#Every episode he gets finer
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who runs this account omg 😭
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
there is so much of percy to understand this journey is truly thrilling
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neoflect · 1 month
sharing some of my disorganized jojo musical thoughts now that ive had a week to sit on it and ive rewatched it several times over. i intended to wait to publish something like this until a subtitled version was available, but im not seeing any indication that thats happening any time soon so for now youll have to deal with my loose interpretations from my extremely rudimentary and rusty japanese… so take what i have to say about the finer points of characterization with a grain of salt. gratuitous spoilers below obviously, both for the original source material and the changes made in the stage production
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my feelings are OVERWHELMINGLY positive. of course there are things i can criticize or that i would have personally done differently but oh man… i have literally not thought about anything besides this fucking show for a week. im 100% confident in saying this is a better adaptation of the source material than the tv anime. sorry to the davidpro staff, i respect their hard work and their love for jojo and their dedication to what is by any metric a pretty difficult property to adapt off of the page, but i dont know if i can ever forgive them for leaving half of the first episode’s storyboard on the cutting room floor in order to fit a standard half-hour tv slot, especially considering that what they cut is some of the really crucial character-building stuff. happily those scenes are not only reproduced in the stage version, some of them are expanded upon!
with the quick disclaimer that i’ve only managed to get my hands on the final 4/14 performance with shotaro arisawa and yoshihisa higashiyama, from what i’ve seen the casting is perfect. i’m sure there’s a rip of the 4/13 performance somewhere (i’ve seen clips) but i haven’t been able to find one… every single performer knocks it out of the fucking park, the cast chemistry is incredible and even the minor characters are loaded with charisma. and mamoru miyano… my god… mamoru miyano i owe you an apology. i was not familiar with your game. of course hes been killing it for decades at this point but i had soured on him a little bit recently because i felt like he was overcast in everything and i just didnt connect with his dnt reinhard at all, so when the casting was initially announced back in august i was underwhelmed, and of course my standards for the dio role in particular were astronomically high… i’ll go more into detail later in the post because i have so so many things to say about dio’s characterization here but mamoru miyano’s performance is like, life-changing. i had impossible expectations and he exceeded them.
sorry if im gushing. i am a hater by nature. its unusual for me to be so thoroughly pleased with something. im not even a musical theater guy. these are strange new feelings for me.
just to balance things out i’ll talk about a couple of the things that didn’t really work for me: first of all, the music is just ok. my initial draft of this post called the music “bad” but three additional viewings later i have warmed up to some of the songs. i don’t know if this is a shortcoming by dove attia as the composer or if it’s just me, as i said i’m not a musical guy and a lot of the genre conventions of musical theatre are not really the things i look for in music that i enjoy, but like… even at their worst they are serviceable. nothing here is sonically unpleasant to me. high points are “resolve of the ripple” (zeppeli’s hamon training song, a jazzy swing number - it’s simply catchy and fun to listen to) and the closer “phantom blood” (a sweeping ballad that reprises the earlier “light and darkness”/”golden spirit” leitmotifs into an epic duet between jonathan and dio as they join hands and walk off into the darkness together… made me cry! i wont lie! on every single one of my numerous viewings this one got me misty eyed!)
wait i forgot this is supposed to be the part where i’m being critical. ok my most loathed song in the musical is “dio’s world”. sorry dio nation. it doesn’t really work for me. i think this might be a case of my standards/expectations being too impossibly high because it’s not even really the worst song in the whole thing. and of course miyano eats it up so it’s not really his fault. i just find it kind of underwhelming… i find the melody a little grating, it’s kind of just a generic rock number, it’s just missing a particular je ne sais quoi…. the essence of dio isn’t there… lyrically though i am obsessed with the premise of dio recruiting his minions by selling himself as a kind of social revolutionary who is upending and inverting the brutal hierarchy of post-industrial victorian society with zombie blood magic. you win some you lose some.
the second sticking point for me is the costumes. they’re perfectly serviceable… adequate… but i mean when it comes to jojo “serviceable” and “adequate” costume design obviously falls well below what’s expected, right? a lot of the outfits have kind of a boxy, almost flat-looking kind of unflattering fit on the actors, which if i wanted to be generous i could attribute to the challenge of bridging the gap between these frail slender musical theater twinks and the two-meter-tall 250lb roided-out beefcakes theyre meant to be embodying. (bearing this discrepancy in mind a lot of the insane martial arts stuff in the second act doesn’t really land with the oomph that it should, but i also understand logistically why this kind of casting is not practical, and all things considered i think shotaro arisawa does a really incredible job of embodying jonathan joestar even though he kind of looks like i could snap him in half over my knee like a twig. he’s very cute. so i’m not mad about it.) of course, again, logistically, i understand that in a stage musical production, where actors only have minutes to complete costume changes, some sacrifices have to be made to the creative vision in the name of practicality. nevertheless this is jojos bizarre adventure!! i want to see some fucking baubles!!!!!!
which is all to say that… after carefully considering it for some weeks… i still have extremely mixed feelings about dio’s grink ass feather bathrobe look. it’s not that i dont think its something he could wear (the concept of dio lounging around in his gothic vampire palace doing re-animator style body horror experiments on the local wildlife in this “officer i have no idea what happened to my husband”-ass nightgown is nothing short of hysterical to me) but then he wears it into combat and i felt a little disappointed… it has the same unflattering fit issue as the other outfits in the show, and it is just such an un-araki-like design… where are the gaudy color combinations? the bizarre geometric patterns? the tease of an exposed boob/thigh/midriff? erina gets a stage-original dress design that i have fewer issues with because the excessive pleats and ruffles have more of an araki-esque sensibility, but every time i look at dio’s robe it feels like there’s something missing.  i’m going to choose to be nice about it because it’s not at all a deal breaker and, again, mamoru miyano devours the look. it’s fine. it’s always fun to have a new dio outfit. if anything, the fact that the blu-rays are being marketed as “2024 cast version” gives me hope for the possibility of a future production with a new vision for the costume design. (although the fact that this was such a difficult production - with stunts and pyrotechnics and moving setpieces - that its entire first week was cancelled indicates to me that the prospects for a future production from a different company are impossibly slim. i guess there’s always hope?)
in terms of the writing and the changes that were made from the original narrative, honestly i don’t really have an issue with anything that was cut. sorry if there are any diehard stans of Poco’s Unnamed Sister out there who are steamed that their favorite minor late phantom blood character got the axe, i kind of understand how you feel because i’ve been malding over david pro cutting the Danny Lore for eleven years, but i think it was the right choice and the story flows so much better. the real juicy meat at the core of phantom blood as a narrative and the thing that brings it head and shoulders above so much of the rest of jjba is the character-driven drama - that deliciously pulpy victorian gothic family tragedy - and the relationship between jonathan and dio. the musical beefs up the character drama and slims down the action-driven second half by trimming out the extraneous battles. the only real downside i see to this is that the absence of tompetty and his prophecy makes zeppeli’s arc and death feel INSANELY abrupt, but tbf that’s not a deal breaker for me. sorry zeppeli. you were born to die.
okay. okay. i think 1500 words into the post is enough fucking around so let’s talk about the real reason why you and i both know we’re here
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musical dio is SO fucking sad. he’s positively wretched, you guys. he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone and forced to eat cement when he was six. he cries even more than he does in the source material and even when he’s not crying he frequently delivers his lines as though he is moments away from bursting into tears. back when the musical first opened i was snooping on the reactions on jpn twitter and one commenter said they could see miyano’s tears and snot from the nosebleeds even without opera glasses, a remark i initially assumed was hyperbole but that i now think probably was not. araki’s dio is certainly tortured and a deeply pathetic crybaby beneath all the cruelty and posturing, but changes in the musical and miyano’s embodiment of the character bring this pathos to the fore. he is literally haunted: dario’s ghost lingers, a manifestation of all of dio’s traumas and insecurities that emerges from the recesses of his memory to taunt him with the reminder that he will always be his father’s son, all the way up until the very minute that jonathan breaks down the door to his vampire lair. i am OBSESSED with this - not only for the obvious reason that i delight in dio’s suffering personally but also because kong kuwata is a delight and he fucking kills it every time. also lends itself to a category 10 leitmotif moment at the top of the second act when dio emerges from the charred ruins of the joestar estate singing dario’s theme and calling out to jonathan - if i had to pinpoint this is probably the moment when this musical stuck for me as the Real Deal. they Get It.
the first solo number in the show is dio’s disney princess I Want song (amazingly, simply titled “dio”) where he weeps for his late mother and his wretched lot in life, and then - in a creative decision that made me clap my hands and hoot and holler at my screen in real life - there is a reprise of this number (delivered, naturally, through tears) when dio is almost arrested for murder and decides to become a vampire instead. so there’s this amazing hopeful uplifting inspirational orchestral music accompanying the onstage action of dio ruthlessly slaying jonathan’s dad and then getting pumped full of lead by a bunch of cops. it is brilliant. 10/10 no notes. it’s moments like this that i think really sell the “softening” of dio in the stage version for me, even though i am historically Not A Fan of fanworks that take a similar angle - like, yes, he is sad, but specifically he is narcissistically obsessed with the spectacle of his own suffering, he is boiling over with bitterness and rage for everyone around him who (by his own estimation) could never hope to have suffered as much as he has. this sensitivity and self-pity he wallows in are not expressions of a guilty conscience or a desire to change - they’re entirely the opposite - every cruel and monstrous deed dio commits is always justified to himself because he is simply the saddest little boy who has ever existed. he has been done wrong by the world and so there is no limit to the depravity he may reasonably respond with. i’ve seen several commenters describe this as a drastically different interpretation of the character from araki’s dio (and someone told me on twitter that mamoru miyano himself has also said this, but i cba to go digging for an actual source so take it with a grain of salt?), but i… dont think thats the case! dio’s obsession with his own weakness and his self-perception as the eternal underdog (as compared to jonathan) are certainly more exaggerated in miyano’s performance, but i don’t think this is an angle to the character that’s been manufactured out of whole cloth. the genre conventions of the stage musical force the melodrama up to eleven and dio’s incredibly repressed angst is the most rich vein to mine for that. hair-trigger sadist dio is still here, it’s the same guy, he’s still killing people mercilessly, you’re just getting to see him sing a big ballad about his feelings instead of confining those to an internal monologue.
if anything, the exaggeration of dio’s pathetic/cowardly/crybaby traits combined with his megalomaniacal aspirations and bottomless well of cruelty is just right. it’s perfect. fucking around, finding out, and then trying to weasel his way out of the consequences with crocodile tears just so you don’t see him drawing his knife to cut you clean open… yeah. thats the stuff. thats my one true blorbo. sad to say i will love him for ten thousand years.
i think that might be all i have to say… or at least all i feel like saying here… most likely ill come back and edit this post later. i certainly have some additional thoughts and some more esoteric/controversial takes but they’re not suited for a public blog. real ones will understand. im keeping my eyes peeled for somebody to translate this thing but to be frank i am kind of enjoying this little corner of fandom as it is right now: just the asians and the true hardcore phantom blood phreaks. i have not had this much fun in jojo fandom in almost a fucking decade. as soon as somebody publishes an english version my timelines going to get flooded with all the most deeply annoying “kono dio da” “speedwagon waifu” reddit guys and 15 year olds and my suffering will proceed. unfortunately this is my lot in life and i am doomed to be here forever because dio put a worm in my brain
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Little details in episode 9
Hopefully you know the drill by now — once a week I get a little wine tipsy, rewatch the most recent episode, and point all the little things that newly stick out at me:
Sailom’s silent “what the hell” is hilariously funny to me. He’s going along with what Kang wants with minimal input, which is very sweet, but the first chance he gets where his face is hidden, he can’t hide how insane he thinks his boy is.
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To give him a little bit more credit than I have been lately, this IS a more open exchange of feelings than Sailom would usually give. He turns it into a joke, but he is slowly starting to share more with Kang.
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No thoughts, head empty, just Sailom’s affectionate smile when Kang says he has to wait until tomorrow to be his sugar daddy!!
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I adore this little exchange. I wish they’d gotten to play it out more. It’s a nice way to show how different their backgrounds are without it being a whole THING.
