#Ezekiel gets a buddy!
wheredidalltheusersgo · 10 months
The Stranded and The Scaly.
Chapter 6 Day 6: Hazy
Golden sunlight trickled through the curtains, it was a truly blissful scene, Geoff thought as he laid on his bed. Though, he was snapped out of his thoughts by some movement nearby.
Bridgette was still asleep. She was snuggled up on top of Geoff with her cheek pressed to his chest. Geoff couldn't help but smile, she was perfect. He lifted a hand to stroke his fingers through her golden locks. Bridgette smiled in her sleep at the contact and nuzzled her cheek further into Geoff's chest. Oh, how he loved her. She was his everything....
Geoff whined in protest as the dream faded out and his eyes opened.
The first thing he noticed was how hot and uncomfortable he was, did he have a fever?
The second thing he noticed was the ache in his right leg and back. As he glanced down at his legs, he saw that his wound had been bandaged up. He seemed to be in a cave, but how did he get here? Either way, he was still exhausted, surely it wouldn't hurt to get a few more minutes of rest?
His eyelids drooped and soon enough, he was fast asleep again.
When he awoke again, the first thing he saw was a pair of wide, grey eyes staring directly into his.
"G'mornin', Zeke...." Geoff yawned. Something felt different, he didn't feel the hardness of the cave floor. "Zeke?.. Is this my sleeping bag?..." Ezekiel nodded in response. "And you wrapped up my leg, too?..." Another nod. Geoff couldn't help but smile, it was nice that Ezekiel cared enough about him to make sure he was comfortable. He tried to sit up, only to be gently pushed back down by Ezekiel. "Rest." Ezekiel managed to growl out. "I take care." Geoff was the only member of the cast who had been somewhat nice to him, and he wasn't going to lose that allyship. He had to make sure the other teen didn't succumb to his wounds and die.
"You've been hanging onto your speaking skills, eh?.. It's nice to know that you still sound somewhat like you did a year ago..." Geoff smiled weakly, before coughing into his hand. Ezekiel gave Geoff a concerned look and pressed the back of his hand against his forehead. His temperature was still high, that wasn't good at all. "This place is really hot, isn't it?.." Geoff spoke. "Not hot. Fever." Ezekiel replied. "That makes sense, I feel gross.. " Geoff groaned. "How'd you get me here, anyways?.. I think I blacked out..." 
"Carry." Ezekiel carefully lifted Geoff off the ground as a demonstration before setting him back down on the sleeping bag. "You're stronger than I remember, does being a mutant give you more strength?..."
Ezekiel just shrugged in reply.
"Hungry? I make soup." Ezekiel pointed to a steaming pot on a campfire a couple meters away.
"You made soup?... how?..." Geoff was genuinely curious. "Did you raid Chef's kitchen or something?..."
Ezekiel gave Geoff a simple nod. "Chef not watch kitchen at night."
"Oh, I guess that checks out."
"I steal couple things from kitchen." Zeke shuffled off and came back with a large burlap sack. He reached into the sack and pulled out one of chef's bowls and a spoon. "Wow, that's pretty neat, homeschool.." Geoff grinned slightly.
"I feed you. You rest more. Good?"
"Yep, sounds good, buddy." Geoff sat up as best as he could and combed his fingers through his messy, blonde hair. Ezekiel wandered over to the pot with the fork and spoon before dipping the bowl into the pot and scooping up some of the soup. He went back over to Geoff with the bowl of steaming liquid.
"What's in that stuff, anyways?" Geoff stared at the chunks floating in the slightly thick liquid. "Potato. Fish. I steal salt from kitchen. " Ezekiel scooped up a spoonful of the soup and blew on it before offering it to Geoff. "You're getting pretty resourceful, huh?" Geoff replied before taking the spoon into his mouth. It was salty, though it didn't taste too bad. "Not bad, homeschool!" Geoff reached forwards and gave Ezekiel an appreciative pat on the head. A toothy grin spread across Ezekiel's face at the contact, and he continued to feed Geoff the soup.
After a little while, Geoff was fast asleep on the sleeping bag again. Since there was a little stream running through their part of the cave, Ezekiel had soaked a cloth with water and placed it on Geoff's forehead to try and regulate his body temperature.
Ezekiel hesitantly leaned in and pressed his ear against the other boy's chest to hear his heartbeat. It was comforting to hear the gentle rhythm of Geoff's heart and feel the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
It was nice to have a companion.
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hypewinter · 1 year
At first he'd been overjoyed that the cloning had worked. Then, as the weeks went by, he realized just how messed up of a thing he had done. Tim still remembered the faces of everyone after he told them. There were mixes of shock, horror and disappointment. He'd been unable to face both Bruce and Clark for a while after that.
Now Tim sat in a rocking chair within the newly decorated nursery. He looked down at the baby in his lap, who returned his gaze with a blank one of his own.
He sighed as he turned to peer out the window. It was a full moon tonight. "They're mad at me, I know," he finally spoke. "I can't really blame them either. It wasn't fair to Conner. To his memory."
Tim turned to look at the baby once more. He stared into the baby's eyes. Those painfully familiar eyes that were at the same time new and foreign.
"It wasn't fair to you either."
Tim reached down and brushed a bang out of the baby's eyes. "But I swear I'm going to make it up," he continued. "Starting by giving you your own proper name."
Until now, that baby had been referred to as just that. Baby. If not that it was the clone, the child or Conner's clone. But now that Tim had firmly decided he was raising the baby, the kid needed a proper name.
"Hmm," Tim pondered. "What about.... Kevin?"
He received yet another blank look.
"Okay... how about Alex, Wes, Kyle? Timothy Jr?"
Blank stare.
"You could be Douglas. Doug for short."
At that the baby seemed to almost quirk up his eyebrow. As if to say, "Are you serious?" Though that was probably Tim's mind playing tricks on him.
"Yeah," he said with a soft chuckle. "I wasn't really feeling that one either."
Tim closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side. "Mark, Luke, Ezekiel, Thomas, Elijah..." Great, now he was just listing off Bible names.
"Daniel..." he muttered absently.
Suddenly, Tim heard a giggle. He looked back down at the baby to see him cooing softly.
"Wait, you like that? Daniel?"
The baby giggled again. This time reaching up towards Tim. Hesitantly, he raised his hand towards the child. He couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped him as the child grabbed onto his pointer finger.
"Ok, Daniel it is."
Except for something still didn't feel right. Tim leaned back and stared at the ceiling as his tried to pinpoint the feeling of wrongness. Then it hit him. He hated whenever people used his full name. It always felt stuffy and formal. It reminded him too much of disappointed looks. Of hands gripping his shoulders or pulling at his ears, telling him to behave.
"Say," he murmured. "Mind if I give you a nickname buddy? How about Dan?"
Daniel scrunched up his eyebrows. "Ok ok, you don't like that one. I get it. Then how about Danny?"
Daniel seemed to appreciate that nickname a whole lot more as him went back to cooing contently. Tim couldn't help as a smile of his own crept onto his face. "It's settled then," he grinned, holding his child up in the air. "Welcome to the family Danny Drake-Wayne!"
He then pulled Danny close into an embrace, closing his eyes as he took in the scent of baby powder and formula. "I promise, you'll have a better childhood than either I or Kon did. I'll make sure of it."
Edit: original prompt for anyone interested
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assistant-of-drama · 5 months
Assistant Noah's World Tour!
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After Japan...
"I saw what you did with Harold." Noah said as he drank his coffee.
Alejandro smirks. "And I see that's your 3rd cup of coffee today. You really should drink that stuff less, amigo. It's not healthy for you."
"Caffeine is the only reason why I survived working for Chris this long."
"I thought it was because you're smarter than the other interns."
"Well, that too… So, now that Harold's gone, are you gonna flirt with Leshawna even more or eliminate her as well? Or is it a bit of both?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Seriously? That cliche? Fine then. But I'm not gonna tell anyone about your plans, if that's what you're worried about."
"I'm not gonna tell anybody because one, they won't believe me cause of how likable you are. Two, you make the show somewhat interesting. Three, none of the people on this show are exactly innocent angels either, so if the guys are dumb enough to fall for your tricks and the girls let themselves be swooned by you despite having boyfriends, then they deserve to lose."
Alejandro blinks quite a few times at Noah's words. Then his smug smirk returns. "Well, well, well… someone has a dark side."
Noah looks away, trying to play it cool. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're repeating what I said." Alejandro's smile turns playfully cheeky.
Noah glares right at him. "I will splash coffee on your face again."
"Why do that, when your clever words already burn people enough?" Alejandro asks with a wink.
Noah rolls his eyes, drinks his coffee again and says, "Whatever. I'm gonna be in first class. With the comfy, plush chairs."
Alejandro's eye angrily twitches at Noah clearly mocking him.
Owen happily waves a hand to Noah. "Hey Noah, you think you can get me a cookie from first class, little buddy?"
Noah sighs. "If I must."
"Oh! Can I have a cookie too, Noah?" Izzy asks excitingly.
"And me too!" chimes Tyler.
"Me three!" Ezekiel also chimes.
Noah sighs louder. "Fine."
"Can you give Al a cookie too? Since he's our team leader and all?" Owen asks with puppy eyes.
Noah turns to see Alejandro somehow looking even more arrogant, with his hands behind his head.
The Cassanova really has everyone wrapped around his finger, doesn't he?
It makes Noah's own eye twitch slightly, as he looks back at Owen. "… Do I have to?"
"Please?" The big guy's eyes get even bigger.
Noah facepalms and drags his hand down. "… Okay, fine. If there are any left for him."
"Gracias, amigo." Alejandro then kisses Noah's hand like before.
Noah was tempted to splash his coffee in the Charmer's stupid face again.
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nhothicket · 8 months
Ever create a band au even though you cant draw instruments?
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more info below the cut :>
Meet Bdubs, 38, stage name BdoubleO - Boomer is often mistaken for his first name, but is just another nickname for the pile. Infamous online, if it weren't for the fact that he makes disgustingly good music he would probably have more hate followers than genuine fans. The line between charming asshole and just asshole is one he fails to tread lightly most days, but he's mostly harmless. Let's just say the Bdoubleo could also stand for boorish. A bit of a sellout, but he enjoys what he does and many appreciate his extremely.. candid attitude. Best likened to a cartoon villain dressed as a rockstar, with the ego to match. (It's usually his unrelenting pretentiousness that gets him into Twitter spats.)
Thank you @foxden-frontier for always helping out with my stupid aus ^v^
Annoying at worst, unfortunately very charismatic at best. You could say he's a softie at heart, but that implies its at all difficult to spot. Once he's done "clapping back at all the haters", in person he's still got a temper (he thinks he has a bad boy reputation to uphold) but is enthusiastically friendly.
Etho, 32, resident keytarist of creatively named band Canadian Bacon. Joined by his two best friends, Pause the frontman and bassist, and Beef their drummer. A deceptively popular band if judging by their permanent rough draft name and their nerdy-college-student dress code. Etho himself is just a guy who likes playing music with his buddies, their hobby having blown up under their noses. Now, as an unfortunately successful touring artist, Etho's anonymity is scarce, but he continues to wear his mask to discourage widespread photos of his face. In spirit. He's concerned about having his face plastered all over fan accounts, which still occurs, but a perk of having a completely rabid fanbase is that many will defend your boundaries to their last dying breath. Like his face, his legal name is out and about online, but its similarly discouraged. Best likened to just a guy.
