#Evil Mr. Sod
boombatze · 11 months
1000 Dank an die Bridge City Sinners & EvilMrSod für die wunderschöne Musik. Und Danke auch an beinspiredby_photography für die Fotos.
Wow, war für ein Abend bzw. Spätnachmittag 😍😘🤩🥳 1000 Dank an die Bridge City Sinners & EvilMrSod für die wunderschöne Musik. Dankesküsse gehen natürlich auch raus an Paul & Anja vom Bandhaus, Ebi für den Ton, meinem wundervollen Awareness-Team, der graziösen Einlass-Crew sowie selbstverständlich allen Gäst*innen, ihr wart ein Klasse-Publikum! Danke auch an beinspiredby_photography für die…
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Just finished the show a few days ago, so that's why I'm only just posting this now.
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#also yes PB is problimatic but so are a lot of the other characters & i don't care#lady reinacorn would probably be higher in her category if i understood what she was saying but unfortunately i don't#tier list#adventure time#adventure time tier list#magic man is where he is because he became normal man otherwise he'd be in the last category#cinnamon bun is only where he is due to his character growth in the flame kingdom before that he would have been in the meh category#lsp is where she is coz i actually find her funny#hope tier 3 lemongrab is meant to be the 3rd version because I like him the best out of all the lemongrabs#sweet pea wasn't on there but i would probably put him before or after fern#root beer guy is only where he is because I like what they did with him when he got resurrected#speaking of which cherry sods should be on here to & if she was I'd probably place her before him#as her reaction to his death & resurrection was super interesting#just realised that starchy isn't on here either i think I'd place him before mr pig#on reflection I'd put the cosmic owl in the 3rd category after prismo#i haven't watched distant lands or fiona & cake yet so please no spoilers#tiffany is where he is because i find him funny even though he is always hating on my boy finn#upon reflection I actually find amo quite interesting (still annoying though)#with his desperate need to be loved without the ability to give it in return#& how no amount of affection would probably ever have been enough#like talk about depressing#on second thought i'd actually put Grob/Gob/Glob Grod in the cool powers but lack of personality category#ash actually belongs in the worst category coz how he gonna do my girl marcy like that#& Jake's alien dad should actually be in the crazy threat category#coz he straight up travels to different dimensions to make kids so he can drain them of their powers & then leave them to die#& wanted to do the same to his grandkids like that's some next level evil#recardio should really have is own category as while he is kind of threat (he did kidnap finn & jake & beat up lady that one time)#his just not scary like people in the crazy threat category are (more just creepy/weird/gross & annoying)
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cherry-bomb-ships · 6 months
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Hey guysss, this art is the first installment of a series of profiles I wanna make for each of my self inserts! I figured I would start with R. Marie, seeing as they're probably the s/i I've put the most thought and development into! A bit of backstory info (as well as the tag list) will be under the cut, and once more profiles are created, they'll also be linked with this one! Any reblogs and comments are all seen and appreciated!! 💜🥺💛
Other Profiles: Nurse (Team Fortress 2)
As a child, young Ruby Marie was lacking in the characteristics that begin most villains' tragic backstories; she came from a loving, middle-class family in a good neighborhood and made friends easily. Not only that, but she excelled in class and always had a good rapport with her teachers and fellow students. If things had continued the way they did, she may have been on her way to growing up to benefit society with her inventions, maybe even winning a Nobel Prize or two.
But all of that changed in the third grade, when the science fair project Ruby Marie had worked for three weeks on came in second place to a first-grader's potato battery. A potato battery, the most basic of science projects!! From that traumatic, devastating day forward, the young scorned genius swore that the world would never made the mistake of believing there was anyone more intelligent than her.
She immediately threw herself into the studies of evil, and the more she learned of its ways, the more she convinced herself that she was made for it. After years of self-taught villainy and perfection of deadly robots, the young kind Ruby Marie was long dead, and the cold-hearted, ruthless R. Marie was born.
R. Marie quickly figured that making their genius known across the world could easily take decades of their life - which were decades that they would rather spend enjoying their reign over humanity - so they devised a plan to get to the top in record time; they would simply ride the coattails of someone who had already been working for decades to take over the world, and as soon as that poor sod succeeded, they would overthrow the fool and take their rightful place as ruler of the world. And R. Marie had just the sod in mind...
@ava-ships @bee-ships @beetleboyfriend @canongf @clawfull @cloudyvoid @derelictdumbass @discountwives @dissonantyote @edencantstopfallininlove @final-catboy @gible-love-nibles @halsdaisy @hoppinkiss @hotrodharts @hyperionshipping @iyamifucker @lex-n-weegie @little-miss-selfships @little-shiny-sharpies @loogi-selfships @lovebugexe @mandrakebrew @mintpecks @mrs-kelly @nameless-self-ships @nerdstreak @paper-carnation @patches-and-her-selfships @p-i-t-s @reds-self-ships @rexscanonwife @ship-trek @spacestationstorybook @squips-ship @scroldie @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @toogayforthistoday @winterworlds
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darkpurpledawn · 1 year
For the AU-gust prompt "Sculptor AU"
“But as your realtor, Mr. Crowley, I do insist that a different piece would be more-ah, welcoming for the foyer.”
Aziraphale’s hands twisted around his briefcase. They were oddly sweaty, although it was a cool day and the Mayfair residence was well-shaded by a mature hawthorn.
“But you do like it?” Crowley asked. His expression was unreadable beneath the everpresent sunglasses, but Aziraphale thought his gaze flicked to the statue of the two angels.
Aziraphale did, in fact, like it. It was large and dramatic, and sculpted with a vigor that made it look as though the winged beings might topple from their pedestal. But it had been dashed difficult to get Crowley to make any of his living space more approachable-looking before he put this hulking thing in the entry, and Aziraphale suspected the average homebuyer might find it all a bit much.
“Oh I’m no great art appreciator, Mr. Crowley,” Aziraphale demurred. “Certainly I think you’ve evident talent, and it’s quite--compelling.”
Crowley tapped his nose thoughtfully with one finger. Aziraphale imagined him running those long fingers over the marble flanks of the angels, bringing forth flesh from stone. He mentally chastised the capillaries in his face for blushing in front of a client.
“It’s Good and Evil, you know, can’t get more classic than that,” Crowley drawled. “Thought I’d make evil win this time though.”
He lowered the sunglasses and gave Aziraphale a wink.
Oh, now that was unfair.
“Mr. Crowley, did you have a look at the paint samples I suggested for the upstairs bath?” Aziraphale said faintly.
“Erm, yeah,” said Crowley, “I didn’t know there were that many kinds of beige, being honest.”
Aziraphale exhaled. They were back on firmer footing now. It was impossible to be erotically excited by comparing shades of ecru.
“Let’s take a quick look at the baseboards and see which of the suggested colors best matches the tile,” Aziraphale suggested.
Crowley nodded, and headed for the stairway. Aziraphale cast his eyes around at the projects in Crowley’s studio on the ascent to the second floor. There was a monstrous-looking dog, snakes that seemed about to wriggle free from their stone skin, and a number of angels that seemed to be in various states of psychological distress.
Aziraphale moved before he could think, before he could really see what had happened--Crowley tripped and fell back a stair and Aziraphale braced himself against the railing and stopped the two of them from falling further.
“For heaven’s sake, my own sodding flat--thanks Mr. Fell, sorry about that,” Crowley said, and stood upright again. Aziraphale was relieved--Crowley’s back was no longer pressing into him--until Crowley turned around to look at his rescuer, and he was forced to bear the pressure of an even more hazardous side of Crowley. 
Think of beige, he instructed himself. Think of baseboards, think of bifold doors. Think of renovations to historic buildings that remove all the ornamental stonework. Think of smart home devices, and those horrid bookshelves that barely have any books on them at all. Think of all the dreadful, palatable things you tell people to put in their homes.
Think of Crowley moving away from London. Think of how you’ll never have to think of this again.
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crimebell · 5 months
MAGp - 011
Celia is... a sleepwalker? Periodically possessed? Who's to say!
Alice feels followed- perhaps by our good friend [ERROR]! Please be a friend and not like, Jane Prentiss. Or actually I changed my mind that would also be rad. Please don't be by Mr. Bonzo that would suck
Ayyy tattoo appearance! Remember that episode of TMA where you get on a ship, get paid a buttload of money to do nothing except hope you aren't a poor sod left floating alone at sea to die?
The tattooist themselves is back! God you're so off putting when are you free next? Also Oscar Jarrett is another evil tattooist- so many names, so little memory space
Whoever Sutherland Macdonald is, cheers! You get a mention and also I would've immediately forgotten you had I not written it down
"He's with the sea, now. The deep will care for his bones."
It is absolutely hysterical to be pissed at being told to be more professional after sending that shit previously
The Influencer Tattooist 'took it'? The body? Just the tattoo?
"Mr. Bonzo is one of our externals." OKAY big here guys confirmation these are the Not Good Guys! The existence of externals implies the existence of internals- we've got Helen distortion locked up somewhere, I just know it, tell me where so I can ask if she's free for dinner soon
"[Mr. Bonzo] is a valued asset." So actually Lena he eats people
Could Needles also be an external? The tattooist? The old movie theatre guy? Am I an external?
I guess if you can't beat 'em, monitor, assess, and feed people to 'em.
"[The Externals] usually like [screaming]." At least Lena is far more forthcoming than rat bastard Elias was, I guess
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So regarding A-Town, how do the people working on it feel about it? Everyone has to make a living, but are any of them uncomfortable making a low budget show that somewhat trivializes the people who save the human race?
I think they would say that the history of comedy has always been the history of mocking the unacceptable and exposing the taboo. All in the Family responded to the Civil Rights era by creating the world's most bigoted bigot and then inviting everyone to laugh at him, even knowing a nonzero percent of viewers were going to agree with him. The Chair and Abbott Elementary are 2020s efforts to point and laugh and cry at terrible current events. There's specifically a tradition of "war is absurd" as a comedy premise: Catch-22 for World War II, Blackadder Goes Forth for World War I, Dr. Strangelove for the Cold War, so on.
So part of why Marco appears on A-Town, why Tom doesn't mind the show, why some Santa Barbara residents watch it, is that it's letting you laugh at something that would otherwise make you scream in horror. Blackadder Goes Forth has a scene where a WWI general sets a 12"x12" square of sod on a table and says "took a lot of turf today"; the conversation reveals that the square foot of grass on the table is the entirety of the ground taken that day. It's mocking a horrific reality — that the British regularly sacrificed 1000s of lives for a few yards of battlefield, and that "winners" of WWI battles often had to be determined with a yardstick — but it's making a sharp critique of the powerful, and it's a solid bit of shock comedy.
Most people watching A-Town know that Daisy A. fixing her manicure in line to be reinfested, only to be sent home due to a paperwork error, is not an accurate depiction of being a controller. But its point, about the yeerks' kidnappings being arbitrary and their leadership being incompetent, would land well with a lot of ex-hosts. And the fact that the show takes the time to distinguish that Daisy and Zeptron 420 are two completely different people — something that I suspect some other postwar movies would neglect — is at least part of the reason for Tom's tolerance for the show. It's not great that the show chooses to convey that point with the Girly = Evil; Goth = Good trope, but at least the dramatic costume changes convey that Daisy's personality is not Zeptron's.
That said, Jean and Jake and everyone else who hates the show also has a point. Jean especially finds it so upsetting because half the jokes rest on an enthymeme of "Obviously Jake Berenson's parents are the most clueless idiots ever to breathe air." A-Town aspires to, like The Americans, show the hollowness of the suburban American ideal — that's why its sets look straight out of Leave It to Beaver — but that leaves Dr. and Mr. A mostly being the butt of the joke for their negligent and incompetent parenting. For Jean, that hits a little too close to home, in a way it wouldn't for Marco watching his fake-self fight taxxon puppets by holding up a stuffed skunk, or Tom watching his fake-self swap lipstick colors every time someone new controls her body.
So if A-Town aspires to be Blackadder Goes Forth, it lands closer to being South Park: sometimes funny and pointed, sometimes lending support to the bigoted views it tries to critique. Like South Park, the conversation about it will probably acknowledge its real social contributions (exposing Scientology, excoriating nationalism) while also showing the real harms to vulnerable people from the show's brand of comedy (turning "gay" into a catchall insult, resurrecting antisemetic myths). Like South Park, A-Town tries to mock things that need mocking, but it also spends almost as much time punching down as it does punching up.
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meltingpenguins · 1 year
Y'know, with Mr. Gaiman's statement about how human concepts about gender and sexuality don't apply to angels and demons he managed to make them allocishet, by human definitions, on the show.
Stop booing and hear me out:
Good Omens build up on and deconstructs Christian believes and mythology. So if we are to say that 'these labels don't apply because they are not human' it means we have to look at angel, demons, etc from that perspective.
demons are commonly understood to take whatever form they like (unless forced into their true form), usually to fool humans and carry out their evil deeds
angels are, well, assigned a form by god that they stick with until the almighty tells them to change it.
Sound familiar? This is what they do on the show.
In an attempt to make crowley visually gender-ambiguous the show made the bugger more cis by this angle than actually genderqueer. He's a demon, of course he'll take up whatever form gives him the biggest advantage and let's him fool humans.
Book!Crowley however? That poor sod is as trans as a demon can probably get. He hates shapeshifting (being scraed that he might forget how to change back to his favorite shape, that of a human (male), he does whatever he could to pass as human. He does enjoy some of the benefits being a demon brings, but at the end of day he feel at home as 'anthony j. Crowley' rather than *complicated wiggly sigil*
Similar with Aziraphale. On the show he has the same body since eden, the show even points this out.
Book! Aziraphale meanwhile, while, sure, it's never spelt out, gives of the air of changing his form in ways he can write off as 'I had to change my corporation this way to blend in and spread good', that said good is mostly for himself goes unsaid. Book Aziraphale really is someone who would switch visual race willy-nilly if it gives him an advantage and makes humans leave him alone and in peace.
And don'T get me started on the allocisheteronormativity on the show as a whole... good golly.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“Opposing note, in the midst a silver hooks”
A ballad sequence
It would be gone. And when upon     a shoal; for if there’s variety, she swore, she heard     in years! Loves Triumph, must
be to that light, and place, this day’s     doctrine—in another pious reader in suspense;     the dungeon mingle with
the dust as simooms whirl from Cato.     Summer were there again. My heart is humming a tune     I haven’t heard it—once
perhaps a monster, there with someone,     with choisest flowers ally’d in blood, that’s all I’m made     of. There never being
circumspect: then may I dare to     boast how I do love thee, cheerly swum. Opposing note, in     the midst a silver hooks.
Round her—she was at length stol’n goods     doe come to bus’ness, some a sweet as I could trust, sweet     Memory, and Hope, earth’s modest
more than like of heart: ev’n the     tender and unnamed light that the hand and wept saying, Accept     all happiness and
bear along with a dumb look of     hope on my first bread that lure him from the World should dread this     sort of the night! Evil
lust am fallen down to the     mart’s or temple’s worship has paid price, ask’d next day, If men     ever hunted twice? A
wood-coal or the charmer sinner,—     he did not quite dim, yet rather tired display’d in     senates, at the wedding
the link of ruin, rose from sweet     to live, and lock’d embraced her but from beneath his wings: from     reddened eve he views
the rose, if I’ve been the fainting     fools, yet is, when your address, they may betray. When deep     persuading oratory
fails. From their glory, which both you     and I have yet done, in the counterpart of dialogue,     by humouring always
makes the cellar. Of possible,     nor caught court mysteries, having striv’n in vain was now about     the wing of Time, like
petals finding themselves they may     betray. An universal influence breeds like effect     most bitter at a bet.
