#Err we beg
Just re-reading The Sunne in Splendour, wishing for a film adaptation... several film adaptations and/or a TV series adaptation that continues to be renewed until every scene on every single page of the entire 900+ pages of the entire novel has been included along with every single historical detail that has been discovered since its publication. Thank you, @breathingwithnoheir , for pointing out that one mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger and make tremendous demands when it comes to an undertaking such as this! 
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demolitionistic · 1 month
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samodivaa · 7 months
Soul-debasing Interrogation
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Winter Soldier x Agent!Reader
Both his mentality and body can withstand anything—to err is...human—you are the human in this situation.
Warnings - smut, rough sex, choking
Words - 2900
His face is a reflection of the past, of what is left of his life before, but his humanity has long forgotten where it belongs. You are now looking at something resembling a semi-death state, you can’t even comprehend the present condition of his soul, the mental pain or unbearably oppressive suffering he has been put through—a living creature, somewhat both broken and whole at the same time.
His eyelids slowly open, dark orbs focusing on the floor as he lets out a loud groan. He has the violent urge to move, but behind his back, both hands are bound with rope designed to eat away at the skin when he moves, even slightly. His ankles are as well bound to the legs of the chair—he makes an internal scoff at his current state.
“Here we go” you are already standing in between of his wide spread legs, grabbing his chin in a painful hold, waiting to speak when his glossy eyes are fully focused on yours “Try not to let this room scare you.”
A slumbering rage is stirring, rippling just beneath the surface. You are on the borderline, caught between the tides of fear and fury—him looking at you without blinking dismembers you mentally, but at the same time convinces him of the necessity to fight your fear.
It’s been days and nothing works, he seems unbreakable.
his jaw between your fingertips, grip still painfully tight, fingers turning white.
You are so sweet with your business-like tone—just imagine ripping out the tongue, so you could never speak again.
You study his features for a moment longer before letting go of his chin to slap his face hard, frowning in a sign of dissatisfaction.
“I said talk!“
„Ты так красива, что я забыл что хотел сказать тебе“ (You are so beautiful that I forgot what I wanted to tell you)
He finally says after a dramatic pause, his voice carrying its mocking undertones.
„You sick son of a bitch!“
You slap him again, he doesn’t show any reaction.
„White clothes, белый как снег?” (white as snow)
You put your hands on his knees and bent down, to whisper in his ear.
„I will fucking kill you”
A thin line closes around his throat and goes through, slowly cutting into his skin while cutting off oxygen. It is more painful than lethal, but more erotic than painful. After this, his head flies back, manicured fingers whirling around his hair, the little hairs on the back of his neck prickling. A groan escapes his dry lips, one that he doesn’t realize he’d been holding.
You drop the thin plastic line and place one nail under his chin, moving slowly, fascinated, nova-flare blue eyes blazing into your own.
„Will you talk now?“
he just sighs, shifting uncomfortably.
you whisper, a hint of exasperation and affront in your tone. You almost laugh, guilt twines with another failed attempt of getting any information out of him—you looks down at his trousers, then your eyes widen
„You are enjoying this”
In a full-fledged case of desire, Soldat is able to form both mental and physical representation of the thing he wants now and you don’t plan on initiating action to diminish his state.
Winter snorts at your words and looks at you with a smirk. He is obsessed with the situation, fascinated by you, infatuated with you. He hungers for your taste, your smell, the feel of your skin touching his. He is burning with desire, but keeps quiet about it—that’s his punishment he brings on himself, but there is no way he is begging his enemy—even in this state.
“Yes, I am” he says, with a venomous sneer “My eyes are up here, darling” he breathes.
That uncomfortable feeling is spreading over you as your eyes lift up to his lips, watching them part, taking deep breaths, the longing for him grows especially strong. You stand as though hesitating, suddenly the blood rushes to your head and sends a glow to your cheeks.
You are unable to endure his persistent stare, but you raise your downcast eyes and you finally smirk triumphantly at him as you struggle to breathe, suddenly straddling his thighs, loosening all of the ropes.
Winter watches with growing interest as you lean down, tucking a strand of his dark hair behind his ear.
Soldat’s eyes are the interpreter of the animal lust beneath, there is an unhealthy sallowness in the color of his orbits, he doesn’t even blink—his body is tense, a steel trap just waiting to be sprung open, but you don’t know that.
Your greedy lips are on his skin, devouring everything you can—licking, sucking, and kissing, not holding back your throaty moans. You drag your lips up his throat, along his jaw, back toward his mouth.
Eyes meet again.
The smirk on his face has disappeared and leaves an intensity behind in his eyes, narrowing into a glare. He is a silent fury who no torment could tame—but the finest fury is the most controlled, there is a murderous look in his eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
you cry, face white and distorted, with a wan smile.
He laughs spitefully “It's either kiss you or kill you, that's how I see it”
His soul is overflowing but with mingled feelings, no single sensation stands out distinctly, but there is a need in his heart and his body. He grabs you by the hips and gets up with an unexpected growl. Sexual perversions mix with lust and adrenaline as his mind sees in scattered images of varying vulgarity, dropping you slowly on the cold floor.
The moment your feet touch the ground, you want to scream, but you are cut off with a rough kiss on your lips. He grinds his pelvis into you, so you can feel his hard length against your lower belly, and grips your ass through the flimsy pants.
“I will fuck you” he croons his plans into your ear, and then places a cold palm around your neck “But you need to beg me”
Dominance. Control.
Winter has lost control over everything, even the places in his head… it's paralyzing…of course he has an obsession about female obedience—his human fingers start teasing the crotch of your panties.
You gasp into his mouth, and the opening of your lips let his tongue slide through.
Your arms come up around his neck and he pulls you against him, hands flatten against your back…and you are up on the tips of your toes, kissing him as fiercely as he is kissing you.
He pulls away from you briefly to say gruffly “Come on, I want to hear it” his soul, overflowing with rapture, yearns for your pleas, skin, touch “I know you want me” he whispers with implicit faith in his words.
A whirl of the most fantastic notions takes possession of his brain when your eyes meet again—he clings to you more tightly, knotting his hands in your hair, wordlessy begging, hands sliding down to your waist.
He raises the metal hand to his mouth, sucking on his fingers before the slightly damp digits are sliding into your panties and teasing your aroused folds and you exhale sharply, turning into a whining mewl as he circles your clit with ease.
“Say it”
he chuckles ruthlessly as the other hand bruises the skin on your waist, while his thumb circles down under your clit, closer to your entrance, fluids start to leak out. Your eyes meet again and something dangerous sparks, you suddenly feel your legs growing weak under you.
“Please-” you whisper, trembling with need and delight.
Winter almost stops when he hears you, his own breathing hitches a bit. He is watching you with an icy expression, voice falls to a whisper, as though he’s talking to himself
“Keep begging” a dark edge creeps into his tone.
“Please, don’t stop”
You shamelessly lift your leg up, placing it across his lower back and he swipes his thumb over your now throbbing clit before using two fingers to spread your lips apart. You never felt such stretching. It is cold and uncomfortable, but he forces his fingers inside as far as he can. He nibbles at your earlobe, loving the sharp intake of your breath, your skin breaks out into a pale sweat as he eases into a slow rhythm, curling his fingers inside, fracking, until your body twitches and walls clench around his fingers.
“Need me more” He pistons in and out of you as you clench around his fingers “Beg me more”
Every synapse in your brain short out—the gut-wrenching terror you feel, with a balance of sweet pleasure slide into mindlessness—
“Please, I need more, I need you-” you are cut off with an involuntary moan of rapturous pleasure, you are so close.
Those who constantly hunger for control outside of self are undoubtedly starved for peace inside of self—it doesn’t fucking matter, does it?
You’re powerless, weightless…utterly at his mercy and that’s what makes you cum—his gaze as he is staring at you, time stops. Those eyes are piercing yours, this is what makes you cum, he looks at you like he owns you.
The orgasm has gutted your vocal chords, and all you manage is a small gasp, he rasps something in your ear as he mouths against the skin of your neck, but you are too lost to hear it.
You are pushed against the wall, he tilts his head back and lowers his lips to yours and they get bitten to the point of bleeding. Winter feels a metallic taste on his tongue as he pulls back to admire his work, licking his lips, smiling disgustingly.
The sharp taste of blood only whetting his appetite. Winter wraps long slender fingers, around your throat, squeezing slightly and the feeling is too cold for it to be a human hand. His mouth is so close to your ear it makes your hair stand on end as he presses his hips against you, licking along the shell of your ear.
It is arousing, but dangerous—very dangerous.
Your other hand trails down his abdomen to his belt, and a finger dips in before you retrieve it—teasing him, the other hand still rubbing small circles on the tip. He shifts closer so his hardness presses against your hand unwillingly to your plans.
His right hand digs fingers into the flesh of your waist, the grip turning bruising and hard as before—the metal one now resting on the wall close to your head—as a warning, a reminder of the power he holds.
„Don’t you dare stop“ he whispers, the bite of his threat lost somewhere in his need for you to touch.
You need moments to unbuckle his pants, and Winter continues to trail your skin with kisses and whines when a hand slides into his boxers, the other holding closely to take the large cock in your small hands, covering it as much as you can.
You look down at his slick cock and nearly gag at the idea of just having it in your mouth, you want to be on his knees for him.
Drops of pre-cum drop to the floor.
Winter clenches his metal fist, trying to resist the urge to moan loudly, closing his lips he inhales through his nose, face contorting with openly weeping pleasure. He groans in reply, unable to fight your gentle touch, trying to fuck himself against the grip of your hands, too small to cover his whole length, throbbing with delight of that thought, orgasm begins to creep up on him.
You can’t help, but hang your jaw in bewilderment at the sight before—he is falling apart from the need to come, all he can do is tighten the grip against your waist—to urge you to please him.
He lets a choked moan escape his lips as you start to move your hands up and down, languidly stroking at his cock—his metal fingers whirling naturally around your neck, squeezing, not enough to break it, whines and whimpers escaping him as if he has no control over them any longer.
You observe every reaction and sound with wide lips and sultry eyes—heavy breathing from both of you as the pleasure hadn’t stopped yet—mesmerized yet almost confused as you’d never seen a killer be so needy for an orgasm, but you don’t dare comment.
“Don’t slow down”
He breaths out, eyebrows furrowing, his eyes shut, only grunts fill the cold air.
He opens his eyes, glossy and unfocused, and his face is deeply flushed—he is faced with your eyes stained with tears as you struggle to breathe—you nearly lose consciousness, how fragile your body is and how strong his is.
He chuckles at the sight—lust twisting his features, the grip around your neck finally loosens, the rush of blood and oxygen to the brain results in an explosion of dopamine, followed by erratic breathing.
He uses the moment to prise his tongue into your open mouth, forcing himself into you. You try to push and trash, but he holds you firm against the wall, his tongue sweeping over your lips, against your teeth, claiming you—leaking your tears.
Tasting the life he can easily take away from you.
You wiggles slightly, when he rips off your pants off, those piercing blue eyes trying to get a glimpse of your nakedness as his cock is still out, his fist tightening around the base, stroking slowly as his eyes drift south—dragging his metal finger slowly through your slit, the other hand once again moves on the waist in the same place—it hurts, bruises already forming from his tight hold.
It is obvious that Winter is not human, his body, his dick is too big to be human. You shiver at the sight of his length, hard and needy. His eyes are completely blue, with no pupil or white, two seas full of desire—he will drown you in them.
Soldat lifts your leg to gain a better angle to your hole. Your lips are slick and swollen, but the opening is stretching tight around his cock, trying to enter you completely, you cry out, your back arching at the pain. You freeze, blood running cold as he slaps you hard across the face.