If asked on the subject of his scar, the entire band has various different whimsical stories, brand new everytime. His lack of internet presence means Pause and Beef are free to make up whatever misinformation about him as they please completely unchecked (in jest of course), and they do take advantage of that. Many of these alternative facts are passed around on wikis and in fan circles.
To say Bdubs is jealous of Canadian Bacon's popularity is an understatement. They weren't even trying at all and yet they're the hot shit? But instead of putting that jealousy to hatred (which he had considered of course) he's instead set himself on proving himself. And if that means impressing Etho then so be it. Why does it mean impressing Etho? Good question, never ask it again. They say keep your enemies close, and Bdubs' enemies don't deserve personal space.
As it turns out, Etho wasn't too difficult to impress or maybe Bdubs was just that amazing. Either way, they end up hitting it off. Their friendship is an interesting one, mostly because Etho's fans basically hunt Bdubs for sport online. We're talking scribbled out of pictures, get behind me, #FreeEtho. Etho thinks he seems pretty cool though, if not a bit much sometimes, so no harm no foul.
Okay, rapid fire, some other notes for this au.
> Etho's legal name is Ethel. Because it is. My heart is so set on it. But if you're boring, Ethan or Ezekiel or something work too I guess.
> Etho's keytar mimics a more traditional guitar in most cases, though he's known to experiment a lot with how far he can push that.
> Etho's scar is from a mugging in this au, not a very fun story to tell. Beef practicing his brand new razor blade throwing hobby or fighting a bear to beat Pause in a bet is much more entertaining.
> Canadian Bacon is meant to have a manager, but I couldn't think of anyone I felt fit. Just a note.
> Bdubs has a habit of grabbing Etho by his tie and pulling him down to his level or otherwise using it as a leash. Etho doesn't usually wear the tie outside of show stuff or interviews, but he wears it around Bdubs because thinks its funny. When there's no tie that doesn't stop Bdubs, collars and hoodie strings are subject to the same usage.
> Etho isn't aware of how infamous Bdubs is when they meet as they meet at a festival with a big group of other musicians. Most of which already know Bdubs as his more excitable friendly self. He only finds out later when Bdubs complains about Etho's fans flaming him anytime he mentions him.
> Bdubs still has a self-imposed curfew, 10pm every night unless it conflicts with a show. He needs his beauty sleep.
> The trigger reason for the animosity toward Bdubs is due to being blamed by fans for the split of his last band that had a pretty hardcore cult following (OOG, I've not named their band yet), and that has since snowballed into what it is today, despite his actions being relatively harmless. To note, this was not an assumption at all promoted by either party, it was entirely a fanmade judgement.
> For those who can, picture s5 jungle Bdubs mixed with drunken OOG(E) ctm maps for his approximate personality. Still goofy but with a sharper tongue and a lot worse of a temper.
> Originally I considered Cleo as Bdubs' manager so he's not all alone in narrative sense, I still think it's not a bad idea I'd love to see her chew him out for acting like a moron. Ren or Scar would be also be options for manager.
> Bdubs needs a touring band, but I'm not well versed enough in the hermits to actually pick one out. Just a note.
Okay, that's most of it! There's some more pg-13 headcanons for this au, along the lines of fuck yeah rock'n roll lifestyle, but it's not really important I'm sure just that is enough to get the gist of it. Thank you for reading this overly long note. ^v~
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
RRRAAAHHHH, IL P!NOAH SM‼️‼️‼️‼️ Anyways, I’m wondering..
What happens during the earlier episodes, like Jamaica, Yukon, and even Egypt? 
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I think I've already delved into this somewhat, but for the most part the Psycho!Noah AU is canon-compliant (until the point of divergence). So a lot of the plotlines and such that happen throughout Island, Action and World Tour remain unchanged.
There is one key difference, though, in the fact that Noah's regularly toying with the show's audience. So in a lot of the challenges he'll do something absolutely batshit insane in the background- but he's quiet enough to not be noticed by his fellow castmates (save Izzy, or occasionally Owen) because his persona of a 'stoic, bookish nerd' is intentionally uninteresting and unthreatening enough for people to gloss him over.
For example, whilst canon Noah shows visible concern for Ezekiel in the World Tour intro, p!Noah watches him fall and grins, baring fanged amusement directly towards the camera.
Or, in the Yukon episode, when Noah hugs and is immediately rebuffed by Bridgette, he shoots the nearest camera a downright dangerous look- something both eerily blank and drowning in animosity- before motioning to lunge at Bridgette. Of course, Owen's quick to scoop up his little buddy into a heat preserving hug, so Noah's feigned attack doesn't work out, but the threat is there.
He later on clarifies in the confessional that he despises rude people; manners cost nothing, but rudeness might just cost someone their kidneys.
Or in Egypt, when he's left alone with just Izzy and Owen? Your boy plays dress up with his besties. He and Izzy wrap Owen up in the bandages (instead of Izzy herself being the one to 'mummify' herself) which Owen lets happen because he's kind of terrified of his girlfriend and his best friend just that good of a pal. They try to convince Owen to backtrack through the pyramid and scare the others who decided to 'go under', by pretending to be an actual mummy, but Izzy ends up getting too excited by the prospect and running ahead without them.
Instead, Noah and Owen stumble their way through to the other end of the pyramid, encountering mummy Ezekiel on the way. Owen gets spooked by the prospect of a real mummy, but Noah's not scared in the slightest* and even offers to fight it off- to protect Owen, of course. No other reason. (Fighting an actual mummy isn't exactly out there for a show as whacky as Total Drama, and Noah is always ready to throw hands with assumed adversaries.)
Owen, in his fear, runs away before Noah can 'defend his honour', leaving the crazy nerd to trail along in disappointment. Things continue as per canon from there.
(The Egypt change is a little sillier than the others, because p!Noah is primarily concerned with his own entertainment- that's his Top Priority- and he's more interested in playing a fun little prank on the rest of the cast with Izzy than he is using the solitude of the pyramid to torment the audience.)
Then there's smaller changes throughout the other episodes:
In Jamaica Noah's visibly ecstatic when DJ gets hurt on his third run of the course, and the audience can clearly see him holding back laughter when Gwen gets attacked by the electric eels during the diving challenge. He also actually participates in the first challenge, though he fails to uproot any 'treasures'.
In Paris, Noah forgoes the ball-throw trick (though it would've been a backup had his first option failed) by instead growling at the Sasquatch, intimidating it into leaving their team alone. He still dodges the lasers during "Oui, My Friends" and messes up their team's statue, but instead of just giving it extra limbs Noah somehow manages to Frankenstein his creation into something almost eldritch- before Alejandro fixes it.
In Japan, he initially tries to volunteer for the pinball challenge, citing his status as A Gamer as reason for his sudden interest (though it's really because Noah's just as much of a thrill-seeker as Izzy), but the honour goes to Alejandro because the baby panda seems to be inexplicably afraid of Noah. Their commercial has an odd grainy quality to it whenever he speaks in it, and his empty eyes never trail from the camera's lens, but no one on the cast notices.
In New York, he saves his team from an untimely demise by shooting his most deranged smile towards the alligator, though his team are fully unaware of this. Luckily the liability waver Chef had it sign negates Noah from any obligation to reimburse the reptile for the emotional/mental damages. He's still The Baby in the second challenge, that remains unchanged.
In London, he's a lot less abrasive towards his team during the clue hunt. He's also the one who ends up stripping the guard, because he gets bored of him and Owen repeatedly tying in rock-paper-scissors and Tyler's staunchly against it- Noah likes to think of himself as a Polite Young Man, all things considered, so he wasn't gonna make his teammates do something they didn't want to- and they find their first clue faster than in canon. That temporal lead is quickly squandered by Owen slowing down their team in his effort to get Noah to laugh at his jokes. The "eel" comment never happens as, after Tyler volunteers himself for the rack, Noah wastes no time abusing the opportunity to torture someone. Tyler's far too preoccupied to recognise the manic laughter that echoes through the dingy room as Noah's sadistic enjoyment, and Owen is just glad his little buddy is having fun (even if he wasn't the one to make him laugh).
As for earlier seasons... I haven't really thought that far back yet. A lot of the changes listed above were made up off the top of my head, too, so... 😳
But it'd be in the same vein as the differences here; Noah does small concerning things in the background of shots that don't really effect how the rest of the episodes play out, but are just enough for the greater audience to notice and sweat over.
I imagine, in-universe, there's probably compilation clips of "Noah Going Feral In The Background" or "Top 10 Moments Where Total Drama Contestants Almost Fell Prey To Noah", which he and his friends would watch post-season during their sleepovers to laugh at. Thankfully, their fellow cast members are kind of out of touch with the fanbase- save for Sierra, but she's already been discussed.
*I was gonna clarify why p!Noah isn't scared here when canon Noah is, but this posts already kind of long and the explanation is very wordy & science-heavy so... maybe in another 'lore' drop?
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saccgiriangel · 2 months
Good question, my anon buddy!
(I have to clarify that the AU is still in process so these are some ideas I have so far)
(This will be a very long text lol)
Alejandro + Geoff: Same relationship as Cody and Trent, with the difference that at first Geoff was suspicious and jealous of Alejandro but realized that he was not the person he thought he was and they became friends.
Noah + Harold: Polar opposites that complement each other in some way, they would begin to interact during TDWT (not in the same context as Gwen and Courtney) and develop a lasting friendship. I don't have much to explain this friendship because it would be similar to the one Courtney and Gwen have in the series.
Sadie + Katie: I like to think that the two started talking and interacting when they were on the Playa Des Losers.
Eva + Justin + Heather: Team Escope 2.0, not much explanation for this.
Lindsay + Ezekiel: Ezekiel would be interested in Lindsay (not romantically, he would just find Lindsay's sports skills cool) and Lindsay would find Ezekiel funny, they would probably have sleepovers with each other while Ezekiel does Lindsay's make-up and Lindsay plays with Ezekiel's hair.
Duncan + Ezekiel: two silly and stupid guys doing stupid but fun things, I can see them being those friends who constantly go on outings and always end up making a mess or end up accidentally getting into trouble Duncan probably likes to tell Ezekiel about his "intellectual interests" and Ezekiel just listens to him while asking him a question every 8 seconds
Bridgette 💔 Geoff: Theyre exes, they already knew each other outside of the program and had had a quick romance that ended on "good terms" (according to Bridgette). Although I can see Bridgette trying to flirt with Geoff again and Geoff would just avoid her or make it clear to her that he doesn't want to have something with her again.
Duncan ❤️ Harold + Duncan 💔 Trent (I love both ships ngl):
With DunHar, Harold initially had no interest in interacting with Duncan, he didn't hate him but at the time he didn't care for him. On Duncan's side, Harold automatically attracted his attention and consequently began to develop feelings for him as the challenges progressed, Duncan tried to interact with Harold more often and draw his attention with compliments and positive comments or interest. Harold is no fool and noticed that attention he was getting from Duncan so he started to play along in a joking mode but he wasn't being so joking after all, which made Harold realize that he had feelings for Duncan (and surely his mind was like "why did I have to end up finding a guy like him attractive?" But in a good way). The rest I think is obvious and they both ended up in a relationship, then the vote-swapping thing would happen causing Harold to be voted off but they would both continue their relationship even outside of the show.