His brush with all his hero’s right.     —It all sprung from off the light Salmacis, her body downwards     to its blue harbor and back a horse, not even race,     but work. Maybe it’s the sod, and can’t be bettering about     on a train he knows
the decay we’re made our love a     wild girl keeping a hold on a dream, I plotted to be     well. Which is inseparate appendage. The stature of     these reports, because the sun and then he was inflamed. Than     wear a heart is such a
task as he ought; but never meet.     And sorrow after sorrow after sorrow’s mysteries,     having through th’ horizon peeps, as pitying these     lovers, duly, daily, laid. The world and life’s love or war     had still more perplexed,
uncertain, since you will find, thou art     out of our friend’s fragility, for whom earth was made by     Mrs. The gen’rous God, who wit and gold, such as these strange     barges, make along vein- channels their yielding eyes wobble     as this Venus demands.
Your kissed her sight: his bell-mouth’d goblet     makes her heart that her sweetest stile affords: while these are     Nugae, quarum pars parva
fui, ’ but still there, must go, and flow     of tears,. But when he came, he seem’d to fret with Lord Augustus     Fitz-Plantagenet.
With new-born babe—in that thou hadst     set me light, ’tis with Lady Adeline Amundeville;     the fairest tinters,
especially do we affect     of two gold ingots like innocent and danced until morning     their talk was of his
learning just enough to make a     Werter of his mountains rear the sacrificing turtle’s     blood, in view and opposite
of Andy Gump. Be bare; lies drown’d     with every sort of chaste desires, of force in all his     hero’s right, and crown with
all the most! Oh veil thine Eyes from     hungry Israelites; to this we have left to dreame: and somewhat:     and you faine would spoil
much good pastime, many a     wandering to the boxed-in hills beyond the birds around them     on his forehead cool. Loving
you: home is nowhere, there’s     at least vouchsafe to hide true love is as fair as any     mother who all in one,
one pleasing heat revived, which most     friend, you away, the clergy, who upon my radiant Hero’s     gentle and
aristocratic in this praise that we     can guess of Britain’s presence, lovely heat, like tertians, of     common thought. And there took
his hand. Chocolates tempers my ways     of flurrying is my inner cost,—this love by wealth of globed     peonies; or if
the Pole’s not open, but also     so correct, as she had, was just not mad; yet ne’er can see     that faded star flash on
his ocean? A man knows; let it     too deepe move: for Kings and nations—swith awa’! In years! Was     strewed with mortals, or
of both, feare not; the least of the     rose it was that boy, as he knelt down their sins have shaving     thee. To slake his hands, saying,
Accept all happiness from     me. My sole excuse is— ’t is my fate, and wound the hour     with, does as well commence
within my heart: I string of the     Day has kept, against her wing, she trembling lies, like a nest     from those that solitary
tower he got by stealth. Free     under there I took their turn to seed there, branching stars who,     where unhappily as
after the bed she blushed as one     displeased away in easy death. More life to fight with slow     words, with his Grace and raw,
long dallying with Bacchant coronals     along the paths, o’er which haunt a lover with his delights     were so white. But is
got up, and gone to bring such a     cittadell, so I sent sighs behind them where we love first     when we first too readily
impression sunk, the enfeebled     mind will to the fair vermilion in the flame from the     Hand of Retribution.
As thy lookes sturre, runs vp and     down it goes all round, i, in this maid I love, I only     tend and watched him out of our degenerate breed: longbow     from the ribs of old
Parnassus flowes, and ripens mines,     kept dross for duchesses, the embosom’d grief, however     and thoughts on the trade of love even, all my worth, to the     twice two thousand mile. And
would bless me with a kind of grass     after hard years, throws herself secure, o’ercast with truth atone!     And for his country seat, to-day, lord H. For none more     gem to enrich her breath
that harbors me and many more     by rank and fall when they begin to mend: but Juan also     shared in her ruddiest hours, a breath that ever drove the glaring     orb decline, my son!
Or we could wed in bear suits just     as simooms whirl from Carlton palace of rest: blends, in     exception to all my
beloved. As in plain terms yet cunning     as she, to hear, why hear’st thou leave me thus, for pity     sake, me in thy quiet
gloom the earth; so that few or none     more than for that’s best in her eyes wobble as this they aren’t     afraid of clichés.
Charles how you remind me of     some use. Why then declare good nature’s whole World on us     doth Love speak? It told me
heaven looks from each sex, to make     me blest, your love of pleasure nigh, by nightshade, ruby grape     of Proserpine; What men
desire, a pleasant jesting     at the lips was touch another’s feeling t is not dashed     its meaning, you may be
fix’d at somewhere began the change     a word: at Longbow wild as an AEolian harp, with which the     echoes oft thy flames which
I wear. Make his anger if he     were displeased. And crave the place for which made his capering     Triton sound allures
the earliest of men. Down at     thy foot to harken what you put forth to gaze upon. Deep     being! And swore the puppet-
shows of praise, but just to play     with your love, the sweet eternity: Cold Pastora by     a fountains rear the hour
of six. She gathered in such a     thing as flesh. If all would love has closed behind, not kill outran     the people of
sagacity to draw the line between     the gentle pleasing sound; I grant I never knew untill     then not show my wit:
duty so great, which once screen’d many     a wandering guest to meet again, as now the sunny     lands of shame, in being
blinde was far from his hands, saying,     Accept all happiness at home, far more re-survey     these poor Hens about my
ears, and dreary Mars carousing     nectar bowls. Wherein the lobes of you? Now the runaway     boy who chucks it all out!
Country gentleman’s fit education.     For will believe me, Hero, hate me not with fighters,     each leaf make of the
Long Knives’ getting worse and apish     merriment. And there you looked up … zooks, sir, flesh and great; the     very same and that very
first. To Venus, answered in     you, twenty years he had been a creed, ne’er attracts; and were     he rested not till to
Honour true delights are Pretty,     to dwell on them were a pitty. They drank down their own country     much admired. Her
law, and in my armes I tooke him     there pry upon his transistor to Long John Nebel     arguing from a harmlesse
folly is he treasure, like a     history less polite without offence. Friendship, or romance     of Platonism, which sparkled
through Sestos Hero dwelt; Hero     thorough your naked neck his bare arms threw, and silver     tincture of my love, not
for nothing then they went away.     An exquisite small orange cup amassed five beetles,—blind     and got men’s heads cut off!
Then take, Clarinda’s fondest friends     you are, that they sweep the straight against someone else’s credit     cards and feed deep, deep upon her breath that Leander     rude in love thee still, save
that is, whate’er their ocean in     a sieve. I have led to Homer’s Catalogue of ships’ is     clear; but thinke that all the hidden weapons under your skin,     enough to quote and cavil?
Was what you put forth his vigour;     and the boat was all divine: to be annoy’d. And our     Sophias are not apt to wear it: secure of a kiss—thus     doth Love speak? No, no,
nobody poor, and pity no more     if there are kind: and ye meanwhile far he flies, bewitch me     than wit.—He thought it just a nail. The wanderer would win     is emptied of their fox-
hunt to a sigh thus doth Love speak.     Thy presence of strange unearthly thing to bring in spaces     that myopic traveled that entire continued not.—     Ghosts of beauty were billiards.
Thus, while these trunks? Yet Chloe     sure was foremost to proclaim— departure, for his docility;     because she’s good, what does it matter whether flat     or sharp. Because he was
as a charm, the world upon this     new flirtation; the twin spire turnstiles, and euery flower     enjoys the aire: and Joy, whose eye quick-glancing o’er the blood     of all that great Bacon
saith, fling up a mass of drossy     pelf, than such delight to Arm Bears! For Fate with jealous woods     about the spirits as he replied. Sister’s bed, to dally     with Idalian
Ganymede, and fool are two pleasure     suffered wrack, since Hero’s ruddy cheek Hero betrayed, and     night strewn salt across the sky above, much more was in her     head, and he’s racing against
someone, with you? Good hours of     fair cheeks and long to the purpose not to guess that any     thing is pleasure; men love in the fire from lovers of one     nymph we view, all how true!
We’ll sculpture the same relations     of sleep, somewhere before thirty—say seven-and-twenty,     and with the beggar that
men or a hypocrite? Turn then     from wits; and there ten thousand, for whom earth we are lov’d, and     the least my dream. I said
between friendship’s hand, and still panted     with many more, where fancy flatter herself to the     mind, at least shade out
someone’s garage I fell on city     sidewalks in California we went to the Yes of     two worlds walking the movie
with delight and in it catch,     ere she cries, shall be both sere and they must know! May grow, if     not quite dim, yet rather
held in that stand still to be embrace     thee, mournful Psyche, nor the death cricket bleeping, my     heart grown humble; in the
dark lawn. Flower o’ the rose it     was to amuse; but even then, some to please him, and he     came, it glittered like in
this our part my part must be Honours     Funeral. Confess their crimes; factitious passions form     our only almanack.
By this, Apollo’s golden day.     Women receives rain still and close beside! Is swifter than     this his love abated,
fearing here, in mourn her blessed arms,     look’d perplex’d, and romances I ne’er reply and, yet, I     cease not to lose this lighter
with unwounded thus, nor stain     thy youthful of bread? A laugh, never was she, to hear her     speak, and woman to the
Sacrament, will wink and let her     rave, Poore Child complain, and that’s fiddling on my tatter’d by     friend’s Muse grown with love my
ever-during night. The ocean     maketh more horns than hounds— she hath no wild boars, she hath no     being detected. But,
lo! I ask a brother. You tell     too many lies and vestments and wishes, is her scorn, upon     thy pillow. Wherein
Leander stooped to have conclusion     tries, her who is dry cork, and o’erhead a lively head.     But by those who wander
still, my dear. Bare bulb softens above     the loveliest Hero shined and looking to have embrace     where nothing that pure
sanctuary alone. First just     casually cantering with Bacchant coronals along     the porter, some slight of
Vertues throne, where Venus in her     perfectly correct, that she could adopt your wine, and thirdly,     never canst thou leave
me thus, my Katie? Whether saint     or write, and then run out and danced like Tinkerbell and the     great matter now? Your face
I have to think of the heart of     thirty-one thick leaves will be! Have crimes accounted light the     lamp and lay the end—or,
sinning in this I witness call     the Latin in pure waste! There was jack jargon, the gigantic     guardsman; and General
Fireface, famous in the distance     calls at three A. And loved well—a man known in the country.     If this belief from
her unjustly did detain. He,     being up, began to swim and, looking to quench the sagest     youth in every worst:
henceforward with the streams around     her, opes she holds in her heart so tender fool who     will be perhaps from their
colors, and again subsiding,     its inner crash is like after the C he gave no ear,     and her in humble kind.
But with a few slight, scarless sneers.     The fair vermilion knew, and looking on his arms threw, and     sighes and peace, are there
is a flower girl who smiles, yet     slays me with redoubled strength to fly the world gave ground, with     nary a thought as doth
an Arab turn’d to much success.     Amid the loveliest Hero shrunk away, as with your     eyes, less wit than wit. Guidi—
he’ll not mind the legs and arms     I put my hands for no such roses strowed the rank smell     of weeds: but why thy odour
matcheth not thy bliss, and in     the proud palace, what are the lay; here Vanity strums on     her own good pleasure’s in
walking in turn like planets     rotating in and out her eyes, gemms in abundantly     detestable. But form good
housekeepers, to breed a nation.     So smooth, so sweet, but form good housekeepers, to knowing, that     for they took delights are
pretty, to dwell in them for then     they would lull its river- child to sleep. And ah, ye poachers!     By only those that proceed
upon those who had him kindly     took, and a small trout to pull up every bar; but that     the dream of liquid bed:
the warm, impassioned tide that seemed,     as if my own: thy soul hath snatched up mine all fair thou art     Greater yet than all I
tell—the Might of Intellectual     Truth. At being my fingernails are there has not confined     to Cupid. And in
the purposes than just to plant     a flag in, or tie up a horse, not even race, but     These were advantage me.
Like an infant made When all alone—     that Juan was unlikely to resign or reign. Or walk’d;     if foul, they rode, or walk’d,
or studied their devotion from     thence, have lived for you! A topiary so the pleasure     miss’d her, and began to
give me my honesty again,     into my lap, the sores she holds in her hands she made the     word and I’ll stick to mine!
How charming, if then any thing     he views can greatly blamed as obstinate: or her, who laughs     at Hell, but like her, none.
Like untuned golden day. With     sad and hears not to be made game. And her babe, ringed by a     bowery flowery
tale more she strook. The value and     skill, your name you seek to nurse at full, we may presume to     criticised the
ins and our bodies,—That’s the     fault lie? Outside these latest throb that leaves them a long date—     till then all beside, lads!
This I could not paint apace, I hope some good     company be kept. By a passionate, and wound they went onward, whenever live so long     so charily she kept, against her deity, through ether wise or silly, for the     goal yet, do not goe away: thanke may you haue for no cause be of your bowed head spotlit.     And isolate pure spirit better
kept behind her and walked to your leaves, nor ever     you except for the sex are always cut him off as he replied the Cock, in Heaven     once I was; but by my Evil lust am fallen down to a laugh, a cry, the soft     pipes, play on; not to trust your soul’s full meaning to be countenance behold is censure;     Silia does not preach to him the only
wedding the rivulet on from the ribs of     old, thy great deep being, thine shall grow old apace, and oft sings the owl his anthem, where     yet ’tis sweet friends, those prophets of the nature, tolerably mild, to mar the sublimes     whate’er their art, to introduce it; and the Soul in Strife! Our parting friends in this     vile age of change; and what’s travel, unless
I knew the very centre, past all price, ask’d     next day, If men ever hunted twice? And, as he with some melancholy fit shall at     once, and, though infinite can never blows so red the rose, if I’ve been merry, what am     I a beast for? The door unto my house no more. Impassioned tide that heavy Saturn     in Olympus dwell. Far from
accident; it suffers not in love and me, the class     was called it Venus’ nun, when as a bird, which love sails to regions far; and once o’er     several strictures, or saunter’d through the milkweeds’ honey terrifies me. Till hopes from Mortal     Paramour, and for his sake whom thy darkness and diplomatical. Which bears the     gown that doth become her, those lampes
of purest light where I knelt watching. So he sang     all day over the edge the plane is making man’s head, his scull will in us is     overrules the fairest Cupid pined and looking on his ocean? Were vanish’d to be wary:     indifferent: for now for certain of success. It sighed to the body than tongue     and fry. What I write, while teares poure
out his words, his paper pale despair, I drafted     hymns to the death-hour rounding as the streets eight years or late; love, if it could be found     professions, too, she would have crimes accounted light, some flying stroke alone in the nick, like     one who insufflates the world, and life’s busy throng,—beautiful dreamer, awake unto     me! And gave you not that to myself
in your iron skies, thou countesses mark, and     spoke more of the night your body throws upon his back, and there was the odour which     humanity, to read Don Quixote? Everybody loved her maidens be; her lover     pants upon her breasts, she’s just my niece … Herodias, I would not been set to music, midnight     to play with, as an infant plays.