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No thoughts, head empty, just Kang’s affectionate smile at seeing Sailom fall asleep!!
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Another really great exchange. Sailom NEVER talks about Kang like this, but you can tell how much more frustrating he finds this than anything that might come up in tutoring. He could sympathize with Kang being cavalier with money when it was seemingly unlimited, but not in a situation like this, when they truly need it.
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I don’t even LIKE kids and this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. @thirstkanaphan has fully convinced me that the actual best life path for Kang is coach
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Kang LOVEEEES calling Sailom his boyfriend and I love it for for him
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I have been married a long time and can attest that this is one of the most true to being married scenes I’ve ever seen on TV
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Something important happened with this line and I need someone smarter than me to unpack it
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The way Kang immediately upgraded their hotel room when he got more money. Incredible, no further suggestions.
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This gives me radiantly happy in episode five Sailom vibes, which is my favorite Sailom!! It’s so wonderful when he turns off his brain and just enjoys the finer things he gets to experience via Kang
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This flop of despair (and blue balls) when Sailom closes the curtain on him. Kang, I adore you.
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I have hated (HATED!!) how virtually every other BL I’ve ever seen has handled the shyer, virginal character whose boyfriend pushes them to be more physical. But oh my gosh Kang pulls it off. Because first of all, all he really ever is trying to do is make Sailom blush and he usually keeps his distance after he gets the reaction he’s looking for
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And second, because what he does after Sailom agrees to let him stay here, is immediately ask this question. My precious boy. Did you just want to stay close so you could open up about your feelings?
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After Kang talks about how he should sell the bike back, Sailom gives him the club look. And Kang gets to see it!! Only then does he try to close the gap between them. Sailom is admittedly giving him come hither eyes
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How Kang puts himself in the way when the angry guy starts talking about beating up Sailom. He goes on to say “I WON’T LET YOU”. So much (probably unwarranted) bravado, I’m obsessed
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Meanwhile, Sailom, who has actually lived on the mean streets, is like “we need to get the hell out of here”
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The motorcycle guys didn’t even take the money! Is that worse or better, I can’t decide?
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I know I’ve talked about this previously but the fact that Kang’s worst nightmare was Sailom getting hurt again and then HE caused Sailom to get beaten up by throwing that punch is gutting (but actually in some ways Sailom willingly chose to be beaten because he stepped in between the men and Kang. They protect each other!)
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I’ve come around to believing Sailom is telling the truth here. In part because Sailom never ever lies, and in part because I’m pretty sure Kang leans over and watches him type the message
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Obsessed with the way that immediately after he’s satisfied that Kang has calmed down and that he’s ready to go home, Sailom instantly reverts to the person you know he wanted to be the entire trip to Korat
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Once again they have an entire wordless conversation with their eyebrows. Married.
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The way Kang’s wearing white pants so you can really tell in the reflection how he has his knees bent on either side of Sailom’s body when Sailom flips them in the love scene 👀👀
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incesthemes · 10 days
literally cannot wait to hear you talk about how supernatural 0103 is just. entirely about john's character
i HAVE made a post on this before: i think that 1.03 dead in the water is actually john's introduction episode, told through the allegorical characters bill carlton, jake devins, and peter sweeney's mother. because the character dean imprints onto and relates to is lucas, but the focus of the character is on the parents, so the attention drifts away from dean and onto john to paint a picture for the audience of who he is in his physical absence.
and the episode reveals a lot of information about john that's confirmed later in the series: that he considers losing his children worse than dying (1.20); that he's aggressive and likes to maintain control over situations (also 1.20); that he will sacrifice himself to protect his kids (2.01); so on, so forth.
but i missed something originally—or rather, i couldn't figure out the true, intended meaning of this particular, poignant line from dean: "you can't bury the truth. nothing stays buried."
it's a pretty big line. it's obvious foreshadowing. but i did my first rewatch of season 1 six months ago while i was half-paying attention and i couldn't remember the finer details, so i moved on. but! this is a line about sam (it's always about sam in the end, isn't it?).
dean says this in response to jake and bill attempting to cover up peter's murder. it happens when sam and dean are literally digging up peter's bike which bill and jake had buried thirty-five years ago. these two men had a secret, and nothing stays buried.
john has a secret, too. he knows about sam's connection to azazel. we don't know how long, exactly, he's known this, but it's safe to say he's known that sam is the target of something evil since the night of the fire, and by the time we get to the mid-season episodes, john has figured out this something is a demon. by 1.21, we know that john knows there's a distinct, unnerving connection between sam and the yellow-eyed demon.
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and by 2.01, we know that john knows enough about all of this to understand what sam's destiny is and that he and/or dean are the only people who can prevent it.
he keeps all of this a secret, right up until the moment he dies. but no matter how hard he tries to keep the truth buried from his kids, it leaks out—sam has visions before jess dies; sam has visions of the house he was born in; meg comes after him to lure him away from dean; he finds max and realizes there are others like him; he finds meg again and she uses him as bait to kill john. and then there's the whole of season 2 on top of that.
it's a prophecy. you can't bury the truth. nothing stays buried. john was fighting a losing battle; the truth will always be found, and there was nothing john could do to stop sam from learning it, just like jake could do nothing to stop andrea from learning about the murder he committed three decades ago.
1.03 is about john, and it's about season 1. it's every step john will take from now until his death: from hiding the truth to watching it leak out from between his fingers to sacrificing himself to the monster to save his dying son. lucas is dean, jake is john, andrea is sam, and peter sweeney is azazel killing everyone around john and his kids until he's satisfied, until john offers up himself to bring his kid back from the dead.
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astrolaurical · 1 year
BTS moon signs masterlist
Jin, Jhope, and Namjoon all have their moons in their 1st house, so I wanted to put them close together so as you are reading, you can see how the SIGN (Aries for Jin, Taurus for Jhope, Sagittarius for Namjoon) can change, making the PLANET (moon) act so different from person to person.
For reference, Here is what planets, signs, and houses mean. For all things astrology, go here. The moon is your emotions and how you react and handle your feelings in day- to- day life. The house and what zodiac sign your moon is in will affect how you handle your emotions compared to someone else.
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Moon In Taurus 1st House
Namjoon has said before that if he wasn’t the leader of BTS, that J-Hope would be the next best option. His Taurus moon in his 1st house really highlights his leadership qualities. I often view J-Hope and Jin as kind of the rocks of the group. Every group has one; that one member that if they aren’t around, the other members seem lost. I always think of Mark from GOT7, Blackpink’s Jisoo, and Seungkwan, Joshua, and Jeonghan from Seventeen. They are always quietly supporting their members and just seem to be super observant. Hell, Mark has flown to his bandmate’s shows in other countries tons of times to go support his maknaes even though they always make fun of him. Notice how Bambam posts birthday wishes for ONLY Mark on instagram? Ride or die type stuff. That’s how I view Hobi as well.
Hobi himself has shown those qualities countless times, as members have spoken that he always agrees to a late night drink on the spot, and always drops by solo shoots to support his members. He even did it most recently in Jin’s Suchwita episode! 
Hobi’s Taurus moon give him the qualities of stability, security, strength, and sensitivity. Taurus is an earth sign represented by the bull. I always imagine bulls like oxen- very heavy and sturdy; reliable and strong. These attributes fit well with Taurus. What makes this earth sign different from Virgo or Capricorn is that Taurus is ruled by Venus, making this zodiac have a more sensual and luxurious feel. Have you ever met a Taurus that doesn’t like the finer things in life? They work hard to get those expensive items, and that certainly applies to J-Hope as well, as he is a well-known fashion lover and goods collector.
The moon is emotions, so when combined with Taurus, it makes the person like to stick to what they know. Basically they are not big fans of change. Hobi does have an INFJ MBTI (same!) and is probably a homebody like me. A Taurus moon definitely likes a cozy familiar environment. I just imagine his house to be filled with throw pillows and the comfiest blankets. 
A Taurus moon is actually exalted, meaning that the moon is the most comfortable in this zodiac sign, so lucky J-Hope! Basically, this means that he has control over his emotions. His strong constitution and emotional stability help him keep his cool in stressful situations and contribute to his success.
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Taurus Moon Square Aquarius Sun
If you are an old ARMY like myself, you remember all of the hate Hobi received in the beginning of BTS’s career. There were even smear campaigns to get him to leave the band. The hate got so bad that Jimin had to post that photo of him spelling out Jhope's name on Twitter (rip their old account when they used to actively use it) to cheer Hobi up :(. This hate can be seen most clearly through his Taurus moon square Aquarius Sun: it was written in the stars for him to go through these hard life lessons to become who he is today. This aspect tells of success that does not come easy and is only achieved from hard work. (He learns this wisdom and applies it via his Taurus Moon Square Aquarius Mars which we will talk about next.)
Hobi’s ego (sun) and his emotions (moon) are not aligning. While he may be strong willed (Taurus moon), he may not have all the resources and support systems readily available for him (Aquarius moon). We all know that J-Hope is very close to his family and had to move to Seoul from Gwangju to be a trainee. He even said that he quit BigHit and only came back because Jungkook begged him. It seems after that experience he really buckled down and made some thoughtful plans about how to execute his path forward so he could achieve his goals. His determination, stamina, and discipline paid off as all the work he did back then has made his life easier now.
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Taurus Moon Square Aquarius Mars
J-Hope took the wisdom from the hard lessons he had to learn as a trainee and applied it to pursuing his goals. His Taurus Moon (strong willed determination to get what he wants) being square to his Aquarius Mars (drive and passion that inspires others) helped him to debut and go on to become one of the most famous dancers in K-Pop history. He continued to practice and improve his dancing skills by uploading Hope on the Street videos, showing off his determination to improve himself. 
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Taurus Moon Opposite Scorpio Jupiter
This placement makes Hobi willing to take risks and go for it (Scorpio Jupiter) but because it is opposite his Taurus Moon, his emotions can cause him to doubt himself. A perfect example would be Run BTS episodes where he is afraid of heights or to stick his hand in the unknown box. He wants and needs the feeling of being passionate about his daily routine and feels it is invested with his later goals or mission. He is so committed to BTS and perfecting their dance, that the members are “scared” of him when he goes into dance teacher mode. He needs to make sure that he isn’t so invested in work that he stresses himself out, though. Having practical strategies to deal with emotional distractions, like hobbies or someone to vent to would be good for someone with this placement. This aspect also makes him extremely likable! Other people admire and look up to him (Taurus Moon) and enjoy his friendly nature, optimism, and generosity (Scorpio Jupiter).
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Taurus Moon Trine Capricorn Uranus
Yoongi and Hobi both have this placement since entire generations will have the same Saturn-Pluto since they are slow moving planets. These qualities demonstrate differently in these two men because of their different moons. A good rule of thumb for remembering Uranus is that it is ruled by Aquarius. Aquarius= all things eccentric, alien, weird, out of the box. Hoseok’s Capricorn Uranus is positively aspecting his Taurus Moon. Remember his infamous acorn pouch? This is where his love for all weird fashion things comes from! Others are intrigued by his personal style and freedom of expression. He may be the weirdest or most unique person in the room (and he certainly has had an interesting fashion evolution over the years), but it has zero impact on his confidence. He is sure of who he is and he is elated to share it with the world! That is why he is so fun and exciting to be around.
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Taurus Moon Trine Capricorn Neptune
Hobi also shares this same placement with Yoongi, except their moon signs are different. This will make the way the planets affect slightly different. Hobi sees the big picture in everything and has a talent for finding a way to get there, whereas Yoongi is a little more black-and-white (although over the years he does seem to be getting wiser with age).
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J-Hope has incredibly strong empathy for others, making him extremely trustworthy and easy to get along with. He might also see the best in others when they may not deserve it, and may need to take caution to make sure this doesn’t backfire. Like, not spilling his guts to someone he thinks is a friend who then goes and blabs to the media type of thing. Jimin has said he has lost friends because of situations like this. I’m curious to see if he has this placement.
