bearbumpersticker · 2 years
HOLY SHIT does anyome have the completed link/epub/pdf download for greensleeves by ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12...i swear when i read it it was completed but good lord wayback machine isnt helping and by jove my thread is SO THIN rn i need smth to pull me thru bro
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When you don't share popular opinion for fandom things and even though you write fanfiction and enjoy it... It doesn't take over every moment of your life? I do other things???
Apparently that's unacceptable 🙄 not writing every damn day or drawing or having head canons or liking books by certain authors or whatever. Ever heard of "death of the author?" Allowing writers and authors, actors and artists to be separated from their work, not be harassed about your stupid head canons and theories. A job is at the end of the day a job, they don't need to completely love it like you do. It's fine if they don't! It's fine if they do! Just stop!
This is why I stopped participating in community events beyond Tumblr - for Star Wars, for ATLA, especially for smaller ships like Obitine and Sukka. I hate the fucking gatekeeping.
I can't call myself a casual fan, but in comparison to some of these people I am.
I know I have unpopular opinions. I limit what I write because I know what the damn star wars fandom is like.
I know how easy it is to be run out of the platform. Remember LilyWanKenobi? EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeBoy12? and countless others that have been run off these platforms and ostracized, forced to delete their works because of entitled a-holes! Just because I might not agree with someone's opinion, fandom or otherwise, does not mean they deserve to be bullied! To have their voices shut down!
So just shut the fuck up and realize that some of us just want to participate in fandom as a hobby! I'm only more involved in fandom recently because of my arm injury, but sometimes I wish I wasn't. God damnit, it's so frustrating.
Whatever. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion. Maybe I'm just salty. Maybe just comment on a fic and reblog sometimes instead of picking things a part like vultures.
Anyways... 😪
- Diggy
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abiwon · 2 years
If emimh12 is reading this please know that I loved your works and I hope you're ok
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mformarsala · 2 years
on june 2nd there was a post on reddit in r FanFiction called Deleted Star Wars Fic asking for anything by that author
in the comments someone linked a download of Greensleeves with 24 chapters, not sure if that's all of them but better than none
hope that helps
Thank you, Anon, ily <3
Here is the link to the reddit post
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I feel like I missed something huge…… did @EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12 leave? Are they ok? Greesleeves was one of my favorite docs of all time and I can’t even find that author anymore…. Are they hurting? What even happened?! I was a huge fan of theirs…..
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cafffine · 3 years
Hi! This is EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12, and I just wanted to say that I really love your stories! I still think abouts it's raining dear frequently and how beautiful that story was and saltcoats is of course amazing. Thank you for sharing your work!!!
Sorry for anon-ing, I can't send directs from this account
Ah thank you so much!! This is really sweet so here's a short scene I had cut from It's Raining, Dear pulled from the drafts just for you 😬❤️
Luke stepped into the batter’s box, brows drawn in, cleats untied, and lifted his bat high before hammering it down onto homeplate, sending a dust cloud billowing out around him.
“Cody.” Obi-Wan gestured excitedly from his folding chair. “He’s up, get a picture.”
Cody lifted his phone and zoomed in. “I have literally had my camera ready this entire time you don’t have to-”
“Well how was I supposed to know that?”
“Baby. Why else would I be holding my phone up?”
Obi-Wan tipped his head down and scowled over the top of his sunglasses. “Why are you being short with me? I haven’t done anything.”
Cody snapped a few shots while Luke swung and missed at the first pitch. “I’m not being short I’m – Good job, Luke! Keep your eye on the ball! – I’m just a little tired of you asking me every two minutes to take a picture when you also have your phone out.”
“Oh, well I’m sorry that I’m forcing you to support your lovely nephew, I can’t imagine how hard it must be.”
Luke watched a pitch in the dirt go by and the count evened to 1-1.
“Good eye, kid!” Cody flashed a thumbs up before turning back to Obi-Wan and dropping his voice. “Are you really bitching at me right now?”
“Well if you’re going to bitch at me-”
“Oh my God,” Cody groaned.
Luke knocked the next pitch fowl and slumped his shoulders.
“It’s alright!” Obi-Wan sat up and applauded him. “That was good contact, just straighten it out this time!” He reached over and tapped Cody’s shoulder. “Make sure you get a picture; this might be his last pitch.”
Cody raised his phone higher. “If you ask me that one more fucking time-”
“Then what?” Obi-Wan snapped. “What are you going to do? Leave?”
“I might.”
“In front of Luke?”
Cody shook his head, getting a few more pictures of Luke’s batting stance. They looked great; the sun was reflecting off his helmet just beautifully. “No I mean I’m leaving you, I hope you like sleeping on the couch.”
Obi-Wan sipped his beer, unaffected by the threat. “Darling, you are welcome to sleep on the couch if that’s what you want, but you’re not making me do anything.”
“Watch me.”
Luke swung and cracked the ragged baseball hard down the third base line.
Cody jumped to his feet. “There we go!”
