicated than that - more complicated than you ever imagined.
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Wicked Games - Batboys x Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥Part III
➻❥ Halloween Special
Summary: Desperate to pay off a debt, you decide to break into the penthouse of one of Prythian’s richest males, one rumored to make his money in a less than legal way. But after witnessing something you weren’t supposed to, you find yourself caught in a wicked game of cat and mouse with three of the most dangerous males in Prythian. (Modern AU!)
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Archeron!Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI
Summary: You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one.
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Lost in a Labyrinth - Azriel x Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III Summary: Lonely and heartbroken after his near kiss with Elain, Azriel finds himself at the door to the most exclusive pleasure house in Hewn City, The Labyrinth, taking Rhysand’s cruel advice. What he expected to find was a pretty girl to warm a bed with him for a single night. But instead he finds something he never thought existed—his mate. A mate that is tangled up in something far more sinister than he could ever imagine.
𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 & 𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼
fluff ☀︎ angst ☾ smut ♡
Request guidelines
Scared to be Happier - Azriel x Reader ☾ ♡
No Going Back - Azriel x Reader (Part I) ☾
↠ Now That We Don’t Talk (Part II) ☾
Mystique - Azriel x Reader ☀︎
Arcane - Azriel x Reader ☀︎
The Crow's Poet - Azriel x Reader ☀︎
The Shadowsinger's Secret - Azriel x Reader ☾☀︎
Birds of a Feather - Azriel x Reader (Part I) ☾
↠ We Should Stick Together (Part II) ☾
Falling Apart for You - Rhysand x Reader ☾ ☀︎
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Reader ☾ ☀︎
Last Solstice - Eris x Reader ☾ ☀︎
Butterfly Fly Away - Batboys x Platonic!Reader ☾ ☀︎
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Stranded | Part One
Featuring (in the next part): Azriel x Fem!Reader, Eris x Reader (platonic), Rhys x Sister!Reader
Summary: Azriel left you in the Autumn Court border while Rhys was at a ball with Amarantha and the other High Lords, leaving you trapped outside of Velaris with the enemy... Requested by @sidthedollface2 here.
Warnings: 18+ only, description of wings and skin burning, misogyny, alludes to SA, let me know if anything was forgotten...
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika
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You stood in your black and navy dress, feeling ridiculously out of place next to the maroons, dark greens, and golds of the Autumn Court. While Azriel, one of your best friends and your brother's Spymaster, escorted you to the Court, he quickly forgot his guard duty and winnowed away to find Mor.
"Mor's upset. I gotta go." Was his excuse, leaving you alone and outcast in the Forest House. According to Azriel, taking care of a safe female in Velaris (that he had puppy dog eyes for) was more important than guarding of the Lady of the Night Court in enemy territory. You were sure Rhys would be pissed if you decided to tell him about Azriel's disappearance.
You were starting to feel tired and bored as you stood on the wall, so you decided to leave. If you could get out of the Forest House bounds and cross the wards, you could winnow back to the town home. You really wanted to get out of this dress and take a nice bath. The Autumn chill wasn’t terrible, but you missed the summer breeze in your city.
You walked out of the court, watching as most of the Autumn Court guards paid you no attention. As you made your way out of the Forest House, you took in the fresh air. It was always too stuffy and crowded in ballrooms for you. You were glad to be outside. At least you could stretch your wings out here.
You tested your winnowing abilities as you made way through the wards. However, just as you made to winnow back home, your magic stuttered. You let out a small gasp, trying to reach down to that deep pool of darkness, but just a small puddle was left. You took another breath, trying to recall what you drank. You came up empty, literally, as you didn’t take any drink offered throughout the night.
You heard Rhys’s voice ring through your head. “Keep Velaris safe. Don’t tell anyone. Amarantha has taken our magic. Be careful. Protect the city. Protect each other.” And then he went silent. Your mind… you tried reaching out to him but nothing happened.
You started to panic, looking around to see if somehow Azriel came back for you. But from what you could tell, you were alone. You almost turned back to enter the Forest House. But, with Autumn being nothing short of an enemy, you decided to chance your luck with the forest in front of you. It was too wooded to take off from your current spot, so maybe you could find a clearing ahead.