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Taurus Moon Opposite Scorpio Pluto
Hobi’s exalted Taurus moon faces difficulty as it is opposite Scorpio Pluto. Scorpio (transformation, death) and Pluto (transformation) are a killer combination for the ego. Emotions come from the deepest parts of Hoseok’s being and are not always easy for him to understand. It could have been especially hard in his early life where it might have felt as if his emotions controlled him and they manifested themselves ferociously and unfiltered. He might have had terrible tantrums or was labeled “sensitive”. Over time and with more life experiences, he learned how to control his emotions and was probably able to strengthen his intuition with wisdom.
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Vox and Angel seperately with Yandere S/O who is member of one of demons Ars Goetia (but not related to Stolas) who after noticing some bruises from abuse that they undergone confronts Valentino demanding him to leave Vox/ Angel alone scaring him just like Stolas in episode 6 with his demonic form. Of course If you have a time for doing this
With a Yandere Goetia Reader
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Youd long since accepted Vox's need to work.
Sure, you'd gladly keep him by your side, never to leave your sight as to ensure his absolute safety at all times.
But he was a restless sort and regardless, you had your ways.
Such as the extensive network of demons and shadows that watched him every second of everyday.
You'd be in one of your art studio.
One of the perks of being royalty, you got to live in giant manors, painting a great portrait of your beloved TV demon. It'd become a favourite hobby of yours.
Youd just moved onto a more abstract style of painting, your beloved plasma screen demon just loving your works, always happy to see your art of him.
It'd be as you painted your piece, adding some of the finer details, that you'd suddenly hear the manor door slammed, angry footstep moving towards your room.
You know those footsteps. Size 10 Hellivian short heeled dress shoes, a custom pair you'd had made up for him. Your boo only getting the best.
Hearing your bedroom door slam, you quickly put down your brush, throwing off the apron and seeking out your Media Mogul.
Youd find him in your bedroom, stood at the base of your shared bed, turned away, arms crossed.
You approached him slowly, expecting him to be in a mood.
Youd begin humming your song.
The song you made sure reminded him of only good times. The song that played on your first date.
Moving forwards, you'd gently reach out. He didn't pull away, he knew better.
He knew he didn't need to.
Youd turn him around, expecting to see the pouting, or grumpy face of your Voxy.
But that's not what you saw.
Instead, you found your dearest television headed darling... cracked.
There was two large cracks branching out from a chip in the side of his head.
The first thing you did was take a deep, deep breath.
Then another deep breath.
Then, another.
Reaching out, you'd gently touch the chip in his face, his screen slowly healing before the demon was completely back to normal.
He didn't look at you, even as you stroked his face.
Youd calmly ask what had happened, and when he didn't answer, you'd turn his head, turning his face to yours before asking again firmly, wanting to know what had happened.
Vox hesitated, before telling you how he and Val had had a disagreement, vox unwilling to stand down and... well, Val didn't like that.
So he'd struck him, to "teach him a lesson", so Vox had run here, not knowing what to do.
Youd just pull him close, before planting a deep kiss on his strange lips, the demon kissed you back.
Youd lead him to the bathroom, using your powers to instantly run a nice hot bath.
You'd bath together, playing, nuzzling, you doing your absolute best to make him forget his awful day.
And after a little steamy time in bed, you'd have him off to sleep, while you just sat there, staring down at your beloved. And while you always enjoyed your time together, all this time, you'd been holding in an overwhelming fury.
So, putting up some wards, and assigning guards to your room, you made your way to the studio.
Of course you stopped momentarily, manifesting the shadow you'd assigned to your beloved, destroying him in the most painful, corrupted way possible for not informing you of your S/O being abused.
Youd make it to the studio, making it inside without harassment.
Youd find Valentino, and would corner him.
Youd tell him harshly, to never touch your love again, and if he did, well...
Youd become a monster, a veritable great cloud of demonic energy making sure he knew just how easily you could kill him if he ever so much as raised a finger towards Vox again.
So, after leaving Val to change his pants, you returned to your Darling, sliding into bed, the TV demon instantly nuzzling into your form.
After that you had an eye on every interaction he and Val had, Val not daring to so much as raise his voice to your S/O. You assigning several... dozen, shadows to watch the studio.
You knew every move, every interaction. And you knew he was safe, and happy, all you could want from the demon.
Angel Dust
You were hard at work, a rare frase for any Goetia to say in earnest.
You were finishing up the finishing touches for a club you were building for your darling Angel.
It was a gift for your one year anniversary, and a way you could ensure he kept up his side of your deal.
When you'd first gotten into a relationship, you'd made a deal that he could work for Valentino for one year, the Spider not quite bold enough to leave at the time. Your agreement ensuring a set period before you'd take him out of there, and you knew the spider was anxious over what he'd do after leaving.
So, you had this club built for him, the whole place practically a temple, A Fortress, to your most precious of possessions, staffed by specialists.
Youd used the past 12 months well, learning all the things he loved in a club, the club a collage of Angels favourite features.
But the club was more then just a bar and some stages. There was a fully fledge studio below the place, you intending for Angel to start making his own films.
As a director.
It was already killing you to let any other man touch him. But you weren't stupid, Angel was a delicate creature, easily scared off my overbearing figures. You had to ease him into the idea of monogamy, even if that meant using less then traditional means.
So, I was working on some of the finer details of the club. I'd been matching Angel's ascetic in every regard, the club awash in pink neon spider webs.
It was a real eye catcher. You hoping he loved it.
I had just signed off on the chairs to be used at the bar, when I was informed Angel Had arrived home, I using a ried and true spell of my powers to appear at my manor, finding the building empty.
I'd search until I found the spider in our bedroom, the effeminate man curled up on the bed, room dark.
So I'd glide across the room, slipping onto the bed, and while another might not have been able to see on the dark, something the spider was likely counting on... to hide the large bruise developing on his cheek.
I'd pull him close, asking him calmly what had happened.
He'd been ordered to fuck some guy for Val and he'd... refused.
He didn't want to cheat on you anymore. He wasn't gonna sleep with anyone, and Val... didn't like that.
Hearing that made you swell with joy, you of course keeping composed, holding the man close as he slowly broke into tears, you holding him close as he had a break down.
Youd hold him close, gently stroking his hair, comforting him until he'd drift off to sleep, all comfy in bed.
And so, with your darling spider asleep, you descended upon the porn studio like the fucking Wrath of God.
You slaughtered all in your way, leaving no one in the studio alive.
Youd kill Vox instantly upon seeing him.
And Val... you made him regret ever touching your Angel. You made him suffer for abusing your beloved.
You left the studio with a happy little humm and a string in your step. You made it home quickly, washing off the blood from your body, slipping into bed and holding the Spider close.
Thanking Lucifer for your single joy in this hellscape.
The next day you'd show him his club, the Spider absolutely gushing, thanking you profusely, you just happy to see the Spider happy.
You'd do anything for your Spider, conquering Heaven and Hell if it so much as bring a smile to his face, anything to make your Angel smile.
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OMG fid you notice that Ortho and the dogs kind of look like the basenji or jackal which resembles Anubis’s head? It’s not Greek but Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of funerary rites, protector of graves, and guide to the underworld. Love the details in every new look the boys get!
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[Referencing this post!]
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Yeah, I noticed the ear shape almost immediately!! It’s so cool how the design integrates the imagery of Cerberus from Greek mythology with Anubis from ancient Egyptian mythology. They’re both (broadly speaking) dogs that associated with the Underworld, just different interpretations in the finer details (Anubis guides the dead there, Cerberus protects the gateway, etc).
I really enjoy TWST’s design philosophy when it comes to clothing! It’s a very eclectic blend that borrows from many cultures and inspirations while also staying (relatively) practical. You wouldn’t think that Greek + ancient Egyptian cyberpunk battle armor would work, but it somehow does 😂
I hope the new gear provides some extra defense against lightning seeing as how Ortho didn’t take to it too well in episode 6… (and OB Malleus just might whip out lightning spells 💦) No beating up Ortho allowed!! 😤 Only Ortho beating others up allowed!!
Side note: there’s a theory floating around in the Japanese fandom that every character will get a SSR based on the new player titles granted for owning 10 cards of a particular character. For example, 10 Ortho cards gives you the title “Guardian of the Underworld”, which is what JP fans believe the doggo Ortho art is. After all, Cerberus is known to be the guardian to the Underworld!! (If you’re curious about what the other characters’ titles are, see this post!) I wonder if this (theoretical) new series would be based on the boys post-major character growth…? Or maybe it’s each of their “ideal” or “hero” selves from their dreams?
I don’t think there’s been an instance of static art that shows up in Tokyo train station ads that haven’t been new cards, but it would also be strange and a little unfair if Ortho was the only character to get a new SSR (because look at that fancy art; no way is it NOT a SSR). He was the first to ever get a main story-linked card, but a R is weak and common enough to just throw out as a freebie. If we think of this as series of SSRs with Ortho as the first in it… 👀 then mayhaps new looks for all 22 boys??? Maybe even leading into TWST’s second main story arc??
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Tell us weird theories/speculation among Insomnia's population about What Happened When The Conqueror Went To Galahd.
Hello and welcome to another episode of Historia Antiqua. A podcast where we dissect anecdotes, happenings and people from ancient history. The grotesque, the mysterious, the mundane, the well known and the unknown. Everything goes.
My name is Falco and today I have something very special prepared for you.
Maybe some of you listeners - depending on when you are listening to this - have already heard of this. If so, welcome! I hope you will learn something new from this as well.
So what are we talking about today? Well, we are going to talk about a man named Firmus Lucis Caelum. You may better know him as the Conqueror and 10th King of Lucis.
'But hold on', I can hear you say, 'we already know everything about this man' - well, you're wong. What I will talk about today currently has near every scholar of antique history up in a tizzy. I think one of the old scolars got so upset his wig fell off. It was great.
But before we get into the meat of things, let's first talk about what we know about dear old Firmus. A refresher, if you will. And maybe you will learn something new as well. You never know.
Who was Firmus Lucis Caelum? We all know him for his epithet. The Conqueror. So let's start there. What did he conquer? The answer to that is most of the Lucian continent.
Before his reign, Lucis was barely more than all of Cavaugh and a few territories along the Leidean coast. After he died, his son inherited a Kingdom that stretched from Cavaugh all the way to Ravatogh. The land north of the mountain was still its own kingdom by that point, but that's not important right now.
What is important is that a single man's ambition more than tripled the size of a kingdom in about a generation's time. Which is very impressive. According to anecdotal history, the moment Firmus brought Ravatogh under his rule, the Draconian gave him his epithet The Conqueror. Before that he was actually known as The Elementrist.
Side tangent: If you ever come across a certain consirancy theory telling you that The Elementrist is a missing King of Lucis that we erased from history, no, there wasn't. It's just Firmus. I cannot stress enough how that is just Firmus's first epithet. Yes, I'm talking to you, Constantia.
Where were we? Ah, yes. Firmus came very close to giving Lucis its modern borders. Which begs the question: Why? Why conquer nigh on a whole continent? No one just wakes up one morning and chooses violence on that scale.
The answer to that question is 'A Divine Decree'. For all that don't know: the Devine Decree is a document written by the Conqueror himself, detailing that his conquest is in accord with the Devine Will of the Astrals. It's a very... interesting read. Sadly, not all of it survived to this day. Part of it got burned when the Old Palace burnt down during the time of The Rogue.
Some people were very upset back then about women being Kings. Let me tell you.
If you are interested in the finer details of what we do have from the Divine Decree, I'll leave a link on my mog-page along with all other sources I have consulted for this episode.
What else we have on written record of the Conqueror is very sparce. Most of what we do know, comes from a man named An Inarim - a Leidean historian who lived around that time - and he wasn't exactly Firmus's biggest fan. For very good reasons as well. According to what we have of his books, Firmus had a very salt-the-earth mentality when a town didn't surrender before he killed their leaders. Among varuous other things. An Inarim also called Firmus a religious fanatic, which was a very bold claim to make at the time.
By now some of you might be wondering what the point of all of this is. Well, that's simple: Some weeks ago a young man named Ianus Veter walked into the Grand University of Insomnia with an old diary he found in his grandparents' attic. The contents of which are so monumental that they will change how we write history.
Yes, you heard that right. A nearly 2000 year old diary is the reason you have seen that funny little picture of old Scolar Lampas loosing his wig circling around the net.