With DunTrent, in the au they are childhood friends, they already knew each other outside of the show and upon learning that they would both participate in the same season they were happy. Trent despite spending a lot of time being friends with Duncan, as he grew older he began to develop a thing for him, this was interrupted when Trent began to notice that Duncan had an interest in Harold and his feelings were becoming more noticeable. Trent had trouble accepting that and felt some jealousy internally but pretended not to care about the details, not that it made him sad but disappointed that his crush with his childhood friend didn't have a chance of happening. Trent decided as an act of desperation to change the votes and kick Harold out of the competition, something that made Duncan not feel good and Trent felt some regret and action for this action. The good thing is that Trent decided to talk about it all with Duncan before being eliminated and Duncan accepted his apology and they both returned to their usual friendship (of course Trent had to suffer Harold's fury when they arrived at the Playa Des Losers but later they managed to make peace and pretend that nothing of the above had happened although Harold would still feel a little bit of resentment for the situation)
Gwen ❤️ Courtney: I feel that at the end of the show it would be revealed that all this time they were a couple and everyone would not be surprised knowing how close they were during the competition.
Geoff ❤️ Noah: Gwen x Trent but this time it ended well and nothing strange happened to ruin their relationship- 😭
And so far those would be all the couples and friendships, as I said before, the AU is in process so some things may have changes and different ideas.
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justkidneying · 6 days
Okay new series/setup of asks I'm gonna hit you with
Let's start with everyone's favorite--what does media/what do writers often get wrong about characters blacking out via head trauma?
a) What should actually happen with that? b) What kinds of causes for blacking out or stunning or delaying the character could potentially be done instead? c) Anything else you feel needs to be made clear about this kinda thing?
Okay, I like this, keep it coming. What do writers get wrong? A lot, lol. So, the most common thing I see in media that stands out as something you shouldn't do, is when people will knock out their buddy because he wants to go do something stupid. Do not do this to your friends. Any blow to the head (especially one severe enough to cause loss of conciousness [LOC]) is bad. Don't do it.
Let's go into what a concussion is. It is a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). They happen when you get hit in the head. The space your skull and brain is filled with cerebro spinal fluid (CSF). There are also a lot of layers of connective tissue, but that's not important right now. The main thing is that you only have a few millimeters (0.5-6.5 mm depending on the region) of space between the bone and brain. This means it is really easy for your brain (which has some flexibility to its position) to hit the inside of your skull.
A famous type of injury is a coup contrecoup, where the brain strikes the skull, then bounces back and strikes again on the opposite side. This isn't always what happens. You can get a brain injury where the brain only strikes one side or is simply damaged from the impact through the bone.
Concussions are graded from I-III. A grade I has no LOC and amnesia lasting no more than half an hour. A grade II has LOC for no more than 5 minutes and amnesia lasting from half an hour to one day. A grade III has LOC for more than 5 minutes and amnesia lasting more than a day. Obviously, losing conciousness is bad, yet everyone in media does it like it's no big deal. The person who gets knocked out should be pretty mad, because they will likely have head ache, nausea, vomiting, memory issues, etc. They should definitely see a doctor.
One thing to note is that uneven pupils is not a normal sign of concussion, and is indicative of a more serious TBI. Also, a person with a concussion can go to sleep. They aren't going to die just because they took a nap.
What types of things could we do instead? I mean, if the person is an enemy, by all means knock them out lol. But if they are your friend, can you guys not just use words? I jest, but any kind of LOC as a result of trauma is not great, especially if it is serious enough to last several minutes. You could do a blood choke, I guess, but that should not do anything other than stun them for a minute or two. I've seen a lot of people get blood-choked, but they were only stunned for a moment. Blood chokes are when you cut off the blood supply to the brain (like with a rear naked choke). An air choke is when you cut off air supply (such as with an Ezekiel choke). *Please note that these are not good things to do IRL unless you're into martial arts. Don't do them for fun*
I would honestly just chloroform someone or use some other drug to knock them out. We knock people out all the time for medical reasons, and they're fine afterwards. So just drug them, lol.
I think the last point I want to make is about how improper the technique used to knock people out is. A punch to the temple is probably the most likely area to knock someone out (it is very thin). But punching people in the head hurts. I would much rather kick them in the head. Punching someone in the head is more likely to just hurt you. You're either hitting unpadded bone or getting teeth stuck in your knuckles. Palm strikes to the nose are pretty good, though.
In a fight scene, I would probably have a character punch someone in the throat if they're enemies. This won't hurt their hand and will probably kill their opponent. The solar plexus (midline bottom ribcage) is also a good place to hit. That will knock the wind out of someone. The kidneys and liver are good targets, too.
I hope I answered your question, and I thank you for asking it. Bottom line is that you shouldn't hit your friends, and you shouldn't hit your enemies in the head with your fist.
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aidensteddybear · 8 months
Little! Ezekiel and CG! Geoff? I feel like Geoff would be a kind and fatherly figure towards ezekiel after he stood up a little bit for him after he said the comments about girls
Basically, Geoff finds Ezekiel crying in the bathroom at night on loser island. zekiel explains that he was confused on what he did to get voted out and is regressed, so Geoff teaches him what to say and what not to say, and plays with Geoff with the rest of the night until their tired out
Regressor! Ezekiel w/ Caregiver! Geoff
Geoff hummed a small tune to himself as he walked past the bathroom. Though, he stopped when he heard muffled sounds coming behind the door. It sounded like crying.
Geoff went silent, leaning against the bathroom door, before knocking.
“Hey, is everything alright in there?” Geoff knew it was none of his business, but he couldn’t just walk away. Not without knowing if the person crying was alright.
Geoff could hear small whining in response, before being able to hear footsteps shuffle towards the door. Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing Ezekiel, whose face was all red and puffy from crying.
“You doing alright, man?” Ezekiel shook his head, whimpering softly while looking up at the taller man. Geoff could tell he was nervous, he just didn’t know what about.
“Do you want someone to talk to? Or maybe just to keep you company?” Geoff offered. He was answered by Ezekiel moving back some, opening the door wider so Geoff could come in.
Geoff walked into the bathroom, Ezekiel shutting the door and locking it once he was in.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong, Zeke?” Geoff asked. “D..Dunno..” Ezekiel mumbled as he began to fidget with his fingers.
“What do you mean, buddy? What don’t you know?” Geoff questioned. “Dunno..why I gots kick off so ear’y..” Ezekiel admitted.
“Well, I think you got voted out early because you didn’t say very nice things about the girls.” Geoff told him. “I know you didn’t mean it, but you just can’t say stuff like that. It’s not nice at all.” Geoff said.
“Didn’ mean to be mean..” Ezekiel muttered, new tears filling up in his eyes. He really didn’t mean it at all, he wasn’t even aware that what he said was bad up until now. He was just going along with what his father said and taught him.
“I know, Zeke. You should go apologize to the girls later though, okay?” Geoff spoke, Ezekiel only nodding in response.
Geoff stayed in the bathroom with Ezekiel for a while, until the boy was fully calmed down. Once he was, Ezekiel gently tugged on Geoff’s shirt.
“You come to my room? Wanna play..” He whispered shyly. Geoff smiled, he had a feeling Ezekiel was small, with the way he was talking and acting. Him wanting to play was a dead giveaway that he was.
“Sure, little dude! We can go play.” Ezekiel smiled a little, taking Geoff’s hand and leading him to his room.
When the two got to the room, Ezekiel went over to his bag and pulled out his farm animal plushies. He gave two of them to Geoff and kept the other two to himself.
After a while though, Ezekiel began to grow tired. He yawned, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
“You ready for bed, Zeke?” Geoff asked. Ezekiel nodded, slipping his thumb into his mouth while cuddling with his cow stuffie.
“Come on, buddy.” Geoff helped him up, leading him over to the bed and carrying the rest of his stuffed animals over.
Geoff got Ezekiel tucked into bed, giving him all of his stuffed animals as well.
“Do you need anything else?” Geoff questioned. “Nuh-uh..” Ezekiel mumbled, his eyes slowly closing.
“Alright. Well, if you do, you can come to my room and get me. I don’t mind.” Geoff said. Ezekiel smiled a little, his eyes fully closed now.
“Good night, little dude.” Geoff gave Ezekiel’s head a couple of pats, before turning off the lights and leaving the room, closing the door right behind him.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 4 months
Letter From Christ
+ 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from every form of evil.
+ 2 Corinthians 3:3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but tablets of human hearts.
    I can scream from the rooftop that I'm saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. I can get a tattoo that says I'm changed, and I can put a bumper sticker on my car so when I pass different people; they can see who I am; I can write it on paper, too. I can have an airplane attach streamer that says Lui is saved and fly through the city.
    I can do all of that, but does it mean that what is on the inside is Christ? Does it show in my actions? When I speak to different people, can they tell I she’s definitely filled with Christ? Last week, we talked about the fruit we bear. A lot of times, some of us don’t know what we bear, we don’t care to change, we are okay living the way we do, we are okay with being lukewarm, or some of us are like, hey buddy at least I made it to church, or at least I'm reading my word, but if people were asked who you were and what you were about what would they say, would they say oh no not her she’s not saved or would they say oh okay didn’t think she was, what would they say.
   Exodus 24:12, the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and commandments which I have written, that you may teach them.”
   What this verse is saying is that we should have the Holy Spirit down deep inside of us. The laws and the word of God should be on the inside of us, but some of us aren’t sure. We see that Moses had to come up to God to get the commandments to get what he needs , do we go to God to get what we need , do we come to him to change our heart . We can quote verse by verse, shout and scream, sing with the choir, lead Sunday school class, be on the usher board, pass out devotionals, and teach a few lessons here and there, but do we have the Holy Spirit down deep?
    Moses wrote the commandments on a tablet, and he handed them out, and these were what we were supposed to follow, but when Jesus came, he died for our sins. He showed us No, no, this is the way, no, this is okay, but I need you to be baptized by fire; a lot of us don’t understand that it must be on the inside, not the years of service to the lord, not our title but it must be written on the heart.
   Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
   When we allow the Holy Spirit in, we change from this one heart to the next; we change from this heart of stone to this heart of flesh. Why? Because we become truly alive in Christ, we become these different people because we are no longer living with just words, but we are living in our identity in Christ.
  Jeremiah 31:33 For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 
    This verse is confirmation. This is what Christ did when he died for us; he made the law written on our hearts, and we put the law on the inside because the Holy Spirit is the truth and the life, and when we walk in the light, we are walking in the truth of God, so we no longer just walking in whatever we think or whatever the world is saying to walk in. Still, we are walking in victory because Christ died for us, and we are then living in the truth of God.
   God wants us to lean on him and not on ourselves; that’s why the law was put away because we had to lean on our righteousness, on our excellent deeds, and God said no more they would lean on me, and I will send my son to be the sacrifice for them, he will be the ultimate sacrifice.
