#FR Elves
svartalfhild · 1 year
Oh wise one in the ways of elves, do you have any thoughts or suggestions for how to portray the age/longevity of elves compared to humans? And older elves vs younger elves? I have an ongoing story I'm working on involving several elves, one of which is in his early hundreds, the others being a bit older. I'm struggling with how to convey that this character is older than any of the human characters, but still pretty young and inexperienced compared to the other elves. It's ok if you don't, don't feel like you have to answer.
Ah! Well, I think the best place to start there is to consider what living and expecting to live a very long time would do to a person. You know how people in real life often gain a keener sense of what actually matters as they grow older? Imagine that but magnified several times over for old elves. I think old elves, like we're talking 550+, do not give a fuck. Nothing fazes them. They've seen it all. You could run naked across a plaza screaming "THE CABBAGES ARE NEAR" like your ass is on fire and you'd get little more than an eyebrow raise and a wry comment out of them.
Middle aged elves (300-550) are probably the most well adjusted and comfortable with the ebb and flow of life. They may have loved and lost a few times, had a few different long-running careers, or finally achieved completion of a project they've been working on for a very long time. They've seen some shit, but they haven't quite seen everything, so they've still got a zest for life. They've also probably learned how to handle failure and grief really well by then. And they've probably lived through too many "end of days" times to take that shit seriously anymore.
Young adult elves (100-300) I imagine to be more...emotional, especially those in only their second century. That's when they're really starting to get hit with what it means to be an elf and to live a long time. They are constantly losing shorter lived friends and loved ones from their youth to old age while elven society is celebrating them just reaching full adulthood. Can you imagine how it would feel to be an elf who married a human when you were both in your 30's and you watched your spouse grow old and die while you stayed young and then only a decade or so later, your elven peers are like "Happy Centennial! Congrats! You're an adult now! Let's throw a big party!" Like, the angst, bro. Young adult elves have gotta be the angstiest fucks. It's like when you're 20 and you have to act like an adult and the idea of independence is exciting but there's also that grief of everything you're leaving behind and that fear of what comes next. Also people now expect you to start having accomplishments. It's a fucking mess.
Elves 20-99 (I like to call this period pre-centennial, since "child" and "adolescent" don't really seem appropriate) are probably in the zestiest part of their life. The world is their oyster. They're physically mature now and can really start exploring all that life has to offer. It is the time of fucking around and finding out. Travel! Study a craft! Train in a discipline! Get married! Have kids! Thot it up! Devote yourself to a cause! Become a murder hobo! Whatever strikes your fancy.
Okay, so now that we've sort of parsed elven stages of life, let's talk about age difference dynamics. You've got an elf who's past his centennial, but is still young. This is the Getting Attached To Humans Will Make Me Too Sad period of life. Perhaps your elf is reluctant to grow close to humans and keeps them at arm's length. Perhaps he's a bit casual about things that humans find to be a bigger deal, especially with regards to how long some things take. Perhaps he really plays up the whole "I'm older than you" thing in some fashion. To older elves, though, perhaps he's an angst machine that needs to chill out. Perhaps they ask him about his long term goals or have expectations of him. A good general comparison would be like...he talks to humans like an 80 year old talks to a 20 year old and other elves talk to him like a 40 year old talks to a 20 year old.
Hope this helps!
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runawaymun · 3 months
After seeing that ‘dr are my robes long enough or are my ankles showing’ ask and the amazing art to go with it, I’ve spent the entire morning giggling to myself at the thought of pre-relationship-with-Elrond Celebrian seeing a flash of ankle under Elrond’s robe and having A Moment about it :D
I can’t decide if it should be because elves have weird Victorian sensibilities about ankles (in which case what on earth do they make of hobbits?) or if Celebrian has just got it so bad that even an ankle has her thinking inappropriate thoughts. Either way it put a smile on my face :)
Both of these are so funny to me but considering I consistently write Elrond losing his mind every time Cel’s hair isn’t braided (Noldorin hair sensibilities that he learned from Mae & Mags) it would be so funny if Cel was just so down bad that the slightest flash of skin makes her bluescreen. They’re a mess your honor.
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needlesslycryptic · 1 month
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Burning cities and napalm skies, fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
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rosetinted-escape · 5 days
Seeing people whine about Dragon Age: The Veilgard in YouTube comments sections about the fact you can give your Rook pronouns and top surgery scars.
I am about to make the GAYEST most TRANGENDER Rook ever. That mf is gonna have blue hair and pronouns. He WILL be a mage, and he WILL be romancing Lucanis.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
Research elves, no connection to anything in particular: Bane is there.
You can't throw a fucking rock in this setting without hitting that fuck, and unfortunately that doesn't even hurt him. Next playthrough I'm switching characters while using speak with dead on Gortash and I'm going to throw things while he's still inhabiting the body. I don't think it'll do anything, but it'll make me feel better.
