#Evil Overlord Link
changeling-rin · 2 years
Earnest here! I didn't have any questions for a while so I didn't post anything, but:
If/When Codex tries to take over the world, where will he start? What will he have the most trouble with? How popular will he be at the start and at the end of his conquest? What's the first thing he'll do when he takes his throne (apart from checking off all the points on his Evil Overlord List)?
Also, have a nice day! :D
Codex doesn't try to take over the world.
He does, however, enact a full political coup of his local monarchy on complete accident, and even in hindsight nobody can quite explain how it happened - but now that it has, Codex decides that it's all or nothing. The rest of the world is taken over entirely on purpose, and the reason that he still isn't 'trying' is because he's successful.
That said, he had the most trouble assimilating the Gerudo, because they took offense with being governed by a man. (This was solved partly by making Zelda the Queen Regent Representative of the Gerudo Province, and partly by casting fireballs at anyone who still objected.) At the start, he wasn't terribly popular, mostly because nobody knew who he was. By the end of it he's beloved by literally almost everybody.
The first thing he did on the throne was decide that it needed a cushion. He commissioned one from the Hytopia Province. It was fabulous.
Also, I hope you have a nice day too!
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I've seen a lot of people are as excited as me for a Zelda game that focus on how Ganon's constant reincarnations affects negatively to Zelda, Link and even Ganondorf. We've already seen this theme subtly in BotW (Zelda chastised for not awakening her power, Link unable to speak and enjoy himself because of how the Hero's title burdens him). However, I normally wouldn't expect "the harm the vicious cycle of reincarnation makes on it's unwitting pawns" to be the theme of a Zelda game. After all, it's Nintendo, and we know they don't like to stray so far from the "evil is bad and we must defeat it" plotline and they wouldn't dare to criticize the goddesses' plans...
Oh, wait, they already did it.
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The Wind Waker is about letting go of the past and how being unable to move on will harm you and future generations. Daphnes and Ganondorf can't let go of their kingdom, and they die with it because they can't imagine themselves living without it. It harms Medli and Makar, who are taken away from their home and family and are confined into the heart of a dungeon so the Master Sword can maintain it's full power. It harms Tetra, too, who sees her whole individuality taken away in favor of performing her role as "Princess Zelda". And it harms Link, who is treated as a pawn by Daphness to do the work of the Hero of Legend, despite literally being Just A Kid (TM) who just wanted to rescue his sister.
But, despite everything, they manage to break the cycle, as Ganondorf no longer appears in other titles situated in the Adult Timeline (neither do Hyrule, or the Triforce or the Master Sword, or most classical elements of TLOZ). By killing Ganondorf, Demise's hatred could no longer persist in the world, thus breaking the eternal cycle of death and reincarnation. But how could that happen? Sure stabbing a whole man in the head usually turns to be fatal, but that's been done before and they only managed to seal him away. Why did this time work?
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I think he just gave up.
He realised he would never get Hyrule, that even when everything was at his favor (the Hero gone, the Princess at his power, the Master Sword was weakened, he even managed to get the Triforce of Courage from Link!) he still lost. He gave one last fight, but he didn't even transform to Ganon (it's only appearance is as a puppet, another symbol if he being treated as a pawn by a higher power) and after Link delivers the final blow, he accepts his fate and passes away.
Even though he's been treated as the major villain in the series, he's been as much as a pawn from the gods as the multiple Heroes and Princesses from the series. He may not have been the best man before OoT, but he was a victim of his circunstances and his initial motives where to grant his people a home where they could live in peace instead of fearing death day and night, turning into thieves just to survive. But he was corromped by anger, by revenge, by malice, and he turned the perfect vessel for Demise's curse. I think that BotW's Ganon was the same but it's been so many centuries that the man he once was can not be recognised, he's more of a beast now. But I still have hope, and now that his "mummy" has awakened, maybe we could get a more humanized version of Ganondorf instead of a simple "demon of malice". The old leader of a desert tribe who just wanted to give a better life to his people, and went too far.
I find this to be very unlikely, but not impossible. While WW's Ganondorf had it easier, as he was more collected and thoughtful, there's still the possibility that Ganondorf "awakes" from its Ganon-self and shows a bit more of characterization and his motives. Who knows, we could even break the cycle in BotW-TotK's timeline if Ganondorf refuses to continue this endless cicle of destruction and give up on Hyrule's conquest (a little more optimistic that being stabbed on the head, please and with sugar on top). But we may have to pay a big price to make it. After all, the cycle was broken in WW, but a great sacrifice was necessary...
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Hyrule's destruction
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itsoutofpityfriend · 5 months
IM ON AO3. Writing on it improved I think. And hope so!!! Go give it a read
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spectral-honey · 2 years
yknow that list “100 things i would do as an evil overlord” and theres that one point thats like “i will have a 5 year old as an advisor and if they can spot a flaw in my evil plan it will be reworked”. the Justice League has that covered thats why they have Shazam
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dia-oro · 3 months
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Miitopia is so wild I love it
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In which the Berensons try to outdo the Sopranos for sheer quantity of family drama.
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
Totally love your works. I have an angst idea 😆 so fem!reader and Vox have been in a long term relationship, like during the time Alastor was gone. Now that he's back, he's become his obsession and starts to neglect reader and brushes any affection she's trying to give and receive off. When she finally tries to talk to him about how he's focusing all his energy on the radio demon, he basically goes off on her and says how it's the only thing that matters. She, feeling unimportant, leaves and it's not until he sees her things gone from their shared place that he realizes he fucked up.
Can lead to him groveling like a simp and end in fluff comfort and makeouts. Or can end there if you wanted to leave your readers in suspense if you want to do it in two parts 😈 muaha I'm evil.
I took some time with this one because I had to cook it up with care. When I tell you Alastor and Vox's dynamic is what I BREATHE FOR-
Now add someone else to the mix on Vox's side- This is something I've been waiting to write for WEEKS-
I was going feral writing this- Anyway, enjoy your angst >:DDD
This is a two parter!!!
Vox x fem!reader
"Can't Seem to Hold Me, Can't Seem to Let Him Go" Pt.1
Part 2
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It was a privilege to receive affection from Vox. Not even that, but it seemed that if it wasn’t for you, his life was boring and mundane. Nothing truly got him all excited and manic anymore, and he was starting to hate his life a little bit. He was already at the top of the game, he and the rest of the Vees were the most powerful overlords. What else was there to do around here?
But, well, all was not bad, he had you. While the power he held had a kick to it, there was nothing like the drug of rivalry. But with Alastor gone, he had to settle for the next best thing, love. Oh, it ought to be an adventure. And that drug had such a kick, oh he was obsessed with it.
And that’s where you came into the picture, he met you at a nightclub. So pretty and talented, just the kind of people he loved to surround himself by, just what he wanted, just what he craved… And you kept him as entertained as he needed to be. To the point that he felt like perhaps he was sort of falling in love with you. Oh, how the bliss of forgetting his fights of the past with a pretty woman. He’d allowed his heart the validation it needed and he figured if someone loved him as deeply as you did, truly everyone loved him.
Of course, he still had to balance Velvette and Valentino, but that was the mundane part of his power-hungry scheme. The mixture, of your attention and doting intertwined with his total control of the population… oh he was living the life… truly. Or at least that was what he tried to tell himself. Ever since Alastor disappeared, he felt a hole in his heart. Something that couldn’t quite be quenched by all the power the world had to offer or the women this land had to throw at him.
It was the pure thrill of obsession that he missed, that he craved, but no one was a worthy opponent to him anymore. Alastor was gone. Alastor… his one and only obsession… what was he to do now? He could not fathom being this bored and empty all eternity. But what could he do about it? Nothing but sit and sulk, truly. But to himself, of course, he knew that telling you this would just leave you confused about your position in his eyes. And he truly did care about you, but… you were the only interesting thing in his life, and his one fatal flaw was always wanting for more.
You had your arm linked with Vox’s, ascending from his TV surveillance room onto the upper floors. You tapped his shoulder, catching his attention. “You’ve got a little somethin’.” You chuckled, pointing at the corner of his mouth. “Let me get it.” You giggled, gesturing for him to lean down. He obliged and you wiped the edge of his lips with your thumb.
“Forgot to get that spot. It’s hard to get all of them, you know? You should start cleaning up your own mess.~” He teased.
“It’s not my fault someone wanted to make out down there…” You huffed jokingly, linking arms with him again. You two stood still, smiling like cardboard cutouts as you waited for the elevator doors to open. The second they did, a crowd surrounded you two. Asking both of you all sorts of questions. It was always this way, an everyday routine since Vox was a celebrity, and by dating him, so were you. Every public area you were in was nothing but camera flashes and microphones. It was a bit much at times, but Vox enjoyed it so much, that you didn’t seem to mind too much. Once their questions were answered, and Vox shooed them away, you two went to your destination freely. And you continued to do this for days and days after that. You loved your routine, and found peace in the sort of monotony you two had.
But oh no, no good thing lasts forever. An unlucky morning, you found yourself in Vox’s surveillance room, sitting on his lap, enjoying each other’s company. It was a day like no other, truly.
“Look at that!” He shouted, pointing at one of his monitors, “What does it feel like to be with someone so rich and fucking powerful, baby? Just look at how easily they flock to me~” He chuckled, caressing your face.
