519magazine · 2 years
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Red Bull Heavy Metal Brings Thrills, Chills and Spills to Detroit - The urban snowboarding event Red Bull Heavy Metal slid into Detroit’s Hart Plaza on February 11th filled with thrills, chills and a couple of massive ... - https://519magazine.com/red-bull-heavy-metal-brings-thrills-chills-and-spills-to-detroit/?feed_id=1939&_unique_id=63f41b96cfa96
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musea-reviews · 2 years
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Terraria-Houten (event)
"The largest terrarium event in the Netherlands"
Location: Houten, Utrecht, The Netherlands Price: 16,- Duration: 2 - 4 hours Transport: the bus from the station to the event location only goes once an hour, so it takes some planning. You can call in a bus, but even those were usually too full to take everyone. Language: Dutch, German, French, English. Activities: buying reptiles, insects, invertebrates, rodents, and everything related to them. Date of visit: Sunday 26 February 2023 Website
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so much to see
Terraria-Houten is part of the ‘’Terraria-’’ expo series, where every month there is an event like this in a different city. The price depends on the size of the event, the one in Houten being the biggest. At this event, you can shop and find good deals on enclosures, health lamps, food, substraid, but also things like insect-inspired jewellery and taxidermied animals. That is all next to the obvious main attractions, the animals for sale. The most expensive animal I’ve seen there were 2.000 euros, as this is also a good place to find rare animals they don't have in most stores. Or to get common animals for cheap. I got my beetles from a pet store, 15,- for 3. Here you could buy the same kind 5,- for 5… Insects and interbred are a rare sight in pet stores over here. So once you find a store that has them, they overprice it. But besides it all it was also fun to look at animals, even tho I feel bad for the small containers, tho those are temporary. I got to hold a giant millepede, and petted turtles, ferrets and giant snails. The event does also have a rodent section (and frozen rodent) but it's small. Fun if you're ALSO interested in rodents besides the rest, but don't go if that's your main goal. Also, if you go, you have to take cash with you and download the PayPal app. I was not prepared for this but since the people behind the stands come from all over the place and from other countries, specifically Dutch paying apps are not going to work. And at most stands, it's not possible to pay by card at all. Cash is your best option, so be prepared for that. 
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buy buy buy
I myself keep a terrarium with sun beetles and isopods, but I wanted to add more, so I went to get other kinds of beetles and millipedes. At the beetle stand, I asked what beetles would work well together with my beetles, and they told me beetles are actually racist!? no, but yeah they all have a different chemical smell and things, therefore pretty territorial to other species. So I decided to not get more beetles and focused on millipedes. i was so hyped by the first one I saw that I bought it immediately, it was a black and white millipede for 5 euros, I called her Mime. As we walked further, we found a whole stand with all kinds of millipedes. I knew about the giant millepede and really want one, but the enclosure I have right now would be too small (25 litres, 6.6 gallons). They were also kind of expensive on that stand, prices of the ones I wanted ranging from 10 to 25 euros per millepede. At the back of the event, something caught my eye, 4 millipedes for 10 euros. They were bigger than the one i bought before and that was a steal. As I bought them I got the entire enclosure including some wood pieces and stuff. He clearly wanted to get rid of them, but as the rest of the stand had no animals like that, it might have been that these were used for food or something. 
Another thing I bought was homemade fruit jelly. This guy sold them for 90 cents per piece, and that was already cheap for fruit jelly. We wanted all 9 flavours, but I only had 5 euros cash left, the guy said it was fine because we were so chill! Lastly, I bought a bird leg, probably a leftover from a failed attempt at taxidermy, I'm going to make an earring out of it. 
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Not the best location
The location is not optimal as the bus only goes once an hour, and walking it will take you more than half an hour. Since it was already freezing, you (and the animals you probably bought) will not appreciate this. But the event does have free parking, so your best option would be to take the car. Definitely, if you have a long shopping list with you. 
Another thing the event could do better is an advertisement or the site. If you see the site, it almost feels like it’s not their real site, but it is.. If I was looking online and found this, I would have never gone there. I only went because my friend have been there before and told me it was cool, and so that's also how they got the info about this event from other friends. From a marketing standpoint, it's almost impressive they even get people to come with a site looking like that and 0 advertisement. On the other hand, I'm glad, it was just the right amount of busy, so more people would make it chaos. 
