#luke plays baseball truthing
billthedrake · 7 months
I was cooling down from my run, and I was paying more attention to the traffic light to cross. I almost didn't see them.
But the man saw me, a look of embarrassment sweeping his face before the familiar friendly tone won out.
"Luke?" he said.
"Mr. Keenan," I replied automatically, as if the recognition was coming out of my mouth before it hit my brain. Mr. Keenan was my buddy Rich's dad, a successful corporate lawyer or something. I know Rich had issues with his father, made even worse by his parent's divorce, but Mr. K was always beyond nice to me. And truth be told, I always found him incredibly attractive. Tall, handsome, salt and pepper coming in on the temples, kind of like a TV dad. Even now he was in a nice-cut navy suit, dress shirt and no tie.
His blue eyes were taking me in. It had been over three years since I'd last seen the man, since high school graduation, and I'm sure I looked different now. "I almost forgot you went to school here," he said. "Georgetown?" he prompted.
"Yes, sir. They haven't kicked me out yet," I smiled in my self-deprecating way.
It was then that I noticed the woman standing next to him. She couldn't have been any older than me. She was pretty, real pretty, with that sorority girl look. Straight blond hair and big tits for a girl with her trim frame. At least they showed off well in that spaghetti strap cocktail dress she had on. Her high heels didn't get her close to Mr. K's 6'3" height but they added a couple of inches.
I now had a pretty good idea why Rich's parents got divorced.
The man's date was good at hiding her annoyance at my presence but not good enough that I couldn't see that she wanted to get on to where they were going. Part of me couldn't blame her. It was fall, the evening was cool, and she was underdressed for it.
Mike Keenan realized where I was looking and that embarrassed look came back on his face. "Luke, this is Kimberly..." he turned to his girlfriend or date or whatever. "Luke's from back home," he explained. Almost with an emphasis of meaning.
Turning back to me. "We should go, buddy... but it's great running into you, Luke."
"You, too, Mr. Keenan," I said. It was only then that I was self conscious about standing on a busy Georgetown sidewalk in my sweat-drenched running clothes, the cool getting to me now that the exercise was wearing off.
He flashed his trademark smile, like he always did when I came over. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, deftly extracting a business card. "I'm in DC a few nights a week these days. Reach out and we'll catch up, OK?"
"Sure thing, Mr. K," I said, taking the card in my fingers.
Then I watched as my friend's dad and his college-aged girlfriend went walking on to their date spot.
"I was gonna ask if you can keep things under wraps about Kimberly," Mr. Keenan said as we waited for our burger at a nice but not overly fancy bistro that DC seemed to have a ton of. I'd met Mr. K closer to his hotel, just two nights after running into him.
"Oh yeah, sure," I said. If the man had asked me to give an alibi to the police for something I probably would have. I mean, Mike Keenan always was great to me, encouraging me in my baseball playing and even helping me out with college admissions stuff, since my folks were more blue collar. His dating life was really none of my business, but I felt like it was conversation worthy. "How long have you two been dating?"
He squirmed in his seat and sighed. "A while... not too long..." he said then gave me a long hard look. "Listen, Luke, you can keep this between us, right?"
The blue eyes and handsome jawline and perfect teeth were gonna make me crush out a little on the man, like I did back in high school. "Absolutely," I replied. Earnest as hell.
He smiled. He could read my sincerity, and I think it amused him. He leaned back and had a soft leer on his face, a side of him I'd never seen. "She's not my girlfriend," he explained. "I met her on one of those sugar daddy sites."
I may have been a dumb jock, but I figured out what he meant pretty quick. "You mean she's a hooker?" I asked. I had to laugh, and Mr. K laughed back.
"No, well, not exactly," he replied. "But there's a little of that, even if we both pretend that's not what's going on." His eyes searched out mine, and I knew he was trying to read if I was freaked out or judgmental. I wasn't, just surprised.
I tried to pass off my shock with a joke. "She expensive?" I said.
He grinned, with a I-can't-believe-you-asked-that look. But he replied anyway. "Very. But I can afford it."
Something about his tone and lecherous nature got me hard. Not chubbed, but full on erect in my jeans.
The man mistook my horniness for a different reaction. "Sorry Luke," he said. "I shouldn't have said that... only you asked."
"No, it's good," I assured him. "Just didn't expect it, is all."
"Fair," he said. He sighed again. "Seriously, Luke, not a fucking word to Rich. Or anyone. I mean it."
"I won't, Mr. K, promise," I assured him. He probably didn't want to talk about it anymore, but I was very curious. "So... how's it work exactly?"
"How's what work?"
"The sugar daddy thing."
He seemed more businesslike. Maybe he enjoyed being able to confide, or maybe he just was humoring me. "I pay for Kimberly's apartment and of course for dates," he explained. "There are gifts, too, but she doesn't make me jump through hoops like some of the others."
I was letting it sink in that this one wasn't Mr. K's first. I knew the guy was loaded, but that kind of money was wild to me.
"Damn, I should get a sugar daddy," I joked.
Without missing a beat, Mr. Keenan shrugged his shoulders and said, "You could. If that's what you wanted."
I blushed. I was still pretty closeted though Rich Keenan knew. Maybe Mike Keenan knew too.
The man seemed to enjoy catching me off guard. "A colleague of mine goes for high-class call boys, but I've been trying to convince him to go for something more legit." This was definitely a new side to Mike Keenan than I'd seen.
He paused. "Sorry, Luke. I'm not really suggesting... You know that, right?" The old Mr. K was back.
"Yeah, Mr. Keenan," I said. I wasn't totally naive, but this evening had already made me feel more green than I wanted.
He held up his empty rocks glass in a gesture for the bartender to bring another. He then turned to me. "You have any special men in your life?"
So Mr. K did know.
I shook my head. "I've hit the apps some," I said with candor. "But no one special."
He patted me on my shoulder, like he used to back when I'd come over to visit Rich. Like a buddy or a dad. "Well, you've grown into a fine young man, Luke Bowman. I'm sure that someone special will come soon... maybe when you're not expecting it."
OK, I was more than a little crushed out.
Something about seeing Mr. Keenan was a spark in my life that I needed. I'd spent too much of my college years scared. Scared of getting out there, of meeting men. I liked men who were older. Coach types, though that was out of bounds and not realistic. But I changed the age range on my app profile and decided I was going to be open to engaging with men who turned me on there.
It was hit or miss. I heard from some real obnoxious guys. I went on some dates with a really fucking hot doctor who was great sex but then basically ghosted me. I had a couple of hookups that were good for what they were.
I wasn't being a man-whore exactly, but I enjoyed making up for lost time a little.
Strangely Mr. K became my confidante. I don't know why I thought the man would be homophobic, hell maybe deep down he was, but we each shared a secret with the other. And once he was back in DC for business that spring, I met him every other Wednesday for burgers and beer, depending on my game schedule. I got the increasing feeling that he valued his time with me, since he and Rich didn't get along well these days. The man carried a lot of guilt for his broken marriage, but he'd be the first to admit that he'd probably do the same thing all over again.
"Buddy, college girls are the best," he leered one Spring night as we finished our meal. Mr. K let his hair down a LOT with me these days. "I know they don't do anything for ya, Luke, but Jesus, fuck..."
I laughed. I knew Mike Keenan was a grade-A horndog and probably not a good man in that way, but I enjoyed seeing his naughty side.
"You ever think about dating one for real, Mr. K?" I asked. For most of our meetings, it had been mostly my buddy's dad asking me about my life, but it was just now getting to the point where I felt like I could ask personal questions like this.
He shook his head. "It wouldn't work. Besides, I wouldn't do that to Rich." It was a strangely profound admission.
I gulped. Yeah, I could see it from my buddy's perspective, having a stepmother his age, or younger even.
"That's cool, Mr. Keenan. But you gotta live your life, too," I said.
That caught the man off guard. He looked at me then smiled. He reached over and ruffled my hair. "You really think that, dont ya?" he asked.
I nodded, embarrassed.
He grinned. "Don't worry, kiddo. I'm enjoying my middle age years. A little too much."
"With Kimberly?" I prompted. He hadn't mentioned her in a while.
"I called off that arrangement," he said bluntly. "She wanted more."
"A ring?" I laughed. I didn't get straight people, not really, but at the same time they were my entire world.
That leer returned to the man. "No. More money. I'm taking a break for now."
"How long will that last?" I teased.
"Dunno. A month. Maybe two. Till I get horny again."
"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have to wait that long to get laid, Mr. K."
It was meant as a playful comment, at least in my head. But the second it came out I realized I'd said too much. That Mr. Keenan could read everything in my face, everything I'd kept hidden. How attracted I was to him, how crushed out I was on him, how jealous I was of Kimberly or whatever sorority chick he was banging.
The look on the man's face could now see it all.
Tears welled up in my eyes and I started getting a panic attack. I stood up from the bar stool. "I should go," I said.
A hand reached out and gripped my forearm. Mr. K's grip was surprisingly strong. "Luke. It's OK."
Somehow, his understanding made it worse. I shook my head and broke free. "Sorry," I muttered. Then made a beeline for the door.
I felt dumb and intensely vulnerable as I walked to the bus stop. I'd messed up this friendship thing I had with Mike Keenan, but maybe it was fucked up that I was hanging out with my friend's dad like this in the first place. No maybe about it: it was majorly fucked up.
I was a block away from the stop when I got a text.
"Can I convince you to come back, Luke?" the man wrote. "I get it buddy."
I knew the smart thing would be to keep walking. To send a polite no thanks reply. Or just ignore the text. Instead I typed. "Yes Mr. K." And I walked back to the restaurant.
Mike Keenan was standing outside, looking handsome as fuck in his expensive suit. He had a worried look on his face, and I knew immediately he'd dashed out after me but didn't know which way I went.
His face brightened when he saw me. "We don't have to stay here," he said. "I settled up."
"Oh," I said. "Sorry..." I started to apologize, but he stopped me.
"You were honest," he said directly, blunt but still friendly. "Besides, what man doesn't like to hear he's attractive?"
I gave a wan smile and hunched my shoulders in a shrug. "A lot of straight men, I imagine."
I couldn't tell if Mike Keenan was just humoring me. He had a look of sympathy on his face for sure as he reached out and patted my arm. "How bout this? No labels between us, Luke?"
I didn't get what he was saying exactly, but I knew it was meant to reassure me. I nodded.
"Feel like coming to my hotel?" he asked. "We can just talk."
"Yeah." I was feeling a ton of emotions coursing through me. But I wanted more Mr. K time. "Sounds nice."
That seemed to relax him and put him in a good mood as we walked the few blocks to the nice, business-class residence hotel where he was staying. I couldn't help but sneak looks over his way. He just looked incredible in his suit, not a trim cut one like younger guys sometimes wore but it still flattered his build and height. In my mind, the suit made him look like one of those DC power players and in some messed up way that turned me on.
We weren't too chatty as he led me up to his room. It was fancy to my eyes but had that empty aura that hotel rooms do, even if Mr. K's luggage and belongings were around.
I was looking around the place when the man stepped up right behind me and wrapped his arms around my midsection. I smelled his cologne and felt his kisses along my neck. I guess we were going to do more than just talk.
"Oh, God, Mr. K," I hissed. This probably a record time for how fast I could throw hard. That boner was nearly instant.
"You can call me Mike," he said.
"OK," I said dumbly.
His hands traveled up and down my T-shirt. I was primed to be turned on by this man, but he was going to put me in heat.
"You OK with this, buddy?"
"You have no idea, Mist.. Mike" I replied.
My slip up got a chuckle from him. His fingers slipped beneath the hem of my shirt and the touch of his hand against my belly felt electric. "You have an amazing body, Luke."
"You too, sir," I replied.
He kissed some more along my neck and his voice got deeper, hoarser. "Do you suck cock, Luke Bowman?"
The grunt from the man was an indication I'd said the right thing. "I don't know that I'm good for all the other stuff," he said, "but I'd REALLY love to feel your mouth on me, buddy."
I knew what he meant. The man wasn't going to reciprocate, and I'd have to be fine with that. I was. "I don't need anything in return, Mike," I said. "I want to suck you."
He had that huge horndog grin on his face when I finally turned to face him. We were matched in height but he felt like my opposite in so many ways. Older, successful in his career, straight, though I was getting the fuller meaning of his "no labels" comment.
Especially as his face inched in and his lips met mine. I was kissing Rich Keenan's dad and the forbidden nature of that just added to my thrill. I took a second to feel up his sides, under the suit coat. Mr. K didn't object, he just went deeper with the kiss. Mike Keenan was a great kisser.
"You're a very handsome young man," Mr. K finally said as he pulled back.
"God, Mike," I grunted. This was every JO fantasy I'd had coming to life.
With that naughty look on his face, he reached down and started unzipping. I didn't even look down, not yet, but I could tell from his shoulder motion that he was hauling out his cock.
"Please, buddy," he hissed.
"Here?" I asked dumbly. In my hookups before BJs had been naked and on a bed.
"Here," he growled. This was that other side of Mr. K, the kind who hired sugar babies to get his needs taken care of.
I squatted down. I was a catcher for the Hoyas baseball team, so at least I had this motion down, I thought to myself.
Mike Keenan's cock was gorgeous. Big and meaty and cut but not overly long. It jerked and pulsed as he looked down on me.
"You done this before, right?" he asked. That concerned paternal voice coming out.
I nodded. "Some," I replied. "I wish I had more practice." Then with an honesty I probably shouldn't have had, I added, "I want this to be good for you, Mike."
He chucked and moved his hand to run through my hair. It was strangely affectionate. "You'll do great, buddy."
That was all the encouragement I needed. Leaning in, I could smell the mild, natural musk of a man's crotch, which was matched by Mr. K's saltiness as I began licking him. I gripped the base of his prick to steady it for my sucking, but I maybe didn't even need to do that. Mike was rock hard.
"Yes..." he hissed as I went down on him. I was still pretty green at sucking cock, but I was probably better than Kimberly or whatever sugar baby he'd lined up in the past. Or even the former Mrs. Keenan, I thought crudely.
That knowledge had me going for it. I swallowed four inches of the man in one go, held just a second to let my throat get used to it. Then I started going up and down. It took a second for me to get my rhythm and another for me to get the suction. But I knew I did by the urgency of the man's fingers in my hair, not exactly pushing me down on his crotch but aiding and guiding me in my bobbing motion. He was probably thinking of some chick while I blew him, but I was OK with that.