“Oh~ You’re just the perfect mastermind~ I’m the luckiest sinner in hell~” You cooed, kissing the bottom corner of his screen, leaving behind a red lipstick kiss stain.
“Why don’t you kiss a bit higher?~ You missed my mouth entirely~?” He cooed back, fake pouting at you as to request you kiss his lips.
You obliged, leaning closer to him, but just before you planted your kiss, his face blared with an incoming call screen. His ringtone was so stupid, but it was charming nonetheless. You saw who was calling him: Velvette. She was either calling to annoy him (which you totally respected; annoying Vox was your favorite pastime after making out with him), or because she needed something important. So you sat back down in his lap as Vox answered the phone, passing the call from his face to a television.
“Hello there, Velvette! How are you this… hellish morning?~” Vox chuckled, picking up his coffee mug and taking a sip from it, after which he pecked your lips. He was a huge fan of flaunting you to his fellow Vees.
“Oh cut the shit Vox. I need you up here. Now.” Velvette demanded, side-eyeing you slightly, but then smiling when you looked at her.
Vox, continued to tenderly touch you, caressing your cheek, not even looking at Velvette anymore, just admiring your precious face. “Whatever could be the problem, dear?”
“Well, your little boy-toy, is wrecking my department while I’m trying to pull together a show! And-” She paused, to turn behind her, Valentino could be heard in the background as flying body parts flew behind Velvette. It was most definitely another Valentino tantrum. Vox had no choice but to turn to her now… “So get your ass here! Now. And don’t bring your girlfriend, it’s NOT going to make Valentino feel any better, you know how he’s always bitching about her.” Velvette yelled, after which she turned around to yell at Valentino, immediately hanging up afterward.
Vox sighed, the adoring smile he gave you morphing into an annoyed frown. “Stay here, doll. I have to stop another tantrum…” He picked you up and placed you on his chair. Then he walked away, muttering under his breath about how tedious having to check on Val was and how he hated his life.
A bit of pity overcame you, but you figured it was simply the burden power came with. You frowned at being left out of the situation, but you smiled at the realization that you didn’t have to sit there and wonder what came of this whole fiasco. Vox’s cameras! Oh, they were all over the place, and you knew how to work the surveillance room perfectly.
So you began to observe him, watching him talk to some paparazzi, announcing a new product or line, perhaps, then leaving towards Velvette’s department. And ‘in shambles’ was an understatement when it came to describing what you saw in there. Models running around, Velvette yelling at some designers, Valentino had definitely thrown the place off course, but you knew Velvette had it under control. She was always on top of things.
You observed how she spoke to Vox, shooing him up to Valentino’s tower… You hated that place. You would have started off there if it wasn’t for Vox seeing you first. And oh the stories you’ve heard about it… You didn’t talk to Valentino much, but the very few times you did he was very passive-aggressive. You didn’t like him much, but you understood that the porn industry was something Vox needed to have control over in order to have the power he desired. You weren’t too fond of… his history with Vox, and you didn’t even wanna know if they still had something going on. You preferred to stay in the shadows about it. If anything was still happening, you were sure it was because Vox needed him in check. And Valentino was a tricky one for sure, but you’d rather not think about the subject.
You observed Vox enter Valentino’s quarters, his room was full of that red smoke he always had around him. You knew it was a drug of sorts… it made you sick to your stomach to think that maybe Vox was under it too… But, again, not something you liked to think about. Vox approached him and the second Valentino saw him, he got up, smashed his cocktail glass on the floor in pure rage.
You weren’t one to criticize people’s maturity (it’s not like your Vox wasn’t quite the man-child at times), but you hated the way Valentino tended to pounce at first signs of anything. His short temperament sort of pissed you off. Or maybe it wasn’t his temperament that ticked you, it was probably the attention Vox gave it. You proceeded to listen to their conversation, Valentino complaining about another one of his employees… Typical of him. It didn’t surprise you it was Angel Dust who he was bitching about. He always bitched about his star employee.
And you could tell Vox was uninterested, observing him text on his phone as Val ranted. Funny enough he was texting you. You found it so cute how perfect his grammar was over text. He loved to portray himself as refined and superior in every aspect.
Val’s rambling again
What do you wanna get for dinner?
I was thinking, maybe… Chinese?
What do you think, Doll?
After which, a phrase Val said caught his attention and he indulged him with a response. Response which was met with more screams and whines from Valentino. And just as you were about to text Vox back with the answer to his question, you saw how Val took Vox’s phone and smashed it into the wall. You sighed in annoyance. You were about to switch off their conversation until you heard Valentino say where Angel Dust was…
He was living with Lucifer’s daughter? Angel Dust living with Princess Charlie? This only meant he could be in one place, that hotel you heard her announce. Valentino rambled about going there and killing everyone there, which Vox immediately shut down. It was his perpetual situation. He always had to put Valentino in his place, reminding him that his delusions were not to be acted upon.
He always talked to Valentino like he was a child. He did the same to you too, but it was more loving… You were sure. When he spoke to Valentino that way, it was more condescending. You liked to hear that even Vox thought this was stupid. Either that, or he was using his TV Show Host Voice to get through to him. You huffed at the sight of Vox lighting a cigarette for Val, listening to what they were talking about again. Since you’d zoned out while mentally criticizing Val.
“You know…~ Angel isn’t the only one spending time at this ratty hotel with the devil’s Princesa~...” Valentino cooed, turning back to Vox who was messing around with some of Vaelintino’s things.
“Oh? Who else is in there? Someone who… owes you money?” Vox replied, as uninterested as before, but still attempting to put up a facade for his fellow Vee.
Valentino laughed at his response, “Someone who owes us much more than money~...” He chuckled, shaking the ashes off his cig.
Vox lifted a brow, pretending to care. But he was about to care about what Valentino had to say, very soon.
“The Radio Demon is there…~” Valentino cooed.
Vox’s demeanor switched in a millisecond. The mere name sent shivers down his spine, his hypnotic eye bulging on his screen as he dug his claws into the nearest piece of furniture. He began to crackle with electricity, his voice was low and extremely reverbed. "W̵h̵a̷t̸ ̴d̴i̵d̸ ̷y̶o̷u̷ ̷j̵u̵s̶t̶ ̷s̴a̴y̷.̵.̷.̵?̶ ” He muttered, turning slowly to Valentino.
You could see something in him change. It was a bit scary in all honestly, you knew Vox to be one to put up masks, but this one… it was one you didn't even know he had up.
“Oh, you heard me~.” Valentino replied, grinning back at him.
“Alastor… came back and he is with Lucifer’s d̶a̸u̶g̸h̴t̴e̵r̶ … and that wasn’t the F̷I̷R̷S̴T̴ ̵ F̷̺̕Ủ̷̺C̵͕̕K̵̟̚Ị̵̉N̸̺̂G̸͖̍ ̵͔̽T̷͍͊H̸̫͘I̸͇̒N̴̪͘G̵͙̿ ̸̦͠Y̵̜̎Ọ̴̍U̶̫̎ ̸̪͘T̴͓̕O̸̙̎L̵̼̓D̴̛̥ ̶͊͜M̷̮̆Ē̷̫?̴̧̆!̶͎̕ ” Vox roared, grabbing Valentino by the collar.
The taller demon brushed this gesture off, walking away from him, “Hey~ Killing Alastor is your kink~!” Val chuckled, sitting on a countertop near some monitors.
Without wasting a second, Vox zapped towards the little surveillance Valentino had in his room. You could barely see what was on that screen, but it was enough for you to be able to tell that The Radio Demon was in that footage. You watched the way Vox observed him. It was obsessive, so attentive and careful. It… it made you a tiny bit jealous, in all honesty. For the past seven years, he’d only looked at you that way, or rather, he’d never looked at you that way and to that extent at all.
You observed Vox mutter about Alastor, (ignoring Valentino’s complaints about Angel Dust) he was buzzing and crackling like crazy. Was he livid? Excited? You just couldn’t tell. But you didn’t have much time to think, because, in the blink of an eye, Vox wrapped his conversation up with Val and zapped his way out of his tower.
After which, you heard the doors to the room you were in open up. You got up, seeing Vox approach you. You tried to speak to him, but he shoved you to the side. “Not now Y/n. Go upstairs.” He commanded.
Sitting in his chair, he pressed a button, connecting himself to the machine before him. He was getting ready to broadcast.
His behavior took you aback. You couldn’t believe he’d done this to you. But what else could you do? He’d ignored you.
So you went up the elevator, observing his display via television.
He was losing his fucking mind. Spiraling. You’d never seen Vox like this. And yet, one would think he’d be pissed by this new discovery… but he was… genuinely smiling… you’d never seen him this happy.
Shit got interesting when Alastor responded, however, beginning his radio broadcast. Of course, Vox broadcasted this on the channel too with the intention of beating Alastor on air. A mistake he was sure to pay for. You watched Alastor tear him to bits, hearing even that Vox had asked Alastor to be a Vee and him rejecting the offer as the reason for their rivalry.
And then it clicked… Vox saw Alastor as his main priority. And if what Alastor said was true… Vox’s approach to this refusal was “If I can’t have him, I must destroy him.” Of course, you weren’t allowed to ponder on this much, since Vox began to glitch.
