#Eternal Rivalry Event
🐢Almost a Week Away!🐢
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The Stars Align - An Eternal Rivalry Begins! starts in under 2 weeks! To sort of get our heads in the game, our team has collected a mini list of some kid!Kakashi and kid!Gai HCs we collectively enjoy, and we invite you all to share some of yours below if you'd like! - 🌿🐝
Some soft HCs-
• Kakashi started plastering those sitckers with different expressions on them all over originally to cause a small brand of chaos, but that somehow devolved into him placing stickers on people whenever he has trouble expressing something.
- Gai catches on to Kakashi's lil sticker code after the 6th or 7th "You Tried" sticker gets placed on his forehead (he was trying to get Kakashi to spar with him again) and starts carrying around stickers in case Kakashi runs out/doesn't have any on him.
- They formed a sort of sticker code for people in their lives- a Sun for Minato, Turtle for Dai, etc. and start to have almost mini conversations that no one else gets using the stickers.
• Gai gets Kakashi hooked on hot cocoa during one of many sleepovers Gai sort of pushed him into in an effort to get his rival to decompress. Said mini addiction lasts for a good number of months up until Kakashi happens to sip from a cup of cocoa that had a bug in it, switches to tea and refuses to touch cocoa for years afterwards.
• Their first challenge that wasn't a spar of some sort was a long rock paper scissors match over a final piece of dango. (Before either could win, one of Kakashi's canine companions nabbed the dango and ate it- both agree that this event counts as a draw.)
• Gai gets into gardening at some point and finds it fairly therapeutic (a much needed activity, considering the whispers of a rising war rolling around- plus it's quite youthful wouldn't you say?). Kakashi gifts him scrolls on occasion with new tricks for caring for his plants or seeds he got from who knows where.
- Kakashi on the other hand, despite being skilled in various things, is found to have the opposite of a green thumb in every sense of the word (much to his internal chagrin). Because of this Gai usually doesn't issue any sort of challenges involving growing things, and despite never stating why Kakashi knows. (Kakashi does, out of pure stubbornness years later, eventually even his skills out enough to the point he can keep some hearty plants alive- though he'll never be able to care for something like irises.)
We're incredibly excited to see you all on September 1st! See you all then o7 o7 - 🌿🐝
Link to Eternal Rivalry Event's first post
Link to Eternal Rivalry Event's Rules & FAQ
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
Tiny arms outstretched, Sosuke looks rather comical staring up at his trainer, and ever present mother-figure, with such a serious expression, all the whole decked out in a tiny letterman jacket.
Jun cocks an eyebrow at the sight, confused, and oddly amused, but rightfully a bit worried by such a sight, so she sinks to a crouch, throwing the ends of her dorm uniforms scarf over her shoulders as she did so.
Still, Sosuke holds out his stubby arms, ever blank faced.
"Mother, I have been violated," He states indigent at her lopsided smile, nonetheless he doesn't protest when she brings him into her arms, simply angles his wide eyes upwards, "I have been violated for a Pigeons whimsical fancy, and fashion, mother, mother we must estract revenge."
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capricornlevi · 7 months
marriage of convenience nanami in which you start off as rivals of sorts, both overworked and underpaid employees of a soulless corporation where you have to fight tooth and nail to succeed.
and that aforementioned fighting results in long, long days in the office, weekends spent toiling away at your desk, countless hours of overtime that keeps you from any semblance of a social life. your rivalry eventually turns into an uneasy alliance -- you see each other more often than you do any other human being, and so agree to keep things civil. friendly, even. this certainly helps when you're sharing the same cramped office space for fourteen hours a day.
it gets to the point where your respective families become gravely concerned. over the holidays, your parents had sat you down and scolded you for what seemed like an eternity, going on and on about how they never see you, how you haven't had a relationship since before college, how it's not healthy to be so obsessed with work.
"what did they expect?" you'd asked nanami -- rhetorically, of course -- while in line for the coffee maker one morning. "they know my career expectations. this is nothing new."
"if it's any consolation, mine are the same," nanami mumbles, filling his mug until it's nearly overflowing. he lifts it, takes a long sip, and asks a question you could have never expected.
"want to tell them that we're together?"
you're glad he was first to reach the coffee maker, because if you were in the middle of taking a sip, you'd likely have choked in front of the entire office.
"what is wrong with you?"
he rolls his eyes at your outrage. "we wouldn't actually be a couple, obviously. we'd just ... tell them we are. show up to an event or two and put on smiling faces. if you wanted to really sell it ... we could get you a ring."
you're certain that the look of your face conveys your utter ... confusion, shock, bewilderment, because nanami clarifies before taking a second sip.
"just a fake one. we could say we eloped over new years, that we couldn't wait any longer. that we're so happy with life we need some time to ourselves as a honeymooning couple."
"you're insane."
"but i have a point."
and you hate to admit it, every cell in your body tells you it's a bad idea, but you think you could get on board.
fake dating could get messy, right? you'd either have to constantly update them on your relationship or fake a breakup, neither would make your life easier.
it's unhinged. it needs a lot of work before you could even consider executing it.
but you find yourself wanting to say yes.
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merakiui · 2 months
I saw your answer to the tier list where you mention the staff. Did you know Vargas is 2 years younger than Crewel? So, in theory, Vargas would have been a first-year when Crewel was a third-year.
I feel like there is a lot of room for some AU there where reader gets isekai'd into that timeline instead. Trein is the young(er) hot history teacher. Crowley and his eternal fae ass is probably the same as always. Downside is that Sam is only 10... so we'll have to take artistic license to age him up into our AU!
Omg the potential this has!!!!!! A Vargas and Crewel rivalry where they're both doing what they can to impress you. Vargas being a bit of a bully sometimes. T_T but it's also you who inspires him to continue working out and doing his best so that he can be the strongest. AAAAAAA sitting in an empty classroom beside Crewel while he sketches out different outfit designs and chats with you about them. You fawn over all of his designs; they're just so pretty and unique. As you flip through the notebook, so absorbed in Crewel's creativity, he's busy admiring you with a fond smile.
That line of "boys will be boys" and so it's Crewel and Vargas always trying to best the other in really petty, silly competitions. Professor Trein who usually comes between them if it gets out of hand and lectures the both of them on how they ought to be more mature. The three of you studying together in the library or sleeping over at the others' dorms. Occasionally skipping class to go smoke with Crewel. Always getting caught and punished by Trein LOL. Or joining Vargas for morning exercise. Maybe he sort of,,, drags you to it. It's important to stay in shape! Run laps with him! You draw the line at downing a dozen and more egg yolks. T_T you just want to sleep in and eat something sugary for breakfast...
Omg and all of the school events......... a dance or a visit to another arcane academy. Crewel designing an outfit for you for that dance!!!! Both him and Vargas aiming to be the first one to ask you to the dance WAAAAAAAA.
Maybe neither of them ends up confessing come graduation, and you never find your way home. Perhaps you become a professor at NRC alongside Crewel and Vargas, so all of you are reunited again as adults when they get jobs at NRC. And then you meet Sam and become fast friends with him as well!! Of course Crewel and Vargas are still in their rivalry. Seeing you again after so much time apart has fueled old feelings. <3 reminiscing about your school days with the lot of them. The students being so nosy and intrigued when they start to pick up on bits and pieces of the shared lore of their professors hehe.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Hi just wanna say happy holidays also for request can I request from Pokemon please
ok Hear me hear me out , yandere legend battle between Darkrai vs Arceus hcs where child reader knew them as a child and now reader knows them when she’s/there older 🙏👀
I can try with this, sure. Hope you enjoy it :)
Darling means literal God and Nightmare Incarnate when they were young.