The dark-haired man stares back with ill-concealed suspicion.
He is big, wide and fills you deliciously—every time you assume that he's fully sheathed, he pushes in a bit more and makes you moan loudly.
You buckle your hips as best you can despite his rough movements, meeting him thrust for thrust, desperate to feel him buried inside of you.
He is rough with you, not taking his time, not easing you into it.
“Please, slow down, it is too much-”
“Shut up and take it”
he trembles at the way you say beg, because of him, his mind was a blank canvas accosted by nothing—now, it is all about you, about pleasure.
And you tremble like a downy rabbit caught in the clutches of a wolf—he seizes you as boldly as if you are his prey. He thrust with force, you don’t even have time to adjust, he is too eager.
You moan both from pleasure and pain—It's so tight, squeezing the life out of his cock and he loves the idea of hurting you, it is too erotic not to think about it. He fucks you with lazy, slow thrusts, just enjoying the sensations of sex.
“You are taking me so good” he pants against your throat
he enjoys the suction feeling onto his cock, pummeling your cunt ruthlessly, hitting over the tender spot and you groan, loudly. Your throat feels raw from all the moans.
You exist there, whimpering, taking a fortifying breath, feeling the approach of your own orgasm, compressed by him as he ravages you, marks you.
Hard, long, deep trust that forces moans out of both of you.
You immediately bite your lip, panting, stopping yourself from moaning more, but your spine bends back and your body stretches taut, insides clenching and spamming around his cock—the sound that escapes your lips is so unearthly that it drives him to the edge.
He slams into you as his cock explodes in an endless amount of cum, overflowing out of you, dripping on the floor. He groans as he continues to slam into you, even as you feel overly sensitive as your own orgasm reaches its peak.
He leans down, far enough that the dark ends of his hair brushes feather-light against your face, his metal hand is around your throat, squeezing tightly—you lose consciousness, thinking that he is killing you, but you just pass out.
Sex is another practiced art to him. Each move is calculated. His brain is programmed to perform, his body seducing his prey with ease, noting each response of his target.
Fear and seduction, repulsion and attraction—that's how corruption is spread, turning squalor and nastiness into thrill, seduces the target into his own web—and leaves with the corpse on his hands.
What a devilish creature, master of the art of Death and Seduction, all its nuance, all its depth and complexity—but he spared your life?
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loveiwaizumis · 3 months
skater!suna rintarou . . <3
-> purely sfw, NOT proofread -> reader is female and has a younger brother -> younger brother's name will be aki hehe -> highschool setting, third year suna who's a bit bold mwehehe -> more of a conversational kinda thing than an hc kinda thing err.. skater!suna who laid his eyes on dear (y/n) when the poor girl frantically entered the skate park in search of her younger brother skater!suna who took it as a sign from the universe when the little him who had approached him earlier on asking to hang out turned out to be your younger brother. he thought it was cute how you scolded your younger brother for not being home on time. skater!suna who was a bit saddened when you thanked him and took your leave alongside your brother, hiding his disappointment with a short mumble of "no worries, he's a fun student. i wouldn't mind repeating this." skater!suna who had a smile instantly painted on his face as he saw the same cute (h/c) girl enter the skate park alongside a familiar young boy the following week. and just to make matters worse, or better, for suna, you approached him with similar joy written on your face. --- (y/n) "hey there! i hope i'm not a bother but aki was so happy about last time, he wouldn't shut up so here we are again.. er.. do you mind?" the girl mumbled, a bit ashamed to be making requests to a total stranger. a cute one at that! "not a problem at all, this little fella was fun to teach." suna smiled, turning to the little boy. "i'll take care of 'em for ya, miss.....?" (y/n) "l/n y/n! you can call me y/n, but please don't call me miss.. and you are?" she chuckled. "suna rintarou." (y/n) "thanks, suna! i'll be over there if you need me, we have an hour." --- (aki) "i see the way you look at my older sister, you would make a great older brother!" the younger boy remarked towards the older male. "haha, you're funny kid. don't say that around her though, okay?" suna said, patting the kid's back. (aki) "okay fine! but before we end, can you please teach my sister how to skate? pretty please!!" aki practically begged. "not so sure, she'll let me but if you can convince 'er then why not?" suna said shyly, though very subtly. and that's how (y/n) ended up just like this, holding onto his broad shoulders for support, with his large hands enveloping her frame. (y/n) "suna rintarou, you better not let go of me or i'm taking aki and we're never coming back here." "i won't let go if you give me your number after this.." (y/n) "as if i wasn't going to anyway..!" "i've got you, relax pretty."
---- @loveiwaizumis 2024 please do not repost, translate, copy. reblogs and likes appreciated <3 not my proudest work lol
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chyeyuj · 2 months
julie's hips bucked against your soft hands as you continued to edge the poor girl. her teary eyes met yours, begging for you to make her come. "yn let me come please- we're going to start anytime soon.." she whines. you have never seen her this vulnerable before since she would usually be the one in charge so this was very new to you. a smile was plastered on your face, your hand starting to stroke her cock slowly. "hm..why should i?" you hummed, your fingertip circling the tip of her cock. "i'll be good...please let me come, pretty please? we don't have much time left." julie pleaded. satisfied by her reply, your hand started to jerk her throbbing meat at just the perfect speed which caused julie to almost moan out loud but you quickly shut her up by kissing her, the kiss turning into a messy make out session. eventually julie had neared her peak, her head thrown back as she let out ropes of come that landed towards your hand and pelvis, some of it also staining her clothes. julie slowly opens her eyes being met with you cleaning her mess up and almost getting her hard again. when you're finished, you gave julie's tip a kiss then got up from your knees. "make yourself look presentable, julie. we're going to perform after this." you told her and she quickly did so. once finished, the both of you left the room and met up with the other members, ready to perform.
err hi...do you guys take this as an apology for being inactive?🥺
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Isaiah Jesus-Wrapped Around Her Finger
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Here’s another request!
I stand starring at Isaiah after telling him the news that I'm pregnant. We have been courting one another behind my brothers backs now for a year, but this was definitely not planned
"Say something, please" I beg
"Your brothers are going to kill me"
"Bloody hell Is, that's what your worried about? I just told you I'm pregnant"
"Of course that's what I'm worried about. When you tell them I loose all chance of being a father and living" he throws his arms in the air
"Oh don't be so dramatic Is. They won't kill you. Force you to marry me, most likely"
"Whoever said that marrying you would be forced?" Isaiah looks at me with a frown
"Were you really going to ask my brothers if you could marry me?" I cross my arms with a raised eyebrow
"In the future yeah, but looks like we will have to marry quicker"
"Tommy and Grace didn't marry straight away, maybe Tommy will be more relaxed about all of this"
"At least let me prepare myself for the rathe of the Shelby's"
"Fine but we tell them end of this week"
The end of the week comes by way to quickly and now I'm stood in front of my whole family about to tell them that I'm pregnant
"Alright YN. Out with it" Tommy says placing an unlit cigarette in his mouth before lighting it up
"Well erm. I guess we should just come out with it"
"We?" Arthur questions looking between me and and Isaiah
"Yes. Err we have been, involved with each other for a while now and...."
"And what?" Tommy asks with an angry expression
"I'm pregnant"
"What!" John is the first one out of his chair "you better be bloody joking"
"Calm down John. YNs not a kid anymore. She's the same age as we were when we had..."
"We were married" John points at Esme
"Fuck sake YN. I don't care that you've been busy behind our backs because your an adult but how stupid can you be to get pregnant?"
"Arthur that's unfair. You could say the same for me"
"I did" Arthur retaliates looking at Ada. I look at Tommy worried because he hasn't said anything yet
"Well. Can't say I'm not disappointed, but I got Grace pregnant out of marriage and John boy only married Martha because she got pregnant so I can't get to angry. However. I think Isaiah and I should have a little chat"
"Oh Tommy leave him be" Polly says getting up and walking over to me "congratulations sweetheart" she pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek
"How can you all be so chilled out by this?" Arthur asks annoyed "Isaiah was meant to keep YN safe and away from men"
"He did just that didn't he" John grumbles. A fire is then lit up inside me and I suddenly get very brave
"Ok wether you like it or not, I'm pregnant and I'm having this baby. Isaiah and I aren't getting married just because I'm pregnant. So you can either all act like my family or fuck off" I notice Tommy smirking. John and Arthur both settle back down, still grumbling about how they aren't happy with me. I roll my eyes and then I'm pulled into another hug, this time by Ada and Esme
"Congratulations YN" Ada says
"Thank you"
"So am I going to survive long enough to see my child?" Isaiah asks
"You'll survive long enough to raise the child, love the child and take care of my sister" Tommy stubs his cigarette out and leans back in his chair
"Yeah, yeah course"
"Thank you Tommy" I run over to him and hug him being grateful that he was able to keep everyone calm, or as calm as the Shelby boys can be
"She's always had him wrapped round her bloody finger" Arthur grumbles takes a swig of his drink. I roll my eyes at the comment. All my brothers love me so him and John will get over this eventually.
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Alright I've seen a couple breaches in protocol so far so I think a memo is in order.
Reddit and Tumblr approach the authenticity of online stories in very different ways, and that's largely attributable to their history.
Redditors, with the rise of prominent communities like r/thathappened, are generally more sceptical, even cynical, when it comes to online stories. They err on the side of 'fake' more often than not, and will communicate this in the comments.
Historically, the Tumblr fake story has been a cherished part of the site's culture: even if it isn't true, we can appreciate the whimsy, comedy or absurdity that it provides. They're essentially our folk tales, fiction under the loose guise of fact. Take the 3 Weed Smoking Girlfriends post, or the Down With Cis bus: both staples of Tumblr culture, even if they're fake.
On Tumblr, unless something is genuinely disinformative and designed with discreet malicious intent that poses a real risk to vulnerable people (in which case flame that shit), take these stories in good faith. Consider them at face value. If they're fake, celebrate them: there's no harm in it, and all good stories demand a little fibbing. But you'll also realise that quite a lot of them, the silly and strange among them, are true, and that life is a little bit more whimsical than you might have originally thought.