Luke froze.
“Luke, run!” Obi-Wan pointed both hands to first base. “Run!”
“Run!” Cody shouted.
Luke whipped around and tripped on his laces, drawing a curse out of Obi-Wan that was loud enough to start the nearest group of little-league parents muttering and pointing.
“Get up!” Cody could still see the baseball, resting peacefully in the grass while the confused left fielder ambled towards it. “You still got time!”
Luke pushed himself up, dazed and coated in dust.
Obi-Wan raked a hand through his hair. “Oh for – run!”
He tripped twice more, and it took about two years, but Luke did eventually sit down on first base, grinning wildly and stopping to wave at the crowd. “Uncle Ben! I hit a single!”
“I saw!” Obi-Wan covered his face, trying his hardest not to laugh. “Very impressive.”
Cody sank back down into his chair, heart still pounding. “What do you think, Obi? Next stop the major leagues?”
Obi-Wan swatted his head. “Don’t be mean, he’s trying.”
“Sit down,” Cody chuckled. “Do you want to see the pictures I got? There’s some really nice ones in here.”
“Yes I do.” Obi-Wan leaned down and kissed his head. “Am I still sleeping on the couch?”
Cody looked up, squinting at the sun until Obi-Wan gave him a proper kiss on the mouth. “No,” he decided. “But you’re not getting any help with the dishes tonight.”
“Such a cruel man,” Obi-Wan muttered. “I married a monster.”
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new-anon · 3 years
EMIMH12, here
Just wanted to say your patreon is an amazing place to be ✌ my name is different on there because I'm an idiot, but your art is so beautiful! Thank you for shsring it with us 🥰
OMG THANK YOU!!!! I admire you so much, you are amazing 😭😭💓💗!!! Thank you for your support, always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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EMIMH12, here
Pisces and Gemini for the asks!
Hey EMIMH12! Thank you for the asks!!
pisces: how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
Most of the time it's very much a flow. I am very much a by-the-seat-of-my-pants writer. Once I have the scene written I always always always go back over it at least once. It's helped me a lot in my writing to think of the first draft as telling myself the story, and any edits after are so I can tell the story to readers better.
gemini: how often will your plot change throughout the course of writing?
If it's a one-shot sized fic or snippet, I usually stick with my initial thoughts on it. But if it's any longer, the plot is liable to change at least three times. If not more. But I like the process!
zodiac writing ask prompts
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EMIMH12, heere
For the asks: 14, 20, 24, 16!
14: What's your most 'underrated' work?
Uh, I don't really think I have one that's underrated. They're all the same so....yeah lol they all read the same to me
16: A fic you're very proud of?
Uhh great question ha. Can I say two fics? I'm going to anyway lol.
For sure Melt Your Headaches, Call It Home because it was one I just sort of...went for. After reading Wild Space and seeing that there were a few fics about the aftermath/repercussions of the story, i wanted to write something for it as well. I never expected people to like it. I'm very proud of it because it has helped me in my writing journey.
The other one would have to be So Will I because it was the first really self-indulgent fic that I had written and I was really proud of how it came out. It was just this nice fluffy little thing that I needed to read and knew the only way that would happen was if I wrote it myself. The fact that it gained some attention was surprising to me. I'm very proud of my baby.
(honorable mention because I'm proud of it, but nobody likes it: I Am Just A New Invention. Honorable mention because I'm sad I forgot to mention it above: Interviews
20: Do you write in your native language?
Sure do!
24: How many unfinished works are in your drafts?
Uhhhhh I've got to say there's about 4. I honestly don't know lol
Thank you for the ask!!!!
From this ask game
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Ironstrange  fic recs
On A03
You, Me, Coffee, and Tea3
An alternate meeting and relationship building for Tony and Stephen
Ironstrange and Supremefamily Stories (series )
Heating Pads and Healing Words
Roast Beef and Lemonade       
The Soundtrack of this Lifetime
Lovely characterizations and moments in their relationship, Domestic and quiet. Tony Stephen and Peter as a sort of family in progress. Bonus: Follows one of my fave ideas that The sorcerers who defend the earth are broke and not allowed to use their powers for personal things like groceries and a new fridge
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umami-ty · 2 years
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my gift for @pyro-the-dragon in the springtime server exchange, organized by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 ! feat. cody & obi-wan at the beginning of the war, establishing some things about priorities.
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thegreencarousel · 2 years
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Hehe something for @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12​′s lovely Greensleeves with some spicy outtakes for when the boys finally get together XD
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mcgregor · 3 years
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Obi-Wan Kenobi + Whump
Inspired by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 ObiWhump Exchange.
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shukruut · 3 years
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*drumroll* it issss collab time!! between @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 and I!
This piece goes with this awesome fic that you should totally read
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cillyscribbles · 2 years
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well well well look who can finally (remember to) post the first thing i ever made for @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12′s greensleeves lmao... the turret stairs got me feeling.... some type of way
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