#Especially when someone pretends they are sick
seasys · 2 years
wow im fucking sick and tired of everyone downplaying our fucking trauma
#nearly 20 fucking years down the fucking drain and i still dont even have basic human rights or my fucking freedom#we've been in a social support home for the last nearly week now and going to court for longer#im so fucking sick and tired of my older brother pretending he fucking cares about us when all he cares about is his reputation#accusing us of fucking lying to the court because hes unhappy that our parents are finally in fucking prison for what they did#what hes fucking sad now that our mom is in prison? telling us he wishes we would have contacted our family? how?#how was i supposed to fucking contact our family when we havent spoken to some in 2+ years and others in nearly fucking 10?#how was i supposed to tell someone other than the cops? other than cps?#does he not fucking understand what we've gone through? does he not fucking care that all of us have gone through the worst fucking shit?#shit he cant even begin to fucking imagine?#does he not give a shit about our 10 year old brother? about our 13 year old sister? about his little fucking siblings?#does he not give a shit about the things theyve gone through?#when will people fucking leave me alone and stop asking me when this shit will end? how should i fucking know?#you want me to go fucking beg for them to let me out and experience freedom for the first fucking time ever? yeah sure!#cuz thats fucking easy! especially when im being monitored by cops 24 fucking 7!#cuz i havent been trying to get the fuck out all my fucking life now!#because this is some easy fucking manner because everyone already 'knows' what ive gone through because apparently i already shared it with#everyone i fucking know! thats true isnt it? ive already told everyone right?#this is fucking sarcasm if you couldnt tell#i couldnt care less that our parents are in fucking prison i didnt work this hard only for them to be let out#i couldnt fucking care less that our mom hasnt eaten in 2 days we went fucking weeks without proper food#i went this entire fucking year not eating whatsoever when im out#waiting fucking 15 hours to be able to eat some fucking INSTANT NOODLES#he could fucking cry his eyes out for all i fucking care i worked too hard for this moment to be taken away from me last fucking minute#why didnt my moms fucking tumor spread and kill her why do i have to wait#and i thought we'd be in our grandparents custody but i dont fucking think so anymore not that everyone fucking knows now#and when we told our own FUCKING FATHER what we FUCKING WENT THROUGH HE CALLED US LIARS?#and they STILL EXPECTED ME TO TELL MORE PEOPLE? TO TELL PEOPLE AND NOT TO GET MY MOM IN PRISON?#if i fucking told more people none would fucking believe me they would have silenced my siblings and i#no one has ever fucking cared that our mom fucking stole everything away from us and our dad allowed it no one fucking cared#and no matter how many times i tell people its worse than they fucking thought they still tried to JOKE ABOUT IT?
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blakelywintersfield · 2 years
#hmmm i can see how xanax can be addictive. especially if its not uncommon to grow tolerant to it at lower doses.#not gonna actually abuse it because it *is* my brother's and i *did* tell my parents i was only going to use it as a substitute for my#clonidine until i can get back on it. i'm not going to use up a medication someone else needs. i would never fuck someone over like that.#no matter what some people may believe. plus i really shouldn't be on any benzos long term anyways.#i'd much rather take the medication that helps me sleep and keeps me from having constant intrusive nightmares and stress dreams about the#people i love being harmed or dying‚ or the people who pretended to care coming back and hurting me more. i'd love to not have to deal with#that every fucking night. i'd love to just sleep and mundane dreams i don't even remember and actually get some rest. xanax doesn't do that#xanax just calms my constant anxiety enough to get my brain to shut off in time to sleep. it doesn't do much else for the sleep issues.#it DID make me feel pretty okay when i first took it but yeah not so much now and that's not its intended use but. yeah. i can see how it#can become addictive now. maybe now i have more leverage to get my fucking trauma medication back.#and try something other than fucking prozac. because prozac hasn't done SHIT for me and i'm sick of it i've gotten MORE irritable.#put me on zoloft or something idgaf just stop insisting i take this useless shit.#or paxil. or something other than an ssri i don't know i don't care#just give me something that'll stop me from wanting to kill myself isn't that the fucking *point* of these things?#ugh. whatever. i'm going to bed. i hate being alive. i hate being awake. i hate feeling. i hate everything.
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cloudsrust · 3 years
#vent#tw xenophobia#man I love when people pretend to defend minorities while also being xenophobic-#a dear friend of mine made a good point about a problem our country has#I go snoop around 'cause I'm a curious ass like that#and I see the usual person who just comments to go fuck ourselves because we aint a minority-#while also spewing the usual xenophobic mockings and stereotypes#w o w- what a great way to make a point#racism and xenophobia go hand in hand ya know?#Fuck wish I had the guts to go tell that person off but- agh is best to let them brew in their own dirt#the way they worded their thought tells me is the kind of person that doesnt care unless they're directly affected#arguing with a rock would have more progress than those people#I'm sorry I usually try to keep this stuff to myself but#god I'm sick to be seen as an ignorant stereotype- I'm sick of hating who I was born as because of people like that#And I'm sick of people thinking that the only problems that exist are the one they see trending that day#not saying that problem that trend don't matter! Just- there is more than our eyes see everywhere in the world#some groups- especially of color- have way more problems and hardships than who has pale skin but-#if someone tries to bring up a problem their country has and asks you to stop normalising or romanticing it#you don't tell them to fuck off and ignore them- you either listen or shut up about it if you're not from where they are from#it wasnt even talking about minorities in the first place- it was in general so?? Why would you?? hHHH-#...god I need to breathe..#Gotta step away from the keyboard for a bit#I'm so tired of being dissapointed in humans-#I feel like I could vomit rn oh my god-
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 years
why are my friends all fools??
#i just#like i understand that sometimes people (especially inteoverts which a lot of my friends are) get Over-Peopled#and need time alone to recharge#thats 100% valid and i get it#but i have one friend who will single out people (people who they are friends with and have formed a relationship with.) who are Too Much#and just actively avoid that person#even tho they are a friend#and they dont do it in a coherent way like saying 'i need some time to myself. id appreciate it if you just let me hibernate for a bit'#they do it in v passive agressive ways like pretending not to be home or avoiding social contact like literally not leaving their bed when#that person is in their house and just literally hiding#and like#this friend im ranting about is someone im very very close to and would do anything for#and that puts me in the position as the person that everybody that she shoved away goes to#and asks if there's anything wrong#because she never actually explains to these people why she is distancing herself from them#and they are either genuinely concerned or personally hurt#and im the person who has to be that buffer and explain to them what's up#trying to be tactful and not say outright that they are just Too Much Of A Person for her to put up with all the time#and ive done this so much that im starting to get pretty sick and tired of it#idk#i dont know if she doesnt think about how what she does affects other people or if she just doesnt have the energy to care#personal shite#long rant#but yeah
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premakalidasi · 6 years
Listen, I’m up to here with “spiritual” men and frigid women turning their noses up at physical sex (including its supreme form, masturbation) as spiritual practice, simply because they’ve only ever associated sexuality with being an abuser or being abused, and because they’ve never experienced the Divine through the fully embodied, non-sublimated erotic, and most of all, have never experienced full, blissful, union-with-the-Divine or even samadhi during orgasm. 
The female orgasm is vastly different from the male one, for a start. She is not exhausted by it; far from it. She is rejuvenated by it; her body springs into life instead of experiencing a “little death.” If anything, the female orgasm is a little Big Bang (the double entendre is, here, believe it or not, unintentional. Were I to say “spontaneous explosive expansion of space-time,” few would get what I’m getting at). But it is that: where, for the male, it’s unfortunately an end, it is to the woman, a beginning. And yet we’ve had to hear from heterosexual male “adepts” over and over that sexual energy should be retained, that it shouldn’t be wasted, that it shouldn’t be spilled, yadda yadda.
Have you any idea how ridiculous that sounds to someone whose body is built to be the container and developer of sexual energy? Or, for that matter, to any receptive partner, as at least some receptive men and post-op transwomen understand something of how absolutely different it is to experience an internal orgasm where the energy doesn’t leave the body, but where, instead, the expansion and explosion of energy is inwards?
Look. It’s like this. Imagine a pitcher full of water and an empty glass. And when the pitcher is picked up and water is poured from it into the glass, the pitcher feels a relief at his load being lessened there at first, but then he realises he’s getting emptier and weaker and bemoans “Oh, woe is me! I felt a relief of pressure and an unloading of weight at first, but now I feel exhausted, emptied!” And then, in a tremendous feat of ego, being utterly unable to understand that not everyone is a pitcher, presuming that everyone is like himself, he thinks the glass is feeling the same thing. “Glass, I’m so sorry I’ve dragged you into this! You must be feeling so miserable right now!” while the glass is filled, overjoyous, bubbling, swirling, going “I feel so full and rejuvenated! I’m filled with life! Mmm, can I have some more?”
And the pitcher doesn’t understand this at all, is suspicious, calls her an evil witch and topples off the table. And his broken, bitter pieces preach the horrors of this thing to everyone, write it into holy scriptures, into spiritual practices, imposing it onto everyone regardless of how different their build is.
The bliss the female is capable of experiencing is entirely different. It’s due to what her muscles, her complex hormonal, neurological and all kinds of biological workings do at the stimulation, when they prepare her body to--potentially--nurture an entire new life. The plant casts off its seed and it’s done, and it withers away; the earth’s job has only just begun. It rolls up its sleeves; it’s rippling all over with a burst of energy, tingling and busy and alive; never fuller. And that’s not due to her sucking out his energy either, any more than a massive field full of rich earth can nourish itself from just one little seed--the fecundity, the earth in all its complex organisms, is already existent within her, the energies becoming released and activated at stimulation of the vulva and the uterus. 
In fact, it’s even better experienced alone with a suitable toy, without a man having to enter into it all, not due to a technical fault on the part of the man but because that’s the way the female orgasm works. The contractions of the uterus and the pelvic floor muscles build up slowly and, ideally, lead to orgasm--but in practice, they are far too often interrupted by the thrusts of the penetrator because these thrusts are out of synch with the woman’s ripples. When the vaginal walls want to contract (i.e. squeeze), the squeeze is interrupted by something moving inside the vagina (not letting it squeeze down fully), and the cascade towards orgasm is interrupted. And that’s why so many women have trouble having orgasm during vaginal sex: because to time them right, the guy (or whoever delivers the thrusts, regardless of sex or gender) would have to be telepathic. (And incidentally, this is also why it’s easier for a number of women to come from anal sex, because the thrusts aren’t interrupting what the vagina and uterus are doing. They can contract as much as they like, while intense nervous stimulation is still applied; the best of both worlds.) Only when she’s in control of the thrusts, can she pace them to her own ripples so that her vaginal walls aren’t pushed apart just when they want to contract or left without anything to thrust into them when they yearn for a thrust. (And the dildo won’t call you a stupid whore or an evil witch, or tell you to not moan in such an embarrassing way, or otherwise hurt you when he’s inside your body and you’re enduring discomfort and potential pain for his sake, either.) 
But when the vaginal orgasm does arrive, it’s a full-body one, a blissful one, something that ripples through every muscle. If combined with yogic awareness, the chakras burst open; the experience is very much that of flower after flower, a series of petals bursting into bloom, opening, heaving inside, all glittering with sunlight. Or cascades of bright water, rainbow-coloured light--it’s exactly that which is hinted at in some scriptures, but buried under all kinds of misconceptions. There has absolutely been a woman involved there at one point when those concepts were formulated, describing that surge of energy upwards and exploding out at the top of the head. And the rain of nectar, being saturated with nectar? Yep. That’s what it is. 
Therefore, if your only experience of orgasm is post-ejaculatory fatigue, of just bringing the seeds to the field and not knowing what it feels like for the earth--if you never feel the expansion, the ecstasy, the ripples of creation itself radiating through your body in waves, why, pray, do you presume your shallow, pitiful experience is the same for everyone else? And why should you think that sexuality was harmful--it couldn’t be because you were born into the privilege to abuse it? How do you presume to hurt someone when you’re equipped a womb, cause someone an unwanted pregnancy with it, rape someone with a clitoris? Even the woman who’s used her charms to manipulate men still subjects herself to physical pain every time she opens her legs; it’s a shallow victory if it subjects you to the risk of having your body ripped open by a baby and dying as a result. If one woman out of a billion has ever abused sex to the point of molesting someone, it’s been noticed exactly because it’s been an anomaly: she makes headlines in newspapers, but sexual abuse by men is so commonplace it doesn’t even make the news--it’s just accepted as standard. Can you please consider again what it takes for a woman to even dare speak of sex, when she’s faced with that? 
Have you thought of what it would be like to have sex so that you were the one being penetrated, and that the default would be that you never had an orgasm? Because that’s the reality of most women on this planet. Stop and think about that for a while. How would that change your entire view of things? Of how, perhaps, it’s more than just the atrocious tyranny the world exerts over women’s bodies in the name of chastity that makes them reluctant to even discuss sex? Have you really thought of how orgasm is a privilege, something that happens to a male body so automatically it occurs even in sleep, because it’s a biological necessity (but not so for the woman) to ensure the continuation of the species? And how much work it requires for a woman to even conquer the shame over her body to touch it, to study it, let alone enough to learn how it can, potentially, orgasm? And how, if she’s only allowed to have sex with her husband and in ways where she cannot control the thrusts, and she’s shamed out of masturbating, (as most women on this planet genuinely are), it’s likely she never will? Have you really thought of that? Sex, always, with someone grunting on top of you, inside of you, maybe with a little pleasure but without orgasm, unless you’re extremely lucky?
Have you thought of what it’d be like to be born into the half of humanity that’s penalised for expressing sexuality in any way whatsoever? What’s a frivolous little act of amusement for you that you regret as a bit of wasted energy (and to a woman, equal to full samadhi at best), is, for a woman, an extremely radical act of self-expression and wholeness and even daring to fucking exist, performed under the threat of extreme violence and death. It’s not a fucking joke.
Even those “neo-Tantra” books you scoff at, hell, any books about sexuality written by women and involving the use of female genitals for the female’s own pleasure and enlightenment, are radical as fuck. They’re taboo-breaking, consciousness-transcending, seriously fucking out there, in and of themselves. They are the most antinomian, most mind-fucking, most explosive things of all, but egotistical men can’t see that because the stuff these books talk about--getting in touch with your own genitalia--are something men take for granted. It’s accepted that hey, guys think with their dicks. Most of the English-speaking world, on the other hand, doesn’t even know what the word “vagina” means, symbolic of how out of touch women and everyone else is about female bodies. Ask a woman to touch herself and she’ll blanch; ask her to taste herself and she’ll throw up. 
And you know what? I’d read even the loopiest, fluffiest, New Agest crystal-crusted version of those over one written by an egotistical male “sage” constantly going on about his own superiority without having ever paused to think of the full human experience, not just his half. He doesn’t even fucking acknowledge I exist, nor does he understand shit about my body’s experience, using it as a tool at best, whereas the hippie New Ager, no matter how cringeworthily misguided, at least respects the female body and allows me to fucking have my birthright of the pleasure it’s built to experience. And these  “updates”, these new practices and variations by people uninitiated by gurus that so many of you sneer at--has it ever occurred to you that they’ve never found the one female guru who understood women, supported women, let alone female sexuality at all? So that they have had to come up with new practices, new religions from scratch? In this, they are not less valuable: rather, more valuable because they finally depart from withered, inhuman old books and fucking allow half of the human race to even exist, and mind-bogglingly, even offer women the (gasp!) chance to expand into all we can be. It’s about time we resurrect and reinvent and rebuild spiritual practices that regard women as more than slaves, penis receptacles, son-producers, housekeepers. 
No, I’d rather listen to the full glass. She’s been shattered over and over, and has had to glue herself together ten times over before she got there, in a world where most women are not ever given glue, and where women themselves restrict the access to glue because it’s dirty and bad and slutty and impure.
It’s a whole different fucking game, a whole different  experience, a whole different world.