Only his next words broke me of that idea. "Luke, buddy... you're getting me there," he hissed. Mr. K was very present in this blowjob. I paused a second and looked up at him, and could see he was looking down at me.
I wanted to get him off. So I looked back forward and went for it. The best I could deliver. I hoped it was enough.
The fingers grew tighter. "Gonna cum... Don't pull off," Mike growled. "Please."
At that moment I felt bad for straight men. Even if I should have felt bad that Mr. K wasn't gonna suck me. I just felt any woman was stupid not to want to swallow Mike Keenan's cum.
"UNNFH!" came the sound of his release as he flooded my mouth and throat with his salty-sweet cum. Maybe Mike was backed up, but he was a heavy shooter all right. I accepted it all, swallowing it in waves as quickly as he fed it to me. I think my sucking sensation only added to his orgasm. He finally pulled out, prick wet and still hard.
"God fucking damn, buddy, that was great," he said with a satisfied smile. Then as he caught his breath and I stood up, he added, "Can I jerk you off or anything?"
That sounded great. "You got any lube?"
He nodded and walked over to the bathroom to root around his toiletries bag. He stepped back in, his prick softer but still sticking out. With a grin, he tossed me travel container of lube. "Don't be shy," he said.
I was already undoing my shorts, which fell to the floor. Then I peeled down my underwear, letting Mike see my hardon. It was a trip for me, being mostly naked in front of him. Maybe he wasn't gonna be fully gay for me, but he was open to seeing my dick as I squirted the liquid on my stalk and start stroking.
With a grin he stepped up to me, a little to the side, placing his hand on my belly and working up beneath my shirt as he met me for a kiss.
That's all it took. I didn't come instantly but instantly I began that climb to orgasm. Mr. Keenan's kiss and touch was the extra stimulation to get me there.
I moaned into his mouth as I shot my cum, shooting out onto the hotel carpet.
He broke the kiss when I was done and patted my chest. "You needed that, buddy," he said with satisfaction.
"I did," I nodded. "Thanks."
Things felt a little awkward now. I'd crossed some major lines with this guy that evening, and now that I'd gotten off I felt majorly self conscious about it.
"You OK, Luke?" he asked as we tucked back in.
"I'm OK, Mr. Keenan."
"You can NEVER tell Rich about what just happened," he said.
"You know I'm gonna keep everything private," I said. "You can trust me."
He nodded. "Why don't you get cleaned up. Feel like a drink? I have some scotch here or you can raid the mini bar."
I nodded. "I don't know anything about scotch, but you can teach me."
He chuckled. "All right."
It felt nice to just talk. Mr. K let me open up, about men and being gay and what I really wanted from dating and sex. The man talked about his very limited experience with guys when he was a teen.
"I should have figured men would be better at giving head," he said with a playful leer. "That was incredible, Luke. For real."
"I'm glad," I said. Maybe this wasn't a healthy hookup, but it had felt incredibly satisfying for me, a dream come true.
"You're going to make some dude VERY happy," he said with a smile.
"I hope so," I said with a defensive chuckle. "I hope he makes me happy too."
Mr. Keenan got what I meant. "Yeah, you deserve that," he said a little chastised. He polished off the last of his liquor in the rocks glass. "Listen, it's been a long day."
"Yeah, I'll head off," I said, drinking the rest of my scotch and standing up.
Mr. K pulled his walled out and fished out a couple of twenties. "Here you go... you're not taking the bus back. Especially at this hour."
I tried not to take it. "It's Ok, Mike," I said.
He shook his head. "Just get a fucking Uber, Luke. I insist."
"OK," I said, capitulating. The man could be bossy, and I didn't know whether I liked that or not.
He was quieter now, as he led me to the door but he said before I stepped out. "I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight, buddy. Thanks."
"You too, sir."
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“ but you're here. so stay. “ + “ you know me better than anyone. you always have. “
I could have given you about a hundred more of these because they're so good and the ✨ vibes ✨ but let's go with these two. 🥰
A million years later I am here to (hopefully) deliver the ✨ vibes ✨ 😂
I love these two prompts paired together because there are so many directions one could take them. In the end, I settled for playing around with the idea of Julie and her "boundaries," and came up with a fluffy little missing scene that I envision taking place after The Orpheum. Hope you like it, friend! 💕
A Breach of Boundaries
Pairing: Luke/Julie | Word Count: 1,273 | Rating: G
SUMMARY: “I don’t remember saying I wanted you to leave,” Julie says after a moment.
“I thought it was implied,” Luke replies. “Julie rule number one: ‘boundaries.’ Julie rule number two: ‘stay out of my room.’”
“And here I was thinking you were all about smashing the rules,” she teases.
“I was— I am. But those rules are important to you…and you’re important to me.”
Fic under the cut OR read it on AO3!
Julie knows she should be sleeping. Her bones are practically aching for some much needed rest after one of the longest days she’s ever experienced, and she knows she’ll hate herself a little in the morning if she doesn’t go to bed soon. 
The adrenaline of knowing she’d somehow managed to save Luke, Alex, and Reggie had been enough to carry her through the long talk she’d promised to have with Carlos after they’d gotten back from The Orpheum. But that sudden burst of energy had run out about halfway through her little brother’s list of burning questions about the guys and their ghost status. She’d cut Carlos’ interrogation short after that, and while he’d seemed disappointed, his mood had instantly lifted when Julie had not only promised to answer more questions later, but had also promised she’d come and watch him play at his baseball tournament tomorrow.
Carlos had been all too willing to let her retreat to her own bedroom after that. But neither her current exhaustion nor the promise of an early day ahead seem to be enough to lull her to sleep. Not when what Julie really wants to do is to sneak past her dad in the living room and head back down to the studio so she can spend some more time with her newly solid bandmates. Even as she thinks it, she recognizes the thought for the lie it is. Because the truth of the matter is, there’s really only one person she’d been hoping to spend more time with tonight, and he might just be the reason she risks sneaking back out against her better judgement.
It’s Luke who ends up taking the decision to stay or go right out of her hands when he materializes in her bedroom. Julie doesn’t startle like she normally does whenever he poofs in unannounced— too wonderstruck this time over the way Luke had simply appeared in front of her like she’d willed him there herself.
“Boundaries, I know,” Luke says, getting ahead of her. “I just…”
He sighs, trailing off as though searching for the right words. It doesn’t really matter though because Julie doesn’t need him to elaborate. She already knows. Knows because she knows Luke better than anyone. And also because she needs it too. Had needed him near even before he’d poofed up into her bedroom. Because the feeble few moments they’d spent with their hands exploring the features their eyes had long since memorized just hadn’t felt like enough. 
There was also a small voice in the back of her head that she’d been trying to ignore ever since she’d left the safe and happy bubble of the studio. A voice that had quietly wondered if she’d still be able to feel him in the morning. Or if the magic of whatever had happened after The Orpheum would have worn off by then. It’s a bleak thought to say the least, and being forced to go back to the way things were at this point seems like it would be the cruelest twist of fate. Especially now that Julie knows what it’s like to really feel him. Now that she knows what it’s like for Luke to really feel her. 
The idea of never being able to touch him again is almost too much to bear, so she forces herself to push it aside in an effort to make the most of what she knows to be true in that moment. And what she knows to be true then and there is that they can touch each other now.
“You’re right,” she murmurs. “This…definitely counts as a breach of boundaries…”
Luke’s quick to nod in agreement, the corners of his mouth turned down into a solemn expression of understanding. There’s more Julie wants to say but she doesn’t get the chance. 
“Do you want me to leave?” 
He whispers it when he says it, and despite the fact that Luke doesn’t move from his spot on the floor, Julie knows he would disappear without protest if she asked him to. Fearing he might even poof out before she gives him an answer altogether, she takes a step toward him, and then another until she’s close enough to reach out and touch him. 
She lets out a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding when the pads of her fingers make contact with the back of his hand, the corners of her mouth quirking up into an involuntary smile when Luke instantly flips his hand over so he can slide his palm agains hers. 
Julie’s expecting it this time. For Luke to be solid. But she still marvels over the sight of her skin pressed against his. But that’s nothing in comparison to the way Luke effortlessly slips his fingers between hers, stitching them together like the spaces between her own were made just for him. It’s a perfect fit. Just like she always knew it would be. Just like they’re a perfect fit for each other in every single way that matters. But Julie hardly gets a moment to revel in the reality of that before Luke slowly brings their joint hands up just so he can brush a kiss across her knuckles. 
The barely there feel of his lips is so achingly sweet, Julie’s knees nearly buckle and give out from under her. 
“I mean it Julie,” he says, his breath fanning over the same stretch of skin his lips had just touched. “If you want me to go, I will.”
Distantly, she wonders if Luke can hear her heart beating wildly away beneath her ribs. The thought of the traitorous organ betraying the truth of what she feels for him might have caused her embarrassment once. But now? After knowing what it’s like to nearly lose him forever? It’s hard to remember why she ever felt the need to keep that secret at all.
“I don’t remember saying I wanted you to leave,” she says after a moment.
“I thought it was implied,” Luke replies. “Julie rule number one: ‘boundaries.’ Julie rule number two: ‘stay out of my room.’”
“And here I was thinking you were all about smashing the rules,” she teases.
“I was— I am. But those rules are important to you,” he continues. “And you’re important to me.”
It’s not anything she didn’t already know deep down, but hearing Luke say it steals the air straight out of her lungs all the same. It takes Julie a minute to find her voice again after that, but she makes good use of filling up the silence. Carefully, she reaches her free hand up to cup his cheek, reveling in the way Luke’s eyes flutter shut as he leans into her touch.
“They are,” she agrees. “But so are you. And you’re you’re here. So stay.”
Julie doesn’t say forever like she wants to, but it’s implied in the way her voice cracks on the final word. And in an effort to ensure there’s no more room for inaccurate implications, she rises up onto her toes and presses her lips to his. 
She draws back nearly as quick as she’d swooped in so she can gauge Luke’s reaction, but he doesn’t let her get far. Instead, he simply loops the hand in his grasp over one shoulder before wrapping both arms around her in an effort to draw her closer. His eyes hold her own steady gaze as he grins adoringly down at her.
“Okay,” he breathes out.
And then, there’s nothing left for Luke to do but lower his lips back down to hers and return the favor.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
32 - Give Him A Chance
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Part 33
Texas Romance
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
Laying in my bed at Connie's house I couldn't really go to sleep for the life. Because my head was spinning telling me that I didn't feel anything for Missy's brother but then I would get little flashes that makes me think otherwise. Clutching the bedsheets in my hands I covered my head trying to drown out the confusing thoughts that kept playing with my memory.
"You - you mean that. Because I - I'm crushing on you too, Georgie Cooper."
His right hand cups my cheek to deeply look in my eyes. I take a breath to hear him question quietly. "I do mean it Y/n L/n." I nod my head slowly asking in disbelief as the wind blows around us making me shiver a bit. Though my reply is a brave one. "Prove it, Georgie."
He parts his lips a bit before a smirk appeared. He leaned down to capture my lips with his. He pulls away slightly as if asking if I'm okay with this.
Shooting awake I screamed falling onto the floor when there was someone knocking on the window. Brushing hair from my eyes I quickly reached under the bed grabbing the baseball bat I had just in case of a break in. Whoever it was creaked open the window quickly getting to their feet trying to say my name until I swung the bat knocking them to the ground. "Identify yourself robber before I go wake the grandma with a shotgun!"
"Woah, woah wait. Please don't I'm - I'm not a robber." I recognized Georgie's voice where I switched on the bedside lap seeing him holding up his hands in surrender.
Raising the bat further behind my head I raised a brow. Putting my guard up since he basically just broke into my room even though it was his grandmother's house. "What the hell is wrong with you. You just break into my room in the middle of the night. What kind of person does that?"
"Me. And this isn't the first time I've done it. Back when you lived with your parents you would throw down your laso and let me inside." He explained still shifting his eyes from me then to the bat.
Shaking my head I almost lowered the baseball believing that he was possibly telling the truth. "That's not the point, Cooper. I want to know what exactly made you think this was s good idea. Because in case you don't remember - I don't remember you. And you're creeping me out by breaking into here like this. If this your way of Charming me back to remembering who you are it's not gonna work!"
"I do think I have a natural charm about me." He smiled a grin but it dropped.
"You've got two seconds before I knock your ass out!"
He held up his hands and I could see some tears in his eyes as he slowly stepped forward. "Y/n, I know you don't remember us. What we had and I understand if you never want to see me again. But...at least let me try to help you remember...because I still love you."
"Fine...but no more breaking into my room in the night. Deal." Lowering the bat I put it back into hiding slowly sneaking him through Connie's front door. Then he opened the back gate making me gasp at seeing some candles light up sitting around the swingset. A guitar was leaning up against one of the posts.
He picked up the guitar gesturing for me to sit in the swing next to him clearly nervous about what he was about to do. "Just - uh - sit there." He started strumming the guitar avoiding my gaze. "Through the dirt and the gravel. Through the years and the miles. Every road that you traveled. Through the tears and the smiles. Through the clear and the muddy. Through the thick and thin. The quiet nights, the howling wind. Through the good and the ugly. The blue and the black. To the ends of the Earth. To the moon and back."
Georgie didn't want you to tell he was super nervous about playing a song you liked from the radio. Even if you couldn't remember that you were hopelessly in love with him before the accident. He would do everything he could think of to bring the rest of you back. "Through all of the words. The mean and the kind. Through the strings that unravel. And the ties that bind. From the crazy and the different. To the more of the same. From the coast is clear. To a hurricane. Yeah, I'll be right beside you. On a roll or off the tracks. To the ends of the Earth. To the moon and back. To the moon and back. Through the bitter and the sweet. The cold and the fire. Lonely cotton sheets. And the burning desire."
Blinking my eyes there was something familiar about their backyard with it decorated like this. Where I felt like we had been here before...alone together almost like this so long ago. Leaning forward in the swing I just started singing the ending of the song with him feeling a small part of it coming back to me. "Until our song is over. Til the stars all fade to black. I'm gonna love you. To the ends of the Earth. To the moon and back."