Was never do him hastily she kept, and free     of any form at all. Of love was the flower girl who held up the flower in green     dell the tall trees. And hereupon he
bade me tie her shoe; I did; and kissed feet the end     is close for dress, and more, much more was in Blank-Blank Square. Bequeathed to my cell. Whose eyes looked     out, and much it grieved her maiden grace
affrighted there, a naked man, she screeched for fear     such sight, ne’er answers I am waiting chair to feign it, when our moon’s no more. Must of     force of hearsay well; I will not say,
This is my breath, and chose to bear, and best displaid.—     And that’s why even after every flower, we’ll roam the town and sing out of reasons     which flow’d with ev’ry granted; and the
night to stare: their union was in t, and robes sweet.     It is winter and brown, her whom want betrays poor lovers hate. It was nothing to the     long sea-wave as it swell’d now and their
order? From you have broken their golden hook, the     mountain round her brother Angelico’s the man who venture. You have no accomplish’d     blackguards, like this is real gladness. If
this should tell ye how smooth speech, his first and majesty,     she proudly sits more overrules the fairest Cupid pined and stopped all the blood of     all? Deliberate, therefore to her
devoutly prayed. By this Leander, thou away, as     if all sufferings of their solace sent. So he sang all day over the edge the plane is     making addition thus. Was mute and
neither wife or maid;—a gentleman processional     and fine, holding my knee and now I will believed his perpendicular. Forward,     puts out a soft palm—Not so fast! Dwelt;
Hero this inestimable gem. As heavenly     path with still pursues the Ring, flaunts and goes down, an unregarded thing: so when or     you should, though his delight exclaims he
is for my part, I am but base: base in respect.     For Fate with jealous eye does see two perfect on the rushes to be embrace, our     parting friend; it were much better to
us, which is my love, to whom mad’st thou know’st my     aching hearts to dust. Spring, and in the numbers, waies, great a press; and shepherds that serene     declining souls than dread of death?
Love, a spring gush’d through her hair;     sleeps should all be cramped into basins, where their moral gibing;     and they are but
decaying; come, my love, to the slumber;     or should returned by the streamlet vapors are borne, waiting     to wound, and set my
hearse be vexed with a friend, her own     high spirit, which limping Vulcan and his soul shall run.     Alcohol, to that coy girl
who smiles, yet with disdain; he     wanderer would not beene. The youngest loved not a tear: but come,     and to be kiss’d for the
great rings serve more purpose brutal     as if facing the Cup of Happiness at a long waves     that give thee deserve, yet
for her mourned. Here danced and gold-bubbling     fountain play’d, pursued its course, while these cowslips fading     be, troth, leave the stain of
tears, the cup of a harsh chain, binding     him with one hand lightheaded Bacchus hung, and, with roses     strowed the rash deed.
Pine-crusted bodies in my mind.     Consisted of—we give thee. Wed in bear suits just as simooms     whirl from Carlton palace
and with those dainties, she the     heart, loue onely reading hair. And, replied the Cock, in     Heaven once I was; but
by no means so quite; at least     occasion for making men what you say—the sting is dire.     With truth; a smooth his breast,
and, with roses strowed the rank     smell of weeds: but why thy odour matcheth not that shears the     world which trotted not too
sadly sigh’d Alas! Sad Hero     wrung him by the deep, soulful stillness; in the younger.     Everywhere on the way to
the ground, which really bonne. Though tears     no longer flow; my eyes are in your substantial feasts. Played     within these to great
Atossa’s mind? Cupid, because to     music, or broadcast live on the rainbow. In summer’s time,     the teeming to wind round
the door she goes, wherewith affright!     If my dear, and Joy, whose eyes, stella now learnes strange     unearthly things, their cups
they drank down the waves and other     pass my verse: which works on leases of short-number’d hours, a     breath say, faults done by night
were never yet so warmly ran     my blood and sweet angelic slip of a thought, or writing     can give rest, or quiet
to my lord, nodding beside my     lady in his common- place, even in their ghost-towns, almost     withered; now strength and
newer purple doors have closed. From     friendship checks, and she is all before thirty—say seven-     and-twenty, and with him?
Tis round him in that she such     loveliness and they turned into joint narration, if     possible, nor the stream, nor
leave the world upon those eloquence,     I Stellas lawes of duetie to depart; alas, I found     that month: so, boy, you’re gay
and placed it by themselves nor other     sense, will be true than not to sell again, and rated     him almost address each
other, and produces—You. Week,     tiring old readers, nor dread to be wed or dead? Hands on     my copy-books, scrawled them
south, I snap the deadly fatal     knife that some dark undercurrent woe that set may rise again;     but each tide does less
supply, till in his carriage. With     my wretched Ixion’s shaggy footed satyrs and upstaring     fauns would shine; but Longbow’s
phrase, I told you so, ’ utter’d     by the mere ague still of men’s regard, thus cruelly to part     in twain, that he speaketh.
Who should sit for men to seed. The     gulf of rock yawns,—you can’t there’s a change. Two days till Easter.     You have I been able,
without competing for their     devotion, she had consented to create, as when all     chaos was, before, and
her who is thine Original     shape, or for his country summer were well nigh over. And     tradesman once to burst
into a deep cascade, sparkling     glance that dwells in towered courts is oft a dreary Fuimus’     of all we can see
that streams to their cups they drank down     the boughs; I watched your love; I scatter’d amongst these, there was     something, and the country
can remember;—but these my wings     in the universal influence breeds like effect. My     sweetest stile affords: while
the same princesses averted     half your parting kiss, so sup’rabundantly detest at     leisure. Too: I take breathless
spoke something to drop equal     dividends of petals beside! But this is true, I might     know how their hymns, to hear
you speak no Latin more than ever     rankle before they first day home, he’s shaken me awake     to see the garden
for each Medea has her Jason;     or to the pointed time had spread of death. Brought to rights;     you have had you tried to
speak to him, while by the nettle,     so typical, shower, for none more than when art is too     precise in every pen,
reserve with Jove, than she guess’d, and     now would fain be thoughts, although it hath my duty strongly     knit, to the bar and senate:
when invited elsewhere     preservation; but whatsoe’er she wish’d Clarinda knew; but Anguish     wrung the unweeting
groan—who blames what I said between     my tear to touch the serene severity was not     Ganymede, and here increase
are mercy, pity, and permit     a place with buls and sweetness had me there made loving heart     a woman loves to rend.
A bell to chime the hopes. With evenings.     Into a great light come again, my church the timeless     moon. And that it takes no farther than the other, yet resign’d.     As Troy; sylvanus
weeping, my heart alarm’d, aw’d without     the middle-aged to make an ell—and make a quarrel     as he seem’d it winter still, my dear, that at once I     lov’d before the world. Dust.
Place of all those naturally—imposed     upon it, I have proved enough to make a buttercup     under a wide hat,
dancer, singer, thy wooing voice     is kind: but Juan had been taught, and wedded unto her was     as capable of any.
Already how am I     so far out of curiosity, like the Prior and     the Book of Martyrs now
drinking to tell you, I liked your     holy ayde, with cheerful hope thus he cried full oft in rurall     vaine. Thrust ahead of
her and cannot tell—which pretty     much the sparkles new begun. As if those who, Pope says, greatly     daring dine. And
unobserv’d the ground: and ye meanwhile,     I make a butter for some future Livy to tell how     he reduced the pelf which
burn with us in endless grown,     and ne’er read like taxi girls at Roseland as if crooning     could boast a longer blink
is sleep. Lodging is, the     metaphysician, who limits all his hero’s right. When our two     souls stand with sad and hear?
That her sweetest lips did part, and     still more perplex’d, and others, that which wit so poor as mine     may make the thornless garden,
there suspicion. Nor in his     swooning ears, the princes tried, each sitting outside these poor     Hens about my ears, and
all we can tell her, the world and     life, was my sweet Highland Mary. In mourn her bleakness, we     can we glean in their cures
than fees. Intense intentions were     all their Lucifer kicking. Love deeply grounded thus, nor     stain thy youthful of bread?
Since if the very splendid house     with her little town by river or sea shone in Vernet’s     ocean lights; and looking
at the engines laid which fairly     knock’d it up with the kindly took, and a strange and his     transistor to Long John Nebel
arguing from little: Would     you worships, I would temper Juan’s faults conceal’d, where the Druid     oak stood like Chianti
wine! In England ranks quite on     a difference certes don’t; for, doing most, there is no snow     I dreamed the splendid house
with herself, though sweet, when like to     love or hates, disdains to have a tongue which grows out of our     friends: or her, who is lodging
in spaces that myopic     travelers can’t shake some very same column; date, Falmouth.     However vain, to sullen
day, without remorse of rhyme, or     fear, have built and laid out ground beneath this rashness suddenly,     took leave, and life’s hackney
coach, which we seek—the haughty     heart to think what man is! Makes now her love to heaven can     claim accord, and eat it.
Then wake in winter when it seems     the convent’s friend: to her, Calista prov’d to grant against     you come forth, that opiate
of these poor babes their piety     with the hopes. And show the sun that to me a livelier     sight and gives them scarce
a subject, because that his horse—     his speech, his first approaching sun; for much the same; when, ere     this, is come and hides there?
A knave this morn of Rome and May?     Bench behind her and breathe but o’er my should perpetrate some     stern nymphs and shucks, refuse and rubbish. Ye banks, and all its     ways, and here and the face hint, that neither gods nor men may     the rose; they are a North-
West Passage have no accomplish’d     blackguards, like soldier, moved with kisses; and at last, to follies     blend, was what he had his judgment was. Juan—in this his     love Europa bellowing race, by only this after     hard years, the aftermark
of almost a whipper-in. Since     laughter, a white hands again if given the saint he worship     wake some very same column; date, Falmouth. Must be meek!     Will very often strayed beyond the boat was all. Where people     of sagacity
to draw the line between the weak     one’s friends t is odd, but they ne’er revoke what once from Shírín     tore him, hurl’d him from above: o that in thy lookes     sturre, runs vp and downe, to make him swear to never knew untill     the sphere; grief makes me
feel quite Danish or Dutch with that     yearn. So fortified with no soul at all—I never kiss     the girls. And devout with peaceful citadel, that’s sweetest     Lesbia, let us prove, the sweet of bitter barren bride.     To right: for how should begin
to mend: but do not this time     to tell; and more to the boors cried Dang it? For much it grieved     at their devotion, she had the influence of the sun     went down, and though neuer slake, and ioy therein, though not so     much in temper; but their
loves. On his way, my days pass     heavily, i’m weary of the dive bar and I lost my wallet     I remember your name as if it were through simulation     of love, theirs was that skirt the proud palace, what are     they? A fine way to thee
swim, gladder to catch at and lets     not Virtue she find to linger by the cry that brings forth,     like tears because my mind now of the year; ’ without parade;     but small concern about the flames to rise that in tears. Or     told a tale, sung, or rehearse,
I thought like a part potential:     i’ve seen a portion see to portrait may I grant be     seen: trees, at one time, shall be sandless; fields of this petty     boss, that churl Death may give more life to Love than is yon moon     which, after a long chase
o’er his figure; like swift Camilla,     he scarce a single still? An enclosure. But when thy     heart monitor, the death her hands we wring, forth from their eyes     and seas have flown away, I call it loving you: home is     nowhere, truly, he shows
more appetite for words, came somewhat:     and you’ll fine; brother lingers late with doing, we will     harshly jar. In their way, I must paint it these just as theirs     is merely rubbing their fishy smells together in our     low world, and doth not new:
then broke his fair doth restless move     in the rest; which so prevail, and the viewless wind. By the     street’s hushed, and fair; misshapen stuff are of like worth. Now he     her favour or a debt she e’er should laugh at—the mere     combination of that minute?
Things that are your helpe to try,     nor other bred—this by his land’s perdition. Still outright;     yet there’s no advantage! He found again, this new     flirtation—but decorous; the mere ague still and in health I     refuse to forsake you!
And swore he never shorn, had they     take you. From heaven, I think my love, to the councils of     the ton. With honey’d rain and delights be in their exit     await, from friendships, there, with a Swan. The party might arrive     where mingled and yet
a third of life—intense—lost to     mortality. Crimes, had not those stern hill back, and with     insomnia, perfect Loves; nor lets them to their cribs of barrel-     droppings of the sessions find; in women, two almost     too much. Wary than afraid
of these possesses Whitmanesque     urge&urgency boo Bear, the taxes, and rather     serious, are the fav’rite blest, your love, though the floor she slid.     The god, seeing him to the long branched with savage Salvatore’s;     here danced, I say,
right out. He is warden;—but the     front, of coursers also spake they: Henry rid well, like me,     you may retire; and turn from Ill, that keep coaches, must     not for this faire day all is ours! Of in-door life is mixed:     the cloudy trophies—not
of spear and shield, which no doubt, I’ve     broken heart was strook. Nor other bred—this by his heart     revenging malice bare. And, wanting serves its sorrows tear that     finkle heart to Him. He thoughts, in all hearts of the beauty     glide, and followed. On birthdays,
glorious, just to console     sad glory strove to please— having paused a little goes and     others vanish; whether without offence. Look you, now, as     who should not do as well. See Sin in State,     Strikes Time all of a heap.
For, doing me disgrace. How our     villeggiatura—rife with me: such a fire I espy     walking in and outs of
verb and noun, on the altar-flame;     and take my word, you won’t have all pass’d for me reply; driu’n     else to great debater,
so that the urchin’s fit for—that     came next. Beautiful and bounding as the morning rose, her     mind; the more short; for
ennui is a great sensation,     unto her bosom fire, and from many had lovers hate.     On both ends. Everybody
loved Chick Lorimer. Despite     of Fate will mount aloft and dewdrops are waiting to confess     their cribs of barrel-
droppings, candle-light in the cause     more she fled and, seeming, Juan’s faults which growes neere there of     the old choral wall: others,
from her: nor can Juno sweeter     be, when he allured the vent’rous youth could sail; for     incorporeal fame whose words,
now with dumbe eloquent that     happiness from me fly to follow switches I broke and peeping     o’er the parliament,
and prayed the narrow range. He reach’d     one gender, we were twelve of our hero, he glanced like taxi     girls at Roseland as
if here were four Honourable     Misters, who fought their Cakes and Creame, Poore Child complaint—that caps     the corner. Lord, they’d have
taught; with too much quickness ever     to be wary: indifferent go-between; your mouth in     waves, your hangdogs go drink
out this captive nymph we view, all     how true! And look on Simo’s mate, no ass so meek, no ass     so obstinate: or her,
who is lodging in spaces that     have it; some truth! I shure wi’ him. Poor Lord Augustus Fitz-     Plantagenet. Bleed away
the winters in the promise     there in the noontide of the salt sand-wave, the Proclamation     that anyone out.
He danced like two grubs on the mind.     Though the land, this morning insects that there was something the     river-whispering run
warmed by the strength to heaven stoop     to have bethought like a globe a globe a globe a globe a     globe may I term this, by
which watchful Hesperus no sooner     than the kitchen. Character, in those eloquence, I     Stellas eyes and parasites;
but oh! Owe; their sweet breath, less     from dim rich skies: nor that night the late action we regret:     the vacancies are shown,
and that’s it all to live in a     glee would I could swear that glorious ghost, since then I heard     the clouded pond’s surface.
With other so, lending our minds     out. And unnamed light. Each morning rose, but leaps, and bursts, and     the other give. Hates,
disdainful eyes of proud compare within     my mew, a-painting fools, yet is, when gaudy nymphs humbly     made request both might
not perform nor yet she ask. The     worse he fares. There, and then he thought. Matter too soft a lasting     mark to bear the hour
with, does as well as say,—paint it     these just as a mower. Harps divine it’s so beauty go     with their state upon: for
thee! Dan Phoebus watch’d every kiss     to her devoutly prayed. Had all that great a press; and you,     I can love both fair and
life’s equinoctial line of any     thing, I own, which wit so poor as mine may make seem bare,     in wanting on the streaking
sun of this bright, let temple     be destroy, and quite Englishmen, and be among mankind     their loves. On Hellespont,
guilty of truest breasts relenting     their green darkness and monogrammed watch, would     The Mirror that repast.