Don’t belittle it. Don’t remain in the pitiful accepted ideas of it, whether it’s simple classic patriarchal masculinity or self-sacrificing female chastity where even looking at your body in a mirror is a sin. Accept that you know fuck-all. Accept that you have a lot to learn still. And that you can learn from women, you can learn from gay and bisexual men, you can learn from taking something up your ass. You can learn from gay men’s fear of AIDS a little something of the pain and the risks (not just STDs but unwanted pregnacies, potentially lethal) women have to fear every time they accept a man’s advances. You can learn from what a post-op transwoman has to say. You can learn from what lesbian and bisexual women have to say about how they’ve felt about making love to a woman, or being made love to by both men and women. You can learn by empathising, visualising yourself as the other, via exercises where you try to see something in a way your opposite would. This includes those--especially those--who you think are doing it wrong, and trying to understand what they get out of it; just as in everything in life, even your “enemies” help you achieve a more integral and holistic view that includes as many experiences, ways of being as possible. 
As for this “clinging” business, this “human relationships are transient” thing. Whoever the fuck said you have to have sex with another person at all? Due to the aforementioned biological reasons, for women in particular, masturbation is the key. Making love to The Divine is the key, and hey presto, all your daddy (or mommy, or androgyne trickster deity) issues are solved. Someone, somewhere on the way, forgot to include wanking as sexuality (usually the stuck-up gits who allowed only for procreation and wanted to burn all gays at the stake, even if us and a few other species of ape are the only species who fuck more for social reasons than procreation to the point where we stopped having a heat/mating season once a year and became horny all year round), and that’s when all went downhill. And now people whose only sexuality is with themselves even call themselves asexual, even if, especially for women, it gives you the best, sometimes the only orgasms you can have. Which is, frankly, like a highly skilled brain surgeon calling herself severely motor-impaired and saying she’s retired anyway even if she’s in the operating room, saving someone’s life that very moment. But it’s by and far the best option, especially if you tend to get hysterically clingy and have bad abandonment experiences or just suck at having relationships. Think of it! None of this clinging business that’s always invariably associated with sexuality; none of this people-bonking-people that’s always also invariably associated with sexuality. No unwanted pregnacies, no STDs, going at your own pace, minimal risk of pain, no hurt feelings, no trying to please your partner to the point where it ruins your experience, et cetera, et cetera. 
And nothing, absolutely nothing compares to the state of samadhi, the state of hieros gamos, the full union reached during a Self-powered love-bout dedicated to the Divine. In my four decades of various spiritual practices, I’ve had the good fortune to experience a few types of extreme enlightenment experiences, and let me tell you, that much-vaunted, hard-to-reach state of complete emptiness that one gains with ardurous fasting and yoga? 
It’s boring as fuck. 
It’s dull, boring, lifeless. It’s nothing, absolutely nothing compared to the fully conscious, divine, uterine, kundalini-bursting-orgasm achieved through masturbative meditation: the explosion of LIFE, the radiant sparkling iridescent colourful bliss that is the root of creation itself, of spirit and matter, solve et coagula, Shiva/Shakti, as above, so below, yin/yang, absofuckinglutely transcendental and immanent and all, all, all.
It’s all in how you approach it. For some people, emptiness is their biggest kink, their biggest fetish. But if your body’s built for love, in the absolutely-embodied-and-also-transcendental sense, and you’re not harming a soul by doing it, fucking go for it. 
Note how I’m not telling the entire world that they should take up spiritual wanking (although I’d love that)? Because I know that there are as many paths as there are people, but for some reason, there’s a conspicuous amount of stomping over certain paths, and in the world’s usual misogynistic manner, practices by and for women that celebrate the female body are laughed at and attacked because vulvas are, apparently, that fucking terrifying. I could devote an entire rant to how we need to disassociate sex from abuse (because that’s the usual reason these practices are dismissed, and frankly, tantra, in and of itself full of deeply morally suspect scriptures, does attract the worst types of guys--the amount of so-called gurus and babas in that who treat women like shit and are only after siddhis and other ego-boosting things is too high), but that’s for a later date. Women and queers in particular know what it’s like to be on the receiving end, so thanks to us knowing what hurts in bed, we’re equipped with some tools there already to change things for the better. It’s a shitty way of learning empathy to have to have been bullied, but there you have it.
This is not to shame anyone into thinking they’re inadequate. (That’s the same tool that’s been used against women for millennia.) It’s the voice of all those who’ve been told to shut up by people who think they know better, and who have dictated the rules so far. But no matter how hard you try, the full experience of Divine bliss, the full existence of the Universe is not all male and/or asexual, and you need to shut up and listen for once. I, or Nature, doesn’t actually give a fuck about whether you have a womb or not, whether you have a sex drive or not, whether you have a dick or not. The point is to stop any one group, no matter how numerous and powerful, from trying to dictate the rules (because that causes suffering) and to understand that yours isn’t the whole story (because this knowledge, translated into awareness, helps banish suffering). 
It’s a million times easier to just ignore sexuality than to use it responsibly, especially if you haven’t been given decent tools for it, but that isn’t an excuse to keep on running away. Running away is exactly the thing that causes hallowed, celibacy-preaching yoga gurus to fall for pretty young students, and then be exposed as hypocrites. Solution: don’t be a hypocrite in the first place, but integrate the fuck-power, no matter how difficult it is, no matter if you have to pave the way there yourself. Particularly as this full awareness means you’re not paving the way there with other people’s bodies; once you have even a vague idea of what it feels like to your partner, compassion comes naturally. (And I mean real awareness. Not egotistically thinking you know everything. Real awareness means that even when you’ve been married to someone for thirty years, you still don’t know everything about them and still learn that someone anew every day.) Or, if you decide to pursue the conjugal-bliss-only-with-the-Divine route, I reassure you that if you’re still alive after having handled that, you’re already on the last leg of your journey.
And even if you chose celibacy still because sexuality just wasn’t your thing, the important bit is to stop telling those of us that use it that we’re doing it wrong when we’re hurting absolutely no one by it and, moreover, are 10000% goddamn motherfucking one with the Divine when we do it. (Or, rather, are explosively reminded of our oneness with it, just as much as someone else is, through using another, more “acceptable” method.) And it’s not for you to tell us that we aren’t really experiencing the Divine Union and we’re just deluding ourselves, any more than you can describe a country we live in but you’ve never been to.
This has been a kick into casting off your ignorance and going beyond that into the full experience of the fully intertwined, fully immanent Divine that is the World that is the Divine. Accept that you know fuck-all, accept that you must work seriously and sincerely to know the Other to know your Self and the Whole. I’m giving you my part of it, after being suffocated by your part of it over and over and over, to make even a small difference in the mix, to work towards a balanced understanding of the whole. Even if that balance seems a faraway utopia as long as women continue to oppress themselves and as long as men remain oblivious and as long as the ones who think they’re superior by stepping outside of the two remain smugly passive. 
Even if I just said I’ve experienced bliss beyond bliss, even that is an infinitesmally small part of the whole Bliss. And if I’ve had to go beyond so much shit to get even that, what about those people who’ve never even thought about these things? That’s why these things need to be thought about and talked about, rather than just slammed down as “wasteful” and “dirty” and “depraved” by That Big Guy Who Knows Better. 
Just because something’s covered in human, social, gendered, delusional, traditional, limited, unconscious crap, it doesn’t mean that it’s crap all the way down to the core. Why do we imagine that? We imagine that because it’s so much easier to be a rake or a prude; that handily takes away our responsibility. Yet science evolves, and so must humanity. In our thinking about sexuality, we’re still on the level of thinking the Earth is flat; hell, we haven’t even admitted we’re apes yet. Let alone that we’re intelligent, empathic creatures who are well-equipped for beautiful, blissful ecstasies, for love beyond what we can even imagine.
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
🎁 please bestie 🫶😫🫠
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Safer with You
Pairing: !bodyguard Oscar Isaac x !actress f. reader
Genre: angst and smut (lemon)
Warnings: yandere themes, stalking, fake dating, smoking, confessions, protective Oscar :'), fingering, oral sex (f receiving), lotus position, sorta soft dom Oscar, creampie
Summary: You knew it was wrong, but you couldn't help falling for your bodyguard, especially when he makes your safety and happiness a priority.
Word Count: 2.1k so much for a quick fic 💀
Notes: I had so many ideas for this fic but I really liked the bodyguard au that I found here. It's not as smutty as I anticipated it to be but it's there I stg 😅 I literally wrote this all in one night and a lil of today so there may be a few mistakes, just pretend they're not there lol. Thank you to my bestie love, @wint3r-h3art for sending me Oscar's sexy ass to my inbox and giving me thots 😛 I love you hehe 😘 Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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*Part of my 23rd birthday celebration which is now CLOSED. Thanks again for taking part in my special day!
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You heard the saying so many times: “Fame always comes with a price.” That phrase didn’t settle in until you were met with a stalker.
This person knew everything there was to know about you. They knew your full name. No, not the name you chose for Hollywood, your birth name. They also knew the names of all your family members and friends. They always knew about your whereabouts just so they could randomly run into you while grabbing brunch with friends or grocery shopping with your sister and her son.
The thing that made you sick to your stomach was when you received a text from an unknown number. Full of curiosity, you opened the text, a video of you turning off the light to your bedroom with a message that wrote:
“Sweet dreams, my shining star 😘”
Since receiving the eerie text message, you lived your life in constant fear. You decided to stay with your parents for a while, your dad driving you to your shoots. If you weren’t on set for your upcoming movie, you locked yourself in your childhood room, sobbing into the tummy of your stuffed animals until you fell asleep. Worried about your well-being and career, your team hired a bodyguard so you could resume your life in Hollywood. And that was how you met your personal bodyguard, Oscar Isaac.
Oscar was one of the best bodyguards in the business. He was dedicated to his work, especially since your team was paying him plenty to protect you. He learned the names of all your family members, friends, co-stars, and anyone that interacted with you often enough in case they were also in danger too. Your team didn’t want to make it obvious that they hired a bodyguard, but to explain why Oscar would be with you all the time, they suggested that you and Oscar pose as a couple.
Fortunately, everyone believed the facade you and Oscar put on. The press talked about you both nonstop. Your friends called you to fawn over how lucky you were to have snagged someone as hot as Oscar. Your co-stars congratulated your new “relationship” with a hug or pat on the back. The only people that knew the truth were your parents and your sister. They were happy that you were safer and not living in fear.
In fact, you felt a weight come off your shoulders after Oscar came into your life. You no longer felt scared or sad. Not only did his presence give you a sense of safety, but it also gave you comfort. The more time you spent together, the more you got to know him on a personal level. You knew it was wrong, but you found yourself developing a deep admiration for him.
One night, you tossed and turned in your queen sized bed. Even though you haven’t had any encounters with the stalker in a month, the thought of them coming back haunted you in the dead of night. After trying every tactic in the book to fall back asleep, you jumped out of bed and walked out of your room.
Entering the kitchen, you poured a glass of water until you spotted a figure standing on your balcony. Your heart thumped in your chest as you stepped closer towards the silhouette. You sighed loudly as the figure dropped their hand to the side, a puff of smoke appearing in the dark sky. Oscar spun around, meeting your sullen eyes. Joining his side on the balcony, you both stared off into the moonlight.
“Rough night?” Oscar asked, offering you a cigarette.
“Hmm, I wonder what gave it away,” You sarcastically blurted, popping the cigarette in your mouth. As he lit your cigarette, you gazed into his brown eyes that glimmered against the small flame.
“What’s on your mind?” If you had to pick one flaw he possessed, you would pick how he had a way of changing the subject. You shook your head, taking a hit of the cigarette.
“You thinking about them, huh?”
Tears welled in your eyes. “I’m so tired of being scared. Every time I start to feel like my life is back to normal, these thoughts just come out of nowhere. When will it end?”
Oscar took a hit the same time you did. Aside from the clouds of smoke, silence filled the air as you stood closer to one another. He put out his cigarette on the ashtray before turning towards you.
“It will end, I promise you that. I swear once we catch that son of a bitch, I’ll make sure their life is a living hell.”
“Oh, uhh, that’s not necessary-”
“No, it is extremely necessary. What kind of piece of shit watches someone go to bed from outside their house? I’ve seen cases like this so many times in my career and-” Oscar balled his hands in fists, his veins popping out of his forearms. “Whoever this guy is, they deserve to go to hell.”
You were speechless. You had no idea where any of this was coming from. Maybe it was the burnout of his job. Either way, he wasn’t done.
“You shouldn’t have to be scared of this prick. You should be going out, living your life, being happy. You deserve it. You deserve to be happy. Aside from your safety, your happiness is also a priority.”
Confused by his words, you took another hit of your cigarette, allowing the drug to relax you more. It was moments before you finally said something.
“Thank you for all that. It means a lot hearing those things from you. I can’t thank you enough for-”
Everything flashed before your eyes as Oscar desperately pulled you towards him to kiss you. His lips smashed against yours as he held you tenderly. Your head spun trying to process how the man you had slowly fallen for was now making out with you. Before he could deepen the kiss, Oscar released himself from you. When he noticed the look of perplexity on your face, he cursed under his breath.
“Oh fuck! I’m so sorry. Please forgive me for my lack of professionalism. I’m sorry!” He ran back inside towards the guest room where he had stayed over the past month. You followed shortly after him, but he shut the door in your face. Frustration coursing through your blood, you pried the door open to see him pacing around the room. Oscar apologized again as you strode towards him.
“Don’t be. I wish you had done that sooner.” It felt like deja vu with the way Oscar pressed his lips against yours full of passion. The taste of tobacco danced on both of your tongues, causing you to deepen the kiss. In a matter of seconds, your shirt flew off your body and you mimicked the movement with his shirt. Your bare torsos collided in desperation as you attached your lips once more.
“You want me?” Oscar muttered, lips ghosting over yours. His searing kiss laced with tobacco left you breathless and intoxicated. All you could manage was a half nod. Apparently, that wasn’t enough for him.
“Tell me.” He cupped your jaw with his taut hand. “Tell me you want me.”
“I want you, Oscar. I want you so bad.” He pushed you onto the bed, crawling on top of you. His lips attached to your neck, marking your skin with his teeth.
“I’ve never wanted to fuck someone as badly as I want to fuck you right now.”
“Then do it. Fuck me.”
You didn’t need to say anything else before Oscar shed off your sleep shorts and underwear. He groaned, relishing your naked body that he dreamt of for nights. His fingertips trailed over your skin. Shivers crept up your spine the further down his hand traveled. You held your breath as his fingers stopped a centimeter above where you wanted him most. Oscar glanced back at you, and you spread your legs in approval.
The corner of his mouth curved slightly before he tested his middle finger against your folds. You gasped and lifted your hips off the bed as your wetness enveloped his digit. Intense desire washed over him as he plunged his finger inside you. Your face scrunched in wanton, feeling him explore your cavern.
“Ahh, yes, feels so good.” Your hums drove him to insert another finger, pumping further to brush against that sweet spot. The way you moaned his name made his cock twitch in his sweatpants. He started palming himself through the thin material, fingering you until he hilted at his knuckles. Watching his fingers disappear inside you unleashed something in him. Something he has never felt with any woman.
Oscar let out an animalistic growl before stooping down to wrap his mouth around your engorged clit. You yelped as his beard scraped against your sensitive area. The sensation unlocked a new type of pleasure for you and you were addicted to his scruff between your legs. You raked your hands through his hair, clutching it as he sucked noisily on your bud. The delicious mixture of stimulation caused your stomach to churn.
“Oscar, ahh-”
“Yeah, you wanna cum?” He flicked the tip of his tongue against your clit as his fingers curled against your G-spot. “Cum for me, baby. Cum now!” As if on cue, a wave of pleasure crashed over you, causing you to tremble and push his head closer to your mound. Oscar purred against your pussy as his fingers drowned in your nectar. He ripped himself away from you, tugging you into his lap. You climbed on top of him, immediately crushing your lips to his. His bulge throbbed against your core, begging to be freed.
“Take my cock out, baby.” You moved slightly so you could yank his pants down and watch his dick slap against his lower abdomen. “Good girl, now go ahead and ride me.” Your hand slid up and down his shaft a few times before you sunk down on him. You barely got him halfway inside you before your eyebrows knitted together and your lips curled inward.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Oscar caressed your face before peppering kisses on your forehead and nose. “I gotcha, baby. I’m here.” You dropped further down on him until you were filled to the brim. You snaked your arms around him, closing the space between you two before grinding against his groin. It didn’t take long before you were bouncing on top of him, legs wrapped against his hips and holding his broad shoulders as support.