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+ Fun expo with cheap deals and rare animals
+ anything you need for keeping any animal + handcrafted supplies from small businesses + free advice, and the ability to ask questions + A lot of stands
- bus only goes once an hour - how you can pay differs widely from stand to stand - the site looks sketchy
Would I revisit it: yes I would, it's a cool place to get good deals and get inspired.  Who do I recommend it to:people who keepreptiles, insects or invertebrates.
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fanthatracks · 2 months
The final Q&A involving the Ahsoka cast held over the Invasion weekend came with Natasha Liu Bordizzo and Eman Esfandi. There was a lot to unpack here so let’s drive straight in. The pair kicked off by discussing the Nogi-Pod fight that occurs towards the end of the series. Eman explained that all involved had trained for a long, long time to get this fight right as it was to be a complicated shoot. Lots of angles, lots of moving parts and the fact that this was not shot on a volume sound stage. This final component proved to be tough. When the time came to film this sequence, California was experiencing a massive heat wave. The crew fitted the cast with something called ‘ice shirts’, similar to that used by F1 drivers during extreme heatwaves to keep body temperatures cool. With this helping in a manner of sorts, Eman then said that he had not rehearsed in full costume. By the time filming came, in his own words, the fight was a disaster. His gloves kept sliding off, he missed his mark, kicks were heading in the wrong direction. In the end, most of the fight we see on-screen was pretty much made up as they went along. [gallery columns="2" size="large" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" link="file" ids="164710,164709"] In the first instance of proving just what a Star Wars fan Eman is, he informed us of his extensive helmet collection and remarked to Natasha just how much room they took up. When asked what type of costume he would love to wear in Star Wars, he said he was a huge Power Rangers fan (what kid wasn’t back in the 90s?) and said he’d love to wear an all-black ensemble like the Black Ranger or like Luke’s in Return of the Jedi. Next, someone asked what project or character the pair would love to be involved in aside from the one they’re in now. Without missing a beat, Eman said Visions. He loves the series and would love to voice a Sith character in the show in any way. Natasha drew big laughs when saying she’d love to be an “Australian creature.” Eman, again proving his passion and demonstrating that he really knows his lore, circled back by saying that his brother had introduced to him to character of Darth Revan. He loves this character, perhaps his favourite in Star Wars and urged anyone who hadn’t sought him out yet to do so in the old expanded universe - now classified as Legends. Sticking with Revan, Eman went on to talk about a conspiracy theory on the web going around that Ezra was someone linked to Revan. Eman knows this will never happen but is happy for the theory to be out there in anyway. He then offered the joke that perhaps he could play Thrawn’s new jester. “Darth Jester, maybe?” The pair then went to talked about the fantastic use of practical effects and sets that were used in the show and Natasha commented on how brilliant it felt to really bring some “old Cowboy and Western elements” into the show and really create a hybrid of Samurai and Western. A fun question that came from the crowd was when they were asked if either of them took anything from the set. Eman drew a laugh when he said he was crushed when he realised that no one else seemed to be taking anything and realised he couldn’t get away with it either. Natasha drew a bigger laugh when she said, quite nonchalantly, that Sabine’s jacket we first see her in wasn’t needed for season 2 so… “Maybe I have it, maybe I don’t.” It was time to ask my question. I detailed it around the notion that Hayden Christensen’s return in this show was in many ways far greater than that of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s. In Kenobi, it was all about Vader. We saw glimpses of Anakin here and there, we had the lightsaber training flashback and then the end dual, but with Ahsoka, it was all about Anakin Skywalker. [gallery columns="2" size="large" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" link="file" ids="164708,164707"] The pair were on fine form and I was incredibly amazed by the thoughtfulness and detail of their answers. Natasha explained how she went to set, despite not being needed, for the all of the World Between Worlds sequence. She knew this would be special and didn’t want to miss it. She told us she deliberately changed her stunt training time to be on set on those days so she could witness it. Again, much like with Anthony as C-3PO, there was an air of magnificence when Hayden was on set. Eman told us he first met Hayden when training in the gym and they bonded over their love of playing tennis. He too, much like Natasha, went out of his way to be on set for the final scenes filmed for the show. This is the closing moment of the show when Anakin’s Force Ghost is watching over Sabine and Ahsoka. This was a surprise to me when Natasha revealed that Hayden was on set with everyone for that shot. The way the scene plays, with Anakin in the distance, it would have been incredibly easy to simply shoot Hayden by himself and add him in later. This was not the case, however, and demonstrates a level of care that Filoni takes. Eman ended this part of my question asked by explaining that though this a new show, a new version of Star Wars – when an “OG connection to George Lucas” shows up, it suddenly takes everything to a new dimension. As we began to wrap up this brilliant panel, a few final questions came in the guise of ‘favourite things?’ First up was favourite fight. For Natasha it was the first dual between Sabine and Shin Hatti. She loved the choreography and visuals of the fight and believes it stands out as a brilliant one. For Eman, it was the battle between Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra in the final episode as they took on the Night Troopers. Finally, it was favourite things that have happened recently in Star Wars. Natasha told us that it was the fact that she gets to use to Force. For Eman, once again he proved just what a genuine fan of Star Wars he is. Much to the surprise of the crowd, he told us that Tech’s demise in The Bad Batch stands out as an emotional favourite for him. He really felt the loss of that character and immediately was on the phone to his brother when that episode aired. That brought us to a close of a brilliant panel and I for one, loved every second of it. After witnessing these three Q&A’s back-to-back, I have the sudden urge to and watch Ahsoka again. With that being said, if you need me, you’ll know where to find me. [amazon box="1647225221"]
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arthurparadiso · 10 months
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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Soul Food: The Fine Arts - Sugar Shacks
By: Natalee Gilbert
With open arms, Soul Food: The Fine Arts took in all walks of life and allowed passionate creatives to express theirselves freely. Beyond a non-existent canvas, souls were captivated by the performer’s artistic flair. Through the means of all-around awareness, relatability and just having fun — Soul Food: The Fine Arts created a settling ambience. But really, it was everyone involved who made this event worthwhile. It was hard to not take notice of the musician and poet’s way with words. In the hands of urgency, they reeled out inner thoughts, doubts even fears. Other times, they would lend a hand (with precaution). Still, everyone was there to simply enjoy the arts. Sparks flied, friendships rekindled and networks formulated in a smooth manner.
A tale of all tales — Soul Food: The Fine Arts is one for the books. Certainly, this event will go down in history.
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Here are 5 creatives that I had the pleasure to speak to with at this diverse event and thank you Big Dawg K for the opportunity:
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Ivan Polanco: A singer/songwriter who creates R&B and acoustic pop music — Ivan Polanco is one who provides within his lyrics that he’s just a young man growing up in this day in age. Sure, every guy has love/heartbreak songs but for him its to a certain extent. In his perspective, his music speaks about what a young man encompasses during his growth. Sonically, Ivan’s voice embodies real emotion and care. Moreso, it’s very soft, crystallized and adaptable to change when needed be. Initially Polanco started his music career with the drums. Since his dad was also fond of singing and songwriting, he would play the drums for him from time to time. But Pacheco’s dad seen it more as a hobby. Being a self-taught musician, Ivan decided to dabble into singing and sought to write his own music. A source says that Polanco knew Big Dawg K earlier on. But they lost contact, reconnected and discovered (10 years later) that they both were still making music. In a span of 9 years, Polanco has released 4 albums. Currently, he’s working on another called To Grow. Essentially, it comes with the notion that “this man is 26,” he’s grateful for those he’s encountered and very proud of his journey. Besides being an artist, Polanco is a personal trainer. His advice to all is to be happy with who you are. “Find your voice.” he adds.
1. Website: https://ivanpolanco.com/home
2. Instagram: @ivanpolanco.music
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Bobby Sanchez: Bobby Sanchez is one who passes it forward. In the name of education — Sanchez does his part in informing the world about current issues that are (sometimes) unheard of. But really, he wants to be more than heard. Sanchez aims to decolonize the way others think and reconstruct the past in a narrative that’s centered around the indigenous perspective. Apart from this, Sanchez’s cadence depicts the pain felt by our ancestors. In pursuit, his words are taken with much intensity and remembrance. A 24 year old hip-hop artist and poet from New Rochelle, New York — Bobby Sanchez started writing raps/poetry seriously after leaving high school. Back then, it helped him to find purpose and healed him from the depression he was going through at the time so, he went with it. At the break of dawn, Sanchez keeps his family in mind because they keep him motivated. Funnily enough, his ancestors are also a source for inspiration. Sanchez adds “I can feel their [his ancestors] presence on a daily basis.” A strength of his in music, comes from the truth. “It takes courage to speak out against issues that others are not talking about.” For instance, his song “Pasion” was him, looking within to find a truth. To warm up, he reads books about new concepts so it can be added between the lines of his rhymes. “Most books have to do with colonialism, relating to Latin America, as well as indigenous cosmology.” Sanchez says. Currently, Sanchez is sitting on about 9-10 songs. He plans on releasing them every week for the next couple of months.
1. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bobbysanchezmusic
2. Instagram: @bobbysanchezmusic
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Lady Kay: The saying “..walk a mile in someone else's shoes.” goes a pretty long way. Especially when you’re Lady Kay. At most, empathic — Lady Kay possesses the skill to feel and understand. As part of her execution, Lady Kay gives a powerful delivery when it comes to speaking the world’s truth. Still, it gets tough for her to do so, when revealing her own. To define her style, Kay says its moreso persona poems. Essentially, Kay goes into their perspective but it can get difficult at times when she has to come for herself. For instance Kay’s poem ‘Don’t Sleep With An Artist’ takes a jab at those who get romantically involved with artist. And funnily enough, she is an artist. Sometimes, she even offends those who listen unintentionally because they believe her poem is about them. But, she’s just doing her part through bold statements and social awareness. Lady Kay put the pen to the pad in 3rd grade. Then she pursued spoken word after high school. Kay adds “I’m not really emotional, but I can write out feelings.” Really, this is what pushed her towards poetry. Now, Kay is apart of a collective called Femsovl. The goal for all 3 is to create events that are calm, cool and collected. In Kay’s words, she relates with this: “To speak your truth whether on a soap box or stage. Its all you" From her poetry, Lady Kay wants others to feel the intensity. She is currently working on a book that’ll include short stories, interactive pieces and illustrations.
1. Instagram: @kaybeethelady
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Smoove Babii: One who armors the heart on his sleeve — Smoove Babii speaks from within and astounds others with his familiarity on personal experiences. But really, he self-identifies as “a fireball of energy who just demands attention with his presence.” Smoove Babii comes with the intent of being a safe haven for those who need it. He’d like for people to feel safe when they tune in. However, what he really means is that he’d like for others to feel safe being theirselves. Babii adds “I want them to feel safe by knowing their not the only ones in life going through or has been through what they might experience.” In a passionate tonality, Babii is able to reel out inner emotions. To put it further, his poetry is raw, aggressive and often times, understanding. Likewise, there’s no theme to his mastery. “My mood really determines how creative my poetry gets.” Smoove Babii says. Speaking of which, his favorite verse out of his poems is: What to do? Is the question I ask myself every day. MJ has been trying to tell us for years that, THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US! So, I talk to THE MAN IN THE MIRROR as I put my coat on. Everybody wants to be THRILLER but they out there trying to make us GHOST! I get BUTTERFLIES in my stomach every time I walk out my door. Seeing who's trying to ROCK WITH ME! Hope my family doesn't have to REMEMBER THE TIMES I MOONWALK back through my door. Look at my brothers as JACKSON 5 and go to school to learn my ABCs and make it easy as 123 and stop leaving BILLY JEANS and chasing these girls to ROCK THEY WORLD! We all are not SCARECROWS, WE ALL HAVE BRAINS, we must show them that WE ARE NOT ALONE and together we are INVINCIBLE so they can just BEAT IT with all those images of all us being SMOOTH CRIMINALS! This is bigger than being BLACK OR WHITE, that's why I get down on my knees and pray at night. Not to forgive me for my sins or beg to let me in but for forgiveness, just in case the cops have to JOE JACKSON me and I can't see my kids. 
From Smoove Babii’s upcoming poetry expect it to be more personal, deep, and talk about adventures that have formed him into who he is. Also, expect poetry albums and poetry EP’s as well. Maybe even a collab with Oliver The Writer. His first EP is out now on SoundCloud. It’s called Welcome To My Ghetto Gospel.
1. Soundcloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-515974176/sets/welcome-to-my-ghetto-gospel
2. Instagram: @smoovebabii
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Acoustic Cat: Acoustic Cat reminds us why we fell in love with music to begin with. As he goes to great lengths to bring back fine tunes, Acoustic Cat adds his flair through guitar progressions and gruffness. Likewise, Cat goes for a sound that’s more 60’s-70’s. To start off, Acoustic Cat got his big break after joining a rock/medal band. Although he toured around New York City with them and considered them “brothers”, Cat ventured off on his own. To describe what he goes for, its moreso a “naked” sound. In a word it’s an exploration of rock, jazz and everything in between. On the other hand, Acoustic Cat says his now-solo career is a learning curve. But the more he does it, the easier it gets. One message he tries to tell others is to stay positive. Through life’s ups and downs, Cat won’t stop until his sound becomes universal.
1. Website: www.acousticcat.com
2. Instagram: @theacousticcat
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chwaitawenana · 3 years
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Living fully, reflecting deeply and creating intentionally. 
