#Evelynn Woods
ythankucaptainmccoy · 19 days
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch12
WARNING: Character harm, blood, hospitals, ranch hands being protective, hurt, comfort, trust building and fluff.
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Jake didn’t even pack a bag as he booked a flight to Austin and a rental car for when he landed. Bradley even volunteered to take him to the airport. “When you get there tell her we miss her here, and you better apologize on your knees because she won’t accept anything less”, Bradley said. “I will do anything and everything to get her back”, Jake replied. Bradley watched as Jake fidgeted in the passenger seat and he decided to speed a little to get him to the airport.
Once Jake made it into the airport he went through security and ran to the gate only to realize he had to wait thirty more minutes before he could board the plane. He tried your cell phone several times but it would ring before rolling to voicemail. He begged and pleaded for you to give him another chance that he would do anything for you. Even admitting he would go AWOL from the Navy if he had to.
They announced boarding and to Jake it felt like the longest boarding he had ever sat through. You on the other hand were helping Bull and the other ranch hands brand and castrate the young calves. “Nothing like being outdoors and working like this huh”, he said. “I wouldn’t mind having a ranch like this one day”, you replied. Bull noticed how happy you were and he knew that even though you loved Jake you would be okay. 
It was late afternoon by the time you got done and the guys were setting up to cook some dinner. “I’m gonna walk Rebel down to the creek”, you told Bull. “Don’t be gone too long once these guys get the food done they don’t hesitate to eat it all”, Bull jokes. You nodded and walked the mile to let Rebel cool off and get a drink. While there you noticed someone walking down the creek. You figured it was one of the guys coming back from getting cleaned up in the creek as you relaxed.
Jake had just made it to his sisters front door where he knocked incessantly. Evelynn opened the door with a frown on her face and a glare in her eye. “What do you want?”, she asked. “I need to talk to (Y/N)”, Jake explained. “And you think she came here? Even if she was here, why would I tell my jackass of a brother where she was?”, she scolded. “I know she’s here and I have to get her back, Ev. Ever since breaking up with her all I see when I close my eyes is her. I hear her in my dreams and I messed up. I’ll get down on my knees for her. I know now that the photo was all a trick and I should have let her explain”, Jake rushed.
Evelynn had never seen her brother so distraught, not even when he found the girl he was planning on marrying was cheating on him. “She isn’t here right now, but she’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Until then you better think about what you’re going to say to her”, Evelynn said. Jake was at a loss so he walked out to the barn where he found your cot with your duffle bag. He noticed a picture poking out of the bag and when he pulled it out he noticed it was a picture of him. 
It was an old photo of when he had just joined the Navy, and he knew that Evelynn had given it to you. It was nice to know you still somewhat cared about him. You were taken by surprise when the person that had been walking stopped beside you. “Hey (Y/N) long time, but I told you that I was going to take you back home”, the person said. You knew that voice right away and when you looked up there stood Jackson pointing a gun at you. “Look I don’t want any trouble”, you said. “Well I just wanted you to come home and now I have to resort to making you come home”, he says grabbing your arm. 
You automatically let Rebel go and slapped him to get him to run. To your relief he started heading back to the camp. Bull was helping put more wood on the fire when Rebel came running into the camp. When Bull grabbed a hold of him his eyes were wide and seemed panicked. He knew something was wrong, Rebel wouldn’t have left you otherwise. He told the boys to mount up as he was the first to saddle up and ride off. 
Jackson was dragging you along the creek when you could hear a horse approaching. Before you could distinguish whose horse or who was coming you heard a cry and before you understood you hit the ground hard. When you were able to find your feet Bull had leapt from his horse and tackled Jackson to the ground. They were scrapping and Bull was winning until Jackson pistol whipped him. Jackson got up pointing the gun at him when you leapt into action. 
You had just hit Jackson when the gun went off the first time. You fell on top of him as you both scrapped knowing now that this was life or death. You could hear the rest of the ranch hands on their horses approaching as you continued. You reached for the gun in Jackson’s hand when it went off and you felt the burning in your abdomen. Jackson pushed you off of him and ran, but one of the ranch hands lassoed his foot bringing him down hard as the gun went flying out of his hands.
Bull was by your side in a second as you could hear Jackson yelling for the guys to unhand him. “You're hurt”, you told Bull. He had some blood coming down from his gray hair. “Hun you’re worse than I am. Someone give me their shirt and ride hard and as fast as you can for the house to get help. They might have to call in the airlift!”, Bull bellowed. A shirt was handed to him when you looked down to see the blood soaking your shirt. “This is gonna hurt hun, but I got ya’. Hold on”, Bull soothed. He used the shirt to put pressure on the wound as you cried out and grabbed his arm. 
“Boss, what do you want us to do with him?”, one of the ranch hands asked. “Rough ‘im up”, Bull growled. That’s all they needed to hear as Jackson started screaming for you to help him. Jake was talking with Colton when one of the youngest ranch hands came riding in like his ass was on fire. “There’s been an accident (Y/N)’s been shot and Bull said she might need an airlift to the hospital”, the young man rushed. Jake felt his blood go ice cold as the ranch hand told them what field they were in.
Colton called for emergency services and explained as he handed Jake his truck keys. “They are sending emergency services”, Colton relayed. He told Jake where to go and when the ranch hands came into view he saw you laying on the ground. He barely put the truck in park as he ran to you. “(Y/N) darlin’ I’m so sorry”, Jake said as he kneeled beside you. Somebody had put their saddle under your head to keep you somewhat comfortable. 
“Jake what are you doin’ here?”, you asked. “I’m here because I messed up. I was coming to beg you to take me back. I know now that I should have listened to you when you tried to explain about the photo. I’m a jackass and I love you”, he tells you. The whole time he is stroking your hair and crying. He worries as you start looking tired and too pale. “I love you too. I never stopped loving you even after everything that happened”, you sigh. He sits with you as you start to feel weaker and weaker.
“Jake”, you whisper. “Yeah darlin’ “, he replies. “I feel cold and tired”, you admit. “You gotta hold on darlin’ the ambulance is on its way. You have to hold on for me. I can’t live without you please hold on”, he panics. Bull is on your other side as you glance at him and notice even he is crying. The ambulance finally arrives as they get out to assess you. Jake insists on riding with you in the ambulance as they load you up. 
“Jake”, you whimper. “I’m right here darlin’ I’m not goin’ anywhere”, he tells you. “Jake I’m scared”, you say right before you slip into unconsciousness. Jake loses it at that moment as sobs take hold of him. The EMT tries to assure him that your pulse is strong as he checks the blood bag he had hung up. Jake is overwhelmed at this point and everything is a blur as he walks into the ER and nurses have to hold him back as you're rushed to surgery.
Bull and the others wait for the police to show up and when they do Jackson is in need of a hospital as well, but once the officers hear what happened they insist on taking everyones statement on what happened. When they find that he has a restraining order they automatically read him his rights and take him into custody. Colton, Evelynn and Bull show up at the hospital where Jake is sitting in the waiting room pacing.
“Jake I’m sure she is gonna be fine son”, Bull tells him. Evelynn tries to get him to sit down as Colton tries to get him to talk. Hours go by when a doctor comes to the waiting room to find them. “How is she please tell me she is going to be okay I can’t lose her”, Jake pleads. “She is going to be just fine. The bullet was removed and internal bleeding dealt with. She is still asleep but I can allow at least one family member back to see her”, the doctor announces. “I’m her husband”, Jake blurts. 
The doctor raises a brow, but walks him back to the room you’re in. He pulls a chair up to your bedside and pulls your hand into his. He doesn’t know how long he sits there just watching to make sure you’re still breathing, but eventually he falls asleep. When you open your eyes you notice that you're in a hospital room and that your abdomen is painful remembering being shot. Then you look to your right to see Jake sitting in a chair slumped on your bed fast asleep. You also notice that your hand is in his and you can’t help but smile. 
A nurse comes in to check on you and make sure that the morphine drip is doing okay. “Your husband was so worried about you. Paced in the waiting room the whole time you were in surgery and hasn’t left your side since he came in here”, she says. “That sounds like him”, you croak. “Here honey, let's get you some water. Ya’ sound parched”, she tells you. The nurse pours you some water and hands it to you making sure you have it before letting go. You drink enough to wet your dry throat as she sets it back on the small rolling tray. “I’m going to come back in a little while to check on you”, she tells you.
After she leaves you squeeze Jake’s hand and call to him softly. He stirs and wakes immediately looking up to lock eyes with you. Tears fill his eyes as he lets out a relieved sigh, “I thought I was gonna’ lose you”. “Oh, well I couldn’t leave my husband”, you tease. He smiled and got up to kiss you. You reached up to wipe the tears from his eyes. “Here I am crying while you're comforting me when it should be the other way around”, he says. “I’m fine you look like a wreck. How did you know where I was?”, you ask.
“Well Penny after hearing me confess that I would beg on my knees to get you back told me where you were”, he says. “Well I’m glad she told you and for the record I will wait for you to beg on your knees”, you say. “I get it if you want some space”, he says. “I think we have spent enough time apart”, you reply. “I hope you can forgive me”, he says. “It might take a while, but I’m sure I can in time”, you tell him.
“I can live with that. Oh Rooster wanted me to tell you that they all miss you”, Jake says. “I should probably call them and let them know what happened”, you yawn. “Don’t worry about that now darlin’. Right now you need to rest up”, he tells you. You both sit and talk as Jake tells you how he found out that the picture was set up, and you tell him about working on the ranch. He listens intently as you talk until you start yawning. 
“Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up”, he tells you. You fall asleep quickly as he watches you for a while before catching some more sleep himself. The next day Evelynn came up to visit and bring Jake some clothes since he came without any. The room you were staying in had a shower, but Jake would only get in long enough to wash his body and hair. Your stay in the hospital was a week to make sure you were healing properly. 
