#Extreme rules match
daminouspurity · 1 year
NXT No Mercy 2023 NXT Women’s Championship Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton - Extreme Rules WWE 2K23
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turflamicgaming420 · 1 year
This is one of those sleeper matches that turns out to be an EPIC MATCH!!! Enjoy :)
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sotc · 1 month
I BEAT ORIGINS. my heart is so full and i have so many feelings but ahhh I loved it SOOO MUCHHHH!!! Honestly surprised with how quickly I attached to my Warden and her story, all the companions are SO SO great. 10/10 best dragon age game by far.
I really enjoyed leaving Milana and Alistair to very much caring for each other after everything was said and done despite the unrequited romance. 😭💗 My heart is so full about those two being such such good friends. And I especially love that Morrigan and her became so close like sisters in the end too. Live well, my friend. Live gloriously. BABY GIRL I LOVE YOUUUUU. Special kiss to the wind for SHALE. Honestly the best person Milana loves to be snarky with fr. lol. NOW ONTO ZEVANA....
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Just before the big battle with the Archdemon and I was exploring a few options and I personally headcanon it's a combination of these two scenes that Milana and Zevran share. Milana worried to put him in danger of the Archdemon only for him to tease and insist to come with her before she relents/agrees and finally admits that she loves him. There's something so profound in him not saying it back and yet equally so with Milana saying it to him. She doesn't even need to hear it back in this moment. She knows what he feels mirrors her own; he would choose to be by her side at the end in a shared suicide mission than not at all. That alone is her courage, her strength, her resolve. And Zevran knows it love despite himself but how fucking painful and scary is it to hear those three words in the face of uncertain death? When the last time he heard those three words from Rinna he had damned her and himself? To recognize once more his heart has been touched so irrevocably? He may be grateful fate has brought them together but the circumstances of it all are so, so cruel. Fate is a tricky whore!!!!! What a lovely and incredibly intimate character moment for the both of them. Ugh <33
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MY FUCKIN BABIESSSSSS. SOBS. JUST-- RUN AND JUMPS INTO THAT MANS ARMS AND SMORCHES TF OUT OF HIMMMM. If only to slap his shoulder and roll her eyes when he teases her at the end there LOL. Sooooo... now to play Awakening and all the other dlcs I have yet to do? :)
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villain-in-love · 6 months
Jokes aside, the reason NRC started winning in almost every basketball match? Well, not only Jamil stopped holding back in demonstrating his true talents, but he also puts double effort in his performance and actively shows off because Prefect goes to every game. To be fair, at first it did not help at all, because Jamil was flustered by her watching him so intently, but he got used to it soon enough and now completely steals the show at every game. (He would like it if she forever kept her eyes on him and only him)
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wrestlewar · 2 years
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CONGRATULATIONS on a tremendous victory, as well as a successful Title Defense, against Bayley, Bianca Belair!
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jvzebel-x · 2 years
#as a rule it generally has always frustrated me that it very often feels like people are WILLFULLY misunderstanding&misrepresenting me#&occassionally it leads to fun past-times such as actively matching the level of intelligence generally expected from me-- none.#or matching whatever bland&one dimensional personality type i have been very obviously&typically tactlessly assumed to have.#but especially in regards to how nice i am as a default ive always had issues with negative backlash from it lmao.#like its a toss-up as to whether or not the assumption is that i'm too stupid w/ too little life experience#to understand that ppl are inherently evil&thus should be treated poorly&w/ as much suspicion as possible as a default-- lol#-- or that i'm being manipulative+fake &the kindness is surely just a front for nefarious intentions.#&like for the vast majority of my life ive primarily dealt w/ the former which is vaguely annoying but also a lot of fun to play around w/#until i've become too bored w/ the one-sided game to keep on playing it w/ ppl who have the overall depth of a shower floor#&the tact of a rabid wild boar only made worse by the continued assumption that im too stupid to understand that im being insulted.#but over the past few years the tides have shifted to the latter&like.#it took years of adjustment but i've finally perfected the art of actively disappearing in situations where its made clear#that my words&behaviors are being dissected for hidden meanings or malicious intent lmao.#truly the '... nah' philosophy has saved what little is left of my fucking sanity lmao.#it's officially the holiday season&i am already prepared to '... nah' my way straight the fuck into extremely comfortable isolation lol.#bc while i am more or less proud of having leashed my more vicious impulses it's still my first&strongest instinct#to take how bad someone thinks i am&to see how much lower i can go lmao.#when the assumption is that the worse that could happen is shattered kneecaps you take both the feet instead.#this is simply how i was raised lmao.#but in the interest of removing myself from that rather unhealthy cycle i am doing my best to just not engage when it happens.#... but fuck me if it doesnt feel like i'm being purposefully baited most times lmao.