"Yeah, I'm gonna love you. All the way to the moon and back. To the moon and back..." Georgie finished the ending finally staring into my eyes softly sitting the guitar on the ground taking my freehand in his sniffing some tears out. "Y/n, you may not remember our love right now. But I am going to find a way to help get your - our memories back...and I'm gonna be the father and husband that you and Aurora deserve. I promise, darlin'."
Squeezing his hand in mine I spoke in a whisper. "Georgie?"
"Yeah what is it?" He almost jumped up in joy at what I said next.
Bending my head down a little I felt a little bashful telling him something so simple but it brought a pure smile to his face. "I like you calling me darling...."
"Don't worry Y/n I'll never stop." He vowed staring longingly into my eyes having hope that we were moving back in the right direction.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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10k (2) Masterlist
part one
5 Times Luke Though He Got Away With Keeping A Secret From The Boys and the 1 Time He Realized They Knew The Whole Time (ao3) - ProducedbyMGC N/R
Summary: 5 times Luke thought he got away with keeping a pretty big secret from the boys and the 1 time he realized maybe he's shit at keeping secrets.
A Line of Dark Fantastic Passion (ao3) - anykinfofgal michael/calum, calum/ashton, luke/calum M
Summary: Calum has been always been an incubus, but has left his life as one far behind him. One encounter with the wrong group throws him right back into the place he had been avoiding for so long. Not only does it put his friends directly at risk, but it brings something up in him he had thought to have managed to push away.
craving something sweeter (ao3) - toddamyanderson luke/calum T
Summary: “Y’know, it was either the plushies, or the cute guy sitting on his roof drinking lemonade. Surprisingly enough, you won.” Calum’s voice is quiet, but Luke can still hear the coy smile in his voice. Hear, because Luke is still looking down at the fairy floss, trying to hide his pleased grin.
“Damn.” Luke tames his wild grin into a more reasonable smile so he can face Calum. “I feel like the plushies deserve more credit."
Full of Love I Can’t Control (ao3) - pitypartyof1 calum/ashton E
Summary: In which Ashton and Calum tend bar at The Ballard Firehouse in Seattle, WA in 1993. Ashton wants to play drums and find his soulmate. Calum just wants to make it big and find a way for Ashton to love him without the lights.
Heart's Citizens (ao3) - lookingforhope calum/ashton E
Summary: Being truth to yourself might be scary. Being truth to yourself in front of the world might be even scarier. Ashton helps Calum to do both things.
Ice and Sun (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 luke/calum G
Summary: What would happen if one soulmate was in the spotlight of fame and one was just a nobody. Like imagine finding your soulmate and realising the moment you see them, but then you realise that they haven't found you because there's no way for you to get close enough to them. So you're just kind of forever watching your soulmate living the dream and being happy from the sidelines or behind a screen, and you know that they exist but they don't know that you do.
(love is like) a baseball game (ao3) - no_clue_who luke/ashton M
Summary: Luke had always loved spring training.
When he was a kid, his parents and brothers would take spring break to go down and watch the first, unofficial, games of the season. He got to meet so many excellent players in his time, star-struck by the short-stops that would wave at him or the catchers who would show off their gloves to the crowd. Luke loved spring training and the fun that came with it.
He especially loved it when he was not even twenty and called up to try out for the Phillies team to get a spot in their rotation, no one thought he would get it, not even him. But only a few months later he had made it to the show after a few too many injuries wore them thin. And the rest is, well, history.
This season was different, new, and exciting. The Mets were coming off of an amazing postseason and an even better off-season. Luke had signed a big deal to stay in the orange and blue for another seven years.
minute suite dreams (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum M
Summary: The attendant disappears down the hall, and Luke finally gets a good look at the place he and Calum will be spending the night.
“Oh fuck,” Luke murmurs under his breath, wheeling his suitcase into the space and looking back at Calum apologetically. “It’s, uh. Small.”
New (ao3) - cornflowerblue (@daydadahlias) luke/ashton E
Summary: Luke doesn’t remember whose idea it was to chain him to the fucking ceiling but he’s decided he’s going to get their name and send them a goddamn fruit basket, because he has never seen Ashton look at him like this before, and he has that crew member to thank.
stretch and flex (ao3) - @kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum E
Summary: What he didn’t really account for was Luke Hemmings, lead singer, being too fucking attractive for his own good.
When he first looked the band up properly Calum thought he was hot, for sure, all blonde curls and wide shoulders and unassuming smile. But he wasn’t really prepared for just how good looking he is up close; how expressive his face is, how nice his voice is, how fucking incredible his ass is. Training him is like torture, watching him get sweaty and breathless, stretching and massaging him, seeing him in a tank top and various other stages of undress.
He'd probably manage it fine, he is somehow a professional, if it weren't for the fact that Calum’s pretty sure Luke is actually starting to rile him up on purpose, wearing increasingly ripped or tiny shirts, and often asking Calum to correct his form for him when Calum’s almost positive he knows exactly how he should be performing the exercise.
He’s almost constantly flustered by this man. And it’s starting to make him shit at his job.
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pies-posts · 4 months
The story is fiction. There is no intention to put the perspective or reference to this song. This is a pure piece of mind.
All the student gathered in the room where the science class held. I'm in the same group with Luke. He gives away the gummy bear and snack for anyone in exchange to back him up from the group works. At first, I feel like he's a burden for us until one day when we need to buy stuff for our experiment, he provides our group everything that we need. At the end our project is finished and got a good score.
We have little to none of interaction despite we're being in the same group of study. Before Maria asked him to join our party in the nearest cafe, Luke has never been in any group of friends. He always went out with his friends in another class. This was the first time we're this close. We had a good conversation and it's all flowing.
On the next day, we meet again at the cafeteria. He called my name, "Lucy." Somehow, it punches me in the throat. My heart is jumping only to hear my name come out of his mouth. He smirks and follows me to the table. Then he teased me with the fake bugs which it was terrified me. I'm so irritating but, he looks attractive whenever he laughs.
The relationship is growing. Sharing the same taste in music and food. I'm so cherishing our bond. Tough, sometimes he put chilli powder into my soup, even being all chaotic and witty. Sometimes, we fight like a cat and our friends would be our middleman. They thought Luke and I were the worst enemy.
Until one day, I find a chocolate bar on my desk. Shanty looks around making sure to find who's the one puts it here. Jerry, Leah, and Shawn denied it when she asked about it. It might be someone leaves this out here. But, there's a blue note underneath the chocolate. I take it and read it. And it's an encouraging message with so much admiration, there's even cute little heart in it. Shanty tries to match the handwriting with all the boys in the class. Then it's turned out to be Hendrick's. Both of us are startled, we look at each other eyes in disbelief.
We've shut it, to prevent getting caught. I don't even have the nerve to meet Hendrick even though Shanty asked me to act normally. "But how? Can Hendrick act normal as well?" I blabbered in my head. Hendrick saw us in the parking lot while Shanty held me from running away. I can't act calmly just because she says so. Again, it's weird because Hendrick approached us just like the other day as if nothing happened. Then Luke follows after him and gets closer, saying the most horrible stuff on my face. I turn pale and Shanty bawls her eyes off. "He knew it."
Since that day I refuse to talk to both Hendrick and Luke. I couldn't even stand sitting around them. It seemed to bring Luke to realization and rethink what he did to me. Luke tailed me when I was about to get back home. He and Dave offered to send me home, I was hesitant but Luke wanted to talk about yesterday's event that he feels sorry about. We're walking side by side while Dave plays with his baseball far behind. He explained it carefully to get me to comprehend the whole situation. We're drawn into the conversation. I can't hide my smile a whole road.
Only 1 block away to my home but, I'm not ready to let this moment go. Unable to catch anything he said since I'm too down bad on him, still proceed what was happening. Then we're arrived in front of my house. Before he leaves, he tells me the truth behind the chocolate bar incident.
After we walked through the street, he finally addressed it. It was him all these times. The one who prepared it. He used Hendrick's handwriting. I'm puzzled up for a second until he confesses his feeling. With one choco bar in his hand, he just handed it to me, demanded the answer. With so much confidence, I accept it. It feels like a fresh air surounding, and we're still going afloat. Can't control his excitement he's kinda trambled. The warm in my face is rushing to my ears. I got reddish just to digest everything at once. I can't even see it's coming.
He gets going with undefined excitement ih his face. We're just can't wait for tomorrow. My first date comes earlier, gives me the first beautiful moment that I have never been lived before.
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thelostsullivans · 1 year
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Name:  Lucas “Luke” Sullivan O’Doherty Born:  December 18th, 1985 Age:  37 Hometown:  Austin, TX, USA Current location:  Wherever, man Gender / Pronouns:  Cis man Sexuality / Attraction:  ??? / ??? Occupation:  Collegiate baseball coach / former minor league baseball player / schemer Family: Bobbie O’Doherty (mother), Neil O’Doherty (adoptive father), Kelly Sullivan (biological father), Bullet Sullivan (half-sister), Frankie Sullivan (cousin), Robert Sullivan (paternal grandfather)
Face Claim:  Eoi.n Ma.cken Hair color:  Brown Eye color:  Brown Height:  5′11
Positive Traits:  Gentle when needed, adaptable, persuasive, proactive, resourceful, adventurous Negative Traits:  Impulsive, somewhat amoral at times, defensive, volatile, sometimes devious
Long before Kelly Sullivan found himself back in New York and incarcerated, even before he shacked up with his wife and settled down to have a kid, he briefly called Austin, Texas his home. If only for a few months, but in that short amount of time, he met a woman, fell in lust and her bed, sweet-talked her out of a large sum of money and disappeared from her life. He left her heartbroken, angry, and unbeknownst to either of them at the time, pregnant. Luke grew up never knowing about that man, another having stepped into place to fill a bit of that void. Neil O’Doherty was a good man overall, dependable, though not always the softest with his wife when she needed it. He believed in tough love more than he should and it showed in some of the fights they had, particularly concerning Luke and how he was raised. Nothing earth-shattering, but Bobbie was very protective of her son and tended to turn a bit of a blind eye to him when he messed up. But the pair loved him, loved him enough to shelter him from his true heritage of crime and deceit, even when Kelly returned to Austin hoping for safe harbor, a mistake that earned him a good beating and sent him on his way. From that day on, Luke questioned things, his life, his mother, his parentage. Tacitly at first, for years anyway. High school came and went, Luke having done well enough to graduate toward the top of his class, but that wasn’t his greatest success. He loved baseball, something Neil had gotten him into, and excelled from Little League into high school, so much so that he was scouted by the Texas Rangers in his senior year. They wanted him to develop more skills, discipline, and have a somewhat normal collegiate experience, so they brought him into their minor league team and asked that he attend a junior college while doing so. It wasn’t Luke’s ideal situation, but it was something and something good, that he had earned for himself and that made his parents proud, so he jumped at the chance. It was the first step to the majors, after all, or it would have been had he not gone astray. During his first year playing, his father fell ill. Cancer. Terminal. Neil, one foot in the grave, told him the truth, fearing that he’d die and Bobbie would never be honest— I may not have had a part in your conception, but you are my son and always have been. That news threw Luke for a complete loop, caused an upheaval within him that he never saw coming. Not only did his studies suffer, but his mental health took a hit that it had never received before. To cope, Luke began partying with his classmates and teammates, drinking, doing drugs, and fucking as much as he could to get himself numb enough to function. What he hadn’t accounted for were the random drug tests that the team endured without warning and when his first surprise one came back dirty, he was promptly booted from both the team and his school. The disappointment was enough to drive a final wedge between Luke and his parents, and after Neil died, he took off to sort himself out. After years of struggling and working hard, Luke finally found himself in good place, overall. He reconnected with his mother, forgave her for never coming clean regarding his biological father and his family, and vowed that Kelly Sullivan would pay, in one way or another, for how he’d hurt Bobbie. From then on out, while continuing on the straight and narrow and securing a job closer to his own dream career than away from it, he did all the digging necessary to track Kelly down and get close enough to his world to shake it up.
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cafffine · 3 years
Hi! This is EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12, and I just wanted to say that I really love your stories! I still think abouts it's raining dear frequently and how beautiful that story was and saltcoats is of course amazing. Thank you for sharing your work!!!
Sorry for anon-ing, I can't send directs from this account
Ah thank you so much!! This is really sweet so here's a short scene I had cut from It's Raining, Dear pulled from the drafts just for you 😬❤️
Luke stepped into the batter’s box, brows drawn in, cleats untied, and lifted his bat high before hammering it down onto homeplate, sending a dust cloud billowing out around him.
“Cody.” Obi-Wan gestured excitedly from his folding chair. “He’s up, get a picture.”
Cody lifted his phone and zoomed in. “I have literally had my camera ready this entire time you don’t have to-”
“Well how was I supposed to know that?”
“Baby. Why else would I be holding my phone up?”
Obi-Wan tipped his head down and scowled over the top of his sunglasses. “Why are you being short with me? I haven’t done anything.”
Cody snapped a few shots while Luke swung and missed at the first pitch. “I’m not being short I’m – Good job, Luke! Keep your eye on the ball! – I’m just a little tired of you asking me every two minutes to take a picture when you also have your phone out.”
“Oh, well I’m sorry that I’m forcing you to support your lovely nephew, I can’t imagine how hard it must be.”
Luke watched a pitch in the dirt go by and the count evened to 1-1.
“Good eye, kid!” Cody flashed a thumbs up before turning back to Obi-Wan and dropping his voice. “Are you really bitching at me right now?”
“Well if you’re going to bitch at me-”
“Oh my God,” Cody groaned.
Luke knocked the next pitch fowl and slumped his shoulders.
“It’s alright!” Obi-Wan sat up and applauded him. “That was good contact, just straighten it out this time!” He reached over and tapped Cody’s shoulder. “Make sure you get a picture; this might be his last pitch.”
Cody raised his phone higher. “If you ask me that one more fucking time-”
“Then what?” Obi-Wan snapped. “What are you going to do? Leave?”
“I might.”
“In front of Luke?”
Cody shook his head, getting a few more pictures of Luke’s batting stance. They looked great; the sun was reflecting off his helmet just beautifully. “No I mean I’m leaving you, I hope you like sleeping on the couch.”
Obi-Wan sipped his beer, unaffected by the threat. “Darling, you are welcome to sleep on the couch if that’s what you want, but you’re not making me do anything.”
“Watch me.”