“So…fuckin…big,” you whimpered, digging your nails into his skin. Oscar leaned back, rutting his hips up to meet your thrusts.
“I know, baby. Bet you never had a cock this big.” You timidly turned your head to the side to avoid his lustful glare. With his slender finger, he tilted your head back towards him. He stared at you like a predator stalking his prey before attacking. This caused your brain to turn off and your hips worked over him in a frenzy.
“Fuck! Keep doing that. Just like that, baby.” Oscar’s praises made you throb violently around him, a condescending laugh slipping past his lips. Your hips bumped together in unison, and that familiar twist in your stomach returned as his tip hit that spongy button repetitively. You cried his name, announcing how close you were to the edge.
“Where d’you want me, baby?”
The words that came out of your mouth surprised both of you. “I want you to cum inside me, please. Wanna feel you so bad.”
Oscar fucked you until he knocked the wind out of you. “Take my cock like this. Take what belongs to you. All yours, baby.” You bucked your hips against each other until you tensed up above him. As you screamed in bliss, Oscar embraced you tightly against his slick chest. His grunts vibrated against you as he filled you with his seed. When you were full of his taint, he clasped your cheeks, kissing you with the same fiery passion as before you ravished each other.
You hopped off him, letting his cum drip from your hole before collapsing onto the bed. Oscar joined you on your side, cradling your shaking body. He lulled you as you calmed down from your high. When you came back down to earth, you curled up closer to him, resting your head on his chest.
“Did you really mean it when you said my happiness was a priority?”
“Of course I did! If I didn’t I wouldn’t have kissed you back there.”
“And we wouldn’t have…ya know.” Oscar chuckled, tucking a chunk of hair behind your ear. “Thank you.”
He looked at you puzzled. “For what?”
“For keeping me safe. Ironic enough, this is the most secure I have felt in my life. I can’t thank you enough for that.”
Your bodyguard interlaced his fingers with yours, stroking your hand with his thumb. “Even after this whole thing is resolved, I will still protect you with all my being.”
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yikimiki · 3 years
thinking so fucking hard about loser/stoner eren and popular/mean girl reader............ how she'll tease him and bully him at school but when they're fucking its always the opposite way around........ he has such a grip on her and shes so whipped for him that the pent up teasing just comes out during sex and he is just being so mean to her
This is a different au from the other loser eren asks — aiming more towards stoner!eren x popular!reader!! Also this got really long?? It’s a mix of headcanons and drabbles so hold on
warnings: smut, dirty talk, mean dom eren, rough sex, crying, creampie, multiple rounds, spanking, hair pulling, mentions of drugs (weed), degradation, use of “bitch”, “slut”, “whore”, “cocksleeve”, no prep, ass play, size kink, dumbification, mentions of spitting, dubcon (just to be sure)
No but imagine... Eren is this outcast, unbothered type of guy that doesn’t give a fuck about the social hierarchy of college or whatever. For some sick and twisted reason, you are particularly interested in him — there’s something about his baggy clothes, long hair under his cap/beanie and his “fuck everything” attitude that gets you going. But you can’t really show that you’re attracted to a complete loser like him, it would ruin your reputation, so you have to pretend as if you love teasing him, mocking him. Which, like, it’s totally funny.
It works for some time, until you are alone in a room with him. It happens in some weird college party that you almost didn’t go to, when you decide to take a break from dealing with your drunk friends and find shelter in a bedroom somewhere. It takes you some time to find one that it’s not locked or... being used, but eventually you open the door to find Eren, just scrolling through his phone with a blunt hanging from his lips. This time, considering it’s just you and him, you skip the provocations and ask him what he’s doing alone in there, you sit next to him in bed and listen as he complains about some friend that dragged him to that obnoxious party.
“I was just passing some time before I found an excuse to leave,” he says, locking his phone and putting it on the nightstand. The smell of weed is filling the stuffed air, and Eren takes another hit before putting his blunt out. “And what are you doing here? Got tired of ruining everyone’s night and decided to ruin mine?”
“It’s always more fun with you.” You smile, one hand landing on his shoulder. Eren tenses under your touch, bright green eyes trying to see if you’re just making fun of him again. Still, there’s something else burning at the bottom of your irises that he has never seen before, something that makes his stomach clench in anticipation. “Besides… now I have you all to myself.”
“What are you getting at?” He asks, but his voice sounds lower, eyebrows furrowed in doubt. You two are close, so much closer than ever before, and he can feel your gentle breathing on his lips when you lean closer. His heart picks up, and his hands are fighting to touch your body. “If this is some sort of prank, I swear—“
“It’s not a prank,” you whisper, looking down at his lips. Eren swallows dry — it’s funny: even after months of teasing, this is the clearer reaction you’ve ever received from him. “Can I kiss you?”
Eren has never heard you ask for anything — especially from him. It takes him some time to warm up to the idea (and to make sure you’re not just fucking with him again), his cock stirring awake in his baggy pants, before he gives you a curt nod. You smile, leaning in and joining your lips in a heated kiss.
And you swear you have the upper hand for some time. You sit on his lap, run your fingers through his hair and watch as he becomes pudding under your touches — just groaning and sighing against your lips as his rough hands squeeze your ass, making you grind your pussy down against his hard cock until you’re soaking through the fabric. But then something in the air suddenly switches and Eren is turning you around, trapping you beneath his large body as his lips eagerly move down to your neck, hands practically tearing your top open so he can suck on your tits.
You whimper and ask him to slow down, but he’s not really listening at this point — if you’re giving yourself to him, he’s going to make good use of his time. Especially when he thinks you should learn one thing or two about how to properly behave, about not always getting what you want, but what you deserve after teasing him for so long. All those months of pent-up frustration are getting to his head, turning into a power trip as he notices that he’s so much stronger than you, that he can do whatever he wants and you’ll just have to take it. And he’s gonna make sure you’ll take it all.
In no time, you’re completely naked, clothes mindlessly thrown around the room and Eren is looking at your body like he can eat you whole. He asks you to “Turn around,” as he takes off his own clothes, and your surprised at the eagerness in which you follow his command. You don’t know what’s going on with you — all those bitter comments you’d throw at him are now long gone, barely a ghost at the back of your mind when you feel him shuffle closer to you. Eren pulls your hips upwards, presses your face down against the mattress and spanks your ass so hard you swear you see stars.
“Eren!” You cry out, both from pleasure and surprise. “What are you—“
“Shut up.” His hands come down against your ass once more, making you whine. “You never fucking stop talking, such an annoying bitch.” Your skin burns as he lays down more hits against your ass cheeks, your hands helplessly holding onto the bedsheets. “This is what you wanted, uh? Wanted me to snap, to treat you like the needy whore you are.”
“Y-Yes,” you stutter. Your pussy is so aroused that you just feel yourself dripping down your thighs, the coldness of the air making you shiver. You never needed someone as much as you needed him. “Eren, fuck me,” you sob.
His large figure leans over you, one hand yanking your hair back as his face stops next to yours. You can feel his cock — huge, throbbing, heavy — in between your sensitive ass cheeks, and the notion that he’s about to stretch you out so wide makes you whine. “Didn’t fucking listen, why don’t you get some fucking manners and try again?”
“Please, Eren, f-fuck me,” you utter, arching your back against his cock. You never noticed how big and strong he is, but now that he’s towering over you, you have no choice but to feel yourself shrinking beneath him. “Please, please.”
He scoffs. “Needy bitch,” but he releases your hair and pushes your face down against the mattress, using his free hand to align himself with your dripping cunt. “Not so fucking chatty now, are you?” You barely have time to answer before he’s pressing his cockhead against your pussy, your hole fluttering around his length as he continues to push in. Eren is huge, definitely the biggest you’ve ever had, and the lack of prep only makes you feel the stretch even more. “Shit, look at this tight fucking cunt,” he breathes out. His hands are squeezing your ass so hard you just know it’ll be sore in the morning, but you don’t care. “Can’t believe you kept this from me for so fucking long.”
You have half the thought of apologizing, but you can’t do it when he bottoms out. By the time that his cock is fully inside you, you can barely utter out an incomprehensible string of “S-So huge, E-Eren— too much— fuck, so big, I can’t take it, I can’t...” before he’s moving his cock in and out of you.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asks, spanking your ass once again. The noise is so much louder this time, your moan following it shortly. “Fucking annoyed me for months just because you wanted to milk my cock like a desperate little whore,” he seethes, grabbing your ass forcefully as he drills into your soaking cunt. Eren is going hard and fast, so much so that you feel as if your brain is rattling inside your head, tits bouncing against the mattress as he continues his unforgiving pace. “Always knew you were a slut, I just didn’t know you’d be so fucking— shit — so fucking insufferable.”
“I’m s-sorry,” you whine, tears streaming down your face because of how good it all feels.
He scoffs. “Not yet. But you’ll be sorry.”
And boy how sorry you are. You had no idea that Eren would have that ridiculous amount of stamina, but you don’t even know how many times you’ve cum by the end of the night. Eren fucks you full of his cum again and again, spanking you and pulling your hair every time you misbehave and can’t keep it in like he tells you to — because “you’re such a dumb bitch, can’t even listen when you’re full of cock”.
He makes you cum on his fingers, on his cock, on his tongue, even makes you desperately grind against his thigh to get yourself off just because he likes how dumb you look. He fills every whole he can — spits in your mouth, fucks your throat, fingers your ass as he’s fucking you from the back and promises that next time it’ll be his cock. He’s just so mean, so revengeful of every time you annoyed him that he can’t be nice even if he tried. It’s just too good to have almighty little you turned into a stupid slut for his cock, crying and begging for him to fill you up one more time.
“Listen to me,” he hisses, making you turn your head to look at him. Your eyes are glazed over, barely able to find his with your orgasm building up again. “This is all you’re fucking good for,” he says, and his cock throbs inside you. Eren’s cum is seeping down your thighs, coating his length and making his slide easier as he continues to pound inside your abused cunt. “You’re made to be a cocksleeve, this pussy is made to take my cock. Do you understand?” You agree with a whiny yes. “Gonna stop fucking annoying me now? You can just ask and I’ll fuck you whenever you want, okay?” You nod, only half there, and for the first time that night he calls you “Good girl,” before stuffing you full of his cum again.”
Anyways???? Idk what came over me but yeah. Popular girl reader that is a complete slut for loser eren when theyre fucking. I rest my case.
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the-wild-candy · 2 years
Your next partner + your relationship dynamic with them
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𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑎 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦. 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛'𝑡.
ℌ𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢
𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑝 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑡, ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒.
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𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
Your next partner's personality
Your next partner is gonna very generous. They have been humbled by the times when they experienced set backs because of finances or they are simply very giving. For some of you, this person or you could have purple as your aura color. They are in a secure position to donate or be generous without getting their own stability affected. They are very generous in relationships. This person is understanding. They understand the circles of life and the way in which it rotates.
I feel like they are very adaptive to different situations. Whether they are good or bad, they know that changes are meant to happen. They can practice a lot of self control. Your next partner could be really playful. Anothing thing that I'm picking up on here is that their inner child is satisfied and happy ( and very very excited for some reason, its adorable). I saw a child throwing flowers in the air and smiling while looking up at the sun.
They are financially abundant. I see that they are working to create a stable future for themselves. Family could be really important for this person. They love going on trips with their family. They adore spending quality time with people they are close to. Your person loves to celebrate little things in life. Each and every occasion, achievement etc is important to them.
They can be an entrepreneur, therefore they know how to deal with people. They might have met some manipulative people in their life before meeting you. Your person is very good at pretending. It can give them the upper hand while dealing with such customers, coworkers, or even other people in general.
Yes, your person seems to be very kind as well as work oriented but they really know how to have fun. They can balance their personal life as well as work life AND differentiate between the two. They might love parties. Although they are a homebody, they still love going out and have their fun. Especially concerts. I am seeing dark droopy eyes, hair falling on the forehead, electric guitars, one night stands (don't worry, I don't think they goof around. It's just one or two times, random hookups etc), neon lights, beer bottles and a person who looks high as fuck lol. A party animal indeed.
I am also picking up on the fact that your person adores their sleep. Freedom is extremely important to them. Their voice can be really soothing yet very sensual. They are lucky. I also feel like they are very sweet when they are in a relationship with someone. Oh and for some of you (like one or two maybe) this person can be jewish or Scottish.
Your relationship dynamic
This relationship will be full of excitement. You'll not only explore each other but also your own selves. This person cherishes freedom and your relationship is gonna be exactly that. You'll both make so many plans together. They'd love to make you feel safe and secure.
This person is gonna love spending time with you so much, even a glimpse of you would make them smile. I also feel like you'll be taking care of each other when one of you gets sick. Compromising for each other is coming through as well. Fixing and mending the potholes of your connection and diligently working on it.
I just heard "you're my baby". You're gonna have so many new adventures and ideas to share. Like visiting new places and trying out different foods. Boredom is far far far away from you guys. Y'all gonna be a very fiery couple. You'll boost each other's confidence. You both understand the consequences of your actions.
I feel like honesty is important to you guys. You'll be truthful with each other. This person will treat you fairly and vive versa. You can even mirror each other at times. Supportive, kind and loving. Trust and respect, you're big on these. Your relationship will thrive if you both are mindful of your partner's feelings as well as what's making them frustrated. Clarity.
One drawback of your relationship could be feeling lonely. Feeling as if you have lost your way while standing in the middle of the road. Fearing that the other person will let you down. You both might drain yourselves out, which can lead you to take some time out for just yourselves.
Yet, I don't think you'll blame each other for it. It's all about communicating what both of you expect out of a particular relationship. The initial stages of this happening and then communicating about it can be a little uncomfortable but it will help you to build a strong foundation for the future ahead.
I also feel like you or your person weren't expecting such a serious relationship at first. You guys could be each other's "wish come true" yk. Your next partner will think that you're intoxicating and irreplaceable in the best ways possible and vice versa. While I was shuffling for one last time for this pile, two yes cards fell out. I also saw 1256, an angel number which means that it's an auspicious time to fall in love. It's a sign that the wait is over.
Extra messages
a mentor
jealous motherfuckers
leo taurus scorpio aquarius
"I cant remember being nothing but fearless and young"
echos fade away
dilated eyes
travelling by foot/long walks
Dancing, twisting, turning
smokey hot
On top of the world
don't need nobody
"get comfortable, don't leave yet, get popcorn".
they can have really nice hands or could type really fast
"until the lion learns how to write, every story, will glorify the hunter" ~ African proverb
"I love your cologne"
"show up once again"
New changes/new beginnings
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𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
Your next partner's personality
There was a phase in this person's life when they thought everything was against them. The challenges which can make someone feel excited, made them feel hopeless. It's like they felt defeated. Devoid of any motivation. They could be extremely self critical. Lacking confidence, and insecurities are coming through as well. This person can be really hard on themselves sometimes. They feel trapped. I don't know why I am getting the word "twisted pain".
They could push people away, they barely trust other people. Your person wants to live in the moment, they want to cherish the present. They seem to have some sort of rivalry or ego clashes with people. They accept competitions in a way to improve themselves for the better.
For some of you, your person can already be in a relationship as of now and for the others, their idea of love is very pure. They may crave love. Your person has faced a lot of setbacks in their life. Whether it was mentally or financially. They aren't able to see the opportunities which universe brings them because it's like they have lost all hope. It seems like the spirit is telling me more about their current state rather than what their personality is actually like.
Coming back to them pushing people away, this person might fear that they'll get attached. Furthermore, I feel like your next partner is extremely brave and courageous. They are focused on their work, even if it isn't as fruitful as they want it to be. They are compassionate. With the strength falling out in upright position, it's clear that their inner strength is also remarkable.
They feel empowered when they are in love. As of now, they do lack mental clarity. They have been pushed to their limit. Although I do feel that they'll be recieving more opportunities in their career. If they do manage to grab this chance, they'll definitely prosper. For some of you, your person is in their early 20s right now.