Expect Opinion pieces and Reviews on Modern CounterCulture Art, Events, Books and Music in South Africa. 
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blkgurlwhtgi · 5 years
🎉🎈🎊Last post for the year for blackgirlwhitegi.com! Check out how you can actually keep your goals for the upcoming year AND new decade with a vision board! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #newpost#newblogpost#blogger#fitnessblogger#blog#eventreview#2020vision#motivation#newyear#2020#visionboard#hopes#dreams#goals#makeithappen#bgwg#blackgirlwhitegi#lifestyle (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6s2YMTBqHB/?igshid=1q95gnmqmpoga
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masslaxer · 6 years
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Event Review: “SpongeBob Squarepants: The Musical” Broadway Show -I entered through the online lottery -Awesome show containing actors with beautiful voices, creative outfits, tap-dancing, rapping, and humor -Plankton’s actor was the best actor of the group and had the best voice when singing -Pearl the Whale’s voice was the next best -I recommend going and would go again and bring Mom, Dad, & Connor -Online lottery savings: Normal ticket cost= $335.70- $42= $293.70
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rainnerona · 5 years
Chill on the grass at San Miguel by the Bay after the "On the Spot Zumba Dare" 😂 Kudos to the Zumbra Group @themallofasiaofficial mallofasia 🙌💕 Check out our Eggometer of Awesome on our Event Review of Aug 30 Friday MOA San Miguel by the Bay Zumba Session at @spoiledeggreviewsmnl 😱😍😘 ............... #EventReview #zumba #smmallofasia #smmallofasiaofficial #zumbafitness #spoiledeggreviewsmnl #rainneronasongs #youtuber #zumbaphilippines #aug30 #zumbadare #onthespot #kudos #eggometerofawesome #eggometer #onthespotzumba #rainnerona #singersongwriter #chill #grass #cap #neweracap #newera #fridaynight (at SM Mall of Asia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1y_3Q6FQpb/?igshid=agwjcgab71qg
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helens-journey · 5 years
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My #WomanCrushWednesday is @activateyrlife 'Activate Your Life' whose company slogan is "Women actively sharing Gods love" 💞 These are photos from their event I went to in January which was their annual Christian Women's Spa Weekend Away. Each year has a different theme & this years theme was 'Day & Night' &sharing the dark to light difference God has had on our lives (which you know is right up my street as I love to share exactly that in the spiritual strand of my blog!) 🙏 I have written an event review all about the ins & outs of the weekend in detail, as well as writing an encouragement for attending all-female events for female empowerment & a dose of #GirlPower 🙌 CLICK LINK IN BIO to go to the blog, then find the review by choosing the category 'Life' from the blog menu at the top of the page, scroll to find the review title "How attending all-female' events and retreats helps with female empowerment (plus event review of 'Activate Your Life' women's spa weekend)" and click on the title to read the full review... . . . . . . . #FemaleEmpowerment #eventreview #aylweekendaway #activateyourlife #whoruntheworldgirls #ontheblog #review #helensjourney #femalebloggers #bossbabe #girlpowerevent #femaleboss #girlboss #womeninbuisness #bosslady #femaleentrepreneur #girlgang #GirlsWeekendAway #GirlsTrip #AllFemaleEvent #WomensWeekendAway #WomenSupportingWomen #stillswithstories #DiscoverUndar2k #bloggergram #inplaceswithstories #lovalgirlgang #ChristianWomen (at De Vere Cranage Estate) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wFLAXhvxu/?igshid=1qz5toocrhmqu
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519magazine · 2 years
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Londoners Celebrate The Holidays With Stars On Ice - For many Canadians, there’s no better way to get in the holiday spirit than with a little time spent at the rink. Luckily for Forest City Fans, the... - https://519magazine.com/londoners-celebrate-the-holidays-with-stars-on-ice/?feed_id=1727&_unique_id=63bc7b2df310a
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musea-reviews · 2 years
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Kunsthal KAdE (Art Gallery KAdE)
‘’exhibitions on contemporary & modern art, architecture, design, and contemporary visual culture.’’
Location: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands Price: 13,- / students 6,- Duration: 0,5 - 1 hour Transport: Walking distance from the station of Amersfoort central. Language: Dutch, but it's more looking than reading Activities: Drawing, making clay figures Date of visit: Thursday 23 February 2023 Expo at that time: Ministry of Fear/Foam by Folkert de Jong website
Since the whole museum has a switching exposition and not a fixed collection, I can not really judge over the museum itself, more about the exposition. The museum is placed at ‘’het Eemsplein’’ locally known for having homeless men harassing you, and they did. The building itself is very modern looking, the whole square it's placed on looks modern, all stone and metal. Just not really my thing.