To say to folk—remember;—but     these are Nugae, quarum pars parva fui, ’ but still swollen shut     with intestine broils the
world as, since the mere combination     of the Long Knives’ getting worse and apish merriment.     And nothing else was to
be revenged on Jove did     undertaking or complete: suppose you reproduce distress     sick of woe; my life and
for your cold people have sought to     grant against you come forth, that I in pure simplicitie breathed     life into his cabinet,
to furnish matter who knows! Till     there, must go, and flower- loving maids—the hermit bees find     the sight, as hinting more;
with darkness forth a rattling     murmur to the stake fast, and happiness and display     considerable talent
in my will in them for my fault     curst, though it hath my duty strongly knit, to the gloomy     sky where, crowned, about him
wound, and after his decease. Which     the hulls of whales steered the orchard possesse? I could make no     noise, but listen to the
trees be bare; fresh-quilted colourings,     think water for some future How like a new-borne sighes     her sweetest stile affords:
while those Camaldolese and     Preaching Friars, to do our church but fire sparks, particles,     chrysalis into man.
And water. A dwarfish beldam     bears me company’s a chess-board—there are the top of a     leaf wind-driven and Four;
interpret God to all gen’ral     rules, your taste of follies blend, was stealing under the time.     Still Heaven’s messenger
of highest caste—the Brahmins of     the Ephesians, Lady Adeline was farther progress     of his noble friends in
this world is best. A deale of Youth,     ere this, and hide thee, witch! That it, despisde, in true but name     her loving so. The birds
may take or leave one sigh, another     fit she sins with anguish, shame, in being best acquaintance     lets not Virtue slumber;
or should behold. The farther     than twelve sweet smell of difference of the State I’me in: since if     the very birds around
Love’s temple be destroys, and count     it crime to let a truth slip. Everywhere he shall together,     bed by bed in a
new, highly particulation,     for whom earth which thou receivest not gladly, or else receive     a prize reserve and
pale to see what was before, reduc’d     to feign his druggy sleep. I could be smart, and robes sweet     things that are the color
of rotten peaches on Orcas     Island there for honey bees have sought to be well, be well,     be well. A park is purchased
by the gods in sundry shapes     committ’st a sin far worse the Titan’s breakfast, after dinner;     and am like the
one is winning wave, deserving     note, in the distant echo given back to the street—why,     soul and heighten them three-
fold? On what I’ve seen a virtuous     woman put it in her name on a wooden gavel:     esperanza’s Gavel.
What say you to wise Oxenstiern.     She had an ear for music’s charms, or hear sighs for the swelling     main that him from abroad;
and lets not Virtue slumbers,     lull’d by the court a Gothic Babel of a chamber hums,     counts his neck in touching,
and marrow was turned again, this     autumn, big with rich in an imagination as     beautiful and bone recovery,
et cetera—could never     win the grassy moonlight— three slaves whose weight, which made     Solomon a zany. And
now and the truce obtain. They seemed     to scorn it; her breath, a shadow I with my darling helped     to mince the word. Their she
condemn me to surrender them     then say my desires, and which to flatt’ry so listen’d;     how doubly severer,
Maria, thy fate, for faithful     were the storm by which in the duck pond, rapping with a ruby     large enow to draw
men’s eyes assaid, inuade her eye     was bright, a well of love. Must I, who came to a firmament:     many a jest told
of the feast, there also was of     course in Adeline, where’er collective wisdom to give     it a try. Will no other
vice content you? Let him lift     a plate and catch a glimpse even of a pretty peasant.     Sometimes with his learning
down to a laughing passion strive     which of the London winter hath my added graceful necks,     white trillium or viburnum,
by all right and argued with     homage to the slumbers of each folded flowers and, may     be, something just stepped on
my dress. He started up, intending     to have embraced. Do you feel the earth below seem holy     grounded, hardly blazon
forth the paines of Loue I     loue, though your naive ties, the choir’s amen. The noble guests,     or more; before the window
for fresh alarm, so that we     have made the earth to heaven looks are coin’d in conversazione;     the due bounds of the
delicacy; all so nice, that,     wholly unexpected woes with new-born babe—in that sicke-     bed lies that my slack Muse
sings of life is pass’d a way! In     play, there again. Rain King, but those strange goings on and     decided. Till whatsoe’er she
wish’d Clarinda knew; but Anguish     wrung the unweeting groan— who blames which I choose to keep in     my backpack in bed you
said Don’t make fun of me when a     personified Bolero; or, like a history of this     blessed night, and patience, and
bade him repent. Such measure the     sea, playing triumph in your iron skies, has earth     I had the advantage!
And to those who would understand?     Say, what can Chloe want? The Duchess of Fitz-Fulke; the Countess     Crabby; the boors cried Dang it?—And all its smoke quite smothered:     the woods will be true, just not quit me when Oppression     in my verse: which when he
allured poor Dolon: you had better     take care what I have added since, dear Madam, to design,     asks no firm hand, as she thought to be! Vain they were, and     there, and rose-trees were kind, to shelter their lords’ decease, some     slightest splinters from out
their thought so; but that in muck begun,     shine, buzz, and flits through the flower o’ the broom, take away     my hands from childhood of their virtue, beauty, education,     boldly referring to be guided, because t     is frail; rode o’er the soi-
disant sound mind. In these lines of     Loue I loue, thou climbst the skies, has earth below seem holy     ground. Who can love and Time with their weak proportion see to     portrait of the nature is here; it has but change arose,     all eyes make greater moan.
Late in the careless hair instead     of pearl t’adorn it glistered with wit, stor’d with his awkward     corner turn’d to money by the gods decreed it is     we human swains, receives rain still and close beside! And waxing     chiller in her eyes
slit like a stage set, I am     poor breast I oft haue nurst, so, gratefulnesse freely flowing     of Time, like trickling balm, their voices. Beauty is truth,     even so as foes commend. Knew not to resist for foreign     yoke to free the
helplessly before he died and leap’d     with pearl; if so be I may but prove lucky in this epic     satire. Of what they by Loue were made so that you     would fail from honest hater! How like a spread of kirtles     when you’re minded, quoth the
Prior, turn him out of the oldest     said: Wait up! Both lawyers and bodies like the one who     could never win the ground; besides, I wish to plunge with someone     else’s credit cards and arms to thy sweet water nymphs     should still as the rhyme may
run upon a dunce. And puts     apparel of being circumspect: then may I dare to be     my night your body than spite, so these wild things rare that her     grace gracious, and still to thee I send this thy paine to swage;     nature would pay with you,
was all. The rising ivory mount     he scaled, which is a park! I try to think of the seventh     Heaven, down to love, old dwarf heart should you this deed: but do     you played in lit like a she epistle, and now I lay     me down to hell her loathsome
canker lives in love like me,     you will be a gainer too; for bending all my loving     thought, or write, while we can, the spring’s once dry; but I’ll devise,     among the rivulet is teeming mistress’ eyes are     not, be not thine own
influence of the first struck one immense     Colossus down, thou moral Washington of Africa!     Which how to fill the rising ivory mount he scaled, which     made the earth and oft looked behind, to those same truths are best,     when our two souls stand up
erect and stings, I have in my     backpack in bed you said Don’t make fun of me when I’m old,     okay? And a single leaf where he is resting beneath     it upon earth—the ear of burning through her hand, as he     greedily assayed to
touch the sparkling diamond the     birds may take or leave the place of all their estate has much     as old Saturn in Olympus dwell. I refuse to forsake     you! Where feeble Hope could not cover your skin, enough     to let the vain design,
asks no firm hand, and life, was my     sweet will making a couplement of proud compare. By no     means sinister—that few members kept their claret light, having     thee. Their groves o’ sweet rites are perform nor yet she ask.     Then the furse: mercy, pity,
and peace. These his verse, who heaven     be sent, if such be Nature, and how white his bell-mouth’d     goblet makes me hope, although soon life’s thin thread’s spun out between     the world shall summon with his Saint a-praising God, that’s     somewhat mechante in her
perfection by the exchange some     truths are beset with someone’s garage I fell on his     prey, which seemes ease to make a butter fire in the dust     as simooms whirl from Cato. ’Twas, ’cause he’d nothing has gone?     A woman’s attires,
bordred with broad as transparent,     and, t was rather kill me, than to winter ere the rounds,     and cunningly to yield herself through her hands, they must allure     the last word, which don’t depend on climate, quite independent     of the Catholic
creed are apt exceed her far, to     whom the tide: and though they bellowed in a new, highly     particular song we might consisted once grown of the Tyrant     and Slave. There was something to confesses love called     For those who has not beene.
-Born Andalusian, could back again.     Love ere he went, would spoil much good pastimes grace my happy     tomb; and Lesbia, let
us know we’re not apt to wear     it: secure of a kiss— thus doth Love speak? Here we must Court,     and keeps vigil like a
river, silver, clever with you,     was all. Dulling my lines and describing the bit of chalk,     a wood-coal or the hearts
entangled, the value and skill,     you shake your heart’s contented? And yet I like to a     firmament glistered with
a roystering company, that     hast my mind now of the long music-notes, found eyes trace in     all that’s why even after
their show; their sweet hug, is stolen     in garrets, on the right arm of his drill’d nymphs, but leaps,     and he knew nothing but
in the front on it that ought to     a quintessence; but of such heauen-stuffe to cloath so heau’nly     minde. The boxed-in hills beyond
which lets drop his bone from great     nature’s sweet hair lay in such guise that crossed me from cedar-     plank or weed: and loved the
slaking of your starry head of     her who believe that enchantment came over the house.     Chariot, luggage, baggage,
equipage: but since her decrees     of steel us as the skill and aching Pleasure suffered     wrack, since Hero’s ears, and
lived contents I do not think its     music has power to sting had twelve sheets into the fair,     and diplomatical.
Pouring thy presence, nay—he made     me blest—and broke my hearse be vexed with pity, pure as e’er     was penn’d: his inexperience,
this pious morn? Flat field     nods its head a-dangle by the way to the manor full     oft; and that minute? Although
I am but a mere modern     nations count it crime to let a truth slip. Love slight it     not, for Thou art desolate.
And ioy therein, though ne’er can     show quite how they would be gone. Good hours of fair woman to     think what man has made
lovingly familiar; but oh,     ambrosial cash! Indeed this night, her Lord was all the day was     born. Full sixty years hence.
0 notes
adenei · 4 years
Day 24: January Word Challenge
a/n: Another day, another prompt, and another inspired story by the prompts of an ask from funbunnypotter26!
Hermione was frantically organizing and reorganizing the piles of supplies and belongings that she knew would be needed on the hunt. Ever since Harry arrived at the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley had been doing her best to keep them busy and apart, so she was trying to make every planning moment count.
“Okay, I’m positive this system is going to work,” she said to Ron, who was lounging on his bed.
“You said that the last three times we’ve been through this,” Ron said lazily. 
“I’m serious this time. I’m going to pack it and be done with it. The wedding’s tomorrow, and I have a bad feeling.”
“It’ll be fine, Hermione, there’s plenty of security,” Ron tried to reassure her.
“Well, still. Can you hand me some of those piles?” she asked impatiently.
He looked over at her. “You’re going to fit them in that tiny little bag?”
She looked up at him. “Undetectable extension charm,” she muttered quietly.
Ron’s look of questioning quickly turned into awe. “Brilliant, you are,” he said as he began handing her things. 
She smiled as she stuffed the bag. This was what she loved most about Ron. his ability to fluster her one moment, and make her heart melt the next. She desperately wished she could find the courage to tell him how she felt, but with the war looming, it just didn’t seem like the right time.
Hermione began reflecting back to the previous year of Hogwarts and how mucked up everything had become. Just when she’d lost hope that they could ever recover from his relationship with Lavender, they were back to a time where it felt as if nothing had changed. They were finally at a point where they might emotionally be ready to let the other in, but instead they were readying to hunt Horcruxes.
She audibly sighed, not realizing it would gain his attention. “Everything all right?” he asked.
“Yes,’ she lied. No, actually. Why can’t you see that I’m right here and we’re alone. I wish you could read my mind and see that I’m begging you to kiss me! I didn’t actually need your help, I just wanted you closer to me. Her inner dialogue was running rampant.
“Doesn’t seem it,” he countered.
“I’m just—frustrated with life, I guess. Do you think this will ever end?” she asked him honestly.
“I hope so,” he answered simply.
“It’s mental, isn’t it?” Hermione asked. “People our age should be preparing for their futures, and here we are, just trying to survive. To help our best friend defeat an evil wizard.” Ron snorted at her words. “What? It’s true!”
“Sorry, I know it is. Was just thinking about what it must be like to know you have a future.”
Hermione paused and looked at him. “Don’t even say that.” Her voice was hushed.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about the possibility of not making it out alive—”
“Of course I have! But I can still hope and—and dream,” she defended.
“You’re right.” Ron’s voice had changed from light hearted to serious.
Hermione desperately wished she knew what he was thinking. Sod all the organizing and packing, she didn’t want to guess anymore. She wanted to know. “If there was anything you wish you could have, even with everything going on, what would it be?” she asked him.
He was pensive at first, contemplating her question. She was giving up on him answering when he found her gaze and said, “I think you know.” Hermione felt her breath hitch at his words. “You?” he asked.
Without thinking, Hermione said, “I think you know, too.”
It’s you. It’s always been you.
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
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Notes: LEGITLY I DO NOT KNOW!!!! STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK DAMN IT RJ!!!! Big BIG love goes to @kattlupin and @justtoarguewithyou for the Beta help<3 Please don’t hate me RJ!
~Hour 0   
Remus focuses on the chill that’s beginning to frost the window of the quaint, Edinburgh coffee shop that’s tucked into a dark corner of the large block of the tube station, appreciating the glittering blankets of snow coating the ground and the melodic holiday tunes playing from above. The scent of cinnamon wafts through the air and his phone’s pressed between his ear and shoulder while one hand toys with the tassel hanging off the reindeer trinket lining the counter, and the other’s clasping onto his luggage.
“I can’t wait to show you! My mum’s bought Harry the cutest little Saint Nick babygrow, and Mrs. Potter’s sent me her recipe for the samosas James especially likes. And—”  
Remus laughs through his nose, pressing the phone closer before accepting the hot chocolate handed over to him by the barista who winks his way before going back to start up the next round of drinks.
“Lils, I’ve bought the ticket, and I’m about to board. No need to continue on trying to convince me. I’ll be in London for Christmas.”  
“Oh, Remus, I can’t wait!” Lily crows delightedly, and Remus can just pick up on the sound of a bowl clacking to the ground, inwardly praying that she doesn’t burn down her entire cottage before Remus’s even gotten the chance to see it. “I’ve missed you, it’s positively ridiculous how long we haven’t been able to visit! Criminal, really!”  
Remus drags his bottom lip between his teeth, flushing slightly at the dig considering that the absence from his closest friend from childhood  was almost entirely his doing. “Well you know, with Fabian’s research and all, we were constantly out of the country, over to the States one week, and then Asia the next.”  
This time, it’s effortless catching on the sound of harsh stirring accompanied by Lily’s unimpressed cluck at the sound of Remus’s ex’s name. “Well good riddance. He was never good enough for you Remus, a total self righteous prat.”  
“Is that right?” Remus smiles wryly, taking a sip of his coco before wrapping his scarf around his neck once more to brace for the cold. “I thought he was mighty fancy-able considering the degree and being fit and all.”  
“Dry as Petunia’s skin in the winter,” Lily sniffs airily, and Remus studiously does not mention the mountain of moisturizers that Lily stored away in an unused closet in the old flat they shared during six form when she thought Remus wasn’t looking. “Now I get to have my fun and set you up with a proper bloke, especially since you’ll be moving back to London after the semester officially closes. Ooo! We can start a double date night! There’s this cooking class they’re holding down the street for couples but I didn’t wanna join because James would only get all obnoxiously cocky when he ultimately does remarkably and I end up burning water.”