Luke swung and cracked the ragged baseball hard down the third base line.
Cody jumped to his feet. “There we go!”
Luke froze.
“Luke, run!” Obi-Wan pointed both hands to first base. “Run!”
“Run!” Cody shouted.
Luke whipped around and tripped on his laces, drawing a curse out of Obi-Wan that was loud enough to start the nearest group of little-league parents muttering and pointing.
“Get up!” Cody could still see the baseball, resting peacefully in the grass while the confused left fielder ambled towards it. “You still got time!”
Luke pushed himself up, dazed and coated in dust.
Obi-Wan raked a hand through his hair. “Oh for – run!”
He tripped twice more, and it took about two years, but Luke did eventually sit down on first base, grinning wildly and stopping to wave at the crowd. “Uncle Ben! I hit a single!”
“I saw!” Obi-Wan covered his face, trying his hardest not to laugh. “Very impressive.”
Cody sank back down into his chair, heart still pounding. “What do you think, Obi? Next stop the major leagues?”
Obi-Wan swatted his head. “Don’t be mean, he’s trying.”
“Sit down,” Cody chuckled. “Do you want to see the pictures I got? There’s some really nice ones in here.”
“Yes I do.” Obi-Wan leaned down and kissed his head. “Am I still sleeping on the couch?”
Cody looked up, squinting at the sun until Obi-Wan gave him a proper kiss on the mouth. “No,” he decided. “But you’re not getting any help with the dishes tonight.”
“Such a cruel man,” Obi-Wan muttered. “I married a monster.”
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starlightsearches · 2 years
Truth Or Dare
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (WIP)
Here’s a little something I’ve been working on while trying to survive the last few days of school 😫
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated 💖
Klitz x femme reader
Warnings: fake dating, language, sexual references
You’d never thought much about hell, but you have a sneaking suspicion it might look like a high school cafeteria.
Amber smirks from the other side of the table, sipping from her diet coke can through a straw as you stab half-heartedly at your wilty cobb salad. You can almost picture flames manifesting behind her.
If hell were in a high school, then she’d be sitting on the throne. 
“He’s looking at you again.”
The best response you can manage is an eye roll; there’s no need to ask who she’s talking about or wonder whether or not she’s lying. You’ve felt Luke’s eyes on you since the moment you sat down, fucking laser vision holes burned into your shoulder blades.
She drops the coke can onto the table, folding her arms primly. All of her expressions have a sardonic quality, but she nearly manages to convey sympathy.
 “How long’s it been this time?”
“About 3 weeks.”
Her tone is derisive, eyes wide in mock surprise. “A new record. And just in time for prom.”
Like you needed the reminder.
“After what he said, he’ll need to beg to have me back,” you respond, and maybe you mean it, maybe you don’t. Luke’s as constant as anything at Westport High—your sometimes boyfriend, sometimes ex, since the beginning of sophomore year. It was one of those things you’d felt you needed to do: get a popular, good-looking boyfriend who played football or baseball or soccer, lose your virginity at a house party, go to prom together, maybe even college . . . maybe forever. You’d been set, had it checked off your to-do list.
Until now.
“He’s not the only one who’s staring.”
That’s Tiff giggling, pointing in the opposite direction, where the socially-inept student body filled the tables. You know who she’s talking about, too. 
Tiff never had a mean streak before Amber had joined last year, turning your duo into a trio. She’d been nicer in middle school—a little ditzy, but always smiling. You like to think you’d resisted that part of Amber’s influence, but you could never really be sure.
And it’s not like Amber was all bad. She was generous—with her clothes, her time, rides in her little red sports car. She got you and Tiff off your couch on Friday nights and into parties, at football games with paw prints painted on your cheeks, to bonfires down at the beach. She could be sweet and genuine, and you never felt better about yourself than when she thought something about you was worth noticing.
But when it came to people like Klitz, she could be downright evil.
She’s got that glint in her eyes at Tiff’s observation, turning to the table where he and his friends always sit. Against your better judgment, you turn to look, too.
His eyes meet yours immediately—wide and innocent behind thin frames—and then he blushes, ducking his head. You watch him shake his long, sandy hair around his face, one finger snaking up his nose to push his glasses back into place. You’d think it would be impossible for him to hunch his shoulders any more, but he glances shyly back in your direction, practically folding in on himself when he sees you’re still looking at him. Amber offers a sarcastic little wave.
“God, he’s obsessed with you,” she says, flicking her long hair back over her shoulder. You wonder—more than a little wickedly—if she’s jealous that there’s attention on you instead of her. The sting of guilt that follows turns your stomach.
“He is not,” you say, unsure if you really believe it. You say a lot of things you don’t really believe around Amber.
“Yeah, okay,” she snorts, “should we ask him? I swear to god he almost cums in his pants when you look at him. Probably has to jack off every five minutes to keep himself from busting in class.”
“Don’t be gross.” You hope you sound disgusted—hope Amber can’t feel the heat in your cheeks, can’t sense the warm pit in your stomach at the idea. Thinking about his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose as he shakes, skin shiny and flushed . . .
God, it's been too long since you've gotten any action. Three weeks was a whole different kind of record for that.
Maybe Amber can read your mind. “You should ask him out.”
You’re not going to honor that with a response. She watches you roll your eyes, reaching out her hand to rest it on your own, her long, slender fingers and manicured nails stretched across the blue tabletop.
“I’m serious,” she says, and her expression would look at home on a Bond villain, “you go on a few dates, let him feel you up, give him some material for the spank bank. When Luke sees that you’re moving on—especially with some loser—he’ll get crazy jealous, and bam, you’re back together for prom. It’s a fool-proof plan. Everybody wins.”
It’s hard to tell whether she’s joking or not. You decide to laugh it off. “You scare me sometimes.”
 She cocks one eyebrow, sitting back in her chair. Definitely not a joke. “Fine, have it your way. Maybe I’ll ask him out. You know what they say about tall, skinny guys.”
Yeah, right. Amber would swallow him whole. Like a fucking anaconda.
Snake or not, she’s thrown down the gauntlet, and you know all too well how badly something like this could end if she didn’t get her way. It’s difficult to know which part of this she enjoys most—embarrassing somebody like Klitz, or getting you to do what she wants with so little effort. 
“You’re a real bitch,” you tell her, only half-serious, but you’re still standing, walking across the lunch room with more than a few pairs of eyes on you. Everyone’s eyes—except for Klitz.
He’s looking pointedly at the table, but his friends aren’t. You know Matt from some of your classes, and Eli’s house is just a few down from your own. He’s watching you wide-eyed, smacking Klitz on the arm, flinching when Klitz hits him back. You’re still too far to hear them, but you can read his lips well enough.
Dude, she’s coming this way.
Klitz thinks his heart is going to burst from his chest, like that scene in Alien that Eli made him watch even though he felt like he was going to puke for half the movie and had his eyes glued on the ceiling for the rest.
God, he hopes he doesn’t puke now.
Eli and Matt do their best to appear natural, which isn’t saying much. He watches Eli’s eyes flash in your direction and then back to him over and over again, their tempo quickening with every step closer you come. He knows exactly when you’re going to fall into the seat beside him and he still jumps.
“Hi.” You’re smiling up at him with sparkling lips, batting your lashes. You smell like a fruit smoothie—strawberries, peaches, pineapple. He can’t speak.
Eli jumps in with a cheeky smile, filling in Klitz’s silence. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi.” You shoot a glance and a smile in his direction, but your eyes always come back to Klitz.
He’s definitely going to puke.
Klitz waits for you to go in on him. Waits for you to say, what’s your deal, you fucking perv? I know that you think about me every time you touch yourself, know about all your stupid little disgusting fantasies. You can forget it. I’d rather eat shards of glass for breakfast than let you touch me. He hates to admit it, but the idea of you calling him out like that makes him kind of hot.
Instead you rest your head in your hand, crossing your legs under the table so your skirt rides up higher against your thigh. He watches your knee nudge his, and he wouldn’t believe it if he wasn’t seeing this with his own eyes. Everything from the waist down is numb.
Almost everything.
“So Tim—“ you start, and that shakes him a little from his haze.
“You know my name?” he asks before he can stop himself.
You actually laugh a little. Matt’s head falls into hands.
“Yeah, of course. You sit behind me in AP Lit.”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He wonders if you’ve noticed him scooting to the edge of his chair so that he could peer over your shoulder, watching you fill your notebook with your bubbly handwriting, laughing silently at the little doodles that you draw in the margins. He wonders if you can hear the way he breathes a little deeper when he rests his chin in his hand, trying to catch a whiff of your shampoo.
“Anyways,” you brush off his odd behavior with a flick of your wrist, turning more fully to face him, your knee pressing higher up on his thigh, “they’re doing a special showing of Scream at The Obsidian tomorrow, and I really want to go see it, but my friends are too scared and I don’t want to go alone” —you pause, glancing down, looking up at him through your lashes like you know it’s cheat code for shutting off his brain— “and I guess I was wondering if you’d want to go . . . with me?”
What. The. Fuck.
“Of course he will,” Eli says, “Klitz loves scary movies.”
That’s a lie. He wonders what else Eli could make up in the next few minutes it would take him to remember how to make sounds with his mouth. Yeah, my friend Klitz fucks like a god. He may look scrawny and weak, but under that polo? It’s solid muscle and a twelve inch dick. 
“Really?” Now you have your hand on his arm, skin to skin contact. There’s a buzzing in his ears, like his head is full of hornets.
“Uh, yeah.” What had he just agreed to? It doesn’t really matter; you could ask him to do laps around the room naked and he’d start stripping.
“So you’ll go?”
“Yeah.” He’s lucky you’re not asking him tougher questions. He's lucky you don't seem to notice his eyes flashing between your face and your tits.
“Great, it’s a date.” You bend back behind him, shirt riding up over your hip, revealing more and more of your skin, the dip of your waist—the perfect place to dig his fingers in. He hears the rumble of his backpack zipper echoing through his skull, and he brings his hand to his lips, biting into the meat of his palm.
You pop back up into his field of vision and take his wrist in your grip, positioning him just the way you’d like before bending in close. His spit smears across your skin as you hold him in place, and he’s counting his breaths, trying to stay conscious.
“Here’s my number,” you write it carefully across the back of his hand, punctuating the digits with a heart, “text me.”
“Yeah,” he says again, a broken record.
“Cool,” you smile at him one last time, popping the cap back on the pen, tucking it behind his ear. With a wink and a flip of your skirt, you’re gone.
 Matt’s staring at the numbers on the back of his hand. “Dude. What just happened?”Klitz has no idea. Not a single. fucking. clue.
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matthewkniesys · 2 years
meet cute- bo bichette
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Summary: You have been sworn against baseball for years. Even still, some hot shot player named Bo Bichette catches your eye. When your best friend finally convinces you to go to a jays game something you never thought possible, something straight out of a romance novel becomes your life.
Pairing: Bo Bichette x gn!reader
Warnings: maybe a few swears 
a/n: okay so this is for @bodacious-bichette​ and @livsglittertasticworld​! Will anyone actually read this... i dont know but i wrote it so... I hope you like it and feedback is always welcome!
Baseball was your biggest joy, biggest passion, favorite hobby growing up and to be honest your life, but now your 24 years old and you haven't watched a baseball game since you were probably 15. All baseball is to you now, is a hard reminder that you weren't good enough. 
You played baseball your whole childhood and you were good. Really, really good, but when you got to high school you were cut from the high school team. It cut really deep and since then you just hadn't been able to find any happiness in baseball. You couldn't watch it anymore and you couldn't play it anymore, not even for fun.
Since then you had grown up, gotten a job and we're successful and living on your own. There would always be the hurt though from being cut. You didn't think about it all that often anymore but all of those memories resurfaced when your best friend, Luke, called you wanting to go to a baseball game. The jays game to be exact. Growing up the jays had been everything to you. Everyone who knew you would joke that your mood depended on the jays.
So when Luke who had known you forever wanted to go to the game with you, you were hurt. He knew how much you couldn't watch baseball anymore.
"Y/n, please come to the game. It won't be that bad. It's just one game. I even got those seat right beside the dugout. You know the ones where you can look through the netting right into the dugout." Luke pleads.
"Couldn't you go with someone else?" You ask, wondering why suddenly he wants you to go with him so badly.
"I just miss the old days when we used to have season tickets and go with our dads. All I'm asking is one game y/n."
"I won't even know any of the players." That's a lie. You would very occasionally check in on how the jays were doing because as much as you hated it the Toronto blue jays will forever be a part of you and maybe there was one blue jay member you were especially fond of but you would never, ever admit that.
"Don't even try lying to me like that. I know you were hurt when people told you, you weren't good enough but I think for you baseball will always be apart of you. The blue jays still mean enough to you that I believe you still check the scores."
You sigh knowing he's right. "Fine, okay I'll go to this game with you but just this month. And only because your birthday is next week and I don't have a present so consider this one."
"Sure y/n, pick you up Saturday night, yeah?"
"I'll be waiting."
You weren't sure if Saturday could or couldn't come quick enough. You couldn't deny that the prospect of watching a jays game again was exciting but it didn't make you any less nervous for it. All week you had been checking the scores and the jays were on a 5 game win streak heading into Saturday's game.
4 o'clock on Saturday rolled around and Luke was waiting for you outside in his car. You walk up to it wearing the Bichette jersey you had bought yesterday. You convinced yourself it was cause you didn't want to look stupid not wearing any apparel but in truth Bo had caught your eye since the day he came up to the bigs. You almost caved and watched his debut but you forced yourself not too. 
At first, after not making the team, you didn't want to watch baseball cause it hurt to much but after that it was more that you wanted to hold a grudge, not that you hated baseball. It was so much easier to pretend you hated it and we're mad than to be sad about the fact you weren't good enough.
"So I see you've got a jersey. I even see its Bichette. Have you been lying to me about hating baseball?" Says Luke, as soon as you get in the car.
" Dumbass, I bought this yesterday."
"Mhm, sure you did."
"Shut up that's the truth."
"What ever you say, y/n." 
The rest of the drive is silent and when you get to the rogers centre you can't stop the rush of adrenaline you get just from being there at the park with all the fans. Being back here was almost euphoric. You didn't think you'd ever be back and you would never admit it especially not to Luke but you were so happy he convinced you to come.