   With God doing this, I won't have to run around screaming I am this, or I do this, or I do that; all I have to do, all you have to do is walk into the room, and people will see him through our ways and our presences because it's written in you and me. What fruit are you bearing? What are you showing the world? What are you allowing God to change? Whatever we do, our hearts need to be written on by God.
  *** Today, we learned that God sent his son to this world to be our savior and to mold us to write on our hearts; the more he writes on our hearts, the more we become different and change, and a lot of times, we aren’t changing because we are doing everything ourselves. The heart of flesh only comes by submitting, and a lot of people don’t want to submit; submitting is laying our wants and desires the side and saying okay, God, whatever your will is, I’ll do it.
  When Jesus had the disciples to follow him, he taught them he showed them the way; he showed it in his ways, how he healed people, and how he reacted; when people see someone who’s aggressive, and they see someone ready to go for an eye for an eye they don’t identify them as Christ-like no ,not at all but when people see someone speaking peace, they can see Christ in them, and they connect Christ with them; how we love one another shows God abides in us; it says it in his word, and what comes from the heart will flow; just listen to some people sometimes and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and he will show you who they are. We must listen to the Holy Spirit and be guided; that’s how we listen to the counseling of God. By listening, let the Holy Spirit change your heart today. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, we thank you for everything; we ask you to forgive us of the sins we have done, and lord, we ask you to help us hear you and submit to you; lord, we desire to change and be better. Lord, we desire to walk in your precepts and not ours. Lord, we surrender to you and ask you to help us be image bearers, not people who pretend to be ; we give you praise, glory, and honor today. Lord, we thank you for everything, the protection and the infinite love you have shown us, in Jesus’ Name, Amen
+ Eziekel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
+ Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,”
+ Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Proverbs 21
Genesis 15
Psalm 89
Colossians 2
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 8 months
I got major brainrot during skating so I got a decent amount of the splatoon au figured out
So we have Geoff in Callie’s place, obviously, and with Bridgette in Marie’s that makes the “””squid sisters””” (name is subject to change cause it does NOT fit) (I think something beachy might work but the best I could come up with was Blue Wake)
And then for Off The Hook (idol group/news anchors in the second game) I had Justin as Pearl and Cody as Marina
And then for Deep Cut I had Heather as Shiver Duncan as Frye and Harold as Big Man (Harold is not a manta ray in this) (Harold actually has a collaboration with OTH + Trent and then gets dragged by heather and Duncan, publicly, with a diss track, that he made since he makes the tracks for them, and the album cover is the other two beating the shit out of him) (I love splatoon it’s so)
(The player character agents are subject to change especially since the new dlc side order is gonna come out in February)
So for now Courtney is Agent 3/Captain 3 Ezekiel is agent 4 (side order seems like it’s gonna drag agent 4 through the trenches so I’m excited) Agent 8/applicant 10008 is Gwen (agent 8 CANNOT catch a break btw) and Neo 3 is dj (little buddy is still little buddy little buddy does not change) (oh yeah and don is captain cuttlefish) (he gets raisined) (1 and 2 are Geoff and Bridgett and 5-7 do not exist 8 was named agent 8 to shorten applicant 10008)
For the antagonists Octavio is Chris, I didn’t really have anybody in mind for Tartar but tartar can probably stay the same since he’s from the human era and everyone else is not. And then Mr grizz was blainely and she’s also not a bear.
The judds are also the same since I dont want to have to deal with immortality and stuff plus they’re cats (meow)
I don’t know who’s gonna fill up rolls like shopkeeps and band members other than idol groups and to be honest I don’t really care all that much.
So yeah I don’t think this au is just hypnotized!Geoff anymore I might have gotten a bit too silly :3
Man, you are COOKING with this AU
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colorfuldream · 11 months
Watched a really nice video about Island of the Slaughtered and in order to free my mind from it, I'll rant about it and give some headcanons
TRIGGER WARNING for death, torture, ghosts/malevolent spirits, light SA mention/talk at the very end (it'll be in bold to be easier to notice! It starts after "Based on your thoughts about Heather, the text will take on new meanings yet work").
So, it's rare for writing to scare me. However, for some reason, this did give me a fright. Maybe the way the YouTuber read it, or perhaps the music and ambiance he added, is why I was hyper-vigilant while showering but the concept itself is terrifying when you think about it. 15 people died! You'd think that the kill count would stop, that they would survive for longer, but they don't. Even smart or athletic characters get caught... And for the dumbest reasons. Exactly like teenagers. They all make mistakes yet, somehow, this is barely their fault. They couldn't have planned it. They couldn't have known. The killer is almost omnipotent, it's like they can smell whenever there's an opportunity. They don't seize the simple moments of weakness (like how they didn't keep watch or, at least, only had one person which is exactly how Harold managed to sneak out and get killed), they wait until they can get that perfect chase or opportunity to torture the campers.
I feel like the sheer number of victims is what gets me. It's so easy to assume that they're all competent enough to survive a little longer. What makes it hit harder is that the last footage of those poor teens is the beginning of TTI up to Ezekiel's death. Imagine seeing the beginning of a horror movie composed of your loved ones and not knowing how it ended or, worse, learning that they were a victim, brutally killed, and you can't even have the body back. A whole month. That's how long it took for someone to go help them. Everyone knew. And no one did anything. Fucking Chris McLean ended up doing it. The same man who abandoned them, got them into this mess, and refused to say where the island was located.
Now, some headcanons before I overthink two of the deaths:
The canon serial killer and the one in this AU cohabit in the island. Maybe on good terms too. Our buddy with the hook and the chainsaw is just chilling, maybe helping out a little his mate, but enjoying the show. The chainsaw used for Heather might even be his! What a good pal.
The ghosts see each other as they were before their deaths. Be it that they're imagining it or that they can manifest a not-scary look. Owen and Geoff are forced to stay close but they really don't mind!
They don't really care for Chris's helpers. Sure, they were angry and disliked them, throughoutly tormenting them, but they weren't the target. They likely could have killed them, as the helpers probably accidentally broke some rules, but they were pawns to torment and scare Chris further. At some point, they begin to leave them alone as they realize that the helpers are their age... They're like them. Chris brought two more teenagers on an island with a serial killer, a monster who dismembered Ezekiel, with no experience and no actual weapons. Fuck, they're normal teens. What are they doing here?! This just angered the ghosts even more and cemented their desire to take revenge against Chris.
As long as Chris doesn't realize that he broke some rules, they let it go. Those are only here to scare him and make him squirm. To make him know that they're here at all times, watching, waiting for him to slip, loathing him.
While it's canon that the ghosts are fine with the survivors unless you've slighted them, they won't impose their rules and haunt you. They'll maybe taunt you and be here, reminding you that they died partly because of you, but they won't do much. For example, Trent will simply check in on Gwen. Her guilt is already enough and he doesn't have it in him to cause her more remorse. However, the sound of his voice as he sings into the night, kills her inside. He doesn't mean to but she's being eaten alive at not being able to get him out —even though she would have died with him if she stayed or manager to free him and they both know it. Noah, on the other hand, will glare at Duncan and make snippy remarks whenever he's trying to give out instructions. He'll question his choices and at every hint of annoyance, simply raise an eyebrow and in his classic tone say "really?" which guilts Duncan enough for his taste. He also chirps in when Duncan inevitably realizes that he was right about some of the directions, the bitter realization that they were both wrong and right about some things, that this was a misunderstanding and they were both too stubborn to work it out, that Noah could have survived if he hadn't been a jerk. All Noah had to say was "told you so" and Duncan would dig his nails into his palms at the cruelty he had displayed.
The reason why the ghosts didn't get the killer immediately is because they didn't know the limits to their powers and they were scared. Simple as that.
To add onto that, they used Chris as bait to make sure everyone else got out safe. They made Chris's death longer and more painful than anything they had gone through before immediately killing the murderer. That or they then tormented them until they died, either of natural causes or of fright.
Time for me to overthink two of the deaths!
My choice is Ezekiel and Heather. Ironically, they're the beginning and the end, both pictured as innocent and young.
Quick note for both of them but the ghosts may look like that because that was their last state as living. Yeah, I'm implying that they were dismembered alive.
I LOVE the writing for his discovery. It comes across as child-like, even when it comes to his corpse. You could say I love it to bits.
It's easy to forget that he was a sheltered kid after everything that happened in the canon. Here, he's portrayed as sweet and so, so much like a child. Someone who didn't deserve it.
He was an easy target. He might not even have noticed that anything was amiss until it was too late.
It would take time to find every part of his body. Did the crew search for him before setting off? I doubt it. They likely put things together quick and bailed, never finding his every piece.
A small detail that came up was that the hole Katie hid in might have been the one where his arm was. I like to think it was and she had to bite back her scream. The killer could have thought that they didn't need to search for her, she'd abandon her friend and get back to safety or if she didn't, she'd have screamed her head off at finding a rotting arm as she tried to hide.
His rule is the most interesting part to me. Chris will have to search for his body once but then he will simply have to run to them every time afterwards... And that's the last thing you want to do when there's a killer on the loose! It's also very, very fun for a video game. All the rules are! The art not being too scary either would make it very good. Anyhow!
If Chris needs to bring them back together, it's even more horrifying. Would he need to carry them with him in case Ezekiel wants to bother him? Do they go back to their original places and he needs to do everything every time?
Picture his voice. It isn't scary. Yet it would make it so much more eerie and unsettling. While true for every victim, his ghost doesn't even look scary. Again, it's child-like. And with everything else, it makes a wonderful picture.
I love EVERYTHING about this one. The reference, the call backs to the canon... The writing!
I'll keep the latter for the end as it will tackle more sensitive content.
God, the way she's the last warning. Threatening. Vengeful. Exactly how she was in canon and how Chris perceived her.
The fact that she was found by the two most important people to her character! Iirc, Gwen found her head which is a shame since it's a reference to when Leshawna (sorry for the spelling guys) stuck her inside of the fridge.
The way she was grabbed by her ponytail! It's the way she wore her hair in latter seasons.
Off with her head for the queen bee. The stereotypical mean, popular girl.
Now for the writing: This was a straight-up call-out to her haters. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way it directly calls Chris, and us, out. She was a kid. She was terrified, begging, small and alone as she was killed. It makes sure we get that. We know her as a mean girl but she was a girl. She didn't deserve it. The way her suffering was highlighted, showing that she was crying like a young kid, compared to the others' was well-written and hit harder than the rest. It can even imply that Heather pretended to be meaner than she was for the show. It's a valid theory for the canon, she was cunning and she knew it made her memorable. But that meant that Chris truly thought she was. Based on your thoughts about Heather, the text will take on new meanings yet work.
Last trigger warning for SA:
"She was pretty". Amazing. Perfect. That, by itself, tells me that the creator is a very good writer and knows how horror works.
Listen. Listen up well. The SA headcanon isn't bad. Is it gross? Yes. The entire AU is. SA is. However, we've grown desensitized to murder and gore. Not SA. It still feels horrible and outrageous. That's why it works and makes for good horror. BUT! The thing is not to overdo it. Not say too much, not use it too much. Especially not as a fetish.