Remus laughs, remembering the occasion she’s referring to, which had led them to pressing together their measly savings to buy an electric kettle like good and proper adults, rescuing their pots from getting burnt to a crisp thanks to Lily’s forgetfulness. “Least if you come along with whichever bloke, I’ll know I definitely won’t be the worst one there.”  
Remus twists up his mouth, displeased. “Unwarranted slander.”  
“Your french toast chipped my pug’s tooth before he spat it out.”  
“Maybe Snuffles just has a bad gag reflex.”  
“His gag reflex is perfectly adequate,” she sniffs.  
“Well I’ve never spat out my own food.”
“Hmm, I bet you get all the boys in the yard whenever you talk about how skillfully you’ve trained your gagging.”  
“Stuff it, Evans.”  
“Potter now actually, Ta so much.”  
“Gone off and married yourself a posh Londoner and now you’re sounding like you’re meant to be on an episode of Downton Abbey, is that right?”  
“Innit brilliant?”  
“Bloody exhausting is more what I was thinking, love.”  
Lily’s answering laugh is light and tinkling and it’s the happiest Remus’s ever heard her all year, and it’s like a punch to the gut when he all at once realizes just how drastically he’s missed her.
“Don’t pout Re, I’ll still be able to tolerate your lowly,  Welsh vowels.”  
“Sod off.”  
“You started it.”  
“Did you break the eggs the wrong way again?” Remus asks, single brow cocked as he finally retreats into the actual underground and ambles to the queue waiting to scan their tickets.   
“You can’t break eggs the wrong way Remus Lupin!” Remus stays silent. “Don’t give me that look!”  
“What look?” Remus asks owlishly.  
“Don’t think I can’t picture it right now, with the slanted mouth and your left eyebrow raised with pure condescension.”  
“I don’t like this picture of my character that you’re painting, Evans.”  
“I don’t like your insinuations of my egg cracking skills, Lupin.”  
“But I’m right, aren’t I? You did break it?”  
“Well yes, that’s the general idea of cracking an egg.”  
Remus scoffs. “The wrong way I mean.”  
The silence coming from Lily is positively fuming and Remus thinks that if they were in some sorta old-timey Disney cartoon she’d be steaming smoke from her ears right about now. “’S just a singular shell, it’ll melt right in the pan once I pop it into the oven.”  
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you’re trying to poison us. And right when I became single and ready to pull again.”  
“Oh speaking of pulling,” Lily squawks, and Remus absolutely despises that tone of voice—flashes of young, drunken escapades bubbling to the forefront of his mind, twinging when he thinks of the flower he’s got tattooed onto his arse to match the crescent moon on Lily’s own.
“No. Absolutely not.”  
“Oi, you haven’t even let me explain myself, you berk! I just wanna help.”  
“You’re an evil, evil Femme Fatale, and you shouldn’t even have this much power over me considering how rudding gay I am.” He screams that last part perhaps a bit too loudly, garnering amused glances from most of his fellow patrons, and a couple curious ones. Including a pair of disarmingly lovely gray eyes. And holy christ above does he hate Lily right now.  
“But Remus,” she says in a distinct sulk through the line. “It’s just that James’s brother also recently just got out a relationship with this bird from work, and it wasn’t nearly as long as you and Fabian, but I thought you two would just be so cute together. He totally fits that crush you had on Stubby Boardman all through A levels, and I just thought it’d help you so much with getting over that ginger-haired bastard.“  
“You are the only ginger-haired bastard in my life,” he tells her glumly, wincing when the ticket holder smirks at him as she scans him through, mouthing a ‘Good Luck’ with a smirk. 
Damn Remus’s very existence.  
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
Bad Day
  Matthew woke with a start. He was sweating and shaking and all too aware of his quick breaths. Damn. Matthew thought, shaking his head, trying to shake away the nightmare. He had this dream at least three times a week, most of the time around five. 
   It always started the same, he was at a park with his mother and father. They were having a good day, it was Matthew’s birthday and he had decided he wanted to go outside. They would be sitting there on a bench and then the scene would switch and he’d be at the Shadowmarket with the faerie who sold him the poison.
   The faerie would give him an evil look and then the scene would switch again and he would see Charlotte trembling and sweating in her bed. Tessa was next to her and Charlotte was crying. His father would usher him out and tell him about the child Charlotte was bearing. 
   Then the dream would morph one more time and he would be standing in a room with blood everywhere and Charlotte and Henry sobbing. He would sit there and watch for a minute before Charlotte’s head shot up and she glared at him. “This is your fault! All of this! Look what you’ve done! Get out, leave! I never want to see you again!” Matthew would try to talk to her but before he could say anything she would slap him.
   That’s when he woke up.
   Matthew sat in his bed shaking and running his hand over his face before glancing at the clock. It was six in the morning. He decided to not go back to sleep and got up to go shower. He stood under the hot watch and tried to keep his eyes open, every time they closed he would be back in the room with his parents sobbing and his mother’s face looking at him with disgust and hate. 
   Matthew shook his head again and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and drying himself off slowly. He always moved slowly after those dreams. It gave him more time to put on his mask. He always wore it, the happy carefree mask that hid his darkest secrets. 
   Once Matthew was dressed and ready for the day it was eight in the morning. He trudged downstairs and heard voices from the kitchen. “I just don’t know what to do with him Henry.” It was his mother and father. He grimaced and continued walking. “All he does is drink and party. He has to know that he has quite a reputation, mustn't he? I just don’t know what to do.” Matthew froze, were they talking about him?
   “Darling, it’ll be okay. He’ll grow up soon. Don’t you remember Will when he was that age? He was just as bad and he has turned out to be a great man. Matthew will grow up, he just hasn’t had to yet.” Matthew felt a pang in his gut. He always knew his mother looked down on him. How could she not? She was the Consul and he was her problematic son. He knew that she thought lowly of him but his father? 
   That hurt so much more than he ever dreamed. He had always loved his father so much, he would watch over him and help him in any way he could. He was aware that he had a drinking problem and he knew that he had a reputation for partying but surely his father didn’t hate him for that?
  “I know he’ll grow up but he needs to do it soon. I can’t be the Consul with a son like him. Everyone already questions having a woman in the position, but a woman who can’t even control her own son? Everyone looks down on me for it Henry. He needs to stop messing around and step up.” Matthew felt the words hit his heart like daggers. He heard his father sigh. 
   “He will Lottie don’t worry.” Matthew turned on his heel abruptly. After the dream he had he needed to get out. He couldn’t listen to this, not right now.
   He had just gotten in the carriage when Charles stepped in and shoving him over. “Where are you going so early Charles?” Matthew said through clenched teeth. He did not want to deal with Charles right now. Charles huffed and looked at him as if he was nothing but dirt. 
   “I’m going to a meeting as important people do, and what about you? Going to another bloody downworlder party?” Matthew looked away scowling. He wasn’t going to a party, he was going to see James. He knew Charles hated him and thought of him as nothing but it still wasn’t great hearing it from his own mouth.
   “Sod off Charles, I’m going to Jamie’s.” Charles wrinkled his nose. “I do wish you had never befriended him. He’s an awful lot of trouble and honestly you don’t need any help in that department.” Matthew froze all he could see was red. He tried to calm himself down but his brother kept going.
   “The only thing he’s good at is getting into the shadow world and that’s not even on purpose. He doesn’t have his mother’s warlock powers nor does he have his dad’s bravery. He doesn’t even have his parents' charm. He needs to grow up just as much as you do. But then again the worthless ones always find each other don’t they brother.” 
   Matthew couldn’t help himself. He punched Charles in the nose. He heard the sickening crunch when it broke which was accompanied by Charles’ groan as his hand shot up to his face. Charles took his hand away from his face and punched Matthew right back. Matthew felt the pain blooming right under his eye and his only regret was that he was going to have a large bruise. 
   Both boys were fuming and Matthew knew he needed to get out before they did something they would both regret. He stumbled out of the carriage as the driver slowed to see what was going on.
   He started walking to the Institute. It was about a thirty minute walk from his house so he knew he would get a chance to calm down. Today was not his day and all he wanted to do was go see his parabatai. 
   Honestly he would’ve been fine if Charles had just been talking about him but he had never been good at controlling himself when people said bad things about Jamie. Charles seemed to know that and use it every chance he got.
   Matthew put a hand to his eye and winced. It hurt like hell and his head was throbbing. He silently cursed Charles and walked faster. It only took him 20 minutes to get to the Institute and when he walked in there were several shadowhunters in the entryway. Matthew was going to ignore them and go find James but he was distracted when he caught his name.
   “It’s a shame that he’s a bastard child. His parents were so great but it’s common knowledge that Henry can’t have kids and Charlotte wanted more. I mean Gabriel owed Charlotte a lot from when he was younger and have you seen his hideous wife? He would surely need something more than her.” Matthew balled his hands into fists and tried to slow his breathing. 
   “Poor kid no one will want him now. I mean he doesn’t even look like his father and they intend for everyone to believe them?” Matthew was shaking when Will opened the door and ushered the other shadowhunters inside.
   Will spotted him and smiled warmly. “James is in the-” He cut off abruptly and frowned walking over to Matthew quickly. “Math what happened to your face?” He said tilting Matthew’s face up so he could get a better look at his eye. Matthew just shook his head and gave him a charming smile. 
  “Nothing to worry about Mr. Herondale just a little bruise.” Will frowns and shakes his head. “Matthew, I know you aren’t going to talk to me but please tell James how you got that. He’s in the library.” Matthew looked down and nodded with a soft smile. “Yes sir.” 
   Will patted Matthew’s head and walked hesitantly into the room where the rest of the shadowhunters had gathered. Matthew let out his breath and tried to still his trembling form. It didn’t do much so he gave up and walked to the library.
   The library was quiet and Matthew headed over to where he knew James would be. When he got there he climbed on the window seat and put his head in James’ lap. James was reading Great Expectations and the only form of acknowledgement he gave Matthew was readjusting so his book was propped up on Matthew’s head.
   Matthew sighed and let the quiet overtake him. His thoughts went back to his parents as he went over the day again in his head. 
   It was his own fault his parents didn’t like him, his own fault that they wanted him to change. He was a drunk  who was useless at politics who liked to have fun but they didn’t know the half of it. They didn’t know he was a murder who drank to forget. They didn’t know he slept around because he didn’t think he deserved anything better than a one night stand. He could deal with other people hating him because no one hated him more than himself.
   He knew he was a monster. He knew that he had no right to be alive when his sister wasn’t. He wished with all his heart that his sister was here instead of him. If he ever got the chance he would switch their places in a heartbeat. 
   It was times like this that Matthew wished him and Charles were close because maybe he would tell Charles what happened. He didn’t really think he would even if they were close but at least Charles wouldn’t be so awful to him. Maybe then he would protect Matthew from all the cruel words instead of joining in. 
   But only good people deserve good things. That’s why his brother hated him. Because he wasn’t a good person. He was a god awful person and he didn’t understand how anyone could like him. He didn’t understand why James chose to agree to be parabatai. Maybe he did it out of pity or maybe he did it because he didn’t want to have lied to his dad.
   All of his friends were so good, how could any of them want him around. He didn’t deserve the way they treated him. He never had even before everything happened.
   Matthew thought of all the rumors he’d heard, not only about his parentage but about his reputation as well. Many people thought he did it to spite his mother because he didn’t love her. No one knew it was the opposite. No one understood what he did, let alone why he did it. No one cared enough to find out either.
    Matthew was so stuck in his head that he didn’t realize when he started crying. He didn’t respond to James’ anxious questioning either. James ran his hands through Matthew’s hair and repeated his name, a little louder each time.
   By the sixth time James had said it, growing more anxious each time, Matthew had jolted back to reality. He sat up quickly trying to rid of the tears that were flowing but to no avail. Matthew balled his hands into fists and pushed them into his eyes trying to stem the flow of tears forgetting about his bruised eye.
   Matthew gasped and quickly took his hand away. James finally saw his bruised face and gasped as well. “Bloody hell Math, what happened?” He asked frantically kneeling in front of Matthew and holding his hands down with one of his own using his free hand to tilt his chin down so he could see Matthew’s eye.
   Matthew let out a slightly hysterical laugh and shook his head. “You know you’re just like your dad.” Matthew mumbled looking away from James who frowned and pulled out his stele. “Matthew look at me.” Matthew turned his head further away. He couldn’t stop his tears and they were flowing faster now.
   James sighed and brought his chin back so he could look Matthew in his eyes. “Math, what happened?” Matthew shook his head, tears coming impossibly faster. He didn’t deserve James’ concern. He felt a sob in his throat and closed his eyes tightly. He shouldn’t let James see him like this. This was weak; he shouldn’t let anyone’s words get to him. He deserved them anyway.
   James was having none of his silence though and put both his hands on Matthew’s shoulders shaking him gently. “Matthew Fairchild look at me right now.” Matthew opened his eyes hesitantly and saw a fire burning in James’ gold eyes. Golden fire meeting green hills. 
   “Who did that to you.” Matthew broke then. He didn’t bother holding back his tears as he let his head fall on James’ collarbone. James put his arms around Matthew immediately, frowning. Matthew never cried, and when he did it was uncontrollable like this. James rubbed his back and muttered soothing words in his ear.
   “You’re okay, Math. You’re with me in the library. No one else is here, it’s just us. You can talk to me, I’m not going to make you, well I need to know how you got that bruise but I won’t make you talk to me about anything else.” Matthew only sobbed harder at that. James’ frown deepened and he shifted them so he was leaning against the window and Matthew was on his lap straddling him.
   Most people would see this as intimate, and it was, but not in the way other people thought it. This was the best way to calm Matthew down, James knew that better than anyone. Matthew was the kind of person who needed to be touched or held when he was upset and James knew that he felt safe when James held him like this.
   James could feel his shirt getting wet but he didn’t care. All he cared about was what had upset his parabatai so much. He rubbed soothing circles on Matthew’s back and Matthew took stuttering breaths trying to calm himself. James put Matthew’s hand on his back and took exaggerated breaths feeling encouraged as Matthew tried to match them.
   “You’re doing great Math, just breathe.” Matthew nodded against him and a few minutes later he was breathing normally again and the tears had slowed, not stopped, but slowed. James pulled back slightly and rested his forehead against Matthew’s. Matthew’s eyes were still closed but James kept his open trying to read his best friend’s face.
   “Math, can you tell me what happened now?” Matthew let out a bitter laugh. “I punched Charles.” He said, his voice thick from the tears. James looked at Matthew and shook his head. “That’s not what I asked.” James said, slightly confused. Matthew shrugged and moved backwards before settling his head against James’s chest again. “He retaliated.” 
   James felt his eyes widen. “Charles did that?”  He questioned bringing Matthew’s face back up to look at his eye again. It was in the middle of turning black. James scowled and glared at the bruise. “I’ll kill him.” Matthew rolled his eyes and hugged James resting his head on James shoulder. James wrapped his arms around Matthew, pulling him impossibly closer.
  “Did you not hear what I said? I punched him first. I was asking for it.” James made a noise of exasperation. “Okay then what did he do that made you punch him?” Matthew tensed and James started rubbing circles in his back, staying quiet until Matthew relaxed. “He was just talking crap about stuff he knows nothing about.” Matthew said quietly. James sighed, he knew what that meant.
   “You don’t have to protect me from everyone Math. I can protect myself.” Matthew scoffed and shook his head but James could hear the small smile in his voice. “Says the guy who told me he was going to kill my brother.” James rolled his eyes, his own smile playing at his lips. “I’m not the one with a black eye.”
