kawaiiblue18 · 9 months
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Tessa taking a selfie with her new dad :D
For a fic I'm writing
This took so long omg like a whole ass month (I started this like the last week of November)😭
Version without Tessa below the cut
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atrustfulplace · 6 months
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memes i made for the wonderful fic Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust (filling up my coffee cup) by LilaVaporizer9000
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walrustea · 1 month
Based on the whole storyline who's more Percy?
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kame-artist · 5 months
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"You must be in so much pain right now."
"Presumptuous of you to think im adverse to pain"
"Why am i not surprised you're a masochist?"
Scene/sneak peek for a fic im working on. It was meant to be a oneshot, but is now over 7000 words and no where near done.
Dialogue is paraphrased from Chapter 2 of Wounded Deer, art is of a future chapter since things happened that I didn't originally plan
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
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bayleavesfromthevine · 3 months
hey kn8 enjoyers, question: roughly how old is kikoru supposed to be? i saw a couple of places saying that she's 16/17, but the wiki says her age is unknown.
i know she graduated young (16 iirc) but i didn't think that she immediately applied for the DF after that. i thought she was reno's age ngl since i can't see the DF accepting a high school aged teenager?
but idk maybe i'm misinterpreting?
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drowninginthoughts27 · 2 months
11/8 Sun Cream Word Count: 854
(infidelity) @pandalilymicrofics
“Did you sleep with him?” Her voice comes out pained, hurt, exhausted even. “Huh, Pandora?” The roughness of it not unlike one of a woman who had be crying, sounding not unlike Pandora’s voice only hours prior. The utter desperation of it, stripped down to the bone, vulnerability at its best. The humility of it almost made Pandora break with her, but only almost, she was done letting herself break for the time being.
“Why does it matter, Lily?” She pressed, biting the inside of her cheek as she spoke and praying that Lily didn’t hear her mirrored pain on the other end of the line. She couldn’t have been more thankful that this conversation wasn’t happening face to face cause if it was Pandora is more than certain that she couldn’t have schooled her emotions as well as she was fighting so hard to do now. Not to mention how she would most definitely react upon seeing Lily so broken if just hearing the hurt in her voice alone distressed her so deeply.
Lily's voice comes through the line much harsher than the barely there whisper that it had been mere seconds before. Almost yelling as she says, “God dammit Pandora! Because it does matter. We matter, or at least we did. To me at least.”
It’s silent on the other end of the line thereafter, aside from Lily’s erratic breathing accompanied by the obvious sounds of her pacing around her apartment (an apartment that up until only a short while ago they had both called home) in a desperate attempt to expel some of her pent up energy despite the people living below her and their rather frequent noise complaints. But Pandora could just barely make out the last few words that she had said, the ones mumbled under her breath, if more to herself than anything, ‘To me at least.’ And all Pandora wants to do is shout back to her that they did matter, that they do matter, that what they had wasn’t one sided at all. That it was true and it was real and it was filled with so much more life and love than anything Pandora had ever experienced before.
But she doesn’t say this, she can’t bring herself to. She doesn’t say anything for that matter, despite how much courage she tries to muster up inside herself. And that’s all the answer Lily needs as she ends the call without even saying goodbye.
And that’s what hurts Pandora the most, not the anger, or the obvious pain in Lily’s voice, it’s the lack of a goodbye. That so deeply uncharacteristic act of Lily’s that makes Pandora truly realizes the severity the situation at hand. How hard the final nail on the coffin that now holds their relationship had just been driven in.
Lily had never left her with that little of a goodbye before. Never before had she not at minimum said a simple ‘I love you’, reassuring Pandora that she would be back, telling her how much she meant to her before either one of them headed out the door. No matter if it was the early hours of the morning when Pandora was barely conscious and Lily was running off for her morning swim at the beach just down the road, rambling on about how she can’t forget her sun cream again for the millionth time. Or in the evenings before Lily went out to the pub with her friends to celebrate whatever major sporting event was on tv as had been a long standing tradition for her. All to come back home to Pandora at the end of the night in her slightly tipsy state and snuggle up next to her, relaying all the stupid stuff she had watched go down throughout her evening out. Or even in the midst of their fighting when Lily needed to just go outside to clear her mind and get a breath of fresh air before they could have a more civilized conversation, even then she said goodbye.
But then again never before had they been in a situation such as this. And Pandora knows deep down inside of herself that she won’t get another chance of redemption after this. To spare their relationship anything more than grief and regret from this moment forward.
Despite how much she tries for it all not to feel real, not to feel so painstakingly true, it does. Not in the way that cold water sends a sharp burn or the breaking of a bone provides a sickening snap. Instead, in a true, gut wrenching way that sinks into every crevasse of her being, reminding her how fatal her mistake had been. Just how much it was bound to cost her.
At the end of it all she can’t help to think how destined she was for this to happen. How she never had been fit for that sort of love and adoration that Lily had given her so freely. She had to go and sabotage it for herself in some subconscious way. Because in the end it was no one else’s doing, all Pandora’s, and there’s nothing she can do to fix it now. It’s simply over.
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njade-24 · 8 months
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taydaq · 1 year
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honey, i want to break you
Just some tags for these lovely people: @jackforshort, @catboymansion, and @sickfxckmox!
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3twindragons · 2 years
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“Clint eating pancakes made by Bucky who at that moment is turned into a werelion .” Drawing for the winner of my @marveltrumpshate auction for charity, Rufferto. This drawing is a scene from a fic that is currently in the making by @rufferto9
I loved making this piece of art. Thanks for the patience 💖
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selineram3421 · 6 months
question, will the Camilo x Gn reader be continued? The madrigal fic
I'm stuck on it at the moment. I can tag you if you'd like, that way you get notified when it gets posted.
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skywarpie · 5 months
What if the girls were just ghouls copia tried to summon when he was practicing for the first time but when one of them came to the surface they were a baby instead of like a full grown ghoul and he was like "well I mean I AM technically responsible for this" and raised them until he decided to summon his second daughter
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dick-helmet-magneto · 9 months
If Charles was in a bad relationship who would it be with
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kame-artist · 5 months
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Ex-Angel Support group
I'm running a poll for what stories/aus people want me to post more content for over at @kame-writes and this ones got the second highest votes so far (Im currently working on the corresponding fic)
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saetoshis · 3 months
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shehungthemoon · 1 month
Alex is teaching (TA/GA/prof) at a university WHAT IS HE TEACHING? pls sound off :))
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