He was losing his patience, spiraling more and more, threatening Alastor until he caused a blackout and ending his broadcast.
Over the darkness of the room you were in, in the distance, you could hear the ominously menacing voice of Alastor as he warned Vox that the time of his reign was over… you could imagine what this made Vox feel. He’d essentially lost the argument by losing his composure.
Alas, you were sure you could try to find him downstairs. He confided in you, you were sure about this. So after a huge blow to his ego such as this, you had to go to him and console him. So you made your way back to his surveillance/broadcast room. You opened the doors to see him crouched down over a screen. He swiped through the footage of everyone in the Bee district speaking. “Where is he? Where is he broadcasting from?” he cried out, switching from screen to screen, checking every camera on every sector on the Pentagram. “He put a fucking tower in that hotel?!” he raged.
“Vox…” You mumbled softly, approaching him.
“Not now.” He blurted bluntly. “Ughh… I need to meet with the other two… Alastor’s return brings in a new set of problems.” He chuckled. And while he tried to sound as annoyed as possible, you couldn’t help but see that light in his eyes. One you didn’t even know was missing. He was obviously enjoying himself, but why? Why was he this excited?
“Don’t overexert yourself, ok?” You suggested, trying to look out for him.
“Don’t overexert myself? Alastor is fucking back! I’m not sleeping until this fucker is taken down!” He spat back, walking off.
You let him be, it seemed to be important. But as days went by, he began to spend less time with you to the point in which he began to ignore you. He’d shove you to the side to spend his day obsessing over sabotaging Alastor. Days passed and he shut you out, completely cutting you off in order to spend more time feeding his obsession. You couldn’t stand this, you had to tell him to turn your way.
So you went to his broadcast/surveillance room, observing the way he peered over his screens. Spreading rumors and lies about Alastor in order to smear his image. He muttered as if he was spiraling, speaking things that sounded like gibberish when paired with the sound of his revered and staticized voice.
“Vox…” You spoke, trying to catch his attention.
“W̶̥͗H̸̠͒A̵̳̓T̵̩̏?̷̲̕!̵͎̓” Box yelled, turning to you in annoyance.
“I need to talk to you.” You spoke, a bit taken aback by his reaction to you speaking to him.
“I’m too busy for that. Another day, sweetheart.” He spoke, shrugging you off.
“No, another day will not do. I want to speak now.” You demanded.
“Now’s not the time to be a brat. I’m busy and that’s final.” Vox huffed, attempting to get you to leave.
“Why are you ignoring me?! Ever since Alastor came back, you haven’t even said more than three sentences to me! Am I not important to you?” You cried out, getting all up in his face. If he refused to acknowledge you, you were going to make it impossible for him to do so.
“Hey hey hey! I’m busy! Go bother someone else, this is important!” He protested, pushing you away from him.
“You’re not listening to me!! Am I not important!?” You screamed, shoving his arms away from you.
“Alastor is important to me right now! Does that answer your question?!” He yelled back, turning away from you to do as he had before.
You stood there in shock, he’d essentially told you that you weren’t important to him. What was truly important to him was Alastor and the sabotage of his power. So you walked off, running away from him.
Vox did not realize what he’d done. He was too obsessed and preoccupied with his own obsessions that he didn’t seem to notice that he’d driven you away…
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Somebody that I used to know.
Request made by @white-00-7
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!reader Summary: Old friends turned into lovers under very distressing situations. Warning: Blood, Adam, violence.
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After the Axe-man terrified the streets of New Orleans, there was the butcher of the bayou. A cannibalistic maniac, known to left no “crumbs” of their victims, so to speak. You knew that by being hunting season, he may be on the woods alongside you, what you didn’t counted on was the creep following you, rifle in hand.
A rustle was heard in between the bushes, you aimed at the bush with confidence, thinking it was probably a deer or a duck at least, the creep making haste to do the same, to your head. “Come out, come out” you whispered to yourself, seeing brown hair and antlers, there you shoot.
But the thud was lighter than a deer’s.
Moving the bush you saw a smiling man, “Holy shit!, no, sir, I’m so sorry, don’t die, help please!” you cried out, but as you turned around the lights were off as well. The sound of the trigger on the creep’s rifle was the last thing you heard.
The free fall was the least of it, but speaking of thousands of meters high, one does not think about the fall but rather the impact. However, it wasn't so hard for you, for the poor bastard under you, it was.
"Get off me!" he managed to throw you off his back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to land on you” he dusted himself off as he regained his composure, clearing his voice when he noticed you were a woman.
“No, I apologize dear, here, let me help” He offered his clawed hand to yours, only by then both realized they didn’t looked like humans no more, “Interesting” he muttered, pulling gently on your arm.
He was looking at his new self when he heard a sudden laugh, “What’s so funny?” he questioned, then you pointed at yours and his little tail, “They’re so fluffy” he wasn’t so enchanted by the cutesy fact.
He was a deer, a white back at that. You on the other hand were a red one. A stag and a doe, how fitting both lifestyles of pride, more than anything.
“Why are you down here, dear?” you thought about it for a second, pride and rebellion was your first thought, then your taxidermy hobbies, “All I can think off is that poor man I killed as of a few minutes now, I mistook him for a…deer” he took a second to think about it, the click that made him stand up was a riffle trigger, your weapon.
He laughed, "You killed me," he continued his laughter, he took your arm to start walking towards the city, "I must say, my dear, that of all the evils in this world, you are the only thing I didn't think would send me to hell" It still made him laugh, "And it's even funnier that they killed you almost at the same time you killed me, life is a great irony" he smiled, one of the sweetest smiles he gifted you.
Now, don’t get him wrong, he was mad out of his mind, also slightly scared, not that he would admit that. Though the warmth of your arm linked with his brought him an anchor like feeling.
 After a few years of living together, Alastor disappeared without warning. "I will become stronger, soon the citizens of hell will know of my power” He used to take his place at your side and daydream about greatness and have everyone's respect, more fear than respect though.
“I will be able to protect you" that sentence lived rent free in your head, his voice a mere echo in your memories, after seven years you almost didn’t remembered his face anymore.
Alastor took care of the most bloodthirsty so that you didn't have to, without him there, you had to take measures into your own hands. The Pride Ring came to know you as one of the best snipers, the Overlord Ghost Shot, your elemental power to control the air could make your bullets fly up to lightspeed, also take away the oxygen off your enemies lungs.
You build up a company off the souls you began to own, you provided the fabrics that boosted businesses like Velvette’s or Rosie’s, known for the good quality and resistance. You didn’t worried yourself with planned obsolescence, there’s always a new design and a new trendy style that makes people keep buying.
And giving the amount of violence, clothes get ruin almost every day, Never in all the years you have been in hell have you been short of money, you managed to get a suite apartment in your own district, near the Morningstar district.
Eighty-four years of having Alastor by your side, and he just disappeared like he didn't care. Not a note, telegram, letter, anything in 7 years.
Until one afternoon when you received an invitation to an emergency meeting, it seems that Adam the first man brought forward the extermination half the time, having six months of preparation. Not one year you’ve lost a soul, but you weren’t going to start now.
“Asano, I need you to begin the preparations of the bunker, the winged rats will come down on us sooner than anticipated” you had souls knocking on your door, practically begging to make deals with you, giving that in exchange of their souls you provided safety, free housing, and a quality of life no other overlord did.
Although at the beginning some sinners wanted to abuse your good will, since you are a deer demon they tend to look down on you. They didn't find it funny anymore when they started to suffocate. Word on the street is that the air gets thicker when you’re in the room.
“I have the technical revision of my company Milla, if your plan is to arm yourself to fend off the attack don’t count on me, I have bigger priorities” Carmilla was one of your dearests friends, you made her gears laced with angelic steal fibers, and in return she updated your riffle, also gave you bullets made of angelic steal.
“I’m not saying we should, all we need is brainstorm a plan to lose as few souls as possible” she heard you made a pensative hum as she watched the overlords take their seats on the table, “You don’t wish to hide like we do, though you’ve lost more souls than I have over the years, so, do whatever you think is best, I’ll help if you want to listen for once” you hung up before Carmilla made herself aware of Alastor’s return.
 You didn’t owned a television, so Vox’s lovers spat never reached your way, and on the streets of your district no one really cared of other overlords, knowing they were under your wing.
"Y/n dear, how about you stop by the tower? They opened a new cafe on the corner, I bought cream cake and the tea that you like, it’s been a while since I saw you" said the letter that you received along with a new cell phone, Vox was more like a stone among the demons that courted you, and even though you sent his electronic junk broken back to his office, he didn't stop insisting.
“I’m so glad you came, how are your preparations for the extermination?” you brought the tea cup up to your lips, “It has been rather sudden; however I have managed to mobilize things on time, how about you?" he cut up a piece of cake, just as big as he knew you liked, “Oh we are fine, we aren’t the target anyway” your ears perked up in interest, his grin grew bigger on his face as he noticed.
“The princess is trying to redeem sinners, have you heard?” you nodded, “The Radio Demon is helping, but as useless as he is-” you began laughing, “The Radio Demon? What kind of pompous prick is named like that?” then sipped on the tea, “You know, Alastor” but as soon as he uttered that name, you choked on your tea and stormed out of his office.
And thank goodness, the air was too thick to breathe, Vox was having issues with it until you left.