When it came to leaving the hospital you swore Jake was worse than a mother hen with new chicks. He helped you into the truck that Evelynn and Colton had lent to him. Then he drove ten miles per hour under the speed limit. “Jake honey you can drive the speed limit. The doctor discharged me and said as long as I don’t lift anything until the sutures come out I’ll be alright”, you protest. “Absolutely not, these roads are bumpy and I will not risk hurting you”, he replied. You roll your eyes as he continues to be passed by angry drivers. 
When you finally make it to the ranch you tear up when you see that Colton, Evelynn, Annabelle, Georgia, Bull and the rest of the ranch hands are there to welcome you back. Bull gives you a hug much to Jake’s worry as he rants about being careful. “He’s worse than my wife God rest ‘er soul. She used to fuss over the smallest things”, Bull laughed. You laughed along until pain caused you to stop and slightly double over. “See this is why you should rest”, Jake said. 
“I’ll be fine”, you tell him. He continues to watch you to make sure you aren’t over exerting yourself. After everyone welcomes you back Evelynn goes to cook dinner as you offered to help. “Now I hate to be like my brother, but I feel you should sit down and relax. I do have a job that requires sitting down”, Evelynn says. You follow her to the kitchen where she has potatoes that need peeling. Jake had followed you both in as you felt like you were suffocating. “Honey I think I can sit and peel potatoes without a problem”, you told Jake. 
Annabelle came into the kitchen being careful not to hurt you as she hugged you. “I’m happy that you’re okay”, she says. Georgia comes toddling in and climbs right into your lap as Jake tenses. “Wuv you aunt (Y/N)” Georgia said. That brought tears to your eyes as you hugged her then asked her if she wanted to help peel the potatoes. She excitedly clapped her hands as Evelynn handed you the potato peeler. 
Jake finally relented and walked out with Annabelle to find something to do as she pulled at his hand. “I swear he has done nothing but hover since I got shot”, you say. “Pray you don’t get pregnant anytime soon”, Evelynn laughs. “Oh I could only imagine how that would go”, you snort. “I know my brother is a jackass, but he does have a heart of gold”, she replies. “I still love him, but I can’t forgive him just yet”, you whispered. “I understand me and Colton had a moment like that. It took some time, but we overcame it eventually. Now we can laugh about it”, Evelynn confides.
You smiled at that then giggled a little when Georgia got impatient waiting for you to help her with the next potato. Once dinner was done Jake made your plate bringing it to the table for you. You leaned over and kissed his cheek thanking him for being there for you. He seemed to be more relaxed now than he had been all week. “We need to head back to San Diego, but I don’t know if you can handle the drive”, Jake announced. 
“I’m fit for travel besides you can drive my truck this time. Now I’ll admit it isn’t as fancy as yours”, you reply. The next couple of days Bull helps you pack up your gear, and you start to cry. “What’s wrong hun?”, Bull questions. “You’re the closest thing I have had to a father since I lost mine and I hate goodbyes”, you cry. “Oh hun you’re gonna’ be just fine and if ya’ ever need anything I’m gonna’ be right here on this ranch”, he sniffles. “I thought old cowboys don’t cry”, you laugh through your tears. 
He laughs along with you as Jake comes to make sure you’re ready to head back to San Diego. You had already gotten a doctor appointment set up for a check up back in San Diego so you were ready. After hugging everybody and saying goodbye you and Jake hit the road. You received a phone call from the police asking when you could give a statement. You explained that you were going to be staying in San Diego and the officer took down your information so they could come to you.
“I’m probably going to have to testify at the trial”, you say. “I’ll come with you as long as I’m not on deployment and I guarantee that Bull will go with you if I can’t”, Jake replies. The rest of the ride is calm other than the frequent stops that Jake was taking. He told you it was to get snacks or bathroom breaks, but you know that he is trying to make sure you are okay. Jake eventually books a hotel since he wanted to make sure you got the rest you needed.
When you arrive at the hotel you call Bradley to let him know what has been happening while Jake goes out to get food. When you tell him about what had happened he loses his mind. He continues to ask if you’re okay and starts to sound like Jake. The only way you get off the phone with him is telling him you need rest as directed by your doctor. When Jake comes back with food you let him know about telling Bradley.
“Great I bet he is going to hate me even more now”, Jake says. “Honestly I told him that you're a helicopter boyfriend and he agreed that you should be right now”, you laugh. Jake just stares at you as you open your bag of food until you notice him staring. “What?”, you ask. “You called me your boyfriend”, he says. “Well the way I see it I never broke up with you”, you smile. In one swift moment Jake is sitting beside you pulling you in to kiss you. 
“I love you so much. I made the dumbest mistake of my life when I did what I did”, Jake rambles. “I love you too, but you're taking the couch tonight”, you tell him. You hadn’t let him sleep in bed with you as a sort of punishment and he had obliged without protest. You have had some time to heal, but you want to see if he is serious about you. After staying in the hospital and how he has been by you since then it wasn’t going to take long to convince you he was all in. 
That night he slept on the couch as you took time to think about the last couple of months. Even with him being on a couch, but in the same room brings you comfort. The next morning when you wake up Jake is sitting at the small table with breakfast. “Why didn’t you wake me?”, you ask. “You need rest and you looked peaceful”, he tells you. You smile as you get up and sit beside him to eat. Jake waited for you to finish up then went to the front to check out once he got you to the truck. 
While sitting in the truck you could see Jake peeking through the doors checking on you. You smile when he comes out looking absolutely gorgeous in his jeans and t-shirt. When he gets in and starts driving you scoot to the middle and buckle up. It feels like forever, but eventually you both make it to the apartments. You are both tired and before you know it arms wrapped around you and you could smell Bradley’s cologne. 
“Bradley”, you laugh. He pulls away and asks how you feel, to which you respond. Jake waits patiently as you both catch up. When there is a lull in conversation Jake makes his move. “I know you probably haven’t thought about it, but where are you wanting to stay?”, Jake asks. Bradley looks to you waiting for your answer before Bradley takes you aside. “(Y/N), I know that what he did was wrong, but he has been a mess around here without you”, Bradley confides. You look back to Jake as he watches the ocean while you talk with Bradley. 
“You wouldn’t be upset if I go back to staying with him?”, you ask. “It’s your decision”, he tells you. You ponder it for a moment then smile as you realize that even though he had hurt you, you had missed everything about Jake. “Even though he hurt me I still love him. He has some trust building to do, but he is making up for it. I mean he never left my side at the hospital”, you say. Bradley respects your decision as you hug him and head back over to Jake. “Bring me home cowboy”, you grin. Jake smiles and it feels as though the last couple days fade away.
Once inside Jake helps you get ready for bed like he has for the last couple of days. Everything smells like him and your tension just melts away. He goes to walk back towards the living room when you call out to him, “Where are you goin?”. “The couch I figured you would want your space”, he replies. “Not tonight Jake I want you here with me tonight”, you reply. He hesitates at first until you pat the other side of the bed. The apartment is quiet as you both settle in to sleep.
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jai-lovely · 3 months
Withered Evelynn
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Warnings: blood, flesh, abandonment(Merle), Walker, gore, tell me if I missed any!
Chapter 4!
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.•.Tag gone wrong.•.
The feeling of fingers brushing through her hair disturb her from her dreams.
The blue tent was warm, and smelt like febreze mixed with sweat. Evelynn rolled over on the air mattress to see that it was her brother beside her. Evelynns yawns sitting up, rubbing her eyes to help herself wake up, "hey sleepy head" Gillian says as he brushes her bed head out of her face. The young girl looks over at him, her face puffy with sleep, "hi" she said quietly. Gillain smiles at her, before standing up as much as he could in the tent, "it's a warm day, so wear sunscreen and a hat, and Evelynn I mean it, put on sunscreen" he says putting his hands on his hips, acting like a tv show mom. 
"I will promise" the girl says looking up at him, Gillian nods before stepping out and zipping the tent closed.
The knots in her hair were deadly, every little move she would make with the brush would pull on her brown locks, making her whine. Evelynn throws the brush on the air mattress with a groan filled with frustration, before crawling over to her backpack resting against the blue fabric of the tent. 
The day where they were packing to leave the city, Evelynn just packed everything that she always uses daily, including; a hair brush, tooth brush, overalls, a few of her favourite striped shirts, coach smiths hat, deodorant, underwear, socks, her whale shark named; spot, and hopefully her detangling spray.
Reaching into the pink bag, the girl feels around, stopping when she feels a familiar bottle, she quickly pulls out the detangling spray and does a silent cheer, clutching the bottle in both hands.
As she grabs her hat putting it on her head, she looks over to the sunscreen. With a groan she grabs the sunscreen putting it all over her face and arms, before stepping out of the tent into the hot sun. Adjusting the overall straps on her shoulders, and looking around for her brother, only to see him standing with Glenn talking with him. 
Sighing she begins walking to a little spot in the shade. Her overalls being a little too big, causing them to drag on the ground, but she couldn't care less, all she wanted to do was sit in the shade, to protect herself from the hot sun.
Evelynn sits in the dirt, alone, drawing random stuff into the earth using a stick. Her mind wanders off, as she jabs the stick into the dirt.
Evelynn thinks about how much the world is like the movie 9, the one with the little dolls and they have to live, and try to defeat killer machines, but instead of killer machines, Evelynn got dead people coming back to life. 
A nudge on her shoulder broke her out her thoughts. She turns her head to see Carl standing behind her, "why are you alone?" He asks, Evelynn looks up at him shrugging "didn't wanna bother ya and Sophia" she says jabbing the stick into the ground.
Carl frowns, grabbing her hand pulling her off the ground, "come on!" He says loudly, before she can say anything, they're running past everyone in camp, headed to a little spot by the trees.