Also please stop commenting 'that happened' on every post please I'm begging you please for the love of
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sleep-0-deprived · 11 months
Heya! Can I please request a fic with sub! Fyodor x dom! Male! Reader. I don't exactly have a plot, but I do have Reader headcanons. The reader a very quiet and reserved individual, calm and collected who's fazed by nothing. This personality genuinely flusters Fyodor in the bedroom. He can edge Fyodor endlessly with a vibe to his tip while sitting next to him (fully clothed, mind you😂) and reading a novel out loud. Before the fact, he'll get Fedya riled up by doing things like tracing and messing with his senses. He is the only one that can ever hope to make a very broken Fyodor beg. Your content is fuckin awesome btw! There is not enough male reader fics out there😂
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Sub Fyodor x dom male reader
I couldn’t tell if you wanted a dom bottom reader or a dom top reader so I made the reader top but I’m willing to write a dom bottom reader version so I hope you enjoy :]
Female aligned dni 18+ only nsfw content
One thing Fyodor could say about you was that you where one hell of a teaser everything about you teased him and drove the terrorist wild whether it was your calm cold demeanor of it was your endless teasing and right now was certainly no different. Fyodor was tied by his wrists hands above his head with only his boxers on “what’s wrong Fyo? Are you flustered” you said as you took a vibrator running it down his pale stomach all the way to the growing bulge in his boxers “hng please stop teasing~” the male whimpered out “oh baby but it’s too much fun” you whispered in Fyodor’s ear as you sucked hickys and bite marks down the anemic man’s body “fuck y/n” Fyodor moaned pulling on his binds. Soon you made your way back up to Fyodor’s nipples “do you like this baby” you moaned into the males chest as you sucked and twisted his sensitive nipples “yes fuck ahh~” Fyodor moaned feeling a mix of pleasure from the vibrator and you teasing his nipples, right as Fyodor was about to cum you turned off the vibrator and backed away “please~” Fyodor moaned desperate for a high “All in due time baby boy” you whispered turning the man around so that his ass was turned to you, you soon leaned over Fyodor’s shoulders slowly dragging your tongue along the outline of his spin “ahh~” the purple haired man moaned arching his back into your face “so needy aren’t you baby?” You said as you pulled Fyodor’s boxers letting them fall the rest of the way showing you his bare ass “Fuck Hahh~” Fyodor screamed as you shoved a vibrator inside him “your doing so good for me sweetie” you said stroking Fyodor’s dick as he arched his back moaning your name along with a bunch of pleas “I’m close y/n please~” Fyodor begged as his eyes glossed over from tears as he was brought to the verge of a strong orgasm for the second time “no you will only be allowed to cum on my dick do you understand?” You demanded “I understand fuck~” the male moaned “now for some reason I don’t believe you so I have to put this on you” you said pulling a cock ring out of the desk right next to you “just fuck me” the man said frustrated as a cock ring was placed on him “keep on fyo and I’ll leave you like this” you said in a serious tone “no no please I’ll behave just don’t leave me like this” Fyodor begged you “fine” you said taking the vibrator out and replacing it with two of your fingers “oh fuck y/n~” the pale man moaned as you prepped him “no matter how many times we fuck, your hole is still tight” you remarked adding another finger “right there y/n faster~” Fyodor moaned as you hit his prostate “I think that your stretched enough don’t you?” You say pulling all fingers out of the male, watching his hole clench around the air “damn your such a” Fyodor was quickly cut off as you thrusted your whole dick into him “oh fuck right there” the man moaned as you pulled his hips into you grinding Fyodor down on your dick “do you want me to move” you tease the moaning mess of a man “yes yes please fuck me~” Fyodor let out a desperate moan “as you wish” you said as you gripped Fyodor’s hips to the point bruises were sure to be left and started to roughly fuck him “oh god~” the man moaned as you continued to pound into his prostate every time “you like that don’t you? You like to be fucked like a slut don’t you” you grunted as you started to fuck fyodor at a inhuman pace while stroking his dick and pressing down on the bulge in his stomach “you feel that baby that’s me fucking your guts” you grunted as you pressed the bulge down hard “oh fuck fast err~” Fyodor whimpered feeling you fucking his guts in. You pick the pace up pounding Fyodor like there is no tomorrow “I’m close” you grunted out “I want you to cum in me” the male moaned out feeling over simulated. With a few more rough thrusts you pulled Fyodor’s cock ring off and came in him your hot seed feeling him up and making his stomach puff out, you reach over to the night stand and grab a but plug inserting it into Fyodor “so you don’t wast any cum” you said while untying the rope around Fyodor’s wrists “your such a damn tease”
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inmyhorrorsera · 10 months
S5E8 "The Roast" thoughts:
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Ok, I watched this episode three times and I'm still smiling. I love when you think and episode is gonna be about something because of its title and then surprise you when its all a misdirection (see also: Succession's "Connor's Wedding").
At first Laszlo's err… state intrigued me, love everyone projecting and imposing their own insecurities (Guillermo's secret, Nadja's hex) as a reason on why he is behaving like that. And of course it's a stupid reason 😭.
"And a flat pepsi for Guillermo". Oh Nandor, that's the worst thing you ever done to Guillermo, that's the worst thing you could do to anyone. And yes, I remember a certain S4 episode.
I screeched like a bird when Colin mentioned dreaming about being a baby under Laszlo's care, not only because I wanted this shit to happen since the past finale, but also I really thought the episode was going on that direction (and also bc its another W for my predictions).
Having said that, LOVED the nonchalance of Nadja and the others when they were like 'no, it wasn't a dream, that totally happened'.
I mentioned it in a separate post: they really had a Sweet Dee in IASIP moment when The Guide gave the roast idea, only to be ignored and then the same idea being stolen by a dude who is celebrated.
Seanie's poor brain it should be soup at this point, we don't know if he can hazily remember the event like it happened before.
What can I remember is his line after Nadja's roast because it was one of the biggest laughs for me: "Women CAN be funny!" I fucking loved it so much, it's the perfect condescending shit straight men say all the time, even when they're trying to be complementary to you they can't stop being garbage. It was a simple line but Anthony nailed the delivery and timing. Seriously, rewatch that part.
At first I was confused why all the jokes were so mid, but shortly I realized this episode wasn't about the roast at all, lol.
Just by watching screenshots of other users I noticed that in the scene of Nandor resting his head on Guillermo's shoulder there's a BIG flame between them. LMAO. There's no way that is unintentional.
Good for The Guide being the catalyst of Baron Afanas learning the truth. I was demanding more screen time for her lately, so having some incidence in the main plot goes on the plus column.
The other guests present at the roast being shocked at the knowledge of Guillermo killing vampires surprised me; I always assumed Guillermo being a familiar/slayer was a known fact in the vampire community after his very public massacre at the Théâtre des Vampires.
Fuck yeah when I realized this is a Doug Jones spotlight episode, I just fuckin ahgdjkaksdf, love him, perfect, no notes.
The Baron being terrifying!! Guillermo was seriously scared for the others and he barely tried to show off his Van Helsing abilities.
Nandor and Nadja begging the Baron to not hurt Guillermo!! 😭 Them being dragged while grabbing the cape!! 😭 They're spiritual siblings to me!! 😭😭
They really reminded me a little bro and sis begging their mom to not hit their beloved older brother with the chancla for talking back or something.
I fell for the two fake-outs with the sack lol I'm so gullible when it comes to vampires I guess.
"At least he died doing what he loved: beating off in the toolshed."
A wonderful small detail: After Laszlo opened fake Guillermo with the knife he cleaned his hands on The Guide's dress.
Idc if you think its dark, the whole 'Nandor will kill you and then kill himself' bit becoming a recurring joke it's peak writing.
I wish I can say something more serious about Baron Afanas' sadness over how boring his life is now. But I just keep thinking that the way he talks about his homelife with The Sire and the Hellhound sounds exactly when a dude has a middle life crisis and suddenly he doesn't enjoy his marriage anymore. They're husbands!! And I loved how cunty he looked at the end all half-charred (see posted gif) Queen!
Now, the Nandermo of it all: What more can I say than incoherent screaming and foaming from the mouth? Episodes 8 are all about them again!! Nandor on the window looking all cliched melancholic heroine of a romance novel?? How relieved he was when he found him in the coffin??? Him still remembering Guillermo's card word for word???!! Knowing that this toxic dark sided devotion goes both ways???!!! Borrowing the words of Fleabag: THIS IS A LOVE STORY.
Seriously, I know all these soft Nandor moments are here so the heartbreak when he learns about Guillermo being turned it's even bigger. But still denying that there is a romantic undertone between these two it's just being purposely adamant at this point (i'm looking at you wwdits reddit). Even if nothing explicitly romantic happens on screen, just by watching these moments, I know, we know.
Now, go listen to the ending song again. You will not regret it.
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danurso · 1 year
Yang: Aaahhh! The beach! Oh, I missed this place!
Weiss: *holding an umbrella* Why do you feel the need to be so dramatic about it? It's just a beach.
Yang: It's the best place in the world! Not that you would know anything about it, being the first time in a place with so much sun and all.
Weiss: I've been to beaches before!
Yang: Your pale ghost skin begs to differ.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching*
Ruby: Relax everyone, we came here to enjoy the place.
Nora: Hell yeah we did! *holding a surfboard above her head* Last one in the water smells like a dead fish! *Bolts away*
Ren: I better make sure she doesn't hit a rock again. *Follows*
Ruby: You're coming Blake?
Blake: *sitting on a shadow and reading* Thank you, but no thank you.
Yang: Your loss!
Yang shifts her focus to a fellow blonde, and makes her way towards him with a cheeky grin.
Yang: Hey there ladykiller~
Jaune: *putting on sunscreen* Hey. Gimme a second, gonna join you guys as soon as i finish here.
Yang: So, I'm done changing. Whaddya think?
Jaune, who up until now was focused on covering himself with sunscreen, finally looked at Yang who had her hair on a ponytail and wore a simple orange bikini, with her favorite glasses resting on her head.
Jaune: *red* Oh. . . .it looks uhmm *scratching his neck* I-it looks pretty good.
Yang: Hehehe, that's good to know. Mind getting me something to drink?
Jaune: S-sure. *Walks off*
Yang: *Grinning*
Ruby: Planning to make a move already? Or are you just gonna use him as an errand boy?
Yang: Oh please, I'm taking things slowly for now, giving it time to do stuff right y'know?
Ruby: Uh-huh.
Weiss: Well, taking your time is a good thing, but if you don't pay attention someone might snatch him from under your nose.
Yang: Oh yeah? And who would try and do that?
Weiss: *Looking behind Yang* Apparently, quite a lot of girls.
Yang turned around to see Jaune in the distance, drinks in hand and with an awkward smile as a flock of girls surrounded him.
Weiss: Well, it seems like Nora was right.
Ruby: Dammit! Now I owe her twenty bucks. . . .Yang?
Yang: *walking towards the group*
Ruby: . . . . . .think they're going to be okay?
Weiss: No clue, but for all legal intents and purposes, I do not know her.
Ruby: *deadpan* Thanks, that was very reassuring of you.
Jaune: Err. . . .look, I really need to go now.
Girl1: Aww, why don't you come hang out with us?
Girl2: We're gonna play volley, we could use someone like you on our team~
Girl3: It's gonna be fun! Come on~
Jaune: I would love to, but i'm with my friends already so-
Yang: Hey there everyone! *Pushes through the group and hugs jaunes arm* You need something?
Jaune: *red* Y-yang?
Girl2: Who are you?
Girl1: We got here first! Dibs on the Blondie
Girl3: Yeah! Go find your own!
Yang: Oh really? *Hair on fire, eyes glowing red* Wanna say that again?
The trio yelped in surprise, falling back on the sand before running away.
Yang: Hmph, That's better.
Jaune: Weren't you a little too harsh with them?
Yang: You're too nice y'know? You can't just let girls harass you like that.
Jaune: They weren't harassing me, they're staying in a house around here and just wanted me to go with them to play volleyball.
Yang: . . . . .so they wanted you to follow them to their house just to play volleyball?
Jaune: Yes.
Yang: Even though there's like, three volleyball areas a few meters from here
Jaune: Well. . . . .yeah.
Yang: *sigh* You're so innocent it's almost cute. But keep something on your head, girls like that usually want something else from you.
Jaune: What could they want with-
Yang: *gives him a look*
Jaune: . . . . . . .*pink* oh, right. I see your point.
Yang: Oh don't worry, no one really gets it the first time it happens to them. Just remember, the next time you get approached by a girl, pay attention so you don't get tricked by their charms. *Takes her drink and starts drinking*
Jaune: Thanks but. . . . .this isn't the first time that happens.
Yang: *spits drink* It's what!?
Jaune: It already happened before now that I think about it.
Yang: When!?
Jaune: Well, there was this one time where a girl stopped me and asked for directions, and insisted that I guided her myself, even offering lunch as thanks. . . . .there's also that lady from the dust shop who keeps calling me a good boy and offering me a job as her personal assistant. Oh, there's also the time where I tried to help a girl who fell from her bike and twisted her ankle, I offered to use my semblance on her but she kept insisting that I should carry her to a hospital. There was also this one time where. . . . . . . .wow, this happens way more often than I ever thought before.
Yang: . . . . . .
Jaune: Yang? You okay?