In all seriouslness though, this diary is a milestone in researching ancient history and how we think about it. Especially wen it comes to one tiny detail. A hint to answering the qustion of what happened to the Black Fleet.
Through the tenth book of the Lucis Caelum Cycle - which is what the bools of An Inarim are called - we know that the Black Fleet was built as a part of the Divine Decree, though that part of the document has been lost to time and flame. It was completed somewhen around 427 AS, though some sources also mention the years 424 and 429. We know for sure however, that it set sail in 431 AS. Inarim is quite insistent on that detail.
What we don't know what happened to the fleet after that. All we know through the Lucis Caelum Cycle and a few surviving written pieces in Insomnia, is that only three ships returned, maybe around the year 433 AS. No one can say for sure.
What happened to the fleet has been a mystery ever since. Firmus himself hasn't been very vocal about it. As far as we know, at least. He must have said something, since the vanishing of a whole fleet, ships and crew and all, cannot have been without consequences. Sadly, no sources survived to this day.
This is where the diary comes into play. According to the University - and the parts of the diary they have published - it was written by an older noble named Avitas Veneres. He mostly wrote about his day-to-day life, which in and of itself cound't be amazing enough. That man really loved his wife and children. Which is an important detail, because on the 13th day of the 1st Leviathanis 431 AS he writes that, and I shall translate roughly: 'Worry eats me down to my bones, for my youngest son has signed onto the Farsighted. It is a fine vessel and it would be a fine choice, if this ship hadn't been part of the fleet set sail to the savage nation of Galahd.'
He goes into a bit of a rant, which shall not be repeated here, but let that sink in. Part of the fleet set sail to Galahd. If there wasn't any other fleet being built at the time - and the possibility of that is vanishingly low - Veneres here is talking about the Black Fleet.
Which, I don't even know where to start with this. If this is true, then this would mark the first contact between Lucians and Galahdians in history. It was previously thought that the honour of first contact belonged to the Wanderer.
Why is this important? Well, it would at least in part inform about the animosity between our two people. I mean, who would want to deal with a nation that tried to conquer theirs? And I know it has been nearly 2000 years since then, but I think we all have heard about the famous feuds of the Galahdians by now.
My sister hears two of them arguing in the streets one day. Apparently it was about a member of one family slighting another family, which happened at least several hundred years ago, and they were arguing about it as if it had happened just last year.
So I do have to wonder: Do they know about whaat happened to the fleet? And if yes, how accurate is it? In research circles Galahd is famous for keeping to its oral traditions to this day. Which is quite the amazing feat, to be honest.
All we do know for sure is that the Conqueror has forbidden the depiction of his likeness after his desastrous return to Insomnia.
And that's it, dear listeners. We shall take a quick break and then return to discuss some of the finer details of what Avitas Verenes has written about Firmus Lucis Caelum and the whereabouts of the Black Fleet.
See you in a few.
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SYFY Portal - Keating to try directing? by Michael Hinman (2002)
"It's been a long road" might be the opening line to the "Enterprise" theme, but it also could be applied to actor Dominic Keating. From his television bow as Tony in the British comedy series "Desmond's" in the late 1980s, to an unsuccessful attempt at a guest role for "Star Trek: Voyager," and finally as Lt. Malcolm Reed on the latest Star Trek series airing on UPN, Keating has traveled the road that many actors have tried to traverse.
And now that he is attached to one of the most successful franchises in television history, Keating said that now's the time to really achieve some of his dreams, including some that went unrealized until his arrival on the "Enterprise" set.
"'Desmonds' was a half-hour show on Channel Four, and we enjoyed big success," of a TV star in some capacity, but when I came to America [in 1994], I spent a bit of time out in the cold. About two and a half years ago, a bit of momentum started to show through, doing some guest stars and getting regular work, and I could consider myself a working actor again."
Keating said his first run-in with Star Trek wasn't the kind most actors hope for. Two years ago, he was auditioning for a guest role on "Voyager," an audition that may not have given him a chance to work with Kate Mulgrew in company, but one that had future implications.
"The audition went real well, and I thought I was going to get the part," Keating said. "When I didn't get a call back, I was thinking that I'll never audition for them again. I don't like to put words in [co-creator] Rick Berman's mouth, but after he had seen me audition, I think they sort of earmarked me in some capacity. They brought me in for the first audition [for 'Enterprise'], and they went pretty swimmingly. I was the first one cast."
Through the first 10 episodes, Lt. Reed was more of a background character as Enterprise's weapons officer. But Keating said he has no qualms about the focus on Scott Bakula (Capt. Jonathan Archer), Jolene Blalock (Sub-Cmdr. T'Pol) and Connor Trinneer (Cmdr. Trip Tucker), especially since some of the first season's finer moments are expected to come by way of Reed.
"It's really started in the last few episodes, Malcolm Reed has had the light shone on him," Keating said. "Brannon [Braga] did warn me about it that their initial thrust at the start of the series would be on the captain, Trip and the Vulcan. I just turned up every day and did the best I could with what they gave me to do, and trusted with what they told me was true."
And Braga has stayed true to his word, because Keating said he has heard quite a bit of talk about one episode that will air on UPN Feb. 13.
"There's an episode coming up called 'Shuttlepod One,' and it's one of my most exciting and most memorable acting experiences, whether on stage or on the camera," he said. "What a fantastic piece of work we turned.
"It's between me and Trip, the engineer. We think we're marooned alone in space on Shuttlepod One. You could put this on in an off-Broadway venue and have it staged as a one-act. Rick is very pleased, and he just said some very complimentary things about it yesterday. I know that for the directors that work on the show, if you don't get a phone call from Rick, you've done real well."
Not getting that phone call from Berman is something Keating hopes happen if he ever makes his directorial debut on the show. Like Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Rene Auberjonois and Robert Duncan McNeill -- among others -- Keating said he is hoping to one day have a shot sitting in the big chair for an episode.
"I've already embarked on a directing course at an L.A. film school that Roxann Dawson (Lt. B'Elanna Torres, 'Voyager') had given me the number for," he said. "After I took the course in directing, I've noticed that my interest piqued more than ever in how each shot is being mapped out. I never had taken that much of an interest before as an actor, which usually was to just put me on the mark, tell me which way to turn, and I'll act it.
"But I've noticed that in the episodes that rolled by, my interest is a lot keener, and I can see myself definitely directing one of these episodes, and direct other stuff in the future. Of course, I haven't approached Rick or Brannon about this yet. They hired me as an actor, and I'm putting my two peas [ed: "2 p" (pence)] in at the moment."
The Paramount lot is bustling with Star Trek activity right now with not only a hit UPN series, but the tenth motion picture of the franchise as well. Having the cast of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" hanging around has been exciting for Keating, he said, especially in getting his chance to finally meet Patrick Stewart. And with a lot of talk focusing on "Star Trek: Nemesis," Keating said he hopes that his crew of the starship Enterprise might get their shot on the big screen some day.
"I would love to do [a movie]," he said. "I think they are filming 'Nemesis' around the corner from us. And by all accounts, this is the fourth movie for them, and this really might be it. I don't know, maybe Paramount might feel they have another one in them, so it's just a question on when they get us to do it. Will they wait for 'Voyager' to have a shot, or are they going to pass them by?
"If they did do a movie, would we all want to do that? Scott [Bakula] has a young family, and he's keen about spending as much time as possible with them. But it's probably a few years off yet, and maybe after seven years, if we did a movie once every 18 months or two years, that would be fantastic."
But in the here and now, "Enterprise" is just 10 episodes in with UPN beginning new episodes next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET. Of course, that hasn't stopped some fans from recognizing Keating on the street.
"I was recognized in the post office this morning, and that's the first time a completely random guy has come up to me like that since the show started," he said. "I was posting some fan mail to some guys in Europe, and he came up and was so thrilled to see this guy from 'Enterprise.' I shook the guy's hand and introduced myself, and he introduced himself, I think his name was Jack.
"It was a good experience, but the funny thing was, I was standing in line wearing my scruffy old sweatpants and wasn't looking my best. I thought to myself that there was a pretty girl in front of me, and there will come a time when I wished I would've dolled myself up."
Keating pauses a moment, and laughs a little.
"My girlfriend is going to shout when she reads that. But we all carry a little vanity with us, and the time will eventually come when I can't leave the house a complete mess. But you know, who cares, maybe I can. It's certainly only a TV show, and it's not like we're saving the world . . ."
Jumping into character for just a moment: "Oh wait, captain. We are!"
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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bamfahsoka · 1 year
Change of Fate: Chapter 2
No warnings for this chapter👍
Relationship: Wolffe x Female Reader
*Image from Google Images*
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  After your holocall with the 104th, you and Rex went back to the Medbay to check on Kix's progress. When you walked in, you saw Kix trying to decipher Tup's test results at his desk. You walked over to Kix, and he stood up at attention. 
     "At Ease Kix, you know I don't care about the formalities. How's our boy doing? Have we learned anything new?
With a heavy sigh, he says
      "Unfortunately, not much. Scans are not picking anything up. I would need a much more advanced  scanner to get more comprehensive results, but the scanner I would need is only on Kamino. 
      " I don't want him anywhere near Kamino or the long-necks. We need to learn as much as we can as quietly as we can. No report of the incident has been submitted yet, and I'm going to keep it that way as long as possible. The second the GAR or Senate finds out about this our opportunity to investigate on our own is over" you stated. It was your turn to sigh. 
 Rex then voiced the question, you all were asking yourselves. 
    "But…How do we get more detailed scans without a more advanced scanner?" 
It is then that you come up with the half hazard plan of using the Force to see into Tup's brain, and hopefully find the source of his manic behavior. You've made it a personal policy to never look into people's private thoughts and space, especially the Clones. However, you were limited on time and options. 
      "Theoretically I could use the Force to lock on to the cause of his episode and 'scan' that specific area, in much finer detail." You said hesitantly. 
You continued with an uncharacteristic small voice.
       " However, that would be a huge invasion of his private space, and I would never want to take that away from any of you." 
Rex and Kix look at each other. Rex was the first to speak.
       " While we appreciate your concern, and are forever grateful for your ongoing support of the clones, we can pretty confidently tell you that he would rather you look into his mind, than risk hurting you or anyone else. " 
You looked over to Kix. And he nodded in agreement. 
       "OK then…Lets get to work before the sedative wears off. Kix, you'll monitor vitals, and monitor the screens to see if anything pops up. Rex, I'll be completely defenseless while connected to Tup, I'll need you to watch my back if he wakes up and decides he wants me dead again." 
       " Always General." 
You put your good hand on his shoulder and give him an appreciative look. 
       "Last piece of the puzzle  is getting help from our favorite ARC troopers. "
You press the broadcast button on your comm and call Fives and Echo to the Medbay for security, to not let anyone in the medbay. You'll need as much quiet as possible in order to concentrate. 
After everyone understood the plan, you took your position at Tup's head. You took your arm out of the sling and put your hands on either side of Tup's head. You drew on the surrounding Force and went into a meditative state. You released all your emotions and turbulent thoughts into the Force, so you could focus solely on mapping out Tup's brain. You tried to bring anything foreign or damaging to the surface of his mind, so you could follow it back to its source. Moving slowly so as to not agitate him unnecessarily, you scan every fiber and neural pathway. Finally, you see one strand that seems damaged. It looks as if it's corroded from long term exposure to something horrible. You decide to gently pull on the strand and let it guide you deeper into Tup's brain. You're getting close to your limit, but you have to push on to help Tup. You come to where that poor damaged strand led you, and you can't help but jump at what your mind's eye is seeing. All of a sudden, you hear a distant beeping and some commotion  around you. Confident you found what you were looking for, you slowly withdrew yourself from Tup's mind. As you came back to yourself you collapsed. You struggled to open your eyes, but did manage to hear Kix say she did it, we can remove it before losing consciousness.
You have no idea how long you've been unconscious in the medbay. But when you open your eyes, you wince at the bright lights above you. As your vision clears, you are pleasantly surprised to see Wolffe sitting by your side. He's hunched over with his face in his hands. With as much sarcasm and wit you could muster, you said 
      "I would say 'hey handsome', but I can't see your face."
He jumped at your voice. His head shot up, and his eyes darted to yours. It's then that the fearful expression you saw on his face when you got shot came back in full force.