“Mimzy, we know you’re in there you lousy bitch!” you heard the loan shark yell towards the  ‘Hazbin Hotel’, trying to knock the door down with a pry bar. “Gentleman, you’re in my way” you spoke, seeing a green glow wrapped the building.
“Not to mess with the Radio Demon!” taking another puff of your cigarette you watched the ten stories tall face of a man you used to know. A smile you didn’t recognized, stitched on the sides, holding his smile up. As soon as he finished eating the sharks he stopped on his tracks, merely centimeters away from your body.
“Y/n?” his distorted voice spoke in utter disbelief, “Good day Alastor, it’s been many moons, don’t you think?” He was frozen, the cute little deer girl he left all those years ago was nowhere to be seen. Replaced by a woman, wearing a dark black attire and tired eyes.
"Y/n, long time no see" he had to shift his voice a little, Charlie and the rest were right behind him inside the hotel. His chirp tone making it seem like he didn't disappeared at all, was a direct stab to your heart.
"You look..." you didn't know anymore, "Different" eyeing him from top to bottom with a disgust grimace in your face hurt him beyond his understanding, "Yes well, I told you I would get stronger" his eyes were different, they were empty.
"I see that, have a good day" you turned around in your heels ready to walk away from the place, "Y/n wait, that's it?" He was hurt? Why did he felt the audacity to pretend to be the victim when you were left behind.
"What else you want me to say?" Since he left, you stopped being joyful, the killing and the merciless torture you went through did that, and it was all his fault.
"A warmer welcome would be nice" you took out your rifle then shoot his shoulder with a dull bullet, "Warmer than that?" It didn't bleed but it hurt, so much it made Alastor take a few steps back.
"Alastor!" The princess cried out for him, "What do you think you're doing?!" Her little horns and red eyes made you snicker a little, "Is this what you've been doing all these years? Help this little girl with her hotel?" Alastor stood up, making seem as it didn't hurt at all, "Now, now Charlie, all is fine, no damage done" she tried to worry about him but it was no use, "Who is Alastor to you?" She asked you, distorted voice and hair flaring.
Alastor had his eyes on you specially when you locked on his dials flashing on and off, "Someone I used to know” the pain was real that time, Alastor didn’t even try to hide it, “Y/n please, let me explain” a small laugh escaped your lips, the first smile he saw from you in a while.
“Not a note, letter, smoke signal, nothing in seven years” he tried to make up an excuse, but you didn’t let him speak, “I had to find out from Vox, and as distasteful as he is, at least is a true friend to be in touch at least three times a week” the fact he told you sent a holy bullet up on his pride, “I can’t explain” he went again.
“I-don’t-FUCKING-care” you accentuated every word, “Woah, what is going on here?” the one and the only Lucifer Morningstar came next to his daughter, wondering wat was taking her so long after she ran out.
“They know each other” Charlie waved her hand in between the two. “Lover’s spat?” he inquired mockingly, which you replied with a straightforward and cold “No” making the devil choke on some saliva, “Makes sense though, with a face like that” when Lucifer turned his eyes from Alastor to you he saw the end of your rifle, “First one is a dull, will hurt, the second a holy one, apologize” internally Lucifer applauded your bravery, so with a smile that reached his ears he uttered “I’m sorry Alastor, I didn’t meant to bring out the obvious”.
He made you smile, “Good enough” you put the rifle strap over your shoulder again, “I’m not going to apologize for that, by the way” he didn’t expected you to.
Alastor watched the scene with jealousy, as in less than two seconds of interaction you received Lucifer in a better way than him, you even smiled at him better than him. If he had a reason to be angry that was one. When you turned your head he noticed a burn on your neck, then he went down and saw the scars on your hands, maybe how many more marks you had on your body, experiences  that took away the innocent friend he used to have.
"You're thin, you don't eat enough or what? What happened to your teeth?" you started making questions that made Alastor sweat, “What is this Radio Demon shit? Who do you think you are, huh?" “Somone that will take you down if you keep at it” “Baby, we’re not at the same level, you are the lowest of the overlords”
“She’s right” “I haven’t lost a single soul in all these years, I can steal air from your lungs by just wanting it” he started feeling at loss of breath, his lungs compressed forcefully searching for oxygen, “I offered you my life, my time, my love” you straightened his bow tie, ignoring Charlie’s pleas for you to stop hurting him, “And you just kissed me, and early in the morning after, you took off, seven years without a single signal you were alive”.
“And now I find out that you’ve been here for five months already, not even once you tried to reach me” your hands palmed his chest slowly, your warmth poring through his clothes, “I have my territory delimited by a black line, if you cross it, I won’t be so nice as I am now” you hovered your lips over his, returning the air down his throat.
Lucifer whistled an impressed tune, “Y/n please, I can explain” he heard Alastor breathing rapidly, getting off Charlie’s support to try to get you, his knees stopping on their tracks due to the lack of strength left, “Y/n right? He looks like he wants to make things right, please give him a chance” she plead, it getting to your head very quickly, damn that puppy face.  
“Y/n please, tea and tea” he dared to say, bringing Lucifer’s attention, “What’s that?” he looked your way for an explanation, “It’s where we drink tea and talk” you thought about it for a second then looked at his eyes once more, “Someday, not today, you seem preoccupied” with that you took your leave, feeling your heart heavy and lonesome as you did.
It wasn’t until Extermination day, that from your balcony you saw the horde of angels drop on the hotel, immediately seeing the flow of Alastor’s dark magic being shattered by Adam. Almost out of instinct you ensembled your long distance sniper rifle, setting it on the edge of the rail, waiting for a perfect angle to make the winged rat fall.
 Suddenly Alastor few against the edge of the building, that’s when you shot, the bullet piercing the base of both of Adam’s wings, making him wince and drop against the ceiling in pain.
“Radio ain’t dead until I say so, asshole” you allowed wind to take your message, prepping another bullet in the chamber, aiming directly at his head, “Freaky face has a girlfriend?” he joked to pass a little of the pain, “Y/n?” Alastor whispered to himself, feeling the air shift around him, his body reappearing beside you after a swirl of air teleported him.
“When I get my hands on you-“ you didn’t let Adam finish, shooting the joint of his shoulder, leaving useless his dominant arm. “Y/n” that’s all Alastor could utter, seeing you so beautifully concentrated in your aim, “You think I’ll spoil it for Lucifer if I shoot him dead?” you gave Adam a warning shot on the leg, the next one being a holy one.
“Good riddance either way, mon coeur” he had carefully stood up, supporting his weight with a hand on the railing and another around your waist, “Oh never mind, six wings is beating the shit out of him now” you said a tad disappointed since your game ended, feeling Alastor hiss at his wound.
“Don’t touch it, let’s go, I’ll help” you sat him on your bed, helping him discard his clothes. “I’m sorry for leaving like that” he sounded so sad and weak, he was deeply angry at himself for how blind he was, for taking you for granted and abandoning you without explanations.
“It doesn’t matter anymore” you made haste to patch up the wound as best as you could, but there was so much blood blocking your way, “Y/n, please forgive me” he pleads as you try your best to stitch the would close, “Why do you care so much whether if I forgive you or not?” he cupped your face, a tenderness unknown for you, uncommon of him.
He wasn’t used to be gentle, not desiring to rip your flesh apart was new to him. Instead there was this fire that warmed him up from the tip of his ears to the tip of his hooves, “Because…I love you” that word felt right, as his hands  brought your hips closer to him, his thighs on each side of your knees, “The moment to say that, was seven years ago” you allowed your powers to wrapped his bandages in a perfect way, “I can make it up to you” he could think of a thousand ways to bring you back to him, unsure if in the way you were now, any of those would work, but he had the rest of eternity to find out.
“And who assures me that you won't disappear again? I felt so alone without you” his hands pulled down your hips, seating you on his leg, “Me, I promise you I’m not leaving you again, I can’t” you laughed, hands on his bare shoulders, feeling the thin layer of fur.
“Is it because now I’m powerful?” he didn’t expected you to think different of him, he couldn’t blame you, “No, because I cannot breathe without you, I missed you very much, mon amour” seven years of you in his mind, haunting him, missing the warm spot in his bed, refusing to sleep at all if it wasn’t with you.
“Please my love, my moon, my sun, my everything, let me rectify my wrongs” a chill it enveloped your entire body, “Or let your gun finish what you started” he reminded you of your set of words of earlier, his smile relaxed and lovely, “If you ever dare to abandon me again, I’ll prove that you in fact can die twice” your hissing at the last word made him sigh happily, then he moved to place a kiss on your cheek, inhaling your scent.
“You’re hurt” you whispered when his kiss traveled down to your neck, “I know, but I can bare it” you plead that he took a small time to rest, but he kept tightening his arm on your waist, then the other on the back of your neck.
When he licked the underside of your neck up to your chin, he suddenly winced, proving your point, “How about we try something else?” you saw him grin, he only did that when he had something on his head, “William found the bath a while ago” you saw the slippery friend crawl up the wall, a proud smile on his face.
“You sent him to draw a bath?” he chuckled, “I remembered it was something you fancied, the morning after us…” he remembered, you told him you wanted to wash his hair in the morning, but he left before even giving you an answer, “You know that means I’ll have to touch you?” his ears pinned down on his head so he could nuzzle against your neck, “Ever since that day, I’ve craved no one’s touch, just yours”.