Yang: *Smiling* Yeah, doing great.
Jaune: Uhm, okay. I'm going in the water, you're coming.
Yang: Sure, I'm right behind you.
Jaune: *leaves*
Yang: . . . . . . .
Weiss: *joins in* So, problem solved?
Yang: No. . . . .nowhere near that, my noodle was in danger all this time and I didn't even know.
Ruby: It's just some girls trying to hit on him, it's not a big deal. It's not like Jaune is the type of guy to let himself be swayed by someone he just met.
Weiss: Though maybe, if you're really so concerned about someone stealing him from you, you could stop playing around and do what has to be done already.
Yang: . . . . .you're right. No more joking, I have to take this seriously from now on, there only one way to keep him safe and I'm doing it!
*A few days later*
Jaune: You sure you wanted to come? I thought you didn't like comics.
Yang: They're pretty nice, ruby loves them too.
Jaune: I know. . . . .can i ask you something though?
Yang: Yes?
Jaune: Why are you dressed up like this?
Yang: *Wearing a black suit, sunglasses and an earpiece* No particular reason.
Jaune: I see. . . . . .
Girl: Hey there handsome~
Jaune: Hey-
Yang: Hostile in sight! Deadly force authorized!
Girl: What the- GHAA!!! *gets tackled to the ground*
Jaune: YANG!?!?
Ruby: *in the next aisle, sorting through comics* Welp, that went well. Looking on the bright side, no one died yet, so your plan seems to have worked.
Weiss: *holding a pile of comics for her* THAT WAS NOT WHAT I MEANT FOR HER TO DO!!!!!
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Alcina is flustered by a tall and muscular Y/N part 3
Here’s part 3. Read the second part here! Let’s get into it!
You have been avoiding the Lady of the castle for a few days. You just can’t hide your attraction to her and you’re afraid you’re going to lose your job over it.
You’ve been begging your co-workers to give you all of the outside jobs that involve heavy labor to keep your mind off of things. They’re happy to oblige so you’ve been hiding out there.
You’re currently chopping wood right now, but you have an admirer that you’re not aware of.
Alcina has been watching you work for the past few minutes from her window upstairs. Her mouth has gone dry as she takes in your muscular form.
Bela walks in and spots her mother ogling you. She grins and clears her throat which startles Alcina.
Alcina turns around and tries to play it cool as she leans back awkwardly onto her desk with her hand. “H-hello, draga.” She splutters.
“Enjoying the view?” She asks and quirks her eyebrow knowingly.
Alcina sighs at being found out by her daughter. “I… I-I’ve never felt like this before.” She confesses. “It’s… Y/N.”
Bela giggles and walks over to give her mother a hug. “I know, mother. It can be scary having a crush.” She says.
Alcina’s cheeks are flaming. “I come from an ancient noble family. I am an aristocrat! I shouldn’t have silly little crushes. I thought I was above this.” She pouts.
“Well, Y/N is special. I’m glad to see you interested in someone for once.” Bela says with a smile.
Alcina bites her lower lip anxiously. “I don’t even know what to say around them. They’re so kind and I feel like I sound like an idiot when I talk to them.” She moans and places her palm on her forehead.
“To be honest, mother… I’m pretty sure that Y/N likes you too.” Bela says.
“WHAT?!” Alcina suddenly shrieks in surprise.
Bela jumps a bit, somewhat startled. She scratches her neck in discomfort. “Yes… I think they have a crush on you as well.” She says quietly, hoping not to elicit the same reaction as last time.
Alcina takes a shaky breath. “So… What should I do?” She asks. It might come as a surprise, but Alcina has not exactly been on a lot of dates or had much experience being courted… She’s beautiful, obviously, but really intimidating.
“My advice? Y/N can’t help themself. They’ll eventually have to admit their feelings. Just let them make the first move.” Bela smirks.
“Just… Err, I should just do nothing?” Alcina asks.
Bela chuckles. “Well, if it were me, I’d wear my nicest clothes, swivel my hips, make grand entrances when they’re around… It’s not rocket science, mother.” Bela says confidently.
“Oh, so… I should whore myself out?” Alcina asks, confused. She rapidly nods her head as she thinks about it, though. “I can do that.”
“Mother!” Bela spouts, embarrassed. “You… Shouldn’t… Oh, never mind.” She gives up. “Just use your ‘Feminine Wiles’, you know?”
That makes more sense to Alcina. She grew up in an age where this trope became popular, after all. “Okay, Bela. Thank you, draga. You’re an amazing daughter.” She gives her a kiss on the head.
Bela beams at the praise. “I try.” She says smugly. “You know… I could give you a bit of a makeover right now if you’re interested? Nothing drastic, I’ll just make sure you’re wearing your most alluring outfit and perfume.” She says.
“Yes! Yes, let’s do that!” Alcina claps her hands excitedly.
Bela squeals, elated her mother is letting her do this.
Meanwhile, Cass and Dani have their own plan to help you out. “Hey, Y/N. You want to smash our mom, right?” Cass asks you as you’re winding up to chop a piece of firewood.
The axe slips out of your hands as you stammer, unsure how to answer. “W-what- What was that?” You say, really hoping you heard wrong.
“Oh, Cassie asked if you wanted to have sex with our mother.” Dani answers matter-of-factly.
You shake your head violently, not wanting to continue this conversation. “I don’t think I-”
“We know how to help.” Cass says and places a hand on her hip.
“Yes, please.” You answer immediately.
“Great!” Dani says. “All we need to do is make sure you take your shirt off while she’s watching. Boom. Problem solved.” She says and crosses her arms, satisfied.
“I can’t take my shirt off around her! That’s unprofessional!” You yell.
“Alright fine, prude. Well, I think that mother will definitely need to hear you say you’re interested in her before she’ll open up.” Cass says.
You roll your eyes. “Unprofessional.” You say again. “If I say anything like that, I’ll get canned. It’s got to be her who says she wants to pursue a relationship.” You tell them.
“Well… Should I bring up my shirt idea again?” Dani asks.
“No, Lady Daniela.” You say… Before she throws a huge hornet’s nest at you.
“Ahh, fuck!” You shout and run around, screaming. You’re getting stung like crazy. (A/N: If you’re allergic, please hc plot armor and blame my lack of creativity T^T).
You frantically start to rip your clothes off and run into the castle, hoping to get away from the attack.
Unfortunately, Bela has sensed your presence and whispers for Alcina to make a dramatic entrance while you’re watching. The two have been standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for you to walk in.
Alcina fluffs her hair as she descends the staircase, moving sensually… Before your half-naked form runs right into her.
Alcina screams as you knock her over (She also gets stung violently).
The castle is in an uproar for the rest of the day. It takes a while to get all of the bees out.
You and Alcina are both idiots when it comes to love, apparently… Nobody is safe until you two get over yourselves and admit your feelings for each other.
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mistress-lou · 7 months
Neir Automata charachters react to meeting a human (you)
Requested by me self indulgent writing :)
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Let's be honest the first time you two meet he probably shrieks
And not a small one like a really high pitched excited bird screech
After your ears were finished ringing and you could finally hear him he bombards you with questions and at first you answer them politely to the best of your ability
"So is it true humans don't rust?"
"Well no but we go through something similar called 'aging' pretty much our bones become more and more fragile over time our skin begins to sag and we have trouble moving around and we usually have little to no energy by the time we reach our 40's."
"Wow you guys have it rough! But can't you all avoid the effects of 'aging' by doing routine maintenance and replacing all of your the parts of you that are irreparably damaged?"
You have to explain that while yes keeping up to date with your body to keep it healthy and doing your best to get rid of all of the impurites inside your body can help you can never really stop the effects of aging
He doesn't really get it but is both surprised and happy to know that your body can heal minor injuries on it's own. But still keeps a close eye on you anyway
Reads all the codex that he can find on humans no matter how small it may seem he doesn't want to risk it especially after knowing you can't just replace all your broken and corrupted parts like other androids can
Starts to carry a small notebook around with him where he writes your conversations, your personal interests, allergies, eating habits, sleeping schedule, and even your bathroom breaks (yes gross ik but he wants to know when him and 2b should take a break from adventuring so you can relax)
Definitely likes to gossip with you about other YoRHa members and especially how much of a pain their commander is (which is often quickly silenced by 2b)
Ask about 2b and he'll talk for hoooours
Like he won't shut up about her goddamn you'd think he'd at least have filter and stay a bit more quiet when she's only like 5 feet away
Poor guy obviously has big crush on 2b
Although he does sometimes make some flirty comments to his operator too so maybe that's just how he is?? Or maybe he just likes those two in particular because he's close to them
Although he never really talks to you that way but that's fine though!
And 2b never says anything about it so maybe she's just not paying attention or maybe she likes it.....? Your not sure androids are hard to read especially 2b even though you guys are relatively close now
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Just no
The moment she saw you she literally turned on her heel and walked the other way
9s had to grab her and literally beg for her to hear you out because she just wanted none of it
After a few minutes of convincing she agreed to listen to you she thought you were a runaway android at first so she wanted to leave before she might've recieved any orders to bring you back or (slight spoilers) execute you but she decided to hear you out for 9s's sake
Was very surprised when you told her you were a human she didn't believe you at first but after telling her what year you were from, details of the day machines attacked, and a confirmation from YoRHa, she finally decided to beileve your story
Was very annoyed when her new mission was to escourt and protect you while she there on earth completing her main mission
Most likely only kept you around because of 9s and 6O's begging
Very quiet anytime you ask her questions she gives very curt short answers
"So...how are you doing today 2b?"
"All my diagnostics and sensory functions are all green."
"Err..okay how about mentally are you okay?-"
"I don't get tired and all my core and brain functionality are working fine."
"O-oh okay well how about-"
"Machines ahead get back with 9s!"
"But they're like 100 ft away we can just go the other way- wait!!"
Everytime you complain to 9s that you think 2b just hates you he just constantly reassures you that 2b is just like that and to just give her a little more time to warm up to you
And after travelling with her for a bit it seems like she was starting to warm up to you
For instance any time you tell her she's going to fast she'll slow down, and if your hungry she'll go fishing or go hunt a boar, if your sleepy she'll turn around and head back to the resistance camp.
If you bring it up she'll say she needed some more supplies or she needed some repairs
Won't admit it but she likes having you around because you make 9s smile so much. She loves overhearing your guy's conversations where you guys just laugh and talk (lmao mommy 2b)
Although she hates when you both gang up on her and beg her for a break or to go fishing (totally not an excuse so you and 9s can go play in the water)
She always agrees though (she's a softie and she can't say no to you two)
If you ask her to carry you she will mostly because she knows how much less durable your body is than hers
9s will most likely get jealous and ask for one too and she has no problem with it she'll just pick both of you up and walk off to the resistance camp for rest (although she does find your guy's constant giggling annoying)
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If you thought 2b was bad A2 is something else
The moment she saw you she thought you were a member of YoRHa and tried to take your head off you were lucky and somehow managed avoid her attack by a hair
You frantically explained that you had no idea who YoRHa was and that you weren't an android but a human
She of course didn't beileve you and turned around and left you there ignoring your pleas for help and explanation of what was happening and what happened to earth
Although something was telling her to stick around and watch to see if were telling the truth
So she did she tailed you watching as you scurried away from machines and hid from androids because according to what she heard you say "they're both the same all gears and metal."
Which did secretly tick her off because: How dare you compare us (androids) to those machines!!