Here, it's done perfectly. Yes, she's a minor. They all are and most got brutally murdered. So a creepy murderer isn't that bad.
The implications that he kept her head because he found her pretty are amazing. It makes her fate so much more tragic. It brings a new level of cruelty and disgusting to her death. We know that he doesn't have pure intentions. Just staring at her frozen head is horrible enough. We know the way he looks at her, how he sees her. It also raises the question why. Why her? Canonically, most of the girls are pretty. Lindsey, in particular, was the most beautiful. Was it because Heather cried and begged? Was it because he had disfigured the others before he could notice their looks? Is it because he found that "submitting her" made her better? (Which is incidentally a real thought process r*p*sts have. Some like to bring some people down a peg by doing those awful things, hating how they felt inferior because their poor victims didn't look at them or at the world "right".)
It's a real question and worry that this simple like brings. It brings a real, scary subject we aren't desensitized to just yet into this and enhances the horror. It doesn't say too much, it isn't insensitive. We won't ever know what the killer would/will do. We just know he's a vile piece of shit on every level.
It's also a huge contrast to how child-like Heather was described as and how it was hammered into our heads. It's said so simply, almost like another child would say. "Oh she's pretty". It isn't said in a gross way! That's very good writing. It keeps the same tone. It's almost eerie with how simple and factual it is.
That headcanon exists (and might be popular, I don't look at the fandom) because the line and implications are there. Horror should make you uncomfortable and that's what this does. Of course, personally, I wouldn't say the killer did anything. But, he might have planned to. He might have after the body was discovered. It wasn't like the campers had the time to bury their friends or would fathom that this monster thought Heather was pretty.
It all depends on the delivery and of course some edgelords will be insensitive and approach it terribly. I think the actual AU did it exactly how it should be done.
The entire Heather section was done as best as it could ever be.
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Cabins and Cobbler
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A group of Kingdom people; including King Ezekiel, Morgan, Benjamin, Richard and Diane had gone out, Daryl and Natalia were waiting for them when they got back.
"Hey, uh, do you want to head to the infirmary?" Benjamin, the teenager who was stood with Jerry in the auditorium, asked Morgan, who kept touching his left ear.
"No. I'm okay." He replied.
"Hey." Daryl called out to them. "Where'd you go in them trucks?"
"I need to speak to Daryl and Natalia alone." Morgan told Benjamin. "That okay?"
"Yeah, I'll get you something for that cut." Benjamin said, walking away.
"The Saviours, right?" Natalia asked, when they met. "You went to do a trade, huh?"
"Yeah." Morgan confirmed.
"Part of your deal?" Daryl asked.
He didn't answer.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" Daryl stepped toward him. "You're bleeding."
He touched his ear.
"They did that to you. You know what they are."
"I do."
"I thought you would've learned after the wolves, after what they did." Natalia told him.
"You know, if Carol were here, she saw all that... if she knew about Abraham... and Glenn... she'd be leading us right to them, ready to kill them all." Daryl said.
"She would." Morgan agreed. "And that's why she left, man."
Daryl stared him down.
"Come on, its a waste of time trying to talk to him." Natalia decided, tugging the man away.
He scoffed, before following.
They headed to the archery area, finding Richard there.
"I'm practicing." He told the pair. "Gonna have to start using these more. The Saviours are smart enough to know I shouldn't have a gun around them."
If Natalia was being honest, he was pretty shit.
"Morgan said you're a bowman." He looked at Daryl.
He picked up a crossbow, handing it to him.
"He says thank you." Natalia said, taking it, because Daryl was too busy staring, trying to figure him out.
"Why?" He finally answered, taking it off her hands.
"'Cause we want the same things. I need your help, both of yours, actually." He looked at Natalia. "Morgan also tells me you are highly skilled in combat and a quick thinker."
"I'm not doing anything until I get my own weapons." She told him.
"That'll be arranged." He nodded.
Richard had got a hold of some knifes and sheathes as well as a hand gun and holster. Natalia would of preferred her own, but considering she couldn't just waltz into the Sanctuary and retrieve them, it would have to do.
He had led the pair to an secret place, it was small, hidden behind a no camping sign.
In a wardrobe, there were guns.
"We need something to move Ezekiel." He had explained. "This is it. Alexandria, the Hilltop, and the Kingdom hitting first, hitting hard, and then we wipe the Saviours from the Earth. Dozens and dozens and dozens of good people... keeping them safe."
Once they had finished at the place, they left walking towards two large lorries.
"They ride this road. If we see cars, its the Saviours." He told them. "They've been coming in packs of two or three lately. That's why I need the two of you. I can't take them alone. We're gonna hit them with the guns first and then the Molotovs. Then back to the guns until they're dead."
Natalia thought this was a ridiculous idea and could not believe she had let herself get dragged into it, for once, she wished she listened to Rick and Michonne.
"Why the fire?" Daryl asked.
"Needs to look bad. The Saviours who discover what's left... we want them to be angry." He answered. "I left a trail from here to the weapons cache I planted to the cabin of that someone Ezekiel cares about."
"Who?" Natalia asked him.
"Its just some loner he met. Sometimes he brings food."
"Why don't they live in the Kingdom, with you guys?" She dug further.
"I don't know. She lives out there, she'll die out there."
Natalia got a sour taste in her mouth.
"Its a woman?" Daryl asked.
"What does that matter? She's got more balls than you and me. She's gonna die either way. When the Saviours come and find their buddies dead, if they know their elbow from their asshole and can follow an obvious spoor, they're gonna go to the weapons cache and then to the cabin, and they're gonna attack this woman."
"You sick fuck." Natalia scowled.
Natalia felt bile rise up in her throat, she pulled out a knife, but Daryl clamped a hand around her wrist before the other man could realise.
"What's her name?" He asked.
"Maybe they kill her, maybe they don't, but it's gonna show Ezekiel what he needs to do."
"Her name. What is it?" Daryl repeated.
"She's tough. Maybe she'll live."
"Say her damn name!" Daryl raised his voice.
He sighed, looking away before answering.
"Carol. I hoped you didn't know her, but I didn't think you'd care, 'cause you know what needs to happen."
"No." Daryl walked forward still holding on to the woman.
"Maybe she'll live. Look, this, this is how... this is how this could happen. This is how we can get rid of the Saviours how we all can have a future."
Daryl picked up the weapons, ignoring him.
"She's living out there on her own just waiting to die."
"If we don't do anything a hell of a lot more people are gonna die people who want to live!"
"Go to hell!" Natalia told him, she was sick to her teeth of women being a pawn in every bastards tactics, what he was saying was barbaric, she was growing real tired of men in this world, was it not enough that they were existing along with dead people trying to rip them to pieces.
"This is what needs to happen." He tried reasoning with them.
Daryl dropped his hold on Natalia, stepping up to the man.
"You stay the hell away from Carol, you hear me?" He said.
The sound of cars approaching, caught their attention.
Richard went to the edge of the lorry, checking it.
"Its them." He turned to the pair. "Look, we can wait for things to go bad, we lose people... or we can do the hard thing... and choose our fate for ourselves."
"No." Natalia told him. "We ain't cowards like you."
"Sorry." He shrugged, carrying on to initiate his plan.
Natalia nodded at Daryl, he listened, walking ahead and grabbing the man, tackling him to the floor.
The cars drove by as they fought, Daryl landing punches across his face.
Natalia kept a lookout, making sure no one had spotted them.
Richard managed to grab a hold of something, hitting Daryl across the head with it, sending him to the ground.
Natalia pulled out her gun, aiming it at the man as they grabbed their weapons, pointing it at each other.
"There'll be more." Richard said, his mouth was bleeding profusely.
Daryl's eyebrow had also begun bleeding from where he hit him, Natalia wanted to shoot the man for that alone.
"Or those. They're gonna ride back this way later. We'll have another chance."
"No, we won't." Natalia told him.
"We're running out of time." He tried reasoning with Daryl. "If you and your people want to move against the Saviours... you need to do it soon, and you need the Kingdom. What we have to do requires sacrifice one way or another. Guys like us... we've already lost so much."
"You don't know me." Daryl told him.
"I know... that Carol, living on her own like that... she might as well be dead right now."
Natalia stepped towards him, putting all her strength into hitting the man over the head with the back of her gun, causing him to drop to the ground.
Daryl looked at her before crouching down, checking he was still alive.
"Prick." She grumbled.
"Still breathing." He told her, standing up.
"Then lets get out of here before he wakes up, he's lucky I didn't kill him." She told him, walking away from the lorry.
Daryl picked up the backpack, following her.
They had tracked their way to the cabin, to Carol, it was in a graveyard.
They had to sneak past the Kingdom people as they had just been talking to her, dropping off a cobbler.
Daryl knocked on the door, they waited silently for her to open it.
When she did, her shock and surprise was made obvious on her face as she looked at the pair.
Natalia was ecstatic to see her friend, who she hadn't seen since they got back from dealing with Dwight on the train tracks.
Carol walked away from the door, hugging them tightly as she teared up.
"Jesus took us to the Kingdom." Daryl explained when she pulled away. "Morgan said you just left. We were out here, and we saw you."
Natalia didn't understand why Daryl was lying to her, but she kept her cool, going along with it.
"Why'd you leave?" Natalia asked.
"I had to." She whispered.
Carol invited them in to her home, setting a fire as it was starting to get dark.
"I couldn't lose anyone." Carol said. "I couldn't lose any of them. I couldn't lose the two of you. I couldn't kill them. I could. I would. If they hurt any of our people, any more of them, that's what I would do. And there wouldn't be anything left of me after that."
"You're wrong." Natalia told her. "You're still who you are, if we didn't do what we had to do, we wouldn't be here at all, for ourselves, or to help other people, even if it feels shitty, it's mandatory, now. I'm a better person than what I was before this, because I'm able to be here and save my family."
"Why are you out here?" Carol asked Natalia.
"'Cause Jesus took us here." She continued the lie Daryl started.
"Why aren't you at home with Evie?"
"She's safe, right now, I'm here, because here's where I should be."
"The Saviours, did they come?" Carol moved on.
"Yeah." Daryl answered.
Carol turned around, facing them as she began tearing up, waiting to hear the inevitable news.
Natalia chewed her nail, not wanting to be the one to tell her friend in her obvious delicate state right now.
"Did anyone get hurt?" She asked. "Is everybody okay? Did the Saviours... Is everybody back home okay?"
Neither of them answered her.
"Nat... Daryl..." She tried.
"They came." Daryl started. "We got them all."
Natalia looked up at him, from where she was sat in front of the couch, she hid her confused expression quickly before Carol could notice and realise he just lied to her.
"Made a deal with the rest of them, like Ezekiel." He continued as Carol let out a sob of relief. "Everyone's alright. Everyone's alright."
He then tapped the table.
"We gonna eat or... or I got to be a king or something to get food around here?"
Carol laughed, getting up from the floor.
"Shut up." She brought over the pan she was heating up. "Natalia, come on, come eat."
She listened, taking a seat at the table as Carol dished up the food.
"Ezekiel... is he okay?" Daryl asked.