Taking a deep breath, keeping calm, you started to walk north. If you could make it to Winter, maybe Kallias would allow you to cross into Night uninterrupted. Winter was normally your closest ally, and you quite liked the High Lord when you met him.
You walked for a few minutes, taking deep, calming breaths as you made your way deeper into the woods. Every sound sent a shiver down your spine, and you were just waiting to see that clearing of trees.
Instead, three males approached from the right. You took a deep breath, tucking in your wings as you pressed against a tree. The males appeared drunk, but stable. They weren’t stumbling just yet, but you could smell the alcohol from where you stood. Which meant they would catch your scent as soon as the wind turned.
You took another deep breath, walking forward. They couldn't touch a member of the Night Court. They would be butchered for it. You kept your head high as you continued to walk, only pausing when one of the males called out to you.
"Hey! What are you doing out in these woods?" Sentinels. That's the kind of clothing they wore. They were guards for the forest.
"I'm going home. Can't winnow." You said, tucking in your wings in hope they wouldn't see them in the shadows of the night. You tried to will the darkness to you as you normally would, as Rhys taught you to, but only a little bit of it budged. Amarantha took the High Lords powers... meaning each and every other power tied to their court would be restricted even more.
"Unfortunate. You look like you're a long way from home, as an Illyrian." He said, stalking over to you. It seemed they had no problem provoking a member of the Night Court.
"I am lady of the Night Court. I need to get to my people." You said.
"Ahh, the Night Court." Another one said in a mocking tone. "Lady? You look little more than a whore to me." He said and walked from behind his friend, backing you into a tree. "Shall we see what the Night Court thinks of us when we burn its lady's wings to ashes?" He asked, fire flickering on his finger tips.
Of course. They were in their home Court. No matter how little magic the High Lord had, the land would provide more of it. "My brother will incinerate you if you do."
"My brother." The male teased in a high pitched voice. "Who? Rhysand? That little bastard?" He asked, hand nearing your wing. "He won't even care when we're done with you." He said.
You tried to side step, but two sets of arms restrained you. And then came the pain.
You let out a blood curdling scream as hot, burning flames enveloped your wings. Along with the bark of the tree behind you cutting into your tendons. You fought as hard as you could, pulling away from the males as best you could. The males dug deeper, surely drawing blood from your arms but you didn't know as the fire tore through your wings. Over your pain and screams, you heard a belt unbuckle.
"Never fucked an Illyrian before. Let's see if what they say is true." The male in front of you said. You continued to struggle, but the pain of your wings burning was too much. The smell of the membrane and, gods... the skin of your back, was enough to make you pass out. But you stayed conscious, willed the little magic in you to cast a net of darkness around your wings. You prayed to the Mother that the darkness would snuff out just one tendril of the flames.
Your screams must have alerted the guards of the Forest House, because next thing you knew, a familiar voice was commanding the males to step away. You fell to the ground as the males released you. As quickly as the flames enveloped your wings, the were snuffed out. That didn't mean your wings were repaired. They were completely in ruins. Torn in almost every place, tendons burnt to a crisp that the most important ones had snapped. Your back was raw, blisters forming on the skin. Even the braid that cascaded down your back was burnt, leaving your hair singed and ragged against your shoulders.
You whimpered, the small ounces of your magic working to heal whatever it could.
"Lady (Y/N)," You heard that familiar voice again. You couldn't move. You couldn't look up. Who was talking to you? "It's Eris... we need to get you to a healer before this gets worse." The High Lord's heir said.
"Worse?" You rasped, your voice nearly inaudible because of your screams. You couldn't bring yourself to keep talking. Only thinking in your head as your body sagged further into the ground, nothing is worse than this.
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Azriel's back seized in pain, a terrible, yet amazing feeling snapping in his gut.
Rhys had spoken to them mind to mind just minutes ago, telling them what happened. And leaving Amren in charge of them.
Azriel couldn't leave Velaris. Whatever magic Rhys threw out completely shut the wards and borders. He couldn't winnow to his High Lord. And more importantly, he couldn't winnow to you. He asked Mor to try and get out, but she was stuck as well. Rhys trapped them inside the city, effectively trapping you outside as well.
Only thing is, Rhys expected Azriel to be with you. To protect you and get you home safely from Autumn. Instead, he went to Mor because she was upset about something. And left you stranded.