His grin grew when he felt a certain movement against his forearm, “Damn thing” you cursed, “You’re not the only one” he was wagging his life off, he guided your hand to his lower back so you could feel him, “Sappy old man” you kissed his lips, “You’re not that younger than me” he continued the loving gesture, “The water will get cold” you heard the shadow groan thinking his efforts will go to waste.
“Let’s get to it then” you spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, Alastor nearly passed out when you were massaging his scalp with the lovely scented shampoo, you told him you were never going to stop bragging about it. Then when it was your turn to get pampered, he couldn’t stop himself from kissing your shoulders, the back of your neck, arms, every piece of skin he could.
His hands just as yours were free to roam around, both delighting in the ministrations, to the point only moans of satisfaction were echoing in the bathroom.
“Just so you know, if you have a significant other, he’s dead, you’re mine now” you giggled at his possessive nature, now both dry but still naked on the bed, “Good thing I ended that relationship months ago” you sassed him, earning a small bite on your clavicle, “As soon as I’m better, I’m claiming you” his eyes shifted to have dials, “Sure thing, you have a lot of pain to make up for, ya’ know?” he knew that.
There were parts of your body that were burnt, others covered by patches made of steel, then there were the cuts, the scars, the lashes, everything he acknowledged it was his fault, “This, are they dead?” you shook your head, “Then my broadcast will have new voices” his voice took a low tone and the growl made you feel butterflies, “Thank you” you whispered, lowering just enough so you could have your head under his chin, legs intertwined, arms holding each other as close as possible.
“This is going to sound weird, but I’m glad I killed you” he let out a breathy laugh, “Me too”.
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circeyoru · 2 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 7 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 (here)
Song Used: "They're Only Human" ; in Death Note: The Musical (I've attached a link here, but there's also a video format later on when that part comes)
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You hummed a tune while reading through a book and laying on your black cloud platform like a beach chair. Your little moment only cut short when your book was suddenly snatched away. You tilted your head up and saw a pair of silver wings with golden highlights before you saw your book burst into flames in the robber’s hand
“You sure took your time.” You teased as you got up from your comfortable position, opting to sit on your platform. “Trick.”
“Come on! Like you don’t know why!” The being exclaimed enraged with their wings getting puffed up, they took a deep breath and sighed deeply. “Your little Hell made too much of a commotion, Sil. And I told you to call me Noir!”
You shrugged, “That’s not fitting for a character such as yourself, Trick sounds better anyways.”
Trick was similar to you. Actually, he was your opposite. You being the true ruler of Hell makes them the true ruler of Heaven. Of course, unlike how you keep your identity in the shadows, theirs was more well known. Trick was the God that everyone made a big deal around
If one were to see you two together, they’s say the two of you were night and day, good and evil, yin and yang. Not in terms of element, but in appearance as well
While Trick has a pair of lovely giant wings, you had none and would use a black cloud platform to ‘fly’ in some sense. While Trick has hair above the shoulder, you had hair below it. Trick’s eyes remain opened while yours are closed. Trick dons a causal and chill look while you had a more formal and elegant look
Still, whatever you two may appear, those weren’t important as the personalities you two had. If Trick’s name wasn’t an obvious indicator, they are not the holy entity the humans and angels painted them to be
Like you, Trick is absent from a direct presence in your respective realms. However, they love playing around with ‘divine interventions’ or ‘sacred messages’ from the God of this world. Truly, no one was aware of a balance. Even there’s Heaven and Hell, and God is in Heaven overseeing ‘his children’, what of hell?
Yes. You are the ‘God’ of Hell. Though either of you like that title. Since Trick was the one more in the open, you love teasing them about it every time you meet. To you, it’s truly entertaining to see them groan and whine over it
“So~ How was the sleep? Good?” Trick leaned over as their wings flapped from time to time to keep them hovering in the air. 
“Like Hell it was, you put me out of commission for no reason and with no warning! I have souls to watch over unlike your lazy holiness.” You snapped with your eyebrows furrowed.
Trick raised his hands in ressurender, “Hey, I was out of commission as well! It’s not a one-side thing.”
Your eyes squeezed even tighter as if you’re glaring at the jerk of a partner. “You started it!”
The two of you were Supreme Beings of your realm and entities as holy and cursed element. You can’t have one without the other. While it’s true that you were weak to holy powers, Trick was weak to cursed powers. You two were each other’s weakness no matter the situation
And the two of you aren’t as immortal as people would think. The two of you can be killed and healed by each other. Killing involves falling into a deep sleep when one side dies and healing involves transfering the other’s wounds onto themselves to heal more naturally as wounds can only be done by the opposite element
If one asks how to describe the two of you. You both were inseparable, can’t have one without the other. The concept of yin and yang comes to play
You are yin, in darkness there’s kindness. You are the unknown, you are negativity, you are darkness. You collect and control the souls marked for Hell without letting them go so long as they worth something to you. Even when you do it wasn’t for mercy and you’ll cage them into a torture unlike any other
Though, you were kind. You offer advice to those that deserve it and give opportunities for people to change. Why else would you let a soul be redeemed and let it leave Hell to go to Heaven? Why else would you allow Alastor to remind at the hotel even after your presence is back? Why else would you give Husk that little hope at a better future?
Trick was yang, in light there’s evil. They are the known, they are positivity, they are light. Trick judges and provides the souls marked for Heaven without letting them feel any negativity and only joy and happiness. Giving those worthy souls that lived life accordingly to enter a paradise fitting of Winners
Though, they were wicked and twisted. They enjoy a good trickery here and there, opting to let their high ranking angels deal with everything rather than rule as the ‘God’ they were named. They cared for none but their own interest and entertainment. If anything, Trick doesn’t see souls to be worth anything. To them, souls were nothing but actors on a stage to perform a good show for beings that was you and them to enjoy watching
“Fine, fine. I won’t do that again, unless you want a little rest.” Trick smirked as he looked your way. “So how’s your collection?”
“Hm… There will be some changes with what I have now. It’s a work in progress.” You told as you thought it over, “How’s your Emily?”
Trick’s smile widened, “Oh, miserable. But admirable. The sweet thing. She found out about the exterminations and sided with that Hell Princess during court! I told you she’s worth paying attention to.”
You hummed, “That’s what you said about Lucifer and he ended up falling to Hell. I wonder if Emily will be casted out as well.” You sensed the dark aura around your dear long-time friend spike and you turned your head over, “Don’t worry, I know not to accept her into Hell. She’s your prized one. Even if she’s casted out, I’ll push her back into Heaven.”
Trick huffed, clenching and unclenching his fists, “Good. Cause I will so remove those stupid higher angels if they did that to the only worthy angel in Heaven.” He looked over to you as well, “Don’t worry, it’s the same for your collections, I won’t let them into Heaven unless you want them do.”
Your smile widened, “Oh, I’ll never let them go~ But thanks for that safety net.”
You both picked your focus. While yours was on a hand-picked group, Trick focused on that one. Your little soul owning had one amazing benefit that none knew. It was the protection against angelic weapons
Back then when Alastor was hit by Adam’s attack in the chest, the slash should have eaten away at his body and soul. The angelic weapons or steel was created to aim directly at the soul of a being, that’s why it could kill both demons and angels. There was nothing angelic to it, merely a combine of yours and Trick’s power to create something that kills the soul
Now, your protection that to limit the effect of the wound till they can reach you for healing. But the best part was that your Overlords have no soul within their bodies so they wouldn’t be killed! Even if their head was chopped off by an angelic spear, it will just take time to grow back
You’ll never tell them that benefit nor do you plan to let them know about it. That’s why you made your appearance at the hotel. It was the sole reason of healing Alastor on your own terms. You thought of leaving soon later but you just couldn’t leave the poor deer when he was that desperate for your presence
The thing you can’t understand was why Trick only picks the one being to care for. Emily was what their supposed to be honestly. If someone met Trick and it was revealed that they were the God, no one would believe it. There was so much chaos and twisted nature in them that it was impossible that they were God
Yet you as the one by their time since the beginning of time knew the change was because of time. Time changed their view on the world and humans. So many time, they were disappointed that they just gave up and decided to laugh at all the misery. Maybe, you and Trick could switch places
But Trick will never agree because they never liked what you have set up in Hell already, plus there wouldn’t be an ‘Emily’ there. It was proposed once, and Trick shot it down without a thought. So to cure their boredom, there are meet-ups like this
Of course, the two of you end up going to Earth to see what the humans were up to while marking souls on whether they go to Heaven or Hell when they die
Trick smirked and flapped his wings to fly over, and gestures to the humans minding their own business in the city, ♫ Look at how they crawl around, upon the ground, like little ants ♫
♫ Yes, but how they fascinate, ♫ You floated over with your smokey platform, slapping away his hand to touch a mortal, ♫ Confusing fate, With what is merely chance ♫
♫ Isn’t it a laugh? ♫ Trick nudged you.
You pushed him away, ♫ Isn’t it a shame? ♫
♫ Thinking there is someone in Heaven to blame ♫ Trick pointed at themselves. 