"Dude how did you get these seats?" You ask luke, once you're seated. He wasn't kidding he really got the seats right beside the dugout. You were sitting in the seat right beside the netting.
The players are about to go out for warm ups and that's when you catch your first real, in-person glimpse of Mr.Bo Bichette. You suck in a deep breath trying to catch your breath. 
"Oh do you like bobo?" Luke laughs.
"No, shut up." You respond. 
"I don't believe you." You sigh knowing you won't win this argument.
"Fine, he's hot. There is admit it. Now will, you stop."
"Sure y/n. Whatever you want." And so the game starts. You get very invested. You missed this. You missed the atmosphere of the sky dome but mostly you just missed baseball and your jays.
The game was going good and half way through the 5th you feel a pair of eyes on you. You turn to your side prepared to tell the fan sitting next to you you stop staring when you remember you aren't sitting next to anyone. 
You turn around and are looking straight into Bo Bichette's beautiful eyes. When your eyes meet he doesn't look away. He just holds the contact. In the end your the one to break it. It just begins to be too much. You feel your cheeks heat up and you have to look away. 
You turn back to the game hoping Luke didn't notice that moment between you and Bo. Judging by the huge grin on his face though, he definitely did.
"Not regretting coming to the game now huh?" Luke teases.
"We looked at each other for a second. It was nothing."
"A second? Bullshit y/n! That was at least 10 seconds." He exclaims.
"Well whatever, it's not like anything stupid gonna come from it."
"You never know." He says, and you just roll your eyes.
The rest of the game goes well. The jays win 6-4. At the end of the game when all of the players are walking off the field you see vladdy nudge Bo and point towards what looks like your direction. Bo shrugs his shoulders back. 
You are getting up from your seat and about to follow Luke up the stairs when you hear someone call out to the person in the Bichette. It's a familiar voice.  You turn around and you see Bo motioning you over. You stand there suddenly frozen to the spot. It isn't until Luke almost pushes you down the stairs that you regain your ability to walk.
"Hi I'm Bo" Bo says.
"Yeah I uh kinda know that already."
Bo chuckles than answers "so I was wondering if I could get your name?"
"Umm yeah, it's y/n." 
"That's a pretty name." You smile at Bo shyly. 
"Thank you."
"I was wondering if maybe I could grab your number."
"Oh um what? You want my number? Why?"
"I don't know. You seemed super into baseball and your super beautiful  so I  thought maybe I could uh call you and we could do something together. You know get to know ow each other. A date maybe?"
"Oh um yes of course." You grab a piece of paper and a pen from  your bag and quickly scribble down your number. You are fully aware you are probably smiling like an idiot but you could care less. Bo Bichette just asked  you on a date (sorta).
You hand it to him and in turn he hands you his cap. You look at his  confused.
"Just keep. I'll be back to get it eventually." He smirks, you realise this is his way of saying I will for sure see you again.
For the last 9 years baseball has been a reminder of something you weren't good enough for. Now it's brought you someone special. 
Today you began to make peace with baseball.
I hope you liked it and thanks for reading <33 let me know if you'd be interested in part 2 and as always feedback is very welcome!
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Father Paul/Monsignor Pruitt as a Real Father HCs
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He’s speechless the moment he finds out. After all, he has the miracle that you are, now he’s getting another miracle? One he gets to share with you? It sounds so impossible.
He can’t wait to tell the church, but he promises to wait until you’re ready. When he finally does tell them, he can’t stop smiling at you in the audience.
If you adopt, he stops to tell everyone in the courthouse that he’s a father now. Literally everyone. The marriage counselor, the bailiffs, the lawyers, witnesses and jurors waiting to be called, the judge going for a coffee break. Everyone smiles at how ecstatically happy he is.
If you carry the child yourself, he’s there for every appointment. He can’t contain how happy he is when he sees the ultrasounds. He’ll hold your hair back when you’re sick and cook you whatever you want and sit up with you when you can’t sleep.
He’ll kiss you goodnight and then kiss your stomach too. Twice if you have twins, once for both of them. After praying for your health, ofc.
He’ll suggest biblical baby names as a joke. We’re not talking Matthew/Mark/Luke/John, he’ll throw out something like Nehemiah and burst out laughing when you give him the “really?” look. If it’s a girl, he’ll definitely want one of her names to be Alice.
He cries when he holds them the first time. And on and off for the next week. It’s been nine months and he still can’t believe the miracle he’s been blessed with.
He decorated the nursery himself (okay, Riley and/or Hassan helped him assemble the crib bc he messed up several times). It’s Noah’s Ark themed. He’s so proud of it and can’t wait to show you.
He’ll sit up reading or singing them hymns when they can’t sleep. He insists that it’s his job. After all, you dealt with nine months of every horrible symptom, you deserve some rest.
He wants to do everything he couldn’t do for Sarah, so he’s there for everything. Every doctor’s appointment, every bumped knee and bruised elbow, every Christmas pageant rehearsal, every swimming lesson and baseball practice. He takes the kid(s) trick or treating every Halloween and they all help make you a birthday cake every year.
Sarah tells them she’s “Aunt Sarah” for a while. They’ll learn the truth when they’re older. She’s not sure how she feels - she’s made peace with the fact that Paul is her father, but she had a father growing up and doesn’t feel like she missed much not having him there. He’s the one who missed a lot. She’s okay with just being friends, because anything else seems weird. But she’ll be involved in all of your lives no matter what.
He puts a pride flag up at the church for Sarah, but it makes him smile a little more when he realizes he’s demi and that means it’s for both of them (bc we all know he is, see here). Bev tries to take it down, but stops when Hassan threatens to charge her. Hassan never tells Paul, though, because Heaven help Bev if he finds out she said a word against any of his children.
He’s so proud of everything his kids do. Their drawings are up on the fridge and in his office. Once he figures out how to reset his phone background, it’s a family photo. Christmas photos and tacky Christmas cards are a must.
He loves Christmas, he always has. But smuggling Christmas presents under the tree with you to for the kids to find in the morning makes him love it even more. And decorating for Christmas, he can’t get enough. He’s a big sucker for the holidays. 
If you’re a different religion, he learns everything he can so your family can celebrate holidays from both. This also makes Bev super angry.
When they’re old enough, he teaches them how to play baseball/softball and starts a team at the school.
He takes pictures all the time because he still can’t believe this is all real and because he missed so much of Sarah growing up that he doesn’t want to risk losing any of the memories now. He’s yet to figure out how not to cover his phone’s camera with his finger half the time.
Sarah and maybe Erin are the only people he trusts to babysit. The first time you go to the mainland without the kids, he’s anxious the whole time because they’re a whole ferry ride away.
You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, but having a family with you is a very close second.
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Coach (1)
Fandom: Dylan O'Brien
Pairing: AU Dylan x Fem!Reader
Mini series summary: Being a newly single mom of two kids wasn't exactly easy. And love wasn't exactly part of your agenda. So, should you avoid lusting over your son's baseball coach? Absolutely. But with a man like Dylan, could you really resist? Probably not.
Warnings: nothing major yet, small sexual innuendo, mentions of cheating and divorce
WC: 1.9k
A/N: a yes, to those who have been following me for a while may recognize this title, it's my old Dylan AU fic. Yes I decided to continue it. Updates will come periodically, because I write spontaneously and I cant guarantee quick updates. But I do promise I wont wait a whole year to update. And since I did some slight updates in the first 2 parts I decided to archive the old ones and repost them again. So yeah, if you've read them before great, give it another read, my writing is much better now I promise and if you're new welcome, I hope you like this mini series.
(You are here, part 2, part 3)
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Dylan stood by the side of the large field, near the home plate, occasionally yelling out suggestions and pointing out mistakes to the young boys. 
"Ezra! You have to watch the ball! C'mon! I know you can do better!" He called out to the blonde boy standing on the home plate with a bat in hand. Dylan then turned his attention to the dark haired boy with the baseball mitt and ball in hand.
"Roman! What's going on, buddy? You gotta focus, alright? You gotta work on that throw!" Dylan called out to the young boy, who half nodded and sighed heavily in response.
Not long after, Dylan signaled the young boys scattered throughout the large field to gather around. He spoke some encouraging words to the boys before allowing them to disperse and gather their equipment which meant practice was over.
Your son, however, stayed behind for a minute. There was an inaudible conversation happening between Dylan and your ten year-old, Roman. You watched from the bleachers as your son made some tired gestures at his coach followed by a small pat on the back from Dylan. You couldn't help but follow them with your eyes as they made their way to the bleachers, your eyes lingering a bit too long on the brown haired coach. An action that wasn't taken lightly by the female sitting beside you.
"You're staring at him again." Your best friend, Ezra's mother, Eliza -or just Liz, commented.
"I'm not." You muttered out quickly, tearing your eyes away from the handsome coach, your mouth hanging open for a couple of seconds. "I wasn't staring." You stated matter of factly and shrugged as you looked down at the small six year-old sitting on your lap, making sure she wasn't paying attention to the conversation.
"Really? The drool coming from your mouth says otherwise." Liz playfully ran her finger across your chin, pretending to wipe away at it. You slightly glared at her, an eye roll going her way.
"I'm not drooling. I wasn't even staring." You tried to defend yourself, making a small sassy gesture to her.
"Hey, I don't blame you. If I wasn't married," she took a pause as she eyed Dylan as he removed his baseball hat to run a hand through his messy chocolate locks, you couldn't help but stare as well. "I'd jump on his bones any day."
"Hey, there's young ears present." You said quietly to Liz as not to disturb the young girl in your arms.
Despite your attempt not to, you couldn't help but allow your eyes to fall once again on the field, following the handsome male that was the topic of your conversation. You had to hide the infatuated sigh that left your lips at the sight of your son's coach running around the field, talking to the kids and picking up equipment.
"Well he is handsome, I'll give him that.." You admitted quietly, "and he's really good with the kids."
Your friend smirked slightly at your words and wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"I bet that's not the only thing he's really good at." She eyed you suggestively and slightly nudged at you with her shoulder, "You should find out what other things he's good at."
Your mouth instantly fell open and your eyes widened at the insinuation.
"Eliza! Oh, my god. Don't say that." You slightly shook your head to brush off the embarrassment and hid your face on your hands to cover the crimson on your skin.
"Mommy you're warm!" Athena, your six year-old giggled as she grabbed your warm, sweaty hands. Even your daughter noticed the nervousness that crept up on you when it came to Dylan, even if it was just the topic of him. Truth was, you had been shamelessly crushing on your son's baseball coach ever since he joined the team a couple of months ago. 
Get it together, you should not be crushing on your son's baseball coach.
"I know baby, it's just hot out here." You tried to brush it off, but the knowing smirk on Liz's face wasn't exactly helping. "Thena, why don't you go get Roman and Ezra? They're over there." You pointed to the field where Roman and Ezra were talking —or more like just Ezra was, to the other kids on the team. She quickly nodded and bolted off the bleachers, somehow not tripping over the steps as she went down. You sighed heavily the moment the young girl was far enough and slightly turned your head in Liz's direction.
"You should totally ask him out." She said out of nowhere with a shrug and a smirk on her face. Your eyes widened for the hundredth time, and you instantly shook your head frantically, the idea alone giving you a headache.
"Ask Dylan out? No way. I.. No.. That's just.. No." Your cheeks slightly heat up at the preposition. But you quickly turned it down with a vigorous shake of your head, not even giving the idea a minute to sink into your brain. "No, he's Roman's coach. It's just wrong."
"Why? I mean, you're single, and as far as I know, he's very single. Soo," she dragged the 'o' as she wiggled her eyebrows and she nudged your shoulder, pushing you over a little in a high school girl manner, "Why not get ready to mingle with the hot coach?"
"First of all, I'm technically not single, not yet." You groaned with an eyeroll. As much as you and your husband —or ex-husband or whatever were no longer living together, the divorce process had been unnecessarily long and dreadful. So as much as you wanted to be legally single, you were still married to that piece of shit. 
"And second of all, if I were to date someone, which is a big if, I can't date Roman's coach out of all people. He already has enough as it is. It'll just confuse him and probably upset him more." You sighed heavily as you looked over to the side of the field, where all the boys were having a conversation about elementary boys' things. And there you saw your son, trying, and ultimately failing at joining said conversations. And with little Athena tugging at his side, all he got from the other kids was laughing and rejection.
Seeing your son's sad and hurt expression when the other boys laughed at him or even told him to go away broke your heart. You wanted him to be happy again. You wanted him to be the energetic and loving kid he was before your waste of a husband left. Ever since Ryan —your waste of a husband left, Roman hasn't been the same. 
For the past six or so months, he has been distant and seemingly unhappy. All he ever did was lock himself up in his room and play video games. He barely ever interacted with you and Athena anymore. He barely interacted with anyone, period. Once Ryan left, it was up to you to support your kids financially. Of course, their father still paid child support, but he sure as hell didn't pay your bills or everything you needed to spend on your children. Which meant you had to take him out of the fancy school he went to in order to still pay the monthly expenses of your home. And he just didn't quite fit in at school, especially now. 
So, you hoped that him joining the baseball team would change that, that it would help him open up again and that it would help him make new friends. But so far, it's worked just the opposite.
"So, I'm making dinner tonight. Do you want to come over with the kids and get drunk? Luke will watch over the kids." Liz spoke, interrupting your train of thought.
"That sounds a-mazing," you spoke in a song-like tune, a sigh of contentment leaving your lips. "But I can't. I told Roman I'd take him to that Italian place he likes."
"Tomorrow then. I'll have that Chardonnay you love so much waiting for you." She winked at you as you both stood up, ready to greet your children.
"Thank God for your alcohol stash." You joked, flinging your arms up in praise. 
You both laughed and smiled in your children's direction, but your smile dropped as your kids and Ezra approached you. Ezra was holding Athena's hand, while Roman walked behind them, with a certain heaviness on his step and an annoyed look on his face. And Athena had a small pout on her face.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Rome doesn't want to hold my hand!" Athena whined with a pout of her lower lip. She released Ezra's hand and exchanged it for your own. Ezra going to his own mom. While Roman simply stood there, with a hand stuffed into his pockets and the other messing with the strap of his bag, his gaze stuck on the ground.
"Roman, baby," you sighed softly, not wanting to give the poor kid a hard time. You understood he didn't exactly fit in, no matter how much he wanted to, and that upset him. You didn't want to add up to that. "Your sister just wanted you to hold her hand."