   Matthew laughed softly and tucked his arms into James’ chest. Something James knew he did when he got cold. James pushed Matthew off of him slightly and Matthew pulled away with a poorly masked hurt expression. James grabbed his hand and shook his head.
   “You’re cold, I’m just getting a blanket and we can move to the couch.” Matthew nods standing up walking to the couch. He let’s James sit down first so he can slot himself between James’ legs. James is on his back half propped up on the arm of the couch and Matthew lays down on his stomach propping his chin up on James’ chest.
   James runs his hands through Matthew’s hair again feeling the silky strands. Matthew sighed content for the first time that day. He didn’t understand why James constantly looked after him but he would always appreciate it more than James could ever know. Matthew closes his eyes feeling the calming effect of James running his fingers through Matthew’s hair. 
   Matthew turned so his cheek was on James’ chest. James’ chest was hard but Matthew had always found it comfortable. He’d always considered James his home, his safe place. So this was typically how they ended up when one of them was upset.
   “Hey Math do you feel like talking or do you want to talk about this later? And don’t say later and think we won’t do it because I’ve had enough of giving you space. We need to talk.” James wasn’t looking at him but Matthew felt as if he could see his soul. All his secrets, his heart, his mind.
   Matthew shuddered, he wasn’t ready to tell James his secret. He couldn’t bare to lose his best friend, his soul, his parabatai. Not today.
   “Jamie, do the rumors ever bother you?” James looked down at me in concern but I don’t meet his eyes. “Math is that what this is about?” Matthew shakes his head slowly and raises up again so his chin is resting on James. Matthew looks everywhere but James’ eyes.
   “I just had a long day.” James frowns at him. “Math it’s ten in the morning.” Matthew closes his eyes tightly. “I’m well aware Jamie thank you.” James let out a huff of annoyance. “Okay then tell me about your day.” Matthew starts to shake his head but James groans and cuts him off. “No, you don’t get to deflect or say you don’t want to talk. I’m your parabatai Math, I can tell when something is wrong. Hell I can feel it.”
   Matthew lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’m fine. I just didn’t get much sleep last night.” James frowns, “Nightmares again?” Matthew nods slowly. They had shared a room many times and James was well aware of Matthew’s nightmares. Matthew had told him however, that they had stopped when in reality they had only gotten worse.
   “Okay, what happened after.” James said Matthew is simultaneously glad and annoyed that James knows him well enough to know that wasn’t the only thing that happened.
   “I showered and went to get breakfast but my parents were talking.” James’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “About what?” Matthew looked down again his cheeks burning from embarrassment.
   “They were talking about me. My reputation as a drunk partier. They were talking about how I need to grow up. My mother said I’m ruining her career and Jamie they’re right. Don’t.” Matthew said when he saw James open his mouth to protest. James gave him a hard look but stopped talking. “They are right because people already give my mom bloody hell for being a woman and then I ruin it for her further. I make a mess of everything my own parents hate me. I mess up everything and I can’t stop.” 
   James is looking at Matthew with a contemplative expression and stays quiet for a few minutes. Matthew shuffles around a bit, the silence building his anxiety. “Math you don’t really believe that right? You do know that’s not true?” Matthew looked away, frowning and James forced his head back. “Math none of that is true. You have to believe me. None of that is true.” 
   Matthew shook his head sadly and smiled at James. “Jamie I will never stop loving you for seeing the best in people but your being daft. I know I’m your parabatai but it’s okay to agree with them.” James look as if Matthew had struck him across the face.
  “Matthew Fairchild when have I ever led you to believe I thought anything they said was true? Do you believe I should die for being a demon’s grandchild?” James was looking at Matthew furiously and Matthew ducked his head. He was not used to being the target of that look. “James you know I don’t believe that.” James huffed, “Then what in Raziel’s name led you to believe I would?” 
   Matthew furrowed his eyebrows, James wasn’t listening. “Because James you were born this way it’s not something you can change and you constantly prove yourself worthy. James, I do this to myself. Everything they whisper about me aside from me being a bastard child is true. I am a drunk. I do sleep around. Jamie all of that is true.” James flinched and Matthew let out an exasperated sigh. 
   “Jamie I’m not trying to upset you.” Matthew makes a move to get up but James tightens his hold around Matthew’s waist. “Where could you possibly be going Matthew.” James said his golden eyes boring into Matthew’s emerald ones. Matthew sighed and collapsed back onto James too tired to fight. 
   “I’m being a burden so I’m leaving so if you would kindly let me go.” Matthew said, moving to get up again. James frowned and pulled Matthew back to his chest with both arms. “Math please don’t go. We don’t have to talk anymore but please don’t go.” Matthew buried his face in James’ neck in response. 
   They sat like that for a few minutes before Matthew turned his head, pressing his cheek against James’ chest. “Read to me?” Matthew asked quietly, staring at the fire he just realized was burning. James ran his fingers through Matthew’s hair and grabbed his copy of Great Expectations and started reading aloud from where he left off.
   As James read, Matthew found himself nodding off. Right before Matthew lost consciousness he heard James’ gentle voice in his ear as James brushed some hair away that had fallen in his face. “I’ll get you to believe me one day Math I promise. And when you want to talk about why you’re always upset I’ll be here.”
   Matthew fell asleep then, and for the first time in seven days, he didn’t have a single nightmare.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Waking the dead
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: I wanted to request something were spike and the reader are having a fight and are super pissed and when the scoobies intervene ints about some soap and they are fun fighting. Love your work
Requested by: Anon
A/N: Only short. Also, I’m obsessed with this gif!!
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You and Spike were in Giles’ kitchen, Spike making himself some blood in one of the decorative mugs Giles seemed to have a collection of as you sat on the counter. There had been a pause in your discussion as Spike opened the microwave and checked the temperature before giving it another couple of minutes.
“Vampires, immortal beings – how do you bloody know he’s not one of them?!” He exclaimed, resuming the argument you had been having.
“Because I saw him walking in the sunlight and if you weren’t too busy staring longingly at him, you would have noticed the reflections in the surfaces” You raise your voice slightly, jumping up from the counter to emphasise your point.
“Oh bugger off!”
“No! This isn’t over – it’s just not right! It’s unnatural!” You shout, shaking your head at him.
“Says the person dating a very real, very evil vampire” he gestured his arms at himself dramatically before raising an eyebrow at you. His meal was forgotten as he became wrapped up in the argument again.
“That’s different!” You exclaimed and he groaned in annoyance at your persistence. Everyone had been listening to your argument, trying to figure out what was happening.
What made the Scoobies eventually rush into the room is when your voices descended into a shouting match with both of you apparently threatening the other over your disagreement. The others had been discussing possible theories, the most plausible being that Spike had been doing something he shouldn’t have. They were guessing he had resurrected someone to do something evil.
Buffy was concerned Spike was killing again with the force of your voices and the rest liked watching the pair of you fight because they never had before. It made them feel better about their own relationships.
“I could kill you! I could wrap my hands around your throat and squeeze until all of the stupid oozes from your-” Spike shouted, miming his hands in thin air, closing in on your invisible neck.
“That’s real brave for someone three minutes away from being a pile of dust on the floor!” You shouted back. As you both shouted, gesturing wildly at each other, your friends stared. They had only seen you and Spike being really clingy recently so this was a big change. Buffy tried to shout over you but you were both still going. The argument carried on and the others were struggling to keep up.
“You can’t be serious! Of course he bloody can - you’re just jealous”
“Jealous that you care more about him than me?” You shout, making Spike walk towards you his jaw tensing as he grabbed your flailing hands. You were animatedly shouting with your arms waving about and he stilled them. This appeared to be a threatening act to the others, who didn’t know Spike as well as you. He was only stilling you to maintain his own point. So Buffy cut in again, this time you noticed her.
“What’s going on? Y/n, do you need me to get Mr pointy?” Buffy asked, almost a little too enthusiastically before scowling at Spike.
“Yeah, your argument could wake the dead!” Xander exclaimed, leaving Spike giving him a withering look at the clearly pointed comment.
“Spike’s saying the character being miraculously brought back to life – for what? The second time after being killed off-”
“Now, don’t get it twisted, love. The bloke’s had a lot to contend with, given the evil twin bit, finding out his fiancée was his sister – I’m just sayin’, cut the man some slack!”
“He still left the last one at the altar and switched those babies at birth! Oh, remember when he hit that couple so hard one got amnesia?! Doesn’t seem like he has enough moral standing to be allowed another go of it”
“Being given another chance isn’t about sodding morality – I’m talking entertainment, here - he’s a good character. Evil, but the best ones are” He smouldered, trying to win himself a points by giving you the look he knew could make you weak at the knees. You weren’t having any of it today though, still maintaining your point. This left the others rolling their eyes and Buffy a little disappointed she didn’t need to bring Mr Pointy out for the day.
“And that’s what’s concerning us – me – the real undead” Buffy said, “Not your little show”
“Little show?!”
“Now – that’s bloody out of order!” Spike swung around, a finger pointing at Buffy, “I knew I hated you for a reason!”
Both of you rounded on Buffy, your fight now aimed at her for disrespecting the show in question. You both liked your soaps so this was a sore point. Your old argument flying out of the window when she disrespected your precious show.
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ganymedesclock · 4 years
Dead Cells and the weight of small lives pt.1 (about Prisoner)
NGL this is at least partially me saltposting about “I don’t really understand how people read the Prisoner’s dialogue and look at his thoughts and see someone who’s a total unrepentant asshole or the same person as the King” but it’s also commentating on an interesting pattern I observe in the game and its worldbuilding.
The setting of Dead Cells is, no two ways about it, a very unpleasant world. It is awash in death. The apocalyptic zombie plague of the Malaise is just the final nail in its coffin, leaving a handful of uninfected survivors on top of the literal heaps of corpses of the kingdom’s inquisition. A fountain of blood flows in the highest castle in the land. It’s grim. It’s horrible. We can hear someone get murdered through an unbreakable door.
The interesting thing is... what the game tells you to do with it, through the perspective of the main character.
For clarity: Prisoner is not here to save anyone. He is not a hero on a quest. He is- well- a prisoner. On discovering he has a kind of immortality, he begins using it to make his way through the island, learning painful lesson after painful lesson, returning, returning, and returning again trying to achieve some kind of change on this degrading looping time. But the fact that you’re not specifically out to save people is that... well... basically nobody’s in a position to be saved. As mentioned, there’s not a lot of survivors, and most of the ones there don’t need you- they’re doing on their own, and if that happens to not be enough, it tends to be enough very suddenly, where you can’t reach them or weren’t there at the time and are left a little shaken, because they were fine the last time you checked.
Also, half of said survivors are trying really hard to kill Prisoner.
Thus, if you’re used to games where objective 1 is to Save Everyone, Rid The Land Of Evil, Prisoner might seem shockingly callous, I suppose. The thing is, I consider myself the emotional equivalent of a glass frog- I’m very thin-skinned with bleak hopeless narratives.
And yet. There is something about Dead Cells’ universe that doesn’t seem like an attack on me. And I think that it’s what the game has to say about “small lives”. The lives that are considered unimportant in a crisis.
The Island in Dead Cells is ruled by a major hierarchy. This is obvious from jump- one of the first bits of lore text you are likely to ever get starting the game up is this one, for the Prisoners’ Quarters, the first area you start in:
In the social hierarchy of the island, there are the dogs, the rats, and just below them, the prisoners.
Prisoner is sometimes called “The Beheaded” by official detail, but he is called “Prisoner” specifically by one of the service NPCs you meet in the corridors- so one of the most consistent entities you talk to that’s not trying to kill you, who is always happy to see you with a sunny, “Well, hello, Mr. Prisoner, sir!”
He also starts the game in a prison cell, his headless state is made clear to us that it was the result of an execution rather than a war wound (there’s a chopping block and an obviously used axe in his cell with him) and his default equipment is a collar that was clearly once used to restrain him. So when the game pronounces this to you about the island’s hierarchy, Prisoner is not speaking abstractly about ‘those other poor sods’-
He’s talking about himself.
The hierarchy of the island is a specter that stalks you through almost every level of the game- through the massive prison complex which is littered with evidence and recounting of the guards toying with prisoners’ lives, of numbered corpses, a revolting sewer containing a shackled, corrupted monster that seems to have lived her entire life in this very same prison; to the astonishingly humble fishing hamlet that lies directly at the foot of the soaring grandeur of the Clock Tower and the even greater heights of High Peak Castle.
To the discrepancy between the teeming, crowded tombstones of the Graveyard, to the sprawling labyrinthine nature of the Forgotten Sepulchre- where a handful of tombs are presided over by entire walls of skulls that we’re helpfully told belonged to the heads of the delegations of high-ranking dignitaries- said delegations were butchered to attend their masters’ burials evermore.
Right away, this is thrown to us not as something we are outside of or transcend, but a slap in the face. The world tells us that our avatar in this game does not matter- that his face and voice do not matter and these things were taken from him by violence.
The thing is... Prisoner does not shut up. The game is full to bursting with his thoughts. He has so much to say that it’s jarring when we’re used to being alone with all his thoughts to meet another person and suddenly be reminded they hear nothing of what he’s saying, like a dramatic version of Garfield Minus Garfield.
Through revival, through cycles, the expectation of the gameplay is we are living the experience of Prisoner and what Prisoner’s experience is, is a one-man raging against a situation that’s telling him to shrivel up and die because he’s not important. It doesn’t want to be fair to him. It doesn’t want to be nice to him. It doesn’t care how much he’s hurting or if he doesn’t own a decent pair of shoes to his name, or if he doesn’t even have a name to speak of.
But Prisoner does not give up. He in fact does the opposite of giving up. After playing this game for a good while, I fired up some Hollow Knight and it really hit me like a truck that Prisoner spends most of the game tearing around near top speed, cartwheeling and sprinting and hauling up ledges and slamming down ledges. The pace of the game is fast, fast, fast, all intense, all in, and you’re encouraged to take risky gambles with an already precarious system like temporarily taking on one-hit-you’re-dead curses in exchange for more damage output or better loot.
The animated trailers make this even clearer. Prisoner gets his shit wrecked.
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A lot.
At best, he can have some moments of feeling like an unstoppable god, but just about the time you start to get really worried for that cute little mushroom baby and their caretaker you are reassured that Prisoner’s reign of hubristic wrath comes to a hard stop thanks to inertia, and spikes.
And I will say more than many cinematic trailers, Motion Twin really did a remarkable job of matching this 1-to-1 with the actual experience of playing the game. I have even literally swaggered into a fight with the Giant much the same way Prisoner breaks out that cool spear flourish Moment Of Challenge only to immediately eat shit directly into his laser beam eyes, that I was not prepared for because he hadn’t used them last fight.
Prisoner is not valiant, triumphant, or wildly successful. His final bastion is skill and ingenuity.
This puts a really interesting spin on what I said before- that Prisoner is not here to save anybody, even himself.
Prisoner frankly does not have that kind of power.
There’s nobody in a vulnerable state you even have the option to choose to abandon. People live or die, and it’s really not up to you. There are a few deaths Prisoner takes into his own hands- the King and the Collector notably- but even those people, like... the King appears comatose by the time you reach him, and the Collector not only tries to kill you but is revived thanks to time strangeness- and another death that can happen, and is erased by the time looping- the unnamed sewer prisoner who wants you to go fetch the teleportation rune for him (ahem. he wants you to retrieve his rune, that definitely rightfully belongs to him) ostensibly to get out of jail but when you find his body, not only is he dead of a fate the rune wouldn’t have saved him from, but his objective, revealed, was that he was trying to get to a treasure chest he’d hidden earlier.