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I was not prepared
I was in the city and had some free time, so I popped in, not knowing what the museum was about. After I was greeted by the friendly staff and put my backpack in a locker and walked thou the big doors, where I saw a naked mannequin (Dick out and all) standing at the end of the hallway, staring at me, holding two heads in his hands. Okay cool anyway, let's walk further. Into a big room with multiple people hanging from the roof. Where the fuck am I??’. I started walking through the exposition and came into a black room with tv’s that played short clips of brain scans, hostages being kicked on the ground, and American soldiers posing with bombs. All the while the sound of a voice was playing, echoing saying things like, you know you're dreaming… right?? And creepy slowed-down music. It made me feel fear, it made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't know what was going on or how I got into this situation. I felt like I was in an Indie horror game like my boyfriend sometimes shows me. I didn't like it.
But the further I walked, the more interesting it got, weird ‘’edgy’’ drawing like that you would see in a high school notebook. I started thinking to myself, what in the ‘’nice guy’’ incel collection is this?? Statues of mutilated dead bodies, and all kinds of colours and textures. As the artist describes, he makes these things from what he has ‘’lying around’’. Looking a bit closer at these characters, I noticed these hands were too detailed to be a mannequin, the wrinkles, and pores and all. It started to scare me, how do I know this guy doesn't just have real humans ‘’lying around’’ based on what I saw earlier I would have believed it.
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When you see his work, you already start making a picture in your mind of what this deranged, mentally ill human could look like. But then I saw the interview, a friendly-looking man, a friendly teacher or neighbour vibe to him. Wearing his sweater with soft pink, blue, and yellows. I had judged too quickly, I had made a stereotype and judged the book by its cover. 
Really inspiring
I hated it at first because ‘’these drawings are so stupid, I could make them!’’ ‘’This is not art! He just wants to be edgy’’. I have not made art for myself in a long time, because these are the comments I would get. But this man just does what he wants, he makes great art, and you can see the great skill in his work. He's just having fun, making things up as you go. Doing what he wants or just for the shock value.
In the interview, he talks about how he grew up around bunkers, and his parents always talked about war stories. How he would go to the video store and always rented American horror movies. How he grew up being proud of his country, but the more he learned, the more disappointed he got. How he feels like his mind is an isolation cell he desperately wants to escape. To see what more there is. it suddenly all made sense. And walking thou it a second time with a new view inspired me.
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The KAdEStudio
In the studio you can make your own art. The activities you can do here are connected to the art exposition, so it also changes. This time, you could draw your own character/mannequin with crayons and markers. Next to that, you could make clay faces, or I guess clay anything. After you finished with it, there was a display where you can put it. And write your name and age. It was fun to see the different artworks from the ‘’normal people’’ and to see all different ages on this display, from 4 to 80! Sadly, they only had 2 tables to make the clay on, and there were already people sitting there. So I didn't make them. 
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TLDR +I would recommend it for Artists and Art students since it's usually not the ‘’mainstream’’ art. + Fun art activities, matching the theme + changing expos making it re-visitable.
- wouldn't recommend it for kids, maybe with a more kid-friendly expo.  - small, Even tho I take my sweet time looking at the art, watching the whole interview, playing at the studio and even looking at the fun things in the gift shop. I was standing outside again in an hour.
Would I pay the price: No, it was too short/small in my opinion Would I revisit it: yes, since the expositions keep changing every so months.
