#Austin Powers Fat Bastard
turflamicgaming420 · 1 year
This is one of those sleeper matches that turns out to be an EPIC MATCH!!! Enjoy :)
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roanimations · 1 year
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yeeeeeeeah baby
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kamaandhallie · 2 months
When I watched this scene in "Cruella" for the first time, all I could think of was the scene in "Austin Powers in Goldmember" with Fat Bastard.
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megahorous · 1 year
Watched Austin Powers:  the Spy Who Shagged Me this time !  It was pretty groovy
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-- I’ve seen it, but find it a little less memorable than the first one.  Though guys like Mini-Me and Fat Bastard do make their debut here
-- We used to have the soundtrack to this; there are alotta nice songs.  Dr. Evil can rap !
-- A lot of jokes are kinda repeats of the first one.  Well, you know what they say about sequels
-- He gets a different Powers Girl in each one !  But we never cared for Vanessa’s fate; that was kinda stupid.  I think I liked her the best <3
-- Felicity’s more like just a female Austin Powers; even wearing a female symbol like his male symbol.  Like when cartoon characters would meet a love interest who pretty much just looks like them
-- No. 2′s back, just with his face burned.  Mustafa, too !  Well, they went back in time; maybe he survived both times
-- Austin Powers seems to get upset at Felicity visiting Fat for a mission...seems a little hypocritical of him, somehow....
-- Going to the Moon to save the world, not unlike Paper Mario:  the Thousand-Year Door !
-- Mini-Me is The Dragon.  He is the Penultimate Boss
-- Felicity is easily caught off-screen.  Actually, I don’t remember her showing any combat skills, unless I forgot something
-- True to his title, Dr. Evil is administering a shot in his last scene
-- Scott immediately dislikes his father [upon meeting him] but likes his mother
-- They should revive the canceled racing game “Austin Powers Mojo Rally”
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scripture-pictures · 8 months
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arcane-ally · 1 year
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dutiful-wildcraft · 6 months
Boyfriend Soap, who knew it was a bad day for you when you slept in, curled up until the midafternoon when he'd come back in from the gym.
You'd simply gathered up your blanket and trudged onto the couch to continue your sleep there.
We're rotting today? No problem. Soap is there too, bedding down next to ya. Chatting away and playing all the Austin Powers movies, doing his own surprisingly terrible Fat Bastard impression just to get a laugh out of you. It works everytime.
Soap who goes to the store for supplies, grabbing up a bucket of cookie dough, as well as a selection of ice cream. (He gets his own pint bc the man can put food away and doesn't want you to get butthurt when he demolishes it all).
Soap who plops you in the kitchen still wrapped in your favorite blanket to keep him company as he fixes dinner. Handing you the jar of store bought spaghetti sauce he pretends he can't open. Just so he can say “Thank you chef!” and plant a loud smooch to your cheek.
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neimiismycoolgirlname · 2 months
Brian Murphy listening to episode 3 of Never Stop Blowing up and tossing away his headphone angrily when They start making references to Austin Power and Fat Bastard.
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skaruresonic · 27 days
So Sonic 3's trailer finally dropped today. Any thoughts on it?
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I had zero hype for this film because I didn't like the previous two and had no reason to believe this one would turn out any different. Lo and behold! ...it doesn't.
There's so much I could talk about.
• The shameless digging up of the corpse of my favorite Sonic game just to dress it up Norman Bates-style. Why yes, I love getting butchered adaptations of SA2 shoved down my throat. Keep 'em coming.
• The fact that the overly-furry aesthetic Paramount chose for Sonic and the other anthros still looks plug-ugly to my eyes no matter how much I try to get acclimated to it. In fact, it somehow looks even worse here than it did in previous movies.
• The fact that they ripped off a scene from Matrix Revolutions. Interesting choice, lmao.
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• Jimbotnik continuing to register as "Jim Carrey in a costume" and not as Eggman.
• Agent Stone continuing to be a nothingburger of a character aside from being a living footstool for Jimbotnik. I thought everybody said he was going to be 3's main antagonist. Why is he even here.
• Jimbotnik calling Gerald "Pop-Pop," cutesy-ing it up for no real reason, when Eggman simply called him "grandpa" at most in the games. What, is his grandfather Mike Ehrmantraut now?