He was just about to tell the others that they needed to find a way out when the pain and the snap hit. In a few blinks, his entire world shifted.
The others went silent as Azriel jerked where he stood, his wings fluttering behind him.
"Azriel?" Cassian asked, frowning as his brother jerked again.
Azriel took a few deep breaths as the pain died down, and then came to the horrible realization of what snapped in his gut.
"(Y/N)-" He paused and stared at his family. The ones that might just kill him when he said what he was about to. "(Y/N) is in the Autumn Court."
"What? I thought she came back with you?" Mor said.
"She's in the Autumn Court," Azriel stated again, ignoring Mor, "and she is my mate."
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Part Two
A/N: Oof... this was so fun to write!
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Okay so I read some of your recent stuff.
Whoooo boy I love Yandere Erasermic. Power couple right there- especially once you add Shinsou and Eri to the mix. Arguably they’re all a different type of dangerous, even without their quirks, but with them? You’re absolutely doomed.
Oh, absolutely. You're basically done for. I mean Shinsou alone is basically a powerhouse of Yandere-ness. I mean one answer of you and he has you right where he needs you. 'Come little sibling, our dad's are waiting for us at home.' And then we add Aizawa who has the ability to stop your little 'tantrums' if you have a quirk which could be harmful, and with his status as a pro-hero, he has pretty easy access to quirk-cancelling accessories.
Also in general, Aizawa and Mic are both pro-heroes, with one of them actually having a pretty big reach thanks to his own radio show. So it's safe to say that no one would ever believe you if you came out and claimed the two of them had kidnapped you. Like, are you serious? Two very respected pro-heroes kidnapped you and made you play house with them? Yeah, sure, time to call the psych ward. Don't worry though, from the kindness of their hearts, the two will get you out of the psych ward and get you the help you need (aka. back to playing house with them you go.)
And then there's Eri -sweet, amazing, cute, Eri - how could you look at this adorable, little angel and traumatize her by throwing a tantrum or becoming violent? And while you wouldn't think Eri to actually be a Yandere in herself - I mean she's just a kid, what bad could she do, right? - this little girl can fit so much trauma that having you introduced into her life as a sibling to protect and care for, only for you to try and escape? Well, can you blame her for going a little wild trying to keep you safe?
There's a fanfiction from @lolita-lollipop (whose stories I adore) where Eri panics while the reader is trying to escape and turns them into a literal baby and I absolutely love that idea as like a last resort when none of the punishments, manipulation and tactics get them to come to terms with their reality so go and give that a read if you like this idea.
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jiarkives · 4 months
julia’s favorites ! (v)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
♡♤ throughout heaven and earth - gojo satoru
♡ drunken angel - nanami kento
↳ @chuluoyi
♡ sleepy!megumi x shy!reader - fushiguro megumi
↳ @just-jordie-things
top gun maverick
♕ slow ride - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
↳ @vivwritesfics
☆ time warp - james potter
↳ @astonishment
☆ what we were, what we are - james potter, sirius black
↳ @jimblejamblewritings
♤♡ opening about past sa (tw!) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ talking to a cat - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ temper tantrum from draco - sirius black (cbbh universe)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ blurb - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @moonstruckme
♤♡ say don’t go - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
a court of thorns and roses
☆ suspicious - azriel
☆ mate - azriel
↳ @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
☆ everything is not as it seems - azriel
♡ cassian: the annoying brother - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ use somebody - azriel ft. platonic!lucien
♡♤ capture the mate - azriel, pregnant!reader
♡ i know something you don’t know - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ snapshots of time - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ your little hand’s wrapped aorund my finger - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ hickeys and the marks we leave - cassian
♡ save your tears - eris vanserra ft. lucien vanserra
↳ @daycourtofficial
☆ low on hope (tw!) - azriel
↳ @violet-shadows
☆ untouchable - azriel ft. brother!rhysand
♤ falling apart for you - rhysand