"She was embarrassing me.. I'm already the kid without a dad, I don't need to be the kid with an annoying  baby sister." He muttered, his gaze not once leaving the ground.
 His words were harsh, but lacked emotion. And it broke your heart. But as much as you wanted to tell him that it wasn't true, that he did have a dad, you'd be lying if you did. Ryan was already absent in your children's lives before the split, but at the same time he was there, and Roman felt as if he was. But now, his father really wasn't there, at all. And there was nothing you could do about it.
You sighed softly, gesturing your free hand out for him, "Roman, come here," a heavy sigh left the young boy's lips as he took a few steps closer, standing in front of you with his head hanging low and his eyes stuck to the ground. You used your hand to hold the side of his face, his eyes meeting with your own. "Baby, Thena just wanted to show you that she loves you. She didn't mean to embarrass you, right Thena?" You turned your attention to the small girl that hid behind your arm, her eyes glistening with tears.
The small girl sniffled and shook her head, "No.. I'm sorry Rome.. I won't do it ever again, I-I promise."
You exchanged looks between your children, your eyes finally landing on Roman as you waited for a response. You raised an eyebrow at him, your eyes speaking a silent 'and' to the boy. He eventually signed, almost too heavily, and nodded. 
"It's okay, I guess.. I don't really mind all that much." He half smiled, shrugging slightly.
Athena's expression quickly lightened, the small girl detached herself from your hand and hugged her older brother. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't mind the affection. He returned the hug and smiled, for a moment at least.
After a second or two, Roman slightly pushed Athena off him, signaling that that had been enough affection for a day. You breathed out softly, turning to look at Liz, who gave you a sympathetic smile in response. 
"Well my loves, off we go. Say goodbye to Auntie Liz and Ezra." Both your children did as you said. Athena hugging both of them, and Roman simply waving at them. Good enough.
And at last, you gave Liz a quick but tight hug, "I'll call you tomorrow." You said shortly before you grabbed a hold of your daughter's hand and your son's bag, and eventually parted ways.
Today was gonna be a long day.
《Here's an edited version of part 1. As always I hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm trying to get back into writing after a long year, hopefully this will help me get back on track. Let me know your thoughts. And let me know if you'd like to be added to my dylan/coach taglist which I do have》
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A Distant Dream III // Luke Patterson
Summary: In 1994 seventeen year old Luke Patterson had once again to ask out the girl that held his heart. With the belief he would see the younger Mercer girl the next morning he decides to then confess his feelings. Only the soft music bewitched the reader into an antique wardrobe with lots of history.
Warnings: Swearing, grief, magic wardrobe, talk of death, angst, and fluff
Words: 3.2k
A/N: I’m loving this series omg.
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“It should be somewhere in here,” Julie spoke with the flashlight scanning the basement the Molina’s didn’t use. She was hunting for the spare cord her mother had always carried with the amp for the few times she played with her old band for fun.
Most of the stuff had found its way in the basement, collecting dust and leaving sadness in its wake. Reggie’s had snapped early this morning to his great disappointment and with no spare in sight.
As Julie’s hand brushed her old childhood dollhouse, a soft golden light gleamed from further back. Her brown eyes finding the corner when the golden glow was framing a square in the distance. Rocking back on the heels of her feet, Julie stared at the sight.
Faint music came from the surrounding area of the golden glow. The Puerto Rican is enthralled by the bewitching music coming from the back of the basement. Her sneakered feet walking closer to the wardrobe as the creak of a door came from it.
Julie halted as the sheet slipped off, revealing the old wood to her brown eyes and the golden glow brightening the room further. The telltale sound of noise behind her concealed by the music that grew louder and louder. The door unlatched itself with a form slamming the basement floor with a slam.
Julie stumbled back. A deep groan pulled from the stranger’s lips before Julie’s scream ripped through the once empty room. The cry of a male behind her joining the screams as Julie turned on her heel halting at the pure unadulterated fear on Alex’s face.
“What the hell?” Alex hissed, staring at the prone form of a girl with long hair intricately pinned in places. The formal hairstyle at war with the outfit Alex could just barely make out as a plaid skirt reaching mid-thigh over sheer black tights. The colour of the skirt concealed by the dim lighting.
“Peter.” The name slipped from your lips filled with anguish as you frantically crawled to the wardrobe to search it.
The scream of grief falling from your lips as your hand made contact with the wooden back of the wardrobe. Your arms wrapped around your middle as you collapsed into yourself as it cemented in your brain. Your life in Narnia ended in seconds.
“Excuse me? How the heck did you do that?” Julie’s terrified voice questioned as she fought her impulse to run. Just as she had from the boys when they first appeared in the studio.
The truth of the matter settling you swiftly turned to the voice surprised you had left yourself vulnerable to attack. Your wild eyes scanning the room for a sword, or even your bow that was always strapped to you. You found only a basement with old furniture instead and two teens staring shocked at you.
“Y/N?” The blonde boy gasped stumbling forward taken aback by the sudden appearance of his little sister. Your eyes meeting his blue confused before memories of him snapped in your brain previously hidden behind a wall.
“Alex?” You questioned, throwing yourself into his arms to wrap your arms around him as you dissolved into sobs. Alex melting into your body sobbing just as hard.
“I’m two seconds away from storming Dr. Turner’s office, I swear. First, three ghosts appear in my studio and now a girl out of a wardrobe also from the ’90s.” Julie muttered scrubbing her hand over her face. Your eyes wandering to her form in confusion at what she had said.
“’ also from the ’90s’?” You asked, stepping one step away from Alex who refused to let you go as if you would disappear once more, “What year is it?”
“How about we talk about this in the studio. Reggie and Luke are in the studio, I came to get Julie. You’ve been down here for a while.” Alex suggested with a look that Julie caught quickly. Alex didn’t want to prolong the reunion with the rest of the guys.
Alex walked up from the basement with Julie straight to the door with dozens of questions in his brain. This was a change he welcomed with open arms and a happy heart. The house was empty as Ray had taken Carlos to an all-day out of town baseball tournament.
Luke and Reggie’s voices drifted out from the studio blocked by the white barn doors only partially open. The two arguing about the band playing one of Reggie’s country songs on stage. Their attention not on the three people walking into the room as Luke stretched out on his back on his sofa. Reggie curled in one of the armchairs beside the couch.
“It’s not our sound!” Luke spoke, staring his bassist down with a heated glare that wasn’t as harsh as if it was someone else.
“Pop wasn’t either but look where we are now?” Reggie retorted with his arms crossed and a pout painted on his flushed face. Alex could sigh at the same debate that happened at least twice a week.
“Sunset Curve is pop now?” Your soft voice still tortured with loss bringing both the boys to the front of the studio. Standing uncomfortable in the clothing that revealed more skin in the fifteen years you had been in Narnia.
The gasps would have amused Alex had this sudden development not happened, especially when his long lost sister fell out of a wardrobe. Luke and Reggie stumbled to their feet in pure astonishment seeing the person they had dreamed of seeing one more time.
“Holy shit.” Luke choked blinking frantically as you sent an awkward smile to the face of the person that had haunted you for fifteen years.
“Y/N?” Reggie cried, raising both hands to cover his mouth as if it would hold in the heartbreaking sobs.
Julie took the initiative to step to the side to allow the reunion to happen without a distraction, but really it was impossible. A bomb could drop, and none of the ’90s teens would notice with their attention solely on each other.
“Are you a ghost?” Reggie questioned you with furrowed brows. Alex’s hand intertwined with yours.
At the familiar texture and comfort of your older brother’s comforting hand, your eyes clenched tight—tears building at the very different hands you had held for over a decade.
“Ghost?” You questioned, clearing your tight throat in bewilderment. Your e/c eyes changing between the three different eyes. The three boys shared a glance with each other, “Does anyone have a sweater I could borrow?”
Alex was surprised at the request, “You want a sweater? You adore midriff shirts.”
“That was before.” You simply stated, “So what has happened?”
That was the words that shattered the frozen form of Luke Patterson, who stumbled his way to hug you. His arms wrapping around, brought both relief but also guilt. This was the guy that had been the third party of your marriage without even knowing. The thoughts caused your muscles to tense, leading Luke to a different conclusion.
Luke believed you rejected his hug because you blamed him.
“You’re not a ghost?” Reggie questioned following as you sat on the sofa in such an uncharacteristic position.
Your posture entirely pin straight with an air of regality that went above the posture you had as a young Mercer. Alex’s eyebrows raised almost into his hairline at how you held yourself compared to the slight slouch you developed away from your parents. His blue eyes caught the calm mask that concealed your panic under a practised mask.
“You disappeared in 1994 after you spent supper with my family.” Luke softly started recalling the night his life first changed for the worse, “You left just before dark after time got away from us. You sent a smile before the plants hid your form and I never saw you again.”
A sad smile broke the mask you wore, “I’m sorry the fifteen years have made it difficult for memories.”
“Fifteen years?” Julie interrupted, bringing your attention to the girl in the corner with a soft voice. Her eyes couldn’t help scan you and Alex finding the similarities and differences, but she loved how relaxed Alex looked in your presence.
“Time is…different where I was.” The sentence was slow to leave your lips as your eye wandered the different version of the studio.
“Was it a black room?” Reggie inquired shifting for Julie to have space to sit down without her limbs moving through Reggie’s leg. Alex was quick to settle on your left side with Luke in the closest armchair to you.
“No?” You trailed off thinking of the years you had spent ruling a kingdom with your in-laws, “I-I think when I left Luke’s house, there was this music. Like a lullaby that drew me into this antique store and a voice out of a dream. I was entranced, and then I was in a different world.”
“You have an accent.” Luke implored finally seeing the mature difference in your demeanour, posture and personality, “Like it’s English but still sounds like you. Were you in England?”
The soft giggle came from your lips, “No. I swear on Aslan I wasn’t in England.”
Everyone was deaf to Julie’s confusion and her soft repeat of the name you whispered into the air. The word drawing a sense of having had heard it before it comes her way.
“Who’s Aslan?” Alex asked unclipping his infamous fanny pack to remove the pink sweater. He couldn’t help but see the way you tugged the plaid skirt down and your black crop top down.
Your hand grasped the soft material of the pink sweater, the first pink garment Alex had owned. His pride and joy of a sweater was slipped over your outfit landed past the hem of your skirt.
“He’s…” Your words broke off, trying to find a way how to tell them that Aslan ruled the entirety of Narnia. He created it, but he was a lion that could talk.
“I’d like to know how you’ve been in that wardrobe for so long!” Julie gushed unable to hold back her curiosity, “My parents got that as a wedding gift when they were moving into the house. It was shifted downstairs because my mom couldn’t let it go for the sentimental value.”
“I’m sorry but wardrobe? She came- you came out of a wardrobe?” Alex wondered, shaking his head before he said his infamous word, “Okay.”
“I was trying to find a spare cord for Reggie, but out of absolutely nowhere, this music came from the back area. This pretty golden hue lit up the room, and then she just fell out of the wardrobe.”
“I’m so confused,” Reggie whispered to himself, staring off into the distance at two things he had learnt.
You had gone missing before they died yet for you, only fifteen years had gone by.
You had been in a wardrobe. A wardrobe!
“So are you dead or not?” Julie asked next leaning forward to face you in anticipation for the new piece of information. Her inquisitive brown eyes glittering in the light of the studio as you tried to find the correct words.
“I’m alive.” You decided to go the simple route, “I’m guessing that you three are dead?”
Alex, Reggie and Luke all nodded with each other, “Street dogs. How aren’t you fazed?”
“Uh, I walked into a wardrobe. Joined a war, won the war, got crowned for the kingdom by Aslan, and grew up.” You tapped a finger for each piece of your fifteen years, much easier to just use your perspective, “Fifteen years ruling with Peter and his siblings.”
“Peter?” Alex inquired with one dark blonde eyebrow raised high with caution written clearly on his youthful face.
“My husband.” The words choked everyone in the damn room, and Luke felt like he could puke. The girl he was still very much in love with was now taken by someone else just weeks after he grieved the almost-relationship he could have had with you.
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Adjusting to the new world, the third time in your, life wasn’t as difficult as you would have expected. Well, adapting to the technological advances and the new band Sunset Curve had evolved into. The relationship with Luke was at simplicity quite awkward, something Luke never anticipated when he envisioned finding you.
It was painful for everyone in the room with you two. You were trying to deal with the guilt of abandoning your kingdom, of your Narnian friends, of not being with the Pevensies. You had a strong suspicion they had returned back to England, and the time was the hardest to deal with.
Instead of 1994, the current year was 2020 for you—twenty-six years in this world but fifteen in Narnia. You didn’t look a day over your age in 1994. Looking in mirrors was startling every time to see your teen youth instead of the thirty-one-year-old.
Happily, the bond with Alex hadn’t diminished if anything it had gotten stronger. He was assimilating to the new fashion you liked. You had a more mature style and preferred modest outfits; the Narnian fashion was still very much part of you.
Reggie adored hearing the adventures you had done in Narnia, he grew a crush on the version of Lucy you told. He was definitely awed at how you had had a stable of horses that could talk, some weren’t vocal.
All three boys were jealous of the fact that despite being born in the late ’70s, you were alive in 2020. You could touch and interact with everyone while they only had each other, and now you. Flynn had been sceptical but grew to be friends with you.
For you, you would be found staring out the window in the attic of the Molina house where you had settled in. A rather long-winded explanation of being from overseas and your housing having fallen through. Ray and welcomed you into the home with open arms.
“Hey! We’re gonna go explore. Do you wanna come with us?” Alex asked from his spot near the door he had poked his head through. His smile turning upside down at the lost look in your eyes and fingers that played with the only evidence of your Narnian life.
The ring you had worn since Peter had proposed ten years ago with a specially designed ring by the best of the business. Cair Paravel’s military General, formerly of Aslan’s Army, Oreius’ sister Odette had personally pushed the contract to the front.
The ring was absolutely breathtaking of a moonstone set in a rose gold floral metal setting with tiny diamonds in a flora design. It was definitely made with the rarest rose gold, and the moonstone was personally found on a quest Peter had gone on. You were thrilled it had survived the return to the human world.
“Y/N?” Alex spoke once more, gaining your attention from the overcast sky with a bittersweet smile.