• The original game's "fuck the police" angle now being ignored in favor of maybe making GUN look like the good guys (what?).
• The fact that the ARK, an iconic location, is nowhere in sight is making me more than a tad apprehensive. Idk if this thing is supposed to replace it:
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• This one really steams my hams: the fact that Paramount portrays Jimbotnik's weight gain via hateful stereotypes of fat men which the games do not employ in their overall portrayal of Eggman. It reflects a fatphobic attitude I could have told you was the case years ago judging by the fact that they cast a thin man in the role.
Games!Eggman is stylish and immaculately groomed, but Jimbotnik has to be a slob who dresses like The Dude just because he gained a little weight. Of course. 🙄
It really bothers me because Eggman is quite possibly one of the only examples of positive fat male representation I can point to, and they can't even let him be a little fat onscreen without literally exposing his belly with the intent to make fun of him in ways the games seldom do, if ever.
God fucking forbid he actually weighs the 281 lbs. he does in canon; Paramount would probably portray him like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
In lieu of being portrayed as dumb and weak, as is usually the case for fat male characters, Games!Eggman is portrayed as cunning, intelligent, powerful (physically and mentally), and stylish in a way that commands respect, despite whatever this Chili's says to discredit him. Eggman is fucking cool, and y'all are tripping if you don't think so.
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• The fact that this movie is probably going to be cringe on the basis of its constant bathos-inducing insistence on making the characters crack mistimed jokes during serious moments.
• Doing a double take when Sonic called Shadow an "alien," possibly realizing that "alien" is the film universe's designation for anthros, then promptly short-circuiting and catching on fire. Can we not.
• Why does the trailer insist on making Shadow look like a wet cat? They did not deep-freeze my boy like they did in the games. Games!Shadow emerged from stasis minty-fresh, whereas Movie!Shadow looks like a newborn kitten yeeted straight out of the womb:
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Disgustang. Stop that.
• The fact that everyone gives '06 flack for aesthetic whiplash but thinks Shadow looking like a muppet beside an irl little girl is fine, actually:
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And the fact that said little girl may be killed just making dead Maria jokes 10x more uncomfortable than they need to be.
• They missed an opportunity for a fun visual gag by having the bathroom sign read "occupied" instead of "eggupied" or "hatching" (as in hatching a scheme. or a shit. maybe both, lol). Something like that:
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They can pay homage to the Akira bike slide and the Super Burly Brawl from Matrix Revolutions, but God forbid we actually allude to Sonic games :v
...But most of this can be boiled down to "Paramount gonna Paramount."
All in all, I'm likely to continue my time-honored tradition of seeing the movie when it releases in theaters because deep down, I'm still a Sonic whore and subsequently pretending the films don't exist thereafter lol
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horrorsequel · 1 year
fat bastard from austin powers voice: get in mah pussy!!!!
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mariacallous · 2 years
I can only assume that acting – pretending, convincingly, to be someone you aren’t – is an incredibly boring, unrewarding profession if you are an able-bodied person playing other able-bodied people. That must be the case, considering how many professional actors who happen to fall into that group take on roles they perhaps shouldn’t, and are then celebrated for it by their peers – now including, of course, Brendan Fraser in The Whale.
Fraser’s casting in the film – or whether the film should even exist in 2023 – may be under even more scrutiny now it has Academy Award nominations, including one for best actor, to add to its treasure trove of accolades.
Naturally, the performance was always going to attract lots of press. Fraser dons heavy prosthetics (both physical and CGI) for his performance as a morbidly obese person, and actors wearing prosthetics or makeup for dramatic performances tend to attract plaudits (see Nicole Kidman, Steve Carell, even Al Pacino as “Big Boy” Caprice in Dick Tracy).
Prosthetic-enhanced performances get particular attention from the entertainment industry machine if the additions make the actor look what Hollywood considers to be … worse. Darren Aronofsky’s The Whale is a perfect example of this: therefore, it is considered brave; therefore, it is bait for awards. But should it be?