Natalia didn't want to join in on the conversation, she was tired, she was missing home, her bed, Evie, and Sully, she also just wanted to leave the cabin, a lump was forming in her throat at their previous conversation.
"Yeah, I think he is."
When Carol handed her a bowl, she accepted it, quietly thanking the woman, who gasped suddenly.
"What?" She asked.
Carol grabbed a hold of her hand.
"Are you..." She looked between the pair, then back down at Natalia's left hand. "Did you guys... get married?"
Natalia pulled away, smiling shortly as she hid her hand under the table, spinning the ring around her finger.
"Yeah, two days ago." She answered.
"Forgot to mention it" Daryl added, digging into the food, taking notice of Natalia's weird behaviour.
"Congratulations, the both of you, I'm happy for you guys." Carol smiled widely, she had known of Daryl's crush on Natalia for a long while, she had been the one encouraging him to go for it, obviously, he had never listened to her.
After they had eaten, Daryl and Natalia decided to leave, bidding goodbye to Carol, leaving her to live alone in peace.
Daryl had gone back for one last hug, terrified for his best friend, her being on her own, after what Richard had tried pulling.
"Watch out for yourself, all right?" He told her.
The couple then left.
Natalia walked ahead of him.
"Going to bed." She said, when they reached the Kingdom.
"You alright?" He asked her, lifting her chin since she was refusing to look at him.
"Why'd you lie to her?"
He was thrown off by her question.
"Cause, Nat, she don't wanna be apart of this, so she ain't gonna."
"But it's not alright, none of this is alright, no ones safe, we're never really safe. She deserved to know what happened, that..." Her voice broke, she couldn't say it. "That they're gone."
"Nat." He shook his head, "We're gonna get out of this, I promised you, we're gonna kill him, he's gonna pay, for all of it, but she doesn't need to be apart of that. She wasn't in the first place."
"I'm just so tired, I'm so sick of fighting, I just want all this to be over, I wanna go home. Not be terrified I'm gonna see more graves."
"I know, C'mere." He pulled her in, kissing her head as she wept silently, wrapping her arms around him.
Eventually, she had stopped crying, continuing to their room to get some rest, whilst Daryl decided to look around, ending up sat in front of Shiva's cage until Morgan walked in on him.
Natalia was asleep by the time he had got into bed beside her, he wondered if she regretted their decision to get married, after the way she acted when Carol found out, even if it didn't seem like such a big thing, but to him, It was everything, she was everything.
The next morning, the two departed, starting their journey to the Hilltop, Richard was stood on a watch post.
So he managed to get back after all, Natalia thought to herself.
"I'm sorry." Natalia started, during their walk, she linked her fingers with Daryl's.
"What for?" He asked, looking at her.
"Last night, I was being a bitch. I don't know, I'm just really stressed at the moment, I shouldn't of got shitty with you."
"Nah, you're good." He shook his head. "I get it."
"I love you." She stopped him from walking, cupping his face.
"Love you." He replied, leaning in to give her a quick kiss. "When this is all over, gonna take you on a trip, find a place, somewhere quiet, just me an' you, catch up on all the time we don't get to spend together, show you how much I missed ya, an' your perfect body." He trailed his hand down her back, reaching her ass. "It'll be our honeymoon."
"Then lets hurry up and train those farmers so we can kill those Saviours and their fuckhead of a boss." Natalia smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, reaching on her tip toes to kiss him again. "I want you all to myself, ASAP."
"Yes, Ma'am." He agreed, stepping back, taking a hold of her hand so they could continue their way to Hilltop.
When they had gotten back to the Hilltop, Jesus was confused to see them, considering Rick had told the pair to stay put, and that they would come back for them.
Daryl had explained that they would be more useful here, and so he took it, not like there was anything he could do about it anyway, he was equally threatened by the both of them.
Natalia didn't even know they were going to the Hilltop until he told her the same morning, she was just glad to be far away from the tiger, the last thing she thought she'd ever have to worry about in the apocalypse.
She clued in quicky that Sasha was hiding something, she was making a plan, but every time Natalia asked her about it, or even Jesus, they told her it was nothing and not to worry, Enid wasn't as good of a liar as them, but she had refused to go into detail, telling the woman that she made an oath and that it'd be in her best interest to mind her business.
At night, Maggie had started a barbecue outside of Jesus's home, where they shared their meals.
Natalia decided that she wanted to have some alone time, it always took her a while to process things, considering she preferred to push it away and force herself into something else, but due to the fact that Maggie refused to let either "prisoner" leave Hilltop for their own safety, there wasn't much else to do.
She had found herself at the graves of her two friends, the two friends that Negan had said were brutally murdered because of her actions.
She felt she had been relatively close to each of them, they were family to her, like the annoying brothers she never had.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, she doubted they could hear her, but in case they could in the after life, she wanted to apologise. "I'm sorry for all of it, I thought it was going to be me, I thought he was going to kill me. I wish he did, and not either of you, I'm so sorry, for everything. It's all my fault. If I knew, if I knew he was going to take you guys... I would've never... I wanted him to pick me, if he did, you guys would still be here, the baby... it would.... the baby would have a father, and it doesn't, because of me. I- just... nothing I do is ever going to make up for what happened, I'm so sorry, Glenn, Abraham, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he's put down, I swear, I have to, it's what's right, I want to make sure that baby's born in a world where he doesn't exist, I promise. You were both so beautiful, and strong fighters, I never thought I'd be living in a world where neither of you were in it." She thumbed the two darts that were placed on their graves, she could still remember what Abraham had told her when she passed them out.
"Sweetheart, now's not really the time for a game of darts."
The darts from the country club Beth had led them to, on her mission for alcohol, Natalia still felt an ache in her chest every time she thought about the girl, who she had also believed to be dead because of her. Natalia could be reminded a million times by her friends about the times she had saved their lives without thought, yet, that meant nothing to her when she remembered the people that were also gone because of her.
She could feel a presence behind her, it was Maggie.
Natalia went to get up, to leave the woman in peace to be with her husband, but instead, she layed a hand on her shoulder, gesturing for her to sit back down whilst she got comfortable beside her.
"He loved you a lot." Maggie said. "Respected you, as well, even when he was terrified you were gonna kill us all in our sleep."
The corner of Natalia's lip lifted at that.
"He was a good person, one of the best." She replied.
"He was." Maggie nodded, taking a hold of her hand, she had made sure to scrub her hands thoroughly, with her current craving being peanut butter and apples, Daryl had even tested her when she left the trailer, if anyone was on top of Natalia's deadly allergy, it was Daryl.
"Y'know, before Jesus took us here for the first time, Glenn, he... he walked in on me and Daryl by accident." Natalia winced at the memory. "Before we were together, together."
Maggie laughed to herself, it was quiet and short, but it was something.
"I am well aware, he practically begged for my forgiveness at seeing you half naked, before I even knew what happened, claiming that he didn't mean to, he just ran in, didn't realise you'd even be awake." Maggie rolled her eyes with a smile.
"How'd he know Daryl was at my house, then?" Natalia wondered.
Maggie raised a brow as she looked at her.
"Come on, I think you were the last person to know that you and Daryl were gonna end up together, well, 'Cept Rick. We were all waiting on it, everyone knew he had a thing for ya, going back to since Judith was still in Lori, I don't think he realised it till the prison though. Then, of course, it took you ages to wake up and look at him as anything but a friend, I'm surprised you guys tied the knot so quickly." She poked the rings on Natalia's left hand. "Abraham always said he was like a lost puppy without ya, and when you were around, he never let you out of his sight."
Natalia chuckled at this.
"It took me a while, but I'm glad I finally let myself open my eyes, I think he's the best thing that happened to me since this whole shitshow happened, and meeting you, Rick, Glenn, Carol, Carl... and the others, I'm glad I decided to let you people in, you brought me back, all of you, from where I was."
"He told us what happened, when Negan took you to Alexandria, about Sully, I'm sorry."
"Maggie, you're the last person who should be saying that to me, he was my dog, the last remaining thing I had before walkers and war and fighting, and I loved him with every fibre of my being, but he was just a dog, after what I did, what I caused you, it's not even comparable."
"Natalia, it wasn't your fault, none of that was your fault, any of it." Maggie turned the woman to face her. "I heard what you said, if Glenn was here, hell, if even Abraham was here, and heard you say what you said, lets just say it's a good thing they're not. I don't blame you, nobody does, that was all Negan, him and the Saviours, you suffered as well, what he did to you, taking you to the Sanctuary, I don't even want to imagine what you've been through, but anything he said, it was all bullshit, okay, you had nothing to do with his actions, please don't put it all on yourself."
Natalia hugged her tightly, wiping at her eyes, she hadn't even realised she started crying.
"It was Arat. She was the one who shot Sully, right in front of me, even if I'm not the one to kill Negan, I wanna make sure she suffers, she's going to go down with the rest of them, because we're going to win this."
"We will, we have to." Maggie assured. "We're getting stronger everyday, he and the rest of the Saviours are going to burn in hell."
The next morning, Natalia was sat at one of the benches, cleaning the gun Richard had given her, whilst Daryl sat on top of it, whittling.
Cal was on guard duty, when he began hitting metal poles together, causing a loud clanging sound, the pair looked up as Enid ran towards them.
"The Saviours are coming!" He shouted to them. "The Saviours are coming!"
"We have to get Maggie." Enid said when they both got up.
"Where is she?" Daryl asked, as Natalia tucked the gun in her belt, hiding it under her shirt.
"Come on!" She then ran off in the other direction, as they followed.
If the Saviours found them, they were royally fucked, or worse, dead.
They found Maggie as she attempted to lead them into hiding.
"We'll never make it in time." She said.
"Come on!" Enid ran ahead again.
They ran behind a building as the cars entered the gates.
Enid lifted the doors to an underground bunker
"Just stay down there. I'll keep them away." She told the three adults.
"No way!" Natalia told her, as Daryl and Maggie entered. "Not by yourself."
"I'll be fine. They aren't the same ones who came to Alexandria. If they find you, they'll kill you."
"Enid, no!"
"You haven't got time, go." She pressed, closing one of the doors.
Daryl grabbed a hold of Natalia, pulling her into the bunker, when he had spotted them.
Enid locked the door from above.
"She's gonna be fine, she can handle herself well." Maggie assured.
"Yeah, she's also just a kid."
Maggie had moved to the back of the bunker, it's where they kept a lot of their food, moving the shelves out of the way as Daryl kept an eye on the doors, Natalia began pacing, a knife, borrowed from the Kingdom, in her hand in case anyone came down and she had to deal with them.
"Daryl." Maggie whispered. "Nat." She waved them to the back, both followed as Daryl moved the shelf to hide them from view.
The three listened closely for sounds outside, the loud sounds of footsteps catching their attention.
"Hi" The voice of Enid said, in a sickly sweet tone. "Uh, I've got fresh veggies."
"Stop." A man told her. "They're vegetables. Use the whole word. We have time."
Bile rose in Natalia's throat at the way the man was speaking to the teenager.
She hadn't realised she'd moved forward when Daryl looped his fingers in her belt, holding her still, whilst Maggie clamped her hand on the her wrist, of the hand that was holding the knife.