Eventually they run into Sophia and stop running, "wanna play hide and seek tag?" Carl asked the two girls, a big grin on his face, the girls nod, "not it" Sophia says putting her finger on her nose. Evelynn wastes no time putting her finger on her nose, only for Carl to do it after her.
The boys nose scrunches up, "No i'm not it! Evelynn did it after me" the boy says flaring his arms around, Sophia shakes her head at Carl, as her way of saying 'don't be a poor sport'. 
With a huff from Carl he turns around giving the girls a chance to run. Evelynn quickly takes off to the direction of a few tall trees. Her footsteps come to a stop though. There was a deer running in the woods, its beautiful antlers standing high, golden brown fur shining in the sun's glow. 
"Ready or not! Here I come!" Carl yells as he begins running around. Evelynn looks away from the deer, not wanting to disturb it, she runs the opposite direction, only to see Carl chasing Sophia to a little huddle of trees, she runs over with a big smile on her face, her shoes hitting the bumpy rocks underneath her, but stops as she sees Carl and Sophia stop in front of the huddle.
Evelynn quickly walks up to them "guys why aren't you playing any-", she pauses "more.." her voice gives out as she stands between Carl and Sophia. 
The deer she saw earlier, the beautiful golden brown deer, now laying in a bright red pool of its own blood, with a walker kneeling over it, gnawing on its flesh.
"Dad!" Carl yells backing up from the scene in front of him, "mom! mama!" Sophia shrieks running back to camp.
Evelynn freezes looking at the flesh eating monster. The deer, who was once living and breathing, now on the ground in the hands of the dead. She feels her chest tighten, her palms get sweaty and her breathing quicken. The walker turns to look at her but as soon as it stands up, a pole hits its head, making it fall on the ground.
Evelynn is quickly pulled away by her arms and spun around to see her brother crouching in front of her. "Eve are ya okay? Ya ain't bit?" Gillian says frantically lifting the girls arms before dropping them and turning her head to check her neck, "I'm okay" she breathes out putting her hand on her chest "Im alr'ight".
Gillian looks at her, his eyebrows creased with concern, before quickly standing up and pulling the girl towards his side, to hold her there.
"Son of 'a bitch, that's ma deer!" A voice yells, the younger Dixon coming out of the forest, into Evelynns field of vision. "Look at it, all gnawed on by this," he stops himself, " Filthy, disease-bearing,, motherless proxy based!" Daryl yells kicking the carcass of the walker with each word, Making Evelynn cringe with disgust.
Dale raises his hands “calm down son that's not helping", Daryl raises his head to the old man, eyebrow twitching. "What do ya know'bout it old man, why don't ya take that stupid hat, and go back to 'on golden pond' huh" he growls, making Evelynn look up to her brother, mouthing 'what's a golden pond', Gillian shakes his head, rubbing her arm.
"What do ya think? Do ya think we can cut round this chewed up part right' er" Daryl says gesturing around the chewed up meat with his knife. 
"I wouldn't risk that" Shane says, putting his hands on his hips, making Daryl sigh "damn shame".
Suddenly the walker starts to silently move its jaw, despite it being decapitated, no one seems to notice except Evelynn, so she waves her hand slightly to get Daryl's attention before pointing at the walker.
Daryl looks at her, his expression the same as before, but then noticing her pointing to the walker. "Come on people what the hell" he says before raising his crossbow and shooting the walker in the head, "it's gotta be the brain, don't yall know nothin".
Daryl puts his crossbow back over his shoulder before walking away, his heavy boots hitting against the gravel below him.
"Merle! Get yer ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew' em up!" Daryl yells walking up to the middle of the campsite by the fire pit.
Only to stop himself and look around for his older brother.
"Daryl, just slow up a bit, I need to talk to you" Shane says walking up to Daryl using his serious cop voice. "Bout what" the younger Dixon says, putting his rope of squirrels over his shoulder, and adjusting his crossbow.
Shane looks around, seeing others nodding at him urging him on, "About Merle.. there was a, there was a problem in Atlanta" he says his hands on his hips, "he dead?" Daryl asks.
Shane shakes his head "we don't know", this makes Daryl scrunch his face up, wiping his eyes with his fingers, "he either is or he ain't!" He yells, swinging his arm towards the cop.
The whole group stood behind Shane, including Evelynn, who was holding her brother's hand.
She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be alone without Gillian, not knowing if he's dead or alive.
Evelynn hears Rick, Carl's dad introduce himself  to Daryl, but she can't help but let her mind spiral, what if Gillian were to disappear? What would she do, she would be all alone, with no one. Evelynn subconsciously squeezes her brother's hand tighter, making him rub the back of her tiny hand with his thumb, watching the scene in front of him unfold.
The sound of struggle and gravel moving makes Evelynn look back up to the people in front of her.
Her eyes widen seeing Daryl in a chokehold by Shane, Rick standing in front of them both.
"I would like to have a calm discussion on this topic, do you think we can manage that?" Rick says putting his gun away, only being met by silence "do you think we can manage that" he repeats trying to get a confirmation. "Hmm?" Shane says trying to get Daryl to answer, "mhm yeah" Daryl grunts, making Shane let him go.
The archer quickly gets off his knees pushing himself away from Shane, grabbing his crossbow and putting it back on his shoulder "what I did was not on a whim, your brother does not work well with others" Rick says in a calm voice to not alarm anyone.
T-dog quickly steps up beside Rick, "it's not Rick's fault, I had the keep, I dropped it" he says putting his head down ashamed. Evelynn can't help but frown a bit, T-dog is a nice guy he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, even Merle.
"Ya couldn't pick it up?" Daryl questions raising an eyebrow at him, "well.." T-dog began "I dropped it down a drain" he says kicking the earth underneath his feet, "if it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't".
T-dog nods before speaking "well, maybe this will, look I chained the door to the roof.. so the geeks couldn't get at him, with a padlock, it's gotta count for something" he says rubbing his hands together.
"To Hell with all yall! Just tell me where he is so I can go get'em!" Daryl yells, swinging his arm at everyone as he paces. 'He likes swinging his arms a lot,' Evelynn thought as she watched everyone.
Lori stepped up looking at her husband "he'll show you, isn't that right?", Rick looks at her, nodding in confirmation, "I'm going back" and with that ending the conversation, Lori stomps back to the Rv, even though she's the one who basically recommended it.
Evelynn sits on a camping chair, the rough fabric surprisingly not too uncomfortable, she sits there watching the whole group gather around a truck, getting ready to go get Merle.
 Out of the corner of her eye, Evelynn sees a figure walking towards her, adjusting her hat, she sees Carl walking up with his hand behind her back.
"Here" Carl says handing Evelynn a flower, it was a simple daisy. "What's this for?" She asks him, reaching forward and taking it in between her fingers, Carl looks at the big group of people, before back at the young girl in front of him, "I saw how upset you were, y'know, when my dad came back, and, I don't know, I just, felt bad I guess" the boy shrugs at the end, looking at the ground before back to the flower in the girls hand.
Evelynns eyes start to sting, as she looks down at the flower in her hands, rolling it in between her fingers, "thanks Carl" she says quietly, not looking up at him.
Carl frowns, "I didn't mean to make you upset," he says, still looking at the girl. Evelynn shakes her head at the boy's statement "ya didn't".
Carl just nods before looking back at the group, "I'll talk to you later, see ya Evelynn" the boy says before walking away from the girl, to his dad.
Evelynn just continues looking at the flower in her hand, ignoring the harsh footsteps approaching her.
"Think he likes ya" the voice says from behind her. Evelynns eyes widen as she turns in the chair to see the man behind her.
Daryl looks at the small girl before looking at the group arguing by the truck, "no he don't" the girl says looking at him. The corner of Daryl's mouth twitches up for a second, but he quickly refrains himself from letting it happen anymore. "Whatever you say kid, whatever ya say" he says before walking past her beginning to walk to the group. 
"Wait!" The young girl says loudly, catching the archer's attention, "hm" he grunts, not angrily, but a sign that he's paying attention, "I'm sorry bout yer brother, I can't imagine being in yer shoes" the girl says from the chair, playing with her hands.
Daryl's eyes soften a bit while looking at the young girl, he's noticed the bond between her and Gillian, it's definitely a lot better than his and Merle's, but he's seen how much they rely on each other. "Thanks kid, yer wise for yer age" Daryl nods his head at the girl before turning back around and walking back to the group.
Daryl and Eves first interaction!
Feeling a bit Evil, you guys aren't ready for the next chapter 😛
Feedback is appreciated!
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manias-wordcount · 11 months
Only Girl in the World (Evelynn x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗶 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀 𝗶𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝗲? 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗺𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘃 𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗲. 𝗼𝗸 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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It was a couple of dates in when Evelynn told you that she wanted to take you dancing.
  Now, you’ve been dancing before. On dates, with friends, by yourself- the whole gauntlet. So you figured you knew how this was going to go. Another club with bright lights and loud music and overpriced drinks that might knock you onto your ass if you smile at the bartender enough. Something and someplace so you could close your eyes, throw your arms around her shoulders, and sway your hips together, pretending that you’re the only two people in the room. If you pregamed enough beforehand, you might not even have to pretend. 
  But now the night has come and you suddenly don’t find yourself in just another club with bright lights and loud music. Instead, it’s a bar with warm, dim lights and a dance floor. Wood accents and the live music was just quiet enough for people to speak at a somewhat normal volume. And the alcohol here costs a pretty penny, but the bottles are nice and the stock shelf is stock full of liquor you’ve only joked about buying with your friends. It’s hard not to feel underdressed in your tiny little black dress and clunky heels that are clearly the least expensive items here. It’s hard not to feel unprepared when the first thing your date does is feed you a drink that is hard to pronounce yet so easy on the throat.