Based on a play by Samuel D Hunter, the film centres on a “reclusive English teacher who attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter”. A major factor in why Fraser’s Charlie is so reclusive? That 600-pound weight. If you haven’t seen the film yet, the reviews can give you an idea of its treatment of obesity, but also very clear insight into the awkwardness involved in covering such a tale for some reviewers.
There is a nasty voyeuristic delight in the description of the character’s “sloping jowls”, “jelly belly” and “meat slabs” – and a bonus comparison to Jabba the Hutt – in Variety’s write-up. In the Telegraph, there is a snide jibe about “a rounded character in more ways than one” alongside the “radiantly human” compliment about Fraser’s performance. A more personally informed take came from Little White Lies magazine, with the reviewer’s wish that the film “would have done more to dig into the prevalent notion (subconscious or not) that fat people are any less deserving of dignity, respect and love”.
Much gushing has centred on the 50 to 300 extra pounds of fat suit that was put on Fraser for The Whale, and while, yes, this does tie in with Hollywood’s continued fascination with transforming the slender and symmetrical, it feels just plain weird to see a fat suit in a mainstream dramatic film. Typically, fat suits have been mined for comedy – “a one-note joke”, as acknowledged by Fraser himself.
That’s because we are expected, as viewers, to look down on these characters. Audiences have been invited to laugh at actors wearing fat suits over and over again, and it frequently overlaps with ableism, classism and racism – a whole extra side of nastiness: Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers films, Sherman Klump in The Nutty Professor, Rasputia in Norbit, Rosemary in Shallow Hal, Thor in Endgame, numerous characters in the work of David Walliams and Matt Lucas, Fat Monica in Friends, and also, in case you forgot, Joey.
Plenty of people have genuinely thought actors playing fat when they aren’t fat is hilarious. We could go into the academic theories behind this – is the laughter due to feelings of superiority (à la Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes), incongruity (Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer), relief (Herbert Spencer and Sigmund Freud) – or is it punitive (Henri Bergson)? Could it be all of those? I wouldn’t know, because I don’t find fat suits inherently funny. Does that mean I think it’s a sign of progress that fat suits are being mined for misery instead, as in The Whale? Actual actors with the body type required – where possible – would certainly be better; so too would stories that don’t call for deep pity or even disgust from their audience.
I thought Fat Monica dancing was cute in the mid-1990s, because it was recognisable to me as a fat teenager. The Klump family interrupting each other over dinner in the first Nutty Professor film (we will studiously ignore the sequel) reminded me of my own family’s mealtimes. But then I started to notice the sneering behind the performances. I was compared to these characters by bullies who didn’t have a lot of creativity when it came to insults, and by the time Fat Thor arrived in 2019 I was tired of seeing Hollywood’s comedy cosplay.
Fraser has spoken with genuine sensitivity and thought about the experiences of people with disabling weight issues on the publicity trail, and his portrayal is far from Fat Bastard. He has said he hopes the film will help to “end the bias against those who live with obesity”. I’m so grateful for that, so desperate am I for fat characters onscreen who aren’t there to be laughed at. But will the fat suit’s move away from funny to sad eventually make its way around to the dignity Fraser wanted to portray? I really hope so.
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were--ralph · 2 years
is fat bastard from austin powers fuckable
the first time i ever got a boner was from him saying get in my belly but i didn't grow up into a vore person
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wizzardblizzard · 10 months
something ive been thinking about today is back when austin powers: the spy who shagged me came out and i saw it i saw the part where fat bastard drills into frozen austin's hog and extracts his mojo and its like purple goo i was like a kid but that made 100% sense to me. like even now thinking about it i would think like if you extracted something from someones hog and it stole their mojo it would look like that purple goo. theres nothing that would persuade me otherwise but also the part later on where he drops the mojo and it shatters and theres like goo all over the floor i know the moral of the story is that the mojo was in him all along but that scene was like viscerally upsetting to me
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annacaffeina · 1 year
Someone recently told me that Mike Myers of Austin Powers fame is incredibly perfectionist and controlling about the movies he makes in a way that makes him nearly impossible to work with, and that this is why we don't really see him anymore.
Now, I have done 0 fact checking on this, and do not intend to.
But imagine being so exacting about your art that you ruin your own career and what you make is fat bastard.
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inugui · 1 year
i had to have sex with Fat Bastard from Austin Powers in a tool shed
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