Who do I recommend it to: Artists, Modern Art fans, Art Students of any field. Interactive:         2 Educational: 2 Storytelling: 4 Price: 2 Memorable: 5 Total score: 3
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fanthatracks · 2 months
The second of the intimate panels held over the Invasion weekend came at 1pm with the arrival of Mary Elizabeth Winstead. For this panel, Starfury founder Sean Harry kicked things off with a brief conversation with Mary covering the breadth of her career. After this brought us to the present day, it was back once again for the audience to ask their questions to Mary in a very relaxed fashion. Below are all the things covered in a galaxy far, far away. Mary kicked things off by saying that Star Wars had always been a part of her life and she grew up with the original films in her household from childhood. It was her love of Princess Leia that really got her into saga. Mary explained how she connected with the character straight away and felt the spirit of Leia from a young age. She described Star Wars as an “omnipresent force” in her household. Going into the Ahsoka series, Mary told us that by Hera having a connection to Leia in the story is something that was incredibly emotional for her. When it came to preparation for Ahsoka, Mary admitted that she didn’t have enough time to go back and watch every episode of Rebels - she is the mother of a toddler after all - however, she did watch the most pivotal episodes that Dave Filoni recommended and made it a top priority to view these. She then went into detail of the tragic relationship between Kanan and Hera and bringing that element of Hera’s past into the show. Mary also went to detail about keeping her version of Hera separate to that of Vanessa Marshall’s portrayal. She was aware of the French accent that sometimes-accompanied Hera in Rebels but left it down to Dave Filoni and his instructions. To the surprise and delight of many fans in the crowd, Mary also informed us of her viewings of The Bad Batch and how incredibly important these episodes featuring Hera were in her prep. [gallery link="file" size="large" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" ids="164703,164702,164701,164700"] Someone asked what her favourite moments of portraying this character were and Mary instinctively answered that she loved the parenting moments the most with Jacen. Being a new mother at the time of shooting, she felt the connection to this storyline and really worked hard as an actor to make this element of her character the emotional epicentre. Another question fielded from the crowd was that we haven’t yet seen live-action Hera in action and while that hopefully is to come, Mary went on to detail that her favourite fight of Star Wars thus far was the rematch between Obi-Wan and Anakin in the finale of the Kenobi series due to the emotional stakes. When it came to the more philosophical questions surrounding that of being in Star Wars, Mary explained that it’s “pure joy to be surrounded by the fantastical everyday at work” and the make-up team worked hard to streamline the eye lenses and lekku in the make-up department. [gallery link="file" size="large" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" ids="164706,164699,164705,164704"] When it came to my question for Mary, I had to bring up the fabulous scene involving C-3PO. Mary explained that all rehearsals were done with Anthony NOT in his costume. When the time came to shoot the scene, everyone got “chills” as C-3PO entered and emotions ran high. All involved in that scene with C-3PO knew that they were involved in something special and no one took it for granted. Mary once again, proving her point, brought up how this emotional scene made her feel as it highlighted her character’s connection to Princess Leia. I explained to Mary a connection she might not have known. Her husband, Ewan McGregor, had a similar moment back in 2003 shooting Revenge of the Sith. For the prequels, 3PO didn’t get to shine until Episode III as for the previous two instalments he’d been naked with wires and then looking a tad rusty in Episode II. On the Episode III DVD extras, there’s footage of Ewan talking about how acting opposite Anthony in full, shiny gold Threepio costume was a very powerful moment for him. Funny how things work out sometimes. Sticking with family, Mary explained how it was special to be able to connect with Ewan about Star Wars and share this together and how it was also fun to be closer to his Uncle Denis through it and, of course, their son – Laurie – who is also coming to be a big Star Wars fan thanks to his love of Grogu. Stay tuned for my coverage of the panel with Natasha Liu Bordizzo and Eman Esfandi. [amazon box="1647225221"]
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dealifshoppe · 5 years
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See gaissss... kopi dan gula diasingkan, thus, terpulang on how sweet or how bitter you would wanna have your coffee... mudah pula tu nak buat... okaylah, hakak nak try dulu... stay tuned ya... #htcmyxchekhupclassic #ChekHupMY #hometesterclubmy #dealifshoppe #reviewer #productreview #eventreview #weshare #wecare #trustedreview #trustedseller https://www.instagram.com/p/B7CpKanFE2P/?igshid=1bkb7noq28pfd
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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By: Irate Specialist
If you’re a millennial or a member of Gen Z, one concept I’m sure you’re familiar with is “FOMO” and if you weren’t at Jungle Bash ‘19 I fear that, you missed out.
This amazing party hosted by local artist, Rightful Disciple featured a couple vendors, beer pong tables, a volleyball court, live performances and food.
The Jungle, the location of this amazing event, was a beautiful spot with just the right amount of space to party all day long.
Rightful Disciple was able to assemble an all-star list of New Jersey talent including: Samad Savage, Ethan Ross, Geno Five and Turkish Royale as well as other incredible New Jersey talent including the host himself.
Despite the fact that they were serving free beer, the performances were the main reason why folks turned out for this event.
Tiffany, 24, was looking forward to seeing all of the artists who were coming out. “I’ve been to the practices before here, and they all have talent,” she said. “It’s unbelievable. All put together, it’s something you want to see, something you can’t miss.”
This praise was not misplaced as every artist who took the stage rocked it.
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Saint James was one of the first artists to tear the stage up. It was easy to ride the wave he was on with his song “Calling”. Before I knew it, the whole crowd was bobbing back and forth as the song washed over them.