Overprotective! Darkrai vs Arceus Concept
Pairing: Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Rivalry/Jealousy, Pokemon religion, Dubious companionship.
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Not sure if you'd be considered lucky or fortunate to meet these two when you were a child.
One of them, Darkrai, is a Pokemon that can cause nightmares.
The other one, Arceus, is literal God.
Maybe you used to have nightmares as a kid, nightmares of a dark shadow-like Pokemon.
These nightmares were a way Darkrai could communicate with you.
The Pokemon may have grown fond of a young child like you and altered your dreams.
However, soon the shadowy Pokemon grows greedy.
The nightmares are longer and soon your parents grow nervous.
After all... soon their child never wakes up.
This leads to your parents praying for you to wake up from this nightmare curse.
Meanwhile in your rest Darkrai is playing with you, no longer trying to scare you.
Arceus notices the prayers of your parents and takes note that Darkrai is essentially holding you hostage.
If you do not wake... you will surely die.
Arceus sends Cresselia to wake you from your sleep, pitying a child such as you.
Cresselia ends up prying you out of Darkrai's grip, much to the Dark-Type's annoyance.
Afterwards Cresselia leaves a feather with you, one that your parents make into a charm to put around your neck.
Fearing Darkrai will come after you again, your parents bless you and tell you to not remove the feather.
Due to your blessing, Arceus keeps an eye on you.
Arceus can tell Darkrai is lurking around you, the Dark-Type unable to let you go.
However this time the Pokemon can not put you into eternal slumber.
Essentially you meet these two Pokemon due to a traumatic event in your childhood.
Ever since both Pokemon have had their eye on you.
Darkrai wants to keep you to itself, meanwhile Arceus is following your parents blessing to protect you.
Now you're an adult, still under careful watch by these two deity-like beings.
Most of their "rivalry" is out of your sight.
While you still have that feather and blessing, Darkrai can't touch you.
Darkrai is usually a very misunderstood Pokemon, it didn't mean to hurt you.
The Pokemon wanted a friend... getting said friend nearly got you killed.
Arceus pities both of you, but the god has a feeling the Dark-Type may go overboard again.
I imagine things would heat up if your blessed feather was destroyed somehow.
This makes you vulnerable to Darkrai once again.
The Pokemon gets so excited, he can finally see his friend again!
As you fall into your nightmarish sickness again, you see Darkrai.
It's friendly towards you, almost treating you like a kid again.
Meanwhile I imagine Arceus does its best to interfere.
Maybe even to the point of entering your dreams too to try and chase Darkrai off.
That's how a rivalry between them would go.
Now the question is... what happens next?
If Arceus wins you will once again be protected, perhaps even blessed by Arceus and Cresselia again like long ago
If Darkrai wins, then you may die in the Pokemon's embrace.
Your fate isn't for you to decide...
Since maybe even birth, your fate has fallen to these two Pokemon... you are at their mercy.
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whispering-clan · 5 months
Ooooo Growlingclan really interests me, they seem like very much the underdogs here. Were they upset by losing mountain territory to Whisperingclan or did they go go up into the peaks? Do they still resent Echoingclan? Whats their culture like?
Ehehe I love talking about the lore fir these clanssss
Growlingclan is actually more so allies with Whisperingclan! Whisperingclan has a similar origin to their own, they see themselves in them and so they were the first to back them up and consider them a new clan. It was with the backing of Growlingclan that Whisperingclan got to join gatherings!
Growlingclan did venture into the higher mountains sometimes, but they didn't go far. Over the generations they have become better adapted to their territory terrain so they find it more difficult to hunt in the higher elevated mountains. They are good rock climbers but they don't like the risks that come with the even steeper terrain.
Also Growlingclan and Echoingclan eternally have a rivalry, the best relationship they can have is begrudging tolerance, which is where they are right now mostly thanks to their leaders (Growlingclan's especially). Both clans have their own versions of events that they believe happened in the Civil war and both think they were in the right and the other was the villain, but truthfully it was so long ago nobody remembers the truth.
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fieldsofbran87 · 1 year
Okay post number 2 I’ll actually explain myself.
Every time I think about Impa I go bonkers but ESPECIALLY when I think about Impa and Ganondorf/Demise. These two are having a full on SAGA off screen and Nintendo is just too afraid of the raw energy their dynamic would bring. They would steal the show if let loose. Zelda and Link’s soulmate bond would pale in comparison to their absolutely fucked up 8D chess eternal rivalry. They’ve been playing the “too different to ever be friends, too similar to hate each other” game for centuries and it’s high time we addressed it lmao
Despite having about one scene of on-screen interaction and no dialogue together, Impa and Ganondorf are pretty clearly set up to be narrative foils. Impa is the servant of the goddess, the protector of Zelda, and guide to Link. Ganondorf is the rebel, the Demon King, and the opponent of the Princess and the Hero. Impa is defined by her selflessness, time and again devoting her life to serving Hylia and the Royal Family, even at a price for herself. Ganondorf, in contrast, is characteristically selfish; seeking to fulfill his own goals at the expense of others.
The Sheikah and the Gerudo are foils too. Both suffer the subjugation of the Royal Family, and both are the only other two human races besides Hylians. However, the Sheikah for the most part conform to their roles, serving the Royal Family, (therefore labeled as “good” by the Hylian narrative), while the Gerudo actively resist that regime (and are hence labeled as “bad”).
(The Yiga Clan is also a very curious facet of this issue, but that’s a whole other can of worms I don’t really feel equipped to discuss right now.)
Impa and Ganondorf are also tied together through their game appearances. Impa does not appear in a game without Ganon, and while Ganondorf sometimes appears without Impa, two of those occasions are Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. The same man as OOT, who has already met her. (FSA idk what’s going on there lmao. She wanted a break and that’s valid.) Timeline wise, they also return together after SS, both appearing in OOT after not being present during Minish Cap or FS. Intentionally or not, if one of them is there, the other will be too.
Impa and Ganondorf are undoubtedly paired together in the cycle, although less explicitly than Zelda and Link. They balance out the four, with Link and Zelda being destined always to find each other and work together, whereas Ganondorf and Impa are destined always to work against each other. Ganon attacks the kingdom, and Impa facilitates the resistance.
For all their differences, Impa and Ganondorf often operate in very similar ways. Throughout many of the games, they’re both working behind the scenes; nudging the heroes or their minions in the direction they want like chess pieces on a board. Ganondorf is more explicit in this (ex: Zant, Vaati, etc) but it’s important to remember that Impa is more than a passive side character. In Skyward Sword, she is directing Zelda down the path that leads to pretty much every major event in the game, and in Ocarina of Time, she raised Sheik and almost certainly sent him out to find Link. (Honestly, as much as Zelda is Hylia-incarnate, Impa is really the one pushing the Goddess’s agenda.) From these roles as orchestrators, they share a level a power over the narrative that the other characters don’t possess. Power that exists to contradict the other.