They are working on their body too. I heard "I am working on my energy". They are starting to take care of themselves. They can be in their glowup phase atm ngl. Its like they are making their way through the dark to actually reflect what all they can do. Their spirits guides are protective over them. I also feel like they are gonna be very loyal. Considering the fact how much they value love as a feeling, they'll be a very devoted partner. Peace and harmony in relationships. They could have a few selfish friends or partners before meeting you, that's probably what made them refuse to this feeling altogether.
Your relationship dynamic
This person is so romantic, they are the type to write poetry for you or maybe even paint pictures for you. When in relationship, your next partner can be moody but they are very empathetic. It's possible that you weren't each other's type but you make it work beautifully. You'll majorly follow your heart with this person. You both can be spiritually inclined. Your relationship will be very light and pure.
There's a good amount of attraction here. You suit each other in the best ways possible. "In love with the idea love". The emphasis here is again on living in the moment and keeping it real. You'll feel safe with each other. They'll be your comfort person and vice versa. It's like saying "this is my person".
Your relationship can be a bit traditional. One of you works more on the logical aspect of things, even in love. Sometimes your emotions can go unexpressed. Well, this pile seems to be the definition of opposites attract lol. You'll cherish each other's presence.
For some of you, I am picking that you both will like a particular dish or maybe something sweet. You'll have a special place, a go-to place you know, just to spend time together. You'll feel very secure together. Those unexpressed emotions will reflect themselves. You'll help each other tone down your partner's aggressiveness.
For most of you, you'll like to keep things private. Your person can feel possessive over you sometimes. I see hand holding too. Your relationship dynamic seems to be very sweet, protected and flirty. The feminine energy here is bold, in every way. Whether it is being blunt or in making the first moves, they don't hesitate at all. They are very ambitious.
I am seeing a woman who is gonna have bad intentions towards you and your partner. She could be manipulative and jealous of what you guys have. Although I don't necessary feel that she'll do anything to influence your relationship. And even if she tried to do something like that, you'll be able to walk away from it easily. Either ways, you'll be happy with this person.
Extra messages
Pull me from hell, bring me back again
see me, for me
stumbling my way through the door
falling into peices in front of you
"I feel pathetic"
slurring words
karmic cycles
paint my tears
cold stares
"love is important to me"
they love going on drives
"take a fall"
million miles away
dark and shiny
"sad birds still sing" - autumn
blue, red, orange, grey/white, beige
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𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
TW - nsfw messages, cuss words
Your next partner's personality
Their willpower is very strong. If they set their heart or mind on something, they're gonna get it. They don't fear creating routes for fulfilling their own desires. Mind and world are only reflections of each other. Your partner understands the depth of their own self. They know that in whatever way they'll see the world, it's all being reflected in their own mind.
They know they are powerful enough to build their inner world, because then the outer will follow. I hope that makes sense. Your person is skillful, they know what they're doing. They know their shit. It's like, they're playful and maybe a little cocky. A clever mind. They know how to get people on their side. I am hearing "using their charm" well, whatever that's supposed to mean lol.
They seem to have gotten a hint of all the elements, but underneath all that is emotions and vulnerability. I also feel that they are pretty confident especially when they are conveying their ideas and opinions to someone. Magician and the devil, you've gotta be kidding me. The devil dances in the realm of shadows, I guess I could say the same about this person.
They can be addicted to alcohol, materialistic as well as physical pleasures of life, etc. Excess of something. Now, don't get me wrong I literally heard "pussy for breakfast", so they could've been more inclined towards having regular hookups or sex in general. They are definitely experienced.
Again, I'll emphasize on 'using their charm and intellect', to get things done. But that's just what this person let's other people see. They feel disconnected. They feel apathy. External things and possessions don't really give them joy. You only long for something when you don't have enough of it, but for them, they have enough. They often feel bored and discontent. I also feel like they love having comfortable silences with people they like. It actually brings them peace. They have a joyous group of friends though. Your person really supports and understands their friends. They are the type to dance to any beat, the point is to enjoy after all.
For some of you, your person could love to box. I see muscles and boxing gloves. They have many options. Many, many people are attracted to them. I heard "hotel". They can live away from their home. Honestly, I also feel like they are very chill. They don't really give a shit. They seem to be the type to mind their own business. But with those they are close, they are like an anchor to all of them. People can misunderstand them when they first meet them. Like I said, they only let people see what they want them to see.
Your relationship dynamic
You can experience a tower moment in your relationship in the beginning stages itself. You'll bave go remain very calm and patient to deal with such situations. At one point I feel like you might just go "I am done". This relationship will be a lesson for most of you. Although I do feel like you'll start understanding each other once you clearly get to know each other better. I see a lot of attraction between the two of you, but it's the initial spark which was missing.
It's not necessary that you'll end up with person, but they can be your soulmate or a potential partner. You'll learn as your grow more into this relationship. I also feel like you won't be ready to accept whatever is going on between you and your partner. As in being in denial or being more stubborn.
I also got a message from my personal deck for this pile. It says, "you can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you didn't want to read, you'll have moneys when you don't want pages to end. But you have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out". I think this can perfectly explain what thos relationship dynamic be like.
From what I can see, it can be pretty rough at first but it will move on to be something really beautiful. Something you won't regret. Some sudden changes can scare you in life and when that happens, your partner will be there to comfort you. One of you control your emotions, that can hinder what you guys will have.
You can both have high standards. You or your partner can feel distant and detached. You'll learn how to prioritize different aspects of your life while being in this relationship. Whether it is love, family or work. I do see a lot of physical intimacy though. You'll have to make a choice. With the ten of swords falling out in upright position, it's clear that this might end in separation.
Extra messages
"Fuck me like you hate me"
a quiet starry place
this is love? It's super cliche
"I am gonna let you get the best of me"
lover in the dark
deja vu
"I need to pause"
"I couldn't give a single fuck"
"How difficult it is to be simple"
want you all the time
When i am inside you, euphoria
When you look at me like that, euphoria
When you ask for me, euphoria
They all know already, They all know already.
prefer listening to euforia by sen senra^ for physical intimacy bit and nsfw messages.
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© the-wild-candy All rights reserved 2022
Do not copy or plagiarize my work.
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real-jane · 2 years
an olive branch
[steve rogers x reader]
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summary: you’ve reached your breaking point at work and steve wants to help you find a solution. but first… pizza.
words: 2.1k
warnings: none. established relationship, no use of y/n.
a/n: thanks to @mumbles411 for this idea! Here’s the original ask: ‘There's always the old 'comforting someone after a bad day' thing. Especially if they already hate their job. I've been there and would have loved Steve or Bucky to be there for picking me up.’ enjoy! 🥰
You’re almost an hour late getting home, and Steve paces the living room with his phone in hand, talking himself out of calling you again. You answered the first time–hi baby, I’m so sorry, I missed my train–and then your call dropped. Likely, you were on the platform and reception was never good down there, but that isn’t much comfort to him considering you sounded so frantic.
When your key slots into the lock, Steve beats you to the punch and rips open the door. You practically fall into his arms. 
“Mmm,” you groan, burying yourself in his chest. “Never been so happy to see you.”
“Bad day?” He draws circles on your lower back.
“Awful. I feel like a broken record, and nobody is listening.” Your sniffle is unmistakable. “How do I keep doing this every day? It’s going to break me.”
“Hmm. Take your shoes off, dove. You hungry?”
“Oh god,” you sigh. Steve steadies you as you toe off your shoes. 
“You forgot to eat, huh.”
“Didn’t have time! Three people called out sick, even Pietro was taking orders. I think I could eat a whole pizza by myself.”
“Your wish is my command.” He eases your bag from your shoulder, takes your coat, and then pats your butt in the direction of the bedroom. “Get cozy, okay?” Steve chuckles as you shuffle away to do as he says, disappearing into the comfy space to find the pajamas he had laid out on the bed after doing laundry.
“How was your day, baby?” you call.
“Boring,” he replies, typing your favorite pizza order into the delivery app. “Missed you. Did laundry. Not much going on (as far as potential fieldwork) so I caught up on some paperwork.” He’s been home for longer stretches, lately, which he has enjoyed immensely, especially because he can do the frankly outrageous amount of paperwork SHIELD sends over from the comfort of your sofa, while letting daytime tv drown the street sounds outside.
“You do a lot of paperwork for being America’s Ass.”
Steve laughs. “Excuse me, this ass belongs to you.”
“Lucky me.” You lean against the doorway. When Steve glances at you, your eyes are shining with unspent tears. He confirms the food order and tosses his phone onto the sofa. He takes his time meeting you at the threshold, but he can’t help brushing his thumbs over your cheeks.
“What’s got you so sad?”
“Steve–will you be brutally honest with me?” your voice breaks, and you curl your fingers into the front of his t-shirt.
“I don’t know about ‘brutal,’ dove, but I’ll give it my best shot.”
“Am I being unreasonable? I feel like the girl who cried wolf. All my coworkers seem to agree with me, but I’m the only person willing to say something–it makes me feel like I’m overreacting, but I can’t get strung along anymore.”
“You’re in the right,” he soothes. “Do you wanna sit on the sofa? You’ve been upright all day.”
“I don’t know if my knees bend.”
“I can help.” Steve loops an arm behind your knees and lifts you. You pretend to be aghast that he would do such a thing, but you kiss his cheek. He sits down, keeping both arms wrapped around your waist. “Let me ask you a question. Yeah?”
You snuggle against his chest and nod. “Shoot.”
“What’s the worst that can happen if you quit?”
“Well… Can’t afford my half of rent, for one thing–”
“Money aside.”
“I can’t not think about money. When you grow up without it, it’s everything.”
Steve nods. He does know a thing or two about that. “Okay. You’re right. You have concerns about paying your bills, it’s a legitimate worry. What else?”
“Who’s gonna speak up if I’m not there?”
“Dove, somebody is gonna have to find their voice. It can’t be up to you to save the place.”
“...says Captain America,” you snort.
“I have a team. It’s not my sole responsibility, and I couldn’t do it if I didn’t surround myself with people who put in equal effort. Right? I’m hard to kill, but I don’t fly. I’m bad with computers, never shot an arrow in my life, and when I get angry, I just get flushed.” You giggle at that. “But you’re carrying the worries of every person you work with. It’s unsustainable. You said it yourself–it’s too much.”
“I know,” you sigh. “But we’ve all gotten so close dealing with this bullshit.”
“Are you worried they won’t talk to you if you leave?”
“I guess I am.”
“Don’t think that’s likely; for one thing, Wanda would kill you if you didn’t go to the farmer’s market with her on Tuesdays.”
You smile. “True.”
“And we can still go there for drinks anytime you want. But not pizza–”
“Because it’s not ‘real New York pie’, yeah yeah,” you parrot the phrase he’s said to you a million times. “Where did you order from, by the way?”
“Sweetheart,” he scoffs, “the only place in the city.”
You snort. “You’re such a snob.”
“What’s the worst that will happen if you stay?”
“I’ll have a mental breakdown. I was… researching outpatient programs the other night when you found me out here super late.”
Steve kisses your forehead like he might soothe all the pain from your mind. “Oh, dove. You can’t live like this.”
“I don’t know how to leave! I have to find something else first, or it doesn’t make sense–and do you know how hard it is to find a job in this fucking economy?” You swipe your hands under your eyes furiously.
“Or–no, listen.” He kisses you, leveling his eyes with yours. You nod, but tears stream down your face. “Or… you put in your two weeks. We take a month to get you rested up. Go to a Yankees game or two. And then you can choose something which isn’t gonna drain the life out of you.”
“I don’t have enough saved up.”
“It’s okay. I’ve got you covered.”
“No, Steven–”
He tips your chin up. “Stop. I’m not keeping score, here. You’re my girl, this is what people do when they have a life together.”
You hug him so tight. “You’re sure.”
He wraps you in his arms. “Yes. And… if you realize what would make you the most happy is to sit on the balcony and paint neon cityscapes, while drinking Celestial Seasonings tea out of business, then I support you.”
“Nooo–I’m not gonna sit around while you have to do the work to pay for our life!”
“You contribute in other ways. I’d kill every plant in this place if it weren’t for you.”
“What would America say if they knew you fell for a plant lady?”
“I am asked about you in every interview, and have been since you came to the Smithsonian opening with me. I think America’s in love with you, too.”
“Awe,” you grin, pressing your fingers into his scalp with a loving scritch. “I don’t think I can make a decision tonight.”
“Perfectly reasonable. No rush. You want a bath?”
You appear genuinely conflicted for choice. “But… pizza.”
You narrow your eyes. “I can’t decide if you’re brilliant or not.”
“One way to find out.” He kisses your temple. “Hey.”
“I’m so sorry it’s been bad for this long. It’s terrible, and you don’t deserve it.”
You bite your lip. “Thank you, baby.”
“Why are you thanking me, huh? I’m right.” When he grins, you kiss him in annoyance. He loves when you do that, like you can’t let him get another word out so you seal his mouth with yours. What a punishment.
He carries you into the washroom and sets you on the counter, promptly handing you a sheet mask from your basket, and holding up two different bags of scented bath salts for you to pick between. You point, and he nods approvingly. He starts the bath water, and the buzzer sounds.
“Dinner!” You sprint for the button, but he’s faster; Steve catches your hips and slides between you and the front door.
“Get your butt in the bathtub, ma’am. Or I won’t hand-feed you pepperonis like a princess.”
“I missed the part where that was on offer,” you cackle. “But if I go get it, I’ll be able to eat all the olives off the top by the time I get back, so you won’t be disgusted by my taste in toppings.”
“You don’t know what I ordered. Maybe I got Canadian bacon.”
“I think that’s considered treason.”
“Get!” He spins you around and presses the button beside the door for the intercom. “Hi, if you wait inside I’ll bring you some cash.”
“Cool, thanks man!” The delivery driver is in for a great surprise.
Steve kisses the curve of your neck. “If you’re not up to your eyeballs in bubbles when I get back, I’m gonna eat all your olives myself.”
“Big talk from someone allergic to them.”
“Don’t push me.” He nips your earlobe, making you yelp.
“Fine! Be nice to me! See if I care.” You stick your tongue out at him, and leap away when he attempts to pinch your ass in retaliation. He can’t help the full-hearted laugh when you peek at him around the doorway innocently. “Just checking!” you coo. 
If anyone knew Captain America sat on his washroom floor, feeding his girlfriend a pizza he is most definitely allergic to, they’d probably believe it. Steve is nothing if not predictable, but he doesn’t mind being known for something he takes great pride in. A lot of what he does is duty, but bringing a smile to your face and easing your burden is something which brings him inordinate joy. You make all that pressure go away. With you, he is just a native New Yorker with strong opinions about crust style, who kills plants with almost impressive frequency and overtips delivery drivers by hundreds of dollars. So–not ordinary, but he doesn’t have to pretend on days he is down, if he wakes up next to your sweet face. But when you are hurting, he hurts by proxy. 
That night, he makes sure you have all the pizza you want (pepperoni by pepperoni, being very careful to avoid the olives and washing his hands thoroughly), while you slowly turn into a prune. Once you are tucked into bed and softly snoring, he eats his own pie sitting on the floor in the hallway outside your shared bedroom, and he ponders something he hasn’t thought about in a long time:
What if he retires? 
Sometimes when you wake up and can't fall back asleep, he rubs your back and tells you hypotheticals about a little cottage in the woods with a big garden, where you wouldn’t have to do anything but figure out how many carrots to use for dinner and get good at knitting. It always puts you right to sleep with a smile. Why does it have to be a pipe dream?
When he crawls into bed beside you, and your eyes open a bit, he kisses your brow. 
“Hi,” you murmur against his chest.
“Hello. You okay?”
“Mmm.” You loop your arm under his so you can pull him even closer. Steve slips his legs between yours. “You’re very comforting.”
“Yeah?” He smiles against your hair.
“Yep. Never make me question lovin’ me.”
“Sleep, sweetheart. ‘M not going anywhere.”
You smash your cheek into his skin and you’re quiet for a minute. He almost misses your little declaration. “Gonna quit.”
“I’ll pick you up from work on the bike. Go out in style?”
You lift your head up enough to give him a blissful, sleepy smile. “Yes please.”
He presses his lips over yours gently. “I’ll be there.”
“Come in uniform?” 