↳ @serpentandlily
☆ arrows and ashes (tw!) - azriel
☆ forget me not (tw!) - azriel
↳ @assassinsblade
☆ of oblivious minds - azriel
♡ all over again - azriel
♡ by the book - azriel
♤ to feel at home - azriel
↳ @pellucid-constellations
♡ what we make of what we’re made - azriel
↳ @illyrianbitch
♤ take them all down (i) — (tw!) - rhysand
♤♡ take them all down (ii) - rhysand
↳ @danikamariewrites
♡ forever and a day - rhysand
♡♤ love and loathing - rhysand
↳ @ughthatimagineblog
♡ colliding visions - rhysand
↳ @cherhys
♡♤ false confessions - azriel
♤♡ how we survive - azriel ft. platonic!rhysand
♡ home to us - rhysand ft. nyx
↳ @writingsbychlo
♤ in this shirt - azriel
↳ @utterlyotterlyx
♤ in every lifetime (i) - azriel
♤♡ in every lifetime (ii) - azriel
↳ @shadowdaddies
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (i) - azriel
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (ii) - azriel
↳ @theeveninghour
☆ flame, shadow, beast - azriel
☆ the artificer - azriel
♡ heads will roll - azriel
♡ he feels safe with you - azriel
↳ @florencemtrash
♤♡ was any of it true? - modern!azriel
♡♤ second chance - cassian
♡ you drew stars around my scars - azriel
↳ @flickering-chandelier
♡ bumps, blunders & baby kicks - azriel
↳ @acourtofmishapandmistakes
♡ finally - azriel, fairy!reader ft. platonic!cassian, platonic!nesta archeron
↳ @itsswritten
♤ escapism (tw!) - azriel ft. past!lucien
↳ @thewulf
♡ count on mom - bruce wayne ft. bat family
↳ @alisonwritesimagines
♕♡ still wanna play? - jason todd
♡ meet the family - jason todd ft. bat family
♡ guard dog (i) - jason todd
♡ guard dog (ii) — (tw!) - jason todd
↳ @mostly-imagines
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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reallyromealone · 10 months
Hello there, I was wondering if we can get a part 2 of the alpha Kirishima x alpha Bakugo adopting to mega pup reader and the reader is meet most of their aunts and uncles?
Title: adoption part 2
Fandom: my hero academia
Pairing kirishima x Bakugo x male reader
Type: platonic fluff
Warnings: omegaverse, child reader
Notes: none
(Name) was an absolute precious little guy, always following one of his dad's when he could and trying to help in the best way he could with such little hands as the two adults tried to include him in their day to day, currently on maternity leave to acclimate (name) better.
"Yaaay! Good job!" Kirishima congratulated (name) as the babe put his plastic bowl in the dishwasher, (name) beaming at this and hugged his dad's neck for comfort "were getting ready to meet some people, they're your aunt's and uncles and are very excited to meet you" when their friends learned if their tiny pup they practically exploded with excitement, mina taking everything within herself to not bust down that door to see the pup.
(Name) held the Dynamite toy close, either that or an old sweater of Kirishimas that the babe saught comfort from, a quick Google search showed Omegan pups saught comfort from their parents items it was early stages of a familial bond settling in.
Bakugo was the one to collect the little one after his nap, the aunts and uncles sitting in the livingroom to meet him "hey squirt, it's time to wake up" they changed the crib to a toddler bed when (name) tried climbing out, the little one starfished with a cute pair of pajamas on "nnh" the boy grunted as Katsuki huffed and gently lifted him "come on you" the boy nuzzling into his dad's shirt as he was brought out to the livingroom "(name), can you say hi?" Katsuki was surprisingly soft with the pup who looked confused and face had marks from the sheets "awww he's so little!" Mina gushed as she stood up and (name) clung to his dad nervously "slowly mina, he's shy" Eijiro said watching his sons movements.
The itty bitty pup looked nervous as Katsuki spoke to him "this is your aunt, she's a bit annoying but she's not gonna hurt you"
Carefully he set (name) down, the boy fidgeting before running to his other dad for protection, the redhead holding his stuffed doll "awww he has a dynamite toy!" Ochaco cooed and they watched (name).
Eventually everyone began chatting and (name) grew more comfortable and began wandering around as he normally did as he noticed the snacks on the table, things the others brought "oh look he's staring at the (treat)" denki snicked as the babe reached out and grabbed a handful, little hands getting messy in the process "well at least he likes it" Momo said as the dad's looked at each other and Katsuki cleaned him up and Eijiro got the boy a small serving "so how's being a parent?" Iida asked as he sipped his tea, glancing at the pup "he keeps trying to make nests everywhere, we don't think he knows what he's doing though" Eijiro chuckled as he let (name) get comfortable in his lap.