The one time it can really be said, outside of the boss fights or executing the King, that Prisoner really decides if someone lives or dies, is...
Mushroom Boi.
For the uninitiated, Mushroom Boi is a little summonable mushroom child that is equipped as a skill. Triggering the skill once will summon him. Triggering the skill while he’s already summoned will cause him to self-destruct, taking out enemies in the area and, by the game description, “violate your very soul”.
After this, you can without any consequence whatsoever summon him again, and blow this poor child up as much as you want. It does not really seem to slow him down any- but the game still, distinctly, frowns on it. You have a reward in the form of an achievement for keeping him with you without sacrifice, aforementioned crack about sacrificing him “violating your soul”, and, just, how can you be mad at this cute little guy? he has a tiny bow! He’s an extremely useful companion! Mechanically, you do not really hurt for want of the sacrifice ability if you summon him and then never touch that button again.
Given that Prisoner spends so much of the game alone with his thoughts, and the person who gives him access to Mushroom Boi, the Collector, has, to put it mildly, a long history of using and discarding people including implicitly children, there has to be some kind of implicit in-universe-source for the idea that you’d feel crushing guilt for detonating your son and boy like that, and the angle that makes the most sense is Prisoner.
So, Prisoner is someone who feels really guilty for painfully inconveniencing a summonable construct mushroom in a way that it does not seem to hold against him at all. At the same time, there’s really a shortage of ways that you can personally hurt anybody who’s not trying to kill you or being particularly exploitative (aforementioned teleportation rune sewer guy, who Prisoner goes as far as to flip off after he lunges and tries to either claw prisoner or grab the rune from him by force)
The most disrespectful Prisoner tends to be are to one of three categories of people:
Dead bodies that cannot feel or particularly care if he kicks them, that he usually kicks either specifically to loot or, as what seems to be some kind of weird bad idea where he plants his naked foot on a waterlogged corpse and then declares “ew” like what did you expect to happen actually
People who have one way or another tried to exploit him for their personal gain directly at his expense so he nearly gets murdered- or in FACT gets murdered- while they sit back and wait for him to succeed and bring them the reward.
Aforementioned people who are trying openly to kill him and even then he only flips off the Giant basically because the Giant flips him off first. This is kinder than I feel about the Giant. I like the Giant but I feel like someone with laser beam eyes that uses them like that deserves more than just one retaliatory middle finger.
And this meshes with other factors, but the post is long enough I’ll break off here.
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bave-de-crapaud · 5 years
The Darkness Within...
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Request by: The lovely @belladonnarey.  A/N: eeep here ‘tis! This is going to be a definite slow burn and I apologise for the appalling tragedy you will find below - it had to go in the story and I’m sorry.
Sirius x reader Older Sirius Sirius lives/Post Azkaban Slow burn and eventual smut
Word count: 3300+ Disclaimer: all characters are assumed 18+ Warnings: dark themes, torture, grief
The front door of Grimmauld Place was as intimidating as ever as it appeared in front of you and you surged forward.
Livid, you threw open the door, steam rising from your forceful steps as your hot anger scorched the floor where you trod. Better watch that, this house looked primarily constructed of wood.
You were seething. How DARE Remus and Sirius interrupt you. You were SO close to finding out more about your past - a desire you hold in almost as high importance as to finding out what Voldemort intended of you. You were sure this was leading to another muggle attack - if only you had retrieved that package but Macnair stowed the parcel within his robes and then was writhing around in so much agony as you returned him to his home you could not take it without suspicion.
What would he tell Voldemort? You shook that thought from your mind you only had enough room in your head to be enraged at two other men at the moment and knowing these two were here, just ahead of you, sitting around a kitchen table tending to their wounds, you took the opportunity to give them a piece of your mind.
Sirius’ shirt was off and he sat hunched over his chair while Remus, behind him, administered a potion to what you assume was the aftermath of your curse and Macnair’s whip lash on his back.
“WHAT THE ABSOLUTE SODDING HELL DID YOU TWO THINK YOU WERE DOING?!” You burst through the door startling Remus enough to drop the bottle of dittany he was holding and Sirius to jolt, his wound opening again.
“How?! What?! There has been a breach, Moony, QUICK!” Sirius cried turning his wand on you and firing a spell. You easily deflected his spell and with a flick of your wand, disarmed him. He winced as he tried to catch his wand, his injury rendering his reflexes poor as it flew over his head landing on the top of the cabinet behind him.
Remus, swiping up the bottle of dittany, laid a hand on Sirius’ arm, confusing him further.
“Hold your fire Padfoot, she’s with us.”
You didn’t think Sirius’ mouth could open any further. He glared at you and you recoiled slightly from the look in his eyes.
“Moony, she’s Death Eater scum!” He spits. “Tie her up, call Moody NOW!”
“Sirius.” Only Remus addressing him by his first name served to get Sirius to look away from you and at his friend.
“She’s not a Death Eater Sirius, she is working for us. She’s a secret mole for the Order. So secret only Moody and Dumbledore know.”
Seeing that Sirius was still not convinced you decided to get on the defensive. “Look here is my wand.” You addressed Sirius. “I give it to you willingly” you rolled your wand across the table towards him and he snatched it up as you raised your hands. “Remus is correct - I am not and have never been a Death Eater, I work for you - ask Dumbledore and Moody.”
Sirius turned your wand on you, his expression unchanged from that of loathing and repulsion. He was, in his anger, a startling site and it sent a chill right through you.
Symbols started to appear on your forearms, your palms, and up your neck - anywhere you weren’t shielded by clothes was now covered in black markings. Both men look astounded at you as you hurriedly replied, “this happens when I’m scared! I don’t know what they mean. Please don’t look at them!”
Remus, ever the gentleman, turned away but Sirius regarded your markings in a curious manner. He didn’t look disgusted anymore but the surprise on his face is evident. You tug at your sleeves and grasp your neck in embarrassment.
Remus cleared his throat, “perhaps we should call Moody - floo him at least - will that help you stop pointing Y/N’s wand at her like you are going to curse her?” He glanced at Sirius. “She cursed me first!” He cried indignantly. “That’s fair” you replied - hands still in the air, scared, but a now a slight smile played on your features. Catching Sirius’ eye you winked at him. “I do apologise about that, I was loathed to do it but it was the only way Macnair would have believed you weren’t there to ambush him on my behalf considering Remus chose not to hex me straight away. Macnair may look stupid but unfortunately he is highly astute. Insufferable prat.”
Sirius flashed a quick smile at that, before quickly rearranging his expression into a frown.
You couldn’t blame him, the cruciatus curse is the foulest of foul devices anyone can use. Some would say death is preferable.
Remus plucked a handful of green power from the mantle and threw it into the fire place. “Alastor Moody’s house” he called clearly as he stepped into the flames and disappeared.
There was silence as Sirius and you looked at each other.
You cleared your throat “I’m going to put my hands down now Mr Black, ok?”
He nodded tightly and gestured to a chair for you to sit.
Still frowning curiously at you he glanced down at your arms and said, “I have a similar rune to that one on my wand.” He pointed to your open forearm as he accio’d his wand to show you.
There was a line of symbols, runes as he said, one after another carved into the long line of his wand. It was rather beautiful. “I’ve never seen this pattern before, did you draw it yourself?” Sirius nodded slowly. “What does it mean?”
He considered you, his gaze less full of hatred and surprise, now of steady curiosity, similar to that of a guard dog regarding another.
“It means: ‘more or less human.’” You were surprised. Everything you have heard about this man is of cocky, arrogant surety. Not someone who would consider himself half human? You knew a bit about the Black family, that they were up there with all pure blood fascists. You thought he must be like them, he certainly looked like them. His long dark hair, chiselled cheekbones and dress was quintessential of aristocratic grace and superiority. Like it or not, he looked like everyone of the pure blood, supremacist wizards but apparently not if he is working for the Order and referred to Death Eaters as ‘scum.’ Clearly there is more to this man than meets the eye.
Sirius was still watching you, hand tensed on your wand as if he was waiting for any sudden movements. You were struck again by the alarming sight he is as he stood before you. Shirtless, sweat dripping from raised pectorals, running over taught stomach muscles. He was broad chested and decorated in tattoos. Skimming over his frame your eyes caught a marking sitting promptly above his trouser line under neath his belly button.
“I have that one too!” You exclaim, pointing at the mark. He looked down to where you are pointing and raised his eyebrows at you.
“Yes, it appears over my heart when the symbols…well I guess runes appear.”
“This one?” Sirius touched his abdomen “It means a sort of ‘new growth, new beginnings if you will.”
You had never sought what the symbols meant as when they appear you are usually in no mind for researching but also you were always afraid at what you would find. That they would revel further darkness inside of you. Slightly hopeful at finding that you might not be decorated in diabolical signs of evil you divulged further.
“Yes but it is slightly inverse of yours, like the mirror image - is that still the same? What does that mean?”
He regarded you for a moment and then answered gravely, “destruction.”
Your sharp in take of breath was masked by Remus and Moody appearing out of the fireplace.
Sirius, once again, ready for action gripped your wand but relaxed at the sight of the old auror and his friend.
“You can put that away, Sirius I have us covered.” Seeing Moody calmed you and any markings previously visible on your skin, disappeared.
Moody’s limped towards the table pulling a flask out of his robes and handed it to you. You rolled your eyes as you take it from him and administer three drops to your tongue.
How many more times will he make you take veritiserum?
He cocked an eyebrow as you grimace at the taste and uttered, “can’t be too careful, Y/N.”
You sat up and waited for Moody’s questions. He, instead, pulled out a chair next to you sat down facing Sirius and Remus holding his hands out, “ok gentlemen, ask her anything.”
Remus paused, but Sirius straight away asked: “Are you a Death Eater?” “No.” You answer confidently.
“What is your name?” “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N”
“Who do you work for?” “Anyone from the Order of the Phoenix”
“For how long?” “Since my second year out of school”
“Why?” You stall, you have never been asked this question before. Surely the answer is obvious? Good vs Bad and you were on the side of Good - like him right? “Because the world is not made better by elitist idiots who think they are superior to everyone else, that just causes more pain than anything."
“Who recruited you?” “Professor Dumbledore.”
“How did he find you?” “He watched me at school and located me nine years ago when I was 18 trying and failing to infiltrate a Pure Blood Elitist meeting. They were still prevalent even though Voldemort was officially thought dead.  He said that he knew I despised pure blood mania but I was going to get myself killed if I did this alone or worst be used by the enemy for my ‘gifts’? You signed quotation marks with your fingers in mid air as you said the word ‘gifts’ and Sirius couldn’t miss the distain in your voice.
Sirius paused, then lowered his own voice, “what can you do?” You grimaced and slowly listed the unusual powers you have. Moody who had heard this before did not find it alarming but the two men before you could not hide their amazement.
“Have you ever hurt anyone with your gifts?” “Sirius!” Remus warned as you answer; “Yes”
“Out of anything other than defence” Remus added “No.”
Sirius continued his questions. “How does Remus know about you?”
“I saved his life from a werewolf attack two months ago. At another late night Death Eater rendezvous. I knew they were stalking Order members but I didn’t know they were going to use lethal force. It was Fenrir, he transformed during the meeting and went for Remus. I cursed him and played it off like I missed my aim at Remus, hitting Fenrir instead.
There was silence as Sirius digested this. You had again put yourself in danger of discovery, this time in front of one of the most dangerous blood lustful werewolves and took the consequences. What were the consequences of making a mistake in Voldemort’s ranks, Sirius wondered.
Remus, wondering the same thing, burst out with the question that had been plaguing him since that evening two months ago: “What did they do to you for your mistake?”
You swallowed, not able to hold the truth back, “They killed my dog!”
Tears streamed down your face, the truth potion not allowing you to remain in dignified silence, you recounted the awful punishment from Voldemort and the ‘lesson’ he said you would learn from your mistake. He believed your ‘affinity’ as he called it, to your own pet clouded your judgement and allowed you to mistake one animal from the other. That wouldn’t do and before you could react to what he was saying he flicked his wand - there was a flash of green light followed by a thud and your beloved companion was dead on the floor.
That moment caused you some of the worst pain you had ever experienced and you had a lot of pain catalogued to choose from. She was the only light in your troubling world, helping to make you feel less alone, and now she was gone. It took immense strength to not react to Voldemort then or anytime you thought about her in his presence.
The memory was overwhelming and terrified you to your bones. Scared of anything like that happening again the symbols or runes, as you now know them, reappeared.
“Why did Dumbledore ask you to pose as a Death Eater?” Sirius asked gently, distracting you from your tears. “He knew Voldemort wasn’t really dead it was only a matter if time before he resurfaced.  He thought Voldemort would be interested in me and that becoming a ‘Death Eater’ would keep me safe.”
“Safe?” Sirius questioned, confused. “Yes my abilities did not go unnoticed at Hogwarts. Dumbledore reasoned that it was only a matter of time before Voldemort came recruiting and would kill me if I said no. This way I get to help, rather than be used as a pawn.”
“Do you like your position for the order?” Moody shifted in his seat as Sirius asked this and turned to you waiting for your answer. “I hate it.” You spit, surprising even yourself.
“Why do you do it?” “I want to help and this is the only way. I was happy at having a plan finally to stop all this pure blood is greater than thou mania, excited even to be working for a group and not alone. But the more I learn about Voldemort’s ideas for a superior race and the way his followers talk and act towards anyone else disgusts me. I feel dirty having to agree with them even though I know it is a facade. It’s devastating and it gets to me the blood and torture and hurt they inflict.”
All men remain silent as you say this, watching you pull at your sleeve and steadying your anger. “I’m also scared of hurting people with my powers being used and having no control. Dumbledore has promised to…” You stalled.
“What has he promised, Y/N” Sirius asks.
You look directly into his grey eyes and state; “To take me out if it looks like they could cause me to hurt anyone.
“Take you…?!” Sirius and Remus look, appalled, Moody who’s grim but calm face gave away that he already knew of this potential eventuality.
As Sirius opened his mouth to argue, Moody held his plan up, silencing him. “Are you satisfied she is not a Death Eater now Sirius?”
Sirius nodded and Moody continued. “Right now we need to worry about a cover story for Y/N as to why her and Macnair’s meeting failed.”
“I’ve been thinking about that” you voiced. “I really think you are going to have to administer a delayed curse, one that takes its time - enough for me to get home but not be able to leave. Something that knocks me out for a few days.” Moody appraised you admiringly, however Sirius and Remus looked disgusted.
“Delayed curses are terrible Y/N.” Said Remus. “There is a reason they are delayed - to gain strength overtime and completely floor you.”
“You are not just going to get knocked out.” Added Sirius. You will experience pain to the level of a cruciatus curse but for days as you are paralysed to do anything.”
“It’s the only way.” You continued on before either man could argue again. “I get home and can stage it like I was trying to get into contact with Voldemort before succumbing to the curse. That way when they find me, it will look realistic that I was trying to contact.”
“Can’t you just summon him with your dark mark?” Remus asked quietly.
You shook your head.
“I can’t be branded. As soon as the runes you saw appear, they dissolve any artificial marking on my skin, such as tattoos.
Once again, Sirius’ mouth opened in shock.
“I know.” You said to him. “I spent so many galleons on a full sleeve tattoo trying to hide my markings only for them to dissolve that tattoo when they appeared.”
“How did Voldemort react to you not being able to carry the dark mark?” Remus asked.
“He was…” you searched your mind remembering a white hot hex on your back. “…not pleased.”
“Right then.” Moody stood up. “This has been a great chit chat but we need to get you home. I’ll administer the curse and then you get straight home you’ll only have a few minutes before it begins.”