There’s also the scene in OOT where Impa escapes with young Zelda, pursued by Ganondorf, and it’s entirely possible they duked it out before the drawbridge bit. If so, then Impa’s escape implies a level of combat/magical power that is reasonably comparable to Ganondorf’s. I think it’s reasonable to say that Ganondorf likely outweighs Impa in raw strength, but she holds her ground surprisingly well. Ex: surviving the Calamity, escaping the castle in the OG game, also probably surviving the initial fight with Demise as Hylia’s guardian.
The icing on the cake to all of this is that when developing the lore, Impa was originally supposed to be a bearer of the Triforce with Link and Zelda. I checked the Hyrule Historia after seeing a post about Impa initially wielding Power and it’s true. She was originally supposed to be a guardian alongside Link and Zelda, not Ganon. And I just… oh my gosh the implications of that.
Looking at Impa through the lens of not necessarily someone who was destined to wield Power in canon, but someone who conceivably could is so fascinating. It makes her connection to Ganondorf all the more potent, not just as foils, but as two people who could just as easily be each other as oppose each other. In Ocarina of Time, for example, it’s not hard to picture an Impa who took a similar path as Ganondorf. Her people have been brought to the brink of near extinction, mostly thanks to the Royal Family. It’s entirely conceivable that she might find herself drawn to the Triforce just as much as Ganon was, seeking not coveted wind, but the undoing of so many lost lives.
All of this just sets the ground work for an absolutely fascinating relationship, and it drives me nuts that the games never explore it. Impa and Ganondorf both share a great deal of ambiguity regarding their intentions, motives, and overall feelings, and focusing on the two of them would open the doors to aspects of their character we haven’t seen. Being non-Hylian, older, and typically more world weary than Link and Zelda, they have a perspective on the cycle that is intriguing, and almost certainly not as positive. I think that would be neat to see.
Demise and Impa also have some interesting potential, especially considering how much time they spent in proximity. Like she spent centuries guarding the Imprisoned, as well as the sword he was sealed in. Did they ever speak? Did she know him from before he was sealed? Did he respect her skill and power the way he respected Link’s? There’s so many brain worms there.
Anyway, I have so many more thoughts on these two but honestly they’re better expressed via creative writing lmao. I can’t even begin to describe the absolutely insanity that their interactions would be. They’re like mortal enemies and begrudging friends and bitter exes and strangers in the same sad situation and hot messes all at once.
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abstractmouse · 1 year
Alright, so I finished all the story branches from the FMA mobile Valentine's event, and I've compiled a summary/translation. Now let me preface with this: I do not know Japanese. I can read katakana, hiragana, and a handful of kanji, and I know basic sentence structure. So 99% of this is from Google Translate, and it may not be 100% accurate. It is long. I included some screenshots. With that being said, the summary is under the cut.
Chapter 1
It seems to be a dream sequence. There's this novel called Two Phantom Thieves that has become a sensation across Amestris, and everyone, including Roy Mustang, is reading it. He falls asleep while doing paperwork and imagines himself and Hawkeye as the titular thieves. It seems they have a rivalry, always hunting the same treasure. On their latest heist, they are caught in a trap set by Detective Hughes (with Havoc and Breda on his squad), and instead of fighting for the treasure, they have to work together to escape.
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After escaping, Phantom Thief M (Roy) asks Phantom Thief H (Riza) to look at the moon with him and chat for awhile. She expresses her gratitude that their combined effort allowed her to escape. Roy says something along the lines of "We work well together. If we joined up, we could steal any treasure in the world." Riza is not keen on the idea. Apparently, she steals for the poor, while Roy steals for the wealth and fame. He says he has higher goals than wealth and fame and wants to change things from the top. Riza is surprised at the idealism and asks if he really thinks he can do it. He says he would tell her all about it, but the police are coming. Riza remarks that he seems different than usual, but regardless, next time the treasure is hers. She leaves and Roy has a moment where he reflects on her true identity and decides to have some fun with it.
The next scene shows that the Phantom Thieves have day jobs as reporters for the very same newspaper (return of glasses!Riza here). Their boss wants them to cover an event featuring the Eternal Chocolate Heart, but the viewing is only open to couples. Their assignment is to pose as lovers in order to write an article about the treasure. There is also something about alchemical research being revealed at the party and a competition for the alchemists to win the heart or something like that. Set up for the fighting portion of the event. It’s said that whoever touches the heart will be blessed with eternal love. Roy thinks to himself that this will be his next treasure hunt as Phantom Thief M.
Chapter 2
Reporters Mustang and Hawkeye arrive at the party, which is being hosted by Alex and Catherine at the Armstrong mansion. Hawkeye is holding Mustang’s arm stiffly, going over the type of information that they need for their article. Mustang says something like, “I know we’re just acting, but if you don’t seem a little more natural, they’ll find out we’re not a couple.” She ignores that and continues observing the situation.
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Detectives Havoc and Breda are there, chatting with Catherine. Detective Hughes is also present with Gracia and Elycia. Hughes wants to get the Eternal Chocolate Heart for his daughter.
Armstrong gathers everyone and reveals the Eternal Chocolate Heart on a small table in the middle of the room, explaining that it has been imbued with alchemy. It’s divided into 4 pieces, and he says whoever eats one will be granted some kind of power, which works best when shared between two people. For that reason, they’ll be giving it as a prize to one of the couples tonight.
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On the table, Armstrong is shocked to find that there are two envelopes: a pink one with the letter H and a blue one with the letter M. Notices from the Phantom Thieves. Armstrong then announces that if the thieves are here, stealing isn’t necessary. He invites them to join the competition as well. Mustang thinks to himself that it may be better to just do it fair and square.
Then the chocolate at the center of the table… disappears? Idk this part is a little unclear. Regardless, it was a decoy. The real chocolate is hidden in a labyrinth under the mansion. The winner will be whichever couple successfully recovers the chocolate.
Riza pretends to be dizzy, presumably so she can get away from Mustang and transform into the Phantom Thief. Roy also dons his disguise during this time. 
In the fight sequence, the Phantom Thieves have appeared again, and Detective Hughes and his squad are all over the place. They agree to join up again and manage to lose them.
Chapter 3
Another couple at the party, Bard and Emma, have progressed a little further and are in the gardens, but there’s a puzzle they can’t solve. They hide and try to let someone else figure out the mechanism instead.
Roy shows up and notices Riza has escaped to the same place as him. Annoyed, she says she was just about to stop him with her bullet. Roy flirts and says something like “I wish I had the time to celebrate our reunion.” Riza says she’s got some information to share: they’ll have to solve the mystery together to progress, but “We’re only working together for now! The chocolate is still mine.” Roy notes that the chocolate is in four pieces, and they could just share it. But Riza says that only half of the chocolate isn’t worth as much, and she needs to help as many poor people as she can. Roy agrees, and the matter is dropped as they solve the puzzles.
They notice Bard and Emma are following them. The story branches slightly here depending on player choice:
3A: Pursue Emma and Bard
This leads to a small fight sequence. Emma wants to get the treasure before the Phantom Thieves to ridicule them. After they run away, Riza looks pensive. Roy asks what’s bothering her. She says, “Nothing, I was just wondering if I could use them to get one up on you somehow.” Roy says “Well I’ll just continue to keep my guard up…”
3B: Ignore Them
Nothing really happens during this option. They get through the puzzle and Riza makes some remark about getting the treasure before Roy.