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cawcawmotherfker · 2 years
The White Rabbit (Bray, lbr) will likely reveal themselves right at the very end of the show. Rollins/Shittle are main eventing, so the debut will probably hint at a feud with one of them. Rollins was announced to have a US title match on Monday with zero buildup,which tells me he’s gonna lose the match and it will probably be a building point for a different feud.
What all this says to me is:
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daminouspurity · 2 years
WWE Extreme Rules 2022 SmackDown Women's Championship Liv Morgan vs. Ronda Rousey Predictions WWE 2K22
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razelssacredplace · 2 years
I regret having eyes during this strap match. And I regret having ears... I regret that I mostly enjoy watching this.
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shortkingvi · 2 years
i am unwell
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elitehoe · 2 years
Imperium and Brawling Brutes is my current fight forever cause they just be putting on BANGER after BANGER after BANGER after BANGER
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r-truth · 1 year
iyo vs asuka with charlotte's presence and not the main event lmao yeah there are going to be shenanigans for sure
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vodkassassin · 3 months
Tim is sick of his family fighting, an occurrence which doesn’t always but enough times has nearly led to murder, that he devises a new method to deal with them and their petty (or serious, but usually petty) arguments: Batcourt
The first ever batcourt trial was to mediate an argument between Dick and Bruce, bc when Tim became Robin they were on the outs; Dick had moved out and was rebelling against his dad. They barely talked to each other, and when they did it was to argue.
Tim, being in the middle of all that, finally snaps and basically strong arms them into a impromptu “court session”, bc if they can’t be civil with each other in conversation they maybe they can at least be professional in this Thought Exercise.
He appoints Alfred as the unbiased jury, and then demands that both Bruce and Dick take five minutes to compile their cases against each other to present to the judge (Tim).
Both Bruce and Dick are incredibly unamused, but Tim has Alfred’s support, so they reluctantly go along with the charade. And…
It’s actually surprisingly effective.
The argument is hashed out without anyone coming to blows or a screaming match. They are all very mature about it and the argument is settled with both parties, if not happy, then mollified that they actually got to speak their parts and come to a conclusion that wasn’t unfair.
Alfred is very pleased with the results of the first batcourt trial, and give his blessing for this method to be used in the future.
And so it is. Tim is typically the Judge, as he is the mastermind behind the method and typically stays out of all arguments as much as he can, and is known to everyone to be extremely impartial when the others argue about anything. So 9 times out of 10, Tim’s judge, and uses a generating software program he developed and installed on his gauntlet (and civvy watch) to choose a jury to preside over a trial when one of the family members opens a case against someone else.
This eventually becomes just how the family resolves disputes.
If an argument comes forth and is starting to get too heated, whoever declares that they’d ‘like to submit a case to the batcourt’ is by default the prosecution, leaving the other party as defendant (these are just terms, this isn’t actually a court of law, this is just a method of resolving arguments, so both sides are heard). At this point, everyone usually turns to Tim, who appoints a jury and then tells the pros and def that they have five minute to compile and submit their evidence to the court.
It’s all very official, and the Rules of Batcourt is that everyone has to remain absolutely professional as if this were a real court case. This is to ensure nobody breaks the exercise, otherwise it won’t work.
Anyway it’s VERY effective, and is used for years in private.
Until a pair of them have an argument in the middle of an op in public and it’s getting in the way of taking out the villain…. So someone declares that they’d like to submit a case to the batcourt.
Of course any non-bat present is like “the what”
But all the bats present, being so used to using the batcourt method to hash out disagreements, automatically turn to Tim.
Anyway, Tim, by habit, immediately runs the jury program and appoints Spoiler and Black Bat as jury (the argument was between Red Hood and Nightwing, with Red Hood submitting the case and therefore the prosecution).
The rogue they were fighting (let’s choose a nicer one, Riddler maybe) is so confused at this point that they kind of stop in the middle of their scheme just to watch the the fuck is going on.
The bystander civilians and any reporters are also like “???” And so basically they all get to watch the first ever public batcourt trial.