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tilion-writes · 3 months
tbh, I think Fëanor’s creation of the Tengwar deserves more attention. he straight-up invented an alphabet that was so beautiful and efficient that it gradually overtakes the other elven systems of writing. fëanor’s other inventions are flashier, sure, but the tengwar? the tengwar survive unrivaled and largely unchanged.
then you take a look at them, and it’s like. fëanor. buddy. darling. why are these SO HARD to read. 
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autistic-echo · 1 year
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ancient meme format but i could not think of a better way to communicate this
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minty-bunni · 4 months
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Dex says:
Eat The Rich✨✨
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kirbykonka · 3 months
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almostharmon · 1 year
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with forsaken and kaldorei heritage sets announced i am just gonna ✨shamelessly✨ plug my draenei heritage armor concept i did in 2021 because im yearning for more space goat content
my goal was to marry their nomadic and old eredar/vindicator aesthetic that would resurge every time they settled down for a long period of time. i thought going with strictly either would do them a disservice, as both are essential to them.
heres hoping they do them justice and that they are next in line for heritage sets!!
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daemon-in-my-head · 1 month
The human body has all its cells fully exchanged by new ones approximately every 7 years.
Do u think it works the same way for elves or does the longevity come from a much slower cell cycle?
Like their tree of life magic sht kinda just idk, magically decreases the speed cells take to mature or acts like a booster for cells so they just last longer? Is it like some kinda stasis? The magic cryotherapy?
Also... How we doing w mutations and sht? Do elven cells have the same control points? Do they have less, more, are they different to ensure less fuckery? What's the deal with that. How do their cells work?
Also also what if you get cut off from the tree? I mean Irenicus did and he turned kinda mortal again. So, does that mean elf cells just get defrosted if they're cast out/cut off? The magic seals unlocking and releasing otherwise normal cells to do as they please again or is it more like a curse nd removing the link speeds up the process?
I need answers.
Hoping nd praying I'll get to the tags nd sht tmr, I've been cooking but also in severe need of sleep lmfao
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mariquitascadoodles · 10 months
[“You were a wonderful experience.”]
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[ You were… You are...]
Background inspired by - ursine vulpine - Soteria- I love that ep/album so much QwQ
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corvikari · 2 months
So I watched The Dragon Prince Season 6 all in one day. Here are my brief thoughts, I’ll do a series of longer posts throughout this weekend and into this week detailing my in depth thoughts but for now it’s just a quick post
Things I liked
-Zubeia not being dead
-LEOLA. JUST LEOLA. Sweet baby child you’re so precious-
-Soren getting serious when he needs to be and showing that he’s actually a good character underneath comic relief
-Sorvus shipping bait
-Karim’s plan going horribly wrong and blowing up in his face
-Stella being an agent of chaos
-Backstory for Callums dad
-Magefam backstory
-Claudia’s prosthetic leg
-Katolis backstory
Things I wasn’t particularly happy about/Didnt sit right with me
-Them bringing back Viren a second time only to basically do nothing that entire time, we already got his feelings of wanting to change before he died out in season 4 why do we need to go through it again?
-Ezran stepping up to say “Viren doesn’t deserve mercy”. I was proud of the guy for being assertive but it came out of nowhere and felt targeted only towards Viren and no one else
-Rayllum just getting completely back together out of nowhere, like absolutely NO apology (except for one little sorry that got cut off, how is that an apology exactly?) anywhere then they’re back to kissing? Felt like they were rushing trying to get them back together just to be a finale/final season couple.
-They gave Claudia the conflict of doing dark magic only for her to turn right around and act like it didn’t happen. I understand that it was because of Viren and with him being dead and all but still I would have just preferred her being set in her ways, don’t bait us into thinking she’s going to be redeemed when she obviously isn’t.
-The celestial elves not telling the truth about the pearl eventually. Like you knew it wasn’t real maybe i dunno that’s a little important??
-The conflict of Rayla choosing who to save was over REALLY quick, like yeah she chose before she dove into the moon pool but all we get is two lines of her telling us that she is deciding who to pick (if it was that many lines even, like not even a visual cue?)
-pacing was still all over for me (and has been since season 4) certain things felt too rushed whereas for others it felt like it was going so slow
Wow this was a lot. Even though it doesn’t seem brief it is Lol. I will make posts eventually detailing individual episodes or plot points (once I rewatch the season) to better organize my thoughts to one topic or episode. Hope you all have a great weekend, God bless!!
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worstloki · 11 months
Actually would’ve loved to see Svartalfheim’s past explored a bit more. implying the whole realm was killed off because of a rebellious faction is suspicious.
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wampabampa · 6 months
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not my photos but this is when i fell for him chat ngl (i didnt ss at the time cause i was uncool and ungamer
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