     " C'yare! I- I mean Y/N." He desperately tried to correct himself. 
You had heard the term a few times among the men, but never learned what it meant. You tried to sit up, but were instantly reminded that you were shot not too long ago. Wolffe moved to help you sit up. You had noticed that your attempt to lighten the mood had little effect, so you took a more comforting approach. You gently grabbed his hand and looked into his warm and worried amber eyes. 
     "Hey, not that I'm not happy about it, but what are you doing here?" You asked sweetly.
      "Once Rex contacted the Triumphant, about you passing out after your journey into Tup's brain, which General Plo was not a fan of by the way, I may have suggested that I come on board to help Rex, as an additional commanding officer. At least until you were cleared for duty."
      "Uh huh. Well, you don't need to worry. We'll figure out this whole Tup thing together. Once we do, we can make sure that nothing like this ever happens to any one of your brothers again, " you encouraged. 
At the mention of Tup, his eyes moved to your injured shoulder, and his jaw clenched. His face went from a combination of fear and relief, to one of frustration and desperation.
    " Y/N I know, but you've been pretty hell bent on dying lately which goes against the 'together' part of that plan!" Wolffe lectured 
     "Wolffe…" As a reflex you withdraw your hand. You're surprised by his outburst, but you know that it stems from concern.
Kix came over with a sense of authority that rivaled the Commander's own. Kix truly was in his element here in the medbay.
      "Commander, I will not allow you to lecture my patients. If you can not calm down, I'll be forced to ask you to leave." 
You saw Wolffe try to contain his emotions, and decided it was in everyone's best interest if you tried to diffuse the situation. 
      "It's not a problem Kix, Commander Wolffe is just concerned for everyone's safety. I'm ok really, If it's ok with you, I'd like him to stay."
     "If he behaves, I don't have an issue with it. However, a change of scenery would do you good vod. "
Kix then turned his attention to you
     "Now that you're awake, General, we can do a few final tests and hopefully get you out of here." 
       "Sounds great Kix, thank you" you answered gratefully.
Kix walked away, and you turned your attention back to Wolffe. 
      "How long have you been sitting in that chair anyways?" You ask
      "Does it matter?" Wolffe mumbled, trying to hide the blush creeping up onto his face. 
You giggle at his response.
      "It does to me." You said gently, while looking at him lovingly. He looked back at you, and you instantly got lost in his eyes.  You wanted to just tell Wolffe your feelings for him, but no words came out. 
He sighed and finally relented. Though he would never admit it, he could never say no to you. 
       " You were only out for 2 rotations. It's no big deal".
Suddenly, you hear the medbay doors opening, and you hear a familiar voice call out
       " Not a big deal, until anyone suggests you leave the medbay and take a break." 
You looked over to see who the voice belonged to, and it was none other than Rex. Wolffe glared at his younger brother, as if Rex was his next meal, just as his namesake would. The milky white of his cybernetic eye only added to the intimidating scowl Wolffe was wearing at the moment. Very few people could challenge Wolffe and get out unscathed. Lucky for Rex, he was one of the lucky few that could, and he knew it. You couldn't help but laugh at the scene. 
         "Alright, alright boys. Wolffe you can take it out on the poor shinies later, and Rex stop literally poking the beast" you teased. 
Rex looked at you in a joking manner as if he was offended, and Wolffe had a look of mischief  in his eyes. At that moment Kix came over and gave you the good news that you were cleared to go, as long as you let your shoulder continue to heal, and to not do any more stunts using the Force. You agreed to his conditions, and you were about to ask about Tup when Rex's comm started to blink. He answered
        " Captain Rex here". 
On the other side, the bridge reported that the Supreme Chancellor was on the line and wished to speak with the commanding officer. Your blood went cold, you immediately spoke into Rex's comm. 
       " This is General Y/L/N, I'm on my way. Please tell the Chancellor, I will take his call. " 
      " Yes Sir" 
The call ended, and your brain immediately went to trying to come up with a plan to keep Tup away from the Senate and Kamino while not implicating the clones or Jedi.
You called out to Kix. 
      "Kix, I need you to come with us. I'll try to keep you out of it, but I might need you to give some info on Tup, but I want to keep it as vague as possible. " Kix nodded.
You all made your way to the bridge. You signaled for Rex, Wolffe, and Kix to stand off to the side so they would not be seen. As you started to walk forward, Wolffe grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze as a sign of comfort. 
You walked up to Chancellor Palpatine's image on the holoprojector. You bowed your head and addressed him. 
       "Chancellor Palpatine, I'm sorry for the delay. What do I owe the honor for your call today?" 
       "First, I'd like to say I'm glad to see that you are well after your ordeal."
       " Thank you for your concern, I am doing well. Now how can I help you Chancellor?"
       " Right. Due to your injury General Plo filed your mission reports for you, and I wanted to clarify a few things. 
Your heart was thundering in your chest, but you kept your composure. 
       "Of course Sir. What are your questions?" 
       "The report said that your shoulder was injured but did not indicate how. Can you please tell me how you were injured?" 
       " I was hit by a piece of shrapnel Sir. It was unclear where it came from. I assume that's why General Plo's report lacks the details that are typical in his reports."  
       " I see. If your CMO could submit his report on the  incident as well, that would help complete the report."
      " Of course. Do you have any other questions I can help you answer?" 
      " I do, in fact." 
You swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat. The Chancellor continued
      " An anonymous report we got did say that there was a trooper on your ship that was endangering the other clones and yourself. I believe his number is CT-5385. Do you have any knowledge of this?"
      " I was unaware of the report, but I do know that trooper, his name is Tup. As far as the incident report goes, once I woke up, I was informed there was a sparring match that got out of hand. However, it was quickly resolved, and no harm came to anyone. Often, those of us fighting in the war day after day, clone and Jedi alike, have triggers or just bad days. Tup was doing fine after some simple breathing and calming techniques. After following up with him myself, I didn't see any need for medical care. " 
There was a moment of silence. It was only a few seconds, but it was the most suffocating silence you had ever experienced. The Chancellor finally broke the silence. 
       " Well, I greatly appreciate your insight into the events of the mission, I will have the mission report updated with this information. I also wanted to inform you that I am calling the 104th and 501st back to Coruscant." 
       " Oh, well that's certainly a surprise. We were expecting to be deployed for another 10 rotations" 
       "Well even good soldiers need a break." 
You already didn't trust the Chancellor, but this development made you question his motives even more. However, you had to maintain appearances to prevent any suspicion. 
       " I'm sure the men will appreciate the leave. Thank you, Chancellor." 
       "You're quite welcome. I would love to see you while you're on leave as well." 
You felt a chill run up your spine, and a sense of danger in the Force. 
       " Of course Chancellor, it would be my pleasure. I'll make a point to stop by when you are available, " you said in your most innocent voice. 
      " Wonderful, well I'll see you then." 
He had a wicked smile on his face that instantly made you feel small and vulnerable.  You gathered yourself and replied
     " See you then. Goodbye Chancellor." 
The holoprojector cut out, you thanked the bridge crew, and informed them that you would be in your quarters. You then rushed out of the room, walking as fast as you could without causing a scene. You found the closest storage closet and jumped in, hoping that no one would find you, and see you on the verge of a complete meltdown. 
Your 3 friends followed you out of the bridge and attempted to follow you. Rex and Kix immediately went to your quarters; however, your Commander knew you better. If you didn't want to be found, you wouldn't tell everyone where you actually were going. You didn't get overwhelmed very often, but when you did, storage closets were your hiding place of choice. 
Wolffe walked down the main corridor and looked for the closest storage closet. You felt him coming, and if you're being honest, you wanted him to find you. He came across your hiding spot, and knocked on the door. Your voice was small and you were trying to catch your breath. 
      "Who is it?" 
      " C'yare open up."
You opened the door, and Wolffe stood there with worry on his face. Once the door was openyou immediately sank to the floor. Wolffe followed you to the floor, closing the door on the way down. 
      " You ok?" He asked gently.
      " Not really, but I'll be ok…I have to be, for everyone."
      "You know, you don't have to save the entire GAR by yourself. Some of us do want to help you". 
      "I know, but I'm trying to protect you and your brothers, not put you all in more danger. I don't want to lose you…I -I can't lose you." You confessed timidly. 
Wolffe's eyes went wide, and his breath hitched. Being careful of your shoulder, he gently grabbed both of your arms, and  leaned forward touching his forehead to yours and said in a softer voice
      " I can't lose you either C'yare…I won't lose you."  
     " What does that mean..C'yare?" You asked 
     " Beloved…it means beloved". 
You felt your heart race, your face flush, and the overwhelming feeling of love and happiness come over you. You couldn't resist him now that you knew he felt the same. You closed the space between you and kissed him slowly and gently to communicate the depth of your feelings, he responded instantly. Returning your feelings in the passion he put into the kiss. When you finally had to separate for air, he was the first one to speak.
         " I love you. I don't care if I have to fight the whole galaxy to keep you safe and in my arms. I'll always love you."
The tears that you somehow managed to keep from spilling over until this point, finally ran down your cheeks. You looked at him with nothing but love in your eyes and said 
         " I love you too". 
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yourstreetserenade · 9 months
i'm a nerd who was raised by television. one of my ultimate comfort shows growing up was Frasier.
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don't ask me how, don't ask me why but i was a young brown woman living in the south and yet, this show about two stuffy, pompous elitist intellectuals and their cranky policeman of a father and his home caregiver was one of my favorite shows. i watched it every night because reruns played on a local station.
if i could boil my humor down to two things its i love lucy and frasier. like, i'm sorry friends, i'm sorry seinfeld, in my opinion, frasier was the greatest sitcom of the 90's. all of that of course boils down to the caliber of writing and performance. it's a timeless kind of humor. to this day, when i need that extra something to end a hard day, i put on 'daphne does dinner' or any the maris murder episodes (''i was punched in the face by a man now dead!") and during the holidays i usually take a day to marathon all of the Christmas episodes.
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i have a lot of feelings about the revival. most of which can be summed up with, i don't want this. frasier was lightening in a bottle in terms of getting the perfect writing team and the perfect cast and i don't know if it can be replicated, especially because only kelsey grammar and a few original cast members will be reprising their role. of course i know the whole argument that frasier the show itself was a spin off of cheers and that worked so by that reasoning, this could work as well. i just don't feel like it will because it's an entirely different tv landscape now.
the revival trailer doesn't give me a lot of hope though. everything about it feels so stock. canned. i think there is a way to revive it, i just don't know if the route they're going is the way.
personally, if i was writing it this is how i would build it. break frasier down as a character. one of the easiest ways to endear a character to an audience is to make them struggle before reaching their goals. my idea: have frasier in a career slump. radio is dying and he's lost his show and due to this he's decided to bunker down with his son, the now adult freddy and wah-la, you get your odd couple dynamic right there.
that of course mirrors the original series and how frasier and his regular joe father martin had to navigate a relationship being two opposites.
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frasier has always had a particular, sophisticated taste for things, make adult freddy like his grandpa martin. freddy is your every man, who loves a good beer and a good football game. due to financial reasons on both ends, father and son have to live under the same roof as they both figure out new paths.
also: make freddy gay. the original frasier series had numerous jokes about heterosexual niles and frasier being a little gay, just because they liked the finer things. you can sort of play with that in the revival by making freddy, the beer loving, football playing average joe gay.
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by making the character of the now grown up freddy gay, it adds another layer to the story. but beyond that i think it would be a way to honor the actors who worked on the original series. because eighty-five percent of frasier's original cast was gay. it's not speculation or rumors, there is a very rich queer history to the behind the scenes of frasier the series. gay creatives brought frasier to life for 11 seasons. i think making a grown up freddy gay would be a way to honor them.
another thing i have issues with. why is frasier a college professor? it feels tired.
a better idea: with his radio show dead and buried, frasier bumbles around the apartment until freddy introduces him to this new, spiffy thing called podcasting! radio may be dying but every millennial and younger listens to about three podcasts a day. freddy shows his dad that he can still reach and help people and do it on a much more personal level.
frasier starts a tiny podcast that blooms into something bigger where he reaches a new generation of callers asking for help. this kickstarts something and it in turn opens a door for a new career that still feels organic. it's different from the radio show but, for original audiences, it scratches that nostalgic itch of listening to frasier talk to ridiculous callers.
if i were writing it those would be my two key points. make freddy gay, make a struggling frasier a podcaster. also find a way to have that cam winston guy make a cameo.