  And it’s hard not to feel out of place when the second she makes you take the floor with her, the room seems to stop.
  The chatter feels like it’s nonexistent. The music feels like it’s been silent. The eyes and mouths in the room seemed to have turned their attention to you. And the lights that were so warm yet so dim feel brighter and colder than ever. Because the moment she steps onto the stage with a sway of her hips and a confident look on her gorgeous face, the room just stops. Stops and stares. Stops and gawks. Stops and savors. But most of all? They- the room- everything just stops.
  And conveniently so does your heart. And your breathing. And your mind and your everything. Because here you were, thinking it would be a night nice enough to enjoy but quickly forget. Because here you are quickly realizing that as she places one hand on your hip while the other threads between your fingers, it’s about to be a night you’ll never forget.
  “Breathe, darling.”
  For better.
  “Just follow my lead. And I’ll show you a good time, hmm?”
  Or for worse.
  Still, you find the part of you that’s still desperately into her nodding along meekly as her head dips down by your ear. Her words crawl against your skin. It causes shivers to run up and down your body. And her touch spreads fire to your blood. Red and hot. And you find yourself swallowing down an embarrassing sound. One that you know the entire bar will swallow whole if you’re not careful. One that you know she will devour if you’re not smart. But as she presses against your body, and holds you so tight, you can’t help but wonder if that’s what you want. Because now, you’re almost certain…
    “Good girl~”
  That’s what you’re going to get. 
  A second later, you feel like the music has started back up again. Playing a melody that you’ve heard before but never paid attention to. A song that you never thought that would ever be played for you. But you don’t have time to think about that. You don’t have time to dwell on that. You don’t. She doesn’t let you. 
  Because before you know it, you’re being swept off your feet. She’s moving. You’re moving. The two of you are moving. Walking to the side, she moves with confident steps- feet that know what they’re doing and where they need to go. And you’re left with no choice but to follow. Left with no choice but to gasp you stumble over your own feet in surprise and tot try to keep up as she pulls you along to the rhythm of the music. She flashes you a smile as you try to fall in time with her. But the only look you can give her is full of wide eyes and parted lips that have so many questions to ask. 
  And not a voice left to ask them with.
  She laughs at your expression. A warm, almost sweet laugh. As if you’re more cute to her rather than embarrassing. But you feel a different sort of way. A way that’s confusing. That turns your stomach into knots. A way that has you remembering that there are people all around you. People behind the bar, making the drinks. People on the stage, playing the music. People surrounding the dance floor, speaking life into the room. People surrounding the two of you, sparking fear into yourself.
  As yet, it still feels like for some moments- for some mere seconds. Between missteps and wrong moves, you could feel it. You swear you could feel it. The little know the feeling that only get when you swear it’s only you and her in the room. Only you and her in the world. Only you and her that matter. And this time, you didn’t even have to pretend. You didn’t even have to be drunk either. She just existed. And took you along for the ride too.
  “You’ve never danced the tango before, have you darling?” She whispered into you between swishes of hips and sharp turns. You’re concentrating very hard as you try to keep up that you almost don’t hear the sultry whisper of her voice. But you manage a clumsy nod complete with warm cheeks and a wrong step in her direction. And she’s back to smiling at you. Back to laughing with you. “I have to say, I’m quite fond of the dance, myself. But...”
  Back to looking at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. And making you believe that you truly, truly are.
  “I think might just like you a little bit more~”
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behrendninja · 1 year
Seraphine: So, what are you going as for Halloween?
Kai'sa: I was hoping to go as Dragon Master but I need to hit the hairdresser for tha-
*Ahri & Evelynn walk in, dressed as Coven Ahri & Evelynn*
Seraphine: Mommy?
Ahri: No, we can't play right now.
Evelynn: We are going to the woods to sacrifice something to the old gods. Be back late.
Kai'sa: At least we know it's just the tw-
*Akali walks by dressed as Coven Akali*
Kai'sa: .... Kali.... Really?
Akali: Eve told me after the sacrifice, we can do more dirty stuff. So I joined the coven.
Seraphine: Mommy?
Akali: No... Daddy...
Seraphine: Sorry. You look great, Daddy.
Akali: Thanks! Now, time for the sacrifice!
Seraphine: ... we... should... go check out...
Kai'sa: Sera, don't you dare join the coven without me...
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flowery-king · 1 year
Hi, for your Defanged Philip au I noticed you wrote that Philip expels the palisman from his system. Since everyone agrees that the Owlbeast is an allegory for chronic illness does that mean that Philip expelling the palisman from his body is like an allegory for ridding your body of harmful substances via detoxing?
Yup! Absolutely so. I definitely see the palismen being some form of addiction, like yea we don't exactly canonically know how it helps, but there has to be a better way to keep a curse in check than to slaughter innocent lil wood critters. They definitely feel like the easy way out option
Now my interpretation of Philip's curse might be wayy different from others idea of it, but since Philip doesn't have a beast from what we've seen like Eda's constantly looming in his mind, I'm assuming the curse is a bit of not a LOT more different. So instead of being tied to another creature and being forced to co-exist like the owl beast, I think Philip's curse is more along the lines of zombification?? if that makes sense?
My idea is that the reason he is able to live this long is cause the curse just does not let him die. He will never find peace in death, which ultimately feels like the worst punishment ever in my book. And to add to the zombification term, he also has this constant need to consume. Is it magic? Maybe. Maybe he's more alike to the basilisks than he'd like to admit. At some point it might've just been an urge, but at this point it's almost painful to ignore it because he fed into it so much.
Also one of the reasons I'd like to believe Philip has sooo many relics in his castle is cause bro really searched far and wide for a way to deal with his curse before it got out of hand, but his curse was far too ancient for any healer to really understand or create a specific elixir that could help in any way. Dunno where Evelynn got that curse from but shit's hardcore and a real pain in the ass.
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She’s already dragging him out of the office before she speaks with much more eagerneas than one would expect from Evelynn. “Come on darling, our local shop got their pumpkin spice in!”
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So it had finally come, or was on the cusp; Pumpkin Spice Season — lesser known as Autumn. Robin was dragged out of his dimly lit office with little resistance his exhaustion too strong to fight. His tired eyes, bloodshot and weary, scanned the bustling office lobby as the flickering fluorescent lights casted a pale glow on his fatigued face. Honestly, if Miss Evelynn wanted to whisk him away to any corner of the world, he'd willingly follow. Whether it was a quaint café nestled in the heart of a bustling city or some long ago trodden trail in the woods, the thought of escaping his mundane routine with her filled him with a little flicker of excitement. After all, he trusted Evelynn implicitly; regardless of whatever insanity she dragged him into, he knew he would be safe. And really, that was all that mattered to him—
"Well, mornin' Pigeon, Eve." The familiar figure of Abel strolled into view with an acknowledging tilt of his hat, before it was lowered politely to his chest, "Where are you two headed in such a hurry?"
Robin couldn’t help but smirk to himself, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, someone else would bear witness to the absurdity of Eve’s seasonal obsession. "Tis the time of year for Miss Evelynn's favorite coffee flavor — " he began, his voice laced with mock seriousness, but his words trailed off as he caught sight of the demon's reaction. What unfolded before him was ... unexpected ... to say the least; Abel’s crimson eyes quickly widened with a gleam that transformed them into warm pools of tea brown, both of them shimmering with a mix of surprise and delight. His features softened down into that of any other mortal man. Well, besides that he was stupidly gorgeous just like Miss Evelynn. Wait, why did he look so … ? Excited?
This was not the aloof man Robin was used to.
"Oh. I would be delighted to join the two of you, I adore the flavor as well." He turned to Evelynn, a small, genuine smile gracing his lips, his hand still lightly holding his hat to his chest. "There are many holidays this season, so it's one of my favorites, I'll be decorating soon if you two would want to visit." With a gentle gesture, he opened the door, ushering Evelynn and Robin into the crisp, vibrant air outside, all the while casting aside the bewildered gaze of his assistant, who stood frozen in a mixture of horror and confusion before he was also forced out of the building. "You look troubled, is something the matter?"
"I just … didn't think you'd like … that sort of thing."
"Not all of us have burnt tastebuds, Pigeon. Eve, do you prefer hot or cold coffee?"