The different paths lead to slightly different versions of chapter 4.
Chapter 4-1 (Choose option 3A)
Mustang and Hawkeye are getting closer to the center of the labyrinth. They seem to be the first ones to get this far. Bard and Emma come up on them again. Mustang asks if Hawkeye is going to launch a surprise attack on him after helping her solve the mystery (?? I think. This could be directed at Bard and Emma). She says “I’ll watch your back. You focus on solving the puzzle.”
Roy goes through the puzzle (following a rabbit through the right flowers). Bard and Emma followed again. Now Bard wants to fight, but they are overwhelmed by the Phantom Thieves' synergy. Bard decides to fight another time and runs. 
Chapter 4-2 (Choose option 3B)
Bard and Emma have reached this point of the labyrinth before Roy and Riza. They are apparently not very good at puzzles and are lost again. They decide to hide again and let someone else figure it out. Roy and Riza arrive on the scene and chase the rabbit together this time. They arrive at the center of the labyrinth and note that it is eerily quiet and that it shouldn’t have been this easy. 
Bard and Emma launch a surprise attack. Roy says, “They seem to be quite skilled. Can I trust you with my back?” Riza says “It’s an honor to have your trust. Let’s win this.” Bard and Emma are overwhelmed by their synergy and run to fight another time.
In either path, the chapter ends by cutting to Detective Hughes with his family. They hear the fighting, so Hughes goes ahead of them to secure the path. He wants to catch the Phantom Thieves and get the chocolate for Elycia.
Chapter 5
Ngl this bit was a little confusing, so idk how accurate this is.
Hughes, Havoc, and Breda are blocking the next section. As they try to get through, Mustang tells Hawkeye that their only goal is the chocolate, so she should go on ahead. It seems the fight can’t be avoided, so they fight together. Roy remarks that it would do the detectives better to just solve the puzzles rather than try to chase them. Riza points out that Hughes’s family seems to have disappeared. The traps in this next section have tiles that make you teleport to another location.
They agree to truce and work together here. Roy doesn’t like the idea of a small child being all alone. 
Chapter 6
Gracia and Elycia were teleported just outside the labyrinth.
Cut to the group inside. The puzzle has a bunch of tiles that all need to be activated. They have to work together. Hughes wishes his family were here to solve it with him. He hears Elycia encourage him from outside the maze somehow??? Riza remarks that she’s just happy his family is safe.
Now that the tiles have been activated, all that’s left are for the 6 remaining tiles to be stepped on at the same time. However, they only have 5 people present. Emma comes out from hiding, saying Bard left because he was sick of losing. Now they have 6. They step on the tiles, and some creatures come out, guarding the chocolate heart that appears in the middle. They all have to fight to reach the treasure.
The ending is determined by which character you let grab the heart.
6-A: Riza gets the heart
Phantom Thief H reaches the heart first, announcing her victory, but Phantom Thief M pulls some trick and manages to snatch it. He says it’s not over yet. They can still catch him as he escapes from the labyrinth.
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6-B: Roy gets the heart
Roy says, “The treasure is mine, Phantom Thief H. With this, I can reach the top.” He starts posturing, announcing to everyone that he got the heart. He says it’s not over yet. They can still catch him as he escapes from the labyrinth.
6-C: Any other character gets the heart
Exactly the same as 6-A, but replace Phantom Thief H with Hughes, Havoc, Breda, or Emma.
On a high balcony, Alex and Catherine are watching. Catherine says it’s finally her turn.
The story’s final ending is determined by your choice in this chapter.
Chapter 7
Roy is running away, noting that the party started at night, but it’s already dawn. As he is escaping, he falls into Bard’s trap, where he was waiting for the winner. He releases poison gas, disabling Roy. The fight sequence is against multiple Hugheses, caused by Roy’s confusion from the poisoning. 
Riza runs onto the scene and says she can’t let her partner lose to such cowardly tricks and helps him. Roy asks why she doesn’t just take the chocolate and run. She says she doesn’t want to win with dirty tactics and wants to beat him fair and square.
Catherine appears and determines that the bond between them is real (???) and leads them to the exit. Alex declares the Phantom Thieves as the winners as they emerge, but Roy is still affected by the poison, being supported by Riza. He mentions that the chocolate has the power of healing as well.
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Riza lays Roy across her lap on a bench as she feeds him the chocolate.
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Havoc, Breda, and Hughes wonder what they were fighting for to begin with or something and says they all worked together to solve the mystery.
Catherine and Alex talk about their intention with the chocolate. Apparently it was designed to make people work together, which is why she held the tournament.
Meanwhile, the chocolate seems to have worked. Mustang says “I feel a lot better. Thank you for your help, Phantom Thief H… or should I say, my colleague, Ms. Hawkeye?” Hawkeye grits her teeth but doesn’t say anything. He asks again if she will be his partner. He says if they work together, they can change the world. “After challenging the labyrinth with you and being rescued so many times, I’m convinced.” Hawkeye still doesn’t give an answer. He says not to rush. She can give him the answer soon.
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Cut to Catherine and Alex again. She says the effects of the chocolate are maximized between two people with a particularly strong bond, which was proven by the Phantom Thieves. Alex says something like, “Too bad it only lasts 15 minutes…” lol. Hughes snaps out of it and shouts, “What the hell am I doing?!”
Back in reality, Mustang is woken up at his desk by Lieutenant Hawkeye. She says he must have been dreaming, since he was stirring and making noise in his sleep.
Roy tells her about the dream he had.
Chapter 7-1 (Choose option 6-A)
He says, at the end of the dream, they were able to escape from their pursuers after a fierce battle. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Phantom Thief M and Phantom Thief H are overlooking the grounds where the chocolate was. Mustang remarks that the chocolate makes people want to join hands together. He says he wants to give Hawkeye the rest of the chocolate. She is a bit skeptical. He says it’s so that he can “join hands with her” and he asks for her to be his partner again. She says that they were only allies temporarily for the competition, and their rivalry stands. She says instead of relying on chocolate to steal her heart, he should try stealing it with his own hands. Roy says he seems to have decided his next target.
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Cut back to the real world. (biiiiig question mark about all of this:) Hawkeye remarks that she can’t believe he gave away all the chocolate in the end, but that sounds like him after all. Roy says that his rival was one step ahead a few times (?????), and a woman’s heart is deeper than the sea. Hawkeye says, “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
Chapter 7-2 (Choose option 6-B)
He says, at the end of the dream, they were able to escape from their pursuers after a fierce battle. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Phantom Thief M gives Phantom Thief H part of the chocolate. She asks why he would give her some when he was the one who won. He says, “If it’s mine, then half is yours, since you’re my partner.” She says she never gave him an answer. He replies, “But you’re here now. Can I still expect to see you by the beautiful moon?” (not 100% on that translation either) They hold hands in the moonlight.
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Cut back to the real world. Hawkeye says that they have to continue to work hard to reach their goal, and she will continue to watch Mustang’s back. “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
Chapter 7-3 (Choose option 6-C)
He says, at the end of the dream, Hawkeye escaped under the cover of heavy rain, but he was caught by Detective Hughes, who was chasing him. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Mustang is being apprehended by Hughes while Hawkeye looks on from atop a tall building. She says that even though he may be a perfect phantom thief, his only weakness is water. All this heavy rain was just bad luck. She then says, “It’s sad that there’s no one left to compete with, but I’ll make your dreams come true some day.”