“Hey, Alex.” You replied, walking closer for the hug he had quickly made into a requirement every time he saw you.
“Reggie, Luke and I are going to explore if you want to join us.”
The offer was tempting even if you had to submit to being in an awkward environment with Luke Patterson. Seeing him each time brought that love that had overshadowed Peter’s love and that in itself brought tremendous guilt.
“I think I’ll hang here. Thank you for inviting me, Alex.” You softly replied as you retreated to the bed in the large renovated attic. Ray and Rose had renovated it into living space when Julie was still in elementary school.
Ray had spent a few months staying in the attic room after Rose passed away because he couldn’t even touch the doorknob. His sister in law Victoria had to help move things to the attic as Ray mourned his wife.
“I’ll be right back,” Alex told you before he poofed, something you still couldn’t wrap your mind around.
Instead of Alex returning it was Luke with that sheepish smile he adorned in the last week you had returned. Your e/c eyes widened in surprise when they met the hazel of his own.
“Luke.” You breathed astounded as he hesitantly walked closer, “Aren’t you going with Reggie and Alex?”
Luke’s hand gestured to the bed, “May I sit?”
“Yeah!” You nodded shifted to create distance between you and the guitarist that had once held your heart in his hands.
Things were different. The ring on your left hand said so. The wedding ceremony in Narnia said so. Yet your heart didn’t understand further than the yearning and love it throbbed with.
“Alex kinda hit some sense into me. This has been…a rather confusing time since that night in 1995.” Luke didn’t talk about his experience dying with anyone because he was still working through it. To avoid the pain and trauma, he focused on the band instead.
“I can attest to that. A week ago, I was with my family hunting for the White Stag content with my life. Next thing I knew I’m racing after Lucy into a wardrobe in which blasted me with memories.” You sighed thinking back to the banter with Edmund and Susan before Lucy uttered ‘Spare Oom’ of a distant time, “I feel terrible that I had no conscious recollection of my life before Narnia. I’d see a tall blonde in the crowd and have this sudden emotion of loss. I forgot about my own brother.”
“I can’t blame you for anything. You had a responsibility to an entire kingdom.”
“Part of me must have remembered because when I was gifted my horse, it asked me to name her. I chose Mercer without thinking about why. It’s always interested me in the reason behind the choice.” You played with the bedspread to avoid his face and the guilt of abandoning him unintentionally or not.
“How was the music in Narnia?” Luke inquired, bringing a neutral topic to once best friends in the process of recovering the friendship, “Any rock?”
The laugh lightened the heaviness in Luke’s chest and brought a smile to both the teens’ faces. Music was always one of the topics you could talk for hours with the band given the classical background you had.
“None that we had the honour of hearing.” The grin brought a smile to Luke’s face as well, and then some of the pieces of your friendship found their place in the frame.
“So, tell me more about this place.”
And so, you did as the sun set and then rose hours later while you were content to retell the tale of your time. The war with the White Witch and watching Edmund take his last breath and his first one after a drop from Lucy’s Cordial.
As you retold your tale of adventures to Luke, a quartet of siblings scoured a wardrobe decades before the conversation commenced.
A little girl sobbing for her lost sister and greatest friend while her oldest brother closed himself off. A seventeen-year-old closed himself off, finding it difficult adjusting to being a teen once more. As if he hadn’t lived fifteen years with his wife beside him. As if he never had a wife.
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Above is the Narnia engagement ring reader wears from Peter
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ironmariposa · 3 years
the words
Also found on Ao3
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And I know the scariest part is letting go
'Cause love is a ghost you can't control
I promise you the truth can't hurt us now
So let the words slip out of your mouth
Heather knows when on Halloween instead of attending the big party at Diggins house, Ray shows up to help her take Lily trick-or-treating. Lily, who at the age of eleven insists she’s old enough to go on her own but still secretly loves the attention the two older teens pay to her.
“What exactly are you supposed to be?” Heather finally asks him as Lily runs up to another house. They had driven her to one of the more middle class neighborhoods in Carp and she was making out with quite a stash of candy.
Ray is grinning at her, “Well, you said your favorite Avenger was Captain America because ‘he’s hot’.” He holds his arms out as if to say ta-da but she still doesn’t get it. He’s in a t-shirt two sizes too small that does amazing things to his biceps and pectoral muscles, a pair of jeans, a baseball cap and aviator sunglasses.
“Um.” She takes a bite of her candy bar Lily had begrudgingly let her have, “I still don’t get it.”
“I’m Captain America incognito.”
“Oh.” She starts to laugh and he pouts. Adorably she might add. She lays a hand on his chest, and lifts on her toes to kiss his cheek, “Who knew you were so adorable.”
“Adorable!?” He says in disbelief, “I’ll have you know I have never been accused of such a thing in my life.”
Heather laughs as Lily bounds up to them, her treat bag swinging and a smile on her face, “They gave me a coke.” She says flashing it at them from her other hand, “Can I drink it now? Please?”
Heather shrugs, “I don’t see why not. Hey Lily, Ray dressed up as Captain America because I think he’s cute, don’t you think that's adorable?” Heather jumps away from his reach with a squeal, as he tries to tickle her.
“Ew.” Lily says as she pops the tab on her drink, “Don’t include me in your gross love stuff.”
Heather stays a few feet ahead of Ray's reach as they make their way to the next house. He walks beside Lily, trying to talk her out of his fifth piece of candy. She’s only let Heather have two but seems Heather’s not the only Nill to have a soft spot for Ray Hall.
She knows on Thanksgiving, when he shows up with Sarah and Luke at Anne’s with two store bought pies. Her favorite (Apple) and Anne’s favorite (Pecan) as well as a batch of cookies he baked all on his own for Lily. He sits by Heather at the table and is on his best behavior. Luke is as well and Heather knows he had a talk with his brother before dinner.
“My little brother really cares about you.” Luke says to her when they find themselves alone on the porch for a brief moment. He waves his lit cigarette to the house, “I couldn’t name a single damn person he would do this shit for.”
Heather smiles. She knows a compliment when she hears one.
Sarah’s a lot nicer in her observation. They’re all sitting on Anne’s back porch with full bellies, Lily is playing a game of UNO with their mom, Anne and Ray. Luke is down at the horse paddock, petting one of the friendlier horses. Heather is sitting back in her chair just enjoying the fresh air and calm family setting when Sarah sits on the edge of the chair next to her.
“I’ve tried for years to get these boys to have a normal holiday and it always turned into a disaster.” She twists her lips in thought, “Though it was rarely no fault of theirs. Or at least not Rays. I’m impressed you’ve managed it. You even got Luke on his best behavior.”
“I had absolutely nothing to do with that.” Heather laughs.
Sarah smiles, “Maybe not purposely. But Luke and I both see how smitten our brother is with you. We’re both happy for him. You’re good for him.”
Heather's eyes are on Ray who’s laughing loudly and unapologetically. “He’s good for me too.”
“Yeah. I can see that too.”
Heather smiles at Sarah. She’s always liked the younger girl even before she started dating Ray.
She knows when on Christmas both her best friends return from college and California life. He gives her space. Too much and soon she’s dragging him along with her to hang out with them. It’s awkward at first. Real awkward.
She starts off small. Dragging him to the mart to get a slush and candy and sit on the sidewalk to just talk. Her friends sit on one side of her, Ray on the other. A line drawn and she is directly in the middle. It’s quiet at first and she’s wondering if she made a bad decision. But if anyone can have a good time it’s Ray Hall and instead of pissing them all off like he did in the past, he just makes them laugh.
And laugh. Nat raises an eyebrow at Heather and just shakes her head.
They go to a Christmas themed party together at Diggins and all four of them hang out for most of it. She catches Bishop roll his eyes more than once at Ray but he’s also laughing so she counts that as a huge win.
Ray wraps her in his arms as they sway to the upbeat music. It’s not a slow song by any means but Ray makes his own rules in life.
“You like my friends.” She says as she stares up at him.
He laughs derisively, “I wouldn’t go that far, Nill.”
She pushes out her bottom lip in a pout and his eyes linger on it, before he kisses it away and then presses his mouth against hers for a long kiss. No tongue, just a sweet kiss.
“They’re not all bad.” He admits after they part and she smiles brightly. He lightly drags a finger down her face.
Later Bishop admits to having seen them dance. He narrows his eyes, “He does seem to care for you.”
Heather tries not to smile too big. In Bishop's book that’s saying a lot considering his dislike for Ray (rightly so for how much he was bullied.)
Nat admits, as they’re saying goodbye after the break, “He's different with you for sure. Might even L word you.” Then shakes her head and groans, “Ray Hall?”
Heather laughs and hugs her friend tight.
She knows when at midnight on New Years he pulls her to him and kisses her dramatically among all the whoops and hollers. He drags his nose along her ear before taking a deep breath. “I love you Heather Nill.” He keeps his face hidden for a breath. Two. Then pulls back to meet her eyes. She’s not sure she’s ever seen him look so scared. She tilts her head as she runs her fingers through the hair around his ear and without hesitation says the words back to him.
Because she may have known for months he was falling for her, she’s known even longer she was in love with him.
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter three:  Satori, you are such a fucking idiot
Summary: Y/n and Tendou are deeply in love. Living on the other side of Tokyo now, the Monsters are still up to their old shit. They even opened a few businesses for Tax reasons. Even though it’s been almost three years later, Y/n still has never been able to understand how they have avoided the law several times. When Tendou’s Mother reappears in his life, Y/n is confused as Tendou claimed she is dead. Finding out Tendou is being forced to take over the family business by his Mother, she soon learns the truth behind Tendou’s reason he never gets in legal trouble is his family business. His mother is quick to decline Y/n as his future wife and tries to set up Tendou with someone she sees more fit. What will happen to Y/n and Tendou? What will happen to Tendou’s “family business”? What does this mean for the future of the Monsters?
Tw: Swearing, mentions of violence, selling medication, blackmail, hacking, drinking
Word count: 1.1k
Taglist Open! Send an ask or dm to be added! 
Third person pov 
The guys had gone back home around 1am, as Mei had passed out on the couch in Yamaguchi’s arms. 
The Monsters arrived back at their house quickly. Suna and Kenma had now joined the group. They gathered in the kitchen as they sat around the table.
“So what was the super important thing that the other two can’t know about yet? Kemna asked.
“He said just y/n for now.” Shirabu said from the doorway in the kitchen. 
“Oh shit, must be pretty damn serious then.” Suna whispered to Kenma. 
After Shirabu had sat down things had gone quiet for a moment. Tendou looked around at the three new faces there. 
“My mother found me. There is no easy way for me to say this but,” He took a deep breath.”She runs the South side Yakuza.” 
“Are you fucking serious?” Shirabu spoke up. 
“We have three days to let her know what we think. I have no choice, kyotani joined already as well. You guys do not have too but I would suggest leaving town if you want out. Once you are in, death really is the only way out. “ Tendou said. 
“I thought about it a lot while we were at the hangout tonight, I’m in.” Terushima said. 
“Hell yeah fucker!” Kyotani said as he bro hugged him. 
“You guys don’t have to decide right away. So please think about it and just let me know by Tuesday at noon.” Tendou said. He stood up at this point and left the table. Kyotani followed close behind him. 
“Are you really going to join Teru?” Hanamaki asked.
“What do I have to lose man? You guys at this table, plus Y/n, that’s the only family I got now. I want to stay loyal to them, those two guys as well have been there for me for so long.” Matsukawa looked over to him. 
“I think I will say yes after I deal with something real quick.” He stood up and left the room. 
“What are you guys thinking?” Terushima nodded towards the three newest members. 
“I want to talk to Y/n, but I know Tendou has to do that as a one on one first. I really need to think about it first.” 
“I just need to sleep on it. I guess it’s basically what we do now but on a much bigger scale. I think sleep will help me feel more comfortable instead of just saying yes now and regretting it later.” Suna said. 
“I would have to set some ground rules. For one I don’t do physical activities and I refuse to work in the field. I am not the strongest but I do have a lot of  hacking experience and I am good at what I do.” Kenma admitted.
“I am sure a hacker would be needed. You have mad skills Kenma, but yeah let’s talk to Tendou. His dinner is Monday with y/n. He will probably power text out after to see what everyone feels or for a meeting.” Terushima said. 
“Are you seriously considering it Kenma?” Hanamaki asked, Kenma shrugged at him. 
“Why are you backing out Maki?” Shirabu stepped in asking him. 
“You guys are all new to this lifestyle, you know? Is this something you want to spend the rest of your life doing?” 
“Honestly I was just going to seduce a CEO then steal their company and make my assistant run it for the rest of my life anyways. A dream life of riches right there.” Suna said. Terushima laughed a bit at his response. 
“Dude that’s actually pretty smart. I see why you are a business major now.” Terushima said. 
“Honestly, I was just going to hack something big and probably blackmail my way to the top as well.” Kenma said with another shrug.
“You babies are growing up so fast.” Terushima said, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes. “Just yesterday you were just two teens on campus, today you are ready to swipe billion dollar companies.” Shirabu laughed. 
“The only thing I was going to do was be a doctor, but maybe working with you guys would be better. I still have quite some time to go, but I do have a lot of medications if you need it.” Terushima laughed again. \
“You really are swinging in the big league already, I just don’t think you realised how close you really are.”
Meanwhile upstairs…..
Tendou sat behind the desk as he looked down at his hands. :
“Just rip the bandaid off and say it the fuck now.” Kyotani said. 
“It’s not that easy telling my one true love, hey I get to kill people for a living now!” Kyotani sat in the chair in front of him. 
“She definitely already knows what type of man you are. Look at us back in highschool. We were fighting people, hell you shattered Oikawa’s leg with a bat!” 
“I know, But Kentaro,” Tendou took a deep breath, “I don’t know what she will do, maybe she will leave me... Maybe it would be better that way, at least I would know she’s safe.” 
“You are a fucking idiot. I bet you she’s going to give you that look she makes when she thinks, then 10 minutes later jump into your arms and tell you she fucking loves you and I will call you a fucking idiot but you two will be fucking fine.”
“I am not sure this is the lifestyle she would want to live.” 
“Satori, you are such a fucking idiot.” He smacked the back of Tendou’s head.  
“What the hell mad?!??!” Tendou snapped as he stood up.