“You really want them to feel bad,” he chuckles.
“Nah. I just like lookin’ at ya in spandex.”
“You can have that anytime.”
“Sure. If you want.” 
You return his gentle kiss. “Love you.”
“I love you, too, dove.”
Now, he has to find a cottage for the sweetest woman he’s ever known. Because you only make decisions like this when you’ve weighed all your options, and he wants to give you a more attractive alternative than another dead end job. Something to keep the sunshine in your cheeks, where you don’t spend a portion of your life worrying about him coming home safe.
Sam’s ready for the shield. You’re ready to quit your job. It’s time for Steve to make the call about his future, too… where he can put you in a bubble bath every night, and maybe join you, just because. The best possible life for his dove.
thanks for reading!
my masterlist - my marvel masterlist
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holysmokesblog · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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Vander x reader Family x reader
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Mornings are exhausting but not boring, especially when you have Vander as a husband and four worried children. Note 1: My infinite thanks to @eexphoria who is dedicated to repairing my many grammatical errors Note 2: I really like writing about this family with a reader, from what I could see "Bath time" was very well received, I hope this part is also to your liking.
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You had sensed it since last night, from the moment you laid your head on the pillow and a slight annoying itch in your throat. It was the first sensation when you opened your eyes in the morning but multiplied by a hundred. You closed your eyes tightly again trying to contain a groan. If Vander found out that you had gotten sick you'd have to admit that he was right when he told you to bundle up and you'd never tell him that he was right.
Although the lack of snoring next to you gives you the signal that he was already awake.
"You don't have to pretend to be asleep," he told you calmly. "You were complaining all night, that's because you didn't listen to me."
You rolled your eyes, sometimes he seemed more like a mother than your husband, you turned your body to face him. He was sitting against the head of the bed. He had those glasses that he only used when they were alone while looking at a book, you couldn't help biting your lower lip. Even over the years, he was still incredibly attractive.
You moved his arm around you so you'd be able to rest your head on his chest, he let you settle in before approaching to leave a kiss on your head.
"What time is it?" You asked with a bit of difficulty.
"It must be around ten o'clock," he murmured, continuing his reading. These moments of quiet intimacy between you were increasingly rare. On a normal morning, he`d be up and ready for the next errand, if it wasn't for the children it was for the bar and but for someone who came to Vander for help. So you should take advantage of these little "leaks'' as much as you can.
"Haven't you read that book?" You had barely paid attention to the letters to recognize the text, you had seen it at least a dozen times in his hands, in his spare time when the Last Drop was empty.
"It's the only one that does not have fluorescent scribbles," he replied simply, "and you gave it to me on our third anniversary." You looked at it in surprise, not even you remembered that detail. You sank him again, this time closer to his neck.
"I don't remember," you admitted. "What did you give me?"
"I had forgotten." His chest jumped from a small laugh. "I remember you got so angry and ended up throwing this book to my head… Luckily you never had a good aim." You laughed along with him. "I can't forget when I went to look for your apartment and since you didn't want to open the door I had to climb up to the fifth floor… Just to see that you had locked the window."
"You climbed to the fifth floor," you repeated. "We were both young, strong, and beautiful," you scoffed. Your husband turned his attention away from the pages to look at you closely.
"You're still the most beautiful of all Undercity, even the damn Piltover."
Your chest filled with a pleasant heat. You turned away from his side to look at his face, despite the years he was still as attractive as the first day you met him, hell, even more.
You brought your face close to his to place a kiss on his lips, with little delicacy you took the book and threw it near the bedside table. Your husband wasted no time in helping you slip one of your legs over his hips and you end up sitting on him.
"This morning couldn't be better," You thought, even the sore throat seemed to disappear.
Vander's hands went under your shirt — you wished you have locked the door before you reached this point as you were interrupted with knocking on the bedroom door. You broke away from his grasp only to see his messy hair and crooked glasses that invited you to ignore the door, but the knock heard again.
You got off his lap and fell into your place on the bed, while Vander soon opened the door. It didn't take long for a little blue head to enter without asking permission and end up between the sheets next to you.
"Good morning," she greeted with simplicity. "I saw that you didn't get up, so I came to see if everything was fine." She looked around. "Is everything okay?"
"Y / N woke up a little sick, that's all," Your husband answered from the door and as if it were a switch, all the discomfort returned to your being.
"Oh no" Powder complained. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" She looked at you with her huge sparkling eyes, you shook your head before hugging her tightly. Vander was about to close the door again before a slim figure infiltrated the room.
"Good morning, why haven't you gotten up yet?" Mylo asked, but before anyone could answer him Claggor made an appearance as well, followed by Violet.
"Y / N feels bad," began the smallest
"Bad? What's wrong?" Vi was concerned.
"Can we do something for you?" Claggor asked.
"It's just a sore throat," you said, but Powder's hand came to rest quickly on your cheek and then on your forehead.
"You're very heated, that's a fever," said the little girl. You looked at your husband knowing that this heat had a more complex origin than a disease, one that you wouldn't explain even in your dreams to your children.
"If you have a fever you should stay in bed," suggested the boy with the glasses on his head.
"Claggor is right," Vi supported. "Is there something we can do to make you feel better?"
You were moved by the concern of your children, although you knew that it was nothing more than an absurd sore throat, they had never got a chance to take care of you much, rather you were the one who ran after them every time they got sick.
"No, it's really nothing, I'll get up right away." You made a move to get up but Powder's slim arms wrapped around your waist and kept you on the mattress, despite being so small she had quite a bit of strength.
"Powder's right, maybe you should stay in bed for today," Vander argued.
"Yeah, we'll take care of you," Mylo said "I mean it's only fair, you always take care of us." And he threw himself on the bed next to Powder who still hadn't let go of you.
"It's decided then," Your husband declared. "I'll go make breakfast, I'll leave you with the nurses," He teased.
You sighed and without putting up much more resistance, you put an arm around the little blue-haired girl, pushing her a little to the center of the bed, leaving room for Claggor to lie down as well while Vi lay face down on your feet.
You still remember how they came into your life, it was not in the ideal conditions, but from the first day, you loved them wildly.
This was an idyllic scene, your four children lying next to you to "take care of" you in peace. It was strange that they didn't fight each other.
"You have lice," Mylo said, holding one of Powder's braids trying to tease her. You sighed. Goodbye peace.
"Shut your mouth Mylo, you don't even take a bath," the little girl defended herself.
But you still love them.
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kuromochimi · 3 years
hello ive read your works and i absolutely love your writing and was wondering if you're able to write for suna kuroo ushijima and sakusa secretly dating their manager and when their teammates ask if they would hypothetically date their manager the boys would flat out say no and she hears them and gets upsets by it thinking its true? please thank you ❤️
I’m a sucker for this request 😭 I kinda didn’t put directly that they wouldn’t date their manager but still kinda implied with their responses, I hope that’s fine :>
Secretly Dating Their Manager
Suna Rintaro, Kuroo Tetsuro, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Sakusa Kiyoomi
Content & Warnings: angst to fluff
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Suna Rintaro
It was in between short breaks from training, you were discussing a few things with the coach right outside the gym. Something about the upcoming training camp in tokyo. On the other side of the wall you were standing near to, some of the members sat on the bleachers, unaware that you could overhear them.
“So anyway, I’ll leave you to it. Give me an update on the accommodation details by tomorrow” The coach headed back inside the gym while you stayed outside to review the itinerary for the training camp and partly to eavesdrop on the boys since you heard them mentioning skipping tomorrow’s practice. You wanted more details so you could scold them for even proposing to skip especially with nationals right around the corner. “Man I would do anything to have a girl cheering me on when we have games” atsumu complained. “I’m not praising you but don’t you have a line of ladies who’re desperate as hell just to talk to you?” Suna spoke in as a matter of fact way. “Yeah but I’m not into them”
“You have someone in mind?” The ever curious aran pried. “The manager” was all atsumu replied with. Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as you tried your best to not make your presence known. “Dumb ass, isn’t yn already unofficially tied to suna? Suna, ain’t that right? You two are always together and all that” Osamu implied. If you were being honest, a part of you wanted for suna to just reveal your relationship right then and there.
“No? She’s not my type. I’m into girls who are more laid back. We’re always together because she lives a block away from me. It would be rude of me not to walk her to and from school, yeah?”
You knew you two agreed to keep it secret. But wasn’t he doing to well at pretending that he doesn’t like you? Or he might not really like you after all? When you thought about it, it was you who first caught feelings. You who confessed. You who asked what kind of relationship you two had. You were far too upset to do more thinking but you had your duties as a manager so you wiped your teary eyes, straightened your expression. Meanwhile, the captain, kita, witnessed you do all those things and you didn’t even see him ‘til you reached the gym doors. “Yn? Are you alright? Looks like you were crying”. Panic pooled your thoughts as you rummaged for an excuse “oh kita! I uhm, I have this splitting headache, but I can manage”
“Well whatever it is, you’re not well. Come on, let’s get you to the nurse, I’ll take over your duties for today. Suna will come pick you up later so he can walk you home” kita was already gently pushing you towards the nurse’s office. “Suna? Why him?”
“Doesn’t he always walk you home anyway?” You nodded at him and chose to just do as he says. You weren’t sick but you felt a little bit better after resting.
Back at the gym, when training commenced again, suna immediately noticed your absence. You’d usually be scuttling around the gym, observing, or fixing towels and water bottles. He caught sight of kita holding your notebook and other stuff you used as a manager. He straight up asked about you. Suna jogged to where kita was, calling him “Kitashin! Wait up! Where’s yn?” he waited eagerly for an answer. “She was crying right outside the gym a moment ago, said she had a bad headache so I took her to the infirmary”. With suna’s sharp observation and deduction skills, he immediately connected the dots. “Was she.. by the left wall, behind the bleachers?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly where she was. By the way, here, take this back to her later. You’re walking her home, aren’t you?” Suna nodded before absentmindedly returning to practice. His thoughts lingering on the fact that you might have heard what he said about not liking you. Words which he never really meant. Practice passed by in an instant. Suna basically sprinted to the nurse’s office where he found you sitting on the bed by the window.
“Yn? You okay?” He was cautious, waiting for the right time to ask you about his suspicions. “Oh hey suna” He immediately gave you a confused look. Suna? Since when did you call him suna when no else was around. “Suna? Where did that come from?”
“Why not? Weren’t you into more laid back girls anyway?” You spoke without looking at him. “Fuck. I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean that” he reasoned out and attempted to give you a hug but you simply took your stuff from him, dodged his arms and headed out of the infirmary. “Babe come on, you know I really really like you, right?” He was following you but still being cautious as to what you would be comfortable with. After finally reaching the outside of the school gates, you ended the chase and looked back at him all of a sudden. "If you want me to believe you then you probably won't mind if we finally tell everyone the truth, right?" without a single sign of hesitation, suna agreed. "yes, of course, let's do that. I don't even know why we tried hiding it in the first place, they were definitely catching on anyway".
"Good. I'm still mad at you though" then you continued to walk towards the direction of your house, suna now walking beside you instead of behind you. "You can be mad but let me carry your stuff for you". And you couldn't deny that you were head over heels for the man beside you.
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Kuroo Tetsuro
"You having a hard time there?" kuroo jogged up to you as you were filling up the water bottles. "Tetsu I literally do this everyday, I'm fine" you jokingly rolled your eyes at him. "okay then, I'll see you later after training" he gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before he entered the gym again. Unbeknownst to you two, yamamoto witnessed you whole exchange and although he wasn't really surprised as you and kuroo were always together anyway, he didn't know that you two were actually dating. The only ones who really knew were kai and yaku. Training went about as it usually did. The boys were then changing in the locker rooms when yamamoto chose to bring it up. "Hey kuroo, I didn't know you and yn were going out". Kuroo's eyes momentarily widened but he immediately masked it with a laid back, careless expression. "yn? why would you think that?"
"Oh come on, I saw you two flirting during our break"; "I was just helping her, I'm the captain, of course I want the team to be at ease, the manager included. It's just my duty, nothing more and nothing less" right at that moment, you were passing by the door and you overheard what he had said, yaku catching sight of you way too late as you already bolted off, the rest of the team being aware that it was you. "Fuck" kuroo cursed before hurriedly putting on his shirt, grabbing his bag, and running after you. "yn! where are you going, stop running, you're clumsy!" you turned around at his statement. "Really tetsu? You run after me and instead of apologizing, you make jokes about me being clumsy? real mature". You were about to turn around again when he pulled you gently towards him. "Look, whatever it was you heard, you and I both know I didn't mean any of it. You know how much I like you and how much I worked just to get on your good side"; "yeah well you just lost access to my good side asshole"
"You can throw anything you want at me, punch me, slap me, I'll accept it, just forgive me please?" he smiled at you that enchanting smile he always showed and you just couldn't say no. "Don't make it sound like I'm some abusive girlfriend. And I forgive you but you're not off the hook either, you gotta make it up to me"
"You know I will. I'm probably gonna get my ass beat by yaku anyway so that's already half the punishment. That guy is always on your side when the two of us have fights."
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
People, most especially the shiratorizawa volleyball team never really expected for ushijima to get himself into a relationship during high school. He was career driven and was almost always training, working out, studying, or conditioning himself for future matches and that wasn't a bad thing. But they didn't know that you, the manager, had managed to catch the attention of the career driven ace. He was first enamored with the thought of you that one time when the team was teasing him about not being able to bag himself a girl and you scolded them, telling them that there was nothing bad about being career oriented because you were all still young and it would be wise to focus on your own futures. Ushjima's heart did a somersault, unlike everyone else, you understood where he was coming from. Being the captain and manager duo, you and ushijima usually had meetings about a lot of matters and so, that's how your relationship developed.
During one of the training camps, you were away from the gym and you were helping the other managers prepare dinner for the various teams who were present at the camp but you wanted to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend so you snuck out for a bit to peek into one of the gymnasiums. Instead, you saw the captains from seijoh, karasuno, and dateko having a meeting. They hadn't taken notice of your presence yet and you didn't want to interrupt so you were about to leave until you heard what they were talking about, you stopped you feet from moving and chose to listen a little more:
"I'm so busy with college applications I can't find the time to even get myself a girl, my members keep teasing me about it" Daichi shyly stated. "As much as I don't want to admit this, ushijima, you probably have a line of girls wanting to get into a relationship with you, are you hiding a girlfriend or something?" Oikawa asked. You unconsciously held your breath at the question, he finally answered: "No, I don't have one. If I were to ever get into a relationship, it would probably just to try out if I'd like it. I don't have time for a fully committed relationship right now." when he uttered the final words of his answer, you immediately ran away, your presence still unknown to the captains. Instead of returning to the kitchen with the other managers, you stayed by the school swing set. You sat there, swinging yourself back and forth, thinking about what you just overheard. You did in fact agree to keep it a secret for many valid reasons but what he said really made it sound like it applied to you. Were you two not on the same page about your relationship? Were you really just an experiment for him to be able to sort his feelings? You didn't notice how nearly 45 minutes already passed with you out there. The wind was getting colder and a small shiver made its way to you every now and then... Until a jacket was draped on your shoulders from behind. You looked back to see none other than your boyfriend with a worried look on his face. "It's dinner time, what are you doing out here? It's cold" You looked away from him once again. "What are you doing here? For some experiment, you sure do seem to care a lot about me" Ushijima's heart nearly dropped at your statement, he immediately realized that you overheard his conversation with the other captains. He sat on the swing beside yours. "But I thought we had to keep it a secret, so I did. If you agree to let everyone know, I'd announce it whole heartedly, yn. I really like you. A lot." His words were surely sincere and genuine and you couldn't deny that. "I'm sorry, toshi, I know you didn't mean it, I'm just... Oikawa's right, you have a long line of girls wanting you and you just happened to be close to me so was that why you decided to date me?" you knew it was stupid to ask but you had to know. "Of course not. I decided to date you because you understood me and cared for me. Not a lot of girls are like that, you know?" he smiled your way before getting up from the swing and extending his hand to help you up. "Let's go, the other managers were worried that you didn't return, let's go get some dinner.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa was a tough one to crack and every one knew that. Though he's good looking, an amazing athlete, great proportions, good grades, had his life together and yet he was single. Or at least, that was what everyone thought. Despite having a lot of women practically throwing themselves at him, he didn't fold for anyone until you came along. When you'd religiously sanitize his water bottle, made sure that his jacket was neatly kept away 'til he had to use it to warm himself after every game, how you payed close attention to his stuff to make sure it was kept clean and organized, his heart jumped at the thought that someone was able to match his little quirks. Small and unnoticeable to many but definitely not to him. Fortunately, komori offered to walk you home everyday after training as courtesy for your hard work for the team and sakusa just to happened to be with you two during those walks. Komori's house came up first so it would leave you with sakusa after, a good fifteen minutes alone together. Despite his shy demeanor, he took the chance and lo and behold, he was now your loving boyfriend.
you were now with the team as they were attending nationals. Sakusa surprisingly had a lot of acquaintances. You were with him and komori when you ran into atsumu miya. Apparently, they met during all japan youth. You weren't aware of atsumu's playful nature so when he jokingly suggested that he had someone in mind to introduce to sakusa, your heart dropped. Even the thought of another woman being that close to him made you jealous. What shocked you even more was when sakusa confirmed with atsumu that he indeed had no girlfriend at the moment, he didn't specifically say that he wasn't interested in the woman atsumu was describing. Komori, who was aware of your relationship with his cousin, looked at you with concern. "Stop bothering me miya, I have a game in twenty minutes." Sakusa flatly said.