Later on came his former teachers + Eri and Shinsou, the two tagging along.
Katsuki saw the two as his own parents, his real parents and him had.. a hard relationship.
His mom and him never got along and when he showed up with Eiji... That went bad fast, he was seventeen at that point.
He hadnt even graduated yet.
His dad loved him but being an Omega, he couldn't really go against his alphas word but did send letters to him in secret.
After that Aizawa stepped up, using his custody over Bakugo and taking care of him and by proxy so did Yamada, the men treating him like a son.
"Hi little listener" Yamada was soft with the pup as Aizawa looked at the two fondly, Eri chatting with kirishima about her classes and her plans to join U.A under recommendations by not one but multiple heroes.
"Oh? Thanks..." Shinsou was awkward around children and when (name) handed him a Cheeto he wasn't expecting it to be so...soggy "you don't gotta eat that, just walk to the kitchen and toss it" kirishima whispered and the other man nodded and did so.
"Hello there" little (name) reached to the black haired man who had the forethought to have his hair put up "you can smell I'm an Omega" Aizawa smiled softly as (name) sniffed his face and bounced slightly "omegas feel calm with other omegas" he explained "safety in numbers sort of deal"
(Name) smushed his face, a silly baby attempt at scenting "I think he thinks I'm apart of his pack"
"Well you are" Eri said simply and everyone smiled at the interaction.
"Minas gonna be pissed that he's getting this and she's not"
When everyone left, (name) was tuckered out "he sure enjoyed those snacks"
"He's so sleepy" kirishima gently traced the boys face "let's get him to bed yeah?"
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azrielsdove · 9 months
Ive really been loving all that you post. I've had this idea rattling in my head. It's a Azriel x best friend Reader. Where their friendship has mostly been platonic. Azriel and Elain were an item before she eventually left him for lucien, causing Azriel to spiral outta control. Azriels getting blackout drunk like every night, crying his eyes out saying how much he loved Elain, getting into fights hes just a mess and although readers there helping him shes fucking hurt that her friends suffering. I picture reader coming to help Azriel again one night dressed really nice and drop dead gorgeous, shes getting him into bed or whatever and hes just staring at her, like really looking at her. The bond snaps for him that instant and hes taking her in and asks her why are u wearing a gown? And she tells him she was on a date with Eris but ended it early to come help him. Breaks his fucking heart that shes dating someone (Especially Eris) but he then realizes shes always been there by his side. I imagine her not knowing about the bond or ignoring it cuz she just can't be Azriels 2nd choice ( but also cant hurt him) when shes been there the whole time and she feels she deserves someone who actually loves her not just cuz the mother said they should be together. Angst with maybe open ending? Or sad ending idk. Lol. Happy ending? I cant chooose. Lol.
Dearest Friend: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Alcohol, Brief Mentions of Violence
You sighed deeply, knowing it was going to be another long night with your dearest friend. You hated that Azriel was hurting, but you were growing tired of the constant drinking and fighting. You dragged the large male out of the alley you found him in, calling out to Rhys to send someone to check on whoever he had been pummeling to a pulp when you found him.
“M’fine,” Azriel grumbled, pushing himself off of you to stumble down the road.
“I know you are. I am just helping,” you explained, used to the difficult task of getting him home. You brought him to the townhouse, as he was in no state to fly the two of you up to the House if Wind. He got angry when he was here, remembering the early stages of his feelings for Elain.
“I want to go home,” he protested, stopping in the doorway. You grabbed his hands and pulled him gently inside, shutting the door behind him.
“We can go home tomorrow, Az. Tonight we are going to stay here, closer to the ground.” He mumbled under his breath something about hating you and this place, but you just rolled your eyes and continued pulling him up to the room he typically stayed in.
You felt an air of sadness wash over you, looking to see Azriel staring at a door near the end of the hall. You knew that was Elain’s old room, before she moved to the River House with Rhys and Feyre. You reached up and placed a hand on his face, prompting him to look at you. “She’s not here,” you soothed, heart breaking at the anguish in his eyes. He nodded, head leaning into the touch of your hand. “Come on.”