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breaniebree · 9 months
Kismet Characters & Family Trees Part Four:
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Liam Kane (1926) HUFFLEPUFF m. Reagan O'Connell (1926) RAVENCLAW (1947): 1. Spencer Liam Kane (1950) GRYFFINDOR m. Sadira Amari Kane (1948) NA (1968): a) Selene Sadira Kane (9 May 1968) NA m. Beaumont DeRose (1967) NA (1991) i) Piper DeRose (9 June 1994) ii) Amara DeRose (6 March 1996) iii) Felix Sebastian DeRose (1 August 1999) b) Soraya Zoya Kane (17 July 1972) c) Sebastian Christopher Kane (1 August 1977) m. Theodore Nott (21 October 1979) SLYTHERIN (2005): aa) Benjamin Christopher Kane-Nott (20 May 2008) GRYFFINDOR m. Nicki Zabini (14 March 2014) HUFFLEPUFF (2033): ai) Torin Theodore Kane-Nott (29 October 2036) SLYTHERIN  aii) Quaid Sebastian Kane-Nott (14 August 2038) GRYFFINDOR  aiii) Sabrina Aspen Kane-Nott (17 March 2042) HUFFLEPUFF aiv) Briella Katherine Kane-Nott (6 July 2045) SLYTHERIN bb) Spencer Thelonius Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Cedrella Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): ai) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR aii) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN aiii) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW aiv) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR cc) Sadira “Sadie” Aster Soraya Kane-Nott (10 September 2013) RAVENCLAW m. Rowan Wood (14 March 2009) GRYFFINDOR (2037): ai) Sebastian “Bash” Oliver Wood (22 Mary 2040) GRYFFINDOR aii) Soren Rowan Wood (30 July 2043) RAVENCLAW aiii) Soraya Theodora Wood (10 June 2046) SLYTHERIN
Cantankerous Nott (1902) SLYTHERIN m. Céline Volant (1908) RAVENCLAW (1933): 1. Tabitha Nott (1936) SLYTHERIN m. Titus Avery Senior (1927) SLYTHERIN (1954): a) Titus Avery Junior (1956) SLYTHERIN m. Scarlett Lympsham (1982) SLYTHERIN) (1996): i) Charlotte Rose Avery (9 October 1997) adopted by Emmeline and Mona Vance in 1999 becoming Charlotte Rose Avery Vance RAVENCLAW b) Aurelius Avery (1959) SLYTHERIN m. Anna Kama (1959) SLYTHERIN (1975): i) Aelius Avery (1976) SLYTHERIN m. Dasha Dolohov (1974) SLYTHERIN (1996): aa) Dmitri Aelius Avery (3 March 1997) SLYTHERIN ii) Aeliana Avery (1978) GRYFFINDOR m. Holden Ledbury (1979) GRYFFINDOR (1996): aa) Evelynn Aeliana Avery (3 October 1997) adopted by Emmeline and Mona Vance in 1998 as Evelynn Aeliana Avery Vance SLYTHERIN 2. Thaddeus Cantankerous Nott (1939) SLYTHERIN m. Aster Rosier (1961) SLYTHERIN (1978): i) Theodore Thaddeus Nott (21 October 1979) - secret son of Thelonius Nott - SLYTHERIN m. Sebastian Kane (1 August 1977) NA (2005): aa) Benjamin Christopher Kane-Nott (20 May 2008) GRYFFINDOR m. Nicki Zabini (14 March 2014) HUFFLEPUFF (2033): ai) Torin Theodore Kane-Nott (29 October 2036) SLYTHERIN  aii) Quaid Sebastian Kane-Nott (14 August 2038) GRYFFINDOR  aiii) Sabrina Aspen Kane-Nott (17 March 2042) HUFFLEPUFF aiv) Briella Katherine Kane-Nott (6 July 2045) SLYTHERIN bb) Spencer Thelonius Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Cedrella Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): ai) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR aii) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN aiii) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW aiv) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR cc) Sadira “Sadie” Aster Soraya Kane-Nott (10 September 2013) RAVENCLAW m. Rowan Wood (14 March 2009) GRYFFINDOR (2037): ai) Sebastian “Bash” Oliver Wood (22 Mary 2040) GRYFFINDOR aii) Soren Rowan Wood (30 July 2043) RAVENCLAW aiii) Soraya Theodora Wood (10 June 2046) SLYTHERIN 3. Thelonius Rodrigo Nott (1960) - secret affair with Reigna Rodríguez - raised by Cantankerous and Céline; has affair with Thad's wife Aster and produces Theo secretly (d. 1984)
Emerson Rosier (1886) SLYTHERIN m. Drusilla Rosier (1888) SLYTHERIN (1909): 1. Enzo Rosier (1910) SLYTHERIN m. Alma Burke (1913) SLYTHERIN (1929): a) Ezekiel Rosier (1930) SLYTHERIN m. Wanda Black (1930) SLYTHERIN (1955): i) Evan Rosier (1959) SLYTHERIN ii) Aster Rosier (1961) SLYTHERIN m. Thaddeus Cantankerous Nott (1939) SLYTHERIN (1978): i) Theodore Thaddeus Nott (21 October 1979) - secret son of Thelonius Nott - SLYTHERIN m. Sebastian Kane (1 August 1977) NA (2005): aa) Benjamin Christopher Kane-Nott (20 May 2008) GRYFFINDOR m. Nicki Zabini (14 March 2014) HUFFLEPUFF (2033): ai) Torin Theodore Kane-Nott (29 October 2036) SLYTHERIN  aii) Quaid Sebastian Kane-Nott (14 August 2038) GRYFFINDOR  aiii) Sabrina Aspen Kane-Nott (17 March 2042) HUFFLEPUFF aiv) Briella Katherine Kane-Nott (6 July 2045) SLYTHERIN bb) Spencer Thelonius Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Cedrella Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): ai) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR aii) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN aiii) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW aiv) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR cc) Sadira “Sadie” Aster Soraya Kane-Nott (10 September 2013) RAVENCLAW m. Rowan Wood (14 March 2009) GRYFFINDOR (2037): ai) Sebastian “Bash” Oliver Wood (22 Mary 2040) GRYFFINDOR aii) Soren Rowan Wood (30 July 2043) RAVENCLAW aiii) Soraya Theodora Wood (10 June 2046) SLYTHERIN 2) Druella Rosier (1928) SLYTHERIN m. Cygnus Black (1928) SLYTHERIN (1946): a) Bellatrix Black (1951) SLYTHERIN m. Rodolphus Lestrange (1951) SLYTHERIN (1969) b) Andromeda Black (1953) SLYTHERIN m. Edward Tonks (1953) Hufflepuff (1971): i) Nymphadora Andromeda Mary-Ellen Tonks (18 May 1973) HUFFLEPUFF m. Remus Lupin (10 March 1960) GRYFFINDOR (1995): aa) Edward "Teddy" Remus Lupin (11 April 1998) m. Victoire Gabrielle Weasley (2 May 1999) RAVENCLAW m. Teddy Lupin (11 April 1998) HUFFLEPUFF (2020):ai) Liam Remus Lupin (6 February 2022) GRYFFINDOR m. Naomi Winston (2024) HUFFLEPUFF (2048): 1a) Andromeda Lupin (2050) HUFFLEPUFF 1b) Hope Lupin (2054) RAVENCLAW 1c) Lyla Lupin (2058) SLYTHERIN aii) Charlotte “Charlie” Dora Lupin (9 June 2024) RAVENCLAW m. Luke Logan (2024) SLYTHERIN (2050): 1a) John Logan (2054) SLYTHERIN 1b) Declan Logan (2059) RAVENCLAW aiii) Kingston Harry Lupin (17 April 2027) GRYFFINDOR m. Lorelai Robards (2030) GRYFFINDOR (2057): 1a) Thomas James “TJ” Lupin (2060) GRYFFINOR c) Narcissa Black (1955) SLYTHERIN m. Lucius Malfoy (1953) SLYTHERIN (1974): i) Draco Lucius Malfoy (5 June 1980) SLYTHERIN m. Astoria Greengrass (7 December 1981) SLYTHERIN 2004) m. Circe Castellanos (4 August 1990) RAVENCLAW (2040): aa) Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (6 January 2006) SLYTHERIN m. Albus Potter (1 June 2006) SLYTHERIN  (2031): 1a) Lyra Astoria Malfoy (1 June 2037) RAVENCLAW 1b) Celeste Ginevra Malfoy (5 March 2039) RAVENCLAW 1c) Archer Kai Malfoy (6 July 2044) SLYTHERIN
Thanks to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to create these.
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Ah… that ain’t a daisy. And this time there’s no adolescent deity that’s gonna come save them from the tyrant’s corpse that so stubbornly refuses to just die already. And he’s got the vial too… AND there’s a stone arch right behind them that could make for a really cool portal… just saying.
Philip, you look like that cucumber I forgot my fridge for two months.
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Called it.
And man, I was right, this looks so cool! The moonlit woods, the graves, the bridge leading to the island, the light from the portal! Chef’s kiss.
I watched just a few seconds further and it does seem like idea of the conversation echo continues, with Luz standing in for Evelynn. Philip is outraged, saying Caleb (played in this latest rendition by Hunter) ”stabbed him in the back,” betrayed him. 
After all, Caleb was supposed to ”slay the witch” not ”lay the witch,” so to say.
(you have no idea how long i’ve waited to make that joke)
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If we continue on this line of thinking that this is reenacting the past, then this might be representative of how after killing Caleb and being confronted by Evelynn, Philip ran away or fled through a portal, to eventually return with a new evil plan. One that, from his twisted point of view, would do the ultimate good for the world and in the eyes of God; the extermination of all witches. After all… thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
It might even be that in some way, he thinks that by taking Caleb’s life, he’d spare him an eternity in hell as punishment for his unholy union with demon.
Anyway, in the present, former Emperor, current moldy loaf of bread is returning to the Demon Realm through this improvised portal.
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So let’s recap: Hunter was haunted by visions of the monster that abused him since childhood (and indeed created him basically for that purpose), he got possessed by the aforementioned creepy maniac, was forced to fight his friends, got some of his flesh eaten away at, his best friend and palisman is dying, mortally wounded by his own hand, and he may be dying soon as well. To top it all off, Luz just outed Hunter as a grimwalker, a secret he was very keen on keeping for the time being, to his crush.
Must be Thursday. Never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I knew Hunter was gonna have a rough time this episode, but bloody hell’s bells asså.
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Flapjack, mustering the last of his strength, gives what little life he has left so that Hunter may live. As the magic seeps into the unconscious youth, the brave little bird’s body begins to disintegrate, turning into brilliant golden pyreflies that rise upward into a clear and starry autumn sky.
There might be something to be said about how when Philip violently cracks open palismen to steal their magic essence to selfishly prolong his own existence, their bodies become grey wooden husks, whereas when Flapjack willingly gives up his life, his body instead turns into golden light.