1. Instagram - @the88saint
2. Music + more - https://linktr.ee/the88saint
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Ron Solemn was one of the next artists to take the mic and helped to set the tone for the rest of the event with one of the best performances of the day. He and his friend, Black Panther, came out with water guns spraying the crowd providing much needed relief from the heat we were under. After cooling us down he set the stage on fire with straight bangers from his new project Ronald, which I highly suggest everyone go listen to.
Even the intermission was lit. As the artists in the crowd took the opportunity to grab the mic and spit some epic freestyles, they kept the energy and good vibes alive.
1. Instagram - @ronsolemn_
2. Music - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_fIT_MIQvqg&feature=youtu.be
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After the intermission it was back to the music and Ethan Ross, our local portable speaker freestyle legend came through bringing the energy that he was known for.
Even Otto Haze, 27 another Jersey artist, had been looking forward to Ethan Ross hitting the stage. “My boy Ethan Ross has some of the greatest energy I've seen out here in awhile,” said Haze.
1. Instagram: @therealethanross
2. Music: https://soundcloud.com/ethanrosswithredhair
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Geno Five was also one of the artists many people came out to see. Quan, 24, had been boys with Geno Five from high school and came to show support. “I’m really proud of his growth as an artist. I’ve seen the whole thing since high school and to see how he’s taken it serious is inspiring,” he said. Geno’s dedication to the game was instantly recognizable throughout his set. His song “Getting Played” had the whole crowd bumping to his lyrics and the instrumental.
1. Instagram: @geno_five
2. Music: https://m.soundcloud.com/geno_five
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Turkish Royale, Samad Savage and Rightful Disciple were a few of the acts that helped to close out. The performances were strong. And it was easy to see came to spit. With each artist’s energy, it helped to keep the vibes right until the end of the night. One of my favorite moments of Turkish Royale’s set was when he brought out Samad Savage to perform their latest collaboration “No Chill”. Though it was clearly a last minute request, both artists were were still able to kill the track and keep it entertaining.
1. Instagram(s) - @turkishroyale & @samadsavage
2. Turkish Royale’s Music - https://soundcloud.com/turkishroyale
3. Samad Savage’s Music - https://soundcloud.com/samadsavage
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Rightful Disciple’s set let the party know that not only is he a talented host but he was also an incredible artist. His complex rhyme schemes showed off his skill while he was still able to keep the audience engaged throughout the performance. With the level of skill of every artist who took the stage it was easy to see why audience engagement throughout the day was incredibly high from partygoers and fellow artists alike.
“I like how every time these artists perform all the other artists were there supporting as well showing respect to each artist,” said Natalie, 22.
1. Instagram - @rightfuldisciple
2. Music - https://soundcloud.com/rightfuldisciple
Jungle Bash ‘19 was one of the highlights of the summer. But don’t feel bad if you missed out on the event this year you can make up for it by attending Part Two next year.
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jerseyturntupent · 5 years
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New blog post 🎉 @djsussone 's Black and Blue Recap is now up on our website written by @kkimmestry Fashion, smiles, and good vibes. This was all that was expressed as some of the Tri-state’s favorite artists, actors, and bloggers alike, entered the room for DJ Sus One’s premiere of Black And Blue. Greeted with special VIP passes, our guests were certainly treated like the celebrities they are. Upstairs, individuals interacted over signature cocktails in a relaxing low lit setting. Dave East, Wendy Williams, Maino, Nyla Simone, DJ Drewski, Sky Landish, Richie Dollaz, Mariah Lynn, Yalee, and plenty more made up the night’s golden hour as Sony, Def Jam, and The Feature Presentation prepared for an amazing experience.  ________________________________________ Read more on our blog by visiting www.jerseyturntupent.com Make sure you subscribe to get the scoop first! Written by @kkimmestry Photos provided by @davidalexandermedia Major thank you to @thefeaturepresentation for the opportunity! . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #eventreview #artistreview #musicblogs #undergroundhiphop #artistsofinstagram #bookingsavailable #nojumper #upnext #musicjournalism #moviepremiere #eventcoverage #jersey #newyork #nyc #hiphopculture #albums #musicalert #power1051 #videorecap #inspiring #newjerseyhiphop #eventcoverage #djsussone #featured #artistsofinstagram #writerscommunity #writingtips #musicreviews #wearejerseymagazine #explorepage #recordlabel #writeups📃 (at New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4QERrQnFUr/?igshid=1rttlhjt33c5p
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