(The jury ends up voting in favor of Red Hood, so Tim declares that Nightwing is Guilty “by the power vested in my by the Batclan” and Nightwing is sentenced to Apologizing to Red Hood - since the argument started because Nightwing wouldn’t get the fuck out of RH’s way and he kept almost shooting him lmao, it just went downhill from there. Brothers amirite.)
Anyway the video goes viral immediately, the Gotham internet going insane over the concept of how the vigilantes apparently resolve their arguments.
The riddler is so fascinated by what he just witnessed that he just accepts being taken back to jail for the meantime to mull things over (I love Eddie)
Now that the bat is out of the bag, so to speak, the Batclan submits cases to batcourt in public a few more times without thinking, and the public is very excited every time. Every case and verdict shows up in the next day’s paper, and it’s a Gotham Highlight. People love it.
And then it escapes containment. Because one day a rogue loudly declares that they would like to submit a case to the batcourt. Against Batman.
The present Batclan members all look at each other, and then to Tim, who is already running the jury appointment program without even thinking. It ends up choosing Riddler (who was also there) along with two civilians and a bat (Robin).
Tim blinks, then shrugs, and lets it happen.
So starts the Batcourt trial of the decade: Batman V Poison Ivy.
And Batman loses.
Ivy still goes to jail afterwards, being a criminal and all, but she does so victoriously. She has mad street cred after this. The public goes WILD.
Anyway what I am saying is that batcourt is a highly respected court of dispute in Gotham. The majority of trials are conducted between Batclan members, but there are rogues who have won (and lost) trials in batcourt, and even one very infamous instant where the GCPD submitted a case against Red Hood and subsequently lost when the mostly civilian jury declared him Innocent.
The police force having to then apologize to Red Hood made headlines so big that they broke Gotham City containment and made it into the outside world.
Which leads to the next famous batcourt case: Superman V Batman.
I have been thinking about this concept for weeks and it’s definitely going to be a running gag in all my batfam fics forever
Also we get to have this fun interaction
“Batcourt is now in session”
Batman: please don’t call it that
Tim: ahem
Batman, sighing: objection
Every single one of his kids, pointing at him like in ace attorney: overruled
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turflamicgaming420 · 1 year
These are the 5 man extreme rules elimination matches for the Billion Dollar Championship in WWE 2K22. There are a lot of cool downloaded characters featured in these matches. Check it out. :)
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derinwrites · 2 months
Plotting a story -- inductive and deductive plotting
When it comes to plotting habits in writing fiction, there’s a scale. Most people label the ends of this scale ‘gardener’ and ‘architect’, although the terms ‘plotter’ and ‘pantser’ are also in use. If you’re a writer, you probably know this scale, but I’ll briefly explain for those who haven’t and then get into my model.
An architect, or plotter, is a writer who thrives with a lot of planning. Like an architect planning a house, they assess what story they’re telling in advance and what needs to happen to tell it. They assess the materials, plan and measure the acts (if they’re using an act structure), decide on the climax and how the characters will develop and map those onto the plan. Then, with a plan, they write.
A gardener, or pantser, by contrast, writes ‘by the seat of their pants’. Pantsers may or may not know where their story is going in broad terms, but they certainly don’t know in any detail beyond ‘this’ll be a cool scene if I can get it there’. To these people, writing is less like architecture and more like gardening – you can build your beds and plant your seeds, but a whole lot of what’s going to happen next depends on how the plants grow, and all you can do is keep an eye on them and prune or train them as necessary. You can dream about what your garden will look like in the spring, but you won’t know until you get there.
Plotters and pantsers are not two distinct categories of writers, but ends on a scale. The writer who ad libs sentence by sentence with no goal at all is extremely rare, as is the writer who starts from an overall view of the plot and cuts it down and down until they’re planning on the sentence level. Most writers tend towards one end of the scale to a greater or lesser degree, but very few write completely using one method and none of the other.
The plotter/pantser scale is one that many writers find incredibly useful to help them understand their own process. By knowing where you are on this scale, you can better understand how you write and better understand how the habits and advice of other writers may or may not be useful to you. (A pantser trying to meticulously plot their story in advance following some formula they found in a writing advice book is wasting their time.) However, this model has little utility beyond that, which is why I find it more useful to address the phenomenon not as a scale, but as the manifestation of two separate skills, that I like to call deductive and inductive plotting.