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kalijhomentethi · 3 months
" please please please please please. " - blood moon : )
the blood moon calls to everyone.
in the form of malefic visions, voices that come from everywhere and nowhere at once, phantom sensations. warnings of what are to come. a taste of what is possible. there are those that are driven to insanity, unable to discern reality from living nightmares. then there are those that heed its call. for those that do, their steps will seemingly always take them to where they need to be without knowing where they must go. to the blood moon cult.
members of the cult, above all else, seek to become one with servants of darkness. demons. an unbreakable covenant, an irreversible process. humans surrender themselves to the demons' control, souls intertwining, and revel in the power they are granted. the pride they brought for themselves.
akali, while a member of the cult, refused to bring herself down to the level of those who have so readily accepted the very first demons that sought to claim them.
she is a gifted individual. a priestess, as many would call her. she did more than answer the blood moon's call. she was able to understand and speak to it. the very first person that has ever done so. someone as capable as her was quick to have legends surround her, being hailed and worshipped for her incredible connection with the blood moon. anyone would want to have a hold on her, demon or otherwise.
and so, after her encounter with the blood moon—understanding it, listening to it, speaking to it, she set off on her journey to walk the path set for her.
it was almost amusing how whispers of the priestess' power have shadows immediately slinking behind her own, following her every footstep, eager for her attention, and hungry for what she's capable of, all but wanting her flesh and blood. the darkness within a demon must consume and fuse with that of a worthy vessel, and akali is beyond worthy.
she knows of them, of course. she knows of the ones that hover over her shoulder when she meditates, the ones that peer at her with glowing eyes from a distance as she treks across the snow-covered woods, the ones that do not shy away from letting their twisted greed for her be known by leaving offerings of dismembered beings. and then there is one, the boldest of all perhaps, who is audacious enough to constantly and openly invade her space, vie for her attention, and test akali's patience.
as she is now.
her incessant pleading is enough to break akali of her focus, interrupting her silent meditation.
with furrowed eyebrows, the priestess opens her eyes and casts her disapproving gaze upon evelynn. "and so, you resort to begging. a new low. consider asking once more to see if six please's will help your case." harsher words have left her mouth before, both directed at the demon beside her now and the others that she rejected with no second thoughts nor hesitation. she knows what all these demons want, and akali will not give it to them.
"you will not be making a vessel out of me, demon. you will sooner find my blades in you. i've answered you before, and my answer remains the same." venomous reply finally given, she turns her head back away from evelynn, eyes sliding shut in an attempt to lull herself back into prayer.
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aubreyathame · 7 months
intro post bitchessss
my name is aubrey/evelynn/rosemarie
i line draw sometimes. maybe i do other things occasionally but mostly i draw
nsfw dni and all that stuff
as you can tell by the tags i really like:
- yume nikki
- your turn to die
- omori
- homestuck
- zero escape
- ena
- night in the woods
but i also like a ton of other stuff that i didn’t mention there. but like. i made 3 pages on my straw page with a combined 40 something things. and i just named a 5th of that
basically im a dweeb who loves a good fucked up and evil mental health story (if you also count overly complicated science as mental health because Autism) and or things that make No Fucking Sense and they’re a vibe because of it
check strawpage for more specifics
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sunsandwolves · 24 days
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The first time, it made her sick. Black-stained bile bubbled past her lips and out of her nose, to which it was vomited into a bush near the cemetery. Every attempt after that triggered a violent gag reflex and caused a migraine to tear through her skull. She was half-blind with pain by the time she fell back into bed at Syred's home.
The second time, it was after breakfast. It shouldn't have been. The second time, she had made eye contact with the squirrel near the front porch as she left, and that was her own mistake. Thinking about harming an innocent little creature like that made her lose her breakfast in Syred's rose bushes. Sorry.
There were frustrated rage cry sessions with Godric in the City, and he either pretended to not understand what she had meant by 'putting theory to practice' when it came to shadow studies, or he let it go in one ear and out the other. Her hair had grown out, and he enjoyed admiring the way an errant curl tucked itself away against her earlobe. It was cute.
The Third time, she was given a more sustaining meal and snacks that followed in case she vomited for most of the day again. Syred might have been a massive prick, but she was losing muscle mass and color to her cheeks because she was stuck in her own head. That, and, he was tired of cleaning up his shrubbery whenever she had a mental breakdown.
The third time saw her meander out towards the cemetery again. Yelena had grown familiar with the presence of the Light and the absence of it, what it felt like to be with her and what it felt like to be without. The cemetery was.. clearly still hallowed ground in the Cathedral's shadow. Perhaps that's why she threw up when trying to mentally mindfuck a squirrel. This time, her jaunt carried her across the Dwarven district, and towards the Embassy.
This time, she'd do it. She had to. Part of her wanted more of the tincture that Evelynn had given her to speak with her mother again. Better to hallucinate someone that had a foggy idea of what she was going through than to struggle by herself. Yelena had grown accustomed to leaning on her family for support over the years. But this wasn't something she could lean on her family for this time. Learning practical shadows from a rogue and learning about the void... that was something entirely different. The more she didn't want to lose what shadow she had, the more it felt like it was being warped into something else.
Something violent and dark. Cold and endless. Infinite. Something that predated the entire human existence... and that was terrifying.
Getting lost in thought made her journey go by faster. Stars glimmered in the sky, and moonlight filtered through the trees.. this was one part of the city that felt cultivated and lived in. A little corner of the world cut out for the Kaldorei before they had moved to Bel'ameth. The fruits of their labor still lingered in the woods around her. It felt alive, and it felt... homey. In a way. Pushing through trees and bushes, there was a quiet little copse of trees that had a perfect nook for hiding. She was to be here a while, she surmised.. many critters were scared of her, moreover, the wolf that hid in her chest. But if she stayed still enough, they'd come around.
Bullying the nerves out of her belly, Yelena took a slow breath. Her head dipped back against the trunk of a tree, and her ankles crossed in front of her. Not too far away, a few years ago, her father and Evelynn had told her that she doesn't need to be protected like her sister does. But don't be an idiot. The memory brought a half smile to life as she stared at the sky.
Nothing really changed.
Flexing bare digits at her side, her hands folded in her lap. She was sat like this for quite some time, and the moon had shifted in the sky by the time the bush rustled to her right. Yelena heard it before it happened, and keen eyes snapped to where the sound came from. It took a moment of steeling her nerves before she felt the cold dark creep up her spine. Focusing the shadow into a singular point, letting it gather in her neck and chest. It felt so cold she feared her heart might stop if not remedied soon.
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A fuzzy little head tentatively poked out from the bush. Hop. An innocent little rabbit, staring at her with those wide, beady eyes. A nose wiggled, and a tentative hop was given towards her. It was adorable. And it probably smelled her snacks. The gag reflex began, and her stomach churned. Remember her focus. Sharpen her anger and wield it. Syred made a fantastic mental punching bag.
Fuck you for making me do this.
It was rudimentary and crude, but somehow she felt the shadow coil and tense like a loaded spring or a serpent ready to strike.
And then it did.
Yelena's expression darkened into a muted sneer, pushing her anger out towards the rabbit. The serpent struck. She felt the shadow spring free of her skull and dig straight into the little brain of the rabbit. It dug and twisted as if she were sinking her worgen claws into prey. A pained shriek left the creature, giving a series of stressed out hops away from her and in circles.
The cold pulsed in her skull. Rage. Rage. Rage. It wasn't a rabbit anymore. She was imagining it was Syred's face she was inflicting this pain upon. She imagined Malcom. The rabbit continued to scream in pain and hop in frantic circles around the clearing, and a cold grey stare bled into an inky black. Pulses of shadow continued to feed into the little creature; insatiable and starved for sustenance.
Eventually, the rabbit stopped pacing. It simply gave up. With a final wheeze, the critter flopped over. Unmoving, unbreathing, lifeless. The claws of shadow were sated. Reeling back into her skull, the euphoria radiated through her limbs like warmth from a fire. Yelena gasped, her head light, her heart fluttering as if she were in love. Catching her breath, she leaned forward slightly while her head spun. Blood stained her shirt and she wiped at her nose. It was a single trickle of darkened blood that was swiped away, but...
"Holy shit." She gasped, slumping back against the tree trunk. Did she want to do it again? The night was still young.... maybe it'll feel different each time.. more precise, more controlled. Less erratic, more specific. Glancing to her blood-smeared digits, she decided against it. Just in case she went mad and/or bled out in the forest.
Carefully, Yelena stood. She didn't feel any different, truthfully. Just the rush of euphoria afterward that had made her head light. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Glancing to the corpse, her lips compressed. She could bring it home for stew later.. there was a lesson from Astrid or Varsen in there somewhere. Sighing, Yelena tied the rabbit corpse to her belt, and off she had gone to sleep and study. The next chapter was mind blast...
Hopefully, she could practice on a pumpkin first.
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jai-lovely · 3 months
Withered Evelynn
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Warnings: hints to smut (Shane and Lori) never actually talks about it tho
This is chapter two! Make sure to read the first one!
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.•. Daydream bear.•.
The smell of grass and flowers fill the area.
Evelynn sits in the grass filled field, ignoring how the green spikes prickle her skin, tickling her in an uncomfortable way. Daises in between her fingers as she loops them together,  the soft petals hitting her fingers every time she moves.
"Eve" a voice in the distance calls for her, but she pays no mine to them, letting her mind drift, like a shooting star in the sky.
"Evelynn, let's go, it's time to go back to camp" Gillian says, making her look up from her daisy chain, he was holding a basket of berries, for the rest of the group she guessed.
With a huff filled with annoyance, Evelynn pushes herself off the dirt floor before wiping her hands on her overalls and grabbing her brothers hand.