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
New Life Begins ep 1-14 Review!
Before even a minute could pass I immediately loved the intro, and worldbuilding of nine regions. I straightaway made a list so I can keep track of the backdrop.
On to the actual episode, I did like some parts about it but mostly I thought this is too much character introduction for a drama opening. Too many things to keep track of. But it was funny and cute so I kept watching.
By ep 4 I started feeling like...
This drama felt like something written by me (I have ocd and am extremely detail-oriented)
Except that's not a praise. It felt like written by a delulu me out of control 😂
▪︎There are 9 provinces in this universe. You need to remember facts and points about all of them whenever the drama name drops them.
▪︎ There are girls from these different provinces and about 5 princes. You need to remember all their characteristics.
▪︎One Prince has 24 consorts, I kid you not, that he named based on 24 solar terms
A me 10 yrs ago would write something like this, I thought. (Now I have better control 🤭) It was highly amusing to watch in the sense you are reading your childhood diary rambles lol.
I have no idea how the drama makers kept track of who is who. Viewers can watch it with no problem if they don't think too hard, but for someone like me who had to hog on every detail, this was simply overload. It looks like a detail oriented person's catnip on surface, but is actually nightmare.
And once I stopped being pulled in all 8 directions by the various character flocks in this drama, I started noticing tiny loose-plot things about it. Once again, it felt like the scriptwriter/author was too focused on the number-game-nerding with as much as characters possible and making them interact in this wild network, so they didn't have time to work on finer details that would make a story sensible.
I thought I was gonna drop and was like "maybe let's watch today's eps too".
And boy, am I glad that I did.
Like a switch turned on, I suddenly started liking it from ep 6. And I only became more enamoured onwards! I have no idea what caused this, maybe I got used to the numerous background details of the story. Maybe the story *itself* chilled down a bit with its worldbuilding and started on with what it came to accomplish.
It is incredibly feminist! 😍 I realised this by ep 7, which delivered ABOVE and BEYOND and woah, I was suddenly in love.
I was supremely impressed with the portrayal of feminism in Danchuan. When I first saw the summary of the 9 regions, I liked Jichuan the best (obviously) and was hesitant about Danchuan because it sounded like just another stereotypical attempt at toxic feminism where it is not at all different from patriarchy except with genders reversed. Aka what a lot of people imagine feminism to be as shown in Romance of Tiger and Rose.
But Danchuan.... their logic, their values..all so sensible, considerate and extremely progressive. They do not seem like a group of women who terrorised a province and took men for slaves, rather they are a bunch of chill ladies minding their own business and if the men are humbled and mature enough to not be offended by that, they get to stay! There was no unnecessary belittlement to men. Rather they just cared very much (as they should) about equality, consent and self respect and would not settle for anything less.
(The following two lines by Madam Danchuan stuck with me. It really spoke for their core belief: that they would never force a woman to do anything against her will and choice.)
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And from that moment it became THE feminist Chinese costume drama of the year! What is it about November? Last year it was Marvelous Women 💕.
*eyeing 2023's November. You better plan on your game starting now on, if you already haven't.
And it did not stop at the Danchuan arc!
I already was liking how New Life Begins touches on various ideologies (patriarchy, polygamy, monogamy, matriarchy) all at once. But I didn't expect a 100% satisfying outcome as that is simply too much deep topics for a single simple Web drama.
A complaint I always had about historical dramas' typical portrayal of women is that they always make it look like the ladies had no other use of their time than scheming how to bring the other ladies down so they can have the man's affection to themselves.
And I was like... surely in a society where polygamy was the norm there was at least one or two examples of functional and peaceful families where the ladies were smart, knew their worth and didn't care for a man who didn't care for them in return?
Last year's Marvelous Women was a gem that set the bar high on this front, where the women joined forces instead of torturing each other pointlessly. When such nuanced portrayals are a rarity even in the "serious historical" genre, I did not expect any at all in a simple fluffy costume drama like New Life Begins.
But it has already blown my mind with how nicely the ladies are written! How they value themselves first and foremost, how mature and intelligent they are with independent personalities that do not revolve around a man. They are capable of thinking for themselves and change the world and its expectations of them by their own will. Even if there were one or two characters that started too narrow-mindedly, they also eventually flipped a new page by working their own brains!
It is not even halfway aired, but New Life Begins has already set a new high bar, because it is showing how to write cool women in all family dynamic genres, all at once!
Be it an ideal monogamy, or a fantastical matriachy, or even a traditional polygamous society, smart and sensible women can exist in all these genres! If they don't then it is laziness of noone's but the writer.
Good job, New Life Begins writer!
What is feminism? For me, it means treating women as the intelligent creatures they are. Accepting that even in the most patriarchal and oppressive societies, women did have their own agency and are not unnecessarily victimised. Letting them own up their decisions and choices. That they did not fall over each other at men's feet all the time and were in need to be rescued and "educated" by a "modern-thinker". This is the narrative a lot of "feminist" dramas/movies push, which is actually disguised savior complex that feeds male supremacy more than they'd like to think.
It is sad just how much viewers are used to crappy female charcter designs in period dramas to the point if we see a woman behaving progressively we start thinking it's unrealistic.
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I always wanted a period drama where marriages of convenience happen, but instead of raising a mess of unnecessary misunderstanding and drama galore about it, the characters are level headed and respectful to each other while they use the situation to their benefit. I am not at all mad about the addition of Yuanying's role, because honestly in the overall picture of C costume drama land we have too little of sensible non-toxic AND powerful main wife characters.
This has so far been a VERY satisfying experience because this is everything I dreamed of, and you know how exhilarating it is when you get this very specific headcanon for a fanfiction and then you actually DO manage to find a one that is already written? Yeah, exactly like that.
It is so funny that at the beginning I thought "this feels like something I have written, except 10 years ago and more delulu" because my now revised opinion means I can praise myself! 😂 Now I really want to meet and chat with this writer over tea about our shared delulu and also quite good tastes! 🤭😌
Oh and I forgot to add, I really like that Li Wei hesitates a lot about whether to stay or leave, despite her loving Yin Zheng.
This indecisiveness of her wasn't frustrating to me. I completely get it. She respects other people's lifestyles, but she also has boundaries about what works for her. Also she's homesick, she loves her parents and brother and wants to be with them too!
On the other hand I find it unrealistic when a character falls in love they are suddenly willing to leave everything behind just so they can be with this new person. I never understand this (except in cases where that character's past life sucked and family members were toxic so they wanted to leave).
I'm someone who'd be like: If you want me, you'll have to come live at my place🤣
Last but not least, New Life Begins did wobble on its feet a lot as there are too many eggs in the bucket from the get go, but no matter how not 100% strong the writing may be, the drama's heart is in the right place and it will not dissapoint you. At first it might feel like it is quite touch-and-go on various worldviews and ideologies, but it is actually very thorough and raises a number of "Why not?" questions. Quite unexpectedly so for a fluffy costume rom-com. I have literally zero complaints about any character. Do give it a chance!
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scaryhaven · 1 month
the chucky series, even when i dont love or even like a decision that is being made plot/character-wise, or even when it flat out makes me cringe, i love it so much, and always have fun, theres truly nothing else like it out there in the horror space. i will always respect Don and people like him that are continually trying to shake things up, and transform their craft, it takes guts. as a viewer, it makes me feel that my time is being respected, hes not just phoning it in and doing the same stuff every season out of fear of ruffling some feathers or not sticking the landing. when he takes these chances, some of it is gonna be a miss, not everyone is going to love it. some plot lines are too thin, hurried and lacking the proper weight, while some drag on too long, this show would benefit from a finer precision, patience and focus. every season i get the feeling that they are fearful of not being renewed and that they have to go at a 100 mph to get everything that they want jammed in there, its chaotic and makes deep emotional investment almost impossible, in my opinion. which, they seem to have a lot of pride in their kills, and as a gore hound, i do love them too, but i dont necessarily think it needs to be as big of a focus as it has been, what i mean by that is oftentimes kills, and the body count in general, are prioritized over a good plot line. killing off Ms Fairchild so soon after introducing her as their foster mother was plainly just a bad decision, they could have shown their dynamics grow closer behind the scenes, she wouldnt have even had to be directly helping the kids, so the story that we got wouldnt have been impacted, but instead she could have played a motherly role whenever they came home from their misadventures, until finally the kids are getting close to her, letting their guard down and BAM then you kill her. the way it was executed in the show though, sure it was surprising, but shock only lasts so long, but heartache lingers, case in point, the kids didnt seem that affected by her passing and didnt even mention her later on. you cant have most of your characters treated like canon fodder but also try to pull at our heartstrings, expecting us to get invested when we know you are going to kill them at the end of the episode, you've got to have patience, let these relationships breathe. BUT, as i said, i do love the show and will always want more, i do think that this season was a good set up for a much better season 4, the potential is there, and seeing how much the cast and crew wants it to be renewed as well is heartwarming, it really is like a family
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dabilove27 · 2 years
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Paring: Modern AU!Itachi Uchiha x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.5 K
Warnings: A lot of fluff, some cursing, meet cute scenario, very soft smut, unprotected sex, please let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: hello hello! Let's hope this actually shows up in the tags cause I'm pretty sure I'm shadowbanned lol. But! This is my piece for the Into The Movieverse collab hosted by the sweetest @thegetoufather check out the masterlist here I picked 101 Dalmatians as my fic and hope you enjoy the portrayal! I know Itachi is cat person in canon but let's pretend he's a dog person too. Thank you as always to my wife and my bestie @lady-lunaaa and @gixxie for beta reading! I love y'all forever!
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It's a bright day in early spring. The sun is shining, the trees are blooming, and the weather is perfect. Everything seems right as rain except for this dog who won't leave you and your dog alone. 
You come to the dog park early in the  morning to beat the Saturday crowds. The later in the day it gets, the more unruly the park becomes. There are just too many dogs in one space for you to feel completely comfortable coming here in the late afternoon. 
And typically, things are very chill in the mornings. There are the regulars like Ms. Yuki with her old Mastiff, Bo, who leisurely stroll around the paved sidewalk, never bothering a soul. And there's Kei with his border collie mix, playing fetch across the vast expanse of the park. And a few other regulars who mind their businesses, and their dogs are well-behaved. No one stepping on each other’s toes. 
You and Dot find your own place with the chill morning regulars of the park. Jogging around the perimeter to let her get out some of her excess energy that builds up while she’s constricted in your tiny apartment. Dot is your best friend and, quite honestly, your closest companion. You originally started your search for a dog by looking for a German Shepherd. You liked the loyalty and protection they’re known for. But then you saw this spotted puppy in a pet store window.
A Dalmatian isn’t your first choice in dog breeds, but you were so enamored by her little black nose and playfulness that you bought her on the spot. You spend every extra moment you have training and spoiling her–maybe indulging too much, but how could you not. It becomes clear she enjoys the finer things and becomes a bit prissy. Walking around with her nose in the air, laying on only the softest pet beds, and refusing the others. And even though you won't ever admit it to anyone, you swear she loves her rhinestone-encrusted pink collar.   
But for as spoiled as she is, she’s a great companion. Licking away your tears after a hard day. Cuddling next to you as you watched another heart-breaking episode of Grey's Anatomy. She's your best friend, and you love to give her the best–even if that makes her a bit prissy. 
The two of you leisurely jogged around the worn path of the dog park, or you were, until he showed up. He is the male dog chasing after the two of you and almost tripping you multiple times as he dips into a play bow near Dot. 
At first, you were shocked to see another dalmatian at the park. Besides Dot and her littermates, you hadn't seen another one in the sleepy little town you lived in. It’s exciting to see another dalmatian until this ruffian starts interfering with your routine.
It’s clear that Dot is beyond not interested in playing with him. She never did like interacting too much with other dogs anyway. Still, you swear Dot turns her little black nose higher every time the other dog tries to entice her to chase him. She refuses to give him the time of day.