You brought him into his room, sliding off his dirty clothes. He didn’t fight you as you slid warm, clean sleepwear onto him, the anger exhausted for the night. You pulled the blankets over him and tucked him in, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. “Get some sleep, Az.”
His hand on your arm stopped you, the pleading look in his eyes already telling you what he wanted. “Stay,” he whispered, pulling you down next to him. You took in a deep breath before sliding under the blankets with him, allowing him to hold you close. You had been sleeping like this a lot lately, your back pressed tight to his chest while he held you like you were his lifeline.
You wish he knew how true that was.
You had learned the shove the pull of the mating bond down long ago, realizing that Azriel would likely never feel it. The two of you had been friends for a few hundred years, and he had never made any inclination that he knew in all that time.
He pushed closer to you, burying his face in your hair. “Why wasn’t I enough for her?” Your heart broke just a little more, understanding the feeling all too well. You ran your fingers over his hands, shushing him.
“Enough of that, Az. She has a mate, that wasn’t a bond you could fight with. It has nothing to do with you.” You felt like you had said the same things over and over, constantly reassuring your friend that he did nothing wrong. Elain had tried to fight the bond with Lucien, making her own choice to go after Azriel. Unfortunately, the Mother creates bonds for a reason and even Azriel wasn’t enough to keep her from her mate.
Your countless failed relationships proved that as well.
“I wish she had been my mate,” he mumbled, sleep beginning to take over. You ignored the pain in your chest at his words, knowing he had no idea his mate was here in his arms. His mate he had no interest in.
“Go to sleep, Az.”
You smiled at the male across from you, raising your glass to your lips. With the now-accepted mating bond between Lucien and Elain, along with a growing alliance with the Autumn Court, Eris had taken to visiting Velaris often. You had arrived at the River House to ask about the male Azriel had attacked a few nights prior, not knowing he was there. You couldn’t deny the slight uptick of your heart whenever you saw him.
He had asked you to accompany him out to dinner that night, an invitation you gladly accepted. For the first time the attention of another male overrode the underlying pull of the mating bond. You had rushed off to get ready, forgetting the reason you even went over there.
Perhaps it was foolish, agreeing to a date with the Autumn Prince. You were tired of being alone, tired of waiting for the bond that will never snap for your mate. Eris was handsome, charming, and kept your attention full on him. You’d never met anyone quite like that.
“You look,” he spoke, surveying you over his whiskey glass, “divine.” You couldn’t hide the slight blush at his words, heat coursing through you. No other male had ever been able to affect you with such few words.
“I’m sure no different than the ladies you court in Autumn,” you responded, a teasing lilt to your voice. Eris chuckled, sipping his drink.
“Truth be told, I cant say i’ve ever had the interest in courting any of them.” You swore your heart stopped, mind going temporarily blank. “No one has ever caught my attention quite like you did.” He was looking at your curiously, as if trying to find some invisible string that tied you to him.
“I could say the same about you,” you got out, taking a mildly too large drink. Eris smiled back,
opening his mouth to say more when Cassian burst into the restaurant. He caught sight of you immediately, striding over to the table.
“He’s bad. He won’t accept any of us, he’s requesting you.” He looked apologetic, awkwardly glancing between you and Eris. You sighed, unable to hide the slow anger rising in you.
“Fine. Where is he?” You asked, standing from the table. You looked over to Eris, halfway ready to tell Azriel to screw himself so you could stay here. “Im so sorry. Our friend is…not well,” you explained, knowing he already knew the situation.
“Of course,” he said, waving you to go. “I just expect you to take me on an extravagant make-up date when he’s better.” The wink he gave you had color racing up your neck, a small smile on your lips.
Cass brought you to the townhouse, a sure sign that Azriel was wasted again. “I didn’t want to interrupt your date,” he began, “but he’s losing it in there. Crying and screaming about Elain, destroying everything he can get his hands on. Rhys can’t even get into his mind to calm him down.” You knew how dire this situation must be if Rhys was willing to infiltrate his friends mind without consent. You prepared yourself as the door opened, peering in to the damage he had caused.
It was bad. Very, very bad.
“Az?” You called out, stepping into the ruined home. “Are you in here?” You heard a low sob from the living room, turning to Cassian behind you. “You should stay out here, for now. I’ll yell if I need you.” He agreed, willing to do anything you thought may help his brother.