"Okay then, I'll see you later omi omi!". The walk back to the team was quiet and with sakusa on edge before the game, he didn't notice how quiet you've gotten. But komori did so he tried his best to divert your attention by talking to you about random things and topics but you knew what he was doing. You gave him a soft smile and wished him a good luck before their game, doing the same for your boyfriend but that's when he noticed something was off when you didn't sneak a little kiss on his cheek before the game. Nevertheless, he went into the game and performed well, as he always did. On the way back to the accommodations, he took the seat beside yours on the bus. You were fast asleep the whole time. When you arrived at your destination, sakusa gently shook you awake along with his soft calls of your name. You woke up enveloped in his jacket and with your head on his shoulder. You shot up but then you realized no one else was on the bus. "Hi love, the team didn't want to wake you so they asked me to watch over you while you slept, do you want to head inside?". When you didn't respond, he chose to ask directly. "Are you upset with me? I know that conversation with miya made you upset. I'm sorry. Just know that I was never interested in anyone else but you"; "I knew that, kiyoomi, sorry, I really didn't have to be upset, just.."
"It's okay, if you were upset, you don't have to apologize. I'm sorry, next time, why don't we tell everyone about us so they won't have to bring other people up like what happened with miya?"
"I'd like that, kiyoomi"
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Random note: I’m thinking of finishing request alternately. Something like Haikyuu - Tokyo Revengers - Haikyuu - Tokyo Revengers ?
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angelofthenight · 2 years
Last Man Alive Pt.3
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(Dano!Riddler x Reader)
(Link to list of chapters)
Warnings: Edward is a yandere, Dark themes, Cops being useless, Paranoia, Watching someone through a camera, Needles, Religious mentions, Rushed writing💀
(She/Her Pronouns, YN is referenced to being wlw)
Word Count: 2.1k
(Y/n) and (R/n) were escorted home but were left with no police protection. (R/n) argued with them, wanting at least one cop to keep watch around their apartment but they told her that serial killers and rapists don’t typically target the same place twice, especially within a close timeframe. (R/n) cursed him out but to no avail.
The two girls slept in the same bed that night after double checking every locked and blocked window. (Y/n) cried herself to sleep which only led to a nightmare about the masked killer of her boyfriend. By the morning she felt numb, feeling as if she cried everything out of her body. She had no more tears left in her.
Throughout the day she felt like her paranoia was driving her mad, the thought of having a stalker putting her on high alert at all times. She got sick of it quick but just couldn’t stop. Before she entered every room she had either her pepper spray without the cap on or holding out her taser in a defensive position.
The most the cops did for her safety was alerting the manager of the apartment complex. Though it sucked that the manager pretended to give a shit then forgot to tell his staff about it. So the roommates were basically on their own as they sat on the couch and watched the TV.
(R/n) kept glancing at (Y/n) who was pressed up against her. She’d been very clingy the whole day though she didn’t blame her or complain. But she felt the need to mention her suspect for the mastermind of her new trauma. “I hate to say it, but I think it might be Batman.”
(Y/n) didn’t need to ask what she meant, already knowing who she was referring to. (R/n) continued, “I know it sucks to think about but it’d make sense. He wears a mask so no one knows who he is, so it wouldn’t be too bizarre to have other masks for other purposes. Plus he knows a lot about detective work so he could easily avoid the police, and you saw him, he’s like a ninja. He can get in and out of anywhere without being seen. And I bet you wouldn’t suspect the detective secretly being the culprit. He could be trying to win your trust and he-”
(Y/n) cut her off by shaking her head, “No, I know it wasn’t him.” (R/n) tilted her head at her. “How do you know?” “Well first of all, the stalker was lanky and skinny. I know because he sat on me. Batman is wide and muscular. And the stalker… his eyes were just… there was something in them. Something animalistic, something so terrifyingly carnal. He didn’t look remorseful for what he was doing at all. And Batman just has the most empty, depressed eyes I’ve ever seen.”
(R/n) remembered his eyes too and slowly nodded, eventually agreeing. She noticed the frown she caused upon (Y/n) so she tried to give her a little nudge. “Then who do you think Batman is?”
A smile spread across (Y/n)’s face and turned to her roommate, her demeanor instantly warming up. “I actually have a really good guess.” (R/n) turned to face her and let their legs tangle up on the couch as they theorized. (Y/n)’s guess being one of the rich football players who survived the mass school shooting at the football game three years ago and (R/n)’s guess being an ex-cop.
Soon their conversation evolved into complete nonsense full of laughs and memory reminiscence. When the hour reached double digits, the two shared a bed again and laid facing each other with their smiling faces only an inch away from each other before sleep took over. In the back of both of their heads the thought rebirthed of what could’ve been if they took the chance when it came all those years ago.
And for one last night, everything felt normal.
A pair of wide eyes were glued closely onto the screen that beheld the scene that made fire feel like it erupted on his skin. The computer camera he hacked into was fortunately left open for his nosy eyes to keep watch on what happened at night in the bedroom of the one who was the embodiment of his sunshine.
But watching that filthy creature lay so close to her ethereal presence caused hot huffs to go in and out of his nose at an unstable and uncontrollable pace. Clenching his jaw to prevent himself from cracking his teeth from pressure. One hand gripped tightly onto a glove as his knuckles turned white, his hand shaking from squeezing so intensely. His other hand clawed at his wooden desk, ripping into the wood through lines.
His mind fogged with the brimmings of dazed insanity, detaching him from what was left of his morality.
The next day the two girls had to go back to work after their two days off. (R/n) worked at a tattoo parlor and had three appointments that she couldn’t reschedule. (Y/n) worked at a popular fabric store and thought she’d be safest in a public area.
They made a plan to make sure neither of them would be in the apartment alone. Since (R/n) got off later, (Y/n) would go over to the parlor and hang out until (R/n) got off. The two got their coffee together once the afternoon came around and (R/n) hung around the fabric shop until she had to go.
“Shit.” (R/n) mumbled as she realized she needed to switch out the tattoo needle. She rolled her chair over to her desk and scrambled around for the needle she needed for the next appointment that was in an hour. She couldn’t find it so she pulled out more drawers to make sure she didn’t just misplace it.
She made more irked noises as it was absolutely not there. Until she thought about how she took that needle home a few days ago. But she swore that she brought it back. “Well obviously you didn’t, dumbass.” She growled to herself before pushing herself to her feet.
She had close to 55 minutes until her second to last client of the day arrived and two hours until (Y/n) came to wait for her to be done. She bit her lip, she knew she wasn’t supposed to go back to the apartment alone but she really required that needle for the specific tattoo she was set to do. ‘I’ll be super quick, in and out. It’d be in my needle case if I really did leave it there.’ She mentally said to herself.
She grabbed her keys and jacket, purposely leaving all her belongings since this was going to be a fast trip, and jogged to the parlor exit where her car was parked in the back. “Hey! Where’re you goin’?!” Her old, biker coworker yelled to her, knowing she had a client coming soon. “I just need to grab my round liner needle from my place, I’ll be back really really soon!” Then she was off into the dusk outdoors. She promised herself she’d be in and out.
The store’s open hours finally came to an end as (Y/n) checked out some fabric she had an idea to use for an outfit. She helped close the shop and pick up all fallen products, she always felt bad for the morning shift crew if she didn’t clean up the mess. She got a ride from her favorite coworker, them being her favorite just because they bought her a pastry and complimented her outfit once, to the tattoo parlor so she wouldn’t have to waste any minimum money on a bus.
(Y/n) bid the workplace friend a goodbye when they dropped her off in the front before she entered the dimly lit one story building. She passed the wall of the shop's most popular tattoos and passed the front desk to get to the work area. “How ya doin’, Care Bear.” The biker tattoo artist said from his seat as he dragged the needle across a middle aged blonde woman’s bicep. He called her Care Bear because she wore a Care Bear shirt when she first met him.
“Hi, Jeff.” She said politely, smiling at the beach blonde in the chair who was squeezing a stress ball as the needle continued to drag. (Y/n) looked around for her friend who was nowhere in sight. She looked back over to the buff bald man, “Is (R/n) in the bathroom?”
Jeff separated the needle gun from the woman’s skin and used a small towelette to wipe the blood before switching needles. “No, she left like 2 hours ago and hasn’t come back since. I’m doing her client for her. She said she needed something from the apartment and said she’d be quick so she left all her stuff, but that was 2 hours ago.”
(Y/n) spotted (R/n)’s desk where her phone and purse was, her eyes gradually getting bigger as panic crawled up her back. “She went… to the apartment?” She slowly said aloud, not really asking but making sure she heard right. She didn’t stick around to hear the answer as she grabbed (R/n)’s bag and phone before sprinting out the door.
She waved down a cab in an aggressive way she’d never done before and paid the driver ahead of time before he drove through the city. She hopped out of the moving vehicle before he could even stop as she moved her legs in an alarmingly fast movement.
‘(R/n), I’m begging you and all the gods ever believed in that you’re okay. I swear I’ll make your life easier from now on, I swear I’ll start doing the dishes when it’s my turn, I swear I’ll let you use my shampoo, and I swear I’ll watch any and every one of your favorite reality tv shows with you.’ She begged in her mind as she sprinted through the lobby and raced up the stairs. She felt like she was being timed, like if she didn’t reach their door in 10 seconds the whole world would explode.
She slid around wall corners and tripped over carpet corners before she threw herself at her door. She jiggled the doorknob to see it was unlocked, her breath hitched on her tongue. She shoved the door open and dropped her and her friends’ bags on the floor. She whipped her taser out before making quick steps to the main room, calling out her roommate's name in a panicked, shaky voice.
She heard faint voices which slowed her feet down as she walked around the corner that led to the small living room. She perked her arms up in a defensive position once she jumped into the room, finding no one present. But the TV was on which explained the voices she heard. She squinted in a puzzled manner as the channel that was chosen to play was the news.
She noted to investigate the TV after she searched the entire small apartment. She went in and out of every room twice, opening and closing every door. She checked hidden spots and even analyzed every window for any hint to a clue. Every last little thing was exactly how they left it. There wasn’t even a sign of struggle anywhere.
She stroked her fingers through her hair as she paced the wooden floor, feeling the sweat form through her pores. Tears stung her eyes from the feeling of hopelessness and stress. Maybe something happened on the road? She hurriedly darted back down the multiple sets of stairs down to the garage. (R/n)’s car was in her designated parking spot. Maybe she was taken before she entered the building and her keys were taken from her?
(Y/n) returned to the lobby to ask the main doorman if he saw her come in. He nodded at her question which only made (Y/n) race back up to their apartment to do another search, but with more attention to detail. She hunted through their home like a dog, now checking smaller places she overlooked. Now there wasn’t an inch of space that she didn’t overly observe like an obsessed detective.
She slapped her hands over her face once she returned to stand in the middle of the living room as the TV continued to display two formally dressed people talking their mouths off.
But one statement caught her attention like a moth to a light.
“-the video is very disturbing.”
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mkellc · 2 years
𝗷𝘂𝗷𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘂 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗽𝘁. 𝟭
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characters: megumi, yuta, inumaki, itadori
wc: i don’t know 💀 (it’s not that long tho)
warnings: none
a/n: these r some goofy hcs i thought up when i finished my finals for school and was bored one day, sorry if they don’t sound right for the character or don’t sound right at all? but i hope you like them!
also, i’m so sorry itadoris is so short, i gave up halfway through writing it 💀
this is pt. 1 so lmk if there’s a specific char you want to see in the next part and i’ll be happy to write for them!
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𝗺𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼
- mf is the epitome of quiet
- specifically when he has a crush
- like he will fr AVOID you
- it almost seems like he’s mad at you
- he tries not to show any emotion around you
- but he slips up and accidentally called you pretty one time lmao
- and then he ran away
- and you were just like 👁👄👁 “i just wanted to know if you had an extra quarter so i could get a gatorade…”
- and it does take a lot of time for people to realize he likes you, but everybody knew after that
- specifically if you look his way for a while, not even staring, just looking, and he notices, a blush will appear
- when you say his name, he gets butterflies
- and if you touch him in any way at all he will combust
- he’ll also just become very soft around you after having a crush on you for a while
- he will try to bring you little gifts sometimes too
- like he will bring you a single dandelion and be like “i found this. it reminded me of you i guess.” then put it in your hand and walk away
- gojo then teases him abt it
- mf just really likes you and doesn’t know what to do about it
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𝘆𝘂𝘁𝗮 𝗼𝗸𝗸𝗼𝘁𝘀𝘂
- the sweetest, softest man when he has a crush
- he doesn’t know how you did it but you just came into his life and turned his whole world upside down and he’d do anything for you
- but he’s also shy
- but after he gets closer with you, he’s an absolute simp
- he gets so happy and giddy when he gets paired with you for a mission, especially when it’s just the two of you
- even though he seems a little cold maybe even scary sometimes, he’s not
- ESPECIALLY if he likes you
- he will treat you to anything
- you wanna go get slushies? hell take you. you wanna sit out on training today? hell keep you company.
- literally an angel
- but he’s scared to make a move
- he thinks you only like him as a friend and he’s scared to ruin that
- he stumbles over his words when he’s talking to you, a lot
- but he’s always thinking about you
- and talking about you
- “y/n is so amazing!! she came back from a solo mission the other day where she single-handedly took down a grade one curse without even knowing it was grade one!! she is so cool, her technique is really fun to use as well and it also just looks awesome!! i really really like her,”
- he just rambles on and on about you with a blush and a smile on his face
- panda, inumaki, and maki are so done with him
- also if you get injured on a mission but it’s not bad enough for you to need to go to shoko, he’ll heal you himself or just help bandage your wound and stay with you for as long as you need
- when you’re sick, he takes care of you
- like he brings you anything you need
- water, food, medicine, he’s got you covered
- he just thinks you’re perfect and you deserve the world and he will go to the end of the world to get it for you (that doesn’t make sense but let’s just pretend it does)
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𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶
- ok listen he is FUNNY
- like he can’t say jokes out loud but over text or through notes… he is HILARIOUS
- when he has a crush he’s not really shy abt it, he doesn’t really care if anyone knows
- and he’s not shy with the person he likes
- he usually will only have a crush on someone he has already gotten close to/is friends with
- he will pass you notes in class that just say either the sweetest things or the most out of pocket things. or both
- examples of sweet ones:
- “ur pretty <3”
- “we should sneak away during training and pick flowers in the courtyard today”
- examples of crazy ones:
- “what if…. what if… what if i ate a bug…”
- “would you still like me if i was a worm?”