He’s also getting on your last nerve. If he runs in front of you one more time and you end up with a trip straight into the dirt, you’re not going to be a happy camper. You slow down, shifting your jog into a walk as Dot follows your lead. The other dog excitedly bounds around the two of you, hopping and barking at Dot. She turns her eyes to you with an exasperated look as if to say Please get me out of here. 
You can’t agree more with her. Letting out a hefty sigh, you remove her pink leash from around your shoulders and bend down to clip it to her matching collar. The other dog isn't giving up, though, still bouncing and barking in circles around you. If you didn't care about the other members of the park, you would scream at whoever owns him to come and get him. Speaking of which, after clipping Dot's leash, you look around the spacious park to see who the owner is of this persistent hellion.  
Your eyes quickly scan over all the familiar faces until they land on a bench near the front gate. A man about your age is sitting there, his face buried in his phone. Of course, the prick is more focused on his phone than his dog. He has long black hair cascading over his face as he stares at the illuminated screen. He’s dressed casually in a black long-sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans. You can’t distinguish his other attributes from where you stand in the park. 
You feel your blood boil watching him so casual and carefree while his dog terrorizes your leisurely Saturday morning. It’s taking everything in you not to stomp right up to him and give him a piece of your mind. Taking in a shaky breath you begin to walk towards the entrance. You have to keep repeating to yourself just walk past him, don't say anything. That’s until his unruly dog jumps up on you, leaving dirt-covered paw prints behind on your black leggings. 
You can't blame the poor dog. He wants attention that his owner won't give him. But you decide you’re going to give this asshole who is still buried in his phone a piece of your mind now.
"This isn't a daycare. You still have to watch your dog, you know!" Anger punctuates every syllable as you yell at the man in a huff. And finally, at your harsh words, he glances up from his phone. His dark eyes shift around until they find yours. You can tell he's taking in the situation by how his eyes widen when he sees your stained clothing and his hyperactive dog hopping around you joyfully.
"Ugh, I'm so sorry. Spot come here!" He stands as he calls to the dog, who vehemently ignores him.  Wow, Spot, how original. You think sourly with a roll of your eyes, conveniently forgetting your dog's stereotypical name. But you also take the chance to get a good look at the stranger who ruined your morning peace. He's pretty handsome, tall, and fair, with dark black eyes, striking stress marks etched under them where tears would fall, and long silky black hair tied in a low ponytail.
You watch as he squats down, and Spot comes bounding over to him, practically toppling the man over. "Alright, buddy, I'm sorry, you're right; I should have been playing with you. Work is just killing me at the moment." His voice is calm and soothing as he gives the hyperactive dog gentle pets. The deep baritone in his voice isn’t what you expected and sends a shiver down your spine. 
As annoying as this man is for ruining your morning peace, you have to admit he's very attractive. Very different from the little old ladies and couples you typically see here this early. 
"It's okay," you finally say, feeling bad that you lashed out. You know what it's like to be swamped with work, unable to put your phone down because of it. 
The stranger sends you a slight smile that you can't help but return as he clips his red leash onto Spot's collar. Crap, you hope he isn't leaving just because of your blowup. You feel guilty now but don't know how to approach the subject without it being incredibly awkward. 
So instead, you choose to save that conversation for another day. If you see him here in the future, you could make niceties then, but right now, you just want to run to your car and drive home, forgetting all the conflicted feelings that were swirling inside you. You start to walk to the set of gates with Dot, trying to keep your pace seemingly natural. But of course, the man follows you–you probably would have deduced this if you weren't in a state of lashing feelings battling in your brain. 
All you can think is how awkward this is, the silence that lingers in the air as you try to exit and how his dog barks and jumps forward to reach you and Dot. Only a few more moments, and then you'll be safe in your car and can forget this ever happened. But fate has a different plan for you; she seems destined to bring the two of you together.   
As you open the first gate to walk into the little holding pen to reach the second iron latch, Spot surges forward in front of you to get Dot. You're so surprised that you drop her leash, and she backs away from the male dog rushing at her. 
"Spot no! Come!" The man's voice still holds a sense of calm, but you can also hear the slight panic seeping through. Spot whips his head around to his owner, his black ears perking up to his owner's calls. And it's like you can see the catastrophe unfolding right in front of you as Spot bounds directly towards his owner. That red leash wraps tightly around your legs, right at your knees, forcing you to spin with the amount of speed Spot is using to get towards the man. The scratchy fabric cuts into your leggings and squeezes the back of your legs, pulling you right up to the mysterious man. 
You place your hand on his chest to steady yourself while also trying not to simultaneously fall on top of him. A quick sound of surprise escapes your lips as you watch Spot run around in a circle around the two of you. Now trapping both of you in his red web of chaos. The man lets out a "No Spot!" as you squeak and place your other hand on his shoulder for support.
If you had more time to think about everything that was happening, you would have paid attention to how defined he was under that loose shirt, or you would’ve seen the slight dust of pink on his cheeks as your wobbly leg slipped in between his for more stability. But instead, you’re focused on the inevitable fall that was about to come. Spot finally stops his movements, which seems to be the last straw for your balance as you topple into the dirt, pulling the stranger down with you. 
It's like some cheesy romance film, now. The man straddles you, trying not to put his whole weight on your hips as he untangles himself from the leash. And you’re trying to not focus on how he looks leaning over you, how that might look in a different setting, a curtain of black hair cascading over you. My god, you just met this man; you don't even know him; get a freaking grip. You chastise yourself as the man finally untangles the two of you from the leash. 
He stands up and offers his hand out to you; all of your anger from earlier is gone, and you grasp his hand firmly and accept the help. Looking over at Dot, you can't help but laugh at the expression on her face. She's looking at all of you like you're the biggest embarrassment of her life, and this only causes Spot's owner to look at her quietly, snickering. You can only imagine what a mess the two of you look, covered in dirt and dust, both of you laughing after being knocked to the ground.
After all the laughter, you let out a heavy sigh and turned towards Spot. "Thanks for the laughter, you silly dog, but please try to be a little coyer if you're trying to impress a girl," you giggle and pat the dog's head as he sits there panting with a wide grin. 
You miss the grin across Spot's owner's face as he watches you interact with his dog. It warms his heart in a way he can't explain. And as stupid as it sounds, that little moment the two of you just had makes him want to get to know you more. And so he takes his shot.
"I am so sorry about that; he gets a little excited," he says with a nervous chuckle as you turn towards him. "Please let me make it up to you or buy you coffee for all the trouble."      
The proposition throws you off; it isn’t what you’re expecting from him. But something in your gut was telling you to take this chance. Trust the handsome stranger with the hyperactive dog. 
"Sure, why not?" Your heart flutters at the genuine smile that spreads across his face as he reaches his hand out to shake yours.
"I'm Itachi; nice to meet you," he says with that warm smile that makes heat rise to your face.  After introducing yourself, you exchange numbers and promise to meet on a future day–without the dogs.
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After that first meeting, you and Itachi spend a lot of time together. From the first coffee “date” to elegant dinners and play dates with Dot and Spot. It doesn’t take long for every weekend to become date night. Itachi is always a gentleman; once he finds your favorite meals, he learns how to make them just for you.
The two of you just click. It’s crazy to think that a hectic morning in a dog park brought the two of you together so long ago. You share a love of reading and cooking with Itachi, as well as a love of dogs. Spot and Dot accompany you on many dates, both of you finding places that welcome your furry babies. It feels perfect to have your little family of four. 
But something you really love about Itachi is his love for the piano. A small bluish-gray piano is nestled in his townhome. The first time you saw it, you begged him to play a song for you. But as always, Itachi is forever humble and waves you off, saying it’s not anything special.
But now it’s the first night you’re spending at Itachi's home, and you’re dead set on getting him to play it, even if you had to pull some strings. 
It’s especially early in the morning when you wake up after the first night together. You immediately snuggle back down into the soft blanket to escape the cool weather from seeping in from outside. White powder peaks in from the bedroom window. Sending a thrill of excitement at the thought of taking the first step out in fresh snow. The window to Itachi's room is covered at the edges with icy frost as the morning light filters in. Clouds hang heavy in the sky, vast and pale gray, as they spread snow on the ground beneath. You deduce that it’s still early morning since the light from outside is low. But there’s no rush to get out of your warm space. The two of you have nothing to do today.
The soft blanket is warm even though the room seems ice cold. There’s a brick fireplace in the corner of Itachi's bedroom, and the thought crosses your mind to get up and start it but leaving the comfort of the bed keeps you rooted. Instead, you flip over to search for Itachi. His back is turned to you, and he has a hand tucked under his pillow where he rests his cheek on the plush material. He seems so peaceful in his sleep, the hard lines of his face smooth and unworried.
You wrap one of your arms around him, shifting closer to him, and press yourself into his warm back as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. The cold tip of your nose meets his neck, and you breathe in his earthy aroma, shutting your eyes and releasing a content sigh. You think back to the day you first met and how you never imagined this would be the outcome. Itachi's larger hand that was flung over his torso shifts atop your own, and he laces your fingers together. His hand is so warm as it cradles yours. Itachi pulls in a lazy breath, signaling his awakening.                                                             
Itachi rotates to meet your body with his own as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and urge him to come closer to you. He wraps his arms around your waistline – limber fingers pushing the cloth of your nightdress up in pursuit of your smooth, warm skin beneath. Itachi traces the small of your back with delicate fingers. Your fingers find his long black hair and his back – tiptoeing through his black sleep shirt, feeling his smooth skin, and tracing his scalp with delicate moves that get a sigh out of him. His warm breath fans down your cleavage as he nestles closer, arms tightening around you. 
A smile crosses your face as you gaze down at Itachi nestling into your chest. He looks so serene and perfect and knowing that he shares this unique part of him with you fills you with joy. Your dear Itachi. You press another peck on his forehead and run your fingers through his dark hair. 
"My love," you whisper as you press another kiss onto his temple. "I love quiet days like this." 
Itachi tightens his arms around your midsection. His eyes stay closed as he soaks in your words. But the overwhelming need to return your kisses calls to him. He wants you to know how much he loves you and how you brought out such deep feelings in him that no one ever has been able to. He wishes he could be in this moment forever, in your embrace, cradled by your warmth, as your fingers cascade through his long hair. It feels like nothing else in the world exists. He feels so complete with you. In the arms of his woman, he can forget about the world. 
The words "I love you" are on the tip of his tongue. But he's scared. Scared, you might not feel the same. But he doesn’t want that to make him give up. He plans on continuing to be with you until he feels confident enough to express those words.
Itachi is lost in thought until you cup his cheek and place a loving peck on his lips. And with that small action, you wipe away all of his concerns. It's like you can tell exactly what he's thinking. You know him better than anyone else and can pick up on the little signs when he's getting too lost in his thoughts. You’re his everything.
You run your soft thumb across his cheek as his dark eyes meet yours. "Tell me what you're thinking, Itachi." 
It amazes him how well you know him, even for a short time. Itachi reaches his hand and cups the back of your head, bringing you close to him. You bury your face in his defined neck as your arms wander to his chest. It feels nice to have him hold you like this, arms surrounding you, keeping you safe. The two of you find comfort and solace in each other. Itachi makes you feel desired. 
And you do the same for him. Holding him close at precisely the right time. And caring for him, ensuring he's taking care of himself by eating three meals despite his busy schedule. You are always just there for him no matter the circumstance. 
And he knows he doesn't want to lose you. 
"I–" Itachi hesitates and places another kiss by the shell of your ear, making shivers run through you. 
You pull yourself up to look at him, your smile bright and your eyes pulling him in. As you climb into his lap, you wrap your legs around his defined thighs, straddling him and pulling the plush tan blanket around your form to cover his. "Come closer," you whisper as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and cup the back of his neck, his long hair silk under your fingers, as you urge him closer to you.
Itachi returns the gesture and wraps his arms around you, taking in the warmth of your skin. He closes his eyes, inhaling the scent that’s so uniquely you as you bury your fingers in his midnight locks and run them through your fingers. He loves when you do that. It's soothing and lulls him into a state of calm.