After a while of watching you she couldn't tell if you were just reallly dedicated to your role or if you were actually telling the truth
But your luck had to run out eventually
You tripped while running away from three small stubby machines and a goliath biped it was because you were extremely underfed and dehydrated mostly because you could barely find any places to fish or get any fresh water without their being an android or machines watching it and you could never rest more than thirty minutes because you could always hear the loud shuffling and bangs from the machines walking around
So as the goliath raised his arm for the final blow you closed your eyes finally relieved that your days of scavenging and living in constant fear was over
However the end never came you heard a loud thud and whoosh of wind around you as if something had blocked the attack from the biped
Who would have the power to do such a thing?
You heard a series of more loud bangs and slashes and then eventually you heard 4 loud thuds and then silence except for footsteps walking towards you and stopping a few feet next to you
You kept your eyes closed and played dead in the hopes for whatever killed them wasn't very bright and thought it killed you too
"Hey I know your not dead I can see your eyes twitching get up or do you want me to leave you here for more of those things to come?
"Then get up"
You did as you were told and followed her back to an abandoned building in the forest close to where you first met her and she was surprisingly kind and told you to rest while she kept watch over you maybe it was her seeing how exhausted you looked (or maybe how slowly you were lagging behind her on the way here gave you away)
But you took her offer gratefully and quickly fell asleep
After waking up the next day with what felt like the best sleep of your life you saw a2 standing over you with a make shift plate made out of bark with moose and boar meat and a cup of water in the other
You gratefully accepted them eating your food rather quickly (choking a bit a few times) and left with A2
After a bit of questioning she explained why she attacked you and (eventually) that she had been following you and you in return told her how you woke up and then accidently ran into her
Your journey with A2 was quiet but fufilling in a way...?
You guys avoided YoRHa members and she taught you how to look for traces of life and where to find running water (sorry but i see her being kind've like a nomad she has to get water somewhere right?) and you told her all about your life in the human world before machines
Like 9s and 2b she keeps a close eye on you and makes sure that your always well fed and well rested so you won't accidently hit anything to hard or cut yourself then fall over and die
And while you explained to her you dont die that easily she'll still make sure you where away from anything sharp and dangerous
Mosst of the time she just grabbed you by the back of your clothes slinging you over her shoulder and just walking around that way
oh how romantic!! 💓 (your pretty sure you say this to cope with idea that she might see you as baggage or worse a pet but you do you)
Operator 6O
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Let's be honest the only reason you'd end up in operator 6O's care was if 2b couldn't handle you anymore and decided to kick you out and send you to the bunker
Which says a lot because she never fails a mission (wth did you do???)
But it's not all bad if anything you have it a lot easier you don't have to walk and walk till your feet feel like they'll fall off, you don't have sleep on the cold hard floor (if you were too far from the resistance camp), and no more life and death battles with the machines
Well not you, you just stood there and watched as 2b and 9s did all the work but you where a great source of emotional support :)
But the bunker was pretty nice if you liked being swarmed and bombarded with questions from all the YoRHa members in the bunker and maybe sometimes subtly touched and groped by them
Thankfully 6O is a little more calm than the others and she'll always ask for your permission before she touches you
But like 9s and the rest of the androids she'll still ask you a ton of questions
Her favorite things to talk about are flowers, animals, fashion, makeup, and skincare
If you know a lot about these topics than hallelujah!! You guys are going to be the best of friends!!
Pretty much a girly girl and if she was born in our modern world she would most likely be a very popular influencer or makeup artist and with her bubbly personality she'd probably have a few thousand if not million followers
She's really good company and she even teaches you how she does her job and you even help around when the other operators are compromised or sick (undergoing repairs) at the moment
Plus androids hearing your voice helps boost morale so it's a win-win
2b is also a favorite subject of 6O's because she considers her to be one of her closest and dearest friends (even more so after she sent her a picture of the desert rose and she does talk about that a lot) so complaining to her about 2b wouldn't do anything she'll probably do the same thing as 9s or just change the subject
And while operator 6O and you were talking another operator came over and gave something to 6O something about a 'gift from 2b'
And inside was a small pouch of makeup!! Goodie
A few 100 years old but hey it's still there!
While she was excited for the gift she didn't know how to use it so of course she looked over at you and gave you the saddest most desperate puppy eyes you'd ever seen
"Hey Y/N can you help me put this on please??"
"Err i'd love you too but i don't think that's safe it expired- well a few hundred years ago.."
"It's okay I'm sure it'll be fine our skin is really durable so it's fine!!!"
"That's not point-"
"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease please-"
Doesn't matter if you have a lot of experience or no experience with makeup she still wants your help
But don't purposely make her look bad please it'll break her heart :(
And after your done helping her apply her makeup (which looks pretty good) she is absolutely ecstatic she loves it and then she insists that it's your turn to do your make up
You do your best to try and explain that your skin wasn't like hers and that it could probably cause a lot of damage to you if not kill you
She'll be really disappointed but understand and she'll just sadly put it away
After a few more days of seeing her eye her makeup and then your face you eventually decide to give in and let her put makeup on your face but only if she helps take care of you if things go wrong and she happily agrees
She did really good actually but you only keep it on for about thirty minutes before you feel your face getting extremingly itchty and take it off to see it gave you a really bad rash (but thankfully that's all it did)
She kept her promise though and she had managed to make some rash cream after finding a recipe in the YoRHa database
And even better the cream was really effiective your rash disappeared in about a week but you told her you'll never be putting on century old makeup again and she wholeheartedly agreed this time
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To err is human... but to err as a submissive humiliation slut is simply divine. That fear that grips my chest - the blood curdling chill - the way my stomach falls when I realise that I have made a mistake. Fuck!
I so wish we lived in a world where mistakes by sluts like me are handled like they are in my fantasy.
At the first hint that I might have made a mistake, a resounding slap across my face.
Being grabbed by my hair and dragged through the office to the boss's room.
Bent over her desk and whipped mercilessly with a belt, hands, cane... whatever is handy. My begging and moaning and screaming getting everyone in the open office horny.
When my butt is marked and bruised, be made to hold my little black dress up to my waist and stand with my nose touching the wall in the corner of my boss's room. Everyone who enters her office sees me punished in the corner... fuck!
Depending on the severity of the mistake... being made to strip down to my bra and panties and be made to stand in the corner of the main office facing the wall... a belt on a hook to the right. Anyone is welcome to take out frustration on me. Yank my panties down to my ankles and whip me, spank me, hurt me. Anyone who feels like it can come from behind and grope me, molest me, spot on my back and butt... Anyone who wants to can bend me over and fuck me from behind while berating me, cum inside me and then scoop up their cum as it runs down my thighs to rub over my face...
If the mistake affects the executive leadership, be made to attend the next board meeting and kneel at the entrance to the board room licking each leader's shoes clean as they enter. Some will slap me and kick me away and place the sole of their shoes on my face. When the meeting begins, I am to crawl under the boardroom table offering each board member oral sex...
Fuckkkkkk.... I so want this.....
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snorpdawg · 11 months
And Now, An Unnecessarily Long Post Guesstimating How Long The Events Of Bugsnax Took Place
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TLDR: My best guess for how long Bugsnax transpires is either between a couple months at least or a year at most.
So here’s the thing. The reason I even did all this meticulous research was to answer a question someone had in a Discord server. I figured I should probably make my inane ramblings a public post as a means of archiving for future usage, so here I am.
Please keep in mind that these are all educated guesses. I have both researched in my own time and scoured the depths of the Bugsnax Wiki to try to put together a coherent explanation of my thoughts. So inevitably there will be things I've messed up on or left out altogether. Any feedback or additions are appreciated!
In addition, this post will contain spoilers for the events of Bugsnax. If you haven't already gone through the main story, I strongly advise you not to read onwards, so as not to spoil your playing experience.
With all that jargon out of the way, let’s dive in!
Let’s go over what we already know. It is established that the expedition team has been on Snaktooth Island for roughly a year. During “The Quake”, around the start of the climax, when the Grumpus pairs are talking amongst themselves, Triffany mentions that the expedition group “only made it a year [on Snaktooth Island]”. This can also be backed up in the flavor text for the Lovely Sweetiefly, where Eggabell mentions that Lizbert gave her a bouquet of Sweetieflies for their anniversary, implying that the team had been on the island long enough for it to be celebrated. During the Major Celebration, Chandlo mentions that he would’ve come back “weeks ago” if he knew Snaxburg threw parties like this. This implies the town disbanding was several weeks prior to the events of the game, presumably months given how quickly Snaxburg ran down when the inhabitants left.
Here’s where things err on the trickier side; the prologue. In it, two weeks prior to the events of the game, The Journalist watches a tape sent by Elizabert encouraging them to come to Snaktooth Island. This simple scene actually brings up a lot of plot holes. For starters, we can tell from the background (no buildings, Cromdo still setting up his Cromdo Mart sign) that this tape presumably was made in the early days of Snaxburg. Presumably a couple days or weeks after Tape #0 (in the DLC, at least). So it begs the question; how long did it take for the tape to get sent to the Journalist? It makes Filbo’s observation of the Journalist being “a bit late” a big understatement if it took them well over a year to receive the tape and travel to the island.
Supposedly, “a bit late” can refer to those two weeks before the games events to about three month. It’s established that the Journalist presenting the tape to Clumby and them arriving to Snaktooth took them two weeks. When arriving back to the mainlands, Snaktooth Island can be seen in the horizon at not too far a distance, meaning the Journalist took more time in preparation rather than the journey itself.
A big point of contention is the epilogue, where Clumby tells the Journalist that while they were missing, they were declared “legally dead”. This is where I hit a bit of a fork in the road in my research. When I searched for information about how long it takes for missing people to be declared legally dead, a lot of conflicting information came up. The most common estimates are about seven to ten years, which is inconsistent with the fact that the expedition had only been on the island for a year. Perhaps the Grumpuses have a different law system when it comes to missing Grumpuses? Your guess is as good as mine.
There also other smaller details that also raise more questions than answers. When the player enters Snaxburg for the first time, most of the buildings are empty and in poor condition, with wearing paint and decomposing structures. According to my research, it takes between five to ten years for paint to fade and it can take up to five years for a wooden house to decay, which, again, raises inconsistencies with what is already established.
If I had to absolutely guess, if we’re to assume the tape was sent exactly two weeks before Snaxburg disbanded, and we’re to guess every in-game time skip via sleeping counts as days passing, the game would’ve taken roughly several months to up to a year to transpire. Pretty anticlimactic results, no? Well, that’s the best we’re going to get for now. 
Again, a lot of this is educated guessing so there’s definitely more finite details I’ve might’ve left out on accident, so I’d really encourage any and all feedback if possible, as well as your own additions!
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
Hobie's Hobbies
Everyone knows Hobie Brown, Spider-Punk, the punker that loves breaking the rules and challenge authority with no remorse what's no ever. He's a man- err, man? Heck, he doesn't believe in social contrast like gender or sexuality. But let's say this Punker is one about expressing one's self without hurting nobody, to protect people's lives and rights.
Hobie Brown is for the People, his love causes waves to many hearts and in his world he always makes BIG CHANGES! He has the power and voice to do so, yet his appearance always the first to be judge without knowing his goofy personality. The fun lovable Hobie wearing dark and spiked clothing to fit his subculture and style.
One of the biggest secrets many found out about him when they got closer to him, especially his Sunflower is his hobbies involving sewing, knitting, crocheting, and crafty.
Good old Capitalism is never getting him, since he always- ALWAYS find ways to make things work. Need a part of shoes? Don't worry, he'll use the five finger discount from a Cooperate store to get them. Need a new shirt because that old shirt have holes? No worries, he'll sew it right up or make it into a completely different shirt.
His sewing machine has been his old reliable from the beginning of his young life. When he first was a squatter/homeless at the age of thirteen, he had only the old shoes he wore that the soles were ripping off, and old hand-me downs shirt and pants from his older brother. He had to learn quickly how to reuse and savage old clothing he found from the streets or find ways to layer up when winter was coming. So many bouncing from one warehouse to another, until he was able to find a group of teenagers struggling the same thing.