" I heard Shane and Lori in around here some where, I hope their okay, heard some funny noises" Evelynn says as she walks hand in hand back to the camp with her brother. Her statement causes Gillian's face to turn a light shade of red, "noises?" He questions looking down as the small girl, Evelynn adjusted the daisy chain in her hold before nodding, "yeah, like a lot of screaming, which is kinda stupid, the monsters will get'em if their loud, right?" she says with confusion in her voice, recalling the noises she heard in the woods while trying to focus on her daisy chain, "well, uhm- yeah, there were y'know, probably doing-, uhm grown up stuff" Gillian says with a nervous chuckle, Evelynn shrugs and with that, the topic was dropped. As they walked back to camp hand in hand, with daisys, berries, and Gillian with a red face.
Evelynn sits with Carl, his mama, and Shane around a little fire pit, there's no fire going, just sitting their cause that's where the chairs are.
Carls mama is giving him a hair cut, don't think he really likes it by the way he keeps squirming though.
"Baby, the more you fidget, the longer it takes, so don't okay?" Lori says as she moves his head forward, "I'm trying" the young boy huffs, making Evelynn giggle a bit, but quickly stopping as she sees Carl looking at her funny "well try harder" she says cutting more of the boys hair.
Evelynns mind is taken over by her thoughts, she could hear Shane speaking but she didn't play much mind to it.
She sat there wondering about her mama, where she is, if she's okay. There was really no way to know. Evelynn had not idea about her whereabouts, she didn't know where her mama was even a week before the dead came back to life. She heard her mama yelling about something to Gillian, but being in her room with the door closed, with her hand cupping her ear as she leaned against it, she could only hear so much. Before Evelynn knew, she heard the front door close. That was a week before, they got to the quarry, after everything.
Being so lost in her own head she didn't even realize the person calling her name, until she felt someone nudge her arm.
"Hey, daydream bear, ya with us?" Evelynn scrunches her nose in confusion of Shane's choice of words "daydream bear?" Her voice repeated back to him.
"Yeah, ya know the care bear, the one that's always day dreaming? Stuck in in'her head" Shane said leaning forward in his seat, putting his elbows on his knees while clasping his hands together. As the realization hits her, her mouth forms an 'o' shape, before nodding looking at her feet, with embarrassment. Evelynn didn't know why she was embarrassed, but she could feel her hands get clammy, while her face flushed a deep red.
"It's fine" Carl shrugs "he was talking about catching frogs and-" Before Carl got to finish his sentence he got cut off by an alarm sound, echoing throughout the quarry.
Shane quickly stands up and runs over to the Rv, with a bunch of people following him, including Evelynn and Gillian, who Evelynn didn't even know he was near by.
"Talk to me dale!" Shane yells to the man ontop of the Rv. "I can't tell yet" the old man says, looking through his binoculars, "is it them? Are they back" Amy yells up to dale, she's worried about her sister. Evelynn had overheard Amy talking to the others about how she's scared that her sister might not come back.
"I'll be damned" dale says climbing down the Rv. Evelynn proceeds to cover her ears, the loud alarm noise making her head feel fuzzy and small.
Before anyone can ask Dale what he 'I'll be damned' about, a bright red car quickly pulls up, stopping infront of the group.
The door pushes open, and Glenn comes out and raising his arms "hello!" He yelled a big grin on his face.
"Holy crap, turn that damn thing off!" Dale yells covering his ears as well.
Evelynn keeps her hands over her ears pressing them harder against her head, the pressure making her head hurt, but it was better than listening to the alarm.
She feels two rough hands meet her shoulders, the thumbs rubbing back and forth in a soothing manner, Evelynn looks up to see her brother, but he wasn't focused on her, he was focused on the big moving van pulling up just behind the red car.
Noticing the alarm stopped Evelynn takes her hands away from her ears. She sees Andrea and Amy hugging each other tightly.
A small smile forms on her face as she watches them, barely noticing how a sad looking Carl and Lori pass by her.
While Lori crouches down to talk to him. Carls nose turns a slight red , giving away that he was upset. Evelynn couldn't figure out why he was upset, but she felt bad.
"Hey helicopter boy! Come say hello" The man morales smiles, he's a good man, loves his family, over all nice is a nice guy.
As a man in a sheriff uniform starts walking up, he freezes.
"Dad?" I hear Carl behind me, before I can register what he said, he's front of me running, with Lori right behind him, "dad!" He yells jumping into the mans arms.
The man falls to the ground hugging Carl before standing up and embracing Lori.
Evelynns chest feels tight and warm while watching them, she can't help but feel a little upset, how come Carl gets both of his parents, and Evelynn doesn't even get one, of course she has Gillian and she couldn't be happier, but she craves the feeling of  parents that love her, like the way Carls love him.
Out of the corner of her eye, Evelynn can't help but notice Shane looking at them in fear. 'Didn't he say that Carls dad was dead? If he's dead than how is he right here?'.
Evelynn stops thinking about it, feeling herself grow annoyed by everything, 'to much happenin at once' she thought to herself.
Now with everyone cozied around the fire pit, Carl in the arms of his father, Evelynn learned that the man's name is Rick, kinda weird name but she can't say much, due to her own name.
Evelynn lays on a blanket that's rests against the rough dirt, her head resting on her brothers lap, feeling his hand rub her back in small circles to comfort the young girl.
" Disoriented. I guess that comes closets. Disoriented, fear, confusion...all those things, but.. disoriented comes closets" Rick speaks up, talking about his experience waking up in the abandoned hospital. Evelynn can't help but smile a bit trying not to giggle at the man, the way he's talking, he sounds like he's in an action movie.
Whilst she thinks about how funny Rick speaks, she feels a small pinch on her back, looking to see that is was just her brother, pinching her and then looking to her, as a way of saying 'don't laugh', but he couldn't help the own smile making its way to his face.
Out of no where, Shane stands up walking over to Ed and his family, "hey Ed" he speaks in a hushed but firm voice "are you sure you wanna have this conversation, man?". Ed scoffs looking at him before gesturing to the fire "go on pull the damn thing out. Go on" Ed fires back, his voice raising at the end.
Before anything else happens Carol grabs a stick pushing the log out of the fire."Christ" Shane mutters before stomping on the log, putting the small flames out.
Evelynns looks away from the commotion and focuses on the hand rubbing her back.
Whilst slowly drifting off, she hears the topic of telling Daryl about Merle, and how they left him, but before she could put anymore thought to it, she drifted away, the feeling of warmth and tiredness, taking over her body .
Chapter two! I hoped you liked it :)
If anyone's confused, Evelynns name is pronounced 'Ev-a-Lin'
And Gillian's is 'Gil-e-in'
Hope that helps anyone's!
Thank you for reading Withered Evelynn
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evelynnedoom · 1 year
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The woods where Evelynne meets the Mud Crab, now in full color! 🦀
Background by the incredible Scott Schoenike.
Support our series full of humor and a ton of witches on YouTube and Patreon!
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
Evie's OC Nursery
... aka a list of all the OCs I haven't introduced or fully fleshed out yet. Feel free to bully me into fleshing one of them out if you feel like it.
Included in this list are OCs for...
The Legend of Zelda
Lord of the Rings
One Piece (shocking, I know...)
The Barbie movie
Disney's Alice in Wonderland / Descendants
More Descendants (curse you, Dolly)
Also, revamps/AU versions of...
Jelena (Die Drei ??? / The Three Investigators)
Vicky (Hogan's Heroes)
Evelynn (Vocalization)
Celine (Who Killed Markiplier / Markiplier Egos)
You can find all the avatar makers etc. I used at azaleasdolls.com - pictures that are not meikers were made by me :)
The Guardian of the Deku Tree (The Legend of Zelda Series)
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I came up with her when Tears of the Kingdom came out. Because of the whole time travel scheme in the game, I felt like creating an OC that would be there across all time to connect Zelda in the past and Link in the present. A timeless creature, if you will. Also, I fell in love with the concept of the Zonai. She isn't really a Zonai, but still. I then got obsessed with a YouTuber who was playing an Ocarina of Time randomizer, and so I got the idea of making her the Guardian/Sage/Spirit of the Deku Tree, because the Deku Tree is pretty much one of the most eternal things in the series. And also... Wood elves and dryads my beloveds...
The Weapons and Intel Expert of the New Squidbeak Splatoon (Splatoon Series)
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This is just my love for Octolings and Splatoon in general and my obsession with Splatoon 3 combined. I freaking love the music, too, my gosh... She's there from the very start in Splatoon 1 because I have a very special connection with the first game. I know it doesn't full make sense but I believe in the principles of Shrödinger's Canon. In Splatoon 2 she definitely uses dualies, but in Splatoon 1 it's still a modified octoshot.
The True Halfling (The Lord of the Rings)
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Half hobbit, half elf, this is a true halfling. With her being half elf, she got the choice of immortality and she chose to be immortal. She spends her days travelling and learning about different cultures, specifically their songs and music. Legend has it that she's the last creature still alive who can harness the magic of old.
The Feral Lynx (One Piece)
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He actually has a name! His name is Lux Jirou! While he's still with the Black Cat Pirates, he goes by his first name Jirou, but once he deserts from them, he goes by his last name Lux. My boy has a very funky lynx devil fruit that lets him do cartoon logic style things because One Piece is One Piece and, judging by the one canon lynx in the series and other animal devil fruits, Oda couldn't care less about biological accuracy, so... Funky lynx boi. In the live action, he's Kaya's bodyguard and, one time when Klahadore finds Kaya crying to fluffy big cat Jirou, Kaya lies and says that this his her pet lynx named... Bowie! Yes, this is a David Bowie reference. Also, he's a Zoro ship. And he joins the Heart Pirates later :)
The Lonely Daughter (Encanto)
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Behold! It's Bruno's daughter. You probably already know what that entails, she develops some issues after her father leaves. Her name is Soledad which means "loneliness" but Pepa thought that name was cruel after Bruno left, so everyone calls her Soles now, which means "suns". Wanna know what her power is? Water. With a hint of clairvoyance/scrying. But we don't talk about that :)
This Barbie is...