"Uh, okay. I have these vegetables they told me to bring over, uh, and the basket's pretty heavy. For me, I mean. Probably not you. Uh, here. Load them in the truck, and, uh, If you meet me by the garden, I can get you the rest..."
"Stop." He cut her off again. "I don't know who you think I am or who we are. Load them yourself. I'm busy." Then followed the sound of something clattering to the floor.
"Oh. Sorry. I'm sorry." She apologised profusely.
"Girl, pick that shit up right now and scram." His voice then got lower, they could barely hear it. "Don't make me cut it off you, girl."
The door then creaked before light poked in to the dark area.
Daryl moved Natalia to stand behind him, as well as Maggie, ready in case the man found them, which she slightly hoped he did, just so she could kill him for the way he spoke to Enid.
Footsteps came down the steps.
The man walked around, looking at the food before picking up an apple, sniffing it then placing it back in the basket, picking the whole thing up.
He then looked around again, his hand on his gun, Enid's sheath was attached to his belt.
The man approached where they were hiding, taking another box off the shelves.
Daryl went to move out of the hiding place, to go after the man, Natalia grabbed a hold of him, so had Maggie, shaking her head, he was by the door, if Daryl did anything, he could easily catch another Saviours attention.
Eventually, the man grabbed the things he had taken, leaving the bunker and closing the doors again.
Daryl was the first to leave the spot, checking he had actually gone through the slits in the door.
"You were gonna kill that guy." Maggie sighed.
"Too right." Natalia said. "If he wasn't gonna get caught, I wouldn't of stopped him."
"He was gonna find us." Daryl answered for himself.
"He wasn't, and he didn't." Maggie replied.
"He deserved to die." Daryl still hadn't faced either of them, still staring at the door.
Natalia hadn't bothered telling him the conversation she had with Maggie last night, she wanted to keep it just between them.
"Ever since you got here, you haven't said a word to me, Nat has, but you won't." She looked at the other woman, who busied herself with rearranging the stuff the man had touched, wanting to escape from the beginning of their private conversation.
Daryl had barely spoken about his feelings, the line up or even his time at the Sanctuary, it seemed like the only thing he was interested in talking about, was her, she was worried about him, but she was also very aware of his temper, and she had backed up evidence of his frequent habit of disappearing, from her own knowledge and what the others had told her before they met.
"Would you look at me?" Maggie asked him. "Please."
When she heard the familiar sounds of his sniffles, that he was crying, her stomach lurched, she wanted to comfort him, but knew they needed to have this conversation without her interrupting, just like she needed it last night.
"Daryl..." Maggie stepped towards him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm sorry."
Natalia chewed her lips as she tried to disappear, she wanted to be anywhere but there.
"It wasn't your fault." Maggie felt like a broken record, with the newly formed Dixons.
"It was."
"No." She said forcefully. "It wasn't. You're one of the good things in this world. That's what Glenn thought. And he would know, 'cause he was one of the good things, too."
Natalia looked at her, and she glanced back, wanting her to hear as well.
"And, uh... I wanted to kill that guy too. I wanted to string them all up and watch them die. But we have to win."
She then approached the man, bringing him into a hug.
"Help me win, both of you." She glanced at Natalia again, who nodded, so had Daryl.
They'd both do anything for Maggie Rhee.
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hello---cello · 8 months
I just found your blog via a retweet from someone I follow. What is Intern AU?
Also, does the AU affects the Ridonculous Race?
Oh hey first ask ever how fun!
Also, I have no idea how you saw that on twitter since I don't have one lol but ah well.
And as for your question, I'll do you one better and give a rough outline for the AU's timeline (If you only care about the RR stuff, skip to the end.)
So, during TDI Noah starts to help around the Playa De Losers a lot, first by chance and then because the interns began to subconsciously rely on him since he is a responsible dude.
Then after the TDI special and Noah fails to qualify for TDA, Chris approaches him with the offer to become an intern behind the scenes. He still makes his Aftermath appearances, but he's also managing the staff and other logistical stuff. He also gets to hire Eva as security, since a certain purple haired girl keeps trying to sneak onto set.
Then, he gets into TDWT, and instead of going home in London, Noah gets out in "Anything Yukon can do, I can do better!". How? Chris rigs it against him and basically forces him to get eliminated, orchestrating the challenge to make Noah look bad by making things harder for him.
Then when Noah gets eliminated, Chris brings him back as an intern. since he can't hide behind the scenes (plane lol) he gets to make small cameos on camera while he also does his other stuff.
While on the plane he also discovers Ezekiel in the cargo hold, and after talking with Chris, invites him to the intern team. But Zekes role is to pretend to be feral like in the show. so that stuff still happens just know Zeke is acting.
Anyways, yadayadayada WT happens, then ROTI (Where Dakota also gets to be an intern lol) then Pakhitew (Where Topher imprints himself on the intern team and he is reluctantly absorbed into it) and after being through so much he decides he needs a break.
But unfortunately for Noah, his contract says he needs to work for the network for another year at least before he can get a break, so he gets. creative.
RR is an up-and-coming show produced by the same networks as TD, and Noah proposes the idea of the "Reality TV pros" As a way to get out of the studio. Owen's just happy to spend time with his little buddy.
So, Noah still gets to join the RR cast like normal, BUT the difference here is he is more overworked and only taking the competition seriously cause he knows as soon as he gets out, he's gonna be slated as an intern for the remainder of RR.
He'd also get out later than he does in canon, and other teams' placements would change too? Also, I think Nemma would just become a close platonic friendship during RR but could develop into a relationship after the show. I feel like Noah knows better than to date while the camera's rolling lol. Idk I hadn't really thought as far as RR until now.
But yeah, that's the timeline of the AU as of now, I know it's not completely what you asked for but I hope it covered your question!
Also I'll post more au stuff eventually, but, yaknow, life and stuff sometimes makes things very difficult.
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aajjks · 1 year
Bro if u decide to write an entire book on Ezekiel I'm ready to pay for it srsly
I mean.. ugh,, I love ur oc sm
So to quench my thirst, I got questions
1. What will happen if there's a new weakling y/n takes interest to bully?
2. What will happen if Y/N plans to move abroad?
3. If y/n starts ignoring Ezekiel, what will he do?
4. He might like it when y/n bullies him but how will he react if y/n's buddies start bullying him as well?
5. I have a scenario, suppose y/n is fed up and makes a bet with Ezekiel and if she wins, he has to leave her alone.. it happens so that Ezekiel won, what will he ask for?
6. Why does he look upto y/n soooo much? Is there a backstory?
7. There's this girl who likes to covet what y/n has.. will Ezekiel do anything about that?
Wow.. thas a lot of questions..hope these don't tire u out, it's just that I love ur responses tee hee
nah I’m kidding <333 I’m so happy you like Ezekiel!!!
1: oh no,,,, then we will get to see a whole new side of Ezekiel, I mean it’s not like he hasn’t eliminated other people before…. He doesn’t like sharing yn’s attention with someone else…. He really doesn’t. Before yn can bully out that weakling? He’d bully them out.
2: if Ezekiel is good at anything it’s sabotaging. He can’t have yn move abroad, at least not without him, yn is like an addiction to him, he can’t live without her bitchy attitude and just her. First he will beg, but if yn would be stubborn? He’ll just have to take other measures.
3: Ezekiel would go literally insane if yn were to ignore him, I mean we saw a glimpse of that in loser ≠ lover, right? He would try to get her through sex, begging, it would only get intense, he’s such a stalker, yn wont be able to avoid him for long.
4: to be fair, he doesn’t give two flying fucks about yns so called bully friends, he ignores them, and her friends know better than to interfere between yn and her pet.
5: ooooh 👀👀 he would ask her to make him her boyfriend, get into a real relationship with him, she can still bully him all she wants but he really wants a label on their relationship.
6: hmm, like I have mentioned before, she just unknowingly fed into his wildest fantasies, at first it was only a silly little crush but as soon as she started to bully him, he became so obsessed with her fucked up treatment, he felt special, he’s a masochist so his infatuation really grew.
7: oh no…. He’d literally make sure that he gets rid of her, she can’t steal him away from yn, he could even kill her, he’s unpredictable…
LOVED YOUR QUESTIONS BABE. tysm for sending them in, appreciate you loads <333 anytime xx
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
How would p! Noah act in area 52/51? Would you give him his ability to hack into anything?
I think that's Canon idk. Or would he just scare the crap out of everything (aliens included)
Well, Noah's hacking ability is canonical, even if it's only really established in his Island biography and later on in Dramarama (I believe?). Since p!Noah is meant to mimic canon Noah for the most part, I don't see why he wouldn't have the same hacking abilities.
Not that I think they'd be much good in Area 51/52, since most of the challenge itself is pretty much just a game of hide-and-seek meets "find the needle in the haystack". Of course, he could always use his technological prowess to prevent the deployment of the guards, but it wouldn't really be in character of p!Noah to deprive himself of something as exciting as being chased by armed forces.
He could always hack his way into Owen's Jokerisation chamber, but again it wouldn't really impact the competition much, since Owen's whole deal for this episode doesn't really have much sway on the plot itself
As for what he'd do during the episode?
Well, I think I'd need to establish how Greece's Pieces plays out first before stating anything concrete here, but at this point in the timeline p!Noah has been outed to the rest of his castmates as less sane than they had assumed (my means of snapping Ezekiel's arms like twigs, and menacingly playing around with a knife, among other things). They'd still be fairly hesitant to be around him, and Noah would be free to act more overtly antagonistic/crazy now that his façade is in shambles. (Perhaps too antagonistically crazy, since a lot of his instability is also just an act.)
There's not really much you could change about the episode's beginning, at least nothing substantial; p!Noah would probably find a lot of amusement in Duncan getting laser fried and Tyler electrocuting himself on the fence, but otherwise wouldn't have much reason to act out against his team. Unless he's feeling particularly daring at that moment, and decides to forego the rock tossing to instead dodge the lasers all the way to the warehouse entrance, but again this isn't a substantial change in terms of the overarching plot of the episode.
When the teams are inside of the warehouse, there's a little more room to play with character shenanigans.
Because they're looking for Alien Artifacts. Trinkets and gizmos supposedly dangerous enough to warrent a whole branch of governmental force dedicated to studying them. That's exciting - of course Noah's going to want to mess with them.
Of course, his main priority initially is getting Owen back from his time-out chamber. But that's laughably easy for him, given his hacking abilities and general technology savviness. But as soon as he's got his chubby buddy back? You know your boys are messing around with every artifact they can find, to Alejandro's ire.
Maybe he and Owen are the ones who initially encounter the floating aliens? Maybe the two of them walk into the scene of Tyler and Alejandro "dealing" with them, and Noah siezes the oppertunity to smush the alien face huggers into paste (with the added benefit of hitting both Tyler and Alejandro around the face with a metal pole, or something).
Or maybe the face huggers can smell the crazy ebbing off of him from a mile away, and fly away as fast as they can before Noah can even get to the scene.
Either way, whatever artifact Team CIRRRRH manages to get their hands on wouldn't last long enough to win them the challenge; either Tyler would follow his canonical counterparts footsteps and somehow break it, or Owen and Noah would inadvertantly sabotage their team whilst messing around with their chosen artifact.