They work together, through listening to underground music they were able to become a family. Soon, he met many people that were willing to teach their own hacks or life skills.
One old homeless woman to him under her wing and they share a little home at an abandon run down building that was once part of the Projects. She use to be a fashion designer, yet with the dictatorship running the States, many rules about modest dressing, and freedom of expression went out the window.
This lead her in jail and lost everything even her name! She became homeless, and found ways to survive by making clothes for anyone she met on the streets. Luckily she didn't have to sell herself or do drugs, her duty was to sew and make clothes from simple trading or cash.
Hobie learns her ways even though she was a tough teacher, very mean at times with her thick Haitian accent coming out ever now and then. Every time he sews, he could remember her commenting on his crappy stitches by hand, "Ki kaka sa? Yuh hav to be able to make a proper stitch! Now, do it again!" She would smack his hands then rip the work for him to redo, "I'm only teaching you how to do it right. You want your clothes to last! Quit makakri around! Now, do a basic running stitch. Yur not eatin' until we get it right!"
"Awe, but aunty! Zelda please!" fourteen year old Hobie would beg her to be easy on him, but that only made her more tick off.
Hobie remembers how she would curse him out for complaining, because she knows their world is cruel. The people around them treating them like shit. He never did a proper thank you to her, then again, Miss Lowe is never one for affection. After all, she's half Caribbean woman- never that affection by physical touch but through silence or gentle pats. Sometimes harsh comments are her most affectionate ways for her to express.
Anyway, he knew everything about sewing through her and he started to create his own clothing from what he could get. This made him very crafty, he's able to look at any design and quickly replicate it. If his friends wanted leather bracelet with stubs, he can make it in a split second.
This went as far as technology and cracking codes, anything advance computer science can be cracked by him. It's something he learn quite young that he's a very smart person, but he wouldn't found out if he didn't knew how to sew.
Now, in a better place living in the comforts of his Poly, his boathouse, he can enjoy making more fashionable clothing or knit/crochet stuff for his friends in peace.
Back to the present, Miles looks at the dress he's sewing for his baby sister's birthday. "Ugh, I can't get these material to work! Maybe I should tell my mami to buy that other dress. But that dress is so expensive almost 2k!" He sighs at the big pink puffy dress, he tries to sew a perfect line of the fabrics, but one of the fabric isn't forgiving.
The punker came by having to eat a cherry popsicle, chilling at his boyfriend's couch. Watching his boyfriend using his mother's sewing machine, which they rarely use, having trouble sewing. He saw his Sunflower looking stressed out, then went over to look at, "You might need to use a fabric patch on the delicate material, luv."
"Really?" Miles being nineteen years old, he didn't know anything about that. Yes, he cosplay, but he always uses hot glue sticks or staples when stitching can take too long for him.
Hobie patted his back, "Let me try." His Sunflower let him sit on the chair, then he inspects the items in front of him.
Miles watches Hobie starting to fix the dress, every part Miles did he remove and fix it to improve the stitches, "Your stitching here is too loose, and here too tight. You need to pace yourself and this right here?" He shows two fabric together falling apart from one of the messy stitches, "It's gonna fall off by this end being loose! Luv, what are you doing?" He chuckles at the dress.
"I know, I suck! But my mom always wanted Billie's first dress to be special. We thought we could make it from scratch since the dresses we saw in the shops weren't the right color or style. It was a bit too Baptist for my mom tastes." Miles sighs being exhausted, "I wanted her to help me but she's super busy with work and I have to watch my little sister since-" The baby monitor turns on by waves of his baby sister crying, "See."
Miles got up to go over to check on his sister, "She's probably hungry."
"No worries, Sunflower. I can have this dress up and ready before her birthday party." Hobie saw the idea sketch of the dress, "So, you want flowers and butterflies on it?"
"Yeah, my mom thought fairies and butterflies would be a cute theme. I thought she would pick Bluey, or Baby Shark or Minnie Mouse." Miles giggles coming out of the room holding a teary eye Billie, "But I think she wants a Tinkerbell theme, but with pastels." The baby girl wore a strawberry onesie with a strawberry bonnet as she sniffs being calm by her brother's hug.
"It's a nice choice, all the sparkles and frills." Hobie hums as he looks at the sketches of the dress being a light pink second layer of the skirt with soft yellow and green, even there's wings design. "You made the wings?"
"Oh yeah! That was easy! Hot glue gun is always my best friend." Miles grins as he kisses his baby sister's cheek, "Awe, boo-boo. You hungry?" She snuggles her brother being clingy.
"Why not make her a strawberry fairy." Hobie chuckles at the baby's outfit.
"Hahaha, she would be cute as Strawberry Shortcake!" His boyfriend went to get Billie's formula ready.
"She would make a darling Strawberry Shortcake, I always liked Orange Blossom."
"Really? Why?" Miles asked once he mix the formula with lukewarm water, then giving a good shake. The little baby drools at her lunch wanting to eat.
"Because she reminds me of you, luv. You're my cute Orange Blossom." The punker made his boyfriend flustered.
"What? I feel like I'm more of a Ginger Snap." He fed his baby sister going over to an arm chair to sit down and feed his sister. Little Billie happily drinks her bottle while listening to her brother and his boyfriend.
"Huh, never thought about her. Who do you think I would be?"
"Lemon Meringue." Miles grins at him.
The punker burst out laughing, "Not you picking the whites one out of the bunch?"
"Hehehe, okay. Okay. Let see, hmmm... Raspberry Tart? She's pretty spunky." His boyfriend points it out.
"Heh, I can see that." His punker boyfriend kept pressing on the peddle on the sewing machine and working on the fabric. "Do I look cute in Magenta, luv?"
"Yeah, you do." His boyfriend giggles, his eyes gleaming at him as he sat with his legs crossed on the muted grey armchair. Billie's chubby hands holds the bottle wanting more formula as she drinks. "Hey, eat slow bebé! You're gonna get a tummy ache."
"HMPH!" Billie grunts being so hungry." She ate like there's no tomorrow.
"She eats so fast like my dad." He laughs.
Hobie points out, "Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Now, check this out, Sunflower!" He shows the perfect stitching of skirt of dress being so perfectly aline and hidden from sight.
"WOW!" Miles' eyes sparkles at the skirt of the dress, "Bae that's amazing! I didn't know you were that good?"
"Luv, I'm offended. You think I buy my cloths?"
"I didn't know you actually know how to sew sew? I thought you just making patches on your pants or jacket for fun."
"I know how to sew sew, Sunflower. I make my own jeans sometimes if not rip the ones I have and use other fabric for different color combos." Hobie chuckles with amusement as he kept going, "It won't be long till I finish the skirt but..." He looks at the size of the skirt's width around the waist then at Billie, "She's rather small..."
"I think I mess up on the measurements too, because it's lookin a bit big. I still got more fabric."
"Don't worry, luv. I know how to fix it around the skirt. Good thing I found out not before making the upper part of the dress." He saw the pencil made for marking fabrics and use it to make his marks. "I'm going to measure the little lass."
Billie drools as she pushes the bottle away being full. "AHH!" Her big brown eyes on Hobie then her brother.
"Okay, once I finish burping her." Miles hums as he got up to help his baby sister burp then his nose smell something odd, "And change her diaper."
"HEHEHE!" Billie laughs then grunts having her face buried into her brother's shoulder. "UGHHH!"
Miles sighs while his boyfriend cracks up by the baby making farts and pooping. "I didn't think she would go that fast!"
"Something is in the formula..."
"Hahaha," Miles went to change his baby sister.
After a twenty minutes, the Black Latino came with his sister and let the punker measured around Billie's waist, chest, and arms. "Alright. Luv, you can ease and watch some television."
"I feel bad that you're doing all the work. I wish I can help or repay you." Miles pouts.
"No worries, luv." His partner grins widely, then wiggle his eyebrows, "How about repaying me with some fun."
"You would want that, huh?" Miles snickers, "You want me to wear your band shirt without anything on, too?"
"Now, that's tempting."
"Hahaha, how about I go make you lunch?" His boyfriend went to turn on the television to play Monster Inc and set his baby sister in her play pen, "Okay, boo-boo. I'ma go make Hobie, his lunch."
"OHh! Ohh!" Billie's eyes glue to the television watching the movie, then grab a soft block to hit another block.
Miles went over to kiss his punker, "Mwah, you want a sandwich?"
"I want you." Hobie's eyes gleam with love, his hands wrap around his partner's waist.
"Pfft, cheesy! Come on, bae. Aren't you hungry?"
"I am. A sandwich with chips would be fine for me."
"Okay. I can do that." He gave his man another kiss then patted his chest, "You want soda?"
"Yes, luv. So didja mum order a cake?"
"Yeah, my dad took us to this Dominican bakery and order a Dominican cake with guava filling. It's gonna have sparkles, fairies and these glitter balls. Ha, you can tell my mom always wanted a girl because she's going all out." He took out the ingredients to make a sandwich.
"How was your first birthday luv?"
"You wanna see?" He asked.
Miles went into one of the bookshelves taking out a photo album, handing it back to his boyfriend. The punker flip through to find adorable baby pictures then photos of Miles' first birthday party. The theme was baby Mickey Mouse with soft blue, red and black with gold. There was baby Miles with his big doe eyes and big smile being carried by his dad while his mom kisses his round cheeks.
"Luv, you were cute."
"Hahaha, I was a cute baby." Miles smiles at his boyfriend, "Mickey Mouse is like a big thing with Latinos. I remember I went to my cousins' birthday parties with the same theme. Baby Mickey Mouse and his friends."
"My birthday was just a cupcake."
"Awe, baby." He frowns at his punker's childhood.
"Luv, it's alright. It's just... I wish I have a photo of me when I was a sprog." The punker flip through the book to find photos of his adorable partner being so small and curious. A photo of him dressed up a Winnie the Pooh while holding his rattle. These photos are a treasure!
"I bet you were a handsome boy!" His boyfriend hums.
"I'm still am! I'm your handsome boy, Sunflower." Hobie set the photo album to the side then he let his Sunflower sit on his lap to kiss.
"AH!" Billie shouts over with her own curious eyes on them.
Hobie playfully did a raspberry through their kiss making Miles grunts, "Ew, bae! You put spit on my lips."
"So? Come here, let me lick it off?"
"No," Miles rub off the split from his lips, "I'm gonna go make your sandwich!" He giggles when his punker snuggles him. "Bae!"
"I love you, Miles. I love you and being part of your family... you know that." Hobie mutters with his facing his Sunflower, his chin resting on his chest. "I love that I get to be part of Billie's life, too. I see her as my little sister."
Miles smiles at him, "I love you, too. I love that you are part of us, mi amor." He presses his forehead against his punker, "Your my soul mate, baby." This made the punker smiles widely then give a kiss on the lips.
"AHH!" Billie whines out loud, she saw them kiss looking so happy. "AHH!"
"I should," Miles looking bashful when he pulls away, "I should get that sandwich ready."
"Yeah, I..." Hobie also felt flustered, "need to finish this up."
"Don't work too hard, bae."
"I won't." Hobie felt his heart race, it's not like they kiss before. Maybe it's because he knows his Sunflower is the one and only for him. Perhaps he saw himself married to him- OH no, he can't think of that. He's still too young for those ideas. Instead he glances up seeing Billie smiling at him. "What is it?"
"Hahaha." She sticks her fingers in her mouth being amused at the punker.
"Funny, luv." Hobie chuckles.
The three spend their time together, Miles helps Hobie with the ideas of the dress. Since the punker thought less butterflies from the sketch would work for Billie to move around. They were talking about color lay outs and types of fabric working along.