You made your way into the living room, finishing Azriel tucked into the farthest corner. His shadows were going wild, racing around the room in a chaotic show. You carefully walked over to him, being sure to not trip on any of the debris. You knelt down in front of him, running your hands up and down his arms.
“Hey, Az. I’m here now. What do you need?” Your words were quiet, soothing. He slowly lifted his head off his knees, eyes bloodshot. You clicked your tongue at the deep circles under them, the sunken skin of his cheeks. He was destroying himself.
“Let me help you up to bed, okay? I’ll bring you water, do you want me to send Cassian to pick up some food?” He shook his head as you pulled him up, looking almost small. You gently lead him upstairs, an area he had thankfully stayed out of during his rampage. You once again changed his clothes and tucked him into bed, heading downstairs to get him a glass of water.
You opened the front door to see Cassian sitting on the steps, waiting for you. “He’s in bed,” you said as he stood, “you are good to go. I’ll stay with him.” Cassian nodded, shifting on his feet.
“I’m sorry again. We may have had disagreements in the past, but Eris is proving to be a decent guy. I think he’d be good for you.” Your heart fluttered at his words, that small smile coming back onto your face.
“Yes, well, I suppose we will see.” He bid you goodnight and you closed the door, locking it behind you. You retrieved the glass for Az, bringing it up to him.
“Drink,” you commanded, pushing the water in his hands. He did so greedily, needing the cool liquid after his actions that night. You took the empty
glass from him, setting it on the nightstand. “Anything else?” You asked, voice missing the normal warmth it had when he was in this state.
Azriel looked at you closely, eyes slowly taking in your appearance. “You look…nice.” You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Yes, thanks for noticing. Are you good?” You were growing impatient.
“Why are you wearing that?” His question held a small tone of accusation, clearly unhappy that you were out while he was struggling.
“Honestly Azriel, do you take me as your mother? I was on a date, a very lovely night until you had to ruin it.” You couldn’t help the anger pushing out of you, years of being there for him piling up inside you.
“A date? With who?” He sneered, focused on the elegant but tight dress you had on.
“If you must know, I was with Eris. Now, do you need anything else?” You stared him down, focusing every emotion into that gaze. He began to shake his head, body suddenly stilling.
“Azriel?” Your anger began to be replaced by concern, the unblinking look on his face scaring you.
“You’re my mate.”
Oh. That. You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you at the injustice of it all. Centuries you longed after him, dreaming of this very moment. The very night your heart begins to long for another, the bond snaps.
Snaps while he’s drunk due to thoughts of another lover.
He states you down, unsure as to your laughter. “Azriel,” you sighed, “I know. I’ve known.”
He stood off the bed, the sudden realization sobering him. “This is great! You are my mate! This whole time, you’ve been right in front of me.” He raised a hand to your face, brushing your hair back lovingly. “My dearest friend, my mate.”
It was too much. You pushed back from him, shaking your head. “No, Azriel.”
“I won’t be your second choice. Not when I have finally found someone I could be happy with, without the thought of you ruining it.” Your eyes filled with tears when you looked up at him. “You don’t want me, Az. You want her. You said it yourself, you wished she was your mate.”
His eyebrows furrowed, shadows becoming agitated again. “No that’s not what I meant, I-“
You cut him off. “Stop, Azriel. In the hundreds of years we’ve been friends, you’ve never once treated me as more than. You don’t want me, not like that. You never have.” Your heart squeezed tight at the devestaed look on his face.
“You can’t reject me,” he said, voice quiet.
You ran your hands over your face, a frustrated groan falling from you. “I’m not. I just don’t think this is truly what you want.” You looked up at him, standing tall. “I need you to want me for me, not because the bond has told you to.”
His shadows were swirling around, staying far away from you. The anger and hurt in his face broke you, but you stood strong. You would not be with a male you loved so deeply if he could not love you the same.
“Goodnight, Az,” you said, leaving his room and the destroyed townhouse before you broke any further.
I hope you like this!! I left the ending open, I feel like I always do HEAs so I wanted to try not not resolve the issue yet 🫣. Let me know what you think and thank you so much for liking my writing enough to request something ❤️
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