- he’ll stare at you softly but when you notice and look back at him he just smiles (and sometimes he waves at you)
- like he looks all innocent and whatever but he’s a menace fr
- like he teases you
- (literally there’s a page in between some chapters in a paperback volume that says “he loves trolling” or something)
- and when you blush he blushes lmfao mfs just weak for you
- since he can’t really say what he feels, he will show you
- usually by being touchy
- but if he notices you’re uncomfy he’ll stop and find another way to show you, but if you like it he’ll continue
- he’ll sling his arm around your shoulder and hold your hand a lot he’ll also rest his head on your shoulder whenever he gets the chance
- people start to think you’re dating, it’s funny
- but in all seriousness he’s adorable and just wants to be around you bc you just make him happy
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𝘆𝘂𝗷𝗶 𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶
- he’s like a dog
- and i mean that in the nicest way possible
- cause he is so loyal and cute and he just wants to be all over you literally and physically
- he’s very touchy and cuddly and gives you hugs all the time (unless you don’t like it, he would never want to make you uncomfortable)
- he is not shy at all w it
- it will be painfully obvious that he likes you and at this point you’re thinking about just asking him out rather than keep waiting
- and, like a dog, he can sense when you’re sad or not feeling good and he will do anything he can to make you smile again
- oh and he loves your smile
- he loves how just seeing it will brighten his day sm
- he asks to be assigned missions with you because he wants to spend as much time with you as he can
- he introduces you to all his friends (if you don’t already know them)
- he will probably confess within like 2 weeks of liking you (that’s contradictory to what i said earlier but let’s just pretend it’s not)
- but it will still be well thought out and really sweet
- he will have a whole plan and it will actually go right for once in his life
- he thinks you’re really really cute and wants to be around you all the time and will try to make any excuse to be near you and spend time with you
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itsapeterthing · 3 years
Cake || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader
summary: you and your boyfriend bucky barnes head down to the wilson residence for a barbecue. sam’s nephews adore the both of you and as you watch bucky play with the kids you’re ready to tell your boyfriend that you’re pregnant
a/n: gif credit- @davidsfincher ; i will never get over this scene. reblogs and/or replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 2.7k
warnings: pure fluff based on episode six, mentions of pregnancy
masterlist || request || taglist
“I say we get the vanilla one.”
Standing besides you in the supermarket aisle with his arms crossed, your boyfriend turned to look at you with disgust written all over his face.
“Vanilla?” Bucky said, shaking his head. “Are you kidding, Y/n? All kids like chocolate.”
As he was speaking, Bucky reached out to pull one of the chocolate cakes off of the shelf it was sitting on, but you swat his hand away.
“Oh yea?” You asked. “And what makes you the expert on what kids like?”
Uncrossing his arms, he waved his hand in your face.
“Metal arm.” He said. “Also don’t pretend like Sam’s nephews didn't love me last time we were there.”
You couldn't argue with that. The last time the two of you had been to the Wilson residence in between missions, Sam’s nephews absolutely adored the super soldier. They couldn't get enough of the one hundred and six year-old man with the vibranium arm and the fun they had messing with him.
You had just as much joy watching the interactions between the three of them. You couldn’t help but entertain the idea of starting a family of your own with Bucky.
The two of you had been dating for years- not including the five year blip the two of you had been snapped from existence in- and had often discussed the idea of getting married and having children in the future. You didn’t think you would be ready yet, but as you watched children be in absolute awe of your boyfriend, you felt as though the pieces began to fell into place.
And funnily enough- they did.
You had been feeling sick and exhausted for the past few weeks, but you figured it was on account of the missions you had been going on with Sam and Bucky. When the symptoms continued while you stayed at the Wilson’s home for the weekend while Bucky helped Sam fix the boat- you had taken pregnancy test.
It was positive.
Although you knew that you and Bucky could handle it, you were still in absolute shock realizing that you were going to be starting a family- you were going to be responsible for more than just making sure you and your friends didn’t get killed fighting bad guys- you were going to be a parent.
The only person who knew was Sam’s sister, Sarah. She was the only one inside the house when you had taken the test and when she had heard you pacing around the bathroom, hyperventilating, she opened the unlocked door and immediately saw the pregnancy test in your hands. You had sworn her to secrecy, making sure she didn’t tell your boyfriend or her brother, promising her that you would tell them when the time was right... but with the mission in New York City coming immediately after your stay, you hadn't found the right opportunity to tell Bucky yet.
However, you told yourself that you finally would tonight... after attending the barbecue.
“Yeah, yeah.” You rolled your eyes. “I can’t argue with that. They did love you, but that doesn’t mean you know anything about cake.”
Reaching his hand out for the chocolate cake again he scoffed. “I’m not taking advice from someone who wants to bring a vanilla cake to a party-”
You swat his hand again. “We’re not getting the chocolate.”
“Yes,” He insisted, inching his face closer to yours. “We are.”
“No. We’re not.”
“Can I help you guys with anything?” You heard a worker ask from behind you.
Backing away from your boyfriend you smiled, shaking your head.
“No, we’re fine. Thank you.”
As you watched the worker nod before walking down the aisle, you turned back to your boyfriend.
“Okay fine.” You said. “We’ll compromise. Ice cream cake?”
You watched as Bucky’s eyes widened. “Wait! There’s ice cream cake?”
Twenty minutes later you and Bucky had arrived at the barbecue, your boyfriend taking the cake out of your hands as he stepped out of the car.
As you made your way around the front of the vehicle you watched as Sam’s nephews bombarded Bucky, play fighting with him as he faked attacking them back, making sure to dodge their fists from knocking over the cake in his hands.
You couldn’t deny the way the sight made your heart fill so much you swore it could’ve exploded right in your chest.
As you watched the scene unfold, hearing the laughter erupting from the children around him while he faked getting hurt, you heard Sarah come up behind you.
“You know,” She said, crossing her arms and standing beside you. “You almost scared me to death watching you on the news.”
Glancing at her beside you, you shrugged. “I was fine.” You said. “That wasn’t the first fight I’ve been in.”
“I just can’t believe they let you go.” She said.
“What? What do you mean?”
“What do I mean?” She laughed. “I can’t believe they would let you go do something so dangerous like that knowing you’re-”
Before she could finish her sentence you swat at her arm, rapidly shaking your head, checking around you to make sure no one was listening to your conversation or had heard what she had just said.
“I didn’t tell them yet.” You told her in a hushed voice.
“What?” She asked. “Why not?”
“I couldn’t tell them. If I did they would have never let me go- especially Bucky- but I couldn’t let them go in by themselves like that. You’ve seen the Flag Smashers, Sarah.”
“How long are you going to keep this a secret?” She asked.
“I was going to tell him today.” You told her. “We just needed to sort out the Flag Smashers before I could even think about telling him I’m pregnant-”
“You’re pregnant?”
At the sound of Sam’s voice, you and his sister immediately spun around to be met with Sam standing behind you, only a foot away.
You watched as his mouth dropped and his eyes grew wide and you felt your heart began to race in your chest, knowing that you had just exposed your secret to Sam- you and Bucky’s shared best friend.
“Sam...” You said.
“I-” He stumbled over his words, trying to piece the information together. “You’re pregnant?”
“Yes, but you can’t tell Bucky.” You pleaded, gripping his bicep. “I haven’t told him yet.”
“What?” He exclaimed looking between you and his sister. “How long have you known? Why haven’t you told him yet?”
Playing with one of the rings on your fingers, made anxious by the conversation, you focused your gaze on the water behind him, not able to meet his eyes.
“I found out last time I was here.” You said. “So I found out like a week ago. You can't blame me though, Sam, if I told him he would of never let me go help you guys in New York.”
“Yeah!” Sam nodded. “Neither would I. You could of died!”
“But I didn’t!” You said. “Just don’t tell him okay, Sam? I’m going to tell him tonight.”
Before anymore could be said, you heard the sound of your name being called by Sam’s nephews and spun around to find them running in your direction.
“Hey guys!” You laughed, a smile reaching your face once again.
Watching them run towards you, you knew what they wanted before they even had to ask. Stretching out your arms, you moved your hands in the direction of each of the boys, using your powers to lift them a maximum of three feet above the ground- not wanting to upset their mother. You smiled as you watched the boys laugh about how “awesome” it was in awe as they looked down at the ground three feet below them.
You felt Sam’s hand land on your shoulder.
“I’m happy for you, Y/n.” You heard Sam say, leaning in closer so no one outside of your current group could hear him. “You both are going to be great parents. Just tell him soon, okay?”
He pat your shoulder one last time before walking past you and his nephews you were still currently floating midair.
“How come when I ask you guys if you want to fly you say no?” Sam asked.
“She’s using magic!” Cass exclaimed.
“Yeah, Uncle Sam.” AJ agreed. “That’s way cooler.”
Sam threw his hands up in the air, walking in the opposite direction and as he did you lowered the boys to the ground, much to their disappoint. When they scurried off in the direction of their uncle, your eyes met Bucky’s staring at you, smiling from across the way of where you had just been levitating Sam’s nephews.
“Look at you!” He said, smiling, reaching out his arms for you.
“Me?” You laughed. “You just had a whole choreographed fight scene with the boys. You’re like their cool uncle.”
You watched as your boyfriend pulled off his sunglasses and smiled at you, resting his vibranium hand on your waist.
“Only if you’re their cool aunt.”
You smiled. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Afterwards the two of you went to eat and spent the remainder of the meal sharing a table with Sam, his sister and his nephews. Despite the dangerous mission the three of you had been dealing with the past week, the table was full of laughter and joy that you were happy to welcome in.
Even when the cake that you had brought was sliced, you and Bucky smiled at each other from across the table when the boys scoffed down their slice of ice cream cake that contained both vanilla and chocolate- your compromise having worked in the end for the better. At times you even used your abilities to pull the fork out of your boyfriend’s hand just as he was about to bite down on a slice of cake, hearing the boy’s laugh as they watched the super soldier roll his eyes at you.
“Ha ha.” Bucky would say. “Very funny... what is that? Three times now? Really, Y/n?”
But he knew you would continue to do it as long as you continued to hear the sounds of awes coming out of the boys’ mouths and he couldn’t fault you for that. Instead sneaking you a smile when you brought the fork back into his grasp.
At the end of the evening when everyone had began to make their way home, the sun setting over the horizon, you helped tidy up with the Wilson siblings. When the tables were all wiped clean, you brushed your hands off on your bottoms, watching as Bucky sat on the edge of the dock, the golden hue of the sunset setting on his features.
Glancing over your shoulder as Sarah ushered her children back home, you saw Sam throw you a thumbs up. When your eyes met his you smiled, mouthing a “thank you” before he turned in the direction of his sister, following her path back home.
Sighing to yourself you turned back to your boyfriend.
You were going to tell him. You were going to finally tell him you were pregnant.
You took one last deep breath, taking in the last moment before Bucky and your’s life changed forever.
Making your way towards your boyfriend you kneeled behind him, your chest meeting his back as you wrapped your arms around his chest.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“Hi doll.” He hummed, moving his hands to hold yours that were resting against his chest.
“Had a nice day?” You asked, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against his cheek.
You felt as his chest rumbled when he chuckled, staring out over the water while the sun continued to set, its reflection turning the water gold.
“Yeah.” He said. “I wish it could be like that every day, you know?”
You knew what he meant. You understood that he was talking about the peace, the joy, the laughter- the normalcy. You understood that he was talking about how your lives were so hectic and always would be due to the hand you had been dealt with super human abilities. You could never have a normal life, but you also understood that it was more than just never having to fight or go on a mission again- it was the feeling of family, of caring and of love.
“I know it can’t be like that every day.” You said. “But would you... would you settle for most days?”
You felt his hands squeeze yours a bit more, tilting his head back to get a better look at you.
“What are you talking about?”
“Would you settle for most days, Buck?” You asked again. “Would it all be worth it even if you still had to fight?”
He answered in a heartbeat.
“Of course it would.” Bucky said. “I’d fight for one day of this.”
You unwrapped your arms from around his chest, moving to kneel besides him on the dock so he could face you. Knowing what you were about to say, you took in the moment, breathing in the fresh air and memorizing the way his face looked in the golden hour.
“I’m pregnant.”
You watched as his face dropped and you were almost worried until a wide smile reached across his face.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked, so in disbelief he sounded as though the wind had been knocked right out of him.
You smiled, nodding your head and took his hand in yours. “I am. I found out a few days ago-”
“Wait.” He cut you off. “A few days ago? Did you know you were pregnant when we fought in New York City?”
Staring at his face now, confronting the issue, you were suddenly very interested in the frosting he had somehow gotten on the bottom of his shirt, tugging on the hem and scratching it off.
“Okay, yes. I knew.” You confessed.
Rather than the fed up, overprotective reaction you were expecting, you felt Bucky’s hands reach to cup your face, forcing you to look at him. Rather than anger in his eyes, all you saw was worry and you were wishing you had never gone and fought just so you could save yourself from seeing him like that.
“Promise me you won’t fight anymore.” He said. “At least until the baby’s here- God I can’t believe we’re having a baby- just promise me okay? If anything happened to either of you I wouldn’t know what to do with myself-”
“I promise, Buck.” You assured him, smiling and beginning to feel tears prickle in your eyes. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
You watched as he began to smile once again and the two of you couldn’t help but laugh- so consumed in complete and utter joy. You and Bucky had gone through so much- especially within the last few months- but as you both sat there, so happy you couldn’t help but laugh, you realized it was worth it and you would go through it all again if it meant that at the end of the day you two would come back to each other every single time.
For the first time in your life, you watched as tears of joy began to fill his eyes, almost as if they had begun to wash away the years of pain that he had suffered previously. Although he was sure he hadn’t fought his last fight... he was sure he was going to be okay. He was happy. He was going to share his life with you. He was going to be a dad.
“We’re gonna have a kid.” He repeated the words, almost as if to convince himself that they were true.
“You’re gonna be such a good dad, Buck.” You told him, laughing through the tears that had begun to fill your eyes. “If you’re half as good at being a dad as you are the ‘cool uncle’- our kid is in good hands.”
“You think so?” He asked.
“I know so, Buck.”
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Blanket burrito
Word count: 3069
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Natasha x gn!reader
Warnings: None (let me know if I need to add any)
Request: I was wondering if I could request a Nat/Reader fic? Just a cute fluffy sick fic where Natasha gets sick somehow (I know she doesn’t really get sick because of the serum but shhh) and she’s also stubborn about going to work. Reader wrestles her into a blanket burrito and takes care of her and Natasha won’t admit it but she’s a little emotional about finally having someone to take care of her and she totally soaks up the affection. Just if you have the chance/want to write it ☺️❤️
Summary: Natasha is sick so you force her to rest and show her how much you care about her.
A/n: Thank you so much for the request @caspianalexander it's honestly one of my favourites ever. I didn't quite know how to write this so I hope it lives up to your expectations because I love the idea so much. I literally rewrote the entire fic and I'm still not completely satisfied but if i don't post it now I never will. So anyways I hope you all enjoy!
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You look up and smile at Natasha who just walked into the living room but that smile quickly turns to a small frown. Something is off with Natasha. She looks different today and not in a good way. She’s beautiful of course, you think it’s impossible for her not to be, but her nose and eyes are a bit red, her forehead and cheeks are flushed and the bags under her eyes are bigger. If you didn’t know better you’d think she looked sick. But Natasha is never sick.
“Are you okay?” you ask in place of a greeting.
“I’m fine. Just bored of Steve’s mission report lecture so I told him I had to go to the bathroom and came here to find you. I wonder how long it will take him to realize I’m not coming back.”
You roll your eyes at her behaviour. She is perhaps the most knowledgeable person on the team when it comes to breaking down missions and running over strategies but she also hates it more than anything so she and Steve are in a constant battle where he tries to get her to do stuff and she tries to avoid him. She might be lying about looking for you since it’s more likely she just wandered here but the thought makes your heart beat a little faster and your cheeks heat up.
“How did you know I’d be here?”
“You’re always here.”
Her eyes very obviously go to the stack of books and paper on the coffee table in front of you and you flush, embarrassed at being so obvious or maybe embarrassed that you’re boring, you’re not quite sure of the reason. The only thing you know is that you’re embarrassed an awful lot around Natasha for a variety of stupid reasons.
“Right.” you mutter and she laughs. But her laugh which is normally like music to your ears is a bit scratchy and nasally which reminds you of your earlier suspicions. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” she restates. “Why do you keep asking?”