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Cut back to the real world. Hawkeye says, “Even in your dreams, you’re useless on rainy days. What a shame.” Mustang says, “Don’t look at me with such pity, Lieutenant…” Hawkeye then says, “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
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oepionie · 1 year
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azul ashengrotto. it's a deal
"the princess treatment" w.c: 4.9k+ | Synopsis: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
"and while you sleep, i'll be scared" w.c: 1.5k+ | Synopsis: Your lover waking up from a horrific nightmare and scrambling to listen to your heartbeat so he can make sure you're still alive.
"the woes of a jealous fish" w.c: 1.5k+ | Synopsis: Octatrio boys and how they deal with jealousy
"interrupted makeout session" w.c: 2k+ | Synopsis: The Octatrio don't really take kindly to having their alone time with you interrupted.
"jazz night🎙️" w.c: 1.5k+ | Synopsis: Monstro Lounge was hosting a new event! "Jazz Night" where the ramshackle prefect herself was rumoured to perform. Boys flocked to the lounge in droves, eager to hear her sing. Though, it seems that her performance has touched a special someone.
"a different type of contract" w.c: 1.1k+ | Synopsis: "…You already hate me as it is so it’s not like i have nothing to lose here." Azul has dragged you into contract after contract and you've taken it all like a champ. However, when he asks you to be his date for an event, you become so upset that an argument breaks out. In the midst of it, Azul accidentally blurts out his feelings for you.
"prince charming's kiss" w.c: 4k |Synopsis: A potionology accident involving the ADeuce duo leads to the prefect falling into a deep sleep. Only an act of true love's kiss can save them and it seems that the duo has picked a certain boy to play Prince Charming.
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jade leech. shock the heart
"the princess treatment" w.c: 4.9k+ | Synopsis: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
"jolly sailor bold" w.c: 3.3k+ | Synopsis: You meet two mysterious yet beautiful mermen around your age and you ask them to sing for you. They agree—though there's one condition....they want a kiss in return. A fair deal and you decide that nothing could possibly go wrong....right?
"it was just two lovers" drabble | Preview: "well, in all honesty, you certainly wouldn't be my first love."
"the woes of a jealous fish" w.c: 1.5k+ | Synopsis: Octatrio boys and how they deal with jealousy
"interrupted makeout session" w.c: 2k+ | Synopsis: The Octatrio don't really take kindly to having their alone time with you interrupted.
"the red means i love you" w.c: 300+ | Synopsis: A certain eel seems to have developed feelings for you! Though…he is quite protective and unsettling, isn't he?
"sibling rivalry" w.c: 1.7k+| Synopsis: You have two tweels fighting for the ownership of your heart. When a fight breaks out between them, you’re left to choose among the two.
"kitchen blues🍳" w.c: 1.5k+ | Sypnosis: You wouldn't really call yourself a chef. At most, your culinary abilities were barely above average. Even so, when your boyfriend becomes overworked, you take your chances and cook something up for him. Here's to hoping you don't burn down the entire dorm!
"when eels fly" w.c: 600+ | Synopsis: You have no idea who thought it was a good idea to place you in the hands of two eels during broom flying practice but you hoped they suffer for an eternity
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floyd leech. bind the heart
"the princess treatment" w.c: 4.9k+ | Synopsis: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
"jolly sailor bold" w.c: 3.3k+ | Synopsis: You meet two mysterious yet beautiful mermen around your age and you ask them to sing for you. They agree—though there's one condition....they want a kiss in return. A fair deal and you decide that nothing could possibly go wrong....right?
"the woes of a jealous fish" w.c: 1.5k+ | Synopsis: Octatrio boys and how they deal with jealousy
"interrupted makeout session" w.c: 2k+ | Synopsis: The Octatrio don't really take kindly to having their alone time with you interrupted.
"sibling rivalry" w.c: 1.7k+| Synopsis: You have two tweels fighting for the ownership of your heart. When a fight breaks out between them, you’re left to choose among the two.
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worldsunlikemyown · 4 months
kotlc valentine's day hcs <3
Here you go!
Main crew first:
Sophie didn't really do Valentine's Day much before (what with being in high school at twelve years old) and honestly didn't get the point. When she found that elves had a Day of Love, she kept hoping one of her crushes would slip her something, but it's pretty serious among elves and a crush will, at most, send you a note because otherwise it's basically a declaration of eternal love. The first elf-Valentine's Day she has is with Keefe, when they go and sit beneath Calla's Panakes at dawn to share ripplefluffs that they baked together the night before.
Biana always gets hundreds of little notes at her locker (and grudgingly at least reads them all, because not doing so would be an awful thing to do). Her dream Valentine's Day is to be serenaded (which is unfortunate because modern-day elves aren't too big on serenading), and she's secretly relieved that nothing came of her crush on Keefe because his singing voice and musical skills really aren't that great.
Linh, just like Sophie, wasn't big on Valentine's day in the past, but Marella was -- not just because she was a prolific sender of notes (half to crushes, half as pranks), but also because who was giving whom notes was big for the gossip chain. Marella simply sends Linh a note in the morning, as traditional, and they meet up at the beach later to have an Aurenflare by the beach.
Fitz entertains hopes of doing something really dramatic for Sophie, but things don't end up working out (as we know). He gets a hail from Dex in the evening, who comes over with some shiny new gadget that Fitz accepts. They sit talking for a long time into the night.
Grady and Edaline like to take some time away from work -- they often go away on a hike in some secluded mountains.
Alden and Della are not too big on the whole event, but they usually go on a nice evening date, and end up coming home a little tipsy and glowing.
Cassius does take Gisela out on dates -- very grudgingly, and it's clear they both hate it (both of them are secretly relieved when everything is out in the open because they don't have to suffer anymore).
Juline and Kesler are always very whimsical about it. They dye their hair fun colours, go to whatever the elf equivalent of theme parks are, and generally end up having a self-contained, civilised riot (and then a less civilised riot once they get home).
Brant wrote sappy letters to Jolie, and she responded in kind. They'd get each other little trinkets and leap to the top of a mountain to kiss in front of a breathtaking sunset (or sunrise).
Cyrah always used to make Prentice little brooches, and he wrote poetry for her. Nowadays he doesn't particularly like celebrating the day, because it was really special for him and Cyrah. Tiergan comes over every year, and they often end up reminiscing long into the night.
Fintan and Vespera are prolific gift-givers even on normal days, so elf-Valentine's Day is basically them trying to one-up each other on their dramatic and beautiful gifts. It usually ends with them curling up on a couch together and reading, petty lovers' rivalry forgotten.
Vespera and Luzia were all about dramatic gestures, so they had the most incredible dates -- some of the big ones were in caves decorated with light, and on a snowy mountain made to look like a ballroom where they danced alone together to soft music.
Fallon is the one who actually serenades his wife properly (Biana only got the idea from seeing the delight on her something-great-grandmother's face lol). They go on picnics in wooded clearings, culminating in an almost glowing Fallon playing the harp for his wife as the moon rises.
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mortaltempless · 8 months
it's more the being unknown
~1.4k, Rated G, Galadriel/Sauron
Even at the end of the world, Frodo remains curious as to what drives Galadriel.
The hobbit, for all his long millenia of bravery and kindness, for all his suffering, looked terrified, and he knew it. An awful humiliation on this final day.