Itachi looks at you again as you move your hands to cup each side of his face. The moment takes him over again as he pulls you into a kiss. Catching your lips so quickly, you let out a little yelp. His strong arms tighten around you as you dissolve right into him and close your eyes. Itachi nibbles at your lips until they are swollen from his actions. You want to drown in him, let his tongue suffocate you with his sweet taste of the dessert the two of you shared before bed. Both of you crave each other and need each other. Every touch feels like a burning flame. You can't stop yourself from kissing him back just as passionately. Your fingers bury into his hair, holding him tightly to you.
Itachi gingerly lays you down on the bed, his body on top of yours. His arms settle on the plush mattress around you to keep him from placing his whole body weight on you. Your mouths are still together like he can’t stop tasting you, even for one moment. Today is the day you’re going to be his. 
Itachi trails kisses down your chin, neck, and chest. Your hands stay tangled in his hair, within the silky raven locks, as you pull him closer to you. He kisses and bites at the soft skin of your neck.
You open your swollen lips to release a soft gasp as Itachi sucks on your neck, leaving his mark in its wake. Your fingers pull his hair as he groans and shuts his eyes, long dark lashes dancing on his cheeks. He wraps his arms around you and holds you flush against him for a moment before gazing into your eyes. Pressing his forehead against your own as his hand moves to remove your night dress. His breath tickles your skin with warm puffs as his long dark bangs brush over your cheek. 
Itachi can't stop thinking about all the reasons he loves you as he graces your body. Your love for animals, kindness, tenacity, and the list continues into eternity. You're everything to him.
You smile at Itachi and lift your hand to touch his cheek, smooth against your palm. Your fingers are gentle on his face, and he can't help but sink into you. Letting your hand drop from his face you start removing the buttons on his nightshirt.  
Itachi pushes off his unbuttoned shirt for you, and you can't help but take in his physique. His abdomen is sculpted perfectly, still slimmer than most men but absolutely stunning as if he was carved from marble. His muscles ripple underneath your touch as he pulls off your night dress. He looks ethereal, like an angel among men in the dim lights of the bedroom. You can't help the pull that brings your lips to his neck to place soft kisses on him. Soft kisses continue to trail from his neck and down to his chest as Itachi lets out a soft sigh. 
Goodness, you were perfect. No one had ever been so tender and kind to him. He would drown in your soft kisses if you'd let him. At that moment, he knows you're the one made for him. Feelings overcome him as your lips touch his jawline, tracing down his chin. Itachi gingerly pulls your face to his, capturing your lips harder than before. If he can't express his feelings in words, he'll have to do it in action. He needs to show you how badly he craves you. Your tongues meet each other again in a feverish dance.
You can feel your face warm by being bare before him. Itachi releases your lips and again takes all of you in with his penetrating gaze. Cupping your face, he tries to calm you as his padded thumb strokes your cheek.
Pulling you back in, he presses a kiss on the shell of your ear. "You're stunning," he whispers with your name. His large hands find your own as they guide you to hold onto him. "So incredibly beautiful." 
He's overwhelming you with his praise, but it doesn't stop you from wrapping your arms around his lithe shoulders. Allowing your fingers to trace small patterns on his back. The muscles below your fingers flex at every slight movement. 
"Itachi," you purr as you place a kiss at the crook of his shoulder. Itachi takes your encouragement and plants his face in your neck, kissing and sucking gently up your flesh.
Itachi can't stop himself from trapping the delicate skin between his lips and sucks gently. You release a quiet gasp and bite your lip to hold back a moan. Itachi trails down to your chest and does the same to the skin in that area. Before moving onto one of your nipples and trapping it in his mouth, sucking gently. He runs his warm tongue over your pebbled peak as you shake beneath him. You're already so sensitive to his touch. 
Itachi continues his journey down your body, below your stomach, pausing right before the hem of your panties to ask for permission with his dark eyes. You feel more heat rush to your face, seeing him begging to venture lower. You nod, biting your lower lip harder to keep in all the noises you want to escape. Wordlessly, you help him by slipping off your panties, now fully revealed to him. Itachi's eyes meet yours once more as he pushes apart your legs to allow him in. He crawls slowly back on top of you and captures your lips with his own again. 
Again, you pull him closer, both of you caught in the moment with your eyes shut. Itachi's fingers find your hips and trail to your thighs, stretching your legs around his waist. Fuck. He's so hard beneath his sleep pants he's not sure he can stand it much longer. You're so perfect to him. I love you, is on the tip of his tongue, ready to spill out at any moment. He knows he wants you to remember this first time together forever because Itachi is sure he'll never forget.        
Your soft fingers trace his bare shoulders, back, neck, and chest, making little patterns as they go. Itachi can't imagine having a moment like this with anyone else. Only you were worthy of this intimacy. 
Itachi's hand reaches between your legs, where you're already wet. His padded thumb skims over your clit as you let out a gasp. The slight touch causes you to break your kiss with him and fall back against the soft down pillows. Itachi has to bite his lip as he takes in your look of pleasure. Your eyes lay closed, your lips swollen from kisses, and your chest heaves in shallow breaths as he circles his thumb around your sensitive clit. He reaches down further, finding your awaiting entrance as he gathers your slick on his index finger and slowly inserts it. Your back arches at the intrusion, and more pleasure build inside you. 
"Itachi, please," you whine and lay your hand on his heated cheek, "I want you so badly." 
Itachi presses a quick peck to your lips before taking another moment to study your expression. He knows he can't hold back for much longer as he sits up on his knees and goes to remove his sleep pants. You watch his movements like an enthralling show, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. 
Itachi kicks his pants off, letting them fall in a heap on the floor, and crawls back on top of you. As if it was natural for the two of you, you part your legs around his waist. His cock brushes against your lower stomach, and you gasp at how hard he already is. Again you find your fingers tracing the lines of his body. 
Gently you take his length in your hand as Itachi tries to fight back moans from the slightest touch. Stroking him, you smear the pearlescent drops of precum that weep from his tip. His length is larger than what you’ve seen before, with a prominent vein on the underside. Your mouth waters at the sight of him. 
Gingerly you guide him to your slick entrance and bring your gaze back to him before giving him a soft, "Please, 'Tachi." 
Itachi can't help but oblige, he’s stunned that you're pleading with him to take you. Fuck, he loves you. If only he could bring himself to say those words. 
"I want to be closer to you," Itachi breathes in your ear, encouraging you to wrap your arm around his shoulders, ultimately dissolving into him.
Itachi slowly slips into you as he catches your lips with his own and bottoms out inside of you. He swallows a gasp from you as both of you adjust. A whisper of your name lingers on his lips when he pulls away, those three little words begging to tumble out after.
"I love you, Itachi," you whisper to him.
An overwhelming amount of love and contentment fills his heart, the words he'd been so scared to say; you'd been thinking them all along. "I love you too." He brings his thumb to your face and strokes your cheek as he gazes into your eyes. You're absolutely perfect. 
Itachi begins to move gently, thrusting in and out of you, holding you to him as he builds up his speed. Everything outside of the two of you melts away, caught up in this peaceful world together. Itachi places soft kisses along your neck and collarbone as he continues his ministrations. Hitting perfectly in the spongy spot deep inside you, you can’t help but release a loud moan. Within moments pleasure washes over you as you tighten around Itachi's length with a shudder. Itachi groans at your walls gripping around him. You're so wet and tight, swallowing him greedily with every thrust. It feels terrific, like he could get drunk on you and only need you to survive. 
"Tachi, harder," you whine in his ear as you try desperately to pull him closer.
Itachi obliges immediately, increasing his speed as another gasp escapes your lips. Your hips crash into each other as he continues to hit that perfect spot in you. The coil inside of you is becoming impossibly tight, signaling your orgasm. You whisper his name like a prayer as your body tenses around him. Itachi doesn’t think you can get tighter than before, but a groan spills out of him as you reach your peak. Once more, he brings your lips to his as both of you reach your climax.   
Thick warm ropes of cum shoot inside you as you shake from the after-effects of your orgasm. Both of your breaths fill the room's silence as you try to catch your breath. You can't stop yourself from placing a kiss on Itachi's temple, his long hair cascading around it.
"I love you," Itachi whispers, more confident than before.
"I love you too."  
"We should probably check on the dogs," his voice is husky as he lets out a chuckle.
"Ah yes, I'm sure they are not happy campers being locked out of the bedroom for so long," you giggle as you move to get up to go to the bathroom. "Oh, and one more thing, will you play the piano for me now?" You turn to him before fully getting out of bed, putting on your best pleading look. 
A sly smile crosses Itachi's face; you always keep him on his toes. "Fine, only for you, though."
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Of course, Itachi is a master of the piano. Watching him wholly enraptured in a skill he loves is a beautiful scene. The first time you watch him play, he closes his eyes and plays a soft lullaby. Sweet long notes fill the air and tickle the goosebumps on your skin. 
Not only is he beautiful as he plays, but his passion shines through as you watch his fingers delicately dance across the keys. You fall even harder for him at that moment. 
And the rest is history for the two of you. You move in a few short months after that with Dot. And while she isn't excited to share a space with another dog, you can tell she's becoming more fond of Spot. From practically ignoring him to sharing her overly fluffy and expensive bed with him, they eventually become two peas in a pod.
It's always fun going on a walk together, your little family of four. You love how Dot and Spot fall right into step between you and Itachi. Like all of you were meant to be a perfect little family from the very beginning. Who would've thought the man and dog who knocked you down would end up being one of the brightest moments of your life.
Thank you for reading!
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knickynoo · 1 year
I was watching the "They Can't Take That Away From Me" episodes of Family Ties, which I'd previously only seen once, and was struck by the (very lovely) scene of Alex and Elyse toward the end. Particularly, the moment during their heart-to-heart when Alex says, "What I wouldn't give to be eight years old again."
It's a sweet, emotional scene that basically boils down to what a lot of the Alex and Elyse chats do: adult life is pummeling Alex, and he can't cope, so all he wants to do is turn back the clock and be a little kid again. And, as usual, Elyse indulges him--wrapping him in a hug and kissing his hair and whispering comforting words.
It's just something that gets me every time it comes up in the series because it's such a running theme with Alex's character. I'm reminded of the "box" storyline, which ends with Alex cradling a cardboard box (his favorite childhood toy) in his arms. The scene of Alex with his head in his mother's lap as she reads Peter Rabbit to him. The scene of him with his head in his father's lap as Steven holds his old baby mobile above him (it plays audio of stock market information as it spins--the only thing that would calm Alex down as a baby). The episode where Alex's anxiety is so bad he can't sleep, and the only thing that helps is Elyse curling up next to him and telling him a story. And, of course, "A, My Name is Alex", where Alex finally reaches a breakthrough in therapy when he admits what it is he's "looking for": He wants to be a little boy again. He wants to feel protected and surrounded by the constant love of his parents because life is too much sometimes.
Alex is just constantly wanting to go back--to abandon the pressure and confusion of the world around him in exchange for the safety and order he had in his childhood. And the thing is that he tries his hardest to do that over and over again during the series.
And idk, it's just a thing that gives me feelings about his character and how well I think he was written. Because it's all just facade with Alex. He puts up such a front of arrogance and self-confidence and struts around like nothing can hurt him. But every time he turns around, those walls are being pushed down and he's just struggling and failing to keep the act up.
He goes on about economics and stocks and obsesses over the wealth he's going to have in the future and then, well whaddya know? He admits that his attachment to money and figures is due largely in part to his inability to connect with others, and math and statistics never let him down.
He goes around, acting all pompous and meddling in people's lives--all the while insulting them and making things worse--and whaddya know? Turns out he has no clue he was being insensitive at all! He just can't see situations from another person's point of view, often necessitating his parents explaining these things to him.
It just sort of goes on and on like that. He turns to Mallory countless times because she's the best at interpreting and "translating" his emotions to him (which he can't identify himself). He leans on Ellen to explain some of the finer social etiquettes that fly over his head. He carries scripts in his pocket written by his mother to help him give advice to others in situations when she isn't available.
The guy is just fumbling left and right, bewildered by his own emotions and thoughts, always saying or doing the wrong thing, and drowning in anxiety. Makes sense that he's so often like, "Well, this sucks. Wish I was 8 years old again."
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