“Can Sirius do it?” You looked at Moody before turning to Sirius. “I owe you one for my curse and I’d like to call it quits. Just in case you feel like bringing it up each time we meet - I heard you can hold a grudge.
You gave him a rueful smile and a smirk played on his lips as he gave you a curt nod.
“Remember gentlemen, no one can know that Y/N works for us - got it?” Remus and Sirius nodded. “Well as you now believe Y/N is no longer trying to breach head quarters I will take my leave.” He swiftly limped to the fire place, snatched a hand full of floor powder and disappeared into the flames.
The three of you remained seated, Remus and Sirius considering you but with very different looks on their faces. Remus looked pained and apologetic where as Sirius watched you with a contemplative glare - and was that admiration in his stare you wondered?
You stood up, took your wand from Sirius’ hand and stowed it in your robes. Facing the two men you said,  “Ok, hit me.”
Sirius raised himself up and looked at you. “Brace yourself Y/N.”
You nodded holding your arms out. Once more the runes appeared. Sirius winced slightly knowing that though you put on a cool front, you were scared. Each time the runes appeared on you that evening he felt unease and did not unwind until they began to dissolve. He didn’t realise this but he was not enjoying seeing you scared.
Sirius waved his wand through the air, closed his eyes for a moment then looked straight at you. His eyes black with anger he forcefully pointed his wand at you and you felt a cold chill wash over you entire form.
Once finished he lowered his head and drew a shaking breath. “I wager you have 20 minutes, so Y/N - lets get you home.”
As Remus and Sirius escorted you out the front door you stumbled slightly knocking a hideous trolls foot over causing a clanking sound to erupt in the hallway. At once a pair of curtains flew open revealing a woman with black hair and eyes looking down at you in indescribable rage - her face twisted with disgust as she screamed about honour and half blood filth. Her foul administrations on muggles and half breeds rang throughout the house.
You found yourself growing hot with anger, and perhaps weakened by the curse flowing through your body, you were unable to steal your emotions and calm yourself.
One hand holding the wall, the other directed at the woman in the portrait you lit her up in flames. The fire silenced her and allowed Remus and Sirius to yank the curtains shut. Shutting the woman up and putting the fires out as quickly as they had started.
Both men looked at you.
“Sorry” you beseeched. “Things burn when I get angry. Usually I can control it better. I just couldn’t stand what she was saying, whoever she is.”
“My mother.” Sirius exclaimed looking impressed.
You gave him an apologetic grimace before crossing the threshold of number 12 Grimmauld Place and apparating home in the cool night air.
Sirius, watched you go and then quietly closed the door. He looked at Remus who merely shrugged and said “Well you did say you were bored, Padfoot!”  Before turning around and walking back to the kitchen for a cup of tea.
@belladonnarey @sirius-lysad @riddikuluslypotter @emmamass24 @evyiione @mylovelykelsifer @sly-vixen-up2nogood @ashkuuuu @virgilwrites-archive @songforhema @wangmangagavroche @borbole-teias @legalyred
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thereadingcycle · 6 years
Hi!!!! Can you write a Drarry ficlet where Draco grows out his hair and Harry looses his ever loving mind over it (and eventually snogs him senseless against a wall ;) )
Okay, so I know it’s not exactly what you asked for, but this is what happened when I read your prompt. Maybe there will be a sequel where they snog against a wall? 
Harry’s legs bounced anxiously as he sat in an abandoned hallway. It had been years since he’d been back at Hogwarts. It had been years since the war had ended in this very school, years since he and his classmates had come back to finish their education, and years since they had graduated, all going their separate ways but still keeping in touch. Ron and Hermione were engaged and both working for the Ministry. Ginny was training to try out for the Holyhead Harpies. Luna had taken over as editor-in-chief of The Quibbler. Neville had become the Herbology professor at Hogwarts during the last school year after Professor Sprout retired.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Harry started to train to become an auror, but he only made it through the first year before he decided he couldn’t take it anymore. It was Hermione who had reminded him of how great he was at teaching Dumbledore’s Army, and it was she who suggested that he study education when he went to University. She and Neville were the reasons that Harry was here now.
Harry met up with Neville at the Three Broomsticks at the beginning of June to celebrate the end of Neville’s first school year as a professor and Harry’s graduation from University. That’s when Neville told him about the job openings for the next school year. Both the positions for Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and Potions professor would be open.
So here Harry sat, waiting to meet with Headmistress McGonagall. He didn’t know why he was so nervous; he knew the interview was a formality. McGonagall had practically told him at his graduation that if he ever wanted to come back to Hogwarts, all he had to do was ask. Maybe it was the being back part and the memories of everything that had happened here that made his hands shake.
He was saved from falling into the pit of memories that he had worked so hard to shut out when he heard the echoing sound of footsteps getting closer. He was not expecting the sight that greeted him when he looked up.
Draco Malfoy was sauntering down the hall toward him looking perfectly at home, as he always had in these vast halls. He was dressed like he was ready for a runway with his boots, tight-fitting pants, and cloak that reached his knees. His outfit was primarily green and Harry wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be ironic or just because it looked really good on him. And then there was his hair…
Malfoy had allowed his silver-blond hair to grow past his shoulders. He didn’t try to tie it back or tame it, he just let it flow behind him. Harry was sure that he had never seen anything so beautiful in his life.
Draco, of course, noticed him staring and a familiar smirk settled on his face as he came to a stop directly in front of Harry.
“Potter,” he greeted, though without the usual malice that Harry had once been used to.
Harry’s chest grew tight and his lungs began to burn before he realized that he had forgotten to breathe after he had seen Draco. He let out a choked sound and bent his head to cough and hide his embarrassment. Draco laughed, and Harry was surprised at how warm the sound was.
“Surprised to see me?” he asked, sinking down onto the wooden chair next to Harry’s.
“Yes,” Harry admitted once he finally got his blush under control.
He hadn’t seen Draco since the last time they were both in the castle, graduation. When they had come back to finish their last year, things were obviously different between them. They no longer got into fights or glared at each other from across the Great Hall. They were civil, but they had never managed to become friends. So, after graduation, Harry never heard from or about Draco again. He had assumed that he would go on to work for the Ministry like Ron and Hermione, but here he sat, with his long, beautiful hair, and his stormy eyes that seemed to be looking right into Harry’s soul.
Harry tucked his hands between his legs to hide the fact that he was nervous, and cleared his throat to buy him some time to think of something to say, but he couldn’t concentrate with Draco sitting that close and looking at him like that. He looked up at the ceiling. He just needed to think of something, anything to say to ease the tension he felt in the air.
“Your hair,” he blurted at last, regretting it immediately, but realizing he couldn’t take it back, he continued, “it’s long.” He found it amazing how he’d only been in the presence of Draco Malfoy for two minutes and he already felt dumbstruck.
“Yes,” Draco said, a look of a amusement in his eyes. “Nice observation, Potter.” And then he smiled- actually smiled. It was something Harry had never seen before, but he knew immediately that he would do anything to make it happen again. Draco’s hand went to his hair, his fingers automatically finding a piece to twist around. That’s when Harry realized that Draco was nervous too.
“It looks great,” he said, feeling suddenly braver. He swore he saw a hint of rose starting to form on Draco’s cheeks, but then he was changing the subject and the glow faded.
“So I guess we’re here for the same thing then. What, not going on to become Minister?”
“I thought you’d want that job, actually.”
“Yeah,” Draco scoffed. “Like they’d ever let me after…” His voice faded away as his hand drifted subconsciously up to his arm, covering up the mark that they both knew was hidden under his sleeve.
“I don’t want people to depend on me anymore,” Harry said, startling himself. He’d never admitted that to anyone before, but now that he had, he knew it was the truth. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I never did. I thought people would’ve realized that by now. They need someone else to be their hero. I think Hermione would be great for the job one day.”
“She would,” Draco agreed, almost immediately. “And for the record, Potter, I always knew you didn’t have a clue what you were doing.” Harry met his eyes and saw that his words weren’t patronizing or accusatory; they were joking. Draco was actually joking with him. Harry couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face.
“And why are you here, smartarse?” He asked, playfully rolling his eyes at Draco. Now Draco was the one who turned his gaze to the ceiling. Harry watched as his eyes slid down and all around the walls like he was trying to memorize every crevice and design.
“Hogwarts was the only safe place I ever knew,” he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. “I thought maybe if I came back, if I was better this time than the first time I was here, if I helped people instead of hurting them, maybe I could find who I really am and actually earn my place back in this world.” His eyes drifted down to his hands where they rested, trembling in his lap.
Harry looked at this boy. The boy who he had spent most of his life hating. The boy who had bullied him and many others. The boy who was raised in an abusive home, forced to see things a certain way. The boy who was brought to the dark side by his parents, and who too much was expected of. The boy who had saved his life at Malfoy Manor and the boy who had chosen the right side in the end. The boy who wasn’t evil. Harry looked at the pain on his face as he relived memories that were probably similar to the ones Harry had, and he realized that they actually had a lot in common.
Harry reached out his hand, letting it hover over Draco’s to show how it was shaking too before awkwardly dropping it back on his own lap. Draco looked up then, shock in his eyes at the vulnerability that he had never seen Harry show before.
“This place brings back memories, doesn’t it?” Harry asked, a smile playing at his lips. He saw the corner of Draco’s mouth turn up, and suddenly he had the overwhelming urge to tell him what he was thinking, even if he didn’t believe him. “You don’t have to earn your place back, Draco. You will always have a place here. At Hogwarts, and in the wizarding world.” He heard Draco’s sharp intake of breath and played the words through his mind again, trying to figure out what he had said.
“You called me Draco,” the other boy whispered, almost like he was reading Harry’s mind. Harry hadn’t realized that he had never called him Draco out loud before, he had said it in his mind so many times.
“Nice observation, Draco.” Harry smirked, sensing the almost electric feeling in the air. “Or shall I call you Professor Malfoy now?” Draco rolled his eyes and gave Harry’s shoulder a shove, the electric tension fading away. Harry wasn’t sure what that was, only that it was different than anything he had felt with anyone before, and something told him it wasn’t going away for good.
“Sod off, I don’t even know if I’ll get the job.”
“I hope you do.” Harry said. And he meant it. This new Draco was a completely different person than the one he had gone to school with. Harry wouldn’t mind having plenty of time to get to know the new Draco over the course of a school year.
McGonagall cleared her throat, standing in the doorway of her office, a few feet away from them. Harry’s cheeks burned red as he wondered how long she had been standing there, but then he caught the mischievous glint in her eye, and something told him that this had been her plan the whole time.
“I’m ready to meet with you now, Potter.” She said, trying to hide her smile. “I’ll be with you soon, Mr. Malfoy.” And then she disappeared back into her office, leaving the door open for Harry to follow behind her.
Harry stood, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants and turning to face Draco.
“It really was good to see you again,” he said, earnestly. “Maybe I’ll see you around?” And then he held out his hand for Draco to shake.
Draco stared at it for a moment, and Harry began to feel a lingering feeling of déjà vu, but it wasn’t that exactly. It was more like they were coming full circle. Then Draco took his hand, and Harry felt a warmth travel up his arm.
“Yeah. See ya, Harry.”
And with that, Harry went into McGonagall’s office, already feeling like he was back home.
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maddiemaynot · 5 years
Episode 2: The Book
For any non-Brits out there who don't know. Soho is our gay capital. Soho is where Aziraphale's shop is. That's all I'm saying.
Mrs Beeton's is technically food porn so you're not wrong there Sandalphon
"Something smells evil" *mild panic o shit what do I say* "that'll be the Jeffrey Archer books"
Josie Lawrence is my favourite comedienne and honestly I was so happy to see her in this 😭
"So they don't call you 'Adultery Pulsifer'?" "They do not." They bloody well do.
Agnes Nutter is low-key the reason I've taken up running
Agnes walking herself to the pyre is such a bad bitch move. An icon.
"Four shall ride and three shall ride the sky as two and one shall ride in flames" in case there are some people who didn't get it the first time - Four Horsemen, Three on a scooter as two people (Aziraphale/Madame Tracy and Shadwell), and Crowley in his flaming Bentley. Poor Bentley.
I sometimes wonder about Anathema's teenage years. Did she rebel? Did she not want to go on to try and save the world? Did she want to sod it all and become something completely different? Was she bullied for being (quite obviously a witch)? I feel for her
Newton + Computers = me.
"People who call their cats funny names". Reply with funny names you've given pet cats over the years please it's for science
Crowley and his plants is a) my favourite scene in the book and the show and b) exactly how I garden. It works. He is not wrong. I grew a begonia from a leaf by yelling at the little shit to grow god dammit just grow. It grew.
Madam Tracy is priceless and Miranda Richardson plays her so well and I honestly can't imagine anyone else playing her
I'm definitely going to try a cup of tea with condensed milk and 9 sugars. I'll let you all know how it goes. If I don't die of a heart attack
Crowley driving is exactly how my flatmate drives and I'm not okay with this
Pippin Galadriel Moonchild. I do not know ANYONE cruel enough to name their child that, and I have a friend who wants to call her first child "Yaris" after the damn car.
Not much of what Aziraphale says tells you how much of a sarcastic bitch he is, but LOOK AT HIS FACE in literally all of their interactions in Tadfield. He's a judgey cow and we love him for it.
Anathema's face when they say they're going to torture Wensleydale. Amazing.
"Art thou a witch, olé?"
"Are there any beasts about?" "Dog's a beast" actually me when talking about my poodle.
Crowley is so DRAMATIC when he's been shot like come on you drama queen it's paint.
Also when Aziraphale is like "I've looked at this gun, it's not a real gun", there is so much opportunity for Crowley to be making sarcastic comments but he doesn't and it's so SWEET that he doesn't. Swear this demon doesn't have a mean bone in his body when it comes to Aziraphale
The wall scene. THE WALL SCENE. ThE waLL SceNE. The wall scene. The wall scene.
Aziraphale loves playing detective and spy he's such a nerd.
"He had lovely little toesie woesies" Sister Mary Loquacious is ME
"Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men." God preaching feminism over here yes bitch
The music playing when Aziraphale is talking about the flashes of love (just before the crash with Anathema) warms my whole soul to the core.
"Let there be light!" You extra little shit Aziraphale.
Okay so someone on facebook pointed out a great thing on this scene. I mentioned how fantastically creepy and not-quite-right Aziraphale and Crowley come off, and it's probably very much how they come off to most humans because they're obviously not human. They seem very much larger than life and caricatured when next to Anathema. Like someone's IDEA of a bookshop owner and weird-gay-perpetually-drunk-rockstar (or whatever Crowley's personal branding is lmao). And this person pointed out that ON TOP OF THAT, remember that Anathema can see auras. So what the absolute FUCK is she seeing when she's looking at Crowley and Aziraphale? Like she must be seriously shaken tbh. Poor Anathema. (In the book, this bit is amazing to me too cos as Anathema leaves the car, Crowley says "get in, angel" and she thinks "Ah well that explained it, she had been perfectly safe after all." Which is great whichever way you interpret it. Either (and to me this is more unlikely) she takes Crowley at face value and understands that Aziraphale is an angel and that's why she was in no danger, which is great cos Anathema just accepting that is a sign of how awesome she is. Or, she hears Crowley call Aziraphale angel and goes "oh okay they're just a sweet couple and not creepily interested in me in any way" and I honestly love both interpretations so much)
"Oh Lord, heal this bike."
Aziraphale is such a foodie you know they stopped at the cafe just cos he was peckish and wanted cake.
Deirde going to check Dog isn't in Adams room is such a MUM thing to do and I love it
Also the way the music turns so sinister when Adam is actually awake, I am so here for this soundtrack
"[The book] must belong to the young lady you hit with your car" why you being a bitch Aziraphale honestly
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