"Do not fear, young Frodo," Galadriel offered. "It will be painless. The One would not stand for anything else."
That morning, they had all seen Galadriel's uncle stalk proudly and with purpose out of the Halls of Mandos, preparing his chariot. All knew what that meant.
Frodo offered a weak smile to Galadriel.
"What will come after, my lady?" he whispered. He knew his duty. He wore armour, for the first time in the many Ages of his life. He would defend Middle Earth, and give thanks to Erú as the world broke apart. But that did not stop the fear.
Still, Galadriel smiled softly and sweetly -- a rare gift. 
"I'm not sure, my friend," she said. "But it will be beautiful." 
Frodo nodded, not much reassured. Galadriel checked over his armour, her own long-since fitted perfectly to her form.
"Will you stay with me?" he asked softly, somewhat ashamed of the quake in his voice. Galadriel looked down and away, and for a moment the hobbit thought she would not answer.
"Frodo, there is --" she looked at him, blue eyes shining. "It is the end of the world. And my part in this story is over."
A pause as she looked down again, at the shining, iridescent silver of her breastplate, the gold star gleaming like a fire in the centre. 
"There will be no tomorrow, old friend. So there is only one way I wish to spend my last hours." her voice was a delicate whisper. 
Ever since he arrived on the shores of Valinor, he had grown close to Galadriel. One of the few familiar faces in this strange land. The other elves stared at him, and found him to be a curious oddity. Only those who knew him from Middle Earth continued to treat him with respect and kindness, rather than as an amusing child who just learned to toddle. Even so, he could not miss the rumours that followed the once-Lady of Lothlórien. Most of them, he could dismiss out of hand. Even after all his long years, he remembered the Sackville-Bagginses well enough to recognise petty jealousies and family rivalries when he saw them. 
But there were other rumours, ones that stuck in his craw. Ones that made his mind itch with the memory of Galadriel's woods, and the Ring, louder than it had ever been, whispering incessantly to him -- soclosesoclosesoclose -- praise Erú that Galadriel had the wisdom to reject it. But no, Frodo dismissed the thought, there was no way that, after everything, Galadriel would --
"Mithrandir will look after you and Bilbo," she said. "You will not be alone for even a moment." 
Frodo did not reply. He just blinked slowly at the elf. He was not sure if she wanted his permission, or if she was telling him instead.
He put it out of his mind for hours, watching the events of that final eternal day unfold around him. Chaos and waiting. Waiting and chaos. These alternating moods threatened to undo him. He stood by Galadriel, Gandalf and Bilbo, the four of them stuck carefully together as it all unfolded, with the elf and wizard guiding the halflings across bloody battlefields, carefully keeping them away from the worst of the battles. Indeed, Frodo's own blade remained clean. 
He supposed he should be pleased about that.
But that all changed once he saw It. That was the only thing that came to mind: It. The armour was unmistakable, and for the first time in countless years, Frodo's shoulder burned. An ancient wound awakened by its ultimate cause. It made a sick sort of sense that Sauron would piece himself together enough to witness his master's final attempt at dominance. 
Gandalf's hand was on his shoulder, his voice comforting and low. 
"He will not come near you, old friend," he murmured. Frodo sobbed, nodded, but could not help the way he curled into the wizard in fear.
"I don't --" his voice trembled. "I don't want to die like this." 
Frodo was brave. His strength and kindness was famed across the world, far beyond Middle Earth. The gentle halfling who toppled a god without ever taking a life. But he felt as though tears and terror were all he had left.
"And you won't," This voice was soft as well, but with an almost incomprehensible depth of kindness and feeling to it. Galadriel's soft hair brushed his arm as she laid a kiss on his forehead. "He won't ever touch you, old friend." 
With a squeeze of his hand and a meaningful look to Gandalf, she was gone.
"What is she doing?" Bilbo asked, his hand rubbing soothing circles into his nephew's shoulder. Gandalf didn't reply, but his sigh contained an age of sorrow. 
She walked slowly, calmly towards the towering figure, discarding weapons as she went.
Her quiver.
Her bow and arrow.
Her sword.
And finally, a dagger. 
Sauron, for his part, possessed a stillness that Frodo would never have guessed. Sword in one hand, mace in the other. He gave up neither weapon. 
The hobbit's heart was in his mouth, certain that Galadriel had miscalculated, certain that at any moment, Sauron would swipe his mace at her, smashing her bones into pieces. But he did no such thing.
Instead, by some magic, Frodo heard every word, even at this distance.
"I always hated that armour," Galadriel said. The figure tilted its awful head at her.
"Too frightening?" His voice was muffled, but sounded little like the wraith that had haunted the hobbit's nightmares for millennia. 
"Too much like a little boy's. Far too cumbersome, even for you," Galadriel replied. There was something in her voice that Frodo could not recognise. Still, the Dark Lord's next act threw any thought of Galadriel from his mind as his hands reached up, and unlatched his helmet. 
It came to the ground with a loud clang.
Frodo couldn't breathe. 
Sauron looked…disarmingly normal. He remembered Strider…Aragorn…whatever, and his ranger friends…Sauron would not look out of place among them. Scraggly haired and scruffy, and far from the beast he imagined lurked beneath the helm. And it is only then that he identifies the note beneath Galadriel's speech, even at this dire moment: amusement. 
"Gandalf," Frodo whispered, almost against his will. "What is she doing?" 
The wizard had not taken his eyes off the pair, a wariness to his gaze even now at the end of everything. 
"Hmm?" he asked, as though he had not heard every word Frodo uttered.
"I don't think she's in much danger, my lad," said Bilbo, keen eyes alight with curiosity. Frodo shook his head. 
"She needs --" he did not know how to finish the sentence, felt rooted to the spot, even as his breath caught when Sauron's mace crashed to the ground beside him. 
"I believe the Lady will do quite fine without our aide, my boy," said Gandalf, still fixed on the pair. 
Frodo strained to hear them now, no doubt a result of Galadriel's magic fading, or perhaps an alteration of the spell. The rumours burst into his mind again -- perhaps it was for privacy.
"Of course I did not visit --" 
"Thousands of years in the dark, Galadriel --"
"And whose fault --"
Now he could believe them. Then, they stood in silence for a long moment, and when Galadriel spoke again, it was crystal clear to Frodo's ear, even as he could see his uncle surreptitiously straining forwards to hear as Gandalf kept a tight grip on the more troublesome halfling. 
"If this is the end, do we really want to spend it on another battlefield?" Her voice was soft, and achingly sad. 
"It would be fitting," Sauron replied, just as clearly to Frodo's ear. "But yes, I rather agree. This is not how we should spend the last of our time."
By the end of the statement, his voice was quiet and hoarse. Gandalf's eyes shut, and the wizard let out a sigh that contained centuries of tension. 
Sauron's sword also fell to the ground as he stared at Galadriel, something impossible in his eyes that Frodo simply refused to name. 
The last the hobbit saw of Galadriel was this: walking, off the last battlefield, in perfect step with the Dark Lord of Mordor, their weapons discarded.
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That's right folks- it's finally here! Starting September 1st, our very first Art/Writing Event will begin :D
Our base theme is the beginning of Kakashi and Gai's rivalry, with 4 seperate sub-themes that will have their own prompts every 2 weeks!