You rolled your eyes, ♫ Yes, but even while blaming fate for the lives that they lead. They hope for the lives that they need ♫
Trick snapped their fingers, both of them appearing in a cemetery with a heavy mood in the air. They carried a white umbrella while you carried a black one, staying at the back of the group that was grieving while a coffin was lowered, ♫ Living every day ‘til the day they die. Never getting answers ♫
♫ Yet still asking why ♫ You snapped your fingers and appeared on the roof of a building that oversaw a group of religious individuals praying, ♫ Going through the motions as if there will be a reward ♫
♫ While we stay, ♫ Trick made a bored and disgusted face at the scene, grabbing your hand so the two of you fall, ♫ Eternally bored! ♫
♫ They’re only human. They don’t see ♫ The two of you sang, Trick with their signature smirk and you with a bored look. ♫ Who they are is who they’ll always be. Only human, after all ♫
Trick brought you to a scene in front of a murder scene, ♫ So they push and they shove ♫
You showed Trick a scene with a romantic couple on a date, ♫ With this thing they call love ♫
♫ ‘Til they fall! ♫ You both watched as soldiers fall and their souls going to where they were picked to.
♫ Isn’t it a farce? ♫ Trick shrugged while the scene changed to that of a hospital room with a weak man on the bed.
♫ Isn’t it a waste? ♫ You eyed the crying humans around the man, listening as the monitor beep softer and longer with each pause. 
♫ Struggling to Face what can never be faced ♫ Trick leaned against the wall with crossed arms. 
♫ Yes, but maybe Death can release something more than we share ♫ You blinked at the man as he tried his best to hold the closest family member of his.
♫ I really don’t know ♫ Trick came over, their wing slapped at the man over the face and the lifeline fell flat, ♫ and don’t care ♫
You shook your head while the room bursted in tears and doctors and nurses rushed in, Trick was as indifferent as already with his grin on his face, ♫ They’re only Human. Standing still. Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill. Only Human, after all ♫
With a snap of Trick’s finger, the two of you arrived at a temple with a number of offerings, Trick picked up one and threw it to you then took one for themselves, ♫ So they give and we take ♫
You caught it with one hand and eyed it, then to the elderly women that was bowing to statue, ♫ Hoping someone will help break their fall ♫
Trick brought you to a gang meeting of sorts, the topic seemingly deciding on someone’s death, ♫ They will pray, curse, live, die. Never knowing their Truth is another Man’s Lie ♫
♫ Eat, sleep, love, hate ♫ You changed the scene to one where a group of friends were enjoying themselves in a forest, ♫ Like a Leaf blowing in the Wind ♫
Trick switched to a scene where students are forced to pick a career for the future, gesturing to all the troubled humans for you. ♫ Watch them all vacillate! ♫ 
The both of you sang, ♫ They’re only human. They can’t see ♫
♫ All the fun they could give you and me ♫ Trick laughed darkly while you smiled at his amusement.
♫ Only human, after all ♫ You both continued as you two picked out a wave of souls destined for Hell without another thought while Trick only picked a small group of them.
♫ So they give and we take ♫ You had your palms opened at the vast souls that would be doomed for Hell under your thoughtless choosing.
Trick nodded approvingly over your future collection, a twisted smile forming, ♫ ‘Til their silly hearts break ♫ 
♫ Looking down from above. I’m intrigued by their love ♫ An equally dark smile appeared on your face as you took Trick’s offered hand for a short sway. 
Trick suggested while taking you into their arms. ♫ So let’s play! ♫
You nodded along, ♫ Let’s play! ♫
Trick chuckled while dipping you down, “Hmm, let’s enjoy ourselves with these foolish souls.”
Since the beginning of time, there were two beings. A being that symbolizes light and a being that symbolizes dark. They were two sides of the same coin and co-exist together contary to what humans would theorize or write in their little works of art
“So I’ll assume you want me to put Heaven’s little business on hold? Not that they can do much with a redeemed soul in their ranks.” Trick smirked at you, their wings flapping at their little jab at their realm’s higher ranked angels. “So Hell gets some peace for the moment.”
Your smiled back, eyes peeking open to that revealed a cosmos from within, “Yes, that is much appreciated. There’s gonna be some interesting change in my collection.”
“Love it when your eyes does that.” Trick’s wings opened up to show the view of a night sky.
“Yours is not too bad. Quite the sight.”
“Only a sight for the two of us though. None is more worthy of it.”
“I’ll agree.”
Everything happening on these two beings’ whims and wants, nothing’s done with clear purpose, and anything’s fair game. As divine and just as the humans painted them to be, they are nothing like the holy one that cares for all’s interest from above. As cruel and evil as the humans painted you to be, you are anything but the cold and heartless tormentor of prisoners of Hell
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Note: New character!! I'll get to the request that were about this concept in a bit. First! The character design for Trick and you will be out in a moment~
Now then~ You guys feeling op yet?
Oh yeah!! I'm more interested with the song format too!! First time trying this, what you guys think???
Circe Y. 
Taglist: (those that don't specify to being in all the works' taglist will automatically be assumed to be in whichever series they comment on)
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203@hikari-michiko @colecreo @myromanempiree @xsamkuro @yourdoorisunlocked @clavelina @jono723 @cursedcattalastor @an-idyllic-novelist @flamiohotman2024 @rea-grace @myromanempiree @veroneverleft @lousypotatoes @crazysuityouth @jellyedkazoo @wat4r @kiraisastay @thealienartist @chefysawesomeideas @wtvbabes @patronizingbitch @koshi-kazu @craftyperfectiontragedy @scr4luv @chrollobb @mysterypotatoink @callmefe
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milqueandsugar · 21 days
🌼☕` Crush, Crush, Soda! ` ☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Alastor , Lucifer , Husk
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Shock. Horror. Dismay.
Forget wrench this is throwing a hauling truck into his plans
It's very sudden very sharp realization, like getting splashed with cold water
He was obviously aware he had taken to you, how could he not? You were polite, clever and oh so fun to carry a conversation with
Talking to you made radio seem boring!
He was not, however, aware that the other residents had noticed his kinship with you
He had over heard a conversation between Husker and the pink spider demon, where the insectoid sinner complained about how you got special treatment
Husker agreed, which was fair, but then mentioned how Alastor apparently fancied you and that was why
Fucking shock to him and Angel dust
After gripling with that cosmic terror for the night, and visiting Rosie once the clock hit an agreeable hour he had come to the conclusion that despite the impossible, he carried a flame for you
Once he calms down and rearranges his evil vision board to include you in it he lays it on THICK
He's the perfect gentleman, obviously, but he's courting you too so he goes above and beyond
Your chair? Pulled out. Your arm? Linked with his while you stroll. You? The venison steak of his eye baby
Charming comes naturally too him, he won both eve and Lillith over bro he has bublical level rizz
He's very, very comfortable around people he knows or simply doesn't care about, totally normal around Alastor who can kick rocks but a bit antsier and anxious around Charlie
His nerves get worse when he's trying to right himself, he can care very very deeply for someone and never feel nervous around them but the second he does something wrong his anxieties and insecurities come rushing back
He's not subtle, everything he does is flirtatious but in a spur of the moment kind of way he thinks nothing through
Confidence is sexy to him so he tries to show off things he's confident in like inventing/engineering and music!!
The biggest tell he is interested in someone is how excited he is to show off to them, to show how good he could be for them, to show how he betters their life
How he does this depends on you truly, in a rough spot financially? He pays for small things at first, dinner, lunch, something cute you liked at the store then builds to anything you want because you deserve it far more than him or anyone else here
Struggling with control since selling your soul? He puts you in position of power , he shows you what your capable of, what he knows you can do but you don't
He fills your needs faster than you realize you have them, hell is for suffering but it sure does feel like heaven when you're with him
| HUSK |
He's more calculated then the two idiots above, he knows that warmth in his chest when you make his drink, or sit at his bar until he's off or fix an out of place Feather
He's so attracted to you, how real you are, how unapologetically YOU you are, and how you make room for him in everything
He's totally love struck and totally aware of it which makes it even worse
He's doing his best to plan this out while also twirling his whiskers and kicking his feet when talking about you
He's not shy about his feelings but he know being with him is a danger to you, which he can't stand for
He does his best to secure your safety before actively courting you, what's the point of loving someone if you're not putting in the effort, and boy does he put in the EFFORT
Gentlemanly like Alastor but in his own gruff way
Likes to help you do things, teach you how to do things, he likes feeling useful and he likes how you come to him when you have problems
It reminds him a bit of his overlord days, and time with you builds his confidence and back bone back to what it was before Alastor, even if you aren't dating yet
Plays lots of card games with you, won't show you the cheats be knows until your dating, gotta keep you coming back for more yknow?
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simp-ly-writes · 4 months
"I'll have you know..."
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Ask: who was a feared overlord that decided to eventually take a backseat in the power struggle and everything? Because of how long ago she was on top of everything, others tend to forget how evil they are...
Pairing: Vox x overlord!Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood and suggestive themes.
A/N: Sorry for the delay @matrixbearer2024! Hope you all enjoy~
Masterlist | Taglist | un-edited.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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↳ Back before television was trying to kill the radio star, you were on the up and up becoming one of hells most feared overlords- picking your way up through the ranks and eventually demoting many names before you in hells history. Yet overtime the constant displays of killing, blood stained underneath your fingernails and lack of social life ate away at you- forcing you to drop it all much to the publics shock and awe
↳ Over the next few years, many other up-and-coming overlords did their best to come take over your position and you allowed them to think they did because in the meanwhile you were finding much richer entertainment than their potential screams while sitting in the audience to one of your closest fellow overlords, Vox.