When Rio got home from work, she sighs being super exhausted, "My god, today was hell!" She mutters.
"AH!" Billie came crawling with a sparkling skirt on.
"Oh, mi bebé!" Rio's moody feeling washed over when she saw her baby girl beaming with joy, she got low to pick her daughter up and gasps with delight, "What do you got on, mi vida?"
Billie's hands on her mother's face with laughter. "Oh mom, your home! You saw the skirt? Hobie made it!"
"Ello, Miss Morales." Hobie said being by the sewing machine as he kept working. "That's just the draft! Trial run!"
"Bae, it's a great skirt even for being the first one." Miles said out loud.
Rio said, "Wow, I didn't know you can sew, Hobie. It looks so nice." She touches the skirt to see the perfectly line stitches and band around her daughter's waist. "It's perfect!"
"Hahaha, thanks!" Hobie said with a smile on his face, "But this one will be the one. A simple splash of pink, green underneath and yellow over the top will make it sparkle!" He pins the band then start the machine.
"He's helping make her dress! I tried but... I messed up so much, mami!" Miles rub his neck as he eyes on his scraps from the floor.
Rio chuckles, "Tell me about it. I remember I would make some shirts crooked." She went over to the punker to see the dress, "Guau! You're really good."
"Just practice, Miss Morales!" The punker had an eye for details, he carefully work around the delicate sparkle fabric.
"Gracias, Hobie. I feel like we should pay you... this kind of stuff is a lot of work."
"Nah, I don't mind. I always sew clothes for my friends." He said, "And I like doing this."
Rio smiles at him, "Thank you, Hobie. I'm glad you are helping us, right bebé?" She coos at her little girl.
"Hehehe," Billie smiles at her mother's kisses.
"Hmm," Rio check her Smartwatch to find it's almost five, "Hmm, Jeff will be home soon."
"You wanna order Chinese?" Miles asked her mom.
"Yeah, that'll be better for me. I really don't want to cook." Rio sighs being tired, "Mi amor, can you make the usual order also Hobie what do you want let Miles know. I'll be right back. I need to shower." She kisses her baby girl before putting her in a playpen. The middle age woman had been dreaming of a warm shower since work, she wanted to feel relax after a busy day.
"Yes, Miss Morales." Hobie nodded.
Miles went to get a Chinese menu from a local restaurant near buy, "So bae, what you want?"
"Hmm," The punker rub his chin as Miles went over to sit on his lap and snuggle, "maybe some pork fried rice, fried chicken and beef with broccoli. Oh Egg-rolls!"
"You want some chips?"
"Yes! You know me so well." Hobie snuggles with him.
"AHHH!" Billie watches them.
"Okay, I'll make the orders. You should take a break, bae. Watch some tv and play with Billie." Miles kisses him on the lips before going to get his smartphone to make the call to the Chinese restaurant.
The punker went over to the couch to relax a bit, he lifts up Billie seeing the skirt dangling. "You like the skirt?"
Billie nodded then touches Hobie's face to feel his cheekbones, "Ma?"
"She's going to shower, lil one." He carries her letting her hold the remote as they watch My Little Pony, which Billie seems to enjoy.
Miles smiles when he saw his man relaxing after he made the order. Then went over to clean up the messy fabrics on the floor, "Since you know how to sew, maybe you can teach me?"
"Oh? You wanna be my student." His boyfriend teased.
"Hey, I need to know how to do this too. You seen my cosplays!"
"Hahaha, right. I can for 100 kisses, luv." Hobie hums.
Billie waves the remote speaking in sounds, "AHH! HAH!"
"Oh okay, I can do that." Miles kisses his man's cheeks multiple times, "Mwah one. Mwah! Two! Mwah-mwah! Four!"
"You got ninety six more to go." Hobie hums happily.
"AhhH!" Billie went over to her big brother for his kisses, "Ohh! Mmiii! MIII!" She fusses around being jealous.
Miles giggles, "I guess, I have to give her a hundred kisses too!"
"Awe, but I was first!" Hobie slouches his boyfriend being needy.
"There's enough of me to go around!" Miles giggles at the two.
Rio saw the three having fun making her smile before she went to the bathroom to shower. It wasn't long till the delivery guy from the Chinese restaurant came by. Miles pay the guy in cash plus tip, when he brought the bags into the home, Hobie went to help him while carrying Billie with one hand.
"Smells so good." Hobie's stomach growls.
"I know. I'm getting hungry." His Sunflower went to put the bags of Chinese food on the table, "I hope my dad gets home soon."
"Oh yeah, pops will sure love to see me here." Hobie grins at his partner.
"Hahaha, you always like picking on him, huh?"
"Yeah, Sunflower. Always gotta be the annoying boyfriend." The punker gave a nose nuzzle to his Sunflower, "You should know this by now." Miles giggles in agreement.
Billie looks up at them while she drools, "Uh?"
"Look away, lil bloo. This is only for me and your brother." Hobie kisses Miles while covering Billie's eyes.
Jeff walks through the front door being surprised to see Hobie kissing Miles, "AHEM!" He didn't need to see the punk smooching his son.
"DAD!" Miles quickly shove his boyfriend being shy, "Your home early!"
"I was able to get out early, after we solve a case. Looks like that Spider-man gave us the evidence we need to take down a drug lord." Jeff stares at Hobie, "I had a feeling there was gonna be some trouble."
"Da-ah-ad! Stop picking on Hobie!" Miles frowns, "Oh but mamí is here and we order Chinese food! We got Barbecue pork!" The light of joy through Jeff's eyes had shifted his whole mood when he heard that his son order his favorite dish.
"AAAPPPAAAA!" Billie reaches out for her dad being so happy to see him, she giggles.
Hobie grins, "You want pops to hold you?"
Jeff snorted, "That's Mr. Morales to you!"
"Bababa!" Billie nodded as she looks at Hobie with her finger wagging at him.
"Awe, love you too!" Hobie playfully teased the baby girl with kisses on her cheek.
"AHH!" She puffs her cheeks with anger.
"Okay. Okay! Gimme my baby gurl, she's gonna start crying cuz of you!" Jeff huffs as he took his daughter from the punker's hands.
Miles said to his dad, "Dad, don't be so mean to my boyfriend. He's just playing around." He hugs his punker like he was a protective shield from the chief of police.
Rio came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair wearing her flip flops, "Oh, hola, mi amor. How was work?"
"Hey, Rio! Just finished showering?"
"Yeah, food is here, too?"
"Yes, mami! I'll go get the plates and set up for dinner." Miles said.
After Rio went to her bedroom to changed, Miles and Hobie set up the table. Jeff plays with Billie for a bit, "Now, where did you get this skirt?" He asked his baby girl.
"Hehehe." Billie giggles.
Miles smiles, "Hobie made it!"
"Yeah, dad! I made it with these criminally hands." Hobie jokes having his boyfriend nudge his side.
"Bae, behave!" Hearing his man chuckling with delight, Miles could only rolled his eyes "Now, get the soda and help me finish set up the table."
"Hahaha, you tell him, son." Jeff chuckles with amusement how his son is able to have that punk on a leash.
Rio came out with her pajamas and her wavy hair damp, "Mwah," She went to kiss her husband's cheek, "How's my Chief of Police doing? Busy day?"
"Ohh, tell me about it." His hand took his daughter's hand to play with it. Billie's tiny hand was able to grab his index finger. "We solve the case no thanks to Spider-man, but man, I tell ya! With the evidence we got, that drug lord is getting life in prison possible with no parole!"
Rio smiles happily, "See, Spider-man is a good man. He gave you the evidence!"
"I know. I know. But it's hard working along him if he keeps going against the law." Jeff sighs.
Miles secretly smirking proudly at how impressed his dad was with Spider-man. Normally it's about him being a thug and breaking the rules, but this time it's something very positive. Hobie saw that and grins at his Sunflower.
"You saw Hobie making this cute skirt, apparently he knows how to sew! He's making Billie's birthday dress!" Rio happily said.
Now that made Hobie very happy, Miles knew if his boyfriend is happily head banging in his mind. "Mami, Hobie knows how to knit and crochet, too!"
"Oh really?" Rio put on hand on her hip being impressed. "I have some knitting tools and yawn. I did it when I was pregnant with Billie to keep my mind off from my strict diet." She recalls. "If you want. I can give it to you!"
"Awe, you don't have too, Miss Morales!"
"Oh I'm happy to give it to you! I know I'm not good with crafts like you and mi hijo!" She went into one of the cabinets from the living room to pull out a basket of knitting tools and yawn, "Here."
"Ohh, you got the good yarn too." Hobie's eyes gleam at the basket, he touches one of the yarn feeling its soft nice quality, "Thanks, Miss Morales." He felt like a kid in a candy store as he started to get his knitting needles some green yawns and quickly started to knit. With his speed of his handwork gave off, he happily bob his head side to side being in the zone.
"Bae, you gotta eat first then work on this." Miles giggles.
"Sorry, luv. It's been awhile since I knit something I want." He explains.
Rio claps happily, "Your really good, Hobie. You have quite the talent!"
"Awe, thanks, Miss M!"
Miles giggles, "Okay! We should start eating! Chinese food gonna get cold!"
"Oh, we don't want that!" Jeff grunts, "I want a hot meal after a long day's work!"
"I can feed Billie! You and mami should eat!" Miles happily said.
"Awe, thanks, mi vida." Rio happily kisses her son's cheek having to smother him with all her love.
Billie waves her hands, "AHHH! AHHH!" She wanted her brother's hugs!
Hobie playfully tease Billie after her mother went to serve herself dinner, he hug and kiss Miles. "My Miles!" He chuckles.
"AHHH! AHHH!" Billie's eyes widen getting upset.
"BAAAEEE! Your gonna upset her!"
"See I knew your trouble!" Jeff grunts.
At the family table, Miles fed Billie some formula while everyone eats. Jeff asked, "So how was every else' day?"
"Busy! I had one patient- a teenager boy kinda dress like you," She looks at Hobie, "and got into a car accident where a shard of glass got into his neck and completely miss his artery. He was one lucky boy."
"What! That's insane!" Hobie gasps, loving Rio's hospital stories. Something about her explaining about the crazy stuff in there always fascinate him.
"Wow, imagine the surgery to perform?" Miles asked out loud.
"It's very tedious work, especially when there's a lot of sensitive nerves, and veins." His mom explained.
"Terrible thing to happen at a young age." Jeff explain before shoving fried rice into his mouth.
"It was. His mother was a mess. I'm just glad he survived the surgery and is healing." She said, "it's traumatic stuff."
Miles nodded, "Yeah, that's crazy."
"What about you two? I thought Miles was making the dress" Jeff asked, eyeing Hobie and Miles seeing they were alone hanging out.
Hobie chuckles, while Miles answered, "I did but I sucked at it. it was falling apart and Hobie took over. We were talking about adding more flowers or butterflies."
"I say less butterflies since lil Billie boo gots to move around." Hobie points out.
"I like the butterflies from the sketch." Jeff said, "They fit the whole theme."
"What if we make a crown for her! Miles made the wings." Rio points out. "Maybe have the butterflies on the hem of the dress."
"Well, I can add a bit. It's just the fabric on the topic layer is delicate and can't be stitched so much or it'll rip. I think the flowers would be nice."
"Is the fabric okay for Billie to move around. I know some nice clothes can be itchy!" Jeff points out.
"The feeling of the fabric isn't scratchy." Miles said, "I think she'll be fine."
"I think the fabric is best to enhance the shape of the dress. I'm thinking making straight across neckline and use the sheer fabric over it. I'm planning in making the sleeves leaf like with the satin fabric and sheer fabric on top, too. I'm thinking we should really play with the fairy idea." Hobie explains as the Morales family pictures how the dress will turned out liking the sound of it.