A mini-description of the Theme Title and a small list of items will be sent out every 2 weeks, up until the event ends on October 27th. New lists will be posted every other Thursday.
Here's a sneak peek-
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This will be a Dual Event, which means both Solo and Team participants may make submissions!
We are so incredibly excited to see all of your lovely creations, see you all in a month at the training grounds o7
Link to Rules and FAQ
Link to Server Link Post
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flaneurarbiter · 4 months
so I cracked open my document for worldbuilding/writing for the first time in forever today
and I realized that I can worldbuild to infinity, but I can't actually write the story to save my life. So, in an attempt to get me motivated to write the thing, here's some information on the dominant religion in my world.
Worships a pantheon of gods and spirits. The main difference between the two is that gods can be replaced, but spirits cannot.
Spirits are the embodiments of abstract concepts, while gods are more like people with supreme power over a concrete object.
Sometimes humans mash together similar gods and spirits, as seen with how Krunin and Brin got mistaken for the same person, but some are distinct enough, like the fearfully unnamed spirit of death and Rylai
 Society sees the daytime sky as more in tune with the earth, even having a myth about how the daytime sky protects the earth from the vast expanse of the universe. Hence why Fyrian’s title is “God of the earthly sky” The night sky is seen as more tied to the universe at large, since you can see all of the stars at night.
The story goes that both Greavi, Astrapulli, and Fyrian worked together to create humanity, with Astrapulli going on to take the roll of being the one to guide humanity on the road to advancements, Fyrian being Humanity’s protector and Greavi being the great provider.
Astrapulli and Fyrian are often worshiped together in a duality or balance capacity, especially in the leviathan kingdom. It’s actually half the reason the Leviathan Kingdom’s capital of Crenan was established.
The gods are worshiped in daily life at their specific shrines. People will go there and pray and leave offerings towards a god.
Not everyone regularly worships every god, but each god and goddess has their own holidays that are upheld
It might seem weird that there hasn’t been much mythical drift across time and various disruptive historical events, however the explanation of this is two-fold. First, the gods are actually real, and have made several appearances throughout history and prehistory and in every country, thus leaving humanity to make a more concrete mythical lore. Secondly, Yvine Ojan spent a lot of time codifying the myths from all across the continent, creating a relatively solid canon for the gods, and it’s only been slightly over a hundred years since she did that, thus not giving the myths much time to drift
Gods, and some spirits
Empyria-Goddess of music
Patron goddess of the L’norinette family
Constantly at war with Greavi for reasons forgotten by mortals
An'Tuska- Spirit of precipitation
Has a rivalry with Fyrian
Iapert-goddess of the sea
Merudi- God of wealth
There Is a week-long festival in the Ojalana empire that ends in a massive public ball hosted by the palace. This event, Called Deviti week attracts many tourists
Patron of the Ojalana Empire
Works closely with the spirits of plenty and deficit
Myrcid- goddess of justice and fair rule
Patron Goddess of the Ojalana Empire
Astrapulli- God of the universal sky
His left eye is the moon- which is also inhabited by Herun, the spirit of moonlight
Co-creator of humanity
Fyrian- God of the earthly sky
His right eye is the sun- inhabited by the spirit of sunlight, Degras
Co-creator of humanity
Greavi- Goddess of the natural world
Co-creator of humanity
Krunin- god of the eternal flame
Commonly depicted as a war god, representing the undying loyalty and determination of soldiers, as well as the destruction of war.  In actuality he is a god of immortality and fire as his epithet would suggest, war is actually controlled by the spirit brin-who is close friends with Krunin.
Pynis (pie-nis)- Goddess of rocks and earth
Rylai (ree-ly)- god of living spirits
Has control over the souls of all living and dead creatures (including plants)
The spirit of death
Goes unnamed out of fear that writing the spirit’s name will call it to them.
It incites a soul’s journey to the beyond-place, which hosts the true kingdom of Rylai
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niqhtlord01 · 1 month
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The Great Git Hunt Part 1: The Death of a Legend
During the turning of the 42nd millennia the universe was to see many upheavals of a galactic nature.
 The 13th Black Crusade finally shattered Cadia and opened the great rift, sundering the universe in two and unleashing innumerable demonic incursions into real space. Tyranid Hive Fleets began appearing more frequently along the entire eastern fringe devouring innumerable worlds and forcing the Imperium to fight tooth and nail for every world to slow the tide of chitin.The Tau launched the Fifth Sphere Expansion while the Imperium’s attention elsewhere and sought to steal several dozen worlds from Imperial control and integrate their populations in the name of the greater good.
Yet the most perplexing, if not confounding, event was to pit two of the greatest warhosts against each other all over the death of one elderly man.
That man was Commissar Sebastian Yarrick.
Dying at the age of roughly 153, the energetic Commissar Yarrick made a name for himself by leading the Imperial resistance against Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka on the world of Armageddon. Taking for himself the severed arm of an ork warchief he slew in combat to replace the arm he lost, Yarrick would become a nay mythical figure amongst Ork culture and the primary rival of Ghazghkull himself. It was said that the warboss only ever cursed Yarrick; an honor amongst orks for sure. Their rivalry would span nearly a century as the two would fight again during the third war for Armageddon and then far afterwards as Yarrick chased the warboss half way across the universe seeking to end the green threat once and for all.
Many would be safe to assume that with a rivalry so deep between two titans of their peoples that their stories would end with a climatic clash of arms where one would lay dead at the others feet. Yet fate sought to intervene in the cruelest of manners.
While pursuing his eternal foe with a fleet of Black Templar space marines, Imperial Guard, and several warships of the Imperial Navy; Commissar Yarrick was set upon by the newly reformed World Eaters chaos space marines legion led by their demonic primarch Angron.
With the opening of the great rift Angron emerged from the Eye of Terror at the head of the largest force of Khorne worshipers the universe had seen since the Horus Heresy. Angron was not content to follow Abaddon and his mongrels, so set out on his own to leave a path of devastation and slaughter spanning several sectors. Each world his followers set foot upon they would leave in fire with nothing but the hollow skulls of its former inhabitants piled in mile high mounds to watch over them. It was in fact the most recent slaughter on the planet Mori that reverberated throughout the warp so strongly it incapacitated the navigators of Yarrick’s fleet and pulled them out of the warp.
Angron was surprised at the sudden appearance of an Imperial war fleet, but welcomed the new challengers with great relish. The Khorne warships descended upon the imperial fleet like carrion fiends and began pulling it apart piece by piece. The navy fought back with great ferocity but the troop transports were left to fend for themselves as hordes of boarding craft were launched at them, each packed with world eater space marines churning for the coming bloodbath.
With their escape routes blocked and the transport ships in danger, Yarrick ordered the ground forces to land on Mori. It was only on the surface of the planet could the imperial force bring to bear their full might. The landing was hounded the entire way by the ever pressing chaos war fleet with many ships never making the journey, but by the grace of the emperor several made it to the surface and disembarked their forces.
Never one to back down from a massacre, Angron landed on the planet once more and led his legion against the now dug-in imperial forces. Under the leadership of Yarrick, the guard and space marine forces held the unending horde back for seven days and seven nights. Yet by the dawn of the 8th day only Yarrick and a handful of guardsman remained. Angron himself took to the field for the final slaughter and slew the guardsman with ease until only Yarrick stood against him.