Without the need for the laugh and clapping cue to play, you were rolling around in your seat to his dry humor and... interesting threats. The crowd was forced into a hypnotic state alongside all the viewers tuneing in for the night while you shook your head, fighting to keep the smile off your face as they cut to a commercial break, Vox waves you up on to the stage with a smile.
He helps you up the last few steps before guiding you into his chair as he leans against the desk to converse with you, "So, what brought the smile out earlier in the crowd?" The TV man asks you as you raise your brow, "just amused with your," you wave your hand around Vox's appearance, "displays of power. Remember how well that went with me the first time," you giggle out as Vox groans, hands moving to cover his screen with embarrassment.
"I was just trying to... impress you then," he tries to redeem himself while looking through his fingers as you crack your head back now, cackles coming out from the back of your throat as Vox thanks himself for hypnotizing the crowd earlier so they would not see the feared overlord like this. "Erm- impressed is one way of putting it love," you read out and pull his hands away from his face as you calm one another down by rubbing small circles to the back of his gloved hand.
"And on that note, we are coming back from commercial break in 20 seconds, back you go now" Vox pulls his hand away with a small smile, ushering you off stage as you mockingly protest with a grin to his laughter before sitting in-behind the camera crew.
"Welcome back, now on tonights news- the Radio Demon appears to be back! And who gives a shit, do any of you?" Vox points towards the silent crowd as they all lifelessly stare back at him with open mouths. "By the sounds of that, no one gives an absolute fuck- just as any sane mind should!" You roll you eyes at the statement, thinking to yourself, he really is not over that lost contract- is he?
↳ When you and Vox are out on the streets one night together grabbing a bite to eat with the rest of the Vee's. A group of up-and-coming overlords swarm your group- trying to force you all into the sewers below them.
You are doing your best to not lose control of your power- of the souls you had collected in that past life of yours but as you soon become overwhelmed, watching as Vox's screen fractures against a brick wall with nowhere to escape to- your mind gives up control in that moment.
Shoving the guys off you- you call forth a few souls linked in contract to you that join the battle as your size only grows with every last breath of the enemy. Stopping and laughing to the sounds of skulls cracking against your boots, twirling around your fingers to strangle another while devouring their very soul. On-lookers run away in horror at the sight, the once feared overlord was feared one more with such hellish displays of power.
Yet Vox, beated, bruised, and trying to pick of the peices of glass in order to repair himself later was out of breath at the sight of you in your true demonic form. His heart hammered in his chest, fuck you look so fucking hot like this, drummed in his head like a broken reccord as Valentino casted him a questioning glance while shooting down another swarm coming up from the sewers.
"Everything alright there Vee?" The studio director asks while reloading his weapon as Vox staggers to a stand, brushing off his coat tails before they both duck out of the way as your claws sweep across the street, a horror-filled amusement park ride the attacks were on while you flung them around and into the side of a building without a second thought.
Twisting back around, you send Vox and ensemble a wink before turning down the street to find the organizer of this attack. Velvette turns around from snapping one of their necks, waving her hands in disgust as she calls for Valentinos handkerchief.
Hands clean she points a finger to Vox, signaling up and down with her eyes, "You may want to sort that out, darling. Does not look good for our image- being all stood proudly and that- would steal from Valentinos side, no?"
Going bright red, Vox forces himself into the wire systems and back to the headquarters where you are already sitting, waiting for him in the living room, freshly showered and a set of coffee on the table. "Do hate the smell of blood, gets in the way on my appetite, what about you?" you casually ask while patting the seat next to you as Vox waddles his way over with wide-eyes.
"Umm... yeah," Vox manages to output, not meeting your eyes as you tilt your head at him in confusion, his breath hitching as more of your skin is exposed as you mutter an ah. Now understanding the issue, "If I had known my true form got you this riled up- sweetheart this would become a weekend special~" you tease, looking the way his screen flickers and his system overheats.
Valentino and Velvette soon burst into the room just as you reach over Vox's lap to grab a blanket for the man. Letting out one last wink, you smile widly at the remaining members as you recall your old stories.
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↳ Taglist: @jtcat305 @amarokofficial
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Not strictly a DL question, but I’m curious about Codex. Has his evil overlord list been posted online? If so, where can I find it?
...I'm gonna cover my bases here
This is the story I'm writing that Codex is from, based off of:
This, the original Evil Overlord List, written by a man named Peter Anspach! All rules of the list belong to him, I'm simply borrowing them in accordance with his stated copyright preferences and then adding on little story snippets to better align them with the Zelda franchise
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Masterlist! (Requests are welcome!)
Profile art is done by @r3m1nd3r-f0rg0tt3n
This is also an ask/roleplay blog now! I’ll answer requests for fics or head canons out of character, and other questions in character. If in doubt, just say it’s a question for Vox and I’ll answer in character :]
(Also, you can call me Juno, he/they pronouns)
Vox x Reader:
Can’t sleep - I’m not cute! - Mute!reader - White noise - Obvious - Besties - Reader w/Hypnosis - Shark Sinner - Computer head reader - Game Over - Upgrades - Drabble - Caged - Immunity - Touché - Nightmares - Savoir
Vox x Val x Reader:
Baking - With Retro - Attention - Glitched Footage - Val fucks up
I don’t know how ‘open’ AUs or concepts work, I kind of assumed that by posting it here and asking for requests on it, that inherently meant it was open but I guess not. I have a lot to learn lol. Anyway, everything I write is open for anyone else to use! Just be sure to tag me or @ me or whatever, because I’d love to see what you do with it <333
Retro!Reader (open, just tag me):
The original post - Valentinos Wardrobe - Twinsies - Meeting the Vees - Attentive - Shark Tank - First Visit To V Tower (Shit Post) - Embarrassed - Couple Dynamics - Jealous - Kidnapped - Day In The Life - Retros opinion on Val (Initial) - Alastor Adopting People On Sight - Habits - Vox’s thoughts - Getting Caught - Dad Alastor - Chaos with Rose, Alastor, and Niffty - What Vs do When Retro is Hurt - Vox’s Habits When Someone Flirts With Retro - Charlie, Spying, and Lucifer - Attending Overlord Meetings - Hypnosis on Retro - Overlord Retro - First Date - Problems - Success and Order - Meeting the Vees (Official) - The wedding - Retros Apperance - Retros Fashion Dump (1, 2, 3, 4) - Aquarium Date - Dancing Lessons - Eerie Melody - Mammon The Menace - Cooking Show - Rotting For Old Times Sake - Vees React to Retros Murders - Val fucks up - Workers at V Tower - A Problem - Something New - Rest - Retros death - retro!reader masterlist (part 2)
Be A Doll AU (open, just tag me):
Snippets - Origins - Conditioning - Be a doll (everything you need to know) - Better of Two Evils - His favourite toy - Antique Beauty - I Know - Tell Me - Foul mood - Worship Me
Shitpost TV Host He’s not bulletproof Shapeshifter Sick Fic Ideas Gamer/Game Designer Fluff! When His Hypnosis Doesn’t work Hells Got (no) Talent - Antics
Asks, Requests, etc.
Other Accounts
This masterlist has too many links, so here’s part 2!
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
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Husker Redesign! (6/7)
I wonder if anyone has noticed the silly song links on these
It’s my favourite furry!
A lot of this is just the same from my original Husk redesign you can read here, but to give you a bit more substance let me go slightly more in depth. I’ve already explained Husks gluttony and greed colour scheme but I wanted to note changes he experienced after making a contract with Alastor. First thing, the orange-y red bits are mostly in places similar to Alastor. The nose, the ears, eyebrows, tail, etc.
Them appearing after making a contract with Alastor also go a bit hand in hand with the sin of gluttony and turning to alcoholism to cope with depression and stress. Even after his contract with Alastor breaks, he still has the colouring for participating in the sin due to a contract, similar to how the change of shape in Angel’s markings remain hearts rather than going back to how they used to. I’ll get more into that when we talk about Angel though.
Not sure if anyone noticed with Niffty but she and Husk both share Alastors pupil shape because of that classic “eyes are the gateway to the soul” sort of thing. Not totally sure if Husk gave up his soul or just how power, might’ve missed that, but just in general it’s to show how prevalent Alastor is and the hold he has in their lives. Niffty also has his freckles!
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This is also kind of pushing it a bit but in relation to Niffty, Husk, and Angel, they all have some sort of restrictions to their clothing. You’ll see Angel’s outfit eventually, but for Husk and Niffty, the stitches on Niffty’s dress and her thigh garter are hers, and Husk’s are his bowtie and suspenders. Some evil green magic stuff happens and Alastor is able to restrain them or pull them closer with those things, but just a little idea. Overlords being able to find symbolic vulnerabilities and use those is really interesting to me.
Even though he’s definitely the most overdesigned character in this lineup, he’s definitely one of my favourites to look at! Maybe drawing Warrior Cats for 13 years payed off. 🕷️
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americanhoney913 · 4 months
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I'm obsessed with Hazbin Hotel and Pokemon, so I just had to give everyone teams! I didn't want to give anyone specific types but things to fit both their personality, growth, and just Pokemon I thought they'd have.