In logic, deductive reasoning is when you take broad rules or generalities and apply them to specific circumstances to predict things – you start big and go little. “Things fall when you drop them, therefore if I drop this rock it will fall” is deduction. Inductive reasoning is the opposite – you start with small observations and build them into a pattern to predict something bigger. “I dropped seventeen objects and they all fell; therefore, perhaps when you drop things, they fall” is induction. (There’s also abductive reasoning, but that doesn’t fit into our plotting skill metaphor.)
In my experience, these skills match to the habits of plotters and pantsers. Plotters, or architects, assemble a big picture of the story they want and then deduce their individual scenes and fill in the lines to map to their overall general picture. They are deductive plotters. If you ask a deductive plotter to start writing without an outline, they become lost and their output seems directionless and erratic – how can they know what to write if they don’t have an outline to break things down from? Deductive plotters tend to think of stories in terms of overall structures and themes that can be broken down into characters and events and put on the page.
Pantsers, or gardeners, are the opposite. They’re if-then writers, and build the plot upwards from the individual actions of their characters and create the story from the sum total of those interactions. They are inductive plotters. Brandon Sanderson often describes a pantser’s first draft as just a really thorough outline, and he’s not wrong; a pantser needs the scene-by-scene minutae to know what happens next. How are they supposed to build an outline if they don’t know what happens next? If you ask an inductive plotter to build and follow a thorough outline, their writing often comes out as wooden and arbitrary as they have to force the actions of the characters between the restrictive rails of predetermined plot. Inductive potters tend to think of stories in terms of characters and discrete events that build up into something bigger with a consistent mood or theme. Inductive plotters sometimes complain of their characters having a life of their own and defying the plot – this is the effect of their moment-by-moment if-then reasoning of the character’s next action not matching their initial predictions, and surprising them.
Again, the vast majority of writers have some rudimentary skill in both inductive and deductive plotting. A strong deductive plotter (architect) can usually sit down and infer line-by-line a scene that their outline lists as “the three characters meet in the coffee shop and share evidence, Rosemary sees Harold’s notes and realises where the gun went.” Similarly, a strong inductive plotter (gardener) usually has some idea of where their story is headed next even if they don’t know how long it’ll take to get there or what complications will pop up in the meantime. But I’ve never met a writer who is equally strong in both inductive and deductive plotting; most writers specialise heavily in one, and tend towards one end of the scale. I think this is because there’s such a huge overlap in utility; when we start learning to write, we start plotting in whatever way is easiest for us, and train that specific method over decades. There’s little reason to invest even more decades into getting just as good with the other method when your favoured method already achieves everything you want.
I find that viewing this scale as the result of two skills, inductive and deductive plotting, can be very helpful in understanding specifically how we write. Thinking of myself as a heavily inductive plotter with rudimentary deductive plotting skills has really helped me understand why some methods of writing work for me and others don’t, as well as help nail down specific weaknesses in my writing. I also find it useful to think of writing styles and strategies not as some unchangeable characteristic we were born with (as the plotter/pantser scale is frequently envisioned), but as skills that can be built. You don’t write the way you write because you happen to be a plotter or pantser – you write the way you write because that’s what you learned to do! And it was hard! And you did it! Be proud of your skill!
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ineylesian · 5 months
thinking about the hat rule w boothill…
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In a crowd full of flashing lights and dancing people, Boothill allows you to take his hat off.
Albeit, he’s extremely drunk. The scent of bourbon trails off of his breath as you lean in, swiping the black leather off of his head, spinning its brim between your fingers. His voice is tinged with a daze as he grumbles at you to give it back to him, but doesn’t stop your admiration of the medallion fastened to the red ribbon that matches his eye.
He’s especially silent when you slip the hat onto your head, coy smile plastered on your face. His brain nearly short circuits at your bravery, and, while he would normally tease you for being this bold to a ranger, all rational reasoning is cut off by the alcohol.
So, Boothill thrusts his drink into a stranger’s hands, and grabs you by the top of his hat before you can run.
“Come here, you little minx. You know what you did.”
The rasp of his mechanical voice box meets your ears, and you can do nothing but stare at him sheepishly as he tilts your chin upward. Wordlessly, he dives forward, lips crashing into yours, teeth poking at your tongue as you embarrassingly try to scurry away. A slight crowd gathers as you drag Boothill out of the bar, all whilst he nips at your neck and starts to loosen his clothes without shame.
You remind yourself to try again when he’s not drunk.
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