"Ohh, that is a good idea. I haven't thought of that. I know, I drew a basic princess poofy dress, but the leaves idea does sound nice!" Miles nodded.
"What about her shoes? We got her white shoes for her." Jeff said.
"Oh make it like Tinkerbell. Add those cute puffs." Rio pointed out.
"Or Flowers?" Jeff asked.
The family kept talking about Billie's dress, sharing ideas and seeing what will work for the little girl. Billie watches them talking among each other while she relax in her brother arms. Hobie's hobby really saved Billie's first birthday dress!
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rpmemestorehouse · 3 months
Dark Souls II (2014) Starters
Change wording as needed
“They all end up here, all the ones like you.”
“ Tisn't easy being old…”
“Fair traveller, I know that you must have a story. Why else would you visit such a place?”
“I will remain by your side. Till this frail hope shatters…”
“If you proceed regardless, your fate will be more terrible than mere life or death.”
“One day, you will walk those grounds…without really knowing why.”
“Long have I awaited one such as you, one who might shatter the shackles of fate.”
“I am [Name]. And like you…I lost everything, and now I'm here.”
“To be alive…to walk this earth…That's the real curse right there.”
“I'd forgotten how much comfort a little companionship can bring.”
“Still flirting with madness?”
“Who are you? Oh, it doesn't matter, just help me open this door.”
“You, stand back. This is dangerous work.”
“Now, there's a time for travels, but you can't wander the world forever. Even you must have someone waiting back home...”
“Hmph, I'd given you up for dead. Almost had me worried, really...”
“Oh, sorry, I...Please, do have a look at my wares. I could really use the business...If you'd be so kind...”
“Oh, I was hoping that you would come. I've stocked some new things, and I thought you might be interested.”
“Oh, by the gods...Why the hell am I here?”
“Oh, no, I'm afraid...sorry, I'm afraid this is a fake. It's not worth much at all.”
“Oh...Undead, are we? And one without much time remaining.”
“Oh, yes, you may call me [Name]. Enchanté.”
“Oh, don't feel bad. I'm sure your mother's still proud...Hee hee!”
“You give something, to gain something. That's the way humans like it, right?”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I was just…daydreaming, I think.”
“When I first came to this forsaken land...It was...um...hmm...? Err...A curse...? Err...Something about a curse...”
“What a joy to meet a kindred spirit out here...”
“It wasn't there when I came here before. I don't know what explains it...”
“I have come to spread the art of miracles, a practice of which I am a disciple.”
“Sometimes I fight the urge to pack up and go back home. It is, well...I must do this.”
“Miracles began as tales told by gods. We preserve their will with lore, pray to their greatness, and are blessed in return.”
“Curses…Puzzled me out, have you?”
“Seemed like the battles would never end. Poor folk like myself had nary a place to sleep.”
“You may travel light, but methinks you bear a burden of your own.”
“Oh, you again. Go on…It's on the cheap for you.”
“Cruel, cruel world, this is...Keh heh heh...”
“Travelling all alone in these treacherous times? Well, I hope you have a very good reason.”
“There's treasure this way...But I've a bad feeling about it. I don't quite have the guts myself! Hah hah...”
“You be careful, too, my friend. For trust can be a dangerous thing.”
“Ooh, that'll leave a nice scar!”
“Transient being. This is no place for one such as you.”
“Do my ears deceive me? Who would refuse such magnificence?”
“You've achieved much, and approached a higher plane. But our path is long and arduous. We must always seek further challenges.”
“You are my greatest challenge.”
“Heh heh. You are an odd one. Normally, people keep a safe distance when they see this mask. But you...”
“Don't hesitate to call upon me. Whatever happens, I won't be missed...”
“I was raised to wield a sword from birth. Life was hard, but I never gave it a second thought.”
“I'm sorry…to burden you with talk of my fate. I suppose I've grown weary these days.”
“I am frightened...Terribly so...”
“I don't want to die, I want to exist.”
“My name is [Name]. I beg of you, remember my name. For I may not myself...”
“Your visit is welcome. I trust you've kept up your studies.”
“It is a fitting place to hone my sorceries. I suspect that I may even conjure up new spells here.”
“Never forget, young pupil… There are no shortcuts to mastery.”
“I wish to find out more about it, but as we see, this place is in ruins. Just what happened here?”
“Stay back, or you're pieces! Tiniest pieces! Hah hah hah hah!“
“Slice 'em to shreds, whoever they are! Wherever, whoever, be they near, be they far!”
“The power of flame, power of the gods… In the end, it is all beyond our reach.”
“If you walk with flame, then I salute you.”
“Still a bit stiff, I'm afraid. Heh heh heh...”
“I've been a guest for a very long time. But I don't think that anybody will miss me!“
“Do you really think you can manage the glories that are my spells?”
“Anything that has a beginning also has an end. No flame, however brilliant, does not one day splutter and fade.”
“I don't know who you are…But leave me be.”
“The Dark...Is always within you...”
“This land...lies closest to the Dark...Th-that is...that is why I came here.”
“One day…I will share your fate.”
“You've set me free. Now I can find him. The cheeky prick. He won't know what hit him.”
“I travel from land to land to hone my blade. I've heard this land was full of danger. I thought it would suit me perfectly.”
“For the good of the world, and for my own honour. I won't let that bastard live another day. Heh heh...”
“Damn! You're tougher than you look!”
“Oh, you trot along home. This place won't be any fun, not for you.”
“You want more than just a little blood. You want to be drenched in blood, mired in its foul stench. Am I right? Am I?”
“Ah, who cares? It's just another chance to spill more blood. Doesn't that excite you, hm? Heh heh...”
“Oh, it's even on my shoes!”
“I never planned to visit this gods-forsaken place. But I don't know… I just sort of ended up here.”
“I've searched every nook and cranny here. I suppose it's time to move on.”
“Oh, fancy meeting you here.“
“Oi! Mind your manners!”
“I'm on the run, don't give me away!...You're a fugitive too, eh?”
“Psst, have you heard?...Well, apparently there's this monster lady, right...”
“Gods almighty...I'm not going to die in this dump...”
“Ah come on, don't look so glum! I'm trying to be nice here! You're hopeless, I tell you...”
“I roam about, looking for a find, following my instincts. I don't care what a thing is worth. What matters is whether it grabs me.”
“Let me just say, there are lots of "legendary swords" out there.”
“This thing is amazing...Could it be a dragon egg? I feel invigorated...Just by holding it.”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no, don't say that. Give a bloke a chance. I'm begging you. I really should have that!”
“And now I watch the days go by, and gaze at the night sky, thinking of the finer things, far removed from war. I'd grown weary of battle, but did not realise it until now.”
“I am grateful for these peaceful days. But such contentment lies only in the here and now. Why must life be so confounding...”
“If you wish for help, summon me. I am rusty in battle, but will fight by your side.“
“Back again? Well, this is a pleasant surprise.”
“I owe you some form of thanks, but have nothing for you at the moment. If it would not trouble you, could you visit my abode just down the way?”
“Oh, we meet again, kind traveller. This is my workshop.“
“I require no payment this time. It is my way of saying thanks.”
“Do you find me strange? Skee hee. You humans are always this way. The way you glare at any unfamiliar creature.”
“We once had a master. He created us long, long ago. But he was born with a fatal flaw.”
“Our master was a tragically lonely soul. Eventually, his solitude eroded his very reason. In the end, he never understood...what it was that he truly lacked.”
“We seem to be at a standstill. The wounds we exchange are never lethal.”
“I have no gods to pray to. But still I pray that your journey will be safe.”
“And like every Undead, you have no future.”
“If you seek true Dark, I will grant it to you. As much as you desire.”
“The embrace of the Dark is gentle. Let it absorb your sorrows, forever.”
“Dark is the mother of all. All things were born from it.”
“Thy welcome wearest thin. Leave this place.”
“Swearest thou by the sweet-tempered sludge that laps at our bosoms?”
“I am aware of thine accomplishments, and they are not few.”
“'Twould seem some sunlight-poisoned creatures are worthy of great honour.”
“Something seems to be bothering you. Yes, yes, I can tell. It is written upon your face. You have doubts, about something you did.”
“But now, you are lost, bewildered by your own actions. You poor little thing.”
“But if your heart is yet sincere, your sins will be forgiven. Now is the chance. Demonstrate your sincerity to me.”
“Then, you wish to stand and face your own sins? Such virtuous fortitude is rare, and I sincerely commend it.”
“I am in yer debt. It's a true man who honours his debts. And I'll see mine paid.”
“Ho! Well met, friend. Good to see you well. Yes, hehh hehh, very good indeed.“
“If you still insist on having it...Then you will have to pry it from my cold hands! Gah hah hah hah hah hah!”
“Very well. I, [Name], will be honoured to chop you to pieces.”
“Who are you...And by whose permission do you stand before me?”
“Do you seek an audience with my Lord, King [Name]? Unfortunately, His Highness is absent.”
“Where am I? What has happened to our castle...”
“Welcome, visitor...Our guests are treated with honour. This is the way of our castle. Tell me if you should require anything.”
“We know nothing of the world outside. And why should we? For we will never leave.”
“Do you seek comfort, too? You poor thing...”
“Light, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place.”
“I am [Name]. Guardian of the crypt. Countless dead rest here in peace. Cradled by the comfort of dark.”
“This place is welcome to all, provided due reverence is shown.”
“Tell me what you desire. Show me reverence, and I will lend you my hand.”
“Now, where shall we bury this one?”
“P-please, just stay away. No, please, don't come near me. Nothing good will come of it.“
“Do not attempt to help me. Just let me sit here, and wither quietly away...”
“By the very gods...What have you done...You've really done it...You'll never escape him...”
“Are you tormented by memories? Burdened by guilt? Now the question. Are you ready for more? If you are, then we ought to talk...”
“You could kill a dozen like that, and it wouldn't matter. I want you to kill someone of import.”
“These are for you. Don't mind the specks of blood...Heh heh heh...”
“I'll spend some time travelling the lands...Slowly tracking my new mark...”
The murk shifts and stirs. Yet another stands before us...“
“And so, you peer...Into the fog, in hope of answers.”
“Huh! You were not deserving of the mire...”
“What brazen insolence! You…forever you shall rot…”
“Turn away. And never look back. No one must ever find that which is sheltered in [this location].”
“I haven't the strength to help him myself, but perhaps one such as you...”
“You've granted my one wish...Now, I have no regrets.”
“Go on, kind visitor. May you reach your journey's end, one day.”
“Brave Undead, seek the throne. Follow the symbol of the monarch, and do what must be done.”
“That thing is a prop, a false deity. Don't be fooled, my Undead.”
“Seek the forest, you, where those wretched Giants slumber.”
“Brave Undead, you have proven yourself to me. Now, be one, with the Dark...”
“No one has come this far, not for a very long while.”
“Young Hollow, there are but two paths. Inherit the order of this world, or destroy it. But only a true monarch can make such a choice.”
“Very few, indeed, have come even this far. And yet, your journey is far from over.”
“Heheh, I believe we've been acquainted.”
“Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite...A lie will remain a lie.“
“You, neither born with greatness, nor granted it by the fates. What is it that you seek?
“How you grapple, without falter, with this dreadfully twisted world.”
“All men trust fully the illusion of life. But is this so wrong? A construction, a facade, and yet...A world full of warmth and resplendence..”
“I am [Name]. I sought to shed the yoke of fate, but failed.“
“Not one of them stood here, as you do now. You, conqueror of adversities. Give us your answer.”
“But the question remains...What do you want, truly?”
“There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark...what could possibly await us?“
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