Noah absolutely pockets a few alien-tech weapons from inside the warehouse though.
When they finally get back onto the jet, Noah scuttles off to some hidden corner of the cargo bay and begins reverse engineering the artifacts he stole borrowed from Area 51, if only just to abate his ceaseless boredom. Regretably, he's more of a software guy than a hardware guy, and he mostly ends up with a pile of useless alien scraps.
(Potential here to have him enlist Cody, who's canonically a bit of an engineer, to help him tinker with the artifacts? I think Cody would risk his luck with sometimes-crazy Noah if it meants getting away from always-crazy Sierra.)
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jamesshawgames · 2 years
Big Update 2 of 2!
Relics 3 ending guide
Here is your definitive guide to the Relics 3 Endgame. This is going to get long and very very complex, so I’ll hide it under the jump so as not to annoy folk…
There are two parts to the guide. Part 1 will tell you how to maximize the chances of keeping your friends and allies alive. (If you want to do a nightmare run and get them all killed, just do the opposite of what this guide says!) Part 2 will tell you what the major end-states are and how to get them.
Part 1: How (Not) To Kill All Your Friends
One way to keep all your friends alive is very straightforward – don’t bring anybody with you. The way to achieve this is to have incredibly poor relationship stats with everybody. There are two reasons why you might not want to do this, however: 1) it will make the Endgame very difficult for you; 2) it will require you to play through three whole games as a character who is a colossal dick to everybody they meet. If you don’t fancy doing this, there are other ways to keep the blorbos breathing.
Some of the “friend deaths” that can occur are the result of bad choices you might make in the Endgame. Others are the result of how many forces you start with, which itself will be determined by choices that you have made throughout the trilogy. The two main numbers to watch are the number of your friends and allies who agree to come and fight (you want as many as possible to get you lots of tactical options), and the number of soldiers that Anderson is able to recruit for the mission (again, the more the better). We’ll start with the soldiers.
Anderson’s Forces
You can go into the endgame with anything between 30 and 90 troops. You want something towards the higher end to maximize your chances. Here’s how to get the numbers up:
The basic number is 30 – 20 Royal Marines and 10 US military personnel. If you start with just 30, you can be sure that at least a couple of your buddies will kick the bucket. So how do we improve the odds?
If you are rich, you will be offered the option to give Anderson money to recruit mercenaries. Depending on how rich you are, this will either get you an extra 10 or an extra 20 troops to start with (and your Fortune stat will take a hit). Alternatively, if you have high Political Impact, you will be offered the chance to have called some of the people you have helped and asked for volunteers. Again, you’ll get 10 or 20, depending on how high your stat is. These two approaches are mutually exclusive: you can use your money or your political impact, but not both.
If you successfully exposed (and reported) Winter, the Oxford traitor, then Anderson will have impressed his bosses and won more support from the higher-ups, getting you an extra 10 starting troops.
If you chose to send Anderson the co-ordinates of the treasure of the Annunciacion in Book 3 Chapter 4, then that will also get you an additional 10 mercenaries.
If you got Marius Stokes to fund Anderson, then this will get you an additional 10 soldiers. In order to do this, you need to discover Stokes’s letter in Book 2 Chapter 6, you need to choose either to blackmail him or to keep hold of the letter, and, when you encounter Stokes in Interlude 4, you need to tell him to start funding Anderson.
If you left Jorge Gainza alive at the end of Book 2, he will surprise everybody by doing the right thing and sending you money, feeling that he owes you for not killing him when you could, and you’ll use that money to hire 10 mercenaries. Alternatively, if Gainza is dead and his son Ezekiel won the prize in Book 2, then Zeke will come through for you and send you some cash, also getting you 10 mercenaries.
If, at the end of all this, you have fewer than 50 soldiers and you have brought a rich companion with you (meaning Esme/Abdul, Dominique or María), then your rich friend will stump up enough cash to take your numbers up to 50, to give you more of a chance.
You need to keep these numbers high for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if the numbers drop below a certain level, then any of your friends who are with the main strike force will start to die. If the number of soldiers drops below 30, one of your friends (randomly determined) will be killed. If it drops below 20, a second randomly-determined friend will die. If it drops below 10, you’ll lose a third. Also if, at the end of the game, the number of soldiers is below 20, then they will get overwhelmed by the SS and you will die at the end of the game (thought you’ll still have a chance to save the world and get a heroic sacrifice epilogue).
Friends and Allies:
The basic rules for whether a friend will join you for the final attack are as follows:
If you’re in a romantic relationship with a character, they will always join you.
If you have a good relationship with a character (65 or above), they will join you.
Any characters who join you will be available to fight. You can do one of three things with them: have them join your small group of three who will be taking the secondary path; assign them a specialist mission to complete which will help keep Strike Force Alpha’s numbers up; or have them join the main assault.
There are a few exceptions to the general rules above:
Sam will always join you, whatever the status of your relationship. However, if they got badly injured in Congo, they will be too traumatized to take part in the assault itself. They’ll be there for moral support, but they won’t be able to actually fight.
Stevo will always join you if he survived Tibet. However, he doesn’t fight like a normal team member. He has his own special role: he’ll be providing air support!
Rémy will choose to join or not join based on the usual rules. However, he will not fight, since he’s not really a fighter. But he’s still worth bringing along: his massive brain will identify a tactical opportunity which your team would otherwise miss, which will make one of your specialist missions a lot easier, so he contributes in his own way!
In addition to this, it’s possible to get a few extra bonus friends to come along.
If Zhu comes along with you, and if you helped Zhu save his friend Yun in Book 2 Chapter 4, then Zhu will bring Yun with him and she’ll be available to join the assault! She’s had the same training as Zhu and is therefore very competent, so she can be a big help.
If you saved the life of Yelena Vasilevsakaya at the end of Book 2, then she will also come along and help you out. Again, a very highly-trained secret agent. Definitely an asset to the squad!
Lastly, if you met Gus in Peru (Book 3 Chapter 5), then you’ll remember that he promised you his help in the future. Well, here’s where he comes through for you! As an ex-mercenary, he sure does have skills that you can use.
You also, of course, need to decide what to do with each of your friends and allies. The first decision is which two companions do you want to take with you? There are two viable approaches to this:
“Balance the Party”. Pick companions who are strong in areas where your MC is weak. Since you’ll be able to ask them to do many tasks for you on the way to the carxite, this can maximize your options.
“Save the Blorbos”. Pick the two people you least want to get hurt.
Characters in your party will only die if you ask them to accomplish some task that they don’t have the skills for. Ask Cleo (who can’t shoot) to take that tricky marksman’s shot, and she’s likely to fail and get a bullet in the head for her trouble. So if you really want to protect the people on your team, the simple way to do it is simply not to ask either of them to do anything and just do everything yourself. You may take a bit of a beating from this, but at least your two pals will be guaranteed to survive! (Unless they run into the Randomized Death Minefield without any of your team having the requisite skills to get past. That’s why the Balance the Party approach makes sense!)
After sorting out your own team, you need to choose friends to carry out the specialist missions that Anderson has identified. You can choose not to appoint any specialists, but if you do this then Strike Team Alpha will take more of a beating, and any friends you have in the main strike team will be at risk. So it’s recommended that you try to cover all of the specialist ops, but again you need to be a little bit careful. Choosing the wrong person for the job will not only fail the task, but get the specialist killed too!
Task 1 will only be available if Stevo is in the party. You need someone who is athletic and combat capable to take down the AA batteries. You really want to do this one if you can, since Stevo’s air support is a real lifesaver in the final stages of the assault. Abdul will get the job done; better choices are Yelena, Yun, Zhu or Esme, all of whom are good shooters and can thus use the cliffs as a snipers’ nest when the job is finished, which gets you extra bonuses later in the assault. Anybody else will fail and die.
Task 2 (the gatehouse) is where Rémy comes into his own. Anderson has found a way to get through the gatehouse, but it requires a specialist who is male, speaks German and is convincing. If Rémy is there, he’s found an alternative route: you need an athlete who is sneaky.
To succeed via Anderson’s route, you should pick Zhu or Gus. To succeed via Rémy’s route, you can pick Zhu, Dominique or Yelena. Anybody else will die.
Task 3 (the sally port) needs somebody who can fight and who is a good leader. Esme, Yun or Gus will do it.
So, in summary – to keep people alive, you need to start with as many friends, and as many soldiers, as possible. Pick either people who complement your skills or who you particularly want to protect to come with you: to really be sure that they survive, never ask them to do anything. Choose your specialists as recommended above, and make sure to fulfil all three tasks. If you do these things, you’ll have a very good chance of getting through without casualties! Good luck!
Part 2 - End States
There are six main world end-states in the game. I’ll list them by their achievement name.
Pax Britannica: This is where you execute the mission. You secure the carxite and hand it over to the British. You get this ending by taking down Sabine any way you can and then choosing not to use or electrify the carxite, but to guard it.As long as you still have more than 20 troops, you’ll be able to hand it over to the British. It doesn’t end all that great, sadly. The Brits use the power of the carxite to usher in an era of global British Empire. In the epilogue, you can choose whether to collaborate with the empire, to fight it, or to try to stay out of politics – which might affect the future of your relationship.
Status Quo Post Bellum: This is where you follow Anderson’s advice and destroy the carxite. Nobody gets all that power, and 20th century history unfolds pretty much as it has out here in the “real world”. You’ll get lots of choices about what you do with the rest of your life etc. You can get to this ending by killing Sabine any way you can and choosing to electrify the carxite.
Anagnorisis: A similar end-state to the above, but reached in a different way. After Sabine is taken care of, choose to use the carxite. (Everybody should do this at least once anyway – you get to destroy the whole Wehrmacht and make Hitler’s body explode from the inside, it’s kinda amazing!) Then, as the Most High Essence is taking over your consciousness, you need to come back from the brink and regain control of your body! There are two ways you can do this: if you have Carxite Affinity 100, you’ll be too powerful for the Essence to overpower; if you have an RO who is still alive and a strong relationship with them, then your love for them can bring you back (if you’re single, then it’ll be the strength of your friendship with Sam that can save you, assuming that they’re still alive). After you break contact, the carxite’s powers will dissipate and it’ll become inert and so you’ll end up in a modified version of the Status Quo ending.
Deus Ex Machina: This is what happens if you use the carxite and either choose not to fight back against the Essence, or if you try to fight back against the Essence and fail. You effectively become a monstrous alien god called The Hegemon, ruling over earth until your Most High brethren return. Most of your old friends will become freedom fighters trying to take you down and liberate humanity.
Unum Pro Multis Dabitur Caput: Only achievable if you end the game with a low number of soldiers (20 or less). They will be overwhelmed and the SS will storm in and kill you. However, if you have chosen to electrify the carxite, you will still die a hero, because you will have neutralized it and prevented the Nazis from being able to use it. For all the noble sacrifice fans out there!
Imperium Sine Fine: Yup, this is the baddun. You get killed by the SS, as above, but you haven’t electrified the carxite. The Nazis get it, use it, and become rulers of planet earth. Oops.
I did warn you that this would be really long and complicated! But I hope it’s useful. Happy epilogue-hunting!
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