Her defense almost convinces you. Almost. But her eye contact is a second too long and her voice is slightly too low for her to be telling the truth. Most people wouldn’t notice, especially because they assume someone’s voice gets higher when they are lying, but you spend too much time paying close attention to Natasha to not notice.
“Because I know you’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“So then I’m wrong in assuming you’re sick?”
“And the reason you’re not talking has nothing to do with holding in a cough right?” you ask on a hunch.
“Oh fuck y-” she gets interrupted by her own loud cough and nearly doubles over hacking.
Your smile you had on your face as you were teasing her slides away and you put your book aside and hurry over to her, rubbing her back in the hope that it will help her breath easier. After about a minute she straightens up and attempts to glare at you although it lacks any real anger.
“You know you really shouldn’t hold in your coughs like that.” you tell her.
“I don’t like coughing so if I pretend I’m not sick maybe it will go away.”
“But coughing actually makes it go away faster, it’s the body’s natural way of getting rid of germs so even though it sucks it’s actually a good thing.”
“I forget how smart you are.” she says and you feel yourself puff up at her praise. “How do you know something about everything?”
“Well I don’t really, I just know a bunch of random stuff so it seems like that.” you explain. “And I read a lot of books and papers, I watch the news, go on social media and other stuff so since I can remember facts fairly well it seems as though I know a lot. And now I realize that was a rhetorical question so I am sorry for boring you.”
You feel stupid for going on and rambling about something Natasha doesn’t care about but before you can be too hard on yourself Natasha giggles. Like actually giggles. If you weren’t sure she would notice you’d pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming. Except you’re fairly sure this is reality because your brain could never come up with anything as outlandish as the black widow giggling.
“You’re adorable.” is all she says and maybe this is neither a dream nor reality and you’ve died and gone to heaven.
“I’m- phhh, I’m not - “ you stumble over your words, not really getting anything out.
“You’re proving my point.” she tells you, amused by your reaction. “Now do you happen to know any random facts about how to feel better faster?”
“Um, well there’s medication.”
She rolls her eyes. “You know I don’t like medication.
“Right, sorry.” you say, quick to correct yourself. “But other than that there’s really nothing to do except nothing.”
“You know, like do nothing?”
“Why would I do nothing?”
You stare at her trying to figure out if she’s being serious but answer her question like she is, just in case. “So you can rest and get better.”
Natasha sighs. “I don’t want to rest, I’ll just do what I always do.”
“What do you always do?” you ask, already sort of knowing the answer. If you know Natasha as well as you think you do she probably usually pretends she’s not sick.
“Pretend I’m not sick.”
“That’s ridiculous Nat.” you tell her. “It must feel awful.”
Natasha shrugs. “Feeling sick feels bad either way so I might as well get stuff done.”
“Have you ever tried resting when sick?”
“Then how do you know it’s not any better?”
Natasha seems stumped for a moment before she speaks again. “Because it still feels awful as I’m going to bed or waking up.”
“Yeah but that’s not the fun part.”
“The fun part?”
“Yeah!” you say, happy to share and remembering times you’ve been sick. “When you rest and someone brings you tea and a popsicle to sooth your throat. Or getting to lie down and watch tv all day. Missing school when I was younger was the best and now I get to miss work. Sleeping all day is kinda fun too, especially when cuddled up with someone. And being cared for feels nice.”
Natasha looks down. “Nobody has ever done any of that for me.”
You can feel your heart break for her. She always acts so strong that you sometimes forget how much she needs to be loved. You can tease her about not knowing how to act when she is sick but that’s because nobody ever taught her or cared for her enough.
Usually you hate doing anything too obvious that will make Natasha figure out your feelings for her but right now her happiness needs to take priority. And if she does find out at least she’ll know that you care. So with that in mind you walk back over to the couch to grab a blanket and commence plan Force Natasha To Rest.
“What are you doing?” Natasha asks as you grab the blanket off the couch and walk back towards her.
You ignore her and continue to do your thing, starting to walk around her in circles and wrap the blanket around her body, binding her arms to her sides and successfully confusing her further. You’re pleasantly surprised that she doesn’t try to get away at all and just stands there with the most adorably confused look on her face. It takes a second to finish putting the blanket in place but you tuck it the corner under and it seems to hold so you take a step back to admire your work.
“I’m doing that for you.”
“You said nobody’s ever done that for you but now that’s going to change because I am going to take care of you.” you tell her.
“Y/n…” she warns but her face is even more flushed than before and she makes no move to try to escape the blanket even though you know she could in a second if she truly wanted to.
“Don’t argue with me.” you tell her, trying to appear confident in your plan and not like you’re making it up on the fly. “Now go lie down on the couch while I make you some tea.”
She opens her mouth like she is going to argue but changes her decision last minute. “Fine.”
Satisfied with her response you walk over to the adjacent kitchen but pause in the doorway just to make sure she is actually headed towards the couch. When you look back you have to stifle a laugh at just how ridiculous she looks. Apparently she decided to try to get to the couch while still wrapped tightly in the blanket so her steps are actually little tiny shuffles as she moves and the fact that her arms are pinned to her sides only makes the sight funnier. You’re tempted to call out and comment on it but you feel like if you do she’ll become self conscious and stop so before she notices you staring you turn back into the kitchen.
Luckily Tony spares no expense when it comes to gadgets and the kettle boils the water in next to no time. For the tea you choose a lemon ginger one that is uncaffeinated. It’s not your favourite flavour but it’s a calming one that you like to drink whenever you have a sore throat or are trying to fall asleep. Natasha needs all the rest she can get and judging based on the horrible cough you can hear coming from her now, her throat has to at least be mildly sore.
When you reenter the room with the tea it’s now impossible not to comment on how adorable she looks. She’s lying across the couch still wrapped in blankets and she just looks so sick and pitiful and innocent that you wish you could take a picture and keep it forever.
“You look so cute Nat.” you tell her, your cheeks flaming but feeling proud when you see her cheeks do the same.
“I’m not cute.”
“Yes you are.”
As you speak you drop down to a kneeling position beside the couch and absent mindedly give her a kiss on the forehead. It’s not until you pull back until you realize exactly what you just did but it’s too late to take it back so you pretend like it’s a normal everyday occurrence and your heart is not threatening to beat out of your chest.
“I’m a trained assassin, even when I am sick I am still capable of murder.” she warns.
You let out a small laugh. “I’m sure you are Tasha but that doesn’t mean you’re not adorable.”
Her eyebrows scrunch and her lips pout as she huffs, her expression unknowingly proving your point.
“Now drink up.” you tell her, holding the mug to her lips waiting for her to pull her head up a little. Once you’re sure she is upright enough to not spill. She takes small hesitant sips at first but once she realizes it’s not hot enough to burn she takes a couple big gulps, sighing as the liquid hits the back of her throat in just the right way. When she stops and you’re sure she’s done with it for now you take it away and put it down on the coffee table.
“Tired?” you ask with a laugh as she yawns.
She shakes her head stubbornly. “Nope.”
“Since you’re not tired do you want the tv on?”
She shakes her head again. “Can you please read to me?”
“Yeah.” she confirms, gesturing at the books piled up on the coffee table that you were reading earlier. You heard her the first time but it was something that you never expected her to say so you needed to make sure just in case you misheard and started embarrassing yourself.
“Those aren’t stories, most of them are historical or scientific.”
“I don’t care, I just want to hear your voice.”
“Oh, um, okay yes.” you manage to stutter out in response, completely surprised by her words. You feel all warm inside that Natasha wants to hear your voice. You don’t know why but you certainly aren’t going to question it and you would do practically anything for Natasha anyways so you pick up the top book about chemical warfare and start to read.
It seems strange to be reading about such a disturbing topic as if it were a bedtime story but as you read Natasha’s eyes start to droop and she looks more and more tired. You’re pretty certain she’s not actually listening to the words you’re saying and just paying attention to your voice. It’s only when her eyes close and stay closed do you shut the book and stop reading, putting it back on the table.
“Why did you stop?” Natasha’s sleepy voice asks, her eyes still closed.
“Because I thought you were sleeping.”
“But I’m not!”
You snort. “Was that a whine I heard Tasha?”
Her eyes fly open and she glares. “No. I do not whine.”
“I don’t know, that sounded a lot like a whine to me.”
“You must be hearing things then.” she says but you both know she’s lying. “And you mentioned something about cuddles earlier?”
Your stomach feels all fluttery but you force yourself to keep calm.
“Is this your way of asking?”
“Maybe,” she admits. “Now shut up and come here.”
“Who knew you’re needy when you’re sick?” you tease her.
“I’m sorry.”
“What, Nat!” you say, thrown off by how serious her tone is all of a sudden. “I was teasing you, I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
Your heart breaks at all unguarded her voice sounds. “Natasha, listen to me. I thought I already told you but now I’m going to make it very clear. You don’t have to apologize for asking for cuddles because I want to take care of you. I know this is new for you but you have to trust that I want to be here and I want to help you. I want you to ask for what you need so I can give it to you. Do you understand?”
You’re a bit worried that your little speech might have gone too far when Natasha doesn’t answer right away but when you look closely you can see her eyes are a little teary but she’s smiling. You assume she doesn’t want to speak for fear of accidentally crying because she hates it so you don’t push her.
“Now scootch over.” you tell her, hovering at the side of the couch unsure of exactly how to get on. It’s not a particularly big couch so it will be pretty squishy.
It’s funny to see her wiggle in the blanket, trying to move to the side but she’s fairly successful. You however cannot hold in your laugh when a thought occurs to you.
“What?” Natasha asks as you awkwardly climb in beside her.
“It’s not nothing, what is it?” she asks again, a little more forceful.
You smile and decide to share. “Well I was just watching you and realized you’re like a cute little burrito right now.”
“No I’m not.”
“You’re wrapped in a blanket like a burrito.” you say with a laugh that only gets louder at Natasha’s frown. “My little blanket burrito.”
“Yours huh?” Natasha asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
The entire mood of the conversation flips and she’s in control and your mouth is dry as you nervously wait for what she’ll say next. But just as she’s about to speak she starts coughing again, saving you from great embarrassment. You use this as an excuse to distract her from whatever she was planning to say.
“No more talking.” you tell her. “It’s time for sleep, you agreed to rest today.”
“I didn’t agree to anything.” she protests when she can talk without coughing again. “You practically kidnapped me and forced me here.”
“Shush you love it and you know it.” you tease. “Now sleep.”
She’s silent for a few minutes and you think she’s gone to sleep when you feel her start to shift and turn so that instead of lying on her back she’s on her side facing you. You’ve never really been this close to her so you take the time to memorize what her eyes look like close up. They’re pretty and there are so many small specks of different shades that they are impossible to describe. Your attention is only taken away from them when she speaks.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me, I’m here for you whenever you need it.”
Perhaps you sound a little too in love and desperate but maybe you’re not really trying to hide it anymore. Natasha has been so open with you today that it makes you believe you might have a chance at her recuperating your affects but even if you’re wrong you think she deserves to know how much you care about her. But any worry you might have about her not returning your feelings is gone by the time she speaks.
“I would kiss you but I don’t want to get you sick.”
“I think it’s too late for that.”
“You better be right.” she says and then she’s leaning in.
The kiss is short, sweet and soft. It’s nothing like you imagined when you imagined kissing her for the first time (and you imagined it a lot) but even though she’s sick and it doesn’t sound like it should be perfect it is. And when she pulls back and smiles you know that she’ll take good care of your heart and you can only hope she knows the same.
She rests her head on your shoulder and falls asleep almost instantly, tired from being sick but you stay awake longer, stroking her hair and just laying in the comfort of the knowledge that she likes you. You don’t even care that you’re definitely going to be sick tomorrow because all that means is you can spend the entire day with Natasha cuddled up and watching tv which sounds pretty perfect if you ask yourself.
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vigilvntes · 2 years
How do you think adrian would be as a dad?
i am so glad you asked anon i've had to get this off of my chest for WEEKS and this is a lot longer than anticipated so uh . strap in
ok i'm just gonna preface this by saying that i don't think adrian particularly wants to have children. like i think if someone asked him he would probably say no, but if it happens (almost 100% by accident) then it happens, y'know??
i think for the first few months he would be kind of chill about it? like he can just kinda pretend that nothings going on? but as your bump starts growing, and things start changing around your house (buying baby clothes, furniture etc.) i think that's when he would start to panic. he would spend more nights out on the streets as vigilante basically just trying to avoid having to confront the fact that he's absolutely terrified to be a father. it's not that he doesn't like kids or know how to interact with them (i imagine he's always a fan favourite amongst kids at family birthday parties), it's more that this baby will be his and he wants to be perfect and it's only when you assure him that you're new to the whole parenting thing too and that neither of you are gonna get it right the first time every single time that he calms down.
i think he would be incredibly anxious throughout the whole pregnancy. he would hate seeing you in distress if you got morning sickness, and he would just hate having to play the waiting game (he probably had a whole thing with your doctor over due dates?? "what do you mean this is the due date but the baby might not even come on this date wHATS THE POINT IN HAVING A DUE DATE-")
he would be so protective over you during the pregnancy. anyone bad mouths him? whatever, he knows that he probably won't be the perfect father straight away. anyone bad mouths you? they're so done.
he would also want to do EVERYTHING for you to the point that it's ANNOYING. you'd have to remind him that you're just pregnant and that you can still do things for yourself. you know he means well, but you still like to have your independence
in the last couple of weeks his anxiety would ramp all the way up. he'd be panicking about baby supplies, packing and unpacking the hospital bag because he thinks he might have missed out something important and he needs to check just to make sure. you love him, but it drives you fucking insane ("dude, i'm the one that has to push this thing outta me so stop pacing and sit the fuck down, the baby isn't due for another three weeks and you're sending me dizzy")
he would pass out at the birth.
he has seen violence and torture and has committed violent and torturous acts but he would pass out at the birth and you would never, ever let him forget it.
when he holds your baby for the first time he kinda realises that everything will be okay. he's still worried about parenting and being the best father he can be, but looking down at your baby looking right back up at him tired eyes he knows things are gonna work out
i can't help but feel like adrian would be a stay at home dad like hEAR ME OUT. and especially if you earn more money than him?? he's SO down to be a house husband.
you're incredibly nervous to leave him at home alone with the baby the first time you go back work. you cry that morning and he holds you in his arms until you have to leave and then he stands at the door with your baby in his arms and he lifts their little hand and has them wave goodbye to you from the door. then when you're gone he'd be like "huh. what do we do now". i think things would go pretty smoothly for the first few hours, but soon it would descend into absolute chaos. you would come home to toys everywhere and half of your belongings on the floor but then you'd see adrian asleep on the couch with your baby cuddled up on his chest (he probably has food all over his face too) and you wouldn't even be able to me mad about the mess.
you heard it here first folks he argues with toddlers.
he's stubborn, toddlers are stubborn. what more can i say? you probably wouldn't even be able to count how many times you had to resolve an argument between adrian and your toddler (and let's be honest, adrian is most likely the problem) because they got into it over idk frozen vs tangled (he bats for tangled)
he shows up to everythinggg for your kid. your kid does ballet?? he's sat right there at every rehearsal (i imagine it'd be like in despicable me when gru goes to the rehearsal and he has all the women swooning over him because . adrian's a DILF ok??? he just is????). your kid does football??? hes right there at every practise. he's there for every game or ever recital or ANYTHING that your kid wants to do he doesn't care he's there for it nonetheless
ok i got carried away so imma wrap up after tHIS LAST POINT. so vigilante stuff. he still goes out pretty often in the suit and takes care of the bad guys on the street, of course he does it's a part of him and you would never ask him to change that. you fell in love with him knowing about vigilante so it's cool, your only ask is that he's more careful. and i think adrian gets that anyway. he has a lot more to lose now if anything happened to him (not that you weren't incredibly important to him, but the last thing he would want to do is leave his child without a father) so he's a lot more careful anyway. i think he'd be more aware of risks and he would find himself asking 'is this worth it?' more often that not. he wants to come home to you and your kid every night, so he does everything he can to make sure that he's safe while still taking care of business and keeping the streets clean
i think he would be the one to ask you about having another baby.
in conclusion: adrian chase has acquired dilf status
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