Explanations below:
Charlie's main Pokemon is her Umbreon, to represent KeeKee, and Dreepy to represent Razzle and Dazzle. Hisuian Typhlosion is said to purify spirits before leading them to the afterlife but can also unleash those spirits when they're enraged. Quaxly and Mime Jr. are just fun little nods to Charlie's love of dance and Mime Jr. can also learn the move Sing. I imagine them singing and dancing along with her.
Vaggie's main Pokemon is actually her Absol. I was going to make it her Iron Valiant, which I believe all Exorcists would have, but I wanted to do something different for her. I gave her Pokemon that have weapons and a moth to call back to her earlier designs. Her Espeon is a parallel to Charlie's Umbreon. Because they might be the reverse in personality, you still have Heaven (the sun) and Hell (moon).
Alastor was difficult to give Pokemon to since he's such an enigma. His main Pokemon would be a Rotom that inhabits his microphone. Skeledirge has a microphone and is a ghost type. I'd imagine the Skeledirge has is much more malicious than is typical of its species. Dedenne is another Pokemon that I'd link to radio waves while Froslass and Runerigus are "evil" Pokemon. Runerigus even has strange tentacles like Alastor does. Unfortunately, there are no evil deer Pokemon but Autumn Sawsbuck are the most aggressive of the four seasons.
Angel Dust was a fun one to create. Because he's such a complex character. My first thought was to give him waifu Pokemon from different regions but I didn't want to focus on that aspect of him. Or just give him all spider Pokemon. So I focused on the Pokemon he might surround himself with. His main Pokemon is, obviously, his shiny Lechonk to represent Fat Nuggets. His Ariados plays on the fact that he's a spider but is also a poison type Pokemon. Togepi and Sylveon are both fairy types and Pokemon linked to empathy and feelings. Morelull could be the closest nod to shrooms or other drugs since it's, you know, Pokemon. I gave him a Mawile because it's feminine Pokemon with a scary bite.
Oh, Niffty. The funniest idea would be to give her an all bug team. But that would be mean to the bugs. Her Scyther is her main Pokemon because it's a bug but also has sharp knife hands. So I gave her a Joltik as her one bug Pokemon as a connection to bugs and Alastor. Her Minccino is another Pokemon that evokes the part of Niffty that's the hotel's maid. Mimikyu is just a creepy Pokemon that hides behind a cute look. And I just threw in Tyranitar because Niffty would have an insanely strong Pokemon that's a little crazy.
Yeah, unlike the others, I did give Husk mostly cat Pokemon, but they all fit his personality or the idea behind his character. His main Pokemon is his Meowscarada because it's a magician, just like Husk. Meowth represents the more regal yet greedy Overlord he used to be. His Torracat has very similar colors to Husk with the black and red. His Litwick reminds me of the magical lights Husk put up and were lit with Charlie's magic and his Purrloin represents his deviousness regarding his Overlord days. His Rookiedee represents his wings and chivalry when it comes to some of the characters later in the show and his steel exterior.
Sir Pentious was obviously going to have some snakes on his team but I also wanted to give him some steel types and psychic for his high intelligence and love of engineering. His main Pokemon is his Steelix. It's snake-like but in-your-face snake. He has an Arbok but it's not his main Pokemon. He has Exeggucte to represent the Egg Boiz, but also kind of Togedemaru since it's friend-shaped but spikey. Metang and Golurk represent things that have been created/man-made, which is his thing.
Cherri Bomb was fun because most of her Pokemon know the move Explosion. Her main Pokemon is her Camerupt, which shares her personality. Her Golem and her Electrode are for the whole, you know, bomb thing Cherri's got going on. Her Cherubi and her Hattrem are the more feminine Pokemon on her team but her Hattrem likes to terrorize people just like she does. Her Magnemite has the single eye like she does and also explodes.
Lucifer was really fun because I was originally going to try to give him Pokemon to match the forms that he changes into during the fight with Adam but then rethought the plan. Obviously, he needs to have an Applin for the forbidden apple that will eventually become a Hydrapple. And a Ducklett because of his love for ducks. It was between Ducklett and Psyduck but I thought the cuteness of the small Ducklett just makes me think of Lucifer putting a top hat on it. Lucifer's main Pokemon is actually his Hisuian Zoroark, which is the Baneful Pokemon. I was going to have his main be his Seviper but him being tossed out of Heaven and retreating into isolation and shadows once Lilith left him just fit Hisuian Zoroark. Spiritomb has evil spirits inside it which I think matches Lucifer being in charge of the evils of the world. And Lucario is based of Anubis, who is the guide of the dead to the Underworld.
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animeshotsh · 8 days
Bullet Proof - Various x Overlord!GunDevil
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Notes: Reader has a human/demonic form and a full demon form (pic used). And has similar powers as the Gun Devil from Chainsaw Man, im leaving a link here if you want to read them in detail. Carefull with spoilers!!
Warnings: violence - mentions of flesh eating - Does not connect with other chainsaw man!reader pieces - Platonic and romantic - Grammar mistakes -
On November 18, Hell was shaked up when a portal opened up in the red sky. Demons feared it was another execution but the dates was still away.
What came from that portal was...a figure born from nightmares. With a furious roar a new sinner had came, lucing their back and arms with gun parts. They head was a gun and they chest was full of sckelletons.
Soon the figure started shooting, hitting some and missing others. Sinners ran, screamed and even cried.
The bullets flew in all direction, the new sinner moving fast, like they only wanted to end the circle.
Then a figure that never came out from his big castle was out in the sky, Lucifer wont ever confess how he struggle to finally make you faint, or how him found so....cute? Pretty? It felt like a fallen angel like himself had fallen. His heart beated up so fast he almost forgots to take you back to his castle for questions.
After you got a well nap and woke up in a big bed in a castle you were not suprised or scared, you had been in worse places thanks to your work and evil contract.
Speaking of it...you never guessed you would end being the gun devil in hell, your guess was that after consuming so much flesh from the demon and then dying and ending in its original home then you two became one.
Suddendly the door of the room you were staying opened revealing a small figure dress in all white with a hat and a cane. He eyed you then gave a polite smile.
"Hello Sinner, Im Lucifer Morningstar, yes the devil and yes you died, now i must ask you some questions for your safety"
Well, what a fine way to meet the devil.
Lucifer had only read stories of a monster like the Gun Devil. He never once saw it or felt it in hell till a few days ago. Its energy was different. But its way to be was the same, a being without brain that just fired at everything. He did not want to deal with it. However once he saw its human form...he was confused, the old records never mentioned of another form like this one. Much less a form that resembles a human.
He was agitated by it and wondered just what were humans doing with demons to end like that.
After having a small talk with you he discovered quiet the disturning things, no only how demons would accept back not only souls but human flesh, emotions and more, but also how a human would go for power.
Like you, who had consumed lots of the flesh of the original Devil itself to end being a danger to humans who killed you.
Understable, they were scared and you angry. But Lucifer could not really feel much symphaty for you. Still, he knew for hell it was important to keep such a powerfull being alive in order to keep balance.
And so he made you promise him that you would live and not reveal what devil you were.
For years the secret was down, you were know as only a powerfull sinner who quick became an Overlord, not that you were too interested on it. You just wanted to be able to go back to earth to end humanity or at least end with the lives of these who betray you.
Carmilla was the first one who became interested in you. Seeing how you during one exterminion took down two angels using some bullets that appear from your fingers. You were even able to injure the wing of one angel that was leaving, almost passing the portal to heaven.
Of course she got curious and wanted to know you and maybe do some bussines with you.
You were reclutant at first, but both became charmed by the other one and soon became partners in crime.
She was the one who introduced you to Zestial. The tall spider Demon did not think much of you till he saw you in action taking down multiple sinner and demons alike. From close to far distance.
Alastor was quick to figure out who you truly were, the change in the air after you appear for the first time was enough to let him know.
He did admit to himself he was jealous you were still so strong, even if know you had a human part you suprassed him by a lot.
He may try to get on your good side and trick you to have a deal. If rumors of you looking for a way to go back to earth were true then he just needed to press that desesperation.
Oh! Charlie loved you!! Being honest she was warned from her father years back about you, she had read the previous information of you and was so interested!! If she could make the Gun Devil redeem then sinner and heaven would give her a chance, right?
Well all her hope crash down when you politely declined her offer but told her that if she needed help you would do it if she got you a way back to earth.
The V's wanted to get their claws on you as fast as they could. You would be such a good weapon! Vox had his second thoughts about being able to hypnotize you....knowing your streght, but negotiations were still open.
Till Valentino made a comment that caused you to shoot him on his shoulder ending the meeting and you leaving with a proud smirk.
Characters who are romantic interest:
Carmilla: she finds your personality to be one to fall for. Your ferocity is cruel but your soft side is likeable to her. She loves how you treat her daugthers.
Zestial: Its a crush but is there! Not lots of sinner gets his attention but he so interested in you.
Lucifer: May not trust you but years seeing you from afar (totally not stalking) madr him have a crush. He also likes how you never really revealed yourself to others but it was the others who figured it out. Maybe one day he will invite you over for tea and to try and talk you out of your plans on kelling so many humans. Maybe wait till they are in hell to make your revenge.
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