“Do you not pay attention to her and her own fucking monster pack at her mother fucking school!” 
“I guess I didn’t think about that. She really did recruit them all, and she leads them when I am not around.” 
“Y/n was also the one that destroyed 7 cars in a parking lot cause a guy cat called her and she couldn’t remember which one it was.” 
“Matsukawa needs to stop giving people bats for their birthday.” Tendou said now with a laugh. 
“Let’s fucking go drinking. We could use peace at mind for a couple more hours fucker. It will make things easier when you tell her.” 
The two walked down stairs as Matsukawa was now reentering the house. 
“The fuck you do?” Tendou asked him. Matsukawa stood in front of them, covered in fresh blood. His bat still in his right hand, also covered in blood.
“I was playing baseball.” Matsukawa said with a laugh.
An: Really seeing a soft side of Tendou for y/n 🥺
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winfall · 3 years
Episode 1: Welcome to Suplex City (Volume 6)
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(photo of chair by Mariakray on Pixabay)
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(photo by Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash)
Charly drops a file on Kurt's desk.
CHARLY: They call themselves The Revival.
Kurt looks through the file.
CHARLY (CONT'D): A gang of advocates who support good old-fashioned fist fights. “No firearms. Just fists.”
KURT: Okay...
CHARLY: How is it possible that they've gotten away with two robberies technically unarmed?  Because not enough people are seeking out the truth even when it's right in front of them.
Kurt closes the file and puts it aside.
KURT: Look, Charly, I admire what you're doing, but save yourself the trouble. Those guys are probably halfway into Canada by now, and the last thing the public needs is more news about crimes that will never be solved. That's why I want you at the Universal Crown tonight. At least it'll take the city's mind off of worrying about being the next victim.
His phone rings.
KURT (CONT'D): Can you shut the door on your way out? Thanks.
Outraged, Charly leaves the room.
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(photo by Sergey Isakhanyan on Unsplash)
JBL and Booker T walk into the bar surrounded by bikers. Drinking. Shooting Pool. Throwing darts at Shane McMahon's photo. Having a good time.
Laughter comes from the back where a group of guys are playing cards. JBL has spotted his target.
AJ STYLES gathers in his big pot.
AJ: I am phenomenal, if I do say so myself.
KARL ANDERSON clears his throat on sight of JBL and Booker T coming their way. He and LUKE GALLOWS stand guard.
AJ (CONT'D): At ease, boys. (to JBL and Booker) To what do we owe the pleasure this time?
JBL: We have reason to believe you can help us find a couple of suspects.
He takes out his phone and shows them a close-up of Dawson's glove.
JBL (CONT'D): See anything familiar?
AJ looks at the photo. Now he's offended.
AJ: I can assure you, those are not my guys. Quite frankly, you're looking at them. And I don't think they appreciate your accusations. You know, we're getting sick and tired of you breathing down our backs.  
BOOKER T: We're just doing our job.
AJ stands causing Anderson and Gallows to back him up.
AJ: Does your job include harassment? Or maybe you're having trouble hearing me. I said they're not one of us. Why are you still here?
JBL: One more question. Where were you at 9 AM this morning?
AJ snarls like an angry pitbull.
JBL (CONT'D): Let us know if you hear anything.
He and Booker T walk away.
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(photo by Jordan Koons on Unsplash)
BARON CORBIN stands behind the front glass display counter of the cluttered pawn shop watching Freestyle, an amateur wrestling show, on an antique TV.
COMMENTATOR (ON TV): Jason Jordan has proven to be unstoppable thus far. The kid has a bright future ahead of him.
Dean, Roman, and Seth enter heading straight for Baron. Baron ignores them until they gather around the counter.
BARON: Can I help you with something?
SETH: That depends. Sell any illegal weapons lately?
ROMAN: I'm sure Shane would love to hear all about that.
Baron keeps watching the match on TV, uninterested.
BARON: I don't know what you're talking about.
DEAN: You don't know what we're talking about?
BARON: That's what I just said. Look, if you're not going to buy anything I suggest you get out of my store. Clowns...
Baron goes back to watching his program.
ROMAN: He's right. Let's have a look around. See what we can find. Then maybe he'll tell us what we want to know.
Roman eyes a trashcan full of kendo sticks. He picks one up, twirls it around.
ROMAN (CONT’D): Hey, how much for this?
Smashes a display case.
BARON: Hey! He can't do that.
DEAN: Looks to me he can do whatever he wants unless you start opening your mouth.
Baron remains silent.
Seth wanders over to a collection of baseball bats.
SETH: All we want is a moment of your time.
He takes a bat. Smashes the TV.
Baron hops over the counter, charging at Seth.
Dean grabs the trashcan and slams it against Baron’s back. Baron falls to the floor. Dean tosses the can.
DEAN: Get him up.
Roman and Seth lift Baron to his feet. Dean approaches Baron, wielding his own kendo stick.
BARON: I didn't sell them anything. Those bozos stole them from me the second I turned my back.
SETH: Why didn't you call the police?
Corbin keeps his mouth shut.
DEAN: Cat got your tongue? We have ways of making you talk. An entire room full of them. So, unless you start yapping, we're going to turn your junkyard into a playground.
BARON: I didn't want to be involved. You want information? I know what their license plate number is.
DEAN: What, did you chase them down?
BARON: I sold it to them.
The three of them exchange looks.
Dean snatches a receipt slip from the counter, grabs a pen and thrusts it at Baron. Baron writes down the plate number. Dean takes it. It reads, “WEGOHARD.”
JBL and Booker T enter. Assessing the situation, they pull out their guns.
JBL: Freeze!
Seth and Roman drop Baron as all three of them hold up their hands. Roman lowers his mask.
ROMAN: They're with me.
JBL: You've gotta be kidding me.
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only-here-for-jatp · 4 years
Build-a-Band pt 1&2
Inspired from a tumblr post that I have lost track of. (If you see it lmk)
The boys go to Build-a-Bear. 
Each chapter is told from the POV of a different person. Reggie is first up!
I tried to reference actual build a bears, but the accessories are whatever I wish into existence so there.
Can read on Ao3 here
And also below! ~1900 words
Everything had been normal since the Orpheum. Well as normal as life can be when you live with three teenage boy ghosts from the 90s and you’re in a rock band that played one of the most well-known clubs in LA. The boys still got into their crazy antics that Julie inevitably had to fix and there was still something going on between her and Luke, whatever that was. She didn’t have time to worry about it so much these days.
Ever since the Orpheum they could touch and every now and again they could become visible to Flynn or Carlos. It still hadn’t happened in front of Ray yet, much to Reggie’s disappointment but he kept trying. Ray had taken news that the boys were ghosts surprisingly well with the addition of a few extra rules. He eyed the empty space where one ghost in particular was supposed to be when he told them although if the object of Ray’s focus noticed he sure didn’t show it.
Time was passing by rather quickly these days, and soon it was the start of summer. Julie’s dad had been nudging her to get a summer job and she couldn’t help but think it might be a good idea. The band was playing regular gigs now, but they weren’t making much money. If they were going to keep going, they needed another source of income. The boys of course couldn’t be of much help with this since you know, dead, so it was mostly up to Julie.
The boys, especially Luke, were a little grumbly about her taking time away from their music. Once she explained that this was to make money for the band, they’d felt a little better about it. They still weren’t over the moon, but the pouting had definitely decreased.
This is how Julie found herself with a job that she knew really wasn’t that awful but was exhausting none-the-less.
The boys were really enjoying the fact that summer meant more time with Julie, even if she did have her new job at the mall. Reggie in particular loved having the extra people around. There was always something going on with Carlos and he’d made numerous trips to baseball practice, or to the park, or whatever was going on.
Today though, after much begging and pleading with Julie, she’d finally relented to let him tag along to her job. For the most part she’d forbidden them from visiting, saying that her job was chaotic enough without throwing three teenage ghost boys into the mix, but Reggie had just been so intrigued.
Build a Bear was apparently a place for kids where they came and made stuffed animals and you could add hearts and costumes and name them. To him that sounded like possibly the best place in the world.
When he was younger, he’d had a small chocolate brown teddy bear that he carried around with him anywhere. It came with him for the first day of kindergarten, and most days after until he found Luke. Then Sir Reginald, as the teddy bear was known as, would stay in his backpack, just in case. It’d been his support during all of the fighting, and he’d hold tight every time he hid in his closet trying to drown out the noise.
In truth, he’d never really grown out of his teddy bear but it was early middle school when Luke discovered there was a way to climb in through Reggie’s window and soon it was Luke sitting with him in the closet or pulling him out of the house to the studio to play music and wander the beach.
How exactly did one make a stuffed animal he thought? It seemed like it would take a long time sewing all of the pieces together and stuffing it? That’s a lot of work, do kids really enjoy it?? So he was very curious about this Build a Bear, especially when Julie exclaimed that they sold more than just bears! He could Build a Dog or a Turtle or maybe A DRAGON. He had no idea what he was going to find, but he was so excited to find out.
Reggie poofed into the store sometime that afternoon and immediately felt his eyes widen. This. Was. The. Best. Stuffed animals lined the walls of all shapes and kinds and colors. He stood in a sea of kids all running and screaming in sheer joy and he got it. If Julie hadn’t already spotted him, he would absolutely be doing laps right now. But he promised and he really wanted to try and keep the promise that he would be on his best behavior.
He took in the plastered on smile that edged just a little bit toward frantic, her tense posture, and the kids that were lightly tugging on her arms and knew he really couldn’t- “OH MY GOD JULIE IS THAT A STAR WARS BEAR.” He shrieked upon seeing what was clearly a teddy bear but it LOOOKED LIKE DARTH VADER and before he knew it he was poofing over to Julie, tugging on her arm much like the children while speaking so fast it sounded like a blur even to him “JulieJulieJulieJulieJulieJuliePrettyPleaseJulieCanIHaveTheBearJulieIt’sStarWarsITSSTARWARSJULIE.”
All of a sudden Julie was laughing and he stepped back to give her a curious look. Had he broken her? He hadn’t meant to break her. OH NO what was Luke going to say if he broke Julie? And Alex? Oh god please let her not be broken.
But soon he saw the soft smile playing on her lips, a genuine one this time. He smiled back at her and he watched her give him a small nod in a different direction. His eyes followed where she was indicating, and he felt his mouth drop open. There was a soft tan bear with kind of curly fur and its feet had this soft pink material on it. And he couldn’t say what about the bear it was, but it felt like he was looking at Alex.
Reggie quickly glanced at the name, “Timeless Bear” and he smiled. That was all of them exactly. Julie had come to stand next to him, and whispered softly “we can make that one, deal?” Reggie nodded, joy spreading through him quickly and he couldn’t stop his excitement from making him bounce.
Julie had a horde of kids following behind her and Reggie joined them, fitting right in if he wasn’t taller than them. And a ghost. Julie had picked up what looked like a deflated version of the bear and understanding was slowly started to dawn on how this whole process worked. But he still couldn’t figure out how they were going to all stuff and sew it.
Julie led them to this small open space and he watched all the children sit down, so Reggie followed along. In front of them was this huge machine and Reggie stared at it in awe. Was that? Was it filled with stuffing??? This was so cool! He was almost too distracted to miss Julie’s speech. Something about waiting your turn and choosing the softness levels and adding the heart.
Wait. The heart? Reggie tuned back in.
“Alright everyone, you will all need to pick a heart for your new friend.” Reggie’s eye grew wide. The shuffling of kids drew him to the little boxes filled with soft satin hearts. They were all in shades of red and pink and checkered. Julie was there talking with the kids to help him decide when he spotted a heart that was the exact same shade as Alex’s favorite sweatshirt. He pointed with a small voice and said that one. Julie picked it up as they all headed back to the big machine.
“Of course we can’t just put a heart inside our new friend. We’ve got to get it going with some magic first.” Reggie’s eyes widened, watching as Julie charmed the kids into believing with her. “First, we’ve got to rub the heart between our hands to make it warm.” All of the kids followed suit, and even though he knew Julie had the heart for his new friend between her hands he still followed suit. “Next, let’s add a little excitement! We can jump up and down for this one. Gotta have a spring in our step after all.”
“Now, give it a big hug so your new friend knows you’ll always be there for him.” Julie was making eye contact with him now and he could feel himself tearing up a little.
“Finally, make a wish and whisper it into your heart.” Reggie whispered into his hands “I wish I could stay with my brothers forever.” He didn’t know what Julie whispered to his heart, but he trusted her.
The kids bounced around in excitement, not feeling the gravity that was shifting around them. Julie stared for one long moment at Reggie before turning back to them with a smile and beginning the process of stuffing the bears. Reggie gasped so loud he made Julie whip her head around at him. THAT was how they did it. The machine did the stuffing and then it was just a quick close up! He watched the kids get their new stuffie one by one and then take them over to the “grooming” stations where you could brush them and “bathe” them before finding outfits. Reggie wandered over to the clothing section and admired all the selections. There were fancy dresses and Halloween costumes and pajamas and sports outfits and fanny packs.
WAIT. He shrieked with joy and immediately started clapping and jumping around. There in the accessories was a little black fanny pack. He started searching more thoroughly now. There wasn’t a pink sweatshirt but oooh! Was that a pink shirt! And and a baseball cap. YES.
He turned around to find Julie only to discover she was on the last kid. He walked over to her and stood patiently by as she heaved a sigh of relief. Waving them off. “Ready Reggie?” He nodded and shook in excitement. “Here!” She handed him the little pink heart and for a second he could only stare at it. But then he held it tightly in his hands and whispered in his mind.
You will be Alexander. You are the greatest drummer and one of the greatest friends a guy could have. You will be there for every heartache, panic attack, and moment of joy. You are sarcastic, but there for us anyway. Just wait until you meet the real Alex.
Julie nudged him, ready for the heart and watched as the limp piece of fabric became almost real. He didn’t give Julie much time after she finished before dragging her to his clothing selections. She giggled the whole time though, he knew that although she might act exasperated she was having as much as him. She approved of all the clothing choices, and offered one additional thing.
A small rainbow flag that had a band so it looked like the bear was holding it.
Reggie watched it all come together. He took one look at the dressed up bear and exclaimed- “It’s ALEX!!! I have to go show him!!! Thanks Julie” He gave her a quick hug and poofed away before anybody could wonder why that bear was floating.
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