Power claw met demonic axe as the elderly commissar matched blow for blow. So assured of his victory, the inability to shatter the crude ork weapon infuriated Angron and his rage furthered him to unleash a flurry of blows. One snuck past Yarrick’s guard and violently severed the commissar’s right arm at the shoulder.
As the arm and power claw fell to the ground Yarrick staggered backwards. His remaining hand tightened around his bolt pistol as blood began flowing from the wound. He looked up and saw the demon primarch looking down at him; mangled and jagged teeth grinning as Angron looked down at him. No doubt the monster expected him to beg for his life, but Yarrick would not.
Spitting out a glob of blood at the traitor, Yarrick brought up his bolt pistol and roared “FOR THE EMPEROR!” one final time and pulled the trigger. A single bolt left the weapon before Angron swung his axe and decapitated the commissar. The bolt struck home against one of the skulls hanging from the primarch’s neck and shattered it; a prized treasure as it had belonged to one of his close comrades back when the primarch had been mortal and a slave in the fighting pits of his homeworld. The primarch took up the severed head of Yarrick and put it in its place around his neck; a sign of honor for a great warrior while the rest of the skulls of the dead imperials were collected and offered to Khorne.
News of this massacre did not reach the wider galaxy for several months until a passing merchant ship picked up the distress signals of the imperial navy that still echoed in the warp. They soon found the lifeless husks of imperial ships floating above the planet of Mori and when they descended to the surface found the remains of the imperial’s last stand as well as a lone ork power claw still stained with demonic blood.
When the merchant ship reported their findings to nearby Imperial authorities an investigation force was dispatched by inquisitorial agents which further discovered the truth of the situation and the death of Yarrick.
Initially, there was hesitance with releasing the information regarding Yarrick. In a time of such chaos, the death of such a notable figure if reported to the wider imperium could trigger further outbreaks of panic. In a rare show of defiance however, the Astra Militarum insisted that it be made public and a large scale military funeral be held and broadcasted imperium wide to turn Yarrick into a martyr and potentially Imperial Saint stating that he chose to die fighting the forces of chaos then be cowed into submission.
Had the Astra Militarum made such demands a few generations earlier the Inquisition would have purged their ranks for such brazen defiance; but since the great rift’s opening they found their position had weakened and they needed the legions of Imperial Guard standing with them than against them. So, the Inquisition relented and the military funeral was held on Yarrick’s homeworld. Despite the great dangers of warp travel, several high lords of Terra made the journey to pay their respects as well as countless Imperial Guard regiments, space marine contingents, mechanicus forces, and even a rare Imperial Class Titan joined the funeral procession.
It was during this period of mourning as news of Yarrick’s death was spread throughout the imperium that it also trickled into the hands of the Imperium’s enemies as well.
Ork freebooters hijacking Imperial ships learned of the news while having fun with their human prisoners. There wasn’t an ork alive that didn’t know of the legend of “Old Bale Eye” and the impressive ork body count he had amassed over the century of fighting. News of his death spread even faster amongst orks than it had with imperials until finally words reached the green prophet himself, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka.
At first, Ghazghkull refused to believe that anyone but him could have done in his oldest rival. He had fought Yarrick too long and knew that the wily hummie wouldn’t go down so easily. But when a squad of his handpicked Kommandos came back from Mori and presented him with Yarrick’s severed power claw, the green prophet flew into a rage.
The roar let out was so powerful that it reverberated in the warp, silencing nearby warp storms and sending countless ships of all affiliations from the astral tides of the warp back into real space. Not since the war of the beast was an ork roar heard so strongly in the warp from so far away that even the navigators on holy terra itself could hear the anger of Ghazghkull.
From that moment on the greatest warboss of orks the universe had ever seen had a new mission. He would take every ship in his fleet, every gargant and war machine his boy’z made, and every ork boi in his waaagh and he would not stop until he had the head of the one who done in Old Bale Eye and mounted it to the front of his flagship.
The Great Git Hunt, had begun.  
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macabremoons · 11 months
Project Rivalry Library
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♡ "Thus lies the question: who are we?” ♡
General info
Standalone or Series: Standalone
Progress: drafting 
Tropes/Ao3-esque Tags: morally grey character, family of choice, rivals, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, humor
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Working title: Rivalry Library 
Main character names: Julius and Arsione
The history books lied to you, and the lies aren’t what you think. They’ve been rewritten to appear as if mere consequence, the causers of most events were two people: Julius Caesar and Arsione. Two vampires locked in the eternal battle of creation and destruction.
After millennia of fighting, Arsione decides to offer an olive branch to Julius and allow him to run a dungeons and dragons campaign and the library she works out. After growing close to the children in the DND group, the two are thrusted into the new life of parenthood. Even worse: co-parenthood. 
Now coupled with responsibility, Julius and Arsione must navigate through life as enemies, family, and familiar strangers. Will they be able to work together for their children, or will centuries of bloodshed drown them all?
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Author Notes
Why such an odd premise?
I am but a simple woman. Sometimes I write things for fun.
Will you publish it?
No. At most I might upload it to the public when I’m done, but I might just share snippets. This is, again, a for fun project.
Julius Ceaser?? Arsione???
Yes, the real life people. Why? Because I thought Arsione’s character destroying Rome would be funny, so I knew Julius would be Julius Cesar. Something then suggested Arsione, which worked in my favor so much.
Where can I see what you've posted so far?
I try to put all my writing snippets (and finished works but they have a separate tag) under #my writing, though rambles and writings can be found under the #project rivalry library tag.
All the character tags are #p. rl: (character name.)
Can I be on your taglist?
This question is highly presumptuous, but yes hypothetical stranger, you can! Just ask in the replies or tags.
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nekojirou · 6 months
Finished rewatching Hikaru no Go, a show I rewatched a decade ago, and first saw years before that rewatch. It's about a young boy named Hikaru who got "possessed" by a ghost from Heian era, his name was Fujiwara no Sai, and he lived and died just to play the board game called "Go" (it's a real game like chess). He haunted Hikaru to be able to play again, that lead to a fated encounter with a boy named Akira who is a genius in Go. They became eternal rivals since then.
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Since I first saw this show, I always feel stressed around the middle arc and the "May 5th" events always got me crying... until this rewatch. I think it's because I used to focus on Sai (I love him) but now I focus on Hikaru and Akira's "rivalry" (ahehe).
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I can't believe how I overlooked Akira. He's such a very determined character but also selfish like Sai. But I already used to think they have parallels. I appreciate his character better now and all the hardships he also endured despite being a "genius" (he said he worked hard on it, it's not just talent; it's his hardwork and love for the game!)
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I still love Sai but I also now appreciate Hikaru better. His passion makes me want to work hard too. He didn't neglect Sai, he did all he can to help him, yet of course he's just a kid so he made mistakes and said bad things too. Sai became somewhat more than Hikaru's mom. I can't believe that woman, her child was talking to her about his troubles and she didn't listen intently or gave any advice! Ugggh!
I know I changed because it didn't made me cry anymore. Maybe because I already experienced grief and guilt like Hikaru did? But something didn't change, this show still makes me want to have passion. All those 75 episodes and yet I NEVER skipped one. It grabbed me. It makes me want to be great on something. I want what they have...I don't need a boyfriend or a husband, I need that shonen-level-homosexual rivalry that will last a lifetime.
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