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still in development. Brought to you by me feeling bad for Ken. Someone get this man a girlfriend because he's a lonely boi. I am someone, I am getting him a girlfriend. Tis her. This picture isn't actually from Azaleasdolls but a picrew that you can find here.
The Princess of Hearts (Disney's Alice in Wonderland / Descendants)
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What can I say - I love the animated Alice in Wonderland a normal amount. I created her for a Roleplay like, I dunno, six years ago? Over six years? She's the daughter of the Queen of Hearts and her King and she's a Wonderland citizen through and through. Delightfully whacky and fun but also a little creepy. And she loves her tea, spends a lot of time with the Mad Hatter and his friends at his tea party. I tried to import her to the Descendants universe once or twice but I just never found a faceclaim that fit. Her name was originally Alice, but I don't know if the Queen would really call her daughter Alice or if she even knows the name of the girl who caused a ruckus at her court, and also that doesn't fit the Descendants naming scheme :)
The Botanic Monster (Undertale)
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Well, I had a hyperfixation on Undertale when I was young. Like. Really young. And I kinda got hit in the feels about it again. Sans ship, probably. Dryad-adjacent thingy. Lives in Snowdin and is constantly cold. That's it for now. Look at my girl :) Well, my first draft of her anyway. Kinda feeling like making her anthro because what else is new. We create cat girls here sir. Dryad/cat hybrid? Maybe some sort of panther or other tree-adjacent cat?
The Cheshire Kitty (Disney's Descendants)
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Curse you, Dolly, why did you have to enable me? So yeah, Cheshire Cat's daughter. Queen of Hearts' daughter's bestie, maybe? Absolute menace. This is also a picrew, you can find it here!
Redux/AU: Jelena, the Auxiliary Detective
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The bitch is back. The original bitch. Bitch here being short for boss bitch because that's what she is. What if Jelena were a default part of the Investigators? She and Justus would constantly bicker and I am here for it. Is she an OC? No. Has she gained the title of honorary OC? Absolutely. What a queen.
AU: Vicky, the Resistance Spy
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What if Vicky's mum and dad had gotten divorced and her mother had taken her back to Germany? What if Vicky had grown up there, never joined the WAAF and never joined the SOE. And what if she met Newkirk on a night out in Hammelburg, accidentally stumbling into the Heroes' organization and putting her life as a civilian on the line for the love of her life, for as much as he lied to her?
Redux/AU: Evelynn, the Not-So-Human Singer
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First concept for Evelynn's non-human form! She obviously wouldn't walk around like this in day-to-day life, but in the magic-ish realm, this is what she looks like. She's a fairy! Picrew can be found here!
Redux/AU: Celine, the Glitch in the System
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After watching Who Killed Markiplier, in my YouTube-obsessed mindset, I thought to myself: "Hey, what if Celine had been dragged into Mark's mind along with Darkiplier?" And so, Ego!Celine was born. I don't really know how I'm gonna redo her but I wanna redo her. Or at the very least I wanna revive her.
So, that's it for now! This list is probably gonna get longer, honestly...
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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agonizedembrace · 1 year
[ TACKLE ] : sender instinctively tackles or shields receiver from harm's way. 🤡 - @windchaser
Unexpected -- his actions are thoughtful, Evelynn's come to learn this as they (perhaps, a bit reluctantly at first) spend time together. He is unlike his brother, and it is a breath of fresh air that she secretly welcomes.
He never visits her with his friend -- lover, as Evelynn feels it. She knows the shy emotions he harbors, that radiant off him and even she cannot help collecting some of that warmth for herself. Though he never talks about it, only rare occasions in passing, he is well to listen. To understand.
This time is no different.
Least, this is what Evelynn thought. A nightly stroll, this time far from the river she resides with. Refreshing to be away from the negativities that remind her of the past, yet the feeling of melancholy never fully subsides. Perhaps he too, senses this, and wishes to grant her company in lonesome hours.
Their friendship is not common. Others would consider it strange, two spirits who withhold different ideals to make ends. In fact, words between them do not occur frequently, only when necessary. It is a mutual feeling, at the very least, neither one for small talk. Least, not anymore for Evelynn.
It would be ample silence between them, if it were not for twigs that crack beneath their steps. A slow pace, for neither are entirely in any rush, as they stroll through the forest. In passing, he had made a comment regarding the warmth she gave off.
Her birthday was recent, even if her life's long past. A celebration she tended by herself, at the riverbank with silent prayers. Something her past self would never take to. Evelynn played it off carefully, a playful jab back at him for his smile and feelings.
She knew he had just visited her.
Lips part so speak, another tease lingering at the tip of her tongue. Never to come forth, as Yone is swift with his actions, catching Evelynn off guard. Since accepting a more.. serene lifestyle (and she has to use the term loosely, as she still hunts in a way) her combat skills have taken a fall.
His frame hovers around her, and all she can do is furrow her brows in brief confusion. While she wishes to bark, she knows better as a force causes him to fall to her. Evelynn harbors frustration, to be unable to sense emotions and pain as she once used to, only to have human senses to guide her way. She remains unsure, even as they begin to tumble onto the dirt, staining their robes, what is truly happening.
Tumbling for a while -- since when is there a hill around these parts?! Evelynn pushes her irritation aside as they reach the bottom, groggily sitting up and casting her gaze around for where Yone ended. Not too far away, and seemingly unharmed. So what was the reasoning then?
These woods were said to be harmless.
"What's gotten into you?" yet not poised with anger. Concern instead laces her tone as she crawls closer, further creating stains on her white socks, a careful hand that shakes him. "What ails you to let us tumble?"
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The song had already progressed to the first, and Evelynn was already strutting onto their dining table, heels and all with a microphone in hand. Later, she would surely hold several regrets to the amounts of alcohol that have been consumed.
Until then, she sways her hips to the beat of the song with a devilish look in her eyes. Once the chorus drops, so does she: squatting down and spreading her legs ( and thankfully for Robin, in front of Akali ) as she belts the chorus.
"Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"
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The air was thick with a sweet haze of nicotine, curling lazily around the dimly lit room, intertwining with the sharp, bitter tang of the negroni in Robin's glass; both swirling his head while the assistant lounged on the stretch couch next to Akali. His legs were casually draped over Abel, who seemed both amused and slightly trapped under his playful weight. The club was lively, even from their private area. "This is absolutely ... " His voice trailed off as Robin squinted where Evelynn was once sat, momentarily convincing himself that somehow she'd turned invisible ━ but then again, he mused, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing she'd done in front of him. There was that one particularly bizarre incident that he promised himself he would never speak of — oh well, no need to revisit that peculiar memory. Ugh, his head was swimming. Robin tried to shake his fluffy head to clear away the fog and he was quick to regret it as the room shifted dangerously, tilting him to the left before he tumbled to the right and a gentle tug against Abel's side steadied him.
"Abel ... ?"
He watched with half-lidded, intoxicated eyes, the world around him swaying, as Abel's eyes scanned over the club. Ever the charmer, the demon lifted his hand and beckoned a passing waitress with a nonchalant flick of his fingers. Oh. Abel glanced down at Robin from the shadow of his hat, and the assistant watched as those crimson eyes rolled and he muttered something about water and a gin and tonic. His own eyes rolled in their sockets hard when he heard the waitress giggle at whatever bullshit Abel was feeding her. Now Robin really couldn't help how his gaze drifted lazily around the room, his attention momentarily snagged when Abel brushed his bangs away from his forehead and tapped under his chin. The touch was a glint of clarity amid the fog of his inebriation. Thats when the moment sharpened, and suddenly, he could see … Evelynn …?
He was so focused on her that he didn't even realize how his hand instinctively rose to take his water, holding it tightly while he sat there frozen. His ears heard Abel's huff drink your water before you pass out but all he could do was watch in horror as she strutted down the length of their table. Each step echoed in perfect time with the low booming bass that shifted rhythms and reverberated through the venue like a pulse; and Robin felt sick with how it riddled his skull. He quickly took Abel's advice and a few gulps of his water. Then he heard it. An unmistakable classic. Something that instantly transported him back a decade;
The Pussycat Dolls.
The jolt of recognition that shot through him pulled him upright while confusion knitted his brows together and he felt all the more sick. What was she doing? What was she doing? The drinks he had been holding suddenly found their place on the table with an abrupt clink as he peered to Abel for some sort of help; but then a low, familiar hum filled the air, beckoning his attention. His eyes darted toward the stage.
"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me."
A plank of wood would have been more flexible than Robin in that moment, his body rigid with disbelief about what was about to happen before his eyes. Time seemed to stretch, it felt like he was watching fucking a car crash; and he couldn't avert his stare. Down she went, out came her voice, and her thighs opened to her fiance; no doubt to reveal the lingerie he'd entered Hell to help get. He must have good taste, he noted, considering how excited Akali looked. Robin's instincts screamed for him to intervene and tried to pull himself upright to stop this nightmare ut as soon as he stood a force yanked his ass back down onto the couch before he inevitably ate shit.
He shot a venomous glare at Abel, but there was no sympathy in the returned expression; instead, the demon's lips curled into a wicked grin, momentarily locking eyes with Robin before offering him a lit cigar. The gesture felt absurdly casual given the circumstances. Still with a hesitant sigh, Robin accepted the cigar, leaning back against Abel's arm that rested nonchalantly atop the cushions of the couch.
He forced himself to breathe, to relax, reminding himself that they were in a private area of the club, far removed from any cameras or chirping paparazzi. And yet, as the sultry performance blazed before him, Robin couldn’t shake the flush creeping up his cheeks; trying very hard to focus on the delicate hints of earthy caramel on his tongue versus the alluring fragrance of Abel's cologne.
"Relax, pigeon. You could learn a thing or two about seduction by watching."
"You're disgusting."
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